12022 May 01

I walked with the others to the northeast, across the top of the hill. We had come from the building to the southwest, which seemed to be an old hospital. It was a small stone building. The other person talked to me as we walked. We had to get back to where we had been. The woman to the west of me mentioned the kites. I knew that we were close to Kite Hill, and i looked to the east to see if i could see the kites that she was talking about. Kite Hill would be just oven the top of the rise to the east of us. It was a large open field where people would fly kites. I thought that we should be able to see some of the kites over the top of the ridge, but i could not see any. The ridge had trees and some buildings silhouetted on it. I watched the ridge for a few moments as we walked, seeing if i could see anything as we rounded some trees and houses. We then seemed to stop near the northern end of the rounded hill. I spoke with the others for a few moments, and then i said that i would get the car. I turned to the southeast and hurried over the paved surface. I was heading down a wide alley that ran east. Ahead of me, a section of building stuck out into the alley from the north. The walls of the alley seemed like dark-gray brick or old stone, and the protruding section was lighter and made of stone. It seemed to protrude about three meters, and i thought that i had parked the car just to the east of it, facing north. I headed to the southeast, toward the opening to the south of the protruding section. As i started through the narrow area, i noticed that a small green dumpster had been pushed into the center of the alley. $A682 was to the north of the dumpster. He was trying to move it to the northeast, but he was talking to someone else, who seemed to be around the corner to the north of $A682. $A682 crouched down and looked under the dumpster, saying something about rabbits. He was telling the other person that there were “baby bunnies” under the dumpster. I thought that he must have found a nest. I knew that $F71 would be coming after me from the northwest, and i knew that he would know what to do about the rabbits. I could see my gray car to the northeast, behind $A682. I would not be able to drive out of the alley this way with the dumpster here, though. I moved to the east, now to the east of the dumpster. I thought that, if we left the babies alone, the mother would probably come back for them. I headed to the east, walking down the length of the alley. We actually had a large RV that was parked at the eastern end. As i approached it, it seemed more like a pick-up truck, which as parked facing north. I was carrying the cat in my arms as i reached the vehicle, and i started to maneuver the things i was carrying so that i could put them in the RV. I placed a few things into the small shopping cart to the north of me, which seemed like the bed of a pick-up truck. As i opened the door to the black pick-up truck, which was to the east of me, the cat started to fidget. $X25 did not want to get back into the RV. He started running to the west, but i grabbed him and took him in my arms. I turned to the east and put him in the cab of the truck, which was the room of the RV. I did not want him to start running around the area.

The two forms were to the north of me on the surface. Someone was talking about them, and i looked at the lines of text at the tops of the forms. We had to do something with the two things. Two lines of text were on the left side of the surface, one over the other. A third was to the right of them, and it ran vertically.

I walked to the north, down the wide corridor of the school. It seemed like it was evening. I reached the northern end of the corridor. A set of doors in a glass wall separated the corridor form a large room to the north. The room had a few tables in it, and it seemed to have windows along the northern wall. I stopped just inside the room. A woman to the northeast of me, who was standing just to the east of one of the tables, looked at me curiously. I would have to go to the east, where the room opened up into a larger room to the south. A wrestling match would be held in that room. I thought that i was here to see the match. I then felt uncertain, and i walked back to the south, thinking about this. It seemed late in the year for a wrestling match. I looked at the small calendar book that i had it my hands, and i remembered that the last match of the season was on Monday, which was today. It was an odd time for the match. I wanted to see the match, because i had not been to one in a very long time. I headed back to the north and walked to the east. The red wrestling mat was in the center of the room to the southeast of me, and people were standing on the floor around it. I had $X25 with me. I thought that i usually let him wander around the match while i was here. This seemed strange, though. I wondered why i would let a cat walk around the room. I thought that he might get away, but i knew that he did not. I suddenly wondered why i would bring my cat to a wrestling match.

12022 May 03

I walked to the west, into the southern side of the kitchen. I had entered through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall of the room. An island counter was in the center of the room, and i stopped just to the east of it. Someone came into the room right behind me. I had stopped, facing north, and i turned to look over my left shoulder to see who was behind me. My grandmother stopped just to the southwest of me. She seemed happy and mischievous. I realized that she was dead, and i thought that she could not be in the kitchen with me. I stopped and stood still, wondering if i was seeing a ghost. My grandmother hopped to the west and ducked behind the western side of the central counter near the western wall. I felt confused. Something about the situation did not seem right. I knew that my grandmother was dead, so she could not be in the room with me. I wondered if her spirit had come back for some reason. This did not seem reasonable, though. My mother was in the kitchen with me, to the northeast of me. She asked me a question, and i asked her if she had seen “her” as well. I wanted to make sure that it was not part of my dream that i was seeing. My mother seemed to see my grandmother too. I looked to the west. My grandmother was peeking over the top of the counter like a little child playing games. If my mother could see her too, then this had to be real. It was not only a part of my dream.

12022 May 04

I drove to the northwest on the suburban street. It was dark out, and the land on the sides of the street seemed grassy, with trees and bushes set back from the road. I was driving in a central lane of the road, which seemed to have multiple lanes, and a car was just to the northeast of me. I speeded up to pass the car so that i could get back into the right lane. The road sloped down hill into a shallow dip in the land. As i got into the right lane, i noticed that no car was behind me. I thought that it must have turned off of the road, but this did not seem right. I did not see any turns on the road. The road continued to the northwest, heading up a hill. The land seemed forested, but i knew that buildings were hidden here and there in the trees. They seemed to be commercial offices. A large building seemed to be just to the southwest of me as i traveled west of the road. The hill then became steeper, and the road curved to the northwest. I remembered this place from a long time ago. I had not been here in a very long time. As the car speeded up the hill, it continued to turn to the right, traveling around the corner. It seemed to be going too fast, but i could not slow it down. I then realized that i could not quite steer it. I pressed the pedals, but the car barely responded. I felt worried that i could not control the car. I was then on the southern side of the large room. The room seemed to have stone walls, and it was about two stories high. A triangular platform of steps was against the northern wall. It had three or four steps on either side that ascended to a platform that was about a meter wide. Several boys were standing on the steps of the platform. There seemed to be five or six of them. They seemed to be posing. They wore pants but three of them did not have any shirts on. One of the boys with no shirt was on the top step, and the other two were on the top two eastern steps. This seemed very strange. I wondered what the boys were posing for. I felt a little uncomfortable in this place. I moved a little to the east, and the scene changed a little. The young men were now standing on individual pedestals along the southern side of the room, and i was standing on the eastern side of the room. A large alcove was in the center of the western wall, and doorways seemed to be on the northern and southern sides of it. The floor of the alcove was higher than the floor of the room, and two or three wide stone steps led from the alcove into the room. A group of older boys strode down the stairs, grinning. They seemed to be the upperclassmen of a school. They joked about the younger boys who were in the glass cases on the pedestals. I realized that the older boys were forcing the younger boys to be on display. This situation seemed strange, though. I knew that the older boys would want to be seen as tough, so i wondered why they had forced the younger boys to stand without shirts. It made the older boys seem like sexual predators. A narrator was describing the scene as i watched. I was trying to figure out why the scene made sense. It seemed very unnatural and unreal. The narrator then asked, “Really? Why they dressed like that?”

I entered the large room from the southwest. This room seemed like a hotel room. A pool was set into the tile floor on the southern side of the room, and i walked to the southeast, along the northern side of the pool. As i walked, i looked down, into the water, noticing that the pool had fish in it. A person stood to the east of the pool, and the person was talking about the pool. People to the north of me were also talking about the pool. I thought that it was an attraction to the hotel guests. I turned to the south and walked down the eastern side of the pool. I noticed a rather large fish in the water. It seemed to be a bass. Other things seemed to be floating in the water but not at the surface of the water. It was like the block of water had long thin things suspended in it. It seemed very strange. As i started walking back to the north on the western side of the pool, i saw a dog to the southwest of me. It was $X7, and he galloped to the pool and jumped in. He seemed very happy. I watched as he sunk under the water for a moment and then turned to swim back up. He paused in the middle of the water, sitting for a moment. I thought that he would have to come back up for air, but he sat in the water. I then realized that he was watching a large blue fish, which was just above him and a little to the southwest. He had gotten distracted and forgot to swim back to the surface. I started to become concerned, but i knew that he would have to surface once he realized that he was out of air. He sat still. I thought that he must be getting low on oxygen, and i wondered why he was not coming up for air. I moved closer to the edge of the pool. I realized that he was sitting under the water, but his nose was poking out of the water so that he could breath.

12022 May 05

I moved to the west, though the aisle of the second-hand store. My grandmother was walking with me. The items on the shelf around me seemed old and rusty. I then noticed some string instruments on a shelf to the south of me. They seemed very interesting, and i wondered if they would play well. They seemed strangely shaped. I had not seen any instruments quite like them before. One had a rounded body with a short neck that widened at the top. The neck did not seem to have a head, but the strings ran down the neck. The body was shiny and black, with thin silver detailing. An animal was then to the southwest of us. It seemed to be a dog that wanted attention from us. I wanted to pet it, but i had been looking at the instruments. I then headed to the northwest, across the room of the house. The house seemed small, and the rooms were joined by openings in the walls. A small living room seemed to be to the southwest of me, and it had a small room to the north of it, which was separated by a wall extending about two meters from the western wall. The small room seemed to have been a porch that was extended to be part of the house. Another small room seemed to be on the northern side of the house, to the northeast of me. A door was in the western wall of the small room, and it led outside. I stopped just before the door, noticing the plants under the window in the northern wall. I realized that the plants had been put on top of a short white steam radiator. I thought that the plants should not have been put there, and i shook my head at the idea. The steam radiator would be too hot for the plants and would probably cook them. I thought that my mother had put them there. I opened the door and looked outside. A dog was running across the yard toward the house. I thought that the dog probably wanted to come in. I stepped outside, but the dog was no longer to the west of the door. I held the white metal screen door open, trying to figure out where the dog had gone. When i looked back to the east, i could see the dog staring at me through the glass in the bottom of the screen door. It had been outside, but it now seemed to be inside. This surprised me, and i wondered how the dog had gotten past me. I wondered if i had mistakenly thought that it was outside, but it was really just on the other side of the door from where i was.

12022 May 06

I was on the northeastern side of the large room, and $F71 was to the north of me. We had been here for an event, and the event was now ending. I thought that it was time to leave, so i headed to the southwest. I started singing a song from Buddy Holly. As i moved through a large room, i noticed people coming out of several doorways in the southern wall. The doorways led to the bathrooms of this place. I watched several come out as i continued singing the song quietly. I thought about the song. I knew that it had different versions. The version i was singing had a moderate tempo, but i remembered that a slow version of the song also existed. I man standing near the northern side of the hallway now, near a table, which was to the north of me. $A539 came out of the bathroom to the south, and she was singing the same song that i had been singing. She headed to the north, passing me. I headed to the southeast to leave the venue. Once outside, i headed to the east. I seemed to be on a large campus, which seemed like a college campus. I turned to the north and started walking up the street, which ran up a hill. I was on the western sidewalk, but i would have to cross to the eastern side to get to where i wanted to go. I thought that the buildings in this area of campus were all administrative buildings. I headed a little north to a crosswalk and then headed east across the street. I was then heading to the west on the northern side of the street. The buildings around me looked the same as before, but the buildings on the southern side of the street looked like modern office buildings, with plain brick features and large glass windows. I now seemed to be in a city area, which seemed less populated than the college campus. I looked at the office building to the south as i walked to the west, passing under an overhanging marble terrace, which seemed to be part of a plaza. I was then aware that i was pushing things down in front of me as i moved. I crossed a street to the west, and i had to keep pushing the things down to go. They seemed like pedals, but i was pushing them down with my arms, and it made me feel tired. I felt annoyed that i would have to keep doing this as i headed up the hill to the north. I was aware of a woman to the west of me, standing on the sidewalk. Something about her seemed to attract my attention. She seemed very plain, with tan skin and a thin frame, but something made her stand out. I continued moving to the north, up the small hill, but the woman remained to the west of me. The area around me then seemed smaller, and the woman was to the east of me. I turned to the north on the eastern side of the street and stopped suddenly. $A750 was in front of me. She had just stepped out of a building to the east. She had been doing charity work with a group, and she seemed surprised to run in to me. I said hello and asked her how she was doing. She did not seem interested in talking, and she frowned and said “rich”. I did not quite understand what she meant, and i wondered if she had married someone who had a lot of money. I asked her if she was married.

12022 May 08

I was sitting in the chair to the south of the table in the large cafeteria, and i had just finished the test that was in front of me. I stood up and took the paper to the west, dropping it on a table on the western side of the room. I then moved to the southern end of the table where the clear plastic bottles were. I had to collect some of them. I started picking several of them up, arranging them in my arms so that i could hold more than a few. The plastic bottles were squirt-top bottles, like the kind that ketchup came in. As i put some of the bottles in my pockets, i wondered if i was taking too many of them. The bottles came in different sizes, and i had been grabbing the smaller ones, which had small caps that popped off of the narrow conical spout on the tops of the bottles. I turned back to the east and carried the bottles back to the table where i had been taking the test. I was aware that a man was watching me from the north. He seemed to be at a table on the northern side of the room, and he seemed to be a test monitor. I grabbed my bag from the table continued to the west, down the hall and into the room where i had been staying. The room seemed to be on the eastern side of the building. The hall i had come down ran from the west, but it ended on a north-to-south corridor, and my room was just to the southeast of the junction. I walked into the room, thinking that i should grab a few of my things. I lived here with $F4. Wide openings in the northern wall seemed to lead to closets, but i knew that the easternmost opening led to the bathroom. I walked to the doorway, but i was surprised to see cloths handing in the room. $F4 had left his things here. I then realized that the room was not actually a bathroom; it was a library. Books were around the walls of the room in low bookcases. This confused me for a moment. I had to do something here, and i had to think of what it was, because i had been distracted by the fact that the library was not the bathroom. I thought that i needed to use a bathroom. I moved around a little, and then moved to the northern wall of the room. A toilet was near the northern wall, and i sat on it for a moment to defecate. After a moment, i wiped myself and started to stand up. A clump of feces fell through the green nylon shorts that i had been wearing and onto the floor. I felt very annoyed. I would now have to clean it up.

12022 May 10

I drove to the north, heading down the city street. The buildings here were not that close together, and they were not that tall. I remembered this place from a long time ago. I was heading here to come to a specific place. I turned to the east on another street, and i knew that the place to which i as going was on the southern side of the street. I knew that i would have to turn to the south, down a narrow driveway to get to the building, which was set back from the street. I pictured the large building, which seemed academic, just to the west of the driveway. Several large buildings were along the street to the south of me, but i noticed a narrow alley ahead. As i approached it, though, i did not recognize the features of the buildings around the alley, so i thought that it was not the correct place. I remembered that things had changed, and i thought that maybe this was not the correct place anymore. Maybe the buildings now were used for something else. It seemed to be a very long time since i had been here. The large red brick building on the western side of the southern end of the alley seemed very modern, but i recognized it. I knew that the main entrance was on the eastern side of the building, and i thought that i would have to go around several other buildings to approach the large building from the right direction. I continued to the east, passing north of a very long pale building that was right next to the street. I thought that i could go around to the eastern side of the block to find the driveway back to the academic building. I was not sure about this, though. I was still aware of how much things had changed. The building to the south of me ended, and i could see a large playing field to the east of the red brick building. I would not be able to drive toward the building across the field. I felt confused, and i pondered how i had reached the building before. I turned to the south at the next intersection, trying to remember how to get to the building. I remembered the narrow drive near the end of the block. I had shown my father how to enter the driveway before. The road i was on ended in a rural area, with a large grassy field to the south and trees in the distance. I turned to the west, heading back along the southern side of the block. I thought that the narrow driveway was somewhere on the northern side of the street. Thick bushes crowded the northern side of the road, with small houses interspersed between them. I thought that i should have been able to see a narrow gravel drive from the intersection. I spotted it ahead of me, though. It was not as close to the intersection as i had remembered, and it ran between two thick patches of bushes. I turned to the north, into the driveway. Many cars were parked along the sides of the gravel road, and i wondered where i should park. The gravel driveway seemed to open up into a small parking lot on the northern side. The land around us was now more open, and a large building to the northeast seemed under construction .I thought that the people were parking here to work at the construction job. I turned to the east, driving down a narrow paved path near the southern end of the lot, but a large crane-style forklift was rolling toward me with something on it. It was blue with a white arm, which as folded down across the northern side of the vehicle. I stopped the car and started to back up, turning the rear of my car to the north. A small white wooden church was to the east of the parking lot, and all of the cars seemed to be in the lot to the west and north of the church. A man was then to the west of me, and he told me that i would have to park my car somewhere else in the small lot. He implied that i was in the way of the machinery. I pulled my car to the western side of the lot, feeling uncomfortable here. I seemed to work for the construction crew, but i really did not want to. I then thought that i still had my other jobs, and i wondered how i would be able to work here and still work for my other jobs. It seemed like too much to do. I was out of my car, and i walked to the east, into the small room. Others were gathering there for the job. The room was run down, with old fake-wood paneling on the walls. Most of the people were gathered on the northern or western sides of the room. Several tables were in the room, and people were either sitting around the tables or standing near them. I moved to the eastern side of the room to grab an empty chair. I felt very out of place here. As i sat down in the center of the room, i noticed a young man on the southern side of the western part of the room, a little apart from the others. He was wearing a red shirt or vest. I did not recognize him, but something about him seemed very interesting.

I walked into the small room from the southeast. This room seemed like a small classroom, with chairs and tables running in rows east to west, facing north. A man was lecturing at the northern side of the room. I put a notebook down on one of the desks in the room and then walked to the south to look for something. When i came back, $A36 had sat in the chair that i was planning to sit in. I walked to the west of him, deciding to sit in the next chair over. As i started to sit, though, he stopped me, saying that he was saving the seat for someone else. I realized that the seats were in the front row of the class, right near the lecturer. I told $A36 that i had been sitting in the seat, but i headed to the south anyway. I could see an open space at the end of the long central table. I pulled out the chair that was near the table. The chairs of the room were very narrow, with tall backs. They had tall wood backs that narrowed at the top, with beveled corners at the top. The center of the back was a disk that had a pattern of thin bars cut into it.

12022 May 11

I drove to the north, along the country road in the hilly area. The rolling hills were narrow and grassy. I thought that i had traveled a long way. I was heading east on a paved road when i turned to the south, but i had to stop just after i turned, because road ahead of me was blocked by an old metal fence and gate. The gate was closed, leaving only a small gap on the western side for people to pass through. An old rundown house was to the west at the end of the road. It seemed to have old gray tar shingles on the sides. I thought that i would need to head down the road to the south to get back to where i had come from, and i was frustrated that the road was closed. A pickup truck pulled onto the dirt road behind me, stopping near the house. I had been here before, and i had already created a hole in the fence to drive through, but i was hesitant to drive through it this time. A large white sign on the gate said that the dirt road to the south was incomplete. The road ran to the southwest from the other side of the fence. I decided not to go through the gate, and i started to back up. I looked behind me to see the UPS truck behind me. I would have to be careful to maneuver around it. I then thought it was interesting that a UPS truck was here now. I remembered that it had been here the last time i was at this intersection as well. I then realized that i must have driven in a circle. I had turned down this road before and headed southwest. I was now back, and i still had to get to the southwest to get back. I felt that i had taken a very long trip across the country, and i would now have to take a longer way to get back to where i had been. I seemed to be in the northwestern United States. I felt a little frustrated, wondering how i could get to where i needed to go without going around in a circle. I turned the car to the east. The dirt road had a gravel area that ran in a narrow wedge along the main road for about twenty meters. I drove a little to the east on the wide shoulder and stopped. I pulled out a map and looked at it. I then started walking to the northwest with the map. A man then passed me, heading to the southeast. I realized that he was the man from the house. He curiously looked at me as he passed, but i tried to look at the map. I flipped it over as he went by. I wondered how i could travel to where i needed to go. I glanced to the south to see the man pass in front of the large truck. I then thought that i had driven my father’s truck on the journey. I felt uneasy about that, and i thought that i should call my parents to tell them that i had left.

12022 May 12

I was in the small room on the northern side of the building, which seemed like an old gym with run down cable machines. I had been doing something here, and i had to get back to my room. A service counter was along the southern wall of the room, and i walked to the counter and asked the man behind it for a towel. He looked like Dwain Johnson, and it seemed interesting to see him here. He smiled at me as he reached to the southeast of himself and put his hand on a folded light-blue towel, which was on a shelf on the eastern wall. He handed me the towel. I started walking to the southeast. I moved through a large area of the building. I had been attending a conference here, and i thought that i had gotten up early to go to the lectures. It still seemed early in the morning, but i had already done several things. I headed up the short set of steps, which ascended to south, along the eastern wall of the lower hallway. I thought about the conference, wondering what i should do now. The conference seemed to be ending, and i had been up early on this day to do something related to the conference. I started wandering the halls of the building, thinking that i had to do something. I then headed to the west. I seemed to be in a building, but i also seemed to be walking to the south of an old stone building. I passed through a narrow room on the northern side of a building, and i ran into the woman. I started talking to her as i turned to the south and headed down the corridor, toward the front of the old stone building. She seemed like an instructor that i had, and i thought that she spoke Russian. She had frizzy pale-blond hair. I chatted with her as we walked to the south, down the western corridor of the building, heading to one of the other lectures. We then stopped near the southern end of the corridor. The smooth wall on the eastern side of the corridor curved to the east, where a short tunnel ran into the center of the building. We stopped at the entrance to the short hallway. We were in a hallway that was about three meters wide and three to four meters tall. We seemed to be about three meters from the main entrance to the building, which was to the south of us. The short hallway to the east of us ran for only two or three meters, and it sloped down slightly. It ended in a wider hallway, which was only a little over two meters high and about four meters wide. The central hallway to the east of us seemed crude, with unpainted cement walls and a dirt floor. At first, the floor seemed smooth and clean, and the wall to the east seemed clean and gray. I had noticed the slats of wood that seemed to be part of a structure on the surface of the western wall of the central corridor. I thought that it might be some kind of artwork. The tips of the slats stuck out about a deci past the northern wall of the short hall. A few also stuck out from the south. A man stopped in the middle of the wide corridor and looked at us for a moment. He then continued to the north. Light now seemed to be coming into the tunnel from the south, and i thought that the southern end of the tunnel was open to the outside of the building. I told the woman that the central tunnel was for cars and horses. She seemed interested. I crouched down, telling her that horses would be brought into the building from the south, and they would be taken to stalls in the basement to the north. Several people walked back and forth down the tunnel as i spoke. I then pointed out that the short hall we were standing near was the main access to the tunnel from the rest of the building. I stood up, and i started to tell her that i had seen other buildings like this, because i had lived in an old area of Albany, where there were several buildings with this design. She interrupted me before i could tell her that i had seen other buildings like this. I felt annoyed, but i listened to her speak. We chatted for a moment, and then i headed to the south, leaving the building. I started walking down the street to the east. I was on a sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I thought that i had to leave to get to somewhere. As i walked, i looked to the north, noticing a small empty lot on the northern side of the street. Two men were standing in the lot, talking to each other. The man on the east was shirtless, and he wore denim shorts and had a bulging belly. The man to the west was tall and thin, and he wore a ragged shirt. They seemed to be to the east of a small pub or club, which was in the western wall of the small lot. I felt suspicious of the men and wondered if they were thugs. I hoped that they did not try to attack me. I continued, stiffly walking to the east. The men said something about an event, and they started walking on the street near me. They stayed to the north of me. The street sloped down slightly to the east, and i was on a seat that had wheels under it. I started to roll more quickly, and i thought that i might be able to move away from the men. The also seemed to be on wheeled boards or seats, and they rolled with me. The pudgy man moved to the east of me as we neared a corner. I then suddenly wondered if the men were homosexuals and had been hanging out in front of a club. The alley seemed to pass under a section of building that spanned the alley. Under the section, it curved to the northeast and continued down hill. I spotted another man to the east, standing in a doorway just under the eastern side of the overhang. He was homosexual, and he asked the man in front of me about something. The man in front of me said that they were going to the campground and asked the man to come along. As i watched the man on the scooter in front of me, i wondered if the man standing on the southern side of the street thought that i was with the other two men. The road curved to the north, and i was still riding with them. I could see the intersection ahead, and we were merging with a sidewalk that ran along the eastern side of the street, toward the intersection. The man followed the street down the hill and headed out into the street that ran north. I stayed on the sidewalk. I could see the large modern building to the north of me. It was white, with plain features. It was the building where the conference had been held. A small patio terrace to the west of the building had round cables that were covered with white tablecloths. A short white wall with plants along the top separated the patio from the sidewalk and street to the west. I continued on the sidewalk, heading north. I wanted to ride through the cafe area of the convention center to see what was happening. I knew that i had eaten breakfast, but it had been very early in the morning. The sidewalk ran straight and seemed to be raised about a quarter of a meter from the street level. A short railing separated it from the street. I headed toward the area with the tables. As i started passing through the tables, i seemed to be passing through a room just inside the western end of the building. Some people were still seated at tables in the room. A buffet counter with a plexiglas booth around it was just to the northwest of me, in the center of the western side of the room. A rectangular table was to the west of it, between it and the western wall, and people were seated around the table. I could see the breakfast food behind the glass on the buffet counter. Someone was to the west of the booth, serving themself from the buffet. I thought that the buffet had the same breakfast food that i had seen this morning, but it was now the only buffet table that was open. I wondered if i should eat another meal before i left. It was still in the middle of the morning, but i thought that i had eaten breakfast very early, and i should probably eat something before it gets too late in the day. I headed to the east, into the center of the room. I was walking across the northern section of the room, to the north of a central display that separated the room. I wondered what i should eat. I thought that i could pay for the breakfast meal here, but i knew that there was not much to eat at this time of day, and it would be a lot of money for not much food. I paused in the middle of the northern side of the room, looking to the northeast. I remembered that shops were around the convention center, and i wondered if i could get food there. I could see a row of small restaurants across the street, to the northeast of me. They were all in the wall of a tan building. I remembered that the tan building was a mall, and the small restaurants had been in the corridor of the mall. I was looking at the backs of the restaurants here. I remembered that the restaurants were not that good, and i thought that i should be able to find some other place to eat. I remembered other stores, thought, and i looked to the southeast. A city street ran to the south-southeast along the eastern side of the dining room. It looked run down, and i could see several small grocery stores on the eastern side of the street. They looked like small markets. A stack of bananas was on the northern end of one of the openings of a grocery store. I thought that i could buy things at the store, but it was not quite what i was looking for. I felt indecisive. I turned to the north and entered the small dining room of the old building. The room seemed U shaped, with a central column just to the northwest of me. People were at old wooden tables and in booths along the wall to the west of the column, which was wider north to south than east to west. I started walking to the north on the eastern side of the room. I then spotted $A456 sitting on a bench to the east of the column. She was sitting on the western side of an old wooden table, and others were sitting around her. The others seemed to be mostly women. $A456 seemed surprised about something, and she told them that the money had been spent. It seemed that she was referring to a specific amount of fifty dollars and not her pocket money. She was surprised that i had all been spent already, and she told this to the others. I walked past her and continued to the north. I passed through a doorway and came into the large room to the east. The large room was filled with people, and it was not well lighted. I could barely see the crowd on the southern side of the room. I paused in the doorway, trying to focus my eyes to the dark setting. I then noticed a set of stairs leading up to the south, along the eastern wall of the room. I recognized them and realized that i was in the front hall of the building. I had been here before. A woman to the south of me pointed out the stairs and told me where i was. I told her that i had recognized the stairs. I also said that i had been in this room before. I added that i must have come into the house from the library, which i did not do the last time. I continued to the east and headed up the stairs. My room seemed to be down a corridor to the east from the top of the stairs. I had to do something in my room. I was again reminded that the conference was ending soon, and i had been up very early this morning to do something. I still had something to do.

12022 May 14

I headed through the crowd, to the north. I had come from some place and was doing something. I was in an outdoor area. The street seemed to run to the north, with small buildings crowding the eastern and western sides. I chatted with someone to the southeast of me as i walked. I started up the long flight of stairs that ascended the hill to the north. People were walking up and down the stairs around me. I was holding the leash of a black and gray dog, which was walking to the north of me on the stairs. The dog seemed like a labrador or similar mix of dog. I said something to the person to the southeast of me as i looked at the dog. At the top of the stairs, we stopped in a small room. I turned to the east, but continued to talk to the person to the south o me. I then noticed the small set of furry brown ears on the ground to the northeast of me. They had fallen off of the dog. I told the man that the dog had shed its ears. I realized that it must be a very young puppy to do this. I looked at the dog, which was now to the south of me. It was a fairly small dog, and i was holding it in my arms. The dog’s head was to the south of me, and it looked over its right shoulder at me as i talked to it. The dog was mostly brown, with white patches here and there. Its face was round, but the fur looked old. It did not seem like a puppy, but i told the man to the south that it must be. I looked again at the ears to the northeast of me. The two ears were attached to a rounded piece of fur, which must have covered the face. I picked up the mask, noticing that the skin in the center had shriveled and turned black. I thought that this would happen when the puppy was ready to shed its ears as it grew.

I moved to the east, into the large room of the house. We were staying in this place for the event, which seemed to be related to $G4. I had my bags with me, and i would have to find someplace to stay. $F71 seemed to be to the north of me. I had entered the buildings from the north and turned east in the main room. I walked down the hall, thinking that i could place my things on an open bed somewhere in the house. I remembered that there were several beds in each of the sleeping rooms. I noticed some of the beds in the rooms i passed already had things on them, though, and i worried that people had already claimed the beds. I walked down the hall to the east and entered the room at the eastern end. Three beds extended from the southern wall of the room, and two seemed to be against the northern wall. The mattresses on the beds were covered with pale green covers. Someone was standing to the east of the middle bed on the southern side of the room. Several items were placed on the bed to reserve it. I had hoped to get a bed off to one side of a room, but the beds in here already seemed taken. I felt disappointed. I turned back to the west and headed back to the main room. Several beds seemed to be in the main room. I headed north to one that seemed to be near the entry door. The entry door was in the northern end of the eastern wall of the room, and the bed was just to the north of it. I thought that it would be a nice out-of-the-way bed, but someone had already put their things on it. I moved past the bed, noticing a tan couch against the northern end of the eastern wall. I thought that i could sleep on a sofa, but it was not a good place to sleep. These public rooms would have people walking through them all night. To the west, i noticed another large white sofa. It was also tan, but it was worn and broken. The seat seemed sunken below the front part of the frame, as though it had been roughly used for a long time. Behind it was another sofa, against the western wall. It too had a broken frame, and the cushions were resting on the ground. I thought that i could sleep here if i had to, but it would not be a nice place to sleep. I felt disappointed, and i started wandering around the house to determine what i could do. I headed back to the east, down the hallway and into the room at the end. I had entered through a doorway in the northern end of the western wall of the room. I immediately noticed the flat white object on top of a stack. The object seemed to be made of many small panels that had been strapped together by black nylon straps. I thought that the object was my boat. It had been flattened and put in storage with the other boats. The other boats were flattened and in a neat stack below mine. We had gone on a boating trip earlier, and the boats had been left in this eastern room of the place, which seemed to be outdoors as well. A woman was to the southeast of me. Another room seemed to be to the south of the room that i was in, and it was joined to the room i was in by doorways in the eastern and western ends of the southern wall. The woman seemed to be sitting somewhere between the two doorways. She seemed to be in the other room but also in this one. I picked up the flattened boat that was mine and started folding it more. Someone had cleaned up the area since we had gotten back from our trip. I remembered that we had left the boats on the eastern side of the small patch of lawn, which was the room. I wondered where all of my things would be. I thought that i should collect them so that i could put them away. I walked to the east, trying to remember what i had left here. I had gone to change after the boating trip. I walked past the easternmost doorway in the southern wall, thinking of what i might have had here. I then remembered that i would have had my life jacket with me. I looked around the room for life jackets. Several were stacked along the southern wall, between the two doorways. The woman asked me what i was looking for, and i told her that i had a life jacket here somewhere. I remembered that it was an old pale-blue one. Most of the life jackets hanging at the base of the southern wall were orange. I wondered where mine had been put. I started walking to the west. I then thought that i might not have brought my life jacket on the trip. I remembered that the boat was large enough that they did not require us to wear jackets. I passed to the south of stacked boats, still carrying mine. I wondered what else i might have had here. I remembered drawing in my blue sketch book, and i wondered if i had left that here. I felt concerned that it might have been taken somewhere. I started walking to the west, down the road. I did not feel upset about my book, but i was aware that the drawings in it could not be replaced. I told myself that everything was replaceable. The road was a narrow dirt road that ran through a forested area, which seemed to be part of the camp. I thought that i had to take the boat back to my car, which was on the western side of the campground. I started moving quickly down the corridor to the west, again in the building. I felt that i had to hurry for some reason. The corridor was divided into sections, with doorways dividing the sections. The first two sections seemed short, but the section that i was now in seemed long. I knew that i would have to turn in the center of the building, where the main room with the couches was. I speeded down the long section of hallway, and i wondered if i had passed through the central room and missed it. This long corridor did not seem familiar. I then remembered that the hallways were not symmetric on both sides of the building. The eastern corridor was longer than the western corridor. I had not yet reached the central room. I came out into the central area, which was outside in the forested place. The dirt road opened up to a wide dirt lot to the north, where people were moving around, doing things. I still had to get to my car to the east, so i continued through the thinly spread group of people. I thought that $F71 was somewhere in the group to the north. I thought that he would want to talk to me, but i had to get to the car first, and i did not want to be delayed. To the west and northwest of me, i noticed a formation of people on the ground. They seemed to be standing in a widely spaced grid. They were playing some kind of game, which i thought was like rugby. I started to walk through the southern end of the group, hoping that i was not disturbing them. I recognized a woman to the northwest of me as she crouched, facing north. I said hello as i passed and continued to the east. The dirt road continued to the west, and the land around was now less forested. A field was to the south of the road. It seemed dark now, but i could see everything easily in the night. An intersection was ahead of me, and another dirt road seemed to run to the south. To the north of the intersection, the road turned into a small cured area that did not go anywhere. Tall weeds and bushes grew along the northern side of the road. A tall structure was to the south of me, on the eastern side of the road to the south. It seemed like a water tower. In front of it was a mound with a toilet seat in front of it. This was where the outhouse was. I sat on the toilet seat to defecate. The white metal seat faced north and was on the northern side of the grassy mound. I shifted to one side to wipe myself. The toilet paper was in a roll just to the east of the toilet. As i wiped myself, i realized that a long turd was still stuck in my anus. I tried to wipe it out, but i could not. I took another piece of toilet paper from the roll and tried again. Several people were coming from the east, and i realized that it was strange that the toilet was outside with no structure around it. I did not mind, though. I felt annoyed that i could not get up, though, and i tried to wipe myself again. The turd would not dislodge from my anus. I wiped at the top end with the toilet paper, but it would not fall. Annoyed, i dropped the paper into the toilet. I thought that i would have to grab the turd and pull it out, but the paper i had taken was too small. I pulled a larger sheet of toilet paper from the roll, aware of two people coming toward me. I put the paper over my hand and reached under me to grab the turd. I got a hold of it and pulled it out. I then realized that i had been pushing down with my right foot to tip my body to the side as i did this. My foot had stepped into the white metal basin that was the toilet. I could see the sandal on my foot stepping in what looked like mashed up vegetable stew. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would have to clean the feces off of my foot. I stood up and walked a few steps to the north. Turning around, i looked for some water to wash my hands. I noticed a small bottle of sanitizer just to the southeast of the toilet. I remembered that my car was to the west, across the intersection, and i wondered if there was a stream to wash my foot off. I started around the eastern side of the toilet to get the sanitizer. I was annoyed and disappointed.

12022 May 21

I sat down on the southeastern side of the small round table, which seemed to be in the dining room of my grandmother’s house. My grandmother walked from the south, around the western side of the table and sat down in a seat on the northern side of the table. She started eating, scooping something from a bowl with a spoon that she held in her right hand. She stared vaguely to the southwest. I stared at her, knowing that she was dead and that this was a dream of her. She looked so realistic, and i thought that she was younger than she had been when she died. She still looked older, though, with wrinkles on her face. I knew that this was a vision, and it thought that i should be able to see her as she would have looked when she was younger. I tried to remember what her face looked like when i was a young boy, but the appearance of her did not change that much. I thought that she had gotten younger, but she still looked over middle age. I tried to remember what she was like when she was younger, but not as young as the pictures that i had seen. I focused on her, trying to remember. She glanced sidelong at me as she paused her spoon in midair. She seemed to have a faint smile. She then continued eating.

I moved to the east, along the southern end of the bed, which seemed to be on the southern side of the room. I was thinking about the small plastic figures that were on the bed. I imagined that i had super powers, but i did not want others to know about it. I thought that i had a bright aura of energy around me. It wrapped around my sides like large wings. I thought that it was similar to Phoenix. As i fixed some things on the bed, pulling the sheets tight on the southern side, i thought that i could not have the same powers as Phoenix. Phoenix was an entity that was known, and i would have to be a character that was new. Several boxes were on the bed to the north of me, and i started cleaning them up. As i moved to the eastern end of the southern side of the bed, i thought that i could be similar to the Phoenix energy. I imagined that the field around me was black but still moved like fire. I knew that the character could not be called Dark Phoenix, because that was already used. I thought of Black Fire or Black Phoenix, but that did not seem to work. I thought that the name might have to be something referring to a black hole or some other non-luminous source of energy. I thought that the concept sounded good. I then thought that the character would have to be discovered in some way. Phoenix or Jean Gray was standing to the northwest of me as i moved back to the west along the side of the bed. The character i had been thinking about was still to the east of me. I thought that the character would have to be discovered by the X-Men in some way. I imagined myself in a city area, and i thought that the X-Men would have come to the city to for something. The man to the east of me was a teenager, and he stood with several other children. Jean would talk to them as the X-Men were getting ready to leave. I thought that she would sense something different about the man with the powers. She would turn to the other X-Men, who were to the northwest of her, and she would say that she sensed nothing from him, that he was blocking her. This would suggest to the X-Men that the boy had strong abilities. I moved to the northern side of the bed. The small figures were in two piles on the bed. They were small human figures that were posed in different stances. They were about a centimeter tall. The figures in the eastern pile were made of brown plastic and had tan shorts. The figures in the western pile were pale-blue with white shorts. I needed to put them back into their containers. I looked around to the north of me, noticing a small box with rounded corners. I took it, thinking it might be too small, but i would try to fit one of the piles in it. I picked up the pile on the eastern side, because it was smaller than the pile on the western side. I thought that i should be able to stuff the figures into the small box. I then moved to the west, looking for another box. The X-Men were still in the room, and they were talking about how Jean could not sense the boy with power. I seemed to be to the south of a building, which was open to the south. The walls of the building were bare wood, and i seemed to be in half of a corridor that ran along the lower level of the southern side of the building. A shallow counter ran along the northern wall of the corridor. I moved to it to get something. A man was then to the east of me. He was part of the game. The wood on the wall to the north of me was oddly textured, like it was crudely drawn. Wolverine was the man to the east of me, and he talked about moving through the game. I said something to him as i looked down the wall to the west. My view was now a scene from the game. We were moving down the corridor, looking for places to explore. We had to find something. At the western end of the building i paused, talking to Wolverine about something that we had to find. It had not shown up in the game yet. I then looked up, noticing that the ceiling above us had a long shaft that seemed to lead to the next floor. A light-colored balcony was on the western wall of the shaft. I realized that a player could climb up the shaft and there might be an entirely new section of the game to explore. I started moving up the shaft as the person to the east of me talked. The person was playing the Wolverine character, and i realized that Wolverine did not need to climb the handholds that were on the northern and eastern sides of the shaft. He could just sink his claws into the wood and pull himself up. I thought about this as i hovered near the top of the shaft. I had two controllers, one in each hand. They were thin white plastic bars, and they had buttons on the bottoms. I moved them out to my sides and pressed the buttons with my thumbs. The buttons extended Wolverine’s claws. I thought that it was very easy to play this character. I talked about the character to the other person. We were now in a room, which seemed like a cafeteria. The figures were still in a pile on the table to the north of me. The others were talking about games, and someone mentioned playing something like beer pong. I looked to the southeast, where a pong table was set up against the eastern wall. Large windows were in the upper part of the eastern wall, letting in bright light. I told the others that pong would be a good game to set up here, but i realized that this was a high school, so they could not play with beer. Someone else pointed this out as well. Two other people were discussing this to the northwest of me. I moved toward the table, thinking that we could use something else. The woman, who was the easternmost of the two to the northwest of me, told the man that they could use water. I said that they should use soda-pop, because it was not as pleasant in quantities. I thought that the drinking was supposed to be somewhat unpleasant if you lost. I moved back to the north, talking about this with the others.

12022 May 22

My family was doing something on the southern side of the area. They seemed to be getting out of cars to the south, but they were also doing something else in a group. I told them that i would do something for them, and i headed to the north, into the building. The building seemed open and large, and i was on the southern side of the building. A wall ran east to west, just to the north of me. An aisle ran west along the southern side of the wall, and small compartments or booths were to the south of the aisle. I was on the eastern end of the room, doing something in one of the booths. I had to get something together. $K1 came from the west, and she stopped just to the northwest of me as i faced south, doing something in the booth. She quietly asked me if she could get my help on something. She seemed concerned about something, and i thought that she might need advice on something that was uncomfortable to her. I told her yes, and she walked back to the west. I continued doing something to the west of me, in the small room, and i wondered what she would want advice on. I wondered if she wanted to ask me about homosexuality, and i then thought she might say that $A752 had told her that he was homosexual. She would wonder how to deal with that, because she was uncomfortable with homosexuality and i was not. I then thought that she would not have much contact with $A752, so maybe she was concerned about $K25. I turned to the north, moving things around the room. I stepped out into the aisle to the north of the small room. The wall to the north ended a little to the east of the booth that i had been in, and room extended to the north. I passed the eastern end of the wall and started doing something to the north of me. I was reminded of something related to the Marx Brothers. I had taken an interest to them in high school. I imagined my mother asking why i had taken a sudden interest, and i tried to think of why i liked them. I thought that John Lennon had like the Marx Brothers, and i thought that i must have seen one of their movies and liked it. This is what i would tell my mother. She was on the northern end of the eastern room, doing something. I stood to the southeast of her, looking at the small compartments in the northern wall to the northwest of me, where i had put something. An aisle ran to the west down the northern side of the dividing wall. I then thought that i was thirsty, and i asked my mother about getting a drink. I turned to the west, where a sink was on the western wall of the eastern room. $K1 came down the southern aisle from the west and into the kitchen as i started filling a short glass from the sink. The sink seemed to be filled with dishes. $K1 walked to the northern side of the room and asked my mother something. I wondered when i would get to talk to $K1 about her concern. I started drinking the water.

12022 May 23

I walked to the east on the road. It seemed to be a bright hazy day, and the land around me was mostly rural. I reached the eastern end of the road, where people were playing sports. The road was more of a dirt path as it led along the northern side of the sports field. I stopped near the middle of the northern side of the sports field and turned around. I felt preoccupied with something. People were gathered on the northern side of the road. They seemed involved in the sport, but they were also watching the sport. A baseball diamond seemed to be to the south of me. I started to walk to the west again. The field to the south of me had people in white shirts, and to the north of me, people were scattered across a grassy area. They seemed to be watching the sports. I continued walking, not paying much attention to the people around me. I was again walking along the northern side of a paved road through a rural area. The land seemed to slope down into a wide valley to the southwest. Some people were still on the northern side of the road. As i crossed a dirt driveway, a boy was posing at the southern end of the driveway. The cameraman was in the road, tossing soccer balls toward the boy. The boy seemed frozen in the air, with his feet to the west of him. His left leg was straight, but his right knee was bent and up in the air to catch the soccer ball. He seemed to be trapping it between his knees and holding it in the crux of his right leg. He stayed reclined on his side in the air for a moment as the cameraman took the photograph. I smiled at the boy as i walked past, crossed between him and the cameraman. He nodded in reply, and then turned his attention back to the southeast. I continued walking, thinking that it would have been a better picture if the photographer was to the southwest of the boy, at the edge of the driveway and the road. I had been discussing something with someone else, and i tried to think about the conversation. I stopped in the grassy yard and turned to the north. The land slope upward, and patches of the grass were yellowing. I had a small square plastic dish of mushrooms that had shriveled up from dehydration. I had left them in the refrigerator too long. I thought about throwing them out, but i remembered that food would become scarce soon. I thought that i should save everything i had to make sure that there was food to survive on. I moved a little to the west, where a square batch of ground in the shallow slope had been tilled. The soil was brown. I opened a bin that was partly buried in the dirt to put the mushrooms in it. I contemplated this, thinking that it might not be a good idea to leave the mushrooms out here. I had a few that were still ripe, but i thought that they might spoil outside. If i left them in the refrigerator, they would dehydrate and last longer. I was aware of a second bin to the west as i opened the thin lid of the first one, lifting it off with my left hand. I had the mushrooms in my right hand. The square bin had several other white mushrooms in it. I picked up one with my right hand. At first, i thought that it was soggy on the bottom from resting on the ice that was in the bottom of the bin, but, when i turned it over to look, it seemed fresh and undamaged. I wondered if i should dehydrate these mushrooms as well to preserve them longer. Instead, i put it back in the bin, thinking that i could store the mushrooms here safely. I tossed in the dried mushroom into the tray, thinking that i could safely store them all together. I wondered how i would save things. It seemed like i would have to be careful about keeping things to eat later.

I walked to the west, along the northern side of Tower Road. I seemed to be somewhere in the middle of the road. A large white building with a white stone surface was just to the north of the road, and i was heading for it. It had a terrace on the front, with thin square columns surfaced with the same white stones as the building. The building seemed very modern. Black round railings ran across the southern side of the terrace. They marked two sets of stairs, which ascended to the eastern and western corners of the building from the center of the southern side. I spoke with someone about something that seemed important. Something important was happening, and i thought that we had to be prepared for it. I moved across the terrace as we discussed the issue. I then headed to the southeast, crossing the street and coming into the kitchen of the building. It seemed like an industrial kitchen, with two long narrow cutting-board tables running north to south in the center of the room, one to the east of the other. The walls were lined with metal equipment, cabinets, and sinks. A large sink seemed to be in the center of the eastern wall, and a large stove was to the north of it, with a wide metal hood over it. I had to do something in the kitchen, and i focused on the man, who was leaning against the sink as he spoke to the others in the room. The people here seemed to be from $G3. The man was the person who ran the kitchen. He seemed young, and he seemed serious about what he had to say. He was introducing the others to the kitchen. I felt a little impatient and out of place, thinking that i already knew about this place and what to do here. The others, who were sitting along the western sides of the two cutting tables, listened intently as he spoke. He was telling people that they were not eating the food here like they should be. He seemed to be saying that food was going to waist, and we knew that the food had to be preserved. The man motioned to the south with his right hand, saying that there were two tubs of yogurt in the pantry. I knew that the pantry ran along the eastern side of the southern wall of the kitchen, and i could picture the tubs on the metal shelfs that were on the northern wall of the pantry. He then went to the south, disappearing into the pantry. I moved to the center of the northern side of the kitchen. The man was still speaking to the others. He was talking about the tubs, and he said that there was cannabis in one of the tubs. I thought that it was interesting that someone mixed cannabis into yogurt, but i was worried about the food issues.

12022 May 24

I was at an event at this house, which seemed like $P19. I moved to the east, along the northwestern side of the large empty room. The people here were $G3, and they had been having a party or other large event. It felt nice to talk to the people here, and i seemed to have enjoyed the event. The rooms were mostly empty now, though, with few people here and there. I talked with some other people as we walked through the rooms. I came into the western side of the room, which seemed to be on the western side of the house. It seemed that we had to go somewhere. As i walked to the east, i noticed a door in the western end of the northern wall open. A small black cow came through the door and sauntered toward me. I stopped and looked at it. It had smooth black fur and seemed very gentle. I thought about petting it. Another cow was coming through the door behind it. It was slightly larger than the first and a little wider. I felt comforted by the animal, and i wanted to pet the first cow and show it affection. The cows had been at the party before. A very large cow then came into the room. It was the last of the three, and it seemed rather large, like a bull. I pet the large cow affectionately. I then started talking to the others again. I was still on the western side of the room. We had to leave to go somewhere. The three men were in the northwestern part of the room, and i had been talking to them. I remembered them from before in the party, and i had felt interested in them. They all had dark skin, and one man was very skinny and tall, and one was large and beefy. The third seemed average. I said something to the large man, who was standing to the northwest of me. He seemed to be someone that i had known from a long time ago, and it had been good to see him again. I wanted to say goodbye so that we could go somewhere, though. I hugged him farewell. He seemed surprised by it, and he did not hug back right away. I thought that he might be uncomfortable, so i let him go. He wore a red T-shirt. I turned to the southeast and followed the others into the other room. The people i had come with were standing in the southeastern part of the room. $A36 was standing on the southern side of the group, facing north. I was aware of another large event in a fraternity to the south. I remembered the fraternity from before, and it seemed to be Tau Kappa Epsilon. I thought that the others wanted to cross the street and go to that house for the party. I was not quite interested, but i asked if they had been there yet. $A36 said that they had not been there, and he talked about going to a place, which seemed like a bar that i was familiar with. I turned to the north and headed for the bar. The other people followed me. I was aware of how far behind me they were. I thought that they were walking slowly. I started down a set of stairs that descended into a narrow corridor along the eastern wall. The bottom of the stairs curved to the northwest. The old corridor seemed dingy, with stone walls and cement steps. I remembered that the pub was in the basement of this building. As i neared the bottom of the steps, i was aware that the others were not close behind me. I wondered if they would remember that the pub was in basement of the building. I seemed to wait for a few moments, but no one showed up. I headed back toward the others. I ascended a set of steps that seemed to mirror the ones i had come down, ascending along the western wall. When i came out of the doorway onto the first floor, i could not see the others. I looked to the north, realizing that they must have gone into the restaurant on the main floor of the building. It seemed like a strange place to get drinks. I saw $F77 standing to the west of a bar with a drink in his hand. I walked over to him. The others were standing near him. I asked them if they were going to the bar in the basement. I remembered that it seemed very rundown compared to the restaurant here, but it seemed like the right place to go.

12022 May 27

I was on the northern side of the building, talking with the man about the wrestling team. He seemed to be $A821, and he was talking to me about the team. I knew that i had not been paying as much attention to the team lately, and i wondered why he thought that i was a dedicated fan at the moment. I did like the sport, and i wanted to do it, but i thought that i had not been a part of it for a while. I continued talking to the man, though. He was to the east of me as we stood in the corridor. The corridor ran to the east and to the south of us. The man seemed to be doing something to the east of him. I then turned to the west, continuing to speak to the man. We had gone down the corridor to the south and were now in a small hall that ran to the west. The corridor was very short, and two longer corridors ran to the south from it: one from the eastern end and one form the western end. The man walked into a room to the south, between the two corridors. He closed the door behind him while he was doing something. The other man with me stood at the door, talking to the man in the room. The man in the room seemed to be one of the wrestlers from the team. I moved to the west as the man at the door talked to the wrestler in side. The man inside seemed to be $A821. I looked at the paper in my hand. I realized that i had received a card in the mail from someone. I looked at the bright front. It seemed mostly red, but i had bright diagonal bands of blue. It announced that Kyle Dake had done something and was now seventh. I moved to the east and showed the man at the door the card. He asked the person in the room if he had heard of what Kyle had done. The man inside said that he had not heard. I thought that the man inside must have received a card as well, but i probably got my mail first. It was good to hear that Kyle had achieved something new. I thought that the man inside was also special, and i thought that he would achieve something good as well.

12022 May 28

I moved back and forth along the northern wall of the kitchen. I seemed to be in $P19, and people were still in the dining room to the north of me. I had to get some things together. A large refrigerator was against the center of the northern wall, and i opened it. In the back of the middle shelf was a stack of plates with food on them. I had put the food on the plates earlier. I thought that i had made my own food and stacked it on the places for later. The plates were the blue and white plates from my kitchen. Some of the plates on top were smaller. I thought that it was good that the plates were mine, because i could simply take the stack of plates with me and not have to worry about leaving them here. I felt awkward about having separate food in the refrigerator. I thought that i would have to gather the food and carry it to the east with me. Several people were talking in the kitchen to the south and southwest of me as i looked through the refrigerator. I pulled out a bowl of food. I had put a small breast of chicken in the center of the bowl, but it was missing. I thought that someone had eaten it. The bottom of the bowl was covered with a bluish-gray cluster of round things. I thought that i should throw them out, because the chicken for the dish was gone, but i realized that the round things in the bowl were cooked shrimp in a sauce. I remembered that i had liked the shrimp, and i thought that i should keep the bowl. As i thought this, i was aware of the woman to the southwest of me talking to the man to the south of me. I put the bowl back into the refrigerator. I would have to take all of my things out and head east. The scene then changed. I was talking to the others on the northwestern side of the room. I had been here for some function, and i thought that i would need to head out. A large bed was against the center of the northern wall of the room, and i was looking at the things on the floor, against the northern wall, to the west of it. My mother seemed to be to the east of me as i looked at the things on the floor. I had left my things stacked here, and i would have to pack them into my car so that i could leave. I thought that i had taken many of my things to my house before, but i had left these here for later. I felt very attached to the things here, though i was not sure what they were. Others were sitting in the room around me. Someone was sitting in a chair against the northern end of the western wall as i moved some of the items around. I felt tired as i gathered the things, but i knew that i had to take get them all in my car to clean them out of here. I seemed to be in a room on the western wing of my parents’ farmhouse. I was aware of the darkened back yard to the north of me. It seemed to be evening in the winter, and i little bit of snow was on the ground. I grabbed a small box from the western end of the pile of things and put it under my right arm. It seemed to be something for outdoors. I then grabbed a dull-yellow patio umbrella, which was closed up and standing against the northern wall. I thought that both of the things i had were for outdoor furniture. I thought that i would bring them to the east. My mother was to the east of me, though, and she mentioned something about the items, saying that i should bring them to my car. She opened a door in the northern wall. We now seemed to be on the second floor of the house, and a long flight of wooden steps ran down to the backyard. I would have to carry the things down the steps and to the northeast to go around the house to get to the driveway on the east, where my car was. I started across the room to the east, aware of the cold air that had started coming in the door. I felt the cold air on my lower legs. $K1 was sitting in an old wooden chair to the southeast of me. She made a comment on the cold air. I walked through a doorway in the eastern wall and into a long narrow room. The room ran to the northeast. I had to get the things into the car. I piled some of the things against the southeastern wall of the room. I was aware of my car to the northeast, but i focused on the things that i was putting against the wall to the south of me.

12022 May 29

I left the main building and headed to the east, across the dirt ground. I could see the large pale-gray building to the east of me. I thought that it was the new athletic building for $P7. I walked to the east, toward it, aware that i was walking through a lot that was torn up. I had been walking across a small grassy lawn, with tall trees along the northern side. The sky seemed uniform gray. The eastern end of the lawn had been torn up for construction, though, and mounds of dirt were still here and there. The large gray building ran along the eastern and northern sides of the torn up lawn. I thought that the students must take a path to the south of the dirt area, but this seemed out of the way. I thought i should take the more direct path. I stopped in the middle of the dirt area, looking around at the building. The land sloped down from the dirt lot for about ten meters. Several thin trees grew on the slope, and the gray building started at the bottom of the hill. I looked back to the west, noticing that a mound of dirt ran across the western end of the torn-up area. The mound was probably meant to block people from walking through the dirt. I thought that i must have walked over the mound to get here. I turned back to the east and headed toward the southern wing of the building. Several rounded mounds seemed to be around me. I could see the small aches along the top of the building. The building had many vertical lines. It seemed to have thin shallow fins or columns running up it at regular intervals. The rounded fins seemed to be about a deci wide. They seemed to be a deci or so long, but they were set into narrow slots. The surface of the building seemed to curve out to meet the fins, which were a meter or so apart. Most of the building seemed smooth, with no windows, but the top two or three meters had windows and bumpy details. A horizontal ledge ran below the top section. The narrow windows were set in archways. I looked at the windows to the east of me, which were at the same level that i was. I pictured them as running along the upper part of the wall of the gymnasium inside. They would throw light down onto the courts. As i approached the wall to the east, i thought that the dirt lot would probably have to run steeply down to meet the lower part of the wall. The dirt i could see seemed very close to the building, so i thought the slope must be very steep. As i took a few more steps, i could see that the dirt was closer to the building, so the slope must be almost vertical. A moment later, i could see the ground next to the building. The dirt where i was ran to the building. The lower level of the building here must be under ground. My attention was then drawn to the arched windows at the top of the building. I kept noticing that the top of the building seemed oddly shaped, with bumps that seemed random and out of pattern. I looked to the north, where the building was now closer to me. It was also buried to the windows. I looked at the narrow rods sticking up from the top of the building. At first, i thought that they were smooth rounded rods that matched the style of the fins on the building, but they were at different heights and set tightly together. I focused on them, realizing that they were small figurines. The top edge of the building was filled with small statues of people. I moved toward the building, seeing a set of four people standing together. The set was about a deci tall. The four ran along the edge of the building, and their heads were facing east. I was interested in all of the figurines, and i wanted to take one with me, but i thought that i should not. I reached for the statue on the western end of the four that i had seen. When i picked up the statue, i realized that it was not connected to the other three or four as i had thought it would be. I still wanted to keep one of the statues, but i put the statue back where it was. The top ledge of the building seemed cluttered with small statues of different types. I headed to the southeast, carrying a glass statue in my right hand. I had picked it up from the dirt pile to the west. I entered the southern end of the building. A man was there. I showed him the statue, which seemed to be of a person holding a large globe over his or her head. The globe had something sticking up from the top of it. The man looked at the statue as i asked him about it. He seemed uninterested. I was trying to give it to him, explaining that i had found it on the dirt. He did not seem to care, and he turned to the northeast and walked away. I wondered what i should do with the statue. I thought that i should put it on the building somewhere. I looked at it as i walked to the west.

I spoke to the woman as she started walking to the east. I was standing on the southern side of the rectangular area, which ran to the north of me. The area seemed flat, with a cement ground. It was between some of the buildings of the campus. I had been talking to someone about something to the west, but the woman was now asking me about the websites that i had been working on. She wanted to know what i would do with them. I thought about the two different sites, thinking that they had been built by two different groups and were running on two different platforms. I had worked on one of the sites long ago. It was an information site. The other site was for the college. I thought that the two sites should be merged. I talked to the woman about the college site. It did not seem that well done to me, and i thought about how to make it better. I then started walking to the northeast, following the woman. I told her that we could move the content of the college site into the information site. I thought that it would be better not to bother with two separate sites but just to make one site.

12022 May 30

I moved to the west, toward the large open lecture hall. The building was open on the eastern side, and it had a tall arched ceiling. The side walls were short and vertical. I was flying a small ship, which was about the size of a car. I thought that i would dock it against the roof of the lecture hall, on the southern side of the roof. As i entered the building, i thought that a class might be sitting in the seats, which faced west. I realized that it might disturb the lecture if a small ship flew into the room and docked. I moved the ship into the room anyway and moved to the southern wall. I thought that the ship would attach to the ceiling here. It would have to be some strong force to hold the ship to the ceiling. I thought that the ship would have to blend in to the girders on the ceiling. People would think that the ship was just some object that was part of the room. I then thought that i had to have a way down from the ship. I decided that catwalks would be along the ceiling. I would have to park the ship near them so that i could get out. I imagined climbing down a ladder on the southern side of the room.

I had been running with $G4 on the northern side of the area. It was a bright sunny day, and the trees seemed very green. I turned to the south and started running down the trail, across the field. It seemed that we had been on a road that ran east to west along the northern side of the field. We had come from the east but had passed the field. A few others and i had then turned back and headed to the trail through the field. As i started running through the tall green grass of the filed, i could hear $F71 calling from the northeast. He was running down the road to the west. I wondered if he was calling for me. I could hear him saying something, but i could not hear what he was saying. I looked back to the north. We seemed to be quite far into the field now. The land sloped up slightly to the north. The grass seemed to have a yellow hue to it, and the colors seemed very vivid. Bushy trees were along the road to the northwest of me, where the others had clustered as they turned back to get to the trail through the field. I turned back to the south and continued running. I heard $F71 say something again. I thought that i should keep running. I then realized that i was running with a long stride. I thought that i should not be doing this. I knew that it would bother my knee, so i started running with a much shorter stride. I switched my stride as i ran down the trail. I then hear $F71 calling the same word several times. I realized that he might be calling $X27. I then realized that i could hear the bell around $X27 near me. It seemed that $X27 was following me. I could not see anything at the moment, but i could hear the bell. I thought that i should stop to get $X27 and to tell $F71 that $X27 was following me.

I headed to the south on the eastern side of the area. I seemed to be walking down a trail in an open lawn. I was also on the eastern side of a room, and the western wall was to the west of me. I had driven the car here and parked it near the southern side of the room. The car was facing west. I looked down at the back of the small white car as i closed the trunk. I tried to lock the car, but when i tried the trunk, the car did not seem to be locked. I opened the trunk and closed i again. I could not keep it locked. Something seemed to be wrong. I talked to the people to the northeast of me about it as i tried to keep the trunk closed. The car was parked near the southern wall of the room, and i thin white wall was just to the north of it, separating the car from the waiting area of the mechanic shop. My mother seemed to be one of the people to the northeast of me. I said something to her about the car. I had brought the car here to be fixed, because we could not get it to lock properly. I then wondered if i had to have the car in neutral or out of gear to get it to lock. I mentioned this, but i then thought that the car was an automatic, and the small gearshift in the center column would not need to be put in a special place for the car to be locked. I turned back to the small car. The car seemed very small now. It was only about two meters long and about a meter and a half wide. It looked like a model sports car, with a metallic blue body and a black roof. Two mechanics were standing to the west of the car, looking at the larger car, which was parked to the west of mine. I wondered if my car had to be shifted into park to get it to lock. I looked closely at the blue car, and i noticed that it was parked very close to the car to the west of it. I wondered if i had parked it too close when i stopped it here. I worried that i might have bumped the car to the west of me. I stood up straight, looking at how close the two cars were. The car to the west then moved to the west, and my car started rolling a little. I worried that i had left it in neutral. I stopped my car, and i said something to the two mechanics, who were still standing to the west. They looked at me, but then turned their attention back to each other. I turned to the northeast and spoke to the others. The eastern side of the room seemed clear of things, forming an aisle that ran the length of the room. I spoke with the others about something, and then turned my attention back to the south. We were in an office, which seemed related to $G6. A conference room seemed to be along the southern wall of the room. I moved toward the eastern end of it.

12022 May 31

I looked out the window to the west, watching the gray clouds on the horizon. I was standing on the southern side of the long narrow room. Another person was to the northeast of me. A counter seemed to run along the western wall, and food supplies seemed to be in the cupboards under the counter. Something felt uncomfortable here, like something was about to happen. I could hear the low rumbling to the west. Out the window, i could see small suburban houses near me. The air was filled with gray smoke, which looked like a low cloud. I then noticed the large square object moving behind the dense layer of clouds. It looked like the armored head of a snow walker from Star Wars, but it was much larger. Several hundred meters to the west, i could see the round metal foot of the walker move north and stop on the ground. I felt nervous but not frightened. The walker seemed to be about fifty meters tall. I could not see all of it, because it was hidden in the pale gray clouds, which looked like storm clouds. The walker was headed north, and i could see other ships floating in the air, heading in the same general direction. I told the other person that the attack was coming. I did not feel threatened here, but i knew that a danger existed in the invasion. I looked to the northwest. The gray clouds moved with rounded fingers extended to the east. The long line of clouds ran to the west of us, and the line extended as far to the north as i could see. They were slowly advancing to the east, but i knew the ships were heading to the north, toward a specific target. We seemed to be in a refuge here, and i talked to the other about the ominously slow march of the invaders. I said that i had told him that it was coming. I felt concerned but also fascinated.