12009 May 01

I was standing in the room with $A335. He stood to the south of me, near the western wall of the room. I said something to him and then glanced to the west. The room seemed furnished like a living room, with pale walls and dark blue or black furnishings. $A335 then seemed surprised, and he complained to me that he could not move his arms. This was a sudden change from the way that he just was, and i realized that there was something wrong with him. I moved to him, very concerned. He stood still, a surprised look on his face. He was unable to move his arms from his sides, and i realized that he might be having a stroke. The other man, who had been to the west of me, came to help. $A335 started to crumple to the ground, and we helped him down. He was twitching and going into a seizure from the stroke. The other man did not know what to do. I grabbed onto $A335 to try to keep him from hurting himself, and i told the other man to call emergency. The other man simply stared at $A335. He was kneeling to the southwest of me now, and he seemed too surprised or shocked to respond. I was annoyed and got my cell phone out from my pocket. As i opened it up, however, $A335 started kicking and knocked the phone from my hands. He had broken the plastic casing of the phone. I was annoyed and started calling emergency on it anyway. $A335 was now lying on the floor, not moving. I told the other man to watching him as i started to move to the south, talking to the emergency people on the telephone. I felt stressed as i told them to come to the house. I then realized that i did not know where this house was. I came to the sidewalk on the northern side of the house and started walking down the street to the east. I had been at $F7’s house, but i did not know their exact address. I headed to the northwest, toward the intersection of the other street. There was a street sign there, but i could not make out what it said. I was still talking to the woman on the telephone, but i kept telling her that i was not sure where i was. I had come to the end of the short driveway and looked at the green street sign again that was on the corner. I said something, but i realized that it was not the address of the house. It was simply a decorative sign for the driveway. I felt upset and did not know what to do. $F7 then approached from the west and turned into the driveway. I quickly moved toward him and asked him what the address of his house was, telling him that it was an emergency. I did not want to tell him that $A335 was having a stroke in his house, so i simply said that something was wrong. He looked at me confused. I started to tell the woman on the telephone the address, but she told me that she did not believe that there was actually an emergency. She seemed untrusting of me, since i did not know where i was. I felt upset and did not know what to do.

I moved through the long halls of the school building. I realized that it was very close to the end of the semester, and i had not been to class in a very long time. I would have to take my exams soon, but i had not been studying for them. This upset me, and i could not under stand why i had not been doing anything during the semester. I came into the small room where my books were. The books sat on the small bed, which was against the eastern wall, and on the floor in front of the bed. They seemed new and unused. The physics book and the music books were unwrapped, but some of the other books still had plastic around them from the store. I knew that i had done some work in philosophy, but i could not remember doing much of it. I decided that i should take the tests at the end of the semester, but i knew that i would not do well on them. I had not been to class at all, and i felt very upset about it. This seemed to happen all the time, and i could not understand why. How did i keep letting this happen? I tried to remember what i had been doing during the semester, but i could not. It just seemed that i had not done the work i was supposed to do and now it was too late for me to catch up. I felt anxiety and despair as i tried to figure out what to do.

12009 May 02

I was the passenger in the red convertible sports car as we drove to the east, down the city street. The man was driving the car, and he chatted with me, trying to make conversation. He asked me if i wanted to go to a movie. I felt uneasy about him, thinking that he was older and just wanted to go on a date with me. I was not interested in a date and tried to be evasive to his questions. I just wanted to be dropped off at the convention. I started talking about the convention to change the subject. We had both come to this place because of the convention. I looked to the south as we pulled up in front of a large building with a wide metallic roof over the front door. The roof bowed upward in the center and curved down at the ends. The convention center was very modern in design, with lots of exposed round metal beams covered by glass surfaces. I said something about the convention. The man then asked about going to a drive-through movie instead. I said that i would go to a movie, thinking that i could do so eventually. I then realized that i should not have agreed to a date. It did not feel right. I tried to dissuade the man from confirming that we would go on a date that night. I told him that we would not be able to do it tonight because we would both have to do stuff for the convention. It seemed as though there was mathematics to do for the convention. We were now sitting in the blue sports car under the long overhang in front of the convention hall, on the northern side of the building. I was uncomfortable with the man’s advances and tried to get him to simply leave so i could get back to the convention. I finally left him and started to walk to the north, down the street leading away from the front door of the convention center. The man drove to the east to turn around and head back to the west. I was at an intersection of two city streets. The intersection had an open park or plaza to the north, which was covered with small paving stones. There was some kind of tall metallic structure forming a square over the entrance, and it seemed like a stage or light rigging. This had something to do with the convention. The crowds had gone, and there were people cleaning up the equipment from the rally that had been here. I looked down at the pavement below me, noticing that there were all sorts of debris on the ground from the crowds that had been here. I scanned the ground, noticing that it was covered with small rocks and broken pieces of glass and plastic. My attention was then drawn to two people to the west of me who were carrying a metal truss to the northwest. They had been disassembling part of the stage and were taking the pieces to storage. I looked down at the pavement again, crouching down to get a better look at the broken things. There seemed to be multicolored streamers on the ground among the broken glass pieces. It was strange to see so much debris. I kicked a few stray nuts aside with my foot. The woman who was carrying one end of the large truss to the west of me complained about the people who had been here, saying that they were inconsiderate and messy. She then realized that i had overheard her. She was only talking to the person helping her, and she felt embarrassed that others had heard. She apologized for complaining about people, and i realized that she did not want to get in trouble for complaining about the people that they were supposed to be serving. I stood up from my crouching position and told her that it was okay for her to complain. I then said that it was all the fault of humans. I said that they were just a species that did things like this, and i told her that she was not bad for thinking what she did. I started to help her with the truss, thinking that i would help clean up.

12009 May 05

I drove the car up the old dirt road, heading south through the grassy countryside. There were pale-green trees spotting the landscape here and there between the tall weeds and thickets. A large building stood to the southwest of us. It seemed like a farmhouse or small barn. I watched it as we started to pass it. This place was familiar. It was hot out, and i knew that it was in the middle of the summer. The view around me seemed oddly faded, and the colors were more yellow that normal. This seemed like an old memory from when i was young. The building reminded me of a nursery where i had been watched when i was young. I continued down the road, thinking that this place might be back in time. I might be out of place in time as i traveled though here. The car moved over the dirt road, which had grass growing in the middle of it. There was only one lane, and the road was rocky and rutty. I was suddenly focused on keeping the car on the road, but i was having a hard time keeping the car straight. It kept swerving in the ruts and bumps of the road. I could not steer the car properly. There was suddenly a tree on the western side of the road, and i swerved very close to it as i passed. I was nervous and tense now. I was heading up a hill now, and the vegetation around me was taller now, but the land still seemed relatively flat, with no hills or mountains in sight. I did not like driving on this road and felt that it was too dangerous to continue. I did not know how to properly control the car, and every movement that i made seemed too drastic, sending the car too far to one side of the other. I slowed down and pulled into a dirt parking lot on the western side of the road. I was now at the top of the hill. I turned the car around and started heading back down the hill. There were others in the car with me as we reached the bottom of the hill. I slowed at the bottom of the hill and put the car into reverse. I thought that it might be easier to control if the car was going up the hill backward. There was something wrong with the large truck cab that we were in. The car now seemed to be the cab of a tractor-trailer, and i knew that there was something wrong with the controls of the cab, so i was trying to put it into reverse to see if it could be controlled better. We backed up the hill all the way to the top, and it was much easier to control. I then realized that we were moving very fast. I could no longer control the speed of the truck as easily as i could before. I told the others that we had to stay on the road and tried to steer the truck carefully down the center of the road. At the top of the hill, i turned to the west, following the corner of the road. As we rounded the corner and started down the straight road to the west, i realized that i had swerved into the opposite lane of traffic. We were driving backward in wrong lane. The road was now very long, and it seemed to be elevated from the land around it a little. The land on both sides was now a wide grassy field. The road ran straight to the west, were it disappeared over a rise a kilometer or so away. In the distance, i could see cars coming toward us. I started to feel tense. We had to get out of this lane. I then noticed that there were more cars coming over the rise in the distance. They were moving very fast, and they passed the first few cars that we had seen. The fast cars were police cars, and they were coming in our direction. I felt upset, worried that we would be arrested for driving on the wrong side of the road. I did not know what to do, and i started to feel panicked. I could not stop the car that we were in, so i quickly turned it to the south, off the shoulder of the road and into the field. I decided that i might be able to slow it down enough by driving through the soft dirt and grass of the field. As we bounced over the grass, slowing down a little, i felt that something was after us. It was a good thing that the police were coming because they could help us, but we had to get to safety. I was now in the field on the northern side of the road. There was a tall wide tree to the south of us, on the northern edge of the road. It had a rounded crown with thick bushy leaves. I then realized that there was something to the north of us, in the filed. We were still rolling to the west, over the grass of the field. I looked out the northern window of the car and saw that dull-green army trucks were rolling into the field from the northwest. They were coming for the same reason that the police were. Something was happening here, and i started to feel that we should leave here. I decided to turn the truck around in the field so that we could drive forward. We were still backing to the west, but the truck was slowing down. I finally managed to get it to come to a stop so that i could start driving forward again. As i came to a stop, i looked out the front window, to the east. A large rounded gray boulder fell out of the sky and bounced on the grass of the field to the east. It bounced to the north. I was startled, but then noticed some more boulders falling from the sky to the north. It was the large monster that was to the southwest. It was actually after us, but the army and the police did not know this yet. They were here to fight the tall monster because it was threatening the city. I started to drive forward again, turning the truck to the south. There were trees to the south of us now, on the southern edge of the grassy field. Rising above the trees to the southwest was a tall metal creature. It looked like it was made out of old girders, and it was shaped like a menacing robot. It had been attacked by the military, and it had turned its attention to them. It was trying to attack the troops. I knew that it was after us, however, so i decided that we should leave the area as quickly as we could while it was distracted. I tried to drive out of the field, but we were heading between the monster and the troops. I realized that the monster would simply be able to reach down and grab us. It was standing almost over us now, and i felt tense and scared. I continued to drive to the west, hoping to get away.

12009 May 06

I had to learn my lines for the Shakespeare play. I had just started doing the play, but it seemed that we did not have much time before we had to be on stage. I looked down at the paper in my hand and read some of my lines. I felt that i was too far behind the others. I did not know enough of my lines. The director had given me the paper, and i was trying to figure out what to do. There was a small audience sitting to the north of the stage, watching us. The play was already happening, but i had not memorized my lines yet. I felt uncomfortable and nervous. I only had a few lines to say, but i did not yet have them memorized. I stood on the eastern end of the stage, watching the others actors move around. I had no lines in this part of the paper, and i started to feel confused. I looked at the sheet but could not see what i was supposed to do. The director then came to the south of me and handed me a second packet of paper. This was the second part of the play, and i knew that i had more lines to speak there. I looked over the paper, looking for my parts. The director was waiting for me to read the lines, and i felt very nervous and pressured. I became frustrated because i did not know what i was supposed to be doing. I then realized that the director had stopped the play to wait for me. The audience was watching quietly from the north, and i still did not know what to do. The entire situation seemed strange. My lines started at the end of a section, and i knew that i would be bending down over someone. I would be upset and on the verge of crying. The director told me this as i thought it. I tried to figure out what i was supposed to do, but i still felt uncertain. I should have memorized the play before it started, and i wondered why i did not. I knew that i had only three lines in the play, so there was not much that i had to remember. I told $F45 that there were only three lines for me to memorize. I told him that i could memorize them one at a time, since they were space out enough in the text. We were lying in bed in my bedroom. I had been sleeping, and i was lying to the north of $F45. We talked for a moment. I then rolled over and looked to the north to see the land around us. We were on the western edge of a lawn rather than on the western side of the room. The lawn seemed rather open, and i wondered about things getting into the yard. There should have been a fence around the side of the yard to keep things out.

12009 May 07

Something felt strange. I seemed to be to the east of my parents’ house, standing in the driveway. I looked up into the sky just to the north of me and saw the large aircraft heading toward me. It was diving down, and seemed very close to me. I noticed that there was smoke in front of it, and i thought that it was from the vapor trail of the plane. The airplane must have backed up through its own vapor trail before it started diving toward us. I watched it for a moment, wondering if it would pull up, but it continued to head directly toward me. It was large and white, with windows running across its nose and down the forward length of its wings. It seemed to be diving very quickly, but it was not getting that much closer. I worried that it was going to crash into us. The airplane was now in the sky to the southeast of me, and there was a woman to the east, in front of the neighbors’ house. We had to get out of the way of the airplane. I wondered if we had enough time to run into the forest to the south. I thought that we could simply run down the embankment on the southern side of the road. Maybe the hill would block the explosion. We did not seem safe, and i wondered what we should do. I was then somewhere over the area, thinking about the situation. I wondered if we could actually get far enough away from the explosion in time. The airplane should have been diving rather quickly.

I left the area and hurried through the building. I had to get to someplace so that i could get on the airplane. I passed to the west, through a crowded room, which was dark to the south of me. I moved down the narrow corridor and came passed through the doorway. I came to the southwest, into the front section of an airplane. I was surprised to be here, because this was not my airplane. The cockpit of the airplane was to the west of me, and there was a tall dividing wall to the east. The two aisles of the aircraft ran to the east, but i could not see down them from where i was. I headed to the south, to the door on the opposite side of the aircraft, passing the dark blue padding of the dividing wall. The dark blue was covered with thin red strokes in a seemingly random pattern. The door on the southern side of the cabin was closed, so i pressed the rectangular button to the east of the door. It had white writing on it, but i did not read it. I heard a buzzer sound as i pressed it, and i knew that the button signaled the pilot that i wanted to leave the aircraft on the other side. The door opened and i started running down the corridor again to get to my flight. I then came into another aircraft. This one seemed to be an older design. It was set up more like a bus, with an open cabin with a single aisle down the center. The pilots were sitting at the front of the cabin, and there was no dividing wall between them and the rest of the cabin. I could see the dark instrument consoles to the west of me as i headed across the cabin. The design of the seats and walls seemed older, but the airplane was still clean. I walked to the door on the southern side of this aircraft and pressed a similar button to the one i had pressed before. I was annoyed that i would have to keep walking through the aircrafts to get to where i had to go. The door in this airplane did not open, and i felt slightly annoyed. I then realized that the aircraft was moving. We seemed to be moving to the west, but i was not sure because i could not see objects moving through the small window in the door in front of me. I backed into the cabin, looking around. The pilot was sitting just to the west of me, but he was ignoring my requests to leave through the door of the plane. I tired to complain to him, but i realized that the man controlling the airplane was not the pilot. He was a dark-skinned man with fussy hair that stuck straight up. He had a wide face and was wearing a dark-green T-shirt. I realized that he was a pirate, and that he was hijacking the plane. I looked down the aisle of the airplane to the east to see another man standing up, holding a gun to one of the passengers. He also had dark skin and fuzzy hair and was wearing a T-shirt. I had come onto the hijacked plane just before they left, and i was not trapped here. I knew that my mother would be worried about me if she heard the news. I then wondered how the officials would know that i was on the airplane. I was only supposed to be passing through. If the airplane crashed, my body would not be recognizable in the burned wreckage. I thought that they would have to identify me by the stuff in my bags. This would mean that they could not let my mother know that i had been hijacked by pirates until they had recovered the bodies. I knew that she had already flown to Europe, so she would have to fly all the way back once she heard about the hijacking. I looked to the southwest, out the front window of the airplane. We were moving down a runway, but we were not ready to take off. I was glad that the airplane could not take off yet. I looked back down the aisle to the east of me, wondering how many people would have to be captured if the officials could storm the airplane. I thought it would be easy if only the pilot had to be taken, but i remembered that there was one other person with him in the main cabin of the aircraft. I then noticed a third person standing in the aisle of the aircraft. It would be harder to take back the aircraft with all three of them here. I wondered if there were more pirates hiding in the seats. I looked back out the front window of the aircraft. The airplane was rolling slowly to the southwest, but turned suddenly to the south. It was heading onto a double-lane roadway. I worried suddenly that the airplane would try to take off on the highway, but, as the craft turned to the west, i realized that there was not enough roadway to the west of us to allow a takeoff. I did not want the airplane to get away with me on it. The road sloped uphill slightly to the west of us, and we rolled up the hill. There was a tall metal chain-link fence in front of us, with a wide opening across the road. We were heading into a new area, which seemed like another section of the airport. A large white airplane suddenly appeared to the west of us, blocking our way across the open landing field to the west. It looked like a very large passenger plane, but it did not seem to have any windows across the front. It was very large and round, with a pale-green nose cone. It seemed very close to us, but i knew that it was still in the middle of the field. The airplane i was on turned to the north and headed down the eastern side of the area. The open field to the west of us was filled with objects that were spaced at regular intervals. I realized that the one we were passing was a square whicker basket with a thin partially inflated hot-air balloon extending from the top of it. Hot-air balloons were being filled up on the field. I watched one pass to the west of us as we continued to the north. I wondered how we were able to pass them without hitting them. I thought that the wings of our airplane would catch on the balloons. I then noticed the tall blue column of ruffled balloon to the west of us as we passed it. The wing of our jet airplane hit the center of the balloon. I wondered if it would cut through the balloon or simply get caught on it. I hoped that it would stop our escape so that the pirates would have to stay here. I did not want the airplane to take off.

12009 May 12

I was in the open area to the north of the building. The place seemed like a terrace bar, with round tables in different places around the area. I moved to the northeast, across the area, looking at the set. This was part of a television set, and i was doing a scene for a show here. The scene felt very informal. I walked to the counter against the northern wall on the eastern side of the room. It seemed to be a bar, and there seemed to be a bartender behind it. I turned to the south and leaned back against the wooden counter, acting out my part. I was aware of the people to the west of me, at the round table in the room. I was also aware that the camera was to the east of me, shooting from against the bar. I would be viewed from the east so that the people at the table could be seen in the background. I glanced over at the table to see Zack and Slater from Saved by the Bell. Slater was sitting on the southern side of the table, Zack on the western side, and a third man was sitting on the north. I was supposed to have a conversation with the large man who was standing behind the counter. He seemed to be dressed in a suit, and i thought that he might be the bartender. I spoke some of my lines, but it seemed that we were not yet ready to record the scene. I then glanced back at the table to the west, noticing that the three people were slouched in their chairs as if they were very drunk. They had large mugs of beer in their hands. They were joking around and trying to get me to laugh. I snickered at their appearance, but tried to focus on the person to the north. I knew that we were not filming, so i made a joke about the people at the table. They started to laugh, and i turned around so that i did not have to see them. $F37 was the man standing to the north of the bar. He asked if the guy at the table was reading the players’ guide by name. I knew that he was referring to an old gaming book. It was a joke that was making fun of the people at the table. The three people at the table gasped in mock shock as they heard the joke. I tried not to notice them and i continued with the scene. The man on the north side of the table admitted that he had been reading the players’ guide. Everyone in the scene, including me, started laughing. I knew that the joke was disruptive, but it was rather funny. I tried to regain composure so that we could start filming, but i was still smiling. $F37 had always had a good sense of humor. I thought about him and realized that i had not seen him in a very long time. I missed him and wondered what he was up to.

12009 May 13

I crossed the room, heading to the west. There were several sets of shoes on the floor by the southern wall, just to the east of the open door. I bent over to start arranging them. They were my shoes, and i wanted to keep them together. The others were collecting their things in the room to the north of me. I knew that they were making beds and collecting clothes. I felt concerned as i tried to keep the shoes together, thinking that i had to make sure my stuff did not get lost in the room. I knew that this was a public room, and it seemed that my shoes might be in a spot where everyone could put their things. I then realized that there were a few pairs of small black high-top sneakers with my shoes. They had white soles and detailing. They were small enough to be a child’s shoes. I wondered what they were doing there and tried to arrange them. Something seemed strange. I wondered if i should leave the other shoes mixed in with mine. I then realized that the shoes would be behind the red wooden door to the west when it was opened. One of the other people in the room opened the door as i finished arranging the shoes, and i stepped through, heading to the south. There were some people in the next room moving around.

12009 May 14

I walked across the small room of the dingy apartment. $F15 was in the apartment with me. It seemed good to see him again, and i started chatting with him. I told him that i was getting some exercise at the moment. I was playing basketball with some other people. I turned to the south, where the large court stretched out across the room. I was standing in a doorway on the northern side of the room, between a small room and the large gymnasium. The people on the basketball court were wearing white or dull-yellow tank-tops. They all knew how to play basketball well, and i started to feel uneasy because i had never really played basketball that much. I spoke to someone on the basketball team. He was Forest Whitaker, and he was holding the basketball near his chest with both hands as he spoke to me. He seemed upset with me for not being able to play well. The rest of the team was mad at me as well. They started to say upsetting things about me, and i became distraught. I turned to the west and started out of the room. They did not want me here, and i was too upset to know what to do. I then realized that i was holding on to the metal watch that had been on the bench, which was against the southern wall of the room. It had belonged to someone on the team. I was angry with the team, and i decide that i would not give the watch back. I was going to steal it when i left.

I was standing to the north of the mirror in the bathroom. I looked at my reflection, noticing that there was a brown spot on my abdomen. I looked down to see the brown oval spot just to the left of my bellybutton. I became upset. It looked like a birthmark, but it had not been there before. I worried that it was some kind of skin deformity. I told the other person about it. The other person was in the room, to the northwest of me. I looked down at the spot again, realizing that it was larger now. I then noticed that it had fuzzy edges. It did not look like something that could be a skin discoloration. The fuzzy edges made it appear that it was spreading like ink. It must have been a stain on the surface of my skin.

12009 May 17

My parents had just bought a new house, and i was moving though the rooms, looking at it. The large rooms were empty, with white wooden walls. The paint on the walls was old and chipping, but everything looked nice. I passed from room to room, noticing how worn the place looked. It still looked pleasing, though. My mother said something as i passed through on of the large rooms in the center of the house and started heading to the southeast. I turned to the east and then back to the north in another part of the house. I started opening some of the doors in the western wall. They led into closets, and i wanted to see how much space was in the room. I moved to the north a little where there was another large white wooden door in the wall. I opened it up to see a large empty closet inside. It was dark inside, but i did not get a good look because, as i started to open the door, i noticed that there was a sign just above the door handle. The sign was yellow with black letters. It was a warning, and it stated that a body was known to be inside the room. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, wondering why the authorities would not have simply removed the body from the house when it was discovered. I took another quick look into the dark room, noticing the dirt floor and high ceiling of the closet. I realized that the body must be in the walls of the room. Someone must have known that i was there and simply did not have the time to remove it before my parents bought the house. It seemed strange that they would have bought such a house. I closed the door looking at the sign. There were several lines of text on it describing the warning, and i felt that i should not have opened the door. I wondered if i would be infected by any disease that was growing on the body. I should not have opened the door, and i realized that the large silver knob at the bottom left of the sign was some kind of special lock. It must not have been working because i was able to open the door easily. I felt uncomfortable with the body in the house, thinking that the officials would be in the house trying to preserve the body in its location. Something seemed very wrong about the situation. I closed the door and turned to head to the south.

12009 May 18

I was tense as i headed back to the north, into the apartment. I brought a few bags of groceries with me. I was living here with several other people. I started to unpack the groceries into the cupboard on the eastern wall, but i noticed that there was something missing from the shelf. There were several boxes of cereal on the left-hand side of the shelf, but there should have been a bag of granola in the center of the shelf. I realized that one of my roommates must have eaten it. I was annoyed and continued to unpack the rest of the things in my bag. I felt out of place here, and was not quite sure that i should be living with these people. It seemed disappointing to remain here, as though i was only staying here because i had no other choice. I turned to the west and put some things on the pale-green counter, which extended from the northern wall. I was trying to clean up this place, but i felt that nothing was really going to be accomplished because the others in the apartment would simply mess things up again. I did not want to be here, and i had to pack to leave. I turned to the east again and started to gather some things from the bed against the eastern wall. I had to pack my stuff so that i could get out. I felt very depressed here and wanted to get back to where i had come from. Something about this place seemed foreign. I felt that the pale-green and oppressing nature made it feel like Russia from the Cold War era. I started to put several things in a bag. I would have to pack everything in the bag so that i could get it onto an airplane to leave. My mother was in the room with me. She would be traveling back home with me, but she did not seem to be packing things. She did not seem to understand what i was doing, and i was too upset to try to explain it to her. I opened up the black duffel bag on the bed, but realized that the sides of the bag were still wet from our earlier travels. It had been raining. I would have to line the suitcase with plastic bags so that my clothing did not get wet as we traveled. It seemed to be raining, and i thought that the luggage was exposed to the rain as it was carried to the airplane. I put several things in my bag, but suddenly realized that everything that i had packed in the bag was no longer there. I became frustrated. My grandmother had taken things out of the bag. She was not aware of what i was trying to do and had decided that she would help me by putting things away. I was angry with her and felt frustrated. I felt as though i was falling behind, and i was afraid that i would not be able to catch up. I was very upset with my grandmother for interfering with my packing, and i was so upset that i did not know how to continue.

12009 May 19

I stepped into the old house on the second floor. The house was very large, and seemed gothic in style. There was no one living in the house, and it appeared to be abandoned. It was still in pretty good shape, though. I moved across the large, oddly shaped room of the upper floor, heading to the southeast. I had been in this house before when i was looking at houses. There was something very interesting about this place. It seemed very run down in places, but it was still structurally sound. I had considered buying it in the past. There was something creepy about it now, because it was dark out and i was moving through the old mansion at night. I crossed a small hallway, heading to the north. There was an open space to the west of me that looked down over the lower level of the tall room. I remembered that the entry view of the house was impressive. The entry way was very wide with a grand staircase running to the upper levels from the door. The western wall of the room that i was in bowed to the west, though it still seemed to have flat sides. There were many windows on the two-story western wall. I started down the flight of stairs on the northern end of the room, careful not to make too much noise on the creaky boards. I wondered suddenly if the stairs were sturdy enough to hold my weight. I imagined that some of the boards might break under me and i might fall through. The stairs ran to the west, following the curve of the wall to the southwest and then south, ending at the level below facing east. I paused on the steps looked over the edge of the railing at the dusty wood floor below. I was trying not to make too much noise as i went, and i was listening for sounds from the floors below. I did not want anyone to discover that i was running through the house. There were shadows stretching across the floor below, cast by a light to the north. The entryway of the house was to the north, and i hoped that no one was coming in through the main door. I had flown in through a window on the second floor. I started down the stairs again. As i reached the southern side of the curving stairway, i noticed that the boards on the southern wall of the room were dark and rotting. I pulled at one, noticing the flexibility of the wood. The house was very nice, but it would take a lot of work to fix it up. I suddenly decided that i should not stay here too long or i would be discovered. I stopped and listened again for sounds coming from the northern part of the house, where the main entry door was. That was how people would come into the house if they suspected that i was here. I was not allowed in here at the moment. I started toward the north again, back toward the open balcony on the western side of the house. I reached the window and though that i could simply fly back out the way i had come. I then decided that i really wanted to see the entryway again. I would leave the house through the main door. It was not too probably that anyone would see me there. It would also be safer than trying to fly. I turned quickly and hurried to the northeast, through the darkened rooms of the house. I then came to the top of the stairs in the rounded room and started descending along the northern wall, heading down to the west. I hoped that none of the stairs were rotten. I did not want to fall through. I then realized that i had been in this house before when i was looking for houses. I liked the house then but could not afford it. I tried to remember when i had been here.

The man to the south of me was working with something in the dark room. He was facing west, looking over a dimly lighted work bench. I noticed that there were large creatures on the bench which looked like curled up grubs. I could not quite figure out what they were, but i could tell that they were some kind of creature. The man looked shabby and dirty. He told me that he had been working with the grubs, and then mentioned that one had bit him. I remembered that grubs were used for cleaning dead flesh from bodies in science. I looked at the small animals that were crawling around the bench. To my surprise, they looked more like centipedes, with segmented bodies and distinct legs. One of the long dark-brown centipedes crawled off to the west, over the surface of the counter, and disappeared into the wall. The centipede was at least a deci long and a centimeter thick. I did not know that we had such large centipedes in this area. I knew that these creatures were poisonous normally, but i decided that the ones in this area probably were not, since the man had been bitten and had not suffered any ill effects.

I was joking about things with the man in the small room as i gathered some of my things together. I had to make a trip to somewhere to the south of here. It did not seem to be that far a distance, but i knew that i was heading across the border to the next country to the south. I seemed to be in Europe, or somewhere else where the countries were relatively small. The man then asked me something more serious. I looked at him, thinking that he was from $G3. He then moved close to me as i wandered around the northern side of the room to gather some more things. I started to feel a little awkward because he was getting rather close. He leaned forward to kiss me, but i stopped him from doing so. I told him “Memory can not be transferred through oral fixation.”. He thought the statement was funny and joked about it with the other young man in the room. He then moved closer to me again. I tried to push him away but he kept moving forward. He was not hostile, but became persistent. I finally wrapped my arms around his neck in a triangle lock and squeezed for a second, letting him know that i was serious and in control of the situation. He was surprised at the move and smiled at me, saying that he had blacked out for a moment. It did not seem possible that he could have blacked out from the lock so quickly, but i believed him. I was surprised that it happened in such a short time, and that made me uneasy with the move. I relaxed the hold a little and started to pet the man’s face. I felt concerned for him. He thought the gesture was affectionate. We were now standing in the center of the room, and i still had my arms around his neck. He was more serious now and asked me the same question he had asked before. He wanted to know about something specific. I was unsure how to answer him.

I drove my car to the south, pulling it into the parking spot on the northern side of the large lot. It was dark outside, and the lot was not well lighted. I stepped out of the car and became aware of a man standing to the east of me. I was on the eastern side of the car and started to feel uncomfortable with the man near me. We were in the middle of the lot, and there did not seem to be any other cars around. I casually walked around the back of my car to the driver’s side, moving away from the man and getting the car between us. As i came around to the car it seemed that the man was following me. I did not trust him and watched his movements out of the corner of my right eyes. I stopped by the driver’s door of the car, wondering what i should do. I then noticed that the man was reaching for the passenger’s door of the car. I quickly locked the car with the remote keys that i was holding in my left hand. The man pulled on the handle but could not get in. I then realized that i had gotten out of the car from the passenger’s side. This seemed strange and i wondered how i had come out of that door when i had been driving the car. I then turned and headed to the south, toward the front of the car. I was very nervous about the man and payed attention to where he was moving. I tried not to look at him, so that it would seem that i was not watching him. He started moving to the southwest, drifting away from me a little. I knew that he was still watching me. I was then aware of some other people in the parking lot to the south of me. There was a family with two children walking across the lot from the east. They also seemed uneasy about the man and glanced at him as they walked. The dark-skinned woman had a round face and short braided black hair. They walked nervously in front of me, smiling shyly as they passed. I had been heading in the same general direction as the family, so i walked with them for a little bit, heading toward the large gray building to the west. The man and woman talked about the man in hushed tones as we walked, and i was aware that the man had lost interest in us and was still standing back in the parking lot. As we reached the western end of the lot, the family started to turn to the south a little, and i was heading for the building. The woman offered me a shirt that she had in her bag as a gift. She was trying to thank me for walking with them and keeping the man away. I felt awkward, so i pretended not to hear what she had said, instead acknowledging that she had said something to me. I then decided that i could not pretend that i did not hear the exact words, so i told her that i could not take the shirt. She opened up the gray sweatshirt with maroon letters on it and displayed it in front of her. She said that it was a Harvard sweatshirt. I told her that i was on my way to work and that they would not let me wear the sweatshirt there anyway. I thanked her, but said no. She sayed that i worked in a clothing store and motioned to the store, which was in the building to the west. I glanced to the west and told her that i actually worked for Cornell University. I then mentioned that Cornell was a competitor to Harvard, so it would not be a good idea for me to wear the sweatshirt at work. They smiled farewell to me and turned to talk to each other as i walked away to the west, heading toward the large building. As i reached the large double glass doors at the entrance to the building, $F42 was opening them to come out. I passed him on the way in and said hello. He turned around and followed me as i moved into the building. I had to head to the hospital part of the building, which seemed to be the northern wing. He hovered over the floor with me for a moment as i turned to the west and started down the hall. I thought that i wanted to pass through the walls of the building to reach the quadrangle on the other side. I headed down the hall to the north, coming into a large waiting room. I stopped, realizing that there was no way through the waiting room to the north. The only door to the room was on the southern wall. I would not be able to get through to the hospital going this way. I was annoyed and turned around to leave. I then realized that the door would not open all the way. There was a large red cushioned chair on the eastern side of the door that blocked the door, preventing it from opening more than a crack. A young man sat in the chair studying. He looked up at me and smiled as i tried to open the door. He told me that his mother would be proud of him. He was referring to his thinness and the fact that he could pass through the door even with the chair blocking it. This seemed strange, and i wondered if the man was too thin. I looked at the back of the large chair, noticing that the fake leather on the back of the chair was cracked where the door had been hitting it. The man smiled at me, and i thought that he was cute. I did not know what else to do here, so i passed through the door and the doorframe, heading out of the room. I was annoyed that i would have to find another way to head to the north. I knew that this was the most direct route, but there was no longer any way to get to the hospital from this waiting room. I headed down the hall to the south, thinking about my grandmother. I knew that she was getting sicker, and i was worried about her. She had a stroke, and i worried that it was only a matter of time before she would die. This though upset me. I knew that i could predict when she would die, but i did not want to. I know that i could pick the month, but only as the time grew closer. Something upset me about this idea, and i did not want to think about it. I then thought that July was the month. I came into a wider section of the hall, noticing the red and dark oriental rug on the floor. It seemed old and worn. I stepped over it as i turned to the west, heading for the exit hall. I would have to go all the way back to the entrance of the building and take a different corridor north. I then though that i could predict the year of my grandmother’s death first, since it was the least specific. I would then be able to pick the month as the time grew closer. I was upset by these ideas. I thought that my family would blame me for the death if i predicted such things. I walked down the stone steps on the outside of the building, thinking that i would have to go around to the northern entrance. Two men passed me as they headed up the steps. They were talking to each other as they passed, not noticing me. I walked across the small quadrangle in the middle of the hospital campus. It was not daylight, and i thought that i should fly to the west to get to the hospital. It would be easier to go over the buildings than to walk all the way around them. I started walking down the grassy area along the southern side of the building, though. As i rounded the southern side of the building, i noticed $A103 standing on the side of the road to the south. He said hello to me as i passed, and he stopped me and asked me about the name of the play. I remembered which play he was talking about. It was a dinner-theater production that i was familiar with. He was very interested in going to the play and asked anxiously and persistently about the play. I told him that it was not exactly a play, stressing the difference between this type of play and a normal play. $Z, who was standing to the south of me, then explained that the play $A103 was talking about was actually dinner theater. He described why it was a little different, saying that dinner theater has a more casual atmosphere and requires a little more audience participation. I hoped that $Z’s terms would help clarify the idea for $A103. I then mentioned that the dinner theater was where people would go to eat dinner in a small restaurant and then watch the play during dessert. $A103 was very interested in the idea, and acted as if he did not want to miss out on the event. He was very anxious in his questions and wanted to know more about it.

12009 May 20

What i was looking for was not here, so i turned to the north and started up the western side of the old garage. The building was long and made of dark-brown wood. There were a few trashcans on the sidewalk that ran down the outside of the building. I started to pass between them and the building when i noticed the snake at the western end of the sidewalk. I stopped to look at it. It was a very large snake, and i realized that it was much larger than a garter snake. It was very long, and was stretched toward me on the path. The back end of its body was still in the bushes on the northern side of the sidewalk. It had a tan body, with dark-brown strip crossing in diamond patterns across its back. I thought that it must be a rattlesnake, since that was the only other kind of snake native to this area. I moved forward, moving around the trashcans so that i could get out from between the cans and the building. I looked more closely at the snake, careful not to get too close to it, knowing that it could strike. As i looked at it, i realized that its body was actually very thick. It was now several decis in diameter, and it seemed more like a fully grown python than a rattlesnake. Its huge head lifted up a little to look at me, flicking its tongue. As it looked in my direction, i was aware that its tail was held in the air a little behind the head. There was a thick rattle on the tail. The snake started moving forward, and i realized that it was some kind of constrictor, but it still had a rattle on its tail. Its creamy-yellowish-tan body started moving east on the path, and i could see the loops of its large body to the west of the head. There was anther head moving over the top of the first snake, and i realized that there was more than one snake on the ground. I was cautious of the snakes and stood at the eastern end of the lawn, looking at them. They were dangerous and should not be in this area. I wondered if they were escaped snakes that had survived in the wild. I moved to the north. There was a house on the northern side of the narrow lawn. The lawn now seemed to be a narrow strip between the large white house and the low dark-brown garage. I could see a bay window on the southern side of the house, which seemed to be over the snakes. I thought that i could go into the house and look down at the snakes, getting a closer look. As i moved toward the door of the house, i noticed the large snake moving to the north, toward the house. I was worried that it would crawl into the basement of the house. I hoped that it could not get into the house. I imagined that i should take out my cell phone and call emergency. I would ask them for animal control. I then realized that calling emergency might not be the best if i was looking for animal control. I would have to tell them that it could be an emergency if animal control did not get here. I headed up the stairs of the house and went inside, thinking about what i would say to the people on the telephone. I did need to call animal control, but it seemed quicker to call emergency and ask them to transfer me. I headed up the stairs in the house and came to the third floor. It seemed that i had already tried to look out the bay window on the southern side of the house to see the snake, even though i could not remember doing so. I turned to the south, thinking that i was going to look out the window, but then turned back to the north, as if i already had. I was in a small kitchen, and i noticed that the black formica counter along the eastern wall was filled with boxes and bottles. The kitchen was cluttered with old equipment. This kitchen had been used when the house was broken up into two apartments. Now, however, the house was being used as a single shared space, so i used the large kitchen on the first floor. This kitchen had simply been forgotten about. The food here should be picked up and put away before it got spoiled. This place needed to be cleaned.

12009 May 22

I was moving to the west, talking to someone to the south of me as we went. He seemed to be $A178. He mentioned something that he had been doing on a certain night. I remembered the night and asked about the party that he had gone to. I remembered that i had been at another party with people from $G3. The party that he went to sounded more interesting, and i mentioned something about it. He asked where i had gone, and i tried to explain. He was surprised, and joked about the place that i had gone to, making fun of me for having gone the wrong party. He turned in the driver’s seat of the car so that he was facing me more with his upper body. He named the person whose party i had gone to, saying it like it was a joke. I felt awkward, and tried to explain that i had ended up at the party and did not feel like i should leave. I tried to remember the night, and suddenly it seemed hard to picture. I remembered being at a small gathering earlier in the evening, but then i had gone someplace else. I remembered liking the new place, but this was the party that $A178 was making fun of. I explained to $A178 that i had met up with the people somewhere and was invited to come to their house. I felt uncomfortable refusing, so i spent the time at the party with them. I shifted in the passenger’s seat of the car, trying to think of what to say. The interior of the car seemed black, and we were traveling west. I wanted to say something that would explain away my presence at the unpopular party. $A178 then leaned over my lap, as if grabbing something from the side pocket in the passenger’s door. I focused on his face, noticing that he was sweating. He had a cold bag held to his head. I asked him what he was doing, but then started playing with the bag of gel that i had in my right hand. I had taken the bag from the pocket of the door next to me. I looked at the greenish-clear bag. It seemed dark and stiff. The gel could be manipulated, but seemed to hold its shape. $A178 then shifted back into the driver’s seat of the car, and there seemed to be something strange about him. He was staring out the front window of the car with a dazed look on his face. He seemed to be delirious, and then i realized that he was sweating again. He was feverous, which was why he had the bag of ice on his head before. I was afraid that he might pass out. I called his name and asked him if he was all right, but he did not respond. I then looked at the bag of gel in my hand, realizing that i had pulled one-third of it off. The bag broke with a ragged edge of gel, which seemed to be stiff. The bag was cold, and i thought it was the same bag that he had been holding to his head. I told $A178 that i had broken the bag, but he did not respond. I asked him again if there was something wrong, but he would not respond to me. Finally he said, in a faint voice, that he was okay. I realized that he was not paying attention to the road ahead of us, and i became worried that he was going do drive off of the road. I was suddenly aware that $F45 was sitting in the backseat of the car, right behind $A178. I looked ahead to see that we were driving to the south-southwest on a multilane roadway. The blacktop seemed dark, and the road curved to the west ahead of us. I worried that $A178 would not make the turn. Another can was driving along the side of us to the east. It started to pass us. I told $A178 to stay in the lanes, but he did not seem to listen. There was a cement overpass above the turn. The road we were on was headed straight toward a hill, but turned under the overpass just before. We started crossing the lanes of the road as we reached the corner. We were going to crash into the side of the hill, and i was glad that $F45 was asleep in the back seat so he would not panic. There was a cement retaining wall directly ahead of us, and we seemed to be heading toward the eastern edge of it. The cement had a sharp corner and sloped downward to the east as it came down the hill. I was afraid that we would hit the cement, but the car swerved a little more to the east and ran into the dirk hill just to the east of the cement. The car then rolled back a little, and i could see that there were two metal poles in the ground where the car had hit. They must have been in the ground to reinforce the hill. The one on the left was round, with a few flecks of yellow paint on it, and the one on the right was mostly yellow and had a square cross section. The yellow one seemed bent a little, and there was a flat rectangular plate covering the top. These poles must have punctured the engine compartment of the car, and i wondered if they had done any damage. I told $A178 that we could not drive too far because of the damage, but he was no longer paying attention. We started to walk to the west, but i was stopped on the southern side of the area. There was water around us now. I moved to the southern edge of the road and looked down over the southern side. The ground dropped off now, and there was a large square area of cement, which seemed to be a driveway. There was a small white house to the southwest. The roadway around me was full of water. $A178 walked off to the west, but i was holding on to the cats. I had taken them from the car and did not want them to get wet. I was trying to save them from the accident. The water was too deep below me to jump into it, and i thought that i could see a large goldfish swimming on the eastern side of the area. To the north, the road was covered with water, and it seemed rather deep. I tried to carry $X12 and $X14 or my left arm, but they were nervous and started crawling up my sleeve. $X12 then jumped down to my left leg, which i held out to the west so that he had a place to stand. I was holding on to the sheet of rusted metal that ran along the southern edge of the road. The water was filling up on the northern side of it, and i was climbing along the southern side, trying to get to the west. The square pool of water was below me, and i did not want to drop the cats in it. $X12 then jumped from my arms and landed in the water on the top of the road. I could still see the man walking to the northwest of me, through the water, which only seemed to be calf deep. $X12 started swimming to the northwest, across the water. I knew that he would be a good swimmer, and i was glad that he was escaping. I had to get to the western side of the area as well.

12009 May 23

I walked through the tall gray-stone halls of the old building. The place was not well lighted, and it seemed like a city building. The room opened up to the northeast of us, and there was a large multipane window in the northeastern wall. The room had many people moving around, as if it was a party. $F4 was here with me, and i walked with him through the crowd. I felt a little uneasy here. Looking out the window across the roof terrace, i noticed several other people walking up a metal stairway on the side of the brick building. They seemed to be headed to the roof, and many of them seemed to be people i knew from high school. I wanted to follow them up to the roof. The party where i was felt uncomfortable to me. I wanted to be on the roof with the other because i believed that their party was more exciting. I walked out of the room where the party, walking through the doorway in the dull-yellow plaster wall and coming out onto the stone plaza outside. This place seemed like the roof where i had seen the others. The plaza was modern and seemed rather new. I crossed the plaza to the northeast, heading toward the rusted metal stairs that led up to the roof. $Z was with me as we started ascending the stairs to the southwest. As we got up to the first metal landing, i realized that there was a metal grate over the next set of stairs. We would not be able to climb up to the next level. I was disappointed, realizing that we would not be able to climb up to the roof from here. This was the same stairs that the others had come up, so i knew that there must be a way to get up to the roof. I wanted to be at the other party. I walked down the hall to the west a little before turning into the doorway in the northern wall. The large room of the apartment was filled with people having a party, but it was still not the party that i was interested in. I looked around the room for other people that i might know, hoping that some of the people i saw coming up the fire escape would be here. They would be able to tell me how to get to the roof. I then noticed $F5, sitting on the southern end of a dark couch in the southwestern corner of the room, just to the west of me. I was not sure that i wanted to get into a conversation with him at the moment, but he said hello to me, so i said hello back. He then told me that my nose was bleeding. I became concerned and turned to the east, where there was a mirror handing on the eastern wall of the room. I looked at my reflection, seeing that there was a small trickle of blood running from my nose. This was very bad. I had to stop the bleeding, but i did not know how. I worried that the situation would get worse.

My mother moved around the small area, which seemed to be outdoors, even thought it seemed to be in a small room of an empty apartment. She had been looking for some of her things, but was unable to find them. She was mad that she did not have these things and seemed very upset. I told her that she might have left them someplace, because i knew that she had been carrying things around from house to house. I reminded her that she had been packing to leave a while ago, but she did not remember doing so. She did not believe me and thought that i was making the story up. $K3 then walked into the roof from the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. My mother was to the west of me, gathering thing near the couch and packing them in her bag. I felt frustrated. I knew that she was simply doing the same things over and over again and that she would simply be upset again. I walked to the south, where there was a long off-white couch against the wall. My father was already sitting there, and i sat next to him. My mother collected some things from the western part of the room and then headed back to the northwest, across the large puddle of water. The water was murky, and it seemed to have come from a storm. I was worried about her being in the water as she started to swim. The water of the pond was deep. Something seemed wrong with my mother, and i started to follow her. As i reached the water, though, the waves started rolling in to the shore. I was having a hard time walking against them, and i could not swim through them. My mother was getting farther away, and it suddenly seemed strange that there were so many waves in such a small body of water. The waves were very tall, and this was abnormal. I tried to swim through them, but the waves reached over my head and pushed me back. This did not seem right, and i started to feel upset that my progress was being impeded.

12009 May 24

I hurried across the college campus, carrying the yellow cat in my arms. There was something wrong with the cat, and i was trying to protect it. I did not want it to get out, but it jumped from my arms and started running to the south. I felt suddenly worried about the cat and ran after it, following it into the large lecture room. I tried to catch the cat, but was having trouble getting close to it. I started to feel panicked that it would run away and not come back. I knew that it was not able to take care of itself in the wild. As i grabbed the cat and turned to take it back outside, a man approached me and told me that the cat was contaminated. I did not understand what he was talking about and felt worried that the cat would be taken away from me. The man told me that there were foreign things on campus and that the cat had been running around too long. It had been in the contaminated area and would have to stay here so that it did not spread any diseases. I was very upset that i would have to leave the cat here, and i did not want to do it. I decided that i would have to stay with the cat, even if the officials said i could not. This meant that i would have to hide the cat so that the people did not take it away. I moved around the area, which seemed like a part of the campus. I was carrying the cat in a small book bag, which i left open at the top so that the cat would be able to breath. I moved to the front of the theater, which was on the western side of the room. I tried to be inconspicuous about carrying the cat as i moved sat down in a seat right in front of the large white screen. I placed the cat in my lap and talked to it about the screen, pretending that it would watch the movie. The screen was now to the north of us, taking up much more of the wall. I thought that i might be too close to the screen and decided to move a little. I shifted to the west, across the second or third row of the audience. I looked around at the seats as i shifted to the left, feeling a little confused. I wanted to move to the other seat, but i was not quite sure where i was going. I asked the man to the west of me if i was near seat number five or row five. He told me that i was in row five, so i moved to the correct seat in the row. I placed the cat in the seat next to me. It was now in a tinfoil bag that looked like a takeaway bag. That was how i was hiding the cat in plain sight. Others would think that the bag had come from dinner. I looked around and then back to the tinfoil bag. The cat had moved, and i was suddenly worried that it would be lost in the theater. I bent over and started looking under the seats. I then heard a sound to the east of me and thought that the cat might be crawling under the seats there. I looked under the seats, aware that people were now starting to take noticed of me. I would have to explain that i had dropped something. I felt very worried as i looked around for the cat. I then noticed the blue bag next to me on the chair. Someone must have found it and moved it back to where i was. I relaxed a little bit and sat back down, hoping that the cat was okay in the bag. It was not moving, but i did not want to check on it at the moment because i knew that others were still watching me.

I walked trough the aqua-blue tiled halls of the old building, heading down the stairs and through the narrow corridors. I came out into a long room that ran east to west. There was a pool in the center of the room. I walked along the southern wall for a moment, heading east. I knew that i could use the stairs on the northern side of the room to get down to the lobby of the building, but i was not able to cross the pool area from here. I had taken the stairs down from the locker rooms above, but i now fond myself caught in the pool area. I did not want to get wet, so i would not be able to cross the pool to get to the northern side of the room. I wondered what i should do. I paced back and forth along the southern wall of the room, realizing that there was a doorway to locker rooms to the south of me. I could go back the way i came, but i knew that it would only lead me back to the other locker rooms and not out of the building. It seemed that the only way i could get there was to cross the water of the pool. I then decided to head east along the southern wall of the room. There was an opening to the south, and i thought that it was the entrance to the viewing stands. There would have to be a door at the back of the viewing seats so that the spectators could come in without having to cross the water. As i came to the opening in the pale-aqua tile wall, however, i saw that the short flight of stairs on the other side of the door simply led into a small square section of the room where a wading pool was. There was a large glass window in the southern wall, overlooking the wading pool, but there were no doors in the wall that could lead out of the area. I felt frustrated and walked back into the center of the pool area. There was a woman in a red one-piece bathing suit walking around the side of the pool. She was one of the monitors here, and i asked her how i could get out of the pool area. She told me that the exit doors were to the north. This was not an answer that seemed helpful. I felt disappointed and asked her how i could cross the pool without getting wet to get to the doors. She realized what the problem was and asked me to follow her as she walked to the east. She was going to lead me to the other side of the pool. We walked into a long rectangular stairwell on the southern side of the eastern end of the room and started to ascend the stairs. This did not seem like the correct way. We would be heading up and away from the exit if we continued this way. I wanted to go to the door that was on the eastern end of the north side of the building, but we seemed to be heading in the wrong direction. We stepped out of the stairwell on one of the upper floors and started to walk to the east again. This place looked like a banquet room of a hotel. It had been used for some function recently, and there were still remnants of trash around the room. Most of the room seemed to be empty as we started walking along the eastern wall, heading south. There was a smaller room attached to the larger one. It was to the east, and there were two short walls extending from the eastern and western sides of the room, flush with the wall of the main room. They were only a meter or so high, enough to define the separate room. A large pile of trash was on the western side of the small room, piled just behind the short wall. We started to pass it and i noticed the large round grill of a room fan sticking out the side. The fan looked new, and i wondered why someone would be throwing it out. The woman pointed out a white box on the top of the pile, which i realized looked like a kitchen appliance. The woman called it a “grilled rice steamers”. It looked new, and i thought that it was an unwanted gift from the wedding that had been here. I told the woman that i had focused on the fan first. I then looked closer at the fan as we started to pass the pile, noticing that one of the blades had been broken. I then noticed a white take-out box of rice tipped over at the bottom of the pile: the white rice spilled out across the floor. There were several cubes of pressed food on the floor next to it. It was the remainder of the buffet that had been uneaten. I was annoyed that it was simply thrown out and wasted. I told the woman that this place was quite a mess, and i thought that it must be from all of the students leaving the area. The woman told me that it was actually from a funeral. We passed some more piles of garbage as we walked, and i noticed several cardboard boxes on top of a stack of garbage against the western wall which said that they had contained live crabs. The crabs were eaten in the dinner, and the shells discarded in the empty cases. This must have been an Indian funeral. I decided this because something about the food and the decorations seemed Indian to me. They left quite a mess in the room, and it seemed reasonable that they would also have discarded a lot of uneaten food and unused gifts. I mentioned to the woman that i remembered hearing about the funeral before.

12009 May 25

I turned to the east and walked into the long room of the building. I had been walking through a narrow alley that seemed to run between several warehouses. This long room was a storeroom in one of the warehouses. There were shelves on both sides of the narrow room, which seemed like the back of a tractor-trailer. The wooden shelfs on both walls were coverer with items in cardboard boxes of all sizes, and everything seemed a little dusty. There were also stacks of larger boxes in the center of the room, forming two aisles. I knew that this place was in the center of a large city, and there were others walking with me through the storage room. I walked ahead of the others, twisting as i stepped between the narrow gaps in the stacks along the northern side of the corridor. I stopped for a moment and looked at the boxes to the south of me. I was looking for something, but i was not sure what. There seemed to be something special about this place, but i did not know how to find it here. I then came to an area in the center of the room that seemed more open. The boxes in the center were lower here, and there was a gap between them that allowed someone to walk between the northern and southern corridors. The old metal wall seemed to have a section of plating missing to the north of us, allowing bright light in. The light seemed to be sunlight reflected off of a brick wall to the north of us. There was a man sitting to the east of me now, on one of the cardboard boxes. I had stepped into the southern aisle as one of the men following me stopped in the northern side. The man sitting on the cardboard box was John Denver. There was something special about him being here to speak with use, since i knew that he was dead. I greeted him and we started speaking. I wanted to learn what he had to say and tired to understand the information as he spoke. I sat down in the center of the old black cushioned couch that was against the northern wall, and John sat to the east of me. He kept telling me things, and i tired to listen. We spoke for what seemed to be a while, and then John said something as he put his right hand on my left knee. I knew that he was not flirting with me, but i felt a little uncomfortable with him being so close, and i it seemed strange that he would do so. I tried to ignore it and listen to the conversation. It was very important, and i knew that i could learn something here.

12009 May 26

I walked into the large house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. The room i was in had a polished wood floor and a lot of wood furnishings. It seemed to be a dining room, and everything was well cleaned and polished. My parents had been talking to some company, but the company was now leaving. I sensed that there was something strange going on here. I had come home unexpectedly and did not want to interrupt the company, but they seemed to be leaving anyway. I felt a little awkward and out of place, but i moved toward my parents, who were in the room. I then realized that the man leaving was well dressed and formal. He was Prince Charles. I was surprised to see him here. My father shook his hand and apologized for the death. I realized suddenly that the Queen had died. Charles was now a King. This was something serious, and i could tell that everyone in the room was very solemn and quiet. I could not understand why Kind Charles was here, though. It seemed very strange that he had come to my parents’ house. I then wondered if they were actually related to our family. That would be very strange if it were true, and it was highly unlikely. My mother was sitting on one of the wooden dining room chairs on the northern side of the room. I asked her what was going on, but she was hesitant to talk to me. I was surprised that she would not want to tell me what was happening. She looked down at the floor and told me that i should talk to my father about it. Something important was happening, but it seemed out of place here, and i felt upset that i did not know what. My mother stood up and moved the chairs back around the wooden table, which was in the center of the room. I wanted to know what was happening, but no one would tell me. I wandered to the south, following the stone walkway through the woods. The sun was bright and reflected off of the bright green leaves. I followed the path down a slight hill and came to a creek. The walkway was broken over the creek. Water must have washed it out during the spring melts. I would have to step on the uneven stones of the walkway that had fallen into the water of the creek to cross. I stood at the edge of the creek, wondering how i would cross. I then realized that i was standing in the woods to the west of my parents’ house. Why was i here? I felt suddenly annoyed that i had come here when i should have stayed in the house to find out what was going on. I wondered what would have made me walk out into the woods. I turned to the east, following the path through the forest. The path ran through the brown forest floor, where little undergrowth colored the ground. I looked ahead on the path, noticing that it turned to the north and headed up a steep hill, passing through the tall thin young trees. There was a creek running along the base of the hill, and it had washed over the top of the path. The path i was on now ended at the water, so i continued on by stepping over the stones in the water. There was a tall path to the north, running up the side of the hill. It was well above the water and would not wash out. I continued up it, but enough of the dirt had washed out from the hill under the path. The path started to slide down the side of the hill as i walked on it. I continued on as the path collapsed behind me. Someone would have to come out and recreate the paths through the forest. I wondered if the royal family would have people do it for them. I came out of the forest and started heading across the large grassy field, heading to the northeast. I could not understand why i was not heading back to the house. I had to find out why royalty was visiting my parents. I felt annoyed with myself for not having gone right back sooner. I continued up the long grassy hill, toward the apartment complex near the top. One of the tan cement and brick apartment buildings ran from north-northwest to south-southeast, along the top of the hill. There was another building i could see to the north of the first. It seemed to run east to west along the northern side of the complex. This side of the complex was triangular, running along the forest to the north, and the hill to the southwest. I would have to go around the apartment complex to get back to my parents’ house. I decided to fly over the grass to the south of the buildings to move faster. I lifted my feet and started to glide over the paved path that i had been walking on. Some people came out of the building to the north of me. I wondered if they would think my flying was impressive. I put my feet down on the ground and then jumped up into the air, heading for the metal racks that were hanging off of the second floor of the building. I looked at the people at the entrance to the building, to the northwest of me, but they seemed hesitant about something to the south and were not really noticing me. I turned back to the building to the east of me and walked along the rack and into the building. I had to get through the building in order to get to the other side. I walked into the front corridor, wondering how to go through the building. I remembered that the halls did not run all the way though. I was in the front hall of the building when a woman came out of an apartment to the north of me. She did not pay much attention to me because she was fooling around with something in her arms. The doors to the apartments were white, and the walls of the hallway were darkly stained wood. The entryway that i was in seemed very wide but narrowed to a hallway on the east. Doors were set into the walls of both the entryway and the hallway. I noticed the eastern hallway across the entryway from me as i started talking to the woman. She was nervous with me there and did not really want to talk. I commented on the situation, trying to make her feel relaxed, but i kept watching the hall to the east. I then noticed a mirror on the door at the eastern end of the hall. It had a mirror on it, which allowed the people in the building to see into the entryway. I could also see more of the hallway from where i was. It gave the illusion that this place was larger than it seemed. I thought that the college dorms were to the east, beyond the door. I then thought that there would be a lot of young men there. I walked to the east, thinking that i had to get back to the house and find out what was going on. As i walked down the hall, college students started to walk around me. Class was about to start, and they were moving from class to class. I picked up my bags from the airport lobby to get ready to walk. My bags were in a line of the black tile floor, but i realized that there was a bag missing. I grabbed the two that were there, but there should have been a third. I felt very annoyed that someone had taken one of my bags. I took the two bags to the east and continued on, telling someone that my math books were missing. I should tell the professor at the lecture that someone had taken the bag that had my books in it. I had been on a bus tour to this place, and the bus driver had simply dropped off my bags. Someone must have taken my other bag onto the bus when the bus continued on. I was upset and wondered how i would get it back. I then decided that i was not actually upset, but just annoyed that it had happened. I walked into the lecture room to the west of me. I was then walking back to the east, down the hall. I followed the hallway, which was actually a dirt road running through the country area. There were green trees and tall weeds on both sides of the road. An old worn wooden house stood just off northern side of the road. I felt as though i had been traveling for quite some time. I had just stopped to eat, and it was getting too dark to continue on. I decided that i should start a fire somewhere before it got too dark. I turned to the south, where there was a large filed off the side of the road. I walked a little way into the field, looking for a nice area to camp. The small farmhouse seemed to be to the northwest of me now. There was an old stump in the ground at the center of a clearing. It was very wide with a rotting center. I decided that i should not start a fire here because it might burn through the roots of the tree. I was then aware that the farmer of this land might be watching me from the house to the north. I had to be careful what i did. I thought that i should cut up some of the downed pine trees for wood. I pulled out the handsaw and started to chop the dead branches off of the tall pine trees to the south of me. I wondered if the natives were watching me from their hiding places in the forest. They would probably be surprised at the sight of the saw. They did not have saws back in the time that i was in, so it must seem like quite a surprising device for them. I finished cutting part of a tree and brought the wood to the south, into the clearing of the overgrown field. This was where i was going to start the fire. I then walked back past the door to the north of me. It was the professor’s door in the hallway. As i started to pass the door, i noticed a cardboard box sitting on the ground just to the east of the doorway. There was a gray block in the box that seemed to have designs from South Park on it. I pulled it out of the box, thinking that it was a gift to the professor. As i pulled it from the box, aware that the farmer was still watching me from the northwest, i noticed that i had pulled off a part of the object. I had broken the top off of the gift, and i felt bad that it had broken. I moved the cardboard box into the clearing, where i was trying to start the fire, so that i could look at the gray object. I needed to fix the object. I would have to give it to the professor, but i had to repair it so that he did not receive a damaged gift. I paced back and forth in the hallway, trying to figure out what to do with the gift. I tried to attach the dangling part of the toy with the thin red wire that the dangle was attached to, but the red wire would not stay attached to the gray base of the object. I held the black cat in my left arm, trying to make the toy look right around its neck. The cat was not happy with the necklace, which was part of the toy. I had to fix it so that it looked as good as new. I put it on the cat’s neck again and looked at it, but the cat no longer looked real. I paced to the south, across the clearing and toward the southern wall of the hallway. I had to figure out how to make it look better.

12009 May 27

I was standing near the back yard of my grandmother’s house, talking to the other person. We noticed that there was something happening to the east of us, several houses over. I had seen flashes of orange light as i moved across the front of the houses, heading west to where i was now, and i was seeing them again between two of the houses to the east. I was then standing in the yard a few houses over, where several people were gathered. As i approached the eastern side of the yard of the yellow house, i noticed a flash of orange light coming from between the yellow house and the next house to the east. There were some people standing in the yard behind the house looking to the south, between the houses. When i came to the space between the houses and looked down, i could see three older men standing around near the southwest corner of the white house. I could not see any flames, but i knew that they were there. The men seemed older, and were dressed as if they were from the seventies. There was a flicker of flame high over their heads, and i realized that the fire was shooting up in a long column of flame. It was a gas fire from one of the natural-gas mains. I felt suddenly concerned when i saw the top of the rusted pipe sticking up from the ground. There was no flame coming out of it, but i knew that the men were periodically igniting it as the gas came out. The flame was as tall as the house and shot up in a thin flickering column. I told the men that this was dangerous, thinking that we should call emergency. I told the men that they should contact the fire company, but they did not seem concerned. One of the men told me that it would not be necessary. I had moved to the front of the house now and was looking at the flame as it burned in a narrow column only a meter or so from the house. I could see that the heat from the flame was starting to warp the vinyl siding on the house. I pointed this out to the man as the white vinyl started to discolor in a thin strip parallel to the flame. A halo of condensation formed around the discoloration and the vinyl started to darken. The man still did not seem concerned. I told him that it could start the house on fire. I started to move to the west, thinking that i should call the fire department on my cell phone. I then thought that i might not have a cell phone, so i imagined talking to someone from emergency, telling him or her that there was a gas-main fire. I tried to tell the operator the address, but i could not remember where we were on the street. I looked at the front of the white house, where the older man was standing on the front porch. There were metal numbers on the front wall of the porch, but they were faint, and i was having trouble reading them. I looked to the west at the next house over, noticing that the numbers on the front of that house were black and easier to read. I looked again at the silver numbers, thinking that the number in the center was missing. The first and last number seemed to be sixes, but the number in the middle was missing. The wall where the letter had been was stained with white glue marks, which seemed to be in the shape of the number three. I asked the man what address he was, but he looked at the numbers on the wall and said that he could not remember. He read the numbers as “four-thirty-nine”, but i knew that this was not correct. I tried to remember what my grandmother’s address was, and it seemed to be in the three hundreds. I told the operator my grandmother’s address, then told her that it was a few houses down, saying that i could not read the silver letters on the front of the house where i was. I told the man that the gas main could explode, and then i started to the west again, coming into the driveway of my grandmother’s house. I would have to tell my grandmother and mother that we needed to leave the house. It was dangerous here because the gas main could explode into a large fireball. I felt that i should get my grandmother out of the house in case the gas exploded. We would have to take her cat in its carrier and put everything into the car. I imagined how we would do this as i moved around the area, not looking at anything specific. I knew that we would have to tell $K7 that she needed to move as well. She would be grumpy about and complain that we could not move her cat. I thought that we could put her cat in one of the other carriers. My grandmother’s cat had a large canvas carrier, but $K7’s cat would have to be put into one of the smaller black cages. I started moving to the southwest now, away from my grandmother’s house. We should get far enough away so that the blast would not hurt us. I looked vaguely over the houses to the southwest, and the hazy trees on the distant hillside. We could be across town when we heard the boom from the fireball. I hoped that it did not do any damage to my grandmother’s house. I thought about this for a moment, periodically noticing the tops of the buildings around me. They seemed to be covered with thin layers of morning haze, even though it did not seem like morning. Everything just seemed gray and hazy. I then turned back to the north. I was in a small field, which seemed to be a lawn, on the southern side of a street. Two men were approaching me from the south, and i thought that i had just flown here. The two men, who seemed like $A206 and $A105, approached me from the building to the south. I had just flown and thought that i should jump into the air and fly again. I knew that the men were aware of my ability to fly. I wanted to fly across the street to the north and head toward $P7, which seemed to be on the north side of the street. I had done this before. I jumped into the air and floated to the north, watching the red leaves of the large tree move toward me. The tree was on the northern side of the street, and its branches hung down like a willow, but the leaves were in thick bunches. I wondered what $A206 and $A105 would think of my abilities to fly. I knew that they would be surprised that i would do it in front of them. I landed on the front lawn of $P7. The building was now to the west of me, and the street ran north to south in front of the lawn. I started heading to the southwest, along the top of the hill. The lawn in front of $P7 seemed to be triangular, with a steep hill running down from the southeast side of the triangle. In the distance, i could see students throwing a football to each other. I started to walk toward them as i continued to the southwest. I passed one of the young men. He was on the northern side of the lawn, in the center of the building. He had just caught the ball from someone to the southwest. He had a very nice smile, and curly brown hair. He jogged to the north after he had caught the ball. As i continued to the southwest, i realized that i had walked between the men throwing the ball. I could see the small group of young men to the southwest of me. There were two of them on the edge of the lawn right in front of me, and a few more to the west of them. They were throwing the football in a triangle, and i had walked into the middle of it. I moved a little to the west, trying to get out of the way of the man who had thrown the ball. I then realized that i was now between the man who had caught the ball and the next man to receive it. I smiled as i tried to get out of their way. I was then past them and continuing across the top of the hill to the southwest. I looked at the young men as i passed. Thinking that there was something interesting about them. They were the generation that would have the special abilities. I had them, but most people would not have suspected that i had them because i was so much older. I wondered how many of the men here had to hide their abilities so that the adults did not discover them. I passed through the group of men on the southern side of the field, smiling at them as i passed. I noticed the redheaded boy to the north, thinking that he was somewhat attractive, but knew that he was too young to be interested in. I then noticed the steep hill to the southeast of me. Looking down, i could see the red brambles. As i approached the southern side of the building, i thought about them. I remembered falling through them when i was younger as part of a game we used to play. I thought that i would need to fly from here. I needed to absorb power from a power center, and i decided that there was one in $P7. It seemed to be above the clock tower in the center of the building. As i rounded the southern part of the building, i thought about hovering over the clock tower, absorbing energy. It would be a dramatic display to those watching on the ground, and it would let them know that they did not have to hide their abilities. I imagined that the process would generate a bright yellow light that the people on the ground would see. I held my arms out, concentrating on the glow, but then i opened my eyes and looked down. I was standing on the ground at the back of the building, on the western side. I looked down below me to see that i as standing on the edge of the cement trench that surrounded the building. It dropped a story into the ground, leaving a space between the basement of the building and the surrounding land. I could see the dark open space of the basement under the building and the square cement columns supporting the back of the building. I backed away from the trench and headed back to the south. As i rounded the southern side of the building, i noticed the female teacher just getting out of her car in the parking lot to the south. She stopped and stared at me, as though she was shocked that i was there. She seemed concerned at my presence. I walked up the two stone steps at the southern entrance of the building and started to open the large wooden door. I glanced back at the teacher, who was still standing in her tan trench coat in the doorway of the small white car. I turned to go inside, but a small boy in a blue shirt pushed his way under my arm and walked through the door i had opened. I chuckled at him and them made a mock-surprise gesture, motioning him through the door. I followed him into the building and started climbing the stairs. I was having trouble walking up the stairs, just as i had trouble walking around the southern side of the building. My feet were not moving properly, and i felt that there was something wrong with my legs. It must have been an injury. I continued up the stairs, thinking that i had to get to the center of the building, where the clock tower was, but i was struggling with each step. My feet did not move as expected, and i felt that there was something wrong with them that was hindering me.

12009 May 28

The others had complained about the hotel, saying that their things had been stolen there. I approached them from the north as they talked. They were standing just to the west of a doorway, and a large woman stepped into the room through the door and pulled out some power tools. These people were construction workers, and they were worried about their equipment being stolen. The woman in the green sweatshirt jacket pulled out a large orange power jigsaw. She showed it to the others, swinging the blade up and down as if cutting through something. The others were amused. I continued past them and went into my room, hoping that i would be able to hide my things so that no one would steal them. I was concerned about my laptop. The hotel room was very messy. It seemed that i had my things scattered all over the place. I walked between the two full beds, which had their headboards against the southern wall. I put the laptop under the western bed, sliding it on top of the cross slats under the bed. I could feel the laptop moving across the boards until the rubber pads on the corners slipped over the sides of the boards. The pads were on the outsides of two separate boards, preventing the laptop from sliding. I hoped that it would be a good enough hiding place, and i bent over to look. I could see the white computer, but it was not obvious. It was against the near side of the bed. The power cable was still attached to the computer, and i wondered if i should leave it charging all night. It was not necessary to do so. The cable ran across the space between the two beds, making it obvious that the computer was under the bed, but i would disconnect it before i left the room. I looked around again. There were clothes dumped on the eastern bed. I hoped that no one would steal my laptop.

12009 May 29

I was in the dark pub, and the bar was to the north of me. The bartender served me a drink in a short glass and i took a sip from it. My friend was to the east of me, and he seemed to be $F45. I realized that something was wrong with the drink and looked at the reddish liquid in the glass. There were small flies swimming around the edges of the liquid. I took another sip of the drink and could feel the flies in my mouth. I was annoyed that the drink was tainted. I complained to the bartender, but he did not seem to pay any attention to me. I felt frustrated and wandered around the bar. The walls of the bar were painted black, but the paint was dull and scratched. I did not know what to do with my drink, and i wanted it replaced with a clean one. The bartender was gone from the bar, and i was complaining about my drink to someone else. I thought that i should go behind the bar and make a new drink in a clean glass. $A120 then was standing to the east of me. He said that the idea sounded good and walked around the eastern end of the bar and grabbed a new glass. He looked over the shelf on the northern wall of the bar for a moment and then picked up a small clear-glass bottle with a liquid that was tainted slightly red. He poured it into the glass. I felt that i should stop him and tell him that he had to mix the drink down with ice and mixer or it would be too strong. I felt uncomfortable having him behind the bar and pretended to look around the room as if not noticing what he was doing. I then focused on the entrance door in the western end of the southern wall. An older woman with a stern look on her oval face came into the room. She had shoulder-length dirty-blond straight hair with streaks of gray in it. She was wide, and was wearing a light-blue or light-green dress with a matching jacket over the top. She seemed like the owner of the pub, and i worried that she would be upset that $A120 had mixed the drinks. She walked behind the bar and told us that we should not be making drinks. She too the glass from $A120 and put it back on the bar, complaining that we were not bartenders. I told her that my drink was not made properly before, and she said that we would should be very drunk if we had been drinking drinks like $A120 had made. I tried to tell her that the drinks we had were mixed properly before, but that mine had bugs in it, but she did not hear. I was disappointed again and took my glass to the south, leaving the pub as the woman had suggested. I decided that i should take my glass back to the pub to the east, which is where i had originally gotten the drink with the bugs in it. I then wondered how i was going to convince the bartender to give me a better drink if he was not the one who had given me the contaminated drink. I walked down the black hall to the east with $Z. I then opened the next door to the west, on the northern side of the hall and looked in. I could see the DJ just in front of the door. He was standing to the south of a counter. The bar was on the northern side of the room. There must be another door to the east that we should enter through. This one was obstructed by the DJ booth.

12009 May 30

I turned around and started jogging in place for a moment as i looked around me. I had to jog back home, which seemed to be to the south. I seemed to be in $P51. I had just come from the southern road and stopped on the road that ran east to west. It seemed to be summer time, but the light was dim as though it was evening. I looked down the road to the east, thinking that the next road to the south led straight back to where i wanted to go, but then i decided that i would probably head back on the road to the south near me, because that was the way that i had come. I tried to think of what was the shortest distance to get home, since it seemed like a long way, and i thought that i would be getting tired. I was surprised that i had already come so far on my bicycle. It seemed like such a long ride. I started heading down the street to the east, but started to feel that this was actually the long way home. I was not sure that i wanted to run this way. I tried to picture the routes in my head, thinking that this route would travel directly south and head into $P5. I wanted to jog the shortest route, so i turned back to the west and jogged a short distance on the main road. I then turned to the south onto the back road, which was covered with snow. The area around me seemed gray and dreary now. I hiked through the calf-deep snow, heading to the south, down the back road. Looking ahead of me, i could see someone else on the road, trudging through the snow. There was an old white house on the western side of the street, about twenty meters from where i was. I tried to stay on the gravel sections of the road so that i could get better traction. The gravel seemed to be on the western edge of the road, and it occurred to me that it might have been put there for traction. A tall snow mound had been pushed to the western side of the road, and the gravel ran up the side of it. I could not walk along the eastern slope of the tall mound because it was too steep, so i tried to go over the center of it. It was very hard to climb, though. My feet sunk deeper into the snow, and i found that i was putting a lot of effort into each step. I would never be able to continue if i had to expend so much effort. I tried to maintain my balance on the long flat pieces of shale gravel, but i could not keep going. I then realized that i had walked mostly on the western side of the mound, where the gravel was, thinking that there was more traction in the gravel. I looked down to the road to the east of me and realized that i was four or five meters from the ground. To the south of me, the rough surface of the small hill was a stone cliff, and i would not be able to easily climb it. It would be very dangerous. I was afraid that i might fall. I decided that i should jump back down into the road. I started heading back down the slope, a little to the northeast, looking down the steep hillside. It was not steep enough to be a cliff, so i thought that i could climb part of the way down and then jump to the road. I lowered myself down the face of the dark-gray rock until i was close enough to the gravel road to jump down. Once i was back on the road, i looked to the south and realized that the gravel had been spread on most of the road leading to the south. I had walked through the snow unnecessarily. I started walking down the gravel to the south, and then started jogging slowly. I headed to the west, into the main corridor of the building, which ended at the north-to-south street in the center of town. The walls on either side of the corridor were white and made of plaster. Across the street from me, to the west, was a small white building with smooth colonial columns across the front. It seemed to be the post office of the town. There were several other people moving through the halls of the building as i continued to the south, down the main corridor through the building. There were several other offices in this large old building. The offices seemed like small buildings on the sides of the corridor. I turned back to the west down the next corridor, thinking about the offices around me. There seemed to be small glass offices on the two southern corners of the building. Both of these offices seemed to be banks. I seemed to do business with one of the banks. As i continued to the east, i could see some people talking through the green-tinted windows of the bank on one of the corners of the building. I thought that the safe would be on the outside wall of the building. I thought that i could pass through the wall of the building and get into the safe. It would be an easy to take money. I remembered thinking about this before. It was not something that could really be done, but i imagined it as something to do if one could teleport. I would have to deactivate the cameras on the outside of the small brown building. I could do that by disrupting their circuitry with my powers. I could then get close enough to the building to pass through the walls and get into the safe. I wondered if the money would be stored in small drawers inside the safe that would also have to be unlocked. I thought about this as i continued to the west. I seemed to have exited the building, but there was a fast-food restaurant to the north of me now. I turned into the restaurant and approached the back of the crowd. I did not want to order anything, but i seemed to be familiar with someone here. There were some children standing in front of me, looking up at the over-the-counter signs. The food here was not good, and i wondered what the children would order. I hugged one of the young boys and kissed him on the back of he head, telling him to be careful. As i backed away from him, i looked at his straight brown hair and thought that he was not actually my child. It was strange for me to act that way, and i hoped that the parents did not mind. I felt protective of him. I then watched him for a moment as he shifted from side to side, chatting with his brothers as they read the menu. I realized that he had large black moles growing out of the back and sides of his head. There seemed to be something wrong with him, and i wondered if he had something contagious. I worried that i might have caught something by kissing his hair. I hoped that i did not. I then looked at his brothers. They seemed different. Most of them had red hair. I focused on one of them, who was to the northeast of me. He moved back and forth near me, deciding what to get on the menu. It occurred to me that they were all from a very religious family, and their parents did not want them ordering the wrong things. I glanced to the east, spotting the parents of the children waiting at the back of the crowd. They were staring intently at their children as the children tried to order. I looked again at the redheaded boy. I felt some attachment to him, even though i knew that i was not related to him. I leaned toward him and whispered in his left ear, saying that the french fries were very good. I knew that he wanted to order them, but i felt that they might not be acceptable in the boy’s religion. I hoped that his parents did not get mad at me for suggesting this. They did not know that i was not a Christian, and i did not want them to be angry with me. I knew that they would disapprove of my suggestions, though. The boy wanted to get french fries, but his parents would have scolded him for doing so. I patted the boy on the shoulder and said “God bless you.” as i started to leave. I knew that it was a statement that would seem christian, even though it was something i could accept, because i still believed in god. I turned back to the southwest and started walking away.

12009 May 31

As i approached the white camping trailer to the south of me, i realized that there were people in the bedroom at the back of the trailer. I could see them through the dingy slat windows on the northern wall of the trailer. They were in bed, petting each other passionately. I realized that this could be a rather embarrassing situation for them, so i pulled the blinds down over the window so that others would not be able to see what they were doing. The blinds were on the outside of the small window. I then walked down the eastern side of the trailer and entered the door in the middle. The other person was following me. This was where we were staying while we were here. We entered into the hallway of the trailer, which was very narrow and ran along the eastern side. To the west of me was a small cubical room where the shower was. It was empty now, and the walls where white plastic. I moved a little to the back of the trailer, to the north, to make sure that the windows were closed between the people in the bedroom and us. I was interested in what they were doing, but i knew that i should not interrupt them. Other people then came into the trailer to the south of me. I hoped that they did not want to disturb the people having sex. I felt that they should just be left alone and hoped that no one wanted to make fun of them. The trailer then started moving, and i realized that someone was driving it away. I was not sure that this was right, and i moved to the living room near the south of the trailer. I could see a woman driving the camper at the southern end of the room. She seemed to be $A539, but i was not sure. I felt a little uncomfortable as i leaned on the walls for support against the turning motion of the room. I did not trust her driving, and i told the others in the room this. I thought that she was reckless, and i did not really want her driving the camper. The camper now seemed more like an open trailer. We were in the back of a tractor-trailer. I looked out the window in front of us to see that we were approaching an intersection. We were still heading south across the wide open landscape, which seemed to be mostly weed-filled fields. The woman slowed down at the intersection and then turned west onto a thin dirt road. She then continued turning, heading to the southwest across the field. I was surprised that this type of vehicle was able to drive so well off road, but i was very nervous that she was being so reckless. She was driving off road for fun and excitement, but i knew that it was very dangerous in this type of vehicle. I looked out over the short green grass ahead of us as we drove over the rolling hills of the grassland. We turned to the southeast and drove over the crest of a steep hill. We speeded up going down the other side, and then i realized that there was a small stream gorge cut into the dirt at the bottom of the hill. The camper jumped the gorge and landed roughly on the other side. I was worried that we would not make it, and was glad that we did, but i was very unhappy with the driver for taking such chances. I wanted her to stop and get back on the road. She was not taking the driving seriously enough. We started up a steep grassy hill on the eastern side of the gully, and the camper seemed to have trouble getting enough traction on the ground. I was glad and hoped that we would be stuck there for a while. This would allow someone else to take over driving. The wheels of the camper spun but slowly crawled upward toward the top of the hill. I was disappointed that we were over. I wanted the ride to stop.

I followed the group of people through the off-white cement corridors of the building, heading generally to the southwest. This building was some kind of museum or exhibit hall, and we had wandered in and started following some of the other people. We had not payed for the full tour, but it seemed that we were being shown around with everyone else. $F45 was with me. $A540 was also on the tour with us as we turned to the southwest, passing through the double black metal doors and into the next corridor over. The corridor ran north to south, and we turned south, coming into another short wide corridor running east to west. The exit door was to the east, but we did not turn in that direction, as we were supposed to. I wondered if we would be able to walk the entire tour with the other people. I was uneasy about sneaking into the museum, but it felt exciting to do so. The other people with us were stopped in the room with us, and i realized that this was a gathering area outside the second part of the museum. There were several people in dark suits who worked for this place, and there were directing the people where to go. I realized that they were watching the doorway here and would probably not let us through to the next part of the exhibit. $F45 then headed to the north, into a small room just to the west of the corridor that we had come down. He was paying for the tour. I felt uncomfortable. I was not going to pay for the tour, and i was not really interested in going on it if i had to pay. I would only go it we could do it for free because i was not that interested in being here. The people with us started heading to the northwest, through the double doors at the end of the hallway. I decided that i could not go with them and started walking to the west, where i thought that i could leave the building. I was a little disappointed. A woman then approached me from the north and stopped me. She was wearing a dark suit coat over a bright red vest. This was the uniform of the people who worked here. She pointed to my right wrist without saying anything. I held up my arm, confused. I then realized that all of the people on the tour had wristbands on their wrists. I told the woman that i was not doing the tour. She was angry with me and told me to stay here. She turned and stomped back to the north, toward the group. I was frustrated with her and started to walk to the west again, but the people called me back. They reiterated that i was to stay here. I looked to the west, noticing the exit door to the museum. $F45 and $A540 were standing with the group of people to the northwest of me. The double doors to the exhibit hall were closing in front of them. They had just missed the tail of the tour and would have to wait for the next to start. $F45 looked back at me as i stood angrily near the southern wall of the room. I was annoyed with the woman who had ordered me around and did not want to listen to her. I asked her if i could just leave, and she told me no. I started to take some of the things out of my pocket, looking for my identification. As i pulled something from my pocket, several items fell to the ground and fell apart. I was frustrated and more annoyed. I bent over to pick up my wallet, which had opened up and separated into a few pieces. The items in the wallet had fallen out, and i was very annoyed. I crouched down and tensely started piecing it back together. I then sat down by the south wall, cramming some of the things back into my pockets. I was too frustrated to stay here, and i stood back up. As i did, i noticed that my left shoe had fallen off and my right was starting to come off. They did not fit well. I tried to fit the brown loafers back on, but they did not want to stay on my feet. I was angry and thought that i could just run out of the building with my shoes in my hands. I had enough of my stuff together that i would not be leaving anything behind. I started to complain to the woman, telling her that i wanted to leave and that i did not understand why she was making me stay here. She turned around and slapped me across the face with her right hand. I was surprised and upset. I thought that i should hit her back with one of my shoes. I was angry enough to do it, but i restrained myself. I simply wanted to leave.