12006 May 07

I felt rushed, as though i had to get something done. I looked down at the floor in front of me as i sat on the floor in the room. I felt as though i was in $P19. It felt slightly out of place to be here, but i needed to do my laundry. Two other people were sitting to the north of me, facing me as i gathered my laundry together. The one on the east was $A380. I said something to them as i hurriedly gathered the clothes together. I felt distressed about something. I pulled together a small pile of clothing which was a mix of dark and light colours. I thought that i should really separate them, but then decided that i should just do them all together. I started to feel that i did not have time to do them, but i needed to have them done. I then realized that it was rather late. I looked down at the piece of paper on the floor just to the left of me. “209” was written on it in pencil, and i knew that the time was just a little after nine o’clock. I was late for work. I felt worried and thought that i should call my office to tell them i would be late. I stood up and hurried into the next room, to the southeast. I turned to the east as i entered the room and headed for the other door. One of the members of the house passed me. He seemed nervous about me and looked down to avoid my gaze. He had dark hair and was wearing a white short-sleeved button-up shirt. I looked at his right arm as he passed me, noticing that it was rather thin. It did not seem right that he was so skinny. I then turned to the north, into the next room. I had to call the office to tell them i would be late.

I felt distressed and thought that i should call the office to tell them that i should be late. I used my cell phone to call. $A408 answered the phone, but, as she did, i realized that she was not at work. It was not early in the morning where she was. I said hello, but then remembered that i was on vacation in a foreign land. It was morning here, but it would be late evening there. I did not know what to say, but i did not want her to think that i had mistakenly called, worrying about being late for work. I paused, telling her that i had forgotten why i had called. I said that there was something that i wanted to ask her, but i could not remember what it was. She assumed that i had called about a message that she had left me. I told her that i had not read my e-mail, though i knew that i had glanced at her message. I could not think of what to say, and just wanted to hang up. I tried to think of a way to end the conversation.

12006 May 08

I moved to the southwest, $Z following behind me and to my right. We climbed up the small mound, watching the cat run in front of us. The cat jumped off the top of the mound and down to the grassy ground below. As i reached the top of the mound, i could see that there was a round depression on the other side. The grass below was uneven, as though the ground were bumpy. The large calico cat had jumped to the southern edge of the ditch and started climbing up toward south. There seemed to be a white cement building just to the south of us with a balcony overlooking the hole. I noticed movement in the western side of the ditch and pointed it out to $Z, who had come up to the east of me. A gopher had been startled by the movement and pulled his head out of the ground. I realized that the cat might go after the gopher if it realized that it was there. I thought that we would have to get the cat before it got into a fight. As we started down the hill, however, the cat had already turned around and headed over to the gopher. To our surprise, the gopher did not run away. Instead, it jumped for the cat and attacked it. I felt concerned for the cat and tried to hurry into the pit. The small brown furry animal then grabbed the cat by the head and started pulling it into a hole on the eastern side of the pit. I was worried and jumped into the pit. Before i could grab the cat and rescue it, the animal had pulled it into its den. I looked into the round hole and saw the calico cat falling down into the hole. There were several animals in the hole, attacking the cat. I realized that these grayish-brown animals were really wild cats. They were going to eat the cat. I knelt on the floor of the room and reached into the cylindrical hole, grabbing one of the wild cats. I was going to pull it out and throw it out of the hole. I felt upset that the cat was getting attacked and had to help it before the wildcats killed it. I pulled one of the wildcats out of the white bucket and threw it aside. I was upset. The other person stood to the north of the bucket as i reached in to find the cat. I looked into the bucket and realized that it was empty. The wild animals had slipped out. I looked carefully around the sides of the bucket and noticed that there was a small hole in the western side. The wildcats must have squeezed through the small opening and escaped. I then wondered where the cat was. I wondered if they dragged it through the hole as well. I reached into bucket and started pulling out the torn rags which were bundled near the bottom. I desperately searched for the cat by pulling up several bundles of cloth. I finally spotted the cat at the bottom of the bowl. It was injured and lying motionless. I felt distressed and reached in with my left hand to pick it up. I carefully slid my hand under it and lifted it out of the hole. It winced as i pulled it up, and i hoped that i was not injuring it further by moving it. I told $Z to find a vet as i lifted the cat. I asked for a tray and placed the cat on it. I was now in a small square room. The hole was in the center of the room. The walls were plain white, and there was an open doorway to the south. I placed the cat on the brown cafeteria tray and started to the south, out the door. $F45 was there, but i did not want him to see the cat because i knew that he would be very upset. I felt upset myself. I looked at the cat on the tray in my hands as i carried it to the south. I looked at its front paws and noticed that they were missing. The stumps of its arms were glossy and covered with pussy red liquid. I felt sad as i looked over the cat. I felt the distress in my chest as i notice that the cat was looking at me with its right eye. Blood was dripping from the eye, but the cat seemed to be pleading. I looked ahead as i walked on, telling the cat not to worry. I called the cat Fleischer, and told it worry as i hurried to get it to a doctor. I worried that it would not survive the wounds.

I walked to the west, along the southern edge of the pit. There was some construction going on and people were putting something in the pit. I passed the large rusted iron wall, which was part of some construction equipment. As i passed the western edge of the equipment, i watched the large metal pulley lower just to the south of me. I thought that i would have to be careful around here. I looked at the pit to the north as several construction workers moved by. I passed a large rusted piece of construction equipment. It was to the south of me, and seemed to be a massive piece of old machinery. I remembered passing this machinery before. There was a large dull-yellow pendant moving down at the western end of the machine. I passed under it, realizing that it was coming down toward me. I hurried to the west as it landed heavily on the ground. I thought that i should be more careful of the large equipment. I was surprised that the area was not fenced off.

I looked out the window, to the north. I was in a small cottage, and i seemed to be on the river in $P140. There was something troubling me here, and i looked out at the water. I could see the waves crashing on the rocks in the distance. There was a lot of turbulence in the river, which did not seem correct. I then noticed the small grey cat that was moving around the room near my feet. I called to it, calling it “Tom”. The cat did not respond and walked to the north, down the stairs in front of me. The stairs led outside, and i did not want the cat wandering away. I bent over to grab it but could not. I had to keep the cat in the house. I then looked back at the river. The waters near the shore seemed to be moving very fast to the west, toward the ocean. It seemed that the river emptied into the ocean only a few kilometers away. The water in the distance was turbulent and seemed to be crashing against rocks. This was not right. A large wave had come in from the ocean. I then noticed that the water near me was retreating from the shore, leaving a dry rocky riverbed. There was a tsunami coming in. I felt worried and thought that i had to get to a safe place. I then though about the cat, thinking that i would not be able to get it before the water came in. I decided that there was nothing i could do for the cat. I told $Z that a large wave was coming in and that we had to get up into the house.

I tried to remember the dream about the injured cat. There was something i could not quite remember about the dream, even though it upset me. I focused on the dreams, thinking that i would have to write them down when i woke up. I looked t, the west, noticing the group of children gathering along the western side of the road. The wide grassy park-like area was rolling, and the road was set into a narrow depression as it descended to the southeast. Steep hills rose on either side of the road, and i was standing on the hill to the northeast. There seemed to be a tall metallic tower with bright red and blue lights on the other side of the road. The tower arched over the roadway and seemed to celebrate something. The large group of children was singing something, but i felt that this was a distraction. I had to remember my dream. A woman moved to the south of me, saying something to the children. I looked up at the metal arch, which was not extending to the ground just to the west of me. I shouted out “Run away”, mimicking a Monty Python sketch. The children laughed at the joke, even though they did not understand the reference. I laughed, but felt that i did not belong here. I moved to the north, trying to remember the second dream i had had that night. It had to do with the pit. I started humming, mimicking what i had remembered from the dream. It was dark now, and i saw a round indentation in the ground where the fire would be started. I thought that this was part of the dream. I hummed, thinking that the energy would start the fire in the hole. The edge of the rounded dirt pit was painted bright green, forming a bright ring in the grass. I sat on the southwestern edge of the bowl and hummed, thinking that this had something to do with the significance of the dream.

12006 May 09

I walked to the north, into the dark room as the woman’s voice spoke to me about the research that this place was doing. This place was special, and i was very interested in what was happening. The woman said that this place did studies of the brain. I looked at the complicated pictures on the screen in front of me as she spoke, looking over the dark images with blue lines showing a cut-away image of the human brain. The woman said that the surprising find which most people did not know is that the brain gives off a larger amount of energy that you would expect: in response to emotions, in response to physical activity, to daily lives. I realized what an impact thought could have on generating this energy.

12006 May 10

I was in a part of the city that i had not been in for a long time. We seemed to be on a strip of shops in the northern side of the city. I walked to the north, into one of the shops on the north side of the street. I remembered that this place used to be a music store, but i had not been here for a long time. I was following $A404 into the store. He turned to the west, into the store and walked across the small room. I followed, passing the owner of the store, who was standing just to the north of me. I looked around the room, noticing that the polished wooden shelves were empty. There was a small square set of shelves on the polished wood floor in the north part of the room. The western wall of the northern section of the shop also seemed to be covered with wooden shelves, but all of the shelves were empty. I wondered what had happened to the store. I thought that it might be an instrument store, but then remembered that it was really a CD store. There seemed to be a man to the southwest, standing behind a wooden counter, near the cash register. I was surprised that the store was empty, but i noticed that $A404 was walking to the west, into the other room. I followed him across the shop and into the next room. The smaller room also seemed to be empty, but i followed $A404 through a door in the western wall and into a large lobby. The lobby was lighted differently than the shop, and seemed very yellow. The ceiling was high up, and there seemed to be dark stone columns on the north and south walls. I looked around at some of the people strolling through the lobby. I then realized that i did not know where $A404 went. I headed to the west, thinking that i should go into one of the doorways in the southern wall. I then noticed $A404 walking to the south, through one of the doorways. I pretended that i did not see where he went so that i could look around. I felt that this place was some sort of secret room. There was something illegal going on here, and i felt that i was not really supposed to see it. There were people gambling in this area. I moved around in the lobby, trying not to look out of place. I felt that there were bouncers in the lobby with me. I glanced to the south, through a window in the wall which had opened. I could see many people in dinner jackets and dresses crowding around red card tables. I wondered if i should ask about the gambling room. I started to feel nervous here, knowing that the security was wandering through the lobby. I felt that i should not be here and wondered if they would question me on why i was here. I turned back to the northwest and walked across the room. $A404 came up to me as i approached the western wall and told met that i needed to create a distraction so that we could steal the pillow. I felt uncomfortable about ding this and did not want to be a part of the theft. I looked into the room to see a line of chairs running across the center of the room. All of the armchair were facing north and seemed to be made of wood with yellowish-silver arms and legs. The padding of the chairs was yellow. There was a large pillow in the center chair, which is the one that we were supposed to steal. The pillow was dark brown and seemed to be a stone. I made a joke as i moved past the central chair and sat in one of the chairs on the eastern side of the room, picking up one of the small brown pillows there and saying something about it. The pillow was oddly shaped, with uneven pits all over it. I handed it to $A404 and started laughing about it, hoping that it would serve as a distraction for the others to take the main pillow. I would not take it myself. I said aloud that the small pillows had broccoli in them. $A404 sat to the east of me as the security men came over to see what we were up to. I looked at the pillow, noticing the pits in the side of it. Most of them seemed to be made with small stones, but there were some which looked like broccoli florets had been molded into the spongy rocks. The security men in black dinner jackets asked us what we were doing, and i pointed out the imprints to them. I tried to make it seem that we were making an honest joke. As the men looked at the rock i had handed to them, i glanced to the west to see if the others had taken the pillow already. I looked at the chair in the center of the room, but could not see into the seat of the chair because the arm was too high. I could not tell if the pillow was still there or not. I leaned forward, laughing some more about the joke as the security men turned to walk away. I then stood up with $A404, aware of the security men moving to the west. The pillow had now been taken, and i wondered what we should do. We had to act as though we knew nothing about it. I could hear the security officers talking about the pillow as $A404 and i started to move to the east. We had to get out of the room before the security officers figured out what happened. I then realized that there was a wall to the east with a few ladders on it. At the top of the wall was the exit to the room. We walked to the wall slowly, but then $A404 hurried up the latter farthest to the north. The vertical ladder was made of flat steps that were set into the wall and covered with red fluffy padding. A shiny brass rail ran along the southern side of the ladder. I decided that i had to run as well and started up the ladder with light-blue padding on it, which was just to the south of the other one. I wondered if the men were actually after us. I thought that someone might be chasing us as i ran out of the building, heading to the north. I came out into an alley and thought about running to the west. I thought that i had to get back to a place to the southwest in the city. I had started on the main road through the city, but had to run to the west to get back. I wondered if there was anyone chasing me. I thought that i could lose them in the city if there was.

I seemed to be in my parents’ house as i headed down the main stairwell of the house. I had to get something. Two people were standing near the bottom of the stairs, to the north. I felt mischievous as i grabbed the large man in front and pulled him toward me as i backed up the stairs. He was heavily muscled and had red and black tattoos down his arms. I looked at his biceps as i had him follow me back up the stairs, thinking that they were attractive. I passed the floor where my mother was. She was doing something in the room to the west as i headed up to the third floor of the house. I felt strange. There was something not right here and i felt that i had to get rid of the evidence. I turned to the east, carrying something with me. I had to get rid of it before the others arrived. I walked out of the bedroom and onto the small platform, which seemed to be part of a fire escape. Below me was a large silo with water in it. I tossed the object into the silo. The object seemed to be a chain. I watched it stretch out as it went over the rusty metal rail of the platform. I then looked down into the alley as the chain rolled down the side of the circular building to the southeast. I thought that it was interesting the way it seemed to flow down the pale stone building as though it was a stream of water. The black chain eventually hit the ground at the bottom of the alley. The alley seemed to open up just to the east as it headed east from me. To the south, there was a tall brick building just beyond the silo which ran to the southwest, narrowing the alley against the building that i was in. I looked over the railing of the platform to see that one end of the chain was still stuck to the edge of the building that i was on, just to the south of the platform. I reached over and pulled the end of the chain from the wall, tossing it down into the alley. I though that this was not so bad; i had gotten rid of the chain and it was hidden enough that the others would not relate it to me. I turned to the east and walked back into the apartment. As i reached the center of the room, the others came in from the west. They were angry with us and seemed to be part of the mob. I realized that they came looking for the thing that we had taken. I felt worried that they had found us. I turned to the east, wondering what to do. There was a counter running through the center of the room, forming a bar to the north. Mark Hamil was standing to the east of me, behind the bar. I felt that he had informed the others that we were here. I said something to him, but he just replied angrily, saying that there was nothing else he could do. I felt that he could have done something else but that he simply did not. He was only playing the role of this character. I thought that i should try to blame this situation on him if i could. I turned back to the others who had come in and asked them what was wrong. The man in the dark suit said nothing as he passed to the south of me. Someone else then said that something was sabotaged. I was worried that these men were going to kill us. I told them that i did not know about the situation and started to tell them what i had done in the building. I then realized that $A404 and i should have the same story about what happened when the pillow was taken. I was relieved that he was in the room as i was telling the story so that he could tell the same story. I thought that the men should actually have interviewed us separately if they wanted to do it properly. I was glad that they were not smart enough to question us separately. I then realized that we had only helped the others in the theft of the rock. These men were asking us about something that was not really related. I thought that we should be safe, but i still felt uncomfortable about the questions. I was confused about what was happening and did not know what to do. I felt that these men were dangerous and would kill us.

12006 May 12

We left the rural house and headed north on the road. I felt troubled. There was someone after us. I felt that my life might be in danger if i stayed around. The others would hunt us down and do something to us. I thought that we had to get to the area to the south of my parents’ house to set something up. We were riding in a bus on the road, heading west. The leafless forest stretched out to the south of us, at the bottom of a short steep hill from the road. I explained to the others that we wanted to rebuild the archway which was in the forest. I said that it was down the road a bit. I then noticed that there was a stone structure in the woods to the south of us. It was rather large, with a colonnade enclosure connecting to it. The solid grey stone arch was facing east-northeast, and the colonnade ran from both sides of the arch, fanning out into a wide straight V shape, to the southwest. It then turned back inward for a short bit before forming a partial square on the southwestern end. The entire shape looked like a flat-tipped arrow. I told the others that there was a large stone arch in the forest near here with a colonnade around it. I then clarified that this was not the archway that we were looking for. I told them that there was another trail across from my house where there was a smaller stone arch. I said that this arch had columns on it and was in need of repair. We then passed through the arch on the dirt trail through the woods. We had to be careful because the others were in the woods near us. We had to hunt them, but had to watch out that they did not get us first. We headed to the east, down the forested trail. I lagged behind a little as we passed an area with thick large trees to the north of the trail. I thought that something should have been here off the trail, but i could not see anything. I thought that the other team might be hiding here. I watched the wide trees carefully as we passed. As we came to the end of the trees, i started wandering down the narrow trail to the north, looking behind the line of trees. As i rounded the end tree, i noticed that there were some people crouched behind the trees, hiding from us. At first, i thought that they were the other team, trying to ambush us. Then i realized that they were refugees, hiding from us. I called to the others, who had moved down the main trail, to the east. I told them that we had survivors. The refugees ran to the others. I walked a little farther down the trail to the north to see what was there. As i turned around, i noticed several dark figures moving on the main trail. I realized that they were the other team and that they were sneaking up on us from behind. I had to throw a ball of dirt at them to simulate a grenade. I thought that we should shoot them, thinking that the guns were really fake because this was a game. I yelled to the others that this was an ambush and pointed my gun at the people in black. Something seemed unreal about this. This was a game, but i felt afraid that someone was going to die because if this attack. I felt that the weapons might be real.

12006 May 13

I had been talking to the others about the construction projects in the college building. I was now walking to the west, across the small quadrangle of the old college. The buildings around me were made of grey stone with white trimming. I stopped at the northwestern corner of the yard, where some stone steps descended to the north, along the western side of one of the buildings. I stopped as someone said something to me. I remembered the conversation about the construction problems with the buildings. I felt as though i should stress the problems to the other person. I mentioned the problems that they were having with the new building. I pictured the cavities under the cement stairs on the eastern wall of the large lobby. There were metal picnic tables in the small spaces, but they had not been assembled correctly and would need to be reassembled. I mentioned the name of the building to $A14, who was now standing to the southeast of me. I hoped that he would be surprised that these problems existed in the brand-new buildings. I looked to the east to see the metal benches in the recesses of the stone wall. They were disassembled so that they could be repaired. I started walking to the east along the southern wall of the large room. As i moved, the students started coming out of their classes and walked across the quadrangle. I recognized the tall thin woman with the artificially red hair. She was walking with her arm around a shorter rounder woman, heading to the west, just to the south of me. She was wearing dark clothing and had heavy black makeup on here face. I remembered that she was very nice, and i waved to her as i passed, but she did not seem to notice me. I continued to the east, thinking of my friend. I felt that i missed him, and said something to the young man to the southeast. The man seemed to have done something against my friend, who seemed to be $F12. I felt aggressive toward him and pushed him back to the south. He was shorter than i, and seemed to be east asian. I pushed him back onto the platform which seemed to be the bed of a truck. I told him that he could not say such things against my friend. We started to struggle, and i grabbed his wrists. I felt that i was holding him, but i realized that i was lying on my back and he was sitting on my abdomen. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that he was very nicely detailed. I struggled with him, aware that someone was coming from the north. The police were coming, and i thought that we might both get arrested. I looked at the man’s chest as i tried to trap his wrists against his sides. A policeman in a dark uniform came from the north, and i though that he would put handcuffs on the other man and then arrest me. The officer took the man’s right hand and put a cuff around it. I stared at the man’s solar plexus, noticing the fine detail of his abdominal muscles. He was very attractive, and i was interested in him.

12006 May 16

I was flying over the area. I felt as though i was having fun passing over the crowd of people. I had been doing something which seemed to relate to $G3. The other members of $P19 were walking around below me as i swooped from place to place. I passed by the branches of a very tall tree. I moved away from the tree again and then swooped back to one of the heavy braches, landing. I thought that the people below me would think that i might fall off of the branches, but i knew that i could impress them by simply hovering. $F4 seemed to be with me now as i flew into the air and landed on the branch of a tall leafless tree, which was to the north of me. $F4 was below me, to the northeast. I called down to him, asking him if he wanted to climb the tree with me. I was also aware of two other young men to the northwest of us, on the ground. As i leaned to the west and drifted off of the branch, i thought that the men would be concerned about me falling. I wondered if i could impress them by hovering to the side of the branch.

I moved through the group of my relatives as i headed to the south. I felt pleased to be here, but there seemed to be something out of place. I floated to the south, following a group of my relatives as they walked along the walkway near the water. It seemed that the ground was a wooden deck and that there was a large pond to the south. It was nighttime, but there was a light illuminating the group under me. I bumped into a woman at the back of the crowd, and she turned around to look at me. She looked familiar, like one of my grandmother’s sisters. I said hello to her, trying to figure out which sister she was. I was not used to her looking so young, but i though that it was $K23. When she turned to look at me, she scowled when she saw who i was. I wondered why she was not happy with me as i tried to speak to her. She ignored me and continued to the south. I was curious as to why my relatives would be upset with me. I decided that i could just float on. I then noticed that there was an orange glow coming from the south. I moved through the crowded room and peered out the windows of the house. There seemed to be a fire to the south of us. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that the fire was very close. I moved quickly to the east and then to the south again, coming into the small bedroom where some of my relatives were sleeping. I could see that several of the houses on the south side of the street were burning. I then noticed that there was a large brush fire to the southwest. I warned my relatives of the fire, saying that the large brush fire was sending sparks which were igniting the houses. They seemed concerned as i ran to the south, into the small bedroom to get a better view of the street. I realized that the front of my grandmother’s house, the house we were in, was burning. I warned my relatives because i felt concerned. $K21 was in the bedroom with me and ran to the window to the west of me to get a look. Several of my relatives were then at the front of the house, trying to put out the fire. I turned around to the north, to see the front wall of the house as some of my relatives tore open the wood siding to spray water onto the flames. Looked at the hole in the side of the house as someone sprayed water onto the orange flames. The flames dimmed and disappeared, but someone kept removing sections of the wall. I guessed that they were just being cautious by making sure there were no burning embers left in the house. I backed away a little, taking in more of the house. I noticed that the western side of the house had only a small hole torn in the outside wall, where some people were still removing pieces and spraying water to make sure no fire remained. I then turned to the east to look down the southern wall. I was surprised to see that the top of the wall along the entire house was burned away. The damage seemed more extensive that i had expected.

The man was talking about the theatre show, saying that he was looking for actors to be a part of the production. I knew that he wanted me to be in the show, but i was busy with other things, so i would not be able to do anything for him, but i felt pleased that he had asked me. We were standing on a gravel driveway as i started to float into the air. I looked down at the director as he sat in a chair in the driveway, talking to one of the other actors. I felt very happy that i had been considered for the part, and wanted to be in the movie. I floated to the north, down the driveway. There were tall thick pine trees to the east of the driveway. I then turned to look at the large grey stone mansion which was to the west of the driveway. It was very fancy, with white stone trim on the windows and eves. I thought about the play as i listened to the director say something. I started floating to the west, circling around the northern side of the large house. I focused on the bluish stones at the base of the house. I could not tell if the stones were wet or just coloured blue. By the time i reached the western side of the house, i was floating several metres above the roof level. I looked at the moat around the building, thinking that it was really white stone with blue colouring near the base of the house. The house seemed to be on a hill which sloped down to the west. There also seemed to be a deep valley to the west.

12006 May 17

I closed my eyes and imagined the third dimension. This was important information, and i tried to remember it. There was a state of mind that one could achieve by concentrating. It would bring the person into another state of being. This state of being was really more like a parallel universe. I felt excited to learn this information and tried to focus on the alternate reality. It had something to do with allowing the spirit to live separate from the body, and it could be achieved simply by practicing a mental exercise of focusing ones attention on the other space. I moved to the west, focusing on the third dimension, thinking that it was a different third dimension than i was used to. I knew that i would be unable to comprehend the fourth dimension that was around me because i did not have concepts in my mind to give it form. I focused on the space and looked around me. The city to the north seemed monotone in tan, and someone was moving to the east on the sidewalk near me. I felt that this was an alternate space which existed in the same place as i had been. This was a special thing, and i had to learn to focus on the space and learn to move between dimensions.

I drove to the west, up the steep hillside. I was heading to a run of $G4, and i was bringing food with me. I felt as though i had to serve some food for this event. It was foggy out, and the forested area around me seemed to be special. I traveled up the narrow ridge and into the clouds. There seemed to be a city to the southeast of me, and i was aware that i had left the others on the road to the west. I was heading up to a special event at the top of the hill, and i was bringing food with me. I came to the top of the hill and looked around. The others were standing with me. Many of them seemed to be part of $G4. We seemed to be on the saddle of a mountain, with the main peak to the east of us. There was a light covering of something white on the rocky ground, and the trees of the area seemed picturesque. I spoke to the others. We were gathering for a wedding. I looked to the west and noticed the town in the valley far below. The peak was so high and steep that the town seemed to be flat against the western sky. I said something to $F47 about the beautiful view of the town to the east of us. I looked again to the east to see the fog clearing, allowing us to see the white ground with the grid of streets far below. The town seemed to be directly below us, but also on the horizon to the east, as though it was tilted against the sky. I started to feel vertigo as i looked at the town. The perspective made me uncomfortable, so i turned to talk to the others here. $A405 was to the south of me, and i said something to her about the wedding. I did not think that i had brought enough food for the ceremony. I did not think that there would be this many people here, so i said so. I decided that i had to go all the way back down to the bottom of the hill to get more food. I started to the south when i came to the bar. I was dressed in a black suite with thick white stripes down the front. I said something to $F30 about the wedding. It seemed to be his wedding, and he was marrying $F14. $F30 was dressed in a black dinner jacket, and i thought that the others around him were very formal as well. It seemed to be a costume for the wedding. I then wondered if i really had white pants. It did not seem right, but i though that something was out of place with what i was wearing.

12006 May 19

I was driving to the north on the narrow country road. The land around us was thick pine forest. There seemed to be a steep hill to the west. I was driving with the young child, but the child seemed to be driving as well. I felt upset with the child. He thought driving was a joke and fooled around at the wheel. We skid off the road to the east. I watch the steep hill on the east side of the road as the van, in which we were traveling, rolled through the thin pine trees and down the steep hill. We then tumbled over a small cliff and landed in a snowy creek. I thought that we would get water in the car, which would make the child panic. I just felt annoyed with the situation.

I had been doing something, but stopped when i saw the two women standing to the west of me. This was a fabricated scene. The women had bouffant hairdos as they stood casually, staring at me. The woman in the front had blonde hair, and the one in the back was a brunette. Both women were older and round, and they both wore thin long-sleeve knit shirts with orange and pink wave patterns. The woman in front was wearing a gold necklace with a thin S-shaped pendant on it. This scene was called desire.

I walked across the parking lot of $P19, to the northern end of the building. There was a new part of the building which extended to the west from the northern side of the house. The other person was working on it as i approached. The extension was painted light green and made of plain plywood. The other person mentioned the “private balcony”. I looked to the north at the new wing. I was now inside the house looking out at the open space on the top of the new addition. The extension seemed to be the size of a single room on the first floor which was enclosed with the green wood. The second floor of the wing had no walls and a wooden deck for a floor. It was designed to be an outdoor balcony with thin metal railings around it. There was a picnic table in the center of the terrace, and the outer corners had thick square wooden beams which extended upward to support the roof, which sloped in three directions around the wing. I realized that the “private balcony” meant that the terrace was an extension of one of the rooms of the house. It would only be accessible to the occupants of that room. I joked about the “public balcony”, which i though should be on the first floor of the extension. The other person said something about a general area for all residents to use. He then said something about $A261. I looked down, realizing that i was standing on a wooden beam on the outside of the southern side of the new extension. I was much higher off the ground than i had expected, and felt uncomfortable about climbing down. I moved my hands along the railing of the upper balcony, moving slowly to the east as i talked to the man about $A261. I felt that he was just complaining about $A261, and wanted someone to empathize with what he was saying. I told him that i did not get along with her that much either, but i felt that i should not really say anything bad about her, even though i did not think much of her. I looked at the two-by-four beam which ran diagonally up to the east. I moved around it as i made my way along the face of the building. I looked to the east, where there was an opening in the outer wall of the house. I thought that i could step over to the rectangular hole, but i realized that the hole was quite a distance from the scaffolding that i was currently climbing on. I thought that i should just climb down, but decided that i could try to reach the window of the house. I reached out with my right foot, trying to reach the space, but was uneasy with the height. I decided that i should just climb down. I was then on the ground, and i looked to the east at the small cubbies between the scaffolding and the building. I could see the pile of clothes that i had left there, but my bottle of champagne was missing. I walked across the ground to where my stuff had been, feeling upset that someone had taken my bottle. I thought that someone probably saw it sitting there and thought that it had been left by one of the other residents. I was wearing formal clothing, and thought that i was supposed to bring the champagne somewhere as a gift. I looked at the pile of clothing left in the cubby and realized that i did not have my shoes with me either. I was very upset and turned to head to the south, into the lower level of the house. I turned to the northeast and headed toward the library, noticing the a few people drinking from the black bottle of champagne. One of them was $A398. I was very angry with them, and felt that i should walk in and smack the plastic glasses out of their hands, spilling the champagne all over them. I then realized that they were almost finished with the drinks anyway, so there would be nothing to spill in the cups. I was so angry that i could not think of what to do, so i turned around and headed to the southwest. I looked around for my shoes, wondering where i they had gone. I then spotted the tan loafers under my white and light-blue shirts on the western side of the paved walkway, just to the south of me. I picked them up as i looked down the road to the south. There was a steep hill to the west of the road. As i started down the road with $Z, i noticed the three women in tan shirts running down the steep hill toward the road. There was a short up-hill rise running across the center of the hill, separating the slope into two parts. The women stopped suddenly at the top of the lower part of the hill and stared down at us. They held their bodies as if they were ballet dancers. They then turned and ran back up the hill. As i moved down the path, i was aware that there were many other people on the path watching the performers run up and down the hill. Some of the acrobats started doing summersaults on their way down the hill as part of the show. I stopped at the southern end of the area, looking back to the north at the narrow valley between the two steep hills. The paved path ran along the bottom of the valley, and two grassy slopes ran up on both the northern and southern sides of the path. The acrobats were performing on either side. I was then standing near the top of the slope, at the southern part of the area. I looked to the north to see the acrobats in the white stretch suits flip over the metal guardrail which ran across the top of the eastern side of the area. There seemed to be a parking lot to the east of the rails. The performers flipped in sequence, the closest to me going first. I watched three women flip over the railing near me and then noticed that the next two performers were men. They were nicely built, and i realized that there had to be some other men in the gymnastic troupe. A woman near me who had flipped over the railing but did not go down the hill then drew my attention. A second woman stood on the hill side of the railing. I was surprised when she slashed at the first woman, who seemed to be lying on the railing. As her hand passed the first woman, i realized that she had slashed one of the straps of a red harness that the first woman was wearing. I realized that the harness had gotten caught on the metal fence and was holding the woman up. The first woman fell to the ground, quickly got up, and tumbled down the hill. The second woman started to move away from the fence, but got caught herself and fell to her side. A thin red cord which ran from her waist was holding her up. She seemed very upset and started to cry. I turned my attention to the southwest, to the large yellowish-tan rock cliff. I was now standing on a road which ran east to west, along the northern section of the area. I could see the grey stone towers of the college dorm to the south of me, on the eastern side of the road. The building seemed to be part of $P139. The tall pale cliff towered over the eastern side of the road, contrasting with the rolling green valley in the distance. I thought that this would make a great picture, but i realized that i had taken the photograph in Deutschland a long time ago, before i had learned about photography. I though that i could have taken a better picture now. I looked at the sharp details of the black lines which ran through the rock, thinking that they would contrast nicely with the hazy features of the background landscape. I focused on the rock now, watching it rotate in front of me. It was an interesting shape, and it was the only thing i was currently looking at. It now seemed to be a computer generated image as it rotated to the southwest of me, the pointy end, which had been hanging out over the road, was now turning to the north. I watched the shape transform, thinking that it actually looked like a starship. I thought that i could design a spaceship for one of my stories after it. The rock rendering turned into a ship as it passed to the east of me, heading north. I moved to the east, crossing behind the ship, noticing its details. It was smooth on the front port side, but open and intricate on the starboard side. I thought that the smooth side was for battle, but then thought that the ship would always have to be angled so that the port side was facing the battle. This would protect the interior sections of the starboard side. As the tail of the ship passed close to me, i noticed that there was actually another section to the starboard of the ship, which enclosed the sensitive parts in the center. This seemed to be a good design. The back of the ship was open, exposing the center of the craft, but the front edges were covered with defensive plating. I liked the design, and though that i should use it.

12006 May 20

I walked to the west, following the forest trail from the main road. Thick forest covered the rolling hills around me, and there was still snow on the ground. I looked to the north-northeast, where the ground was open around a creekbed. There was a cluster of rocks at the eastern end of the bed. I remembered that this area used to be covered with a glacier in recent history, but now it was dry. The glacier had melted in, and i wondered if it had done so in my lifetime. I looked to the southwest, where the valley opened up between the surrounding hills. The plants in the valley were all grasses and short weeds. I then looked back to the area of gravel to the north of me, thinking that this was the front end of the glacier. There should be interesting deposits from where the rocks were pushed across the valley floor. I noticed the rocks at the end of the gravel area to the northeast. The large rock in the center was smooth, as though it had been formed of molten metal. It formed a long pointed bulb shape along the ground. I had never noticed this formation before, and i thought that i should come back to take pictures of it. The rocks were very nice here. I decided that i would take pictures the next time i passed. I turned my attention to the west as i continued down the trail. I was heading to my grandfather’s cottage. I The trail ran no the south of the open gravel area, crossing the narrow end of the valley and heading into the woods to run along the base of the hill, which was to the north of the valley. I watched the ground as i moved, noticing the smooth bubbly rocks which looked similar to the ones at the end of the valley. I stepped over the creekbed and started along the trail, which was covered with snow. I seemed to be walking specifically on the trail, watching where i placed the objects which helped me cross the path. The ground below my feet was snowy near the creek bed, but turned to rolling rocks of ice which had been smoothed at the top from people stepping on them. The ice was bluish, and i thought that it might be very slippery, so i had to be careful. As i headed to the west-northwest, the ice became more constant, with only curved openings running through it. I slid my feet across the surface, following the other person into the tree line on the western side of the valley. I then realized that the other person was traveling slowly over the trail, and i started to feel impatient. I did not want to have to follow this person the entire way. I felt that i was already doing something unexpected, and i did not want to take my time doing it. I had not been to the cottage in a very long time, and i was traveling there now because i felt that i should. I was then aware of the hikers walking from behind me. I looked ahead and continued to walk, thinking that they would just pass me if they wanted. It seemed like a long walk to the cottage, and i wanted to get it over. Someone then said something from behind me. A woman’s voice asked the hikers about someone, and i realized that the voice was that of my father’s mother. She was asking about me. I turned around and told her i was here. I suddenly felt better that she was traveling with me to the cottage. She told me that my mother was very concerned about me, and said that i should call her as soon as i could. I realized that i had left work abruptly this afternoon to head up here. I felt that my father’s mother was correct and i decided that i would call my mother in a moment. My father’s mother then asked me if i had brought a turtleneck. I felt that i did not come prepared to the cottage, and was still a little uncertain why i had come. I said that i did not have a turtleneck, but that i thought that i did have some warmer clothes. I put by duffle bag down in the cottage and looked through it. I had packed mostly light shirts for my other trip, but i did have my heavy grey sweatshirt. I turned to the north and headed across the entrance hall of the cottage. It was dark, and i realized that i did not bring too many supplies with me to stay the night. It seemed that it was already dark outside, and i thought about what i would have to do to stay the night here. I thought that my grandfather no longer owned the cabin, so i was actually intruding on someone else’s property. I would have to turn on the heat for the night and see what i could do to stay the night. I had already placed my bags in the upstairs bedroom and was now walking along the western wall of the downstairs room to look for the heater. I thought that i might have to go into the basement to turn the furnace on. I remembered my grandfather lighting the small brown furnace when he returned to the cottage. There was a shallow alcove in the western wall, and i remembered that there had been a small wood stove there a long time ago. I remembered my grandfather lighting a wood fire in it. It had been removed since, and i decided that the new owners had done that. I continued to the north, along the wall when i came to another indent in the western wall. This time the corridor i had been walking in was opening up to a room. There were book shelves on the western wall, and a large black cast-iron wood stove standing at the southern end of the western wall. There seemed to be a smaller wood stove in the center of the wall as well, but my attention was drawn to the larger one. The stove seemed to be on. I felt heat coming from it, and i wondered if the cottage was currently being lived in. I walked back to the south a little way to check out the thermometer on the wall which controlled the furnaces. I then walked to the front of the wood stove and looked at the iron doors on it. The stove was definitely projecting heat, and i wondered if the owners had left a wood fire burning in it, or whether this stove doubled as a furnace and had just been left running. I looked at the pipes which ran from the back of the stove and traveled upward. I was looking for a gas line, but thought that both of the pipes were for chimneys. I did not see any obvious gas lines coming into the stove, so i carefully grabbed the handle on the upper door, which was a lid to the stove, covering the top of the stove and extending a short way down the front. I lifted the lid to see blue flames burning from small jets along the southern side of the back of the stove. This was a gas stove, so the furnace must already be running. I then looked at the stove from the north, noticing that there seemed to be thin flames coming out the back of the stove. The stove seemed to be very close to the bookshelves on the western wall, and i wondered if the books would catch fire. I walked behind the bookshelves and pulled some of the large volumes from the top of the shelf. I was then to the east of the stoves, looking at the front of the books on the shelves. Most of the old large brown volumes had been left in the cottage by my grandfather. I noticed that i had pulled several of the stacks, which had been on the top of the tall shelves, leaving the books in a fallen stack on the floor to the west of the shelves. I then noticed that i had tipped the entire middle shelf over. I hoped that the owners of the house did not think that the place had been burglarized. I hoped that it would seem that the shelves had simply tipped over by themselves. I turned to the south, remembering what my father’s mother had told me about calling my mother. I thought that i should do that right now. I imagined that my mother was probably worried about where i was, and i imagined calling her from the white telephone in the kitchen. The kitchen seemed to be to the south, in the southeastern part of the house. It seemed to be the kitchen from my grandfather’s house at $P12. I thought about the numbers that i would dial to reach my mother. I then walked to the east, across the southern wall of the bedroom on the second floor. There were bunk beds along the walls of the bedroom, but everything seemed to be in disarray. I had brought a bundle of sheets to sleep in, but i could not find a place to put them. I thought that i had probably just brushed my teeth to get ready for bed, but i decided that i had left work to come here and did not actually have my toothbrush with me. I thought that i could simply rub the toothpaste on my teeth. I looked at the bed which was against the southern wall. There were bundles of sheets and clothing piled up on the mattress. I then looked around the room, noticing that the bed against the western wall and the one against the northern wall were both in the same state. They had not been cleaned before the owners left. I just needed a mattress to sleep on, but the beds had enough stuff on them that i did not think that i could easily set out a bed for the night. I looked at the green mattress on the lower bunk to the north, noting that it was folded up and had stuff on top of it. I thought that i could just pull a mattress out from one of the other beds and sleep on the floor, but i felt that this would require more work than i was currently willing to do. I felt unsure about this situation and walked to the windows in the western wall. I looked out cautiously and noticed that there were two cars parked near the house. I felt that the owners had come back. I suddenly realized that there was a man in a trench coat sitting behind the wheel of the dark car, which was to the north of the silver one. I backed away from the window suddenly and crouched down. I hoped that the man did not see me. I had already turned out the lights in the bedroom, but i wondered if i had left the lights on in any other part of the house. I did not want there to be any signs that someone was home. I stepped back from the window, thinking that the closer i was the easier it would be for someone outside to see me. I looked out the window again to see the long road away from the cottage. The black car was speeding down it. It seemed to be an old car from the early 11930s. It hurried down the road, driving around a slower car as it reached the intersection at the end of the road and turned north. The man in the car must have seen me. He was rushing off to tell others. I felt uncertain about what i should do. I then noticed that there was also someone sitting behind the wheel of the silver car, which was still parked in font of the house. The man it the hat must know that i was here. I stepped back into the center of the room, wondering what to do. I felt worried about being caught here. I grabbed by grey duffle bag and moved it from the lower bunk of the bed along the southern wall to the floor under that bed. I had to make it seem that i had not been here. I then thought that i should just tell them what had happened. I would say that i had been talking to my dead grandmother about coming here. I was not sure why i was here, but i felt that there was something special in the communication i had had with my father’s mother.

12006 May 22

I walked up the steep hill to the north, thinking about the situation. I was in a suburban part of town, and the land to the east of me seemed to be bare, as though construction was occurring. Someone came up from behind me as i thought about the thing that i was trying to do. I had to plan something. I turned to see the woman and $A390 approaching me from the walk. The woman said something to be about the production as she walked to the north of me and stopped. It seemed that i was going to be in the movie that they were shooting. I felt glad about this, but tried to remember what i had been doing, because it seemed important. $A390 asked me about money. I took a moment to figure out what he was asking, and then realized that he wanted to know if i needed to receive any money from the movie that he had filmed. I realized that he was starting a new project, and i wanted to be in it, but i told him that i he did not have to pay me for the film i had already done. I was careful not to say that i would not like money for future projects. I tried to think about things, remembering that i was doing something very interesting. I tried to remember what i had been thinking, but could not figure it out.

12006 May 25

I walked through the room, heading to the north and thinking about how i could trade what i had for gold bars. I thought that what i had was not really worth gold, but i could make it seem that way to others. I walked up to a man who was sitting on the northern side of a small round table. There was a long rectangular table to the west of him, which made it seem that he was sitting behind a makeshift counter. I asked him if he had any gold bars. Someone said something about sterling bars, and i thought that they were talking about the official gold bricks made by the king. The man seemed surprised that i would ask about the gold as i held out a large flat bar of metal, which looked like a chocolate bar with a formal flourished crest stamped in the middle. The man seemed shocked and interested as he handed me the flat metal bar of tarnished gold. The left edge seemed uneven, as though it had not been molded properly. A man to the northeast stood up at the surprise. The first man seemed to be wearing formal clothes from the renaissance period now which seemed dull yellow. He had several thin chords dangling across his chest. He asked why i would give up something for the gold. I told him that all i had were bars of platinum and titanium. I knew that they were worth more than gold, but i suddenly realized that the man might not know what titanium was. I remembered that it was a fairly modern metal and only had real use in industry. It would probably not have as much value as platinum. I mentioned the platinum again, saying that the bars were really worthless to me. I jokingly asked whom i could sell them to, stating that only the Russians used the metal. I remembered the platinum on the towers of the cathedral at Red Square. The man took the sat back down and tried to offer me things for the gold. I looked at the set of gold and silver objects that he had on the velvet tray. I felt as though i should accept, but something seemed wrong about taking them. The objects seemed to be antiques from a war. They were some sort of tools that had been finely crafted, with gold wraps around the casings. I felt that the symbols on the outside were related to Nazis, though i could not focus on them specifically. The man picked up one of the long objects from the upper side of the tray and demonstrated it. It was a comb or razor blade, but, when he shook it, a rusty knife blade slid out from the center. He handed me the object and i looked it over. It was just a switchblade knife, but the knife blade had been terribly rusted, and the spring was not working. The knife simply fell out by gravity. I put the knife back onto the tray, thinking that it actually had blades on both ends, one on the outside and one concealed. I said something to the man about the gold. I knew that the bars i had were more valuable than the gold, but i felt that i needed the gold more.

12006 May 27

I walked around to the northwest of the small house. I seemed to be inside the lower level of the house, in front of a large window, which covered most of the northwestern wall. The apartment was in the basement of the building, and there seemed to be something wrong here. I moved to the southeast, along the northeastern side of the apartment. There was a set of stairs which headed up to the front of the building. There seemed to be a separate apartment on the upper floor of the building. Both apartments seemed very simple. The woman said something to me as i started up the stairs. The people in the lower apartment were in trouble. The husband there seemed to have gone mad, and he was holding his family hostage. I could hear the police on the upper level trying to calm the situation. I felt that i had gotten stuck in the middle of the conflict, and i wanted to get out. I stopped in the middle of the stairs, aware that there was a window into the dark room of the lower apartment along the southwestern wall of the stairwell. The wild man with the short blonde hair would be able to see me as i climbed up the stairs. I felt that he was holding his wife hostage with a knife to her throat. This situation seemed strange, and had something to do with the fire. I could not think what. The woman behind me said something about the situation, and i felt that i had to move. I was then at the top of the stairs, standing to the southeast of the house. A detective was near me, in plain clothes. I moved farther from the house and looked back at the small building as i spoke to the detective. This scene seemed very unreal. The house looked like a small one-level box, with almost no features. There was a large garage door on the southeastern face, with a door on the northwestern wall. I had come up the stairs, which set out in a doorway on the northeastern end of the northwestern wall. The scenery around the house seemed very green, with thick leafy trees to the southwest and rich green grass. I could see figures moving in the distance, just past the southwestern wall of the house. I could not make out whom they were, but they seemed to be silhouettes under the shade of the trees, outlined by the bright green of the lawns beyond. They moved quickly, and the outlines seemed to be of small theropods. I tried to focus, thinking that they could not possibly be theropods. Such animals could not exist in this time. They would be inconsistent with the house. I tried to focus on the shapes, realizing that they really did seem like theropods with long thin necks. As some of them got closer, i could see the deep purple stripes along their necks. I suddenly become worried, telling the officer to the southwest of me that we had to get into the garage and close the door before the dinosaurs reached us. I started back toward the house when i realized that one of the theropods had run around to the northeast of the house. They were smart enough to fan out and try to surround us. I did not know what to do. We would not be able to make it to the garage in time. I yelled as i ran forward, heading toward the single animal to the northeast of the garage door. It was several decis taller than i was, and i knew that it was a carnivore. I felt suddenly worried that i would not be able to defend myself against it. I woke suddenly, not seeing anything. I thought that this was a strange dream, but then i thought that i should not have woken up. I knew that i could have outsmarted the animal. I wondered if i could return to the dream by quickly falling asleep. I thought about the dinosaurs and the house. I was then in the garage of the house. I had managed to close the large white door to the garage before the theropods had rounded the southeastern end of the house. I did not have the detective with me. I thought that he must be outside with the animals. I quickly ran to the northwest, away from the door. I thought that the theropods might see me inside the building and try to break down the doors to come after me. I ran back down the stairs and into the basement apartment. There was a large window in the southwestern wall which ran from the floor to the ceiling. It seemed like a sliding glass door. I could see out into the yard as several theropods ran past, heading to the front yard. I moved cautiously toward the window. There were long red drapes with white flower prints on them. I thought that i should close the drapes so that the animals would not be able to see into the room. I grabbed the chord on the northeastern side of the window and wondered if there were any more theropods outside. I did not want them to see the moving drapes. I decided that they should all be in the front yard, so i pulled the drapes closed. I waited for a moment, hoping that none of the dinosaurs had spotted the moving drapes. I then turned to the northwest. The room was really a yard, surrounded by a tall hedgerow of thick green bushes along the southwest. The bushes were trimmed so that their interior surface was perfectly flat. The bushes along the northwestern and northeastern walls of the yard were lower and less even, but they provided enough of a barrier that the animals would not be able to see through them. There was also a tall metal fence along the northeastern wall. I thought that the theropods would not be able to get through it. I said something to $Z, who was standing to the southeast of me. I then looked to the southwest, where there was still an opening in the hedgerow. There was a short square cement pillar set at an angle from the wall of the house. The house was to the southeast of the pillar, and to the northwest was an opening in the hedgerow. I felt that we had to get the others inside the garden, but i did not know how we were going to warn them. I then looked to the southwest, across the cut grassy lawn outside the hedges. There was a narrow section of lawn which extended to the southeast, connecting to the front of the house. I knew that the dinosaurs were there. That was also where the children were. Before i could say anything, the children came running into the lawn to the southwest of us, skipping over the small bridge to the southeast as they as they sang. They were all wearing blue shirts, and had bushy blond hair. This seemed to be a scene from Sound of Music. I thought that they were a happy family who had been performing a play together. They were just arriving home, and i felt panicked. We had to warn them to be quiet or the theropods would hear them. I started toward the lawn, but, before i even reached the gap in the fence, i saw the theropods streak into the side yard. I felt scared, and hid behind the pillar. There was a gap between the wall of the house and the pillar which provided a small shelter. I crouched there, hoping that the theropods would not find me. I then remembered that this was just a dream, and i thought that i should wake from it before i had to see anything bad. I tried to focus on the dream, thinking that i should just wake up.

I was in the basement of the two level house with the woman. It was dark in the large square room at the northeastern end of the apartment. The apartment was a basement apartment, and there was a long set of stairs which ascended along the southeastern side of the building, up to the ground level. I was plotting something with the woman, but we were afraid that the others would come in before we were finished. The woman stood to the south of me in the small in the southern section of the house. She seemed to be Lynette Peters. I felt that something had happened in this apartment. Someone seemed to have been killed here, but we were not involved with the murder. We had to get something out of the apartment before the police came. I felt nervous as we looked through something in the small lighted room. I then heard the older woman speaking to the north. She was calling into the apartment to see if anyone was here. I felt nervous. We had to leave before she found us. The woman was the landlady. We had to get what we came for and get out of the apartment. The old woman called to us again. I realized that the police were with her. We had to make the landlady think that someone had robbed the apartment. We quickly ran out a door in the southeastern wall of the house, exiting the building. We had to get away.

12006 May 28

I stood for a moment, listening to the others talk as they moved to the southwest of me. $F4 and his family were moving around me. The land was flat, and seemed to be covered with open grazing fields. There was a wooden fence just to the west of us which separated the dirt road, on which we were standing, from the pastures beyond. I walked to the north. Something seemed strange, and i did not feel like being with the others at the moment. I could hear them talking. They were planning something for the group to do, but i did not feel like following. I was wandering in a different direction, and i was not interested in what they were doing. It seemed that $F4 was is charge of the situation in the area. I felt disinterested, thinking that i did not really want to listen to his authority. I started walking down the dirt road, to the west, thinking that i could simply wander away and let them do what they wanted. I had something else i thought that i had to do. The others were still to the southeast of me. There was a long wire fence running along the south side of the road. A single brown and white cow was standing on the other side of the fence, staring at me. I looked ahead at the open land around me. It seemed like dry grassland, but there was something special about. It seemed like someplace in Australia, or some other foreign land. I then noticed the rabbit hopping across the road to the west of me. It ran from the tall grass to the north of the road and into the ditch along the south side of the road. The ditch had thick green grass growing in it. I thought about the wild life here. I suddenly stopped as i realized that there was a brown calf standing just to the northwest of me. There was a wire mesh fence along the north side of the road, but there was a small indent in the fence where cut grass grew in a curved area, north of the road. The calf was standing in the grass, and i realized that it must have gotten out of a pen. It was in the road, loose. I then remembered that i had seen a cow in the pen to the south of me. I pictured it in my head and turned to see the picture directly to the south of me. The cow was still standing on the other side of the fence, staring at me. I thought that it must be the mother of the calf. I noticed that the wire fence under the cow’s neck had large rectangular openings. They were too small for the cow to pass through, but the calf might have been able to jump through them. I looked at the fence and wondered how we could lift the calf over the fence. I did not think that we would be able to force the calf back through the narrow space between the wires. $Z was standing to the east of me as i commented on this. I then turned back to the north to see if we could grab the calf and coax it toward its mother. I thought that we would have to be careful so as not to get kicked by the calf as we lift it over the fence. I did not see the calf where it had been. I then realized that it had run back across the road and was squeezing through the wires of the fence to get back in the main pen. I felt that this had solved the problem and started walking to the west again. I was then aware of the car coming from behind me. I was reminded of the others, and remembered that i wanted to do something away from them. I turned to my left to look back to the east. A large white car, which looked like a large white metal box, rounded the corner behind me, turning to the west. The limousine was brightly polished, and had small gold trimmings on the sides of the doors. It seemed very fancy, even thought it seemed crudely shaped into a long box. I knew that $F4 was inside. It seemed that he was now in control of the situation, but i did not want to listen to him. I turned back to the west as the car passed. I felt anxious. There was a large object on the side of the road to the south of me. It seemed like a storage tank or mound of dirt. The car passed, and i did not pay any attention to it. I just wandered on, to the west.

12006 May 31

I was sitting on the westerns side of the long wooden table, in the cafeteria of $P7. $F4 was sitting across from me, and $F5 was sitting just to my left. $F5 was saying something to me as we started to get up and collect our things. I found the conversation amusing. I then realized how young $F5 seemed. I thought about how fat he had gotten in the past few years, and thought that it was interesting to see him when he was still fit. $F5 said something about the new teacher. He and $F4 were on there way to a class by the new teacher, who was supposed to be teaching new and interesting things. $F5 was on the right of me when he mentioned the name of a cartoon that they would be watching in class. I thought that they would be watching the movie and analyzing its themes for a class. It seemed like an interesting class, but i thought that i probably had somewhere else to be. I joked with $F5 and $F4 about the class. $F5 was then standing to the left of me as he mentioned the new teacher. He spoke about how attractive she was. I looked up to see an attractive woman with long black hair walking toward the exit door to the cafeteria, to the east. She was wearing a plain lightweight brown and black mottled dress. She turned to smile at us as she pushed open the wooden door. I thought that she had probably heard $F5’s comments. She paused for a moment to look at us before she walked through the door. $F5 made a comment about her attractiveness, saying that she could appeal to all men. I realized that he did not yet realized that i was homosexual. I would not have figured that out until much later. I picked up my dirty dishes and walked to the west, to the front of the cafeteria. $F4 and $F5 left the room to head to class. As i reached the front of the room and put my dishes in the black plastic bin, i remembered that i still had to pay for my meal. I walked up the northern side of the room, toward the cash register, which was on a table near the eastern end of the northern wall. The walls of the room were made of polished wood, which matched the thick wooden beams in the center of the room. The cashier was a large woman with a white apron covering a white short-sleeved shirt. She had a round face, and thin light-coloured hair hung down from below her white elastic cook’s cap. She had a thin pair of wire-rimmed glasses. She seemed surprised to see me, and remembered what i owed her. I thought that i owed her four dollars and dug through my wallet to pay her. As i pulled out the bills, however, i noticed that they were tattered and worn through. I handed her four dollars, but noticed that one of them was torn in half, so i took it back. I looked through the other one-dollar bills in my hand and saw that they were all worn thin and partly torn. I could not find any good bills, so i paid her with what i had. I then heard the bell ringing for class. I realized that it was the second bell, which meant that i was already late for class. I had to get my things and get going. I left the cafeteria and turned to the north, down the hall on the first floor of the school. I tried to remember where i had to go, but i could not remember my schedule. I felt that i had just returned to this place after a long time and was not quite prepared to be here. I thought that i might have a math class after lunch, but i could not be sure. I looked at the list of classes i had in my hand, but i could not figure them out. There did not seem to be any days listed with the names. I thought that today was Thursday, and i was looking for a class that was held on Tuesday and Thursday, but i could not see one. I felt confused as i approached the foot of the stairs at the end of the hall. I turned to the west and walked into one of the classrooms to the west of the stairs. There were a few other people in the class, but i felt out of place here. This class seemed to be too young for me. The female teacher sat on the northern side of the room, but did not seem to be teaching. I thought that this was not really a class, but a study hall. I thought that this was an art class, but i was supposed to take a class is humanities. I wandered back out into the hall, wondering what i was supposed to be doing. I thought about the class in ethics or political history, but was not sure if i was supposed to be there. I was excited about taking classes again, but i could not remember where i was supposed to go. As i paced around in the hall at the foot of the stairs, i was aware of $F4 sitting in a classroom to the northeast of me. I could see him through the door as he faced west, watching the movie to the northwest of him. I could hear the sound of the movie. The voices seemed as thought they were from a cartoon, and i imagined that the images on the screen were mostly blue. The movie had some social importance. This was the social class with the attractive teacher. I suddenly wondered if i was supposed to be in there. I could not remember and thought that i could not go in now. I would have missed the beginning of the movie, and i wanted to see the whole thing. I started walking to the south, down the hall, toward the main office. I thought that i would need to fill out my schedule for classes. I had not done so and felt behind. I told someone that i did not have enough classes scheduled. I had too many vacant spots in my schedule and did not feel that i was doing enough here. I felt out of place here as i thought about what classes i should take. I walked down the hall, thinking that i should actually take math class again because it had been so long since i had used any math skills. I walked into the office at the front of $P7, walking into the door on the northern side of the front hall of the school. I asked the woman in the northwestern section of the room for a schedule book. At first, she did not know what i was asking for. I thought that it was late in the semester to be registering for classes, so she must have thrown out all of the books. She handed me a white pamphlet, but i told her that i was looking for the description of classes. She took back the pamphlet and pulled a light-blue and white book from a shelf, a puzzled look on her face as she handed it to me. I took the book and looked at it, noticing that it looked worn and old. I thought that it must have been used in the office back when people were actually registering for classes. I started to the east, out of the office. I then remembered seeing a woman in this office a long time ago, when the carpeting was being changed. I then passed a large woman with black hair and a round face. I thought that she was the one i had spoken to a long time ago. She seemed familiar. I passed her and headed into the next room to the east, noticing that the carpeting on the floor was the same old tan carpeting that i remembered from when i used to go to school here. Something seemed wrong. I remembered them ripping up the carpeting. I suddenly had a clear image of the heavy woman standing to the north of me as someone lifted a section of the carpeting from the floor. Something here was inconsistent. I clearly remembered the woman i used to see in the office, and i remembered the day that they tore up the carpeting, but i could see now that the carpeting on the floor had not changed. Something seemed out of place. I passed some of the metal desks in the outer office, looking at the floor as i west. There was a newer section of green and black carpeting to the south, but the yellowish-green section where i was walking was still old and faded. I could not understand why this was different from what i remembered. People passed me as i headed to the east. I then took the light-blue and white book from the woman in the small office and stepped to the south, out into the main hall of $P7. I looked at the cover of the book, noticing that it was worn and faded. I started to the west, back up the hall of the building, thinking that i would have to find an empty classroom so that i could sit down to fill out the registration papers to sign up for classes.