12021 May 01

I moved to the north after doing something. I was to the northeast of a large building, which looked like an old college library. It seemed reddish and made of stone and seemed a little like Uris Library. I was standing on a cement pylon block, which was about a half meter high. It was one of several that seemed to run in a line along the western side of the black asphalt area. The row ran to the south, toward a corner of the building, which seemed to be the northeastern corner of a small section on the northern side of the building. I hopped to the northwest, landing on a low yellow stopping curb, which ran northwest to southeast. As i landed, i was aware of someone from the east watching me. I wanted to continue to the west, and i thought that i could hop long distances if i focused on not falling as fast. The land seemed to slope steeply down to the southwest and west, curving around the side of the building. I jumped to the west and floated for a moment. I did not allow myself to fall down, so i was able to keep my feet off of the ground. I turned to the southwest and floated out over the hill. The land was soon quite a way below me. I decided that it might not be safe to float so high above the ground, and i willed myself to head back to the southeast. I did not want to be over such a drop in case i started to loose control over my flight. I headed back toward the tower of the library, which was a tall square tower. I decided to float around the southern side of it. I turned to the south and flew close to the building, heading south. I tried to glance to the east a little as i passed a tall stone-framed window. I wondered if anyone was inside and had noticed me floating past. I could not look into the window, though, because i had to focus on not falling. As i reached the southwestern corner of the building, i focused on turning to the east. I felt tense, and i moved my arms to change my momentum. I had to stay focused. I started heading east along the southern side of the building.

I headed to the east along the southern side of the structure. I had to get to someplace, and i felt that i was concentrating on getting there quickly. It was dark out, and i felt focused on something. I turned to the north and came into the small area. A large tree was in the center of the area. It had rough thick bark and was very wide, with bent branches extending from it. A woman was to the southwest of the tree, and she was chopping the wood where the roots extended over the ground from the main trunk. It was dark, but the room was illuminated with white and blue lights, giving the tree an artistic setting. The tree looked like a willow, and it seemed very large and old. The roots fanned out around the base, thinning and branching and disappearing into the packed soil. I thought that the tree was broken on the northwestern side, which was why the woman was cutting the ground roots to the south of the trunk. Something about this scene seemed special, and i wondered why the tree was broken. I then realized that the woman near the tree was $A706. She wore a green canvas jacket. I said hello to her, and she paused with the ax on the ground and turned to acknowledge me. She did not say much. I told her that i had cut the roots of my willow too. She nodded but said nothing. Feeling awkward, i told her that the tree was very nice. I started talking about the stump. I then looked up, noticing the bare wood beams that ran above the tree. I could see the rafters on the underside of the barn roof, and the tree rose into the underside of the peak. The very tops of the long twisted branches of the tree reached out through holes in the barn roof. I was surprised to find that we were in a barn, and i mentioned this to the woman. I did not remember entering the barn. I walked around the western side of the tree to the north and then came back, looking up to the east at the wall and rafters of the barn. The wood of the rafters was darkened with age, and it seemed to be rough unfinished lumber. The woman said that it built around the tree. I was fascinated with the structure, and i asked her about it. We talked about it as i walked around the tree, trying to get a better look at the beams and rafters overhead.

I walked to the north, plotting something that i had to do. I saw the paragraph to the north of me. It had sections of text in parentheses. I noticed that these sections were mostly numbers, and i thought that they were coordinates. Five or six pieces of text in parentheses were in the short six or seven lines of the paragraph. I thought that we would have to move different aspects of ourselves in different ways to keep the text hidden. Another man was helping we with this. He walked to the east of me through the city area. This place seemed like an old city, with old stone buildings. It was daylight as we headed north on the cobblestone street. I would have to tell the man how to change locations in order to alter the text. I turned to the east, walking along a sidewalk. The man was now to the north of me, in a building on the northern side of the street. I could see him through a large arced window. He sat on the northeast of a small round table, talking to someone who was to the southwest of him. I was not supposed to let others know that i new this man, so i did not stop to attract the man’s attention. The man noticed me as i walked, though, and i noticed that he tensed nervously. I continued to the east, trying not to seem related to the man. I thought about the coordinates again. We had to arrange them in some way. I started talking to the person in the small room about them. I was on the northern side of the room, which seemed to be a hospital room with pale-blue walls. I felt as though i had to leave, though. I had to go out the window to the west to get out of the building. A paved parking lot was to the west of me, in a large courtyard of the building. I had jumped out the window the last time i was here, but the window now seemed rather high. I seemed to be several meters from the ground. I thought that i must have been farther to the north along the building before. I could see that the parking lot below sloped up to the north, which made the difference in height less. A steep grassy mound was just to the south of the window, though. It seemed to form a wall on the northern side of a small square area where dumpsters were kept. I stepped out of the window, onto the wall. I walked carefully along the narrow top of the wall to the west, and then started stepping down the blocks of the retaining wall on the western end. I hurried to the west, thinking that i had to do something.

12021 May 02

I move to the south, stepping down one of the cement steps in the large building. This place seemed to be some kind of sports arena, with many rinks or areas under one roof. The area was very large, and i was standing between several rinks. Someone was to the northeast of me, and i was talking to the person. I was pointing out the different cement arenas around me and the sports that would be played in each. I said that roller derby was played in the rink to the east and handball or something similar was played in the arena to the west. I thought that the rink i was in, which was mostly to the south of me, was for hockey. It felt interesting to be here, and i thought that i was here to do something. I turned around to the north. A rectangular table was set up just to the north of me, and it had a piece of paper on it with a list of names. I thought that i could order the items on the list as i wanted, and i knew that the words on the list were really just names of things. The names had simply been changed. I read some of the sentences in the list, trying to figure out what the items on the list were actually referring to. I knew that the others had ordered the list, and i knew that the words in the list were just calling things by a different name than was usual. I glanced up to the north for a moment, noticing the hockey players standing in a group to the north of me. They all wore dark jerseys, and they all seemed angry with me. I knew that they had been waiting for me, and they were now getting aggressive and annoyed.

12021 May 04

I was in the small room, which seemed like a room in my grandfather’s cottage. I stood near the eastern end of the room, and my mother was to the northeast of me. I moved around the room, looking at the things on the shelfs around the room. The room still had furniture and decorations around it. My grandfather had moved out, but he had left much of this stuff here. We were cleaning out some of the things, and i felt that they should be saved. I wondered if we should take any of these things with us or just leave them here. I did not really want to collect any more things from the house. My mother moved toward the shelfs on the eastern wall and pointed out the dishes that were on them. I turned to look at the plates, which were on the shelf, which seemed like the top of a small counter that ran along the western wall. The oval place was rather bulky, and it had raised decorations on the surface. The background of the dish was white, but it had blue designs, and the raised elements looked like fish and water. I remembered the pattern of the dish from when i was younger. It seemed like a good memory. I looked at the other things on the counter that ran along the western wall. I then noticed some of the other plates to the southwest. They looked very nice, but i did not want to take any more things with us. I felt sad that so many things were left behind. I moved a little to the west, looking at all of the other things in the room. I wished that we could do something with all of the furnishings here, but i had no place to put anything else. I looked at the short leather chair with the wood frame to the north of me, at the end of the central wall in the living room. A tall narrow tan vase was to the west of the chair, along the wall. My mother then mentioned the clock, which was to the south. I heard a low voice saying something. I turned to the south to see a tall white porcelain grandfather clock against the wall. I remembered it. It was an antique that had been in the family for a very long time. It had a wide bottom and rounded corners. The top had diagonal corners. The porcelain was white, with blue floral decorations all along the surface. A blue vine or branch pattern ran along the outside edges. I said something to my mother about the clock as the clock spoke the gong in a low voice. It seemed very strange that the clock would be speaking. It had a voice that sounded bored. I told my mother that i liked the dish with the fish pattern better. I considered taking the dish with me, but i still felt hesitant. I walked to the south, wondering what i should do.

I was in the house with other members of my family. This seemed like my grandmother’s house. Everything had been taken out of the house already, and the rooms seemed bare. I moved to the north, across an empty room. It felt sad to be here. Several items of furniture had been put in the house, but none of it was my grandmother’s. A black painting hung on the eastern wall. These things had been put here to make the house look better so that it could be sold. A small room was to the north of the room that i was in. I walked through the doorway and stopped just inside. I seemed to be in a room at the southern side of the house. This room used to be a closet, but it had been converted into a pantry. A refrigerator now filled the space on the western end of the southern wall, to the west of the door. I felt sad in this place, and i said something to $K1 about this place. The southern wall of the room was dull red, and it looked as though it was covered with cheap paint. The walls had been cheaply created with thin plasterboard. I turned back to the south and left the room. I felt that there was more we should take from this place, but i was not sure what. It felt very sad to leave this place.

12021 May 05

I was on a beach on the northern shore of what seemed to be the ocean. The sand was tan, and the sky overcast. The low dunes near me had tall green grass growing on them. A building seemed to be to the west of me. Someone ran to the south. So the southwest of me, a long pier ran to the south. I turned and ran to the south as the other people started to move. I was running along the side of the pier, which also seemed to be an old rock foundation wall. Others were to the south of me as i reached the end of the wall. The sandy ground had sloped down to the south, but the wall did not slope as steeply down. I stopped at the southern end of the wall, which now seemed to run along the western side of an old wooden structure. A man was standing on the ground to the southwest of me, below the end of the wall that i was standing on. He stood with his legs apart, his right leg on a higher part of a sandy dune than his left. He had his hands on him hips, and he looked at me as though in thought. He wore a pair of tan knee-length shorts and a light-blue long-sleeve button-up shirt, which was only buttoned halfway up from the bottom. I said something to him and the young woman, who stood to the southeast. I then turned back to the north. I had to do something. I rushed back along the wall. The top of the wall had square dark frames with light-gray filler on the inside. The frames were more than a meter wide, and they lined the top of the wall. They were not all at the same level, and rose consecutively as the wall ran to the north. I ran up the steps, thinking about the old foundation wall below me. I then moved to the east and was along the side of the wall. One of the square framed slaps overhung the eastern side of the wall, where dirt had eroded away. I reached up my hands to make sure that i did not hit my head on the rock. I climbed more slowly to the north, trying to get back to somewhere to do something.

Two men stood to the west of me as i talked to someone. They seemed important. I could see their names written in a large almost-calligraphic script on the yellow paper to the east. The names were written as “Greg & Ian”. I knew the two people, but the names did not seem quite correct. I wondered if Ian was really $A26. This didn’t seem right; the names were not correct. I thought that the man on the left was really $A811. I was not sure who the young man on the right was, though. I then wondered why the two of them would be together. They should not have known each other, because they were not from the same area. I felt confused. I looked at the paper again. The white paper was filled with text now, except for a large round spot in the center. I looked at the black calligraphic text around the left edge of the circle. The script looked like a chancery, and i noticed $A556’s name written along the edge. It made sense to see her name here, because i knew that she and $A811 were very close. I told someone that i knew these people, but i still could not understand who the two men were. I tried to figure it out. Someone then asked me if i would work in the small town. I remembered the small town from before, and i was not sure that i wanted to stay there anymore.

12021 May 06

I was on the bus or train car, which was facing west. I felt uneasy and nervous about being here. The bus was about ready to leave, and the people to the north and northeast of me were talking about the situation. They said that we would have to give our forms to the people running the train or bus so that we could travel to the city to the west. The city seemed like Boston, but it seemed to be in the location of Chicago. I felt nervous, thinking that i would have to give the people my papers. I did not want to give up my papers, so i thought that i would not turn over my papers. I felt defiant in keeping my things with me, but i knew that everyone was distressed about the situation. The woman to the north of me then mentioned India, saying that they had been too confident and they had missed their opportunity. The bus was moving to the west.

12021 May 08

I followed the others to the north, along the eastern side of the low building. It was dark, and we had come here to do something. I felt impartial to the work that we were doing. It seemed that we were trying to set up or organize something for a larger group. I did not quite feel a part of the group, though. We turned to the east at the northern end of the building, and then entered the building through a door in the center of the northern side of the building. We came into a large room with a low ceiling. It seemed like an old banquet hall, but it seemed to have some couches or other simple furnishings near the northern end. The others moved into the room and started doing something. I felt unsure. I was aware of the crowd of people to the northwest of us. What we were doing seemed to have some relation to them. A man then came into the room. He smiled at everyone and started talking to us. I realized that he was a famous person. He seemed like Joe Biden. I felt excited that he had come to see us, and i started talking to him as he walked to the southeast of me. He chatted with a few of us in the room. I thought that he had come here because we were getting things ready for the event. Someone then came into the building from the north and told us that there was danger. The person closed the door. Something had happened to the large gathering outside, and we would have to stay here to be safe. I felt concerned about what was happening outside. Joe Biden was to the south of me now, and he was talking to a man who was to the northeast of him. The man said that Al Qaeda had invaded the camp. Absentmindedly, i asked how they could have taken over the camp. It did not seem logical. If this event had the president at it, then it should have had more security. Something seemed wrong here. I looked to the door. A large window was to the west of the door in the northern wall, and someone had already pulled the white drapes closed over the window. I wondered if we should turn off the lights in the room so that the people outside did not know that we were here. I started walking to the south, into the center of the long room. A kitchen area seemed to be along the southern side of the eastern wall of the room. Others were getting things ready. I thought that we should leave this place, and i started walking to the south, down the alley. Others were walking with me. It was dark, and i felt that we had to sneak out of this camp before the others found us. The tall cement walls on either side of us had no windows and seemed to be part of buildings in an urban area. We were heading northwest up a narrow channel, which now seemed like a dry canal with cement walls. Someone pointed out something to the northwest. The others seemed startled. I turned to see four or five crafts hovering in the sky to the north of us. They were floating slowly toward us. At first, i thought that they would be extraterrestrial craft, because they seemed so strange, but then i thought that they were really military craft that were designed to look different. The small ships hovered in a rough V-shaped formation, with the V pointing south. They were patrolling the area, looking for people. I watched the vehicles. They had rounded oblong bodies, with paddle-shaped fins on either side. The main bodies seemed wedge shaped from the side, but they were slightly trapezoidal from the bottom. They had rounded corners and almost no features. The wings were almost square, but they were rounded on the outside corners. The leading corner seemed more rounded that the trailing one. The wings were formed of small square metal cells, making the entire wing look like a grate. A round greenish disk was in the center of the western wing of the craft that i was looking at. Light from inside each cell gave the wings a pale glow. I thought that the wings were forcing air through the cells, which is how the craft hovered. The round thing in the center was part of the fan unit. The wings could tip independently, allowing the ship to hover and maneuver easily. As they moved toward us, a cement overpass blocked some of them, and i focused on the one at the western end of the formation. I told the person to the west of me that the ships were hovercrafts. I remembered seeing them before, and i said that they were probably from our military. I worried that we were being taken over by our own government. The ships did not appear to see us, and we walked slowly to the north. Most of the ships were blocked from our view by the cement structure overhead. The ships seemed to have landed on the bridge above us. As we reached the northern end of the bridge, i looked up at the wing of the westernmost ship as we passed under it. We had to get out of this area before the troops came in at took over. Another person and i headed to the north, into the narrow passage between two cement walls. The others seemed to have gone to the east and west down the alley. I thought that we would be able to hide in these structures for now. A narrow staircase ascended to the north in the narrow corridor, and i hurried up it, thinking that we could hide in these abandoned buildings. I stopped partway up the stairs, noticing an opening to the north of me. The stairs ended on a platform that ran to the west, to the bottom of another set of stairs that ascended to the south. No wall was to the north of the platform, so i could see into the dark interior of the building. The walls seemed unfinished, and i could see rough wooden beams. I felt uneasy here. I turned to look to the south. The walls seemed to be nothing more than horizontal slats where plaster would be put. I then noticed the dead people on the ground in the upper room to the southwest of me. One man was pinned to the wall just above the stairs i was on. Crude darts, which seemed like pieces of bone, had been thrown at the men, and the men had been killed. I thought that these weapons were from the extraterrestrials. I was aware of the man with me, who was still standing to the south of me at the bottom of the stairs. I did not tell him anything, but i thought that we would be able to hide here. The bad guys had already been through this place, so they would not suspect that others had come here. I moved a little to the west, where another set of stairs descended to the south of me. I thought that the western side of the building was empty, so we would be able to hide there. As i moved into the opening at the top of the stairwell, i cautiously looked down the stairs. The landing at the bottom was lighted from the south, and it seemed to be a warm incandescent light. I felt hesitant. A person then walked across the bottom of the stairs. I could see the person from the waist down. He seemed to be a soldier, and he wore loose brown pants with brown boots on his feet. He stopped suddenly near the eastern side of the bottom of the stairs. I wondered if he had heard me. I felt scared. I quickly moved to the east and then ran to the south along the side of the stairwell, where a wall separated the stairwell from the corridor i was in. I was aware of the sound of my steps, and i purposely walked so that i was silent. I turned to the west at the end of the corridor. Another set of stairs ascended to the north, but i though that i would make noise running up them. I looked to the west to see a small sitting room with a couch along the northern wall. I thought that the bad guy might not look too carefully in the room, so i should be able to hide behind the furnishings to get out of sight. An end table was just to the west of the couch. I considered lying on the floor to the west of it to hide. I moved into the room, thinking about this and picturing the different ways to get out of sight. I thought that it might be better if i crouched down behind the end table. It would keep my body in a more confined area and less likely to be seen around the edges of the couch.

I moved to the east along the northern side of the large carriage. The others were getting on the ride, which seemed to be some kind of carnival ride, like a roller coaster or ferris wheel. The large carriage had five or six rows of seats across it, all facing east. $Z, who seemed like $A682, stood to the northwest of me, encouraging me to get on the ride. I did not feel comfortable getting on the ride, but i felt that i had to. I stepped into the carriage and moved toward an empty seat in the second or third row from the front. I looked over my left shoulder at $Z, who had gotten into the seat on the northern end of the back row. I thought that he wanted to get the most momentum from the ride. I felt nervous, and i sat in the seat and started to trap myself in. I felt scared for some reason. I closed my eyes as the carriage started moving to the east. I wondered if it would be lifted into the air and tipped upside down. I waited for the sensation as i finished clipping my buckles, but i did not feel any sudden acceleration. I could feel us moving, but it did not seem that bad. I then opened my eyes to see that an older man in a tractor was pulling the carriage to the southeast, out of the water pit that we had been in and around a corner. I wondered when the ride would become faster. I thought that we would be going through the mud, and i realized that i would probably get wet. I did not feel happy about this. The man drove us to the west along the southern side of the waterway, which seemed to be a long shallow channel of muddy water that ran east to west. I looked at the calm water, thinking that a rounded rock was just under the water near the western end of the canal. I wondered if it was dangerous for us to hit as we came back down the waterway. At the western end, we turned to the north and got ready to head back down the center of the water. I could see another school bus ahead of us. It was another set of riders on a different carriage. I expected the sudden acceleration of the ride as we crossed the water, but i did not feel it. Instead, we seemed to be riding in a tunnel, and i could see images projected on the walls to the east of us. I saw the other bus ahead of us and just to the southeast. I thought that we were trying to race it, and we pulled up along the northern side of it. Another school bus appeared on the wall to the northeast of us. I thought that it was an image of the back of our school bus. The images tipped and the bus to the southeast turned on its side as it rode up onto the wall. Something seemed fake about the images. I thought that the bus projected on the northern side of the tunnel could not be the one we were in. It was not moving as we moved. I then thought that we were not really moving; our seats were just tipping and turning with the projected images. Something seemed strange about this place.

12021 May 10

The man to the north of me was facing southwest. He seemed tense, and he started chewing on the inflated rubber thing. He stuffed it in his mouth and swallowed it. I felt nervous, knowing that he was going to choke on the black inflated object. I felt very worried, and i wondered what to do. I moved toward the man, but the scene became suddenly cartoonish. The man’s head was now rather large, and he was moving with exaggerated motions as he tried to swallow the object. I still felt concerned, but i was now watching a cartoon.

12021 May 11

I was standing and talking with the others in the driveway to the east of my grandmother’s house. I felt tense, feeling that something was not quite right. I felt that i had just done something, and i worried that it might cause more problems. One of the other people was talking to the woman who was standing to the northeast of me, just to the east of the garage. I realized that she was Dana Scully. The man tried to make a point to Dana, but she seemed to disagree. I listened as another person tried to describe something, trying to convince Dana of something. Something seemed wrong, and something had to be done. We were then in the car, which was facing north in the driveway. It faced the large opening in the garage at the end of the driveway. The other person said that we should just do the things. I felt nervous, and i told the others that we had to go. We had to get to the place that was to the northwest of us. I thought about the location, and i thought that we would not be able to get there directly from here, because the railroad tracks were in the way. Dana then started driving the car to the north. She accelerated the car, crashing it through the back wall of the garage. We speeded across the back lawn of the house, heading northwest toward the road on the western end of the block. We drove down the hill to the north on the street, passing through the intersection to the north without stopping. I felt concerned that we were moving too fast. I knew that the road ended just beyond the intersection, and i thought that we might not have enough time to stop. I warned Dana that the road ended, and i pointed out the lake beyond. I then noticed a layer of ice on the water. I felt worried that we would skid out on the ice and then break through. The car stopped in time, though, coming to rest just short of the water. I got out of the car as the others started talking about something. The others referred to the man, which seemed to be to the north of us. I looked at the orangish map, noting the church that was indicated in the center of the populated area. I could also see several open spaces that looked like parking lots around the city. Dana knew that the map was important to me, but she did not say anything to the others. I started walking up the road to the north, heading toward the small church, which was in the center of a small rounded block in the middle of the suburban area. People were already waiting for us at the church. I remembered this story from before. I then heard the sound of the train running along the tracks to the east. This place seemed like West Endicott, and the train was heading to the north along the bottom of the low hill to the east. I knew that my mother was supposed to stop the train so that we could do something. I rushed across wide flat platform to the east of me, heading for the stopped train. The train was made up of old passenger cars, and it had a brown tint to it. People were coming out of the train cars. They were confused, not sure why the train had stopped. I was supposed to get on the train to do something, but i knew that i should not get on. This story was not right, and it would not be good for me to be on the train again. I stood near the train cars as the people started getting back on the train. I felt annoyed at something, feeling that i did not want to repeat the same story again. I headed to the southwest, back toward the church. As i walked, i could hear the train start moving to the north again.

I was in my grandmother’s house, and i headed to the north, across the dining room. I came to the northern end of the house, and i seemed to be on the second floor now. The wall to the north was bare. People had been moving furniture out of the house, and only a few pieces of furnishings remained. A small dresser was in a closet to the north of me. The closet had no door, and the walls at the front of it seemed unfinished. The northern wall of the closet was painted dark purple, making it look cheap. I looked over the furnishings, feeling suddenly sad. I knew that i would not be coming back here again, and it felt strange to think that i would never see this place. I moved to the south, along the eastern side of the house, feeling troubled. I came out onto the front porch of the house. Others were to the west of me, on the porch, and they were talking about something. I felt distracted and did not want to talk to them. I turned around and headed back to the north, this time taking the stairwell along the eastern wall of the entryway up to the second floor. My mother was in the kitchen on the second floor. I started talking to her about the animal.

12021 May 13

I had been in this rural area with $F10 for a while. We had been walking across the field. I stood now in the western half of the large grassy field. $F10 had walked to the east to get something. I thought that we would have to clean up our things so that we could leave this area. I walked to the west and picked up the bicycle, which was lying on the ground. As i lifted it up, i looked to the west, into the thin forest that was on the western side of the field. The trees seemed mostly like saplings, and the leafs were just budding. I could see another farming field to the west of the narrow strip of forest. Some deer were standing in the field near the eastern side of the other field. One of them was looking up at me through the trees. I waved to it and called out a “hello”. The deer seemed startled, and they started running to the north, along the tree line. The large one that had been looking at me bounded down the field. He had thick tufts of fur on his back, as though he still had his winter coat. As they ran, i started to worry that they would run out into the road that ran along the northern side of the field. I did not want them to get hit by cars. I said aloud “Don’t get hit by cars.” as they approached the road. The deer stopped at the edge of the road, allowing a car to drive in front of them. I was glad that they stopped. I turned to the east and started walking along the southern side of the road. I was carrying the bicycle to the south of me as i walked. I thought that i would pick the other bicycle up as i passed it on the road. I remembered that we had left it somewhere to the east, just south of the road. I looked at the bicycle as i carried it. It was really two large thick wheels connected by a two-by-four board. As i walked, i allowed the front wheel to bounce on the ground. The tire had treads like dirt-bicycle tires, and it was about a deci thick. As it bounced on the road, it accelerated, making a skidding sound on the pavement. I thought that it was like an airplane tire hitting the runway. After walking a little way down the road, i spotted the small red tricycle lying on its side, just down a short slope on the southern side of the road. I picked it up and lifted it over my left shoulder, and i continued down the road. I passed the eastern end of the field, and the land to the south of me was forested with leafless trees. Ahead of me, a dark-green car came from the east and turned to the south, into a small gravel parking lot on the side of the road. The trees on the road obscured the car as it stopped in the lot. Across the street from the lot was a small old stone building. It looked like an old cottage. It sat only three of four meters from the edge of the road. Just beyond the lot and the house, the road curved to the south. I thought that the green car was $F10, returning to this area. I walked toward him with the things that i was carrying. I turned south into the lot and headed toward the back of the car. The car was stopped on the western side of the dirt lot. The trunk of the car was open, and i tossed the gray duffel bag that i had been carrying over my left shoulder into the trunk. I could see the backs of the seats of the cars at the rear of the trunk, and i pushed the bag up against it so that we would have room for other things. $F10 moved to the east of me, apologizing for something. I did not feel concerned about anything that he had done, and i told him that i did not mind. I felt very close to him, and it felt good to be with him.

12021 May 14

I was with the others in the store. We had to get ready to go somewhere. I felt hurried as we got dressed up in costumes. I had not chosen my costume. Someone else had dressed me in flourished makeup and a skimpy dress. I looked at myself in the mirror to the south, thinking that it looked interesting. I had never worn something this elaborate before. We were on the northern side of the store, which seemed to be a clothing store. To the north of us was a wall of large windows. I talked to the others as we got ready to go. Some of them were still getting dressed, but some were already heading toward the exit door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. These people seemed like $G4. I headed out the door, pausing just outside. I felt nervous going out into the public in costume. $A812 came out the door just behind me, so i felt good having another person with me. I walked to the west, down the sidewalk that ran along the stores. A large parking lot seemed to be to the north of the building that i had come out of. The cars in the lot seemed very new, making this place seem like a car dealership. I was then driving my car to the west, down the driveway of the lot. I looked in my rearview mirror, trying to see where the others were. They were not following me. I stopped just before the intersection and waited for them to come out of the store and start driving in my direction. I then looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror, noticing a mark on my right cheek. I thought that i had smeared some of the makeup when i rubbed my eye. I would have to fix it. I then looked again for the others, but i did not see them. Annoyed, i started to drive to the north on the main road. It was dark out, and i could see the city lights ahead of me in the distance. The city seemed like Albany. I drove slowly for a little while but then stopped on the eastern side of the road. I felt impatient as i waited for the others. I was not sure what to do. I started walking to the north again. Other people came out of a door on the eastern side of the street. They were $G4, and they had been doing something in the building. A woman came out of the door and turned to the north to head into the mall. I caught the wooden door on the eastern side of the corridor before it closed. I walked into the room to see if i could find the $G4 there. I suddenly hoped that this was not a women’s locker room. I thought maybe the women had been getting dressed in here. The room was filled with many naked people, but they seemed to be both men and women. I thought that this was a private room where $G4 were hanging out. I stood just inside the door, looking around the room. Someone then opened the door behind me and walked in. The door did not swing shut quickly, so i reached out and pulled it closed, noticing a family walking down the corridor outside from the north. I thought that we should keep the door closed so that people did not get nervous of a room full of naked people. I looked around at the thin strips of wood that covered the walls. They seemed to be cedar, and this room seemed to be a sauna. However, the sauna heat did not seem to be turned on. Other people here were relaxing as they spoke. Some of them were people that i had been waiting for, so i waited for them to get ready to go to the other event. I thought that we should all leave for the event, but i decided to hang out with these people until they were ready. I lay on the floor with my head to the southeast. I was now in a sleeping bag, facing west. A woman to the southeast of me then started talking about me. She said that my midsection was medium. I thought that she was talking about my body. I did not respond to her, and i continued to listen. I wanted to see if she thought that it was good. I then wondered why she would be talking about me when she was so close to me. I wondered why she did not know that i could hear her. We only seemed to be a few meters apart. I got up and moved to the northwest. I was now at the southern end of the balcony in the store. I felt anxious and wondered what i should do. I wanted to go to the event. I was working in this store, though. A woman to the east of us started talking with a heavy Russian accent. She ran this store, and she was encouraging us to do things. She wore a red reflective patch on her face, and she smiled at us as she spoke. She seemed to have a round face, and her straight hair was pulled back. I felt awkward here, remembering that i was still in costume. I moved to the north, along the western wall of the store. I reached the checkout counter, which was in the northwestern corner of the store. $A547 was standing to the north of the counter, trying to pay for something. He said something to the cashier, who stood on the southern side of the counter. A woman came from the east, and interrupted $A547. Others were around the counter now, and i felt as though they were just causing trouble. The price of the item that $A547 was buying should have been fifty-something dollars. Instead, the price came up in the sixties. Something was wrong, and $A547 seemed agitated. The others at the counter were making the situation worse. Everyone then left, leaving $A547 by himself. I felt upset with the others for making the transaction difficult.

12021 May 15

I moved to the north along the western side of the room. The others were in the center of the living room to the east of me. We had been staying in this place, but i had moved things around. Something seemed out of place. I walked to the east and started talking to the other man. He seemed like $A380. He stood to the northeast of me as i looked at the wooden board of the wall to the east of me. I imagined writing something on the wall that signified that $A380 and i had been here. We had moved things around this place. I pictured the initials, but they did not seem quite right. I walked back to the west. My mother was to the north of me, standing near the large sofa-bed, which was against the northern half of the western wall. The bed was open. The room seemed less crowded with furniture that it had before i had moved things around. I told my mother that we were doing something with this place. I tried to remember what this place had been like. It seemed that it needed to be arranged. I walked to the south, leaving the small building. I was talking to the other person as i stopped just to the south of the small house. The house seemed like an old simple wooden structure. It was boxy, with a flat roof. The front part was surfaced with worn horizontal strips of wood, which seemed to be stained dark bluish-gray. It was only about ten meters wide, with white trim around the corners. The other person, who seemed to be female, was to the northeast of me, near the doorway in the center of the southern wall of the house. I talked about something in the area. We seemed to be in an old semiurban area. The other houses around us were small and worn, but larger factory-like buildings seemed to be to the west and south. I spoke about something as i wandered to the west a little. I then told the woman that she could use the toilet to the north, as the other person had done. I wandered to the north, along the western side of the house. Tall weeds and drying grass grew along the house. The area seemed to be thick with young saplings. However, i was surprised when i passed through the thin patch of trees and came into a long field of tall grass behind the houses. I was surprised to see this. I had not expected the long yards to be here. I walked to the north, realizing that it was not possible urinate in this area without being seem from some of the other houses. I wondered what the woman would do. I continued walking to the north, feeling very good in this area. The ground rose slightly behind the house, but then sloped down gradually to the north, toward the houses on the other side of the block. The yards seemed very long. I was aware of small houses to the west of me, which were on the western side of the block. I walked through the tall grass of the field, enjoying the area. A row of bushes or tall grass ran just to the east of me, along the eastern side of the property. Beyond it seemed to be other yards, all of which seemed to have the wild grassy fields. A small shed was to the northeast of me. I walked along the western side of the shed, and i told the woman something about urinating or defecating in the back yard. I thought that it would be difficult to do so privately in the tall grass, because the neighbors would be able to see. I looked at the dull cubical shed and wondered if it was part of the property that i had been on or whether it belonged to the house on the northern side of the block. As i rounded the northwestern corner of the small wooden shed, i was aware that people in the house to the north would be able to see me. Just behind the shed was a small narrow building. It was painted pale green, and it looked like an outhouse. I wondered if i could urinate in there. I then thought that it might be part of the neighbors’ property. I walked toward it, noticing a square area outlined by white on the western side of the structure. It looked like a window or hatch that had been sealed with something. I thought that this building did not have any door, even though i could not see the eastern side. I decided that it was really a covering for some sort of power utility. I continued to the east, thinking about this area. I reached the end of a walkway, and then i turned back to the west. I now seemed to be to the south of a large white house. The walkway ran to the south of the house and to the north of another structure. The structure to the south seemed to be near the main road of the block. I was aware that someone was watching me from the northeast. I started running to the south, and i thought that i would lean forward, putting my hands on the ground and hopping for a few steps, like an ape does. Something about this movement seemed correct. I looked at the hill of grass to the southwest of me. The pathway i was walking on seemed to be packed small gravel, and it opened up into a square parking area to the west. Just to the south of a parking area, the land rose in a curve, looking like a wave that was cresting. The grass grew up the northern side of the hill and curved under the crest. I thought about jumping up the slope and grabbing the top to pull myself over. The motion of the ape would help me get up the slope quickly. I thought that the hunched motion would make it easier to reach up and grab the top of the hill. I thought that i could run quickly at the slope and climb up it. As i thought about this, i pictured someone jumping toward the slope and reaching up to grab the top. I then thought that it was not the normal motion of people who portrayed apes. A man ran from the north, toward the slope. He hopped unevenly, as actor did when pretending to be apes. He had thick muscular legs and a black beard as he hopped over the grass toward the slope. I knew that this was not correct. One should run normally, as a sprinter does, and then lean forward and pull with the arms. I pictured someone doing this again, aware of someone watching to the northeast. I thought that it should not be hard. It was like parkour. I then turned around and ran back to the east, down the cement sidewalk that ran to the south of the large white house to the north and the building to the south. A woman had run down a sidewalk from the center of the building to the north. She had been following me, but she did not want me to know. She seemed surprised to see me running toward her, but i continued running to the east. She had just reached the path i was on and turned to jog to the west when i passed her, heading east. She was a short East Asian woman with a round face and short black hair. She seemed well built, and she wore a tight-fitting gray sweat jacket and matching sweatpants. I thought that she would have to turn to the east to keep an eye on me, and i was amused by this idea. She was not supposed to let me know that she was following me. I circled to the north and then ran back to the west. The woman would have turned to follow me already, and it would now be obvious that she was following me. I found it amusing that she would now know that i knew that she was following me. I ran past her and came to the end of the gravel parking area to the west. I then turned north, running up the walkway that ran along the edge of the large grassy area to the west. The grassy area seemed to be a lawn, with a large white plantation-style house to the north. I pictured the path from above, trying to describe how i was running along it. The path ran the entire length of the yard, from north to south, leaving a narrow strip of grass to the east of it that was only about a half meter wide. About halfway up the yard, a second path branched off and ran to the northwest, toward the entry door in the center of the house. I would be taking that path, but i would have to describe it. I would have to say that the path branched in the center of the eastern side of the yard. I thought about writing this down as a dream. I thought about this as i moved suddenly toward the southeastern corner of the large white house. Others seemed to be near the entry door of the building, which seemed to be a historic center of museum. I thought about using my arms like an ape and pulling myself up, so i grabbed on to the corner of the building and pulled myself up. I could hear the people on the lawn to the southwest of me gasp in surprise. They had not expected someone to climb the building, and they seemed aghast and appalled by the idea. I imagined a police officer in the middle of the lawn. He would have to try to catch me. The woman would be heading toward the southeastern corner of the house. I climbed to the second story of the building, and then i wondered where i should go. I thought that this was a parkour course, and i thought that there should be small shelfs under the windows along the front of the buildings for me to run on. As i thought this, balconies seemed to appear in front of the tall windows along the second floor of the building. I hopped to the east, jumping from one balcony to the next. I could not seem myself moving, but i pictured the white stone slabs that formed the bottoms of the balconies. They had thin black metal poles along the outside to keep people from falling off. When i reached the southwestern corner of the building, i grabbed a black pole, which seemed to be something like a drainage pipe, running down the corner of the building. I started to slide down it, but it broke off and moved about a meter to the west. The pole felt straight down and the bottom hit the ground with the pole still vertical. I slided down the length of the pole and landed on the ground. I thought that it was good that i had managed not to get hurt. I then thought that the others would come after me because i had disrupted the historical building. I ran to the west, across the grassy lawn. A parking lot seemed to be along the western side of the green grassy lawn to the south of the historical building. I crossed the paved lot and ran into the grassy field beyond. This was another unkempt lawn in the center of the block. I thought that i should get out of sight of the others. I passed through a thin row of tall wispy trees. On the other side, i noticed a tall bushy row of shrubs. They looked more artistic than real. The scene to the west was now very gray, and the dense bushes looked like tight scribbles on paper. I noticed that a gap was in the center of the bushes, directly to the west of me. The gap was roughly S-shaped, with the upper part slanting to the north and the lower part slanting to the south. I thought that i could run through the gap and get out of sight before i changed my direction. A second similar gap was to the southwest. I ran for the second gap and passed through it. I thought that i had to get back to the lawn of tall grass that was on the western side of the block. Once i was there, i knew that i could turn to the south and run into the house to get away. On the other side of the bushy trees, i could see farther to the west. I saw the different patterns of the long lawn that stretched between the houses to the south and the northern end of the block.

12021 May 17

I was in the small room of the house with the other people, and i could hear the people outside. I knew that the people outside were headed toward the small gorge that was to the southwest of us. I pictured the roads near us, and i caught a glimpse of them from just above the trees. The house we were in was a small square building to the north of a road, which seemed like Route 405. We seemed to be near the top of the hill, to the east of North Road. The house was set back from the road, and a thick growth of trees hid the house from the road. A narrow driveway went between the trees near the eastern side of the house. I pictured the gorge a little way down North Road. The people in the house were talking, and i mentioned the people outside. We could hear them singing and shouting as they walked down the main road in front of the house. I thought that they were probably drunk. I said that it was a fraternity heading to the gorge for initiation ceremonies. I remembered seeing pictures of the fraternity members gathered in the gorge. I pictured one image where they were standing in a group on the slope of rocks just to the northeast of the narrow waterfall. The fall was to the left of them in the image. A man standing near the top of the group held up a drinking mug in his right hand, motioning it toward the camera. Someone to the south of me then asked which fraternity it was. I felt a little hesitant to tell them, but i said that it was Sigma Chi. I then headed to the south with the others. It seemed dark out, but we could now see the road clearly. The fraternity members had wandered to the west of us. I thought more would be coming from the east, but i did not see any. The other person spoke with me as we started walking to the east, down the center of the road. I could see puddles of water in the center of the road, and i thought that the men had been wet from being in the small gorge to the east. I knew that the other creek was just to the south of the road, to the east of us. We seemed to be walking there at the moment. I thought that the men had gone swimming in the creek but were now headed to the enclosed amphitheater of the falls for their ceremony. $F58 seemed to be near me as we walked, and i spoke to her about something.

12021 May 18

I drove the car to the north, down the rural road. The land on either side of the road was open, but it was dark, so i could not see too far. I was thinking about something as i approached the intersection to the north of me. The road that i was on ended, and i was slowing down for the stop sign. I felt frustrated, though, because i was trying to do something in the car. I thought that i would have to stop the car to do it. I slowed to a stop. The white line across the road seemed to be a little way back from the intersection, but i stopped at it. Lights from a car were shining from the east on the road ahead of me. I tried to do something in the car as the other car came to the intersection and turned to the south, passing on the west of me. I felt annoyed, because i could not do what i was trying to do. I looked in my rearview mirror to make sure that no cars were behind me. I thought that i saw lights, but i was not sure. I could not block traffic while i tried to get something done. More cars seemed to be moving on the road to the north of me, and i decided that i should simply pull over to the side of the road. I started to back up. A car was to the north of me now, waiting to turn. I stepped on the brakes, but my car rolled a little farther to the south. The car turned down the road i was on and passed me. I tried backing up some more, but when i applied the brakes, my car kept rolling a little and would not come to a full stop. The car rolled into the western lane of the road. Another car had come to the intersection to the north of me, which was now about twenty-five meters away. I rolled onto the western shoulder of the road as i slowed to a stop. I felt annoyed with the car. I was on the wrong side of the road, so i started the car forward again, crossing both lanes to get back to the eastern side of the road. I pulled off onto the dirt on the eastern side, only about ten meters from the stop sign. As i slowed to a stop, i could hear the tall weeds and grass brush the underside of my car. Others were now around me, walking down the road on the sides of my car. Some cars were pulled off of the road behind me, and a police woman was to the north of me, talking to some others near the intersection. She was asking them questions. I felt nervous, thinking that she would wonder why i had pulled off of the road. I opened the driver’s door and looked under the western side of the car. I pretended that i was looking for something. I thought that i could say that i was looking for specific plants from this area. I looked up, noticing a tall burdock plant to the southwest of the car. The police woman was then to the northwest of me, and she asked me why i was here. I told her that the plants that i wanted were under my car. I glanced back at the other cars that were stopped on the side of the road to the south of me. I then glanced to the east, at the house that was now on the corner of the intersection. It was still dark out, and no lights were on in the small wooden house. I felt that i would have to stay here while the officer questioned others, so i started to pace, wondering what i could do. I looked down the road to the south, which now seemed like the east. The officer was standing in the road, talking to a young woman in a loose T-shirt. The young woman had long frizzy hair. I was standing on the northern side of the road, which now ran east to west. I felt impatient, and i thought that i should leave. The officer was on the side of the road to the northeast of me now, talking to the young woman. They seemed to be discussing something specific. I started up the stairs that climbed the grassy embankment to the road to the south of me, and i turned to the east and asked the officer if i could leave. She said that it was okay for me to go. I turned back to the south and continued up the wooden stairs. A wood railing ran along the eastern side of the stairs. At the top, i turned to the west and walked down the sidewalk on the northern side of the suburban street. A large wooden building was on the northern side of the road, but the other buildings seemed like small houses. A young woman was walking down the sidewalk to the west of me, heading in the same direction as i was. I thought that she was the same woman to whom the police officer had been talking. This road reminded me of one of the streets in North Campus. I then thought that i should have called one of the plants “cataline”. I was not sure what the word meant, but it seemed like a good word to sound like a plant. The officers then called to the young woman on the road ahead of me. I felt nervous, and i tried to ignore them, hoping that they did not try to stop me again. I turned to the north to head back to my car. As i did, i heard one of the officers asking the young woman about cataline. I was surprised that they used the word, and i thought it was good that i had not mentioned it to the officer. I drove north down the narrow suburban street, trying to get out of the area. The small houses on either side of the street seemed to sit up on small rises on both sides of the street. The street ended after only a block, and i stopped at the intersection. It was still dark out, but i could see things under the street lights. As i looked to the west to see what was coming, i noticed two men standing on the northern side of the street, to the northeast of me. They seemed directly across from the western sidewalk of the street i was on. They had dark skin, and the one to the west was pudgy, with a round face and bald head. They stood on the edge of the sidewalk, looking out into the street. They seemed very upset about something and were looking to the east. Flashing lights then lighted up the street from the east. I turned to see fire trucks stopped on the side of the street. I realized that the men had been trying to lead the fire trucks to the west. There must have been some kind of emergency, and the men had called for the fire trucks. I looked back at the men, who expressed disappointment that the trucks were not coming their way. The trucks must have turned somewhere else, and some ended up on another side street to the east. I thought that i might be able to help the men. While i was stopped at the intersection, i beeped my horn, trying to draw the attention of the fire fighters. I could see the lights of the trucks to the east. It looked as though the trucks were in a parking lot on northern side of the road. The lot was at an intersection, which was about twenty-five meters to the east of me. The fire truck in the lot was facing east. I thought that the fire fighters did not know where they were. I thought that it was important to get the trucks to the correct house, though. I turned to the west on the road and drove slowly, looking at the houses to the west, on the northern side of the street. A narrow road turned to the north, about five meters from the intersection i had stopped at. The house on the western side of the street had flames on the southwestern corner of the building. I slowed as i approached the house. It was a large house, and the flames were coming out of the second floor at the corner of the house. As i reached the street, i looked to the northwest. The rest of the building seemed to be okay. If the fire company came quickly, the small fire could easily be put out. The rest of the house seemed dark. I looked into the large windows on the front of the house. I could see a large empty living room inside on the lower floor. The room seemed to fill the entire eastern half of the building, to the east of any entryway that would be at the front door. I thought that there might be some flames just to the east of the entry door. I could see a doorway in the southern end of the western wall of the room that led to what appeared to be the entryway. I thought that a set of stairs would ascend from the entryway to the north. The walls of the room seemed to have wallpaper with small diamond patterns on it. The walls were hung with crossed rifles and crossed swords. Something about the room seemed old and formal, and i thought that this building must be from a society, which could have been similar to a fraternity. The room ran most of the length of the eastern side of the house. I continued down the narrow street to the north, looking at the formal house. The street sloped down to the north, and i could now see into the multipane windows on the lower level. In the basement, i could see another large nicely kept room. This house seemed very nice and very well maintained. The narrow street that i was on turned to the west, just to the north of the house. Cars were parked on the eastern side of the street, and i had to be careful squeezing through them. I did not see any other flames on the house, and i thought it was good that the fire was not spreading. I looked into the windows on the lower floor as i rounded the corner to the west. The rooms looked empty of furniture, but they seemed well kept. I then felt heat on the left side of my body. I looked back to the house. The eastern side extended to the north more than the rest of the house, and a small paved lot was just behind the central and western part of the building. The back side of the building was engulfed in flames, and they were burning bright orange and yellow. I felt concern, and i hoped that the fire trucks would come quickly. I then realized that i shouldn’t stay here. The heat felt too intense. I continued driving to the west, down the tight street. A low chain-link fence seemed to be to the west of the street, marking the edge of a gorge rim.

12021 May 19

I walked to the north, into the kitchen of the place. The people here seemed like $G3. I had been at an event here, but it had ended, and i was helping clear up. I entered the kitchen through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. A metal counter extended to the north from the southern wall, just to the west of the door. I needed to make decisions about something. A man was on the other side of the metal counter, to the northwest of me, and a man was to the north of me. They were talking about the contract. It seemed that the managers had a contract with an outside company, and they were making a deal so that someone in the office where we worked had to go to work for the other company. This seemed strange, and i objected to the idea, feeling disturbed. I thought about it, wondering how someone could be forced to work for another company. I wondered how the company that we worked for would be able to force an employee to do something outside of the company. It did not seem to make sense, but i knew that the managers and the other company would try to enforce the change. I thought that the person should refuse to go. I imagined that i would simply say no. I knew that the managers did not have any authority to make me transfer to another company. It seemed absurd, but i knew that rich people could get away with things like this. I felt annoyed. I looked up, seeing that i was still in the southeastern part of the kitchen. I had a bottle in my left hand, and i tossed it onto the counter to the west of me. The stainless-steel counter was a washing counter for the dishes, and it had a round hole to the west of me where garbage could be thrown. I could see a tray of soapy water just to the northwest of me, on the counter, to the north of the hole. The bottle i had tossed went into the hole and landed on the floor. I heard it bounce, but it did not break. I felt annoyed, and i bent over to pick it up from under the counter. I explained to the other that i had intended to throw it into the trash, but the trash can was not under the hole as i had expected. This did not see true, though. I felt a little embarrassed, and i turned to the northeast and crossed the street diagonally. The street ran north to south, and it ended just to the north of me. A woman was walking with me, to the east of me, and i was talking with her.

12021 May 21

I was in the center of the square room of the office, and $A643 was to the south of me. I was gathering a few things from the top of a file cabinet, which was to the west of me. $A643 was going to take me to the gym. I thought about this as i tried to gather my things. I thought that the gym was very far away to the northwest, and i thought that it would really take a while for $A643 to drive me there. I thought that she should not drive me there. She had said that she would take me. I felt unsure. I continued to gather my things in the middle of the room. I did not have my bag of clothes ready for the gym, and i fooled around in a drawer to the to the east of me. $A643 was now to the north of me, near the door of the building. She was talking to a man. I still had to gather my things before i could go with her. I hurriedly stuffed my clothes into a heavy plastic shopping bag. After stuffing a few things in, i realized that i would need a shirt to exercise in. I moved to the south of the column of cabinets that was in the center of the room and pulled open a drawer in the cabinet. From the drawer, i pulled out a gray cotton garment, but it turned out to be a pair of shorts. I reached back into the drawer and grabbed a neon-yellow shirt. I started walking with the shirt to the north, but i suddenly realized that i would need clean clothes to change into after i finished at the gym. Annoyed, i turned back to get my clothes. I moved back to the south of the thing and started folding a pair of denim pants on top of the counter. I headed back to the north, thinking that i would be traveling with my parents for the weekend. I had my clothes scattered on the large bed, which was against the northern wall of the room to the east of me. The clothes on the bed were for the trip. I had one pair of denims there, but i thought that i should wear another to the gym. The pair on the bed was old, and i thought that i should wear a newer pair after i showered. I folded the pair that were on the bed and took them to the west, to the closet. My new denims were on a shelf to the north of the closet. I grabbed them and headed back to the bed. My clothes seemed to be all over the place, and i felt annoyed at my disorganization. I then noticed the wires from a headset on the eastern end of the southern side of the bed, poking out from a pile of clothes. I felt frustrated. I would have to get all of this stuff organized, but i did not have time to do it. I should be leaving now.

12021 May 23

I was copying notes from the small slips of paper to a sheet in a spiral notebook. I had written many things on the small tabs of paper, in pencil, in tiny letters. I looked at the small pieces of paper and then back to the notebook, which as to the west of me, on the surface. Several people were to the west of me talking. They seemed to be $G3. One of them seemed to be $A645. I had finished copying most of the notes over, and i thought that i should go somewhere to do something. I started to get up. I had put the small tabs of paper in different piles around me. The tabs were about a half centimeter wide and about two centimeter long. I had been lying on my stomach, facing west, and i leaned back so that i was on my knees. The others to the west of me had started moving so that they could head out somewhere. I turned my torso to the northeast and scooped a small pile of paper tabs into my hands. These were the tabs that i had not used, and they were trash. I was not sure what to do with them now, though. I put them down on the cushions to the northwest of me, which seemed to be part of a couch. I knew that i would be throwing all of the paper tabs of notes into the recycle bin, but i did not want to do that at the moment. I felt that it could wait until i got back. I stood up, noticing the others leaving to the northwest. I headed to the south, down the street. It was the end of the semester, and i knew that i no longer had any classes or anything else to do. I felt good as i turned to the west and started walking down the wide path between the campus buildings.

12021 May 25

The other person was to the east of me as i faced west. He asked me if i remember the idea of several of us going to the cabin. I pictured the cabin somewhere to the northeast of us. He said that we would go with $A755 and $F10. He seemed to be $A755. I started moving to the east, thinking about the cabin. I looked to the west, now inside the room of the cabin. It was rather large, and i remembered that a wood stove provided the heat. I tried to remember the scene. The place felt very familiar and welcoming. We would have to get things together for it. I talked with some of the other people as i moved around the small area. We were now outside, in a semicircular gravel parking area that was on the northern side of the road. I moved some things around the car. I then got in the car as i talked to the other person. I was in the driver’s seat, and the other person was in the passenger’s seat. The car seemed like an antique car, with no roof. I was aware of others moving around the gravel lot to the west. They seemed to be leaving the lot to the south. I started the car moving to the northeast. It rolled slowly. I pushed a tall gearshift to the north, telling the other person that this car had no first gear. I said that it had a very low gear instead, and i knew that i would have to start in this gear to get the car going fast enough to shift into the regular gears. I turned the car in a wide arc to the west, avoiding a small mound in the center of the lot. As we rounded the northern side of the mound, the car went over a small step down. I worried that the car had dragged on the ground, and i could hear something scraping. I asked one of the other people in the car if something was dragging. I thought something must have fallen off the underside of the car. I drove a little farther and heard the scraping noise again. A person got out of the southern side of the car from a door behind me. I pictured the car with rounded fenders.

12021 May 28

I drove to the west, down the street in the small community. A large building was just to the north of the road, only about five meters from the road. I pulled over and parked my car just to the south of the large gray stone building. I knew that this place was once a school building. I walked into the building and headed to the east, down the wide hallway. The walls of the hallway were very plain, and the ceiling was not that high. The corridor was not well lighted, but i could see everything with what light was shining. I looked at the rooms to the south of me as i walked down the corridor. Some others were wandering down the corridor as i passed. The rooms to the south seemed dark, but i knew that they were no longer classrooms. A thin wooden archway formed a division in the hallway. After passing through it, i noticed a section of the southern wall that was recessed. It had an open doorway on the eastern face of the recess, and i walked into the room. The large room was empty, and the floor seemed to slope up slightly to the south. The walls were dark gray or faded black, and a large U-shaped counter extended about halfway across the room from the southern wall. This place seemed like a pub. I thought that this was an old pub in the school. It was from a time when students could still drink on campus. Lamps with conical hoods shined down over the northern end of the bar. I then noticed a large opening in the ceiling above me. The rectangular shape looked up into another room. I thought that this room used to have a much higher ceiling, but the room had been divided in two horizontally. I moved to the north of the bar to try to see the room above. I could see the old wooden theater seats along the northern edge of the rectangular opening. I knew that more seats were on the southern side of the upper room, which seemed to be a lecture room. I pictured the chairs in the room facing south, with a large sliding blackboard on the southern wall. The lecture room seemed to be much larger than the bar. Windows were high on the southern wall, and they were covered over with black shades. I wondered how the lectures were run in the classroom when the floor was open in the back to the bar below. It seemed that the people in the bar would distract the people sitting in the back. Something about this place seemed very pleasing, though. The lecture room seemed to still have the old ceiling of the original room. The plaster on the walls was clean, but somehow faded or aged. I turned to the east and headed into the next room, which was the easternmost room on the hallway. Others were sitting at a table in the small room, which seemed like a cafe. The room also seemed very old and worn but in very nice shape. I sat down with the others at one of the small tables. I felt fascinated by this place. I then noticed the cartoon drawings on the eastern wall, on the southern side of the room. The walls of the room seemed to be decorated to look like an outdoor scene, with a green gradient extending down from the ceiling. Columns seemed painted in the corners of the room. The cartoon characters were drawn in thick black lines on the eastern wall. They all seemed to be running or skipping to the south. The cartoon characters were familiar. The main character seemed to be the short one on the southern side of the wall. The other characters were larger and larger as the drawings went to the north. I thought that the short main character seemed like Asterix. The cartoon extended around the white wall to the south, but no characters were on that wall. I told the others that this used to be the breakfast room. One of the men at the table disagreed with me, but i knew that he was talking about the building in its current use. He did not know that it used to be an old school, and he did not understand that i was talking of the past. I told them that this building was an old school. I looked around the room. It felt very good to be here, and i felt fascinated in the details of this old building.

12021 May 29

I was sitting on the southern side of the bus or other enclosed space. The front of the space seemed to be to the east of me. A man in a white suit and matching pants was sitting across the central aisle of the bus, to the northwest of me. He watched me from time to time. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that something was happening that i was not happy about. A man was standing to the north of me. I knew that he was the devil. I felt very unhappy here and wanted to leave, so i started to get up. The devil leaned over me suddenly, trying to intimidate me. I felt angry and aggressive with him. I thought that i should act defiant against him, but i was intimidated and acted aggressive instead. I stood up, and he leaned forward with his face very close to mine. I stared back at him in anger. I then left to the west, walking away from him. The man in the white suit watched me as i walked past.

I walked down the corridor of the hotel, heading east. Many people were gathered in the lobby to the east of me. I could see them as i approached. They were all from $G4. A large event for $G4 was happening in this hotel. This building seemed rather large, with many floors above us. The large room at the eastern end of the corridor opened up to the north. It had a very high ceiling and seemed like an event room. I turned to the north and joined a group of people. We started chatting. I felt uneasy, thinking that we needed to do something. I did not want to interrupt the conversation, but i thought that we needed to get something done before we could join the people in the event. I started walking to the west on the outside of the northern side of the building or on the inside of the southern side of a room; a wall was to the south of me. I looked around, and i heard some people to the east of me. I looked to see several people running to the north. I knew that they were heading to the ocean or lake that was to the north of the building. I told the people with me that the others were starting the events. I said that we needed to check in. I thought that $Z and i had just arrived. Others to the north of us then asked us about what i had said. They seemed to be some of the managers of this event. I told them that we had registered for this event, and we had not yet checked in. The people to the north looked confused, and they told us that we had not registered for rooms at the hotel. I felt upset, and i hoped that there were still rooms at the hotel. I nervously moved around through the crowd, trying to thing about what i should do. I felt bad here. I then realized that my body did not feel well. Something about my body felt sick. I felt my nose, noticing that it was swollen. I could not feel the cartilage in my nose, but i felt puffy ridges along the sides of my nose. I started to worry that something was wrong, and i wondered if this was a sign of COVID. I started to pace. I thought that i had to get back to the event to do things, but i felt worried that something was wrong with me. I headed down the corridor to the west with $Z. I walked stiffly, passing others in the hall. My body did not feel good. I turned to the south, into a bathroom. A sink and mirror were on the wall to the south of me, and i walked up to them to look at my face. My nose seemed okay. It was puffy, but it was not flat from lack of cartilage. I still felt that something was wrong, and i was not sure what to do.