12003 May 02

I joked with $F1 for a moment on the upper end of the driveway of my parents’ house. We had been talking about something, and he pushed me. I started to push him back, thinking that it would be fun to wrestle him again. The sky seemed somewhat dark, but it was a bright day. Just then, there was a sound from the west. I looked out across the yard to see the road curving up the hill across the creek. The noise sounded like bagpipes playing a short melody over and over again, but there was something inharmonic about the sound. I started to feel agitated, as though something was not right. I looked at the road and saw flashing on the road, obscured by the green trees on the hill. I thought that a police vehicle, or some other emergency vehicle was coming toward us, but the lights did not appear to be moving. However, the sound did appear to be getting louder. I focused on the melody, trying to figure out what it could be. I was alert, and started to feel cautious and concerned. Just then, it seemed very dark out, and i could only see the lights on the hill. Then, something moved just to the north of me. I turned quickly to see the beam of a flashlight pan across the tall weeds of the garden near me. The light shined in my face, and i suddenly felt scared. Someone was standing just to the north of me.

I ran down the stairs of the large white building. This place seemed like a mall. I was here with $K5 and $K16. The stairwell was damn and made of bare cement walls. It did not seem to be well used. We must be in a part of the mall where others did not usually go. I stepped out of the stairwell at the bottom, heading into the corridor to the south. The large cement-block corridor stretched to the east and to the west. It was definitely for maintenance vehicles. I looked both ways down the corridor. There was a bright light to the northeast, where the corridor emptied into the external parking garage. We were quite a way from the main section of the mall, where all the pedestrians would be. Very few people walked in these corridors. We could walk to the main section of the mall by turning to the east and following the maintenance corridor. I turned around, though, and headed back up the stairs to the parking garage. I ran past $K5 and $K16 and out onto the empty level of the parking garage. The cement ramp wrapped around the northwestern side of the white stone building. I was aware of someone in an ambulance to the north of me on the ramp which connected this part of the parking garage with the parking garage of the large red brick hospital to the north. I said something to $K5 as i headed toward them. They were now in the entrance to the stairwell. The sloped ramp, which led to the doorway, was now curved and had water running down it. I felt happy and splashed my feet in the water as ran down the ramp toward the door. $K5 smiled at me as i sat down and started to slide down the wet ramp as if it was a water flume. I was having fun, and i knew that she would enjoy my mood as well.

I stopped in the center of the living room of the small house and turned to the north to look out the large picture window. The room was very narrow north to south and seemed to be decorated with worn furnishings. The walls were pale orange and lighted by the yellowish lamp lights. Outside the window, i could see a large spruce tree standing in the center of the front yard. It seemed somewhat dark outside, as though it was still very early in the morning. Just beyond the tree, i could see some deer straying into the field from the woods to the west. I felt annoyed with the deer for coming into the yard and eating all of the plants near the house. I thought that i should go chase them away, but i noticed that the animals in the front of the pack were not moving like deer. I thought suddenly that they were really wolves, but i could not get a clear view of them to be sure. I moved slightly to the west to see around a branch of the tree. The wolf in the center of the heard had a white tail and tan coat, so he looked like one of the deer, but i could see the wide paws and the long snout. The deer to the north turned suddenly and moved away from the wolves. I felt concerned and thought that we should close the door to the house before the wolves came in. The door was to the east of us on the north wall. I explained to my mother the problem as she stood to the east of me, looking out the window at the wolves and the deer.

12003 May 04

I sat on the small boat in the middle of the stream and i imagined being on a small raft in the middle of the creek. I was suddenly afraid that the current of the stream might be too strong for us and that we would get carried quite a distance. I looked up to the south to see $K1 sitting on the bow of the small wooden boat. The boat was carrying us down the narrow cannel which cut through the golden fields of grass. The area around us seemed very flat, with no features in sight. I was aware that the fast moving water might mean that there was a waterfall ahead of us, and i started to feel concerned. This was all part of a thought that i had. I looked down at the clear water of the stream. The channel was only a metre and a half wide, and the boat just fit in it. I looked at the yellow ripples of the sandy bottom as we passed. Everything was moving far to fast. We needed to stop the boat. I imagined being on the boat again, thinking that, in such fast moving water, it would be easy to travel quite a distance. The only trouble would have to be aware of rapids and waterfalls. I imagined that i might be moving across the land of some foreign country. Riding a bicycle across the large flat land would be a better way of traveling, but it would not be good if you ran into mountains. I decided that bicycles would be better for some places and boats would be better for others. It would all depend on the terrain. I then looked down at the map of the bike route which was in my hands. The red line, which marked the course of the ride, twisted across the page from left to right, marking a path which crossed from Germany to Poland. I knew that the terrain of the course should be mountainous, so it would not be a good tri to make on a raft. I was standing on the street of the small german town when i asked the man about the course. I was facing north, toward a wooden building. The building was tudor in style, and i thought that it might be a shop or inn. I looked to the southeast, across the cobblestone street at some of the other similar buildings of the town. There seemed to be several steeples poking up over the tops of the nearby houses. Since we were in the town for a while, i wanted to go sightseeing. I was part of the bicycle race, which started in Munich. I looked down at the map to see that i was somewhere in the middle of the race course, at the point on the map where it made a loop to the north. This place was in East Germany. I thought about this as the others spoke to the northeast of me. I was excited to be in a foreign town, and i wanted to go out and see the city, but i did not know where to go.

I rode my bicycle to the west, down the city street. I watched the tall white picket fence just to the north of me pass, thinking that i had just finished fixing up the fence. I then started to wonder why i was repairing the fences. I stopped and looked at the white fence that i had just painted. The sidewalk under the fence had just been patched. It was my job to maintain the sidewalks, and i thought that i would have to paint the fences over the sidewalks as i made my repairs. I looked at the new cement of the sidewalk, thinking that the fences really belonged to the people who owned the houses, so i should not be the one who has to make repairs to them. I thought about this as i continued to the west, squeezing through the row of green bushes at the end of the street. I started pedaling by bicycle faster down the back road, starting to remember how i had come to this area. This was a residential area, but it was covered with many trees. It seemed to be on the hill to the south of my grandmother’s house. I remembered that i had taken the main street on the western side of the housing area. The road had only a few houses to the west of it and was heavily shaded by old trees. It then went up hill a little to the south and rounded a corner, turning to the east. The area around the corner was surrounded with trees. I remembered the foliage, which seemed like late summer leaves. I was now heading to the west on the road, thinking that the wooded corner was just in front of me. After the corner, the road would go down hill, so it should be an easy ride. I turned to the southwest, thinking that the corner was just ahead. The broken sunlight through the trees made glowing yellow spots on the ground. I adjusted the plastic grocery bag over my left handlebar. It had shifted as i made the turn and pulled the bicycle a little to the left. I pulled the plastic hands up over the curved handlebar so that it would not move as much. I felt tired, and wondered how much farther i would have to pedal before i reached the corner. As i rounded the first bend in the road and started heading west, i realized that i was not yet near the corner. The road stretched out long and straight in front of me, across the flat open landscape. There was a mountain range to the north of the road, and i now seemed to be heading to the east. The road went down hill slightly as it left the trees and came into the open land of tan dry grassy fields. I sped down the slight decline, swerving into the center of the road to avoid some people who were standing on the side of the road. The tourists were standing on the southern side of the bridge, and here seemed to be a small white tourist shack on the northern side of the road, just beyond the bridge, where the tourists had parked their cars. I felt exasperated with something, and was slightly annoyed that i had to swerve around the tourists on the bridge. I then looked down the long road ahead of me. This did not seem to be the way that i had come, and i thought that it was far too long to travel to get back. I felt tired, and i thought that i might have gone too far from home. The sun was still to the south of me, to my right, though, so i was at least traveling in the correct direction. This must be the road which runs along the west side of the lake, back to town. I wondered how long it would take for me to get back.

12003 May 05

I watched the small battalion company marching in formation in front of the building. They were wearing formal blue coatees. There were four or five people across the front of the company, and i noticed that the second person from the right in the front row was not wearing any clothing. I swiftly moved around the east side of the company trying to get a clear view the naked man. I stopped in front of them, just to the north of them. As the company came to a halt in front of me, i realized that the naked man was $A240. He recognized me and said hello. I felt suddenly nervous and said hello back. I then realized that many of the people in the company were people whom i knew from high school. I tried not to act nervous as i spoke to $A240. I then noticed that he was nicely built, and i started to feel attracted to him.

12003 May 06

I walked to the southwest, down the slope of the paved parking lot. The lot was long and narrow, and seemed to be roughly bean shaped. It had a line of metal poles running down the center of it with a chain strung between them to divide the center parking spaces. There seemed to be a body of water to the south and a few boats on trailers around the lot. As i reached the center of the lot, i was aware of a large brown truck moving to the north of me. I tried not to notice, feeling slightly unsafe here. I stopped at the lower end of the lot, walking onto the border of cut grass in the macadam, to the northwest of the lot. I had to gather my things and crouched down to pick some of them up. I was watchful for the others. This place did not feel safe, and i had to get out of here quickly. I turned to the west and placed some of the things in the bottom drawer of the white dresser. I was now in the small bedroom of the house, which seemed to be the guest bedroom of my grandparents’ house on $P12. I then backed away from the dresser and started playing with the narrow strip of fire which was burning across the wood floor of the room. The fire appeared to be burning slightly above the floor, as though it was consuming a flammable liquid. The western edge of the fire was brighter than the rest of the band, flickering with yellow flames. The band of fire moved to the west, where it hit the western wall of the room. The fire then started burning back to the east. This was a special effect from a movie. The fire had been moving back and forth between the two walls of the room, without spreading to the rest of the room. There was some trick of science which was causing the fire to reverse direction when it reached a wall, and i thought it might have had something to do with the way that the fire took in oxygen along its front edge. When it reached a wall, the front edge could no longer take in air, so the fire was forced to reverse direction. I followed the fire across the room toward the door in the eastern wall. This room now seemed to be a bedroom in $K6’s house. It seemed that the others were downstairs while i played with the fire. As the fire reached the door, however, i started to worry that it might spread throughout the house. It paused for a moment under the door, and i thought that the door was catching on fire. There was a space in the molding to the south of the door where the fire could enter the wall. I quickly put out the fire and returned to getting my things form the drawer on the western side of the room. As i pulled several large green books out of the drawer, i hoped that the house did not catch fire. I then felt that i had to hurry downstairs with my things. I looked at the packet of tools that were in my lap as i sat crossed-legs in front of the drawer. I placed the packet of tools and the wooden hammer back into the drawer, feeling strange. I then turned back to the door and looked at the molding to the right of the door. There was still a small ember burning between the two thin sheets of wood, which were now hanging loosely from the wall. I worried that the fire might spread, so i squeezed the soft material together, snuffing out the embers in the slab. As i let the slab go, it seemed like a piece of plaster board from the wall, but it was hanging from a room divider. I hoped that the fire did not spread.

12003 May 13

I stopped in the middle of the road and looked ahead of me. The road ahead stopped in a long oval cul-de-sac as it sloped steeply downhill. There were old houses around the cul-de-sac, and it seemed as though several dirt roads left the circle to head to other houses in the country side. This place seemed like a rural town. As i turned around and started to head back to the northeast, i noticed a large white wooden country church on the southeastern side of the cul-de-sac. There was a square steeple on the northern corner of the building, which was sided with wooden planks. Just off the corner of the steeple was a large wide tree, which looked like an elm. I started to walk back up the hill to the north, feeling uncomfortable about this area. A truck then drove past me and into the cul-de-sac. I was weary of the truck as it passed, so i continued up the hill, as though i did not notice it. There was then someone else walking down the hill toward me. I could see the small white house to the west of the road, in the middle of a grassy square lawn. It had a thick leafless maple tree in the southeastern corner of the yard. I concentrated on driving back up the hill, feeling out of place here. This place was a foreign country, and i found myself walking to the northeast, out onto the narrow strip of land which stretched through the calm water. There was a large round pavilion in the center of the pond which had thick black wooden supporting beams. The building seemed very modern and clean, with decorative wood trim along the edge of the roof, but with very little decoration elsewhere. There was a polished wooden bench which formed a circle in the middle of the large gazebo. There were several people in dark cool-weather clothing standing along the eastern rim of the pavilion, looking out at the skyline of the small town. The view seemed very scenic. The sky was clear blue, and the grey mountain peaks caught the pinkish light of the sun, which was low in the southwestern sky. This place was in a foreign land, which seemed like someplace in Europe. The area all around the large lake seemed to be forested with thick green pine trees. I moved around in the pavilion, taking in the beautiful sites. Some of the other visitors were speaking about the view of the small germanic town. I then seemed to be on a bus with the other tourists, traveling to the east. It seemed that the road ran along the north side of a mountain ridge, climbing slowly up the mountain because it had to get out of the valley where the old town was. I looked out the left window, to the southwest. I could see the water passing quickly below us, as though we were really in an airplane. I then noticed an island that we were approaching. Its sandy shoreline was shaped into a perfect five-petal flower. It was obviously not a natural formation, and i wondered how it was maintained in such detail. The small trees and plants on the island had to be trimmed to keep the island looking neat. As we passed the island, i realized that the main shore of the lake was itself curved into a fancy design. I looked back at the lake, now a way below us. The entire lake was carved into a decorative flower design, with looping curves. I was suddenly fascinated with the place. It must be a very special place for someone to have spent all the time in carving out the land. The others spoke on the airplane as i watched the lake move into the distance. There were different colours in its contours, formed by different types of dirt, sand, and vegetation. I admired it as much as i could and wanted to go back to explore it more.

12003 May 18

I walked back to the north, toward the back of the restaurant. The place was dimly lighted, and there seemed to be a counter along the west wall of the back section of the main room. The walls were dark and rough, and there seemed to be a kitchen to along the north side of the room where people were making pizzas. I had the bill in my hand and had to pay it, but it was not yet correct. The others that i had eaten with had already left, and i felt rushed to keep up with them. I placed the bill on the counter with some money and started to figure out the tip again. Something was wrong, and i could not add up the numbers correctly. I tried to concentrate on the white sheet of paper, which had the name of the restaurant printed across the top in green ink. I felt very frustrated that i could not figure out the bill properly. My mother then said something. She was standing to the east of me, in front of the stove in her kitchen. I was now standing in the kitchen, trying to do something on the counter when i noticed the animal trying to crawl through the window in the east wall. I pointed out the fox to my mother. It was tearing a hole in the screen and pushing its way into the house. I felt suddenly alert, knowing that we could not let the animal into the house. I grabbed the fox by the neck as it made its way through the screen and onto the floor, but i could not get a tight grip of the animal. As i grabbed some of its fur, i suddenly became afraid that it might try to bite me. I remembered that it was a wild animal and could attack. I dropped it on the floor as my mother started to panic. She cautioned me against touching wild animals. The fox ran quickly into the dining room, and i knew that we had to get it out of the house before it did something dangerous. I ran after the animal, but noticed $X5 running into the kitchen. She had been attacked by the fox. We had to get the fox out of the house before it attacked the rest of our cats. I then spotted the fox walking under the chair to my right, carrying the large orange and white cat in its mouth. I quickly ran over to it and grabbed it by the back of the neck, pulling the limp body of the cat from its mouth. The cat was still alive, but it was very weak and badly injured. It had wounds all over its body and stared unfocused into the air. I carefully handed it to the young girl who was standing in the middle of the dining room. I told her to take it up into the bedroom with the other cats and lock the door so that the fox could not get in.

12003 May 19

I walked across the living room of my grandfather’s house on $P12. The place seemed different. It had been a long time since my grandfather had lived here, and the new residents had redecorated the place. I felt slightly out of place here, wondering why i had come back at all. I then spotted a man walking around the south side of the house. He was walking from the back yard, carrying a can of gasoline onto the patio. I lost sight of him as he passed by the glass doors to the patio. I looked out the front window of the house, hoping to see him pass onto the front lawn, but he did not, and i started to feel suspicious. I knew that he would be starting a fire with the gasoline on the patio. I called emergency on the small telephone in my right hand, moving back into the living room to get a look out the window at the man. As the woman answered on the telephone, i spotted a fire on the patio. I told the woman that there was a fire on the side of the house and gave her the address. I could now see the pile of sticks and branches burning with bright orange flames, and i could see the man just to the right of the window. He watched the fire for a moment, then turned and continued to the west. I told the woman on the telephone that the fire might get out of control. She asked me for a credit card number. I was suddenly shocked and told her that i was reporting an emergency. Someone had to come to put out the fire. She said that i would have to pay a fee in order to speak with the fire company. I felt angry and frustrated with her and hung up the telephone. I had to do something, but i walked into the television room instead, looking around for something that might help. The room had been redecorated and was no longer a television room. It was now a den. There was a small wooden book case along the west wall, right below a small window. The window had been put in recently. I remembered that the garage used to be on the other side of the wall. The new owners had made a new room out of the old garage. I walked to the west, across the upstairs hall of the house. I started floating as i entered the room on the other side. This room had been entirely redecorated as well, and now had bright blue and brown flower patterns along the wall. There was a stripe of dark blue and white teddy bears on the wall to the left as i passed through the doorway. The new room looked ugly to me. The new owners must think that the large flowers and bears looked cute. I turned around in the narrow room and floated back out into the hall. My mother was standing on the east side of the hall, doing something. I said something to her about the fire, and she mentioned that she had heard me talking on the telephone with emergency.

12003 May 22

I turned over the hand-written paper and erased one of the words near the top of the page. This was a story that i was writing. I was in sixth grade again, and i was aware of $A100 standing at the front of the room. I had stepped back in time again, and was looking over the short essay that the younger me had scrawled in blue ink on the wrinkled piece of notebook paper. I did not know how to spell that well when i was little, and i could see many errors on the paper i was reading. I was correcting the word “muslim”, which i had spelled as “muslum” on the paper. I knew that the proper spelling was “miison”, which i wrote into the space where i had erased the blue ink. I looked at the word, thinking that it still did not look correct, but i knew that it was. I flipped the paper and corrected several other instances of the same word, noticing that my handwriting had changed. The new letters that i was writing were cleaner and straighter that the ones that i had written when i was younger. I wondered if $A100 would notice the difference. My attention then fell on a long word at the top of the page. It did not seem correct, and i thought that i should correct it, but i did not know how it was really spelled. I considered getting up and getting the red dictionary from the shelf across the classroom from me. I was sitting in an arm chair on the northern side of the room, facing east, and the book seemed to be on a shelf which was diagonally set across the upper part of the northeastern corner of the room. I knew that, if i got up to get the book, $A100 might notice that there was something different about me. A younger me probably would not have wasted time checking the spelling of something in the dictionary. I looked at the long word on the page again and decided to change it, but i did not want to erase it, so i simply wrote in an adjective between the last word of the sentence and the word before it. I then started to wonder what i was doing here. It seemed strange to come back in time to this place again.

12003 May 23

I started running down the street to the north. This street seemed like $P2, at the intersection where i used to live. There was another version of me somewhere. I remembered being duplicated in this story. I stopped for a moment, falling into a kung fu stance as though someone were about to attack me. I then noticed my other self running down the street in my general direction. He was down the street to the west of me, but he was running along the northern sidewalk of the road and i was still standing on the southwest corner. He was wearing a black suit jacket over a white shirt, black pants, and a thin black tie. I looked at my hands, which were held up if front of me in a block, and decided that the stance was really rather pointless. I started running to the north again, across the street. My car was to the northeast, across the main street, behind the large building, which seemed to be a church. I had to reach the car before the bad guys caught me. I ran into the parking lot headed for my black car, but the bad guy had caught up with me. I took out my keys and tried to put them in the car, but the bad guy moved between the car and me and tried to grab the keys. I was aware that my other self was already in the car. I pulled away from the bad guy, keeping the keys from him. I then realized that the alarm on my car could be set off by the keys. I pressed the button and my car started beeping. I then ran around to the east of the car, to the passenger’s side, as the man looked around in confusion. He followed me, but i realized that the noise would draw unwanted attention to him. There was a large, dark-blue SUV parked to the east of my car. I slammed my body into the side of it, and its alarm started ringing. The people in the building to the south would be drawn to the noise, and the man would not be able to do anything violent. I moved to the northeast and bumped into a smaller car, whose siren joined the chorus of alarms. The man stood near the front of my car, frustrated and obviously trying to figure out what to do next.

12003 May 27

I stood up from the large wooden bench in the front hall of $P7 and turned to the north. Someone at the front of the hall said something about me as i turned the corner to head down the hall to the locker room. I realized suddenly that i was not wearing any clothing. I had left it on the bench as i stood up. I could not let the others think that i had done it by accident, though, so i continued down the hall to the locker room. I though that it would, at least, look more natural if i was naked in the locker room. I walked into the back locked room and turned to the south. I was no longer a student here. I had returned to visit, though it seemed as though i was a student only a few days ago. I thought that my locker might still be here and that i might still know the combination. I walked down the back aisle of the room and turned into the second to last aisle of lockers. My locker was on the left, but it should belong to someone else now. I turned the dial on the combination lock, trying to remember the combination. It took me a moment to remember the combination, but i finally remembered that the last number was twenty-four. I opened the lock and pulled out the square metal basket from the row of lockers. I was aware of $F4 and $A255 in the locker room with me. They said something to me as i looked at the contents of the basket. There were a few pairs of shorts in the basket and a pair of running shoes. I pulled out a faded pair of dull yellow and blue shorts. I mentioned to $F4 and $A255 that i needed some clothing. As i started back down the southern corridor, back to the front hall, $A255 asked why i would need clothing. $F4 also seemed confused. I said that i was naked, but when i looked down at my body, i could see that i was wearing denim shorts and a tee shirt. I wondered where they had come from.

12003 May 30

I drove the car down the steep winding hill through the small houses of the suburban area. We were heading generally east, heading back home, though it seemed that we had a long way to travel. It was dark out, but i could see the houses around me clearly. I was then aware that there was a car following us very closely as we came down the hill. The car had its lights on, and they seemed very bright in my rear-view mirror. I said something to my mother about it. I then noticed the train running to the south of us. We were passing it slowly as we drove. I spoke to my mother about it as we passed some dark trees. The train was behind us, and i thought that i could easily make it to the city with enough time to get onto the train. My mother then said something about catching the train at the next town, which i thought was rather soon. She said that we could catch it here and ride it all the way to $A6. I did not think that we were far enough ahead of the train to be able to catch it at this station, but by mother pointed to a driveway on the south side of the road and said “Pull in there.” I turned into the driveway of the hotel. The hotel seemed to be a tall building which surrounded three sides of a square parking lot. There were thick bushes running down the medians of the parking lot, making the place seem like it was located in a tropical region. I started to turn the car to the east, rounding the back end of the parking lot, near the entrance to the building, when i noticed the line of chairs in front of us. The main lobby of the building had been roped off. The line of chairs ran from south to north, separating the polished stone floor of he main lobby from the carpeted area of the lounge. I suddenly realized that we were already inside the building. I then heard the train pull up to the south of us. My mother got out of the small golf cart that i was driving and told me to park the cart out of the way. She hurried to the south to catch the train, and i turned the cart around. A woman watched me skeptically from a deep cushioned red leather chair in the lounge area. I drove the cart back through the opening where the south wall passed close to the stairs from the upstairs floor, heading back into the entrance lobby. I turned the cart to the north and pulled it up against the dark-red stone of the west wall. I got out of the cart as a hotel employee in a fancy white uniform watched me. I knew that i was leaving the small cart outside the main office of the building, but i did not have time to park it outside. I thought that someone could take care of it. I hopped out of the cart and started back, but then stopped and returned to the cart for something. I had to hurry to catch the train. As i ran into the small room at the back of the building, however, i saw the white cars of the train starting to move to the east. I ran to the east door of the room and thought that i should run after the train to get on. I guessed that my mother would already be on the train. I started to move outside, but then felt the heel of my shoe slip off. I was wearing my brown loafers. They would not be good for running. I watched the white car of the train pick up speed and wondered what i should do.

12003 May 31

I helped the others move things into the house, carrying something to the north, into the small room at the front of the house. I then sat at in a chair on the eastern side of the room, facing west. The others gathered in the room and started talking about something. I felt strange, as though i was not really part of the conversation or the group. I stared at the picture on the north wall. It was a photograph of a rounded mountain range. All of the trees on the hillside had turned bright magenta. The picture was really a window, and i was staring out the window at the hills to the north of us. There was a flat field right in front of us which was covered with tan and green field grass. I mentioned the hills to the others as i stood up and moved toward the window. There were now several windows in the north wall, and i could see the entire ridge of hills running off to the west. The red colour of the trees seemed strange, and i focused upon it, thinking that there was something special about the red colour. The hills almost seemed to shimmer with dark red as they became closer to us. I looked down the range to the east. It was suddenly a very bright day, and i remembered this place. There was a small housing development just to the south of the rocky rise, in the middle of the dry desert plain. My uncle lived in one of the houses on the northern side of the complex. The house was just to our southwest, on the other side of a yard which was surrounded by a short chain-link fence. The buildings were all one story, and seemed to have been built in the nineteen-fifties. I mentioned my uncle’s house to the woman to the west of me. The house was pale green, with a flat over-hanging roof. I then looked back at the steep tan rocky cliff just to the north of us. The cliff ran to the west, past the housing area. Just up the steep cliff from us i could see a chain-link fence. The fence ran along the side of the steep hill from the west and turned to the north just above us. I remembered climbing up to the corner of the fence when i was younger. I pointed out the fence to the people, mentioning to them that we used to climb up to the fence when we were younger. I looked to the east along the top of the cliff to see an area where the hill became higher. There was a tan structure visible just over the top of the rocks. I told the others that we had climbed to the top of the cliff once a while ago. I pointed to the flat area on the top of the cliff where the fence ran between the higher area of rock and the corner. I said that there was a road just on the top of the hill there which ran to the secured area to the west. The tan building was part of a secured facility. The pictured the road coming out of the facility and then turning sharply to the north. It was a well maintained blacktop road with clean white and yellow lines on it. I then pointed to the place where the fence formed a corner and told the others that i could see the whole area on the top of the cliff from that location. I told them that the land on the top of the cliff, to the north was perfectly flat. They seemed surprised.