12011 May 01

We headed to the northeast, diagonally across the small island. I was walking with a small group of people from the shore. The land sloped up from the ashen rocks of the shore. A worn trail led through the short grass of the shallow hill that led us up toward the taller trees. $A166 was in the group that was following me up the path, and he mentioned that he wanted to go swimming. We were supposed to be heading to the area where we could swim in the ocean, but i realized that we were climbing up the hill, which meant that we were getting farther from the shore. I looked around, wondering if we were heading in the correct direction. I decided that we were heading the correct way, and motioned to the northwest, saying that the shore where we swim should be not be that far. I then wondered how this could be. If we were heading up hill, we would not be able to run into the shore of the ocean. I continued down the path, still uncertain about the direction that we were heading in. Glancing to the north, i noticed that the path was now running through a wooded area between the large houses on the island. A house seemed to be to the northwest of us, and i could see brightly colored toys in the back yard, to the east of the house. I looked ahead again at the worn trail that ran across the dirt ground of the forest. The trees were all thin and widely spaced ahead of us, with little undergrowth. I wondered where the house was. I knew that it should be somewhere near us. I then glanced to the north again, noticing that we were now following the path along a dirt driveway on the southern side of a house. The house was large and seemed somewhat dull yellow. A large dog stood on the front porch, facing west. The dog was brown, with long fur and a narrow nose, like an afghan hound. I felt as though we were walking through the back yards of some of these houses as we followed the trail, but i knew that this was the public trail that most people walked. We turned to the south and were then in the house. I headed to the southeast, into the kitchen area, which was on the southeastern corner of the house. To my surprise, i could see the blue water of the ocean to the south of us. The house was on the shore. The shoreline to the south was very rocky, with pale-brown weatherworn stones that poked up from the pale-blue water. It was very picturesque. Several people were already gathered in the kitchen. One of the women there seemed to be my mother. I said something to her about the people that had come with me from the dock. I told them that some of them wanted to go swimming. I then noticed that there was a wooden dock running to the southwest, just outside the house. The people in the kitchen were leaning on the stone counters, and i had to walk through them to get to the western side of the room. A large tall rock broke the shoreline to the southwest of the house, separating the sunny light-blue water to the south from the deeper-blue water to the southwest. The dock ran to the southwest, around the western side of the rock. As i reached the dock, $A166 pulled himself out of the water on the far end of the dock and started jogging toward me. He passed me and went into the house, saying that the water was nice here. This was the place that we had been trying to get to, and i wondered how we had come up hill from the shore and still made it to the shore. My family was talking in the kitchen to the northeast of me, and i looked around, enjoying the area beautiful area around me.

12011 May 02

I moved quickly through the small rooms of the house with the other person. Something was very wrong here, and i felt uneasy about the other man, who was in the house to kill us. The people with me were unaware that this was happening, but i knew that it would happen because i had seen this scene before. The man would jump out of a doorway and kill us as we passed through the house, but i did not want this to happen. I felt afraid that he would attack, but i was not sure what to do about it. Things had to happen again. We came down a narrow corridor from the room to the south, and i paused in the middle, between two doorways. The killer was in the doorway to the west. I had to stop him, but i was too nervous, and i did not know what to do. I said something to the man to the south of me, pretending not to know that the killer was very close to me. I turned to the west and headed into the room, ready to defend myself against the killer. The room was empty, though, and i suddenly felt frustrated. I was tense and anxious from worrying about the killer, and i did not want to keep feeling this way. I wanted the situation to change, but i was unsure how to change it. The killer was hiding in the house somewhere, ready to jump out at us, but he was not where he was supposed to be, so i started to feel angry with him. I opened the metal refrigerator door to the west of me, trying to figure out where the killer was hiding. I felt furious with him and wanted this situation to end. Blocks of ice cream stacked at the front of the freezer, but i knew that there was a space behind them. I pulled down several of the blocks to look into the freezer. I saw the killer. He was crouched down behind the blocks. He was oddly deformed, with a small body and a large block-shaped head. He had been in the freezer a while hiding from us, so he was cold and shivering. He was moving slowly, so he did not immediately attack me. I felt angry with him, and i slammed the freezer door shut. I thought that we should block the door so that he would not be able to open it. I told the other man this, and i looked for something that we could push in front of the door to keep it closed. I wanted to let the man freeze to death in the cooler.

I sat on the pew on the eastern side of the room, facing east. The pews behind me seemed to be filled with people, and we were all waiting for something. This place seemed like a theater, but there was no show going on. I had different kinds of food sitting in my lap, most of it in brightly colored wrappers. Two balloons also sat in front of me, one on my right thigh and the other on the bench to the south of me. I felt uncomfortable with the food here and did not want the people in the rows behind me to see that i had food. I pushed the balloons off of my lap and started moving the food to the bench to the south of me, where it would be less obvious to the people behind me. I then decided to combine the two different plastic bags of candy into one so that it would be easier to carry with me. I could then put the candy that was in the bowl into the bag as well. Someone was making an announcement from the south, saying that we should leave the theater. I was surprised by this and thought that something must be wrong. I had to get the food together and i started putting all of the stuff that i could into the plastic bag. The people were walking slowly down the pews to the north, leaving through an exit in the northern end of the eastern wall. An usher walked up to me from the northeast and told me that i would have to get moving. She was wearing black pants. I felt frustrated and angry at her, scolding her for telling me what to do. I was angry enough that i ignored what she had said and continued gathering the food. Another usher approached me, but i felt defiant and continued to collect the food on the bench. I was very upset now and felt sad. Once i had collected everything i thought i could, i stood up and headed north. I left the building and headed east, hoping that the officials did not come after me for ignoring the ushers. I continued to the east, heading into the small white building. I still felt angry and did not know what to do next.

12011 May 03

I was in the car with $F4. He hugged me and i hugged him back. It felt very good to be with him. I loved him very much, and it was nice to be this close to him.

12011 May 04

I lifted the canoe and tossed it into the water to the southeast of where i was standing. I had been standing on the grassy shore. The land around me seemed very green, but the light was dim, as though it was near dusk. I got into the canoe and tried moving to the east, but the canoe tipped a little and suddenly filled with water. I paused for a moment, realizing that the canoe was floating just under the surface of the water. I felt a little panicked, though, thinking that i had to get the boat back to shore before it sank completely. I lifted the guitar that i had been carrying into the air and started using it as a paddle to turn the boat around. The wind seemed to be blowing from the west, though, and the boat continued to drift to the east. The pond that i was in was rather small, with a grassy southern shore that bowed to the north. Tall bushy trees rose a few meters from the water to the south. I wondered if i could row to that shore instead. The boat kept drifting to the northeast, though, and i worried that i would end up in the middle of the small pond. I tried to paddle back to the western shore again with the guitar, worried that i might ruin the guitar by getting it wet, but the boat kept drifting to the northeast, so i turned around and started paddling to the northeast instead. I hoped that i could reach the other shore. Somewhere in the middle of the lake, i had turned around to the west and managed to swim to the western shore. I stood up on the shore, upset that the boat had sunk, and upset that the guitar had gotten wet. I had managed to bring the guitar back to the western shore, but i had left the boat in the water. I was upset about this and wondered how i would get it back. I looked across the water to the southeast of me. The water had grass growing up through it, but there was a path where the water had been disturbed by the boat. I should be able to find the boat by following the path. The boat should only be a little way off shore. I jumped over the water, floating over the parted grass for a moment before falling into the water where the disturbed grass bulged into a wide circle. I tread water as i reached down with my feet, looking for the boat. I then started to feel unsafe again. There was a lot of grass here, and i worried that my feet might get tangled in it. I realized that i was here alone, and it was getting darker. I felt uncomfortable and thought that i should not stay in the water looking for the boat. I had to get out, and i frantically started swimming back toward the western shore.

I was in the small room, facing west, but i could not see what was around me. I seemed to be in a room that was the southern end of my bedroom, facing the dresser against the western wall. I tried to see where i was exactly, but i could not see anything. I felt distressed and wondered what i should do. I was blind and could not tell what was happening. I then woke up from the dream. I had been lying on the bed against the eastern wall of the room. I sat up in the bed and looked to the west. I still could not see, and i started to feel upset again. There were three people standing to the west of me. The faced me and started talking to me as i wondered what i should do. I was in $P19, and the people to the west of me were from $G3. They were familiar, and they tried to comfort me, but i was still very upset that i was unable to see. Something had happened to cause this, and i did not know what i could do about it.

I rode my bicycle to the west, over the tall bridge that leads into $P166. I was looking for the small theater. Cars passed me as i rode down the northern side of the road. Everything here seemed very familiar. As i started up the hill on the western side of the bridge, i looked at the open space on the southern side of the road to the southwest of me, just on the western end of the bridge. It seemed like a small parking lot, but i knew that it had not been there when i used to travel this route a long time ago. I pictured myself turning to the south just on the other side of the bridge, following the narrow road around the eastern side of the small lot. I then wondered whether this road connected to the old road that ran underneath the bridge. I imagined that the old brick road below had been repaved and modernized. I could see it covered with bright light-gray cement. The path that led down the steep creek valley to it also had been redone. The road that i was on must also run down to the creek from this side as well. I turned to the west and headed across the light-gray paving stones of the small plaza that was on the southern side of the road. I let my bicycle coast along the path. There was a small building on the eastern end of the courtyard, which seemed to be the theater. It was modern in design, with a metal and cement structure. The flat cement walls seemed to be bluish-gray. I was off of my bicycle now and i looked for a place to lock it in the middle of the courtyard. There seemed to be many small round tables here, but few people were sitting at them. It was still chilly, and most of the people had gone into the building. I was looking for the show, but i was not sure whether this was the correct theater. I headed to the west, into the open square room of the small building. People were gathered here, and there seemed to be ticket counters on the southern wall. I felt uncertain about where i was going. I was looking for a specific show, and i was not sure that this was the right theater. I knew that i was heading to a community theater. I looked for the posters on the western wall. There were some yellow schedules there, and i wanted to see if they had the names of the plays here. A man and a boy were standing to the east of me, and they asked me what i was looking for. I told them the name of the theater, and i felt confused. The man recognized the name and told me that this was not the correct theater. He then said that he thought that the theater was the new one in the small town outside of $P6. I pictured the place to the northwest of here, and realized that it was quite a distance away. I knew the time of the show, and i only had a few minutes until it started. I was disappointed that i would not be able to make it to the other theater, but i wondered whether the play that i was looking for was actually in this theater. I seemed confused. I wanted to get to the theater with the other name, but i would not make it.

12011 May 05

I stood on the northern end of the area, talking to the other people with me. They all seemed to be my friends, and $F45 was with them. He was standing to the north of me in the open market area. We seemed to be in a foreign country, and i thought that it was India. The area was not full of people, and i felt that there was something that we had to do. I turned to the south and started down the length of the long building. The area around us seemed to be a small restaurant or cafe. A man was standing in a small booth to the northwest, watching us. He seemed to be a cashier or kiosk server. We had to do something here, and i wandered into the interior of the building the two of my friends. We were then on the second floor of the building, heading north. We seemed to be over the area that we had been standing in. $F45 was not with us. He had stayed down near the entrance of the building. I had to get something here. I started to pick up the items of food. One of my friends was standing in the small wooden booth on the northwestern corner of the room. The booth was open on the southern side, and i could see my friend sitting on a stool, leaning on the counter to the east of him. I collected the vegetables, but i was missing one of the long green vegetables, which seemed to be a zucchini. I had already payed for them, and i wanted to know where they were. My friend in the booth did not say anything, but i noticed a large broken zucchini on the counter near him. I was annoyed and asked him if the zucchini was the one that i had payed for. He did not really answer. One of the shopkeepers seemed to be standing to the north of me, arranging fruit on the counter along the northern wall. I collected the rest of the things that i had purchased and tried to head out. I thought that i should just grab another zucchini from the shelf, but i wondered if the people here would think that i was stealing. I had already payed for these things, but i had not way to let them know that i had payed. I did not have any receipts, and i did not think that the cashier had any records. I was uncomfortable and wondered what i should do. I grabbed my things and turned to the south, walking back to the center of the room. I waited for someone to comment on my things, but i did not say anything. I long room was divided into two sections, with sections of walls running north to south, dividing the rooms down the center. I paused in the center of the building, near the northern end of one of the walls. There were other things for sale in this store, and i started to look at them while i waited for my friend to catch up. Book shelfs were against the northern end of the western side of the wall with old books on them. There was also a set of shelfs to the south of me. I then stepped into the eastern side of the room and looked at the items on the low flat mattress. They looked like old phonographs. I was standing on the eastern side of the mattress or low bed as i reached into the cardboard box and looked at a few of the small 45-rpm phonographs. They were in paper sheaths, but they seemed to be folded oddly. As i picked some of them up, i noticed that they had been broken in half. The paper covers had writing on them, but the phonographs were useless, so i did not think that they were of much use. I then noticed a large green box in the bottom of the cardboard box. It was a holder for small phonographs. I moved some of the things from the top of the box so that i could get a better look at the small phonographs. I opened the other small white phonograph box and looked at the paper-covered phonographs inside. The papers over the phonographs were different colors, and seemed to be clustered by color in the box. Most of the covers were pink, with sections of white spacing them out. A few other colors were scattered across the box. I wondered if the pink sleeves represented feminine music. I then wondered what that kind of music would be. I started looking through some of the other albums in the box. I then noticed that there was a section of small phonographs to the south of the main box that had cartoon drawings on them. I pulled out one of the sheaths and looked at the pictures, realizing that they were characters from superhero comic books. The phonographs must be stories from comic books. I wondered if there was an accompanying book for the small disks. I looked back into the box, noticing that there were small booklets. The cardboard-bound booklets did not seem to go with the phonographs, though. I was interested in seeing one of the comic books that went with the phonograph i had in my left hand. As i continued to look through the box, though, a man was to the south of me, asking me about the albums. He seemed to work here, and i felt a little uncomfortable with his presence. I was then aware of the small stack of books that i had placed on the bed to the east of me. I was sitting on the western edge of the bed, looking through the box of CDs to the south of me. I had left the things that i had purchased on the bed, but i was able to watch them as i rooted through the box of albums. The man seemed suspicious of the things on the bed, and i would have to watch them to make sure that they did not get taken. The man then asked me about the phonographs, bending over to pick up something from the box. He seemed like an older man, with a shaggy gray and white beard and something white over his head. I felt uncomfortable with him here. He pulled out one of the CD cases, which was a large folded cardboard case. It seemed to have four or five folds in it, and it probably related to one of the phonographs that i had been looking at earlier. It was a romance book, though. I had pulled it out of the box to look at it before. The man said that it was very interesting, as if he was trying to sell it to me. I was not interested, and wanted to find the comic albums instead. I tried to be brusque with the man, hoping that he would go away. I dismissed the man’s suggestions and tried to put the things back into the boxes. I then looked to the north, noticing that my books had been dropped onto the floor. I had left them on the bed to the southeast of me and realized that i had not been watching them. They were all here, so no one had taken any of them, but they had been pushed onto the floor. I was annoyed and turned to the east to pick up the varied notebooks. There were several small spiral notebooks and a few larger bound ones. I put the red one down at the bottom of the stack, since it was the largest of the books. I stacked them up, but noticed that several small pieces of paper from the books had fallen on the floor to the north. I started to brush them into a pile with my hands so that i could pick them up. I had to get all of my things together so that i could leave. I watched some of the yellow sticky notes get brushed into the pile. Notes in pencil were written on several of them. As i started picking up the papers, i realized that i had brushed other small pieces of paper into the pile that were not mine. I tried to remove a few of them, but knew that i could not get all of them out. I felt tired and did not want to spend too much time on this. I moved some of the papers to the southwest of me, putting them with the notebooks. I would gather all of the books and simply leave. If anyone questioned me, i would have to say that i had purchased the books. I felt anxious. As i swept some more of the smaller pieces of paper into the pile to the northeast of me, i felt something on the tip of the middle finger of my left hand. I had brushed up a thumbtack and it had stuck into the tip of my finger. I was not that concerned about it and casually pulled the pin from my finger. I was annoyed here and just wanted to get my things together and leave.

I moved to the western end of the large barn-like structure. The walls were lined with darkly stained thin slats of wood, which ran horizontally. They seemed weathered and worn. The floor of the barn was dirt, but, as i walked to the west along the southern side, i noticed that there was water to the north of me. I was actually walking on a wooden dock inside the large boathouse. Light came in through the slats of wood on the eastern wall. I had to pick up some of the small things that i had been carrying here, but i kept dropping the smaller things. I moved to the north, along the dock to the west of the deep water. I bent over to pick up more of the small objects, noticing that one of them seemed to be a piece of metal. As i picked it up, i noticed that it was in the shape of a small brass-colored captain’s wheel. I picked it up, hoping that i did not drop it again, because i worried that it might fall between the boards of the dock and into the water. I then looked into the water to the east of me. I could see another small wheel on the soft muddy ground below the water. Few plants were growing here, and the ground seemed mostly covered with mud. I moved to the south a little, noticing that there were actually several captain’s wheels in the water. All of them were small trinkets, only about two or three centimeters across. I crouched down at the edge of the dock to look at them, holding the things in my arms close to my chest so that i did not drop them.

12011 May 06

We moved to the southwest, along the narrow driveway near the large building. There were small buildings to the southwest of us, and we parked the cars somewhere to the south. I was looking down the driveway to the south at the small parking lots on the western side of the narrow road. We seemed to be near a science center, standing to the west of the old building. The people with us were important, and one of them seemed to be the President. I felt a little uncomfortable being in the presidential party, but it felt good to be with the special group. I stood to the north of the others as they lined up to the southwest of me. I was standing on the steps of the science center, facing southwest. The others were standing in a line across the bottom of the steps, to the west of the building. They were facing east, looking at the building. I held a small triangular flag in my right hand. An announcement over a loudspeaker then mentioned something about the presidential motorcade. I waved the small flag near my shoulder as they spoke, but the message said that the presidential motorcade should move from their parking space. I stopped waving the flag, thinking that it had something to do with the motorcade, and the message had not actually been referring to the motorcade as i had expected. One of the people near the southern end of the line shifted nervously and then turned to the south and walked to move the presidential cars. I realized that we had parked near the presidential motorcade, and i wondered if our cars would have to be moved as well. I started to worry about this. I looked to the south, seeing a large white SUV parked on the southern side of the lot to the south of us. It seemed like ours, but i knew that we had parked a little further to the south. I wondered if we had to move our car, and i wandered up to the President, who was now standing to the south of me on the stone stairs. He was facing the line of people to the west. I referred to him as President Bush, thinking that it was strange to do so, since i did not really respect him and he did not really seem to be a president. I asked him quietly if we would have to move our cars as well. He said that he thought that we would. I was disappointed, but walked to the south, down the driveway. The driveway came from the northwest, but turned south near the southwestern corner of the large gray building that we had been standing in front of. I could see several small paved parking lots on the southwestern and western sides of the road. Tall chain-link fences divided the lots, and there were few cars in them. The announcement had said something about an employees’ lot, and i thought that we must have parked in the employees’ lot. As i walked down the narrow driveway to the south, i noticed that a few people were coming out of cars in the lot. They must be employees coming to work for the museum. Someone was walking in front of me, heading south, and he seemed to have something to do with the President’s entourage. I glanced at the signs on the lampposts in the parking lots. One of them was white with black letters and seemed to have a three-letter code for the lot. I could not read it, but wondered if it signified the employees’ lot. I tried to remembered where we had parked, but i remembered that it was not in one of the outdoor lots. We had parked in the southern side of the small covered building. The road turned sharply to the west ahead, and the building was on the southern side of the curve. There seemed to be a river or waterway to the west, on the other side of the outdoor lots. There also seemed to be a tall bridge to the south, in the distance. I walked into the small cement building to the south. The room inside seemed square, but it was empty. We had parked in the next room to the south. I looked at the large glass wall on the southern side of the room, realizing that there were brightly colored toys in the center of the next room. The tall stack seemed like heavy plastic playground equipment. As i reached the glass door in the center of the glass wall, i realized that the room had been filled with toys and games for children. This must by why they did not want us parking here; the people from the museum were setting up a play room to study how the children interacted. I considered opening up the eastern-most glass door, but noticed that there were some toys leaning against it from the other side. I moved to the western door, but there was a brown child’s dirt bicycle leaning against it. I carefully opened the door and started walking along the eastern wall of the room, heading south. Shelfs lined the eastern wall, and they were filled with brightly colored toys. Our car seemed to be parked on the southern wall, and i thought that they toys might now be blocking the vehicle. Two children had come into the room after me and were now moving around through the toys. I did not want them following me, so i tried to ignore them. I moved a little to the west, noticing the white SUV against the southern wall. There was a lawnmower to the east of it. The push mower seemed to be the same size as the car, even though i knew that it must be smaller. I said that the car was probably in the next room, and i knew that there was a secret door. Looking at the white plastic wall to the south, i noticed a vertical seam. I moved to the eastern end of the wall and pushed on the pale-green plastic surface, watching the wall move back a little and then slide to the west. I stepped into the next room and let the wall swing shut behind me. I turned back and glanced at the wall, noticing that it was transparent. I could see the children playing in the room to the north, but i knew that they could not see me. This must be the room where the observers take notes on the children as they played. I turned my attention back to the south, noticing that i was in an old barn. The room here was dark, and the walls seemed to be made of old weathered wood. The floor was dingy and also seemed to be covered with thick beams of weathered wood. I had to move some of the things out of the way so that i could move my car out of the garage. I walked to the southern wall and grabbed the shovel, thinking that i would have to clear a path for the car. I was then aware that the cats had come into this room from the north. I did not want them to be here, and i worried about trapping them in if i closed the northern door. I decided that there was enough of an opening in the southern wall for the cats to get out if i headed back into the northern room and let the door close behind me.

I sat on the northern side of the picnic table with the other people. I turned to the east and said something to the person sitting next to me. I had drawn something on the white sheet of paper, and i showed it to the man. He seemed to be amused my the drawing, but i felt suddenly nervous about it. I looked back at the others across the table, thinking that they might think that i was joking about them. I glanced to the southeast, noticing that Gene Simmons was not paying attention. He was facing east, looking at something. The tall man to the east of me moved uncomfortably, as though he was nervous about it as well. I looked at the crude drawing of a face on the paper, noticing that it looked like one of the members of Kiss, with a dark patch across both eyes. I turned to look at the others in the group. Ace Frehley was sitting next to me, on the west, and Paul Stanley was sitting to the southwest, across the table. I thought that the drawing might look like Peter Criss, but decided that it was actually more like Ace Frehley . I was nervous and tried talking about something with the group. I then stopped and was quiet, thinking that i could tell them that i actually liked their music from back when they were popular. I then thought that i was not really a big fan. We were moving, and the picnic table seemed to be on the back of a truck. We headed north, through the city. I glanced off to the sides, thinking that i was not really a hard rock person like the band was used to. I could tell them that i liked their old albums, but did not really like their solo albums that much. I talked about music as we moved, not really enthusiastic. The truck stopped and we started to the north on foot, toward the apartment in the old brick building. We were heading to the party in the building. I felt out of place. I liked going to parties, but was not a hard rocker, and did not really want to indulge in a wild party like the stereotype suggested. I walked quietly to the building, wondering what i should do.

12011 May 07

I sat in the entryway of the large grocery store. The walls around me were made of glass, which had a faint green tint. The entry door to the store was in the northern end of the western wall, and people were coming into the store and heading to the east, directly across the small entry room. The room was rectangular, and longer north to south. I sat on a bench against the eastern wall, to the south of the doorway that the people were walking through. Another door was in the northern wall, but it seemed to be the exit door for people leaving the store. I watched a group of people come in, noticing that two of the men in the group were wearing white tennis shorts and pale sweaters. They held tennis racquets in their right hands as they passed through the entryway and continued along the northern wall of the store. I could see them to the northeast through the glass eastern wall of the entryway. One of them then stopped, saying something to the other in a casual chat, gesturing with the racquet. He turned back to the west and headed back toward the exit door. A woman was now standing in the entryway to the northwest of me, talking with her friend. She pointed out the man who had turned around and said that she recognized him. She asked her friend whether he was the man from a movie. I looked at the man, who seemed rather young. He had short red hair and seemed somewhat attractive. I recognized him, but was not exactly sure who he was. The women smiled to each other and discussed the man as they continued to the exit door to the northwest. Several other people were coming into the entryway from the door to the south and headed to the exit door to the northwest. I had stood up from the bench and was watching the people no the northeast walk to the east, down the aisle on the northern side of the store. I felt interested it the people here, and i knew that there was a film festival in the town. There were probably many famous people here from the film industry. I turned my attention to the southeast, looking through the glass at the people moving through the store. I then noticed that a group of people was now coming toward me from the doorway in the southern wall of the room. I moved to the east and layed down on the bench, watching them as they passed. I seemed to be to the west of the people as they passed, even though the bench was on the eastern side of the room. I then recognized one of the men walking in the crowd. He was Robin Williams. I smiled and nodded to him, and he smiled in reply. Others crowded through the door, heading out of the store. I then heard music from the south somewhere. I was standing up and i looked past the crowd at some of the people standing in the aisle. An east-to-west aisle ran across the store just to the south of the entryway, and i could see a small crowd to the southeast of me. A few people seemed to be standing in the center of the crowd, and i thought that they were the ones playing the instruments. I could hear acoustic guitar sounds and someone singing. They were young, and i thought that i recognized them. I moved to the southeast, listening to the music. I wanted to be involved in the show.

I headed to the east, down the southern sidewalk of $P1. I crossed $P197 and continued to the east, noticing the houses on the southern side of the road. Many of them seemed rather close to me. I could see televisions in some of the windows, and i started to feel that i was listening to some of the conversations. I then noticed a man just to the south of the sidewalk. He was talking to someone in the house to the south of him. I slowly passed, listening to the conversation. I thought that i had to carefully go around him so that i did not hit him. I then wondered why i was not riding my bicycle in the street. I should not have been riding on the sidewalk. I thought about this for a moment, but then i was at my grandmother’s house on the western end of $P1. $K1 was there, and she asked me about something. I thought that she was talking about the music that was playing. She was displeased with one of the songs, and i thought that she had removed it from the CD. She then mentioned Lady Gaga, and i wondered if her new song about personal expression had upset $K1, who was very religiously bigoted. I told $K1 that the USB drive had come with the disk, and it contained the extra songs that were not part of the CD album. As i said this, i moved to the southwest, into the living room. The music seemed to be coming from a stereo on the western wall of the room. I moved to the cabinet on the southern wall, where the television was. Several small items were scattered across the top of the brown wooden cabinet, and i looked through them, thinking about the songs that $K1 had been talking about.

12011 May 08

Someone was in the house with me, and i felt nervous. I moved to the east, across the living room on the eastern side of the house, which seemed like my house. Something seemed wrong here. I nervously looked around the room, trying to figure out what was going on. I then moved to the west, where the stairs to the basement were. They were on the northern side of the hallway, and descended to the north. A light seemed to be on in the basement, and i worried that there was someone down there. The house should be empty, but someone seemed to be in the basement. I walked down the stairs and looked to the east. A fuse box was on the northern end of the eastern wall. It was open, and i wondered what the people had done to the fuses. There was no one in the basement at the moment, but someone had been in the house. I turned back to the east and walked across the house and into the back room of my parents’ house. As i stood in the center of the back room, i noticed that the television, which had been on a table to the northwest, had been taken, leaving only a flat black metal support for the back of the screen and some wires running over the top of the fake-wood cabinet that it had been sitting on top of. I turned back to the south to leave the room, turning to the east, when i noticed that the door on the back side of the house had been left open. Someone had broken in through the door. I moved to the west, coming into the western side of the house. As i came into the small lining room, i noticed the top of the grandfather clock sitting on the ground in the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. The clock had been disassembled. Someone had taken it apart, but had not taken it from the house. I was worried, and walked back to the small room to the north. Looking into the small room where the books were kept, i noticed that the computer on the desk against the eastern wall had been taken. I was very upset about this.

I headed to the west, across the small living room on the northern side of the building. The room actually seemed to be part of a store or small souvenir shop. The northern wall of the room seemed to be covered with windows that looked out. Most of the room seemed white and lacy, as if the curtains were lace. A couch sat against the western end of the southern wall, and a person sat on the western end of it. $A69 reclined against the western arm of the couch, resting his left arm on the arm rest and running his fingers through his hair. I left the others on the eastern side of the room and headed for the narrow door in the western wall. The room was only three or four meters wide, so i had to squeeze past $A69 to get past the couch and open the door. I said “Excuse me.” to him as i unlocked the white wooden door with a glass pane in the upper half and pulled it open to the north. This door did not get much use, and i wondered if it was bad that i was leaving it unlocked after i left. I walked across the area of small buildings, heading to the west. The buildings seemed to be part of a fair or carnival. The ground between the buildings was dirt, and i made my way to the northwest, thinking that i had to be at one of the buildings for some event. I then thought about the children fooling around. This place reminded me of the farms near $P110. I imagined the children fooling around to the west of me. $A329 was one of the boys, and he was choking one of the other boys. He had the other boy pinned to the ground and had both hands around his neck. They were fooling around, but i knew that $A329 would continue to choke the boy even after he passed out. This was dangerous, and i felt anger toward him. I thought that i would probably punch him in the face to prevent him from killing the other boy. He was unaware how dangerous what he was doing was. As a child, i would probably not have interfered, because i would have been scared of $A329 bullying me, but my mind was now adult, even though my body was younger. I turned to the north and walked along the eastern side of the small wooden building. I knew that this was the small restaurant building, and there was going to be some event happening here. I rounded the northeastern corner of the building and headed to the west. There was a small service counter set into a large window on the eastern side of the northern face of the building. The western side of the face was open, allowing people to enter and exit. Tables were set up both inside and outside the brown building. I suddenly started to feel confused and uncomfortable, wondering if the event was actually here. This place did not seem to be set up for a lecture. There were still people eating at the tables inside. Most of the outside tables were empty because it was now dark. The yellowish lights illuminated the area to the north of the building. I looked around at the room in the building, to the southwest of me. There was no place to have the lecture, and i wondered if it would actually happen here. I looked around for a poster on the wall to see if i could find out when the event was. A waitress stood in the service window, looking curiously at me. I asked her if the lecture would happen here, but she did not seem to understand me. She seemed confused by my question, and handed me the yellow piece of paper that she had picked up from the counter between us. I thought that it was a listing of events that happened at this fair, but it was actually just a menu for the restaurant. I was not interested in food because i had just eaten. I put the menu back on the counter and wandered to the west, looking at the papers hanging on the wall there. I was looking for the schedule of events for this fair. I mentioned to the waitress that the lecture should be here, like it used to be in the past. I was not sure about where it was, though, and wondered if it had been moved to one of the buildings to the north or northwest. I felt uncertain and did not know what to do.

12011 May 09

I looked over the text of the play. It was printed on standard letter paper. $F42 and $F38 were standing to the northwest of me, reading some of the lines. A woman was also in the room with us. She seemed slightly overweight. I read the lines on the page and realized that $F42 had cut many of them. I then realized that i did not have the marked up version of the play. I had highlighted a version of the script, but i had left it at home. I was reading from a version that was not highlighted, so i did not have the corrections. I moved to the northeast. I glanced to the south, where the computer screen was. I could see the blue highlighted text on the screen, which was the full copy of the play. I wanted to run through the digital copy and delete all of the text that was no longer in the play. I then thought that i would print out only my new lines, with some of the lines that lead into mine. I looked at the paper version again, realizing that there were some interesting lines that had been cut out. I wanted to leave them in, but decided that i should not. $F38, who was to the west of me, then mentioned that there was a line at the beginning of the play that had been added. I remembered this and thought that i really had to have my paper version to edit the digital text. I noticed a line in blue at the beginning of the play that i had also forgotten about. I turned to $F42, who was now standing to the south of me, and said that i had forgotten about the line because we had not gone over the first part in a very long time. He nodded in agreement.

12011 May 10

I moved to the west from the eastern end of the room, which was on the eastern side of the house. The house seemed to be my grandfather’s house at $P12. I walked out of a small room and into the larger living room. My grandfather was to the southwest of me, and he seemed upset about something. I knew that he was just being grumpy and agitated, like he can get. I had to get something out of the room, and i started picking up the things to the north of me. I had been here for a while, and it seemed as though it was late at night now. I said something to the people in the room as i gathered the papers. $A14 was to the west of me. This seemed to be his house, and i spoke to him as i finished picking up my things and started to head out. I felt that it was time i left. I started walking to the west when i noticed $A14 ahead of me. He seemed upset about something. As i approached him, though, i realized that there was something wrong. His face was tense and he started to stick out his tongue. At first, i thought that he was coking on something. His tongue pointed out of his mouth and was shaped like a small pink cone. The rounded top of the cone had short fuzzy pink tendrils around it, like some kind of flower. I started to feel tense and wondered if i should stick my finger down his throat to try to pull his tongue out. I then realized that he could not be choking on his tongue because the tip was sticking out of his mouth. He stood there very tense, and i realized that he was having some kind of seizure. I did not know what to do, and i asked someone if i should put something in his mouth. $A464 seemed to be to the southwest, and i told her that something was wrong. I then told her to call emergency. $A14 moved to the south of me and i looked at his face, noticing that his lower jaw was protruding outward from his face. I worried that he would dislocate his jaw from the tension, but i was more concerned about the stroke that he was having. I did not know what to do for him except wait for medics to come. I hoped that they were not too late.

12011 May 11

I headed to the east with my relatives, through the complicated area of parking lots and large gray stone building. The large building to the northeast of us seemed to be a hospital. It was gray out, and we were looking for something in this place. My father said something to my mother and then wandered to the east. I was riding the Big Wheel across the parking lot toward the door of the gray building. A set of highway overpasses ran to the north of the building, providing shade for the door on the western end of the long tall building. I had to get off of my Big Wheel in order to get into the building. I stood up, holding the Big Wheel by one of the handles and throwing it over my left shoulder as i opened the large glass door to the east of me. I headed to the east, down the manila-colored halls. The building seemed complicated, with narrow hallways. I would not be able to ride my Big Wheel here, and i was a little disappointed by that. My mother followed me. We came into a large medical room in the center of the building, entering from the corridor on the southern end of the western wall. The corridor blended with the southern wall of the room. Counters were to the north of us, and several attendants in white coats stood behind them. The counters formed thin peninsulas with square corners that reached to the south. I felt a little confused, thinking that we had to find the emergency room. We were trying to visit someone who was in the emergency room, but this was not the correct part of the hospital. I wondered if we were supposed to have entered the building from somewhere to the east, where we had been standing. I was not sure what to do, and told my mother that this was not the emergency room. I wanted to ask one of the doctors here where the emergency room would be, but my mother moved to the northeast of me, picking up the telephone that was on the counter against the eastern wall. She was going to call the emergency room and say that something was wrong in order to get the directions. This did not seem right to me, so i told her that we could simply ask the people here where it was. One of the attendants in a white coat approached us and described where the emergency room was. He described another building to the north, and i remembered the tall thin gray building. He told us that we had to cross the tracks. We had been to this building before, and i told my mother this, trying to describe what the building looked like. We headed back to the east, but ended up heading south. We had to leave the building, cross under the overpasses, and follow the road to the north. I looked around, realizing that we were in a small eating room on the southern side of the building. I looked out a window to see the main part of the building to the northeast of us. The building was long east to west, but there was a smaller north-to-south section on the western end, and we seemed to be in the southern wing of the small section. I had to find a corridor back to the north so that i could leave through the doors on the western side of the building. I turned to the north and tried to cross the eastern side of the area, through the small run-down rooms. People were eating to the west of me, at crude tables. The room to the north had no exits, and seemed mostly empty. The rooms were clean, but seemed poorly maintained, with various colors of paint on the walls. The small empty room to the north had orangish-yellow paint on the walls, but there were streaks of black where old paint had shown through or new paint had peeled away. I turned back to the south, thinking that i would have to cross to the east and try to leave through the northern exit of one of the other rooms. The next room to the south seemed to be a kitchen. It was very small and opened up to the west of me. Food covered the counter on the southern side of the room. I turned to head through it, but realized that people might not want me walking through the kitchen. Instead, i headed to the south, into the small eating room. A woman in white kitchen shirt and apron paused to look at me. She had her hair bundled up in a white hair net and she stared at me curiously. She did not want me walking through the kitchen, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. I had to get back to the north, but i could not figure out quite where to go. The corridors of this building did not seem to run straight, and i wondered suddenly why there were no long corridors running down the center of the wings of the building. I moved to the western side of the room and looked down the long narrow corridor to the north, which seemed to have a flight of stairs running along the eastern wall. The corridor seemed clean but in the same state of disrepair as the rooms. I felt a little frustrated about having to figure out the rooms. I then decided that i should simply move to a different floor, thinking that the next floor down would be more regular in design. I left the stairwell and headed to the west. The corridor was wide here and ran to the west for five or six meters before turning to the northwest. The corridor also sloped down suddenly so that i could only see the brightly painted ceiling ahead of me. This was one of the main corridors that could lead me to the northern part of the building. Two people walked ahead of me down the corridor, and i was glad that i was finally in a place that made sense. The paintings on the ceiling of the corridor were brightly colored on a dark or black background. A set of concentric squares filled the space just over the entrance to the tunnel, with red and yellow lines around it.

12011 May 12

I had to read the lines in the script, but i felt distracted. I did not know the lines well enough. $A17 was to the northeast of me, and she started talking to me about the lines. She would go through them with me, so i stood up and walked to the east. It seemed dreary outside as we left the small wooden house. The house to the west seemed to have stained wooden beams on the outside; it was fairly modern, with straight lines and uneven surfaces. We walked to the east, across the flagstone walk. There were some benches to the southeast of us, and i walked to the eastern end of the hedgerow so that i could turn south to get to them. The woman followed me. We seemed to cross over a small brook just before reaching the eastern end of the hedgerow. As i turned to the south, i realized that it had started to drizzle. An overhang from the building covered the benches, so we would be able to sit on them and be out of the rain. The benches now seemed to be set into a corner on the outside of the house, covered by the overhang of the roof. I sat down on the northern-facing bench, on the southern side of the corner. $F43 sat to the southeast of me, on bench that was now on the eastern wall of the house. Instead of a house between us, there was a low wooden structure with a set of spaced parallel boards covering the surface. I looked again at the script, thinking that i had to be familiar with the lines.

I was sitting in the driver’s seat of the parked car. The car was facing west, and the other person, who seemed to be my mother, was to the southwest of the car. My mother headed to the north, entering the building. The car was still running, so i reached down to turn the key off. Instead, i pulled the black rectangular key case from the steering wheel. The car lurched forward suddenly. I must have accidentally put the car into drive. The car hit the large table in front of it, but slowly pushed forward. I tried to put my foot on the brake to slow the car and prevent it from running into the wall of the house to the west of me. I now seemed to be on the northern side of a wide garage. I should not have pulled the key out of the ignition. I felt panicked as i tried to reinsert the key. Once i did, i realized that it did not change anything. I looked for the black stick shift on the dashboard to the northwest of me, thinking that i had to pull the handle back to put the car back into park. I felt the rectangular handle of the key, thinking that i must have pressed in the red button on the side. I remembered hearing an alarm at some point. I had pressed the red alarm button and turned the car alarm on. $F45 seemed to be standing to the west of the car at that time, and the car seemed to be facing north. I focused again on the car in the garage. I could not stop it from pushing to the west. I tried turning the key to the off position, but i could not get it to turn. When i pulled it from the steering wheel, i must have jammed the ignition in the on position. I was upset and wondered what i should do. I reached my right arm out the northern side of the car and started banging on the northern wall of the garage. I had to get someone’s attention, and i thought that my mother was upstairs in the house. I hoped that she could hear me, but i did not think that i could bang loudly enough from the car. The car creeped forward a little more, pushing the table against the western wall of the room. I did not know what to do.

12011 May 13

I stood in the middle of my living room, facing south. I could hear something strange, and then i started to feel a low vibration move through the room. The entire house seemed to be shaking. I realized that the sound might be the wind outside, and i wondered if the wind was blowing hard enough to shake the house. I started to move to the southeast, toward the window in the southern wall of the room. Before i could reach the window, the house vibrated more noticeable. The vibration seemed to be stronger than just wind, and i wondered if the wind was blowing a tree against the house. The house then shook suddenly, and i worried that the tree on the side of the house had fallen over and landed on the house. I quickly ran to the north, into the back room of the house. Looking out the window, i could see the large pine tree lying on the ground. It had fallen away from the house, and its roots were in the air in front of the lower part of the window. I called to $F45, who seemed to be in the center of the house somewhere, telling him about the fallen tree.

We left the group of people and drove across the parking lot to the southwest. We had been socializing with them for a while, but it was time to leave. I felt a little distracted as i drove. We headed up the steep hill, out of the parking lot. I recognized this road as i reached the intersection at the top of the hill. I recognized these roads from long ago, when i used to drive them regularly. At the intersection, i turned to the north. The main road came from the southwest and curved north at the intersection. I only drove for a short distance to the north before i turned to the northeast on another small road. I knew that the road to the north went to $P195. I was not sure about this, though. I turned on to the other road, thinking about this and wondering whether i remembered correctly. As i thought about this, the scene seemed to change, or it seemed to be some time later. I was thinking about how i had driven these roads often. I turned to the south and walked across the gravel parking lot to the north of the house. I had just dropped $F45 off, and he was walking south, across the lawn. I then noticed the police car parked to the north of the house, to the southwest of me. We had run into the police officer earlier in the evening, and i wondered if he had followed us back here. He seemed very nice, and i was interested it talking to him more, but i felt uneasy about it. I walked to the east, toward the small house, glancing back at the white police car. The officer must have headed to the west, into the large white house. I then turned to the south, walking along the front of the car. The buildings had a gap between them to the south, where there was a large patio area with many tables set up. I watched the house to the west. A large street porch covered the eastern side of the large building, which actually seemed like an inn. The police officer opened the screen door of the house and stepped onto the top step of the wooden stoop. I waved and said hello to him. He had very short hair and a dark blue uniform. There was something attractive about him, but i felt uneasy approaching him. I did not want him to think that i was attracted to him because i was not sure whether he would actually be attracted to me. I decided that he was probably off duty now and had come to the inn to rest. I then wondered if he had been following us because he had been interested in us, and i felt a little uneasy about it. I continued to the south, through the small round tables that were covered with white tablecloths. It was twilight, but it seemed as though the event for which the tables were set up had not yet happened. I wondered if the officer would follow me across the area. I wanted to talk to him and hoped that he was actually interested and would follow me. I then noticed the large metal serving tray of cakes to the southwest of me. The cakes were on white plates that were still wrapped with plastic wrap. A bucket sat on the eastern side of the top shelf of the cart, and it was filled with small metallic-red bags of peanuts. They looked like airline peanuts. I grabbed several bags, thinking that i could bring some to $F45, who was off to the east of me now. I then grabbed a few more, thinking that the bags were small. We had not eaten in a while, and it would be good to take them with us. The officer steeped to the north of me. I could not see him, but i was aware that he was there. I looked at the rest of the food on the cart, thinking that there would be stuff for us to eat. I was anxious about what the officer wanted here, but i pretended not to take too much notice of him.

12011 May 14

I walked to the west with the two other people as i thought about the idea. It had to do with multiple dimensions that were not normally comprehensible to people. I paused for a moment as we walked into the small white room. I was able to picture this other dimension, and i tried to imagine what was happening. I decided that my mind was somehow expanded. I looked to the southwest, at the southern wall of the small white cubical room. My mind had somehow been merged with a computer, and i was able to access the greater processing power of the computer system. The wall to the south of me started to dissolve into small brown rectangles that floated in the air at different depths. The rectangles were two shades of brown, with the lighter one being a dark creamy tan. These blocks represented the different sides of the parts that made up the wall as viewed from a slightly different angle in the fifth dimension. I had imagined cubes as the sides of hypercubes, and these rectangles represented the hypercubes hat intersected my simple three-dimensional perception. I tried to explain what i was seeing to the others, amazed and happy that my mind had been changed in such a radical way. We walked into the small room to the west, and i tried to explain what the fifth dimension was really like. I moved to the chair on the northern side of the small office. A counter ran around the northern, western, and southern walls of the room, and chairs were situated at the counters as if this was some kind of control center. I was watching myself sit in the chair to the north as i tried to explain the concept of the higher dimensions. The scene then changed suddenly. The room had remained unchained, but i was suddenly standing and leaning back against the counter on the northern wall. I was also wearing a dark-blue button-up shirt with a black thin tie. The others were surprised by this sudden change. The scene then changed again, and i was standing at the eastern end of the northern wall, facing into the center of the room. I continued to talk as the scene changed a few more times, as though my speech was not interrupted. This was the experience of the other dimension. I was showing the others how time could be experienced from another level. It was similar to the concept of parallel dimensions. I was unchanged, but i was really in multiple places at once. It was just that only one possibility was actualized in the normal view of time, while the others were hidden by the folding of time into the next dimension. I was also seeing past time to multiple experiences, while my consciousness remained the same. This allowed me to see the other dimension of time, which acted as a slice of other possibilities. I tried to understand this as i watched myself shift from place to place in the office. It was hard to grasp the concept of a universal singularity that had multiple possibilities for the same consciousness. I could not understand how a single person could exist in the multiple actions and places of the different “universes” while still being a single consciousness.

12011 May 15

I left the area and headed across the college quadrangle, walking to the southwest. This place seemed like $P63. It was night now, but the quadrangle was well lighted by the orangish lights around the edges. I floated over the ground, above the people walking below. I realized that they might think this special, but i did not want people to know that i had the ability to fly, so i started to let myself drift. I let my body rotate in the air as if i were not in control of my flying. I tumbled backward as i reached the middle of the quadrangle. The people below watched me, thinking that something must be wrong. I acted panicked, letting them think that i did not know how i had gotten into the air. I then realize that i was floating low over the paved path that crossed the quadrangle to the southwest. People moved toward me, concerned about me, and tried to catch me to prevent me from floating away. I adjusted my height so that they could not reach me. I floated upward, realizing that the wind was starting to blow from the southwest. I drifted over the building on the eastern side of the quadrangle, but i willed myself to fly back to the south. I tried to balance myself so that i was over the quad, but realized it might be better for me to drift over a building so that i could land out of sight of the people below. I floated to the north, over the tall building, which seemed like a hotel, passing very close to the tan metal pipes of the ventilation system that reached up from the roof. I suddenly felt the wind pushing me, and worried that i might get caught in the ventilation. I had to be careful. As i passed the building, there seemed to be a downdraft pulling me down. I fell down the side of the building. The draft must have been caused by the wind blowing over the top of the building. I landed in the narrow rectangular area on the northern side of the building. This place seemed like a kitchen, but it also seemed like a dark alley. The man to the east of me talked about the kitchen for a moment with me. He seemed to be the chef here, and i spoke to him casually about the kitchen as i looked around the alley.

I left the building on the northern end of the eastern side of the quadrangle, which seemed like $P63. I was pushing a metal serving cart across the paved parking lot to the east of the old brick building. I felt excited, feeling like i was free to do something. I then realized that i did not know what to do. I stopped in the middle of the large paved parking lot, looking to the southwest. The land sloped gradually down hill to the west, and i thought that i could jump on the cart and roll it down the hill. It would be something that would be fun for a college-age person, but people would not appreciate me doing it. I felt suddenly depressed, realizing that there was nothing that i really wanted to do here. I was upset, and turned back to the west, pushing the cart back toward the building. I had wanted to do something, but could not think of what i should do. It felt as though something was preventing me from doing something, but i just felt discouraged. I headed back toward the round cafe tables that were set up outside the building. Some people were sitting at a few of the tables. I did not know what to do and was sad that i had no place to go here.

12011 May 16

I watched from the north as i approached the shore from the south. My parents and several other people were with me. They started to get in the canoes that were on the sandy shore and push them into the water to the north. I felt a little uncertain about this, remembering that i really should have a lifejacket with me. The others started paddling the canoes out onto the water to the north. The shore where we had started had a sharp corner in it, so that part of the shore faced north and part faced west. I had started paddling from the corner to the northwest, but felt very frustrated that i had forgotten the jacket and i headed back to the shore. I asked the others about the life jackets, noticing that one of the couples had orange life vests with them. They did not have enough for me, though, and i was still frustrated that no one was paying attention to my requests. My parents had already headed out to the north in the canoe. I walked back to the southeast, toward the small cabin. I quickly looked through the outdoor shed but could not find a lifejacket. The boathouse seemed empty, and this made me feel even tenser. I quickly headed into the cabin to the southwest, were i found a large blue life vest. It would do, so i took it back to the north with me. As i opened the northern door of the cabin, though, i noticed the large pirate ship sailing toward the land from the north. It passed to the west of me. I remembered that this area was celebrating a Pirates Weekend, which was a time when everyone dressed up as pirates and sailed into the port. I watched the large ship pass to the west of the house and head into town. The area around me now seemed to be covered with several small houses, as if it were an old town on the frontier. I noticed more pirate ships coming from the north, and i started to feel uneasy. The ships seemed foreboding and dangerous. I was now standing in the street of an old city, with dirt streets and old stone buildings around me. All of the buildings seemed small, with thatched roofs. A very large ship was then to the east of me, crossing down the center of the street to the east of the building i had been in. The ship was massive and dark. The sky now seemed to be growing dark, as if from storm clouds, and the ship loomed over the building. I was suddenly cautious and frightened by them. The town was expecting a celebration, but i knew that the real pirates were sneaking into the town. The people here did not know that they were coming. I backed into the house to hide, noticing that the streets were now filled with water. Someone mentioned the large ship to the east, acting as though it was an impressive prop, but i knew that it was dangerous. I was now on the roof of the small house. I seemed to be very far from the ground now, but the ship still loomed over me. I lay flat against the slate roof, hoping that the pirates on the ship would not notice me as they passed. I would have to stay hidden from them so that they did not know that i was still in the town. I still had one of the canoe paddles in my hand, but it now had a metal hook on one end. I grabbed the spire of the four-sided pointed roof with the hook so that i did not slip down to the south. I was facing north, trying to stay close to the roof. I then heard movement below me. Looking over the northern side of the roof, i saw a humanoid creature look out the window. It seemed like a goblin or troll, with big ears and heavy green-tinted skin. It was looking around for someone, and i was afraid that it would find me. I backed onto the roof and lay flat again, hoping that it did not see me. I then decided that i would have to get down from the roof, so i used the hook to grab the edge of the southern roof. I awkwardly lowered myself down, slipping on the edge of the roof. I was low enough to drop into the room on the southern side of the building. I had to find someplace to hide. The room around me seemed like a dining area, with a large picnic table to the west and chairs all around. Several people were already here. A young group of three or four stood on the western side of the room, to the south of a large stone fireplace. They were dressed in wizard robes, like the kind from Harry Potter movies. They quickly hid what they were doing when they saw me, but then realized that i was hiding from the monsters like they were. I was confused by their presence, thinking that they were from another book and should not have been in this story. There were some older wizards on the southern side of the room, who also seemed to be plotting against the pirates and monsters. The invaders had already taken over the village and were in control. These wizards were planning a counterattack, though. Once they realized that i was not a threat, they started going back to their business of planning. One of the men near the southern side of the mantle reached into the mantle and pulled out a large steel sword. Others were looking through old books for something. The door in the northern wall then opened and someone started to come in. The young man with the black hair quickly merged the sword back into the gray stone of the hearth on the southern side of the fireplace’s opening. I looked to the door to see an older man in purple robes entering the room with a large flat piece of paper. The man by the fireplace then quickly turned his attention to the scrolls on the mantle above the fireplace and pulled one out to read, pretending that he had been looking for a certain scroll. The man to the north paused in the door, glancing suspiciously around at the people in the room. This place was a library, and he seemed surprised to see people doing things in the room. As he walked into the room, i focused on the large flat book that he had in his hands. The book was over a meter tall, and at least half a meter wide, but was only a few centimeters thick. It was brown with a gray diamond pattern running vertically up the center of the cover. A thin metal or white line ran through the center of the diamond pattern, and the corners of the gray diamonds reached the outer edges of the book’s cover. It seemed like a newspaper to me. The man had a long gray beard. He still seemed suspicious as he entered, but he did not seem alarmed by us anymore. We had to hide what we were doing so that he did not notify the authorities.

12011 May 18

I jumped up from the area and flew to the north-northwest. I seemed to be flying over a city, but the area under me also seemed very flat. I was aware of someone still to the south of me, watching me, so i started to fly very fast. I was then moving swiftly through the air, and i was surprised at how fast i was actually moving. The ground below me was blurred by the motion, and i could feel the strong wind pressure rushing past me as i moved. I turned back to the south and flew into the small area, which seemed like $P35. I headed to the west down the center of the street. I was then flying to the east, down the center of a large plaza. The buildings on the northern and southern sides became pillars. The area seemed enclosed, but had no ceiling that i could see. $A575 was standing in the center of the corridor, and i approached him rapidly. I felt happy to fly here. I was flying to the west again, and i flew quickly over $A575’s head.

I stood in the southwestern side of the room facing northeast. This place seemed like $P19, and $G3 were in the room to the east of me. They seemed to be playing some kind of game in the center of the room, like pool or foosball, though i could not see a table. A young man and woman entered the room from the north and walked to the east along the northern side of the room to talk to $G3. The young man had red hair, and i thought that he was rather attractive. He wore shorts and a T-shirt. He stood to the north of the people in the center of the room and asked a question. I felt that he was uncertain where he was going and was looking for directions. One of $G3 replied to him, but did so in a snide manner. I was surprised by this and wondered why he was being so rude. The man in the center of he room was heavy, with a round face. The red head was very upset by the comments and turned suddenly and ran out of the house. I was surprised at how rude the man from $G3 had been. The other people from $G3 started to head to the north. They felt sorry and wanted to apologize to the red-haired man. I was displeased with $G4 for acting so rude to the man, and i turned to the south and headed into the next room, still thinking about the attractive red head. I was then in the back yard of the house. The green grass formed a rectangle behind the house, to the south of the house. $F57 was in the center of the yard and he spoke to me as i walked to the south. A man was on a riding lawn mower in the southeastern corner of the yard, and he started driving the tan and white mower to the north, along the eastern side of the yard. A tall wooden fence of vertical boards seemed to surround the yard, but the eastern side also seemed to be a tree line with thick weeds and shrubs as undergrowth. The man rode the mower to the north, and i started to feel concerned about him. He disappeared to the east, on the other side of the fence. I asked $F57 if he thought that the man was taking the lawnmower. We decided that he should not be riding off in the mower, so i started to follow him on the small hovercraft. The small craft floated to the east, over the fence. Once in the yard to the east, which seemed like a large field, i started heading to the south, toward the sound of the mower. The mower was sitting along the western side of the yard and seemed to be smashed or crushed. It was broken, and i was annoyed that the man had taken it. I started to clean it up. I was again in the kitchen on the southern side of the house. I tossed something to the north and then turned back to the south to wipe up the floor. I was on the eastern side of the kitchen, between the island counter and the counter to the east. The pale-yellow floor was wet, and i had to clean it up. I started wiping up the water. My mother stood just to the south of me. I was upset that things had been ruined. I then picked up the two-dollar bill, noticing that it had gotten wet as well. The paper was starting to fade from the water. I was upset that it was ruined and i started to feel angry. My father was in the middle of the room, and he seemed upset about my negative attitude. He chastised my about feeling bad over the ruined dollar, protesting that things were not as bad as i was making them out to be. I felt very bad about this and took the remaining part of the bill to the north.

12011 May 19

I was nervous as i paced around the small hotel room. $A374 was sitting on the bed against the northern wall. The head of the bed was in the northeastern corner of the room. He had a large blue bag on the bed, which the bad guys had given him. The bag guys were terrorists, and i knew that they had recruited $A374 to bomb something. I looked at the small blue satchel as the man leaned over the bed and handed it to $A374. The mouth of the bag was open, and i could see what looked like rows of black walkie-talkies inside. Some of the plastic objects also seemed to be blue in the near corner of the bag. The bad guy left and $A374 adjusted the bag on the bed. I felt very uneasy being here, thinking that i should take the bombs and leave. I knew that the bad guys would not let me leave so easily, and $A374 would now be suspicious of me because i knew about the bomb. I paced around the southern side of the room, wondering what i should do. I had to remove the bombs from the room so that $A374 could not use them, but i was not sure how to do that. I then decided that i should leave the room and get help. I paced around for a moment, nervous about what i should do. I then started chatting with $A374, as though nothing was wrong. I wanted to get the bombs away from him, but was not sure how to do it. I then said something as i moved to the south, picking up some of my things. I would have to leave most of my things here because it would be too suspicious for me to take them with me. I looked at the clothing i had on the dresser to the south. I would not really need to take it with me. I said something to $A374 and headed to the north, leaving through the door. I was surprised that i was able to leave so easily. $A374 was still sitting on the bed in the northeastern corner of the room as i walked out the door in the center of the northern wall. I turned to the west and headed down the hall. $A374 called after me, asking me whether i would be quiet about what he was doing with the bad guys. I did not reply and started to feel nervous. I turned another corner and headed to the south, hearing him calling after me again. He sounded more concerned this time, and i worried that he would tell the bad guys that i was leaving. I realized that i did not have the bombs with me. I was not able to grab them, so i would just have to leave as quickly as i could and get help. A set of stairs descended to the north on the western side of the hall, and i rounded the southern end of the railing and hurried down them. My car was still parked to the south of the small hotel, and i wanted to get to it as fast as i could. As i reached the bottom of the stairs, i looked down the hallway to the south, thinking that i did not want to go through the building because it would take to long. I decided that i should head to the north and round the northern end of the building to the east of me. The stairs had emptied out into a small courtyard in the center of the building. I started running to the north, carrying the small box-like package in my right hand. I reached the area where there was a large opening in the bottom of the building to the east of me, and i started to run through it. There were round tables around the courtyard and under the building. I suddenly noticed a man sitting on the northern side of the table to the northeast of me. He wore a tan suit jacket and had his black hair slicked back. He was one of the bad guys, and i wondered if he would recognize me. He had been talking on his cell phone, and i wondered whether $A374 had called the bad guys to tell them that i had run off. I ran directly in front of him, jumping over the table as i passed. He watched me, and i knew that he had recognized me. There was also an older man sitting on the southern side of the table. He had a round face and short gray hair. I tried to ignore them as i ran. I had to get to my car and get away before they could come after me. I hoped that they were not able to stop me.

I was in the small hotel room on the second floor of the place. I had come back here after leaving. $A374 was no longer in the room. I worried that he still had the bomb with him. I then realized that i could gather the rest of my things from the room and leave. I looked in the closet in the northern wall. There was a small stack of neatly folded clothing on the floor to the east, and a messier pile to the west. I grabbed my clothes from the messy pile and stuffed them in the bag that was slung over my shoulder. I then turned around and headed to the south, toward the dresser. I had several things there. I took my small things off the top of the dresser and hurriedly put them in the bag. I had to get out of here before the bad guys came back. I then moved to the dresser to the east. I noticed that i had left my black USB drive on top of the dresser. I was surprised that i had left it earlier and was glad that i had come back for it. I quickly took it and several other things off of the dresser. I then opened up the top drawer and started taking some things out. I noticed a pile of white and silver things in the northwestern corner of the drawer. They formed a pattern over the surface of the drawer, and i realized that they were small pairs of nail clippers with white tags on them. They were samples from the hotel. Several other kinds of samples were scattered around the drawer. I did not want to take them, so i focused on only the things that belonged to me. I turned to the north, talking with the other person. I still felt rushed and upset about being here, but the other people were with me. We now seemed to be in an area with many other people, but we were heading to the south to leave the crowd. $A374 had been with us in the group, but he was now gone. We paused on the southern end of a tunnel that ran under the building. The others wanted to head to the south, but i looked south and could see the northeastern corner of the hotel where i had been with $A374 earlier. I said that we should head to the north to leave, and one person asked about $A374. I told them that $A374 had gotten mixed up with the bad people. We had to leave him behind. We headed back to the north, coming into the open room in the center of the building. I stepped across a wide gap in the cement floor as i told the others about the bomb. The northern area of the floor seemed like a set of cement stairs that led up to a doorway in the northern wall.

12011 May 20

I was sitting on the bench on the eastern wall of the area in the airport. The man moved to the north of me and started talking to me. He was chatting to another man to the southeast of me as well. He seemed uncertain about where he was going, and i thought that i could give him directions. There was something very interesting about him, and i felt somewhat attracted to him. I replied to him, trying to help him, and i wondered if he would come with me to the place in the city. He turned his attention to me and started chatting. He then hopped onto the seat to the north of me and spoke with a wide smile. He seemed to be flirting with me, but i tried not to encourage him. He then sat down on the chair, putting his legs across my lap as he chatted. He was wearing shorts, and i noticed that his legs were nicely muscled. I felt rather attracted to him, but i did not want to make him think that i wanted to copulate with him. I felt uncomfortable and replied, but told him that he should not make such forward advances here. I stood up and showed him how to get out of the airport, heading down the corridor to the south. He stayed very close to my right side. I wondered if he liked to wrestle, which would be an interesting challenge with him. We then headed to the west, and i was standing on the eastern side of the large lecture room. $F45 was standing to the south of me as i looked across the chairs. The people in the room seemed to be facing south, toward the front of the room. I was sitting on a seat or bench against the eastern wall, facing the audience. The man was again sitting to the north of me, very close to me. I felt very attracted to him, but i did not want anything sexual. The people in the lecture room were discussing the issues of the school. There were some administrative problems with the school, and the people in the room had been discussing the issues. The meeting seemed to be over, though, and the people were starting to stand up. The man to the north of me stood up and walked to the west of me, standing right in front of me. He stood with his legs apart, and he reached down into my lap with his left hand and rubbed my crotch. I was uncomfortable with this, and asked him not to do such things in this place. I told him that it was inappropriate here. I was still attracted to him, though, and i still wanted to be with him.

12011 May 21

I walked to the southeast, across the small room as i listened to the man to the south explain what we were supposed to be doing. There were large triangular flasks of clear liquid along the southern side of the table to the west of the man. One of the flasks was on the southern end of the western side of the table. The table seemed to be against the southern wall of the room. The man described the liquids as four-percent solutions of chemicals, and he said that we were going to use them to test the main material. A petri dish sat in the center of the table with a white paste in it. I moved to the west of the table and listened intently to the man as he taught us what we should do. He reached across the table and grabbed a large clear glass jar of white crystals as he talked about the solution. I suddenly wondered how much solution we were supposed to use. He had said four percent, but i did not understand how we would mix the solution. As he removed the black lid from the jar and started scooping out small amounts of the white crystals with a long metal spoon, i realized that he was probably going to mix the solution from the crystals. I wondered whether the solution was four percent by weight or four percent by volume. I wanted to ask the man what the molarity of the solution was, but i decided that his explanation was probably a lot simpler than the question. The others stood around me as i watched the man take some of the liquid from a small beaker with a dropper. He said that the solution should be put on the sample to test it. I looked at the white glossy paste in the petri dish on the counter. As the man moved, i noticed a bulbous pink mass near the man’s waist. It was rounded with thick veins around the sides. He turned slightly and it was hidden from view behind the dark fabric of his coat. I was surprised by this and wondered if the man actually had his pants unzipped and his penis out. I was surprised that the tip of his penis would be showing, and i thought that it must be embarrassing to have gotten an erection in front of the crowd. I then wondered if he was showing it intentionally, and i started to feel distaste for the lecture. This did not seem right. I then thought about the white solution that he had in the petri dish and wondered if it was supposed to represent semen. The man then talked about the solution as he squirted some of the clear solution onto it. I looked back at the dish, noticing that the solution was foaming around the sides of the white paste. Someone commented that the color was green, but the foaming sides of the paste did not look green. They actually seemed slightly darker where the foam was bubbling. The man doing the experiment asked about the green, and said that we should all look closely again to make sure. He squirted more solution on the dish, and it foamed up again. I realized that the four percent had nothing to do with the amount of solution because the reaction would continue until the reagents were used up. The man then said that there did not appear to be any green in the dish. I watched the sides of the paste foam where the solution had touched it.

12011 May 24

I was in the room, which seemed to be a gym. It was crowded with dark-colored workout equipment. There was a young man to the east of me as i stood on the northern side of the center of the room. He seemed rather attractive, and i was interested in him. I felt as though i had to leave, though, and i told the man this. He seemed in a hurry and moved to the east. A doorway was in the eastern wall, but i could see that it had a sign on it saying that it was an emergency exit. A metal bar handle was across the center of the door, and a red sticker ran across the upper part. I knew that the alarm would go off if the man opened the door, but he did not seem to notice the warnings. He seemed to have trouble opening the door, but i knew that he would eventually get it open and the alarms would sound. I watched him. One of the attendants of the gym was to the south of me. She wore a black shirt and glanced at the man i was watching. She did not understand what was going on.

12011 May 25

I had just left the office, but was now heading back to the east, into the large room where the others were working. The desks were arranged against the walls around the room, but the people were standing mostly in the southern part of the room, facing to the east, looking out the windows. There were more people here than actually worked in the office, and i realized that they were gathered to watch the games on the fields out the window. The fields outside looked like the athletic fields of $P7. A football game or soccer game must be happening. The people in the room suddenly raised their arms and cheered. They were all wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts that reminded me of the eighties. The people then started singing school songs to cheer the team on. I looked out at the athletic fields. I felt slightly out of place here. I then realized that the people were not cheering for a specific team, but cheering for all teams that were playing on the field. I had left this office, and i wondered suddenly why i had come back. Something seemed inconsistent here. This place was part of the past, and everyone here was port of an old reality. I should not have come back to this place, and i wondered why i was back in this office again.

12011 May 27

I stepped through the door to the south and looked to the west. $F45 was lying on the southern side of the bed, and $A556 was laying on top of him. $A556 was shirtless, and his back was smooth and rather detailed. He was being erotic with $F45, but he had not noticed that i had entered the room. $F45 had seen me as i came into the room, and he looked at me rather surprised. I smiled at them and nodded toward $F45, letting him know that i did not want to interrupt. I backed out of the room, thinking that this situation seemed suddenly strange.

I was lying on the bed, which had its headboard against the eastern wall of the downstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. The sheets and pillow cases were light gray, and i was lying on my left side with my right arm across one of the pillows to the south of me. My mother was in the room to the southwest. The doorway between the two rooms was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the bedroom. I could see my mother as she approached the door. She poked her head into the door and told me not to rub the pillows. This seemed strange and i did not know what she meant for a moment. I then wondered if she thought that i was hugging the pillows as i sleeped. She walked back to the southeast, and i rolled to the north, onto my back. I then noticed the cluster of small insects over the head of the bed, near the eastern wall. They appeared to be baby spiders crawling across a thin web that had been spun between the ceiling and the eastern wall. They moved slowly across the web, and i shifted my position to look at them more closely. There was a larger insect in the center of the web, and the baby insects crawled around it. The large insect then started moving to the northwest, across the room. It was moving across a thin web, which i could barely make out as a thin silvery thread. I focused on the large insect, realizing that it was a dead. It was tan, and appeared to be a large bee. I knew that it was a shell for the babies to hide in. It seemed very strange, and i watched the large insect move for a moment. It was curled up, and i could not see its wings. The black eyes were facing down, and its abdomen was curled under its body. It was very large, and i wondered if it was actually a queen bee. It suddenly made sense that the insect would be a queen, because she would be giving up her body so that the babies could survive. The babies would be born and they would eat the queen in order to survive. I then thought about bees in a large hive. If they were Africanized bees, then they would be a problem. I wondered if lasers could be used to zap them as they were leaving the hives. I considered several scenarios where lasers could be used to target and then burn bees as they swarmed out of their nests.

12011 May 28

I followed the others to the east, into the western end of the fast-food restaurant. The place was full of people, and the service counter was on the southern side of the room. I was part of a tour group that had come to this rest stop to get something to eat. I was driving the bus, though, so i had to find a place to park. I told the people i was walking with that i would park the bus and meet them back in the restaurant. I drove the bus to the east, trying to make my way through the aisle at the center of the restaurant. I had to drive slowly to give the people time to get out of the way. I headed to the door in the eastern wall of the room. A small child scurried out of the way and hid behind a parent to the south of me. I maneuvered the bus through the crowd and started across the parking lot on the eastern side of the building. The parking lot was narrow, with spaces for cars on the northern and southern sides. None of the spaces were long enough for a bus, though, so i would have to drive to the next lot. I moved slowly as i traveled east, watching the spaces just to make sure they were not long enough. The drive at the eastern end of the lot seemed to turn to the north, back toward the main road. I thought that i would have to park in one of the lots on the northern side of the main road. There were buildings just to the north of the lot. They seemed like an old white wooden barn and a matching silo. I turned to the north and then started back to the west on the northern side of the lot. There was a small driveway that curved to the north, heading into the small courtyard between the barns and the silo. A small icon was painted on the pavement at the beginning of the path, showing that the busses should park somewhere down the path. I was already driving the bus past the drive, so i would have to turn around. Another drive curved to the north form the northwestern corner of the parking lot. I turned the large bus around in a wide circle on the western side of the lot and headed back to the east, turning north onto the small path. As i rode my bicycle up the path to the northwest, following the signs for bus parking. The path led into a small courtyard, which was filled with planted flowers. Tall blue flowers grew to the north of me as i followed the path northwest, to the western side of the courtyard. The gardens seemed nice. A man and a woman were standing in the garden to the north of me. I looker the flowers as i moved around the narrow paths of the garden, looking for the icons on the pavement that would tell me where i should park the bus. I noticed a turn off to the northeast in the center of the garden. One of the bus icons was painted in yellow on a square wooden sign that was facing north in the center of the garden. The sign was held up by a thin wooden stake that was in the ground on the eastern side of the path that curved gently thought the center of the garden. I would have to turn the bus around again. This was annoying because the bus was so large and had such a wide turning radius. I circled around a wide section of the path near a playground area on the western side of the garden. As i headed back to the southeast, down the central path, i looked for the sign. I was now in a larger gravel lot, and i moved to the southwestern corner of it on my bicycle. The sign showed that the bus parking was to the southeast, in the next lot, which was connected to the lot i was in by a narrow gravel drive. A woman stood talking to a man at the entrance to the driveway. I stopped my bicycle and looked at the sign, asking about the parking. The woman asked me about my bicycle. I wondered if there was a charge for parking in the lot. I did not want to have to pay for the bus. I told her that i was with a group of people who were eating at the restaurant to the south and that the restaurant had told me to come here. I hoped that i did not have to pay for bus parking. Someone was then to the west of me, and we started talking to the woman and the other people here. The people to the south of me seemed to be members of the same family, and i was visiting them in this small house. I stood on the northern side of the house, in the small room with the pale-yellow walls. I was uncomfortable with the people here and wanted to leave. I tried to say goodbye as they talked about someone. There was a man who belonged to this family, but he had done something to upset the people. I thought that he might have been drunk. Someone had used his truck, and they were trying to hang the keys back on the southern wall of the room before he returned. I looked at the wooden peg rack on the wall to the south of me. I was just to the north of the kitchen, where the rest of the family was. The room i was in seemed to be an entryway. The woman reached toward the hook and placed the tape measure back on the rack, on top of one of the pegs. The tape did not stay well, though, so i tried to balance it better. I was aware of the man approaching, so we had to hurry to get his keys back onto the rack before he come. He would be angry if he knew that we had used his things. I started to feel stressed as i adjusted the small white ceramic teapot on top of the two pegs on the left side of the rack. The man moved to the west and then to the south, into the next room. I put the things back into the cab of his white truck, dumping the dark loose objects behind the driver’s seat. The truck was facing east and was parked to the north of the house. I quickly closed the door of the truck and moved to the west, getting on my bicycle. I had to get out of the area before the man looked into the truck. As i started to pedal my bicycle to the west-northwest, merging onto the dirt road that was just to the north of the small unkempt lawn, i felt the wind blow the green fisher hat off of my head. The dirt road to the north of me was in two lanes, with a narrow grass median between them. I was pedaling to the west, but i would have to turn around to go back for my hat. I glanced over my left shoulder to see where my hat had fallen. The hat had fallen off in the grass of the yard on the southern side of the road. This was good because it would not get run over by the car approaching from the east. I was annoyed that i would have to go back to the yard where the man was. I let the car from the east pass me, and, cautious of more cars from the east, i crossed to the northern side of the westbound lane. I then turned around in a wide circle to get into the eastbound lane. I rode past the house where i was. The median ended just a few meters past the house, allowing me to turn around again. As i turned south, i noticed that the houses to the south of the old dirt road were run down. They were very close to the road, with short dirt driveways. Old lawn ornaments and other objects littered the uncut grass in front of the houses. I turned back to the west, noticing that the yard i had been in had a white picket fence along the front of it. I also noticed the large puddle in the middle of the grass of the front yard. The hat had fallen just to the west of the puddle, in the ragged green grass. I entered the yard just to the east of the fence, at the northeastern corner. I rode by bicycle to the north of the shallow puddle. I was annoyed to see that my hat had fallen in the western end puddle, where the ground was very muddy. The hat seemed to be floating on the surface of the water, but the brim had gotten muddy from the bottom of the puddle. As i reached for the hat, it sank further. It had soaked up enough water to make it less buoyant. The hat sank to the bottom, and i was annoyed that i would have to reach in to get it. I started to reach in, but i realized that the long sleeves of my dark-greenish-tan jacket would get wet, so i started to roll them up. I was aware of the people in the house to the south, where i had been earlier.

12011 May 29

I drove to the west with the other person, heading down the main road across the flat area. We were approaching a town as we reached the intersection. I knew that we wanted to travel to the west, across the intersection, but the road now seemed to be blocked. Construction had been to the north of the road that we were on. A canal had been dug to the north to drain water out of the flooding lake. I remembered seeing the water flowing down the narrow canal. As we stood at the intersection, the road ahead of us was also dug up, and a thin canal ran north to south on the other side of the intersection. I wondered if i would be able to drive through the water and make it to the western shore, but, as i looked at the curb on the western side of the street, i noticed that blocks had been dug up from the spot where the canal was and left along the edges of the canal. The white stones would make it impossible for me to drive the car into and out of the shallow water. I did not know what to do, and i mentioned this to the other person. We turned slightly to the southwest, stopping in the middle of the intersection, wondering what to do. To the northwest of me, i could see water flowing down over newly placed rocks. The road that had left the intersection and headed west was now a waterway. We would not be able to head to the west here, and i felt very confused. I spoke to the person in the passenger’s seat, talking about the campsite that we were trying to get to. I watched the water pour over the rocks for a moment, knowing that the road to where we wanted to go was never going to be there again. It had been replaced by a drainage canal for the body of water to the southwest of us. This made me feel sad, in a way. I started talking to the other person, wondering how we were going to get to the cabin. We walked to the west, into the room where the construction workers were. This seemed to be an office, and i asked several workers here how we should get to the small town that we were heading to. I felt annoyed thinking that they would probably say that we would have to travel back to the east to get around the waterway. The man in the light-blue button-up shirt to the west of us seemed a little confused, though. He asked my friend what the name of the place was again. Once he heard it, he opened a roll of paper on the desk in front of us, trying to figure out where we were going. Someone seemed to say that the place was no longer there. Someone to the south mentioned the dam that was being built, and i thought that the campsite might now be in the restricted area that was to be flooded by the dam. I felt slightly distressed as i wandered to the western side of the table, not sure what to do. The man in the light-blue shirt headed to the south to consult some other people. I wandered to the west, around the southern end of the table, and then back to the north on the western side. Someone mentioned the others that were supposed to be at the cabin, mentioning $A103 as one of the people. I thought that $A166 and $A171 were others. These people suddenly seemed to be very geeky, and i wondered why i would want to spend a weekend at the cabin with them. I felt uncomfortable about the idea, thinking that i was not comfortable in that kind of crowd. I wondered what we should do.

12011 May 30

I looked over the notebooks and then to the wooden crest that was in the top of the wooden chest to the west of me. The notebooks were some kind of logs, and i realized this as i watched the other person put the fourth notebook back in the lid of the trunk. I was interested in the information in the books and felt that it was important to the investigation. I closed the third book and watched the man lift the flat crest-shaped panel on top of the wooden trunk. He fit the small notebook into the recessed square that was carved to fit the book. He then pulled the crest back down over the book. Only the fourth book would be discovered in the trunk, and it would start the investigation into the story. The first three notebooks came from the old store, but the fourth was the important book that would reveal important information. It had been hidden under the crest of the chest, but it was recently found. I put the crest back together on the wooden chest, thinking that this was a good mystery story. I decided that the trunk should be more important, so it should have more hidden compartments with other things hidden in them. I imagined rings and jewels, but thought that these were not very special. The woman stood to the west of me now as the man did something with the trunk to the northwest of me. We were looking for something near the old houses here. The large wooden house to the east of us, on the side of the street that we were standing in the middle of, was large and designed with square gothic towers. It was white, but the paint had dulled with age. We seemed to be at the northern end of the street, and i focused my attention to the west. The grass was worn or trampled into a path to the west, and we quickly moved down it. The taller grass around the worn path was ragged and uncut. A small brick building sat on the southern side of the path. It had a brick archway that crossed the path from the center of the building, and had white rock sills and columns. The abandoned building was very small, and seemed to be a mechanical building. We passed under the arch and then stopped. I wondered suddenly why we were here. We were looking for something, but i did not know what. I thought about the wooden chest and considered that it could be found in the small house. The story would have to have us discover the hidden secrets in the chest at some point. I looked to the east, back down the path, which was now paved with flat pieces of slate. I noticed that the path that we had followed led directly from the road to the arch that we were standing near. I also noticed that it aligned with the stone path that led up to the large white mansion to the east of the road. This was significant. I told the person about the path and said that this small brick building was actually part of a larger estate. The mansion was the main house, and the path used to lead to the other buildings. We turned to the west again because it occurred to me that there might be more buildings associated with this estate. I had been aware of the large lake to the north of us. The path ran parallel to the shore. The southern shore around us was a wide swath of grass. Residential buildings seemed to be to the south, behind an old stone or brick wall. As we hurried to the west, i noticed the red neon signs of the old street ahead of us. The wall to the south turned to the north at the western end of the path and stopped at a column just to the south of the path. The old buildings of the estate must have been demolished to make room for the theaters and shops of the street, which looked like a scene from the nineteen-twenties. This would be a good plot, and a convenient way to discover the trunk during an excavation. We stopped near the end of the path and i looked to the north, at the water. A wide set of stone steps gently arced along the shoreline, descending into the water. This seemed like a new discovery, and i pointed it out. The man behind me agreed that it was an old boat launch. I agreed that they probably were a dock. I thought that the plot should have the chest dug up when the buildings to the west of us were built, but the timeline seemed strange, because the buildings of the street already seemed old. We walked into the town, and it was now dark out. The lights of the street lighted up the damp pavement. People in gray colors walked down the sidewalks in long coats. The neon lights over the buildings were red and white, and many of the buildings here seemed to be sex shops or other shops from the bad side of town. I talked about this place with the other person. I thought that it would be a good plot to have the story come here. I considered how the story should be done. This old part of the city was significant and should be used, but it would have to lead to the discovery of the chest. We turned to the north and walked into the small cement building, which seemed like a covering to a subway entrance. We descended stairs and came to a small room. The room below was larger and open to the north. A train seemed to be on tracks to the north, but it also seemed like boats docked at a cement pier. I stopped to talk to the woman standing in the wide doorway to the north. I asked her about someone that we were trying to investigate. The woman with me was also an investigator, and she listened to what the oriental woman had to say. The oriental woman had straight chin-length black hair and a wide face. As the female investigator asked her some questions from the east of me, i was aware of two men moving suspiciously to the south, along the side of the boat on the pier. They seemed to be mafia members, and they must have been worried that we were here to arrest them. I knew that they were criminals, but i was not interested in them because they were not who we were looking for, so i let them wander to the south. I turned to the south, in the middle of the doorway and headed down the narrow corridor of the boat that we had entered. There were small cabins on the southern end of the corridor. I decided that i was Max Cambridge. This was another story where he was an investigator. I headed to the east, into the boat. Turning to the north, i saw a woman standing in the middle of a small cabin. Yellow plastic bunk beds covered the southern wall of the cabin, and a rounded yellow booth, which was probably the bathroom, was on the northern wall. The woman was surprised by my presence, so i told her that i was an investigator looking for someone. I excused myself for scaring here and asked if there was anyone else in the compartments of this suite. She said no, but, as i backed out of the cabin, i noticed two children in the small adjoining cabin to the west. A young girl sat near the northern wall of the room, and a young boy stood in the center. Both of them were facing me, and they both seemed scared and concerned. The boy told me that he needed something, and i felt concerned for him. His name was Alex, and i thought that it would be part of the story that i would name my son after him. As i headed back out of the cabin to the north, i realized that i was not really Max Cambridge, but his father. This story took place before any of the Max Cambridge stories. I would use the boy’s name for my son. I then thought a good name for my character would be Charleston Cambridge. The first name seemed complicated, though, so he would just be known as Charles. As i came to the opening of the boat, the woman was to the east of me, in a doorway that led out to the docks. She was the nanny for the two children, and i told her that the boy needed his medicine.

12011 May 31

I had been standing on the eastern side of the fenced-in yard, to the north of the buildings. The yard sloped steeply up hill to the north, and the buildings to the south seemed to be barns or parts of a barn. The people around me were children, and i was a child too. I moved to the center of the yard, because someone from the southwest seemed to be calling us. I then noticed some of the children heading up the hill, to the north. They had large round barrels with them. The barrels seemed to be mostly pale-brown with orange stripes around them. The children with the barrels were the troublemakers, and i was weary of them. When they reached the top of the hill, they rolled the barrels down toward the other students. I quickly moved back to the east to get out of the way. I was annoyed with these students, but did not do anything about them but ignore them. The teacher was calling us into the house, and i knew that they were upset with what the troublemakers had done. I seemed to be out of place here, thinking that i was actually much older mentally, but i was still with the children in this older time again. I walked to the east as the other children headed to the southwest. I had to get my socks, and i did not care if i was defying the teachers. It now seemed to be getting dark, and all of the other children had already gone inside. I was the only one on the slope to the east. I felt that i was different from the rest of the children and that i did not have to react in fear of the authorities like they did. I looked around for my socks for a moment, but then i turned my attention to the southwest, where a man was packing some things into a chest freezer. He was older and seemed to be one of the people running the place. The children now seemed to be on the hill again and heading to the southwest, but i moved toward the man, helping him put stuff away instead. He took something out of the standup freezer or refrigerator that was against the eastern wall and moved it to the chest freezer that was against the crude wooden southern wall. I seemed to have gone inside with the children, but then i came back out in defiance. I noticed a short stack of brown cardboard pizza boxes sitting on the edge of the chest cooler. I asked the man about them, pointing out that they had probably been left there for quite some time. I said that we should put them back in the cooler. I was then in the yard again, and it was dark. The children had gone inside, and i was looking near the western fence for my socks. I found two pair of white socks and started to put them on. I was aware that the administrators were very angry with me for disobeying their orders, but i did not care about them. I felt that i was no longer part of this place, and the simplistic rules here no longer had any relevance to me. I pulled on my right sock as i heard the woman coming toward me from the southwest. The tube sock pulled all the way up to my knee, and it looked quite white. I turned to the south to put the other on, but the woman was already yelling at me for not listening to her. Some of the other authorities were with her, but i did not pay any concern for them. Instead, i started to put on my left sock. The woman scolded me, and i started to feel angry with her. I finally said something bitter to her, calling her a “bitch”. I hoped that would keep her from yelling at me. When i looked at her, though, i focused on her old wrinkling face. She was very close to me, and she was crying about what i had said. I felt bad for saying it, but i did not want to let her know because i was still annoyed with her for being so strict with me.