11995 June 01

I drove the car off of the main road and into the dirt parking lot next to the red brick fraternity house. The police were following me, and i was hoping to lose them. I got out of the car and hid behind the cement wall near the stairs. The police walked by and into the house. I stepped out and walked up the stairs, thinking that the police would take me for someone who lives here. I walked into the grey cement enclosure of the shop. There was a tall glass window by the entrance i just walked up. I turned to the left and tried to open the bluish-grey metal door that led into the main shop. It was locked. I looked into the narrow window next to the shop to see people moving around. There was a short cement wall to by left, and the floor under me up to the wall was made of glass. I turned around and walked farther into the store. There were aisles of pens and supplies, but no people. It was rather dark with the lights off, and there was a security camera overhead. The assistance counter to my left was empty of people, but i hoped they would come over from the other part of the store.

11995 June 02

I was on the street downtown. It was in a city. $A119 was walking with me. We moved down the aisle of the dark cafe. We saw the man in the trench coat getting upset. He was a committee member. He threw his drink at the female water, so we left. We got into the car and started driving. The radio reported that there was a giant storm out west. We decided it would be good not to go out there. We turned a corner and headed down the hill and through the cemetery. The roads were very curvy. We made several tight corners before we pulled into the parking lot of the mall. I got out of the car with $F26 and $A119. We headed for the mall.

11995 June 03

We were in the dirt parking lot by the eco-museum, just outside of town. I read the light-blue circular sign by the entrance of the building. I thought that it looked a lot like a button. I wondered where our collector’s buttons were. Then i noticed a white thing on the ground. I picked it up, hoping that it was my button. It was just a piece of broken styrofoam. I walked passed the chest-high hedges at the edge of the parking lot and down the cobblestone path, toward the gift shop. It was an old wood house with a dark stain and red trim and shutters. We walked inside, and i looked around the aisles, looking for buttons. I saw a sign over a shelf, which looked like a button. It was white with blue across it, just like the Dutton, but it was actually a CD. Then i noticed some playing cards on the shelf below it. They also had the logo for the gift shop on them. I looked up at the walls of the one room house. The rafters could be seen about four metres above. The walls were made out of uneven hand-set stone. They were falling apart. I could see the thin canopy of the beach trees outside through a ragged hole in the roof. The building looked like the inside of an old barn and was falling down. The owners were old friends of my father. I walked around the crude wood furniture as my parents and the couple talked about a Greek island holiday the couple had just come from.

I stood next to the green gate at the edge of the hedgerow. The men in the dark coats came toward me. I pretended to fall asleep. They came up to me and asked me about the yellow house across the way. I played drunk and hoped that they would leave me alone. I woke up a little while later, in the middle of the City. I went into the house and up into the catwalk. It was dark in there, and Batman was there. I was dressed like him and kept acting like him. I was allowed to do that because he knew me. I asked if i could borrow his ideas in costume. He did not seem to mind. I also asked if i could use his idea for a grappling gun. In my idea, however, i was going to use a grappling gun strapped around my waist. It would make it easier to use.

11995 June 04

I was at the table in the restaurant. The others there were all eating the cheese from the table. There were two wheels of brie on the table that the men started looking over. They were unsure about which types of brie they were. I thought that one was hard and the other was spreadable. Then a man stood up in the restaurant and started making trouble. A fight broke out, so i got up to leave. I walked around the park i the center of the court of the housing complex. The tall brick housing projects rose around us, with thin yellow metal trim in the windows. I walked around the playground and stopped through the swing set. I was careful not to get hit by the swings, which were moving back and forth. The soldiers then came into the playground. They told the people that they had to clear out. I walked down the torn grass steppe and around the line of soldiers. The ground was very muddy. I walked back across the locker room, toward the door at the other end. I was wearing only a towel. The floor was wet, and i slipped and fell. I was humoured and got up. I went through the door and headed for the showers. I bumped into an older man coming from the shower room. I apologized, but he did not seem to notice. I passed $A86 at the edge of the shower room. I asked $A193 for a bar of soap. He pulled a small yellow cake form the box on a shelf by the shower. I walked into the other room and started practicing with my nightstick. I could be a cop, but i was not sure. The dog started to growl at me as i walked out the front door. I sat down on the porch. The dog was on the bench ext to mine. It was a small short-haired brown dog. The dog’s master then came home. He was an ex-cop, and he was riding a motorcycle. The dog started acting nice to people. It growled a little at passers-by, but smiled at its owner. I leaned back on the bench ad then noticed some brown stuff on my stomach. It was thick and sticky.

11995 June 06

I pushed the dumpster down the slight hill and under the overpass. There was a steep embankment to the right and a river on the left. Above us, on the overpass, were some construction workers. They were laying cement beams into place. They were watching us roll the dumpster against the cement wall, down by the park benches. I did not really want to sleep in the dumpster. I thought that it smelled bad. $F4 said that it would be okay. It was a protected area. He asked me if i could think of a better place to stay. I suggested that we pitch tents on top of the picnic tables along the path. We walked over toward the tables. They were restaurant tables, and were arranged on a wooden platform with cross-boards blinding the sites. We took a seat to eat some lunch. We would worry about bedding later. As we sat in the booth, we noticed that $A441 had show up at the other end of the restaurant. He kept watching us from the bar. We were uncomfortable because we knew that he was trying to pick us up. I got up to leave the bar. I had to walk by $A441 and ended up talking to him. I tried to get out of the conversation by clearing things up from around my apartment. I stopped out on the porch and told him that i was in the middle of things. I tried to hint that i wanted him to leave, but he kept clinging around. I left and walked back to the tents on the picnic tables. $F10 or $F12 was sleeping in one of the tents with a girl. I could see them brush against the tent walls. I was disappointed. I was supposed to sleep in the tent with $F7. We laid down, and then he started wrestling me. For a moment, i had the advantage, but then he rolled me over and pinned me to the ground. He had his legs wrapped around mine and was holding my arms so that i could not move.

11995 June 07

I walked out of the office and asked $A136 if she had the records ready. The hallways were dark, with off-yellow walls. $A14 walked into one of the doors down the way. He had talked to be about the files. He said what he wanted done with them. I knocked on the door to the side office, but $A14 was not there. The glass windows in the hallway were dark, and computer and packing objects were visible in the reflected light through the window. The other graduate student was in the office near mine. $A136 was leaving for a surprise. I could not find the stuff i was supposed to work on. We got some scary things in the lab, but i could not find anybody. I stepped through the lecture room and out the window. I was on $P161, and i was naked. There were a couple people around, but they did not seem to notice me. I was a ghost, and i started flying around the water tank at the edge of the field. Some people spotted me from the balcony of the building. They were supposed to see me flying. I walked across the kitchen and into the pantry. My parents’ friends were talking. They were not really happy. I put together the wedding cake. It was a tall circular cake with pink frosting. I picked up the tray and set it in the refrigerator. I could see bottles of wine, balloons, and purple penguin sculptures in the fridge. They were all for the wedding. My mother was helping me. She was listening to Pink Floyd music.

My father picked up the composite and looked at it. MY grandfather had sanded it. It was a nice new composite, but, for some reason, he sanded the glass. My father walked into the sun room to get a better look at the composite. There were pictures of old people and sexy models pasted over all of the regular pictures. Mine was the only picture that was left alone. We would have to wait for the glue to crack and peel off before we could remove the extra pictures. We had to leave the house, however, and i still had several things to pack. We were going to be late.

I picked up the tape deck in the store and looked it over. It was a comic-book store, and there were tall white racks with books on them. I pulled out a pair of wire snips and started cutting the wires from the tape deck. The owners of the store were in the back room, behind the mirrored door. One of the customers was looking for service and knocked on the door. Nobody answered. I looked over the books on the shelf as i clipped the leads. I then checked to make sure that both of the power meters on the black textured deck were the same. I remembered that some of the decks had one meter that was replaced and inoperable. I placed the deck on a table with the white and pink plastic bag and book i had been carrying.

11995 June 08

I was in the bell tower with $F19. We were trying to fix the tower. We planned what we were going to do. We walked out onto the dark-grey slate roof. It was pretty steep, but we did not seem to mind. The day was fairly cool outside. We lifted the stained-glass top from the peek of the tower. We carried it over to the opening in the roof. The skylight was lifted. It was made of a bluish glass. We tried to fit the metal frame into the atrium. I looked over the roof of the building. I told $F19 that the steeple would probably fit better in the other atrium. We moved it and it slid right in. I walked back to the center of the clock tower. The gears above us hung from the wooden rafters. The inside walls were an unfinished and aged brown. There was a smooth metal pipe running from the gears down through a hole in the floor. It was silver in colour with patches of brass, and it was greased with dark-green oil. I grabbed the pendulum and stopped the clock. The tower started to vibrate. It had become unstable because the momentum of the pendulum was not there to balance it. There were people on the ground out in front of the building who noticed that the tower had something wrong with it. I walked out onto the roof and looked around. The building we were on was rather large. It had a very shallow roof, and white granite walls. It was ornamented with geometric patterns. It was a small city in the large plain room of the museum. I walked through the decorative model. The buildings were very spaced out, and they were all very plain and flat surfaced. There were a couple of people and some animals in the model as well. They were all painted black with rough brush strokes of blue, yellow, and red across the surfaces. I picked up a piece that $F19 had accidentally knocked over. She then bumped into the railing on the top level of the atrium. It fell over the edge and hit the wall below. It was still attached to the top, but was unstable. We did not really bother with it. I talked to the man at the lower level of the atrium. The balconies were circular above us. The railing shifted position again, and i pointed it out to him.

I looked in the mirror in the bathroom. I noticed that my gums had turned a pale white with dark-brown streaks. I realized that there was something wrong. I touched my teeth and found that they were very loose. My gums were rotting. I called the doctor’s office and made an appointment. It was possible that i had meningitis, but my gums seemed to have the flesh-eating bacteria. I arrived at the doctor’s office. The dark-haired woman in the white shirt checked me out. She could not find anything wrong. I watched as the bus i was on drove down the main road of the town. We pulled up to the blue gas station on the left, but just drove through the lot. The pumps were silver and black. As we pulled out onto the main road, i noticed $A52 in the white gas station across the street. It was an old fashioned gas station, with bare stucco walls. $A52 and her family were in a dark-blue car in front of the station. The bus reached the far side of town and started to turn onto the highway. We changed direction and were heading back along the edge of town. I was wondering where i was supposed to get off. The bus stopped at the Y corner and people got off. I noticed that we were in front of the hotel where i wanted to get off. I walked up to the black steel building. I had to find out where i was supposed to go. I went inside the front door of the hotel and turned to the right. I kept to the right and turned into the gift shop. There were pin racks to my left with books on them. To my right was the counter, where a woman stood. I asked her if she had any maps of the area. I needed to know where to go.

I was waiting for the bus to come. I was by $P40, but it had not arrived yet. I decided to walk up the street a little way to see if i could catch it at the next bus stop. I was walking by $P157 when i heard it coming. There were hedges to my left, and i was watching myself approach. The hedges had small red flowers on it. I tried to hurry to the next stop, but my backpack was very heavy. I could not run with it on. I took the duffle bag off of my shoulder and tried to run, but could not move. I made it to the bus stop and flagged the driver. He did not stop. The bus continued around the building. I was very mad. I walked into the orangish brick corridor of the building’s exterior. I hit the lawn chair and sent it flying. To my right was the glass entranceway of the building, in the side of the curved orange brick wall. The building stretched over me and then came down with a flat wall to my left. I walked through the corridor and out the other side. I walked by the two women in swimsuits who were posing in the lawn chairs. The blond-haired one was wearing a pinkish bikini, and the brunet was wearing a blue suit. They were on a model shoot. I ignored them, as i was still mad. Hue Heffner complained that i was in his camera shot. I swore at him and walked to the bench by the side of the road. The old woman by the photo shoot was annoyed with me and cleaned up the benches around the camera crew. I walked past the group of people on the grass by the edge of the road. I accidentally bumped a woman’s handbag as i passed. She dropped something, so i went to pick it up. It was a chewed up apple core, so i left it on the ground. I stood by the curb for a few seconds, staring out across the street. Then i sow the wide-open countryside over there. There was a valley with rolling meadowlands stretching out from it. There was a scenic road on the opposite hill where i felt pleased to drive. I thought about flying out over the fields. Then i floated up from the street. I drifted slowly toward the field when i realized the power lines. They were poled on the other side of the street, and i was moving toward them. I shifted my body and avoided them. Then i thought about gliding out over the field. I suddenly realized that i could only fry in my dreams. I always wanted to fly in real life, but i knew that i could only do it in my dreams. I realized that i must be dreaming, or that this was not reality. In a panic, i decided that i had to wake up, because this should not be a dream.

11995 June 09

I was washing my clothes in the creek by the side of rows. I lived in one of the house on the other side of the street. My mother had to do them so she put them in the washer farther up stream. The washer was done, however, and so the clothes started floating downstream. I put the small white plastic clothes basket into the steam to catch them. All of the socks floated into the basket. Some slid around the sides, but i could not catch them. The others were approaching the side of the creek. They watched me collect my clothes. $G3 told me that i should clean my socks at $P19. They said it would be a lot easier. I kept packing my stuff to leave. I walked by $P70. It was a white house down from the road. I walked around the back side and ran into $A449. He was trying to patch up the water tower out back. He pushed a wheelbarrow over the grave and uncut weeds toward the cement step and door of the tower. The tower was old and rusting green. I looked up at it and saw the many dents. Then i walked around to the front of it with $A449 to see the rippled metal light-blue surface. I remembered the dent. They were from when a truck backed into it. I pointed out some black scratches in the white cinderblock wall of the docking bay. The bay ran up against part of the tank. He did not know that a truck had damaged it. I told him that a truck had also knocked their front porch off to the side. He had wondered where the dents had come from. Then i told him about the holes in the front lawn where a truck had gotten stuck. I then got into his car and drove it away from the tower. I tried to drive it nicely, but it kept lurching forward. I slammed on the brakes to get it to stop by the edge of the gravel drive. I then put it in reverse and backed it into the top part of the park. I got out and walked the two dogs around the grass. $X3 and $X2 ran across the well treed plantation, while i held the towel around my waist and put on my thongs. I was headed for the shower. I took my shoes off and looked back for the dogs. Another person had walked up across the grass, so i called the dogs to me. $X3 kept running around the other person, but $X2 came over to me.

11995 June 11

I was out in the field with the people. My grandfather was there. We were at the edge of a hay field on the dirt road. There were pale-green woods along the side of the road, with bushes and clearings. I said goodbye to my grandfather and started off down the road. There was an old barn behind me, with brown unpainted walls. I stepped off to the right of the road to pick up the box of fireworks from under the tree. The tree had a wide rounded crown, with tannish leaves. The box was a wooden crate. I was getting the fireworks for my mother. As i picked them up, i noticed the two boys in the woods. There was a girl with them, and they were playing games. I started walking down the road, which rounded the hay field. Soon i was gliding over the ground. I flew down the dirt road toward the main road. As i approached the main road, i turned back and called $X6 from across the field. I flew down the main road and into the town. I went up to a house on the left side of the road. It was a white colonial house. I went into the front door. $X6 was with me on her leash. I took a right from the main hall ad into the living room. It was not my house, and i felt a little uncomfortable about walking through it. I headed for the front door of the house. I walked behind the dark-blue couch and out the front door of the living room. Some people were yelling at me from the window of the house. They were upset that i had run through their house. I yelled back at them and then continued walking $X6 down the street. She stopped in front of the house on the corner to get a drink. There was a puddle of water in the astroturf that the house had for lawn. There was a tree in the front lawn, and the lawn dropped sharply into a ditch along the road. The house was white and had a porch off of the front. The bottom of the porch was paneled with horizontal wood siding. I watched $X6 drink for a moment and noticed the writing at the edge of the puddle. It was scratched into the sandy soil. A woman was yelling at me from a window. She did not like the dog drinking from the puddle. I continued around the corner with $X6. We came to the bridge and i started to cross. I stopped for the brown station wagon to cross. $X6 went down under the bridge to get a drink of the stream water. The stream was rather shallow, and i could see the rounded rocks in it. To the left, on the other side of the bridge, was the back of a restaurant and part of a plaza. To the right, the stream ran up hill and into the woods.

11995 June 12

I entered the tall silvery-grey building from the lower level, but i could not get through it. The hallways were blocked off due to construction. The red striped signs said that they were removing asbestos. We walked back out the lower level of the building. $A19 and i walked under the grey plastic tarp, which hung over the small garden. It was raining outside, so we stayed there to keep dry. We dug a couple of holes in the ground and planted some small leafy plants. Their leaves were fuzzy and dark green, with deep purple at the center of the leaf. The construction was going to tear up the garden, however, so we had to find another place to put it. $A99 brought me into the building. He said that we could just walk through and nobody would care. Behind the large glass window on the landing above, i could see some business executives giving a tour. They were wearing white pin-striped shirts and orange hardhats. We walked into the back and started up the ramp and staircase toward the upper floor. There were warning signs on the walls. They all said “Danger Asbestos removal”. I tried to hold my breath as we walked through. We went through the metal fire door and up the stairs to the second floor. I walked out the front door of the building and round the quad. There were other buildings packed in tight around us. I turned around and tried to walk around the outside of the grey building that i had just come through. The grass ended in shrubs, beyond which was a wall and drop off to the level where i had been before. I started setting up the powdery-steel framework that would be the new garden.

We were sitting at the picnic table by the edge of the pond. $A35 was on the table because he was injured. We tried to pick him up to move him into the house, but the board he was on kept breaking. For a while, he became a heap of dirt. We dried to save him. Then i walked into the cottage. I heard a cracking sound so i looked out the window. I could see the people swimming in the pond, but the noise was coming from the rafters above me. I looked up at the unpainted boards on the underside of the roof. Then the noise was loud behind me. The rafters were cracking. I looked back to see a broken rafter sticking through the cross boards of the roof. Nuts were rolling out of it and a confused squirrel sat perched at the end. The two people to my left were confused as well.

I was sitting on the couch as the rest of $G3 milled around. The apartment was small, and the couch was covered with a roped slipcover of off white. I walked across the room and fell asleep in the chair next to the television. I woke up a little while later as everyone was leaving. I walked outside with the blanket around my shoulders. I was sick, but i wanted to see everybody off. As i walked down the stairs to the street, i heard my telephone ring. I walked back up and into the apartment, but the answering machine had already picked up, and the person hung up. I noticed that there was a message on the tape. I pressed play and this song came on. I liked it instantly. The chords were top bottom bounce chords, and it was about giving up everything or something new. I thought that $F10 must have sent it to me. It was great and i was excited to hear it. I quickly took the tape out of my answering machine and tried to get a recording of it on the tape deck. It was about leaving where you were and going someplace new. The main chorus was “i’ll never ever ever know”.

11995 June 14

I picked $A221 up from the mall. I got into the back of the car and noticed the CDs on the floor. One of them was the B-52’s Party Mix. I told $A221 that i thought that it was a good album. Then i looked over the receipt for the car. It had just been fixed. It was fixed for June 96, and cost two hundred and thirty-eight dollars. It seemed like a lot at the time. Then i put down the test. I was not answering any of the questions on it anyway. I got up and left the classroom. Everything in the school was being shut down. I quickly went down to the cafeteria of $P7 to get something to eat. I had an egg in my left hand. The egg had broken and i was carrying a glob of yellow gel. When i got to the table, i noticed that someone had torn all of my bread into small pieces. $A383 was sitting at the table, and he said that he did it. I was mad at him, and punched him in the arm. I picked up what bread was left whole and dipped it in the eggs. Then i walked into the kitchen. Some people were cleaning the stoves at the back of the kitchen. I went up to the ovens in the front of the kitchen and lit the burner on one of the rotaries. The rack started moving. $A255 was there and said that he had to clean the grills. I told him that i had to cook something to eat. He was upset that he was not able to do what he was supposed to. He started to cry, and i comforted him. He started to tell me how old he was getting. He said that he was eighty years old already, and he was still cooking in the cafeteria. I told him that he must be counting years in Leary years.

11995 June 15

I was driving up the road. There was a white car in front of me and a car behind me. I was about to turn around the corner onto $P99. The car in front of me slowed down but kept going straight. I turned and then pulled off to the side of the road. I wanted to let the other white car go by. It passed me but then slowed down in front of me. It wanted me to pass it so that it could follow me. I charged the car and forced it into the left lane. I yelled at the man inside and then took off. I went through the overgrown woods and then started over the hill. I stopped at the top of the steep hill that looked over the small hamlet. I saw a police car drive on the road below us. We were lucky to have chosen the right road. We might have ended up on the other side of the mountains. I looked at the map of the Himalayas, with India on the south section. I could see where the roads went. I then walked across the lobby of the building. I greeted the other businessmen. We then walked to the left side of the white brick fireplace and sat in the chairs in the back part of the room. The two people, whom we were interviewing, were sitting in chairs. Te furniture was covered with white fluffy material. Since both of them were trying to get the same position, we placed them next to each other. I did not want them to compete for the same position, but i thought that they could help each other out. I then looked over the map that my associate handed me. It was the same map of India i had before. It showed Arabia just on the other side of the mountains. There was a desert up there. There was a road that went up into the mountains, and wove back and forth coming out. There were yellow temple-door-shaped things on the map to mark the cities. I noticed one in Arabia, just on the other side of the mountain range. I imagined how beautiful it must be to drive down from the mountains and see nothing but the golden sand of the desert stretching out before you.

11995 June 16

$F4 was moving into a new house. His family was there, helping him. I looked at the building from the outside. It was a white country house on the right, with a rickety old barn attached on the left. The barn was unpainted and falling apart. It shook and swayed in the wind. I followed the movers into the new section of the house. The new section was well decorated. It was mostly white. There were flowers on the table, and everything was in its place. I was surprised at how big the house was. I followed everybody through the rooms. I noticed an opening to my left that was being used as a recreation room. There was a washing machine and dryer along the right wall. In the center of the room was a weight bench with weights on it. I thought that this would be a fun place to live. Then we crossed over into the older section of the house. I could see the uneven seam where the old barn attached to the new house. The room was swaying, and i could see the division between the two buildings open and close. We walked around the small wall and into $F4’s room. His family was there. We sat at the edge of the circular short wall, which had a bench around it. The large bed was in front of us like a table. I sat down and felt the way the building was shaking. Then i started to talk to $F4.

I was standing in the barn. I could see someone in the other building through the wood slats. The yellow television screen showed an old video game. We were playing it. $A438 was in front of the pad’s screen. There was a box, which contained the rough outline of a man. It was the person across the way. It was $A438. I kept shooting at him. I used the heavy missiles as well. $A438 kept getting hit. Then the game was over. $A438 got up and walked out of the building. He started talking about how dangerous i was with a gun, and how i just kept hitting him.

11995 June 17

I was walking on the sidewalk in front of my grandmother’s house. Everybody was outside planting the garden. There were waist-high plants on the curbside of the walk. A table was there also, made out of thrown together pieces of wood. It had high walls so that plants could be paced in it. There were several metal stakes on the ground. They were made out of dull aluminium. We were going to set up a canopy over the walk for the plants to grow on. Then the car pulled up at the curb. The people in the front started talking to us casually. I knew something was wrong, because i had seen this all before. The others from the car sneaked around back and kidnapped $K1’s friend. They threw her into the back of the trunk and started to drive on. I jumped on the hood of the car and smashed the windshield. It would be easier to find them that way.

I was in the car with the other two. We pulled out of the driveway and headed up the road. I then realized that the people we were leaving were not right. There was something wrong. The driver turned around and headed back down the other side of the boulevard. We looked in the large picture window as we drove past the house. We could see the entire crew inside, the lighting coming from behind them. I could see Dr. Crusher and Jordi in the window, but they were imposters. The real ones were with me. We were the same as the people in the window. We had to leave so that they would not be suspicious. They would come after us. We drove over the hill and toward the old factory complex. There was a dirt hill off to the right. The others went into the rusted light-blue building. I flew around, making sure it was safe. I then flew into the entrance bay of the building and sealed the doors. They would eventually find us here. We prepared the metal cage on the top level of the room. It was a thick metal cage, and had brown stuff inside as bait. I hoped that we would be safe. I was anxious. I walked around to the back of the building. In the back corridor, i could se Mr. Hands sneaking in through the fire edit door. I knew that he was a hired genetically bred assassin, but i did not pay any attention to him. I walked back out front with the other man. We knew that the monsters would be coming for us. Suddenly, i realized that the others were in the back room with Mr. Hands. They would be in trouble. We raced back to warn them, but it was too late. They were already being attacked by Mr. Hands, who had turned into a dark brown amorphous puddle. He was entangling them in his pseudopods.

11995 June 18

I was in Rhode Island. I was traveling the country, and had ended up it the capital city of Rhode Island. It was a glamourous old city. I stood on the terrace of the stone county building. I loved the architecture of the place. It was al old. The glass hallway i was standing in ran down the left side of the building. The glass was a green tint, and was cut in an art-deco fashion. As i walked, i could hear the echo of my voice down the hall. I kept humming different notes and waiting for the reply. I moved to the end of the hall to make sure that it was actually my echo that i was hearing. The right wall was white, with black doorways in it. The left and ceiling were a combination of glass and brassy metal. The metal was painted white in the center, and formed archways that bent from the right wall down to the floor on the left. The glass windows filled up the half-oval shapes between the arches. I soon realized that i was not hearing my echo at all. There was a theatre on the other side of the wall. The noise was coming from it. I walked back around to the upper level of the building, where i met my grandmother. We walked through the main section of the building, where the offices were. We walked through the office with the table in the center of it. I remembered being in here before. This was the room where the tests are given. There was a boy sitting at the table, taking a test. I told the woman in charge that i remembered all of this. There was a grey machine on the desk along the right wall. It could have been a microfilm machine. My grandmother and i left the office down the corridor between the two oak counters. We were in the car and driving down the road. I was inspired by the artistic scenery. On the hill we were driving by was a large fountain. It was almost a kilometer high. There was a man in the center with four pairs of horses at each of the four corners. I point it out to my grandmother, telling her how impressive it is. She does not get it. There are pink and blue lights cast upon the statues as we drive by. I complimented how great the architecture in the city was. Then i noticed that we had come to the newer part of the city. All of the old architecture was gone. All the buildings around us were very straight and featureless. It might have been due to that hurricane they had back in the thirties. Then there was a red light ahead. We rounded the city corner to see it. My grandmother pointed it out. I tried to stop in time, but i could not. I slid through the intersection ad finally came to rest in the drive of an office building. The building was burnt umber, and very plain, like a doctor’s office. I drove into the lot and turned around, passing several parked cars at the edge of the lot. It was night. As we drove out of the lot, we passed a woman in a white dress on the left of the road. She was knocked over by us. I stopped the car on the left turn of the intersection. I got out of the car and crossed the four lanes of relatively empty to see if she was all right. I recognized her. I had run into her before. I greeted her as an old friend. My grandmother was hesitant and unsure of her. She was heading back to the college campus, and i offered to take her up. I mentioned that we were going that way anyway. She agreed and we headed back for the car. She then asked me about the alcohol we had in the trunk. I told her that it was vodka and was not actually that good.

11995 June 19

The hotel had a large open front hall with many tiers on the upper levels. They all looked down over the entrance. I flew around from floor to floor. I had been in the hotel before, in a previous dream. It was decorated in bronze and white trim, which looked like art-deco shells. I flew down to the small back room where they had the salad bar set up. It was a dark-brown room and was rather plain in detail. I wanted to head out into the main section again, so i floated toward the crawlway that the waiters used. It was a small well lighted tunnel in the wall, and was about a metre and a half wide. I started to float through it when i noticed the small child coming the other way. She was an African girl, about a year old, and was wearing a pink shirt. I backed up and let her through. Then i went through myself. I flew upward, past the terrace and came to the roof. There was a terrace around the main restaurant on the roof. I landed on the terrace and looked around. There was no one on the roof. The building in front of me was white, with horizontal lines cut in the stone. To my left, i heard a noise. I looked to see some people practicing martial arts. The man in white threw his opponent off the side of the building. I decided i had better get inside. I walked through the Taco Bell entrance. It was tan sandstone and shaped like an arch. I walked inside the restaurant, where a dinner party was going on. My parents were both there, and they were dressed in formal attire. They were glad to see me, but they wished i had dressed for the occasion. My clothes were rather plain.

11995 June 20

I rode in the car down the road. The remote control was on, so i did not have to have my hands on the steering wheel. The car moved along with other traffic coming out of work. It was the IBM traffic. I was uneasy about letting the car navigate by itself through the traffic. I leaned back in my seat to relax. The car was a Cadillac. Eventually i took control of the car. The road had turned into a single lane, and we were starting to go through some woods. All features of the city i was just in disappeared. I was still following a few cars as the road turned to dirt. I made sure that my seat belt was on as i moved. Then all of the cars were gone, and i realized that i was in someone’s driveway. It was my grandparents’ house. It was an old board house. I turned around at the end of the drive and started to drive out. I could see the fresh wood side of the house, which was the porch room. There was a lilac tree by the edge of the house, and it was dark out. As i started to pass the house, my grandparents wanted me to come in. I was talking into the house. The house was strange, however. I kept wondering why the house was like it was. I did not remember it. My father’s mother wandered around in the sitting room, which was decoratively furnished. My grandfather explained the house to me. It was oddly designed. There was a red brick chimney in the center of the hall, at the corner of the sitting room. It had a black metal plate over it. My grandfather said that there were two bodies buried inside. They were supposed to be there from the previous owners. I looked around and noticed the black marble fire plate oat the other side of the hall. It was framed in wood. The furnace pipes went up the wall behind me, were the white tall board door to the kitchen stood open.

I met $F11 by the lean-to. We were at some trail head out in the forest. We started riding down the trail. The forest was bright and green, and the soil was sandy yellow. There were flat rocks along the ground. We followed the trail through the forest and then along the ridge. It was all very scenic. Then we came to the open area at the edge of the cliff. I started to head to the left. It was not the trail back, and i was unsure about taking it, but i was to have faith that it would work. $F11 wend back the other way, where he knew it was safe. I drove up the center of a gorge. The rocks were large, and i kept thinking how easily we were actually driving over them. As long as i had faith in god, i could walk along this other trail. It was far more scenic than the first. The dark-grey rocks and green plants were beautiful. Then i came out at a clearing through the woods. I got off of my bike just in time to see $F11 pull in from the other trail. He did not expect me to beat him there.

11995 June 21

I was in the car with the other people from $G3. We drove around the edge of $P73-like streets. We passed the building. It used to be $F11’s store, but it had been destroyed. We drove by it. It looked like a tractor-trailer that had been built out of wood, but was now collapsed. We drove a little way past, along the edge of the hill into the town, before we turned around. We headed back to the shop. We had to rebuild the shop. It was finished, but became portable. It was moved to a new location. We stood around the new room. It was rather large, and we were all staying there. There were a couple of couches in the room, and a few white posters on the walls. The walls were dark-brown wood. I wanted to get out. I found an unlocked door on the left side of the room. I opened it and escaped. I ended up in the hall. I turned right and watched myself walk to the bathroom. It felt strange to be walking down the hall toward the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom. There was a large shower room at the back of the bathroom, which was separated by a pinkish marble dividing wall. I walked over to the left wall with my towel in hand. Two younger men walked out of eth shower room and in front of me. I paused to avoid bumping into them. Then i went up to the urinal and urinated. I looked out the window behind the house and saw a large field running up the hill. It as freshly plowed and i could see $A196 and another boy walking over it. They were making sure it was planted. The boy was dressed in blue overalls and a blue hat. He had a yellow shirt underneath. Then i noticed the body at the front edge of the field. It was a broken robot lying on the edge of the field. I started for the brick-red body; the boy also noticed the body. The body was a duplicate, and was mode of real flesh. It was a robot, and was broken, so i decided to simulate it. I stepped into the kitchen and started to get food. The bad guys were watching me, so i had to act like the robot. The other robot continued unpacking food from the tin heat carts. I pulled small plastic containers of rice and instant dinners out of the cupboard. One of the bad guys walked behind me and questioned the other robot. He wanted to know if we were really robots. I ignored him and continued fixing the meal. I had to wait for a good time to escape. I walked over to the store in the wall and opened the small oven. There was no rack in it. That was rather inconvenient, but the instant pizza i was cooking would not even fit in the oven. The bag guys were watching. I heard their names as they spoke. They were Rod Serling and $A435.

11995 June 22

$G3 were gathering in the back hall of $P19. They were all collecting to do something. $A29 was there, but he left do to something. I hung around with them to find out what was going on. $A103 told me that i could not go with them. He did not trust me, and told me that i was not ready for such things. He acted like i was not mature enough to handle it. I was upset and disappointed. I felt really bad that no one could trust me.

11995 June 23

I walked down the sidewalk on the south side of $P33. I saw a bird’s nest on top of a wooden post, just off the walk. As i walked by, the blue jay in the nest stood up and leaned forward. She was protecting the nest. I expected her to fly away, but she just stood there. There was another bird on the short cement wall right behind her. I wondered if they would attack me as i walked by. They did not. I passed and nothing happened. I was in the room when my grandmother walked in. She wanted to ride to $P119. She had wandered in from the other room in her blue jacket and dress to ask me if i could give her a ride. I said that i could, and went out into the hall to get my jacket. There were many coats hanging on the peg hooks. My jacket was the brown leather one. I continued across the hall fro my room to the bathroom. I should shower and dress. As i walked in, $A450 was walking out. She was brushing her teeth. It was a dorm bathroom. She walked out, and i closed the door behind me. There was a sink to the left of the old dark-painted wooden door. The shower was on the left wall and the toilet stall was behind me. I locked the door, including the lock all the way at the top edge of the door. The person in change of the dorm was coming around, however, and had keys to all of the doors. She opened the bathroom and came in. She went into the toilet stall and closed the door. She then said that there was no toiled paper in the stall. I noticed that there was a large stack by the wall of the shower.

11995 June 25

I was in the garage. The people were getting run outside. I had a cut on my eye, which was bandaged with white gauze and tape. I would not be able to run with the rest of the people as they were heading out in the race. The rest of the runners took off down the driveway as i left the garage. I was disappointed to see the last of them disappear down the road. $A46 was in the driveway watching the racers go. I wanted to go out on my bicycle and watch them from the end of the dirt road. I thought i could watch them rum by at the top edge of the complex and then ride back to the other side of the block and watch them pass again. I was upset that i could not even do that. My knee was hurt too bad to bike with. I pushed the bike up into the garage and parked it against the left wall.

I walked out of the back of the old run-down factory. There was something moving in the clear blue sky above. The walls of the factory were dirty white, with streaks of black and rust running down from the roof. $A431 was there. She walked around her blue beetle and looked up into the sky with me. There was a jet plane fling overhead. It was carrying bombs. There was an old decrepit shed behind the factory, and a crumbling parking area. The planes were signaling the end of the world. I had to get on the bus to go some place else. All of the young children were being collected and placed on the bus. They were to be taken someplace else. They would be the new hope, and had to be brought some place special. We would all be shipped to the shelters. I saw the children being herded along by what looked like a nun as i got on the bus. We drove of down the road. I watched the large orange rocks at the edge of the highway go by. The road ahead turned into a railway track. The car ahead of us got caught on the edge of the track and flipped over. It looked like an off-road buggy. We did not stop to see if it was all right. We made the transition to the tracks smoothly and just kept going. Soon were drove through the center street of the old town. Everything seemed old fashioned, like it was the thirties or fourties. There were children in bright blue and silver costumes hanging from the trees. They were all hanging upside down, and i thought that they looked sort of like elves. There must have been a festival going on. There were even white lights blinking in the trees, and all of the boys were smiling and talking. My mother wanted to change places on the bus. She no longer felt comfortable in the seat she was in. I looked around and saw some other parents with their children. In the back of the bus sat a young girl with straight blond hair. Her face was dirty, and her clothes were ragged. I told my mother that i did not think that anyone would want to switch with us. They would not really want to move.

11995 June 26

There were two boys in the back room of my parents’ house. They were fooling around, making noise. I ushered them out of the house and then went up the stairs. I sat down on the bed and started playing my guitar. I was playing slow arpeggios. My father stirred from the bed nearby. I had woken him up. I apologized and put the guitar down.

11995 June 27

There were several young girls jumping around on the bed in the apartment. They were laughing and giggling. I ignored them as i walked into the other room. $F14 entered the house. She was upset that the girls were there. I walked out into the dining area of the restaurant and stood by one of the many bare round tables. The man across from me had a wasp nest in his hands. It contained several eggs. There were three types of eggs in the nest. He broke the small nest open and a yellow yolk dripped out onto the plate. That was one type of egg. The other dropped out in a large round glossy sphere, with black yolks in the center. The third came out in small white pellets. In a little while, the pellets started to hatch. The wasps started to fly around the restaurant. People started swinging at them and fleeing from the room.

$F11 was at the bar that night. I was going to meet him later. I was staying at $F1’s house, in the bedroom. $A425 was asleep on the large bed, and i rested on the floor. The room was very dark. I had to awake up later and go to the new year’s eve celebration at the bar. I kept waking up and wondering whether it was time to leave yet. Finally, i woke up. It was late enough, and i had to go. I looked at the clock. It was an analogue clock, and said it was a little before ten after two in the morning. $A425 or $A451 was curious to see me go. I collected my things. There was a celebration just down the road.

11995 June 28

I rode by bicycle down the dirt road. There were a lot of trees in the wooded lot, and several houses dispersed between. There was a stream to my left. I was looking for house number fourty. I followed the trail all the way to the end, looking for numbers on the yellow and the white houses. I could not find number fourty. I turned around and headed down the back road. I still could not find the house. I stopped at one of the houses and knocked on the door. A woman answered. I asked her if she knew where house number fourty was. She stepped out of her door and led me around the side of her house. It must have been an apartment in this building. We walked through the narrow hall and then into the small room. The walls were all off yellow. There was a bed against the back wall, and some furnishings around the room. Nobody lived there. There was a small shower at the back of the room. This was not the room for which i was looking. We walked out of the room and back down the hall. To the right, at the main corridor, was a small shop. It was closed, but would be open when the flea market reopened. I recognized the place. I had been to the counter before. It sold crafts.

We were walking through the pasture, checking the fence wire. The brown cows were wandering off to our right. The electricity was turned off on the fence, so we had to be cautious that the animals did not get out. We walked down the corridor between the two fields. There was a road ahead of us.

I was in the back of the bus, talking to the people. It was a school bus. There were two boys in the seat behind me. I was talking to them. They wrestled with each other periodically while talking to me.

11995 June 29

I was in the elementary school, sitting in the classroom. I was board. I thought that this part of my life should be over, but yet i was back again. I was out of place. I got up from the cafeteria and walked toward the back of the building. The cafeteria was partly below ground level, and had an exit out the back. I walked through the exit, up the old stairs, and out the back door. The stairs were painted-red stone, with metal railings in a curled decorative fashion. I was in an alley behind the school, and started to walk out toward the street. There was a green dumpster to my left, next to the dull-red brick face of the school. I recognized something a couple of steps behind me so i stopped and backed up. To the left of the dumpster was a window. I walked back down the stairs, which led into the pavement, and looked into the window. I could see $F4 sitting in class. I thought that it was $A306’s class. I laid down on the bed and watched television. $A24 and $A56 were on the couch along the other wall of the room. They were wrestling with each other. The couch they were on had a square shape, with a flat armless seat and a blue ribbed cloth. Someone on the couch next to me made a comment about them having sex on the bed. It was a joke. $A189 was sitting next to me. He tried to remember the name of the people who were wrestling. I told him. I sat there for a few more minutes before i got board. I was not enjoying the company. I leaned back and left through the window. I ended up in the kitchen. I noticed some ants on the floor. There were only a couple, and i noticed that they were moving in sequence. They all would pause at the same time and continue. Then there were more ants on the dirty floor. They kept moving in patterns. I tried to recognize what the patterns were. Then i lifted up the cardboard box in front of the doorway. There were many ants under it, and they all started to scatter. A man walked into the door of the room and walked over to the counter and refrigerator to my left. He was very big and looked rather attractive. He was one of the new people trying to join $G3.

11995 June 30

My mother had left the room already, so i started playing with the lights. The other people were there from the other room. They were going to get a divorce. The police officer started questioning me. He wanted to know about the murder. It could have something to do with the divorce. I went outside to talk with some people. There was a mattress against the wall to my left. It was white with pink stripes. We walked through the garden toward the pool. There was a fence around the outside of the pool and the dog wanted to get out. The swim team walked past. I watched them as they came in. They were all very athletic and pretty. Then i heard the telephone ringing. It was $F11 calling me. I ran back into the house to try to catch it. It stopped ringing just as i got there.