12000 June 02

I was at my parents’ house when i decided that i wanted to leave. I felt that i should go out and do something. I started to the north when i found myself in the middle of a grassy courtyard. It was very open and there were old wooden buildings on all sides. The dirt road seemed to run along the south side of the park. There were a few scattered trees along the path which enclosed the grassy area. To the east was a large yellow building which seemed like a church. The paint on the sides walls was worn and chipping, revealing spots of dark wood underneath. My vision seemed hazy as i continued to the north. I wanted to go for a run. My parents were near me. I knew that my mother would be worried that i was heading out for a run. It seemed like such a way to run, but i wanted to travel. My mother asked me if i really had to leave. I tried to ignore her worrying and left. I was then walking down the street of the small town. I seemed to be on the edge of a larger town, but this place seemed suburban. The trees were tall and the houses seemed old. The air felt hot and humid and my vision was still hazy. I walked down the curving road to the north. There was a hill that rose to my right. It had a large crumbling building on edge of it. The place seemed like an old barn, but, as i walked past, i thought that it might be an old hotel. It seemed to be in an american style of the late eighteen hundreds. I heard some soft music coming from somewhere. I thought that it might be from inside the old building. I continued walking slowly as i tried to listen to the organ music. At times, it seemed like it was being played on a piano. I thought that it would make a nice haunting scene. I watched the end of the old house as i walked past it. I was unsure where exactly the music was coming from. The house seemed abandoned and i started to feel suspicious of the music. It sounded like an up-right piano from an old bar. The scene seemed eerie. There were burned pieces of wood that cut across my vision, as though there was the skeleton of an old barn between me and the house. I walked to the northwest of the house before my vision was obscured by a standing wall of the building in front of me. The wall was dark and seemed wooden. It was part of a larger building. I walked through a doorway on the north end of the wall and looked back through the open space in the center of the building at the old house. The music seemed clearer now, but i was still not sure from where it was coming. I looked to the east. There seemed to be an opening on the north side of the building. I was standing on a wooden floor which ran across the north side of the building to what appeared to be a loading porch. This place seemed like an old factory. I then stepped to the west and looked out the door, back down the alley where i had been walking. I was trying to figure out where the music was coming from. There was an old run-down building across the alley from me which had a glass store front that was dirty and in disrepair. I thought that the music might be coming from it, but i was unsure. I turned to the east again to see two people on the loading dock. The man in the red shirt had been talking to me earlier. He seemed to be the one who had led me into the building. I started to walk back to the door to the east when i realized that the floor boards were soft under me. I realized that they were rotten. I stepped back against the north wall and placed the large round wooden disc that i had been holding in my left hand down on the ground. It seemed to sink into the wood and i thought that it would fall between the weakened board. I was worried that the building might collapse. I started to walk back to the door, feeling the floor give way beneath me. As i stepped onto the porch, the wooden structure sunk down, the supports giving out below it. I stood on the porch for a moment, thinking that it would soon sink all the way to the ground. I remembered that i had been running. $Z was with me as the man came to us from the south. He said that my mother was trying to contact me. I thought that i would have to go back to the house and answer the telephone. I remembered this scene from before. I walked to the south and entered the stairwell. I climbed the clockwise spiral of stairs behind the man. The stairs seemed to be made of tan polished stone with ornate black metal railings. I was in an old apartment building. I walked into the room on one of the upper floor of the building where there was a large tear-drop-shaped structure on the floor. It was light blue and had details which made it look like a clam shell. I knew that it was the communication device. There was a matching shell which arched into the low ceiling above the first. I knew that i would step into the device to speak to my mother. There were blue and yellow knobs around the edges of the shells. I stepped into the device and asked the man how i used it to talk to my mother. I knew that, once i was inside the device, my mother would hear my words, but i was supposed to ask the man anyway. This was the way the events were supposed to happen. It was as if i were acting in a play. My mother’s voice replied to my. I acted as though i did not know how the shell worked.

12000 June 03

I was at the bottom of the hill in my grandmother’s back yard. It was dark out, and there were several other people with me. We were getting ready to leave for the night, and i thought that i should run up the hill to the house. The others had to go across the yard to the street. As i started running across the hill i lifted off of the ground and flew around the east side of the garage. I felt happy about it but wondered whether the others would be suspicious of my abilities. I knew that not everyone could fly. I rounded the front of the garage and though of looking back at the others. I felt like i was playing a game with them. I wondered whether any of them would be following me up the hill.

The three men were in the upstairs section of the house. The house was set with traps to prevent them from leaving. I remembered that i had tried going out the door before. It had a gun hanging over it which would fire only when people stepped through. One of the men had demonstrated how the door was open. The trap only caught those people who stepped through the door. I then saw the three people come in the front door of the house. I hovered over the staircase which led down to the white entrance door. The walls and the rug on the stairs were both a dark yellow. The house seemed clean and decorated in a mid eighties style. The two women and one man walked through the white door and started up the stair case. There was a series of red lasers which were shining down the staircase, making a slanted pattern of lines on the white surface of the wooden door. The woman who was standing below the other two on the staircase started talking about the traps. The other two stopped to look in her direction. I hovered above them as they talked. She had long black hair and was wearing a long-sleeve dark jacket. The man commented that the lasers on the door did not seem to have any use as they did not trigger the guns. The woman said that they would only be activated from the inside. She demonstrated by starting down the stairs. I then realized that the guns were on the ceiling, aimed down rather than in the walls, aimed across the stairs. The woman stepped back against the railing as the guns from the ceiling started to fire. I then remembered the three men in the upstairs. I thought that they would be able to hear the gun fire and know that others were in the house. My view switched and i was suddenly looking at them. They turned as the sound of muffled gun fire could be heard from somewhere in the house. I turned away from the and headed through the doorway to the northwest. I could see the woman standing on the stairway below me as i approached the edge of the stairs. I spoke to her for a moment, then returned to the other two men. We should get out of the house. I started to the south, past the men and across the large open rooms. There were beams which crossed over the doorways between the rooms. I ran to the end of the house where the exit door was and looked around for traps. I thought that we could escape this way. I then crossed back to where the others were. They were talking casually to each others. The one on the left seemed to be $Z, but i could not make out his details. The other was my height and seemed athletic. They were discussing gymnastics. The second person then mentioned his name. I remembered it from before. They followed my across the room as we started toward the door. I moved very fast over the floor but seemed very close to the ground. I wondered whether it looked interesting for me to be running while hunched down. I stopped suddenly before the first beam and looked up to make sure that there were no beams hiding on the other side. I ran to the next and did the same thing as the others followed. I remembered that i had run through here before without hitting any traps and i mentioned that to the others. Then i cautioned them and said that they were both heavier than me. I thought that the traps might be weight sensitive and get triggered when all three of us ran through. I looked up at the yellow flowered wall paper on the opposite side of the beam for a gun but did not see any. The second man was following me. He seemed athletic and i thought that he did gymnastics. He seemed to be well muscled but thin, and it seemed as though i had hung out with him before. We crossed the last part of the room and came to the wooden screen door. I remembered opening the door before, but i was cautious about pushing it open again. I wondered whether it would be booby trapped. I thought that it should not be booby trapped, as it was not previously, but i still had to check.

12000 June 04

I was in the small room of the house. The other person walked past me. He was wearing blue denims and i noticed that there was a large centipede crawling on one of his leg. I warned him, thinking that the centipedes in this area were poisonous. He kicked the creature from his leg and i watched it crawl around on the floor. It was large and light brown. There was then another person near us. A large red scorpion crawled in front of him. The man seemed to have the scorpion on a leash, and he was trying to get it to fight with the centipede. The scorpion and the centipede walked close to each other, but did not engage each other. The man kept trying to pull the leash so the at the scorpion was forced to walk toward the centipede. I thought that he should not be trying to get them to fight. I wondered whether the scorpion would attack the man with the leash instead. The man seemed close enough to the scorpion to get bit. The scorpion then swung its tail forward and struck the man’s hand. The man pulled back suddenly, but did not stop trying to pull the two creatures together. The man then changed positions. The scorpion again stung him, but the man did not seem to notice. I wondered whether he had built up a tolerance to the venom. He shook out his hand and tugged at the large scorpion again. The first man with the blue pants then walked across the room again. The centipede started to crawl up the side of his leg as he passed me. I thought that the centipede might bite him.

12000 June 05

My father turned to the east and started driving though an older part of the city. The buildings looked older and were cut into sections. I looked to the south at the large grey and olive-green building. It was brick and looked like an old factory. Part of the building had been cut off so that the highway in front of it could be put in. I wondered whether it was still active as a high school. There seemed to be something fascinating about the buildings. I watched them as they passed. The high school came to the road at a strange angle and had remnants of interior walls still standing on the outside of it. I noticed the yellow sign with the school’s name on it over the rounded roof of the entryway on the east end of the building. There was something vary friendly in the old run down brick buildings. The next building was pale green and had a large opening on the east side of it. The tiled ceiling sloped down as it went away from the road. I thought that this building must have been an old bus station. I knew that people no longer used busses to travel. I could see several of the support columns that held up the west side of the opening. I thought that it was an area where the busses would have pulled into the building. The buildings now seemed to crowd around us and it was darker in this place. I could see the interior of another building, which also had pale industrial-green walls. There were large black support beams on the east side of the open space. The beams started to widen at the top, where they used to curve out to meet a cross beam from the roof. The curve was probably decorative when the building was active. The cross beams, however, had been cut off and only the beginning of the arch was still visible. I wondered how they could support the roof of the building. There seemed to be some people inside the area, which seemed like an old bowling alley.

I was on the deck of the large boat with the other students. There was a young man standing near a short vertical column, which seemed to be a drinking fountain. I looked to the east, away from the boy, to see the group of sailors. The were also students, and i knew that they did not like the boy. They were plotting to embarrass him. They were standing in front of a small water cannon that they pointed at the boy. I looked back to the boy to see him get a blast of water in his midsection. The boy hunched over, holding onto the small drinking fountain for support. There was a girl with long red hair standing to the right of the boy. She had been talking to him and suddenly felt sorry for him. There were some other students to the left who were shocked by the sailors. I looked back to the young students in the sailor uniforms as they laughed about their prank. An older man in a black pee coat stood on the right side of them. He had been facing the other way as he stood in front of the window. He had been blocking the view of the captain of the ship so that the sailors could pull off their prank. The bridge of the ship seemed to be large grey structure to the east. The officer in the pee coat now turned around and laughed at the boy. He was austral and had short hair and a wide face. One of the students in uniform said that the boy had wet his pants. I felt sorry for him. The students then started to wander back in side as one of the instructors came out from the east. This place seemed to be some kind of special school. I was a part of it. I felt upset to be here and confused. I was the man that they had been picking on. Everyone started to file back into the building, but i walked slowly after them. I felt melancholy as i moved. I was in the corridor as the students started down the stairs to the east. I crossed to the south side of the corridor and took a drink from a paper cup, which i had filled at the drinking fountain in the wall. I then took a second drink as some more of the students walked into the arched door to the east. The head instructor watched us from the west. I took another drink and realized that it must seem that i was drinking a lot of water. I wondered whether the instructor would find it odd. I took another cup of water and backed away from the wall. I started to drink it but then lowered the cup. I acted as though i were affected by the large amount of water. I was at the bottom of the short set of stairs where there was a landing between flights. The walls were white and seemed to be stone. I dropped the cup and stood dazed. I was not sure whether i was acting or really not in control of my actions. I pretended to pass out by slowly sinking to the ground. I was leaning against the wall to the west, which was between the higher level of the hall and the stairs which descended from the platform that i as on. I seemed to be in a small well with a raised section both in front of and in back of me. I was then aware that there were students encircling me from the outside of the railing. They stared down at me as i slowly slid my back down the wall. I wondered whether i would hit my head hard on the floor as i fell. I tried not to catch myself. I could feel the wall as it slid across my back. I closed my eyes, but was still aware of the people around me. The instructor seemed concerned, even though i could not see him. One of the students from my right walked over to look at me. He seemed female, but his voice was male. He said that my eyes were moving. I realized that they were shifting position under my lids, as though in were dreaming. I tried to relax as i sunk all of the way to the floor. The scene then changed. It seemed that it was later. I was in the room by myself, with several people standing near the door to the southwest. The instructor was there. There was some question about my record. The instructor knew that i was probably too old to be here. I rolled over on the large bed, burying my face into the mattress. I felt uneasy and thought that i would have to leave. I still felt unfocused and unable move freely. I felt too old to be in this school.

12000 June 07

My mother and i drove down the road to the east. The road curved as it rounded the top of the small hill. The area around the road had been open, but now there were trees. My mother seemed confused as to where we were going. I felt frustrated with her. The road sunk into the hill as it reached an intersection where it ended at another road. We had not gone where we were supposed to. My mother turned the car around in the intersection abruptly and started to head back. I did not know why she was turning around and asked her what she was doing. I acted as if it were a joke. I then noticed that there was a truck laying on its side in the ditch to the south as we turned around at the intersection. Its lights were on and it was facing us as it lie almost up-side-down in the ditch on the west side of the road. I thought that we should make sure the driver is all right. I asked my mother again what she was doing, but she seemed confused and flustered. A couple of cars passed us from the other direction as we started back up the small hill to the west. My mother then turned the car to the north, into the parking lot of a small plaza. I looked to the south from the plaza to see the truck in the ditch. It now had its headlight pointing upward. I wondered how the back end of the truck had sunk into the ground. I thought that the ground under it must be unstable and that the truck might fall down into a small chasm. I walked down the road towards the truck. A few other cars passed, but none stopped. I walked around to the south side of the truck, trying to look in the windshield as i passed. I could not tell whether there was any one in the truck as the wheels were facing me. The cab of the truck was large and white. I looked in the passenger’s window to see the driver sitting back against the driver’s seat. He seemed stunning, sitting with his mouth agape and his eyes blankly staring forward. I opened the passenger’s door, wondering whether the driver was sitting still because he was afraid that the truck would slide into the ground. I thought that, if i opened the door, it might catch on the ground to prevent the truck from sliding further. The man looked at me. There was a pile of dirt in his lap. It must have fallen through the windshield. He shifted his weight as though he were going to get out of the truck, but then he shifted the truck into gear and started driving forward. The passenger’s door fell off of the truck and landed on the ground. It was wrinkled and dented. I backed up as the truck pulled itself out of the ground. I wondered how it could have gone forward when it was buried. The side of the truck was damaged, but not badly. The man drive the truck away. I wondered whether he would want the passenger’s door.

I climbed onto the bus with the other person, who seemed like $F4. $F4 was standing in the aisle of the bus just behind the driver. I stopped in front of him and grabbed on to the over-head rail as the bus started to move. The woman in the seat on the left side of the bus in front of me said something. I remembered that we had left her at the bus stop previously. I thought that the bus had made a large circle on the roads to the northwest of us. I remembered walking past the woman to get to the bus stop. I thought that the bus must have picked her up earlier. She shook her head at us as she smiled and spoke. I then realized that most of the bus was empty and wondered why we were standing in the aisle. I thought that i had done it because i was talking to $F4, who had stopped. I was aware that the bus was now stopped to pick up more passengers. They squeezed past us to get to the back of the bus. The bus driver then stood up and started to head to the back of the bus to do something. I was aware that the bus was on the left side of the road. As the driver past us, the bus started to roll backwards. I called to the driver, but someone else told her that the bus was rolling. She looked to the front of the bus as the bus started to pick up speed down the hill. I walked towards the driver’s seat, looking down at the pedals. I wondered whether i should sit in the seat to step on the brakes. The driver told me to apply the brakes. I bent over and looked at the two pedals. The one of the right was long and narrow and the one on the left was wider and had a different pattern of rubber on it. It had a smoother surface with deeper ridges. I pressed the brake and the bus slowed. I looked out the front window of the bus to see that there were two other vehicles following us. The one right behind us was a black pick-up truck. The driver had long wavy blonde hair and a mustache and a very angular face. He wore a blue denim jacket and seemed to have a tan cowboy hat. He swerved the truck off of the road to avoid the bus. The truck passed the bus on the left side as it rolled on its side over the shoulder of the road, the large red trailer that it was towing following it. The trailer looked like a horse trailer. I turned to look down the aisle to the back of the bus. The driver got in her seat at the back of the bus and continued to drive forward. I walked up to her and asked her whether she was aware of the truck. She seemed surprised to hear about it and acted concerned but did not stop driving.

I looked out the window of the car as my father drove slowly down the road to the west. We were in the country and the forest around us seemed damp and hazy. This road was a minor road which cut across the woods from the main road. I noticed several people out the windows to the right. They were standing in the middle of a large field talking. They were clothed in heavy jackets as though it were still cold out. Then i saw the large pen with two feeding troughs running away from the road. The troughs were full of black and brown dogs. I knew that the dogs were hunting labrador retrievers. They were getting ready for a hunt this morning. Just beyond them was a small group of men talking in a gravel driveway. One of the men was carrying a rifle under his arm as he spoke. He glanced at us as we passed. I felt slightly unsafe driving through this area. I then spotted several deer hanging from trees along the side of the road. The large barn on the left side of the road ahead of us had several deer heads and antlers nailed to the front of it. The barn itself was dull weather-worn wood. I looked to the right again to see a large number of animal bodies. I thought that this place was where the hunters hung out all of their meat. I wondered why it did not smell bad. Then i remembered that my father had driven down this road in the other direction previously. It was a short-cut to get from my parents’ house to part of the city. I watched the various animals as we passed. They were standing on the side of the road as if stuffed statues. I could see several holes in their bodies, as though they were rotting in place. Everywhere i looked in the woods were corpses of animals that had been killed by the hunters. The place seemed imposing. There were deer and horses. I then noticed a larger animal which resembled a pig. The next was a rhinoceros. I thought that these hunters must have traveled around the world to collect all of these carcasses. We were then out of the car on the gravel road. There was a small area to the right which was also grave and which had what seemed to be a rusted body of an old car. I looked around at the junk cluttered on the table by the side of the road. The others with me moved to my left. I then spotted a comic book on the table. I picked it up and looked through it. It was a copy of The X-Men. It seemed to have a small record inside of it. At first, i thought that i must have the issue, but then i realized that i did not have one of the recorded editions. I thought that i should take the book back with me, but realized that i could not do so at the moment. I looked through the rest of the book on the table. There were s few other comics that i recognized. I wondered whether i should sneak back down the road after dark and get them. I knew that they would just be wasted here. I then came across one which had a white cover with some yellow on the bottom. I realized that the yellow was a picture of Ben Grimm. He was laughing and seemed to be in a reclined position. As i looked at it, though, i realized that he was leaning forward over a typewriter, his back to the viewer. His left hand was in the air as he tossed a set of white paper in the air. He was laughing at his actions. I thought that it was an interesting book that i did not have. I flipped to the next book and saw that it was about the dog from Marvel comics. I did not know what the dog with the yellow upsilon-shaped fork on its head had its own comic. It was probably a rare series. The dog was on the right side of the image, riding an even larger dog as it stared at the raged figure in the lower left of the book. The figure had his arms outstretched and was wearing green robes. I thought that i should come back to get the books later, but felt unsure of traveling by the hunting place.

12000 June 08

I walked into the glass doors of the library as the other person watched. I had keys to the building and had opened the door, even though no one was supposed to be in the building at the time. I walked over to the circulation desk, which was straight ahead from the main door and slightly to the left. I dropped the two magazines on the clean surface of the desk and walked back out the door. I felt nervous about being in the library, but i had to return the books. I came out the main door of the library and started up the flight of stairs outside. The stairs were very wide and had a railing down the center of them. They were white and made of stone. The person watched me as i stopped in the center of the stairs. The man was standing to the west. The library doors were to the south, and the stairs led to the north. I thought about the two magazines that i had left on the counter. The counter had been cleared of everything before i had gotten there, and i wondered whether the librarians would get suspicious of the two new magazines. I did not want them to be returned late. A woman then walked down the west side of the stairs with a group of students. She was the librarian. I thought that the library was not supposed to open for another half hour, but she was going to open it early. There seemed to be other librarians there was the front doors were unlocked. I thought that i should sneak back into the building and return the magazines normally. I would have to sneak them off of the counter. I followed the others back into the library. The first librarian stopped at the door to prop it open as the other people and myself walked into the main room of the library. I walked over to the circulation counter as some of the other librarians started cleaning up other parts of the library. I stopped in front of the wooden desk. There was a short partition between the shelf on the front of the counter and the work area behind the counter. The magazines were lying on the work side of the counter. I suddenly thought that they may look suspicious there. I could say that i placed them there, but i decided to reach over and grab them before the librarian came. As i grabbed the magazines, a librarian walked to the west of me. She was arranging things on the west end of the counter. She crossed behind the counter as i placed the magazines down on my side. The top magazine had a tan cover. She did not notice me move them. I picked the magazines up and handed them to her as a second librarian walked over to the counter just to my west. I had my blue back pack on the shelf in front of me. There was another, larger book in it that i had considered returning. I pulled it out of my bag, mentioning that it was thinking of returning it. The librarian next to me looked at the book as i placed it on the shelf. The librarian behind the counter collected the two magazines. The one next to me then asked about the other book. I told her that i had no other books out. She lifted the cover of the large book that i had placed on the counter and said that there was another one checked out to me. She read the title. It had something to do with a rhinoceros. I looked at the front page of the book to see a listing of all of the books which i had checked out. The bottom item on the list was the book on rhinoceroses. I thought that it must have been confused with the book that we were looking at, as though the two books were part of a set. I looked at the large dark-green book that i had placed on the counter and the thin red book under it. They were the only two books i had to return. I remembered taking out only five. I thought that the large green book was on Australia. I thought that the book on rhinoceroses also related to Australia. I told the librarian that i did not remember having a book out by the title that she had mentioned. We walked to the west, around the end of the counter. The librarian sat down at a desk which faced the west against the wall of the back part of the library. There was another man near me who had a question about the books. The librarian mentioned that there was some confusion with some other books. She started typing on a computer terminal. Someone mentioned that there might be a problem with the computer system. I looked at the wall to the south to see a red image of a graph. It was animated, as though on a computer screen. The yellow lines moved up and down as though the view were passing along a very long graph. I said that the computer might have some glitches in it. The librarian at the circulation counter to the east said “Apparently there are several.” The man mentioned that his books were screwed up as well. I told him that i had never taken out a book on “rhinoceroses”. I then corrected myself and said “rhinoceri”. We both snickered about the incorrect word and continued talking. I then asked the librarian at the circulation counter about the computer malfunction. I wondered whether i could find out which books i had taken out. I then remembered that i could do it myself as a public terminal. The woman answered, “That was yesterday at the airport.” I did not understand and looked at her puzzled. She explained that the event was held yesterday at the airport. I then remembered the event about which she was speaking. She mentioned the lightning over the mountains. I thought for a moment, remembering being at the airport the night before. The land around us was flat and there was a heavy storm that moved over. I remembered lightning everywhere. I then wondered why she had thought that lightning over the mountains was a pretty view. I started to feel as though the image of the airport was a dream that i had had previously. I felt confused. I told her that i was asking about the books on Australia.

12000 June 09

I was with the group of other people outside the large modern building. The building seemed like an apartment. The people were sitting on the slope of the hill to the south of the building. We were on the east end of the building. These people were the X-Men. I thought that this was part of the new movie. There was a large yellow dog running around to the west of us. It seemed to belong to our group. There was someone standing to the north of us who seemed like Professor X. We knew that the bad guys were near and we had to be prepared. Someone was then standing with us. I thought that we were hiding something from him. Someone called the dog to us, but it had walked over to the wall of the large tan building and started scratching at it. I knew that we had something hidden there and the dog might give it away. I called the dog firmly, but it did not come. Then the man in the black suit walked over to the dog to try to get its attention. The dog started running around on the grass of the slope. It was hunched and bounded unevenly as it moved. I knew that it was not a dog. I was actually Sabertooth in disguise. I tried to warn the man who was trying to catch it. I could see the large white claws on the body of the dog. The man in black who was running around with the dog was Wolverine. I knew that he would be able to defeat the dog. I called to him, telling him that it was not really a dog but that it was Sabertooth. Sabertooth stood up on his hind legs and started fighting with Wolverine. Something was wrong. The others had started fighting. They scattered around me as the bad guys attacked. I thought that i should be doing something. I wondered who i was. I thought that i was Cyclops and that i should blast the bad guy to the west of me with my optic blasts. I then realized that i was supposed to be inexperienced with my abilities and should not be able to use them effectively. I knew that Cyclops was very good with his powers. I also realized that i was not wearing my glasses, which Cyclops should always wear. I wondered whether the movie was simply different from the books. I decided that i was some other X-Man. I was new to the team and could not use my powers well. I knew that they were some type of radiative blast, though. I acted frightened, thinking that it was part of the plot. I backed against the tall stone building. I then looked at the wall to see that it was made of individual tiles. There was one panel of tiles which had hinges on the edge of it. I thought that it was the place the dog had been after. It was there we were storing the secret stuff. I opened two of the panels that were on hinges. There was nothing behind them but blank cement walls. I wondered where the stuff had been hidden. I felt confused. I then thought that i should join the battle with the others. I knew that i could not control my powers, but i thought that it would make an interesting story. I felt like an actor. I turned around but realized that i was in a narrow corridor just inside the building. Either end of the corridor was open to the outside, but there was a stone wall between me and the battle to the south. I started to run to the west end of the wall, thinking that i could release my powers in a large explosive blast. It seemed as though i were supposed to do that. I then realized that there was a strong wind blowing outside the building. I knew that Storm was hovering over the south side of the building generating wind that was racing to the west. She was blowing the bad guys back. I thought i would join the attack. As i reached the end of the building, though, i started to float in the air. I was being carried by the wind. I then realized that the wind was not generated by Storm, but that it was coming from a bluish-white vortex at the end of the building which was sucking in air. It was an escape route for the bad guys. I thought that i might get sucked into the hole. I moved around the south side of the hole, trying to stay away from the center. I was afraid that, if i got sucked in, the bad guys would capture me and make me one of them. I then realized that i might get sucked into the vortex anyway. I felt as though it were part of the plot of the story i was acting out. I thought that i would come back in some later issue with full powers and create an interesting story line. The plot seemed inevitable.

12000 June 11

I was in the small bedroom, packing my things. $P1 was on the other side of the room putting some of his things together. The woman then came into the room. It seemed like $P1’s mother. She said that our concert was going to be in Minnesota. We would have to pack our things and get ready for the trip. I felt unsure about the idea. I wondered why we were going all the way to Minnesota to perform a concert. I started to feel as though i was unprepared to leave on such short notice. I looked down at the duffel bag on the floor by the blue bed. There was a pair of hiking boots next to it. I would have to gather them all together and head out as quick as i could. We were then in the car traveling west. It seemed that we had a long way to go. I sat in the back seat with $F12 as the parents drove. I felt confused and unprepared. I then started to wonder whether i had everything that i needed. I started to feel as though i did not pack everything that i needed. I walked across the small room. We seemed to be traveling and already seemed quite a way from home. We were passing through a small town. I realized that i did not have my running shoes with me. I asked $F12 whether he brought his. He said that he did. I felt unhappy for not having the time to collect everything i needed.

12000 June 12

I moved to the west on the second floor of my parents’ house. It seemed cold in the house, and the light from the windows was diffuse. I was wondering where something was. It seemed as though it should be in the other side of the house, but i was aware that the other side of the house was unfinished. I wondered whether it was there anyway. I asked my father about it as i looked through the doorway to the other side of the house. It seemed as though we had just remodeled the other side of the house, but it still seemed unfinished. I walked through the door to the other side. It was colder there, and the walls seemed old and worn. I wandered up to the third floor. The attic was very large, but was unfinished. This place seemed abandoned. I looked up and could see the rafters and the many horizontal boards of the ceiling. There was a wind blowing through the room. I noticed that there were lines of clothing hanging from the underside of the roof. The clothing was mine. They were shirts and pants that i no longer wear and had left at my parents’ house. I wondered why my mother had left them hanging in the attic. Something seemed strange about this place. I wondered where all of the wind was coming from as i watched a blue jersey with a white number on the front of it flap in the wind. I looked to the west to see that there was a large barn door on the side of the room. It was partially open and there was a wind blowing through it. I looked to the east to see if there was a smaller window through which the wind could escape the room. I thought that my clothing should not be left here. It should have been cleaned up, but i did not really feel concerned about it since i had not worn it in a very long time. I was to the north of the house when my mother told me about the large creature that had climbed up the tower. I imagines a tower on the side of the old gothic mansion. I then told my mother that it must have been the creature who opened the doors in the attic. I told her that everything was blowing around up there.

12000 June 13

I walked back down the road to the west, heading for my parents’ house. I looked down the small hill in front of the house to see a man riding a bicycle down the road. He was headed for the two tall green water towers which were on the south side of the road at the bottom of the hill. The man disappeared behind the far tower and then appeared on top of it. He started riding his bicycle around the outside edge of the tank. I thought that it was something the local children liked to do. I wondered whether it was why they had added the water towers. There seemed to be a woman walked toward me at the bottom of the tower as i turned to the north. I found myself on the path heading from the high school to the elementary school, heading east. I thought that i would be going back to $P31 for a while. It seemed as though i had to return to do something. I noticed that the stream which ran on the north side of the building was overflowing with clear water. I thought that all of the rain must have filled it. It seemed that it had come over the bank and onto the parking lot that i was now entering. I thought that it must have done so when the rains were really heavy the night before. A dog, who seemed like $X3, hopped around in front of me as i walked. I rounded the front of the building. It seemed like it was early in the morning. I thought that none of the students would be here yet. I looked over the front of the large plain light-grey building and realized that they had changed the design. The parking lot on the south side of the building where the busses used to be kept was fenced off and seemed to be filled with darkly coloured vehicles. I wondered how i was going to get into the building. I had though about going into the south entrance, but it was now behind the tall chain-link fence. The fence was lined with bright yellow to warn people away. I walked back toward the front of the building, thinking that i could take pictures of the two murals that i had painted in the building. I wondered whether they were still there. I noticed that there was a cement over-hang off a door at the south end of the east wall. There were a few people standing around outside of the entrance. It seemed like a hospital entrance. I walked around the cylindrical columns that supported the roof and into the front of the building. I thought that i was near my grandmother’s house and that i should stop in to see her after i finished going to the school here. I came to the top of the stairs and walked out into the hall. I quickly spotted my grandmother and my grandfather. My grandmother did not expect me to be here. She was with one of my other female relatives. They were getting my grandfather ready to go out. He was standing between them with a blank grin on his face as my grandmother tightened a red tie around his neck. He was dressed in tan pants and a blue coat. I thought that he really should not go out anywhere because it would upset him. My aunt told my grandmother that i had entered. My grandmother was not yet ready for me. She was wearing a brightly coloured housecoat. It seemed to be mostly blue and purple, but had stripes of yellow and red. She closed her coat as she saw me, telling me that she would have to get dressed before we went out. I wondered why they were dressing up my grandfather.

12000 June 15

I drove west down the city street. The street was very wide, and the buildings around it seemed to be set back from the road. This place seemed like a college campus. I knew that i was in Washington, DC. I had come to visit someone, but i had to find a place to park. I turned to the south. There seemed to be a large building set back from the road to the west. It seemed like a university hall. I rounded the block of apartment buildings and came to the end of the street. There was a dirt parking lot which ran from east to west along the side of a road. I had come into the parking lot from the south, from the street which ran between the tall brick apartment buildings. I turned to the east. The dirt parking lot has cars parked along the north side of it, facing the road. I thought that i had to get out of this parking lot and onto the road. I could see that there were parking spaces open on the road. I tried to remember whether it was okay to park in the spaces. I thought that it was late enough in the evening that they should be legal to park in without having a campus sticker. I noticed that there was a space between some parked cars to the west which led up to the road. I wondered whether it was legal to drive from the parking lot to the road. I thought that it might be, but i did not care if someone was watching me. I drove my car out of the parking lot and onto the road. I felt nervous about where i was driving. I thought that the cars behind me might get annoyed with my driving. I looked at the parking spaces on the right side of the road, looking for an open space. I then noticed that there was a red sign on a lamp post above the cars. There was a large letter A on the sign. It signified that this parking required an A permit. I continued down the line of parked cars, glancing at the parking permit that was hanging from my rear-view mirror. I was having trouble reading the ticket on my mirror as i drove. I was nervous about watching the road. I finally noticed that there was an H on the red ticket on my mirror. I looked again at the sign to see that it had both an A and an H on it. I was allowed to park here after hours. A large city bus passed me on the left as i spotted an open parking space at the end of the street. It seemed like winder, and there were no leaves on the trees. The air outside seemed cold as i pulled off of the road to the right to park. I thought about $F4. I was here to visit him.

I was sitting on the west end of the table in the small room on the north side of the restaurant. The room was dimly lighted and the white walls were plain and undecorated. My family was around the table, and it seemed that $A236 and $A251 were with us. $A236 and $A251 then stood up to leave the table. They were dressed in semiformal attire. As soon as they left, i realized that there was a dark blue winter coat left on the chair. I thought that we should tell $A236 that they had left their jacket. I then thought that it could be put on the restaurant bill where it would be seen as they went to check out. I was standing on the west end of the table and seemed to be a waiter. I pulled the small pocket computer out and held it in my right hand. My parents talked to me from the north side of the table as i circled an entry on the right side of the small screen. I thought that the command would be relayed to the front desk of the restaurant, where $A236 would be notified as he tried to pay his bill. We then left the room and walked down the few stairs to the lower level of the restaurant to the south. We headed toward the front of the building. There was a room to the east with a large buffet table in the center of it. $K3 turned from the table with a plate of food in her hand. They had not left the restaurant after all. I thought that we should tell her what we were supposed to. I walked toward her.

12000 June 17

I turned suddenly the southwest as the wind blew across the open lawn. The grass on the lawn was well groomed and there was a hill to the southwest. I noticed that the large wide tree that had been standing on the top of the hill, in the center of the slope, had blown over and was now laying down the slope. I could only see its roots as they stood, exposed form the ground. There was a man near the top of the slope who rushed to the side of the tree. I realized that there were people who had gotten trapped under the tree. I started to run towards the tree and found myself flying there in an instant. I rounded the west side of the tree to see people laying under the main trunk. There was a person in a yellow shirt who was being dragged out from under the tree. A man was trying to lift the heavy tree trunk so that the others could be pulled out. As i watched, i realized that all of the people who were under the trunk were really not hurt that badly. The man who was wearing the orange sweater sat up and started slide away from the tree. He was bleeding from the head, but did not seem to be too injured. I walked around to the east side of the tree, wondering what i could do to help. I felt as though something should be done. The situation seemed calm, but i felt that it should be tense. I then noticed the large beams that were hanging in the air above us. They were part of the tree’s roots. I told the person standing in front of me that we should back away from the tree. I tried to sound urgent as i noticed the others crowding around the tree. I said that the roots could tip over and fall on us. I then felt as though i was exaggerating the situation, but i felt as though there needed to be an emergency situation to deal with.

12000 June 20

I was working with the group of people in the small house. It was lunch time and we were stopping to eat. $A250 walked through the main room of the house, passing out lunches to people. He had been to McDonald’s and had brought back a large number of lunches. I realized that he forgot to get something for me. I wondered what i should do. I headed to the north. I seemed to be in $F1’s house. I walked into the kitchen, thinking that i would have to go out and get my own lunch. The back door was divided into two parts. The bottom part had a shelf on the upper edge of it which had several hamburgers wrapped in white paper sitting on it. I tried not to knock them off as i opened the door. I thought that i would have to go out and get my own lunch from McDonald’s. I thought about the restaurant, which was on Main Street, a few blocks away from us to the east. I knew that it was inappropriate for me to leave the site, but i felt justified in doing so because i had not received a lunch. I walked across the back yard of the house towards my grandmother’s house. As i reached my grandmother’s driveway. I noticed $A250 entering the driveway from the front of the house. He was going to get into his car and head out. I thought that he must have realized that he did not bring me a lunch and was going out again to get one. I wondered whether i should get into my car or not. I thought that if i let him leave i could then drive out myself. I would be late getting back, but i felt confident that i could simply explain that it was $A250’s fault for not getting me a lunch. $A250 kept watching me as i walked near my car, which was parked in front of the garage. I hesitated near the car, as though i might not be getting into it. $A250 watched for a moment, then got into his car and headed down the street to the west. I did not know what i should do and paced to the west, into the back yard of my grandmother’s house. As i rounded the garage, i spotted $K18 walked into from the west. She came from the house on the side street. I swung the bag that i was carrying in my left hand and faced east. I imagined using the momentum of the bag to carry me back across the lawn toward the garage. I held up the bag after one swing. It seemed to be a tan leather shoulder bag. I then looked again to the north as $K18 hesitantly walked toward the garage. I spoke to her for a moment. She had come to pick up something from the house. I talked with her for a moment before i headed back up the hill and down the driveway of my grandmother’s house. I thought that i could now go out to get something to eat. It seemed that i had spent a bit of time talking to $K18 and that i would be late getting back to work. I thought that i could blame it on $A250 for making me go out to get a lunch. I then walked into the side door of my grandmother’s house. As i came into the kitchen, the large group of people that were gathered in the center of the room turned to look at me. They were all relatives of mine. I spotted $K3 and $K1 in the crowd. I felt strange with all of them here, but wandered into the room anyway. I then thought that i should grab something to eat from here. There was probably food in the refrigerator. I walked around the group of people and came to the refrigerator. It felt strange to be here, as though i were out of place. I opened the refrigerator and looked in. There was a plastic container of pasta sauce on the top shelf. I thought that i could get enough to eat here. I then realized that i would be real late getting back. I still felt confident that i could justify my tardiness.

12000 June 22

I walked into the large room on the top floor of the house. There was a lot of area in the room, and i started to float over the center of the room. I knew that the room was a bedroom in my parents’ house. I moved from the north side of the room to the south side, thinking how good it felt to be able to float through a large area. I then thought that i should show $F4 how i could fly. I then thought that it was rather unusual for someone to be hovering in mid air. I realized that it was not normal was happy that i was actually able to do it. I thought that it was something i could only do in my dreams, but i thought that i was awake at the moment. I hover with my back to the ceiling, thinking how interesting the sensation of flying felt. It seemed very easy to fly. I then wished i had a large open room in my house. I remembered that all of the ceilings in my house were very low. I thought that this room of my mother’s was great for flying. I started moving back and forth across the room again. I wished i had a place with high ceilings. As i pushed off the back wall of the room, i noticed that there were several small photographs arranged on the black wall. I thought that it was a strange design for my mother to have. It seemed like something that a teenager from the eighties might put on their wall. I decided that it was the new style for a room. It seemed strange for my mother to have such a modern design on her walls, but i decided that she had made a sudden change in her style. I flew back to the front of the house. I enjoyed having the large open space and wished that my house had the open rooms. I then thought that this house might one day be mine. It felt comforting to know. As i reached the large octagonal window on the front wall, i looked out into the grassy quadrangle below. I could see some people walking from the east into view. They seemed to be dressed in costumes which resembled peasant clothing from a theatre. I knew that the people were coming back from a movie which had just ended. I floated in front of the window. I thought again that this room could be mine. It seemed like i was the one who lived here and not my mother. I then noticed a woman on the ground below who was wearing a loose crudely knit shirt that was half red and half green. The colours were dull as though they had been made with poor quality dyes. She walked into the light that was shining from the doorway of the building that i was in. The doorway was directly below the window. I floated back to the center of the room and hovered. It felt very good to fly again. I thought again about the room and decided that it was my dormitory room. I then noticed that the room was long east to west and that the eastern wall was made of glass. The ceiling now came to a peek above the glass window. Outside, i could see the roof of the white dorm building. I could also see the ground to the north, where the back side of the building met the hill. There was a woman walked over the frozen ground towards the window. She kept looking back at the building as though she were looking for an entrance. She walked up to the glass door which was in the large window and knocked. I flew over to the window to see what she wanted. I wondered whether i would startle her by my swift motion through the air. I knew that she could not see well into the room. The light outside was bright and reflected off the dusting of snow that was on the ground. I felt disturbed by her presence and wanted to get rid of her. I walked outside of the door and asked the woman what she was looking for. She seemed to be looking for someone. She walked to the west. There was a space between the glass wall and another part of the building which had a doorway in it. We both walked into the corridor on the other side of the door to see a set of old stairs which led down into the building. The stairs were dirty and covered with small debris. This was an abandoned part of the dormitory. The banister on the stairs seemed heavy and wide. I looked up the stairs from the bottom to see the dusty light shining down from the doorway above. We looked both ways in the hall. It felt interesting to explore an abandoned area, but i felt impatient and wanted to get back to my room. The woman mentioned that she was trying to get into one of the rooms. I thought that she was trying to break into the abandoned building so that she could claim a room. I remembered that i had claimed my room in the same manner. I felt defensive of it. The hall that we were in was dusty, and there were translucent windows on either side which covered the dark rooms. My room seemed to be in much better shape than these rooms. I felt lucky to have taken it. I wanted to get back to it. I flew back up the stairs, thinking that i was able to get into my room through the small hole in the ceiling. I looked at the small square hole that was in the roof below me. It seemed to be a white metal hatchway where the hatch had been lifted. I slipped through feet first. I thought that i should patch the hole before winter came. It would make the room more secure.

I walked to the south in the top floor of $P19. It was the summer time, and i had taken a room here to live in. There were some people still in the house for the summer. My mother followed me down the hall. It seemed that i did not really live here, but that i was staying temporarily. I felt as though i were unfamiliar with the place. It seemed like i no longer belonged here. I thought that i would simply stay in the small room on the top floor where no one else was. I remembered the room from before. As i entered it, i noticed that the wooden beams and rafters in the walls were exposed. The place was old and had the appearance that no one lived in it. I walked into the small sleeping area to the east. It was dark, and there was a large double bed in the center. The bed was covered with a large orange comforter. I pulled the blanket off, wondering whether it was clean. The place seemed unclean and there was a smell of old sweat. I thought that i should wash the blanket before i slept in it.

12000 June 23

I walked to the east across the dark stone of the campus plaza. I suddenly spotted my father standing in front of the store where the books were sold. There was a wooden table in front of the store where he was. He looked over several of the books on the table, but noticed me standing to the east of him. The air seemed foggy and it seemed like night. He looked surprised to see me, as though he did not want me to know that he was on campus. I said hello and asked him what he was doing here. He said that he was simply looking for a book. I thought that he might be looking for a gift. He wandered around the edge of the table, pretending that he had not found anything interesting. He then said that he had to get something and walked into the building to the south. The building was a library. I felt curious and wondered why he was there. I turned to the south and walked into the other entrance to the library. The library was a modern brick building with stone pillars along the front. Behind the pillars was a wall of glass which separated the lobby and main hall of the library from the outside. I walked through the circulation room and headed to the west, trying to find my father. He acted very suspicious and i wanted to know what he was doing. He seemed to be avoiding me. I walked through the main lobby of the building, where my father came in, but i did not see him. To the south was a set of book shelves and a very modern section of the library. To the east seemed to be a set of stairs which led both up and down to different levels of the library. I could see the level above and below. They were a full floor from each other, but only a half a floor from the level that i was on. I continued to the west, looking through the swarms of students in dull white shirts. I then spotted my father coming down from the upper level of the library. He looked at me as if wondering why i had come here. I felt confused. His actions did not seem to make sense.

12000 June 25

I walked to the east on the dirt road in the small town. The place seemed to be abandoned and it was very dark out. I knew that the people i had been with were possessed by some type of creature. I thought that i should warn the rest of the town about the creatures. They were trying to take over. I walked down the main street of the town, but i did not see anyone. I started to feel suspicious about whether there was anyone left who was not possessed by the creatures. I remembered that the creatures had been around me earlier. I tried to remember what happened, but i could not. I then came upon the others. They were collected in front of the small trailer home. I talked to them and warned them of the creatures. I started to feel afraid. I then realized that there was a young girl who had been walking towards us. She had a blank expression on her face and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a braid. She had been taken over by the creatures already. I told the others that we must hide. We were inside of the trailer house as the girl approached the door. I could see her through the large window on the front of the building. I crouched behind a dark object on the back wall of the room. The others crouched down where they stood. I then noticed that the older man, who was standing against the east wall to my left, was crouching in front of a television. The girl would be able to see him in the light of the television. I looked back at the image of the girl in the window as she knocked. There seemed to be rags of clear plastic sheeting dangling around the edges of the window, and the dark objects in the room seemed to be cardboard boxes. I looked around the room at the people crouching behind the boxes. I was worried that the girl might see the older man, who looked to me like Mr. Howell from Gilligan’s Island. I was afraid that he would be spotted. I saw him move, as if to crouch down lower. I could clearly see him in front of the light blue television screen. The television set seemed to be in the wall, with the screen about hip level. there was a second screen closer to the floor, but it was not displaying a picture. The girl knocked on the door and i felt that we should do something. I felt very aggressive towards her and through that we should attack her and kill her before she would be able to warn others. I started to feel that we had to destroy them all before they could take over.

12000 June 28

The dirt road in front of me ran from the north to the south. I was headed to the west along the thin hiking trail. I felt tense and angry and remembered that i had to do something in the woods. I looked at the thick pine trees that grew at the edge of the forest in front of me. They seemed to be covered with snow. They also seemed to be on a very steep mountain slope. my vision confused the peak of two snow covered conifers with the rock peaks of the mountains. I thought that i would have to tell people why i had come here. I suddenly felt panicked. I knew that my story was a lie and that i would have to remember what i had told people before. I started to feel afraid that i could not remember what i had done before. I remembered that i had killed someone and that i had gotten rid of the body where no one could find it. I felt bad about killing the person and tried not to remember the event. It seemed that i had done it some time ago and had forgotten about it. I felt scared to remember the event. I turned to the south and started to head down the dirt road. I had several scraps of cardboard in my hand. I thought that i would have to get rid of them so that no one would find the evidence. I looked down at one of the white pieces of cardboard. It seemed to be the outside cover of a small box that i had received in the mail. It still had the address label on it. There sere a few pieces of paper and some larger pieces of cardboard. I had to hide them somewhere where no one would discover them. I left $Z standing on the side of the road as i walked south toward the water. I was at $P22. I came to a place where a road joined the main road from the east. There was a small green wooden cottage on the southeast corner of the intersection. They had a recycling bin on the curb. I thought that i could hid the cardboard with their papers. The police would not think to look there. I hoped that it would not be discovered. I felt scared again, and i remembered when i had killed the woman. She seemed like $F21. I remembered being in the kitchen with her. It seemed to be at my grandfather’s house at $P12. She was standing to the west, along the front counter when i hit her with something. I remembered the surprised look on her face as the blood stained her head. I then started to wonder whether i had hit her or had stabbed her. I remember feeling very calm and casual as i killed her. I felt angry and frightened as i thought. I had lured her into the house, making her think that everything was all right, then i had murdered her and disposed of the body. For a moment, she seemed like $F34. I felt very nervous about what i had done and wanted to forget that it happened.

I walked into the front lobby of the small hotel. The building was off-white and very modern in construction. The bottom floor on the east side was covered with blue-tinted glass. The glass entrance door was on the east end of the south wall. I walked in, thinking that i had come here to visit something. There was a man at the front desk, which stood to the north of the door. It was a tan wooden counter in front of the large window on the north wall. I then remembered that my high school was having a reunion in this place. I looked out over the green lawn to the east as i walked along the paved path towards the door of the hotel. I entered the small alcove in front of the door of the hotel. The second floor of the hotel covered me and there was a stucco ass wall to the west. A single piece of glass closed in the east side of the entrance way. Through the glass to the east, i could see a few people catching a frisbee. I thought that they were people from my graduation class. One of them was wearing a red shirt. I wondered whether i could play frisbee with them, but i felt out of place. It did not seem that i belonged with them. I started to feel anxious as i walked through the large glass door of the hotel and walked over to the wooden front desk. There was a man standing behind the counter who was wearing an aqua polo shirt and tan pants. I started to talk to him as i watched the people outside. I thought that i should go outside to join them. I then noticed that some of them were in small motorized vehicles. One of the small white go-carts sped to the side of the building and turned around abruptly, kicking up dirt. I wanted to go out to talk to the people as i felt that i knew them. My parents had a room in the hotel, and i knew that i was staying with them. I would not be able to hang out with the alumni of my high school. I looked to the north, through the glass wall of the building to see $A255 walking towards the building. Someone then entered the hotel. It was $P53. He stopped at the front desk. I said hello to him, but he was on his way to his room. I realized that everyone from outside was starting to come in. I had missed all of the fun. I Walked to the west, towards my room. I came out of the back side of the hotel and started to walk north along the cement path. I looked around the large grassy lawn where i had seen the others playing frisbee. There was no longer anyone outside. I felt disappointed. My parents were with me. They asked some questions. My father seemed confused. He wanted to know how to get back to the hotel room. He had forgotten in which building we were staying. The building complex seemed rather large and all of the buildings looked modern. They were grey with a rough stone finish. I remembered that there was a white dotted line which ran along the sidewalk that ran on the east side of our building. I looked down and realized that i was still following it. I told my father to follow the white line and it would take him back to our building. I knew that it would only pass the front door of our building and that my father would recognize the building from there. He started off down the hill. I looked around the open are around me for a moment, wondering whether there was anything that i could do. the cement path ran along the west side of the road that curved through the campus., The road had curved from the west to the north at the bottom of the hill, where it passed along the east side of our building, once it reached the top of the hill, it was facing northwest but started to curve slowly back to the northeast by the time it disappeared from view across a large lawn. There was a large stone building to the east which was close to the road at the top of the hill. The building turned to the east at the crest of the hill and then back to the south farther to the east. The L-shape of the building and the road created the triangle of grass on which i had seem the others playing. I turned around and started to head to the south again, back to our building. I then noticed that my father was walking to the west along a driveway at the back of the hotel. He had taken the wrong path. I noticed that there was a driveway which branches off of the road and headed down a steep hill to the back of the building. It ran along several docking bays on the back of the building. My father leaned forward as he walked, holding the towel around his waist. He had just come out of the shower. He seemed to be annoyed with something because he was stepping rather heavily on the ground. I looked down at the paved path that he was walking on and realized that there was a white line on it. I followed the path back to where it connected with the sidewalk on the side of the road. There was no white line connecting it to the sidewalk, but i realized that my father must have looked down the path and seen the rest of the white line. He was heading in the wrong direction. I thought that i would have to go get him and tell him the correct way.

The swimming pool ran north to south and was very narrow. The room around was narrow as well and covered with tan tiles. The design seemed very old, as though it were an art-deco reproduction of an old egyptian pool. The tan walls around the pool sloped down to the water. The pool was only a single lane wide. There were wide round columns which ran along the sides of the pool. They fanned out as they reached the ceiling. It seemed that there were dully coloured flourished on the widening part of the column. I watched myself stand on the east side of the pool. My view was from the south end of the pool. There were two people in the water. One of the seemed like $F26. The other man had dark hair. I walked along the side of the pool as i watched them. There seemed to be something wrong. I then saw that the second man was angry with $F26 and had grabbed him by the hair. $F26 did not put up much resistance as the man slammed $F26’s head into the east wall of the pool. I felt sudden concern for $F26. I was worried that he might be knocked unconscious and i moved into the pool from the south side. I slid down the tile wall and into the water. I called to the other man, telling him to stop. I felt no urgency in the matter, but simply spoke harshly to the other man. He released $F26 as i approached. $F26’s body went limp and he slipped below the surface of the water. I grabbed his left arm and pulled his head above the level of the water so that he did not drown. I felt that he would recover and did not seem to think anything was terribly wrong. I felt a great deal of concern for $F26, though.

12000 June 29

I ran across the large old-fashioned porch of the old decrepit house. The house was colonial in style, but had very fancy victorian ornamentation. The tattered yellow paint was weathered and dull. I could see the bare tan wood between the small flecks of paint. I ran to the west, into the open door on the front of the house. The door was on the west end of the south side of the house. The house seemed to be facing south-southeast. I could see the wood trimming on the roof of the hallway within. It was also flaking yellow. The decorations were ornate and made of square shapes of wood. I knew that this place was my parents’ new house. My father was going to fix it up. There was a narrow entrance hall just beyond the door and a set of old wooden stars through a doorway to the northeast. The stairs ascended to the east-northeast. They seemed unfinished. The plaster slats were visible through the interior walls of the house. I picked up a few things in the front hall way and then stepped back outside. I was floating above the ground as i looked at the things that i was carrying. There was something that was still connected to the house. There was a long white tube which curved from the house and went under my feet. I did not want to put al of my weight on it for fear that it might break. I had to make sure that i had everything before i could put my feet back on the ground. I tried to move my feet, but it seemed that i kept standing on the white tube. I floated away from the house. I then heard a noise behind me. I turned to look out over the yard. A steep hill descended from the front of the house, leading into a thin forest of deciduous trees. It was sunny out, though there were a few clouds scattered across the sky. I looked through the trees of the deep valley and could make out the features of a dark-red and brown building to the south-southeast. I thought that it must be the farm next door. It was down in the valley. The trees seemed to have few leaves, a though it were early fall. Some of them even seemed to be turning yellow. I then looked to the east. I could see a hill across a narrow ravine from the house. It seemed to have chunks of cement stacked on the edge of it. I knew that it was part of the factory yard. I started to float out to the southeast. I looked at the trees as they passed. I hoped that i could maintain the elevation of the hill as i drifted through the air. I wondered what others would think of me flying. I floated across the ravine and found myself approaching the industrial lot. There was a large grey building with metal siding on the top half. I thought that it must be part of the factory. I glided smoothly to the edge of the hill in front of the building. I could se the overgrowth of weeds along the edge of the hill. There was a gravel drive that covered the top of the hill between the edge of the hill and the building, but it had sprigs of grass growing in it. As i came to the crest of the hill, i was suddenly aware that i had been humming as i moved .When i stopped humming, i settled to the ground. I thought that the humming might be my method of flying. I then started to worry that someone might not want me on their property. There was no one around, but i felt nervous about being here. I decided that i could simply fly back across the ravine to the house and no one would be able to follow me. Then i wondered whether i would be able to stay aloft all the way back. It always seemed that i was able to fly to a high elevation, but would feel uncertain of my ability and start to fall.

12000 June 30

I walked across the grass and joined the others as they started to line up. They formed two lines which faced each other. The lines ran north to south. I stood at the southern end of the line on the east. This was part of a class, and we were being partnered with the person across from us. I looked across to see that $A254 was facing me. I felt glad that he was the one who was partnered with me. I wanted to interact with him. He smiled as he as though he were excited about working with me as well. Someone who was instructing the class shifted the lines, though, and $A254 moved one space to the right. I wondered whether he was really supposed to be paired up with the person to my right. There was now no one paired up with me. I looked down the line to make sure that the pair was correct. I felt disappointed that i could not work with $A254.