12010 May 01

I looked down at the test paper as i faced east. I was confused about the lower questions. The last question on the paper seemed to be question number twenty-five, but there were multiple parts to the question. For a moment, i could not tell whether the multiple parts were numbered separately, or whether they were left unnumbered. I decided to write “a” next to the first part of the question, which was printed on two lines in black courier font. I then looked up again. Something was happening, and it had to do with the questions. I tried to focus on the situation. I then focused on the man who entered the room from the northeast. There was something significant about him being here. He was $K10. I knew that he was dead, but he had come back to do something important. He seemed to be wearing a pale-color sweater. I then realized that my mother’s father was sitting in the large pale-yellow cushioned chair just to the east of me. I was surprised to see him, since he was dead as well. I knew that he had come back to warn me about something. I then remembered that $K10 had come back to warn someone of the death of my mother’s father. My mother’s father stood up from his chair as $K10 walked to it. I watched him walk to the east, where there was a second chair in the southeastern corner of the room. The brown recliner faced into the room. $K10 passed me to the south as my mother’s father sat down in the chair. He leaned back a little, resting his arms on the armrests and looking at me. He was wearing a white T-shirt. I knew that this was significant. He was trying to tell me something, but i did not know what. He said nothing, and i tried to figure out what was important about his visit.

12010 May 03

The event had finished and i tried to move to the west, down the corridor, which could have been an outdoor alley. I stopped in the center of the corridor, standing against the southern wall. The people were crowding out of the building to the north, and i had to get through them. They all seemed interested in me, but i felt impartial to them. This had to do with the event that we had just come out of. I started moving to the east, through the people. I hoped that i could get through them easily. I was then in the back of a pick-up truck as we headed out of the crowd, to the east. My father seemed to be driving the truck. We came out across the open dry land, which seemed to be like farming fields. The ground was dirt, though, as though the crops had not yet sprouted. We turned to the north, and i could hear the sound of a train coming form the west. The driver made a comment about not the train. I looked up to see the road ahead of us. There were tall dry weeds standing on either side of road among thin spread-out saplings. The driver said that they would not make it across the train tracks before the train passed. I knew that the tracks were closer than they had seemed and thought that the man was surprised by this. I looked to the west as we approached the short grade where the train crossing was. I could see the silver train approaching. It had red and blue stripes running along the side. It seemed to be moving rather fast as it approached. I then realized that the car we were in was not slowing down fast enough, and i started to panic that we would be stopped in the middle of the tracks. I felt very tense as i watched the train approach. The truck was slowing down, but i thought that the driver was stopping too close to the edge of the tracks. There would not be enough room for the train to pass. It would hit the front of the truck. The truck came to a stop with the rounded front hood right near the edge of the near tracks. I felt worried about this as the train passed just in front of the truck. I looked down at the tracks and realized that the train had swerved to the north to avoid the truck. It had come to a stop just off of the tracks. This was bad. The truck had forced the train off of the rails and ruined the wheels. I started to feel guilty about this, and my father quickly turned the truck around and headed back to the south. We drove only a short distance away from the tracks. There were men standing to the south of the train now, looking at the damage to the wheels. One of them seemed angry and turned around to us. He told me that we had wrecked the plastic storage bowl. I looked into the sink to the north of us, noticing the dented plastic bowl. We had ruined it by stopping too close to the tracks and making the train derail. I felt bad, but i was not sure what to do. My father, however, seemed to want to drive away to the south. I picked up the bowl from the sink and looked at it. The man told us that it was ruined, and he wanted us to do something about it. He then started scolding my father for what we had done. I felt very guilty about the bowl, and wondered if my parents would feel bad as well. I did not think they knew what had happened. The man crouched down as he complained to my father, stressing that leaving the bowl as it was now would be illegal. We could not simply leave after causing the accident, even though it seemed better to get out of this area. I felt very upset about this.

I stood to the south of the ATM machine and tried to put the cards into it. $F45’s card was rather large and made of a soft cardboard. It was white with soft black lettering across the front. I tried to slide it into the slot on the front of the machine, but realized that it was too big to fit. I pulled it out as the machine ejected it and turned it around to slide in again. The machine would have to piece together the two sides of the card to get a single scan of the card. I remembered scanning both of our cards before, but i had to scan the cards again. I tried to slide $F45’s card into the wide horizontal slot on the front of the machine, knowing that i would have to stick it back in a second time to scan the other half of the card. The card went all the way into the machine, but did not come out. I realized that the cardboard of the card was now too flexible. It was probably folding up inside the machine and preventing the machine from ejecting it. I then noticed the right edge of the card folding inside the machine. I could see it appear in the crack between the upper right of the feed slot and the surrounding front panel of the machine. It was jammed in the machine. I wondered if i could get it out by sliding my credit card into the lower slot of the machine. I took out my card and slid it into the smaller slot. The machine stopped trying to eject the other card, and the small LCD screen changed to an image, showing several small boxes with pictures in them down the left-hand side of the screen. The screen seemed to be tall and narrow and ran along the left side of the machine’s surface. The machine had used my card to pay for the service, and it was now printing out the documents that we had requested. I was annoyed that it had taken both of our cards and not returned them, though. I told $F45 to go into the bank to the south and tell the people that the machine had taken our cards. He turned and left. This machine seemed to be on the northern side of a bank. I felt frustrated with the machine and looked around the area. $F45 had walked through a glass door in the southern wall. There was a counter to the east of the door, extending out from the southern wall. A woman in a navy-blue suit was helping someone at the counter. These people seemed to be related to the bank, and i realized that $F45 should simply have asked them for help. A man stood farther to the east behind the counter. The large gray photocopy machine in the center of the room then started printing something for us. I looked down at it, expecting the print to come out onto the paper tray on the eastern side of the machine. As i waited for a moment, i realized that something was sitting in the tray on the top left side of the machine. I picked up the color picture, realizing that it had been printed on a large clear plastic sheet. The machine was printing transparencies. This was not correct, and i realized that we were being charged for this printing because our cards were still stuck in the machine. I turned to the service counters and started to complain. I felt suddenly angry with the people and my tone turned accusing and bitter. I told them that the machine was not doing what it was supposed to do and that they would need to fix it. I then wondered why i had been so harsh to them as i turned back to the machine. The man was standing to the east of me now, and he asked what was wrong. The machine now seemed to be against the northern wall of the room, all the way to the west. I told the man that we were supposed to get large prints, but that the card reader had a problem. He asked what kind of print i was trying to do, and i told him that we wanted the photographs printed on eight-and-a-half-by-eleven paper. I turned back to the machine to see that a second transparency had printed out. I was still angry and felt that i would not pay for the copies if they were not correct. I then felt that i should not be angry. I showed the transparencies to the man and turned back to the west. I was standing on the eastern side of a small green area of the floor. The photocopy machine was on the other side of the green area. I hopped over the area, realizing that it was actually an art exhibit. There were two round dishes on the southern side of the exhibit. They looked ceramic and were a bright glossy green. I picked both of them up from the exhibit, knowing that i probably should not be touching the artwork. The green disks seemed to be held together with a black band on four sides. I turned to the south and placed the frisbees on the counter. I did not want to get caught with them because i would get in trouble for destroying an art exhibit. I knew that, if i placed them on the counter, however, it would upset the people that worked here. The woman behind the counter would not recognize the exhibit right away, but, once they realized what it was, they would be upset that it had been dismantled. I felt that it would be a punishment for their neglect. I turned back to the north, wondering how to get the printer to work.

I sat up on the edge of the bed, which was against the western wall of the bedroom. Three other people had come into the bedroom. $F45 or $F4 seemed to be sleeping on the western side of the bed still, which was against the wall. The people came into the room through the doorway in the western wall, which was to the south of the bed. One moved to the northeast of us and started getting something from the chifforobe, which was in the northeastern corner of the room. The room was T shaped, with a wide corridor running about two meters to the east from the center of the eastern wall. The chifforobe was in the northern part of the T. The other two men were on the southern side of the room, one in the southeastern corner, and the other to the south of us. The one to the south was getting something out of the wooden dresser that was against the western wall. Something had happened to $F4, and these people were taking out things from hiding places to give back to him. I felt bad for $F4, thinking that he had died. I looked to the southeast to see $A56 pulling a brown food box from a hole in the wall. It looked like a large box of pop-tarts. The others had hidden these things when $F4 was okay. I watched them take things out of hiding places and present them to me. $F4 or $F45 was the person sleeping in the bed behind me. He had not died, so these people were repaying him. They had to return the items now that he was back. I wondered if they would have kept the items if $F4 had died. I then realized that no one would have known about the items if they had not returned them. I looked at the A-frame board that one of the men had set up on the floor just off the southeastern corner of the bed. There were receipts on the board with several other pictures. This person owed $F4 money, but would have to pay him later. The money would not have been repaid if $F4 had died. I looked at the pictures on the board, realizing that one near the top was a picture of the World Trade Center towers. The words “September 11” were printed below it. I was glad that $F4 was not dead.

12010 May 04

It was late at night, and i was sitting around at the party with several other people. We were in the room with the incandescent lights, and the room had an orange color to it. There seemed to be a few couches in the center of the room, facing each other. I was sitting on the southern couch, looking at the three people on the couch across from me. $A42 seemed to be the person sitting on the western side of the couch. It was late at night, and the party was starting to end, but the house still seemed to be filled with people. I felt a little drunk, and was simply watching the others talk. The man in the center of the couch across from me had a soda-pop can. It was special, and he presented it to the others as a special drink. He said that it was soda with THC in it. This seemed like a strange idea, and i wondered how THC would dissolve in soda. I was interested in the drink, and asked if i could have one. I said that i liked marijuana, but that i did not smoke, so having the THC in something digestible would make it easier for me to take. I then started heading to the south. The party was very quiet now, and i realized that many of the people had left. I was in the dining room of my parents’ house, which seemed to be a living room. The couches were in this room. I turned to the northeast and started to head to the back room of the house, thinking that people had started to head outside. The party seemed very empty now, and i wondered where everyone had gone.

12010 May 05

I stood in on the southeastern end of the dirt parking lot, looking to the northwest. The parking lot seemed to be a temporary lot, with grass growing here and there, as though it was not normally used to park cars. This was the parking for the festival. There seemed to be festival tents in the trees to the north and west of the lot. A man stood on the northern end of the small lot, watching me. He seemed a little ragged and had long hair. He seemed like $A404. I moved the car to the west, into the lot, trying to get it into the correct position. I felt nervous about this, thinking that the other cars in the lot were too close together for me to get through. There also seemed to be a few tree trunks growing in the center of the lot, and i had to be careful not to hit them. I maneuvered the car carefully through the lot. I then tried to back to the east, toward the tall pair of tree trunks that were growing in a V. They seemed to be two different trees that happened to be together near the roots, but they grew like a single tree with a split trunk. I backed the car to the east, toward the tree. I had to set up the portal here in the parking lot, and i felt tense about doing this. I looked out the back window at the two trees that leaned away from each other. Their trunks were yellowish tan, and there was something special about them. The portal would be opened in this area, and i decided that the two trees were important to its location. I imagined a green glow suspended between the trunks of the trees. It looked like an aurora, and it was a result of the portal opening. I thought about this as i moved around the parking lot, thinking about how i would set up the portals. I imagined that the portal would make a tearing sound when it opened. It was really just separating space near it, but it would be more interesting if it had the sound of tearing paper when it opened. I walked around the parking lot, not really paying attention to the two trees where i thought the portal should be set up. $F14 was with me as i stood to the east of the trees. When the portal was open, i would be letting people from the parallel universe into our universe. I thought about this as i headed to the northwest. $F14 followed me, but i realized that she was intoxicated on marijuana. An indian man had offered her pot at the festival, and she had accepted. I did not think that she was aware of what it would be like, and i felt bad for her. I wanted to help her, but i was not quite sure what to do. I headed to the northwest, toward the small crowd of people at the edge of the festival. Many of them seemed to be from $G3. I wanted to get help for $F14, but i was afraid that no one here knew her well enough to be able to help her. They were all younger than she was, and were not part of $G3 when she was there. $A35 was one of the people in the crowd. I knew that i could not ask him for help. I wondered what to do as i wandered to the southwest. I then noticed the car driving slowly across the lot to the north of me. It was a large blue american car, and it was heading to the east across the northern end of the lot. A short man was driving the car, and there was a large woman in the passenger’s seat. They chatted with each other as the car moved. $F14 was sitting quietly in the back seat. She was smiling vacantly, and i realized that she was still intoxicated. I worried that she was getting involved with the wrong type of people. I wanted to stop her from hanging out with these people, but i felt awkward trying to convince her. I had not been close to her in a very long time, and it did not seem appropriate for me to be telling her what to do. I was upset as i watched the car pass, though. I headed to the east, wondering what i could do. I stepped into the restaurant where my family was sitting. The restaurant was a small dimly lighted room with a large rectangular table in the center. My family was sitting around the table. I entered the room from the west, surprised to find all of the people here. I had forgotten that they were celebrating the family event, and i was upset when i realized that they had been waiting for me. I wanted to get back to $F14, but i knew that i would have to stay here. For a moment this seemed like my father’s birthday. My mother grabbed a cake from the table and said that they could start eating it now. I walked around the southern side of the table, putting my coat on one of the chairs against the wall. I felt disappointed that i would have to stay here. This would take up too much time, and i wanted to get back to help the other people.

12010 May 06

I crossed the rounded courtyard, which seemed to be between tall stone walls. There was a large dark arched doorway to the north. I opened the door to see a horse on the other side. It seemed to be in a large dining hall, which seemed to be part of an old european castle. The horse reared up and swung its hoofs in the air near the door. It would be dangerous to approach the horse, but we seemed to be safe outside the door. I looked down at the horse’s feet, noticing the human skeletons on the stone floor. There seemed to be a person standing on the western side of the room inside. This scene seemed to be a painting, but i knew that it was real. We had to get past the horse and into the room, but i was not sure how to do it. I wondered if we could simply walk along eastern side of the horse to pass.

I walked into the wide bedroom to the north of me. The room was very long east to west, but not that wide north to south. There was a desk against the northern wall, just to the north-northwest of me. It seemed to be my desk. A second desk was against the northern wall, to the west of mine. A man was working at the second desk. He seemed to be a college student, and something about this place reminded me of college. I walked to my stuff and looked at the clutter on top of it. There were many papers and art supplies. An ink tray with a small bottle of black ink sat on the eastern side of the desk, atop a pile of notebooks and papers. Several of the things on the desk seemed to be related to art or drafting. I felt that i should clean the desk. The pile of things was probably spilling over to the desk to the west. I then felt that i should get my things away from here so that they do not interfere with the people who should be living here. It seemed that i was no longer living here, even though i was still staying here. Someone then mentioned that i was still here, and i started to feel uneasy. I wondered why i was still here. I should have moved on by now. I started to feel depressed and anxious, wondering why i was still in this place. I thought that i should have gotten a job elsewhere. I started going through the things on the desk, trying to clean them up. This imagery was telling me something. I started cleaning the desk, aware that it was a symbol of stagnation in this place. I had to move on and make a change with my life.

I was riding on the bus with the other people, and we seemed to be in a foreign land. I sat on the southern side of the bus as the bus headed to the west. The bus seemed more like a school bus than a travel bus, and i was looking out the windows to the south at the grassy rolling landscape. Some of the people to the west of me were speaking about this place. One of them was a woman, who was standing in the aisle of the bus. She seemed to be wearing a long dark coat and had a kerchief over her head. She looked like a stereotyped russian woman. I remembered that the local people would be celebrating a holiday soon, and i asked them about it. I did not quite understand what the celebration was for. The man said that they would be celebrating family, and the woman interjected with a few agreeing words. Someone then mentioned that they would be celebrating their dead relatives. I realized that the holiday was some kind of celebration of people who had died. The woman then mentioned that it was a memorial. I remembered that we celebrated Memorial Day back home, and i mentioned this to the people. I then remembered that we only celebrated those who died in military service, whereas the people here seemed to be celebrating everyone who had died. I thought about this as i looked out the window to the north. The back of the bus was now to the north of me. We were driving in a wide asphalt parking lot now, and i was aware of the factory buildings to the northeast of us. There was a doorway on the eastern side of the bus, near the back, and a man was standing in it. I knew that he could not get on the bus this way. He was standing in the doorway, smiling as he chatted with the woman in the light-blue dress and matching hat. Her dress seemed to be from the thirties or fourties. The man stepped off of the bus and started walking after us. The bus was heading slowly to the south, and i was aware of the people that were now coming out of the factory to the northwest and heading for the bus. The woman tossed a card out the window on the eastern side of the bus. The man had looked away, though, distracted by some of the people leaving the factory, and he did not see the card flutter to the ground in front of him. The wind was blowing from the south, and the card tumbled across the ground to the north. I felt anxious about this, hoping that the man would see the card and pick it up. The man kept walking toward the bus, though, and was leaving the ticket behind. I then noticed several other workers crossing behind the bus to the north. A man in pale-green coveralls noticed the ticket tumbling over the rough pavement. He had long straight hair and was wearing a white T-shirt under his coveralls. He noticed the ticked and quickly bent over to pick it up. I was disappointed. The woman had tossed the ticket out the window so that her boyfriend could get it. It was a ticket so that he could get onto the bus. The man in the coveralls stood up, and i noticed that he had white flowers where his eyes should be. This was strange. The woman sighed and said that her boyfriend would not be able to get onto the bus now. This did not seem right. The situation was not playing out as it should have, and that seemed very strange to me.

12010 May 07

I walked through the lower rooms of $P19, heading generally to the north. I had been staying here again. It had been a long time since i had been here, but i seemed to be back for some reason. It seemed strange to be back here again. I started cleaning up something in the rectangular room that i was in. The room seemed to be a bedroom, though i could not tell where the furniture was. There were things on the floor, which seemed to be piles of cloths or scattered papers, and i was picking them up. Everything here seemed to be in strange places. I picked up a piece of white string and hung it over the doorway in the southern wall, wrapping the ends around nails in the doorframe. I then turned back to pick up several other things. I headed to the north, leaving the room through the doorway in the center of the northern wall, but then i remembered that i had left the string over the doorway to the south. I decided that the string might get in the way of people trying to use that doorway, so i went back into the room to remove it. I came back to the room, but, before i could reach the door on the south, a man came into the room from the southwest. He seemed like $A438, and he noticed the string and tried to take it down. The string was hanging in an arch across the center of the doorway, which was lower than i had though it was. I had thought it would only come a deci or so below the top of the doorframe. As i watched $A438 try to untie the string, i realized that there were more than one strands running across the doorway. I moved to the western side of the doorframe and tried to untie the string from there. I grabbed on to one of the black strings that was hanging across the doorway and followed it to the west, to the doorframe. As i reached the western part of the doorframe, i noticed that the string was actually a white plastic line. I tried to untie it from the nail, frustrated that it would not untie easily. I then started thinking about this place. It still seemed strange that i was here. I should have left this place long ago, and i wondered why i was back. I realized that reality had changed, and this timeline was actually different from the one i had been in before. No one here actually knew what i had done the first time through, so i did not feel as embarrassed being here, knowing that people would not know about the mistakes i had made. I was now in the basement of the building, in the large room on the eastern side. I was collecting the string and several other things from the room. I had to clean up this area. I moved to the north, noticing that there were several things on the floor on the northern side of the room. Several people move around me, and one of the men complained about the junk on the floor. I wondered who had left it there, and i moved to pick some of the things up. I carried them to the west. I came into the small room on the western side of the basement, where i found $F43. I mentioned to her that i was cleaning up the house as i walked past her and headed to the west.

12010 May 08

The house around us seemed to be in some vacation area along the eastern shore in the southern United States. I had been traveling with my family, and i was now in this house, which had white walls. There was a shower stall to the south of me, and i had to get into it, even though i did not think that i would be taking a shower. There was tan ocean sand on the floor of the shower stall. I opened the plastic door and we stepped into the stall. The lights in the stall turned on as we stepped in, and i realized that the shower stall was actually a device that would help us travel through time. There were two stalls on the eastern side of the small room, and i was trying to get the one on the south to work now. They just looked like shower stalls to disguise their true purpose. The man to the north of me started shoveling sand into the bottom of the stall to the north. The sand was necessary for the time-travel device to work. I moved around to the south of the stall, trying to figure out a way to get it to work. I then looked at the other stall to the south, wondering if this one would work as it was. I then turned my attention back to the stall on the north, thinking that we really had to get that one working. I felt happy in this place. I was also aware that my family was in the house with me, even though they were not in the room at the time. The man with me seemed like $F4 or $F10. I started to feel impatient with the time machines, thinking that we had to get them working before we had to leave. We then had to move. We could no longer stay here and figure this thing out. We headed to the west, and i carried the things out of the small room with us. I had some trash with me, and i thought that we would have to throw it out so that people would not suspect that we were doing something to the shower stalls. We could not let people know that we had time machines in the building. $A512 held open the door in the western wall of the room. The door led out of the bathroom and into another room of the house, and i carried the armful of things through it. We traveled from room to room of the large house and seemed to be moving for a little while. As we walked, i realized that there seemed to be fewer and fewer items in my arms. I stopped and looked around, noticing some trash on the floor near me. I wondered if i had dropped it, and i bent over to pick it up. We could not leave any of the trash in the house or people might realize that we were here. I headed to the west again, heading across the large bedroom toward the door in the western wall. After i had left the bedroom, i was then walking back across it, heading to the east. It seemed like a lot of time had passed, and i was coming back to get more things to carry out of the house. We had brought a lot of things here, and i thought that some of it we did not actually need. I picked up some things from the floor on the eastern side of the bedroom. I noticed the large purple cloth objects that were shaped like fish. I was annoyed that we had brought them, because they seemed like a waste of luggage space. I did not think that we needed them, and i asked in an annoyed voice why we had brought them. The man with me said that we actually needed them. He said that they belonged to the young girl who was traveling with us. I did not think that they were necessary, and i carried them out of the room and into the next room to the west. I then paused to look at them. They looked like large cloth costumes, and i wondered if they were needed to keep the young girl amused. I tried one of them on to see what they would look like.

12010 May 09

I was in the kitchen of the house, which seemed to be in the northeastern corner of the building. This place seemed like $P19. I was looking for containers to put food in so that i could put it away, but i was having trouble finding anything to store food in. I moved around the kitchen, looking in cupboards and on shelfs. There was a set of gray metal shelfs running from the southern wall to the south of me. There was a large glass jar on one of the shelfs, and i pulled it off of the shelf that was at my eye level and looked at it. It was a very deep glass jar, and it did not seem quite right to put food in, but i thought that i would probably have to use it. The top of the jar unscrewed easily, so it could be sealed. As i looked the jar over, though, i realized that it was actually a jar for storing flour or some other cooking powder. I was disappointed and put it back on the shelf. I would not be able to use it. I looked around some more, and i noticed a small plastic star-shaped bowl on one of the shelfs to the north. It was a plastic container for storing food, but it was way too small for the food that i needed to put away. I was annoyed, and i started to complain about the dishes, saying that there were no dishes in the kitchen that would be of any use. I complained that the old ones had been given away, and that the new ones that were for $P19 had been used and never replaced. I moved around the area, feeling frustrated and annoyed. There were large windows in the walls, and i could tell that it was a gray brooding day outside, which made me feel worse. Something felt uneasy here, and i was not quite sure what i should do. I turned to the west and started walking along the northern side of the building. I was now outside $P19. I was frustrated, and i jumped into the air and started flying over the front lawn of the building. I moved slowly, thought, noticing the people under me. They were contemplating something, and i felt very uneasy about them. Something seemed very wrong here, and i did not know what to do.

12010 May 10

I looked out the front window of the vehicle as we drove to the north, very near the shore of the lake, which was to the west of us. $F45 was driving the truck, and i felt weary about the ice that was on the road ahead of us. The ground was covered with white snow, and part of the road seemed to be flooded by the lake. I then realized that we were actually driving on the ice of the lake, and i started to feel very unsafe. I told $F45 that this was not a safe thing to do, and then i got out of the truck and headed a little to the northeast. The truck was a tractor-trailer, and it was standing on the frozen rocks of the shore. The rocks were dark and rounded, with large flat surfaces. They looked like rocks along an ocean shore. There were large boulders scattered over the flatter rocks, and their tops were coated with a bright white layer of ice. The contrast with the dark-brown of the rocks and the bright white ice looked nice, so i decided to take photographs. I took several of the truck, which had icicles hanging from the trailer section. Everything looked very nice in this gray climate. I then was looking at some of the pictures that i had taken, noticing that they all looked very nice. Even the brown picture of $F45 looked nice. It was strange to have such nice photographs from a place like this.

12010 May 12

I moved around in the small bedroom of the house. It was still dark and i had to figure out where i was going. Other people had been in the room with me. I was then lying on the southern side of the bed, which was against the eastern wall of the room. $F43 was lying on the bed just to the north of me. $A557 was lying just to the north of her. They had spent the night here. It seemed familiar, in a way, and i started to think about $A557 as i stood up and moved to the south. There was a sound coming from the window in the southern wall, and i realized that it was water dripping down the pane. The gutters on the roof would need to be cleaned. I would have to climb up onto the roof and clean them out. I pulled myself over the roof, careful not to fall. I did not feel as uncomfortable on the roof as i had felt the last time i was up here. I stopped near the eastern edge of the roof, looking at the gutter to the south of me. I had just cleaned it. I shuffled back to the center of the roof, thinking that i should come down now. I then realized that i had not had anyone hold the ladder for me. There was a horizontal metal brace in center of the roof, near the chimney. It was a meter-long round metal bar that was supported at either end by metal braces. I grabbed onto the center of the bar and lowered myself to the south, trying to find the ladder that i had climbed up on. The ladder seemed to be rather high on the roof. It should not have been so high, and i thought that i must have placed the feet on the top of the railings below. I tried to adjust it, holding on to the brace to the north of me. The wooden ladder was resting on the other side of the brace from me. I was trying to hold on to it so that i did not loose it, but it was getting in the way. I felt annoyed, so i moved it to the west, pushing it across the gray tar-shingle roof. I tried to adjust the metal ladder, but it would not go the way i wanted it to go. In frustration, i lifted the wooden ladder and tossed it off of the roof, thinking that i could retrieve it from the ground later. I pushed on the metal ladder and it slid down into position. When i looked down the length of the ladder, though, i realize that it had slipped through the spaces in the wood railing of the deck below and slid all the way to the ground below. The feet had gone under the railing. This was not going to be stable enough, so i tugged on the ladder to get the feet back on the deck. I was having difficulty, but i eventually was able to pull the feet of the ladder back through the railings of the deck and onto the deck. The top of the ladder was still at the edge of the roof. I pushed on the ladder, and realized that it was less stable now. I would need someone at the bottom of the ladder to hold it or i would not be able to climb down. The others were still in the house. I remembered that $F43 and $A557 had been sleeping in the bed, and i yelled to them from the roof. I hoped that they would hear me and come out to hold the ladder. I then moved to the south. I was already on the ground. The metal ladder had been taken down from the wall of the house and was now lying on the ground to the west of me. I would have to put it away. I dragged it to the south, but realized that it had been bent over. I wondered if it had been broken in the fall. The ladder seemed to bend very easily at one section, and i worried that it was broken. I folded it around the week spot in the metal, but decided that i should not bend it too much or it might break off. I headed to the west and put the ladder near the cement wall. I was in a small cement room, which protruded from the northern wall of the building to the south of the house that i had been working on. It was only two or three meters wide, and seemed to be partly underground. I felt trapped here, and started to feel panicked. I wanted to get out, but the windows to the north and west were too small, and they were covered with dirt. I tried to dig through them, but could not get out. I felt very frustrated as i pulled some of the dirt into the windows. I was annoyed that i could not leave the room this way.

The woman mentioned the man’s name as she passed me. She said that he was Bill Takoughenick. I thought about the last name, thinking that it was rather strange. I knew that it would be spelled with an “ough” in the center of it to give it the “aw” sound. I wondered exactly how the end was spelled, though. I mentioned that it probably ended in a “nick”, which was how it sounded, but the woman spelled it out, ending the word in “ene”. I realized that the K sound at the end of the word was not in the spelling. The last sound in the spelling was an N, but it was pronounced as if there was a K there. I said that this had something to do with the vocal stop at the end of the word. I thought about this for a moment, trying to remember the last name.

12010 May 13

I was traveling through the small town, heading to the southeast down the road. I was running from something, and i knew that people were looking for me. I looked at the small shops on both sides of the street and thought that i could hide here, but i knew that it would not be a good idea to stop. I felt tired of running from someone. There was an older man to the west of me now. We had thought that he was $F45’s father, but he was not really his father. I felt distressed here, and continued to the south, down the central street of the town. There was something on the pavement under me that looked like old pieces of electronics. I looked at the wiring and circuit boards as i passed over.

I was in the attic of the old house, and all of the wood around me seemed to be rotten. The wood was dark brown, and i worried that i would fall through the floor if i was not careful. Light seemed to be coming into the room through the spaces in the wall boards. I slowly made my way to the east, into the next room, where it seemed safer.

I turned to the south, carrying the small plates from the black table in the center of the classroom with me. I wanted to take them somewhere else because they seemed to be dirty. I then noticed that the tables to the east of me were also dirty. I felt annoyed by this, and walked to the southeast. There was a counter along the eastern end of the southern wall, and i walked around the western end of it to get behind it. I would have to clean up this classroom. As i got behind the counter, a man approached the front of the counter from the northwest.

12010 May 14

$A189 left us and walked across the room, to the north. $A530 asked me where he had gone, but i did not know. $A189 had said where he was going before he left, but i did not know what he had said. I then noticed $F45 standing in the doorway to the southwest of me. The door was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the room, and it led outside. $F45 was holding the door open, and i felt upset by this. I yelled “Cat” at him because he was about to let the cat get out. $X12 was walking toward the door from the north. $F45 quickly closed the door. I turned to the north, where there was a table in front of me. There was a tape recorder on the table, and i started recording with it. I had recorded something about the cat on the tape, and i wanted $F45 to hear it. I pressed play, but i could barely hear what was being said. I would have to get the headphones for him to hear it. My mother was in the kitchen with us, and the round wooden table was in the center of the room. There were counters along the northern wall. I felt annoyed about the tape and told my mother that i should mix the sound to make it sound better. Music was playing from the small black tape recorder, which was now sitting my lap as i sat in the chair to the south of the table. I decided that it did not sound good enough without mixing it, so i tried to stop the music, but it would not stop. I became frustrated and annoyed with the tape player, trying to get it to stop.

12010 May 16

I was working with $A261 in the large office building. The room around us seemed very large, with a low drop ceiling, but it was divided up into smaller cubicles. I turned to the west and headed down the corridor on the southern side of the building. The corridor opened up ahead of me, and there was a doorway leading into a pub on the southern side of the hall. There was a bar on the southern side of the darkened room. $A261 was walking with me, as was $A313. I felt agitated here and did not want to be here. Someone then said that i should fly off the cliff. The bar had a wide terrace balcony to the south, and it overlooked a tall steep cliff. The valley beyond seemed very wide and very far down. I was annoyed with the people and did not feel comfortable here, so i jumped over the bar to the south of me and started flying out of the bar. I flew to the north, over the top of the building, but then i was flying to the south, back over the building and across the lawn beyond. I was looking for the cliff, and i was unsure where it was. I thought that it must have been to the southeast of the building, but i was not sure. I imagined zooming over the buildings of the college campus as i headed toward the cliff. The old stone building passing under me was long east to west and had a red tiled peaked roof. There seemed to be a gorge running along the southern side of the campus, and i thought that the cliff must be in that direction. I then turned around and flew back and forth over the campus, swooping low over the old stone buildings. I thought that it would look impressive to see me flying, and i thought that i should try to move very fast over the campus. I then realized that i must be very high in the air. I was moving too fast and simply did not realize how high i had gotten. I would have to focus on controlling my elevation. I thought about this for a moment as i started to drive to the north, through the campus area. I told the man with me about the interview i had in the office building as i drove the car down the street of the small town. $F43 was with me in the car. I felt agitated here, thinking that i was forgetting something. I was not going in the correct direction, and i would have to turn the car around. Annoyed, i turned around and walked back down the white corridor, heading to the southwest. I was angry with the people in this office. The corridor ended in a large round atrium, where it met a spiraling balcony on the orangish-pink walls of the atrium. I jumped over the railing of the balcony and floated down several floors to the bottom of the atrium. I wanted to get away from the people following me, and i knew that they were not able to fly. I then jumped over the edge again. As i landed on the hard floor, i noticed that there were several things near me. The others must have tossed them over the balcony. I felt angry and smashed one of the clear plastic things against the hard floor. It shattered. A coin then hit my head, and i realized that the people on the balcony above me were throwing coins down at me. I was very angry with the man and wanted to do something to get out my anger. I looked up, noticing that he was standing with $A261. I could not do anything aggressive against him, so i moved to the west, positioning myself under the flight of stairs that came down from the northern wall. I then flew up to the balcony. As i started off the ground, i noticed that the man had dropped something black. I caught the object as it passed me. It was his camera. He must have dropped it accidentally. I still felt mad at the man, thought. I flew up and hovered in the air in front of him, purposely letting go of the camera so that it would fall and smash on the ground. I wanted to hurt them because of what they had done to me. I dropped back down to the balcony below, where several things were sitting on the ground. I knew that these things belonged to the people, so i started breaking them and tossing them over the balcony. I watched as several of them smashed on the floor below. I then tossed over some of the things that belonged to $A261. One of the things that i threw over was a large clear glass cookie jar that was full of small doughnuts. It shattered on the floor, and the doughnuts spilled out. I looked down at them, and then back up at the people on the balcony. I could tell that $A261 was upset by what i had done. I felt a little bad for upsetting her, but i was still mad at her for all of the bad things she had done to me, so i told myself that i would not feel bad for her.

12010 May 19

The woman was accusing me of something in the court case. I stood in the middle of the large courtyard between the old stone buildings. The judge was sitting behind a tall counter to the north. I started to move around, and i walked into the center of the square. It was dark now, but i knew that there were people around me. Something seemed strange now. It was too dark outside to see what was happening in the courtyard, and i thought that the trial should be held until daylight. I wondered what i should do. I felt as though i was being unjustly accused of something. I did not know the woman, so she must have been confusing me for someone else. I paced over the square stones of the ground, heading to the west, into the hotel. I headed down the corridor and turned to the south to head up the stairs. As i walked up the stairs, though, i noticed that there was a strange turn in the stairs. I was heading up to the west, but the stairs seemed to turn sharply to the north and then to the east. I followed the stairs up, but found myself on the wrong floor because i had gone the wrong way at the curve in the stairs. I felt annoyed and back up, eventually ending up on the right floor. I headed to the north and put my bags into my room, which was on the eastern side of the hallway. There were others in the room. This disappointed me, so i left the room and headed back to the south. I had to get back to the dormitories on the northern side of the campus. I felt strange here, and went back to the room to get my bags. There were men in the room with guns, though, so i had to stay out of the room. I felt tense and moved to the south, heading down the wide hall trying to get a better view of the room, which i could see through the glass windows in the northern wall of an alcove. I then noticed $F46 to the south of me, standing in the large room with me, which seemed to be an old ballroom. My hotel room was to the north, but we could see into it through the windows on the northern side of the rounded tower on the front of the building. I told $F46 that there were men with guns in the room. She seemed surprised, but did not really do anything. I felt upset and wondered what i should do. I then noticed that the men were no longer in my room. I quickly ran back into the room and grabbed my duffel bags from the floor. I opened them hurriedly, but realized that my gun was not in the bag. I had to take my gun out of this place so that the other men did not get it, but i worried that they had already taken it. I then heard $F42 talking to the south of me. He was in the large ballroom, and he was talking about the play that he was directing. I realized that the gun might be part of the play. I was standing by the door of the room, listening to them for a moment. I then turned back into the room and grabbed the bags. I opened it again and dug through it, finding my gun in the bag.

12010 May 22

I was in the long rectangular room at the top floor of $P19 with several of the other people. There was a couch against the northern wall of the room, and i was standing just to the south of the eastern end. Something felt strange in my chest, and i thought that i was sick. I remembered that i had the same feeling in a previous dream, and i knew that it was related to my sternum. In the previous dream, i had imagined that the discomfort had something to do with a heart condition, but now i knew that i simply had pneumonia. I felt worried about this and thought that i should do something, but i was not sure what to do. I wandered to the east, into the kitchen on the downstairs part of the house. There were silver shelfs to the north of me. I worried about the discomfort in my chest and thought that i should do something about it, but i was also aware that it was part of a dream. I worried that i was really getting sick and felt that i should do something about the discomfort, but i was still hesitant to do anything.

I had parked my car on the southern side of the dirt parking lot in the flat open land. The land around us was tan, dry, and sandy, and we seemed to be in a foreign country. I moved to the north, talking to the older man. I seemed to be rather young, and i had been driving the old-fashioned car. It was dark maroon and had rounded fenders. It was facing to the southeast on the edge of the lot, and it was parked to the west of another maroon car. I walked to the north of the car that belonged to the old man. His car was facing west in the center of the dirt lot, which seemed to be the parking area for a large gas station. This place was in Australia. The man was going to drive me somewhere, but i did not really know him well. I had just met him here, and i felt suddenly uncomfortable, thinking that i did not really know him. I wondered if i should let him drive me somewhere. It seemed unsafe, but i got into his car anyway. He was an older man, and i seemed to be just out of high school. I did not feel safe with him and considered what i would do if he tried to harm me. We drove to the northwest, and the land way dry and open. I tried to tell myself that this place was safer because it was Australia, but i was still worried about the old man. He then stopped the car, and i got out. The car was again facing west, and the land to the south of us was still flat and open, but there were thin patches of grass running along the southern side of the road, sprouting from the dry sandy soil. The man was still in the car, and he said something to me. I realized that i could not trust him, and he started to drive away. He was abandoning me. I glanced to the north, starting to feel upset. There were three or four young men sitting on a short wall to the north of me, and there seemed to be three or four story apartment buildings to the east and west, and a third at a lower elevation to the north, twenty or thirty meters beyond the wall. I was upset that i had been duped, and i decided that i would just have to walk back to my car. I wondered if the men on the fence were laughing at me because they knew what had happened. It now seemed like quite a walk across the dry landscape, and i imagined the long road that ran south. It seemed to have shrub brush growing along the sides of it. I headed to the west. I remembered being in this city before. I had come from the northeast the last time i was in this country. I remembered discovering the path to the place that i had gone the last time. I came to a street that ran northeast to southwest, and i looked to the northeast. One of the apartment buildings ran along the southeastern side of the road, and there seemed to be a canal on the northwestern side. I remembered walking along the canal before. It seemed to be a time when i was at a film festival, and i was walking from out apartment to one of the cinemas. I had found a short cut that most of the other people did not know about, and i enjoyed walking there. I thought that i could simply walk up the street to the northeast and head back to the center of the city. I then remembered that i had to get back to my car. I had already walked to the west, out of view of the young men on the fence, so they would not see me heading back to my car. I walked south a little and then turned to the southeast, heading along one of the walkways between the apartment buildings. After a short way, i was walking down a long cement corridor, which i thought ran through one of the apartment buildings. I moved down the corridor, approaching the cement stairs that descended ahead of me. I seemed to be floating down the corridor, and i lifted my feet ahead of me as i moved. It seemed that it would take me a long time to get to my car, and i wondered if the man was heading back to my car to get it when i was not there. He could have dropped me off here so that he could go back for my car. The car seemed to be my father’s.

I walked to the south, across the room of the pub. It seemed to be the middle of the afternoon, and there were few people in the room. I had come here with a woman, who was sitting at the bar on the western side of the room. The bartender was standing behind the bar, and he asked me about the drink i had ordered. I told him that it was an Australian drink, and that it was a mixed drink with beer. This place seemed to be in a foreign country. I described the drink to the bartended, saying that i wanted two drinks, and that he would charge me for two separate drinks. I thought how i would tell him that the drinks would be served mixed together. I told him to pour the ginger beer into the pint glasses first.

I was talking to $F43 as we walked to the north, on the western sidewalk of the city street. The buildings around us were tall and gray. We came to a building, which seemed to be a theater, or which had something to do with the play that i was performing. $A241 opened the glass door on the front of the building and walked out, greeting us as we walked past. We stopped to talk to him. He seemed confused about something but talked to us cheerfully. I realized that he had not put his pants on. He was wearing a light-pink dress shirt with a tie, but he had forgotten his pants. He paced around on the sidewalk while talking to us, not always looking in our direction. He was not distracted by anything in particular and did not seem to keep his attention in any one place. He moved to the east of me, standing on the edge of the street. I looked down to see his bare buttocks as he continued to speak, facing away from me. The situation was funny, thought $F43 seemed to be nervous with discomfort. $A241 seemed to be unaware that he was not wearing any pants. I wondered if he actually had his underwear on, but, as he turned around suddenly, i could see his penis hanging between his shirt tails. I tried not to laugh as a puzzled look came over his face. Both $F43 and i were not sure what to do, and i hoped that he ended the conversation soon.

12010 May 23

I followed the others to the north, walking down the western sidewalk of the suburban street. This place seemed like the streets near my grandmother’s house. The others turned to the east, heading down one of the central streets of the area. The street seemed to have storefronts on both sides, and there were trees growing up from the sidewalk. They were carrying a tall pole down the street, and there was a pale-red balloon on the top of the pole, holding the end up. I did not want to follow them. I felt uncomfortable with them and headed to the west. They were showing off something by carrying the tall pole, and i did not want to be associated with them. After a few steps, i suddenly wondered how they were able to carry the tall pole down the street without hitting any of the power lines. There must be power lines crossing the street, and i did not understand how they were getting the pole past them. I looked back to the east to see the man carrying the large metal T among the group of people. The was wearing what seemed to be a dull-green army jacket. He passed easily under two utility lines than ran between the buildings on opposite sides of the street. The third line was a power line, though, and the man was getting too close to it. I started to feel nervous, and i decided to walk to the north. I did not want to deal with the situation anymore. Something then happened, and i thought that the man in the green jacket had gotten electrocuted. I could hear the commotion back on the street, and i could hear the others running away from the man. They were to the southeast of me, on the other side of the row of buildings. They ran up the street to the north, past me, and then they turned to the east, down one of the alleys behind the main row of storefronts. I tried to follow them, but i was in a wheel chair, so i could not move as fast. The police were then near the man in the street, and i worried that they would see me moving away from the area. I did not want to be associated with this. I rolled down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. There were a few white stairs in the middle of the sidewalk, and i passed up them. The cement slabs of the sidewalk were uneven, as thought trees had grown under them over many years. I had to get out of sight from the police, and i thought that i would have to go through the buildings to get away from here. I headed through a narrow corridor that ran to the east, through the center of one of the buildings. When i came to the eastern side of the building, though, i noticed that the stairs there were not quite finished. I would not be able to roll easily down them in my wheel chair. I felt panicked and wondered what i should do. The land sloped down to the east, but there were metal rebar poles sticking up through the ground. They would be the reinforcement inside the cement stairs, once they were rebuilt. I was in the back lot of the buildings, and the police seemed to be to the south of me now. I tried heading down the northeastern side of the sloped, but i ended up rolling back toward the area where the rebar were. To the north of me was a tall dirt mound. I would not be able to roll up it. It curved back to the north as it reached the buildings on the western side of the area, but i knew that it adjoined the buildings, and i did not think that there would be a tunnel to get under the tall mound. I then heard other people talking to the south of me. I looked up to one of the old wooden balconies on the back side of the buildings. There was a priest on the southern end of a second-floor balcony of the building to the west, talking to a boy. The building on the corner of the block seemed to be a church, so the balcony must have been part of the priest’s residence. A set of wooden stairs ascended toward them from the southwest of me, along the side of the building. There was a corridor through the buildings to the south, and i could hear the police coming. I could see a few officers in the darkened archway. They were wearing blue uniforms. I had to get out of the chair in order to get down the steep slope. As i started to push myself from the chair, i heard the police talking of roughing me up. I tossed the chair over the dirt edge of the hill to the southeast. I then started climbing down the dirt slope to the east, holding on to the rebar for support. I felt tense, knowing that the police were coming for me.

I was driving the small airplane over the wide roadway, heading roughly north. The airplane, which was a small prop plane, belonged to $A446. We were moving slowly down the paved surface, which seemed like a high, though i knew that it was a runway of this big airport. I felt a little uncomfortable driving the plane because i did not really know where we were going. I could see ramps and tunnels passing us on both sides of the road, but i was not sure which was the right exit for us. $F45 was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the airplane. There were two sticks in front of me that controlled the airplane. They seemed to be very touchy, and i was tense as i tried to steer the airplane in the correct direction. I pressed the pedals lightly, but the airplane jerked to the side. I did not really know how to fly the airplane, and i wondered why i was taking the airplane toward the runway. This seemed like a bad idea, and i said this to $F45. I wondered why we were trying to get to the runway when that meant that we would have to fly the airplane. I then realized that we were actually going in circles on the roadways. We seemed to have circumtraveled the airport. I pulled the airplane over on the eastern side of the roadway. I started to back the airplane to the east, toward the small building that was on the side of the road. I then felt a bump and realized that i had backed the airplane into the gray wall of the building. $F45 said that he would tell $A446 that the damage to the airplane was my fault. I was annoyed and thought that it was really $F45’s fault because he had made me drive the airplane when i did not want to.

I was listening to the music in my can as we drove to the north. I was driving the car, and $F45 was in the passenger’s seat of the car. The song on the radio was “Blowing Smoke Rings”, and it seemed strange to be listening to it. $F45 was singing to the song, but i realized that he was singing to an older version of the song. The song that we were listening to was actually the latest version, the one that would be on the released album. I liked the way the song sounded, but the others in the car complained that it was just rock music. I was annoyed with them and felt bad that they had said negative things about the song. $A448 was in the back seat of the car, and he agreed with $F45 that the song was “just rock”. They demeaned it as if it was not worth listening to, and that upset me made me feel discouraged.

12010 May 24

I headed back to the southwest, noticing that there were strange flashes in the sky to the north and west of me. The sky seemed dark gray as i moved through the low buildings of the urban area. Some of the buildings seemed to be houses, but most seemed to be warehouses or small factories or shops. There was a bright flash of white light in the sky to the northwest of me, and i had caught a small part of it out of the corner of my eye. It seemed like lightning, but it flashed in a patch of light on the sky that looked like short spindle shaped lines that had been dumped in a pile. There was a longer spindle-shaped light pointing out from the patch to the south, facing up a little. There was a storm coming in. I felt anxious about it as i headed to the west, trying to get back to the place where i worked. I looked to the south, noticing small patches of crisscrossed lines appearing on the trees and on the metal street lamps. This was static electricity from the lightning. The storm was very serious, and i wanted to get a good look at the northern sky, wondering if it would look like the auroras i had once seen over the airport. I turned into the large yard of the construction company to the north, passing through the tall chain-link fence at the end of the driveway. The sky to the north was dark and gray and filled with clouds. The center of the sky had a dark cloud in it that was triangular in shape, with one end pointing down. I realized that the bottom part of the cloud was rotating around itself, stretching slowly toward the ground. It was a tornado forming. The building where i worked was to the west of the open yard, and i was in my car in the center of the dirty lot. I turned the car back to the south, thinking that i had to get out of the area. The tornado was coming through the city. As i looked to the south, i thought that i should watch the tornado in the rearview mirror to see which way it was headed. It was coming toward me, then i would want to drive to the east. I was aware that there was a main street to the west of the factory, which seemed to run to the north-northeast. It would be easier to travel on the street rather make my way around the corners of the minor roads, but then i realized that it would probably be harder to make it through the traffic. The people would be driving too slowly, and it would be dangerous to speed through the intersections. Not everyone would know that there was a tornado coming. I wondered if there were buildings that i could easily hide in. I would have to be in the basement on a specific side of the house, but i could not think of any buildings that seemed safe enough to withstand such a large tornado. The funnel cloud was not thin. I spoke to the other person about the coming storm. He was not aware that it was happening. He seemed to be a disreputable hustler, but i was trying to show him what was wrong. I looked back into the northern sky. There now seemed to be three columns of clouds across the sky, but they were too thick to clearly distinguish them as tornados. I was going to point out the one on the western end, but it simply seemed like a dark cloud that had formed in a column. We could not see the ground below the cloud because it was behind a row of city buildings, so we could not see it rotating. I then noticed that there were small white things in the air around the middle cloud, which was closer to the eastern cloud than to the western one. I pointed out the small objects to the man. As i did so, the objects seemed to pause in mid air and start to fall. The tornado had suddenly lost its power, and the white objects, which seemed to be pieces of rail fencing and farm animals, were starting to fall to the ground. Some fell very fast, as if i was looking at a model. The man noticed them, and i told him that they were pieces of debris that the tornado had picked up. They were trucks and pieces of houses. The man realized that these were in fact tornados, and that this situation was serious. I started walking to the east, down the narrow street between the shops of the run-down city street. I wondered where we could go to hide from the tornados. I then realized that the first tornado did not come in our direction, so the others probably would not. $A311 was standing to the west, near the end of the short street. There were street vendors on the northern side of the street, and many of them seemed to be hustlers and criminals who were trying to get money from the people walking past. Somehow, $A311 seemed to be considered an important person in this community. The dishonest merchants that worked here seemed to respect $A311, as if he was a leader of a mob that was feared by these people. I walked toward $A311, thinking that i needed to talk to him. One of the shopkeepers approached me from the north, trying to hustle me, but i waived my right hand at him. I was aware that i had by index and middle finger extended straight, while my other fingers were slightly curled. The man in the ragged clothes saw this and backed away into his kiosk. He said as though impressed, “That’s trick.”. I realized that the hand gesture was something significant, and signaled to them that i was part of the ruling mob. I was not actually a part of any hierarchy here, but i was glad to know the signals. The fact that i knew $A311 also meant that the dealers here would respect me and not try to hustle me. I strode to the west until i met $A311. I then led him back to the east, thinking that i could dismiss a few other people with the same hand gesture. I did so with one other vendor who approached me. On the eastern end of the street, i was at the eastern end of the diner, where there were old booths against the short eastern wall. There seemed to be only two booths spanning the wall, with dark wood tables in front of the black cushioned benches. The stained plywood behind the benches seemed cheap and simple, as though this place was crudely built. There were some people already sitting in the table there, and i felt that we had something serious to discuss. The table to the north had a family around it, but they seemed to be leaving. The man i had come with was sitting on the bench on the other side of the southern table. As the family started to leave, i realized that some of the people now at the northern table were people gathering for the meeting. Tom Scavo seemed to be one of the people at the northern table, and i was surprised to see him there. A young boy then moved from the northern table to the southern. I did no think that he should be in the meeting because these issues were rather serious and criminal in nature. He said something, but his father insisted that he leave us. I looked at the small square window behind the northern booth, in the eastern wall. The young boy walked behind the booth, which no longer seemed to be against the wall. This should be a secret meeting, so the boy should not be here. It would be too dangerous for him. I thought about the tornados outside the window. They seemed to be to the northeast of us, and we had to discuss them in some way.

12010 May 25

I stepped out of the window to the south and onto the roof of the large stone building. The building seemed like an old church, but it was part of a private school, to which i belonged. I knew that we should not be on the roof, but i wanted to cross the roof and head to the building to the south, where the lavatories were. I could see the door on the lower roof to the south that led into the lavatories. A young boy in school uniform stepped out of one of the doors and walked to the northeast, back toward the building in was in. I thought that he was in elementary school. I looked down at the roof below the window. There was a thin section of roof that slanted down to the west right below the window. It was not that far above the roof below it, and it was surfaced with a tan plastic or metal material. As i stepped over the lower section of the slope, where it connected with the main roof, i was careful not to slip on the material. I knew that it was probably wet, and i remembered how slippery it was before. I was aware of a man standing to the southwest of me. He was an official of some sort, and i thought that he might lecture me on the dangers of walking across the roof. If i had fallen, he would have used that as an example of how dangerous it was. I headed to the west, where the roof seemed lower to the ground. On the western side of the room, there now seemed to be pavement. The lower entrance to the other building now seemed to be at ground level, in the southern brick wall of an alley that was paved with cement walkway. I came out on the sidewalk to the west of the buildings and started to head to the south, into the alley, but i noticed the man standing just inside the alley. I felt that i should not be using the lavatory in the other building, and i was hesitant to cross the alley with the man there. I wondered what to do. Finally, i turned around and headed into the main doors of the building i had come out of. There was a lavatory on this floor of the building, though it was on the northeastern end. It seemed like a long way away, but i did not want to cross the alley with the man watching me.

12010 May 26

I turned the car to the north, heading up the small road to the south of the larger area. I remembered this place as a small hidden town that very few people knew about. We seemed to be to the southeast of $P52. I came to the end of the narrow road, which ended in the main east-to-west road that ran down the center of the valley. I tried to remember the name of the town, but i could not quite recall it. It seemed to be a foreign name, and i was always surprised that the town was so close when i heard the name. The road i was on had sloped down hill toward the main road, and it seemed that the town was just to the east on northeast. As i turned to the east onto the main road, i thought that the town was really to the north, hidden behind the tall trees on the side of the main road. I pictured the main street with its shops, but i could not see them from here. $A311 seemed to be near me, and he mentioned the town’s name. It was a name that i was quite familiar with, and i was still surprised to realize that it was such a small hidden town. I turned the car to the north, onto another side road. I knew that the main street of the town would be a turn off to the west. I drove past the end of the block where the shops were, looking for a place to turn in. I had to find parking here, but the town seemed to be filled with tourists, and i did not think that it would be easy to find. I slowed down, looking at the crowed cafe area to the west. I felt nervous because there was a car following me closely. I noticed a driveway just to the north of the cafe area, so i decided to turn in, thinking that it might lead to a parking garage. I started to turn, but stopped in mid turn, thinking that this might actually be a sidewalk. I did not know what to do, but i decided that it was actually a driveway. I said that it might be one way, but the other person seemed to think i could travel down it. I then noticed a white arrow on the ground pointing in the direction that i was traveling. This meant that i could travel here. A man, who had been sitting at a table in the cafe, wearing a dark jacket, leaned over to our car and said in confidence that i should be careful of the edge. As i started down the road, i noticed the red metal railing to the north of us, separating us from the edge of the road. There was a drop off on the other side of the railing. After only ten meters or so, the railing ended, and there was nothing separating the car from the edge of the embankment. I felt suddenly nervous about this and became very tense. I drove the car forward, being very cautious of the edge and the oncoming cars. The person in the passenger seat said something to try to relax me. I watched a small blue car approach and pass on the left. The area to the south seemed to be an open plaza, with small tents and kiosks of various vendors and merchants. I was driving to the north, past the shopping area of the small city, trying to find a place to park. Just past the main block, the land seemed grassy, as though there was a park to the west. The grassy ground to the east sloped up, and the road to the north curved into the narrow valley ahead, disappearing among the shadows of the tall green deciduous trees. I pulled the car off to the western side of the road, stopping for a moment. i knew that this was not a parking area, but we had to stop somewhere. The others got out, and i walked around the car, which was a large dark van. I felt that i should move the van because it was not really in a parking spot. I looked to the west and noticed that there was a parking lot on the other side of a narrow grassy strip. Trees hid most of the parking area, but i could see that there were open spots in the lot for more cars. I mentioned this to the other people, thinking that i should move the van into the lot so that we were parked legally. I did not want to get a ticket. I then noticed a car to the north of us that had turned around on the road that we were on. It was driving across the grass and slowly moving into a space into the parking lot. It was going slowly because the driver knew that the car would be going over the curb of the parking area. The car was driving through a narrow break in the shrubs through which the lot could be seen. I walked around the front of the van, which was facing south. The others started to round the van from the north. I looked at the gray and tan van, which was now rather beat up. It was not the van i had expected. I remembered a shiny new black van, but then i remembered that this was a part of the new A Team movie. This van belonged to BA, and it would probably be reconditioned later in the movie to look like the van i remembered. I opened the door and thought about these things, picturing the black and red van to the south of me. It seemed darker now, and the scene seemed more intense. There were people around us, and i started to feel unsafe here. I was standing to the east of the door to the small house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. It seemed as though i had just finished talking to some people, and i knew that the others were after us. I felt nervous about this, thinking that the neighbors actually hated us and were trying to kill us. I wondered why this had happened. I glanced to the south, at the neighbors’ house, which was very close to me. The lace curtains were drawn over the window, and it seemed dark inside. The woman who lived there seemed older. I imagined her wearing an old plain dress with a white apron tied to the front. Her white hair would be pulled back into a ponytail. She felt hate toward me and was part of the plot to kill me. I did not like this idea and opened the door to my grandmother’s house. My grandmother was in the kitchen. She turned suddenly to the east and grabbed something off of the counter. She seemed to be cooking something, and i was obvious that she was happy and was not concerned about the people trying to kill us. I was glad that she was so positive about it, but it also annoyed me that she ignored the obvious threat to us. I wondered what i should do. I let the door close again and i turned to the north. I was in the driveway outside of my grandmother’s house. I noticed the car to the north of me, on the roof of the garage. There was a light inside the car illuminating the single occupant, and it was obvious that the car was a police car. They were here to protect us. The car was facing northwest, and the back end of the car was handing off of the southern edge of the garage roof. The car had a black door with a white fender and several labels on the side. I could see the back of the head of the officer, who was mostly in silhouette. He wore a wide police cap and seemed to be talking on the radio to someone. I thought that he was an easy target. The people coming after us would simply shoot him in the back of the head from the bottom of the driveway, to the south of me. This did not feel safe, and i wondered what i should do. I turned to the west and headed into the house. This all seemed very strange.

12010 May 27

I looked into the mirror, which was to the south of me. There was something in my mouth, and it felt like a hair or thin string. I tried to spit it out, but i could not get it tot he front of my tongue. I could not see anything, so i reached into my mouth and grabbed the string, which seemed like a thin piece of dental floss. I could feel that it was still attached to the lower side of my mouth. I grabbed the string and tried to pull it free, but it would not break away from my mouth. I felt a little frustrated and pulled harder. I could feel the tension in my lower jaw, but it did not hurt. I kept pulling on the string with more and more force until i felt something on the left side of my mouth slip. The string was attached to my back molar, and it had lifted the cap off of the tooth. The string must have been attached to the molar for a reason, and i had now pulled the cap off. I was now upset about this. I would have to go back to the dentist to get a new cap put back on. I did not have medical insurance, however, so i was not sure that i could pay for all of the work with a new dentist.

12010 May 28

I followed the others to the east-southeast, crossing the rolling open land, which seemed like a grassy hill. The land sloped down to the east, and there was a building to the east of me. We arrived at the entrance to the building, which seemed to be an old public school. There was something happening in the building. People were gathered in the hallway to the east. I stood in the doorway. It seemed as though we should not be allowed in here, but the young man standing guard was not paying attention. I felt tense, knowing that something important was happening. The event to the east had a good deal of security around it, and it seemed like a concert or presidential appearance. The security people were surrounding the anxious and excited crowd through the doorway to the east of me. I was standing just to the east of the entrance door on the back side of the building. The door was set into a thick stone frame entryway. The outer doors were metal with glass windows on the upper sections, and the inner doors were propped open. The stone walls seemed to be creamy green or dull yellow. The corridor inside ran to the south only, and there was a wide stone-framed doorway to the east, leading into the central part of the building, where the crowd was pushing the security people. I glanced to the south, noticing several young women and some men standing casually in the corridor just to the south of the entrance doors. The young man in the red security uniform stood just to the south of the doors. He did not acknowledge me and must have thought that i belonged here, even though i did not. I was concerned about something that was happening outside the building, to the west. The people i had come in with were doing something, and we could not let the security guard catch us. There was someone trying to enter the building, and it seemed as though we were trying to prevent the person from getting in. I started to feel tense and nervous about the people outside. We had to stop them. The other man with me then attacked the person outside. Something was happening. The man trying to get in seemed to be dangerous, and my friend had knocked him out. I glanced to the south, at the security guard, but his attention was occupied by the young women in the corridor, who seemed like groupies. The guard seemed in his early twenties, with a tall thin body and fuzzy black hair. I needed his help to close the door before the others got in. My friend had injured the attackers, but had not stopped them. I pulled the inner doors closed, calling to the guard to help me close the door. I was wearing a blue security uniform now, which i had taken from the guard i had knocked out outside. The young man turned to look at me. He was surprised at what i was saying and rushed to help me close the inner doors. I looked out the narrow glass windows to see the man who had attacked the building slouched against the outer doors on the southern side of the entryway. There were some other people scuffling in the entryway, and they momentarily blocked my view of the unconscious man. I told the guard that the unconscious man was trying to invade the building. I said that he had a weapon. For a moment, the unconscious man seemed to be the security guard whose uniform i had stolen, but, as i described him to the young guard, i knew that he was a bag guy. The security guard stood on his toes to look out the narrow meshed windows, which were now very high on the inner doors. I stretched up to look out them as well. The guard asked about the weapon that the invader had, and i told him it was something like a screwdriver. I could see the instrument on the floor, and i knew that it was more sophisticated than a screwdriver, but i knew that the man would not understand fully what was going on. I then looked out the window to see the dark pick-up truck parked on the side of the road. It had something to do with the people who were trying to invade the building. I started to say something to the man, but the truck pulled away. As it left, i looked at its license plate. The plate was white, with blue letters and outlines. It had only numbers on it, as though it were a special type of plate. I looked at the numbers and tried to remember them. The place said “4 14248” as the car pulled away to the east. I had to write this down. I was now in a small office, which seemed to be to the northeast of where i had been in the corridor. I had entered the office from the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, and was now looking out the window in the center of the northern wall. I turned to the west, where there was a desk. I stood off of the southeastern corner of the desk as i found a small piece of paper to write on. It seemed like the rounded sheet i had torn from my tablet and stuck in my date book. I pulled a pen from the drawer and started writing the numbers before i had forgotten them. I wrote the first “4”, but the pen did not seem to be working so well, so i retraced the lines. The pen wrote in blue ink. I paused after i had written the number and looked at it. The double lines at the beginning of the digit looked like the number eleven. I was worried that this would look strange on paper, and i wanted the numbers to be clearly visible. I retraced the four, trying to make the first line thicker. I then decided that i was making the writing too messy and scribbled out the number and started again on a lower section of the piece of paper, which seemed to have been torn out of a notebook. I stood up from the desk and turned back to the east. Something special was going on in this area, and i was concerned for the people here. I looked at the crowd in the room to the east of me. I was not standing in the large room and was part of this event. President Obama seemed to be to the east, though i could not see him. The room seemed to be crude, as though it was under a large white tent. The folding chairs had been set up in rows across the eastern side of the room, and the people sitting there were facing west. An older man was pacing north to south in front of the chairs. He was not saying anything at the moment, but he still seemed to be in charge of the meeting here. He had fuzzy graying hair and a pale dark-skinned face, and he was wearing a brown blazer with matching pants. I felt that there was something i had to pay attention to here. Something was happening. The event was going to change, and we had to make sure it did so properly. For a time, this event seemed like a funeral or a memorial, but my attention was continually drawn to the west, were something seemed to be coming. We had to do something. I told the others that we should prepare, and the people started to move around the tent. I was aware that the white tent to the south of us was starting to come down. I could not tell whether it was being taken down or whether it was blowing down, but i was aware that the roof had become slack and was folding back on itself to the south. The people moved around the area. I imagined the rolling hills to the west of us and i pictured us flying over the ground, approaching the building. The ground seemed like a shimmering wave of white and yellow, and it seemed as though were surfing on top of it. I could see our bodies standing on the rounded wave as it moved. They looked tall, thin, and very unnatural.

12010 May 29

I floated over the land, heading to the southeast, toward the long cabin, which seemed to be part of a campground. The others were staying in the hotel here. There was a long oval pond to the southwest of the building, and the building ran along the northeastern shore of the pond. I floated into the northern end of the room, where the others were gathered. We were doing something, and we had to be secretive about it. It seemed that we were doing something immature, and we did not want others to know what we were up to. The two women were now standing in the white hallway to the north of me. I said something to them. A maid in a black and white uniform then came into the room through the doorway to the north. We were surprised to see her and did not want her here. She had her blond hair tied up into a bun and seemed rather young. She had an expression of curious annoyance on her face, and she pushed through, saying that she had found the things in the hallway. She turned to the east at the end of the short entry corridor and headed back to the north in the other short corridor. I noticed that she was carrying a long black bar with a lamp hanging from the center of it. It was the light fixture that we had taken down from the eastern hallway. I followed the maid into the eastern hallway, noticing how bare and empty the hallway seemed. We had taken all of the furnishings out of the hallway. The maid must be putting the light back up. I stepped back to the west to tell the others. When i looked again down the eastern corridor, i could not see the maid, but i noticed that the old wooden trap door in the floor at the northern end of the corridor was now closing. The floor in this corridor looked old and worn, and the trap door opened to the north, facing the doorway at the end of the hall that led into the corridor. I told the woman in the corridor to the east that the maid had gone down to the basement. We wondered what she could have gone down there for. I moved to the northwest, coming to the edge of the porch on the northwestern corner of the building. I noticed the water that was just to the west. The shore of the pond was very near the side of the building, and i remembered that it had rained quite a bit in the previous days. The pond must be flooding. I told the woman that the maid was probably in the basement checking for water leaks. I moved along the long side of the hotel, which faced southwest. There was a stream of water running down the side of the hill, which sloped to the south along the side of the building. The water was still draining from the area, so i thought that we were not in danger of flooding quite yet. Someone was to the southeast of me as i started floating to the south, looking over the small streams of draining water.

12010 May 30

I moved down the corridor a little ways to the north. The dirty walls around me cement, and they had many uneven surfaces to them, as though there were support columns built into them. I was doing something dangerous in this place, and i felt tense about the situation. There was someone here with me in the basement area. He seemed to be to the southeast of me, on the stairs to the first floor of the house. I felt cavalier and pulled out the explosive from my pocket with my right hand. The person next to me was unaware of what i was doing, and i made a trite joke about it. The person asked what i had in my hand, and i told them that it was a thermal grenade. I tossed the flat round object down the corridor to the north and then turned to walk up the stairs. I hurried to the top, knowing that the grenade would ignite the bombs that the bad guys had left in the northern section of the house. As i reached the top of the stairs, i heard the loud explosion. A second explosion quickly followed it. I had thought the second explosion would be from the bombs going off, but it seemed to originate from somewhere in the center of the house. I then remembered that the house had been rigged to explode. The thermal grenade must have detonated the small packs of explosives in the center of the house. The job here was done. I stood in the first floor of the darkened house, wondering what to do. There should be a fire burning in the northern end of the basement, so the house would soon be burned, but i did not feel rushed to leave. I turned to the west and walked across the kitchen, looking down at the floorboards. I could see orange light through worn patches in the boards, where the explosion had weakened the wood. The kitchen was in disarray from the explosion, though it looked more like part of a house that had not been lived in for many years. I was careful not to step on the damaged floor boards. I was aware of someone to the east of me, but i continued moving through the house. The neighbors must have heard the explosions and would probably call the police or fire department. I would have to leave soon, but there was something interesting in the house. I turned to the north, into a small rectangular sitting room. The furnishings here were run down, as though they had been used for decades. The room was shabby, and there were items stacked on the tables and surfaces. I knew that the owners of the house would not return, and i suddenly decided that i should go through the items left here and take what seemed interesting. I looked over the items on the small plastic shelves to the east, just to the north of the entry door. The items there seemed old and cheap. This house belonged to someone who lived in poverty, and i did not think that i would really find anything of much use, but i was excited to keep searching. I moved to the west a little, wondering how fast the fire on the floor below would spread to the whole house. There were more low plastic shelves along the northern wall. These shelves had thin yellow and black boxes stacked on them. The boxes were standing vertically, and looked like tape reels, but i knew that they were cassette tapes. I was not that interested in them, but i looked them over anyway. I started to feel rushed, knowing that the neighbors had already called the police. I thought that i could hear police sirens coming. I backed into the long rectangular room in the center of the house. The house looked dark and burned, but it did not look structurally damaged. I did not want to be here when the police came, but i thought that they were already on the street to the east of the house. I had to get away. I imagined teleporting out of here, but i did not think that i should do that, though i felt that i could. I floated into the air, thinking that i would fly away quickly. I rose very fast, facing southwest. The sky over my head had hints of red in it, and it seemed to be very early in the morning. I started flying very fast, thinking that i had to get away, even though i did not seem worried about making an escape. It felt good to be flying, and i knew that the others could not follow me because they were not special like me.

The improve troupe stood to the east of us in the small open space. There were low cement building around us, but they seemed worn and crumbling. This place seemed German, in some way, like an old chalet. The ground we were standing on was light gray, and seemed to be gravel or broken concrete. I spoke to some of the people in the improve troupe for a moment, but i had to join the others to the west, who were part of the acting troupe. There was tension between the two groups, and i worried that the improve troupe would look down on the acting troupe. I moved to the acting troupe, who were now sitting around in a ring of wooden chairs. They started to do some improvisational acting, which was an exercise for skit comedy. I sat in a char on the northeastern part of the circle, listening to the lines. I tried to add something to the conversation, but i was not sure i had anything funny to say. I then noticed that the group had moved their chairs around. I moved mine to be closer and to complete the circle. I hoped that the improve troupe to the east of us did not belittle what we were doing. I then realized that the actors around me had moved their chairs again. One person had moved a chair at a time, slowly pulling the width of the circle together. It was actually a funny part of the sketch, though it would seem odd and random. I hoped that it was funny to the people to the east.

12010 May 31

I moved through the house, looking at the things on the tables and shelfs. This was my house, but some of the things here had been moved. I was trying to arrange everything the way it had been, but i could not figure out where things were. My mother and my grandmother seemed to be in a room to the west. The rooms in the house seemed open, with few walls or wide doorways between the rooms. I stopped in the center of the house and looked to the north, at the small table that was in front of the yellow plaster wall. There were some vases on the table, but i did not quite recognize them. The table seemed to be two shelfs supported by a thin wire frame that curved into swirls on either side. The dark colored vases were sitting on the right of the top shelf. I moved again and came into the room to the north, where there was a large window in the northern wall. There were four or five vases standing on the floor in front of the western part of the table. I realized that these vases had been around the large plant that i normally kept on my table. They had been moved when my relatives cleaned. I would have to put them back up onto the table, but, when i looked up at the plant on the right side of the table, i noticed that it was not the same plant that had been there. I felt angry and moved to the west, here my family was. I demanded to know where my aloe plant was. My mother and my grandmother were standing to the south of the small shed, which was just outside the house. $K14 and $K15 seemed to be to the southwest. My mother said that something had happened to the plant, and i became very angry. My grandmother said that the plant had been put outside, and suggested that the trash collectors had taken them. I was very angry and stormed back into the house.