11999 June 01

I walked through the front hall of $P7. I felt unfocused as i walked through the halls. I had come back for a reunion, and i wanted to look over the place. I walked up the front stairs to the third second. There were many other people milling around the halls as i passed through. I started down the hall which led to the back of the building. I remembered that this hall used to be where all of the science classrooms were. I remembered, however, that they had just remodeled this floor. As i walked down, i noticed that the room on the right had been converted into a gymnasium. It had bright blue and orange wrestling mats on the floor. They had white starting circles in the middle. I realized that this floor had been converted into a sports wing. I looked around and noticed that the younger students were in shorts and tee shirts. They were running between one gym class and another. I continued down the hall. I wondered why they had moved the science wing. I thought that the science wing was new when i was here. I thought that they must have moved it up to the third floor where the old science classrooms were. I wondered whether there was still a large gymnasium at the back of the school. I walked down the corridor, through the cluttered and somewhat dark area that was the locker room. I then wondered whether i would run into $A62. I hoped that i would. I came to a narrow area in the passage. There was a small caged area to the right which was a storage closet. I noticed the man inside. He had long brown hair and was arranging boxes. It was $A62. I said hello to him, thinking that he was still in good shape. He replied, but did not seem to recognize who i was.

11999 June 02

My father drove the car into the parking lot. We had come to pick up my other car. We were in the red car as we drove diagonally across the small lot. I wondered whether my father would park the red car here. I thought that we should not leave the car here. He asked me whether we should leave the red car here and take mine with us. I told him that i did not want my car left here. I said that he could drive the car back and that i would get the other car. He then mentioned that he would not go straight back to our house. He said that some of the business that he had to do for his work was on the way back, so he thought that he might go to work directly. He pulled the car into a tight parking space on the back side of the lot. There was another car to our left. I got out of the car as he started to pull through the space. My other car was to the right. It seemed dark out, as though it were early morning. It also seemed cold. I looked at the pale green jeep which was in the parking space to my right. It was my other car, but i seemed uncertain about it. I did not know that i had a jeep. I decided that it was my car. It seemed very plain, with a boxy shape. The roof was missing, and i could see that some frost had formed on the seats. My father drove the red car to my left, in front of the jeep, as i walked over to the vehicle, pulling the keys out of my right pocket. I thought that i would have to put the hood up on the car, as it was chilly out, and i did not want to get cold. I leaned over the driver’s seat of the car, thinking that i should start it to let it warm up while i put up the roof. I thought that the people at the shop must have taken off the hood because it had been so nice in the previous days. I tried to start the car as my father walked towards me. It rolled forward slightly. I frowned and pulled back on the black emergency brake between the seats. I thought that i had put it on earlier. I told him that i would have to put up the roof. I started to feel cold, and remembered that i was cold when i had gotten in the car to leave the house. It took a few minutes for the other car to warm up. I walked around the jeep, wondering how i could put up the tan roof. My father then asked me whether i would like to stop somewhere for breakfast. He said that we could pick up a couple of sausages. I did not like breakfast sausage, and told him that i was going to start the jeep and head back home. He then asked again about breakfast. I walked around the back of the jeep. It seemed as though i was in a restaurant. The other man with us did not have a shirt on. He seemed to be very furry. My father then said something about the sausages, and i thought that i would need them to tie the canvas to the roof. I decided that i should use them. He told me to take them. The other man turned around and i noticed that there were two breakfast sausages resting on his back near his waist. He loosened his white towel so that the tiny sausages could be taken. There was a woman who was standing in front of him who was shocked to find that the man was naked under the white towel. The man quickly wrapped the towel back around his waist. As he did, i noticed that he had a thick tuft of hair growing from the top of the cleft of his buttocks. I knelt down to pick up the two small sausages which had fallen to the tile floor of the restaurant. They were cooked, and i suddenly wondered how i was to use them to fasten the roof. I thought that i would have to cut them into strips, but realized that they would not tie well. I thought that they might break. I wondered how they were going to help me fasten the roof on the jeep.

11999 June 03

I walked west on the street in downtown $P14. It seemed as though i were on $P74. I walked east, heading back home, when i passed my grandmother and $K7. They were walking south on another street as i walked by them. They had driven downtown and were walking to get someone. I continued east as they continued to the south. I thought that i would walk all the way home, which seemed like quite a way, but then i decided that i wanted to talk with my mother, who was walking with my grandmother. I backed up and looked down the cross street to the south. They had not gone that far. I started after them. I then thought that they could also give me a ride home. We walked into the hall of the old school building. It seemed as though i remembered this place. There was a classroom to the northeast of us. It was up a short flight of stairs at the north end of the hall. The floor of the hall seemed to be polished cement, and the place seemed old and not well lighted. I looked us the stairs and through the open door to the classroom. I could see the rows of students sitting in the lecture hall. They all seemed very young. I knew that $K5 was in the classroom somewhere. I spotted her sitting in the front row right in front of the door. She was the second from the left. She noticed me as i leaned against the metal railing which ran down the left side of the stairs. She suddenly seemed embarrassed and sunk down in her chair. She seemed young and thin, and was wearing a pair of faded denims which seemed to be seventies in style. The others in the class room started to stand up. I thought that the bell must have just rung, even though i did not hear it. $K7 and my mother stood in the hall to the south as the students walked out. I looked at the front of the class room, through the door that was to the east. I tried to see the teacher. She was an old woman with grey hair and a thin, boxy face. She was wearing a dull yellow, button-up shirt. I decided that i recognized her. I thought that i had her as a teacher in second grade. I walked into the front of the classroom, watching the teacher as she spoke to the students. I then realized that there was a yellow sign on the table in front of her which had her name on it. I tried to read the name, but it did not seem like a name that i recognized. I then realized that the sign was split into two lines, and that the bottom line of text blended in with the top line at certain angled. The sign was actually two signs which were placed with the top one slightly behind the bottom one. As i walked past the signs, i could see that the bottom sign said “SNUT”, with an umlaut over the U. I remembered that it was the teachers name and that i did have her as a teacher a long time ago. I walked over to the east wall of the room as the other people wandered through the room. $K5 asked my about the teacher and i told her that i remembered the teacher from before. I then made a mocking face which implied that i thought that the teacher was grouchy. I decided that i should head out. I walked down the corridor in the basement of the school. I seemed to be at $P7. I remembered that the art room was down here. I looked in the room on the west side of the hall. This used to be $A227’s room. I wondered whether he was still there. I walked into the room. I thought that i should see whether the old drawings on the south wall were still there. I remembered that $A227 had taken them off of the wall as an art project. I looked to the north. The room was painted a very light blue and seemed to have art objects in it. There seemed to be a dark statue on the north end of the room which was of a man sitting. It seemed to be in roman style.

11999 June 05

I was helping to run the theatre show. I sneaked along the west side of the theatre with the black cloth and draped it over the edge of a chair at the front of the theatre. The stage was on the north side of the room. I thought that i would have to stay under the cloth until intermission so that the audience did not see me. I then remembered that i had done that in the last show. It was now the beginning of another show. I heard one of the actors moving near me. I looked out from under the black cloth. There were a few audience members in the seats of the theatre. I crept out from under the sheet and crouched down behind one of the chairs. I had to sneak up to the booth at the back end of the theatre. There was a woman in the audience who noticed us. I thought that we should not be sneaking through the audience, but i knew that the show had not started yet. The woman seemed to be wearing a dull red winter jacket. I hurried back up the west sided of the theatre, crouched over as i went. I ran into the back room where all of the actors were. There was a parson getting dressed as i passed. I turned to the east to head back to the booth. I was then on the east side of the theatre. The show was running and i could see actors performing on the stage through the back door of the theatre. I walked to the west, into the large control booth that overlooked the audience and the stage. There was a man running the sound. I thought that i was not really running any of the effects, but that i had some control of the show. I had to check in on the others. I was worried, however, that i might have missed something. It seemed as though i was not paying attention to the show. I started talking to the other man. There was something that we should be doing. I then thought that i should get ready for the show. I needed to shower and get dressed in good clothing. I walked to the southwest, towards the building. It seemed to have some relation to $P19. We were in a large corridor as we approached the front of the house. The lights then went out. I thought that someone had shut off the power. I wondered whether we could still take a shower without any power. I thought that there would be no hot water. There was already a man in the shower stall to the east of us. He said that there would still be hot water in the tank. I hoped that it did not run out quickly with three people taking a shower at the same time. I stepped into the water. I was then laying down on the lawn chair. I seemed to be floating on the water. There was a woman in the room to the north of me. She had been in the water earlier, but she was now getting dressed. It almost seemed as though i had some intimate relation with her. I felt as though i should then get going. I started to move on the lawn chair, but realized that i was still floating in the middle of the pool. My upper body slid off the right side of the chair. I reached over my head with my left arm and grabbed the back of the chair to keep myself from tipping over. I could feel the water on the back of my head and shoulders. I did not want to tip over and get all wet. I was surprised that i was able to keep my balance on the raft. It seemed as though the raft should tip over.

I was taking a shower in the small house, but i had stepped out of the shower. There was no power in the house, and i was wandering around to see what was wrong. I walked along the edge of the outdoor pool. The deck of the pool was off of the ground. I thought that i had to be careful not to get wet with the water from the pool. It was very cold out, and i would not be able to get warm without electricity. I walked across the patio in the small courtyard. I seemed to be in the center of an apartment complex. I could see the woman from the apartment next to mine. She was not wearing any clothes as she walked out the back door of her house. I thought that it had something to do with the power outage. The man then asked me what kind of propositions the woman was making to me. I was unaware that she had been making advances toward me. I turned to walk away. I was in the middle of the large field, but the ground was still wet. The river nearby was flooding and was getting everything wet, even the field. I thought that i had to get out of the water so that i could stay warm. I ran back through the large cement building trying to escape the water.

11999 June 06

I was with the other people in the large room of the building. It seemed as thought something had happened: some natural disaster. I was collecting my things. It seemed as though i did not lose everything i had. I picked up a bag from the shelf to my left. The shelf was set into the west wall, which seemed run down and crumbling. There seemed to be exposed slats on parts of the wall where the plaster, which was painted a light green, had broken off. I seemed that i had collected my toys from my childhood. I felt protective of them. The bag broke open as i was placing it on the shelf, however, and the light green, plastic dinosaurs fell onto the wooden floor. I felt frustrated and became afraid that someone might take them before i could clean them up. I pushed the bag onto the shelf and bent over to collect the dinosaurs. There was a woman sitting on the bench to the north, a young girl to the east of her. They were both facing me. The young girl seemed like $K1. She rushed off of the bench and grabbed a couple of the dinosaurs from the floor. I told her that they did not belong to her and felt angry at her for trying to take them. I yelled at the girl, but she defiantly tried to take the animals from me. I slapped her hand as she reached for one and tried to pick the rest up. I felt hurt and mad at the girl. I started to walk away, but could not remember where i was heading. I seemed to be at my grandmother’s house, but something was not right. I was confused and insecure and did not know what i should do.

I had dug up the flowering plants along the front side of the empty lot. The lot seemed to be in the middle of a city and had a large brick building along the right side of it. There was a short chain-link fence at the front of the lot where the flowers beds were. There were weeds growing in the debris on the lot. I had a small water gun in my right hand. It was green and made of plastic, and i was shooting it at the flowers. It seemed as though there had been children around, but i did not notice any now. It was hot out and the sun was bright, but i did not feel that hot. I stepped back onto the sidewalk to look at the flower bed that i had dug up at the front of the house. Just then, a young girl rode past on her bicycle. She seemed familiar, and i thought that i should shoot her with the water gun. I then walked through the white picket fence and into the lot. $A20 was walking to the right of me. I asked him about the electricity as we headed back toward the house. There was a small porch off of the brick building to the right. The porch was at the back of the lot. As i crossed over the lot, i asked $A20 whether the wiring was done correctly. He seemed to think so. I then noticed that the cement tiles on the ground formed strange patterns. Some of the bricks on the lot were red and others were white, but they formed arrow patterns which pointed to the south, to the back of the lot. As i looked over the faded patterns on the ground, i noticed that some of the patterns formed jagged lines. I wondered whether they were some sort of extraterrestrial experiment. There seemed to be something strange about the patterns. I looked around the lot and noticed that many of the people near me were standing in a daze. I noticed Mr. Burns and Smythers standing by the sidewalk. I quickly walked onto the porch and into the house. I looked out the back window of the house to see if anyone was outside watching. I felt unsafe. I then focused on the small red flower box that was on the back window sill. I noticed a small pale green snake curled up among the flowers. It was dangerous and i knew that it had something to do with the experiments. I was frightened of it. It struck at me but hit the glass of the window. I said “on earth” as i backed away. I knew that the snake was not really from this planet. I was frightened and ran out the door of the house.

I walked over the debris of the open lot in the middle of the city. $A20 was with me as i walked. I asked him about the wiring in the theatre. I wondered whether it was all right. It seemed that i had to fix it. Something seemed strange though. I remember that this had happened before. I looked around the lot. I was standing in the center, but could see the chain-link fence at the front of the lot. A young girl rose past the front of the lot on a green bicycle. I remembered that this had happened before. I also remembered that i had shot at her with a water gun before. I walked to the front of the lot to see if the water gun was still on the ground where i had remembered it being. I saw several water guns on the ground near the fresh earth at the front of the lots. I remembered that i had been digging in the flower bed and had dug up all of the flowers. This was familiar, but i could not remember when i had done it before. It seemed that i had visited this place in a dream.

11999 June 07

I was talking to the other person about the experiments. They had something to do with DNA and genetic coding. I knew that it was a revolutionary idea. It seemed dark out as we walked across the park area. There were several people walking around in the open area. There seemed to be some cement pillars near us. I then noticed that small glowing discs which were being launched from the ground. I knew that they were gravity-repulse crafts. I paused at the small spot where the others were standing. I thought about the genetic experiments as i listened to the hum of the discs as they took off. $A30 was standing to the left of the pile of belongings that we had left on the ground. He looked around, smiling. He asked what was making the humming noises. I pointed to the group who was launching the discs. I told $A30 that the humming was from MV crafts and that the people had recreated the 1957 experiment of antigravity which would launch vehicles into space. He seemed amazed. He moved towards the people who were launching the craft. I was interested to know exactly how the crafts worked as i watched the rings of light jump into the sky and vanish. I thought that the ships must be going very high in a very short time. I wondered where they were coming down. The man who was launching the crafts then leaned over to me and placed a white sheet of paper on the ground where i was lying. The paper had an explanation of the experiment with details on how the craft worked. I was interested to see it and told the man that i had seen drawings before but did not get to read them. There was an image on the upper right corner of the paper which showed how the charges were held on separate parts of the ship. It seemed like a capacitor. I wanted to know exactly how it worked, however, and tried to read the text. It seemed as thought there were something between the negatively charged dome and the positively charged center. One of the pictures showed two black objects which seemed to be plates. There was a grey cloud between them which was labeled as old. There was then a set of white plates below it with the charged some and another cloud on the lower left. The cloud on the lower left seemed to be a new field which was being generated to merge with the old. It was how the antigravity worked. The old field was some remnant of the last usage which was still fading as a knot in space. The new field would regenerate it and allow the ship to fly. I thought that this was the more complex version of how the ships worked. I then realized that i was having difficulty reading the paper. I tried to focus on the text, but could not read it. I thought that this must be a dream that i was having and i was not able to focus on the text and remember it. I was disappointed. I was standing in the hallway as $A228 walked past. She spoke of the experiments. I knew that she was working on both the DNA experiment and the antigravitational experiment. I congratulated her on her work as she walked away. I felt disappointed. I wished that i had the resources to work on such projects. I wanted to be the one to discover the interesting information. I knew that i was artistic enough to think in the abstract, but i knew that i did not have the time to dedicate to it. I thought that i should at least be offering advice to $A228.

11999 June 10

I was eating the ice cream from the small cone as i spoke to $Z. We seemed to be in some place that i was familiar with. I thought that it was somewhere from my childhood. I looked around at the people who were walking around. They did not seem right for this place. I then thought that this was part of a television story. We had written a story which was similar to MASH, but it took place in outer space. I visualized the television screen as the image of the rocket launch appeared. It was a deep space probe that would have a medical crew. The image moved through the center of the metallic grey ship. I could see the large stasis chambers on wither side of the corridor. I remembered that part of the plot was that the people in the ship would be put to sleep for the voyage. They would be the new crew for the station. It was all based on old MASH episodes.

11999 June 12

We had to travel from someplace in the center of Nevada. We were heading home, which was to the northwest. I pictured the road map in my mind as we traveled. It seemed to be very detailed, with many yellow and black lines crossing over it. There must be many roads in the area. I thought about the family that we had in Nevada. I wanted to stay in this place, but i knew that we would have to get home. We traveled down the highway near the open business area. There were some tall buildings around us, spaced widely from each other. I walked across the green grass in the center of the town park. The office buildings were around us. I followed my mother across the front porch of one of the wooden buildings on the west side of the square. She asked me something, and i told her that i had not gotten to sleep the previous night. I wanted to tell her that i had been sick and had been in the hospital. She hummed in acknowledgment of my statement, but did not ask why i had not gotten any sleep. I felt awkward. I was disappointed that she did not seem concerned. She stepped off of the porch and walked to the east. I followed her across the grass, feeling sad.

11999 June 13

I walked to the small window on the back of the kitchen. I seemed to be looking south. There were ruffled curtains on the inside of the window. The sill and window frame was painted bright blue. There were several large colourful flowers growing in the red wooden box on the outside of the window sill. I looked at one of the smaller yellow flowers. I then realized that it was not really a flower. The flower was in the mouth of a thin grey snake. I thought that the snake was trying to catch insects and birds by posing as a flower in the box. I looked closely at the snake, thinking that it seemed rather strange. The snake then looked at me and tried to strike. Its mouth hit the glass of the window and bounced off. I stepped back, startled. We had scared the snake. I thought that it was only natural for the animal to attack. It did not expect us to be so close to it.

11999 June 14

I was in the small hotel room on the east side of the building. The walls seemed to be pale green and plain. I had killed someone and was wondering what to do about it. My mother was in the room. I told her about the dead bodies. She did not seem to understand what i was saying. I felt justified in my actions and told her about the many bodies that i had chopped up. I knew that no one else knew about the many bodies because i had chopped them up to get rid of them. My mother seemed surprised, but did not seem to mind. I felt worried about what i had done and whether anyone else would find out. I thought that my anger towards the people was justified. I walked across the living room of my grandfather’s house on $P12. It seemed as though my father’s mother were somewhere in the house. My grandfather was wandering around the house. He seemed sick, and i thought that he might be dead soon. I was there with my mother. We were supposed to be cleaning up things around the house. My grandfather had moved out, but there were many things left around. I looked around the house and thought that there were many things left. I moved around the front of the house. The walls were pale green, and there seemed to be a large room to the south of the house. I seemed to circle the house several times. As i came into the front hall, i noticed $X2 laying on a red and off-white rug. She lifted her head and looked at me as i approached. I felt reminiscent of $X2, and wondered what she was doing here. Everything seemed hazy as i started around the back of the house and into the living room. I wondered what furniture my mother would be moving. I thought that there must be some things that i would be interested in, but i did not really feel like doing anything. I felt somewhat apathetic. I was then in the kitchen. I looked up and noticed the long thin cabinet doors which ran down the length of the ceiling. The kitchen was narrow and ran left to right from the main door. The sink was ahead of me as i looked up at the first white hatch, which was only a deci or so wide. I unclipped the latch and let the left end of the door fall. I did not expect there to be any supplies in the small space, but there seemed to be a few packets of spice. They seemed very old. There was a white bag of something which had turned brown with age. I was looking in a second cupboard which was full of other packages. There were many dingy bags of baking goods. I thought that they must all be very old and i wondered whether they were any good. I then noticed a bright yellow box at the end of the cupboard, which opened from the left. It was a box of baking soda. I thought that my father’s mother must have put it there so that the other spices would not smell as they rotted. It seemed strange to be here. I then noticed an orange in one of the larger drawers that i pulled down from the ceiling. It seemed fresh, but i knew that it could not be. I thought that it must simply have lasted the time. I looked up into the attic of the building. It seemed very large. There was a large pile of oranges on the right side. They all seemed to be just turning yellow. I thought that they must all be rotten, but they did not seem to be too bad. I climbed the wooden stairs, which i had pulled down from the ceiling. My grandfather walked across the attic. He was wearing a pale green, button-down shirt and tan pants. He seemed to be dazed. I wondered what to do. Something did not seem right. We had to get all of the things out of the house, but i did not know where to start. I started to feel uninterested and sad.

11999 June 15

I stood on the side of the road with the others. We had just been racing through the buildings along the road. The person mentioned that all of the land that we covered was owned by the people who were sponsoring the race. I thought about all of the run down buildings that we had run through. The area around us seemed filled with trees which were full of leaves. The buildings seemed unpainted and weather-worn. I talked to the other person as we moved towards the building. We had to get going.

11999 June 16

I was running down the country road with the other people. The land around me was open with few patches of trees. It seemed dry out, as thought it were late summer. The grass on the sides of the road was thick and the trees had deep-green leaves. I had been running with the others, but i had separated from them. I thought that i should turn around and head back to the field that was on the north side of the road behind me. I had been running with $G4, and i needed to find them again. I did not want to get too far away from them. I thought that i should go back to the small field by the side of the road. I knew that it was to the south of me now. I would have to cross the water again to get back to the road. I remembered that we ran across the water once already, so i was not on the correct side of the water. I had to get to the south side of the water to reach the spot on the road. I crossed the small creek by hopping over the large rocks that poked up through the water. I turned to the left and followed the rocky trail down the center of the narrow gorge. The cliffs on wither side were grey and covered with dry sandstone rocks. I came out of the rocks and into the open area by the side of the dirt road. I could see a large hound dog walking from the farm house in front of me. There was a man following the dog. I realized that the man was the owner of the land that i was on, and i thought that he might be mad at me for trespassing. I hoped that i was not on his land as i walked down the side of the dirt road. I tried to act naturally so that he might think that i was unaware that this land might be owned by someone. As the man walked hastily out of his front yard, i noticed that he had a shot gun in his left hand. He was wearing a flannel shirt and blue over-alls. I wondered why the man was carrying the shot gun and worried that he was after me. I then realized that the man was after the hunters that were in his woods. I thought that i should tell him “I was just armed.” I then thought about the sentence and realized that it did not make any sense. Something seemed strange. I could not focus on what i was trying to say. I passed the man and walked toward the pile of garbage on the side of the street. The other members of $G4 were waiting there. $A34 and $A121 were with $G4. They were all plotting to take the truck which was on the farmer’s property. They were going to take it back to the start of the run while the farmer was out of his house. I thought about what we were doing and got confused again. I wondered why i would have had a gun. I remembered that i did not like guns. Something did not make sense.

I was in my parents’ house. There seemed to be several other relatives around, though i was not aware of where they were. I wondered whether it was a holiday as i walked through the house. I came to the back room of the house and started to climb up through the square hole in the white ceiling. My mother told me that i did not need a chair to make the climb, but the opening seemed too high for me to reach. She told me that i could simply step up on the cushions to reach the hole. I told her that i was doing so but i still could not reach the hole. I told her that it was too high, even for me. She did not believe me and tried to climb up herself. She was having a hard time. I looked around the bedroom as she tried to get up to the hole. There was music coming from somewhere. I looked out the front windows of the small bedroom to see several old cars out on the front lawn. I seemed to remember the old cars from before. They had come to the house for some special event. I remembered that there were many of the lined up across the lawn. They were mostly classic cars from the fifties and sixties. My vision passed over the tops of the cars. One of them was a light blue coup with a white top. It looked to be from the early fifties. I thought that this was some special event for my father. I was then lower to the ground as o passed along the front of the cars. I looked over the many cars. They seemed to be parked as though in a large lot. I then noticed that there were some modern cars on the lawn. I thought that it was strange that not all of them were classic cars. I wondered why the modern ones were there. I thought that they must have some significance, or they would not be there.

11999 June 18

I was in the small room of the house. There was a young man with me. We were looking at the computer on the desk, which was along the east wall. The room seemed very small. I had to figure something out. The computer was not working properly. I tried to follow the cables across the table. They led away from the computer and down the walls of the room. The walls seemed to be old and made of uneven plaster. They were painted white and were chipping. There was an arched wooden door frame on the wall to our right. I followed one of the cables over to it. The cable was thick and pale tan. I then noticed that there was a shelf above the door with an old dot-matrix printer on it. The shelf was made out of darkly stained wood and looked roughly constructed. There was paper folding over the top of the printer, as though something had been printed and left.

11999 June 19

I kept thinking about the flying saucers that had been in the back yard of the house. Something seemed wrong, but i could not concentrate on what it was. I then noticed the Darth Vader helmet on the ground. I wondered whether it could have been mistaken for a flying saucer. I thought that the entire event might have been faked. I could not focus on the thought, though. I kept wondering whether this was real.

11999 June 21

My grandmother was talking to me as we walked down the street. We seemed to be in the suburban area. It was cold out, and there was a covering of snow on the ground. The sky was dark as though it were sunset. I walked faster than my grandmother and started to walk ahead of her. I wondered whether i should slow down and wait for her. I felt that i should worry about her, but i thought that i had to continue on. I felt very strange. There seemed to be something bothering me. I did not feel that i could pay attention to my grandmother. I thought that she would walk alone without any trouble. I turned to the right at the corner into the alley. I seemed to be on the outskirts of a small city. The houses were close together and crowded with apartment buildings. It was dark out now, and it felt very cold. I continued down the alley and into a small courtyard on the back of several buildings. The buildings were tall and faced with brick. I noticed the woman from the restaurant standing in the doorway to the right. She was dragging a large bucket into the back of the building. I walked straight ahead and into the large house. I started to set up the christmas tree at the back side of the small room. The place seemed dingy and worn. The walls were a dirty white. I looked over the tree and decided that it was standing too close to the wood stove. The old pot-bellied stove was just to the left of the tree. I wondered whether the tree should be moved. I then decided that the house was very cold. I thought that the stove must not be running well. I tried to see if the stove was putting out any heat. It was somewhat warm, so i thought that the tree should be moved anyway. I turned and started walking away from the tree. I wandered through the house. It was my parents’ house. It felt very cold, and i thought that it should not be this cold. I then noticed that all of the windows to the house were opened. Something seemed wrong. I knew that it was just after Christmas, and i thought that it was definitely too cold outside for the windows to be open. I came down the stairs of the house and into the back room. There was a piece of plywood fastened over the back door. I thought that the wood was for the trees. It was a place where the christmas decorations could be fastened. I closed the inside door and thought that i should close everything else in the house as well. Everything should not have been opened. I went around the house and started closing the windows. I came to one of the windows on the front of the house and tried to close it. I could not find the chord to lower the window, though. I searched around on the right side of the window for the chord. It was not very cold in the house, and my fingers were clenched to keep warm. I thought that i would have trouble grabbing things with cold fingers. I then noticed my grandmother sitting on the stairs outside the house. I walked out onto the porch and asked her if she was all right. Something seemed to be wrong. I wondered whether it had something to do with the windows in the house. She said that she was fine, but did not seem to answer me. I was worried about her. I could not figure out what had happened. Something was wrong, but i did not know what it was. The windows in the house should not have all been opened. I wondered what happened and why they were opened. I thought that i had to close them.

11999 June 23

I watched the man placing the rolls of fresh green grass down on his lawn. I was walking down the sidewalk on the south side of $P86. The man was standing in the front of his house trying to roll out the sod, but there were several cars which kept driving on the lawn. I thought that the cars were packing down the dirt, but they seemed to be getting in the man’s way. I then noticed that my parents were helping the man. I wondered why. It seemed strange to me that they would be helping him. I then felt defensive and thought that i should make a point not to help the man. I thought that it was too dark out. I continued walking down the street, angry that i felt as though i had to help him because my parents were. I thought that it was the man’s job to put down his lawn, and i did not want to help him. I walked away.

11999 June 26

I looked over the walls of the house as i walked towards the room to the north. I was going to buy the house, and i thought about what i should do with it. There was a section of the wall to the west of the door to the kitchen which protruded. It was covered with white wall paper that had tiny red, orange, and yellow flowers on it. I knew that the section of the wall was covering a radiator. I thought that it was a nice design to disguise the old steam radiator. I then walked into the large white room to the north. The room was the kitchen. My mother was in the kitchen, to the northwest of me. The counters were on the west wall of the large white room. I looked down at the white wall to my left, which was just to the east of the doorway. There was a niche in the wall where a short radiator had gone. It seemed slightly unfinished along the inside of the box-shaped area. I then noticed that there was a black cable sticking out of the wall on the west side of the niche. It was held out by a rectangular metal plate. The cable was for television. I thought that the person who used to own the house must have wired a television in the kitchen. I thought that i would not need a television here. I then wondered what i would have to do to the house to fix up the house. I walked back out the door and into the room to the south. I wanted to see where the black cable ran. I noticed that it ran along the west wall of the hallway. The hall seemed like an open room, with a slanted ceiling on the west side. There was a stair case which descended into the floor on the south side of the room. It had a railing around it with thin, square, white banisters. I saw that the black cable was split just before the stairs. Part of it ran across the wall on the west, behind the stairs, but the second part ran across the floor and over the top step. The wire was not attached to the wall that well, and looked roughly laid. I thought that i could simply relay the wire along the back wall. I did not like it on the stairs. I walked over towards the stairs. I then noticed that part of the molding on the back side of the stairs was missing. There was a large window on the back side of the stairs which had molding running across the bottom of it. The right side of the molding was missing, however, and i could see through the clear glass behind it. I then realized that the molding was not at the bottom of the window, but in the center of it. The window ran into the floor and down to the next level. The molding was placed in to separate the window. I wondered why someone would place molding in the center of a window and then decided that it was an easy way to make it seem as thought the window had more than one pane. I crouched down to the south of the stairs to get a closer look at the window. I realized that the window was made of plexiglas. I could see where it was attached to the wall. I then thought that there might be a slight gap between the lightly stained wood paneling of the walls and the top left corner of the glass. I tried to stick my finger behind the glass, but realized that there were two sheets of glass. The second one was behind the first. I could see the white seal between the two plates of glass. I thought that they would be insulating, but wondered whether the second piece of glass was sealed to the wall. I looked closer and could see the second seal. It was thinner than the first. I looked up to realized that there were several layers of plexiglas above the window. They were placed one behind the other, with the back sheet taller than the one in front of it. The layers of sheets curved at the top, making a decorative set of thin slots. I thought that it was a strange way to decorate a house. I wondered whether i would have to redo the entire area. There was a thin piece of wood between two of the glass plates. It was curved to match the curve of the glass, and i thought that it looked interesting. I wondered whether it was included with the house, or whether the owner would take it. I started to back away from the window when i became fearful of falling over the edge of the stairs. There was no railing on this side of the stairs. The edge over the stairs seemed curved and modern. There was a small office space to the south of me with a desk on the south wall and a rolling chair in front of it. I thought that i could place my computer here, where it would be near the cable lines. I then wondered why o was considering moving my things into this house. I knew that i had already decided upon another house. I backed across the room, thinking of the layout of the other house. The other house suddenly seemed very boxy. All of its rooms were square. I thought that the house that i was in was much more open and had curved lines to the rooms. I turned around and started to walk away from the house. I then noticed that it seemed rather cool outside, as though a storm were coming. I looked back at the house and noticed that there were grey clouds in the sky. None of them looked like rain clouds, but i could hear thunder rumbling. It seemed as though i had been here too long. I walked to the east, looking out over the dry field grass of the area. There was a forest at the edge of the field in the distance. It seemed as though it were about to rain heavily. I felt uncomfortable here, as though i were not supposed to stay. I wondered whether i should wander off soon. I then noticed that there were people wrestling in the center of the field. They were on a large mat, which seemed dark grey. I stood at the west edge of the mat, watching them wrestle. There seemed to be a large spread of sandy beach to the north and east which led to the ocean. The waters of the ocean seemed very calm. I was interested in the people wrestling. They seemed younger than i, and were in nice shape. I liked the man in the red singlet and wanted him to win the match. They were not wrestling very seriously, though, and kept switching who was on top. I wanted one of them to keep a headlock, but he kept letting the other person escape. It seemed as though they were doing television wrestling. The man in the blue singlet was on the bottom for a moment, with the other person holding him in a headlock. Then the person on top rolled over, doing some special move which let the man in blue get on top. He then grabbed the man in blue around the torso and swung him to the bottom again and started the move over. I wondered why they kept doing the same move over and over. I wanted to see them wrestle seriously. Then they both stood up. I wondered whether they had finished the match. One of them turned to me and started talking. I thought that he wanted to wrestle me. I was interested in wrestling and thought that i could get back into the sport. I knew that there were several people around the area who were into wrestling seriously. I hoped that i could get to do the sport. The man came over to me and started talking. I sat down on the couch on the west side of the living room. I was excited to start the sport again. The man sat to my left and was very close to me. I felt as though he was trying to get closer to me. I was excited to be near him, as i thought that he was attractive, but i wanted to wrestle him and not copulate with him. He placed his left hand on my right thigh. I became uncomfortable and pushed his hand away with my right hand. I felt uneasy being that close to him and tried not to be stimulated by his closeness. We were then standing. The man started to walk across the room to the east. We were inside of a public building, and there were other people wandering around. I knew that there was some kind of wrestling match about to start. Others were gathering in the room. I followed the man, as i felt like he was a friend. I then focused upon one of the contestants who was gathering in a small area on the north end of the room. He looked familiar, and i wondered whether i knew him from somewhere. The man i was with continued down the main aisle to the east as i stopped to watch the two men getting ready in the north area. I started to wonder whether the one i recognized was a wrestler, or whether he was into kick boxing. I thought that the people gathering might be martial arts people. I suddenly felt as though i should follow my fried before i lost him, but i could not stop looking at the man who was getting ready. He was wearing a white gi with a dark belt around his waist. His hair was short and dark, and he seemed to be well built. Others then started to gather in the small area. The area seemed to be separated from the rest of the store by small white partitions which reached in from both the west and east. The floor within the area was covered with a dull blue carpet. Other contestants started to gather in the area. I started to wander around the center part of the store, just to the south of the area. I then noticed that there was a rack of CDs to the east of me. It was a tall white set of shelves with CDs displayed. I noticed that there was a white box with a sepia toned photograph of Beck on the front. The album was called “Ode Beck” and had rare songs from his earlier recordings. I picked up the box with my left hand to look at the back cover. The box seemed like a box for an old reel-to-reel tape. There were a few more boxes behind it, but they were all wrapped in plastic. I opened the one that i had in my hand to see that there were two CDs inside. They were loose, and were coloured with red on the top and dark green on the bottom. I closed the box and looked at the back cover. I wanted to buy the CD, but i was worried that it had too many songs which were already on CDs that i had. I thought about the rare CDs that i had collected from Beck’s early years. I read the brownish text on the back cover of the box, which ran down the let hand column. I did not recognize any of the songs, which was good. I then noticed that there were several pictures of album covers in the middle of the text. I thought that they were the albums from which the songs had been take. I did not recognize any of them. I then started to wonder where all of the albums had come from. I knew that Beck did not publish that many singles. I looked at a few of the square pictures on the lower portion of the right hand column and noticed that they depicted christmas scenes. The one on the bottom of the column was red and orange with a black silhouette of an old victorian mansion. There seemed to be a horse with a sleigh in front of it. It was rendered in an old style of drawing which made me think that it was mimicking nineteen-fifties styles. I thought that the albums must have been compilations on which Beck had a song. I remembered that he did do a few holiday songs. I placed the box back on the shelf, considering whether i should buy it. I opened the box one more time to look at the christmas cards inside. It had a picture of a man throwing a snowball at a street sign. The man was short and round and was wearing a blue winter jacket. His face was covered with an iridescent patch of rainbow colours. I looked at the second box on the shelf and noticed that it was one of Snoopy throwing a snowball at Woodstock’s next, which was in a tree. The nest was covered with a patch of rainbow stripes. I thought that it was a variation of the design. I knew that there were probably several different designs to the cards which came with the CDs. I then wondered what the cards said on the inside. I turned over the box that i had been holding in my right hand. It had “South Park” printed on the back. I thought that the CD must be part of the new South Park soundtrack. I placed the box back on the shelf.

11999 June 27

I was on the sidewalk in front of my grandmother’s house. She wanted to go somewhere, but i was not interested in leaving. I felt distressed, and did not want to leave. She said that she would have to take my car, but i did not care. I did not want to bother with what was going on. $K7 was in the driveway with my grandmother. They both got into my red car. I suddenly wondered whether my grandmother could drive a stick shift. I did not think that she could. I watched her from behind the car on the driver’s side of the car as she and $K7 got in. I expected her to notice the stick shift and leave the car in frustration. She did not, however. The car backed out of the driveway and turned east on the street. I felt distracted as i watched them leave. I thought that i would have to wait for my ride to come pick me up. I was on the south end of a lecture room. There were people gathered in the chairs to the north of me. I seemed to be at some kind of convention. I thought that it was a science-fiction convention. I turned to the south to see a man writing something on a whiteboard. He seemed to be writing mathematical equations, and i thought that it had something to do with astronomy. I wanted to stay at the conference and learn what the man was teaching, but i knew that my mother was coming at some time to get me. I wandered back down the corridor, which ran down from the lecture room on along the west wall. The seats of the room seemed to be light coloured, but the corridor was dark and black. I walked into the lower section of the building. I felt disappointed, and wanted to do something. I wandered around in the lobby of the building. I seemed to be in a small recreation room. I thought that this place was an urban recreation center. It seemed run down. The walls were a dirty yellow. There were old wooden armchairs in the room, and there seemed to be a television set on the south end of the west wall. I had to go somewhere, and i wondered where my ride was. I then wandered back into the room where the lecture was. It seemed very much like the television room from which i had just come. It was now empty. I thought that all of the lectures were over for the day. I was disappointed. I thought that i could have gone to them had i known that my ride would be late. I had missed all of them, however. I wandered into the small room and sat down behind the desk. I looked at the book in front of me. $F4 wandered down the stairs on the north side of the room and stood with a few other people near the east wall. I thought that he might be waiting for me, but i had to wait for him to say something to me. I pretended to look over the large book on the desk in front of me. $F4 ran back up the stairs and then back down. He seemed to be wearing a tight pair of shorts with white socks. I thought that i should look at him, but i knew that he had to interrupt me if he wanted to go. I could not start the conversation.

11999 June 28

I was with the other people in the crowded area. We were at a wedding. I sat with my friends in the chairs, which were facing to the west. I was the one who was getting married. I was dressed up in a business suit. As i spoke with my friends, i thought that this seemed rather strange. I then noticed that there were several young girls in purple dresses with white sashes walking down the aisle to our left. The wedding ceremony had started. The girls were part of the wedding party and were starting the ceremony. I could hear the music as the girls tossed white flowers around them. I thought that we had better go over to the chapel so that we could join the ceremony. I thought that i would have to be up at the alter before the bride was marched in. I then suddenly realized that i was only wearing a business suit. Since i was the groom, i should have been wearing a tuxedo. I became flustered and thought that i would have to make a quick change. I hurried out into the room which was to the east of us. There were other members of the wedding party gathered, waiting to enter the chapel, which was out the door on the east end of the south wall and down the corridor a ways. I had to rush upstairs and put on the tuxedo. I then noticed the bride standing in the northeast corner of the crowded room. She was wearing a white lace dress. She seemed to be $K1. I remembered that i was not supposed to see her before the wedding. I did not think that it mattered and thought that i would say hello as i passed. Someone from behind me covered my eyes, however. I smiled as i tried to make my way through the crowd with my vision obscured. I quickly rushed up the stairs and into the small bedroom. I grabbed my tuxedo from the closet and pulled off the jacket and shirt that i was wearing. Several of the bride’s maids came into the room to help me. $K1 was also there, in the white bride’s dress. I shuffled through the shirts hanging in the closet and pulled out the tuxedo shirt with the fine pleats in the front. I dropped the shirt on the floor as i tried to step out of my shoes. I joked, “I hope that no one minds that this shirt is not ironed.” One of the bride’s maids was looking through the closet on the east side of the room. I told her that i had a black pair of loafers. I then changed my mind and told her to get me the black dress shoes that i had. I thought that i would have just enough time to change and get to the wedding before i had to go on.

11999 June 29

I was hiking through the woods with the other people. We were heading east on the narrow trail that led through the thick trees. There were green plants on the ground which seemed like ferns, and the trees were parted above us. It seemed as though the trail was well tread. We then came to a T in the trail. The trail on which we were traveling ended on a north and south trail. We paused at the intersection to talk. We were unsure which way we should go. It seemed as though it were grey and hazy out. $A177 was one of the people with me. It seemed as though it was getting dark, and we had to find our way to the camp site. I knew that the trail to the south headed in the correct direction. I was holding something in my left hand which i seemed to be eating. I felt confused as the others talked. They then started to head down the trail to the south. There was an old tree just to the south of the intersection of the west side of the trail at which i was looking. It seemed to have fallen, and was dark from decay. There was a spoon on the ground in front of it. I thought that i had dropped, and i knew that we would need it later. I tried to bend over to pick it up, but my back pack seemed to make balancing difficult. I could not grab the spoon. I then started to worry that it was getting too dark out. I was afraid that we would not make it to safety before it turned to night. I then realized that there were several other spoons on the trail to my right. I had to pick them all up. There was something that was upsetting me. I thought that there might be a bear in the woods in front of me. I started after the others. I caught up to them as they started along the chain link fence which separated the trail from the large sports fields of the college campus. The fence ran along the right side of the trail, and there were some single-level houses across a row of shrubs to the left. One of the was yellow, and had a grey asphalt shingle roof which hung out over the house by about a metre. I felt relieved that we had come into an inhabited area. We would not have to worry about getting lost in the dark. It seemed like mid-day now, and the sky was grey and misty. We then came to the road which ran west-northwest through the area of dorms. I knew that if we followed the road to the right we would end up back at our car. I told the others this, commenting that we had not gone the correct direction on the trail. $A177 seemed disappointed that we had ended up back where we had started. I thought that we should head back to the cars, as we would not have time to make it to the camp area before it got dark. I did not want to go back into the woods again.

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house. There seemed to be something wrong outside. I looked out the window to the west and noticed the rolling clouds moving towards the house. I then realized that one of the clouds was spinnel-shaped, and rolling horizontally across the dark grey clouds over the green trees. I thought that it was a tornado. I told my parents that there was a tornado coming. We would have to hide. I felt frightened and wanted to go someplace. My grandmother was in the house with us. I ran to the east, but then realized that the tornado did not hit the house. I looked out across the large fields to the east. I could see the tree line to the north and the expanse of dry cut field grass. I then noticed that large funnel cloud in the center of the field. I thought that it was coming towards us. I was worried and thought that we should hide. There were smaller tornadoes on either side of the larger funnel. I then wondered whether they were coming or going. I thought that the one to the west had passed over, which meant that the ones to the east were leaving. I was confused and did not know what to do.

11999 June 30

I was at the house of $F4’s parents. It seemed as though i had spent the night here. I had to get ready to go. I felt uncomfortable as i moved through the small rooms of the house. The walls of the rooms were light blue. I walked to the north from the small bedroom into a smaller room. This roomed seemed to be $F25’s bedroom. The floors of the rooms seemed cluttered with papers and old clothes. I thought that i would have to clean up things before i left. I did not want $F4’s parents to be upset with me for leaving the place messy.