12014 May 01

I stood to the north of the house looking at the car to the north of me. The car was on the northern side of a U-shaped driveway, heading west. The lawn around the driveway seemed very well kept. I looked at the large fancy house to the south. I was here for something, but i felt uncomfortable here. I knew that the owners would know that i was here. I thought this would be awkward. I moved to the car, doing something with it. I had to pretend that i belonged here. The man came from the south, out of the house. I turned to the east and walking across the barn. I was not inside the large structure, and i had a metal bucket of something in my right hand. I tried to place the bucket on the ground, but the farm animals around me moved toward it. They wanted to eat whatever was in the bucket. I felt annoyed and tried to find a better place to put the bucket. I moved around the barn, looking for a place where the animals would not get to the bucket. I was aware that the animals were following me. I knew that a cow was in the barn somewhere. It would want what was in the buckets well, but the sheep around me were actually the problem. They were following me to get to the bucket. I headed to the small room to the east. A wooden shelf ran along the southern wall. I put the bucket on the shelf. It was too high for the sheep to reach. I then realized that sheep were outside the barn as well, and they could see in the window. The land on the southern side of the barn must be higher than the land where i currently was. The sheep would be able to reach the bucket by reaching through the window in the southern wall. Annoyed, i grabbed the bucket and led the sheep out the door to the west. I thought that i would take the sheep out of the room and then hide the bucket in the room. I then thought that the sheep could just get back into the room later. I was not sure what i should do.

12014 May 02

I was sitting on the parking ramp with the other people. The ramp was a steep metal treadmill that ascended to the south. We had driven into the festival this way, entering the parking garage that we were near. I had come to this town for some kind of festival. It was dark now, but i remembered what this place looked like in the daylight when we had arrived. I watched the ramps around us, thinking that cars might come from the south, trying to leave the parking garage. We would be in the way. I warned the others sitting on the ramp that we would have to be careful. I told the others that we should leave the structure to the north. As we walked, the structure seemed to be all around us. We were heading away from the festival now. I headed to the west, across the treadmill at the entrance to the parking garage. After a few steps, i realized that i was walking the wrong direction on the treadmill. It was moving opposite to the direction i was trying to head. People emerged from the corridor ahead of me, heading toward the treadmill. I had to step aside to let them pass. They were workers from the festival. They passed me, and i asked them how i could get back into the festival area. The other people were walking ahead of me. I could see them turn to the west, down a cement corridor that was marked for employees only. They should not have been heading that way. I wanted to follow them, but i could not let the employees know that i wanted to walk down the corridor. I continued to the west, heading down the larger corridor in the southern wall. I emerged outside the building. Looking across the long grassy lawn in front of me, i recognized this area. I had been here before. I would have to walk a long way from here to get back to the festival. I was at the far end of the festival grounds, so i would have to cross the entire park area to get to where the main events were happening. Crowds were moving around the area near me. I seemed to be near a food area, where several small booths and trucks were set up to sell food. I tried opening the door to a large freezer to the east of me, thinking that i might be able to pass through the larger building to get to the other side. It would be quicker than having to walk all the way around. I opened the door but saw that it was not really a walk-in freezer. It was really a beer truck to the southeast of me. I closed the door and headed to the large blue barrel in the wall, just to the west of the freezer. I thought that i would be able to walk though the barrel and come out in the large pavilion on the other side. As i came out in the pavilion, i noticed the long lines of people waiting to get beer. I would have to walk through the crowd. I then noticed $A615 in the crowd to the south of me. I said hello to him and talked for a moment. As we spoke, i looked down at my pants, noticing grass seeds stuck to the sides of by black loose pants. I tried to brush them off, but they got stuck to the gray gloves that i was wearing. I felt annoyed. $A615 started laughing at what i was doing. I realized that he was intoxicated on marijuana, and i thought that he probably found the seeds to be very strange. I waved the gloves through the grass near me to try to wipe the seeds off, but i ended up picking up more seeds from the grass. The seeds seemed to have fuzzy shells that stuck to clothing. Frustrated, i decided to stop trying to get them off. I wanted to head to the festival, and i had a long way to go to get to the stage area. I could see it far to the northeast of where i was. I remembered walking across the grounds with the other people before. It did not seem long before, but i thought that it was because we had been chatting. The company made the time pass quicker. I would have to cross this area again, but i would no longer have the company. I moved around to gather some of my things so i could start. I then felt that i had to leave the festival. I was in the living room of the small house, and it was dark now. Light came in from the window in the southern wall of the room. I was sleeping on the couch, which was against the northern wall. $F45 then came into the room from the door in the eastern wall. I stayed still as he moved around in the darkened room. He then said something to me, so i started talking with him. He seemed annoyed. He left the room and went upstairs to his room. I felt disappointed with him, and i got up and followed him upstairs. I asked if i should brink the blankets for the bed as i ascended the narrow stairwell. I remembered this stairwell from before. Something about ascending it now seemed very familiar. A was ascending to the east. Just ahead of me, the stairs opened up, turning to the north and then back to the west. The opening was in the wall above the stairs, to the east. I could hear someone snoring on the other side of the opening, which seemed to lead into a bedroom. I thought that it was the room in the attic. This was the bed that we had been sleeping in. I felt uncomfortable here, and i though that we should get our things together to leave. Someone else was already where we had been.

12014 May 03

The other people were trying to take something from us, and i felt anxious trying to keep the object from them. We were in the large open room of the library, and i was looking to the west at the orange and white pod, which was floating near the white ceiling of the room. I had hided the thing that i was trying to keep from the others in the rounded pod, thinking that they would not think to look there. A man on the southwestern side of the room seemed to be looking for the object. He was near me suddenly, and he asked me about it. I looked to the west. A long low wooden counter ran across the room from north to south, separating the main part of the room from a clerical area to the west. The area had tall wooden cabinets, which were darkly stained and old, like the counter. I thought that the man would not be able to get across the counter, so i pushed the pod to the west, letting it float over the counter. The man moved with me as i approached the northern end of the wooden fence. The fence was formed from bare thin vertical slats of wood. I felt that he was going to chase after the object after i left. This annoyed me, and i felt uneasy. I started walking back to the southeast, and, in a loud voice, i said that he should stop stealing from the library. A shorter counter now seemed to run parallel to the first, just to the east of the first. I reached the northern end of it as i finished speaking. A group of people from the room was now approaching me with concerned looks. They did not want the man to take the object either, and they were rushing to prevent him from getting it, now that i had warned everyone. I also noticed a man in uniform to the south. He put his left hand on his hip and started walking hurriedly toward us. He was security, and he now suspected the man of something bad. I felt justified in saying what i had said, because the man would now be prevented from stealing by the officer. I moved to the east again, back into the center of the room. A man was again standing just to the southeast of me, threatening me. I had done something to him to push him to the ground. The other man was still on the southwestern side of the room. He was the main threat. He seemed tall and strong, and he wore a red shirt. He started moving to the northwest, toward the pod. A friend of mine moved toward him to prevent him from getting to the pod. The man in the red shirt had a narrow face with distinct cheekbones. He had sheared blond hair that stuck up on top. He was a threat. He grabbed the man who was trying to stop him and lifted him into the air by his throat. The man near me had asked something, and i told him that the pod was to the west. I felt aggressive toward him, and i bent down and grabbed him by the throat. I lifted him, telling him to look at the pod in a threatening voice. I realized i could not easily lift him in the air like the other man had done to the person to the southwest of me. I was not as strong as he. I tried anyway, turning the man’s head to face the pod as i lifted. I could not keep him off the ground, though, and he fell back toward the floor, my hands still wrapped around his throat. I continued to squeeze his neck, thinking that i should keep him on the ground. I had to make sure that i did not squeeze for too long, though, because i did not want him to stop breathing. I let go of his neck as i leaned over him. I could still hear him breathing, but he was unconscious. I was glad that he was still breathing.

12014 May 04

I headed to the west, leaving the area where i had been talking to the others. A street ran north to south to the west of me. It seemed somewhat dark out, as though it was early morning or late evening. As i approached the road, several people walked into my view from the north. I could only see silhouettes of them moving. I was also aware of a small crowd of people standing to the south of me as i reached the side of the road. I looked to the south, where it was a little brighter. People were lining up along the side of the street. They were all waiting for the bus to come, but most of them seemed to have just arrived and were moving into the correct position. I looked back up the road to the north. At the crest of a shallow rise, a large yellow school bus was heading toward us. I hurried across the street, coming into the small building. A few other people were in the room with me. I said something to several of them. A young woman was to the south of me, and i said something to her about having to leave. I walked to the north, back through the two wooden doors and into the small entry room of the house. I turned to the east and opened the main door. As i did, i could see the large yellow bus pulling away from the bus stop and heading to the south, up the slight hill toward the intersection. I quickly turned around and headed back to the south. I tried to quickly pull open the first wooden door, but the latches on the door were old and awkward. I pulled the two doors open, but it seemed to have taken too much time. I ran across the larger room, where the others were, and out the front door of the house. The school bus was just turning to the west. I yelled to the driver and waved my arms, but the bus continued to accelerate to the west. One of the students in the rear windows glanced back at me. I felt annoyed that the young woman and i had missed the bus. I stopped on the southern side of the road, thinking about the situation. I looked down the road to the west. The road now seemed like a long brown corridor. I had to get to the meeting area on the western side of the colony. This place now seemed to be a space station, and i thought that i would have to walk all the way to the western side of the station to get to the classroom area. I did not want to have to travel that far, but i would have to walk, now that i had missed the bus. I pictured the uneven metal walls to the west of me as i thought about the situation. I could now see a list of three things. The list had some importance, and i tired to remember the three things. I wanted to show them to $F43. I ran the list through my head, focusing on the writing of the middle line of the list. The words seemed out of place in the list. This was interesting to me.

12014 May 06

I was in the large building, and i had to use the bathroom. A bathroom was on the eastern side of the hallway. I headed to the south, into the room. The room was rectangular, and the three toilet stalls were on the southern wall. Someone was in the easternmost stall, so i entered the stall in the middle. The toilet seemed very tall, and i had to climb on top of it to sit. I sat for a moment, defecating. I realized that i could see to the north, over the top of the stall. The toilet was so tall that i had a view of the room when i was sitting on it. This seemed very strange. I hoped that no one came into the bathroom while i was here. It would seem awkward to see someone defecating in a stall when one comes in. I finished and wiped myself with the toilet paper from the eastern wall. I pulled a few strands of toilet paper. It seemed like i was using a lot of toilet paper. I finished and pulled up my pants, walking out of the stall. I stopped in the middle of the bathroom, aware that my pants were bunching up. I must have tucked them in incorrectly. I stood for a moment, trying to adjust my pants and my underwear. I then noticed the woman in the stall to the east of me. She was reaching around the back of the wall between her stall and the one that i was in. I realized that she was trying to grab the toilet paper. The roll in her stall must be empty. I thought that i should help her and hand her the roll. I continued fixing my pants first. I then saw here face and she squeezed between the edge of the dividing wall and the back wall of the room. She was a common television actress, with fuzzy long hair. I started moving toward the stall to get the roll for her, but i realized that she was actually moving into the central stall now. She no longer needed my help. I left the bathroom and headed down the hallway to the west. As i walked, i saw $F7 standing near the southern wall of the hallway. I felt happy to see him. I said hello and hugged him, but he pulled back from me. I felt disappointed that he no longer felt comfortable near me. I then saw $F7 a few meters down the hall to the west. I had hugged $A608. $F7 was talking to someone. I walked toward him and waited to say hello. $F7 wandered to the northeast, up the aisle of the auditorium that we were now in. He was now talking to $A593, and both of them were chatting about something on the table, which was against the northern wall of the room. $F7 referred to the mask on the table, saying that it was his. He continued to the north, talking to $A593. I felt disappointed that i did not get to say hello to $F7. I headed to the west again, turning up the corridor to the north. I started up a set of stairs at the end of the corridor when i ran into $F43. I felt happy to see her. I greeted her and headed back down the stairs with her as we chatted. I held her hand for a moment as we talked. I told her about $A608, mentioning that i had a hard time talking to him because he was so conservative. She wanted to go see him, so i took her back into the large room to the east and started walking to the northeast up the aisle after $F7.

12014 May 07

I was in the basement room of the house, which seemed to be $A328’s house. I had not been in this place in a long time. $A328 was on the northwestern side of the room, standing near the stairs. I greeted her. She was a small woman now, with a round figure. She smiled and then lifted her feet up in the air, rolling across the floor toward me. She stopped at my feet and said hello. She had long white hair. I looked around the room and started to wander, talking about this place. I mentioned what i remembered about this place from when i used to stay here. She moved to the west of me, stopping near the door near the southern end of the western wall. I asked her about her family, remembering that someone had died recently. I then felt a little uneasy, thinking that my question might upset her. I thought that $A329 had committed suicide. I changed the subject, saying that i remembered $A63. $A328 seemed surprised and said that i could not have remembered $A63. I told her that she was not that much older than i. I said that she was a senior after my second year here. I moved around the room, doing some things here and there. I then thought that i should construct a fire pit. We would want something to have a campfire in. I was to the west of the house now, on the grassy lawn. A pit was already created in the lawn to the northwest of me, and i was moving things to it. I picked up the old engine block from the side of the house, to the south, and moved it into the center of the pit. I though that it would create a nice heat sink. I looked for other things to put into the fire. After a few minutes, i realized that i could not find the pit in the yard. I had moved too many things around and the pit was now hiding. I moved some of the loose pieces of wood, looking for the engine block that i had placed in the fire. I searched around to the north of me, looking at the standing black grill. I had thought that the pit was on the northern side of the yard, but, now that i had returned to put more things in it, i could not see it. I looked to the west, noticing the small vegetable garden. The pit was not near either of these places. I felt confused. I turned back to the south and looked around the yard. I then saw the engine block on the old wooden porch, which was on the western side of the house. Someone had taken it out of the fire pit and put it by the house. I turned to the east and stepped back into the small room. $A676 was standing to the south of the desk, which was on the southern side of the room. She said that she had cleaned up the area. I felt a little annoyed. I chatted with her for a moment, but then went back to the yard to move more things. I stopped in the middle of the yard, realizing that i had a large nail in my right foot. I looked down to see it sticking out of the bottom of my shoe. I pulled the nail out, hoping that i did not get an infection from it. I then noticed another nail sticking out of the top of my foot. I felt annoyed. I thought that i should stop moving things around and go home to get the wound cleaned. I would need to clean it with alcohol to sanitize it. Because the nail hole seemed to go all the way through my foot, i thought that i would have to pump the alcohol all the way through my foot to disinfect my foot. I should already have had my tetanus shot, which i thought was a good thing. I headed to the south to get things. I stopped near the southern side of the yard where a person was. I started talking to the person. As i talked, i glanced around the area. I noticed people walking across the field to the north of us. The road curved around the northern and western sides of the field. The road had a cliff to the north of it, and it sloped down to the west. I then thought that my parents were out for a walk somewhere. I wondered if they were back yet.

12014 May 08

I was talking to someone in the modern office building. We were on the northern side of the building, and we seemed to be in a large room with a wide floor-to-ceiling window in the northern wall. Just outside the window was a small garden in a white planter, and to the north of that ran a small creek, with tall thin grass and reeds growing along the shore. I looked out over the still water of the shallow brook as the man talked to me. I then noticed an animal crawl out of the water near us. I told the other person that it was an alligator, and i felt a little uneasy being so close to it. It did not actually look like an alligator, thought. It was a lizard, but it was oddly shaped, with a short body and a stubby tail. I watched it as it crawled out of the water again, but i could not see it clearly because it was being blocked by some of the plants. I was not sure what it was, and i was interested in it. I moved a little to the east, to try to get a better look. After a few steps, i looked back to the southwest and realized that i was now quite far from the building. I was closer to the creek. I looked at the animal, which did not seem any closer to me. It had a long nose and a long flickering tongue. I realized that it was a gila monster. I felt uneasy. A gila monster should not have been in this area. They could not live in this climate. I started to back away, thinking that the animal was very dangerous. They were aggressive and might attack. I would have to tell the others that it was here so that they did not accidentally stumble upon it. Before i could head back to the building, the animal turned its head toward me. It had spotted me. I could not easily run back to the building because i knew that it would be able to outrun me. I headed to the north, across the street, thinking that i would have to go around the animal. I headed to the west, watching the animal disappear behind a low grassy mound near the water. I jogged backward along the road, watching the mound carefully for signs of the animal. I listened for cars on the road so that i would know when to get off the pavement. I reached the area where i had started. I was again on the patio near the large modern building. I watched the shore of the creek again, but i could not see the animal. I headed into the building and told the others about the animal. I felt weary of it, thinking that it was dangerous if it was not kept track of. The people were gathered in the atrium of the building, waiting for the lecture to start. I wanted to warn the lecturer so that he could tell the others about the danger. I looked for him in the crowd. I then spotted the other man instead. He seemed like Bill Gates, and he stood near the southern wall of the atrium. I told him about the animal, saying that it was very dangerous. I told him that it was venomous. I then clarified that it was not the kind of venom that would be injected with fangs but the kind that seeped out in saliva. He listened, but did not do anything. I had to find $F43. She was running this lecture series. I thought that she would be able to tell the others about the dangers of the animal. I wanted to make sure everyone knew about it so that they would keep watch for it.

12014 May 09

I headed to the south, leaving the building. I then started to head to the east. I stopped in the yard to play with the small tan things that were on the ground. They were shaped like avocados, but they were soft and gooey. I pulled on one, stretching the narrow end out. They had a rough skin with creases, making them look like almonds. I thought that the one i had must be a date. I thought that i should save it. I then threw it to the south, out onto the grassy lawn behind the house. I thought that it would grow a peach tree. I then thought that i should have planted it more carefully. I thought that i could put it in the garden, which was on the western side of the path that crossed the yard. I thought about this for a moment, but then i headed to the east. I could see people lined up along the northern side of the corridor for the movie. I walked up to them, looking at the signs on the northern wall. The movie posters promoted several rock-band movies. I looked at the poster for a moment, thinking that the movies sounded nice. I then continued to the east, toward the door of the theater. The lines of people were now gone. This surprised me. I read the signs near the door where the people had been queued. I felt confused. I then turned to the south, heading down the white corridor. Signs hung overhead in the corridor, and i stopped to read them. A man then came from the east. He stopped near me and started reading the signs aloud in a gravely voice. This seemed very strange. I felt a little uncomfortable, so i started walking to the east. The man continued talking, but his voice started to sound upset at my leaving. I glanced back at him, seeing that he had continued to the west, down a set of stairs in the corridor. He was wearing a long jacket, and i saw him reach in with his left had. He pulled a shotgun out. I felt uneasy and turned back to the east. I thought that the man was dangerous. I headed down the corridor to the east, through the mall-like area. Many people were wandering around. I thought that they were in danger, but i could not say anything or the man might shoot me. I looked around for a security guard to tell. I spotted a guard at the end of the hall, but then i thought that the man would probably shoot something by now. I then wondered if he was trying to trap us in this area. I was not sure if there was an exit at the end of the hallway.

12014 May 10

The man was to the north of me, sitting on the bench. He wore a tight-fitting white shirt. He was talking to me about something on his foot. I thought that he had cut his foot on something. I looked down at his foot, but i did not see any injury. I then realized that the man was wearing a wrestling singlet. He had been sitting with his legs apart, and i realized that he was trying to make passes at me. I felt uncomfortable about this. It seemed inappropriate in this place.

12014 May 12

I stood on top of the train as it rolled slowly to the west, across the large open room. I was trying to get across the room, to the north. I stepped off of the train and tried to cross the cement floor of the room. I had to stop just before the metal railroad tracks because a train was coming into the room from the east. The room seemed cramped with the trains, and things seemed confusing. I thought that it was strange that the tracks overlapped in the room. We were trying to head to the north, near the western end of the room, but i decided that it would be too dangerous. The tracks were closer together near the western wall, and we would not see what was coming from the multiple tunnels in the western wall. The train tried to head to the north again, but boats pulled into the room from the north, floating up to the docks. The train continued to the north, hitting the bow of the boat. The front of the train punctured the metal hull of the large red boat. This had happened before. The boat continued to move into the room, heading toward me. I jumped onto the top of the train to avoid the boat. The people around me were talking about the issue, saying how the train should not have run into the train again. I talked to my grandmother, who was standing to the south of me. We had been waiting to get on the train. I realized that i still had to get tickets for the train. I told my grandmother to sit in the seat on the western side of the train. We were now inside the train car. I felt uneasy, thinking that we would need a ticket in order to ride the train. I had been too distracted and forgotten to get a ticket. I was not paying attention when the tickets were given out, and i hoped that we could still a ticket. I would have to go to the ticket person now to see if i could get a ticket. I looked at the seat number where my grandmother was sitting so that i could tell the ticket person. I then turned to the east and talked to the ticket person. My reached into my pocket to find the ticket i had. I felt an object in the left jacket of my jacket and pulled it out. It was my grandmother’s shoe. I then pulled my hand from my right pocket, withdrawing the tickets. I showed them to the man, saying that i wanted to get the proper numbers. I then realized that a queue of people was waiting to the north of the man. They were also trying to get tickets. I felt disappointed. I would have to get in the queue.

12014 May 16

I was in the old room of the small house, which i seemed to be visiting. I had been doing something on the northern side of the room with the computer. I had a file written on the blue flash drive so that i could take it with me. I then closed the laptop and started walking to the east. I suddenly realized that i would have to turn the computer back on in order to eject the flash drive. I felt frustrated that i had closed the laptop in my hurry. I turned to head back to the computer. I then noticed the orange flames out the window to the north of me. I could see a fire on the roof of the building. This was not good. A pine branch, which overhung the roof, was burning. I worried that it might catch the house on fire, but then i realized that it was raining out, and the roof was not yet on fire. The rain should keep the house from burning. I turned my attention back to the computer. I would have to restart the machine to get the drive. I felt confused, wondering if i had done this already. I then looked out to the roof, noticing a fire on the roof. This all seemed strange. I could not seem to figure out something about this situation. I called to the east, telling my mother that a fire was burning on the roof of the house. I then headed to the east, into the next room. My relatives were returning to the house, coming in from the east. One of the people seemed to be one of my mother’s cousins. I had to do something, so i did not stay around to chat. I headed to the west, down the narrow corridor of the house. I turned west and headed into a bedroom. I still had the flash drive in my left hand. I looked at the drive. It was a small blue drive. I realized that it looked a lot like the drive that i had, but i knew that this drive was not mine. I would have to copy the files from the drive onto my computer. I wondered if i could do this on my laptop. Before i entered the room fully, i noticed a woman sitting in the southeastern corner of the room. She was facing south, stitching some clothes with a sewing machine, which was on the table in front of her. I felt hesitant to enter the room. I did not want to disturb the woman. I thought that i could just take the drive with me and not worry about copying the files. I then thought that the drive was not mine, so i should not take it out of the house. I felt frustrated and turned back to the north. I had to get my things. I was now in a room that seemed to be in the basement of the house. I walked to the northern side of the room to pick up my things. I grabbed the old coat, which was hanging over the arm of a small couch, which was against the northern wall of the room. The old leather jacket was a little dusty. I would have to clean it off. I thought that i could wash it so that i could use it. I had not used it in a while. I put the jacket in an old wash bin, which was against the northern wall of the room. It was dark in the room, and i could not see into the wash bin that well, but i tried to figure out how to run the washer so that i could wash the coat. I could see a reservoir of water at the bottom of the bin. I then thought that i should not wash the leather with other things too much. The leather might bleed its red color into the wash water and stain other clothes. I wondered if i should just scrub the leather in the water so that it would not be soaking in the wash bin with other clothes. I reached for the jacket in the bin, but i could not see it well enough to know what i was washing. The light from the door to the southern wall. I looked for the light switches in the room. I could see some on the cinder-block western wall. I tried flipping some of the switches, but they did not turn on the correct lights. No lights seemed to be directly over the bin, and the other lights in the room did not adequately cast light into the bin so that i could see what i was doing. I then noticed the switch near the bin, on a platform near the northern wall. I turned on the black switch, but the motor of the washing machine started. A hay bale then fell into the bin from somewhere near the ceiling and started to grind. I worried that the machine was not really a washing machine. I quickly turned it off. I thought that i did not want to start a full load in the machine because it might have destroyed the clothes. I looked it, hoping that the metal things inside were not actually blades. I hoped that my jacket did not get ruined. I had to get the coat out of the bin, but i had to be careful of the metal things, in case they were blades. The jacket was near the bottom of the bin, and the remainder of the hay bale was above the jacket, and i could not easily reach past it without brushing against the metal paddles. I would have to get something to grab the jacket with. I moved to the door in the southern wall. A male cousin of mine was then near the door. He asked about the water in the bin, saying that it was under the “apparatus”. I did not understand what he was talking about, so i followed him back to the bin. The man pressed something on the side of the bin, and i heard a flushing sound as the water drained out of the bin. I could now see my coat in the pan below the wash bin. He had dumped the water out of the bin and allowed it to flow into the pan. I grabbed the coat and looked at it. I was relived that it was not cut up, but it was now covered with grass. I felt annoyed, and i rinsed off the coat using the faucets above the bin. The metal faucet had a rounded horizontal bar than ran between the two pipes that stuck through the wall to the north. The faucet arched up from the center of the horizontal bar and over the bin. The handles on the spigots were not labeled, but the one of the right was black and the one on the left was bronze color. I thought that the black handle must be for cold water, and the bronze-colored one was for raw water. Someone could use either purified potable water or water straight from the water source. I rinsed the grass off my coat. The red leather looked faded as i washed it. I hoped that the jacket was not ruined from the water in the bin. I then thought that we were inside, and the leather always looked faded in incandescent lighting. It looked bright red outside in natural sunlight. I looked around the room now as i brushed off more of the grass from my jacket. I was in the lower area of a barn. The floor here was dirt, and everything here seemed dirty. The mud on the floor must have been from the water than was in the bin. It did not drain out properly. It just ran across the dirt floor. I looked to the south, out of the back end of the barn. A man walked past the door, heading to the east. I could see several trailer homes around the area.

Someone was talking about the fire in the buildings. I looked to the south to see the old cement structure. It looked dilapidated, but i knew that it was still in use. It was an office building. It was somewhat wide and about eight to ten stories tall. I could see a file glowing through the windows of the top floor. It must have spread from paper that was in the office. I drove to the east, along the northern side of the building. The building was now lower than the car, and i was looking down at the upper level. I seemed to be driving on an elevated highway, but the highway seemed to be elevated by dirt and not by a bridge structure. I turned to the east as i reached the eastern side of the building. A round cement tower rose on the eastern side of the building, and it was also on fire. I wondered if it was the same fire that had spread or if it was a separate fire in the building. Someone then said that the fire was in two towers of the building. I drove to the west again, driving along the southern side of the building. The building seemed very strange to me. It looked very run down, yet it had modern offices in it. Green grass grew along the base of the building. It looked well maintained, so i knew that someone was taking care of the buildings. I wondered what i should do now. I thought that i should tell someone about the fire. I turned to the north on the western side of the building, wondering where i should go. I then realized that a car was coming from the north down the narrow driveway. I passed to the west of it, realizing that i was on the wrong side of the road. I had not been paying attention to where i was going. I felt embarrassed. I then noticed that the car had stopped behind me. It started backing up, and it started following me. I knew that the driver was mad with me, but i did not want to engage him. I ignored him and continued driving. I thought that i would have to turn to the east again, but i continued to the north so that the car behind me would not be able to catch up. He was still in the eastern lane of the drive, but it ended not far ahead of me. I drove onto the highway and continued t other north. I would have to get off later and turn around to get back to this area. I then looked in the rear-view mirror. The man was still following me. He shined a light on me. It was very bright. I felt annoyed with him. I leaned forward so that the light was not reflecting into my eyes as i drove. I continued down the highway, thinking that the man might eventually get bored of following me.

12014 May 17

I drove to the west on the highway through the outskirts of the city. I had just left my parents’ house, and i was heading to the Adirondacks. I felt uneasy as i drove, thinking that i should have done something. I should not have left my parents’ house alone. I thought that i should have brought someone with me. The highway ran through a country area, with a forested hill to the north. The highway rounded the southern side of the hill and turned northwest, heading up a steep hill. My car seemed to struggle up the hill. It was having trouble, and i hoped that it would make it up the hill without stalling. As i moved slowly up the slope, i noticed that the ground around me had snow on it. I thought that it must be colder at this elevation. I had come up quite a hill. I then started to feel chilly myself. I realized that i had dressed for the lower elevation. I needed warmer clothes for this place. I thought that i should call my parents to tell them where i was. I would mention that i was cold as well. I thought about this as i looked around at the wide area around me. I was now standing in a paved parking lot in the middle of the forest. The large open trees were all around me, their branches spanning out to the sides. I called my mother on my cell phone to talk. I felt uneasy and wanted my parents to know what was happening. I wandered to the north as i waited for the phone to ring. A small shopping plaza was on the northern side of the parking lot. I walked slowly toward the stores, but stopped to think. I started to feel uncomfortable here. I should not be here. I then started to feel that i was in the way of someone. I should not be standing in the middle of the parking lot.

12014 May 18

I walked around the small office. This was a place where i worked. The office was divided into cubicles by tall fabric-covered walls. Someone said something to the southeast of me. The voice said that something was happening. I felt special, thinking that the event was happening for me. I was being awarded with something. People started coming in the room from all places. I felt very flattered that people were rewarding me with something. Someone then said that it was a special initiation. They were all coming to celebrate to the fullest. I noticed that most of the people were gathering to the north, in an area where there were no cubicle walls. I looked around at the people. I recognized many of them from outside of work. The people here were trying to honor me. I thought that they had gathered people from all through my life. I looked at many of the older people in the crowd, trying to remember who they were. I started walking around the room, looking at people. I had to play the part of the person being honored. The scene then changed as i turned to walk to the south. I was with a woman, and we walked across the restaurant. People were still gathered to the north, but i was not a part of their party. A large rectangular table ran parallel to the southern wall of the room. The others from the north were heading into the room with me to sit down. I walked around the table and sat on the southern side. Others were coming into the room from the north. I noticed a blond woman to the north of me. She stopped across the table from me. She had shoulder-length blond hair and wore a simple solid-color shirt. She said that she was doing something. I thought that we had all come here to do something special. It seemed strange that the woman would be doing it by herself. I wanted everyone to join in. The woman then headed back to the north. I felt upset that she was leaving us to do something. I told the woman to the east of me about the blond, expressing my displeasure in her. I motioned to the north, but, when i looked, i could no longer see the blond woman. I complained about here to the woman with me. A blond woman then came into the room from the north and chatted with some of the people on the northern side of the room. The woman with me took note of her, but i realized that she was not the blond woman that i had been talking about. She was thinner and had longer hair.

I gathered the plate of breakfast food from the counter on the northern side of the restaurant. I had to get things to eat. The food was on a buffet table to the north of me, in large metal chaffing dishes. I put some pancakes on my plate. I thought that i should get some french toast as well, but then i thought that i really wanted something else. I thought for a moment about what it was, feeling confused. I could not remember what else i wanted. I wondered if it was vegetables. I turned around and headed back to the table. When i reached the round table on the southern side of the room, i realized that i had already gotten a plate. The large plate was full of food, and it was sitting on the white tablecloth at my spot on the southern side of the table. The plate had slices of meat on it, which seemed unusual for me to get. I did not want to waste food, though, so i thought that i would eat the meat anyway.

12014 May 19

I looked up to see the other $G4 wandering around the flat gravel area to the east of me. We were looking for something on the ground. We had entered the rectangular area from the west and were now searching the ground. We seemed to be searching for something like Easter eggs or beer on the ground. They were hidden somewhere in the park that we were in. Someone to the south of me was talking, and i listened to the person as i looked around the ground near me. I then noticed the police officers to the east of us. They stood near a police car, which was facing northeast, blocking a north-to-south road that ran along the eastern side of the area. I wondered if they were watching us. I then heard the police talking about the large group that was on the southern side of the park. I realized that the large crowd was marching from the west, following a street to the east. They were in the park for another reason. I pictured the last to the south of us. The land was lower than where we were, and it seemed flat and wet. The grass was still new for the early spring. One of $G4 then said something about the large group to the south. I looked up and noticed that $G4 was starting to move to the south. The group was jogging down a road on the southeastern corner of the area that we were in. They were heading toward the crowd that the police were trying to regulate. One of $G4 near me said that we would be cutting through the “hoard”. This did not seem like a good idea, but i started jogging after the others. I wondered why we would want to get in the way of the other group. I then heard $G4 chanting “jump the hoard” in jest as they jogged south. The two policemen to the northeast of me seemed suddenly alert, and they moved quickly to the car. I wondered if they would try to stop $G4. They would have to watch the situation, so i thought that they might be annoyed with $G4 for heading through the other group.

12014 May 20

The last issue of the Cerebus series was hanging in the clear plastic bag to the east of me. It seemed to be hanging on a doorknob, which was affixed to the wall. I looked at the issue, which had a black and white cover drawing of Cerebus with his arms stretched out above him. I thought that this graphic novel was actually expensive. I wondered why it was here. A man to the south of me talked about the book. He seemed to know details about how the book was created. I wondered if he was the author. I looked at some of the other graphic novels that were hanging on the wall to the east. Many of them seemed to be related to Cerebus. I noticed that the book to the left was unfamiliar to me. It had a pencil drawing on the cover, but it was tinted with yellow. I had not purchased this book. I thought that it must be part two of the book that i had read. I knew that it was the last part of the series, which i had not yet read. The man talked about the series, mentioning that the ending would be changed because he had something else in mind. I wondered how he would change the ending. I had not liked the ending of the series, and i hoped that the new revision that the author was talking about was better than the original ending.

12014 May 21

I turned to the north, trying to do something with the sheet of paper on the white counter. I said something to the other person, who seemed to be to the southeast of me. I then turned my attention back to the machine on the counter to the north. I was trying to get the laminator to work. The machine had a red leaver on the right side of it. I pulled the leaver forward until the dial near the base of the leaver said four. I still could not get the machine to work properly, and i felt frustrated and annoyed. I tried to slide the small card into the front of the machine, but it would not go through. I changed some of the settings on the front of the machine. I then wondered if the settings on the front had to match the setting i had moved the leaver into. I turned a knob, and an alarm went off. This was not right, but i inserted the paper into the machine anyway to see if i could get it to go through. A woman came into the office from the southeast. He complained about how i was using the machine. I tried to ignore her because i as frustrated with the machine. The woman cut the power to the machine so that i could not use it. I was mad at her, and i started using harsh words to tell her how i felt. I did not want to deal with the situation anymore, so i headed to the west, leaving the building. Most of the other people had already left the building to head to the place that we were supposed to be. I had stayed longer because i was trying to get the laminator to work. We were late. I then wondered where i should go. I was not heading in the correct direction. I turned back to the east. I walked down the corridor. The others near me seemed to be confused. They did not know where to go either. I thought that the people would be at the gymnasium to the east of us. I started to swim through the air as i headed east. I came out of the building and started across the playground. I was still swimming as i reached the center of the playground. A tall set of climbing bars was to the southeast of me. This was not the place that i had been heading to. I turned around and headed back to the west. The place should be to the west. The tall white office building was to the south of me, and i ran along the grassy area between the building and the trees to the north. The grassy area sloped up slightly to the north. I came to the area where the others were waiting outside the closed metal door to the south. They had been late as well, so the teacher would not let them into the building. $A677 sat just to the west of the door. He was not wearing a shirt. He greeted me as i approached. I thought that this must be the group of delinquents. We were being punished because we were late. I wondered how we would be punished.

12014 May 22

I worked in the laboratory in the large building. This was my new job, and it felt good to me here. I already owned a laboratory coat. I moved around the room, thinking about the job. I then realized that i had to get something. I headed to the south, heading out of the building. I had to go to my car to get something. I then thought that i should do some exercising. I would have to choose an activity. I wanted to exercise with the man. I was interested in him. I then saw myself doing sit-ups. I was wearing a tight gray shirt, and i thought that i actually looked pretty nice. I was doing the sit-ups in a strange position. I seemed to be handing upside down in a swinging mechanism. I seemed to be doing the sit-up easily, so i thought that i must be in good shape.

12014 May 23

I felt very anxious. I was in the small room of the house, but i knew that i should not be there. I did not want to be found in this house. I ran to the south, into the next room. A man was sitting on the couch on the southern side of the room. He saw me. I had to get out of the house before i was caught, but i knew that the man would warn the others that i was here. He picked up the red telephone from the round table to the east of the couch. I ran to him and took the telephone before he could say anything about me. I ran to the north and pushed open the large windows. We were on the firs floor of the house, so i should be able to jump out. I tossed the shoes i was carrying to the north, into the trees. They would be evidence that i was in the house. I started running to the west. The land around the house was hilly. The ground seemed yellow and sandy. I headed west, into the trees. The ground was rough, and i was barefoot. I would have to tell $A630 that i did not have his shoes anymore. I thought about the red running shoes that i had tossed into the trees. I thought that i would have to get back to the other place soon.

12014 May 24

I was at a fraternity, but it was not the one that i had been a part of. I was visiting here, and the people were treating me nicely. I felt like i was an honored guest, but i felt uncomfortable here. I did not seem to fit in with the men here. I wandered through the rooms of the western side of the house. I headed to the south, through a room full of people in dark suits. They seemed to be pledges. They were younger than i was, and i did not really know them. I thought that the brothers here wanted me to be a pledge, but i did not feel comfortable with the other pledges. I walked to the east, into the next room. I felt too old to fit in here, and i wondered what i should do. I could not just leave. I then realized that i was wearing a hat. I wondered if i should remove it. I then thought that people thought i looked older without it, and i did not want the others to feel uncomfortable around me. I wanted to leave, but i thought that the brothers might be disappointed if i did. The brothers were standing along the southern side of the room. I looked at them as i entered from the west. A tall thin man stood in the crowd to the southeast of me. He had curly hair and was wearing a brown suit jacket. He smiled at me as i walked into the room. I looked up, noticing the long boat hanging from the exposed wooden beams of the ceiling. It was glossy and seemed to be a crew boat. Many fraternities had such sports memorabilia on the walls. I then noticed the guitar on the northern end of the eastern wall. It looked interesting to me, so i walked over to look at it. I did not want to draw attention to myself, so i thought that i should not play the guitar. I then realized that it was a Gibson. I liked this, and wanted to get a closer look. The guitar was lying on its side on the shelf. As i looked closer at it, however, i realized that it was really a small. It was really a mandolin. It still had the rounded neck and glossy brown features of a Gibson guitar. I realized that the guitar was standing on the shelf to the south of the mandolin. It was a Les Paul, and i thought that it looked very nice. I wondered if any of the brothers would notice me looking at the instrument. I imagined that someone would ask if i wanted to play it. I thought that i would have to decline. I turned back to the west and walked to the western side of the room. I then noticed the large object almost above me, running along the northern side of the beam. It was made of yellow and white glass, and the word “Spain” was written in large black letters across the eastern end of the object. It seemed to be another boat. The word “Spain” was written in a stylish script, and i realized that it was the origin of the ship. The object was a masthead, and the western end was shaped like a woman. I realized that i was standing in the center of the room staring at the decorations. I walked to the east, into the next room. Several people were gathered in the room, which seemed like a wide hallway. The northern end of the room was narrower, with a closet in the northeastern corner. Two people were standing in front of the opened closet door, and one of the men was flexing. He did not have a shirt on, and he seemed East Asian. The exit door was in the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. I moved toward the shirtless man near the closet. I wanted to know what he was doing. I could only see his back as he flexed, and i was wondering what his chest looked like. I then realized that i should not be staring at the man. He talked to the thinner man with him, asking him about the twelve-week program. The thinner man talked about the workout program that he was doing. Twelve weeks seemed rather short for a workout program. The thin man carried a round container of protein powder from the closet, walking around the shirtless man. He walked to the south of the closet, placing the barrel on top of the boxes that were stacked against the northern wall. I looked at the boxes, still interested in the two people. I then noticed that the shirtless man was holding a large round weight under his left arm. He was helping the other man carrying them. I offered to help carry the weight, but the man did not hear me. I was interested in him because he was nicely muscled, even though i could not see the front of his torso. I wondered if i could put my hand on his triceps as i helped him with the weight. I then decided that i should not stay here too long because i was out of place here. I came to the yard outside and started wandering to the north. I looked to the west. The house was on the edge of a steep drop-off. I could see a small lake at the bottom of the cliff to the north of me. The large white mansion seemed to extend over the edge of the hill. I was talking to someone as i walked to the north, stopping just to the south of the large tree. Someone was walking near me. I looked down the rounded dirt slope under me. It sloped down for a few meters before it disappeared at a cliff. A large boat seemed to be floating in the middle of the lake. The lake seemed to be very shallow, with dead trees stretching up from the southern end of the water. I pushed a small stone down the slope as i crouched down just to the southwest of the large tree. The rock was larger as it rolled over the edge of the cliff. For a moment, i worried that it might fall on the wooden boat in the lake, but then i realized that the boat was far enough into the lake that i could see it from the top of the cliff. The rock would fall down the cliff, into the water near me. The boat seemed like a small frigate. I heard the rock splash in the water, and i was glad that it did not hit the boat. I then noticed that the brown wooden object in the center of the lake was not actually a ship. It was just driftwood. The wood started floating to the east suddenly. The rock that i had dropped into the water must have created waves that drew the wood toward it. As the large rectangular piece of wood floated toward the cliff, i realized that it looked like part of a ship. I thought that it might have part of the ship’s deck. As i watched it, it looked more and more like a ship. My cell phone was then ringing. The man near me walked toward the edge of the cliff to look over at the ship. I cautioned him not to get too close to the edge. I felt nervous about him falling over. I sat down on the ground near the tree, trying to answer the telephone. It had been ringing for a while. I held it in my left hand as i looked for my headphones. I could see that my mother was calling. I fumbled with the white chord to the headphones, hoping that the phone would not stop ringing before i could answer it. I finally answered the telephone and started talking to my father. My mother seemed concerned about something. She asked me a question, and i answered. She wanted to something about where i was. I started to feel that something was upsetting her. She then said that the police were at their house, and she said that they had found a face. I knew that my parents had been digging in the ground near the garage. I remembered that they had been doing work in the area before. I then remembered that a body was under the bush near the garage. I thought that i had buried it there a long time ago, but this did not seem correct. I felt nervous, wondering what i should do. It seemed to be the body of a boy from the house to the west. I listened as my mother spoke, wondering what i should say about the body. I did not want to tell her that i had dreams about the body. I started to worry that the dreams were real.

12014 May 25

I was in the house with the other people. The large room seemed to be on the northern side of the house, and the people in the room seemed to be friends of mine. I felt as though i had to leave the house to get somewhere, but the people kept talking to me. I felt a little agitated and uncomfortable. I wanted to leave. I stood on the northern side of the room. Some people were playing a video game on the eastern part of the room, and the man on the western side was approaching me, talking. He seemed to be $A358. I replied to his questions, but i really felt that i had to leave. The boys to the east seemed like $A593 and his brother. I turned to the north, outside of the house. I seemed to be on $P86, just across the block from my grandmother’s house. Some cars came down the street from the east. They passed close to me, but then turned to the north. I looked at them as they crossed the railroad tracks. I was surprised that the road had been repaved across the tracks. I remembered that it had gone over the tracks long ago, but had not done so recently. The town must have repaved the road so that it crossed the tracks again. I watched a second car go over the tracks to the north. I was then in my car. I looked to the south, realizing that my car had stared rolling backward to the north. I must have left it in gear. I put on the brakes, but the car did not slow as much as i wanted it to. It was actually rolling rather quickly to the east on the road now. I tried to get it to stop. I felt annoyed. The car finally stopped, and i started driving to the east, down the city street. I was in $P6. Central Avenue seemed to be just to the south of me, and i was on a road running parallel to it. I looked to the south at the tall buildings as they passed. I seemed to be looking at the back side of most of the buildings, where low porches and docking bays were. I remembered the small shopping district to the east of me, and i thought that i should stop there while i was in town. I had not been there in a while. I knew that most of the stores were on the main road, but i remembered a small building with little shops that i used to go to on this street. I wondered if they were still there. I decided that i should call my parents while i was here. I was actually already calling them. I could hear the telephone ringing in my car as i drove. I wondered if i should really be calling them. I was supposed to meet them later for dinner, but i had not expected to be in town so early. My father answered the telephone, and i told him that i was in town already. My mother was on the telephone also. She asked a question, surprised that i was in the city. I thought that i would have to hang around here until dinner. My mother did not seem interested in coming into the city to do something. I felt disappointed. I walked to the south, heading through the door of the building. This building seemed to be a station, but the small central room had no real features. I held the cell phone up to my ear, trying to say something to my mother. I then realized that she would probably hear the sounds of the crowd here and realize that i was already in the city. I looked to the south at the crowd of people moving through the station. I then backed to the north, into the corridor that leaded to the exit door, hoping that it was quieter. I tried to see if my mother wanted to visit the city early, but she seemed reluctant. I felt upset by this. I suggested that we could eat early, but my mother did not want to. Disappointed, i hung up the phone and headed back to the south, crossing the large room. I then noticed the baby carriage in the center of the floor. I grabbed the handle, which was on the east side of the carriage, to prevent the carriage from rolling down the slanted floor toward the center room. I pulled the carriage back to the east, unaware that i was really doing so. I stepped through the entry doors of the building. A woman just to the southeast of me was talking to the police, telling them of her missing baby. I thought that she must have lost the stroller. I pulled it up. She turned around, looking surprised. I thought that she might have been trying to get rid of the baby. She then pointed at me and accused me of stealing the carriage. I felt amused by the accusation, and i told her that the carriage had rolled into the center of the room. She seemed flustered, and tried to convince the police officer that the baby had been stolen. I ignored her. She scowled at me, and i realize that her face had strange proportions. Her face was small and rounded, with a tiny chin, and her ears were large and stuck out from the sides of her head. I then looked to the north. The baby was looking up at me from the carriage. It had the same puckered face. I thought that it was not that attractive, and i thought that it could turn out as ugly as its mother.

12014 May 27

I was in the cafeteria with the rest of the class. I gathered some food on the western side of the room, and then headed to the east. It seemed that i had come late to the lunch room and that everyone else had already been eating for a while. $F4 was with me as we walked to the east, heading toward the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. We sat down at a table, which seemed to be in the next room to the south. The room was dimly lighted and empty. I started eating after i sat down on the western side of the northern end of the table. $F4 sat across from me. As i ate, i noticed some brass sprinkler heads under the bench at the next table to the east. The second sprinkler heard from the north had a drop of water forming under it. It dripped, and then a second drop started forming. The sprinkler head was leaking. I warned $F4 about thin, knowing that, if the sprinkler went off, all of them would start spraying water. $F4 stood up and turned around to look. A thin stream of water now started running from the sprinkler. I thought that the rest of the heads might turn on. I told $F4 that we should leave. I headed to the north a little and turned back to the west, surprised to see that the cafeteria was empty. The rest of the students had left. I wondered if they had been evacuated because of the sprinklers. I remembered that we had been late to the cafeteria, but i did not think that we were that far behind the other students. I opened the door in the western wall and looked out. The school bus was already heading to the west across the parking lot to the south of me. It turned into the street to the south as i stood in the doorway. The rest of the class was leaving without us. I was not sure what we should do. I turned to $F4 and told him that the bus was leaving. I headed back to the east, but $F4 ran to the west. I turned to the west. I was now on the street to the south of the building. The street was a city street, with apartment buildings crowding the sidewalks. I saw $F4 running down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. He was sprinting toward me. I realized that he had caught up with the bus. He was now running back to tell me that we needed to get out things. He called to me, asking if i could get his clothes from the room. I wondered if we would need suits and ties, but $F4 told me to get something less casual. I turned to the east and hurried into the building to get our things.