12017 May 02

I imagined myself holding the magic lance. I was carrying it in my left hand, moving it around me like a fighting staff. I moved slowly to the northwest, pretending to swing the lance over my shoulder. The blade was special and radiated magic. I was now moving through a school area. This place seemed like a college. My mother was talking to me from somewhere. I could not see her. I started to realize that i would be late. I had to get to class here at the university. I walked down the corridors, turning here and there but generally heading to the southeast. I thought about the class, thinking that it was a philosophy class. I had not been to the class in a while, and i felt that i did not really want to go now. I felt anxious as i headed to the west, into the classroom. I turned to the north just inside the door. I had entered the southern side of the room. I was talking into my cell phone, which i was holding to my right ear. I stopped at the center of the southern wall, turning to the north. People were sitting in the armchairs of the small classroom. A woman was standing to the west of one of the chairs, as if talking to the person in the chair. The chairs were facing north, but the people turned to look at me as i stopped and listened to the voice on the telephone. The person on the telephone said something, and i pretended that it was something urgent. I made a surprised expression and turned to the east, hurrying back out of the room. I did not really want to be here. I headed to the east and then turned to the north. I came into a large open room. A man was sitting in the center of the room, facing north. I looked to the north at the large building across the street from us. This room did not seem to have a northern wall, and i could see the large old building clearly. Something about the building seemed very interesting. I felt depressed here, but i felt interested in the building. I said that it looked nice. I then realized that i was looking at the larger brick building that spanned most of the block. The center of it was painted pinkish white, but the white part was really another smaller building in front of it. I focused on the center of the building, trying to determine what was interesting me in the architecture. The building looked run down, like an old factory. I felt fascinated in the building, but i could not find anything in the detail that seemed especially attractive. My mother was seated to the west of me. She started petting my head soothingly as i looked at the building. I felt very bad, and i was not sure what to do. There was something about the building that made me want to stare at it. I tried to explain this to my mother. I then focused on the details of the building again, but i could not figure out why it was special. It had something to do with the center section, which might have been a separate smaller building. I then remembered the thought about the spear. I imagined walking to the north, carrying the spear with me. It had a long blade on the end, and it seemed to shimmer as i swinged it. I knew that it was a magical blade. I then wondered why i had imagined a lance. Why did i not picture a sword? A sword would have been easier to swing.

12017 May 03

I wandered to the north, down the wide corridor of the building. The hallway was crowded with people. I had been in this mall long ago, and i remembered the building. It seemed almost abandoned now, with few stores open. The walls seemed cheaply made. I thought that i was heading to the large store on the northwestern part of the mall. I was approaching a large rounded atrium. I had to slow down to squeeze through the crowd. The eastern wall of the atrium curved from the passageway that i was leaving to the east and then to the northwest. It had a gray look to it, and seemed to be made of thin aluminium paneling. The panels were a little over a meter wide and seemed flat. Stores were set into the eastern side of the curve, and people walked across the atrium. I knew that i would have to head to the northwest. I remembered that a large department store was on that side of the mall. I would have to go through it to get out the entrance on that side of the mall. I then wondered if the store was still there. I thought that it might have closed down by now. I thought that the store was Caldor. I thought i remembered seeing many of the stores in the mall closing. I came to the northwestern side of the atrium and started down the narrow pale-green corridor. The hall seemed old and run down, but it was filled with tables. It was now a restaurant, which seemed like a diner. I tried to hurry through, thinking that i might not be able to reach the other side of the mall before people realized where i was heading. I thought that i probably should not be passing through the restaurant. The northwest side would be a kitchen, and the people working there would not want me in there, but i felt that i had to get out of the other side of the building. The aisles between the tables and booths seemed crowded with people. I had to squeeze past a female waiter in a white shirt. I passed to the west of her, and she looked at me suspiciously. I hoped that she did not try to stop me. I hurried to the northern side of the crowded restaurant. As i reached the northern wall of the restaurant, i could see two narrow kitchen doors in the pale-green northern wall. A woman stepped in front of me, preventing me from exiting the room. She wore a whine shirt, like the other waiters. She said that i could not go to the north. I stopped, wondering what i should do. I asked about the offices that were to the north. I looked to the north. A room was now to the north of the room i was in. IT seemed to be a small atrium or stairwell. Two doors were in the western wall of the area, and i motioned to them, thinking that i could suggest i was heading there. I told the woman that the man had said that he worked there. I implied that i was supposed to meet him there. I looked again at the northern wall. The doors were smaller now, and they were on the northern wall of the stairwell. I could see them over the thin dark metal railing that ran across the landing on the southern side of the opening. I felt annoyed. The woman was not going to let me pass unchallenged, so i thought that i should just drop the subject and wander back to the north.

12017 May 04

I walked with the others to the north, along the eastern side of the area. This place seemed like a college campus, and we seemed to be walking up the eastern side of the Engineering Quad at Cornell. The center of the rectangular area was open, and the northern side of the quadrangle was slightly higher than the southern side. This had happened before. I was actually sitting on the bench, and the man was to the west of me. He was important in some way, but he was not here at the moment. I was just looking at photographs of him that i had taken. The black-and-white photograph showed a man in a white T-shirt sitting on the bench to the east of me. He looked a little like James Dean, but his name was Brad or Brady. In the photograph, he held out a cigarette in his right hand. I was standing near the northern side of the area. $K1 was to the north of me. I explained what was going to happen to the man. We turned to the east and followed the crowd along the southern side of the quad. The man was in the crowd ahead of us. He had turned north and started walking on the sidewalk along the eastern side of the grassy area. Trees and shrubs were to the west of the path. As we approached the turn, i told the person with me that the man would be assassinated. The person seemed surprised. I knew that he would be shot soon. A man would walk up behind him and shoot him in the head with a pistol. This was an important event. I sat on the bench on the northern side of the area, trying to focus on the photograph that i had taken of the man. I felt very concerned about him, but he had been killed for what he believed in. I related him, in some way, to Bradley Manning, who had been forced to undergo gender-changing surgery so that his captors could belittle him to those who did not understand. I felt sad for the man, and i missed him. I tried to focus on the photograph, but the one i was looking at was a missed shot. I had a better one somewhere. I started flipping through the album, trying to find it.

I drove to the south on the main road. I then spotted the dirt road heading off to the west. It sloped upward as it ran into a field, between the thick growths of green bushes. I thought that this could be a shortcut, but i remembered getting stuck here before. I drove my car along the southern side of the field, looking at the barbed-wire fence to the south of me. I would not be able to drive through it. I continued to the west, though, thinking that there might be a fence in the middle of the field that i could pass through. I was disappointed that i could not get through the fence to the south. I followed the dirt path as it curved around the sides of the field. I had taken a long detour from the road, but i felt good about it. I was driving fairly quickly over the packed grass of the northern side of the field, heading east. I would have to get back onto the main road the way i had come into the field. It felt good to be driving like this, and i decided that it was a very good and fun detour on my way to work. I could enjoy something different. It seemed very sunny on the green grass, though the sky was overcast. It seemed to be early in the morning. I turned to the south of the main road and came to a stop near the bottom of the road. I had been riding my bicycle down the narrow road from the north, and i would have to wait here for someone to pick me up. A woman was standing behind a table to the west of me. I had come down the road and into a tall corridor with white walls. The corridor opened up into a square room, which had a corridor running off to the east. The woman was with several other people, and they were waiting for the cyclists to arrive. The cyclists were riding a race, which was coming over the fields from the northwest. I looked up the short green grass of the hill to the northwest, but could not see them. They were still over the crest of the hill. I thought that they must have been crossing the upper field, where i had driven my car. I hoped that the person coming to change bicycles with me would be able to drive into this area. I asked someone if we would be interfering with the race if he drove here. I moved to the west, now along the southern end of the grassy hill. I could still not see the bicycles coming. A woman to the west of me was looking at a digital tablet. I could see red marks in a cluster moving along the top of the tablet. They represented the bicyclists, and i could see that they were just entering the upper field from the western end of the northern side. They turned to the east and were following the dirt road along the northern side of the field. They would ride to the center of the field before turning to head south. They would have to pass through the gate in the center of the barbed-wire fence that i had been looking at. I moved back to the southeast, toward my bicycle. I was nervous about my friend coming with his car. Several people were starting to gather nearby. They were waiting for the cyclists to arrive. A woman walked past me on the west. A large light-brown collie was walking along the side of her. The dog looked at me happily, and i reached out to pet its head. The dog wagged its tail and put its mouth around my hand in play. I was not quite sure what to do. The dog tugged at my hand, and i pulled it back.

12017 May 05

The three men were standing to the north of me. I recognized them, and i was interested in them. I moved toward the man in the center of the group. He was $A729. He hugged me warmly and pressed himself against me. He was wearing running shorts and a tanktop, and i thought that his muscles looked nice. I started to feel attracted to him sexually, and i hugged him tightly. I wondered if he was trying to copulate with me. I then thought of $F71. I was dating him, and i thought that he would be upset that i was caressing others. I wondered what i should do.

I left the car and headed back into the pub, which was to the north of us. We had been drinking in the bar earlier, and i had to go back into the building to urinate. I turned to the west just as i got inside the door. I started to urinate in the southwestern corner of the room. I knew that a small white basin was in the corner of the room. I stared to the north for a moment at the people in the room as i urinated. The bar ran along the western wall, and a bartender stood behind it. The male bartender had short black hair and wore a green T-shirt with white writing on the front. His torso was facing south, but he was looking to the east as he reached out his left arm to serve someone. A wooden table was just to the north of me. It had carvings and writing on its surface. I was sitting on the bench to the south of it as i urinated. I looked down at the basin in the corner. I suddenly realized that there was no urinal here. I had been urinating on the floor. I felt annoyed, and i was not sure what to do. I decided to pretend that nothing was wrong. I hoped that the urine would not smell too much. I stood up and walked to the north. I had to wash my hands. I thought that i could use the bathroom upstairs. A set of narrow stairs ascended to the north to the upper part of the northern wall. I had not wanted to walk all the way back to the bathrooms before because i felt very tired. I headed down a short set of three or four stairs when i reached the northern wall of the room instead. I was going to wash my hands in the downstairs bathroom instead. As i entered the small room, i realized that it was actually a small office. This was the office of the pub, which now seemed to be a store.

12017 May 06

I looked at the books on the table to the north of me. They were college brochures. I had been accepted into several colleges, and i thought that i would go to one. I felt excited to be going to college again. I started walking to the east, across the open space between the large low buildings. I wondered if i would be able to concentrate on studies this time. I thought about the colleges, thinking that one sounded good. It had red on the brochure and a picture of a building with tall thin white columns on the front. The building was shot at an angle so that the left side of the image was closer to the camera than the right side. The college seemed to start with “All”. I started to feel uncertain, though. I remembered that i had not been able to focus on my studies previously. I had become depressed and fell behind. I thought that, this time, i would only have one major. I could focus on graduate studies in astronomy. I still felt uncertain, and i tired to convince myself that it could be better this time. I then thought that i might go to school up north. I thought about Plattsburg, and i remembered that i had been accepted to that college first. I wanted to go back to studying, but i worried that i would not be able to remain focused long enough to get a degree.

12017 May 07

I was in the apartment with the others, and we were talking about the small restaurant. I could see it to the north of us. It seemed like a small family restaurant, but it had been changed to a McDonalds.

I was in the small room, which was an old general store. The man near the southwestern wall was running the store, but something seemed wrong. Someone told him that the store was bankrupt. I remembered this story from before. The voice told the man that he should see the boy in the bank. He then referred to the bank as “Blue” something. The voice said that the other man had stolen the funds from the store. I felt sad fro the older man who was running the store. We were then driving to the west, down the suburban street. We stopped to the south of the house, and the others went to the north, toward the house. I pressed a few buttons on the radio. I would not figure out how to get the music to play. I walked to the north, stopping at the door to the house. The upper part of the wooden door had a large glass window. I could see a man in the back room of the house. He was wearing a bandanna on his head to hold back his long hair. The house seemed run down. I knew that the man was getting us food.

I looked at the small booth to the north of me, through a narrow doorway. I was standing in the hallway of the large building. I then noticed a black videotape cassette resting on top of the doorway to the booth. I grabbed the videotape, mentioning it to the person to the west of me. It had been left above the sign, which projected out from the wall over the upper right side of the door. I remembered the video being here a while ago, but i had not done anything about it before. I walked to the east, down the hall. The hallway opened into a reception area to the south just to the east of me. A service counter ran flush with the southern wall of the corridor. It was curved on the western end. I walked up to the northern side of the counter and told the older woman behind the counter about the videotape. She seemed confused. She was short and stood with a slight hunch. Her gray hair was pulled up into a bun. I explained to her that i had found the videotape above the door. She seemed like a librarian, and i thought that the tape had been there for quite some time. She did not seem to understand where i had found the video, so i told her that we had taken out the video and wanted to return it. I started to feel uneasy, thinking that she might accuse me of having an overdue video that i would have to pay fines for. Someone to the west of me then mentioned Dolly. The woman behind the counter responded, saying that she was not quite sure here Dolly was. I asked her about Dolly, and they responded by saying “Mississippi”. I remembered the address from before. It was the address of the house that we had stopped at. Something had happened there. I told the others that Dolly was dead. I remembered that the person in the house had died.

I ran with $G4 to the west, heading down the narrow trail that was covered with slushy snow. I seemed to be at the head of the pack, and i was following the marks on the ground. I came to a clearing. A large brick building was to the south of us, and it seemed like an elementary or middle school. I hopped over a small stream that ran to the north, landing on a raised mound that stretched to the west. The others were hesitating at the stream. A larger stream ran along the northern side of the mound, and we had to hop across it to continue with the trail. The ground was covered with a thin layer of old snow, and the stream was swollen with melted snow. The stream came from the south, exiting a culvert to the southwest of where i was. The channel that the stream was running through seemed to be very deep, but it was grassy on the sides. I ran to the western end of the mound and stopped, realizing that the stream would be hard o jump across. To the south of me was another steep trench in the ground. It was not as deep as the water and did not have any water in it. As the land rose on the others side of it, the ground was covered with old dry weeds. I was at the southern edge of the lawn, and trees grew to the south. The underbrush was dry field grass and thick dark stalks of a plant that looked like short spiny cattails. I thought that we could easily cut through the weeds and walk over the top of the culvert to avoid the water, but i did not do so. The others were gathering behind me as i looked over the water of the stream. I backed to the east, thinking of the best way to cross the water. I then noticed something shiny on the ground. I small area of snow had been chipped away, and i could see something that looked like an earring bauble on the ground. I bent over to pick it up. The snow seemed to have been packed in this area, and it became a hard shell over the flattened green grass below. As i picked up the trinket, i noticed several other things on the ground. A small round coin was just to the southwest of the earring. It was too small to be an American coin. I thought that it must be a foreign coin. I wanted to pick it up and take it with me. As i did so, i noticed several nickels on the ground around the smaller coin. Someone had spilled many things on the ground. I then realized that the ground was covered with trinkets. It seemed strange. I stood back up. The others from $G4 had started running north. They jumped over the eastern end of the stream, which i now realized was not that wide. It was easy to hop over. I should have realized that before. As i started walked back to the east along the top of the mound, a large man smiled and said something to me. He joked about the run. He had a pudgy face and a small belly. He wore a T-shirt and shorts, and he seemed very familiar. I felt interested in him in some way, and i tried to talk to him, even though i felt a little nervous being near him. He was happy about something, and he seemed excited to be on the run. I felt a little uncomfortable with him, thinking that he might be more interested in me than i was in him. He moved toward me and hugged me excitedly, telling me that he was very happy here. He then started running to the north, following the others across the stream. I was relieved that he had stopped paying attention to me, and i wondered why he had done so. I then looked back at the trinkets in my hand, not sure hat i should do with them. I wanted to keep them, but something seemed strange about it.

12017 May 08

I was at the $G4 event, but i had to leave. I felt bad about leaving early, because everyone was still cleaning up the area. I was in the main hall of a building, which reminded me of $P7. Some people were crouching on the floor to the west to clean. I took some of my things and wandered to the north, into the next room. I came into a large open room, which seemed like the auditorium of $P7. The room had been filled with tables, and the tables were covered with items. I walked along the western side of the room. The row of tables ran to the west of me, and it was covered with glass jars and other old things. This place seemed like a rummage sale, but i thought that the items had been left here when others left. I was interested in a few of the objects, but i felt that i should not take them, because they were not mine. The room was filled with items. Some of the tables seemed to have shelfs on top of them where more items were stacked. I reached the northern wall and started walking to the west. The tables were against the northern wall, and they seemed to be covered with pots, pans, and other kitchen supplies. I thought that i could use some, but i still felt uneasy about taking any. Someone then said that the items were free. I then saw some bottles on a table near the western end of row of tables. I thought that i could use them, and i wondered if i should take them. Other people were wandering through the aisles, and they seemed to be taking things that they needed. I thought that i should take some of the old glass bottles, but i thought that i would have to take only what i needed. I started walking down the western side of the room. Tables were on both sides of me now. I stopped and looked at something on the table against the western wall. It seemed interesting to me. A woman was then to the south of me. She asked me what i was looking for. I remembered that i could use some corks for some of the bottles i had. I asked her about corks.

I stood near the southern end of the eastern side of the large green field of crops. A man was cutting the greens from the ground to the west of me, and he was dumping the remains on the southern end of the field. I thought that he was cutting spinach from the ground for us to eat. We had been eating the other leafy plants, thought, and had not yet had spinach. I then noticed the other farmer to the north. He attracted my attention for some reason. He was wearing blue denim overalls over a white and red plaid shirt. He had white hair, and he seemed very familiar. He was somehow different from the other farmers. I thought that he was new here. The others were seated at the long rectangular table that was to the east of the field. The table was to the northeast of me. They were already eating. I walked up the eastern side of the table to the open spaces that had been left near the northern side. I then noticed the man to the east of me. He was doing something, and he seemed very familiar. He had short gray hair. The man at the northern end of the long table then told me to get the new man. I thought that he was referring to the farmer. He wanted me to invite the new farmer to eat with us. Something felt uncomfortable here. Something seemed strange. The man at the head of the table seemed fat, and he leaned forward over the table. He looked up at me as he spoke. He was to the northwest of me. He said that i should also fix the light above me. I thought that the light just needed to be turned on. I looked up at the square light fixture. It was not working, so it actually needed to have the electricity fixed. I felt uneasy in the room. The people from the table were now moving around. I watched the man at the head of the table, who was still sitting. I then looked back up at the light, which was to the northwest of me. The square cover of the light had been pulled down from the ceiling, and i could see a curved metal structure that looked like a chandelier. Two people were standing on either the table or stepladders and were working on the light. They lifted a small deer into the light and layed it on the curved part of the chandelier. The deer seemed young, but it was tan, without fawn spots. Its feet were in the air, and its back was curved as if being cradled. This did not seem right. I thought that the deer would get electrocuted when they tried to turn on the light. They should not have been running the electricity through the deer to produce light. They should have use a light bulb. I wanted to say something, but they were already raising the square fixture to the ceiling. The deer was being closed inside. This seemed very strange and uncomfortable.

12017 May 09

I left the area and ran to the northeast. I felt very upset. I had the book with me, and i knew that it contained something about me that i did not want people to know about. I could not let others see it. I did not want them to find out, but i felt that the others would already know. I felt distraught that others would know these things about me, and i was not sure what to do. I felt worried of what would happen. I crossed the field of cut grass. I thought that i would just leave this area and never return. I felt that i could not face the people again. I started running to the north to get away.

My father and i walked to the east. We had just left the building, which seemed to be a hospital. The white modern building was made of cement. We passed a few thick bushes as we walked into the parking lot. We seemed to be on an elevated walkway, which allowed me to look down on the cars in the lot below. The cars were parked to the north of us, facing east and west. As we came across an aisle near the western side of the parking lot, i noticed three men standing near my car. They looked suspicious, and i thought that they were there to vandalize the cars. They wore old clothing, and i thought that they were part of a gang. I told my father that they would steal my bag from the back seat of my car. I felt nervous that they would do this. They looked up at us as we walked past. They stood in aggressive postures as they looked up at us. One of the men, who wore a leather jacket and had his black hair slicked back, leaned against the rear bumper of my car and pretended to hump it. He stared at me as he did this, letting me know that he was in charge. This seemed very strange. I felt nervous about the men and worried that they might come after us. They moved with us, and came toward us as we turned to the north to head between the bushes of the median. I could not go to my car, so i thought that i would accompany my father to his. I was carrying the key to my car in my left hand. My father walked ahead of me a little. He was to the northeast of me when he noticed that the men were coming after us. He reached back with his left hand and handed me his key. He wanted me to keep it safe so that the men did not get it. I felt concerned, thinking that he might get hurt. My father continued to the north, disappearing between the bushes. Two of the men followed him. He was trying to lead them away from me. I did not think that he should do this, and i felt upset that he did. The third man appeared to the west of me. I watched him, wondering if i could get away from him. I thought that i could injure him enough that he would not follow me. I had to get back to my father to make sure that he was safe. The drunken man came near me. I did not want to fight him, but i did not think that he would let me go. I thought that he was going to attack me. I felt aggressive toward him and prepared to defend myself. An old woman was then to the west of me. The man had started lunging toward me from the northwest, but the woman had struck him in the head with her cane. I felt relieved that i did not have to engage him, but the situation suddenly seemed out of place. The woman scolded the man. This did not seem realistic. I worried about my father, and i was glad that the woman had shown up.

12017 May 10

I left the house and headed to the north, down the western side of the driveway. I was carrying something in my left arm, and i had a long stick in my right hand. I pointed the dark stick at a large tall tree to the east-northeast of me and pulled a trigger. The stick sounded like a gun. I had shot a bullet into the tree. The tree stood on the eastern end of the grassy yard, which ran down the eastern side of the house and driveway. As soon as i had fired the gun, i wondered why i had shot the tree. I knew that it was better than shooting the gun in the air, because the bullets could come down and hit someone in the suburban neighborhood around me. It seemed strange that i would fire a gun like this. I looked at the tall sturdy tree. It had a thick central trunk with branches at intervals up its height. It did not yet have leafs for the season. I looked at my car, which was parked on the northern end of the driveway, only a few meters from me now. A low chain-link fence seemed to run along the eastern side of the yard, continuing across the eastern part of the northern side. I then noticed another thick large tree to the northwest of my car. The tree had a very wide trunk. It seemed to be four or five meters across. Thick branches reached far away from the trunk. Something about the tree seemed special. I aimed the stick at it, but i was hesitant to shoot the second tree, thinking that it would get me in trouble. The bark seemed smooth, like a sycamore, but i said that it was a grand oak. It seemed very impressive. One branch reached out over my car, and the other reached to the west-northwest. Small patches of green leafs were clustered near the ends of the thick branches. I looked back to the east at the other tree, to the east of me. It now seemed very massive as well. I felt uneasy here, so i got in my car. I then looked suddenly to the west, realizing that a large branch had fallen on the ground. It was the branch that spanned to the northwest of me. It was now resting to the southwest of my car, with the trunk end facing north. I thought that it must have been broken off by the strong wind. I looked around. The wind seemed to be blowing, and several other large branches were falling on the ground. I worried that they would hit my car. I then saw some smaller trees to the west of me tip over and fall to the south. The storm must be very strong. I drove my car out of the driveway, heading north. When i reached the road, which was to the north of me, i was facing east. I turned right out of the driveway and headed to the north. The main part of the town seemed to be to the north of me. I come over the crest of a hill and started heading down the steep hill into the town below. It was dark now, and the storm had moved in around me. I slowed my car on the steep hill, worried about the weather. The pavement of the hill seemed slippery. I thought that the heavy rain must have left water on the road. I pressed the brakes, but the car continued to slide down the hill. I could see the main streets of the down at the bottom of the hill, and i thought that i would have to stop the car before i got to them. The street i was on was residential, with old houses on both sides. Thick trees grew in the medians along the sides of the roads. I drove my car off the western side of the road, hoping to get some traction on the grassy areas along the road. The others were talking about the slippery conditions. The voices sounded like they were coming from the radio. The car turned to the west, heading onto the lawn of a house. I stopped over the cement path walkway to the house. I looked down at the sidewalk, stabbing the ice on the sidewalk with long thin in my hand. The ice was actually rather thick, which surprised me. I was surprised to see ice at all this time of year. It must have been dropped as hail or freezing rain during the storm. The others discussed the storm. I was now in a pub on the southern side of the street. I thought that i should leave to get home before the storm got any worse. The bar was on the southern side of the room, and people were laving the bar through a door in the center of the northern wall. I headed to the west, because the others that i knew were to the west. I moved through the room to where a small group of people was standing near the western wall. I still felt that i had to leave here. $A591 was standing on the eastern side of the table where the people were gathered. I walked to the south of him and greeted him. He smiled back at me. I said hello and hugged him. He was with a woman, and they seemed to be weaving fans out of reeds. I remembered this from before, but it seemed out of place this time. I felt awkward. I started to feel rushed and impatient. I had to leave here before it was too late. I should not have stopped to talk to the others. I had to go.

12017 May 12

I was in the large rustic house. The walls were covered with darkly stained rough-cut lumber. $G3 was in the house, and i looked at the beams that ran across the northern wall of the room. A high deck was on the western part of the northern wall. $A59 was standing on the eastern end of the deck, looking out over a huge pile of dirt, which was stacked just to the north of me. Some of the others were climbing up the southern face of the steep mound. We were in a building, but we still seemed to be outside. Large boulders were near the top of the dirt pile on the eastern side. I thought that they might roll down the pile and hurt someone. I then noticed that, as people climbed, they were pulling some of the dirt down from the side of the pile. I worried that they would pull some dirt out from under the boulders and allow the boulders to fall over. I asked the others if the boulders were safe. I then started climbing up the southern face of the pile. I watched the boulder above me nervously. It started to move. I felt scared, and i pulled up along the dirt to get myself out of the way if it started slipping in my direction. I had to get to the top of the pile before the boulder fell.

I had been waiting for the bus in the small shed that was on the southern side of the street. I talked to the others near me. I then noticed that the bus was driving past us, heading southeast down the street. I felt annoyed and upset. I had missed the bus. I told someone that my car was in Schenectady. That seemed to be a long way to the northeast of where i was. I pictured the main road running east to west on the map, just to the north of the river. I did not want to have to walk all the way back to my car so that i could get a ride to where i needed to go. I was not sure what to do. I moved around the house, heading to the west. I still felt disappointed and anxious. I thought that someone had been sleeping in the small bedroom to the west of me. I walked toward the room. $F16 was there. I was surprised to see him, but it felt very good to see him. I sat down on the couch to the north, and he sat on my lap. We talked for a few minutes. It had been a very long time since i had seen him. I looked at his face as he spoke to me, noticing that he was wearing blue eye shadow. It felt very good to talk to him.

12017 May 13

I followed the others through the dense swamp. It seemed somewhat dark, but not quite night. I was running with $G4, but we seemed to be in a foreign country. The ground was wet and muddy, and the thick vegetation had broad damp leafs. I headed to the south, following the footprints in the mud. I knew that people were running ahead of me, but i had not seen them in a while. Others were running behind me. I headed through rows of crops, which seemed like corn, but they were growing in very damp soil. I ran down one of the aisles between the rows, following the prints. I reached a fence on the southern end of the yard. I thought that the trail would continue over the wooden rail fence, but i could not see any marks in the grassy mud on the southern side of the fence. Some old wooden structures seemed to be to the west of me, along the southern side of the crop area. I started over the fence, but could still not see anything on the ground to the south. I decided that the trail must not go that way. I backed up to the fence and into the crop area. I looked to the east along the edge of the field, but i did not see any marks. I told the others that it must head east, and they started searching the area for marks. I looked up, noticing power lines running over the top of the area ahead of us. A structure seemed to be to the north of the filed ahead of us. It seemed like a shed, but it was nothing more than a wood frame with plastic sheeting covering the top and sides of it. The others walked east, now heading down a long narrow building. It seemed to be a train car. I had to climb over a few things, but i saw the shelfs to the south of us. They blocked our way. The man said that we would have to crawl through the spaces to get through. I looked at the bottom shelf of the area, seeing that the white plastic containers. They looked like water containers. I moved some of the containers aside, looking for an opening between them. It seemed very hard to get through this area. I then started to feel that this area was part of a lab or storage car. I did not think that we should be here, so i wanted to leave the area as quickly as we could.

12017 May 14

I headed to the north, through the old building. The building seemed like an old factory that had been converted into a set of new shops. I walked down the wide hallway, looking at the people who were sitting on small black round metal tables on the western side of the white corridor. They were eating something from the specialty shop. A person mentioned the delicious treats. I spotted someone that i knew, sitting on the northwestern side of one of the tables. He seemed East Asian, and i nodded hello to him as i came into the southern part of the room. The others at the table were eating something from dishes with spoons, and the voice said that the treats were very interesting. I thought that i should try one, so i picked up four of the long sticks. The sticks looked like small firework rockets, but they were candies. It seemed strange. The long objects were various shades of pink, with nose cones that were wider than the shafts, which seemed to be about a deci and a half long. The shafts had four or five sections, which were delineated by lines cut into the surface or raised from the surface. Each section seemed to have rounded rectangles inset into the sides of the section for decoration. Flat-topped tail fins were at the bottoms. I had bitten into one of the candies, and i thought that it tasted very good. It was sweet and tart, and it seemed chalky. I smiled at the man i knew as i continued to the north. Something about the hallway seemed to be bright red brick, but the wall to the west was white. It was the cafe. The waiter had come from the eastern side of the hallway. I descended a set of stairs, thinking that i should leave the building. I had walked to the east a little, into a parallel corridor, and i started descending the enclosed stairwell, which ran along the western wall of the corridor. The stairs seemed to have a black metal rail to the east, and the steps seemed to be made of old cement. About halfway down, i realized that one of the men in the white chef suits had stared at me aghast as i had walked out of the room. I thought that he was staring at me as though i was stealing the rockets that i had started to eat. I stopped in the middle of the steps, realizing that i could not remember paying for the candies. I was sure that i had not used my credit card in this building. I thought that i should go back, but something seemed strange about this. I would not want the people to catch me walking away. I hurried down the stairs and turned the corner to the east, thinking that i should get out of view before someone came after me. The bottom of the stairs seemed to have let out on a street, and i was walking down the cement sidewalk. I thought that i could hide behind the green dumpster that was on the sidewalk just to the south of me. I was then in the car, and i pulled away from the building and turned up the road to the west. I would have to get back to the restaurant so that i could pay for the candies. I started driving to the west, thinking that i should make a U-turn on the road to head back to the east. I drove slowly up the side of the street. The city street rose up a shallow hill to the west. It curved to the northwest near the top of the hill. Low modern buildings seemed to be on both sides of the road near the turn. The building to the west of the curve was tan and seemed to be a shopping plaza. I slowed on the side of the wide street, thinking that i should turn around. I then saw flashing blue lights ahead of me, and i thought that a police car was coming down the road. I did not want to make a U-turn where the police could see me, because i thought that they might try to stop me so that they could write more tickets. I continued driving to the west, thinking that i could turn around when i reached the top of the hill. As i drove, i could still see the flashing blue lights on the buildings ahead of me, but i could not see the police car.

I had been working on the grills in the kitchen area. We had to cook something for the group. I left the kitchen on the eastern side of the building and walked into the large square room. The room seemed to be in the basement area of an old building. The walls to the west of me seemed to be made out of old brick, and a set of smoothed cement steps with metal frames descended along the western side of a wall, which extended from the southern wall into the center of the room. I could only see the bottom of the steps. A man in blue overalls had descended the steps and was now standing at eth bottom. He was looking at the other two men, who seemed to be related to the military. The two men on the cement floor were standing around a black grill. The grill had a semicylindrical shaped lid. I was trying to arrange the food for this group, and i realized that they wanted to do something special for the grill that they were using. Another man from their group then entered the room through a doorway in the western wall. He was carrying a blue propane tank, which i knew had come from their equipment. I felt uneasy, knowing that i could not help them connect the tank to the grill. We were not allowed to let others use their own tanks on the grills. I told them that i could not help them cook on the grill if they were going to use their own gas canisters. I said that i would have to get permission, but i knew that i would not be allowed to help them because of legal issues. I headed past the men, walking across the room to the west. I entered the kitchen through the small door. I thought that i should tell the chefs what was happening in the cooking area. I stopped in the middle of the northern side of the kitchen, just to the north of a large wooden cooking table. A woman was standing just to the northwest of me, and two chefs were standing to the west and southwest of me, on the other side of the a second table, which ran to the south from the western end of the first. I was sitting on something, and i had my legs up over a metal kitchen appliance, which seemed like a large mixer. I chatted casually with the others in the room. I noticed that i was wearing brown, red, and black striped socks. As the woman spoke to the chefs, i realized that i probably should not have had my feet in the air on the kitchen equipment. It seemed very informal. I stood up, feeling uneasy. I then noticed that the chef to the west of me was $A14. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a yellow tie. I felt embarrassed that i had my feet up, but i asked them about the propane.

12017 May 15

I walked to the south, along the western side of the room. The walls were made of large stone blocks. A large complex machine was in the center of the room. It seemed rusted, but it was still fully functional. I felt nervous about this machine, thinking that it was producing dangerous creatures. I warned the others that the machine was dangerous. I said that it was creating the alien killers. I saw a list of people on the blue screen near the bottom of the southern end of the machine. I knew that they were really not people. The machine had created them. They were really aliens, and they were here to kill us.

I was in the small kitchen of the cottage, which was on the shore of the river. The small room had three southern walls. The outer two walls tipped at fourty-five degree angles to the center wall, making the entire part of the room look like a large bay window. Three people were cooking over the red counter that was set into the trapezoidal space. The counter top seemed to be cheaply made. The upper parts of the walls above the counter top were filled white large multipane glass windows. I could see the large lake or waterway outside. I could hear the wind hitting the outside of the house. It seemed to be a very strong wind. I then noticed waves rising above the water just outside the window. The wave seemed still as it rose a meter or so from the normal level of the water. This suddenly seemed dangerous to me. I thought that the waves would flood the house. The wave suddenly splashed against the window. I could see the murky water resting about a deci from the bottom of the windows. This was not good. The water would start to seep through the glass. I then worried that the water would break through the glass windows when the next wave hit. I was nervous, thinking that there was actually water all around the house now. I knew that the foundation of the house was at the same level as the lake, so the rising water would be surrounding the house. I started to worry that the foundation of the house would be washed out and that the front part, where we were, would be washed into the water. I imagined the front wind falling over into the waves. I turned and ran up the stairs to the north. The central part of the cottage seemed to be on bedrock and higher. I then thought that my relatives, who were cooking in the kitchen, would not be able to get up the stairs in time. They would die. I felt upset about this. I was then outside of the house, floating over the water. I looked to the south now, noticing that the water seemed very clam. No waves or ripples were on the surface of the small lake. A man was riding a bicycle along the northern shore of the lake, turning to the southeast and heading along the eastern shore. I moved to the east a little, following the northern shore. The water to the south of me was very calm, and it made me uneasy because it was so suspiciously calm. I followed the shore, heading to the southeast as well. The shore was made of large flat stones of bedrock just under the water. I stopped for a moment, noticing the thick metal chains just under the surface of the water. I felt uneasy near them, thinking that they belonged to some evil creature that would wreak havoc on the area. I moved out over the water, wondering about the chains. I then noticed a hoof mark in the clay ground under the water. It was a sign of the creature. The others did not know about it, and i had to pretend that i did not know what the chains were for. The plot required that the others had to discover for themselves. I reached into the water and grabbed one of the chains. The link was very thin, and the end link was broken. I showed it to the others, looking puzzled at what the chain could have bound. We mentioned the creature that must have been bound by the chains, but we did not say anything specific.

12017 May 18

I drove the car to the west, through the park. I was looking at the buildings to the north of the narrow road as i drove. This park was very familiar, but i had not been here in a very long time. It seemed to be someplace that i had been to when i was in high school. I looked at the small buildings on the side of the road. They seemed run down or decrepit. I thought that we had run through this park in high school when i was on the track or cross-country team. We used to come here for some event, and i felt that i was returning to this event. I then realized that the small buildings looked as though they had been vandalized. Some of them seemed burned. I then noticed one small building that was still burning. It was cubical and seemed to be only a few meters on a side. It had a window in the western wall. I watched the building as i passed it. Faint blue flames filled the square window, and the other walls of the building seemed to be missing. This fire must have just happened last night. I wondered why the firefighters had not put out these flames. I had turned to the south and was looking at the buildings on the western side of the road. Clusters of the small buildings were standing near each other in an open area, and they all looked charred. I thought that some were still smoldering or had sheets of flame like the window. I then thought that the individual buildings must have been part of a larger structure. When the structure burned, this was all that it had left. It seemed very strange that the building would have been destroyed in such a way. I looked around at the individual pieces of the building, noticing that they all had decorative trim in slightly different styles. They all looked like gables, but they were not attached to a house. I wondered what had happened to this area. I followed the road as it turned to the east, running along the southern side of the area. The large stadium was to the south of me, and it too seemed to have been burned. It looked like rows of narrow building that had been charred on the sides. They were tipped to the west so that they leaned on one another. Everything looked desolate and forgotten. I wondered if we would still be running here. I then focused on the large modern building whit was on the southern side of the road to the east of me. It was ashen tan in color and seemed to be surfaced with textured cement. It had a thick curved layer that stuck out from the building, just above the main floor. I drove down the eastern side of it, trying to remember where i should go. Someone was with me then. He had been visiting this area as well, and i talked to him about the track meet. I asked him if he was here fro the run. He chatted with me as we moved to the east. The building on the southern side of the road seemed to be in two parts of slightly different architecture. I said that i was looking for the registration table as well. I stopped near the eastern end of the building. The road continued to the east, curving to the northeast and then back to the east. It ran to the south of another large cement building. The young man said something to me, and i asked him about the registration. We turned to the south and started walking down the sidewalk that ran on the eastern side of the large building. I felt distracted. I did not want to wander away. I had to get back to the run so that i could get going. I turned to the west and entered the large building. I came into a long lobby, which ran along the northern side of the room. The interior of the building also seemed to be divided into two separate architectural styles. The service counters to the south of me curved, and i remembered being here long ago. Several people were standing near the counter to the south of me, but i thought that i had to go to the cage, which was to the west. I walked down the length of the room. Many people were wandering about. I came to the desk at the western end of the building. People were waiting in line to talk to the person behind the service counter. The lobby had stretched the entire length of the northern side of the building. The northern wall was a tinted glass window, which seemed to have a curve in it. A wide corridor ran to the south from the eastern end of the lobby, running into the darkness of the building. The service counter that seemed to be the equipment cage was on the curved corner where the corridors met. I faced the counter, which was now to the east of me. I had to get my things so that i could run. A woman was then to the north of me. She had something to do with the race organizers. She had a bottle of beer in her left hand, and she poured it into a large brown cup. The cup was pale brown and seemed to have tan horizontal streaks across it. She pushed the cup toward me, telling me that it was a special beer. I tasted the beer as she walked me to the northern wall of the room. The beer was unusually sweet, but it tasted good. She led me to the west a little until we were standing in front of a rounded pedestal, which seem to act as a table. I sipped the beer again, saying that it was good. She then mentioned that it was cheap beer. I felt like i should agree with her, but i did like the taste. I sipped from the large cup again. I then felt uneasy, thinking that i still had to register. I turned to the east and walked back toward the desks. Wooden bleachers descended from the northern wall, and i walked down the three or four levels of seats. I was suddenly on the eastern end of the building. I turned to the west, still at a level higher than the floor. I hopped onto the eastern end of the service counter and then down to the floor. When i looked to the south at the service counters, i was surprised to see that it was dark. The people running it must have closed down while i was drinking the beer. I felt suddenly bad. I walked to the west, looking for the counter, which was the equipment cage. When i rounded the corner, i saw people sleeping in sleeping bags on top of the counter. They must have just closed. I felt very upset, realizing that i had missed my opportunity to register. I was not sure what i should do. No one was here to help me. I wondered if the woman and the young man had been here simply to distract me. I felt distraught. I drank the rest of the liquid in the brown cup, and threw the cup against the eastern wall in anger and frustration. I felt hopeless and was not sure what to do.

12017 May 23

I left the house and headed to the west, down the rural road. As i moved down the road, i looked back to the east. Thick smoke was rising from behind a thick tree, which was on the side of the road. The tree was blocking my view of the house, and i worried that the smoke was coming from the house. I moved a little bit to get a better view of the house. I could not quite see the house, but i convinced myself that the smoke was not coming from the house. Someone was saying something to me as i looked at the house. I then turned and headed down the road to the west. This was the road heading toward Lambs Corners. I remembered this area from when i was a child. I passed the large red barn that was on the northern side of the road. This was where $A328 lived. I passed an open field to the west of the barn, and then i saw the small house that was $A328’s house. The house was dull yellow, and it seemed different than what i had remembered. I thought that i needed to go into the house to get something. I walked a little farther to the west until i came to the driveway to the house. I was past the small house, and it was now to the northeast of me. Everything seemed different now. I realized that the house had been changed. It seemed to have been divided into two separate buildings now. For a moment, i thought that the old house had been removed and a new building put up in its place, but i decided that the house to the northeast was part of the old house. The taller stone or brick apartment building to the north of me had been builded later. The building seemed run down, and i thought that it was actually an apartment where only poor people lived. The apartment building seemed to be three or four floors high. I looked at the small single-level pale-yellow house to the east as i headed for the arched doorway of the apartment building. I walked into a rectangular lobby, which stretched to the north on the eastern side of the building. The northern end of the lobby seemed fairly new, with new walls and counter tops. I wondered why i had come to this area. I did not really belong here. I looked into the next room to the north, seeing more mottled gray counter tops and what appeared to be a kitchen. I could always tell people that i was looking over the building with an interest to rent. I did not really want to be here, so i walked back to the south, out of the building. I had to get to the smaller house to do something. I stepped out of the apartment building and looked to the east. The driveway curved in front of the smaller house, which now looked like a villa. It had a line of narrow columns decorating the northwestern end, and the gardens around the base of the house were very nicely arranged. Arched doorways seemed to be in the stucco walls of the building. It was the old house, and i had to go there to do something.

I was in the small room of the office trying to get some things together. I felt rushed, and i was aware that someone was in the office watching me. I thought that the other person was suspicious of me and what i was doing. I looked at the computer parts on the table to the north of me. I was trying to assemble them into a large machine. I knew that i had some time off to do this. I moved the black parts around on the counter. One of the parts seemed to be an old fan, and another looked like a piece of motherboard. I then looked at the old computer terminal to the northeast of me. It seemed like an old desktop machine. It had something to do with the parts that i was trying to arrange.

12017 May 24

The people around me were busy trying to get the train moving. I was helping them get away from this place, and they were going to take the train, but they had to get the train on the tracks. I pushed on the back of the train, rolling it to the west. The train would use momentum to roll down hill once we got it moving. The land where we were was flat, and it seemed to be covered with dry rust-colored dirt. About five meters to the west of me, the land dropped suddenly over a steep hill. The hill only seemed to be two meters tall, but i knew that it would provide enough momentum to get the train rolling. I thought that the train would eventually travel to the east, and i wondered if it would have enough momentum to make it all the way to where it had to go. We managed to push the train over the crest of the hill. It picked up momentum quickly and rolled over the hill, disappearing from view momentarily. When i saw it again, it was rolling to the southwest over the black macadam. I wondered how the train was able to travel on the macadam. I did not think that the heavy train would be able to roll over the ground without getting stuck. The train rolled quickly, however, heading to the new section of track that was to the southwest. The shiny new rails ran to the west, but cured sharply to the north. The train was moving fast now, and it seemed to pass around the curve swiftly. At the northern end of the curve, just to the west of me, the tracks rose sharply. The tracks did not seem to be supported by anything. They just rose into the air, where they met another set of tracks that ran level, to the north. The train would go up the steep incline and ride along the elevated tracks until it turned back to the east. I realized suddenly that two men were standing between the steeply inclined rails. The men were sitting on what seemed to be a section of a wood rail fence. The train speeded up the incline. I thought that it would jump the tracks at the sudden end of the incline and the beginning of the flat section, but it did not. I wondered how this was possible. I then realized that the man in the blue jeans and white shirt should have been in the center of the tracks where the tracks made the incline. For a moment, i thought that the train could have ridden up the man, using him to bridge the gap on the incline. I remembered how heroes had done that in movies, but it seemed ridiculous. The train did seem to travel up the man, though, and i wondered how it could do that. I felt confused, wondering how the man did not get run over. I then realized that the man could have dropped below the tracks as the train passed above him. I looked to the east. I was above the train now as it rolled down the tracks to the east. A black metal girder stretched over the tracks just to the east of me, and a boy hung from it. He had his arms over his head as he held on to the girder. The train rolled swiftly under him. A man was then with him. They had something to do with the worker who had been on the fence. They grabbed on to the girder to get out of the way of the train, but now, they had to get onto the train. They waited for the right moment, and then dropped onto one of the open bin cars. I felt skeptical about this. The stunt did not look real; it was something that is only done in movies. I thought that the train would have been moving too quickly for them to safely jump onto. They would have impacted the back wall of the car because of how they timed their jump. This jump did not look real. It seemed like the train had stopped just for their jump so that they could land in the middle of the bed of the car. I watched the train roll to the east. I thought that it would still have to get its momentum up to keep going. If it did not have enough momentum, it would not be able to roll down the plains and make it out of state. We had to get the train to the next state to the east. I then thought that the speed would still have to be controlled so that the train would not go too fast around corners. This would take away some momentum. I hoped that there would still be enough to make it. I was moving with the train now. I looked at the old black engine, which rolled down the tracks just to the northeast of me. I was following just to the south of it. The engine looked like an old steam engine. I hoped that the train would make it to the next state to the east. I then saw a green sign that said “Kansas” to the south of the tracks, ahead of me.

12017 May 25

I was in the classroom with the other students. Several of the students were standing around the long wooden rectangular table that was against the northern wall. The students around the northern table had large books with them. The books were special, and had something to do with philosophical beliefs. I thought that the books at the northern table were all copies of The Art of War. I stood on the eastern side of the classroom, looking at the other students. Something about this situation fascinated me, and i wanted to know more about the books. I looked more closely at the books that the students were holding, and i realized that the books were actually on different topics of conflict. The large yellow books were on the table to the north. Others seemed to have different colored covers. Someone then talked about the poem. I became distracted by something to the west of me, and i moved to the western side of the classroom. I stopped near a cluster of students from the northern table and talked to them for a moment. They were talking about the literary reference. I was again in the center of the room near the students, and i returned to the western side of the classroom. The teacher then came into the classroom from the southeast. I felt nervous about being here. I felt out of place, because i was so much older than the other students. The teacher started talking about the poem. I said that it gave away the plot of the story. I then thought about my answer. I was not quite sure that i remembered the entire story. It had been so long since i had read it. I knew that it referred to Beowulf, but i felt unsure how to respond to the teacher. I did not want the people here to think that i did not know the material. I mentioned the son of the monster as Grendel, but i did not remember the other details. I then wondered what part of the book Grendel the poem was from. I wandered to the east as i described the story. I pictured the house in the middle of the U-shaped area. The open end of the U was to the north, and the house was right at the northern edge. I thought that the central section of the house was messy, as described in the book. Rivers ran in all directions from this place, making it seem fantastical. I then thought that the complex set of surfaces was more like an Escher drawing than something from folklore. I looked around the area at the confused surfaces, which seemed to have top surfaces in all directions. I thought that this must be the area where the dragon lived. I paced around between the wings of the larger building, thinking about this area. I tried to remember how the dragon and Grendel related to each other. I knew that they were two different characters, but i could not quite remember how they related.

12017 May 26

I was in the very small bedroom of the house, trying to move things around. A large square mattress was in the center of the room, abutting the western wall. The mattress just fit into the room, leaving less than a meter on all sides to move. The others were in the room around the mattress, trying to adjust it in the space. I felt anxious here. I had to do something, but i could not do it here. I was tense and wanted to leave.

I sat on the eastern side of the room with the others at the party. We were watching something on the television, which was on the western wall of the room. The people were gathered on couches and chairs along the eastern wall. I felt a little out of place with these people. Suddenly, the people stopped watching the show and started to disperse. I thought that they were taking a break, but they seemed to be wandering off for some other purpose. I felt upset. They were talking to each other about what they were doing, but no one was talking to me. I felt that they wanted to do other things without me. I wandered to the west, into the long room that ran from north to south along the western side of the house. Some people wandered through the room. I then headed back to the east, into a small square room, which seemed to be to the south of the room that i had been in. I was looking for some of the people, but they had gone outside to do things and were chatting with each other. I felt purposely rejected by these people. I tried to help some of the people in the western room, but they seemed to be avoiding me. They left as soon as i started helping them. I moved back to the square room to the east, not sure what to do. The house no longer seemed to have an eastern wall. The open room was now more like a porch, and i thought that thin vertical wooden slats held in a screen. People were outside the house to the east. I looked over the edge of the roof where i was. I was on the first floor of the house, but the basement was above ground here. Several old cars were in the driveway to the east of the room i was in. Two men chatted about the cars, which looked like classic seventies sports cars. I watched the men drive the cars in and out of the driveway. I then heard the engine running under the room i was in. It made a heavy vibrating rumble. I thought that one of the cars must be in the garage under the building, and it must be running. I wondered if the car should really be left running in the closed garage of the house. One of the men climbed into the driver’s side of the black sports car. He was on the southern side of the car. He was going to turn off the engine so that it did not waste gas. I also thought that it might pollute the house if it were left running in the garage. I then wandered to the west to do something else. I wanted to distract myself with something so that i did not have to feel that the others were avoiding me. I was disappointed to see that no one was in the house now. I wondered where everyone had gone. I felt alone now, and i was sad.

12017 May 27

I was in the small room of the house, crouched down near the floor. I was trying to clean the litter box of the cats. I had heard them using it before, and i remembered that i had used a clumping litter. I wondered if it would need to be changed sooner. I looked at the green floral shape near me. It was almost spherical, but it looked like a flower with thin vertical petals. The round shapes were about a deci and a half in diameter, and they had a low flat round disks near the bottom, which seemed to be shaped somewhat like buttons. The green petals spread from the sides of the disk outward, where they supported thin green fins, which were about five centimeters wide. The fins reached upward, arching over the top of the disk. They reminded me of some kind of jellyfish. I thought that it was some kind of symmetric formation created when the litter clumped together. I then thought that it was too symmetric and could not be made by chance. It looked like it was formed of green plastic, which looked translucent. The cats wandered around near my feet as i looked at the object on the floor. I picked it up with my left hand and looked it over. I still thought that the cats urinating into the wheat litter might have caused it. I tipped in over and smelled the bottom to see if it smelled like cat urine. I did not want to handle it if it really was solidified urine. It did not seem to have any smell. Several other similar shapes sat on the ground near me. I would have to clean up several of them, and i put them into the plastic bag that i was carrying. I started moving around the area. My parents were near me, and we had been visiting this place. I wandered to the east, thinking that i would have to finish cleaning up. I then realized that i was walking down the hiking path in the forested area. I had left my parents and my grandmother wandering near the hotel, which was now to the west of me. I did not want them to worry about where i was, so i thought that i should head back. I turned to the north, finding myself walking toward the narrow dirt road. I knew that the road headed back to the west, where i had come from. I pictured the path that i had taken, thinking that i had walked along the base of a steep forested hill that rose to the south of me. It seemed that i had been to the west of the hill and had followed the trail around the northwestern and northern sides. I walked between two green bushes and came to the road. A dull-red house was to the south of the road. It was a wooden house with a peaked roof on the front. It seemed to be a chalet-style building. Flowers bloomed from bushes that blocked the view of the corners of the house. A row of ragged hedges along the road had a part in the center where a path ran to the front door of the house. It seemed very picturesque, and i felt uneasy for being here. I thought that i might be intruding on their land, so, when i reached the road, i quickly turned to the west and headed away. As soon as i turned west, i noticed the black iron gate across the road. It was decorated with white flowers and other colorful shapes. I knew that it was the entrance to the living community where the nature-loving people had their houses. I would have to pass through the community. As i pushed open the gates to step through, i thought that i had not been intruding on the white house, but i will be intruding in the community. However, i had to go through the community to get back. As i come to the west of the gate, i felt that i had just left an area. The paved street of the suburban neighborhood ran to the north of me, and i had stepped out onto the pavement of a short dead-end road, which ran to the gate. The other person was walking to the south of me, following me out of the gate. He was $Z, and we chatted about something. I looked at the round plastic thing in my hand. It seemed to be some kind of bag that was filled with air. It was a flattened sphere, and i thought that i could ride it back to the west. Riding the object seemed like a daring thing to do, but i wanted to try it. I joked about it to $Z. I had the plastic thing in my left hand, and i was holding the black cylindrical object in my right hand. The cylinder seemed to have a fan that could blow air out one end. I thought that i could use it to propel me on the plastic disk. I put the disk on the ground as $Z walked near me to the south. I joked about it, turning on the black object. Air rushed out the back of the object toward me. I thought that it would propel me down the road. As i talked to $Z, i realized that dark smoke was coming out the back of the cylinder. I was too weak to propel anyone, and i must have burned out the fan trying to get it to work. I stood up and started walking to the west. I was now near some buildings. The large resort was to the south of me now, and i could see many people standing in the yard to the west of it. They were all from $G4, and they were here for a large gathering. I would have to get back to join them. I felt a little anxious, wanting to get back from the hike so that i could join the activity. I was still not with the rest of the group, though. They all seemed to be wearing bright red outfits. I thought that it was like a red-dress run, but many of them seemed to be wearing long red running tights. I turned back to the north and started walking east, trying to get back. I was still wearing the clothes from the run. I followed the narrow trail through the tall weeds in the forested area. We headed to the northeast, following the trail along the bottom of the hill. The trail then curved around the northern side of the hill and started heading east. A wooden structure with a fence on top was to the north of us. It seemed to be part of a baseball backstop, but it seemed to run along the side of a field, which as to the north. We were running through the weeds on the outside of the area. $A601 was running ahead of me with a woman. I followed them, playing with the gloves that i was wearing. I was aware that i was still wearing the red clothing as i came into an area where the fencing seemed to form a corridor round us. The white plywood at the bottom of the fencing seemed old and water worn. Benches were to the south of us now, and i thought that this place was a dugout. We exited the corridor to the east and stopped in the field. I jogged past $A601 before i stopped. He was to the west of me when he asked me a question. I started playing with the white gloves on my hand, saying that they were sticking. $A601 asked me what i meant. I showed him the gloves. Two of the fingers were stuck together with pieces of burdock. I showed them to $A601, and he understood what i was talking about. He then asked about the costumes. I looked down at my body. I was looking at it from just above and to the northeast of me. I had my arms out and my knees slightly bent. I was wearing a bright red shirt and matching tights. My waistband was black with a white border. I suggested that we wear something red as our team uniform.

I was in the large room of the old warehouse. My parents were with me, but they had wandered to another part of the room. I wanted to join them, but i would have to head west. I followed the corridor, which ran along eth northern side of the building. The dull white walls were made of old cement, and they were very tall. I came into a large room on the western side of the building. The room opened up to the south of the corridor. Several people were gathered here for the function. I moved through the room, doing something. Many items seemed to be in the room, as though this were a flea market. People stood against the western wall of the room, but i turned my attention to something on the floor. It seemed like the green plastic flower-like things i had seen before. I should pick them up, but i noticed that my parents were leaving to the north. I could see them walking with my grandmother out of the room to the northeast. I would have to follow them. I finished what i was doing in the room and walked after them. I came into another large room of the warehouse. I had expected to come to the outside of the building, where i thought my parents would be, but i was still in a room. I realized that i was on the second floor of the building. I had simply come to a room that was no the northeast of where i was. I would have to head to the southeast from here to get to the stairs down. I then noticed a stack of aquariums in the center of the room. $F71 had told me about this place. He had mentioned this store, but had not known exactly where it was. I thought that i had moved here from someplace to the east. I remembered that he had said it was in a second floor attic. I walked to the east of the display and walked along the northern wall. The wall was in three parts, with the outer two parts slanting to the south to meet the eastern and western walls. I looked at the glass aquariums that were stacked along the wall. They all seemed blue with water, and i thought that they would have various types of fish in them.

12017 May 30

I stood in the small room with the other school children. We were from a special school, and something was happening. Some of the children were being lined up in the center of the room. Someone said something about the twins. I thought that one of the twins would be sent to the alternate universe. I would not be part of this experiment, because i was not a twin. I stood at the southern end of the group of people. The young students were in two lines to the east of me. The lines ran east to west, and the students, who all seemed to be in their late teens, were facing east. I looked at two men in the northern queue as i moved to the north of the two lines. One was turning round to talk to the other. They both had East Asian features that were very similar. They were twin brothers, though one seemed taller than the other. The taller man was in front. He had the sides of his head shaved, leaving a tuft of brown hair on top. It did not make sense that one brother would stay in this universe while the other went to the next. Someone then said that both twins would be sent to the other universe. This made more sense to me. I moved toward them, feeling interested in the two brothers. Someone then was to the north of me. He said that i would be going to the other universe as well. I felt glad that i would be part of the special team, but i did not have a twin brother. He said that i would be the special one on the journey. This seemed odd, but i knew that i was actually a character in a book. I seemed to be Harry Potter. This was another series of stories that had Harry in it. I thought that the story would be very exciting and quite a different story from the original series. I moved to the north with the others, heading into the small room. We were now in the other universe. It seemed very similar to the one we were in. This rectangular room was a dormitory room. It had smooth stone walls made of large gray mottled stone. The cots were aligned north to south in rows along the northern and southern walls. The frames were made of metal that had been painted black. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that something was not quite right. I felt out of place here. I wondered if the others resented me because i had been the only non-twin here.