12008 May 01

I was in the central room of the small house with several other people. There was something strange going on outside, and i mentioned it to the others. I turned to the north and started toward the screen door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. I stopped after a few steps, lowering myself a little and moving my arms out to the side. The ground was vibrating. I wondered if it had anything to do with the construction that was happening. I looked outside, across the large grassy field. This was really a parking lot, and i could hear the workers using jackhammers to break open the ground. I turned around and crossed back through the room.

12008 May 02

I walked to the east, down the northern wall of the long narrow room, which seemed to be the cabin of an airplane. The captain started to talk to us as the sound in the room changed. He asked us if we remembered the red light that he had mentioned before, saying that it had come on. I remembered the warning light on the top of the dash of the aircraft. The pilot told us that it was the main warning light, and i thought that this must be very bad. I looked to the south, over the edge of the room to see the ground moving under us. We seemed to be flying very low and i wondered if we were going to crash. I could still hear the engines running, but i knew that one of them had stopped. The pilot said that there was a hole in the right engine, and i pictured a small hole in the white cylinder on the southern wing of the aircraft where a small stream of smoke was coming out. The pilots continued to talk about the problem, but i could still hear them. I then wondered how the plane could still stay straight course. I realized that the engines must be on the back of the aircraft, to the west of me. I pictured two small engines on the tail of the plane and thought that one of them would be out. I turned to the west and sat down in one of the empty chairs. The plain’s interior was mostly off white, and the large fake-leather seats were light tan. I tried to get comfortable in the chair, which was facing west. I was worried about the airplane crashing, but, when i looked over the southern edge of the cabin, i could still see the ground moving below us, about the same distance below us as it was before. The ground seemed mostly brown, with dull-white patches of vegetation or rocks. The pilots continued to talk about the engine that was out. One of them told the other to hold on while he tried to restart the engine. I waited to see if the rumbling sound would change, but it did not. I then headed to the east. The room around me was suddenly dark, and there was a woman sitting on the ground to the northeast of me. She was wearing a long light-blue dress that was spread out around her on the ground.

I was in the room with the others, and we were crowded around the object in the centre of the group. The object seemed long and narrow, like a large long stylus. It had a triangular shaft on the western end that flowed into an inverted pyramid-shaped head on the eastern end. The eastern tip of the pyramid came to a sharp point, and the bottom of the pyramid was rounded into a corner. The entire object was dark gray, and there was a darker-gray design carved into the top of the head. The design was circular, with a line through the center. One of the men on the western side of the group reached in with his left hand and touched the top of the stylus as the others watched to see what would happen. I was standing on the southern side of the group. The motion of the man was like someone extinguishing a cigarette in an ashtray. The white bowl under the stylus was something like an ashtray, but this motion did not seem correct. I remembered this from before. This was supposed to be a dream that i had just had, but the imagery was wrong. The ashtray was not part of the original dream. I then noticed the colours around the room. The people were dressed mostly in white, with items of black or dark gray here and there. The only dark object was the stylus-like thing in the center, which had been turned into a cigarette in an ashtray. I thought that the colour scheme was important. It was the same as in the dream i had had, but the imagery of the dream had been changed. The ashtray was not correct, but i could not remember what was at the center of the circle before. I then had a memory of the previous dream, but it suddenly did not seem to match anything that i currently thinking of. It still had the group of people and the same colour scheme, but the object in the center and the actions were different. I wondered if i had misremembered the dream.

I walked to the east, leaving the conference to walk through the halls of the large building. The place seemed old and worn, but there were many people gathered here. I walked into the large dining room, which opened to the north of the corridor. This was the restaurant of the conference center, and i thought that the others from the conference had come here to eat. I felt a little out of place and was annoyed that the others had come to eat without me. I wandered past the dining area, looking over the short half wall at the northern edge of the corridor. I could see people waiting at the long wooden tables, which ran diagonally across the room from northwest to southeast. I spotted a man that i knew from the conference. He seemed like $A478. He was sitting on the southwestern side of a table, talking to someone across the table from him, who seemed to be $F14. I could not be sure if the person was really $F14, though. I felt awkward about meeting her here, but i felt that i would like to have been included in any of the groups coming to eat here from the conference. I wandered to the west, looking around at the tables and chairs in the restaurant. I was pretending that i was looking for someone here so that i did not seem out of place. To the northeast of me, the room opened into a dining room, to the east of the partially closed area where the others were sitting around the long tables. The round tables here were empty, and i felt that the people were waiting for seats here. I walked to the end of the room, where there was a double glass french door. The doors were open, and there was a dining room on the other side. I stopped in the doorway, looking around the room at the people there. I was wondering if i could see anyone i recognized. Just as i was about to turn around to leave, a waiter in a tuxedo moved next to me and stared at me as he shut the doors, pushing me out of the room. I felt offended by his actions as he closed me out of the special area. I thought that it must be a high-class dining area. I said “Excuse me.” in a tone that showed how annoyed i was. The man ignored me, so i asked him if he was a waiter. He stood tall, even though he was a little shorter than i was, and told me in a posture that he was the owner. I smirked at him to be insulting and told him that he was arrogant. I then turned to the west and headed down the street. I walked on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, which seemed to be on the southwestern side of the city. I had been here for a conference before. There was a row of old shops on the northern side of the street, all of which looked shabby and rundown. They were all closed at the moment. The buildings on the southern side of the street were smaller, and i thought about the Dairy Queen that used to be near here. I wondered if i could find one on this street. I remembered that there was one on the northeastern side of the city. I had been there before with my mother, and i remembered driving around on the curving roads. I remembered the road that came from the south and curved to the west near the intersection where an overpass was. Another main street headed off to the north-northeast and a minor street headed off to the north-northwest from the intersection. The Dairy Queen in that part of the city was on the southeastern corner of a block just to the west of the intersection. I looked at the buildings as i walked down the street. The buildings on the southern side of the road now seemed to be small shops or kiosk-style shacks. There was an opening between two of the building that seemed to lead up a short hill to a cemetery. I then noticed the large pink and red building ahead. I wondered if it was the Dairy Queen. As i approached, i realized that it was a Dunkin’ Donuts that had been built in an old Mr. Donuts building. I watched the building as i passed, realizing that they sold burgers and ice cream as well. They were pretending to be a Dairy Queen, but it was really just a cheap fake.

12008 May 04

I remembered the cottages back in the woods as i looked to the northeast to see the narrow dirt road that ran through the wet grass of the country field. The area around me was dense with thicket growth. The person to the east of me mentioned that the road was being repaved and a bridge would be built. I remembered that there used to be a bridge long ago, and i told the others about it. They were wondering where the bridge would go, since the land did not seem to have any deep gullies. They seemed to be concerned that the bridge would disrupt the area around the pond. I asked the woman if she remembered the cottages back in the woods. She was standing to the west of the man. Both of them were to the north of me. I described the cottage by the pond, which is where we had been. The small pond was roughly round in shape, and the cottage sat just to the south of it, on the eastern side of center. I then asked them if they remembered the other cottages back in the woods beyond the cottage. I pictured an open field to the north of the pond, where a dirt road ran north and then curved west just before a dense woods of pine trees. There were two cabins at the end of the road: one just to the northeast of the turn and the other to the north of the road near the middle of the westerly arm of the road. I told the others that we had gone back there and asked if they remembered what it looked like. They said that they remembered the cottages. I told them that the dirt road across the filed used to cross the dam at the eastern end of the pond. I remembered it as a thin wooden bridge across the top of the dam. It had been a very long time since the bridge was standing. I remembered it as narrow and a little unsafe. I told the others that the new bridge and the paved road would probably run across the old dam where the previous bridge had been. I then started telling them about the old bridge, mentioning a time when i had been crossing the bridge with some others. I described how narrow the tracks on the bridge were, making it sound like i was nervous crossing the bridge because of its decrepit state. Someone then stopped me from the east. He was trying to tell us something, so i had to stop my story. I felt excited about the story and thought that i would continue it in a moment, but the other person, who had asked me to stop, did not seem to be telling us anything.

I moved toward the octagonal window in the northwest wall of the room. I had been looking out it before when the fish had floated past. It was dark outside, but the sky to the northwest was still dark purple in hue, as though the sun had set not long ago. I quickly moved to the northern side of the window, so that the fish would not spot me when it came by. It had stared in at me before, but there was something about having the fish noticed me that did not seem good. I hid next to the large television, which was sitting to the north of the window. I was very close to the screen, which did not make me feel comfortable, but i had to stay out of the sight of the fish. Otherwise it would come right to the window and stare into the room. I peeked around the side of the television, wondering if i could see the fish as it started to float into view from the north of the window. I was then aware that my head was very close to the vent on the television and wondered if it was safe. I thought that the television would affect me negatively because i was so close. I tried to back to the north a little more, but i wanted to see out the window. I peeked around the corner again, trying to see if the fish was there, but i could not tell. I turned to the east and moved past the round table, where the others were sitting. The man on the southern side of the round table said something to the woman, who was sitting across the table from him. He was wearing a white button-up shirt. I started to comment on what he had said, but he stopped me. I suddenly realized that it might have been inappropriate to comment the way i did, so i turned to the north to grab several of my books from the long wooden counter that was against the northern wall. The counter actually seemed to be the top of a cabinet from a dining room. There was a white cloth over the top of the cabinet, and several things were sitting on the cloth. I felt uneasy about what i had started to say and took my books to the west, thinking that i had upset the man with my comments. I crossed the room, which was now upstairs in the cottage. I was carrying my guitar with me as i entered the room from the east. There was a tall single bed against the southern wall, and i lifted my guitar and placed it on top of my things, which were on the white spread of the bed. There was a woman in the center of the room ahead of me, and i kept looking at the large windows in the western wall, which showed the deep-purple sky outside. The woman asked my about my guitar, asking if it was a good one. I told her that it was not. I said that i traveled with my cheap guitar and that i did not feel good about carrying my good guitars around with me. I thought about the black semi-electric i had back home. The one i brought with me was an old Kramer Striker. I was going to tell the woman this, but she walked to the north, where the other man had been standing. She seemed like $A479. She said that $F41 had been trying to get his Fender guitar fixed. I thought that my guitar was a Fender, but simply a cheap model of Fender, but i did not get the chance to say anything.

I walked into the room from the southern entrance. I was in the large open room at the upstairs of the cottage. There were windows on the northern wall, and it seemed to be daylight outside. There was a bed just to the east, against the wall of the room. $F10 was lying on the bed, and he handed me a piece of paper as i entered. I looked down at the paper and realized that it was a poem or set of lyrics that i had written a while ago. I had given it to $F10. I realized that he was giving it back because he was not going to be close to me anymore. I felt suddenly sad and wondered why he was leaving me. I read the words on the small square sheet of paper. They were hand written in blue ink. There were two lines near the top of the page, and then four or five lines in the center of the page. There were some lines near the bottom, and one of them seemed to be in red ink. I read some of the lines and thought that the poem sounded very nice. I was upset that $F10 was giving it back to me. I moved over to him as he lay on the bed and asked him why he was giving back the paper. He told me to give it to someone when i went south. He made it sound as though we were ending our relationship. I felt sad. He said that i should give the paper to someone who could be closer to me. I told him that the type of relationship was not important. I still loved him, even though i was not in a sexual relationship with him. I wanted to say something else, but the other man entered the room from the north, and $F10 motioned me to be quiet. I remembered that we had to be quiet in this room. The man in the white business shirt and suit pants walked into the room and sat on the eastern side of the round table that was in the center of the room. I felt uncomfortable about the presence of the man, but kept talking to $F10 in a whisper. I did not want to end the conversation. I was aware of someone else in the room to the west of me as well.

12008 May 05

I came to the western end of the aisle of the grocery store and turned north. I had picked up a few things and tossed them into my cart. The grocery store seemed old and a little worn. I moved along the white tile floor, thinking of what i should get next. I remembered that i would need more bagels and looked in the refrigerated bin at the end of one of the aisles on the northern side of the store. I had looked for them on the shelves to the south but could not find any. There was one package of bagels left on the shelf, but they seemed to be covered with chocolate pellets. I did not want chocolate bagels. I lifted the bag to look at them more closely to be sure and noticed two small thin cans in the bag with the bagels. The light-brown cans had white lettering, and i thought that they were cans of chocolate sauce to put on the bagels. I dropped the bag back into the bin and turned back to the south. I felt annoyed that the store did not have what i was looking for. As i walked, i noticed a man ahead of me with short white hair. He was $A5, and he was talking to another man across the aisle from him, to the west. I remembered saying hello to $A5 the last time i had seen him in a store, but i decided that i should not say hello know. I hoped that he did not recognize me as i walked past him. I had picked up a few items and put them in the metal shopping cart, but i still needed to get bagels. I came to the eastern end of the store, where the main counter was. There was a red counter along the southern all, just inside the entrance of the drug store. The woman who had been with me was at the counter ahead of me, but she was not doing anything. I asked the clerk at the counter if they had what i was looking for. He looked around for a moment. I felt frustrated and decided that, if they did not have the item, i would simply leave the store and not buy the other things i had placed in my cart. He told me that they did not have the item. I was annoyed and angry and started to turn to the west. I then noticed that the counter in front of me was empty, so i looked around for my cart, realizing that it was to the east of the counter. I hoped that the shopkeeper would notice it so that he would know how annoyed i was with the store for not having the item. I turned to the north and headed out. I walked up the main dimly lighted hall of the mall, past the entrance to the store. The woman was walking with me as we headed back to our cars. She was $K29. I knew that she would ask me about $F45. I walked with her to the north, passing through the glass doors at the end of the corridor. I was speaking to her as we walked out the doors and into the large parking garage. A woman behind me then said something to me. I turned to speak with her, but $K29 continued talking to me from the north. I felt suddenly conflicted. I stopped for a moment. The woman seemed to be shocked that i was not listening directly to her, but i felt that $K29 was saying something that i should hear. I stopped and apologized to the woman, saying that it was nice to see her. I then turned to the west and followed $K29 across the parking lot. We headed to the west for a while, but then stopped. I looked back at the large brick building that we had come from. It was to the northeast of us, at the eastern end of the city block. We were in a small town, and the large decorative building seemed to be an old school. I liked the tan stone trimming around the towers and windows of the building. $K29 said something about the shopping area, and i thought that the building was where we had been staying. I pointed out the western side of the long building, which was through the trees or behind some smaller buildings to the northeast of us. We had to go back to the building for something. The woman started walking ahead of me, back to the building. I looked down the sidewalk on the northern side of the busy street. The sun was out, and this town seemed very pleasant for a tourist town. I was very interested in the building as we approached it again. There was something very pleasant in the way it looked. I thought about it being converted from a school into a mall. I then realized that i was walking down a narrow corridor that ran just above the sidewalk. This was part of the historic place. The corridor seemed to be a train car, but i knew that we were still above the street. I looked at the red satin-covered wall to the north of us, noticing that it had been blocked off with modern construction materials. I thought that the seams at the base of the wall must have been getting weak. If someone leaned on the wall, they would probably be able to push it away from the floor, which meant that someone could fall down to the pavement below. I turned around and headed back to the west for a moment, unsure what i was doing. I kept looking at the wooden doors in the northern wall, on the other side of the construction barriers. They reminded me of stagecoach doors, and i kept trying to look down to see where they were connected to the floor. I wanted to see how they were attached to the floor. I then decided that i should really return to the conference in the large school building. I turned back to the east and started down the corridor. There were windows in the southern side of the wall that looked down over the tourist street below. I glanced out as i passed. As i stepped up into the next section of the corridor, i noticed the red wooden archways crossing the street outside. They looked attractive. This place was like Chinatown, or some other cultural place. The sun was hitting the arches just right, and i knew that the view would make a great picture. I turned back to the west and walked behind the window, taking out my camera to get a photograph of the arches. I hurried with the camera and pointed it at the window. Just as i started to take the picture, though, the bus i was on moved. A few young men had gotten on to the east of me and sat in the seats near me: one directly to the east of me, on the southern side of the bus, and the other across the aisle, on the northern side of the bus. I was upset that i could not take a picture of the arches. As i looked through the lens of the camera, i could see something blurry and unfocused outside. It seemed darker now, and i tried to focus. I looked at the image in the camera. It was of several rounded brown rocks near the shore of a calm lake or pond. I was facing west now and was looking to the northwest as the bus traveled west. The image stayed in the window, and i decided that i should take it anyway, just to have something. I aimed the camera, but, as i pressed the trigger, the view outside got dark. It was night now, and i would not be able to get a good shot of the rocks. The camera did not take the picture, though. I thought that it was still calibrating itself for the image. I looked out at the rocks, realizing that the flash of the camera would probably go off and reflect off of the glass, ruining the shot. I covered the top of the camera, where the flash was, and waited for something to happen, but the camera still did not go off. I turned it toward my chest so that, if it did take a picture, it would simply be an image of black. I was frustrated with the camera.

12008 May 07

I ran to the north, through the space between the buildings. Following the others, i turned to the east and ran along the front of the buildings, across the square. This was a foreign land, and all the buildings were ashen white with dark windows. I noticed that some of the people around me were dressed in robes and turbans, and i felt that this area could be part of the Middle East. I felt worried that we were in danger here. There were people here who were fighting the war against America, and they would be hostile toward us if they found us here. We had to be very careful where we went. I followed the others through a small open room that was formed by a solid white wall on the east and south and archways on the west and north. There seemed to be a round well or fountain in the center of the room, and there was a small doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. We ran for the small doorway. We had to stay out of the common areas of the city so that the bad people did not see us.

We had just finished having dinner at $P19, and people were starting to wander around. Many of the people seemed to be in suits. I had not been back to this place in a very long time, and it felt a little strange to be back. I moved to the south, heading down the wooden stairs on the western wall of the dining room. As i started to descend, i noticed that there was a pile of dog poop on the stairs that had not been cleaned up by the people here. I felt that they did not clean as well as they used to. I continued down the short set of stairs and came into the dining room of my parents’ house from the north. Several of the others were in the kitchen. As is started to turn to the east to head into the kitchen, a man walked out of the kitchen and passed me on the south as he headed to the west. He was thin, with dark skin and short black frizzy hair. He was wearing a dark suit over a white shirt and dark tie. He looked at me as he passed, and i knew that he was a member of $G3. I turned to the east and headed into the kitchen.

12008 May 08

I looked over the books as i stood in the small library, facing north. The wall to the north of me was covered with old books on polished wooden shelves. I looked at the thick old hardbound book, which seemed to be a children’s book. I was interested in the book that i was looking at. I remembered it as a collection of stories about dragons, and there was a picture on the top of the right-hand page showing rounded cartoon drawings of small dragons. I remembered that these stories were really very good, and i though that i should use them as a basis for a novel. I closed the book over my thumb to look at the cover. It was brown with a picture of the small dragons talking in the field in the center of the cover. Red script letters ran across the top of the book for the title. He book was called “Simple Allene” or “Simple Alline”. The cover said that it was a compilation, and i knew that the series consisted of many short stories, all about the same set of dragon characters. I flipped through the book from the front, noticing the long list of stories in the table of contents, each of which was a chapter in the book. I then flipped back to the story where i had been reading. There was a drawing on the right-hand page marking the beginning of the story, and the left-hand page seemed to be blank. I noticed the number eight at the top of the page and thought that it must be the chapter number. I wanted to make my own series of stories based on the book. I looked at the picture of the small dragons. They were magical creatures in the story. I then looked to the north to see the group of young men gathered in front of the bookcase. They seemed to have the book in their hands, but they simply stood in poses, looking at something to the southeast. All of them seemed east asian, with thick black hair and casual clothing. They were the actors who were playing the characters of the dragons in the new film interpretation of the book. I focused on one thin man who was standing on the western side of the group. He was called Dim. I had to remember that name for my stories.

I drove my car across the large suspension bridge, heading toward the city. To the north of me, i noticed a single lane of cars backed up. The roadway under them seemed broken and uneven, and i realized that they were driving through a construction site. I wondered how two-way traffic would be able to share the single lane of traffic on the side of the bridge. There seemed to be piles of gravel and broken asphalt to the north of the crude roadway. I then realized that the main section of the bridge was out, even though i had been driving over it. I felt that the central deck of the bridge was simply missing, so i must have been floating over the center of it. I thought that someone simply had to believe in the bridge and that will allow cars to cross the open space in the deck. I was then flying back to the west, crossing the bridge again from the other side. This time i was aware that i was flying over the missing deck of the bridge. I was not worried about the missing deck below me, however. I looked again at the single lane of cars that were weaving around the dirt piles to cross through the construction lane. I wondered how two-way traffic would be able to pass each other on the single lane of road. It did not seem right. I turned to the south and walked across the paved area and through the double glass doors of the cement building, which seemed to be a station. $F45 was walking in front of me, but he was moving quickly through the crowd. I paused inside the door, looking around for $F45, but i could not see him in the crowd. I pushed through the crowd, heading to the southwest, toward the stairwell that was in the western wall of the terminal. The stairs curved to the north and came out on the northern side of the lower floor. There were vending machines to the east of me that dispensed tickets. $F45 had already gotten the tickets from the vending machine and was hurrying toward me. He ran past me on the east and walked out through the glass doors in the northern wall. He was anxious and stressed, and scolded me to hurry. I followed him out into the parking lot outside, where there was a large bus waiting. We had gotten the tickets just in time. I jogged after $F45, carrying my bags with me. We rounded the front of the bus, which was facing west, and stepped into the door. Just as i started up the stairs of the bus, the bus started moving. We had made it just in time, and i knew that the red bus, which had white stripes on the side, would take us to $P52.

I moved through the narrow halls of the building, heading north. The walls around me were metal and seemed to be either ductwork or some kind of machinery. I came to the end of the corridor, where it emptied into the wide east-to-west corridor. The larger corridor seemed to have slanting walls so that the cross section was house shaped, with a flat section at the peak of the roof. I thought that these corridors were originally intended to be airways. I turned to the west and then to the north again, where there was a small rectangular hatch. I passed through the hatchway, trying to remember the numbers. The words were “alpha charlie bravo”, and they had some significance. I then thought that it was really “alpha gamma bravo”. The last word was definitely “bravo”. I then thought that “romeo” had some significance. I came to the small room and started heading north again. $Z was with me as we passed through the narrow cement maintenance corridors. We turned to the west when we care to the intersection of the larger east-to-west corridor. I stopped just to the west of the intersection, noticing the small alcove on the northern side of the corridor. There were words on the ground, which seemed to have been written in red spray paint. They said “alpha gamma charlie 476”.

I was flying on the airplane with $F45, and we were heading for Jamaica. It seemed that we were flying low over the ground, and i could see the green palm trees moving out the round window to the east. The plain seemed to be heading north, and we were sitting on the eastern side of the plane. Something was wrong, though. We were not really going to Jamaica. The airplane was going to be landing somewhere else. This was a surprise to us, and i felt that this was something serious and bad.

12008 May 09

I walked through the office area in the building, heading to the north. The woman in the green stretch top started following me, asking me questions. She had long straight hair and seemed a little overweight. I did not feel like answering her questions, so i ignored her and continued through the building. I told her that i was doing something. She then asked about something specific. I was annoyed, so i lied to her about it. I told her that i was injured. She then started asking about the injury. I wished that she would just stop her questions and go away. I tried to ignore her as i continued to the north. Frustrated, i told her that i had fallen off a beam. She seemed suddenly concerned, but quickly asked me how high. I shook my head and walked away, heading into the elevator to the north. She followed me into the elevator, and then followed me to the south as i walked across the upper floor to my desk. She seemed obsessively wanting, and i did not feel like dealing with her. I stopped at the dark-gray desk, noticing that it was covered with papers. I did not expect the papers to be scattered around like this, but then i remembered that i had already moved many of my things to this new desk. I had been working in another office to the south of campus. I gathered some things and roughly pushed past the woman. I wanted her to leave. I headed to the north, through the doorway that led out of the office suits and into stairwell. I quickly headed up the steps to the next level. The woman did not follow me, but i knew that she might eventually. I quickly walked to the northwest, down a corridor into another section of the building. I entered the stairwell there and headed down, thinking that i could confuse the woman enough to make her stop following me. I stepped out of the stairs into a large stairwell. The open shaft of the well was to the northwest of me, and there were balconies running around the yellowish-white walls on each of the floors of the shaft. To the northwest, a set of orange metal stairs crossed back and forth. They were set off of the shaft so that they ran to the northwest going down, and then came back to the southeast to end on one of the platforms of the shaft. I walked to the northwestern side of the rounded triangular shaft and walked into a large meting room. It was darkened inside because the meeting had already started. The people here seemed to be from $G6, and this seemed like something i was supposed to do for my job. I did not feel that this meeting was relevant or necessary, but i had to participate. I felt out of place here. I looked to the east, out into the hall. I could see the hall as if i was standing in the doorway of the room. I saw the woman in the green shirt walking down the stairs near me. I was far enough in the room that she did not spot me as she passed. She continued down the stairs to the floor below, looking for me. I was annoyed that she was still searching for me, and i decided that i should get up and close the door to the room so that she was not encouraged to enter. I moved back to the eastern side of the room and closed the door. As i turned around, i noticed the man in the white business shirt lecturing in the center of the western wall. The long rectangular tables of the room ran east to west, and there were four or five from the south end of the room, where i had entered, to the north. The northern end of the room seemed to be a large glass window, but the aluminium blinds had been drawn so that the lecturer could show slides on the western wall. The meeting had already started so i moved to a seat on the eastern end of a table just a little south of the center of the room. I looked at the lecturer, thinking that there was really no importance to this meeting. The business people here were lecturing on topics that seemed important to management, but which really had no relevance to our jobs. I felt that the lecturer was full of fake importance, and i did not want to be here. The room was darkened, but i noticed some of the people around me. I then noticed that $A480 was sitting just to the south of me, near the end of the table. He said something about the lecturer. The door of the room then opened, and the rounded woman in the green stretch top stepped into the doorway. She looked around the room for a moment. I felt upset that she was there and wanted her to leave, but she strode to the podium on the northwest side of eth room and started searching around the room. I hoped that she did not spot me, but i knew that there was no place for me to hide. She then spotted me and called my name. The people in the room looked over at me, and i noticed $A407 sitting at a table to the north of me. I felt angry with the woman and yelled at her to go away, saying that she was being inconsiderate. She was taken aback, and seemed hurt. She stiffly walked out of the room as several of the people around me started to snicker at her. I felt a little sorry for hurting her feelings as i watched her hurry out. She had long straight blond hair that ran over the shoulders of her long-sleeve stretch top. I sat back down at the table to listen to the rest of the meeting. The lecturer was still talking about a hot topic, which i knew was just the latest fad in business management. He pressed an issue that had come up in the work place, playing it up as if it was important. I knew that it was only getting attention because it was relevant to the latest business trend. There was writing on the blackboard behind the man that said “US Customs are Good”. The statement confused me, and i did not understand what it meant. I looked at the drawing to the west of me more carefully. The statement seemed to be written on top of a coloured chalk drawing of a poptart. There was something important the corporation wanted us to know about this, but i could not figure it out. The people to the east of me then started joking about the lecture, mentioning the christian customs in the workshops. I did not understand what they were talking about, but i started to feel uneasy there, as though they were implying that only the christian customs were valid here. I felt that they might look down on anything that was not christian.

12008 May 13

I seemed to be at the eastern end of $P33, looking to the west. The street ahead of me seemed long. I then spotted $A109 running up the southern sidewalk of the street. He seemed to have come up the hill from the south, but he was heading toward me from the west. He was wearing loose blue nylon shorts and was holding his white T-shirt in his right hand. He paused in front of me for a moment as i said hello to him. I had not seen him in a while. With his shirt off, i could see that he was still in pretty good shape. I then looked down at the road, noticing that there was a spot of flour on the drainage grating near the southern curb. I realized that $G4 must have set a trail through here. I wondered if $A109 had something to do with $G4. The people to the east of me then started joking about the flour on the ground, saying that the person setting trail must have gotten hit by a car. I turned to the east and started moving.

12008 May 16

I sat on the northern end of the bunk bed, which was along the center of the western wall of the dormitory room. There were several other $G3 in the room around me. I recognized several of them as the people i had gone to college with. I spoke to the person sitting on the dull-yellow bedspread to the south of me. It seemed strange to be back in this place again. I stood up and moved through the apartment, which seemed to be in $P19. I turned and picked something up as the others moved to the west of me. There were a couple cars parked along the western wall of the area, which seemed to be a gravel parking lot or the kitchen of $P19. Several members of $G3 grabbed boxes from the back seat of my car, which was parked facing west. There was a tall stone wall to the front of the car, which seemed to be a foundation retaining wall for a roadway that seemed to be to the west of us. My car seemed to be a Volkswagen Rabbit, and it seemed black or dark gray with four doors. Both of the back doors were open as the men lifted the boxes from them and started carrying them to the south, up the short gravel road that led from the parking area. The college campus at $P52 seemed to be just up the hill, and the roadway to the west now seemed to lead to the bridge across the gorge to $P73. The men were gone, and i looked in the back seat of the car to see what was left. There was still a box in the back seat. I wondered what i should do with it. I stood up, noticing that a few of the women from the group were heading back down the hill, carrying some boxes. I looked in the boxes to see that they were filled with styrofoam cups. The women said that they were not needed so they brought them back and said that the men wanted to know if i could store them for a while. I did not want to keep the cups, but i said that i would. I took one of the boxes from one of the women and put it in the back seat of my car from the north. The other woman placed the other box in the back seat from the south and closed the door. As i stood up, i looked out the window to the south, noticing one of the tall tan brick buildings on the campus to the southwest of us. It appeared to be smoking as though it was on fire. I wondered if that was the reason the men from $G3 had gone to campus. I said something to the people with me about the fire as i moved to the tall old wood-framed multipane window to get a better look. The stone building was house shaped on the end, with a rectangular tab sticking up around the peak of the roof. There was white stone trim around the windows, and the window on the upper west side of the building had a fire glowing in it. I felt very concerned, telling the others that something was very wrong. I thought that the building was a laboratory. I shifted position again, looking directly west at the building now, which was really an old wooden shack between the taller stone buildings of the college. I could see the flames through the small diamond-shaped window in the wooden door. The others followed me to the south as we moved down the corridor that led between the two buildings. The building was C shaped, with square corners and an opening facing north. The central courtyard of the building was covered with a pointed glass roof, which was held up by black metal beams that radiated from the peak down to the sides of the gray stone building. This was the atrium to a small mall, and the shack in the center was actually a glass-covered kiosk formed by a round display case. The display case seemed to have several objects in it, and the fire had burned some of them. I noticed the falling piece of flame enter the kiosk from above, falling to the floor in the center of the display cases and starting some things on fire. IT was bad that the displays were burning, because they were actually museum pieces. I looked up to the roof of the atrium, noticing that there were small holes where the glass had been broken by the falling objects. I looked down into the kiosk again, noticing the bottle rocket on the floor, which was smoldering. I looked up again, spotting another bottle rocket breaking through the glass and falling into the atrium, to the east of the kiosk. People were shooting the fireworks from somewhere on campus, to the west. I started back to the north, saying something to $F12 about the bottle rockets. I was concerned about where they were coming from on campus.

I moved into the center of the large gymnasium, heading to the southwest. There were red wrestling mats on the floor, and i thought that this was a wrestling room. $A117 moved into the room from the north, pushing the mats on the floor together so that there were no gaps in them. Several young men came into the center of the room from the northwest. They were here for wrestling practice. I felt like i was here for wrestling practice, but that did not seem right. I had not been wrestling in a very long time, and it did not feel right that i would be here wrestling. I moved around the room, but i felt very strange to be here. The others started practicing to the west of me, and i wanted to join in. They were all wearing blue gym shorts and white T-shirts. They were arranged in a long phalanx and were practicing moves together. They stepped as a group to the south, kneeling down to practice takedowns. There seemed to be many of them as they progressed to the south, across the western side of the room. I wanted to join in, but i simply watched. I felt out of place here, not quite sure what to do. I felt very anxious about the situation. A man in a football helmet came in from the north. He seemed to be out of place here, in the wrong practice room. A woman, who seemed to be running part of the wrestling practice started to protest the entrance of the man in the helmet.

12008 May 18

This was an action/adventure movie. Jackie Chan was to the east of me, near the white plastic stairs. We were in some kind of a fight, but the man was escaping. Jackie fought off an attacker to his north, and then turned to the south to ascend the very steep flight of steps. The bad guy was taking off in an airplane, and i was going to catch them by running up the stairs and jumping onto the plane as it flew past. My view panned out suddenly, and i could see the tall set of steps rising over the open patio. There was a pool under the end of the steps. Jackie ran up the steps and jumped for the small Cessna. I felt tense for a moment as the stunt was being performed, and i knew that it would be almost impossible to do, since the timing of the jump and the airplane flyby had to be exact. I then realized that the airplane would be very high up by now, so it seemed unrealistic that Jackie would be able to jump up to it. I watched Jackie sprint up the white inflatable stairs and jump off of the top. He was not close enough to the airplane, and he missed the catch and fell a long way into the water below. He splashed in the center of the pool, and i felt very disappointed that things did not go as planned. I floated in the center of the pool, holding on to the large white inflatable thing, which now seemed to be a large wind man. It was flexible and bent around me as i floated in the water, which seemed to have a current pulling me to the west. I swimmed to the south, keeping the inflatable giant around my waist and under my arms. I was disappointed that the stunt did not work as i walked through the dining area on the terrace around the pool. There were people sitting around the white-clothed round tables in the formal setting. This was part of the movie. I had to smile politely and nod to them as i passed, trying to pretend that i was intentionally wet in the restaurant.

12008 May 19

I moved to the north and then turned to the east, following the narrow dirt road through the dense forest. I was traveling with several other people as though we were in a van. The road seemed to be cresting the top of a rounded hill, and the forest area to the north of us sloped gently down in all directions. The trees seemed very bright and green and the ground was glowing orange with the light of the setting sun, but i noticed something strange to the northeast. There was a gray web over some of the branches, and i realized that it was a caterpillar nest. I paused on the trail as i realized that the area to the north of us was filled with caterpillar nests. The others were to the west of me. We had walked into an area that was infested with caterpillars. Every branch on all of the trees and shrubs were covered with gray webbing. It looked creepy, and i felt that someone should come up here and burn down this area of the forest to prevent further infestation. I then noticed the strange tan colours in the nests. The entire area seemed suddenly washed out in colour, as though everything was turning to ashen tan. I moved around, looking at different spots in the forest, but the colours seemed so strange. I realized that the sun was setting on the other side of the infected area, so the sun through the trees must be causing some kind of strange effect. The area shifted to iridescent gray as my view became almost a single shade, losing all details.

12008 May 20

I followed my relatives to the east, through the crowed store. There were racks and shelves on both sides of the aisle, which ran east to west. We then passed through a section of the store that seemed like a hallway, with few items on either side. The walls of the hall were white. We came into an area where there was a display counter to the south. My mother was walking ahead of me, but i could not see where she went at the moment. She must have continued to the east. This section of the store opened up into a small room to the south, just to the east of the glass counter. I noticed that some of my other relatives had turned to the south and were looking around in the small white room of the store. There was a wall behind the glass counter that formed a partition between the room and where i was. I walked to the south, noticing the man standing in font of a small gray metal rack on the eastern side of the room. He was wearing a tan trench coat and seemed to have balding gray hair on his round head. At first, i thought that he was playing a video game, but, as i started to pass him, i realized that he was reading comic books. I then noticed the large-format comic books on the magazine racks along the eastern wall, to the south of the man. It had been a long time since i had read comics. My family moved around in the small area of the store, and i wondered why they had come in here. I thought that i would be the only one interested in this place. I picked up one of the large comic books from the rack and started to look through the pages. It was an issue of a story with Human Torch and Silver Surfer. As i flipped through the pages, i noticed how old the images looked. This seemed to be a reprint of a classic comic book, and i thought that it was very interesting. My mother walked up to me from the north, looking over my shoulder at the comic book. She said that it was really not that interesting at all, and then told me that we had to go. My relatives started to leave the room, heading to the north. I turned to the north and walked across the parking lot of the large shopping plaza. There were scattered cars in the lot, and i was aware that the people were waiting for me on the east side of the lot. I drove to the south side of the lot in the small car, moving through the aisles. There was a gas station on the southwest side of the lot, which i passed. I realized that i was heading too far. I drove around on the main road to the south of the lot and started back into the lot, passing from the hall of the mall and into the department store. I walked through the aisles of merchandise in the store. My mother had just left, but she had described the vase that she was looking for. She described it by the material it was made of, and i thought about what she said. I could not clearly remember what she had said about the material, but i felt that i knew what she meant. I then spotted a small round dark-red vase on a white cubical stand to the south. It seemed like what she wanted, and i picked it up, thinking that it would make a good present for my mother. It was what she wanted. There was a black textured swath curving down one side of the vase. I put the vase in the red canvas bag that i was carrying so that i could continue shopping. I then realized that the security people might be watching me and might think that i was trying to shoplift the vase. I had to remember to pay for the vase before i left the store. I moved to the north, following my mother through the small pedestals in this section of the store. I then suddenly realized that i had still not payed for the vase. I had already left the store and seemed to be in a hallway to the north of the store. I was worked about not paying for the vase. I turned back to the south, wondering what i should do. I had put things in my bag and had walked forgotten about them. I was following my mother when i walked out of the store. I walked back into the store, heading to the south. I noticed a man standing near a large square trashcan on the eastern end of a counter. He was tossing CDs into the trash bin. I wondered why he was doing that when they seemed to be perfectly good CDs. One of the CDs was a Led Zeppelin CD, and there were a few other big bands i recognized. The CD had a small chip in the top, but i guessed that they were probably still playable. I continued to the south, thinking that i would look in the trash at the CDs later, once the man had left. I wandered around in the open area, which seemed to be outside. I then tipped forward and started walking on my hands down the road to the east. I was surprised that i could do it so easily and thought that it must look interesting. I walked around the southern side of the large wooden barn, which seemed to be just off of the road. I then headed to the north, passing through the garage of the small house and coming out into the driveway on the north side of the house. I was walking normally now, and i noticed the CDs in the small trashcan at the end of the driveway, by the edge of the road. I was going to come back to look at them. I then remembered that i still had the red vase with me. I had forgotten to pay for it when i left the store, and i was worried about it. I felt bad about not paying, and i wondered what people would think. How was i going to get back into the store to pay for the vase?

12008 May 22

I stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to the southwest, looking through the doorway and into the small room. I had been heading northwest down the hall, but now i turned into the room. I was talking to some $G3 who were already in the room. It seemed that this place was $P19, and i had come here for some event. Just as i entered the room, i noticed the man walking down the hall from the northwest. He was short and wearing a dark-gray suit. I recognized him as $A481. I paused on my way into the room, nodding to the man as he passed. He looked at me, but did not seem to be interested in conversation. I wanted to talk to him, and felt suddenly that i had missed the event here. I thought that i had come just after things were over. $A481 was still dressed up from the event. I watched him continue down the hall for a moment. Then i turned and headed into the room to the southwest of me, talking to the other members of $G3 in the room.

I had just left the classroom and was heading down the stairs to the east. I was supposed to head to my homeroom, but i felt as though i might be a little late. My previous class had run over and we were late getting between classes. I paused at the bottom of the stairs, where the stairwell led to the north, to a door that led back into the hall. I thought about my book bag, which i had been carrying, and wondered if i had everything i needed in it. I headed down the hall to the east, wondering if i would be late for the class. I knew that this was near the end of the school year, and i knew that the parents would be in the classroom to hear about the progress of their children. I stopped in front of the door, wondering if i was early to the class or not. It seemed to be the end of the school day, and i thought that we would be gathering in our homerooms to do a special review session with all the students and their parents. I stood on my toes and pulled aside the white curtain that hung over the window in the classroom door. The teacher was standing against the southern wall, talking to the people in the classroom. There was an older man in a chair on the eastern side of the classroom. He was wearing a blue suit and had short curly black hair. He was balding, and his face was starting to wrinkle with age. I was late for the class, and i felt bad. I stepped back down from the window and hurried down the hall to the west to collect my bags. I then realized that i should have had my book bag with me. I stopped and looked back to the east, noticing my backpack on the ground near the door to the classroom. I hurried back to it and started to get my things out. I could see the teacher in the window above me. She noticed i was outside the window, and i suddenly felt that she was upset with me for not being on time. I listened to her speak to the class for a moment. She asked what else people had listed under their improvements for the year. I realized that we were supposed to make a list of ten things that we had improved on over the years and ten things that we needed to work on. I had missed more of the class than i had thought, and i felt that i should create a list before i entered he classroom. I was upset that i could not get here on time, and i started to feel that it was unfair that i would be judged negatively because i had to attend a class right before this one. I felt agitated, and wondered what i could do.

12008 May 24

I felt anxious as i looked for my bags. I was with my grandmother, and we had to get our things together to catch the plain back home. I felt that we were in a foreign country, and it seemed like Russia. I pictured the country that we were in, noticing the large stretch of land to the west that led to the sea. The land seemed open and barren, as though it was grass tundra. I headed to the west, across the large lobby of the airport. I was not sure whether i had all of my things together. I tried to figure out if the photographs in my left hand were ready. My mother was with me as i looked over everything. I felt rushed and did not think that i had packed everything i should have. I turned to the south, stuffing several things in my backpack. I realized that the bus would be here soon to take us to the airport. I was in a building on the southern edge of a large parking lot. I knew that the bus would arrive at the street on the northern end of the lot. The lot seemed to be to the southwest of my grandmother’s house, at $P16. I hurriedly stuffed the things in my bag as the other person watched. I then turned to the north, looking at my watch. It was still five minutes before the hour, when the bus was supposed to arrive. I had some time, but i knew that the bus would not wait for me. I wondered if my grandmother would ask the bus driver to wait, since she would be at the bus stop already.

I headed to the west, across the back yard of the small house. This was the house of my relatives, but it seemed that we were in a foreign country. My relatives spoke Italian, and i knew that i would not be able to understand them. The house was to the north of me as i approached and entered into the living room on the southern side of the house. There were several men there. The women were in the rooms to the north. I felt a little out of place here and did not know what to say to them. I then realized that some of them were speaking in English, and i tried to reply to them. There was a young man with short black hair to the north of me. There was something interesting about him, but i felt that i could not get to know him that well because this was such a different culture. The man had been sitting next to me, and i realized that i had my hand on the right side of his face. It was a friendly gesture, but i was not really paying attention to him. Instead, i was answering the questions of the older man to the south of me. The young man then started to move around me, holding my hand against his cheek. It was a sign of affection, but i felt awkward about showing physical interest in him because i was afraid that homosexuality would not be accepted in this culture. He pulled me a little as he moved to the east of me, and i started to feel that he was playing some kind of game. He pulled on my right arm as i said something to the older man to the south, and i realized that he was bending the arm and forcing me down to the ground. It was a form of competition. I looked at him as he moved his head toward the ground, pulling me down with him. He had a thin beard, and he seemed to be rather attractive. I turned to the west as he twisted my arm. I was amused by the sport, but wondered what i should do.

12008 May 25

I headed back toward the south, through the large room of the old building. This building seemed abandoned, and we were gathering in the southwest corner of it. I was aware that the old part of the city was to the east of us. This place seemed to be in a foreign country, and the city seemed like Roma. I moved through the people in the room, who seemed to be gathering after some event. I wondered if we should be in this building, since it was supposed to be abandoned. I looked to the east, across the disheveled room. The walls were bare cement and there was dust on the floor. Some of the artifacts in the room seemed to be from the german occupation during World War Two. I glimpsed a photograph of Nazi troops kneeling on the ground for the photograph. I kept moving around the room as the others collected. I felt excited here and was interested in the significance of the building. I moved to the south, into the long hall than ran to the east. At first, the hall seemed to be an alley that led to the main part of the down. I could see the city lights in the night sky to the east. There was heavy traffic in the street ahead of me, with a tall stone wall to the north of the road. The wall was part of the ancient buildings, though the Coliseum seemed to be just to the south of the road, across from the main gate in the wall. There were domed towers on the wall, and i knew that there was a large plaza to the north of the main set of arches in the wall. I started walking down the old dusty corridor toward the east, thinking that i could fly over the crowded city streets. I wondered what the people would think when they saw me flying over them. I felt excited with the idea, but hesitated for a moment. I seemed to be rather high now, at the same level at the top of the tall wall. There was a set of stairs that led down just to the east of me. I realized that i was looking out openings in the eastern wall over the stairwell. There was a roof over the stairs, but i could see over it. I said something to $Z, who was to the south of me, and then started moving down the stairs. I was floating oven the steps and imagined what it would be like to fly over the crowded streets at the center of the ancient town. I started down the stairs, which led down to the street level. I could now see down the long flight of steps in the corridor, which now seemed to be within the hotel. People were gathered near the main entrance door to the hotel, across from the front desk, which was in the same location as the intersection i had seen earlier. $Z started floating down the stairs ahead of me. He moved faster than i and passed several of the white stone landings in the shallow stairwell. I wanted to move fast down the corridor and realized that, if i stayed high in the hall, i would be able to move down quickly without having to dodge people in the corridor. The ceiling above me seemed to be striped with narrow ridges. The ceiling was white in the center, but had blue and red stripes on either side. The entire ceiling had narrow channels in it, all of which ran east to west, the length of the ceiling. I realized that i could stay out of the way of people if i simply pressed myself against the ceiling and slid down the corridor. $Z was to the south of me and i told him about my idea. I was floating against the ceiling in such a way that that it seemed that i was resting on the ceiling. I had my arms behind me as i reclined on the surface. It felt very natural to be in this position, and i was amazed at how easy it was to float like this. We then started moving down the corridor toward the front desk of the hotel. $Z moved ahead of me, flying close to the ceiling. He had to maneuver around some of the people in the corridor, but i was lying on the ceiling with my feet forward, as if on a luge. I watched the ceiling of the corridor move under me as i started to accelerate down the hall. I was excited with the motion as i speeded past the front desk. I wondered if the people at the hotel would be annoyed with us, but then i started to feel that i did not care. I was having too much fun. I watched the white ribbed surface pass swiftly under me, twisting from side to side as i continued to the east. The corridor then changed colour to a dull gray with faint dark-pink stripes. It also seemed to curl into a sharp crescent as the round tube narrowed at the southern end. I stopped at the narrow part of the tube, realizing that i could not go any farther. I turned around and moved quickly back in the other direction, but the crescent-shaped tube was narrow to the northeast as well. I realized that i had been trapped in a small corridor. The hotel officials must have transferred us to an enclosed corridor to stop us from racing down the halls. I felt suddenly distressed, but then i changed my position and was back in the long corridor over the stairs. I wanted to head out to the city, but started skidding down the white ceiling again, thinking that i should me more careful this time so that the hotel officials would not trap me again.

I heard the gun shots to the north and looked up the driveway of my parents’ house. The large group of people was walking up the driveway, heading to the field to the north of the house. They were here for some special reason, but i was worried about the people firing guns in the woods to the west of the field. I could not see who they were, and i was worried that they would be shooting at the people in the field. The people did not seem to pay much attention to the woods to the west as they walked up the eastern side of the field. I wondered if the gun shots were simply from people hunting in the woods. The people moved in a slow procession along the eastern side of the filed, moving slowly north. They seemed solemn, and i started to follow them, worried about what the people in the woods to the west might do. I moved to the north, to the large barn in the center of the back yard. The cat was climbing up the side of the barn, and i felt that i should try to get the orange cat off of the barn before it hurt itself. I climbed up the old wooden ladder that ascended the eastern face of the old barn. The barn was wooden, with vertical boards whose paint had long since worn off. The boards were now dull brown. I climbed up to the faded red roof of the barn, noticing the orange cat crawling across the roofing tiles. I looked to the north, noticing that the black cat was lounging on the weather vane. The weather vane seemed to be made of black cast iron. It was composed of a large rectangular frame, which was closed on the top by a horizontal bar that was separate from the lower part of the frame. Several short vertical bars crossed the top bar. They seemed to be pivoting tabs and seemed to from the shapes of chimney pipes on the top of the vane. There was a heavy black bar over the top of the vertical tabs, closing the rectangle and forming a roof-like shape on top of the vane. The cat was resting on the tabs, staring at me. I turned my attention back to the kitten, which i was more concerned about. I stepped onto the roof, but noticed that the kitten had slipped down the surface of the roof and over the edge. It caught the roof for a moment with its front paws, hanging over the edge for a moment as i moved toward it. It then slipped and fell out of sight over the side of the roof. I felt that the kitten would be safe from the fall, but i was not really sure. I wanted to look over the edge to see how it was, but i was weary of getting too close to the edge. I would have to head back down the ladder. I turned around so that my back was to the edge, and i felt for the top bars of the ladder with my feet. I stepped back onto the ladder and looked to the west. The field was to the west of me, and i could see the procession of people walking in a large counter-clockwise loop along the edges of the field. I still wondered about the people in the woods to the west, hoping that they were not hostile. The front of the line of people walked toward me, across the southern edge of the field. I then realized that the people were dressed in black and dark-gray clothing that seemed Amish. They were Pagans and were performing some kind of ceremony in the field. I was interested in what they were doing. I then noticed the large cloud of dust rising from the woods to the west. The black cloud curled into a wide inverted cone, and i wondered if it was actually a tornado. I watched the rotating column of smoke move slowly over the woods and cover the field. It did not seem strong enough to actually be a tornado, and i thought that it could simply be a dust devil. I watched the swirling smoke for a moment as it covered the people in the field. It seemed very wide, so i thought that i would have to be a very strong storm to be a tornado. This did not seem logical, but i felt nervous as it approached the barn where i was, so i started to hurry down the ladder. I would have to grab the kitten and take it into the barn where it would be safe. I wondered about the black cat on the roof, but decided that it would be okay. I did not care about it as much as i did the kitten. I came to the ground and thought that i should take the kitten into the barn. I wondered where a good place to hide against the storm would be. I thought that i could crouch against the southern wall in one of the stalls, but then realized that such a place would only work if the foundation of the barn was made of stone. I was not sure it was, so i was not sure i could hide below the level of the stone. I then thought that there should be a storm compartment in the bottom of the barn where i could hide. I thought about this. It would be a small compartment with a metal lid. It would be cramped, and i suddenly started to feel claustrophobic thinking about it. It would be a very tight space, and i would have to stay there until the storm was over.

I headed to the south, moving between the crowded black exercise equipment of the gym. I was not sure where i was headed, but i wanted to get some exercise. I then noticed that $A468 was in the center of the room, to the southwest of me. I said hello to her, but i was not sure what else i would say. The meeting seemed awkward, so i continued to the eastern side of the room, where i wanted to use the equipment. There was someone else in the room that i seemed to know, but i was uncomfortable about talking to them as well. I sat down on the exercise machine, facing east. The machine seemed to be a chest-fly machine.

12008 May 26

I started to fly to the east, heading over the tall buildings of the small city. The buildings looked like apartments. I soon came to a large pond, which seemed to be in the middle of a park. I flew low over the water, but felt that i had to land. I had been on this water before. I stopped on the rock, looking over the water at the city to the east of me. I had to continue to the east, but i did not know how to cross the water. I was stuck on a set of large rocks in the middle of the pond. I did not want to swim because i knew that i would be wet for a long while afterward, and i did not want to get my clothes that wet.

I was running with $G4, and we headed up and down the short steep hills in the forested area. The ground seemed ashen tan, and the trees had no leaves on them, so i could see quite a distance through the woods. I looked down at the marks on the ground that we were following. The trail headed east, along the bottom of one of the ridges. There seemed to be a small stream to the north of us. I then stopped as i noticed the red marks to the east of us. The word “false” was printed on the dry leaves of the ground in a pale-red powder. This meant that we were following a false trail and would have to go back. I was running in the lead, so i turned around and called to the people behind me that this was a false trail. I ran to the west a little and then back up the steep slope of the short hill on the northern side of the stream. The others were already headed back up the forested hill. The trail seemed very steep, but it felt fun to run. We passed over the short hill and ran down into a depression, which seemed like a small stream bed with no water. The trail continued to the north, up a steeper taller hill through the forest. We walked slower as we pulled ourselves up the dirt cliffs. I felt as though i was having fun here. I came to the top of the hill and looked around, noticing that the trail headed to the northwest. The land around me had multiple narrow ridges, all running east to west. It seemed to be a very strange place. I then noticed that the ground at the top of the cliff seemed very soft, and there were small depressions in it that ran east to west, parallel to the face of the cliff. I stepped into the dark-brown dirt to the west of where the trail came up, and the edge of the cliff sunk a little. I started talking about how the land could shear off from erosion. I then noticed that we were walking to the west, along the top of one of the ridges. We seemed to be in an area near the campus of a university. The buildings of the university seemed to be to the southeast of us. I looked at the ground, thinking about how the land can split off from the side of the hills. This is what caused the very steep ridges in this area. I also noticed the small crack running just under our trail. I felt that we were in danger and told the others that we needed to move to the north. There was an oriental woman with a round face and shoulder-length black hair running with us. She sayed that the land looked like it was formed from shearing cliffs. I tried to describe the small hills to her, saying that they were sheared off of the main hill that we were now on. We moved to the north, away from the cracks in the hill. I could see the group moving through the forest to the northwest, meandering through the woods, parallel to our trail. We finally got to an area where the ground was solid under us and started to the west again.

I sat at the table in the math class of the high school. I felt bad because i had not read my homework, and i felt out of place in this class. The other students were watching the board to the west of us. I sat on the northern side of a table that was parallel to the northern wall of the room. $A48 described a strange method of doing the math problem on the board to the east. I did not understand what he was talking about. I realized that i had not been paying attention to what he was saying, and i wondered what i had been thinking about. I then remembered that i had not been reading the work assigned to us either. I wondered why i had fallen so far behind in the work. I remembered thinking that i would keep ahead with the work, but it suddenly seemed that i had not been doing it for a long time. I felt very bad about the situation, and i thought that i should tell $A48 that i had been reading the other part of the book. I thought that i should pretend that i had misunderstood which part of the book we were to read. I flipped through the pages of the book to see what was in it. To my disappointment, the pages were covered with large matrix tables. I knew that i could not understand matrix calculus because i had never properly studied it before. $A48 then summed up the lesson, and i realized that i still did not know what he was talking about. It was called “flood math”, and it was a new way of looking at problem. I wanted to ask him what application this method had, hoping that it would help me understand what was going on. I was disappointed and upset as i walked out of the classroom and headed down the stairs of the large building. I seemed to be in my parents’ house now. I grabbed some of the clothes from the padded armchair that was sitting by the window on the east side of the small bedroom. This was the small bedroom on the east side of my parents’ house. I picked up several articles of clothing from the wooden captain’s chair, but left the blue lycra running pants there. I thought that they were rather worn out, so i did not want to bring them. I then though that, if i brought them, people might think that i was strange for wearing lycra shorts in public. I suddenly remembered when i used to sleep in this bedroom. It seemed so long ago, and i started to remember what summers were like when i was here. The days seemed so long when i was young, but i knew that was because the mind captures more information when one is younger. There were more instances of information stored then. Now, fewer of the instances observed actually get stored, so time seems to move by much quicker, and the days seem much shorter. I thought about this as i turned to the south and headed down the stairs.

12008 May 27

My mother drove me to the west, off of the main north-to-south road and into the entryway of the large parking lot. There seemed to be two cubical office buildings to the west of us: one to the northwest and one to the southwest. The one to the northwest seemed mostly brown with darkly tinted windows. Parking lots surrounded the building. We drove toward the one on the southwest. My mother was driving me to the gym. I knew that she was heading back to work, and i would stop at the gym to get a workout while she was there. I felt a little strange about being here, though, because i knew that this was an exclusive gym. I was not comfortable about using such a place. As i stepped out of the car and started walking south, toward the door of the building, which was now to the south of us, i noticed a man in a black suit guarding the door to the building. The door seemed very plain. There was a fenced in area, which could have been for dumpsters, just to the west of the door. Something about the fenced in area did not look welcoming, and i felt hesitant to go in. The man seemed to know who i was, though, and moved to greet me. I then noticed the bull dog near the gate to the fence. The guard dogs were locked in the fenced in area. My mother commented on the mean-looking dogs, implying that i should be careful. I told her that i would be fine. The bald man in the dark suit greeted me as though i was someone important. He then asked me about my dogs. I realized that the two large wolf-like animals were with me. I knew that they were not really dogs. They were creations of my imagination that had taken form, and they acted as guardian spirits. They were really a combination of a wolf and a cat. They would have bodies that mostly resembled large gray wolves, but had thick tails like cats and claws in their paws. I told the man about the spirit dogs, saying that they were not really dogs. I implied that i did not have control of them, so they could no be restricted from the building. I admitted to him that they were sentient and could understand english very well. I had no intention of telling the animals what to do, and i wondered if the man would try to restrict them.

I carried some of the things to the east, through the awkwardly shaped off-white rooms of the house. The room i entered had pale bluish-white walls and seemed to be a living room. The southeastern side of the room seemed to be a kitchen. My relatives were with me, but i felt very awkward here. This was not a normal situation, and i did not feel comfortable moving things. $K2 was standing near the kitchen area with his mother. He seemed very young, and there was something about him that drew my attention. I passed through the large room and walked down the hall, which ran from the northern side of the eastern wall and into the bedroom. There were still some things on the light-blue bed, which was against the eastern wall of the room. I had to collect them and take them away. My relatives were discussing something in the other room. I picked up some of the clothes from the bed and headed back into the living room. I felt annoyed with my relatives because they were concerned about something that did not seem to make any sense. I turned to the south, taking the trashcan with me. I wanted to be out of the room so that i did not have to listen to their childish concerns. I came to the back of the house, where there as a large dumpster on the back of a garbage truck. I emptied the trashcan into the dumpster, but one of the plastic grocery bags of garbage fell out the side of the can and landed on the ground. I put down the can and picked up the bag. I tossed it into the back of the truck as the large metal plate came down to compact the garbage. I felt very annoyed about the situation here. I was standing on the street to the north of a large brick apartment building. There was a small yellow car parked just to the south of me, blocking my return to the apartment. I still had more things to do in the apartment and i did not feel like dealing with the others who were around. I stepped into the back seat of the car and walked through it to the curb on the other side. It was a way of protesting the interference of the people who had parked the car. The women who were standing near me in the street giggled and followed me through the car. I was annoyed with them. I did not like them and did not want them bothering me. I had to get more of my things together and i was not happy that they were there.

12008 May 28

I walked into the grassy area from the northwest. Several other people were already gathering there. To the west of the large rectangular area, a man in black robes sat behind a tall wooden desk. He was a judge. In front of him, a dark-skinned man in white robes was starting a ceremonial blessing. He seemed to be a priest, and he stood behind a lightly stained square table on the northern side of the room, moving his arms around in a christian blessing. I thought that it was strange for a priest to be setting up in a courtroom. I then turned to the east, where the audience was. A man on the northern side of the front row of the audience stood up. He was dressed in a dark suit, and i knew that he was the lawyer. He started addressing the priest, asking him if his blessing of the courtroom made the legal ceremony a religious ceremony. The priest said that it did not. The priest was a witness for the lawyer, and the questioning was trying to establish that there was no intent on the part of the priest to impose his religious beliefs on the court by holding mass in a courtroom. I moved to the chairs on the southern side of the courtroom. We still seemed to be outdoors, in a grassy area. The dry grass seemed to be field grass that had been cut very short, with stiff stubby stalks from the previous year still standing between the new growth. Several other people were gathering around me, and we started to talk. I knew the man who was standing to the southwest of me, but i was not as familiar with the man to the west of me. He had just come into the room from the north. I could see several people moving in the corridor to the north now. They were heading back to someplace from their lectures. The man to the west of me seemed like $A380, but he was different. He seemed interesting, but he started to ask me questions about something. I joked with him a little, as $Z looked on from the southwest. He then started to be a little abusive in attitude, but i did not become offensive in response. He took a set of keys from me and walked out into the hall. I knew that he was heading down the hall to the east to put the keys in another room so that i could not get them. The man annoyed me, but i decided not to run after him. I walked to the bed, which was against the eastern wall on the northern side of the room. I layed down as the man returned to the room. I said that i would wait for him to return the keys. He seemed annoyed that i was on the bed, however, and told me to get my head off of the woman’s pillow. The woman’s name started with a K. I rested my head back, telling the man that i was going to rest here until he brought me back my keys. He seemed to get angry with me, but he was not threatening. He started pushing me, telling me to move. It seemed more playful than threatening, but he was very insistent. I started pushing back, thinking that it would be fun to wrestle him. He then started pushing down on me as i lay on the bed. It did not seem appropriate to try to wrestle him, so i kept pushing back as he advanced on me. I had my legs up in the air with my knees on his chest as he leaned down on me. He then tried to grab one of my testicles to threaten me. I got annoyed with him and thought that i should simply push him away.

I followed the people as they moved across the wide snowy field, heading to the southeast. I looked across the long field, down the indented track that the people were following. The snow seemed very deep, and i realized that it was actually over our heads. There had been a corridor cut through the deep snow. The people around me seemed to be students, and i felt that we were coming back from class. I chatted with some of the students around me. As we walked, i noticed a young man walked just behind of me and to the left, to the northeast of me. He seemed very attractive, and i watched him for a moment as i chatted to someone. He walked past me on the east, smiling as he passed. Someone else mentioned Bo and Luke. I looked around and noticed the twins who were walking to the east of me. They both had blond hair, and one of them seemed to be the attractive man. I looked at them for a moment, thinking that they were handsome. The man to the west of me sayed that they were like Bo and Luke, but i reminded him that Luke had block hair. As i looked at the twins, i soon realized that they did not look alike. They were both still very attractive, but they were different enough that they should not be twins. I stopped and let the twins walk past me on the east. I looked back to the northwest, down the long line of students who were walking through the corridor cut into the snow. I was standing on top of a mound now so that i could see over the tops of the people. The walls of snow seemed very high over the people to the north of me. I then noticed snow falling from the top of one of the walls, collapsing into the corridor. It covered several of the students. I felt worried and started to hurry back to the north. I thought that the students would be buried in the snow. As i approached, however, i realized that there were students on top of the high mounds dumping snow over the top onto the people below. There was not enough snow in their buckets to burry the students below. It was just a prank. I turned back to the southeast, looking down the tall corridor. These used to be tunnels, but i realized that the roofs of the tunnels had been shoveled away by the students. That was where they had gotten the snow to fill their buckets.

12008 May 29

I moved to the northeast, following the two young men as they moved across the room. I had been talking to them, and i found them both rather interesting and attractive. I wanted to get to know them, but i was unsure whether i should say anything to them. They both looked athletic, but i did not think that they would be interested in me. I then thought that they were probably not wrestlers, so i could not wrestle them anyway. We moved into a smaller room to the north, which seemed to be the bedroom of one of the men. There were sports pictures on the walls, and one of the men had a notebook in his hands that he was showing to the other man. I looked at the notebook, noticing that it was covered with nine sports pictures that had been cut out from magazines and taped to the loose-leaf folder. The folder seemed red behind the pictures. A few of the pictures on the top of the notebook were of american football, and i thought that the men probably played the sport in college. I then noticed that the center photo was of a wrestler. The men did have an interest in wrestling, and i asked them about it. I pointed out the picture and told them that i loved the sport. They joked with each other, saying that they were wrestlers. I wondered if they were going to wrestle with each other, and i wanted to wrestle with them.

12008 May 30

Someone was talking to me from the southwest, but i was facing east, looking at the coins as they were described to me. There was something important in them, and i became fascinated with them. The person told me two names, which were the names of the metals in the coin. The two words translated as “golden silver”. The first metal sounded like a colour, and i wondered if it was actually the colour of gold. It seemed more like a red or orange to me, but i supposed that it could mean gold. The second colour mentioned was “silva”, which i knew referred to silver. I looked at the round patterns along the lower edge of the coin. The large dull-gray coin rotated slowly in front of me, tipping backward so that it became horizontal. I focused on the round impressions around the near edge of the coin, thinking that they had to do with the gold and silver. I thought about the first word again as i looked at the imprints, thinking that it was important to remember this. Each imprint seemed like a coin, but they were all part of the larger disk. I felt excited to understand this.

The others started to talk about $A62 as i walked back to the east, carrying a plate of food back to the table. One person mentioned how she did not like $A62. I had been eating at a picnic table in the small room of the house, and i was pushing back through the crowd. Someone then mentioned the time when $A62 got very upset with someone and yelled at them because they had asked when his book was going to be published. I remembered this event. It happened on a school bus after an athletic event. I found it suddenly strange that i had been thinking about the events of the bus ride not too long ago. I remembered $A62 getting very upset with someone for asking about the book. At the time, i thought that no one was supposed to know about the book. I then realized that $A46 had probably mentioned it to one of the students, and the student had asked $A62 about the publication date out of curiosity. I mentioned to the others that i had been remembering the bus trip in a previous dream. I maneuvered carefully around the small table, which was on the stairwell leading to my grandmother’s basement. The old wooden steps were worn, and i was sitting against the eastern wall of the house. I squeezed between some other people, realizing that there was really not enough room on this seat to eat. There was a large window to the north of me now, and i seemed to be facing north on the bench as we moved to the east. I was on a train with several of my relatives. I tried to eat the fruit i had put in the small cup, but the woman to the west of me was pressed too close, and it made it hard to scoop out the food with my fork. I was at the front of the train. I had been on the eastern end of the train as we headed down the tracks, but i was now facing north, in the front row on the right side of the train. I looked at the fruit in my hand and realized that there was a flour wrap around it. I wondered if i could simply eat it like a sandwich. I pulled down the plastic bag around it and bit into the wrap. It tasted mostly like vegetables. I then looked to the north. We had pulled into one of the stations just before the main city. We were in Italia, and i knew that we were going about two stops past the main city, which was still to the east of us. I looked out at the surroundings, trying to figure out where exactly we were. Several people got off of the train here. I was glad that the two women just to the west of me were getting off, because that meant that i could have more room on the bench. The woman to the east of me, between my grandmother and me, also seemed to be moving. I held my sandwich close so that they would not bump it. There seemed to be a white stucco building to the north of us, and there were two round columns standing in front of it. The thick orangish-tan columns stood away from the building, as though they were decorative signs at the station. The one on the east was a little farther to the south than the one to the west. Both of them had tall yellow letters attached to the front of them, which said “ROMA” in decorative type with yellow metallic edges. I looked at them as the train pulled back and started to the east. I looked to the east, down the gentle curve of the track. I knew that Roma was one of the next stops and that we would have to get off a few stops after that, but i did not know exactly how many stops. I wanted to look up the towns on the train line so that i knew exactly when we should get off by counting them, but i felt that i could not do that here. I was feeling a little anxious about not knowing exactly where we should get off.

12008 May 31

As $Z and i crossed the long white suspension bridge across the deep gorge, i noticed a purple airplane flying low to the east of us. It seemed familiar, and i knew that i had to be on one of those airplanes in the near future. Something felt foreboding about it as i watched the plane travel low past the western side of the bridge, which was now to the east of us, and then turn over the gorge and head west. I continued down the stairs to the north. I then realized that the airplane had crashed and many people were killed. I said something to $Z about how i did not trust the flights as we sat on an airplane, facing south. I looked out the round window to the east, watching the lines of the suspension bridge pass by the window. I started to worry a little as the plane dropped below the deck of the bridge, and i started to say something to $Z about it. The plane then turned to the west, and i remembered that this was the flight path of the plane. I had seen it before when we were walking under the bridge. I came to the old hall at the bottom of the stairs and turned to the west. There was another man near me, but i did not know who he was. I felt that i had to get to several meetings. I hurried to the western end of the small dull-yellow room at the bottom of the stairs, jumping through the air and landing on the semicircular steps that led down to a doorway in the western end of the southern wall. As i landed, i realized that the opening was too small and that i would have to squeeze through it. I was aware of the man watching me from the east as i did this. For a moment, i was worried that i would not fit through the opening, but i managed to slip through and came into the long corridor on the lower floor. I moved to the west, but came to the area where there was a cement wall to the south of us. $Z was with me. We had to get out of this building, and i felt that we would have to climb the stairs, but they did not quite come down to the ground level. I could see the red metal stairs running up over the top of the cement wall, but we could not reach them from where we were. Others ran to the west, but i passed through the closed red metal door. I would be able to let $Z into the room after i flew over the cement wall. $Z and i were standing in the square cement room, and i looked up at the red metal stairs that ascended in a square pattern up the sides of the well. To my disappointment, the stairs did not reach all the way to the ground. On the eastern side of a red metal catwalk that crossed the center of the room from north to south, i could see a thin set of red metal stairs. They did not extend all the way to the ground, but i knew that they could be extended. I told $Z that i could fly up to the stairs, but i was not sure whether i could carry his weight or not. I started to float upward as he wrapped his arms around my neck. He seemed like $F16 as we floated up slightly. I strained to lift us toward the red catwalk, and i reached out for it as we move slowly up. We started to descend again, and i grabbed a ledge on the wall to the south of us. We were actually very high up on the face of the hotel. We were on the northern side of the building, near the western end. Five or six stories below us was an empty tan sidewalk. It seemed late in the evening, and few people were moving around. We were still trying to move upward to reach the red balcony on the upper floor of the building. We had to get there for some reason. I grabbed onto the ledges, thinking that i could use my ability to float to make us both light enough to climb the wall easily. I pulled up, but we could not seem to make it to the top. There were several other people around us now, commenting on what we were doing. A man was to the west of us, asking where we were trying to go. I looked down and realized that we could simply let ourselves fall. I could not fly with both of us, but i could slow our descent. As the man to the west talked, we started to descend to the sidewalk. People to the west were talking to each other.

I woke up in the dull-yellow cabin of the ship. The clock said that it was 3:48, and i knew that it was in the afternoon. I had been out late last night, but i did no think that i should have slept that long. I walked to the east, down the length of the long narrow room, thinking that i should get going. It was now after four o’clock, and i realized that i would probably be late for the meeting that i was supposed to attend. I was on a ship of some kind, and we had been traveling for a very long time. We had been separated from society for a while now and were trying to live on our own. I was now late because i had slept so long, but i had made a commitment to Lee Adama that i would take actions at the meetings. I headed down the stairs on the eastern side of the building, descending to the north. The stairs ran down the western wall of a large open corridor. The eastern side of the hall looked down over the halls that crossed below. I stopped at the bottom, realizing that i had two meetings to go to at the same time. To the west of me was a long conference room, with a long rectangular wooden table in the center. People sat around the table. The meeting had been going on for a while now. I had to bring a proposal to them from Lee, but i felt that i should also be in the other meeting with the central group of the government. They were meeting to the southwest. I did not know what to do.