11996 June 02

I was on the airplane. The cabin was rather wide, and was filled with blue chairs. I was sitting in a seat on the right side of the plane. There were five or six chairs in the row. There was a narrow aisle to the left, with two chairs on the apposite side. The white wall of the aircraft was only a few rows behind us, and there was a square wall in the outside edge of the seats in font of us. My father was in the seat next to me, but he had left. Someone else took his seat. I protested, but no one was listening. I did not think that they understood me. I had to leave for a minute. I left my blue running jacket on the chair and walked down the aisle. I had to get off of the airplane. I was really upset. I did not want to go back home. I did not feel right. New York was not where i should be. I got off of the airplane and walked down the white cement path between the metal railings. The railings were white as well and had thin round banisters. I walked away from the terminal, down the grassy hill. The grass was bright green, and there were people relaxing on it in the sunshine. I wanted to stay in the city. I wanted to stay in Roma. I started to cry. I did not know what to do, but i felt very upset. I looked back at the terminal. I could see the blue airplanes lined up under the roof of the building. They were blue, with white heads. The bodies were very close together, as if the airplanes had no wings. They were also slanted toward me, staggered slightly so that i could see down the row. I turned and walked down the hill. I felt very upset.

11996 June 03

I was walking down the side of the campus from the football stadium. I was on $P148. There was on atomic reactor on campus, and it was about to blow up. I was walking with the rest of the people from the stadium. We had to get away. Then there was a very bright light over the campus. The bomb had gone off. It ruined graduation. I jumped behind the small white building. I had to hide from the wind. There was a white picket fence running from the house along the road. The fence got pulled up from the strong wind. I had to get away. I ran down the road. The other people were running in the same direction. There was as small white shop with white walls and a large window in front. It was near $P145. There were yellow and white striped drapes in the window. There were cars parked on the dark gravel parking lot around the shop. People were getting in the cars and trying to drive away.

11996 June 04

I walked across the campus of the university. I was wearing by backpack. I walked past the low dark coloured buildings. The campus sloped down to my left, just past the line of trees. The city was farther down the hill. There was a small section of the quadrangle blocked off ahead. I turned left and walked down the outside of the quadrangle, on the outside of the buildings. I noticed that there were british guards securing the area. It seemed strange. I wondered if they would stop me. I felt confident that i could get past. One of the guards stopped me. I was rather annoyed. I told him that i worked here and that i should pass. He let me by. I wondered why there were british guards here. His was not Brittan. They should have no authority here .I walked into the quadrangle. There was a flat-faced building to my left, and the end of the quad. It had narrow column stripes, like one of the university buildings. There was yellow police fencing up around the outside of the quad. The officials were worried that someone would sabotage their plans. Some people were setting up equipment atop the building to my left. I had to go to the building directly ahead, which was set a little bit off of the quad. The people were setting up fireworks on top of the building. There was going to be a show tonight, and the guards did not want anyone to sabotage it. There were airplanes flying overhead. They were writing words on the sky. I looked up at the words. I noticed that the letters were very sharp and distinct. I wondered how they came out so clear. The white designs had print-perfect outlines. I continued toward the building. The atmosphere in the quad was both excited and tense as people set up. I was moody and walked to my office. There were queues to several of the buildings. I passed them and went into the building. I went up into the tower. At the end of the hall, i could see out over the quad. There was no window. The hall just ended outside. I could see the jet planes flying overhead. They were shooting fireworks out of their tails. A bright red starburst went off as one of the planes passed on the rich blue daytime sky. I spoke to the man on the lift. I wanted to fly. I was anxious to do something. I asked the man to give me mobeus. That was a pair of morphing wings. They could reshape to match my flying. The man said no. I told him that i wanted the wings, but he simply said that he would not let me have them. I was enraged. I started choking him in anger. He did not resist, but still said no.

I carried the basket of clothes to my seat on the left wall of the bus. I stood up and placed the basket on the bench, and then i continued down the center aisle. I looked out the window. I could see the street in front of my parents’ house. I was on the second floor of my parents’ house and something was wrong out front. I looked out to the road and could see a man out front. He was moving furniture out of the house and out onto the lawn. He should not have been moving the furniture. There was something very wrong with what he was doing. He was a dangerous man. I quietly went back into the main bedroom and dialed the telephone. I called 911 for help. There was no one on the telephone. I ran down stairs and hid in the back room. I dialed the portable phone so that i could move around with it. I dialed 911 again and waited for an answer. I hid behind the chair. Hen the man came into the room. I had to stay quiet so that he would not hear me. He knew that i was there, however, and wanted to know what i was doing. He would not leave me alone so that i could speak to the police. I heard the police pick up on the other end of the telephone, but i could not say anything. I yelled at the man to leave the room. I was mad at him for constantly bothering me. He seemed like my grandfather. He was upset and walked out of the room. I listened to the phone again, but the police had already hung up. I put the phone down and looked for the portable phone. I could roam around with it where he could not follow me. I could not find the portable phone. I ran upstairs to the front bedroom. There was a yellow phone book on the dresser by the phone. I was going to try calling the police again, but the man came in. He was suspicious of me. I yelled at him to leave me alone.

11996 June 05

I stood in front of the campground. The grass of the lawn was rugged and scraggly, with granite rocks showing through from place to place. There was an open lawn before me, with dirt paths leading to the rundown white cabin. The place was an old scout camp. The buildings were dull white. There was a tall thin flagpole on the left side of the lawn.

I was in a science class at $P7. I had to urinate. Someone had already done so in a beaker.

I was in the front seat of the car. We were driving through the curving roads of a suburban neighbourhood. My mother sat in the back seat of the car. She was holding a cactus in her lap. It was a small plant, with large roots crawling across the soil. I asked her if she know what kind of cactus she had. She said that she did not. I told her that it was a drug cactus. It was the kind they ate for a psychedelic high. She would need to transplant it, thought. It was getting too big of the pot she had it in.

11996 June 10

I walked into the door of the long rectangular apartment. $F13 was there. I walked through the hall of the building. The back door to the apartment was left open. I sneaked in. Nobody was home at the time, and the place seemed strangely quiet. The room was long and narrow, and had furnishings along the walls. There was a fire in the building. I pretended that i did not see the large cubical structure burning. I kept walking around the apartment. I did not care about the fire. I thought about simply teleporting out of the building. I could be safe. Then the firefighter came in to rescue me and the other person. I suspected that this was what he was doing. I thought that i would simply grab him and teleport him to safety. I floated over the small creek in the middle of the forest. I thought that the people at the ire would be surprised to find that i disappeared. I floated down the trail, sailing through the autumn forest. Then i came out into the field of tall green field grass. I was in the park with the others. It was a flat open park, with heavy swampy forest beyond the edges of the openings. The air was humid. There were grass and reeds by the edges of the swampy water. Other bayou-type growth extended out into the shallow water. We walked through the large arch of the park gate .It was cast metal and painted black. I looked up and could see large water birds soaring overhead. I flew out over the water. The entire landscape was flat. Then i saw two birds taking off from the water. Their legs were tied together with white plastic. I realized that it must have been man-made pollution. They flew off. I approached them from behind and realized that they had six-pack ties around their legs. There was a can of Coors still left in the rings. The birds must have been carrying the beer to drink. I thought that it was pollution nonetheless. I flew down the river and over the bare grey trees. The area below was a swampy river. I flew up the inlet.

I was in my grandmother’s kitchen. I looked up on the ceiling and noticed a very large spider. I was frightened and ran out of the front end of the kitchen. I came back in from the other side. I tried to look for the spider, but i could not see it. My mother came in the front door. She looked over the ceiling, looking for the spider. She looked up over the cabinets on the end wall. There was a ceiling tile open in the corner of the ceiling. She did not see the spider. I told her to be careful because the spider might bite. The spider then walked by in the center of the ceiling. My mother did not see it. Then a large bee buzzed across the ceiling of the room.

11996 June 11

I was in the outskirts of the city. I moved down the street between the small city blocks. Some of the blocks had low one-level houses on them, but most were just grass. It was dark out. I drove around the end of the small town. The street was lined with tall stone buildings. The street was narrow, and there was little room for walking. The hotel was set back into the face of the street. There was a decorative cinderblock structure blocking the small circular drive from the view of the street. There were pine bushes around the front of the hotel, and the place was well lighted with spotlights. The rest of the street seemed dark. There was a canopy over the entrance that was circularly arched from side to side. Something on the front seemed to be dull yellow behind the green plants. I was in a foreign land. The white cinderblock barrier was tiled with flower-shaped blocks that you could see through. Something seemed very suspicious here. I felt strange about being in a foreign country. There was a secret i had to keep. I ran up the stairs in the hotel. They were carpeted with a dense red carpet. I stopped to talk to the man. He told me something secretive. It was important information. Then i noticed that someone else was listening in. There was a spy nearby. He was hiding in the shadows of an alcove at the bottom of the stairs. He was in the outside entrance hall of the hotel. We were not safe here. We knew too much, and someone would be after us. I ran away. They were running an insurance scam, and no one knew about it. It was very secretive information. I moved down the city blocks. They seemed filled with ruins of old stone houses and shacks. I looked into the side of one of the houses as i passed. Coffins were pushing up through the ground. They were coming up head first, and the bodies were hanging out. It was a disaster. It had something to do with the insurance scam. Everything was falling apart. Other coffins pushed up in various places around the ruins. I had to get away before they found out what i knew about the scam. The people would not like this mess.

11996 June 12

I was swimming in the pool. There were others along the right side of the pool. There was a large group there. I swam laps back and forth across one edge of the pool. I thought that it was easy to do laps. The others gave up and rested. I was having no difficulty doing the laps. The instructor walked along the edge of the pool. She reminded up of the tournament coming up. Then she said that we had better finish up because she had to pull the plug soon. I joked about the little rubber plug.

11996 June 13

$G3 was having a reunion. I walked into the living room of $P19. There were people there that i knew. They were sitting around the edges of the room in the red sofas. $F14 was there. I was really not in the mood to talk to anyone, so i wandered back into the other room. I felt uncomfortable in the group with everybody there. I was hungry and looked around for food. $A403 asked if i needed anything. I mentioned Pop-Tarts. I would have liked to have one, but i did not really want to go to the store. My mother walked across my room. She liked the new room. She thought that it was much nicer than my old room at the apartment in $P10. I waked to the basement of $P19. My mother was in my room. I was moving into the large white room in the basement. She picked up my housecoat from the floor and tossed it into the closet. It was my brown terrycloth housecoat. She was cleaning up things. I was annoyed that things were not how i had left them. I wondered here she got all of my clothes from. I remembered that i had moved down from room ten. My clothes were still in the boxes. $A266 was moving into room ten. I had to get out, but i had the large basement room to myself. The room would not be good when $G3 was having their parties, however. My room was where they usually set up the dance floor. I could hide in the bedroom just off to the left, but i would still be able to hear the noise. $A82 came into the room. He came from the party.

11996 June 15

I was driving with my mother when my father pulled up in the station wagon. He was drunk. I would have to drive his car. I looked at the maps to see if i could find a road back home. I had two different maps in the car. The one in my hand was not as detailed as the larger map. It only showed the outlines of the main roads in light-blue ink. The others had all of the small roads. I looked at them both, but i did not know where to go.

I was in a small courtyard. There were rectangular marble slab benches arranged in what seemed to be rather random fashion. There was a fountain, which sprayed water casually up into the air. The benches circled it. There were marble tiles along the ground. This was a place of power. I could feel the energy in the stones as i moved across the courtyard. I could not see them glowing, but i sensed it anyway. I walked away from the fountain. A thin layer of water covered the ground. It was about three decis deep. There were uneven blocks of marble under the water. They had square edges, but lie in random arrangements. Some poked through the surface of the liquid. They were all less than a metre long, and were about five to six decis square on the sides. To my right, people were camping by the side of the water. Then the lights came on. The water was illuminated dull yellow. The energy was rising. I became excited. I walked faster over the water. I noticed that the others were standing up and moving about as well. I asked them to clear the area. “Please clear the area; the energy is coming up.”

I walked down the street in the center of town. I was in the main square. There were bums hanging around. Something was happening. There was a cameraman there. He interviewed $A77. There were arguments in the crowd. They were watching the bums. I wondered why they were spying on the bums. I leaned back against the stone wall of the building. $A178 sat next to me. He leaned his head on my shoulder. He was to my left. I looked across the alley and up at the sky. I could see the stars. I watched them.

11996 June 17

I went out to the edge of the parking lot where the car was parked. It was a large tan Cadillac, and it was parked in the last slot at the edge of an island of slots in the lot. I noticed that the lights had been left on. There was snow on the ground: about four or five decis. I started to blush off the car when i noticed that someone was standing behind the pine trees at the exit to the lot. It was just to my left. I was worried that this person was watching me. Then i noticed that i had left the trunk open. I was not sure if i had done it or whether someone had been in the car. I closed the trunk and got into the car. I tried to speed away from the lot, but there was too much snow on the ground. I plowed a pile out of the lot and into the small drive that ran parallel to the lot. There were pine trees on both sides of the drive. I got out and looked at the situation. I told my mother about the lights in the car being left on. I told her that the car started anyway, so it was not really a problem. We got in and started to drive away. I backed up onto $P1. People were walking along the sides of the road. I tried to stop the car as it approached the intersection, but the brakes did not work that well. The car rolled into the intersection. The car was too heavy for the brakes, so i could not stop in time. I drove on down the highway, but i did not want to drive anymore. It was too dangerous.

11996 June 19

I wandered around the campus. There was a crowd by the bookstore. People were gathered after graduation. I gazed into the crowd as i walked by. There was a red-haired boy there. I had seen him before. I kept running into him. There was something special about him. I walked by and into $P69. There was a swing set in the side of the quadrangle. It faced west, and sat about where the edge of $P152 was. I sat on the swings and started thinking. There was music playing from somewhere. I listened to it. Someone else came into the quad and sat on one of the other swing sets. The other swing was longer and higher from the ground tan mine. The music that was playing was R.E.M. It was “Losing My Religion”. I swung on the swing and pretended that i was singing the song. Then i looked behind me. The crowd was starting to come into $P69. I started to wonder if the swings were a same-sex meeting place. The people gathered in the quad. I walked over and sat by the wall. It was a grey stone wall, and looked somewhat like the ruins of a building. There was a room with a stone floor. The outside two walls were only a metre or so tall. The inside two were full height. There was a window in the one facing the crowd. The window was framed with white stone. Through the window i could see the red-haired man. He was standing with a couple other people that i knew. They were all facing away and to my left, at the main event. I was interested in the red-haired boy. There was something special about him. I tried not to stare at him, because i did not want to seem like i was watching him. I moved the metal railing that was leaning up against the wall. I did not want to knock it over as i sat there. $A35 was one of the other people near the red-haired boy. I sat on the small ledge by the end wall. I looked out onto $P69. I could see the police walking by. The crowd from the store must have finished up over there. They were making comments that it was good. I stood up. I looked at the metal railing that was leaning up against the wall. I decided to move it to the ground so that it would not fall. At first, i thought that it must be part of a handrail for some stairs, but then i decided that it was part of the old trolley tracks. Then the people from the other side of the wall started to disperse. The people i knew came around the wall and started talking to me. The other person came over as well. He talked to my friends, but looked at me periodically. They talked about going to have their lunch at Tollivers. It was a burger place just off of campus. I did not know what to think. I kept thinking about the red-haired boy. Were we supposed to meet? It seemed very strange to be with him.

11996 June 20

I was with the emergency workers. The police brought in the young boy. He was under arrest, but the emergency workers had to check the boy out first. The emergency workers brought his file upstairs. I watched the nurse as she brought the file up the narrow stairway and down the dull-yellow hall. She was looking for the overnight people. The regular people would have to leave for the day, and she had to turn over the case to someone else. She handed the files to the emergency workers at the end of the hall. The nurse in a white gown and hat looked over the file. They pointed out the boy’s problems. The nurse shook her head in disbelief. She was shocked.

I crossed the small scream over the ice. It was winter out, and it seemed like someplace near $P51. I followed the rocky shore around the edge of the water as it curved along the back side of the frozen pond. I was carrying bottles. I came to a crest where the outlet for the pond was located. The ice bridge was broken. Only a short jut protruded from the mound i was walking along. I turned and headed back along the shore. There was a short drop off around the water with an old twisted tree on the top. I was having difficulty climbing back up the rocks. It was hard to keep my balance. I let the bottles roll down the other side of the rock so that i could climb up. There were other bottles already on the kitchen floor. I was in the house across the lawn from the pond. I picked up the empty beer cans from the floor. There were also a couple of cinder bottles. The kitchen was very nice. It was clean and new. I turned the lights off with the switch over the counter. I did not want people to know that i was in the house. It was supposed to be empty. I walked into the back room and dimmed the light there. Then i noticed that the kitchen light was on. I went back into the kitchen and turned off the light again. I wondered if there were people outside. Someone was turning on the lights. The kitchen light was on again. I looked at the windows to see if i could see anybody, but it was too dark outside. I wanted to hide from view. I could not let anyone see me.

11996 June 22

I rode my bicycle down Main Street in $P3. There were police wandering around in front of some of the stores. There had been a knife attack earlier. $A458 was wandering around. Several of the on-lookers were in white button-up shirts. The police were wearing blue shirts with short sleeves. The police watched the canes i had in my hand as i passed. They were suspicious. They talked about the incident as i walked by. I went into the store. $A82 and $F30 were there. They were talking about $A119’s ex-wife. It was an interesting story. Then $F30 mentioned that he had gotten a divorce.

11996 June 23

I was in the corridors of the Monastery. $Z was with me. We were breaking into the secret room in the basement. I was nervous that we would be found. We had come here before. We had stolen the mummy wraps from the large chest along the wall. $Z opened on of the red and gold chests and pulled some stuff out. I looked out the window. The street was just level with the middle of the window. There were green shrubs just on the other side of the small one-lane drive. All of the sudden, a gold cart speeded by. I backed up a little in surprise. It was a couple of security officers. I wondered if they saw me. I was starting to worry that we might get caught. I watched the window for a moment. Then the golf cart came back from the other direction. It stopped in front of the window and the two officers in the grayish-blue jackets looked at us. We ran out of the room and down the damp stone corridor. We had to find the gates to the outside. We came to the exit corridor and looked down. The corridor was dark and made of stone. It sloped downward toward the outside gate. We could see two monks in dark robes standing at the other end of the corridor where the sunlight came in. We would not be able to get out that way. I thought of the last time we were here. We sneaked out the window of the mummy room then. We had hid our stuff and came for it later. We could try that again. We ran down the corridor, but we went the wrong way. We ended up in a modern section of the building. The walls were plain white, and it looked like the corridor of a hotel. Here were end tables and plants along the walls to give it atmosphere. We thought about how to escape. We tried several doors in the corridor, but they were all locked. I opened up a small vent in the side wall. The cover was low to the ground, and formed a white dome over the opening. The air came in around the sides of the dome. The cover was made out of a textured plastic. I could hide our stuff in the vent for now. I ran back down the corridor toward the main section of the building. I slowed to a walk as i noticed people coming. I had to act naturally. The other people walked by. I saw some nurses making their way cross the lounge. I crossed the lounge toward them and walked to the left of the coffee table in the center of the room. They passed on the other side, between the table and the dark-blue padded leather couch. I caught my sleeve on some dry flowers that were sitting on the table. I stopped and pulled the flowers loose from my sleeve. I wandered out of the lobby and down the corridor at the other end, toward the old section of the building. I came to an open chamber with arches around the wall and a dome-arch ceiling. The walls were made of stone. I wandered down some other old stone corridors and back out into a joining chamber. The others were with me. We talked about the old place for a moment. Then we turned left and headed down the long narrow alley. The roof was gone, and we were outside. It was the real exit to the monastery. There was a smooth stone wall to the left, which was the foundation of the building, and a rough stone wall to the right. We came out onto a sidewalk, which followed the wall to the right. A drive went along the left. I walked along the outside edge of the sidewalk with the others. I passed around the trees that were planted in the gratings in the edge of the sidewalk. We started down the hill toward the main gates of the monastery grounds and toward the town below. My mother and grandmother were with me. I saw some of the monks wandering down the hill. They were wearing grey cloaks. There were paint stains all over the robes of yellow and red. The monk i was watching had various colours smeared on his robe. The monks here were artists. They came to this monastery as an artistic retreat. I thought about art. I should take up painting again. I started to jog down the hill. There were granite blocks along the curb i followed. I started to fly. I was careful to avoid the power lines that stretched across the road. I thought about roaring out over the valley. I watched my shadow on the road below. I was happy and excited.

11996 June 24

I was out walking with $F12 and $F24. We were at $F12’s college. He was taking a new gym class this summer. It was a survival course in the woods. It sounded really fun, and i really wanted to be with him. He was excited about it and explained it to me. I looked at him and noticed how much he has changed. I did not really recognize him anymore. I really wanted to be with him.

11996 June 25

I was in the train station as people started loading the train. I wandered the platform. I did not know which train car to get onto. Many of the cars were crowded. I went into the front car. I sat in one of the seats, but an austral couple came on. There were only two more seats left, and they were not together. One was near me, so i asked the woman if she would like my seat. She sat in front with her husband, and i moved to the middle of the car. The train started to move. I watched the streets go by out the window. I noticed men stepping out of the way of the train as i passed. I looked to the ground, but i could not see any tracks. I wondered if we were on a train or a bus. Then the woman net to me started talking to me. She was really annoying. She was known to be a little psychotic. She started showing me pictures from her photo album. They were pictures of baseball players. She kept telling me that they were pictures of other things. I kept looking at the baseball team on the picture, but did not correct her.

11996 June 26

I was in the house at night. I could see the tree outside on the small hill, in front of the house. There was a raccoon in the tree. The bear on the ground kept shaking the tree. The grizzly bear was trying to get the raccoon out of the tree. The bear kept shaking the tree in steady regular pushes, but the tiger held on tightly. Then i heard the news report about the bear. It reported that two bears were having sex. I could see the one bear pushing into the other. I hid below the window. I could not let the bears see me. It would be very dangerous. The announcers on the news report were giving a play-by-play account of what the bars were up to. I could not be seen in the window or the bears would get really upset. Then the announcers said that the event was over. I peeked out the window. There were a couple of bear cubs running around on the lawn. I quickly ran up the stairs on the right side of the room. The radio people were at the head of the stairs, wrapping up after their report. I hit the bell at the edge of the stairs as i passed, running by the announcer. I walked nervously around the upper room. I did not quite feel safe. Then i saw the bear cubs come running into the house. The mother bear was following. We ran away from them. I ran up the stairs, closing the hallway doors behind me. The cubs ran left, into the bathroom. I closed the door and locked them in. Then i closed the door at the top of the stairs so that the mother bear could not get in. I quickly ran up the stairs before the mother could break down the door. She would go after her cubs and not know that i ran up the stairs away from her. I would hide upstairs.

11996 June 28

I parked the Honda on the side of the old country road. Three was a creek nearby. The bus was coming down the road, so i would have to go. I could fly. I looked out over the field and could see the white farmhouse on the other side of the hill. It was not far. I started to fly over the buildings to the house, but there were too many power lines. I would have to stay low to the ground. I crossed the large field and headed toward the tall buildings. There was a dog at the entrance of one of the buildings. He watched me as i flew into the building. The building was tall, hotel like, and tan with pinkish decoration. It reminded me of an old hotel from Florida. I flew into the corridor of the building. I crossed the long hall that ran the width of the building and headed toward the front. This place was an apartment complex. The halls were open to the outside air at the ends, and had a pinkish-red carpeting of very short weave. I hovered over the stairwell that descended to the main street level. It had a wall of hazed-glass tiles that curved around the intermediate landing. I followed the stairs down and headed for the front exit. There was a wind blowing through the building. I came out in front of the building. A block wall stood to the right of the door. It was tan, like the building, and had flower-cut blocks on it. The wind pushed me out the front door and into the narrow city street. I flew down the street to the right. The street was wide and open, with many low buildings. I thought about how i would get back from where i came. I would have to fly over the city and head for the church. The tall reddish towers of the church could easily be seen in the air. I flew into a small alley and headed for the street on the other side. The wind pushed me all at once out onto the other street. I walked out into the street and around the corner to the right. I could see other people walking down the street. I was some kind of vigilante. The others walking down the street looked at me. They were suspicious, but did not know who i was. I quickly walked into the other room to change my clothes. Then a man came by. He was looking for the vigilante. He said that the vigilante could be “experienced”. I knew that i had psychic ability. Another person came in. The other person talked to me. I quieted him and took my things to leave. I got dressed and went out on the road. There was a group of people gathered on the sidewalk. They were petting a dog. $F16 and $A35 were with them. The others were younger women. They were quite attractive. One was wearing a bright-yellow and black minidress. $A35 teased the others. I watched them. The woman kissed the dog, and $A35 joked about it. Then the women had to leave. The dogs would go with tem. The tall thin woman picked up the dog and held it over her shoulder. $A35 thought that the dog must be very lucky. We watched the women walk away, down the city street. There was a short cement wall on the inside of the sidewalk.

11996 June 30

It was the new Star Wars movie. It was going to be a series of three again. The princess was younger this time. The girl looked Italian to me. We had to escape from the building. We ran out of the small crowded room and across the grassy lawn behind the school. The others had rolled out a long yellow roll of material from the building. The roll went out the window and unrolled across the lawn. The princess escaped from the building. She looked like a young Rosie O’Donnell. She grabbed the golden roll and collected some of the length in her arms. She had to escape with the roll. It was a form of money. She got wrapped up in the gold cloth and pulled at it. The other end was still attached inside the building. She broke the cloth and escaped across the lawn, toward the low rod of shrubs. Rosie wanted her back. The princess rounded the corner of the building, where she ran into the young Han. They needed to escape. Then the sentinels came. Han and the princess ran around the front of the building. The sentinels fired their weapons. Someone said that the princess would be destroyed. She hid around the front corner of the building. The sentinel could not fire through the rock of the building. They kept running. I hid inside the recess of the front door of the building. The princess ran into the building as the sentinel came around the front. It reached into the building, but got its hand stuck in the doorway. The princess ran out of the other door lower on the building and around the building. She hid in the doorway a little further down the building. I watched as two other sentinels came around the corner. They passed her in search. They could not see her in the doorway. They faced each other for a moment, contemplating what to do.

I came into the house. The others had escaped from the store. They came to the door of the house and tried to kick it in. They could not kick the door down. They broke through it instead. The man had hostages with him. I walked away from them. $A45 was one of them. They pretended to be busy as i hid in the other room. It was a fake setup, incase anyone came looking for them. It gave the impression that they had been here working. The man soon left. I walked along the top of the train cars on the outside of the station, were they were held up. I saw the news footage of people working in the train yard. A woman jumped over one of the girders. Then there was a man hanging off the side of one of the rail cars. He was oriental, and he was fixing the wheel as the train was moving. It looked dangerous. Then the man fell. He quickly rolled under the train so that he would not get hit by the wheel. I thought it was horrible work, but i knew that he had no choice. He was forced to work on the trains, just like me. I walked along the top of the boxcar. The wood of the car was crumbling and decaying. The roof on the front of the car had collapsed. I looked in. I could see a deep pile of white plastic telephones. They were all of the old telephones that nobody wanted.