12016 May 02

The car moved to the west, and i was watching the buildings pass by. The buildings seemed to be schools, and i was looking for the elementary school. It seemed to be an old stone building. I watched the stone building pass to the north, but it was not the correct one. We then drove across an area with trees on both sides of the road, heading toward the low stone building to the west. We seemed to be in Endicott, and i thought that we were heading toward Charles F. Johnson Elementary School. The school to the west was a catholic school, though. It was not the one that we were looking for. As we approached it, i was aware of a larger building to the south. It might be the one that we were looking for. I walked across the large lecture room, heading to the west. The lecture room seemed to be in the southern end of the school building. On the eastern end of the room, i put my jacket on. I was getting my things together. I then headed to the south, toward the front of the room. The room seemed to extend the entire length of the southern wing of the Charles F. Johnson Elementary School. I thought that they must have taken out the walls of the class rooms to create the large room. For a moment, i could see the debris to the east of me where they had demolished the rooms. My father was on the southern side of the room, which now seemed to be a large lecture room that sloped down steeply to the south. I was on an upper level of the room, which seemed more like a theater, with many rows of cushioned chairs running along the steep slope to the south of me. The floor was white. I moved to the western side of the room. When i looked to the south, i realized that i could not see the stage of the auditorium. The seats to the north of me must have very poor sight lines to the stage. I moved to the south a little until i was standing just behind the last row of chairs in the section to the south of me. I could see the stage from there, but the low ceiling of the room seemed to have several structures hanging from it. Everything seemed white. I thought that the room probably had many areas where the seats were blocked from the stage. I headed down an aisle on the western side of the room. I had to get down to meet my father. The room was mostly empty, but a few people had started to show up for the introductory session for the school. A few sections of chairs were to the west of me. I somehow wandered in to one and realized that i could not head to the south any farther. A white wall was now to the south of me. I would have to head back to the east to get into the main room so that i could walk to the bottom of the auditorium. I backed up and headed south again. When i reached the bottom level of a balcony, i found my father waiting near the southern wall of the room. He was to the west of the stage. I talked to him for a moment. I then told him that my things were still at the upper part of the room. I would have to get them before we left. We would not be staying for the lecture. I started heading back up the stairs of the room to the north. Many more people were now filling the rooms for the lecture. They were sending their children to the elementary school, and they were here to listen to the principal give them information. The center section of the room now seemed to be separated from the area around it. It was elevated in some way, but it was at the same level that i had climbed to. I wanted to walk through it, but a gap was in the floor to the north of me so that i could not simply walk into the section. A low slanted wall seemed to run in front of the section. I wondered how i would cross it. I started to feel annoyed at the design. A woman sat just to the north of me, watching as i tried to figure out how to get into the section. A beam ran from where i was to the section, so i stepped on the beam with my right foot. Carefully, i stepped across the beam and moved to the west of the woman and her husband, who was sitting to the west of her. I climbed the stairs back up the slope of the room. When i looked back, the stage seemed to be very far below and behind me.

12016 May 03

I had to go running, and i felt hurried to get to the area. I moved into the area from the southeast, hovering in the air over the eastern side of the room. The others were below me to the west, wearing orange costumes that looked somewhat like prisoner costumes. They were going to exercise, but they were on their hands and knees as if they were getting ready to do pushups. I did not feel like doing pushups with them, and i felt annoyed that they were exercising like this. I moved quickly to the west, out across the wide field of tall green grass. The grass seemed to come up to my hips. The field was on a rolling country side. Two shallow hills lifted to the northwest and southwest of me, leaving a shallow narrow valley between. I headed for the space between the hills, where an old house seemed to stand on the base of the southern hill. I headed up the slope of the valley, coming to the north of the worn wooden house. The house seemed small, and the wood planks on the outside were dull and stained from age, with only traces of old white paint. I stopped in the gap between the house and the hill to the north. I felt agitated. I wanted to do something, but i would have to return to the others, who were to the east of me. I turned around and headed to the east across the room. The large run-down room now seemed to be empty. I felt annoyed, wondering where everyone was. A bed was against the northern wall of the room. The rectangular room seemed to be on the second floor of the building. I sat down on the southern edge of the bed, wondering where the others had gone. I called their names. Someone replied from under the covers to the north of me. I turned around to see two men in the bed. They lowered the gray wool blanket so that they could see me. One of them looked like $A598. I felt comforted to see them being cozy in the bed. I chatted with them for a moment, wanting to curl up with them. They sat up in the bed to talk to me. I realized that they were both naked. The man on the northern side of the bed was young, and i realized that he was very nicely detailed. I looked at the detail of the thin muscles on his torso. He seemed very toned. I was impressed with the detail as i looked over his abdominal muscles. I then realized that the detail seemed too fine. It did not seem real. I joked with him for a moment about his muscle build. He responded challengingly. I said something back to him, pushing my fist into his abdomen. He smiled in response. The others then moved around in the bed to shift position. The door in the southern wall of the room suddenly burst open, and an angry man stormed into the room. He was very upset about what the men in the bed were doing, and he told us that we had to leave the apartment. I felt uncomfortable. I thought that he must have heard the men copulating. I wondered what he had heard through the walls. I felt annoyed with the man. I bent over to pick up my underwear from the floor and put it on. I then pulled my denims on as the man continued to pace around the room and angrily scolded the men. A woman then came into the room from the door to the south. She was the wife of the man. The man seemed to be the landlord of the building. A second man then came into the room, following the woman. The man and the woman now seemed much older. We would have to move out of the apartment now. I felt uneasy with the old man, who kept moving around the room as he scolded us. I moved to the east, thinking that i would help the others clean up the room. The man was forcing us to move out. I wondered how he would be able to break the lease. Something did not seem right. I picked up some clothing from a counter on the eastern side of the room. The eastern end of the room was long and narrow. I started packing some things up, annoyed with the man for making us leave. I then looked over the clothing that was hanging along the northern wall. It was not my clothing, but i felt interested in it. I noticed several dresses on the wooden pole. Some of the dresses were in plastic clothing bags. I looked at the white dress, thinking that it looked very nice. I thought that the dresses belonged to the man who lived in the apartment. I wondered if i should take the white dress. I thought that i could wear it on a beer run. I decided i should not take it with me. I then thought about how the man was breaking the lease again. This did not seem normal, and i thought that something strange was happening here. I looked around the small area of the room, which was full of boxes. Cardboard boxes lined the southern wall of the room. I backed to the west a little, into the main section of the room. A closet was in the southern wall of the room. The small area was full of cardboard boxes of items. I knew that these things belonged to the owner of the house. I wanted to know what was in them, but i decided not to. I thought that we could have gone through the boxes to see if any thing was interesting, had we been able to live here longer. I felt annoyed again with the owner again, thinking that he was angry with us because we made him uncomfortable. I turned to the west and started walking across the large basement room. The large cement room seemed like a small cavern that had been carved into a room. The cement floor was uneven and broken. The construction crew was here trying to renovate the place. I thought that we would have to get everything out. I then noticed the roof of the car in the floor to the northeast. The car was under the cement floor of the basement, but the floor had been broken up enough that the roof of the small Volkswagen Beetle was now visible. The construction crew would have to remove it when they disposed of the cement floor.

12016 May 04

We were driving down the highway to the east, heading down the southern lane. I looked to the north, noticing the large white statue in the grassy median between the two sections of the road. The statue was formed of many flat sections that were shaped like a man. The flat sections fanned out from a point on the ground, and were connected by white metal rods. It seemed very intricate, showing multiple layers of the person. I then noticed the old bronze-colored statue to the north. It was a single flat statue in the shape of a man. I knew that the new white statues were three-dimensional copies of the older statues on the road. The artist had mimicked the old bronze statues. I looked ahead of us, to the northeast, noticing a row of old flat statues along the northern side of the northern lane of traffic. They looked like silhouettes against the background of sky and tall green trees. I then looked around at the green statues in the wide grassy median between the two lanes of the highway.

12016 May 05

I headed to the west across the eastern end of the large chapel. The room was darkened, and i could see few of the details of the white stone walls of the cathedral around me, but parts of the ceiling above me seemed illuminated. The tombs were stacked in the ceiling and formed a grid of long rectangular shapes. The shapes were illuminated as if they were on a black computer screen. The lighted display showed how the tombs were stacked in the ceiling above and a little to the south of me. I then noticed the tombs below and to the north of me. I knew that the lower tombs were not as nice, though. The lower tombs also seemed to have the rectangular shapes stacked vertically. The people in the floor were not treated with the same respect as those in the tombs in the ceiling. I moved toward the center of the chapel, feeling very uneasy. I felt worried about something here. I walked through the main part of the chapel, circling to the south on the western side and then returning to the east down the southern aisle. I was not comfortable here, and i felt uneasy looking at the displays of the tombs. The people were gathered in the darkness to the west, in the main part of the chapel. The man said that no tombs were left. I felt upset again. I continued walking slowly to the east. The woman then ran past me, chasing something. She circled to the north and then back to the west, running in circles in the wooded area. I was now in a forest. The thin young trees were mostly leafless, with only a few dry autumn leafs left on the branches. The woman ran to the north of me, then circles to the west, and headed back to the east. I stood on the dry dirt ground, aware of her running. She seemed to be wearing a red cape and hood. As she circle again, she seemed to be one of the large brown wolfs running in circles. I was not sure what i should do. I felt disinterested in the wolfs. I was still upset about something, and i worried about something that was coming.

12016 May 06

I had been playing with a band on the western side of the roof of the building. We were playing a concert for a small audience. I walked to the east, thinking that i had to do something in the center of the roof. The band was still playing to the west. They were $G20. The other person started talking to me from the south. I turned to the north to get some of my things, glancing to the west to see $A149 playing on the stage. I picked up several of my things from the ground to the north of me. I then headed back to the southwest to rejoin the band. To my surprise, the building where the band was playing was now closed and dark. I could see the dark glass windows on the front of the stone city building, which seemed like an old bank. I had missed the rest of the show. I felt suddenly upset. I headed for the building, wondering where my instruments had gone. I headed inside the building to find my equipment. I hoped that it had been left on the stage for me. The first room of the building was empty, and a man was fixing something on the southern wall, which extended only half way across the room from the east. The walls of the room were pale green. I headed down the corridor to the south, noticing a room to the east. Just to the south of the door to the room, along the western wall of the room, several guitars were lined up in a wooden rack. I looked at the first instrument, which was a brown bass guitar. After a moment, i realized that it was mine. I felt annoyed. I would have to take it with me, but now i walked back out of the room and headed down the hallway to the south. I was now in the upstairs room of the building. I had found the bass in the basement storage area. The wide room here had pale green walls as well, and the room seemed to be set up as a crude second-hand store. I looked over the equipment that was hanging on the western wall of the room. Several effects pedals were on the wall, and i noticed a black rack-mounted effects processor that looked like mine. I pulled it from a stack of boxes and looked at it. It was my processor. I came in a worn cardboard box that was falling apart. I was annoyed that the box had been abused. I then realized that my amplifier was not in the stack of equipment against the western wall. I headed back to the basement to search the equipment there. I headed down the hallway to the south and turned to the east into the room. As i entered the room, though, i noticed that this was not the storage room. This room had been converted into a small shop. Digital equipment was set up around the shop on various shelfs. A man moved around on the southern end of the room. I backed out of the room and continued down the hall to the south, thinking that the storage room must be the next doorway. I reached the next doorway, which had a glass door. I started to open the door, but realized that the room on the other side was the southern end of the store i had just been in. I felt confused. I was not sure where to go. I headed into a room on the southeastern corner of the building. This was not the correct room either. A man with shoulder-length wavy hair was to the southeast of me. He wore casual clothing and seemed like a musician or artistic person. He turned to me, and i told him that i was looking for my equipment. He seemed to know where it was, and he led me to the southwestern corner of the room. He opened a trap door in wooden floor of the room and jumped down. I remembered this from before. I had followed the man some time in the past. I remembered that the passageway had small holes that i would have to pass through. I was surprised that the hole in the trap door was wider than i remembered. We started to the north along the western side of the basement. I followed the man, wondering where the small hole was. I then thought that an old coal chute was in the western wall, leading up to ground level. I thought that we would use it to get outside. I was then walking to the north on the grass to the west of the building. The man lifted the yellow foam insulation from the ground, exposing the small hole that was the coal chute. He quickly disappeared down the hole. I wondered how i would fit through such a small hole.

12016 May 10

I moved with the other people to the south. We had just left some event, and we were now traveling down the road. We seemed to be visiting this country. I sat on a seat near the middle of the bus, on the left side of the bus. I chatted with the man to the east of me as the bus traveled to the south. We talked about this place that we were visiting. I looked out the window to the east, noticing the tall pointed mountain. The tan stone rock seemed to stand alone on the landscape, with a few low rocky hills around it. A ravine or gorge seemed to be to the southeast of us. It seemed that we would be crossing a bridge just to the south of us. I could see a small old town on the southern side of the gorge, to the southeast of us. The tall mountain peak seemed to be to the west of the scenic town. The mountain was shaped like the Matterhorn, but i pointed to it and told the other person in the seat near me that it was Mount Everest. As soon as i said this, it did not seem right. I watched the mountain for a moment as we continued driving to the south. The bus then turned to the southeast. We slowed as we came into a parking lot. The event that we were coming to was to the southeast of us, but we were waiting to park so that we could get off the tour bus. I looked at the man in the seat to the northeast of me. He was $A687. I then looked back to the southeast, down the parking lot. Old stone buildings were on the western side of the long lot. I could not see the festival, but i knew that it was ahead of us. I also knew that we were here for the flower festival.

12016 May 11

The man was to the west of me, but i was looking down at the small paper bag of receipts on the table between us. I could see through the side of the bag so that i was able to see the printing on the register receipts. This was part of a show that i was watching. I realized that the show was focusing on the receipts in the bag for the moment, even though they were not necessary to the plot. The show was trying to get us to notice the receipts in the bag. I felt annoyed with this, thinking that showing the bag now suggested that the receipts were important later in the plot. It seemed like poor writing.

12016 May 12

The others were starting to gather near me. I was facing west, and i realized that i did not actually set the trail for $G4 that i was supposed to set. I felt suddenly worried. The people were starting to gather, so i pretended that there was a trail. I moved around far a few minutes, chatting with the others as they gathered. They then ran off to the west, looking for the trail. I had to pretend that i set trail. The others wandered around for a few minutes, heading up the street to the north. The street was on the western side of the grassy rectangular area where we had gathered. A row of buildings seemed to be along the western side of the area as well, just to the east of the road. I ran to the north of the building, ending up on the road. A few people were wandering around looking for marks on the ground. I pretending that i did not know what had happened to the marks. I asked where they had gone. I started walking to the west, telling the other person that the trail had headed this way. I pointed to a white spot on the ground, saying that it must have been the remnants of a mark. I hoped that the others believed that i had set a trail here earlier. I wandered to the west, along the southern side of the row of tall bushes. The bushes were taller than i, and they seemed to be trimmed to form a flat surface to the north of me. $A601 was following me as i pretended to be surprised that the trail was not here. I told him and the others following me that i had set the trail this way. When i looked up to the west, i noticed that a row of bushes blocked the way to the west. I seemed to be within a building now, and the bushes formed the walls. The corridor that i was in opened up into a square room to the south at the western end. I stopped, realizing that i could not head farther to the west. I then noticed the corridor to the north. I told the others i must have gone that way before. I told them to follow me, and i walked down the narrow hall. The walls were covered with pale-green tile, and the building seemed rather old. I followed the corridor as it turned to the west and headed into a room that seemed like a cafeteria. We entered the room from the north, and it extended to the east and a little way to the west. I motioned to the west, saying that the trail should head in that direction. I headed to the west, noticing that we were on the second floor of the building. The trail had to go outside. I then noticed a set of stairs below me leading out. I told the others that the trail went down the gray stairs. I turned around and headed to the east, into a corridor that would take me to the top of the stairs. I exited the room to the west and started up a corridor to the north. I looked into a doorway on the eastern side of the hall, seeing a long narrow room running to the north. Wading pools ran along the eastern wall of the room. They had something to do with the gymnasium nearby. The low tiled green wall that held in the water curved back and forth as it ran parallel to the eastern wall. I noticed a man sitting on the wall a few meters to the north of the door. He was $A7. He had his feet hooked under something in the tub and was leaning to the west. His hands were on the back of his head, and he seemed to be doing side crunches. He wore white shorts and a T-shirt. I was interested in the exercise, but i stepped back into the hallway and continued to the north, looking for the corridor back to the east.

The large bear ran toward us from the north. It had thick brown fur. I felt afraid of it for a moment, but then i realized that it was smiling widely with pleasure. It seemed very happy. I reached out and pet it on the head. The bear smiled even widen and rolled over on the floor. The others started petting the bear as well. I walked to the west a little, into the other room of the apartment. The bear followed for a moment, but then started playing with the others. I walked back to the east, feeling good that the bear was so happy and friendly. My mother was now to the north of me. I told her about the happy bear, saying that it was probably “gay”. She seemed upset by this remark. I knew that she did not want to hear about the animal being homosexual.

12016 May 14

I walked to the west, through the old stone school building. This building seemed like a building from an old small college. I was visiting this place, but it seemed familiar, as though i had been here before. I wondered what this place actually was. I looked up at the stone building to the north of me. I was now outside, walking to the east. The event was happening somewhere to the east, and i was heading toward it. The stone building had a large letter H on the front of it. The H was metal and mounted on the stone of the building. The upper part of the H seemed to be black metal. It was thinner than the lower part. The lower part was painted bright orange. The H had curled serifs on the top and bottom. I continued to the east for a moment. This place seemed special in some way, and i wondered what this place was. I stopped when i noticed that people were coming from the east in a long line. The crowd had just left some event. I felt curious. I then noticed that many of them were dressed in suits and dresses. I then saw the students in their black robes. They had just graduated from the school. I turned and started walking to the west, staying to the south of the line of the crowd. I felt curious about this place, and i asked a man in the crowd what this place was. I thought that it might be a private school. The man said that this place was Hobart. I looked up at the stone building again, noticing the H on the side. I had seen it before on another building. I stopped and thought about this place. I then turned to the south and headed into the parking lot. The building to the north of me was at the edge of a large quadrangle. I had parked in the wide parking lot that ran from east to west in the center of the quadrangle. I remembered that my car was parked on the eastern side of the lot. I headed east. The lot now seemed to be mostly empty. It had been crowded when i parked here. My car was parked in the second row of cars from the north, and it was facing north. I moved to the driver’s door of my car, but i was not sure where i should go. I then thought about this place. This place felt nice.

12016 May 15

I was in the neighborhood area, which seemed like Cayuga Heights. It was dark out, and all of the trees and bushes seemed verdant. I was standing to the south of he street, doing something. I was very close to the street, and i was aware of the car that was driving to the east, passing just to the north of me. The car stopped a little way to the east and backed up to where i was. I felt cautious of it, but it was a group of men that i knew. They talked to me as i did something around the small barrel-shaped thing. I stood to the south of the thing, and the others stood around it. The barrel seemed to be a large metal barrel that had a fire in it. I was then aware of the large truck passing to the north of us on the street. I looked to the north. We were farther from the street than i had been. Several tall bushes were directly to the north of me, blocking the direct view of the street. The garbage truck had headed to the east, but had stopped in front of the large apartment building, which was directly to the east of us. The truck started backing up, and i felt weary of it. I glanced up as it came to the northeast of us. I could see the man in the cab. He was staring at us, and he held a gun in his right hand, pointing it in our direction. He was dark skinned and had small braids in his hair. He wore dark sunglasses so that i could not see his eyes. He seemed threatening, but i pretended that i was unaware of him. I thought that, if i acknowledged that he was there, he would shoot us. He continued to back the garbage truck to the west. I felt uneasy, thinking that the man wanted to shoot us. I told the others that he was dangerous. I thought that we should run to the south. I imagined taking off toward the southwest, across the grassy lawn. A low cement planter was just to the west of us, and it had tall pale grass in it. The grass reached over my head. I imagined running to the south of the planter to get out of the sight of the man. I then thought that i could slip into the grass where the man would not be able to see me. I could hide there and let him run past. I pictured this situation for a moment, feeling tense and anxious. I talked to the others about the man. I thought that we should call the police and report the man. The man was no longer to the north of us, but i knew that he would return. I ran to the north, turning east into the large house. The house was immense, and i though that it was currently abandoned. It was the mansion of a rich person, but the family had recently moved out. I ran to the east, down the off-white basement corridor. The corridor turned here and there, but headed mostly east. All of the doors off the corridor were closed. I felt nervous, hoping that the man with the gun did not know that i had come into the house. I was looking for a telephone. I ran thought the rooms, turning to the south and then back to the west. I suddenly wondered if the bad man was staying here. I though that he might be camped in the house. I turned to the west and ran into a large room, which seemed like the master bedroom of the house. Small items were scattered along the walls, and a bedroll was near the western wall. The bad man must be staying here. I felt unsafe. I then realized that a telephone was against the southern wall. It looked like cordless landline. I was not sure what to do, but i thought that i should still call the police. I hoped that the man did not find me here.

12016 May 17

I walked into the room from the east with the others. The woman showed us the lizard that was on the table. I stopped on the northern side of the table. The others had pet the lizard. I reached out and scratched its back. The lizard stiffened and lifted its thick tail, which was on the northern side of its body. The woman to the southeast of the table said something. A person to the north of me replied. I reached out to scratch the lizard again. It seemed to enjoy the feeling. I was scratching it near the base of its tail. I stopped and backed away from the table. The woman started talking about the lizard now. It seemed very thick. I could not see its head, which was to the south. Its body was pale brown, and its thick tail was almost triangular. It swished its tail back and forth. It had gray scales at various locations across its back and tail. The gray scales were thick and looked like small sharp stones. I started to feel that the stones might be dangerous because they might be sharp on the edges. They seemed like small spearheads embedded in the animal’s sin. The woman spoke to us, letting us knowhow to be careful of the lizard. She picked up the lizard by lifting it from under its arms. It was facing her, and the lizard, which now looked like a chameleon, seemed to bit her nose. She was demonstrating how to get the lizard off when it latched on. She pulled the yellow hand of the animal from her face. The hand looked like a thick rectangular U-clip. The animal now had long flexible arms with clips on the ends. The arms were loose, like elastic ribbons. They were yellow with black stripes and matched the bright yellow of the U-clips. The woman demonstrated how to removed the animal by putting both arms of the animal down on the edge of a table. She held down the animal’s hands on the edge of the black laboratory table to the northwest of her. She then used her knee to push the on the animal’s body. This would force the animal to release her nose.

12016 May 18

We were driving down the road, heading west. We seemed to be on Hackett Boulevard. A man was standing behind a small cart, which seemed like a golf cart. He was doing something with the small object. We passed to the south of him and continued down the street. It as dark out. I said something to the person in the car with me. I then noticed the small white object bouncing down the road past us. It was the object that the man was holding. I wondered if he had let his cart roll away. I started to say something to the person in the car with me when i noticed the small white-topped cart speed past us, to the north of us. As i wet west after the object, i wondered if the man was in the cart. I started to look back when the man ran past us. He was chasing the cart. I moved quickly down the road with him until i reached an intersection. I looked at the short glasses in a row in front of me. They each had liquid in them. As i approached, liquid was splashed on the glasses of water. Someone said something about this. I then felt annoyed, thinking that the splashed liquid was urine. It would ruin the water in the glasses.

12016 May 19

I ran to the south, down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the road. The road descended a very steep hill through the suburban neighborhood. As i reached the bottom of the hill, i looked into the driveway to the east. The steep gravel driveway descended to the street. The gravel in the driveway was white. I remembered picking up the mail from this address. I would have to come to the bottom of the hill to get the mail that the mailman dropped off. I wondered why the mailman did not deliver to the house. I crossed the street to the west and stopped to the south of the small house that was at the bottom of the hill. The house looked more like a cottage. I remembered that the old man lived here. I stood in front of the house for a moment. The southern side of the building was made of lightly-shellacked wood, with large windows covering the front wall. I could see through the windows to the table inside. Everything seemed to be made of shellacked wood. It looked old and quaint. The padding on the chairs were green and seemed to be stiff cushioning covered with a leather-like material. Counters ran around all walls. I started to feel that i was intruding here. I packed up a little and started climbing up the side of the house. I felt like i should not be trespassing here, but i had to climb back to the top to get back where i came from. I then noticed the large white aluminium structure around the house. The small cottage was actually within another building. This seemed confusing, and i was not sure what i should do. I reached for the beams on the outside structure and started climbing up the southern side. I realized that i was very high off the ground, which made me feel a little nervous. I moved across the structure to the north and exited through a small window. I held on carefully as i climbed out of the cab window of the large truck, which was very high off the ground, on top of the structure. The white truck seemed to be a garbage truck, and it was facing east. I was nervous about falling and climbed carefully up the northern side of the truck. The land around me was very flat. It was like the land in the southern United States. I seemed to be many stories above the ground now.

I walked into the room, heading north. I felt upset. $A682 was in the room to the north of me. He showed me something on the cell phone. I looked at the messages that were coming in. The man in the small picture seemed attractive, and i felt interested in him. It seemed as though i had been chatting with him, but the screen that $A682 was showing me was of the chats that $A682 was having with the man. I looked at the small square profile picture. The man was wearing a pink shirt with a wide white stripe across the front. I was interested in chatting with him, but i felt uneasy. $A682 knew the man, so i thought that i would not be able to get to know him as a friend. I felt upset. It seemed as though i had been chatting with the man before $A682 had gotten to know him, but now that $A682 had made friends with him, i would not be able to make friend with him. I headed to the south. $A606 was in the apartment to the southwest of me. I knew that he was still trying to ignore me. I felt uneasy, but i said hello to him anyway. He ignored me and continued to the south, heading into the bathroom in the southern wall. I watched him for a moment. I was near the bathroom door, looking into the room. $A606 then said that he was not talking to me until i apologized to him. I told him that i had apologized for not unlocking my door for him, but he snapped back, saying that i was never his friend. I felt angry and yelled at him, saying that i had cared for him. I thought about the time that i had held his hand when he bought knives to cut himself but could not go through with it. I wanted to remind him of all the times i was there to support him when he was upset, but he kept telling me that i was not his friend. I was angered and upset that he would not listen tome.

12016 May 20

I turned to the north, stopping at the top of the basement steps. I could see down into the dimly lighted room below. The small square room had cinderblock walls and a dark gray cement floor. The basement seemed cleaned, and the walls were bare. A collection of low boxes formed a perfect square in the center of the room. They had been well organized and put there. I knew that the boxes were full of things that i had packed away in storage. I would have to do something with them. $A606 then walked into the center of the room from the south. I felt upset about him. He was ignoring me.

12016 May 21

I drove down the street through the city. Heading to the west. I watched the buildings on the southern side of the street. This place seemed like a large store. Each block of the street was like a separate room in the store. I looked at the white items in the store, which seemed like a gardening store. I then noticed the white electric guitars handing in the store window on the western end of one of the blocks. They looked nice, and i considered buying one, thinking that they were low in price. As i drove past, i watched the window of the store. A large sign in the window said that the items in the store were all made in Japan. I thought that the instruments were nice, and that they were fairly cheap. I then wondered why i would want to buy another guitar. I did not really play the one i had. I thought it was strange that i would want something that i really did not need. I thought about the instruments as i continued down the street. I wanted to see more of them in the store, but i only saw the household items now. I reached a room near the western end of the store, and i decided to turn the car around. I circled to the south, looking at the white and pale-tan patio furniture in the room to the south. A man was to the north of me, watching me turn around. He was a salesman here, and he asked me if i needed help finding anything. I told him that i was only looking for the instruments. I headed back to the east to look for them.

The men came into the hallway and stood to the north of me. I recognized some of them. They were wrestlers. I said something to one of them. The man directly to the north of me seemed to be $A688. To the west of him was a shorter man with light-blond hair and a round face. He seemed nervous around me and smiled as he looked at me. I said something to him, and i realized that he was interested in me. I was surprised by this, but i was already interested in him because he was on the wrestling team. I was not sure what to do. The others then started walking to the west. The short man felt as though he had to follow them. I wanted to talk to him, but i was not sure what to say.

I had been doing something in the basement. We had put several things there for storage. I suddenly remembered some of the things that i had placed near the northern wall of the room. I was now talking to others in the hallway, which seemed to be to the south of the basement room. I could see the items stacked in the basement. Most of it seemed to be things that i had put there. I then realized that the people would be moving the things out for the sale. I felt uneasy. I hoped that i did not have anything i wanted there. I felt nervous about it, and i told the others that i had to check. I walked to the north. Someone was moving something from the northern wall of the basement.

12016 May 22

I left the group and headed to the south. I felt very uncomfortable and sad. I was driving my car down the gravel driveway to the south. Lawn of flattened grass was on both sides of the driveway, and green trees seemed to run along the southern side of the lawn. I had decided that i would drive down to New York City. I had to go there to do something. I felt as though i was making a big decision, though. I had to move. As i reached the southern end of the driveway, i thought about what i was doing. I was ready to leave, and it seemed that i was on my way, but this did not seem like a wise thing to do. It was Sunday, and i knew that i had to be back at work on Monday. It would be hard to tell the people in my office that i would not be there anymore. I thought that i could work remotely from New York City with no trouble, so moving there would not be a problem. I just thought that doing so now would be too short a notice for the people i worked with. I thought that i should really stay here and let them know that i would be heading to the city for the future. I stopped the car on the bridge across the gorge. The traffic light ahead was red. As i slowed to a stop, i realized that the traffic light was a little to the west of the lane that i was in. I noticed that the road curved a little to the west before it hit the intersection. I shifted the car to the west to get in the correct lane. It was dark now, and the two red traffic lights shined brightly against the black background. I thought again about heading to the city. I was not sure what i should do.

12016 May 24

We turned and headed back to the west, leaving the quadrangle of the college area. We seemed to be walking to the west from Clark Hall. It was dark out, and the building around us were lighted from the lights of the surrounding area. One of the people with me was taking photographs of the tall towers around us. I looked up at the tower to the north of us. It was a modern building, with thin white vertical supports on the outside. Between the supports were thin darkened windows that seemed to run the height of the building. The white metal reflected the dim light around us. Gray mist was rising from the western side of the building. I watched it billow up as we walked past. I told the other person that it would make a great picture. I said that it was steam from the snow evaporating off of the buildings. I pointed to a second tower to the south of us, but it was engulfed in gray smoke. The smoke boiled around it, making the tower look like a pillar of turbulent smoke. I said that this tower would not make a great picture because it had too much mist. We started walking to the southeast, heading up the short embankment to the south of us. The hill was covered with snow. The others chatted and i trudged through the snow. I then noticed that the icy crust on top of the snow formed the shape of a woman’s torso. I tried to lift up the layer of crust without breaking it, thinking that i could put it on as a joke. I tried to lift it carefully, but the cast broke diagonally just below the small breasts. I picked up the two pieces anyway. Reclining to the southwest on the snow, i put the pieces over my torso. I said something to the others, pointing out the joke as i posed. I then got up and started to the southeast again. I found it harder to trudge through the deep snow now. The others moved with me, heading southeast over the mound. I grabbed on to several more torso shells on the surface of the snow, trying to pull myself forward. I reached the line of pine trees to the east and tried to walk between them, pushing aside the thick bough from the south that hung in the way. It felt very difficult to move, and i started to feel agitated. I was having trouble getting through the snow. A voice from behind us called $A539’s name. The mans voice sounded angry and scolded $A539, who was just behind, to the southwest. I worried that it was the voice of her boyfriend. He seemed angry, and i thought that he might want to start a confrontation. I could not do anything about it in the snow, and i felt that i had to get out before turning around. I had to get to the other side of the trees. Two of the other people had already made it around the northern side of the trees. I felt stuck and started to feel tense. I was straining just to step. I reached out my hand to the people ahead of me. They moved to help pull me to the solid ground. I felt bad. Something was wrong.

12016 May 26

I woke up at my parents’ house. This was a new house for them, and i was unfamiliar with the place. I walked to the southern side of the building, coming out onto a cement patio. The two-story house seemed very plain, with few features on the dull-gray outside wall. The patio was surrounded on three sides by a high cement wall. The western wall seemed farther away than the western side of the house, and i thought that the opening to get out of the yard was there. It felt good to be here. My mother was in the large room to the north of me now. I was standing on the southern edge of the pool. I hopped across the lanes of the pool, stepping on the floating foam boards. It felt good to be her. I stopped in the middle of the room and looked around, saying something to my mother. I then turned back to the south and headed back across the pool. I was now unsure about stepping on the floating foam boards. They did not seem sturdy enough to support my weight. I stepped on one, and it sunk and folded. I backed up, thinking about this. I talked with my mother about this place. I was now standing on a cement driveway, which sloped steeply down to the east. The driveway seemed to lead to an underground area. The tall cement wall ran above the wide rectangular entrance to the tunnel. The wall also ran to the south of me, but it seemed to be higher now. I was on the slope of the driveway, below the normal ground level. A cement block retaining wall ran along the southern side of the driveway below the ground level. The long rectangular blocks of cement were almost a meter tall and several meters long. My mother walked to the west, up the slope of the hill. I started to follow her, but i had noticed the race car on the southern side of the driveway. It was very low and seemed like a cart, but it was shaped like a Formula 1 car. It seemed to be blue. A young man was standing to the east of the car. I had done something tot he car, and it started rolling to the east. I grabbed the front of the car and pulled it back up the hill. Four square holes were in the ground where the car’s tires had been resting. I had somehow pushed the car out of the spot. I pulled it back into place, noticing that the hole on the eastern end of the car’s spot, near where the young man was standing, had a wide black roller on the eastern end of it. A thick red stripe crossed the center of the roller. I pulled the car so that the tire was over the roller and back in the square hole. When i released the car, however, it started rolling back to the east again. I grabbed it again. This time, the man helped me. We pulled the car back into place. Again, as we let it go, the car started rolling to the east. I felt frustrated. We both grabbed the car and tried again. I said something to the man about the car not staying, asking what had changed. We tried to keep it in place a few more times.

12016 May 31

I was dark when we left the building and headed to the east. We seemed to be on the college campus, and the stone building to the east of us seemed like Teagle Hall. Something felt upsetting. A group of people was gathering on the landing to the south of the building. I felt uneasy around the people. They seemed to be gathering for the leader, who was a bad man. The people in the group were in uniform. They seemed to be wearing gray shirts with dark pants. It reminded me of $A7. I had been talking to the woman in the room about $A7. I moved to the east and stood by the counter when i wondered if $A7 would show up in a news story as the backdrop of the story. I walked to the north of the people in uniform. They were not good people. The other person mentioned a way to get rid of them. They were trying to control the populous. We headed back to the west, trying to hurry out of the area. I acted casual as we walked past the men in uniform. I thought that we would have to infiltrate the people in charge to help the people. The woman with me mentioned the other woman who helped run the government. I could see the other woman now to the east of us. She wore a black dress and had chin-length straight blond hair. She walked cautiously to the east. I knew that she was not the real woman from the government. She was someone that we knew who was impersonating the government woman. She walked with the government people to the east. I watched the group of three or four people as they approached. The woman stayed in the back, and i could tell that she was nervous. I hoped that the others did not discover that she was not the real official. I then wondered what we should do with the real woman from the government. I thought that she was a bad woman, so we would have to kill her.