11997 June 01

I imagined that i was in the back of the cave. I wondered what it would be like to have the dinosaurs living in the same world humans. There would have to be a way to keep them from attacking. The tyrannosaur was outside of the cave. I imagined that the mouth of the cave was very wide, but that it was very low. A human would be able to slip under the stone, but the tyrannosaur would not be able to. It would keep us safe in the back of the cave. I was frightened and anxious. I worried that the dinosaur would get into the cave. I knew that it was waiting outside for us. It struck the rocks on the top of the cave several times, but could not get in. I wondered if it could push the large rock on the top of the cave entrance in. It might be able to dig its way through. Then i realized that a baby tyrannosaur could easily walk under the rocks where we had come and get in. I was worried that the child might be dangerous, as it was already half the size of a human. I thought that this could be a way for the humans to get food. They could set up a net in the doorway at the back of the cave and catch the young tyrannosaur as it came into the back of the cave. I knew that the mother would then be very upset. I thought of it attacking the front of the cave. It would pound the stone because it was angry. I walked back farther into the halls of the dwelling. I was worried because i knew that the tyrannosaur would wait out side of the cave until it got us. It would not let us leave, and would keep after us. I became frightened. I backed into the house. Then the cave men started moving towards me. They were working with the dinosaur. The one man was bare and had a thin fur all over his body. He stared blankly down the hall past me. I knew that he just wanted to get the floor plans to the house. That way the tyrannosaur could just break through the walls of the house and grab people. I stood on the stairs and did not let the man up. He tried to look past me, pretending that he did not know what was going on. His face had a curious, wondering expression on it. I was afraid that the tyrannosaur would bite through he walls to the left of me if it knew i was there. I was frightened.

11997 June 02

I was in the large open hall of the hotel. The halls were plain, with no features, and were made of a smooth glazed stone. The halls were wide and tall. There was a staircase on the left side of the hall as i walked down. Something was out of place here. There were people wandering around in the halls. They were all concerned about what was going on. The hotel was being shut down for the season. I knew something would happen. It was going to be an earthquake. I then felt the ground quiver. I knew that i should run to the nearest doorway, like the other people, but i knew that the building would not collapse. I ran down the hall, heading for someplace. I came into the hall just outside of the kitchen. The ground shook again. There was something that i had to be doing. I was intent on doing something, and i ran down the hall to get to the place where i had to do it.

11997 June 04

I sat on the bus as it drove into the airport. It was dark outside, and the main terminal was ahead of us and to the left. We stopped at the toll booth, which was on the right side of the bus. The building was open on the side facing us, and i could see the wooden beams, which were made of two-by-fours. They were unpainted and supported the thin plywood shack. As the bus drove forward, i looked into the soda-pop machine on the left wall, just before the door. The front of the machine was open, and i reached in to get something. I pulled on the door to the fence, thinking that i could slip inside and the others would not notice. I walked through the small opening at the bottom of the fence, grabbing the horizontal wooden bar that lined the top of the small doorway. The brittle wood crumbled as i passed under it. I wondered how i was able to squeeze through such a small space. I was worried about getting stuck in the space. I pulled on the edge of the fence a little more and dislodged a larger chunk of wood, opening the gate in the fence. I would leave it open so that the others could get through behind me. I was with $F12. We walked from the fence to the side of the old house. The back yard was very small, with dry dirt on the ground. The wooden fence had vertical slats of wood, and enclosed the area from one end of the back porch to the other. It was roughly square in shape. The wall of the house was plain and modern, and had a plate glass window on it, which had the drapes drawn on the inside. The surface of the wall was rough cement. To the left of the window was a door. $F12 and I walked into the house through the door. The women were inside. They were all very attractive, and wearing cut off shorts and tied-up shirts. They looked like farm girls. This place was a brothel, but i had not come for the women. I thought that i would just hang out and talk to the women, pretending that i did not know that i was supposed to copulate with them. $Z went over to talk to the women, and i thought that he was going to have sex with them at the table in the dining room. I sat down at the table in the other room and decided that i would just talk to them. That way, when the people broke in, i would not be engaged in illegal acts. I felt disappointed that $Z might actually have sex, though, and wanted him to sit and talk with me. $F12 and i would just hang out in the brothel, and not have sex.

11997 June 06

I walked up the stairs of the large apartment building. I left the crowd down in the bottom floor. We had to get ready to leave, and i wanted to make sure that i got my stuff from my room. We were all traveling together in a group, trying to get away from something. I knew that we would have to leave soon, though, and we would not have time to gather things later. My mother was downstairs talking to the other people. We had to get ready to go very soon. I could not find our things in the room, however. They had been moved. Then my mother walked up to me with the rest of the people. We were on the road that led away from the house. They were all traveling to safety. I asked my mother if she had gotten all of our stuff. She said that she had everything that we would need. I noticed, however, that she was not carrying anything with her. I wondered where all of our stuff was and worried that she was leaving it behind. She said that she had an extra set of clothing and a bed roll. It was all she needed. I wanted to go back to get everything. Then i realized that everyone was leaving their stuff in a safe place on the side of the road. I realized that it would be hidden, and that we could return for it later. I was still worried that someone might steal it. I looked over the side of the road and down the short water channel. This is where the stuff was hidden. I slipped a little on the steep slope by the water as i looked down the short, dead-end canal. The water was still and seemed to have been sitting there for several days, building up a film around the sides. The shore was bare dirt, and sloped up rather steeply from the water. Then i noticed the large stone structure at the end of the canal. It was a natural rock formation, with a man-made structure built around it. The natural rock was arch-shaped, and pale grey. It stood vertically, like a small cliff wall. There were miniature columns placed around the top of the arch and along the sides, making it look like an old temple. In then realized that it was part of the coliseum. I looked across the canal and up at the large sports coliseum which stood just across the water. It was modeled after the smaller rock formation. I knew where we were. The city was just beyond the large stadium, and there would be roads and highways running around from my front to my left. I then turned back to tell $Z about the coliseum. It would be easy to find this place again, because it had such a large landmark. I remember coming down to the water here before. I looked around behind me where the main water way passed between myself and the road. The road was elevated on a man-made mound. $Z was on the other side of the water from me. I slipped a little on the wet mud of the water bank. Then i noticed the stone cavern to the right, where the main channel turned and headed under the road. The bridge was old, and there were small brick-shaped stones lining the wall of the tunnel. Moss grew over the slightly rounded ceiling and down the damp walls. I could see interesting patterns in the light at the side of the cave wall as someone started to walk from the other side of the tunnel. It was the other person with us, who had walked around to the other side of the road and started exploring through the tunnel towards us. $Z asked me from the shore what i was so interested in. I did not answer right away. I kept staring at the shadows and light as they fell on the uneven surface of the cave wall. Then $Z turned and walked around to the other side of the road, heading into the cavern with the other. I looked down at the clear water which separated me from the roadway. I had to get back across the water and join the others. I did not want to get wet, however. I wondered how i made it over here before. I did not remember having to cross the water. I slipped again on the muddy hill that ran down into the water. I then thought that i should just jump into the water and swim across to the other side. I knew that the water was warm, and it looked very clear. I could see the bottom arching smoothly out below me. It was a muddy bottom. I was worried about swimming in the water, but i would have to get across somehow.

11997 June 07

I walked down the street with the others. There was nothing on the sides of the road. I had the impression that we were walking along the top of a very high ridge. It was slightly windy, and the white clouds were tattered and strewn across the blue sky. There was a man and a woman walking with me, just off to the left. I really liked the man, but he started to do obnoxious things. He suddenly jumped on the hood of one of the passing cars. The car stopped and waited for him to get off. I thought that he was being really obnoxious. It was very impolite, but he just took it as a joke. He was the type of person who did crazy and reckless things to have fun. He walked with the girl, laughing about the things he had done. Then we came to the section in the road where the water ran under the bridge. We were near the dam. I could see the lake beyond to the left. Then i realized that the water to our left was pouring over the falls into the large lake below. There was only a short part of the river on the right of the road before it went over the edge of the damn. The water was moving very quickly and was pouring over the top of the dam in large quantity. I was worried about the man again. He jumped into the water and started swimming. I was worried that he would be carried over the top of the dam. He came out of the water. I was not going to worry about him. It would be his own fault if he was swept over the dam. Then $F12 came up the road behind us. He had been walking with us. I was worried about him swimming in the water as well. I knew that he was a good swimmer, but i did not think that he would actually go swimming so close to the edge of the damn. He jumped into the water and i was very worried for him. I yelled out his name suddenly. Then i realized that the others would think i was worrying too much. I tried to act as though i was not so concerned. $F12 stood up and brushed his hair back. He walked towards the edge of the water and came out towards us. He just wanted to get wet for a moment.

11997 June 09

I walked out into the theatre. I was part of the play, but i did not quite know what was going on. The director called us out onto the stage. I looked over the script that i had in my hand. I remembered going over the blocking previously, but i did not feel prepared to do the play. I was supposed to be in the right side of the room. I thought that i did not have much to do, so i could get by. I tried to remember what i was doing. Everyone seemed to know where they were going. I walked into the large room where all of the construction was going on. There were large wooden beams on the floor of the room. I walked over to the side of the room. I remembered that i was supposed to be in this position, but i did not remember my lines. I looked over the script in my hand, trying to figure out where i was supposed to go. The others in the play did their lines, and i walked off with them. I was glad to be off of the stage, but i would have to start learning my part again. I walked around the side of the building. There was dry field grass on the side of the hill with a single, leafless tree in the center. It seemed like i was out in an abandoned part of the country. I walked around to the back side of the theatre, where i would have to get changed. I then realized that they were ready to have me back on stage. I was not yet in my costume. I quickly tried to slip on my costume. I would have to rush out onto the stage. The audience was out there, so i could not mess up. I was worried that i might get the lines wrong.

11997 June 10

I was on the small raft in the middle of the water. We were moving away from the land on our left and heading down the narrow fjord. The land was dark and it seemed like night out, but there was an orangish yellow light illuminating the water from the right. I could see the fires in the sky on our right, where the old castle wall was. The wall was lit in a dull yellow glow, and i felt an emotional attachment to it. The man on the boat pointed out the castle to me. It was a place from which we were running. There was something ominous about the castle wall. The fires on the right were from the battle. There was a lot of fighting going on. We passed the castle and headed down the river. We were demonstrating how the escape went.

I looked on the computer to see $A102. We were looking for his cat. It had gotten lost someplace around the house. I walked across the side yard of the desert suburb. The ground on the slope that led away from the house was a dull red, and there were rocks and sparse shrubs. I was with $F16 at the time as we looked for the cat. I realized that $A102 was really $A103. I wondered why i did not know that before. $F16 said that the phrase was translated as “Reunion Interest”.

11997 June 11

I remember the man falling from the sky before. It was me, as i came into the house. I stood in the back room of my parents’ house looking out of the large picture window. I could see the planes flying over. They were dropping the people. The first two that fell had parachutes. I remembered all of this from before, but this was an alternate reality. I then saw the other man fall from the airplane. He was me. He did not have a shoot. He was free falling close to the water where he would not be spotted. I knew that he was going to sneak in. I flew out over the small lake and grabbed the man as he hit the water. We were both officers, but it was not correct. There was something wrong with the alternate reality.

11997 June 13

I was working in the supermarket, but i was on break. I ate some of the food that was on the tray in front of me. It was part of my break food, and it was left over from the previous function. The manager watched me for a moment. I thought that he might think that i was fooling around or spending extra time on break. He was upset at me. I tried not to worry about what he thought. I knew that i was doing nothing wrong, and knew that i could tell him that if he challenged me. The store would be closing soon, and i headed back to work to try to clean up the place. I walked down the front aisle of the store to where i was supposed to clean some stuff up. The manager still watched me. Someone then mentioned that there was some food left over on the buffet table. I walked back across that main aisle of the supermarket and around the buffet. There were some thick french fries and pieces of potato skins. I was nervous about eating the food because i knew that the manager was still watching me. I picked up a french chip and ate it. The manager, who had been standing in his white shirt across the main aisle, came waddling over to me in a hurry. I did not feel afraid of him, nor worried about what he would say to me.

I sat in the classroom at the $P7. I was not in uniform, but wearing a red pull-over shirt with long sleeves. I looked out the window to the left of me over the small pond outside. There was something out of place here. I wondered whether i was in the proper dress uniform. I was not aware of what the new dress code was. I looked around the room, however, and noticed that everyone was wearing red, long-sleeved pull-overs, which were very similar to mine. They all had white knit collars and orange stripes across the chest and sleeves. I then noticed the teacher lecturing at the front of the class. I listened for a moment to what he said. I was familiar with the lecture, but i remember the subject from college. Then i heard the other teacher behind me give some notes. I looked around to see $A104 leaning against the railing that ran in front of the window to my left. He agreed with the lecturer at the front of the room and brought up another interesting point. He mentioned something about the point as well, using a large word that i did not recognize. The other teacher commented on the word. I thought that this was an interesting way to learn. It was not like the high school lectures that i remember. Then $A104 asked the austral student behind me a philosophical question. He wanted the student to consider the problem and relate his thoughts. I did not remember the school being like this. I walked down the hall. Things felt out of place. Then $A105 walked past me. I wondered whether i was out of uniform. I felt out of place, and i knew that he would accuse me of it. Then i rounded the corner at the end of the corridor, heading to the right, down the stairs. $A106 was standing just around the corner to the right. I remembered him and said hello. He was supposed to take care of me. He grabbed me and led me out the back door of the school. I joked around with him, and we talked as we walked. I remembered that he was on the wrestling team back in high school, and i thought that he still looked as though he were in shape. I grabbed him and held on as we walked, pretending to wrestle him as we moved. I locked my right arm through his right arm and my left around his torso. It was all in jest. He commented that i was pretty strong for my size. I seemed much younger than him, and hung on as he carried me down the side of the track towards the boat house in the back of the school. We walked into the large tan building. I thought about wrestling him, and wondered whether he would be up for it. I thought that he might, as he sparred with me briefly.

11997 June 14

I was in the car with my father as we drove down the road in the rural town. We were on one of the back roads which led towards the main road. There was a farm house on the left. It was the house of some of our relatives. We were supposed to stop at the house to say hello. Our relatives were not doing so well. There was something wrong with them, and they might go bankrupt. There was a large party in the house, however. Many people were gathering there, and they were all wearing fancy clothing and suits. My father pulled the car off to the left side of the road and we watched the people gather around the house. I thought about what had happened to our relatives. I knew that they were not doing so well. Then the valet came to the car. He would park the car for us. I looked at the man and realize that i recognized him. He looked at me and i could see that it was $A107. I waved at him and he smiled back. The other valet got in the car and they started to drive the car just past the house and into the large gravel parking lot. I looked again at the people wandering into the house. Something was wrong with our relatives in the house, and i was worried about them. I knew that someone had died. I told my mother and grandmother about it as they wandered up. They had just come from my grandmother’s house. We would have to go to Taggerville to visit our relatives in the small farm house.

I was making copies of tapes on the tape player. I was making copies of Flowers. A man stood near the tape machine. He was not happy with me. I had to change the tape in the machine, but i was hesitant with the man standing there. I flipped the tape over, but i left the sticker on the side of the tape. The man was mad that i did this. Then my mother came into the room. She reminded me that it was Father’s Day. I thought that i would have to call my father later that evening. I sat down on the subway car and looked down the cement platform of the station. I could see a large white train pulling into the platform. The train was streamlined, but was missing the top. It was open, and all of the people could be seen sitting in chairs that lined the rim of the train. The seats were black and there was a black rubber lip around the top edge of the train. The train stopped on the other side of the platform from me. I thought that i would have to get to my parents house for Father’s Day.

I was standing outside of the building in the middle of the apartment complex. All of the buildings were made of red brick, and were two stories tall. I looked to my right at the end of one of the other buildings. I could see a dark shape at the side of the other building. It seemed dark outside, and i was having trouble figuring out what the figure was. Then i realized that it was a bear cub. I wondered where the mother bear was. The cub would be dangerous if the mother was around. I then saw the small dogs run over to the cub and start to play with it. I wondered whether they would be in trouble. I walked into the house and watched the bear from the window. I could see the two bears playing with each other. I worried that the dogs might get hurt.

I was in the front room at my parents’ house when i heard the sound of dirt sliding. My mother was with me. I heard my father yell for help from out the window on the back of the house. I looked out the window and saw that the rock wall along the basement drive had fallen over. The dirt washed down with it. I realized that my father must have been trapped beneath it. I told my mother to call emergency as i rushed out of the room. I ran towards the front door and tried to open it. It was locked and i had to release the latches to get out. I kicked the door open and ran around the side of the house. I thought for a moment about my grandfather being under the dirt pile as well. I thought that he would not have as great a chance of survival as my father. I ran around the side of the house and started digging in the dirt to try to find my father’s face. I would have to get his face clear so that he could breath.

11997 June 16

I opened up the CD case and looked at the CDs inside. They were triangular in shape, and were from a female artist whom i liked. The CDs belonged to someone else. I was at $F28’s house. I stood before the plain counter in the white room. The room was long and narrow, and ran along the side of the living room. I pulled one of the triangular CDs from the flip-book case and tried to play it in the machine. I soon realized that the triangular shape would not fit into my box. I realized that i would have to have one of the front-loading CD players. The triangular shape could not rotate in the box i had. I put the CD back into the case and looked at another. It was by the same artist. It was also in an irregular shape. I tried to fit it into the player, but it would not fit as well. I then noticed the tape holder in the bottom of the case. There was a piece of plastic over the tape, which was shaped like a grating. I realized that all of the tapes in the case were marked with similar pieces. I pulled the tape out of the case and read it. It was a Drone CD. I remembered that i liked that band, and decided to play the tape in the box. I thought that it was some kind of slow, mellow music. I turned and walked into the living room, where $F28 was. I then heard the low synthesizer sound of sharp notes. It was not what i had remembered the band to be like. The others walked through the room. I wondered what the music was. It was not the smooth sound that i had remembered. The drums then started, and i realized that the second song was being played. I thought that $F28 would find it interesting that i was listening to this music. I wondered if he would mention it. I wandered back into the narrow room following $F28 and the other person as they walked over to the counter to do something.

11997 June 17

I walked around the side of the pool. There were many people in the pool. It was a free swimming hour. They all seemed like people from high school. I was in the water on the left side of the $P7’s pool. Everyone was just splashing around, but i knew how to swim. I thought that i could now swim very well because i had been doing it for a while. I swam from the side wall of the pool and headed for the center of the shallow end. I could not do laps in the pool because there were too many people. I thought that i probably should not anyway, or else the people might think that i was being too serious. I realized that i could not play with the others, however, and tried to swim into the ball game. I went under water as someone grabbed me. I thought that i no longer was afraid of drowning because i could now swim underwater without difficulty. I looked over the test that $A96 was giving. It was a physics test. It was the same test that we used when we were reviewing material for the course. The pages were full of text, asking questions. I noticed, however, that some of the questions had already been circled. I remembered doing that in the review session. I wondered whether he knew that i was using the same test that i used in the review. I thought that it would make it easier for me to finish the test. I did not really know the answers to any of the questions. I did not feel prepared for this test. I looked down the page and could see that some of the bubbles were circled. I forgot which were the correct answers, however, as i had crossed some of the bubbles out in the review session. I looked at one problem where one of the bubbles was filled in and the other was crossed out. I could not remember which was the correct answer. I then flipped through he pages of the stapled test packet. There were too many questions, and i did not get a chance to answer. I did not think that i would do well on the test. I would have to hand in the test soon. I walked down the dirt path towards the shed. The other students were still taking the test as i paced. $A14 started talking to me about the test. I then thought about the storm that was coming in. I could see the dark clouds overhead, and could feel a little of the rain as it started to fall. I looked away from campus, down the dirt road which stretched to the west, away from the shed and across the open field. The field was full of dry golden grass. It was narrow and had lush green trees growing on either side. The storm clouds looked darker in the east, over the field. I thought that it was a long way to walk back to campus. We had already walked past the $P41 to get to the shed. I rolled my bicycle towards the shed, trying to get it out of the light rain which had already started to fall. I walked with $A14 into the shed. Then $A14 walked around to the side of the truck which was standing outside of the shed. He was carrying a small yellow and red canister. He said that it was a bomb. He should place it in the bomb unit on the back side of the truck, but the unit was not accessible. It had been built for bombs, and should be used for this bomb, but he could not place stuff into it. The man was annoyed that the others had filled the bomb containment unit with junk. He placed the bomb on top of the front section of the dump truck with all of the scrap metal and junk. He was worried that it might go off. We would have to clear out of the area. It was not safe to stay around the shed. Then i saw the white train coming into the station. $A14 was worried that it might set off the bomb. I wondered how the train could set off the bomb from a distance. I thought that it might be from the vibration. I walked into the building and looked at the front of the train. The nose of the white train was smooth and rounded, and there were periodic flames flickering around the base. I focused in on the flames, knowing that they were the dangerous part of the train. I thought that they were coming from the boiler. I knew that the boiler would not explode, and thought that the flames were just from pieces of debris hitting the underside of the hot boiler. I knew that people were worried about the flames igniting the bomb, and my vision was focused on them for a while. Then i turned to see the female conductor in her casual clothing. She was wearing a denim jumpsuit like old railway workers used to wear. She came around the front side of the train and said hello. $A14 told her about the bomb and said that he was worried that the flames from the train would ignite the nerve gas. She chuckled and looked over the bomb. She reached for the small canister and said that it was simply a can of motor oil. She reached up and rubbed her fingers over the glass windows on the front of the can which covered the numbers of the odometer. I could see the brown oil coating the outside of the can, and i was no longer worried about the bomb. I then walked back into the shed, still thinking about the bomb. I could see the mail boxes that lined the back wall of the shed. I read the addresses on them and realized that they were the mailboxes for the entire road that led from campus out to here. I realized that the entire road was owned by the university, and that the post office was not able to deliver to any of the houses along it, so everyone had to pick up their mail from the shed. I thought that it was quite a way to travel for mail. The dirt road was a dead end, and everyone on the road would have to travel out into the field just to pick up their mail. It did not seem like a good arrangement. I wondered what they did in the winter. I doubted that the road would actually be plowed. I wondered how they would get their main. I wandered back along the shore line towards the shed. It was winter out and the ground was covered with snow. It seemed dark out and it was cold. Two cars pulled up to the shed and graduate students got out. They had come for their mail. I thought that i should get into my car and drive away from this place before it was too late. I was still worried about the bomb. I wondered whether i would be able to drive my car around the graduate students who had just pulled in. I decided that i could and got into my car. I pulled back a little to turn my car towards the drive. My car would not stop, though. It was sliding on the ice. I started to worry because it was sliding down the slope towards the water. I stepped on the brake pedal but the car would not stop. It slid backwards down the slope and over the icy shore. I was afraid that it would slide out over the lake. I thought that it would stop in the shallow water, where the ice would break, but it did not. I realized that i was in the back seat of the car, just behind the driver’s seat. The pedals there did not work. The car slid out over the ice and spun sideways. Then the ice started to crack. I started to panic and opened the door of the car. I would have to get out before the car sank. I could see the water below me as i stepped out of the car. I got wet. The water was very cold. I cried out to the people on the shore for help. I would have to drag myself ashore. Then i realized that i was not making any noise as i yelled. I tried again, yelling “help”. This time, my voice made a slight sound.

11997 June 19

I was getting dressed at my parents’ house. It was early in the morning, and i had to get ready to go. I thought that i would have to pack my bags to leave. I thought that i would have to get my backpack ready to go to school. I remembered that, in high school, i would always carry a larger bag around in school and then transfer my books from it to my smaller backpack. I thought that i would have to do the same with the large box that i was getting ready to go. I looked into the large box and realized that it was too big for me to carry to school. I would have to take some of the things out of it. I thought that i really did not need many of the things that were packed in it anyway. I started to pull the text books out of the box. I would carry them in the smaller bag. That would make it easier to bring my things to school. Then i started to pull apart the cot which was in the box. I pulled out the mattress and realized that i would have to bring it. It would take up just as much space as the frame of the cot, so i was not really saving much room. I wondered how i would pack everything that i needed. I walked down to the kitchen. I still had to eat breakfast before i left. Then i realized that my mother was already in the car and ready to go. I was still not dressed, and had to get something to eat. I walked around the counter in the kitchen and over to the sink. I was thirsty and needed something to drink. I leaned forward and turned on the faucet. I clasped my hands under the running water and started to take a sip. I thought about choking on the water. It would be like drowning. I then thought of the men holding my head under the water. I remembered that i could separate the water into components of oxygen and hydrogen. I thought that i could breath the oxygen and let the hydrogen float to the top. Then i thought that i could let the hydrogen explode. I realized that i would have to be within a tank for the hydrogen to collect enough to explode. I thought that the men were holding me underwater in a tank. I imagined that the tank filled with enough hydrogen gas to explode. I would be safe because i would be under the water. I then stopped thinking about it and continued down the hall of the $P7. $A105 complained that i was daydreaming. I should have been in class. I walked down the hall of the $P7 on the second floor of the building. I felt out of place. I had to get to my class. Then i realized that i was only wearing sweat pants and an old tee shirt. I would have to get better clothing for the $P7. I remembered that their dress code required a suit and tie. I did not bring any clothes with me, and thought that i would have to go out and buy some new ones. In walked back up the stairs towards the second floor. There were more students in the hall now. I looked them over to see what they were wearing. Most of them did not seem that nicely dressed. I then noticed a boy sitting on a wooden bench with his parents in the main hall of the second floor. He was wearing a pair of blue denims. I thought that he was probably visiting the school and not yet part of it. I would have to get dressed in better clothing. I looked down and could see the loose grey cloth of my sweat pants. There were many people walking through the hall. I started down the stairs at the south end of the building. I noticed that the boy in front of me was wearing a business hat. I thought that it must be some type of upper class symbol. I asked $Z about it and he said that all of the seniors wore the hat to denote their status. The boy walked down the stairs in front of me. I came to the bottom and walked through the crowd. There were many people wandering in the hall. I then passed some women in the hall. I thought that the $P7 had become more diverse than it had been. I had to get out of the school and get some real clothing. I thought that i might go to some store in the area to buy a new suit jacket. As i walked, i noticed the clothing along the left wall of the hall. There were fancy wooden shelves on the wall, with brightly coloured shirts folded into them. It must have been part of the school’s store. They were selling fine shirts which could be worn to class. I thought that the shirts were probably very expensive here. I then saw the sign claiming that the shirts were genuine european styles. I asked $F4 where i could get some clothes in the area. I mentioned that he had lived here for several years, and mentioned that he would probably know of some good places to go. I did have my car with me, though i did not want to drive. He mentioned that there were some suit shops around, but that they would all be very expensive for the quality of clothing that they sold. I was not interested in getting any of their suits. I thought that i might have to drive to the mall and pick up something appropriate. I did not feel good about going all the way over to the mall, though i thought that J. C. Penney would have a better price on suits. $F4 and i then ran into the boy in the Santa Claus costume. He had long black hair which hung out from his white wig. I greeted him and commented on his hair. I wondered why he had such long hair at the $P7. Then i noticed that the rest of the small room, which was just off of the main hall in the middle of the building, was decorated in victorian christmas decor. The fine woodwork, which was stained a dark brown, and the pale yellow walls were covered with white frost and tinsel. The colours of the decorations were also red and green, to match the christmas spirit. I walked down the main hall towards the south exit of the building. I would have to get going. I needed to buy some clothes. I looked around and noticed that everything was decorated in a christmas motif. It was a celebration here.

11997 June 20

I watched as the boy walked onto the train. I thought that he was interesting, but the others did not like the photo of him. I watched him as he passed and thought about wrestling him. I wanted to hit him in play to see if he would react. Then i went back to the bench and started lifting weights with the other person. I then started to fool around with the other person. I realized that it was $A108. We started to wrestle and he wrapped his right arm under my left from behind. He pulled back on my arm and rolled me toward him. I was excited to wrestle again. My hand landed heavily on his chest as i tried to get out. There was a hollow, resonant sound that rang from his chest. I hit it again and it made the same sound. I thought that the sound was interesting. $A109 was standing nearby. I mentioned the sound to him and demonstrated.

We walked through the caves. We were in Howe Caverns, and there were several other people walking through the caverns with us. The place was open for tours. I placed the broken pick-axe down on the ground and started wandering around the tables, which were full of merchandise. The corridor was filled with people selling things to the crowd. It was some kind of flea market. The tunnel walls were a rich brown, with streaks of tan mixed in. I looked over the record albums that were on one of the tables. I flipped through the piles and realized that some of them were good records from the late fifties. I was excited to see them there. I walked around the table and looked through the various piles of records. I then pulled one out. It was in a blue slip, with black and white print. I remembered the album from a long time ago. It was a very famous album, and i thought that it was a very good find. I thought that i should buy it. Then i spoke to $Z. I knew that there was something wrong. We left the others in the caverns and started out the front entrance of the caverns. There was a set of wooden stairs winding back and forth down the side of the building. I felt that something was wrong, and had to get out of the tunnel. As we walked through the archway that was part of the entrance and down the stairs, the ground started to shake. It was an earthquake. $F11 and i walked hurriedly out of the building and down the city street outside. It was only a slight tremor. As we walked down the block, however, the main quake hit. I stood on the sidewalk where the buildings had ended. There was a large open field to my left that had once been a parking lot. It was now covered with dry grass. I noticed that there were power lines above me which ran along the side of the street. I thought that they could be dangerous if they were to fall. Then the quake stopped. I looked around the rural area for signs of damage. Then i heard someone screaming. I looked across the road to where the farm house was. There was a wooden shed to the left of the farm house. The shed was made of fresh pine siding, and had tools and wood inside. I could see a man sitting on a log stool just inside the shed. He was missing part of his leg and his head was bleeding. I knew that he probably would not survive. He must have been working with the saws when the quake hit. $F11 went over to help him. I felt uneasy for a moment, wondering where i was supposed to be. I had to get back to the city for some help. $F11 would not be able to do anything for him. I ran across the park at the edge of the city block. I remembered rounding the outside corner of the block as i ran down before. There were bushes that lined the outside of the park, just on the inside of the sidewalk. This time, i crossed over the center of the park. The ground was cement, and there were benches all around. I flew over the large black metal structure which sprouted from the center of the park. There was a square area of cement blocks that surrounded the black structure, as if it were set in the center of a fountain. The structure was dull black, and shaped like a large flower. It formed a ring on the ground, from which it arched outward like a funnel, the top ends bending over like pedals. I landed on the top edge of the structure, looking down over the people in the park below. I felt an urgency to do something. I looked down into the park and spotted the woman and the young child sitting on the park bench. The woman was wearing a dark suit and looked like a nanny. I thought that i should not be waiting here. I remembered coming here before, though. I had run past the bushes before as i rounded the corner. I had to get back from where i came. Something was wrong. I needed a head for the man with the wounds on his legs. Then i ran into $A36. I knew that $F11 was with the man, and told $A36 about it. I was supposed to be doing something.

11997 June 21

I drove my car down the highway and pulled over to the right-hand side of the road. The highway was a split-lane road, and had a grassy median between the lanes. There were several lush trees growing in the median, and i could see my light grey compact car pull off of the road on the other side of the highway. Then i noticed that the police car pulled up behind me. I looked around and saw that the police had surrounded the grey car. I wondered what i had done wrong. Then i realized that they were after the other person. They had confused me for him. I could see myself standing off of the side of the road, watching the police arrest the other man. I walked into the house that belonged to the other man. We would have to search it for something. I could not be found here, however. I walked through the large open room and into the back bedroom of the house. Then i realized that the man had returned. I tried to hide in the bedroom while he walked through the dining area of the house. There was a bed on the wall to the right of the door. It was covered with a light blue spread. I peeked out at the man in the dining room. The other two officers were there in plain clothes. He did not know who they were. I tried to hide under the wooden desk that was to the right of the door to the bedroom along the wall. The room was crowded with old papers and things, as though it had been poorly organized. The man would find me here. I wondered what i could say. Then i was in the other room with the two police officers, who were sitting at the table in plain clothes. The man was mad that i was in the house. He demanded to know who i was. I was sobbing and holding tissues to my eyes. I acted like i was upset about being here. I was frightened of what the man might do. One of the officers told him that i was a sex toy from a box. It was a cover for me. I was supposed to be having an affair with one of the officers. It was the only way that he would not think that i was here to investigate him and search his house.

11997 June 23

I was at my grandfather’s cottage in the $P24. The other members of my class were there as well. We were all on a class trip. We were supposed to go camping. I had to get my stuff ready, but i was not interested in going. I was upset. $F4 was with me, and i told him that i was not prepared to go on the camping trip. I did not have my sleeping bag or my tent with me. He showed a little concern, but did not say anything. He was thinking of a way to get me an extra bag. I did not want to be helped, however. I was frustrated and did not really want to go on the camping trip. I told him that i did not have any clothes for the trip either. I had only packed light clothes, but it was getting cold. I came up with several negative excuses why i could not go.

11997 June 24

I was driving the large tractor-trailer truck in the small gravel parking lot. I was trying to get the truck parked, but i could not get it to face the correct direction. I was trying to turn the truck around, but i could not get the trailer to turn. I moved forward slightly, but had trouble stopping it from going too far. the brakes did not seem to work all that well. I had to get the truck parked, but i could not get it to stop in the correct location.

11997 June 25

I had just received my paycheck at the office. I had to get it from the person who was my boss. I was working at the desk in the plain white room. The desk was a small, metal desk, with grey sides. There were several papers on the surface of the desk. I was working for some religious people. I was wary about working for them, as i was afraid of what they might think of me. I was not as fanatical as they were, and they might think that i was an evil person and hate me. I felt insecure working here. I wondered whether they knew that i was sleeping with one of the religious people. I saw myself sleeping on the couch in the living room just outside of the office. I realized that it was early morning, and that i had spent the night here. I felt uncomfortable about being here, but i did not regret staying the night. I wondered what would happen when the others discovered that i had been sleeping on their couch. They were upstairs asleep, but would be down soon. Then i heard the dog coming down the stairs. I turned to look through the square archway into the hall at the set of stairs. There were white banisters on the railing. Through them, i could see the white dog coming down the stairs. It was early in the morning, and the dog had woken up. The others would be down soon, and i would have to confront them. I looked down at the floor below the couch. I could see the dalmation sitting on the floor below me. It was a very friendly dog and i pet it. I was happy to see the dog, and liked it very much.

11997 June 26

I was in the crowd of people. I knew most of them from various places, and thought that it was nice to have all of the brothers together. I sat down on the curb at the edge of the street and looked to my left. I could see the table where the people were working. This was some kind of event. I thought about working with $A110 and wondered what it would be like to have two people with the same first name in the office. I then noticed $A111 walking past. He was the other person with the same name from the office. He was wearing a black leather jacket and talking to someone on his right. I looked to my right and noticed that $A108 was sitting next to me. I was excited to see him and remembered that i had just had a dream about him. He said hello and waved his fingers in front of my face. I smiled and told him that i had a dream of him the night before, and that, in that dream, he had waved his hands in front of my face. I knew that the dream was not the night before and that he did not do such actions in the dream, but i wanted to engage him. I hoped that he would not be uneasy with my advances. I told him that we had wrestled in the dream. I placed my left hand on his right thigh as i spoke. He was warm and i could see that he was still very nicely built. Then someone walked in front of him and started talking to him. I tried to act like i was just talking to $A108.

11997 June 27

I was driving down the road with $F4. It seemed that we were in $P3. We were heading through the factory side of town, near where the IBM plants used to be. He was going to stop at one of the buildings ahead to do something. I thought that i would have to say goodbye as we approached. It felt strange that he was going off. I knew that he was going to the large event in the building on the left hand side of the road. I could not see the building, but i knew that it was set back from the road on the opposite side of a plain, paved plaza. I would have to head off down the road to the right. It led over the highway bridges, heading west to the other side of town. We parted company and i headed off. Something seemed strange about the separation. I wondered to what event $F4 was going. Then i thought that it might have something to do with high school. I realized that there could be some kind of reunion gathering that i had not known about. It seemed the right time for it. I wondered if i was missing an event that i was supposed to go to. I thought that $F4 might have been acting strange because he had expected me to go, but did not think that i wanted to. He would not have said anything because he thought that i knew about the event but was avoiding it. I drove on towards the gas station. I wished that $F4 had mentioned the event. I wanted to know whether i could have attended. I got to the gas station and asked about the parts for my car. I could see the round piece of equipment i needed as i looked under the hood of my car. It looked like a small carburetor which was open at the top and had several wires wrapped inside of it. The wires were coated red and black. I would need a new part. I had ordered it from the station before. I walked over to the desk and looked at the white box with the blue and red lettering design. I opened it up to look at the part the station had ordered for me. I saw only a few packages of gauze on the top of the box. I started to unpack the box. I started to realize that they had ordered the wrong part. I was upset with them. This station can never seem to do things correctly. I pulled several belts, which were wrapped in white, and thought for a moment that this might be the correct part. I pulled out all of the small pieces, which were individually wrapped, hoping to find the round black piece that i had seen in the front of my car. I got to the bottom of the box and realized that it was not there. I placed the things back into the box and started to walk away. I was very upset with the station. I wanted to complain to one of the mechanics, but i realized that none of them were available at the moment. I decided that i would simply take the other things that i was picking up from them. I was not going to pay for the items, as they had ordered the wrong pieces. I picked up the light blue rubber band that was on the counter and headed out of the building with the things. I stepped over the wooden two-by-four that crossed under the bottom edge of the window. I carefully stepped onto the pavement outside and started to walk away. I thought of how i could defend my position. I thought that i would probably have to call my mother and complain to her that things were not going well again. I imagined that i would tell them that i would not pay for the items because they had not given me what i wanted and had wasted my time. I could say that the man would not listen to what i was saying and ignored all of my requests. I felt that i could justify myself, because i knew that i would be charged with stealing the items. I pulled out onto the road and tried to turn my car around towards the west. There were some people at the end of the gravel alley who were getting in their car and getting ready to leave. I turned in front of them and started to head into the end of the long brick building. I knew that if i drove through the building i could make it all the way across the city without having to drive outside. As i rounded the corner, however, i could see Dr. Emmory Brown walking towards the control panel just inside of the back door. I stopped my car as i turned left. The two other people were waiting behind me to go through the building. I could see the black metal structure of the automobile elevator on the left side of the room. Dr. Brown had placed his black Harley motorcycle on the lift and was going to the controls to take it down the next level. This was how one could drive through the building. I decided that i did not really want to wait for the elevator to clear, and that i really should not be driving through the short cut anyway. I turned my car left again, clearing the corner of the brick building. I headed out on the gravel drive that ran between the brick building on the right and the wire mesh fence on the left. The two people were in the back seat of my car. Then Cramer mentioned to the other person that if we went through the building we could get there quicker because we would not have to see any lights. I thought about the city lights as we moved. I was upset that i had not gotten to see the lecture. I wondered where $F4 had gone. Then Cramer suggested that we could take the hidden way. He was sitting to my left. He leaned to his right and reached under the dashboard. The other person joked that this was supposed to make the road change. He did not believe Cramer. I looked out the front window of the car when i started to see a wooded section appearing in the road. The other person pointed it out as well. There were trees on both sides of the road, and they seemed colored with autumn. The road turned to dirt and ran between the fence and into the woods. I realized that Cramer was right, and we were heading down some part of the road that had been hidden before. He must have unhooked the thing under the dash which made it unnoticeable to us before. I then noticed the stop sign at the end of the road, in front of the wire mesh fence. It was a red stop sign with a red dead end sign below it. I realized that this was not simply a road which led through to where we were going, but was a detour. Then i saw the wooden sign to my right. It announced that there would be a lecture. This was some kind of magical land, where i could actually make it to the lecture without being stopped.

11997 June 28

I was with the group of people who had just come back from the trip. We were placing our stuff on the ground under the covered roadway. The roof structure was made out of wood, and resembled the structure of an old covered bridge. There was a large parking lot to my left as i stared away from the rest of the group and down the road way. On the opposite side of the parking lot to the left were some buildings, which seemed like part of a plaza. We had all just returned from the same tour, and were picking up our things from the bus to go home. Then someone asked about the cars. I remembered that i had parked my car on the other side of the large parking lot from where we were. It was off to the right as i faced the lot, just beyond the one-story cement building that seemed like a body shop. Then the person who had asked about the cars pointed out two, right in front of us. There was some problem where they had been parked. The person said that they had been moved closer to the road while we were on or our trip. They were both red cars. One was a large american car, and the other looked like my Jetta. I thought for a moment that they had moved my car, and was confused. I told them that i had parked my car on the other side of the small building, and insisted that it was still there. Then i noticed my grandfather wandering in the parking lot just in front of me. He stopped and looked at me. He had just come back from the trip as well, and was trying to remember where the car was. He looked as if he were thinking of something, but could not remember. I then walked across the lot and to my car. When i got there, my car was covered with a thin layer of melting snow. I brushed the frozen slush from the hood of my blue car. The car was a large american car, and was dark blue. I thought that the snow had settled on the cars in this area of the lot while we were gone. The cars up by the others did not have snow because they had been recently driven.

11997 June 29

I was with the group of people in the fair. There were many people gathered with us. Most of them were brothers from the fraternity. Then there was something wrong. One of the children was missing. He had wandered off into the woods near us and had gotten lost. I could hear the child yelling, but i could not tell from which direction it was coming. Someone ran past me on the left and headed into the thick vegetation. The vegetation grew on both sides of the trail leading into the forest, and looked like tall weeds. There were trails leading away from me as i looked down the camp ground. I wondered what would happen if the adults got lost in the woods looking for the boy. I walked towards the woods, to see if i could help find the boy. I noticed the Cub Scouts on my left in their light blue uniforms with dark blue bandannas. They were searching through one of the tent areas for the missing boy. I thought that they were the young people at the camp that we were supposed to be watching. The person we were looking for was a Cub Scout as well. Then i noticed the older Boy Scouts in front of me to my left. They were also looking through some of the nearby things. Then a councilor came up towards me from the right. I said hello and asked him about the boy. He told me that they were still looking for him. There were some brothers to my right as i rounded the table in the center of the lab room and headed towards the woods. I bent down to get something on the left side of the table. As i started to stand up, i noticed $F12 approaching from the right. I was surprised to see him and said hello. He smiled and we hugged each other. He was not wearing his shirt, and i noticed that he was more muscular than he used to be. He must have been working out. I asked him what he was doing back. He said he had come through to visit some people. I hugged him again, very happy to see him. I thought for a moment of what the others would think of me hugging him. I was worried that they might think me strange. I walked through the glass door of the small house. Then i realized that others were coming. I noticed that one of them was $F10. I was happy to see him. I thought that it was great that i had both $F12 and $F10 together. I greeted $F10. He came in with a group of four. There were two women and another man. I realized that the man was $A112. I was excited to see that all of these people had gathered together by coincidence. I then walked off to the end of the building to talk to $F10. He sat in the small garage just off of the main house and talked to me. He was not wearing his shirt either, and, as he sat, i noticed that he had gotten somewhat fat. I thought that it was probably because he was not able to work out as much any more. Then i realized that $F11 was leaving with some people. I did not want him to go so soon and went out into the driveway to talk to him. The house was filled with several people and the party was quite full. $F11 said that he was getting board with all of the people and wanted to head back to the other pavilion on the other side of the fair. There was a concert going on over there. I told him that it sounded interesting and would follow, but i wanted to get the others. He left and i went back into the house to get $F10 and $F12. I want to keep them all together. I was worried that they might not want to go to the concert, however.

I stood in front of the house with the field behind it. The field was large, and bordered with a short stone wall, around which grew tall, thin trees. The grass in the field was a golden colour, and was dry and short. It was a very warm day outside, and the sky was blue. It seemed like a mid-summer day; it was hot and only somewhat humid. I could see through the house to the field outside. This is where the party was the night before. I then noticed two balloons dangling from the tree on the back edge of the field. I could not see all of the tree through the frame of the house. One balloon was blue and the other white. They must have gotten stuck in the tree when they were released the night before. I walked through the house and out into the field. I then noticed that there was another set of balloons caught in the tree to the left of the original set. They were also blue and white. I thought that all of the balloons should be caught in the tree further up. I walked out into the back yard and grabbed the large group of balloons that had gotten caught in the large tree. The others walked around near me in the field. I wondered whether the balloons had enough helium left in them to lift me up. I closed my eyes and though about being very light. For moment i could feel myself rising. I opened my eyes again and could see that i was only a little ways off of the ground. I knew that if i concentrated enough, i would be able to rise up with the balloons. I could see my mother standing in front of me, the house to her left as she faced me. I then closed my eyes again and thought about rising up again. This time i felt the lightness drift through my body. I could feel myself rising, though i knew that i was not rising that high off of the ground. I wanted to float above the field, but could not get to that height. I could feel myself starting to flip back and forth over the ground. Then i opened my eyes again and landed on the ground. There must not be enough helium in the balloons to fly. I then looked around at the back end of the blue van. There was a tarp pulled over the top of the van, and i could see $K1 sitting inside. She had just finished rollerblading, and looked much younger. She wanted to know why i was flying, and then suddenly laughed. She turned away so as not to laugh at me. She thought that i was silly to try to fly.

11997 June 30

I drove down the highway that led over the bridges. There was a bridge above me as i traveled. I would have to take the right turn that led off to the plaza. I remembered taking it before. I headed up the ramp and down the highway to the north. The city was on my left. I remembered that the highway curved around to the west on the north side of the city. I had traveled there before. I was in the car now with the others. We were heading under the bridges towards the city. I then realized that i had missed the turn to the right. I could only see the overhead sign as i was passing it. I stopped my car and tried to back up to the intersection. I looked behind me and could see all of the other cars stopping. I was causing a traffic jam. The overhead sign for the exit was blue with white letters, and hung just under the ceiling where the road left the covered area. There was a toll booth to our left. It regulated traffic turning onto the various lanes of the factory entrance. We would have to pay to park at the mall. The lady who was driving the car in which i was bought a sticker from the man in the toll booth. The sticker was blue, and had a white triangle in the middle of it. It was the parking sticker for the white parking area. I noticed that the colour-coded signs had the same white triangle on it. I thought about how the road to the right wrapped around to the good parking in the front of the mall. I wondered whether there would be any open spaces at the moment. Then i realized that the other people in the car pool with me might have been going straight. I worried that the woman was simply buying the ticket for me. I could have gotten off here and walked around the road to where i was going. I did not want to inconvenience anyone. I then headed to the left and walked into the large bowl stadium. There was a curved building in front of me with stadium seats on its steep side. People were gathering in the seats, and i sat on the curving grassy slope which formed the other side of the bowl. There was a man on the stage in the center of the building, but he came down and started walking through the audience. I knew that this was all part of his act. He then paused near me and asked me a question. I thought that he was humorous, so i replied with a joke. The audience laughed. This was part of the man’s act. He was a comedian. I wondered whether i should have said the joke. I was not supposed to be in the act. Then Sammy Davis Jr. walked around to my left, talking and joking some more. I joked with him some more, thinking it was strange how at ease i felt with someone who was such a big star. I knew that other people in the theatre would be screaming and nervous. Then Jeff Goldbloom walked towards me again. I was sitting in the chair to the right of the famous person. I had a white towel wrapped around my upper body to keep me warm. Then Jeff stood in front of me. It was part of the comedy act again. Jeff leaned toward me and made a joke about the red towel around me. He referred to me as Cardinal. He then leaned his groin into my knee and said that he had an offering for God. I thought that i should tell another joke and said that his god must be very easy to please. As i said it, the older comedian standing to my left had made the same joke. He laughed and said that i was thinking the same way he was. He patted me on the back of my shoulder and told me i was taking his lines. The other comedian moved to my left.