12007 May 01

I felt distracted as i moved to the north, out from under the large striped tent. I was in the cold water of the large lake, and i mentioned something to $Z as i started to drift northward in the current. I looked back suddenly at the docks under the tent, realizing that the current in the lake was moving very fast. I quickly swimmed back to the docks and got out of the water. The current here seemed very swift and dangerous. I walked along the dock, looking to the south, across the narrow river. $Z stood to the north, on the dock. He seemed to be slightly shorter than i, with a wider build, square face, and blond hair, though i could not see him. I said something about the dangerous current to him as i looked to the south. I then noticed the young boy on the water scooter coming from the east. He was wearing a bright yellow lifejacket, and exclaimed excitedly as he paused at the top of the waterfall. He was floating in the center of the shallow swiftly moving stream, ready to plunge down the slope of the hill to the east. He shouted excitedly as he charged down the water flume, which was on the other side of a small hedgerow from where i was. I tried to look over it to see the steep water flowing down the narrow creek bed. I thought that it might be interesting to ride down the flume, but then thought that it would also be dangerous. I felt uneasy about putting myself at risk right now. I turned to the north, feeling interested in $Z, but also feeling unsure about this place. There was ground around us now, and we seemed to be standing just to the south of a small cabin. We moved to the north as i talked to $Z, passing on the western side of the cabin. We came into a narrow corridor between the buildings, where the outdoor showers were. I started to rinse myself off as $Z wandered to the east. The water from the shower seemed thick, and i wrapped my hands around the streams that were coming from the showerhead. I pretended to grab on to the water and pull myself up. I thought that it would be funny to see, and i hoped that $Z would notice and find it amusing. I hung in the air, thinking that it would seem that the water flowing out of the shower was a stiff substance. I moved my hands a little, and the stream of water seemed to come with me. I then started to wonder how i was able to pull myself up on the water. I knew that it was only an illusion, yet i seemed to be hanging from the water stream. I thought about this as i shifted position. I knew that it would be impossible to suspend myself, so i put my feet down and tried to find another position which looked like i was pulling on the water. I put my right foot up against the wooden wall of the small shed to the north of me. The showerhead was projecting from the shed, and i tried to make it seem that i was pulling the water from the head. I wondered if $Z would notice. I then noticed $F48 in the small window to the north of me. The bathroom inside was illuminated, and i could see her moving from counter to counter, getting clean. She said something to me. Then $F16, who was also in the bathroom, out of my view, said something insightful to me. I felt that there was some significance to what he said. He seemed to be standing in front of the main sink, which was out of my sight, behind the wall that ran to the north from the west of the window. I turned to the north and walked into the bedroom, which seemed to be in the other small shed at the end of the corridor. I felt uneasy here and started to go through my things. We had to clean up. I felt suddenly very close to $Z, even though i felt that i did not know him that well. He looked to the north, down the steep slope of the hill to the dirt trail below. He made a comment about the person walking there, saying that he enjoyed every moment he could spend with people, making them his friends. I felt saddened by the words, though they were inspiring. I knew that i could not simply befriend all of the people i had known in college. I thought that i was too shy and awkward in conversation to be able to hang out with them and be friends. I thought that i never really got to know too many people, and that made me feel sad.

12007 May 02

I was running with $G4 through the cement corridors of the old building. At times, it seemed as though we were climbing stairs. I had set the running trail, so i was running with the middle of the pack to keep everyone together. We stopped at the top of the hill, and i paced around the empty cement room there. This building seemed to be abandoned. The room seemed to have large multipaned windows along the western and northern walls. I turned back to the south, and someone said that it was time to go. There were a lot of people in our group, and we had been resting for a long time at this stop. Many of the people started to head back down the trail that we had come up. It descended to the south, along the eastern side of a long mountain ridge. We seemed to be very high in the air on this ridge, and i realized that it was getting late in the day. The slower runners did not want to continue on the trail because it would be dark before they got back. We had spent too much time at this rest stop. I felt a little disappointed, but turned to the south to follow the faster runners as they started down the second half of the trail. I thought about where the tail ran. It was set down the valley between the two parallel ridges, but then had to cross back over the eastern ridge to get back. I wondered if there was a low pass where it crossed. I felt suddenly tired, and was not as interested in running the entire trail, but i know that i had to.

12007 May 05

I walked across the basement room. This place seemed to be $P19, but i was not familiar with this room. There was a couch along the western end of the southern wall. I walked to the western end of the couch and sat down. There were three or four people on the couches to the east of me. There seemed to be a television on the northern wall, but i noticed the sinks on the wall just to the east of us. There was a plastic hose sticking out of the wall over the deep stainless-steel basin sink. Metal shelves and counters seemed to surround the sink. I remembered the hose from before. It was connected to the bathroom above. Something had happened to the plumbing and the tube was draining sewage from the bathroom into the sink. A runny brown liquid started spitting from the pipe. I asked the others on the couch what it was, even though i knew the answer. I remembered that $A204 had stood up from the couch a few moments before during the commercial to use the bathroom upstairs. More liquid spit out of the white plastic ribbed tube, and i asked the others what was happening. I had seen this before, so i hoped that the others did not know that as i asked. One of them told me that it was not water spitting out of the pipe. The pipe then turned slightly, facing the couch. The others put up their arms as some brown sludge sprayed out of the pipe. I did not get splashed, but $A422 had brown slime on his face and hands. I then tried to remember when i was here last and first saw the pipe. I remembered being on the western end of the counters where there was a large black pedestal with a silver basin in the center of it. The black plastic pedestal was broken and hanging oddly around the oval basin. This was supposed to be a urinal, but the urinal was broken. I had moved to the east along the wall to where the sinks were. The white plastic tube was running into the large sink from a ragged hole in the northern wall. It suddenly spewed a thick dark-yellow liquid into the sink. I realized that it was urine from the other bathroom. Because the urinal was broken, they were draining the pipe into the skink. I was disgusted at the colour of the liquid. There was then a flow of clearer liquid, and i thought it must be from the man who just went upstairs to go to the bathroom. He must have just flushed. I walked to the east. It was still the second time that i had seen the plastic tube, and i was trying to remember the first time again. I wondered if i had seen it in a previous dream.

I looked across the wood floor of the small room. I was sitting against the eastern wall. The white walls of the room seemed to be covered with wallpaper, which had small faint-red decorations on it. There seemed to be a short corridor in the center of the south wall, which led to the door of the attic room. There were also some strange niches to the west where another door was, and a few to the north where small windows let the outside light in. I then notice two brown mice sniffing one of the objects in the center of the floor on the northern side of the room. I felt annoyed that there were mice here, and thought that we should get rid of them. The small cat then jumped from the south and tried to play with the mice. I backed to the center of the room and the mice ran toward me. I watched the cat playing, but realized that it was not a hunter. It just wanted to play, but i wanted it to catch the mice and eat them. The young tan cat started pawing at the bottom of the western wall. I noticed that there was a gap underneath the wall where the mice could have escaped. I felt that this attic was infested with mice, and thought that we had to start setting traps for them. I looked under the wall to see if the mice were in the wall. I realized that i could see into the closet to the east. I then realized that there was a small room to the south of the closet, which was closed off from the rest of the house. I could see some furnishings in it. I was curious about the room, since it had been hidden for so long.

12007 May 07

I stood on the north side of the street in the suburban area. This place seemed to be an old neighbourhood at the edge of a wide city. The city bus pulled up to the sidewalk where i was standing, and i got on with several other people. $Z was with me. The area around me now seemed to be $P147 as the bus started heading to the west. I felt confused about this place. It felt as though we were in a foreign city, and it felt as though we were not heading back to our apartment. Something was wrong, and i told $Z that we must be on the wrong bus. This one was heading west, but would not go to where we wanted. We got off of the bus at the next stop, which was on the northern sidewalk of the same street we started on. I felt anxious, and started jogging to the east, hoping to get back to the last bus stop before the real bus came. I thought that we wanted the 90 bus, but i felt unsure. I pictured the intersection near where we had gotten on the bus. It seemed that several busses came from the street to the north and turned around the corner to the west. There must be many busses we could take to get to our apartment, but i only knew about the 90. I said something about this to $Z as we stepped across the parking lot, which was to the north of the road. As we approached the eastern end of the lot, we stepped through the door, which in the outer wall of the old apartment building. The inside of the building seemed to be the parking lot, as though the building was no longer standing. I looked down at the piece of paper i was holding, trying to figure out which bus we should take. $Z walked ahead of me through the door and down the cement stoop outside. I paused as i passed through the door. I was aware of the orangish-brown brick face of the apartment building i had just stepped through. I turned to the west as i looked at the map of bus routes. There was a young man to the west of me now, looking on curiously. $Z said something to the bus routes from the northeast of me. He stepped back toward me as i looked at the map. I felt uncertain and wondered how we were going to get back home. $Z pointed to a region on the map to the northwest of us. I looked at the area, now highlighted in red, and thought that it did not seem right. $Z said it was where our hotel was, and told me that no busses run there. I looked at the other red area directly to the west of us, just off the main roads. I had thought that this was the place that we were staying and felt confused by $Z’s reference. I was now very aware that the young man to the west of me was looking at the map with us. He seemed to be a local, and i wondered if he knew which busses would get us to where we wanted to go. I then started to wonder if it was wise to let him know where our apartment was. I felt confused and turned to the east to head back to the busses. I hoped that we could get on a 91, but i remembered that there should be other busses heading in the correct direction. I just wished that i knew what they were.

12007 May 10

I turned to the south as i spoke on the telephone. I seemed to be in the middle bedroom on the second floor of my parents’ house. There was something happening to the south, and i was reporting it to the woman on the telephone. I looked out the large window as i moved to the south, watching the people move through the woods across the street. There seemed to be paramedics pulling injured people out of the woods. I wondered how long there has been a development across the street. I did not remember anyone living over there before. I was in the front yard now, watching what was going on. There was a field in front of the small brown house, which was covered with cut dry field grass. I looked to the west, noticing that the field stretched for quite a way to the west. Something upset me, and i turned to the north and walked along the eastern side of my parents’ house. I told $Z that i was concerned for my friend. He had run away to the west, and i felt that he might be in the middle of the trouble. I was worried about him and wanted to go after him. I said this to $Z as i stepped over the wooden ledge. I was standing on a wooden ledge at the bottom of the peak of a wide roof. The room seemed to span the driveway, but did not have any walls associated with it. The front of the roof was decorated with strips of a rich brown wood, which seemed like cedar. The surface of the gable was rounded slightly, with a wide arch projecting across the center, over a small window. There seemed to be two smaller arches on either side of the main one, slightly above it. I stepped on the rim of the arch to cross the roof and head west. I was then walking across the dry grass of the field, thinking that my friend was just ahead of us somewhere. There was an orchard to the west, with short wide trees. I had seen my friend run between two rows of the trees and disappear into the leafy covering. I imagined i could fly over the trees as we approached the orchard. I lifted into the air as i crossed the grassy field, imagining that i could land with my legs around my friend’s torso and lift him into the air. I then thought that i should simply land right in front of him. I passed through the widely spaced thin trees of the orchard, noticing the small building of the train station to the northwest of me. Our friend had made it to the station. I felt concerned and thought that we had to find him before the bad guys did. I looked at the benches to the north of us, under the line of trees that ran along the northern edge of the ashen brick sidewalk. There seemed to be a black metal structure covering the benches. The station now seemed to be to the south of us. I turned around and headed back to the east, looking over the short cast-metal fence into the small front yard of the station. My fiend was there, hiding in plain sight. He had been keeping to the public area where the bad guys would not find him. I walked through the gate in the fence and started toward the station. I felt awkward here, aware that the agents were watching us from the west.

12007 May 13

I followed the other person up the stone stairs in the tower. The walls seemed to be made of heavy rock, as though we were in an old castle or dungeon. Suddenly, some other people ran down the stairs, past us. They were scared of something. Large black and red spiders crawled after them on along the walls. I mentioned the monster that was in this place to $Z as we started up the stairs. There was a spider monster. We turned the corner to the west and were then facing south at the top of the stairs. The square tower extended above us, but there was no monster here. I looked up at the high ceiling, but could not see anything. $Z and i spoke about this. I then looked down, thinking that there was a trick to this. There was a square pit at the end of the stairs, and i looked down into the murky water in it. I thought that there must be some trick with the reflection. I could see the ceiling at the top of the tall tower in the reflection, and i noticed that there were thick black legs spanning out from it. The spider must have been hiding in the shadows. I looked up, expecting the reflection to be a fake, but i saw the large spider above us. I was startled, and warned $Z that it was there. I became suddenly frightened, thinking that we had created the spider by looking for it in the reflection. We turned and ran back down the stairs, but the thick black spider followed us.

I walked to the east, down the length of the long old stone room. There was a large wooden table in the center of the room, which took up most of the room space. There were archways along the long walls of the room. In each archway was a large multipane window. This place seemed to be part of a school, and i was here for some reason. As i reached the western end of the room, i looked out the large window to see a wide green countryside. I then turned around, realizing that there was some significance here. Something had happened to me, and i realized that the others had planned it that way. I felt suddenly bad. This was supposed to be a learning experience for me, but i did not want to be in this place. I had the white lamp in my hand, and i knew that there was something special about it. It was an electric lamp, but the bulb, shade, and shade holder were missing. I only had the white porcelain bottom, which was round. It looked like a vase, with a light floral decoration on the side in blue. I threw the lamp against the northern wall, hoping to shatter it in protest, but it did not break. I picked it up from the floor and slammed it against the wall several times, but it would not shatter. I was angry that they had done this to me, and angry that i could not break the symbol of the game.

12007 May 14

I stepped into the large white room from the doorway in the center of the northern wall. The room was tall, with plain white walls and a wooden floor that reminded me of a gymnasium. The light in the room was bright. In the center of the room was a white box that seemed to be another room. It was rectangular, and about four metres by eight. There was a doorway in the center of the eastern wall of the smaller room. A woman stepped out of the door and told us that we should not attend the martial-arts class that was in the smaller room. The woman seemed to be $A278, and she told us that we should follow other classes. I stopped in the middle of the room, and $Z stopped just to the northeast of me. I felt confused, not knowing what to do. I was a little hurt that i would not be able to continue with the classes i had been taking, but though that i should take up sword in some other class.

12007 May 18

I pushed the chair back into the table. $A407 had said something about the person to the west. I felt that the comment really did not have any significance. I knew that i would be able to change by environment. I walked around $A407, who was standing to the north of me, at the southwestern corner of the short light-blond wood table. I told him “reality is dynamic”, as if that was a consolation for what he had said about the other person. I felt that it was a significant statement, and that he might relate to it in some way because he was Indian and his religion might be better suited to understand the concept of dynamic reality. I then turned to the west and walked toward the other person.

12007 May 21

I fell backward onto the snowy ground from the attack. I felt suddenly anxious about the assault and looked at the man, who was standing to the south of me. The area around me was covered with snow, and there were a few tall pine trees scattered around the land. There seemed to be something like a train track or a road running to the south of us. I struck back at the man, who was part creature. As he stumbled backward a little, i noticed the large spider legs that had fallen on the ground in the tall dry weeds, just to the southeast of me. The man had been wearing the legs to get around, but i had knocked them off of him. He was now not as dangerous. I picked up the tan artificial human arm from the ground. The man was now a creature, which looked like a large rabbit. It started toward me again, and i swinged the artificial arm and smashed the spider legs, which were still lying in the snow. They shattered and sunk deeper into the heavy snow. The animal stopped in shock, and then continued toward me again. I struck the animal with the arm, thinking that i had to beat it before it killed me. I hit it across its left side, knocking off the other prosthetic arm and smashing it into the snow. I felt very aggressive with this animal. Once i felt that it was no longer a threat to me, i started wandering to the south. I thought about what had just happened, and realized that it was part of a dream. I would have to write it down. I hoped that i could remember what had happened. I pictured the lines of text in front of me, thinking that they were some kind of code. I realized that i could do a simple replacement of the long terms for a coded number. I realized i should remember this and focused on the words that i would be searching for. I would search for the long term and replace it with numbers. I mentioned this to $Z, who was to the northeast of me.

12007 May 23

I headed to the southwest, into the old city building. The building seemed to be stone, and the inside lobby was covered with thick dark-green paint. There was a small lobby on the northwest corner of the building, and the store was to the east, though an archway. I was coming here to return some things to the store. I looked at the safety hooks in my right hand as i walked into the small crowded convenience store. I noticed that one of the clips was actually a real clip, and i thought that i should keep that one rather than returning it to the store. I could use it on my pants. The others were standing in the lobby, just outside the store, and they handed me more hooks to return to the store. I felt annoyed with them, thinking that i had way too many clips to return. I did not think that the store would take them. I walked to the east, into the small crude shop. The store seemed like a convenience store, with short aisles of old wooden shelves that were crowded with boxed and canned goods. This place looked old and run down. There was a counter against the southern wall of the shop, but there did not seem to be anyone in the shop. I looked around, slightly frustrated that i was the one who had to take back all of the clips. I then looked at the clips again, noticing the small one. I took the small clip and put it into my left pocket, thinking that i should keep it. I then noticed the woman to the east of me. She stared at me suspiciously, and i was worried that she would call me a shoplifter for putting the clip into my pocket. I felt annoyed and frustrated with the situation, so i dumped the clips onto the wooden counter to the south of me and turned to the west, to leave the store.

12007 May 24

I walked to the north, into the large locker room. This seemed like the back locker room at $P7. I could hear other people in the room as i moved around. $A56 and $A457 were talking about the exercise they had just done. $A56 was about to go for a workout, but he did not seem too encouraged to do so. $A457 and another man were trying to encourage him to go. I started to walk north, along the eastern side of the room. The room was large, with a high ceiling, and there were many rows and aisles that ran east to west. I could hear $A56 talking to someone on the southern end of the room. He seemed to be complaining to someone about running, and his words sounded humourous. I moved to the north, knowing that $A457 and $A421 were standing in one of the aisles in the center of the room, listening to the conversation. I felt that what $A56 was embarrassing, and i put my hand over my mouth as though emphasizing stifling a laugh. I looked down the aisle of merchandise to the west as i passed, smiling at $A457 and $A421 as i slid past. I was lying on the floor, aware that i was wearing a green long-sleeve T-shirt. I suddenly felt that i was being silly myself, and realized that my expression must have been childish. The two had expressions of humourous disbelief as they listened to $A56 complain, but they must have must have thought my fake expression was out of place. I walked to the north, thinking that i wanted to get some exercise, but i did not have the proper clothing. I thought that i would need something heavier to run in. I then remembered how thin the others used to be freshman year, and thought that they were much heavier now. I even remembered seeing a picture of $A511 when he was younger and thinking that he was much thinner than he was now. I pictured the photograph of him against a blue background, where he was sitting in an orange sweater. He was slightly reclined, and was much rounder than when he first came to college. I wanted to go for a run, but i realized that i would need a heavier shirt. I walked through one of the aisles, but could not find shirts in this store. I was surprised that they did not have any. I walked to the east, across the southern end of the store. I looked at all of the things hanging on the racks, but there was no clothing here. I was annoyed, and wondered if there was something else i could wear for a run. I carried the pillows to the southeast, to the front door of the bookstore and looked at the items hanging on the small metal racks just to the east of the entry door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall, facing south-southeast. The racks were old items that they were trying to get rid of. I could see several pair of thinly striped multicoloured shorts hanging from the racks, but no shirts. I then realized that i still had the pillows in my hand and should go back into the store before they thought that i was stealing them. I walked to the east, thinking that i had to get back. I got out of my car and closed the door, thinking that i still had to get running. I had to get back to my house, though, but my car had a problems. I parked my car in the center of the pavement that ran along the south of the large building, blocking a few other cars. I had to change the front tire of my car, but i thought that i could drive the large tan Cadillac home instead. I took my bag from the store and walked to the rear of the light-blue Cadillac, which was parked in the southernmost spot against the eastern wall of the pub. I opened the small door on the vertical surface that was the back of the car. I realized that the door was unlocked, and felt annoyed that i had left the car unlocked. I put the bag in and walked around to the door of the car. The rear driver’s-side door was unlocked as well, as was the driver’s door. I was annoyed, but decided that i should drive this car home and then come back to fix my car. I looked into the driver’s door to see that the blue seats seemed dirty, covered with something white. I looked at my small tan car, which was still in the middle of the small lot. The driver’s-side front tire was missing. I would have to prop up the car and replace it when i got back. I backed the tan Cadillac out of the parking spot, thinking that i could drive it home, but then realizing that i could not drive it back here to pick up my car. I could not get both cars home if i drove the Cadillac back here, so i decided that i would have to walk back. I started driving the car down the road to the west, but it started spinning. The back end of the car kept sliding out to the side. I was cautious of the other car approaching, but i could not seem to keep the car under control. I then realized that this was not real, and that i was in no real danger. I looked out the window to the north as the tail of the car spun to the south with the car still moving to the west. I could see the snowy ground around me, with the tall bare trees along the northern side of the road. I knew that this was fake, and that i should be able to control this dream now that i had become aware of it. I focused on the car as it turned to the west. There was a pick-up truck approaching, and i felt the car i was in start to float, tipping from side to side as if sliding down a flume. I thought that i had control of this, but i felt suddenly that i should will myself to wake up. I opened my eyes suddenly to find myself lying in the center of my bed. I remembered that i had made it home and taken a nap. I felt groggy, but knew that i had to return to the parking lot to pick up my other car.

12007 May 26

I kneeled down on the tan carpeting of the room to look under the metal shelves that were against the western wall. The large bed was to the east. The man was telling me that the item had been dropped on the floor here, but no one was ever able to find it. I looked at the empty floor under the deep shelving and though that all of the others must have searched the place in the past, so it would not be likely that i would find the pencil. I backed up and stood by the bed. I pictured the scene of the parade moving down the street, which was this area. John Lennon was moving with the parade in a white suit. He had short hair and a mustache. I then was sitting on the southern edge of the bed, facing north. A green pencil dropped to the white sheets of the unmade bed in front of me. It was the green pencil that everyone had been looking for in the room. It somehow followed me through time. That was why no one had been able to find it in the room. I felt excited that i found the pencil and told the other person in the room of its significance. My grandmother moved to the south, not understanding why the pencil was important. I told her that it used to belong to John Lennon, but that he had dropped it long ago and it was never found. This green pencil had some light green writing on the side, and a green eraser. There was some significance to this pencil simply because it came from John Lennon. My grandmother did not really understand and started to walk to the north. I was then in the back yard of the house to the west of my grandmother’s house. I was facing west as my grandmother walked to the north, out of the room. I was saying something to $F45 when i noticed the man hanging from the ceiling, which appeared to be in the tree at the edge of the lawn. I felt suddenly interested in the man, who was hanging from his knees. I thought that he was getting some kind of relaxing exercise. $F45 walked to the east, out the door of my grandmother’s living room and into the kitchen. I was still interested in the man on the ceiling. I looked to the north, seeing him curled up with his legs hooked over something and his arms pulling his torso close to the ceiling so that he appeared to be kneeling against the ceiling with his forehead to the ceiling. I turned to the south and stepped up onto the stool, which was in the middle of the room, under the hanging light. The man on the ceiling was Jason Eisele of Underground Independent Wrestling. I looked at the hanging light near me and realized that i could not reach the man from the center of the room. I took the stool to the northern end of the room and placed it under the man. There was already a chair there, but i thought that i could simply pile the items up. I then hoped that they were no too unstable to stand on. I stood up so that Jason was right next to me. He seemed very attractive because i could see his muscles tensing to hold his weight in position as he meditated. I put my hand on his arm and he stirred. He started to unfold as i said hello to him. He smiled as he spoke to me.

We left the large complex and headed to the south, across the road. There seemed to be young children walking with us. I looked back at $F45 and said something, noticing the small buildings running along the southeastern edge of the fairground. We had been staying in this place for a little while now, and we seemed to be on vacation here. $F45 told me something and we crossed the street and walked into the front door of the large barn. The door of the barn was large, and the wood on the outside was not painted and seemed to be worn. We had been staying here. I looked to the east, noticing that the motorcycles, which had been parked along the eastern wall, were now gone. I pictured them as i looked at the empty space. I thought that the group of people that left the event must have been the riders of the bikes. I then looked to the south again. I was lying in the large bed in the center of the barn. $F45 was lying to the south of me. I said something to him as i put my left hand on his chest. It felt good to be in this area, but i wondered if we should be staying in this barn. I knew that there was an apartment upstairs, and i mentioned the bed up there to $F45. I then thought that we would have to move the sheets up there if we wanted to use that bed. $F45 had told me why we were not using that bed, though. I knew it had something to do with the bathroom up there, and realized that we had been using the toilets and showers at the festival instead.

12007 May 27

I looked down at the script that $F42 had handed me. We had read this play some time ago, but had not performed it lately. There was a pause, and i felt suddenly uncomfortable. I realized that the other $G11 were waiting for me to say the first line. I felt suddenly embarrassed and looked up from the script. The others realized that i did not know my lines anymore. I looked at the short line as i moved to the south, into the small alcove off of the stone room. $F42 seemed surprised that i did not remember my lines. The others mentioned something, asking rhetorically how i could have forgotten my lines already. I was not prepared for this performance, and felt annoyed with the situation. I turned to the east and walked up the narrow stone stairwell. This was part of the backstage area, and i was trying to make sure i remembered what to do between my times on stage. I felt bad that i was so unprepared for this show. I did not remember the lines from the last time we did the show. $F38 and $F42 came up the stone stairs behind me as i walked down the stone corridor to the south. They continued up the narrow stairwell to the east. I felt very bad as i looked around the corners of the corridor. I wondered what i was going to do. I turned back toward the stairs and looked at the script. I realized that my speech started the show. I looked back down at the script and realized that there was a full page of text that i would have to say to start the show. I could not remember any of it, and i felt upset. I was too unprepared for this show, and i told the others that there was no way i could do the show. I turned away and walked past the small brown shack, which was on the northern side of the path on which i was walking.

12007 May 29

I looked up as i lay in bed at the hostel. Other people were moving around me. I knew that something was strange as i heard the voices in the hall to the south of me. My memory was not quite correct. I had heard the sounds of someone moving before, but, when i looked, i saw no one there. They had been changing our memory, and i realized that i could not know what was real. Another person moved to the southeast of me, and i tried to focus on was had happened, but i knew that i could not trust my memory. It was probably altered. I suddenly wondered how i could tell what was real and what was not. I thought about this as i walked down the narrow corridor, to the north. We were in the laboratory building. Something was going on. Another person was walking behind me as i rounded the corner at the end of the short white hall and started to the west. I remembered that we had something important to do here. We should be heading to the west with the others, but i know that we had to resist the plot of the others. I tried to focus and thought about passing through the wall to the south of me. I stopped before i did it, however, realizing that i should not be seen walking through walls. I imagined that it would be like floating up through the ceiling to see what was above me. I would have to do it very carefully so that no one knew. I imagined passing my head through the layers of the floor. I wondered if i could get particles from the insulation in my eyes if i watched the floor as i passed through. I then thought how i could peek through the floor without being seen. I would have to do it so that my body would not be seen by anyone. I thought that i could move into the wall to the south of me so that people in the corridor could no see my body, but then i realized that there might be people in the lab on the other side of the wall. I could not let them see me, so i would have to check for people in the lab first. Then i realized that i could not check for people in the lab because someone from the hall might see me looking through the wall. I turned back to the south and headed back down the corridor. Some other people moved near me, and $Z seemed to be with me. At the southern end of the corridor, i turned to the west and started down the hall of $P7. I left the others behind me, but was aware that they were watching me. I thought that i should jump over the edge of the stairs in the central atrium of the building. I could fly, but the people behind me did not know that. It would seem amazing to them to see me float. I stepped over the metal railing and jumped into the large open space beyond. The central hall seemed large and square, with a balcony on all sides. I descended slowly into the center of the large area. There was a large rectangular wooden dinner table running up the center of the room, running from north to south. It seemed that the entire entrance hall was filled with tables for a banquet. I landed near the southern end of the table, on top of what appeared to be a carved wooden serving rack. It was rectangular and stretched over most of the southern half of the table. It reminded me of a rack for a chaffing dish, with a rounded lid. I was careful as i watched my feet land on the southern end of the wooden structure. There was a long narrow opening in the center of the wood, which was eye shaped. I could see the white linen tablecloth through the opening. The legs of the structure were curved inward, with a bulge at the top. I only rested part of my weight on this object, because i did not want to break it. I floated to the south and started to land on the table when i remembered the people watching from the east. I thought that they would have been surprised by my jump, but the jump did not seem dramatic enough. I looked up suddenly and flew up to the third floor, which was a small room and terrace to the south. I landed in the center of the small empty room and started moving to the south. As i landed, i started to hear a deep hum. The hum builded in volume until it ended abruptly with a sudden clatter. I thought that the hum was from the oscillation of the floor, and i tried to imagine how the clatter was cause. I imagined that there was a metal duct running down the southern wall, below the floor, and that the resonance traveled down the duct from the floor and built up there until the metal pieces at the end of the duct rattled and dissipated the energy. I wanted to head back out, to the north. As i did, i jumped and landed heavily in the center of the room, creating the long hum and sudden clatter again. I then stepped up onto the edge of the wooden wall that ran on the outside of the balcony. I could see down the wide opening below me to the central hall three floors below. This was more dramatic than the first jump over the edge i took, and i waited a moment for someone to see me standing near the edge. I ten realized that i was standing on the small square table, which had been set up for the formal dinner, with a white linen tablecloth and shiny dishes. I was aware of a man below me, and aware that he had spotted me. I moved my feet carefully, trying not to upset the table any more than i already had. There was a silver bowl of yellow fried noodles in the center that i had knocked over. All of the tables around me had similar bowls. I tried to move back into place with my foot, but realized that i might have broken the handle of the small jar that contained the brown syrup-like liquid. I turned back to the north and stepped onto the top of the wooden railing near the table. The man was still standing below me, at the eastern end of the hall that ran across the northern side of the first floor. He seemed to be wearing a tan blazer, white shirt, and matching pants. I thought he might be a headmaster. I dove off of the wall and started to fly toward the western end of the corridor on the first floor. The man did not seem surprised to see me fly. This disappointed me a little. I landed and walked to the west, ignoring the man because he seemed to be upset with me. He spoke in a stern voice, telling me that i should have read Tennyson. I knew he was scolding me for the way i was flying in the school. I walked out of the building and started across the campus area, to the west-northwest. The small hill that ran down from the building was covered with grass. I thought about the author that the man had mentioned. $F16 had told me i should read him as well, and i felt as though i had the author’s books for a long time. There was something i felt was important about reading this author. I thought about Ralph Waldo Emerson and how i had been given the books for a purpose. I had never read them, though, and i now felt as though i should have.

12007 May 31

I looked to the north, through the doorway and into the small earthen basement. This place seemed wrong. I looked back to the west, out the door of the basement. My parents were here, and they sayed something about the holes in the ground near the southern wall. I looked down at the southern wall of the basement, noticing that the floor in the center of the house had sinked. I then realized that the floor leading to the outer wall to the north was sloped steeply up. He soil erosion at the outer wall had allowed the dirt to wash from the sides of the house and slip under the basement floor, lifting the boards of the floor. I felt that i should do something about this, because i did not want my parents to think that i was not taking care of my house. I wondered if they came to visit me just to check up on the house. I walked to the west, away from the small house. I knew that something was wrong with the house, but i did not want to think about it. This was my house, and i felt as though i had done something bad here. The basement door closed behind me, and $F45 was to the west of me. He asked me what was wrong, but i could not tell him. I moved back toward the house, and the basement door opened and closed by itself. $F45 became very concerned and wanted to know what was wrong. I told him i did not know and turned to yell at the house. I felt scared. The basement door opened up, and i could see into the dark space under the northern side of the house. I also smelled something foul. I suddenly remembered that i had a body in the back of the basement. It was related to the dreams that i had had about killing someone and hiding the body. I felt upset about it and walked back to the west. $F45 was still concerned, so i asked him if he remembered me telling him about the dreams where i had killed someone. He was suddenly upset as he realized what i was going to say. I told him that i did not actually kill anyone, but that there was a body in the basement that i did not want people to know about. I realized that it had been there for a long time. Another man was now near us. He had heard what i had said and was investigating. I moved to the east, back toward the house. I thought that the body in the basement was of my grandfather. We had put it there for storage and then forgot about it. I was waking to the west when i thought that it was not really the body of my grandfather. We had buried my grandfather, but we only had one coffin, so the other body could not be buried. We meant to keep it in storage for a short time, but we had forgotten about it. I thought that it was the body of $A512. We never meant to do anything wrong. The others moved around to the south of me as i worried about the body, thinking that it was all a simple mistake. I felt that i had to leave this place. I had been here for a while, and i felt as though i was going to be late. The single-level house to the south of me seemed to be owned by $A186. His family was just getting into the small car to leave. The house seemed dark in colour, with a wide flat roof. The roof seemed to extend over a small loop in the driveway that was inset into the L shape of the house. The car backed out of the loop to the west of me, as $A186 stood by the door of the house to the south. I looked down at the car as it stopped just to the west of me. I could see the people crowded in the back seat, and i felt as though i had to leave as well. I then saw the young man in the center of the back seat. He turned around, suddenly very near the glass window of the hatchback, and opened his mouth. I realized that he was sick from the motion as he started to vomit into a white paper bag in the trunk. The woman standing to the south of the car moved to help the sick man. I felt that i had to leave this place and get back. I walked across the barking lot as the car moved away. The other men still stood to the south, at the entrance to the small white building. The building had red trim around the large bay door in the northern wall. The others were leaving by car, and i felt that i had to find my own way out. I flew over the lot, intending to land in front of the three men, but there was a long thin beam stretching across the paved lot, extending from the top of the white building. I leaped over the beam and flipped in the air to descend. I dropped suddenly on the other side of the beam. I thought about this as $Z dropped to the south of me. I watched myself fly over the beam from east to west and flip over. The small jet plane had its nose pointing down and its belly to the west. This position caused it to drop suddenly. It had to do with the shape it had taken. The aerodynamics caused the unexpected change in direction and sudden descent. The young man, who was standing in front of the shop, smiled at me. He had been learning to fly jets, and was familiar with how they maneuvered. I turned to the east and started moving through the streets. It was dark now, and i felt that i had to leave. I crossed the grassy area, which seemed to be the sidewalk in front of $P138. I felt that the authorities might be after me because of the body. I had to get back before i was questioned. I thought that if i could make it to the bridge across the gorge, then the police would not be able to find me. I started to change direction as i drove to the south, and i felt as though the car was drifting from side to side. I seemed to be driving down country road, and i felt that the car was stuck in the snow. It bobbed from side to side, caught in the snow. I thought that it might sink in the deep snow of the field. I remembered having it stuck here, and i felt as though i should leave, but i was stuck in the snow. The car started to tip to the passenger’s side, and i felt as though it might submerge. I opened the passenger’s door and stepped out. I thought that i had to abandon the car, but i did not want to leave tracks in the snow. I was aware of the car on the road to the south of me. I could see it traveling through the trees to the southwest of me. Soon, it would reach the clearing to the south of me, and the lights of my car would be obvious. I did not have time to get out of the car without leaving tracks, so i jumped to the west and hided next to a tree. I stood very still as a man hurried past me to check on my car. He came from the south, and was followed by a young woman. I leaned against the tree and tried to stay very still, hoping that the woman would not see me in the darkness. The woman looked right at me as she passed. I felt that she must have noticed me. She seemed to be looking at my legs, so i looked down, thinking that i must be wearing striped sweat pants. I started to move to the south as the woman passed, thinking that i hah to get out of there before she informed the others that i was here. As i ran, i could see the thin tan stripes on the sides of the legs of my sweatpants. I had to get away, but the people caught me. I floated in the air above the white place. It was light now. I felt that i would have to explain to these people why i was embarrassed enough to leave my car in the snowy field. I did not want to explain, and i tried to get away. A man came from the east and tried to stop me. I grabbed the bag of M&Ms from the shelf to the west. The reason i left my car really had to do with the M&Ms. I felt embarrassed to be caught with them. I slapped the man across the face with the bag of candy to keep him from catching me. I ran to the west, but stopped at the sink to empty the large pink plastic tea cup into the sink. I had been here with the others, but had to leave now. I started to the west when a man stopped me ad handed me a piece of paper. This felt clandestine. I read the paper and realized that the man was asking me to kill some other people. The man worked fro someone who wanted the people out of his way. The people had done something to embarrass the man. I told the courier that i did not want the paper. He said that i would kill the people as he walked around the east of me, heading south. I looked at the paper, facing west, and told the man that he was incorrect. As he left, i noticed another man standing to the south. This other man was the man who had ordered the killings. He was displeased with my rejection and came to intimidate me. He said something to the courier, who nodded and then stepped off to the southeast. I was now in a cafe, with the counter to the north of me. The man stopped to the southeast of me and spoke threateningly to me. I ignored him and looked down at the letter. In the lower right side of the letter that mentioned the people that i was to kill was a large round gold stamp. The man insisted that i would kill the people, and waked off. I did not feel threatened by him, and felt that there really was nothing he could do to me. I looked back at the letter. I had gotten water on the stamp, and the gold ink had washed off. I felt that there was really nothing i could do now that he names were gone from the paper. I started to walk away.