12015 May 01

I was sitting in the classroom on the southern side of the building. I could hear the music. The classroom seemed to be in an old building, and the music was coming from outside. I moved to one of the large wooden multipane windows in the southern wall. I could see the green bushy trees outside. A street ran in front of the school, at the southern end of the green yard. The street was about fifteen or twenty meters from the building. I could hear that the music was coming from the southeast, somewhere near the center of the small town. I recognized the song. It was a song by Death Cab for Cutie. I remembered that they were playing a concert in town. I was ten in the hallway of the building. I looked out the door to the south. I walked toward the exit door, seeing more of the parade as i got closer to the door. The street was now much closer to the building, and it was filled with people. I stopped in the doorway as a large white float came in front of me from the west. The crowd cheered and confetti sparkled in the air.

12015 May 02

I was setting the run for $G4 in the large area, which seemed to be in a small town. I ran to the north, along the western side of the open area. The daylight was dim, and it seemed to be late in the evening. A thin layer of old snow was on the ground. I felt that i had been out here a long time, and i thought that i had to get back before it got too dark. The others were now running near me. I followed them around the lanes on the southern side of the area. We now seemed to be heading back to the end of the run. The people turned back to the south, passing along the western side of the small modern brick building. The northern side of the building was the back of the building, and we had been following the street than ran along the north of it. I was about to turn to the south and follow the others over the grass to the west of the building when i noticed a woman ahead of me. She seemed sick, and she was leaning over as she walked in front of the large black dumpster that was on the western end of the northern side of the building. I thought that the woman was having an allergic reaction to something. I approached her, feeling worried about her. I thought that she needed her medicine before the allergic reaction became too strong. I worried that she might die. She layed down on the ground to the north of the building. I looked to the others, who were walking along the sidewalk that ran up the low grassy hill on the western side of the building. Some of the people gathering around me now seemed to know the woman on the ground. I asked her friends if her medication was in the car. The woman then called to us. She had rolled over onto her hands and knees and was trying to crawl to the south. I moved to help her. I lifted her up and carried her to the west. Once we came to the hallway, i had to get her off the ground. She had been limping along with my help. I lifted her up and carried her to the west, down the hill. I exited the hallway and come to the woman’s car, which was in the small paved parking lot. The woman’s car was parked along the southern side of the lot. I hoped that the woman’s medicine was in her car. I put the woman down by her car and headed to the room to the north. I had to get something in the room to help the woman.

12015 May 04

Someone had come into the house, and i felt very upset about it. I wandered to the east, along the northern side of the road near my parents’ house. I was walking in front of the small wooded area to the east of their house. The land between the trees and the road was swampy, and dark water filled the deep ditch to the north of me. I thought that someone had put the dead body in the ditch. I felt uncomfortable, worried about the person that might be around. I moved to the east along the road. I was also worried that someone might find the body and accuse me of killing the person. I used the metal rake to pull the weeds from the water. I knew that the body should be under the dark algae and weeds. I wanted to find it and make sure that it was better hidden. I could not find the body, however. I started to feel nervous. Someone must have taken the body from the water. I wanted to convince the others that the body was there. Now they might think that i was crazy. I then noticed someone moving across the basement windows of the building that was now to the north of us. The cinderblock building was very close to the road and seemed to border the ditch. The windows seemed to be below the level of the water, but the water did not cover them. The man in the basement must have known about the body. I told the person to the east of me that the man in the building had scuba gear in the water. I could see a snorkel now. I said that the man might have taken the body, but then i realized that i could not go to the police. I was a young boy now, and i thought that the man in the basement might try to blackmail me. I then worried that the police might question my sister and me. I worried that she would say how we had hid the bodies in the water.

12015 May 06

My mother drove the car to the west, down the long narrow strip of land that crossed the wide body of water. I looked to the north, noticing the high waves over the water. I commented to my mother on how tall the waves were, saying that they were taller in the back bay. I then looked at the water to the south. Large rectangular flat-topped rock formations stood in the water at various distances from us. The rocks looked like sedentary layers forming small mesas. I thought that the rock formations were actually getting higher, and i told this to my mother. I looked again to the west, noticing that the road now ran across land. A “Y” in the road was ahead of us, with a second road leading off to the northwest. My mother continued straight on the road that we were on. I told her that this was not correct. We should have gone the other way. We were then driving through a long tunnel in what seemed to be a glacier. The smooth ice walls were all around us, and i felt nervous that part of the glacier might collapse. I thought that my mother was showing me something by driving me here. I looked at the lumpy surface of the ice wall to the north of us. The blue hue of the ice was pretty. I told my mother that it looked nice. I looked back to the south, seeing that the tunnel had ended. We were now driving along the water. We seemed to be in a river gorge, and the walls of the steep gorge were made of blue and green ice. It was very beautiful. The road we were traveling along seemed to run along the northern cliff wall. The road was very narrow, and i felt nervous about getting too close to the edge. Square blocks of rock were set up at regular intervals on the side of the road, acting as a railing. We seemed to get to close to the rocks from time to time. The route was an old walking path, and it had not been used in quite a while. I thought that it was a special path. We then exited the gorge to the north, coming into a small empty lot. A small town seemed to be just to the northwest of us. I could see the brown wooden sig to the west that had the town’s name on it. The town was hidden from most people, and it seemed special. My mother said the name of the town. I recognized the name of the town when she said it. The car was now to the north of me, near the gas pumps. The building of the gas station seemed to be to the northeast of us. I moved to the car to put gas in it. I lifted the red-handled hose from one of the pumps. The nozzle of the handle seemed much wider than normal. I thought that it must be one of the old nozzles for leaded gas. It seemed strange. I moved to the east to the rear of the car. A man was near me, helping me fill up the car. He seemed to work here. He opened up the trunk of the car, where the gas tank was. The square tank was on the western side of the trunk, and it had a screw cap on the southern end. I started to fill the tank. The man climbed into the trunk to the north of me.

12015 May 12

I moved around the house. I had been visiting this place, which seemed like $P19. I was in the kitchen, which was on the northern side of the house. I moved around the tables, thinking that i would have to clean up the dishes i had dirtied. I then noticed the large block of frozen peas that was sitting on the wooden cutting-board counter to the south of me. I stepped out the door to the north to do something. When i came back, i noticed another block of peas on the floor. I felt upset that someone had been wasting the food. Someone must have taken it out to do something with it and then forgotten about it. I headed back to the south, seeing several more blocks of peas melting around the room. I then saw $A221 and $A91 standing to the south of me. They looked disappointed, and i knew it was because of the peas, but they seemed to be disappointed in me for some reason.

I headed back to the south, crossing through the large building. As i reached the door in the southern wall of the large storage room, i remembered seeing the decorated chest on the western side of the room, among the stacks of furnishings and other things. I paused in the doorway and looked back to the north. An old woman was walking across the room toward me. She walked with a hunch, and she held her right hand in front of her torso. She seemed to be wearing a muumuu. She had curly white hair. I wondered if she was upset that i had come into the building and looked at the things there. This place was probably private property. I turned to the south and said something to my mother, telling her about the cabinet that i had seen in the room. My mother asked about it, and i told her that it was in the same style as the chifforobe that she had in her house. She wanted to see it, so i walked back to the south with her, crossing the large storage room again. Several people now seemed to be in the room. Some were sitting quietly near the eastern wall, and others were walking around slowly. They all seemed to be older people. I looked at the stacks of furniture that ran down the center of the room to the west of me. I remembered the cabinet being in the center of the room. I was looking for the pale-yellow features that i remembered. I did not see them at first. I noticed a light-colored cabinet under what appeared to be a red electric stove, but it was not the same cabinet that i remembered. It had a design of thin lines on the front. I walked farther to the south, but i could not see the cabinet that i remembered. I only saw another lightly colored cabinet with thin black designs across the front. I felt disappointed, and i told my mother that it must not have been a matching cabinet to the one she had. I then thought that we should probably leave this room. I felt that we were intruding here. I headed to the south again, heading back to the table that we had been sitting at on the southern side of the restaurant. My mother was sitting to the south of the table, on a bench against the wall. I told her that we should leave, but she seemed strange. I tried to talk to her. She said something that did not seem to make sense. I then noticed that she seemed to be shaking. As she moved her head, her face seemed to be trembling. Something was wrong, and i started to feel concerned. I told her that she looked bad, but she did not respond. She leaned to the east to lie down. I reached for her and felt her face. It seemed to be cool, but, as she lay down, i could feel her skin near her waist. It was hot. I told my father that she felt as though she had a fever. He was sitting on the northern side of the table. I stood up and headed to the north. The female water stopped as she saw me coming. She had just given us our appetizers. She was young and thin and had long blond hair. I told her urgently that we wanted the check. He became upset and turned to the north to stomp into the kitchen. I did not understand why she was so upset, but i thought that she was taking it personally. I wondered if others had demanded an early check before. I felt very upset. I waited for the check, thinking that we had to get my mother to a hospital.

12015 May 13

I watched the space scene to the north. I had written a book about the spaceship. I was surprised that i had written it already. I looked at the boxy ship as it floated from right to left across the scene. I thought about the book. It seemed that i had originally written it as an outline and then completed the story. It seemed like a short book. I had expected the sections to be longer, but the story was not that long. Maybe it was not long enough for a full-length book. It seemed like something special that i had finished it, but it seemed so short. I wondered what i should do with it.

12015 May 14

I looked out the window of my bedroom to the south. I could see a large black cat crossing the lawn, heading toward the driveway. I remembered the cat. It had been around the house several times before, and it lived somewhere in the neighborhood. I moved closer to the window, which i realized was open. I crouched down and called to the cat, referring to it as “dopple”. It looked like $X14, so i had referred to it as Dopple $X14. The cat looked up at me, but did not seem interested. I then noticed another cat in the driveway. The two cats chatted with each other for a moment.

12015 May 15

I was in the northeastern side of the building, which seemed to be a public gym. I thought that the pool was to the west of me, in the next room. I was in a corridor, but i had been swimming. I started moving to the south, but i had to do something. My mother was then to the south of me. I had to finish swimming. I started swimming to the north, down the stairs, which were a pool. The water was light blue and sloped down the stairs. The pool descended along the western side of the hallway. They then turned at a landing and started down again to the south on the eastern side of the hallway. I thought that i would swim down them to the floor below. That was where i could do laps in the water.

12015 May 16

We were moving swiftly down the train tracks, heading to the northwest. We were heading back to the place. The land around us was grassy, and the tracks ran along the top of a wide mound, which seemed somewhat like a levee. Someone was with me in the small cart as we drove. We had been doing something in the area to the northeast of the tracks. I felt that we had to hurry to get back to the place, but we were following some other vehicles on the carts. I then noticed the tractor-trailer that was ahead of us on the tracks. It started to swerve. Another large truck was already on the road ahead of us, and the truck ahead of us was trying to slow down to avoid hitting it. The cab of the tractor-trailer turned suddenly to the north, and the truck started to stray from the tracks. We would not be able to slow down in time, so i steered the car to the north, across the grassy field, trying to go around the trucks. I felt a little tense as the truck with the red cab rolled to the north, cutting in front of our path. I had to turn farther to the north to avoid it. It was now dark, and the lights of the truck illuminated the accident scene where the second truck had turned sideways on the tracks. I hurried past the accident, turning back toward the tracks, which now seemed to be running west. I spoke to the other person about the accident as we turned back into the channel. We were now in a water channel. I was sitting on the eastern end of the small long boat. The others were to the west of me. I chatted with them about the channel. We had been out of the water channel, but we were now floating to the east on the current. The stone walls of the channel seemed natural, but the boat started running down a narrow side channel on the northern side of the main flume. We had come this way before. This was where the water ran over the falls. I said something to the man on the western end of the boat. He was wearing a yellow life jacket and seemed like $A733. I said something as the boat started to descend the slope in the narrow flume. I was traveling backward as the boat started to fall. It seemed like a fun ride, but i wondered how we had come to the same flume again.

12015 May 18

I was sitting near the back of the airplane, which seemed to be heading west. I felt a little nervous because the airplane was driving through some rough weather. I looked out the window to the north of me to see dark-gray clouds and rain. I felt worried. I decided to slide my seat back so that i could relax a little more. The seat slided back a little, but hit something. There was something behind my seat on the floor that prevented me from moving the seat back further. I leaned back in the chair and tried to relax. I looked up at the ceiling, noticing the video-game console overhead. The game was some kind of a casino game. I closed my eyes and reclined a little. The video-game lights seemed brighter now. I opened my eyes. Something had changed. I realized that the airplane had landed already. The light coming through the window was brighter now. I stood up and started collecting my things. Most of the people already seemed to be off the airplane. I looked to the east, noticing that the large back door of the aircraft was open just to the east of me. I started dumping my stuff on the ground outside the door. The area outside seemed to be near a large shopping mall. Most of the people were already off of the airplane, so i felt that i had to hurry to gather my bags. I rushed to the west and looked around. Some people were standing around near the airplane, but i could not see my parents. I wondered where they were. I then thought that i should call them. I then realized that i was not sure where my cell phone was. I wondered if i had left it on the airplane. I felt confused as i looked around. This place seemed like it was near $P205, but i was not really sure. This should have been $P3. I headed to the west, thinking that i had to call my parents. I was driving down the highway, which seemed to be to the south of $P205. I had to get to the place.

12015 May 19

I rode my bicycle down the street on the eastern side of the city. The houses on the street were old, and the street sloped down steeply to the west. A creek valley seemed to be to the south of the hill, and i was riding to the east, approaching the top of the hill on a main road, which seemed to be the southernmost road on the hill. The road reminded me of $P199. The land was less steep to the east of me, and dark patches of trees spotted the landscape to the southeast of me. I had to head east to get where i needed to go. I thought that i would have to go back down hill and then back up before i reached my destination. I felt tired and did not really want to travel that far, but i had nowhere else to go. I paused for a moment at the top of the hill, putting my feet down and standing up. The road that i was on stretched to the east, going down slightly ahead of me before climbing a long shallow slope across rural fields. It passed over the crest of the hill between two dark patches of pine trees. Another road turned off to the north, just to the northeast of me. It started at an angle to the northeast, but i knew that it ran north across the top of the hill. I then heard the voices of others coming up the ill from the west, behind me. They were on bicycles too. I did not want them to catch up with me, so i started riding to the east again. I turned to the northeast, noticing a sidewalk that cut diagonally between the two main roads. The people behind me were college students, and i could hear them talking about the trails. I knew that some trails ran across this hill, and i was interested in them. I thought that the trails might be to the north of me, where i wanted to go anyway. I turned to the north. I was now able to see down a long road that headed across rural fields. This place seemed very familiar. I then turned my attention back to the east. I was now in the crowd of people at the beer restaurant. The college students had stopped here for drinks. The open room seemed rustic, with exposed two-by-four rough-cut beams and exposed aluminium roofing. A service counter with several beer taps was in the eastern wall, and rows of picnic tables ran north to south across the room. I turned to the north and headed through a group of people. I then passed some people that i recognized. One was $A34, and he seemed to be standing with several runners from $G4. I stopped and said hello to them. We chatted for a little while. They were just getting up from their table and were ready to leave. I did not know them that well, so i felt awkward trying to keep a conversation going. I let them walk to the west as i continued to the north. I wanted to hang around with them, but i did not want to make them uneasy with my presence. I started to feel uneasy here, and i decided to head home as well. I thought that it was getting late in the evening. I wanted to get home before dark. I then remembered that i had my canteen with me. It was still full of beer, but i had left it at my table. I turned back to the east, annoyed that i would be delayed. $A615 was then to the north of me. He worked here, and he said that i should push in the chairs around the tables. I pushed a few chairs to the east where i had been standing. I felt rushed. I started to worry that the sun would be setting before i got back. I stood in the gravel parking lot to of the bar, which was on the eastern side of the long road to the north. I felt anxious and upset. A woman was then to the north of me in the parking lot. She started asking people questions. I realized that the police had pulled into the parking lot. I thought hat they might be looking for underage college students who were drinking at the beer house. I felt uncomfortable here. I did not want to be delayed by the police. I had to get my things and leave before they detained me. I turned to the east. My yellow plastic canoe was leaning up against the building. I would have to return it soon. $A648 had rented the canoe with me, and we would have to return it.

12015 May 23

I woke up in the small bedroom of the house. The room seemed to have several other beds in it. As i lay on the bed, i started to feel horny. I wondered if i should masturbate. I was then aware of others in the room. They seemed like friends of $F1. I tried to ignore them, and i continued to lie on the bed. I then woke up in a different bedroom in the house. The room seemed familiar, with slanting ceilings. I thought that it looked like $F4’s bedroom, but i was not really sure. I got up and walked to the south, down the hallway. I was heading downstairs. This was not my house. The father of the family was then to the south of me in the corridor. I nodded as i passed him. He called up to the bedroom that i had come from, asking why there were guests in the house. I continued past him and started down the stairs, which descended to the west. I felt uneasy, thinking that the father might be mad that i had spent the night in the house. I came into a small lining room of the house, where other members of the family were seated. The rectangular room seemed small, and the family sat on the couch that was against the southern wall. They were to the southwest of me. I then noticed people coming toward the house outside. Through the large window in the northern wall, i could see $G4 running from the west, across the athletic filed. The people in the home started making fun of the runners. I watched $G4 as they ran to the north of the house, heading east. They were running along an old cinder track, and they jumped into the shallow pit of ashes at the end of it. They laughed as the dirt from the ashes floater around them. I felt uneasy, thinking that the family might know that i was a member of $G4. The mother of the family then insulted the runners, referring to them as a poor family. I was uneasy, so i wandered from the room. It was later now, and the others were no longer in the house. It seemed strange that i would be here when no one else was. I wondered why i was alone here. I was horny again. I looked to the south, noticing that the beds in the downstairs room were covered with snow. I wondered if i should go lie down upstairs. I saw the cars driving toward the house from the south. They were pulling into the driveway, which was on the eastern side of the house. I could see that the family was in the first car. They were dressed nicely. The mother was wearing an orange dress that seemed to be sixties in style. I saw a second car pulling into the driveway. My friends were in it. I then realized that i was back inside the house, but i also seemed to be in a town square of an old town. People were gathered on the southern and eastern sides of the square. I suddenly recognized the place. The buildings around me were very familiar, and i felt excited to see this place. I had been here before. I told the others that i knew this place. The other person seemed to be to the west of me. I looked at the large old brick building to the south of the square. It looked like an old town hall. Something was different this time, though. I said that a stairway had been here before. I felt that this place was special. I told the others around me what i felt. I turned to the south. An open field was to the south of the grassy area where i was standing. I seemed to be looking across the road from a familiar place. Large dead trees filled the field. The area must have been a forested patch of land that had flooded. I stared at the large dead trees. Something about the trees seemed significant. I described the swampy area as dark. I would have to remember this when i wrote it down. I then thought that it was not really dark; it was just foreboding. I looked around across the field of dead trees. Something about the view seemed important, and i thought that i should describe as much detail as i could when i wrote it down. I looked at the trees, trying to notice the details on the gray bark. The large tree in the center of my view had a lighter shade in the center where a branch had been.

12015 May 24

I rode my bicycle to the north, to the top of the hill in the middle of the suburban area. We seemed to be on a hill to the north of the city. The small houses filled the rolling landscape, reminding me of the area on the northern side of $P3. The other person was ahead of me on the bicycle as we stopped at the top of the hill. I said something to him. I had to get back to the house to the west, which was my house, but which seemed like my grandmother’s house. I would have to descend the hill again. I turned back to the south and started pedaling down the road. The road turned sharply to the north. I stopped at the turn, realizing that this could not be the correct way to go. I looked down the street to the north, noticing that it was actually a short driveway that ran along the eastern side of the larger building. It turned into a narrow lane and ran in a loop around a white piece of equipment, which looked like a cooling unit. The round encasement had a grid of thin bars on the top. I turned my bicycle to the east, thinking that i would have to get back to the main part of the city. The road to the east also did not seem correct. It ran into the modern housing development. I felt unsure which way i should go. I rode my bicycle back to the intersection at the top of the hill. The other man was standing to the west of me now, straddling his bicycle. He watched me. I wondered which way i should go to get back.

12015 May 29

I had been swimming in the small square pool, and it felt good. Something seemed very strange about it, though. I realized suddenly that i was actually under water. My face was partially submerged and i was lying on my back. I woke up suddenly, floating in the small pool. Something had changed. My parents had been sitting on the western side of the pool, and many others had been in the room around me. I could not hear anyone now. I felt suddenly uncomfortable. I stood up and looked to the west. A larger pool was to the west of me, but no one was in it. The room was empty. I became uncomfortable. Something had changed, and i was now in the room after everyone had left. I felt lonely and confused. I started to the west to leave.

12015 May 30

I was in the large room, which seemed to have a square section in the center. The square section had columns around it, separating it from the outside of the room, which seemed to be a corridor. The entire room was square, and the corridor was filled with water. I seemed to have been swimming to the east on the northern side of the room. Another person was with me. I was now paddling to the east down the corridor. I seemed to me having fun, but the person with me had something to do. I did not want to follow him, but i did. He was $F45 as we came to the eastern end of the room and then turned around and started back. I thought about the double paddle that i was holding. It seemed short, but i was able to pull very easily through the water. I was moving through a wider body of water now as i speeded up. We were then out of the area. It seemed that we had passed through the locker rooms. I walked to the west a little, but felt that i had to get back inside. I turned around in the northwestern section of the building and started back to the area where we had been swimming. A doorway was recessed into the southern wall near me, and a young man stood by it. I started to head in, but i realized that the man was checking my wrist for the red wristbands. He was talking to someone who was exiting the room. The third man was carrying a large deflated raft, which seemed to be dark blue. The man at the door asked me about the wristband, and i told him that i had taken off my things inside. I would have to get my clothes and other things from the locker room, which seemed to be just inside the door, to the west of the pool. The man let me back inside, but $F45 had wanted me to do something. I was again to the west of the area. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would again have to get back into the door without a wristband. As i reached the door this time, i nodded to the man, saying “It’s me again.” and showing him the lack of wristband on my wrist. I walked into the room to the south.

My father drove the car to the west, down the road. The road had many corners, and my father seemed to be driving very fast. I felt unsafe as i sat in the center of the front seat, between my mother and my father. I complained that we were going to fast, saying that it was unsafe, but he continued do speed around the curves of the road. As we approached a curve that turned sharply to the south, the roads seemed to be covered with a thin layer of snow. We had stayed on the roads before because they were not slippery, but now they seemed icy. The car slided to the northwest, passing through the wooden guard rail and rolling down a short hill to a road just beyond. I wondered if it was my father’s intention to get to the other road. I complained about his driving, but he continued to speed down the roads. I did not understand why he was doing this. I then realized that i was not wearing a seatbelt. I reached under me to put one on. My mother turned to watch me as i strapped it around my waist. It seemed like an old-style seat belt, with only the lap-belt part. I said something to my parents, but i was now talking on the telephone. I was in the middle bedroom of their house. Something had changed. They were still driving from the east to get here. I thought that they were coming from Boston. I then heard a rumble of thunder to the east. The storm was approaching the house. This did not seem correct. We had been driving through the storm, and i was in the car with my parents. How did i get here when they were still on their way? This did not make sense. The storm that was approaching here was the one that we had been driving through. I moved to the west, into my parents’ bedroom to close the windows on the western wall before the rain started. A woman then called me on the telephone, and i was talking to her. Something seemed wrong. She spoke to me as if she were a good friend of mine, but i did not know who she was. I felt upset. This was not the way things should be. I tryed to explain that i was with my parents in the car, but now i was here. She kept saying things to me as if i were her friend. I thought that the storm should have come here before, but it was still to the east. Everything seemed wrong. I felt anxious and confused. The woman said something to me. I finally asked her for her name. She said something like “Leslie”. I did not know her, and i told her so. This was not my reality. I then asked her about $F12, saying that he was my best friend. She was silent, and i knew that she had never heard of him. I felt upset that he might not be a friend of mine in this place. I then asked the woman if she had heard of $F10. Again, she did not say anything, and i felt that i did not have him either. I started to feel choked up, and i started to cry. I was in the wrong place, and i did not know what to do about it.