12019 May 05

I stopped near the southern end of the street. This place seemed like Collegetown. I had come here with the small group of other people. It felt good to be here. I wanted to do something, but i could not decide where i should head. Someone had said something. I stood on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. I seemed to be near the end of the street. To the north of me, the street sloped gradually back up toward the stores and larger buildings of Collegetown. I remembered coming to this place before and enjoying it. I started to head back to the north, but i thought that shops were also no the streets to the east. The second street ran somewhat parallel to the one that i was on, but it was closer at the southern end than at the northern end. I remembered walking up the other street before, and i remembered restaurants and shops on that street. I wanted to see them again. I wanted to do something fun. I started walking back up the sidewalk to the north, but i felt unsure where i should go. I had gotten something to the south of me, but i tried to think of how i could spend my time. I wanted to see the things on the street to the east. I stopped where the sidewalk opened up to the east. There were so many things here that i wanted to see. I looked to the east at the large modern building. It had a rounded front section. The wall was pale tan or off-white. The entrance was on a flat wall under the curved overhang. Large dark glass windows covered the curved surface, with thin white cement supports separating them. The supports seemed to be about a deci thick. I knew that this building was a museum, and it seemed like a science museum. I decided that i did not want to go in, because it would be a narrow range of things that i had seen before. I wanted to see more things that i had not seen. I decided that i would go to the street to the east, which had more shops. I looked to the east, seeing the taller buildings of the city. I felt excited to be here.

12019 May 06

The gunmen had come in to the western part of the large building. I stood in the eastern end of the large open room. The building seemed like a warehouse, with a high ceiling and cement walls. The eastern end of the room was dark, and it had low stacks of objects on the floor. I looked to the west, seeing people moving in the western side of the room. The western end of the room seemed to be open to the outside, and bright light came into the room. The men had been shooting the workers here, and i felt that they would want to capture and kill me. I moved to the northern wall, trying to stay out of their sight. I crouched down for a moment, trying to figure out where the gunmen were. I backed to the east a little before heading north through a doorway in the northern wall. I came into a large room that had tall wall-like structures. The walls seemed to be tall thin cement fins. They were set up in rows that ran both north to south and east to west. The rows near the southern side of the room seemed to run north to south. The cement fins had rounded corners, and they seemed to be striped with red paint over the top and around the center. I moved between two of the rows, thinking that i could stay out of sight of the gunmen to the west. I stopped for a moment, aware that, if i moved to the east too far, the people in the room to the south could see me. I looked over the structures in the room, trying to figure out how i could run to the north and stay out of sight. I remained crouched as i ran to the north, hiding among some of the structures to the north of me. These short walls ran east to west, and hid be from people to the south. I could follow this line to the north a little. I continued moving to the north. I was then outside the building. I still felt scared. I was not sure where i should go. To the north of the building was a parking lot, which sloped up slightly to the north. The parking lot stretched to the west, running to the west of the large white building that i had been in. I saw a group of people running from the western end of the building, heading west. They carried guns with them. I had to remain out of sight. I scanned the area to the north, trying to figure out how i could get away. A guardrail ran along the northern side of the parking lot, separating it from a drive that ran to the west and then turned north. Buildings were to the north of me, but they seemed to be separated from the drive by a row of bushes. To the east, a tall chain-link fence ran from the corner of the building north. I started running to the north, trying to stay low so that i could be out of sight from the gunmen. The buildings to the north seemed to be fast-food restaurants, and the large building to the northeast seemed to be a hotel. I thought that the building i was in was a shopping area. A car was driving west on the driveway. I was then hiding in the trunk of the car. I thought that the woman driving would turn to the north, but she continued to the west. This was not right. She would drive right into the gunmen. I thought that they were shooting at her. I crouched down in the trunk of her car, but the car stopped. I knew that the gunmen had found me, and i felt that there was no longer anything i could do. I had been caught.

12019 May 08

I looked at the comic books that were in my left hand as i put them down on the table. I had been with the others, and my mother was walking to the east across the room. I stood to the west of the small square table, which seemed only about a meter square. I moved to the eastern side of the table, looking at the one comic book that was on top of the short stack. I had just purchased them. The comic on top seemed to be an X-Men book. It had a dull-blue cover with people standing on the front. I opened it, anxious to read a new issue. When i opened the pages, however, i found pictures of tools inside. I felt confused. I flipped forward a few pages, but i only saw pictures of equipment on the pages. I closed the book and looked at the cover again. A tall thin woman was standing on the left side of the cover, drawn like a comic-book hero. She wore a tight-fitting uniform and had long hair running over her shoulders. I looked at the logo in the upper left of the cover. It was a square design that was formed by words. I then thought to look for the issue number of the book. I scanned the cover, seeing a number in bold type in the upper right corner. It seemed like “86” or “64”. It was too low a number to be an issue of the recent X-Men series. It must have been a catalog of some type. I put it down and picked up the small clear-plastic bag that held the rest of the comic books. I was aware of my mother walking to the east behind me as i tried to pull the comic books out of the bag. There were quite a few books in the bag, and i was surprised that i had purchased so many. I thought that i would not let my mother see how many i had bought. She might think that i had gotten too many. I pulled the stack of books from the plastic sleeve and put them on the table. One of the first ones was part of the special series. It was a series that ran over several issues. The cover seemed to have a white background, with many heroes standing across the center of it. A thick black line ran across the center of the cover, noting that the book on top was the first issue of the miniseries. The black bar faded out at the top and bottom. I pulled the book to the left and looked at the issue below it. It had the same cover design, and the text in the black bar seemed to indicate that this was the second issue. I flipped through several more issues, thinking that there were four. I then thought that i might not have the last issue of the series. I felt interested in the series, thinking that it was something special.

12019 May 09

I was standing on the sidewalk on the northern side of Paden Street, looking east at myself. I was standing in front of my grandmother’s house, but i started walking toward my vantage point. I had been talking to $K1 at the end of the driveway. I was then moving down the slope of the street, heading west. The hill was not that steep, but the chair i was sitting in slided quickly down the cement slope of the sidewalk. The chair had four metal legs that were square in cross section and had a chrome-like surface. They were angled slightly away from the chair. I felt excited to slide down the slope. As i reached the end of the sidewalk, i could see the schoolyard across the street ahead of me. I had been on the northern sidewalk of the street, which ran to the west. The street ended on another street that ran north to south along the eastern edge of the schoolyard. The front feet of the chair caught on the rounded curb of the sidewalk at the street to the west. I jumped off of the chair, but i reached behind me with my right hand and grabbed the chair, carrying it with me as i walked across the street. A short chain-link fence ran along the outside of the schoolyard, but i walked through an opening in the fence. The low school building was about fifty meters away, and some people were doing something in front of it. I thought that they had probably seen me slide off of the sidewalk and catch the chair. I wondered if it looked casual. I decided that i did not want to carry the chair with me, so i set it down just inside the fence, to the north of the worn path that i was following across the grass. I stopped near the people, who seemed to be in a playground. I had to urinate, so i turned to the south and started urinating on a bush. I then realized that some of the people from the playground could still see me. I should not have been urinating in public like this, and i felt bad for doing so. I turned back to the east and moved behind a large darkly stained playground structure. A woman from the crowd had seen me, and she walked toward me a little. She seemed displeased. I felt bad, and i did not want to get yelled at, so i started walking back to the east. I had the hood of my white sweatshirt pulled up over my head. This was good, because the others would not be able to identify me. I started walking quickly to get away from the area.

I was in the small bedroom on the second floor of the house, which seemed to be my parents’ farm house. I had been sleeping in the bed on the eastern side of the room. It was morning, though, and i woke up. I felt groggy and horny. I moved to the west. An opening was in the lower part of the western end of the northern wall, and i could see into the back room of the house. My mother was there, and i lay down on the floor and started speaking to her through the opening. $K1 was then standing next to me. I rolled on the floor as if still waking from a bed. I felt tired. I moved back to the east. A black and white mottled couch was against the eastern end of the northern wall. I had sleeped on it last night, but that did not quite seem right. I thought that my mother would ask how i had sleeped. She had thought that i had sleeped in a bed. I thought that i had sleeped in something less formal. I arranged the cushions of the couch on the floor in front of the couch. My mother might think that i had been sleeping on them. They might be more comfortable than the couch, because i would be able to stretch out. I was then lying on the floor under a large dark bedspread. The inside of the bedspread was white, but the outside seemed dark brown or dull black. I rolled around on the floor, not quite ready to get up. I felt groggy, but it felt good and relaxing to be here. I then realized that i felt horny. I rolled over on to my stomach and stretched my arms over my head. I then rolled back on to my back. This seemed familiar, and i remembered that i had had a dream where $K1 was standing next to me in a bedroom as i talked to my mother. I had felt horny then too. I wondered if the dream was yesterday. I knew that it could not have been that long ago, but i thought that it was from earlier that yesterday. I thought about this, wondering if the events in the dream were similar to what i was doing now.

12019 May 10

My father was sitting on the floor to the southwest of me, in the small room of the house. He was hunched over to the west, and he was holding his left foot near his hips. I asked him if he was okay, and he indicated his toe. I could see that something seemed wrong with the index toe of his left foot. He said that he had sprained it on the grass. The green grass now seemed to be on the ground of the room. I hoped that he was all right, and i said something to him. I was leaning on the eastern side of a doorway, looking into the room. My feet were to the east of the doorway on the northern side of the wall. I was then aware of $K1 to the east of me. I turned to her and said something. I then started walking to the east, through the open space of the house. A bedroom was to the east, and i wanted to do something there. The room was very large, and the eastern end of it seemed to be a lawn in front of a stone building. It seemed like the building near the bridge on North Campus. The building was to the east of me, but i had to do something to the northeast. My view panned to the north across the wide area.

The man was talking about something to the east of me. I had been talking to him for a while. He was a wrestler, and he seemed like someone i was very familiar with. He was doing very well in the sport of wrestling, and he seemed to be a champion, but something had gone wrong. He was upset now. I listened to him talk as i looked around at the other wrestlers near me. Kyle Dake was to the southeast of me, and he seemed upset about what had happened. As my view panned to the north, i could see someone standing near the eastern wall. I seemed to be standing in a hallway that ran to the east. A room opened just to the north of the hallway. The pale blue walls seemed smooth and slick. Another wrestler was standing against the wall. He was wearing a singlet and seemed to be from a middle weight class. I realized that other wrestlers were in the room as well, and most of them seemed upset. David Tayler was crouched against the eastern wall of the room, near the wrestler in the singlet, who was leaning against the wall and standing. All of them seemed disheartened and in despair. It had something to do with the wrestler that i had been talking to. Something had happened to him, and the rest of the wrestlers had lost their spirit. As my vision panned north, i noticed Dylan Palacio standing just to the northeast of me. He wore a red singlet as he came into the edge of the scene. The view stopped, focusing on a wrestler who was sitting on the southern end of a weigh bench. He wore a singlet and seemed to have been doing weights. The muscles of his arms and shoulders were sweaty from the workout, but he was hunched forward and crying. He explained to the camera that he could not do it anymore. I remembered this character from before. He had been set up as a strong determined person at the beginning of the film. He too had been affected by the tragedy that had happened to the main wrestler. I was surprised that this would be a film. It seemed strange that all of this would have been caught in a documentary. As the man on the bench talked, i realized that his lower legs had been replaced by prosthetics. This was something that had made him a tough character before, but he was very upset now. I turned to the west, thinking about this scene.

I was thinking about the event as i headed to the east. I realized that i was standing on a very tall wall of packed snow. I had been climbing along a narrow ledge on the northern side of the wall with some of the others. I held on to the snow on the top of the all as i moved, but i was aware that the wall was very tall, and i was very far from the ground on the northern side of it. The ground to the south seemed only a few meters below the wall. I turned to look to the west. The group of women, who seemed to be part of a sports team, was heading toward me on the ice. I thought that they were following us across the wall. I would have to hurry so that i did not hold them up. I held on to a block of ice on top of the wall, noticing that i no longer had a narrow ledge to walk on. I thought that we would have to kick our feet into the surface of the wall to get a foothold. I moved to the east, remembering the team that had been going through so much trouble. The man walked to the east on the south of me, passing me. I stepped onto the cement pavement and started walking along the low cement bench, which was to the north of me now. The wall had ended in this area, which seemed like an outdoor plaza. The man said something. He seemed very depressed about what had happened. I said something to him as i moved to the south of him. He seemed like Captain Archer. A long narrow pool ran to the north. A woman was then walking near the man. She seemed East Asian, and she wore a tan wool trench coat. Her black hair was pulled back from her face, and she seemed to have small red flowers stuck into her hair here and there. She walked slowly and casually, and she said something about the pool. She was trying to convince the man to get into it. The rectangular trench now ran to the west from where i was. I was standing to the east of the pool, and the man was standing just to the south of the eastern end of the pool. The water of the pool had green algae-like bubbles on the surface. The bubbles had sparkles in them, like glass beads. The woman was trying to convince the man that the water was something special, but i knew that it was simply a pool. The man stepped into the water. Several others were standing around the southern end of the long rectangular trench. The trench ran to the west, along the northern side of the brown cement wall. The wall had a rough texture. The man submerged his head, and i could see him in the green-hued light under water. When he came back to the surface, he was Captain Archer. He stood near the wall to the south of him, and he noticed the rectangular metal plate with the two round nozzles sticking out of it. He frowned, realizing that this pool was nothing special. It was simply a decorative water fountain in the city. I looked at the nozzles, noticing a thin smaller nozzle angled down. I thought that these pipes would be used to fill the pool. They were part of the fountain. The man floated in the water, and he started talking to someone to the east, expressing his annoyance that he had been tricked. As he spoke, though, the water seemed to get higher, or he seemed to sink under it. His head was still near the metal plate on the wall, but he was now under the water. He continued to speak, and the sound of his voice seemed strange through the water. The light coming through the water had a green hue, and everything now seemed pale green. I thought that this was very strange.

12019 May 14

I woke up in the house, which i was not quite familiar with. It was still dark out, and i felt very sleepy. My parents and i had been visiting $A73 and $A431. I felt that i could not stay here anymore. I was a little embarrassed that i had fallen asleep while visiting them. I felt very tired, and i was not sure that i could continue. I walked to the north, leaving the house. My car was parked in the driveway on the eastern side of the house. I had to drive to the city to the northeast, which seemed like Albany. I got in the car, but $A772 was driving the car. I sat in the passenger’s seat. $A772 backed the car to the south, out of the wide driveway, which was to the south of the small brown house. The house seemed like the house to the east of my parents’ farmhouse. $A772 stopped at the edge of the driveway. A car was coming down the road from the east with its lights on. $A772 let the car pass and then backed out of the driveway. I felt worried that she was backing up too far to the south. I knew that a deep drainage ditch was on the other side of the road. I looked back as she stopped the car suddenly. I was standing behind the car now, and i could see that the rear tires of the car were just over the edge of the ditch. They had started to descend, but the car pulled forward and started heading to the east. I felt very tired as we drove down the country road. The land to the south seemed to be an open grassy field. The road seemed very curvy as it wound through the country. We were then stopped on the side of the road. Others were near me now, and i was talking to them. I felt that we should leave. We had to get to the city to the northeast. I moved suddenly to the east, gliding over edge of the road. A river gorge ran to the east from here. The reddish cliff walls were on the northern and southern sides, and the river below me seemed to curve to the southeast ahead. As i came over the top of the cliff near the road, where a branch of the canyon came to a narrow point, i could see the water far below. I flew over the edge and floated down toward the water. The tails of my trench coat flapped against my legs as i focused on gliding over the water. The canyon seemed to be about ten meters deep. I felt nervous as i glided over the top edge, but then relaxed as i coasted low over the water. The southern wall curved a little to the southwest, more than the northern wall. The others followed me over the water as i flew to the east. The southern wall ended, and i could see another branch of the water extending to the west-southwest. Buildings seemed to be built into the cliffs at the edge of the calm water. The others were still following me, but i was in the lead. A wooden sign was hanging from a bracket on the top of one of the buildings on the southern side of the water. I grabbed on to the sign and swinged upward. I was then aware than another man was running along a sign pole that stuck out from the edge of the rock, where the southern cliff end on the channel that i had come down. He sprinted over the tops of the buildings and was ahead of me. I felt that i had to catch up with him. I looked at the small buildings, though. They were quaint country stores. This place seemed like a tourist town, but it was very beautiful. I thought that there were many interesting things here that i had not noticed before.

12019 May 17

We moved around the small grassy yard, trying to do something. We had been in a battalion formation, but the people were now moving around in different directions. The grass was not cut that short, and it was very green. Buildings crowded around us, and the lawn only seemed to be fifteen or twenty meters east to west and ten meters north to south. I moved to the western side of the are, realizing that the people were trying to reform the phalanx. I move to the west, noticing a row of flattened grass where the first line of the battalion had kept forming. This activity was something that i was very familiar with, but the group seemed a little disorganized. I moved toward the northern end of the flattened area, thinking i should take my spot at the front of the line. The others were moving around to the west of me. They seemed to be deciding where we should go. I then realized that the people were actually starting to form in the center of the room. I moved to the east, toward the group. They were still trying to form into rows and columns. Several people had already started forming four or five columns on the eastern side of the room, but i realized that the people at the front of the row would need to form. I stepped into position at the front of the southernmost column. I glanced to the north, seeing that several other people were moving into position in the front row near me. I adjusted my position a little to line up with them. The two people in the middle of the front row were shorter than i, and they seemed to be women with long fuzzy hair. I knew that, once we were in position, the people to the east of us would move into clean rows behind us. The people still seemed to be wandering around, though. I realized that i had taken the position at the head of a column, and i wondered if i was really supposed to be there. I had been there previously, but this time, things seemed different. I wondered if it was presumptuous of me to assume that i would still be at the head of a column. I looked around at the other people. I then noticed a few older women moving into position to the west of me. They were stepping in front of the battalion, assuming the positions at the front of the columns. I did not recognize them, and they seemed out of place here. I thought that they were not part of the group, and i did not think that they should be taking the front positions. I felt confused as they chatted with each other. I was then standing to the north of one of the women. She seemed to be wearing tan office clothes: a heavy blouse and a knee-length skirt. She had chin-length hair that curled in at the bottom. She nodded and said something to the woman to the north of her. I moved around a little, not sure what we should be doing. It seemed that several other people had come into the area. I then realized that i was in a small room to the east of the large room that i had been in. The women and a few middle-aged men were sitting in rows along the northern wall. They seemed to be performers, and they were gathering here for something. I thought that they might be an acting troupe. I decided that i should leave them and get back to the others. I left the room through the door in the southern half of the western wall. I thought that we had been practicing in the large auditorium to the west and that these people must be coming here to practice something. We were both in the same space. I wondered what we would do. I then heard people singing a cappella. I recognized the song as a Queen song. It seemed to be from A Kind of Magic, and the song had several singers singing in harmony. I liked the song, and i moved to the west as i listened to it. I realized that the actors were doing musical theater. I thought that they must be doing a story using Queen songs. I stopped in the hallway with gray walls. A single male voice started singing the lead part of the song now. I felt amused. They were singing in the auditorium to the north of me. I moved through an opening in the wall to the north and came into the theater. I was now on the second floor, on a balcony that ran along the southern wall of the room. I thought that the rest of my marching group must be on the first floor in the center of the auditorium. I moved to the edge of the balcony, looking down and to the northeast. The stage was set into the eastern wall of the room. The room was dark, and bright lights shined down on a group of people lined up in a slight curve on the stage. A man was standing to the west of them, facing west. He was off of the stage and seemed to be standing on a narrow extension to the stage that reached out into the audience. He wore a brown tweed coat and was starting to bald. He sang the lead melody. I danced on the edge of the balcony, thinking that i had to rejoin my group. As i stepped over the edge of the balcony, however, i realized that my group was no longer in the room. The yellowish-tan floor of the audience was empty and bare. The room did not seem to have any chairs in it, though i was aware of seats along the balcony. Someone was sitting just to the south of me on the balcony as i stepped over the edge. I swinged out into the room, holding on to something that was overhead. I looked up, grabbing on to thin black metal rods that curved across the ceiling. I thought that i would have to lower myself to the ground at some point. I then realized that the music had stopped. I looked down to see that the man and the chorus were looking up at me. The man had an expression of surprise and concern. I was now holding on to the ceiling in the northeastern part of the room, very near the stage. I realized that it was actually a long way down to the ground. I would have to be careful. I did not realized that i was so high up. I thought about this, thinking again about the music that the people had been singing. I like the Queen songs, and i thought that the show would have started with “Fat Bottom Girls”. I imagined a show where the lead character was a sex addict, and he would start the scene with leather and metal garments in what would look like a sex dungeon. This seemed to be an interesting show, and i thought about it as i moved to the west.

12019 May 19

I was sitting on the eastern end of the southern side of the table. Two other people were across the table from me, and one person was sitting to the west of me. The waiter had asked me something, and i replied to her, but i was not quite sure what she had meant. We were eating breakfast here, and the meal looked good to me. The waiter then came from the east and put a glass carafe of a dark red liquid on the table in front of me, just to the northeast of me. I realized that she had said something to me about a drink, and she had brought it out without me ordering it. I did not want the drink, but i did not say anything. The drink looked like cranberry juice, but it had small yellow things floating in it. The waiter had said something about tea, but i knew that this was some kind of breakfast juice. I pulled off the plastic top, but then i realized that i did not want anything that was acidic for breakfast. I had been eating syrup with my waffles, and i knew that the juice would not go well with the syrup. I felt annoyed, and i would have to tell the waiter that i did not order the drink and that i did not want it.

I flipped through the booklet on the desk to the south of me. I was sitting to the north of the desk, and i had been working on the small booklet. Someone then said something, and i walked around the eastern end of my desk and into the office to the west, where my boss was. He had asked a question. He seemed like $A769. He had a rectangular face and short wavy white hair. He asked about the pamphlet. I handed him the copy i had been working on, saying that i was just proofing the booklet. It was a booklet of four or five sheets of paper that had been folded in half. It seemed to have a light-blue cover. The man referred to something on a computer tablet on the desk in front of him. I was standing on the southern side of the desk, looking at the man over his computer monitor. The tablet was to the southwest of the man. He asked about the figures as he scrolled through pages on the tablet. I worried that i had not included all of the information that he was talking about in the booklet. Then i realized that the pages of text on the tablet had a dark-blue background and white letters. I recognized them as pages from a digital presentation. I asked the man if he was referring to the website. I noticed a data table on one of the pages that he was flipping through. It was a shorter version of the table that i had used in the booklet that i had produced. I felt better, knowing that the data he was looking at was only part of the full set; it was just a web presentation. The man then asked me about the “Bruns truck”, saying that he had seen it mentioned in one of the pages. I thought about this for a moment. I then told him that it made sense. I said that Bruns was the company that delivered food to the house, so the truck was probably a delivery truck. The man flipped through several more pages.

12019 May 20

I moved to the east a little, across the store. The small black dog followed behind me. I felt hurried here, thinking that i had to leave soon. The floor of the store seemed wooden, and tall square bins were arranged in various places around the floor. The bins were about a meter square and came up to my abdomen. I looked through the things in one of the bins to the north of me, feeling that i had to hurry to leave. I had something to do here, though. I moved to the east again, and the small dog followed me. I looked back at it, talking friendly to it. It was a light-black schnauzer, with thin thought white hair running down from the sides of its face. It looked at me expectedly. I felt attached to the dog, but i had things to do. I was glad that the dog was staying so close to me as i moved through the store. I knew that the entrance was to the east. I looked to the east. The store was very narrow, and seemed to have something to do with a college campus. The walls were old and made of crude brick or stone. We seemed to be partly below the ground level. Small windows were high on the northern wall near the eastern end of the room, and the door out seemed to be up a set of stairs in a wall that ran from north-northeast to south-southwest on the southeastern side of the room. The dog jogged to the east of me and then stopped. The cashier’s counter was a small counter near the northern wall. A person was standing in front of the register as a young man helped the person out. The young man was leaning forward on to the counter, and a young woman was standing behind him with here arms crossed. I tried to pay attention to where the dog was. I had to keep watch over it. A second dog then seemed to be running around the floor as well. It was a small dark-gray dog. I looked back at the bin to the north of me. My grandmother was then to the north of the bin. She said something to me emphatically. I said that the dog used to belong to $K14. My grandmother seemed excited about something as she spoke. I answered her with a smile, thinking that i really should hurry. I moved back to the west, looking at the bin that was now just to the northwest of me. I had tried to get something from there. I told my grandmother that i would be a moment as i pulled forward some of the things from the bin. The bin had books, which were standing up, facing south. I flipped through some of the books, thinking that some were comic books. I felt interested in them and wanted to see what they were. I noticed a few that i recognize. I told no one in particular about one of the books. I then noticed an Avengers book. I thought that it was related to Infinity War. It had all of the members of the Avengers on the cover in a crude artistic rendering. I could not see the bottom of the cover, but i thought that they were all sitting in a red roller-coaster cart. The cart was tipped down, and they were all leaning back. Hulk was in the upper left of the drawing. They all looked tense, except for Iron Man, who was leaning back with his hands behind his head. He was sitting in the back row of the cart, just a little right of center of the cover, just under the title text. I thought that this book would now be popular because of the latest Avengers movie. I put it back down in the bin, thinking that i should hurry and leave. I stared to move away from the bin when i noticed a small square black book. It was about a deci wide, with a thick hard cover and a sewn spine. It said “The Wall” in the center of the cover in white letters. I realized that it referred to Pink Floyd’s album. I was surprised to see such a small book on the subject, and i wondered what was in it. I pulled it out of the bin and flipped through the pages. The book was full of pictures and white sleeves, which seemed to contain CDs or other contents. I thought it was strange that it was here, and i put it back in the bin. I felt rushed and turned to the east to leave.

12019 May 21

I stumbled to the north, along the western sidewalk of the city street. The street was empty, with few people and no traffic. The tall stone buildings around me seemed to be brown or sepia in color. I felt awkward and unable to catch my balance. I thought that something must be wrong. I started to feel that i was not right. I forced myself to continue to the north, but i could not focus and could not quite catch my balance. I worried that something was wrong. I had something to do in this part of the city, and i had to get to the north. The scene then changed, and i stumbled to the east-northeast, down the dirt road. I was now in a country area. A large coral or pen was to the north of the dirt road, which ran east along the northern side of the property. Darkly stained wood rail fencing formed the pen. A horse seemed to be inside the area. The small white farmhouse was to the south of the dirt road, and a wide tree was just to the east of me. The tree was to the south of the road, but its wide crown stretched out over part of the road. The tree did not seem that tall, and it seemed like some kind of deciduous fruit tree. Flowers seemed to be on the tree. Some people were sitting on the green cut grass to the east of the tree, to the northeast of the house. Something about this place seemed very quaint. I wondered suddenly how i had gotten to this place. I did not remember leaving the city, and this place seemed like a sudden transition. I stopped just to the west of as old wooden chair. The chair was on the western side of a small circle of people. A man sat in a metal chair to the northeast of the wooden chair near me. He seemed short and stout. Another person was sitting on the southern side of the circle. I grabbed the bluish-gray back of the wooden chair, which seemed to be an Adirondack-style chair. The chair had a back of vertical wooden board that fanned out from the seat. I removed the back from the chair and flipped it over, waving the back to the east of me. I continued doing this as i chatted with the others here.

12019 May 24

I was with $F71 in the bedroom on the western side of the house. The bedroom was long and rectangular, and it seemed to be part of a modern extension to the house. It filled the western wing of the house. $F71 sat on the western end of the couch, which was against the western end of the southern wall of the room. The old couch seemed worn. I stood to the northeast of the couch, in the middle of the western end of the room. I was talking to $F71 when i noticed the sound coming from the couch. I knew that it was the whine of a cat, but i did not know where it was coming from. $F71 was sitting on the western cushion, and he looked down to the east of him. I noticed a furry cat crouched down between the cushions of the couch. $F71 pulled back something so that we could get a better look at the cat. It was $X24, and she had her head pressed against the side of the pillow that $F71 was sitting on. She whined again, but did not move. I thought that she was stalking something in the couch. $F71 stood up from the couch, and i realized that the couch seemed to be on the floor, as if it had no legs. $X24 lurched to the south, toward the back of the couch. She was chasing something. I thought that a mouse must be under the cushions. $X24 then turned to the east and ran along the back of the couch to a pile of blankets that were crumbled up over the eastern cushion and arm. She started digging under them. I was surprised that a mouse had gotten into the couch, but then i realized that i had not had the couch in the basement before. This room now seemed to be below ground level. The walls seemed to be made of cinder blocks. I tried to get a better look at what the cat was chasing, but i heard the sound of people to the west. My parents had come in the door at the western end of the room. They had been visiting me. I felt awkward here. It seemed like early morning, and my parents were on the couch, which was still against the western end of the southern wall. I moved around the room, feeling that i should be doing something, but i was not sure what. I then headed to the west, stepping out of the door in the western wall. I stopped just outside the doorway, standing on a wooden platform that would be threshold of the house. The house was still being constructed. The cement-block walls were still exposed on the outside, and unfinished wood could be seen around the door. No stairs were outside the door, and the ground seemed to be two or two and a half meters from the bottom of the door. I then felt confused, remembering that my parents had entered through this door. I wondered how they had gotten up here. Dirt seemed to be pushed against the house, but it sloped down steeply from the house to the north and south of the door. The slope did not seem to exist under the door. My father could have climbed up the wall, but i did not know how my mother would have made it up into the door. I thought that my father must have lifted her into the house. I was lying down now, looking over the edge at the ground below. I pushed myself into a kneeling position, noticing that the pots of flowers that were on the wooden planks along the top of the slope were out of place. I adjusted them slightly. Four small green plastic pots were on the outer edge of the door’s threshold. I tried to move the second from the north, but i realized that the pot had been screwed down to the wood. I thought that $F71 must have done this so that the plants did not tip over in the wind. A second plank was lower than the first, and a few more seemed to be at different levels to the west of the house. I was now standing on the ground to the northwest of the door, facing southeast. I adjusted one of the potted plants on one of the lower planks. I heard voices from the west, and i turned to see who was there. The neighbors’ house was not that far away, and their driveway ran very close to where i was. The house sat farther back from the main road, and the southern side of the house was just a little north of where i was. The house seemed to be red, with old wood siding and white trim. I realized that $A14 was talking to someone who had been visiting his house. I could no see $A14, but i could hear him talking from the northwest of me. A man had walked up the driveway from the south and had stopped to the west of me, just to the south of $A14. $A14 mentioned me and said that i had work to do. I thought about the book that i would have to edit for him. I wandered to the east, finding myself to the east of my house. I could still hear the people to the west talking. I started doing something here, but i thought that i really should go back into the house.

12019 May 25

I was with $G4 in the camp on the hill to the northeast of the valley area. It was evening, and the sun was setting in the west. The colors were warm golds and yellows. We had to leave the camp, and people started walking to the south to get on to the dirt road. I was talking to $F58 and some of the other people, who were standing to the north and west of me. $F58 was to the west of me. A small simple wooden cabin was to the north of us, and the grassy area around us seemed to be dry, though the grass was ragged and about a deci tall in places. We started walking to the southwest on the dirt driveway that led to the road, which was to the south of us. The drive from the field let down hill. A wood rail fence seemed to run along the northern side of the road, separating the grassy area from the road. A number of us were already walking to the southwest on the dirt path. When we reached the road, i could see it running west, curving downward as it dipped into a narrow but gentle stream valley. It rose up again the other side, about a hundred meters away. The main road seemed to have ruts in it, and it was only one lane wide. I talked to the man to the north of me about leaving. He said some things about leaving that i did not seem to trust. He was being too specific in his information, and i felt that he was leading us into a trap. I thought that he had told someone about us, and that person would be trying to capture us. I thought that the bad guys would already be coming for us. We crossed the small bridge on the dirt road. The dirt was packed onto the deck of the bridge, which also seemed like a culvert. Old rusted metal rails ran along both sides of the road over the streambed. I moved to the south of the road, into the open shed. The old wood shed had walls on all sides, but the northern side was open to the road. I felt uncomfortable with the man, and i accused him of betraying us. I looked to the south. A woman was standing just to the south of me in the barn. She was Arya. The man was still to the north, and i was standing just under the edge of the roof of the shed. The man said that he was sorry, and admitted that he had told the bad guys that we were here. I felt trapped and nervous, but i did not feel worried. I thought that we would get out of this. I knew that people would be coming to abduct us. I also knew that a specific man would be coming for Arya to take her captive. I thought that the man must be someone who held a special grudge for her. I thought it must be The Mountain. I turned to the north to see a large man standing in the road just to the north of us. We could not escape from here. I walked to the north, out of the shed and onto the road. I felt tense and wondered what i should do. I then saw Cersei to the west of me. She had approached with her troops. She stood staring at us with contempt. I was aware of The Mountain capturing Arya to the south of me. I turned to look south, noticing that Arya seemed to be passive. I was not sure if The Mountain was pretending to be childish with her to make her feel at ease, of if she was pretending to be innocent to lure him closer to her. I thought that she would be able to get her revenge eventually. The Mountain backed out of the shed, and Arya swinged under the wooden railing that crossed the front of the shed. She could not quite swing upward, and her feet ended up in the shallow ditch that ran along the edge of the shed. The Mountain bent over and picked her up in his arms, cradling her playfully. She smiled and put her arm around his shoulder. I knew that Arya was pretending to enjoy being swinged up. The Mountain stepped over the ditch, carrying her to the road. Cersei the moved closer and said that i would not be coming to her wedding. She was threatening to have me killed. “Why would i want to come to your wedding?”, i asked. “You’re marrying your brother.”, i accused her. She stiffened with anger, staring intently at me. “Why would you even want to be married.”, i added, “You’re already family.” She moved toward me, pulling out a large push pin from her right side. She held it up to her shoulder like a dagger. She was going to stab we with it. I felt annoyed, but i did not know what to do. I felt in danger, but i knew that i could not escape. Suddenly, i lunged at Cersei, but i knew that my movements were awkward. I felt impotent, but i thought that i had to do something, even if it did not make a difference.

12019 May 26

I was getting ready to leave the house, but i felt that something was wrong. Someone in the house said that the dam was breaking. I thought that we were in no danger here, but i wondered what was happening. I thought that it must be the dam at the college to the north of us. I pictured the town around us. We were in a neighborhood of old houses at the bottom of the hill. The hill rose steeply to the north of us, forming a wall along the northern side of the town. The college was at the top of the hill, and the dam seemed to be somewhere on the hill above us. We were not on the river from the dam, though. That seemed to run somewhere to the west of us. I wondered what was happening, and i thought that i could go see what the emergency crews were doing. I thought that i would pass by the dam on my way home from work. I wondered if i should purposely head that way so that i could pass by the emergency vehicles. I then wondered if i would be able to make it past them. I moved around the room, thinking about this. I imagined that the fire crews might block the road near the dam. I wondered if it would be a problem for me in getting home. I thought about this as i paced around the room.

I was running with $G4, and we had just left the building to the north. We ran to the east from the building, down a city street. We seemed to be in the middle of a small city, on one of the main commercial roads. Buildings were crowded around us. We turned a corner, and were then heading to the west. Several people were running in front of me as we followed the trail along the southern sidewalk of the street. I ran along the plain cement wall, which seemed to be the back of a building. This street was more like an alley, and it seemed to be to the south of where we had been. The others ahead of me reached an intersection and turned to the north. I thought that the trail must head back to the north to get closer to where we had been. I looked for marks as i approached the intersection. I noticed a strange mark on the corner, where the people had turned to the north. The mark did not seem to be a check, but the people to the north were looking for marks. I looked to the west, noticing that the trail marks actually continued to the west. I ran to the west, calling after the others. A few of the runners looked over their right shoulders at me but kept running to the north. I thought that the mark i was following must be false, because it made more sense for the others to continue to the north. I then heard the others calling from the north, saying that they were on trail. A few other people were following me to the west. They did not see any other marks in this direction either, so we knew that it was a false trail. I decided not to go back to the intersection. Instead, i turned to the north after the low cinder-block building. I had been running down an alley behind the building. I thought that i could head north and get back to the street where the others were. I called behind me, telling the others that the trail was to the north. I reached the end of the alley that i had been heading to the north down. When i reached the main road, it was empty. This seemed very strange. I suddenly thought that the others must have run farther to the north. They would be on another street to the north of us. The alley i had come down ended, though, and did not continue to the north. I headed to the west. It seemed discomforting that no one else was on the street. I then realized that i was alone on the street. I also was aware that i was wearing strange clothes as part of the run. I wore a kilt and a bright orange hat. I stopped at an intersection to the west. I had been running down the southern sidewalk of the street. The second street ran to the southeast from where i was, and the corner seemed rather sharp. A man stood against the dark stone building on the corner. He was from $G4 as well, and i chatted with him for a moment. Looking up the slight hill of the street to the southeast, i could see that temporary barricades had been put up along the sides of the street. Some people were gathering on the southern side of the street about a hundred meters away, around where the street curved back to the east. I remembered that a parade was supposed to be happening to day. I remembered that the parade had something to do with the holiday. This must have been why the street was so empty. It had been closed off to traffic, and the people had not yet started to gather for the parade. The man to the east of me was wearing a bright yellow coat with no shirt under it. She wore running shorts that came down to his knees. He seemed like $A773, and he wore a wide-rimmed yellow had with ball tassels around the rim. He smiled as he spoke to me. I then turned to the north. We were back at the house where the run had started. The others had gathered here for a stop. They were all crowded into the room, and i was in the middle of the southern side, trying to do something with my shoes. I had to change my shoes. The others then started to leave for the next part of the run. They headed out of the room to the southwest, through a doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I hurried to change my shoes so that i could follow them. I had to put my shoes back on. $A773 was still standing near me, and i told him that i would only be a moment, because i had to put my shoes back on. I pulled on the long socks, which seemed to be damp. I then hurried to pull my shoes on, feeling rushed.

I was with the others in the rectangular room, which was longer north to south. The room seemed to be in the southeastern corner of an old shop building. The ceiling seemed to be covered with tin tiles that had been painted white. I had to leave, and i felt that i should leave soon. I had to be somewhere. As i walked through the crowd, i was aware that i was still wearing my trench coat. I thought about where i was heading. I knew that the campus was to the north of us. A man was then to the northwest of me. I noticed him standing in the crowd as i approached, and i felt annoyed with him. He had been a nuisance previously. I glanced at him as i passed, thinking that he would try to criticize me again. He was rounded, with fleshy cheeks. I stopped in front of him on my way to the door, feeling that i was challenging him. He scoffed at me, saying that trench coats were not in style anymore. Some of the people around us turned to watch us. I pretended that he was saying something absurd, and i told him that it was for the rain. I continued to the southeast, to leave the building. He quickly retorted by saying that it was not raining out. I knew that he would say this. Without looking back at him, i said in a loud voice that it was raining when i left home this morning. I exited the building and paused on the sidewalk to the south of it. I moved to the east and then headed to the north, up the sidewalk. I put my hand in my left pocket, realizing that i did not have my keys with me. I felt annoyed. I would have to go back into the building to get them. Another entrance to the building was just ahead of me on the western side of the sidewalk. I turned into the entrance, which was recessed about a meter from the front of the building. I pulled on the metal handle of the glass door, but the door was locked. I was still annoyed. I would have to go back to the door that i had come out of and ask the people to let me back in.

12019 May 27

I moved to the east, into the kitchen of my parents’ house. It was dark, and i was aware that my parents were upstairs. It seemed to be early in the morning. I noticed lights outside, to the southeast. A car had stopped on the road in front of the house. I hoped that the person outside could not see me in the house. I moved to the east, passing the windows, wondering if the person could see a shadow at all. A dim light seemed to be coming from somewhere to the northwest, so i thought it might cast a shadow on the window. I moved against the eastern wall of the room. A counter ran along the eastern wall, and a large appliance seemed to be in the center of the counter. I looked out a window to the southeast of me, in the eastern wall. I could not see the car, but i could see the yellowish lights shining on the road to the south of the house. I pressed myself against the wall, hoping to stay out of the car’s view. I then turned to the north, looking at the light from the car on the driveway. The light grew brighter for a moment and then dimmed. I thought that the car must have been turning around. It was leaving. I slouched down until i was sitting on the floor, in front of the counter. I felt very tired, and i wanted to go back to bed. I knew that it was a school morning, though, so i thought that i would have to get up to go to school. I did not want to wake up yet. I felt very tired. I leaned to the south, lying down on the floor. I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking that i should sleep some more. I then thought that i would have to get up soon because i had an early class. I thought that i had to get to my English class. I sighed as i sat back upright and started to stand. I would have to get ready to leave. I walked to the west, crossing the dining room and entering the bathroom of the house. The bathroom was illuminated. I moved around in this room for a moment before heading back to the east. I turned to the north and walked through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall of the dining room, entering the back room of the house. I stopped just inside the doorway, noticing the small statue and some other things on the floor just to the east of me. The cats must have knocked them over. They were at the bottom of the set of stairs that led up to the second floor. Annoyed, i bent over to pick up the statue, which looked like a small Santa Clause. I moved it to the south a little, putting it on the thick slab of stone that formed a low shelf between where i was standing and the bottom of the stairs. The shelf was about two-thirds of a meter wide and seemed to run along the western side of the lower step of the stairs. It seemed like the hearth on the fireplace in the back room of my parents’ house. A coat or crumpled blanket was on the floor to the east of the two statues. I moved them and then turned to the north. I was now standing in front of an open wall. I seemed to be between two buildings now on an upper floor. I stood in the room of one building, looking through a small space in the wall to the north of me at a large open room to the north. I had to move to the north, but the opening in the wall seemed very small. I thought of the word “jackolent” as i stared at the oddly shaped tube that was in the wall. The rest of the wall had no surface, only joists and an occasional crossbeam. The space to the north seemed like an open attic. To get to the other side, i would have to crawl through a tube. The square opening was about a meter square on my side. The walls of the smooth opening were about a centimeter thick, and the gray object seemed to be made of cement or some hard plastic material. It had rounded corners. The tube ran straight for only about ten centimeters, and then the lower side sloped upward. The tube was only around a meter and a half long. The northern side seemed to be the same width as the southern end, which was near me, but it was only a half meter high. I seemed to remember this opening from before. I had to cross it, but i did not think that i could fit through it. I lifted my feet and tried to extend them toward the hole. I was not sure that they would fit, though. The hole was smaller than i had thought. I would have to change it. I stood near the opening now, placing my hands on either side. The opening seemed less than a meter wide now, and i decided that it was actually narrower than my shoulders. I felt annoyed, but i reached into the opening and changed its size. I had spread my arms a little and increased the size of the funnel-shaped tube. I moved toward the opening, thinking that the opening was more jackolent now. This did not seem to be the correct usage of the term, but i wondered if it really was.

12019 May 28

I was in a dark place, and i could not see anything in front of me. I seemed to be looking to the north or northeast, into the darkness. I seemed to be able to see shapes, but i knew that they were part of the darkness and not real objects. It was like having my eyes closed in a dark room and seeing filaments and slowly moving shades of darkness. I then realized that the darkness was tipping down, away from me. The darkness had a motion to it. It seemed slow, but the featureless blackness around me seemed to be distorting and tipping, as though i was moving over something. This seemed very strange to me, and i felt that i had realized something fascinating: the darkness had a shape, and the shape moves.

12019 May 29

The others wanted to move the large structure. I was talking to someone as we stood in the field of cut grass. The others moved to the east, and i turned around. A simple wooden structure was just to the east of me. Two thick wooden poles rose from the ground, meeting at the top, where they supported horizontal poles that came from the east. The horizontal poles were about a meter apart on the western end of the structure, and they diverged as they ran to the east. I could see that they met another set of vertical supports not too far away, and further poles ran to the east. I could not see all of the structure, which seemed to be somewhere to the east, but i knew that it was very large. We were supposed to help push it. I started pushing on the poles, and my friend pushed on the pole to the north of me. The structure moved easily. I thought that many other people must be pushing the main part of the building to the east. We were just adding the extra push from the back end of the thing. The structure turned this way and that, and i had a hard time staying behind it to keep it going. The man to my left, who was my friend, was pushing against the pole near him, leaning forward quite a way. I tried to continue pushing on my pole, but i kept losing my balance as the structure moved. We were then pushing the structure to the west. I continued to try to push as it came to a stop. We were just down the steep short hill of grass from the flat area. To the northwest of us was a large stadium, with a white rounded southern side. A small short building was just to the southeast. We had stopped the structure we were pushing so that it was running west-southwest to east-northeast, between the two buildings. This did not seem like the correct place for it. The land still sloped here, and i thought that the building we had pushed, which seemed to be the old stadium, was leaning down to the southwest. I thought that we should turn it more to the southwest so that it fit between the other buildings better, but i realized that we had not asked permission before we moved the building. A man walked toward us from the northern side of the structure. He was $A117. He had been supervising us as we moved the building. I wanted to tell him that we should turn the building a little. I also thought that we would have to dig out part of the hill on the northeastern end of the structure, where we were, so that it stood level. Others started wandering around, and i continued to think about this as i wandered to the east. I imagined placing the building in the spot so that others could not easily move it.

I was standing on the southern end of the small patio outside the large college building. The building ran along the southern and eastern sides of the square patio. It also seemed to be on part of the western side. I had been doing something in the building, but now i was talking to the other people. We had something that we needed to do, and we started walking to the north. I remembered being in the large room of the cement building, doing something with a large group. The man to the east of me showed me a picture. I knew that the yellow van in the picture was important, and we would have to find it. It looked like a small delivery van. We stopped on the street to the north of the building. We were on a college campus, and buildings were all around us. It was getting dark, but there was still enough light to see the details on the street. We looked to the east and west, not seeing the van. We then moved to the north again, coming to another east-to-west street. I felt uncertain about where the van would be. I looked down the street to the east, pointing out the details to the others. I thought that the van should have been on that street, but it was not. I looked at the picture again. The picture seemed to be facing west, and the van was parked on the northern side of the street. I noticed a tall modern building just to the north of the van. I could not see the bottom of the building, because it was hidden behind some trees, but i could see the smooth tan top of the building stretching up. The top one or two floors of the building were wider than the lower part, so they overhung to the south. Vertical striations ran up the front of the building, but stopped at the overhang. Red lights seemed to be on the edge of the overhang. I pointed down the street to the east, telling the others that the van should be on the northern side of the street just to the east of us. I could see the building with the overhang about fifty meters down the street. I realized that the angle was wrong. The photograph was taken from the other side of the building, but we should still have been able to see the van on the street. We moved to the north a little as i talked about this. We were then driving to the south. We still had to search for the van. As we crossed a street, we looked to the east and west down it, but we could not see the van. We continued to the south.

12019 May 31

I had been doing something with the others is the open area. I left the others and headed to the north, thinking that i had to get back to where i had come from. I started jogging north on the small path that led through the small field. The path led slightly uphill to the road. I turned to the west on the road. I started jogging down the southern side of the road, realizing that it was very foggy here. It was also dark. I had not planned to be out after dark, so i did not have any lights with me. I thought that it could be dangerous to jog on the side of the road here, because the cars would not be able to see me. I looked at the edge of the road as i ran, trying to stay very close to it. The ground to the south of the road was covered with snow, and the melting snow ran right to the edge of the road. The snow to the south seemed to be about a deci deep. I felt uneasy as i jogged, hoping that i would stay out of the way of cars. I focused on the road at the edge of the snow ahead of me. I was aware of lights ahead, and i thought that i had to be careful. Someone was then on the northern side of the street. I slowed. I had been driving along the left-hand side of the street in a small car. The fog was thinner now, and i could see a child in a brown hooded parka with fur around the hood. The child had backed into the street from the north. The road ahead of me curved to the northwest, and a hill rose a few meters just off the northern side of it. A row of old thick trees, which were spaced evenly, about two meters apart, ran along the top of the slope. Several other children were moving up and down the slope. The road was higher on the northern side, where the base of the slope was. The children were sledding down the hall, and they seemed unaware that i was on the road. I felt nervous, but i was glad that i had seen the children before i got too close. They still seemed unaware of me. I did not want to risk hitting them, so i turned around and headed back to the east. The road curved to the northeast just before turning back east and heading under a railroad bridge. This corner reminded me of Voorhesville. As i approached the corner, i drove slowly, worried that the roads were slippery. Just before i started around the corner, i was aware that the road on the curve sloped steeply to the northeast. I tried to drive slowly around the corner, but my car started sliding across the road, to the north. I felt nervous, but i could not stop the car from sliding. It slided off the road and into the yard of a small gray house with a white roof. The house was set back about twenty meters from the road, and my car came to a stop on the damp grass. I felt annoyed. I stood up, now to the northwest of my car, and i lifted my car up and tried to move it back onto the road. I was surprised at how light my car seemed. I looked down at the gray car as i lifted it. I noticed that the metal on the front end was dented. This annoyed me, but i thought that i could easily pull the dent out of it. I just hoped that it would not look as though it had been dented and then repaired. I stood over the car as i placed it back onto the road. I tried to slide my feet back into the square opening in the roof, but the hole seemed too narrow now. I knew that i could squeeze back in, but i was having trouble sliding my feet into the front part of the car so that i could sit back down.

I moved quickly to the east, down the street on the northern side of the town. This place seemed like the North Side of Endicott. It was sunny, and the small houses were in grassy laws on both sides of the street. The land seemed to slope down steeply to the south. I then stopped suddenly, noticing a rounded ridge sticking up to the north of me. I suddenly recognized this area again. I had been on this road many times before, and it felt very familiar and friendly. The ridge curved along the northern side of the town. I had been up and down many of the steep streets that ran up to the ridge. The road that i was on ran along the ridge line as it curved to the east and then southeast. I had been at the top of one of the westernmost streets on the upper road. I knew that no other roads ran to the north of me. The green forested ridge to the north was the edge of the town. I looked along the length of the curving ridge now. The rounded hills rose steeply, looking like an row of rounded humps along the ridge. They seemed thin and not that tall, but i knew that they marked the northern end of the mountain. Beyond them was another part of the land, which i was unfamiliar with. It felt very good to be here. Something about this place seemed like a happy memory. I was glad that i was here. I thought that all of the streets from here ran down he long steep hill to the south, ending on the northern side of Endicott. I pictured a lower hill separating the main part of town from the neighborhood on the slope below me.