12020 May 03

I had come from the west in this suburban neighborhood. I seemed to be in the yard of the house, just to the north of the house. Other people were there, and they seemed to be doing a play. This caught me off guard, but i started doing some of the lines with them. It seemed that i remembered this play from long ago. Two other people had been reading lines near me. As we stopped reading, someone said their names. The person just to the north of me was called Abbot, and the other person, who was to the west of him, had a name that sounded very much like Costello. They were not actually Abbot and Costello, but i wondered if they had taken the names from the original comedy duo. I then thought that their lines were not really part of the original script, so they must have added something in to make it more interesting. I then wondered if there was an audience. I turned to the east, and i was aware of rows of chairs to the south of me. I only saw one man sitting in the audience, though. He seemed to be seated in the second row, to the southeast of me. The others finished the lines of the play that we were doing, and i could hear a few other people in the audience clapping. I felt relieved that the play went so well. It did not seem that we had been well prepared for it. I moved to the east again, and i was again rounding the northern side of the house. This time, a fence ran around the perimeter of the back yard. I looked at a gate in the wooden fence to the west of me as a man to the north of me chatted. He said something about fixing this place. We were on the southern side of the area, which seemed to be the yard to the north of the house.

12020 May 05

$F71 pushed me as i sat down on the ground to the southeast of him. The long slope of the hill descended to the southeast and curved to the east. I was sliding on the grease-like substance that was on the ground, and i started to move down the slope. It seemed like fun, but i knew that i should be careful. I thought that $F71 would have to be careful as well, but i knew that he was getting carried away with the fun of the event. I would have to tell him that this could be dangerous. I watched the ground as i slided to the southeast and stopped near the bottom of the hill. This event seemed to be part of a race. I felt annoyed, thinking that i had something to do and could not continue to slide down the hill. I stood up near the bottom of the hill. $A536 was standing to the east of me. He was concerned about something, and he was talking to $F71 about it. I felt anxious. I had to do something.

The car was moving quickly up the steep hill, which ascended to the east. The hill forested, but the long straight path that we were traveling was open and covered with snow. I was on the southern side of the car as the others spoke urgently about getting the car to the top of the hill. I knew that they were worried about getting the car stuck i the snow. The ground under the snow seemed to be dirt or grass. I felt a little nervous about the car, but i did not seem to be in it now. I was moving along the southern side of it. The car reached the top of the hill and stopped. The cut path through the trees looked like a right-of-way, and it continued to the east. Another open strip of ground met the open strip that we had been traveling on. It ran to the west-northwest from where were were. The others were talking about something, and i told them something about this place. It felt good to be up here. I looked to the north, seeing an open field that ran up a steep but short hill. I moved toward it, noticing people on top. The hill seemed to be covered with green grass, and, as i lifted above the crest, i could see three people sitting on the grass at the top. A man in shorts and a T-shirt had stood up and flapped his arms over his head. He seemed to be excitedly describing something to the others. He hopped to the east and then sat back down on the grass. A woman in a light colored dress was sitting to the west of him, just to the north of a wicker picnic basket. I turned back to the southwest and said something to the people i had come here with. I felt excited to be here.

I moved to the west, down the northern side of the room. This place seemed like a fraternity, and i thought that i had stepped back in time to when i was in college. These people would have been the older students. Something about the scene seemed monotone. The room seemed rectangular, with a wider section to the north of the western end. A row of chairs ran east to west on the southern side of the room, and i was walking just to the north of them. The wooden chairs faced north, and a second row of chairs was just to the south of them, with their backs against the northern chairs. Several people were seating in the chairs on the north, but i did not recognize many of them. I looked to the northwest at a few of the men standing near the wall. Three of four men had been talking, and they were now standing in a row. Two of them seemed to be leaning on the northern wall, but the other two were to the west of them, in the middle of the wider section of the room. I focused on one man, who was wearing shorts and a button-up shirt. He had hairy legs and a square face with curly hair. I must have known him when i was in college, but i did not recognize him now. I had forgotten who he was. I felt a little anxious being back here, but i also felt excited to see this place again. I then noticed a man to the west of me. He was talking to someone to the south of him, gesturing with his hands, which he held up in front of him, with his elbows bent. He was $A45. I said hello to him, referring to him by his nickname. I then wondered if he knew who i was. I thought that i might not have met him yet in this time line. I reached out and shook his hand as i introduced myself. He did not seem to know me, so i mentioned his name to him, thinking that he would assume that he had met me previously and simply did not remember. I chatted with him for a moment, but i was not sure what i should do here. I turned to the east. I was not on the southern side of the chairs on the western side of the room. $A645 and $F9 were standing to the east of me, talking about something. I had already met $A645, and i wondered suddenly if i should tell her anything of what i knew of the future. I thought that she might find it interesting. I thought it would be better if i did not say anything, though. I want to do something, but i was not sure what. It felt good to be back here, but i also felt out of place here. Someone then said something as they moved to the west. I could hear the band outside. I looked to the west, seeing some people gathered beyond the door. I could see them through the large window in the upper part of the door. Someone was talking about the band and how they were trying to get their equipment ready. I remembered when the house used to have bands on the lawn to the west. I thought that it would be good to see some old music again. I then saw $A119 grab the handle on the northern side of the door and pull the door open. He was talking to someone about the musical equipment, and i knew that he was going to help the musicians set up. I felt that i could help them as well, but i knew that i did not really enough about their live music. I knew more that i would have in this time period, but i did not think that i could help. I watched $A119 as he walked outside. He was wearing a black T-shirt, and he shook his head to the side to get his black hair out of his face.

12020 May 06

I moved quickly to the east, down the center of the large open hall, which seemed to be the western end of the building. I stopped for a moment, trying to figure out what i should do. Someone was talking to the southeast of me. A man was saying something to another man, who stood to the south of the first man. Both men seemed to be standing by a simple cot or bed, which extended from the southern wall. The room seemed to be filled with cots. The walls of the room were tall, and the peaked ceiling seemed to be the underside of the roof of the large structure. The tall stone walls were dingy, and the place was not well lighted. It seemed like an old asylum. The walls were damp and had moss growing on them. I felt that the people were trying to trap us in this place, and i thought that i had to escape. I pictured the building from above. It was a long building with a green metal peaked roof. The peak seemed rather shallow from above. I ran to the east, down the center of the building. I had to get out before the others realized that i was trying to escape. I passed through the central section of the building. The building seemed to have two wings: one to the east and another to the west. I came entered the western wing, but stopped just inside, wondering where i should go. I was in a modern stairway that spiraled up in short straight flights. The dark wide stairs ran up to the north on the eastern side of the landing that i was standing on. I looked out to the east and northeast, noticing the patio outside. A pool was set into the patio, and a pudgy child was floating on an inner tube on the water. The building to the north of the patio had two or three levels of balconies, and people seemed to be lounging in the outdoors. I knew that these were the rich people, and i was not allowed to go into the pool area. I knew that i would be able to get into the pool area from here, though. The windows seemed to be open, and i thought that i could simply walk though them. I headed to the east, crossing into the pool area. I knew that the people here would not be able to find me as easily among the people lounging in the area. It would be hard to tell that i was not supposed to be in that area. I headed to the east, across a square. I seemed to be in the middle of a large city. I stood for a moment on the eastern side of the patio area. I felt free here, and i thought that i could get away from the others. I started moving to the east. I then felt that troops might be after me. I started to fly down a street, heading east. The tall buildings on either side of me seemed plain. The one on the eastern side had yellow siding, which looked like unsurfaced insulating tiles. The buildings seemed to be warehouses or storage buildings. I thought that the troops would be after me, so i had to make it harder for them to follow me. I flew upward, swooping to the south down a side street and then arcing up and over the top of one of the cement buildings. I felt free here, and i loved the feeling of flying. I had to get away, and i knew that the others would not be able to follow me in flight.

I sat on the western end of the northern side of the table. Three other people were sitting at the table with me. Two of them seemed to be on the bench to the east of me, and the third was across from one of the people, sitting at the eastern end of the southern bench. The man in the center of the northern side seemed to be a teacher, and he was now standing to the north of the table. He seemed like $A15, and he leaned over the person on the eastern side of the northern bench and gave the person some instruction. He seemed to be telling the person do some acting exercise. The person was supposed to act out what $A15 had described. $A15 then moved toward me. Leaning forward over the table, he moved close to my left ear and said “I want you to makes him believe that--”. I interrupted him, not quite sure i heard what he had said. His voice seemed hard to make out. I had thought that he said “makes” in the sentence, which did not seem correct, so i knew that he must have said something else. “Makes?”, i asked as if joking. He nodded in agreement, and repeated the sentence, finishing it with what he wanted me to make the person believe. I felt confused. The word “makes” did not seem correct. I mentioned this, saying that i did not understand what he was asking me to do. I knew that the word was incorrect, and i wondered why he had used it. I tried to focus on this so that i could understand it. I moved to the east a little, thinking about what i was to do. I approached the eastern end of the interior of the building. I seemed to have come up a stairwell on the eastern side of the building, and i was now in a hallway that ran north to south. The short hallway ran around the small rooms, which seemed like individual containers inside the building. The others were moving into the building with me, and they were heading back to their barracks. I felt uneasy about something. I thought that i had to hide somewhere, but i was not sure what to do. I moved to the north a little, thinking that i could head down the corridor on the northern side of the building. I wanted to go into one of the rooms and hide before the people from the west came after me. I saw a door in a colored section of the eastern wall, near the northern end of the corridor. The door seemed to be a women’s room, however, so i would not be able to go in. I continued around the corner to the north and hurried down the hallway to the east. I felt that we were in danger, and we had to do something. On the eastern end of the building, i stopped on the western side of a small dormitory room. The small rectangular room was near the southeastern side of the building. A simple bead was against the eastern wall of the room, directly to the east of me as i stood in the doorway to the room. Something was wrong. I could hear someone to the east. The person was moving toward the building from the northeast, and he was just below the window in the eastern wall. He seemed to be $A199 or $A592, but he seemed threatening. I thought that he was going to do something that would threaten us. I felt uneasy, and i thought that i had to get out of here before he could do something that affected me. I ran back to the west. I stopped in a doorway to a large room. The small containers formed rooms along the northern side of the corridor to the west of me. The rooms seemed to be within the large room and did not extend all the way to the ceiling of the larger room. I looked at the white door to the northwest of me. It was rounded on the corners, looking like a hatch from a ship or science-fiction show. I knew that the doorway led to the bathroom where people could shower. I did not want to go there. I thought that i would have to get into one of the other rooms. I looked at the doorways in the rooms on the northern side of the corridor. I felt that i had to do something.

12020 May 07

I looked at the square, which was to the north of me. It seemed to be a drawing on something white, and i knew that i could click on it to do something. The others were talking, and a man to the east of me said something. I looked at him, and then i turned to look at the others to whom i had been talking. Two of them were on the southern side of the small square that we formed, and a third was to the west of me. I stood where the northeastern corner of the square would be. The other three were sitting i high-back cushioned chairs. The chair of the person to the west of me had a pale-blue color and seemed to have large printed flowers here and there on it. We had been talking about something. I looked at the short stack of books in my hands. They were of various sizes, and they all seemed old. Some had leather bindings and others had cloth-board covers. I turned the books so that i could read the spines. The thin one on top said “Apocrypha” in wide capital letters. I knew that the books were the different sections of the Bible. I thought that the small one was really the Torah, and the other books were the sections of the Old Testament and New Testament. The next book down in the stack was titled “About the Apocrypha”. It was a slightly thicker book. The next book was shorter and had an aged white spine. The title was several words long, and it started with the word “Magic”. I thought about these books as i moved them in my hand. I then noticed the cans of soda-pop to the south of me. The cans were in a small box or bin, and i turned one of them over in my hand, reading the label. They seemed similar to the books. I picked up a can from the center of the bin. It was a can of Tab. Just to the east of it and under it was a pink can of Fanta. A green can of ginger ale was on the western side of the bin, standing up but leaning on a can to the north of it. I moved some of the cans around, thinking about them. I was then aware of a man moving to the east. The man had been sitting at the desk that was to the north of me. I felt cautious of him and did not trust him. He walked to the southeast, passing to the east of me. I did not look up at him but continued to sort through the cans of soda. The man then returned from the east. I felt that he might be watching us, and i did not like him spying on us. I looked to the east as he walked to the north past me. He was wearing an old military uniform. He wore khaki pants and a faded green wool dress uniform. His left chest was full of bars of different colors, but they all seemed to be faded as well. He was an older man, with thinning white hair. He walked to the north, out of my sight. He seemed worn like his coat.

12020 May 08

Two people were lying on the ground to the west of us. Something seemed wrong with them. Their bodies were aligned east to west, and i told myself that the woman on the southern side was Kamila Harris. Something bad had happened to them. I said something to the man to the north of me and then turned to the east. We were in a building of a small community college. I remembered this place, though the building had been remodeled quite a bit. $F10 was with me in the room as i started to wander around. I felt interested in this place, and i wanted to see what had happened to it. It had been closed down for a while during the pandemic, so the place was now empty. I headed into the hallway, which was a wide corridor. A stairwell seemed to be on the northern side of it, and we seemed to be on the lower floor of the building. The corridor ran from the stairwell to the south. It was short and wide, with several odd angles around the doors. The walls seemed white, and the floor was off-white. I turned to the south, thinking that i had been in the art room. I remembered how this was the place where the art classes were held. I wanted to see more of the artwork, but i did not know where it was. The corridor and rooms seemed very clean. I thought that the artwork must have been put away because of the closure of the building. I looked back to the west as i walked south. $F10 was sitting on the eastern side of a wooden table on the western side of the room that i was in. I said something to him, excited to see this place again. I then walked to the southwest in the hallway. I thought that the music rooms would be nearby, and there should be musical instruments here. I turned to the west. $F10 was now standing near the western wall of the room, facing west. I approached a small table to the south of him, which was against the western wall. The table had small cardboard instruments on it. I then walked to the north, passing to the west of $F10, who on the eastern side of a large wooden table. I stopped at the northern end of the table and looked at the other percussion instruments. They also seemed to be made of cardboard and plastic. A narrow metal cowbell was on top of a round white plastic drum, though. The cowbell had tape on both sides and looked like a metal tube. I tapped some of the drums, listening to the dull sound. I picked up the cowbell. It had been lying with its square handle to the east. It made the sound of a snare drum when i tapped it. I was impressed that someone had built a drum kit out of these items. I put the cowbell back down on the table, joking with $F10 by saying “More cowbell.” I then said something else to $F10, and he replied as he headed to the southwest. We were now in a larger room, which seemed to be on the southern side of the corridor. It seemed like a library or classroom. The others were on the western side of the room, to the west and southwest of me. They were doing something near the counter, which ran along the western wall. I thought that we should leave this place. I then wondered if we were really supposed to be here. This place was still supposed to be closed. I said something to the others and then headed back to the northeast, pausing in the center of the room. Shelfs filled the area in the northwestern corner of the room, and i now stood near the southeastern corner of that area. I noticed that some of the others were heading to the southeast to look at things in the room. This place was a laboratory. I looked at the test tubes that were lined up on the black counter against the western wall. I then noticed the square lab tables with hoods across the southern side of the room. The others passed to the north of one of the larger hoods and headed southeast, into the area where most of the tables were set up. I thought that several experiments should still be set up here. I did not want to disturb them, though. I thought that we should not really be here. I then wondered if cameras were in the room, watching us. I thought that anyone watching would realize that we were not here to harm anything. I took a few steps to the north, pretending not to notice the people looking at the lab equipment to the south. I looked at the books on the top shelf to the northwest of me. The white metal bookcase had shelfs that tipped inward a little. The books on the top shelf seemed to be thick books with cardboard covers. They had sharp contrasts of blue, white, and red across the bindings, as though the text was printed round the sides of the spine. They all had a similar look, and i thought that they were all part of a series. The main print seemed to be in white.

12020 May 09

I was facing west in the small room of the building, but i looked to the north as the person to the south of me mentioned something. The southern side of the room seemed to be open, or it had large windows to the outside. I looked at the bottom surface of the small cubical space in the wall to the north. The person to the south said that it was very nice of me to give the old woman an etching. The white floor of the space was at my chest level, and the surface looked like marble. It had a large bow-tie pattern on the floor, which was paler than the rest of the floor. I had done this for the woman, who seemed like $A798. I thought that a laser had etched the surface, and i saw the design being made as i watched. The surface was now in front of me, and an invisible pen was moving up and down to create the black bow-tie shape. The shape seemed slanted so that the upper right corner was farther to the right. I then noticed the white square in the middle of the shape of converging triangles. The laser was still etching the left side of the figure when i noticed this. I thought that someone had drawn the bow tie and then gone back to remove the section in the center where the writing should have been. The person must have drawn it that way, but i new that it could not be etched that way. Once the etching was made, there was no way to erase it. So the central spot would have to have been eliminated before the etching was started. I watched the black lines draw the shape again. Again, they filled in the entire bow tie before the white square in the center appeared to clear space for the writing. This was still not correct. It would have to be done differently. I watched the lines move a few times over and over again, but they did not seem to eliminate the central space before the two overlapping triangles were drawn. I wanted this to be done correctly.

I headed to the east, along the southern end of the suburban street. Something about the street seemed very picturesque. The houses on the southern side seemed very narrow, with two stories and peaked roofs. I was headed to a house near the eastern end of the block. My mother was there, and i mentioned something that had happened. It seemed that we were bringing things to this place from somewhere else. I stopped to the northwest of the house, near the entrance to the driveway. My mother was to the southeast of me. I told her about something as i was aware of people coming from the west. The orientation of the street was then different, and i was standing at the southern end of the grandmother’s driveway. My mother was to the northwest of me, near the house. I moved into the driveway and stopped on the western side, next to the house. A car was parked to the east of me. A man was sitting in a lawn chair to the north of me, and he was talking to my mother, who was between us. He seemed like $A292 or some other friend of my parents. He was talking about $A758. He then leaned forward so that he could see me round her, and he remarked that i was younger than $A758. I told him that this was not correct. I said that i was four years older than he was. I thought about this, thinking that i was the same age as his sister, and i thought that he was four years younger that her. I told the man that i was four years older than $A758, and i then mentioned that i was the same age as $A413. He said something in reply. I said something else about $A413, and i asked the man how she was. I asked if she was still in central New York, mentioning that i had thought that she lived there. The man thought for a moment, saying that she was fine. He then said that he thought that she lived in a place that sounded like Shenandoah. I acknowledge the statement with a sound, and i thought about where the city was. The name sounded familiar, but i did not know exactly where it was. The man then added that it was in Pennsylvania. I told him that i did not know that she had lived there. I added that i thought that she was somewhere near Oneonta or Cooperstown. I thought about where the town was in Pennsylvania, and i pictured it just south of the New York border from Binghamton somewhere. I thought that it must be out in the farm country.

12020 May 10

I looked at the picture of the city that was to the north of me. The view of the city seemed to be from a distance and a little above the level of the tall skyscrapers. The background was dark, as though i was looking at the city at night. It seemed like a nice place. The tall buildings were lighted with yellow and white lines of light, and some of the narrow towers seemed very tall. I said something about the image as $Z moved to the northeast of me, touching the eastern edge of the poster. He also had a second smaller poster that he laid on a surface under the first. The second poster seemed to be of the same city, but the buildings looked different. I wondered if the buildings were of a different time period. The teacher to the west of me asked what is not socialized in the city. She seemed like $A57. I looked down at the second map, noticing that the buildings looked smaller. I realized that the large buildings on the upper image each represented a different governmental institution. The existence of the large buildings seemed to indicate that they had been socialized. I thought that i just had to determine what institutions the large buildings represented and then think of what was missing. I wondered how i would tell what institutions the buildings were for, though. I thought about this as i turned to the west, realizing that i had not been paying attention to the class. The teacher had said something. I was in a classroom now, and the female teacher was standing in the northern end of the western side of the room. She had long frizzy hair and she stood with her head slightly forward. Rows and columns of armchairs were in the center of the room, facing west, and i seemed to be near the eastern end of the southern row. The teacher asked me to look to the west, and i did, but the view was very bright. It seemed like sunlight coming in through the large window. I tried to focus on what was to the west of me, but i could not see well in the light. My eyes were more sensitive to light. $Z then explained to the teacher that the light hurt my eyes. He seemed to be my older brother. The teacher closed the shade to the west. $Z was handing out tests to the students who were sitting in the chairs. He walked to the east along the southern row, and he handed a packet of papers to me when he reached the eastern end of the row. I looked at the paper, but i could not see the black text at the top of it. My eyes were still blotted with purple spots from the bright lights. I said this to $Z as i tried to look at the test. It was hard to read. He came over to me, and i said that i would be okay. My vision was clearing, and i could see enough of the words on the test. I was facing northwest as i read the question on the top of the first page. I felt hesitant about taking the test, as though i were worried that i would not know the material. I looked at the first question, but it was still hard to read. I finally read what it was asking, and i thought that it was actually very vague. The multiple-choice answers provided were not really specific enough to answer the question. I then realized that there was no real answer. The solution to the questions was to pick the choice that does not fit as well to the question. This question was different from what was on the rest of the test. It did not cover the material that we had been studying and seemed a simple exercise in logic or reason. I suddenly felt that i could do very well on this test, because i understood that it was not about absolute answers. I thought i would be able to do better than the other students knowing that fact.

12020 May 11

We hurried toward the metal elevator door, which was in the southern wall at the end of the short corridor. We seemed to be getting away from someone, and i thought that the person would be following us. I stopped in front of the elevator, imagining that we had gotten in and started heading up to the top floor. The building seemed very tall, and i imagined that the person would have to follow us up the stairs. We could go to the twenty-eighth floor, but i thought that we would not want to stay there. We would have to start back down in the elevator. The person would not know that we had not remained on the top floor. I thought about how to do this as i stared at the elevator door. We would have to wait until the person was already ascending the stairs so that the person did not realize that we were descending in the elevator. The person would then be climbing to the top floor, which would give us time to escape out the first floor. I walked to the west, down a set of stairs and came to the western side of the large building. The building seemed like Ideal Hospital. I was still thinking about something, and someone seemed to be talking to me about something. I thought about what we had done, and i looked at the printed e-mail, which was to the southwest of me. I focused on the header of the letter, which seemed to have a subtotal of what we had done. The price seemed correct, but an extra charge was added on the third line. The price had something to do with something i did for the person. I moved around in the room on the southern side of the building. The rectangular room seemed plain, with windows in the southern and eastern walls. A bed was on the eastern end of the northern wall. I moved to the bed, saying something. I was lying on the eastern side of the bed, and the woman had lain on the western side. She seemed to be my mother. It seemed strange that she had gotten in bed with me, but i knew that she had come to see me in this place. I had been recovering here in the bed. She had been sick as well. We talked about something, and she seemed happy to see me. She now seemed like a woman i was not familiar with. $A682 then came into the room from the door in the western end of the southern wall. He chatted happily with the woman who was in the bed with me. He then got into the bed with us on the western side. I knew that the woman in the bed was his mother. I had come to see her. It now seemed awkward that i was with $A682 in this place. We had not seen each other in quite a while. I wondered if the woman knew that. I got out of the bed, leaving them together as they chatted happily. I wandered to the south, into the large rectangular room. I paced there as i thought.

12020 May 12

I had been driving the car to the east as i talked to $F43. She was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car. Our conversation seemed serious but not tense. I was aware that someone was moving around the car to the southwest of us, though. I was slowing down to stop near the side of the street. We seemed to be in an urban area, and the buildings on the southern side of the street seemed to be apartment buildings. I felt worried about the people outside the car, to the southwest. One of them walked into the street behind us, and i felt cautious. $F43 then said that she was leaving, and she leaned forward to grab some of her things from the floor in front of the passenger’s seat. I felt upset by this. I did not understand why she wanted to leave now. She seemed upset about something. I asked her to stay in the car, and i asked why she was now upset. She continued to gather her things. I thought that she was going to get out of the car and walk to the east on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. One of the apartment buildings ahead seemed like the place to where she was going. It was illuminated with a dull yellow light. I was aware of the people behind us again, and i warned $F43 about them. I looked in the rear-view mirror as she said something about them. I saw a man walk from the south and stop in the middle of the mirror. I could only see his torso, from his waist to his shoulders. He was not wearing a shirt, and he was quite muscular and nicely detailed. He raised his arms as if explaining something to someone to the north of him. It seemed strange that he seemed so attractive. He twisted a little, turning his upper body to the east. As he did, i noticed the light blue of his pants. I then started moving to the east again. I told $F43 that she should not leave. I was watching myself drive the car from a view slightly above the car. It was still night, and we were now on a darkened road that twisted back and forth. Trees were on both sides of the road, and a stream seemed to flow to the south of the road. I could hear the music playing, but it had changed from what we were listening to before. Now, i could only hear the sound of a violin playing. It was playing rather quickly, and it seemed to be doing some kind of arpeggio scale. I wondered if it was a part of the symphony that we had been listening to. I felt worried about $F43. I thought about where we were going, and i thought that the car would turn to the south at a bridge and then head back to the west. We walked to the west, along the northern side of the area. We were entering a large area, which seemed to be festival grounds. I had been here before, and i saw the people i had been with still here. They were standing in a rough circle to the east of what seemed to be a gray cargo trailer. Several of them were standing in a cluster on the northeastern side of the circle, and one man was lying down on the western side. The man on the western side was very familiar to me. He had short blond hair and an oval face. He had his hands behind his head as he lay on the ground, and he looked at me. I had been with these people earlier, and more of them had been here. I walked with $F43 toward them. I greeted a man on the northern side of the oval as i approached. $F43 said hello as well. I then turned to the south and said hello to the three people who were standing together. The man nearest me was $A349. He wore a blue shirt and had short black hair. I said hello to him and the others with him. I then realized that $F43 might not understand why i was greeting everyone. I told her that i actually knew these people. I said that i had been here earlier with them. I introduced her to $A349. I then motioned with my left hand to the man to the south of $A349, $A166. A man had been standing behind $A349 with his arms draped over $A349’s shoulders. He was a tall man with pudgy features, and he wore an off-white short-sleeve shirt that seemed to have elastic cuffs. I told $F43 that i did not know who he was, but i knew that he was a band person. I them moved to introduce her to the man who was lying on the ground. He seemed like $A380. He had gotten up, though, and hurriedly walked around the northern side of the trailer and to the west. $F43 started talking with someone, so i could not have introduced him anyway. I realized that she was enjoying herself here, and it seemed good that she was no longer upset. I wondered where the other man had gone, but then i heard him talking to others on the western side of the trailer. He was telling them that they had to come see something. I realized that he had been surprised that i brought $F43 to this place, and he wanted to bring the others back to show them whom i was with. I could hear him talking to several others as they approached the northern end of the trailer from the west. I thought that they should have know that i was homosexual, so maybe they were in disbelief that i had brought a woman with me. $F43 walked to the southwest of me. She leaned forward to look at something on the ground near the trailer, balancing on her right leg and letting her left leg swing out to the east. I realized that she would be rather attractive to heterosexual men, so the others might have been surprised that i was with her.

12020 May 13

I moved to the west, through the small town. I was on a main street, and shops were on both sides of the road. Most of the shops had been closed for the quarantine, though, but some of them were now open. I noticed the instrument store on the corner to the southwest of me. The side street seemed to run from the street i was on, heading to the southwest. I walked into the instrument store, interested at what might be there. To my disappointment, the store was mostly empty. The interior of the store seemed to have the same triangular shape as the corner on which it was standing. The interior of the store was pale in color, and the bare walls had only a few shelfs on them. Two men were standing near in the central aisle to the west of me. As i stood looking at what was here, i realized that i did not have a mask on. I should have brought my mask to be in the store. Disappointed, i turned to the north and headed into the house. I thought that i had things that i should have been doing.

12020 May 17

The cars were divided into three sections in the parking lot. I was looking down on the lot from a little to the south of the lot. It was dark out, but bright lights illuminated the lot. The lot was oddly rounded, with the eastern end being narrower than the western end. The western side of the lot was one of the sections, and it was separated by the other two sections by an aisle that ran north to south, about a third of the way across the lot from the west. The first section that i was looking at was at the northern side of the lot, and was the northern third of the eastern sections. The people here were participating in some kind of contest where they had to choose something from each of the three categories. I was also looking at the things in the categories, but i had not purchased something like the other contestants. I thought that i should have been buying something for my participation, but i was participating anyway. I moved toward the third section, to the west, floating over the lot as i moved slowly. I was interested in what was happening here, but i felt uncomfortable, because i thought that the others would not want me participating if i did not buy things i did not need. I floated to the south, down the aisle on the western side of the lot. I thought that the people would be angry with me for not buying things. I started moving to the southeast to leave this place before people started accusing me of not buying things. A large store was on the eastern and southeastern side of the parking lot, and i had to cross in front of it to leave this place. I felt nervous, knowing that the store had a surveillance camera. I thought that it would see me leaving the area, and the people who were trying to sell things for the contest would be able to identify me. I hurried down a path that ran to the east of the story, trying to get away. I felt very upset and worried about being here.

12020 May 18

I was with a group of people who were gathered on the northern side of the large building. The people seemed to be $G4, and we were on a modern terrace that was built onto the white marble-like building. The terrace seemed to run to the west of the wide entryway, where i was standing. The entryway had a set of steps that led down from the terrace to the north, and another set that led to the south, into the building. A corridor ran to the south, into the building from the steps, and two square pillars framed the entrance to the corridor. It felt good to be here, and i chatted with some of the people around me. I stood near the entrance to the corridor, which had a set of double doors at the entrance and another set three or four meters into the corridor. The doors were mostly glass, with vertical and horizontal wood supports. Both sets of doors were propped open. I noticed a man standing to the south of me, near the eastern wall of the entryway. He looked very familiar. He wore a tan suit, and it was obvious that he was not $G4. I thought that he was someone enjoying an event at the building and had taken an interest in what we were doing. I then realized that he was $A65. He was much thinner than i remembered from his pictures. I said hello and chatted with him. It felt good to see him. I was aware that $F71 was to the west of me as i talked to $A65. The $G4 then started wandering off of the terrace and heading north, into a drive that ran east to west along the building. The land around us seemed very open and flat. I told $A65 that i had to leave, and i started down the stairs. I held back a little, though, so that i could say goodbye to him. I told him that i had to go with the others, and i said that i would talk to him. As i turned to the north and started down the stairs to the drive, i looked at the picture on my phone, which was in my right hand. It was a picture of $A65 as i remembered him. I then mentioned him to someone who as to the west of me as i started following the others down the driveway. The person seemed to be my mother. I showed her the picture and asked her if she remembered $A65. I said that i had just seen him again at this place. I asked her if she remembered him. I then looked to the northwest to see what the others were doing. The drive curved to the north only a few meters away, and the others had started to follow it to the north to see where the trail went. We had to start following the trail. I started jogging after them. As i rounded the wide corner and started heading north, i noticed that the drive ran through a densely forested area, where the trees overhung the sides of the road. The others had started jogging in that direction to see if that was the correct way. I noticed a path cut through the forest running to the east-northeast. The ground was worn down the center of a grassy strip to the east. The leafs of the trees were bright green from the sunlight that fell through the trees above. Most of the people had jogged to the north, down the road, so i thought it would be nice to check for a trail on the narrow path. I jogged to the east. A woman stopped at the entrance to the path and watched me jog to the east. She seemed like $F78. I had run only ten meters or so when i heard someone from the northeast calling that they had found the trail. I stopped and ran back toward the road. The trees around me seemed very verdant, and this place felt very good to be in. I reached the road and turned to the north. I was then jogging with a group of people on a narrower path to the north. I knew that our cars were to the northwest of us, and i thought that we would be taking one of the paths through the forest, to the west. The others stopped near the small building, deciding where they should go. It seemed to be getting late, and we were near the end of the run. It was also getting close to sunset, and the others wanted to get back to our cars. I said that we could go to the north down the trail that we were on and then head west on the wide path. I pictured the forested area as if looking down on it. I could see the pale-green line running to the north from where we were. It ended at roadway, which ran east to west. Our cars would be just to the west on the road. The others did not seem to want to run back into the forest to the west and follow the trail. They were worried about getting caught in the forest when the sun set. The others decided to run to the north, so i went with them. We hit the end of the trail, which ended on a right-of-way. The grassy right-of-way surprised me. I had thought that this open area would be an old road. The others stopped at the intersection and looked around. I felt uneasy. This place did not seem correct, but i still knew that our cars were to the west. We seemed to have come too far to the north, though. The last sloped up slightly to the west, and it seemed very flat, with no hills in sight. I looked to the east, and i could see the city just to the northeast of us. Satellite dishes were on the roofs of the low flat buildings. They seemed very pale against the sky. The sky seemed pale all around us, and the sun was getting low is the southwestern sky. I told the others that the quickest way back was to jog west and then turn south on the short trail that led to the cars. I was not sure which trail, though. I knew that we were near the cars, but i felt unsure. I wondered which path we should take to the south, and then i wondered if this was better than going back through the woods. I did not want to go into the woods so close to dark.

We had just come from somewhere, and we were moving to the east down the northern side of the tunnel. The tunnel was domed, with curved walls that met the ceiling. $A62 was with me in the tunnel, and we were joking about something. I chatted with him as he walked slightly behind me, to the northwest of me. He was attractive, and i felt interested in him. We then joked about something, and i commented that it was a hip check. I then checked $A62 lightly as we talked about it. He seemed surprised. He stopped walking and seemed curious. He then started hopping on his toes and moving back and forth like a boxer. I was amused. I thought that he wanted to wrestle, and i was interested in doing so. I was then aware of a car coming from the east. We stopped fooling around as it passed, and i was annoyed that it had interrupted us. I wanted to wrestle with $A62.

12020 May 20

I climbed over the low pile of flat rocks, heading to the west. A person to the west of me was talking about the snakes. I remembered seeing snakes in the rock pile. There was a cluster of small black snakes under the stones of the pile. I mentioned this as i stopped in the middle of the pile and lift a wide flat stone. I had seen the snakes before and wanted to show them to the person now.

The woman to the southwest of me asked about the Biblical quote. I recognize the quote that the other person to the east had said, and i told the others that it was a quote of Jesus preaching to others. The woman disagreed with me. The quote went against here beliefs of Jesus, so she did not want to believe that Jesus had said it. I was not really sure who had said it, but i remembered it from a teaching where Jesus had said it. I wondered if the woman was correct. I thought that she was wrong, but i was not sure. I reached to the north and got a small black bible to look up the quote that i was thinking of. As i opened the book, i wondered how i would find it. I knew that it would be in the first part of the New Testament. I thought that it was from the Gospels. The back cover of the book opened up to a center section, and i noticed a small brown book stuffed in a pocket of thick cardboard on the right leaf. The smaller book was bound in a soft leather cover. I knew that it was the Apocrypha. I turned the pages past it, wondering if the woman would not like that the Bible i was referring to had Apocryphal writings in it. I thought that she might consider this Bible a false book of Christianity. I flipped the pages to the back of the book, wondering where i could find the quote. The pages then flipped forward so that i was looking at the inside of the back cover. Two or three small medals were attached to the back cover. I thought that they also had something to do with saints or other things not normally in the Bible. The woman moved to the south of me and looked over my arm at the book. She seemed offended by the medals, and she grabbed them and tried to rip them from the book. I felt annoyed with her, and i pulled the book away from her before she could damage it. “No.”, i commanded, trying to stop her from acting so inconsiderately.

12020 May 22

I was talking to the woman, who was standing to the west of me. We seemed to be in a small room, but i did not see any walls around us. The woman mentioned the vegetable, saying several things about it, but she did not remember what kind of vegetable it was. She said that this type of vegetable came in many different forms. I was not sure that i knew what she was talking about, but i thought that it was a leafy vegetable. I asked her if it was kohlrabi. She said that it was not, but i was not sure that she really knew. I thought about it, trying to think of vegetables that came in many different forms. I then thought of an answer, and i asked her if she was talking about squash. She shook her head and said no. I felt confused. The woman tried to describe the vegetable, and she again seemed to be describing kohlrabi. I asked her again if the vegetable was kohlrabi, but she turned her head to indicate that it was not. I felt baffled. I was not sure what the woman was describing.

The announcer started introducing the match, and he started talking about Kyle Dake. I looked up to the west to see people gathered in the small room. The crowd was sitting around a small square wrestling space. They sat on bleachers that rose steeply up from the edges of the mat. I then saw the large man to the southwest of Kyle. He had grabbed Kyle around the neck and seemed to be choking him. Kyle tried to turn to confront the man, but the man was holding him in place. This did not seem right. I thought that the larger man thought this was a television wrestling match rather than a sports wrestling match. I felt concerned, thinking that the man might be attacking Kyle. Kyle seemed surprised that the man was there, and he tried to get away but could not. The large man seemed to be more than two meters tall, and he was very bulky, though his muscle did not seem to have much detail. He wore a tight-fitting red T-shirt and had short bushy black hair. The crowd in the stands knew that something was wrong, and they started to panic. I felt worried that the man was trying to hurt Kyle, and the announcer kept describing the match in frantic tones. Kyle pushed back into the man, and both of them fell back into the stands that were on the western side of the mat. A man rushed from the northern side of the mat, reaching for the large man’s arm, which was around Kyle’s neck. The man on the mat was Kyle’s wrestling coach, and seemed to be Coach Koll or Coach Gray. The coach grabbed the man’s arm and tried to pull it off Kyle’s neck before Kyle passed out. The people in the audience were running around in panic. I was not sure what to do. Several other men grabbed the large man and managed to pull him away from Kyle. Kyle fell to the ground, and the large man fell backward into the stands again. Kyle seemed to be unconscious, and i worried, wondering if he was okay. I thought that i should do something, but i was not sure what i could do.

12020 May 24

I ran with the other $G4 to the east, down the long hallway on the northern side of the academic building. Most of the others were ahead of me. As we jogged down the white hallway, i noticed the small black round cleaning machine bounce off the southern wall of the corridor and head into a doorway, which was recessed by about a deci in the northern wall. The man running ahead of me leaped over the Roomba as it crossed the hall. The man seemed to be wearing a forest-green T-shirt with the sleeves cut off and short running shorts. The black disk-shaped cleaning machine bounced on the door a few times, but stopped. It looked like a Roomba, and i thought that it could get into the laboratory room to the north in some way. I thought that it would be able to bounce into the door and go under or through it. I grabbed the Roomba so that it did not escape. It seemed to belong to $G4, and i thought that we should take it with us out of the building. I did not want it to get caught in one of the rooms where we could not get to it. At the end of the hallway, i turned to the south, following the others. I still held the Roomba, and i wondered how it had kept up with us in the hallways. Its movements should have been random, so i thought that it would have eventually fallen behind. I then thought that it could not follow us on the entire run. It would not be able to navigate over the rough trails. I felt confused, not sure how it could have followed us on the run. Something did not make sense.

12020 May 25

The woman, who seemed like $F72, mentioned the music as we walked to the north. She was to the northeast of me. We had been talking about doing something, and she said that i should play a song. I wanted to play the song, but i told here that i had not been played guitar in a long time. I felt nervous about playing again, not sure that i could do it. I walked to the north, exiting the corridor and coming out onto the patio area to the north of the building. I was with some others. We were getting ready to leave this place. The other two people were talking to the southeast of me as i paced back and forth along the northern wall, looking down at the ground for something. I had something on my left foot, and i was looking for a matching thing to put on my right foot. The others said something to me as i started moving back to the west again. As i headed back to the east, i stopped in front of a doll, which was lying on the ground near the northern wall, to the northeast of me. I still could not find the other thing for my right foot, so i thought that i would wear the doll. I wondered if it would be inappropriate for me to stick my foot in the doll’s anus to wear it. I told the others that i would wear the doll, wondering if they would object. They did not seem to like the idea, though neither said anything. I thought about what i should have on my foot, and i pictured a glass flask that was skewed to one side. It did not seem like the right thing to wear on my foot, but i thought that i could do it. I then walked with some of the other people to the northeast, along the long driveway that ran toward what seemed to be a school building. We had come here for some event, but everyone was now leaving. I stopped and looked to the northeast, at the people coming back toward me. The land around us seemed open and flat, and the lawn on either side of the driveway seemed to be covered with a thin layer of snow. I turned around and started walking back to the southwest, saying something to the person who was with me. He was to the east of me. I thought that i would have to got back to the car, which i had parked to the south of us. I looked to the south, seeing the low hill on which the parking lot was. The artificial hill ran east to west, and i knew that a road connected the driveway that we were on with the western end of the lot. I could not see the cars in it, because it was at a slightly higher elevation that we were. I would have to head down the driveway and turn into the parking lot. It seemed that i had already come a long way from there. I started moving to the southwest, down the drive, but my right foot was slipping. The ground was slippery. The road must not have been plowed in a while. $F71 was with me now as i drove the car to the south on the street, trying to get back to the place. The car slipped a little to the side. I was now moving through the narrow streets of a city, and i turned to the south. I had been coming from the west. The car skidded around the corner a little, and $F71 tensed in the passenger’s seat. I watched the curb to the east of me as the car approached it. It seemed that the back tires of the car bumped the curb only lightly. I told $F71 that i was being careful. We continued to the southwest, down the street, which now seemed like an alley. We had come from the conference, and we were now heading someplace. We stopped in the small restaurant. I was facing northwest, looking at the seats on the back of the restaurant. $F71 had walked to the east for something. I was aware of the service counter to the south of me, but i had to find a table so that i could put our things down. A bench was against the northern end of the western wall of the restaurant, with a table in front of it. I had started to put my things to the north of the table, but i realized that some people were sitting at the southern end of the table. I said something to them, but realized that i should not sit there. The decoration of the room seemed dull yellow, and the bench and table seemed to be made out of molded plastic with rounded corners. I turned to the east and put my things down on the northern side of a table. The small chair was against the northern wall of the room, and the small table was to the south of it. It was just to the east of the table i had been looking at. I then walked to the south, thinking that i should decide what i wanted to order. A menu was high on the wall to the south. The eating area to the north was small, with uneven walls that had things jutting out in different locations. A small box extended from the wall just to the south of the table in the northwestern corner of the room, and the chair that i had placed my things at seemed to be on a section of the northern wall that extended to the south from the section to the west of it. The room was not quite square, and the northern wall seemed to run slightly to the southeast. Another eating area seemed to be to the east, where the room was narrower. I looked at the menu, but could not understand what it was saying. I then looked to the west, at another menu that had the items broken out into sections. The items were named after something, and they had numbers after their names to indicate different versions of the same dish. No descriptions of what were in the dishes were listed, though. I felt confused. I was not sure what to order. I then looked back to the north, noticing that others had joined the table in the northwestern corner of the room. A woman was standing up to the north of the table, shifting to the west to sit down. I suddenly realized that she looked familiar. A young girl was with her, and the girl had the same curly black hair as her mother. The woman was $A645. I moved a little to the north, still standing in front of the menu placard that was to the west of me. I then noticed a man sitting on the western side of the table, near the southern end. He was $A755. He looked in my direction and seemed to recognize me. I waved, but i put my finger over my lips, letting him know that he should not tell $A645 that i was here. I wanted her to discover that herself. I turned my attention back to the menu, looking at the names. I thought that the items were named after some kind of historic event, but i did not know what the items on the menu were. I felt suddenly frustrated as i looked to the south, trying to figure out what to order. $F71 still seemed to be in the bathroom to the east. I did not know what to order. I turned to the west, feeling very anxious about the menu. A display case with a large glass window was just to the west of me. Inside, various types of food were displayed in a large cluster in the center of a shelf. The food seemed Mexican in style, and i thought that the display showed all of the dishes that the restaurant served. Most seemed to be rolls or wraps. Some of the small oval bowls on the southern side of the cluster had a mound of something off white, which seemed like a type of sweetened rice. I felt aggravated that i could not figure out what the things were, and i turned back to the south. I had to find a menu that described what the food was. I then turned to the north to see where $A645 was. To my surprise, the table in the northwestern corner of the restaurant was now empty. I felt annoyed. They must have just left. I wondered what i should do. I wanted to say hello to them. My bag was still on the floor to the west of the chair by the northern wall. I wanted to go after the party, but i knew that $F71 was still in the bathroom. He had been gone a long time, and i thought that he had wandered away again. I decided that he would be here when i got back, so i hurried to the southeast, walking down the corridor of the outdoor mall. I noticed the shops and restaurants to the northeast of me. The large glass windows seemed dark, and i thought that the shops had been closed for the quarantine. I had not noticed the other restaurants here before, and i thought suddenly of the school building where we had been, which still seemed to be to the northeast of us somewhere. I turned my attention back to the southeast, walking down a narrower corridor between the shops now. The walkway here seemed more decorative that the area to the northwest. The stucco walls here were pale yellow, and they seemed to be designed to look like an old European villa. I saw some of the people walking ahead of me, and i walked fast to catch up with them. The people were chatting happily among themselves as they walked slowly down the center of the walkway. $A755 was walking near the back of the group, smiling at the person to the west of him as he chatted. He turned and noticed me catching up to the group. I smiled at him, and he glanced to the south, toward the front of the group to see where $A645 was. I could not see her, but i knew that she was walking near the head of the pack. I wanted to say hello to her. I walked into the group as they stopped in a small area. The area was a partial room that was in the side of the building to the south of us. The northern side of the room seemed open to the courtyard. A room seemed to be to the southwest of us, joining the room that we were in with an opening that excluded the southwestern corner of the room we were in. A corridor ran to the west, from the northern side of the room to the southwest. The people were chatting as they stood in the area, and i saw $A645 to the south. She was looking down at something in her hands as she seemed to be serving someone a drink. The person stood near the corner where the western wall of the room met the northern wall of the corridor. I waited in the middle of the room, hoping that she would notice me. I wanted to say hello. She moved a little to the east, pouring something for another person. She then moved to the east again, so that she was just to the sound of me. As she started walking to the north, i said hello, mentioning her by name. She glanced up at me, but seemed uncertain about me. I suddenly thought that she might be upset with me. She walked past me on the west, staring up at me with annoyance. I felt bad, wondering why she was upset with me.

12020 May 26

I walked quickly into the kitchen from the west. This was the kitchen of my parents’ farmhouse. I had to get things ready for school, and i thought that i still had to pack my lunch. I felt hurried. I moved to the northern side of the kitchen, and then turned to the west, opening the cupboards on the northern end of the western wall. I had to make something for lunch, but i was not sure what to make. I felt stressed as i looked through the boxes of things in the cupboard, which also seemed like the refrigerator. I then noticed the plastic bags of fig bars. The bars had been taken out of their original packaging and put into smaller plastic sandwich bags. I thought that they had been packed into small meals for my father. I wondered if i could take one of the bags for part of my lunch. I reached into the back of the small cabinet, which seemed like the freezer, and pulled out one of the bags. I had grabbed a large bag, though. It had pale green stripes across the opening. Annoyed, i pushed the bag back into the freezer and tried to pull out a smaller one, but i kept pulling out large bags. I felt frustrated. I could not seem to grab the correct one. I started thinking about what else i would need for lunch. I wondered what else i had to get ready. I felt unprepared.

12020 May 27

I was traveling to the west along the northern side of the area. A wall seemed to be to the north of me, but i was not in a room. I then woke up suddenly. I was lying in a bed that was on the southern wall of a room. Something seemed very strange with this place. I tried to move, but i was still in the bed. I could hear people in the southwestern side of the room, but i could not turn to look at them. I could only see shapes as they moved. They were talking in low voices. I must have been dreaming, and now i was awake but could not yet move my body. I wanted to alert the people in the room with me, so i tried to make some noise. I knew that, when i yelled in a dream, i could be heard where i was sleeping. I tried to yell so that the people would know that i was awake. The people were wearing white and seemed to be doctors. I felt confused. I suddenly woke up again. I was still lying on my back, but the bed was now against the western wall, and my head was to the west. My mother was standing along the northern side of the bed, looking down at me. I realized that i had been sick, and i wondered what was wrong. I spoke to her, asking how she was. She seemed worried and said that the doctors had asked her about amputation. I did not understand. I thought that i had only been sick and not injured. I felt upset, and told her that i would not allow amputation, but i did not understand what was happening. This did not make sense. My mother said that they were going to remove my feet, but she would not let them do it. I looked down at my feet on the lower end of the bed. They were desiccated and had black toes. I felt upset. I did not know that i had been sick, and i wondered what had happened. I moved my toes, and i could feel them moving. They tingled as i curled and rolled them, but i kept moving them, trying to get the feeling back into them. I noticed that they felt rather cold. I wondered if the circulation had stopped to them. I was then in the room by myself. The room seemed smaller now, and the bed was against the southern wall. Another bed was against the northern wall, just to the north of me. It seemed like some time had passed. I sat up on the northern side of my bed, thinking that i would need to get some socks out of my bag, which was on the bed to the north. I reached into the travel bag and dug around for some socks. I pulled out some clothes, but i could not find any clean socks. After routing around for a few minutes, i found a pair of tube socks that were rolled up. They were multicolored in bright hues. I started to unwrap them when a doctor walked into the room through the doorway in the eastern wall, which seemed to be right at the foots of the beds. I told him that i was getting a pair of socks. I was then walking to the north with my mother, heading toward the car. I had by duffel bag with me in my left hand. I opened the passenger’s door on the eastern side of the car and put the bags back in it, explaining something to my other. As i stepped away from the car, i was holding the white box that i had just put down on top of the car. I realized that i had to be careful with it because it contained bees or wasps, and i had disturbed it by moving it. I picked up the box again with my right hand and started swinging it in a wide arc. The swinging motion kept the bees out of the box, which would prevent them from stinging us. As i swinged the box around to the east of the car, i suddenly realized that i was swinging the bees out of the box, and they were starting to fly around. I felt annoyed, and i decided that i had to run to get away from them. I started running to the east.

I headed to the west, down the narrow section of the room, which seemed like a backstage area. A tall black curtain was hanging against the northern wall, and several black wooden cubes were on the ground in front of it. A man was moving around the room to the west of me, and i seemed to be looking for something. I walked a little to the west, glancing at the curtain and behind the blocks. I seemed to be looking for something for a little while. I was then on the western side of the room, and i started walking to the north, down the narrow corridor that led out of the room. I passed the western end of the curtain, which had run north about seven meters from the room. As i passed it, i saw a set of bleachers on the southern side of the room to the south. The bleachers were facing north and sloped up to the south. They were filled with people, who were all looking at me as i entered. I recognized most of them, and i realized that they were waiting for me. A person had been standing just in front of them talking, and the person turned and announced that i was here. The people in the front row seemed to be from my class in $G3. I felt suddenly upset that i had been keeping them waiting. I had not known that they would all be here waiting for me. The people started to get up and move as i came in. They were waiting for me to start the event. I felt that the celebration was for me, but i did not understand why these people were here. This seemed strange, but i felt very flattered that they had come. I wondered what was happening here. I moved to the east, into the center of the people, chatting with a few. I then turned to the west. My father was standing just to the west of me, and he spoke slowly. He was wobbling as he spoke. Something was wrong with him, and i wondered if he was intoxicated on drugs. My mother was to the east of me, and i asked her if my father was drunk. This seemed strange, and i felt worried about him.

12020 May 28

I was driving to the south on the road, which seemed like the road to the west of the Grand Way Plaza in Endicott. I was in the westernmost lane, and a car was driving just to the east of me. The large sports field of the high school was to the west of me. As i drove, i realized that the lane i was in would be ending soon, and i thought that i had to move into the lane to the east. I realized that i would not be able to do this because of the other car. I felt tense as i reached the end of the lane. I was forced onto the sidewalk, which was paved with asphalt. I felt nervous and knew that i should not be driving on the sidewalk, but i was not sure where else i could go. The sidewalk passed through a gap in the short chain-link fence at the edge of the field, and i found myself turning to the west on the edge of what seemed to be a running track. The fence ran along the southern side of the field, so i would not be able to drive to the road that ran east to west. I was supposed to turn west at the intersection of the roads, so i thought i should follow the track to the west to see if i could get out onto the main road. I felt uneasy, knowing that i should not be driving in this area. As i completed the turn to the west, i noticed a police car behind me. It was following me, and it had its lights on. I felt annoyed, and i pulled over to the northern side of the asphalt path. The officer was to the south of me. I felt upset, and i told him that i had to drive on the asphalt path because i had been forced off of the road. I was not sure what else to do. The officer seemed sympathetic with me, and i felt better that he seemed to understand the problem.

12020 May 29

I was in the room of the house with the group of people, who seemed like $G3. This house seemed like $P19, and we were in a large room in a basement area. I had come from the northeast, entering the room through a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The walls and floor of the room were bare cement, and the group of people seemed to be on the western side of the room. They had been watching television. I was talking with someone about where the television had been before. The television now seemed to be on the southern half of the western wall of the room. Someone pointed out that it used to be on the northern side of the western wall. I remembered this, but i told the man that the television used to be in several different places over time. I pointed out some of the places in the room. I then turned to the north, seeing the set of wooden steps that descended into the room. The steps were the cellar steps of my parents’ farmhouse, and they descended into the northern side of the room, ending about one or two meters from the northern wall. The stairs descended to the north, and i saw the cubical space of wooden beams under the flight of steps. I told the person that the television had been under the stairs as well, and i pictured it facing south on the low wall. I then referred to the square recessed area in the northern wall, to the northwest of the stairs. I said that the television had also been there at one time. The washing machines were now on the northern wall of the larger recessed area. I seemed to be in as stair well that was set into the northern wall of the room. The block walls of the well were painted white, and i could see the stained woodwork of the stairs above me. A wood landing seemed to run along the eastern wall, and the stairs somehow wrapped along the four walls, descending in a counterclockwise direction. The square space in the center of the stairwell seemed to be about two meters square, and it was covered with a wood panel. The boards in the panel ran north to south, and heavy wood boarders framed the panel. The man to the east of me talked about moving something that was under the center of the stairwell, where i had said the television used to be. I looked at the washing machine on the northern wall. I thought that a chute ran down the center of the stairwell. I wondered if that’s what they had been talking about moving. I thought that it would be a good idea so that water doesn’t get on the television. The man said that it could not be moved, because it was here for the washing machine. I looked up at the solid wood panel above us, thinking about the crane and ropes that must run down the center of the chute. I thought that the rope would come down the chimney and get the machine from the floor in the center of the stairwell. This did not seem right, though. I thought that it must be the other way around. The crane must depend on the presence of the machine. The man held the wooden rack in his hands as he held out his arms to the east of him. The wine rack had thin poles that ran east to west to hold the wine glasses. I thought that the man was going to hang it on the ceiling of the stairwell. I realized that we were still in the basement, so i told the man that he would get better reception if we moved the rack to one of the upper floors. I thought that the cement in the basement would block the radio signals, but they would be clear in the attic or on the roof.

12020 May 30

I heard the warning from someone, and i felt very concerned as i walked to the south, down the street. I was in a suburban area to the southwest of the city, and a waterfront or wide industrial area seemed to be to the south of me. This area seemed to be filled with small houses that all seemed to be part of the industry. This seemed to be a poor area of the city. The land sloped down to the south and sloped up a little to the west. It was dark out, and it seemed late at night. I could hear the music coming from the west, and i thought that something bad was going to happen at the club. The club was on the western end of one of the streets. It seemed to be on the street that was just to the south of me. The street i was on seemed to end in an intersection with the east-to-west street. The other street ran west and ended on the north-to-south road that ran along the middle of the western ridge. I felt very concerned, remembering that $F57 and $F58 were still in the club. I worried that a gunman or something would hurt them. I looked to the southwest, trying to see what was happening. I could see the cubical white building on the side of the hill to the west. Yellow lights were bright on the outside of the building. I then heard the sound of gunshots from the east. I turned to the southeast, but could not see anything on the street to the east. I knew that the police were shooting at us, though. I thought that they were here to attack the club, and they did not mind if they hurt some of the people around. I headed back to the north with the others, trying to get out of the way. We had entered the white trailer of the truck. The trailer was open on the northern end, and we had come around the eastern side and run into the trailer for shelter. I felt nervous, not sure what we should do. I stood near the eastern wall of the trailer, and several other people stood to the south of me. We waited nervously as we faced the open northern end. I chatted nervously with the others as i started getting some of my things together in the trailer.

I was in the large room with the other people. The room seemed to be a locker room. We were discussing something about an event, which seemed to have happened already. I was standing near the eastern side of the room. A bell rang somewhere in the room, sounding like an alarm. It was not a sharp sound, though. A woman was then on the western side of the room, and she announced that the people who were not part of the group must leave the place. I thought hat there was some kind of secretive group within this place who had bee initiated. The announcement, which now seemed to be coming from a speaker, talked about a treatment that would take place in the building. It said that it would affect those who were not part of the group who had been initiated. We had to leave this place. I knew that the people here wanted all non members out, and i thought that the threat of the treatment was not real. I headed to the east, into the hall area, which ran along the eastern side of the locker room. The wide hall area ran north to south, and lockers were on the eastern wall. I had to change my clothes, and i moved to my locker on the eastern wall. Two other people were with me. They stood behind me to either side as i looked at the lock on my locker. We were not part of the clan here, so we would all have to leave the building. The small round lock looked like a small gray stone, with fuzzy spines radiating from it. The spines looked like plastic, and they were pale green. The spines were arranged in rings around the face of the lock, and i knew that the second set of spines should be set at twenty-five. It was the second number of the combination. I would have to change the numbers to open the lock.

12020 May 31

I was with my mother at the western end of the large building, which seemed to be a hotel. We were staying in this place. As we walked to the east, into the large open room in the center of the building, we talked about the different rooms here. My mother asked where our room was. I looked around the wide hallway around us. It seemed old, with white cement walls and metal trim around the doors. My mother referred to the large room as the common area. I thought that this building was an old dormitory that had been converted into a hotel. A large rectangular wooden table was in the center of the room. I thought that people would stay in the small rooms on the northern and southern sides of the hall and would share the common areas for cooking and dining. As we walked, two or three other people were standing in a doorway on the eastern side of the common room. The doorway led into a short hall, which seemed to go to the next room. I moved to the northeast. We walked through a thick doorway and into a room. The room, like the rest of the building, seemed to have thick plaster walls. A glass booth was against the eastern side of the room. The walls of the booth were white on the bottom, and white vertical beams ran between the webbed-glass windows at the top. A set of stairs descended into the small room within the booth, which was at a lower level than the main room. I stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down at the small bedroom. A bed with a dark-green spread was against the western wall, and another seemed to be in the northeastern corner. I thought that this might be the room that we were supposed to stay in. I knew that my mother would not be able to walk up and down the stairs, though. I also noticed that the windows of the booth would look down on the small room, and that did not seem like a nice place to stay. On the eastern side of the lower room, i could see a narrow archway around a deep recess in the eastern wall. A tall arched window seemed to be at the top of the recess. This building was very nice, but it did not seem to have been originally planned as a living quarters. I walked to the north, into the northern section of the upper room. A single bed was against the western wall. It would not be big enough for both my mother and me. Short walls to the east and west formed a wide doorway. The short walls ran all the way up to a beam that crossed the ceiling. Just past the opening was a bunk bed against the western wall. I thought that we might be able to stay in the bunk bed if i sleeped on top. I would be able to climb up, but my mother would not. I wondered how she felt about being in an open room like this. I then wondered if this part of the room was reserved for other people. I noticed some luggage on the floor to the north of the bunk bed. This disappointed me. I then noticed the racks of clothing on the northern side of the room. The entire northern end of the room had round sales racks of shirts and jackets. Some clothing also hung on the northern and western walls in display. This seemed like a strange place to have a store. I turned around and wandered back to the south. We needed to find a room to sleep in that my mother could easily get to. I felt annoyed that we could not find one, and i thought that we would have to look in other parts of the building.

I was driving the car to the east, down the drive between the modern college buildings. I had been with some other people, but i had to move my car. The others seemed to be in one of the buildings to the southeast of me. I drove slowly, looking for a parking spot in the narrow parking area that was just off the southern side of the road. College buildings were on the southern side of the road, and the parking area was on the northern side of the buildings. I could see several open spots in the parking area, but the parking area was separated from the road by a narrow cement median, and the lane on the southern side of the road that led to the opening in the median was blocked off with orange construction barrels. I felt frustrated and wondered where to park. The road ahead of me curved to the north, and i noticed a parking lane to the south, just before the curve. I thought that the parking lane must have an entrance to the east somewhere. I followed the road around the corner. The road ended just after i turned north, and five- or six-story dormitories were to the north of the intersection. Similar long buildings were to the east of the road.

I was in a room in the house, and my family seemed to be in the room with me. I was on the northern side of the room, sitting on the western end of the northern side of a dining-room table. The family was around the rectangular table, talking about something. I got up and walked to the west as they continued talking. I was now walking on the city street, on the southern sidewalk. I stopped on the corner just to the west of me, thinking about this area. I looked up the gray city street to the north. I knew that a bus stop was just up the road. It was the stop where i used to get the bus. I thought about this place for a moment, and then i turned around and headed back to the east. I was again back in the dining room of the house. I stopped in the northwestern corner of the room, and the family was around the northern and eastern sides of the long wooden dining table, which was to the southeast of me. They seemed like the family from Black Lightning. One of the daughters, who was on the long northern side of the table, said something about the bus stop. The other family members talked about it as though it were a problem. The bus stop now seemed to be on the southern side of the street to the east. The street seemed to run east from the northern side of the room. Someone said that the bus stop had too much security. I imagined guards and metal detectors near the bust stop. I wondered why this would be so bad. The daughter on the northern side of the table pointed out that security gates were not at the bus stops in rich neighborhoods. I realized the problem that she was talking about as i walked to the east, along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I wondered what we could do to make the areas more equal.

I headed to the east, down the corridor of the large hotel. I had been out doing something, but i had to return to the hotel to get something. I thought that i had to get ready for school, and i felt hurried. Something about the corridor reminded me of the driveway that i had recently been on. The southern wall was very long, with an uneven surface that turned around the doors so that the doors did not face directly to the north. I looked at the doors as i hurried down the hallway. I wondered where my room was. I opened a door in the southern wall. A woman was sitting at the foot of a bed, which was on the western wall of the room. I was in the wrong room. I apologized and moved one door to the west. As i entered the room, i saw $A682 kneeling on the floor on the eastern side of the room. The large bed filled the center of the room, and he was to the east of it. He was packing things into a small duffel bag. I asked him about something as i stood at the northern side of the room. He sounded strange as he replied. He did not turn toward me as he replied, and i noticed something behind the curtain on the eastern wall. $A682’s voice sounded strained, and i thought that he was upset about something. I felt concerned about him, and i asked him if he was all right. He did not respond, so i moved toward him and put my right hand on his left shoulder. He did not reply, so i asked him again. He was still kneeling on the floor, facing away, to the south. He said that he would be better later, after dancing. I thought that he was heading for a concert. That was the reason that he was traveling. I told him that i had to get to my classes. I then looked at my watch quickly. I had forgotten about my class. MY digital watch said that it was 5:01. I thought that the bus should have come at the end of an hour. I remembered the street to the north where the bus stop was. I said that it was late, and i rushed into my room, which was different that $A682’s room. The bed was on the eastern wall, and i had come from the north into the room. I had to pack my things quickly so that i could leave. I then thought that i needed to get a lunch. I moved to the south, along the foot of the bed. I noticed a plate of vegetables on the ed. It still had a few sticks of celery and a bit of hummus on it. I scooped up the hummus, thinking that i should eat it now rather than save it. I would still need a lunch to take with me, though. I then noticed the beans in the square plastic bag, which was on the counter to the east of me. My mother had brought the beans. I decided that i could take them as part of my lunch. I grabbed them and then rushed to get the rest of my lunch together.