12001 June 01

I sat on the bench in the locker room, collecting my clothing from the floor in front of me. I noticed that $A302 was standing next to me. He was wearing blue swim shorts and was collecting his own things from the ground. I said hello to him, but he did not reply. I realized that he was angry with me. I spoke to him again, but he did not answer. He purposely ignored me and started shuffling through the things in his locker. I decided that he was mad at me for not having contacted him in a very long time. I decided that i would continue with my things and hope that he would be in a better mood sometime later.

12001 June 02

The woman walked up to me. She was asking me some kind of question. I lied to her. I knew that i had killed the woman long ago, but i did not want the woman with me to find out. I wondered whether anyone would find the body. I remembered that i had buried it. I pictured the hallways of $P7. I had been there when i killed the woman. I felt somewhat nervous. I remembered that there was a security camera which had caught me on film there. It had taken a picture of me with the woman in the hall, but i had killed the woman later, so no one suspected that i was involved with her disappearance. I looked at the face of the woman with me. She stared at me, and i thought that her lips seemed to be made up of many tiny blue balls. I thought that i had destroyed the other woman’s face with acid so that no one would recognize her. I pictured my self in $A90’s class. He was wearing a white smock as he walked along the north side of the room. I grabbed a small glass bottle of acid from the shelf and hid it behind my arm.

12001 June 03

I walked to the front of the theatre of $P7. There were other people gathered in some of the seats. I was part of the play which was about to be performed. The director was in the back of the room. He said that we would be performing in a short while. I realized that i was not prepared for the performance. I had just come into the show and was not familiar with the play yet. I opened the folder in my hand and looked over the script, which was printed on standard letter paper. I tried to remember the words as i read. I felt worried and anxious. I did not know the lines for this play. The performance suddenly started. I tried to remember what i was doing in the first act. I was aware that i did not know the second act at all. Someone spoke. I tried to remember what i was to reply, but i could not.

12001 June 05

I was on the west side of the short building. The building seemed to be covered with tiles. The ground around me was flat, and seemed to be dry, with no grass. There seemed to be a farming field to the west, with old round bails of hay along the edge of it. Some people were walking toward me from the east, passing through the space between the two short white buildings. They were very young, and i thought that they were high school students. I felt slightly out of place near them. I thought that i was too old to be hanging around with them. I started to walk back to the east as the students walked to the south, toward the fields. There were two young women in the group and a few young men. I watched them as they passed. One of the women was wearing a tight white tee shirt with blue denim pants. I then noticed the man who was talking to her. He was also wearing a tight white tee shirt and denims. I noticed that his arm muscles were well developed, and i could see his chest under his tee shirt. He had a very nice athletic build. I then noticed that his face was also very attractive. He had short red hair and smooth skin. I thought that he was very attractive. I tried not to stare at him as i continued to the east. He then glanced at me as i started to leave the room. I wondered whether he would bee interested in me. I then thought that he was simply too young. I walked out the door and turned to the north, down the narrow corridor. I had to go to the bathroom. I turned back t the west and came into a small room. The walls were covered with blue tiles. This was the bathroom. I looked around for a toilet. As i turned to the north, i noticed the young man walking into the bathroom. I wondered whether he had followed me or whether he also needed to use the toilets. I felt nervous near him. I headed to the stalls in the north wall when i noticed that the toilets had been clogged and had overflowed onto the floor. There was feces all around the toilet. This place was not sanitary enough to use. The man then asked me something. I felt both anxious and hesitant to speak to him. I joked in reply, mentioning how the toilets had emptied onto the floor. He laughed with me. I felt very attracted to him.

12001 June 06

I walked to the west, across the parking lot of the small hotel. There seemed to be a second hotel to the east, with a parking lot in front of it as well. I spoke to the other person. It seemed that i did not know the woman too well, but that i was interested in talking to her. I looked to the south to see a grey haze over the green trees on the rolling horizon. I told the woman that it was about to rain. I thought that we should get into the building, but i started to walk to the east again, toward a set of swings which was on the edge of the parking lot, just across a strip of grass from me. I noticed that there was a set of swings at the south side of the parking lot where i was, but the set i was heading for belonged to the hotel on the east side. The woman was associated with the hotel to the east. I was staying at the hotel to the west. I walked over to one of the wide black swings and started to sit down. I looked back to the woman to see that she was already sitting on one of the swings in the other swing set. She said something to me. Rather than sit down, i started to walk again to the west. I knew that the rain would come any moment. I went into the narrow corridor of the hotel and up the stairs. I headed to the west, down the tall narrow corridor on the second floor. My parents were with me in the hotel. It seemed that i was waiting to go somewhere, but i had to wait for my parents. My father then brought a bag out into the hall. He was going to take a shower. I looked at the bag and realized that it was my black briefcase. It was full of stuff. I opened it to see that my father had put a grey sweatshirt and other clothing inside. I felt annoyed that he used my bag as i pulled the shirt out to see what was below it.

I was in the cafeteria of $P31. I felt out of place here. I was aware that i was too old for this place, but i was again the size of the other children. I walked to the west, down the aisle between the tables. I realized that there was a table of my classmates sitting on the south side of the cafeteria. The west side of the long table was lined with children, but there was only one child on the side near me. The child sat at the north end of the east side. I remembered that we had to sit in order around the table. I thought that the one child was the last person to sit at the table, so i would have to sit next to them. I did not like the seating policy, but i thought i would follow it anyway. As i started to sit, i wondered why the child had been on the north side of the table. I would have thought that the seating policy would have placed him on the south side so that others could easily walk into the aisle between the tables from the north and sit down. I then noticed that there was a woman standing on the west side of the next table to the west. That table was also filled with children, but the near side only had a few, who were sitting on the south side. I realized that it was the table that was currently being filled. I was supposed to sit there. I stood up and grudgingly walked over to the table. The woman spoke, making a comment that i should have known where to sit. I felt annoyed with this place and did not feel that i belonged here any more. I replied to her, “Yes Ma’am.” I purposely made my voice sound bored. She kept speaking, and i replied to her “Yes Ma’am.” Several more times. I felt disrespectful of this place and wanted them to know it. I walked to the center of the bench and started to sit down when i realized that i did not have a lunch tray with me. I asked whether i should already have gotten my lunch. The woman said that i should have in an exasperated voice. The children chuckled at me as i stood up and walked to the east. I came into the area where the food line was. There was no one at the counter, so i looked over the top of the counter and into the serving bins to see what there was to eat. There were a few hamburgers on a tray on the top of the counter. I then remembered that i had just passed someone with hamburgers on their tray. I remembered that i always used to eat hamburgers when i was here. I wanted something better for lunch, though. I looked over the raised divider to see tomato sauce and pasta in the warming bins. I had expected more food, but decided that they were serving spaghetti. I told the woman behind the counter that i wanted some spaghetti. I started to move to the left along the counter when i noticed that there was a glass bowl on the top of the counter with balls of fudge-covered ice cream in them. I thought that i should get one for desert. I then remembered that i had my wallet with me. I could buy anything i wanted because i had more money now than i did when i was a student here. Someone behind the counter asked for three dollars. I started to pull the money out of my wallet as the woman pulled two dollars in change from the tan cash register in front of me. I started to take the singles out of my wallet when i realized that the woman had already started to hand me two dollars. I made a comment about her having the change ready and started fishing through the bills in my hand for the five. I had a ten and several other bills with me. I found the five and handed it to the man. As i turned to the left and started back across the line, however, i started to wonder where my food was. There were several children in front of me at the counter, but there were no extra trays on the counter. I then realized that there was a register to the west, at the end of the counter. I was supposed to get the food and pay at that counter. I felt confused. I asked the woman behind the counter what i was supposed to de. I realized that i paid the man for the wrong thing. I turned to the east and started back to the counter where i had paid the man. I realized that the counter was separated from the rest of the food counter by a short metal wall. As i walked down the narrow corridor to the cash register, i realized that this was the area where people turned in dirty dishes and trays. I looked for the man over the counter. He was wearing a brown golf cap over his short black hair. He was austral and seemed middle aged. I asked him about the receipt that i had. He nodded as if he understood what had happened. I wondered where my food was.

12001 June 07

I woke up and looked around the small room. I was on the front lawn of a house, but there were a few walls around me. I felt tired and did not want to get out of bed. I remembered that i had awakened earlier to look around and had not gotten out of bed at that time either. I noticed now that the ground seemed white. As i focused on the figures moving around i realized that it was snowing. There was a deer in the front lawn, nibbling on a bush to the north of me. I thought that the weather was not typical for this time of year. It was June, but i sarcastically thought that this weather was typical for $P14. I rolled out of bed and stood. There was someone near me. I spoke to $Z for a moment.

12001 June 08

I was in the living room of the small house. The carpeting and walls were green. $F1 was with me in the room. I felt uncomfortable here, as though it had been a long time since i had seen him. His parents were sitting on the old green couch, which was along the west wall of the room. There seemed to be a window on the east wall. His parents asked me about the sounds with $F1’s voice in them. I could hear the samples of voice mixed into the music. It was one of my experimental mixes. I remembered that the original sample had come from an old recording of mine. I could not remember when it was made, however. I asked $F1 if he remembered from which tape it came. The song then started to fade out and i could hear some voices at the end of the tape. I recognized the conversation. I remembered where it came from, but i did not say anything. I felt suddenly that i should leave. I had not been here in a very long time, and i no longer seemed to fit in here. I walked to the door which was on the south end of the east wall. I said goodbye as i came to the door. A man on the other side of the room from me replied with a goodbye. I opened the door with my right hand and started to exit. I then spotted a black-and-white photograph hanging just to the left of the door. It was a picture of a boxer posing in a fighting stance. I stopped to look at the picture. It seemed like an old picture, and i thought that the picture was of $F1’s father.

I walked down the long road which stretched through the rocky desert. $Z was to the south of me, walking with the stuff that we had gathered. I noticed the large black seed pod on the ground on the north side of the road. I wanted to collect one and put it with our other things. I ran off of the road and tried to grab one of the dried up seed pods front he palm-like bush which stood at the side of the road. The pods were about a deci in diameter, ellipsoid, with rough skin and large crooked spines, and hung from long thin chords. I tried to grab one from the front of the bush, but went around to the east side to pluck one off. I was aware of the sound of a car coming from the west. I wondered whether anyone would care that i was picking the pods off of the shrub. I plucked one of the pods and walked back to $Z, who was standing in the middle of the road with the shopping cart of small objects what we had collected. As i came onto the road, i was aware of the car coming very close to us, but turning to the south, into the desert, just before it reached us. I tried to put the pod into the cart, but the long stem kept sticking out. I asked $F12 who was in the car. He said that it was the Spine Company. I knew that they were people who came to the desert to harvest the spiny pods. I walked around the cart and pushed the pod into the cart, breaking off the long stem. I wanted to save the stem as part of the sample, but decided that i could only get the pod in the cart. I was aware of the vehicle moving to the southwest of us as we started to the south, across the tan soil. There was a rocky outcrop, which ran like a ridge along the horizon, less than a hundred metres to the south of us. It was made mostly of tan rock, but had some areas of smooth red rock which stood vertical. All of the stones which poked out of the sandy ground were wind worn and smooth. To the east of us was another wall of rock. $F10 and i looked over the rocks near the east wall. I was aware of the people moving to the west. They seemed to circle us, ending up near the road to the north of us. I looked at them as $F10 bent over to collect some rocks. I saw $F32 standing to the north of us with another woman. The other woman had a video camera and turned it to tape the area where we were. I felt slightly uncomfortable having someone record that we were here. I then decided that i should turn to the south, to look at the slab of red rock which stood near us. I thought that it might look as though something had caught my attention there. I walked toward the red rock, leaving $F12 bending over a line of rock which protruded slightly from the ground. I noticed that there was a small weed growing in the center of the steep slope. I had an urge to climb the slope. I walked toward it and started to walk up the steep rock. I wondered what the other people would think of me climbing. I reached the top of the rock sooner than i had expected and turned around to see the people below. It did not seem that i had climbed that far, but, when i looked down, i was very high up. I thought that the climb seemed easy. I then noticed that there was a set of stairs carved into the rock on the east side of the steep area. I did not remember walking up steps, but decided that i must have. I saw the two people walk over to the man that i was with. The woman was $F14. I called down to ask her a question about where i was. I felt as though there was something that i should be doing. As the others started to climb the stairs, i noticed that there was a second set of stairs just to the west on the face of the rock. I turned to the southeast and looked across the small paved area between the buildings. We were on the college campus, and it seemed that we had come back to the main events building. I thought that there was something special i should be doing here. I looked to the east as the others reached the top of the stairs. They started past me, to the exit of the building on the south wall. I still felt that there was something i should be doing. I thought that i had come into a back section of the building and could now see something that i could not see before. I looked down the corridor to the east to see the placard of movie titles on the north wall. We were near the cinemas. A man in a white shirt and red vest stood by the sign, at the entrance to the cinema. I felt slightly disappointed that i did see anything special. $F14 moved near me and i thought that i should follow the others out the door. I paused again, looking through the scattered people who were wandering down the hall. My eyes fell on a large man in a red tee shirt who was walking toward us, just beyond the cinema entrance. He seemed plain and walked with his hands in his pants. I decided that he was nothing special. I hoped that i might be able to at least pick someone interesting out of the crowd.

12001 June 09

I walked into the store from the door on the west wall. There was a man standing behind a counter in the southeast corner of the store. It seemed that someone had entered the store with me. I looked around at the books on the shelves along the south wall. In the middle of the wall was a short rack which extended from the wall. As i walked toward it, i noticed that there was a thick book on it with a coloured cover. It looked like one of the Cerebus books. I thought that the next volume in the series had come out, and i picked up a copy from the shelf. As i flipped through the pages, i realized that the front section of the book was in colour. I remembered that the comic book was traditionally black and white. I thought that it must be only the first section which was coloured, but, as i flipped through the pages toward the end of the book, i realized that it was all in colour. This was something different from the normal book. I also noticed that there was a zero on one of the pages at the beginning of a section. I thought that this book must include volume zero, which had several stray issues in it. As i flipped through the pages and read some of the titles, however, i realized that everything in the book was different from the rest of the series. This was almost a story on the story.

I walked to the northeast, around the small wooden building. The building was rounded on the sides and covered with vertical wood boards, which were painted dull white. Looking beyond them, i could see that there was a large gorge. People were gathered along the stone wall at the edge of the cliff leading down. I tried to remember where i was. I had just walked from the hotel, which was to the southwest. I knew that this place was a large open canyon, and i tried to remember which canyon we had seen which seemed to go on forever. I decided that it must be the Grand Canyon. I remembered how hazy it was when we were there. I looked to the northeast and saw some of the canyon rocks appearing from around a tree, which was at the top of the cliff. There was a cloud of fog brushing the top of the buttes. It was more foggy now than when i had come. I walked closer to the edge, seeing a long canyon corridor to the east-northeast which ran between striped columns of rock. I had thought that the corridor should run more to the north. I thought again about where the hotel room was and decided that i might not be disoriented. As i walked over to the wall at the edge of the cliff, i looked down the long canyon corridor and tried to remember how it seemed when i was here before. I then heard a noise and glanced to the east. I saw a large section of rock break off a cliff and crash into the water. I realized that i could see a section of the river from here. It seemed wide. I did not remember being able to see the water from the top of the cliff, but decided that i must have been able to. I then started to worry about the rafters which might be in the canyon. The rock slide would cause a sudden surge of water down the canyon. I watched the wave as it swept toward us down the canyon. The people around me started talking about the rock slide and were moving toward the edge of the cliff. I looked down, over the edge to see the path which led to the east, down into the canyon. I wondered whether people who were hiking on the trail were in danger of being swept away. I saw an older man and his wife running awkwardly as fast as they could from the rushing water. I looked down into the canyon to see the river rise. It did not seem that there was a wave that was washing through the canyon. I could see the water rushing over the falls, but it did not splash up the sides as i had expected. The crowd around me was nervous and anxious, rushing away from the water. My mother said something as she stood to the south of me. I remembered that the others had gone home already. I looked around suddenly, remembering that i was alone in the large room. The room was very fancy, with polished light-coloured wood walls and many fine decorations. I knew that i was in the house of the rich man. We had been staying with him, but the others had left, leaving me as the only one staying here. I felt strange as i started walking to the south. I moved cautiously, as though i did not want to be caught here. A door on the east end of the south wall slid to the side, exposing a long white corridor to the south. The corridor seemed to be made of stone, and there was a window which covered most of the east wall. Sunlight shined in right at the edge of the window, coming in just to the southeast of overhead. I moved quietly down the corridor, imagining that other people could see what i was seeing as i walked. I knew that they would be amazed at the splendor of the house. Everything was so nice. I glanced into a room on the west side of the corridor. It was a bathroom, covered in white tile with black trimming. I could see the features of the room from the light in the hallway. As i passed, i remembered that the shower in the room was a large round platform against the west wall. The water rained down from several small holes in the ceiling. I thought that it was a very fancy shower. It seemed as though i would see the old man in the shower. I then remembered that he had been in the shower before. It seemed as though he was being very kind to us. I passed a second, smaller bathroom on the right before i came into the large open living room. Everything was clean and white. The ceiling was very high, and the east wall was covered with a glass door. I turned to the west to see the old man sitting behind a round wooden table. He was eating breakfast. I walked over to him, saying something. He told me that the others had left already. I remembered that the two children of the couple were gone. He then mentioned something about Damian. I remembered that Damian was the older of the two boys. I tried to think about it, remembering that we had traveled to get here, and everyone else had gone back north. I thought that we must be in Florida. I was in the car as we drove north on the road. I talked about the trip, and how the others had left before us. My mother was driving the car as we turned with the road to the east. There was a large rocky fin protruding from the ground to the north of the road. It was made of red wind-smoothed sandstone. I told my mother that i had taken a picture of it earlier, but that the picture had not come out. I was then aware of the hotel which was to the south of us. I talked about how i had used up a lot of film on the trip. I walked around the driver’s side of the car as the car sat parking in the lot. I had a small disposable Kodak camera in my hand. I had bought it to take more pictures of the rocks. I knew that the rock formation was just around the edge of the hotel, which was to the north of me. I was aware of a woman standing in the window of a booth at the edge of the hotel. I thought that i had purchased the camera from her. I looked back at the car to see my mother sitting in the passenger’s seat. The car was a red dune buggy with no roof. I thought that i could get a picture of my parents in the car. I knew that my mother would not like it, though, so i walked around the edge of the hotel and pretended to focus the camera on something to the north. As i looked through the view finder of the camera, i could see the run-down houses of the city area around us. There was a man doing something in front of a pale green house across the street from me. I turned back to the south and looked at my parents in the front seats of the car. I told my mother that i was going to take a picture because it seemed that she was complaining. I was having trouble seeing them in the view finder, though. I took the picture anyway.

12001 June 10

I argued with someone on the bus. I felt frustrated with them, as though i wanted to do something, but the person would not let me. I sat on the right side of the bus, looking over some of the things that were in my hand. The papers and folders in my hand seemed to be red. It seemed that we were driving to the west on $P88. As i spoke to some of the people sitting in front of me, the bus pulled over to the side of the road There were trees on the side of the road, and the ground seemed to slop down to a creek bed. The man at the front of the bus urgently told us to get off of the bus. I wondered what was wrong. I stood up and started to follow the others along the side of the road. The man was directing them to walk to the north, down the hill at the side of the road. As i cleared the front of the bus, the man glanced to the south. My eyes followed him. There was a large brown building on the south side of the road. I knew that it was a hospital. The man suddenly called the people back and told them to run to the building instead. I looked around, but could not figure out what the danger was. As i ran toward the cubical hospital, i noticed the dark clouds bubbling up in the southern sky. I thought that a bad storm must be coming. I then realized that there might be a tornado. As i ran toward the hospital, i searched the horizon under the cloud. I then spotted a funnel cloud curving to the ground directly to the south. As i reached the entrance to the hospital, i thought that i should take a picture of it. I lifted my camera and tried to get a snap shot of the tornado. I wondered whether the others would be annoyed with me for taking the picture in a panic. As i turned to run into the building, there was no longer anyone else around me. They had already gone into the shelter. I ran through the door and down the long white corridor along the north wall. I thought that i would have to get to the center of the building. There did not seem to be any people around. I wondered whether i would be running through any operating rooms or other important places which would be interrupted by my presence. I ran to the left, down a corridor which i thought ran along the west side of the building. As i came to the end of the hall, i realized that there was a window on the right and in front of me. I had been traveling around the perimeter of the building. I rounded the corner and started to head back to the east, noticing a window along the south wall which was covered with a yellow and tan speckled curtain. I thought that the window behind the curtain might not actually lead to the outside, but i was not certain. I hurriedly pushed through the doors ahead of me to see that there was a corridor which opened to the south. There was some equipment along the west wall of the corridor, near a doorway into a room. I decided that the window did lead into a room of the hospital. I was close to being safe in the center of the building. I continued to the east, coming into a second corridor which ran both north and south. I turned to the north and ran to the center of the building. The corridor was not that long, and extended to cement walls in both directions. The lights in the hall were fluorescent and cast a dim light onto the green and dark-green tiled floor. It seemed that there were double doors to the east and to the west of me. The doors were black, and seemed either like elevator doors or entry doors to a delivery dock. I wondered whether i would be safe here. I then realized that this corridor was really an elevator. The floor started to rise. I thought that this must be a freight elevator. I looked to the west and to the east to see that the corridor of the first floor was not rising with me. Only the center section of the floor was moving. The elevator doors on the north and south walls must lead into other sections of the hospital. I watched them as they passed. They were numbered. I wondered how high this elevator was going to go. I looked at the numbers as they increased. The numbers were moving through the fourties. I was worried that i was going too high in the building. I looked up to see the ceiling above getting closer. I thought that i must be near the roof of the building. This was not a good place to be when the tornado came. I had to get away from the outside walls of the building. I felt very worried and wanted the elevator go back down. I thought that i had to get it back t the bottom floor before the tornado got too close to the building. The elevator came to a stop at the top floor, and i hurriedly searched for a way to get it to descend again. I looked down at the floor and wondered how i could get it to go down. I then realized that the floor under me was folding. I felt very scared, knowing that it was a long way down to the first floor. I tried to balance myself in the center of the floor as the east and west sides of the small platform started to fold down. A man then came into the doorway on the north side of the elevator shaft. He mocked me, joking about the situation i was in. I wanted him to help me, but he just laughed at me. I had to get the floor to go back down. I looked down the long shaft, over the edge of the platform. It seemed to be a very long way down, and i suddenly felt nervous in my abdomen. I crawled back to the center of the floor, hoping that the platform would stop tipping to the east. The floor then seemed much smaller than the shaft. There were spaces around the edges of the floor. I could see the heavy cables which lifted the platform. I wondered what to do. The floor then started to descend again. I felt glad, but realized that the floor was not level anymore. I had tipped it too much. I looked at the wires on the edge of the platform and realized that they were getting tangled with each other. The corner of the platform then got stuck in one of the wires and the platform started to tip again. I felt frightened and wondered what to do. I reached out and grabbed the wires, hoping to untangle them. The floor tipped onto its side, leaving me hanging onto the cables. I swung myself toward the door on the north wall and tried to get it open. I felt tense as the rest of the platform descended farther and farther from me. I managed to fit my hand between the two metal doors of the elevator shaft and started to pull the swinging doors open. I grabbed onto the edge of the floor and pulled myself through. There was a man suddenly near me. He seemed to be a doctor. He was wearing white clothing. He grabbed my hand and helped me onto the floor. I was safe.

12001 June 11

I watched the kitten play on the floor of the small kitchen. The floor was covered with orange and brown linoleum. The cabinets of the kitchen seemed to be made of cheap brown wood. I then noticed the long green snake sliding across the kitchen floor from the east. There was a person standing near the counter from where the snake had come. I was suddenly worried that the snake might attack the kitten. The kitten did not know enough to stay away from the snake. I watched as the kitten hopped over the floor and started to bat the snake on the nose. I felt tense and worried for the kitten. The snake did not seem to react, though. I thought that i should grab the kitten and take it away from the snake. As i looked at the animals on the floor, though, they turned into a mouse and a scorpion. The mouse played with the scorpion’s head. I felt worried that the mouse would get stung. I then remembered that the mouse might be immune to the scorpion’s venom. I turned to the west and walked into the other room. This house felt very uncomfortable. I did not want to stay here. I came into the small bedroom. There was a bed against the north wall. As i walked toward the bed, i started to worry that there might be more scorpions under it. I was afraid to look, thinking that one might jump out at me. I looked out the window at the surrounding area. There was an old run-down garage just off of the house. The paint had all chipped off the side of the garage and it looked very ugly. I then realized that the garage was part of the building that i was in. All of the houses were part of one large structure. This was in a housing complex. I wondered why i had bought a condominium here. I knew that i did not like places like this, especially when they were in such disrepair. The place looked depressing. I wondered why i had come here. I looked over the damp dead grass in the front lawn to see a circular drive in front of the houses. This place was depressing and ugly. I did not understand why i had sold my house to move to this place.

12001 June 13

I walked across the small room where the beds were. The others had left the room, but there was one other man in the room with me. I walked to the west side of the room as he watched me. I knew that there was something concerning him, but i did not know what. He asked me questions as i started around one of the cots, which was covered with white sheets. I realized that the man might be attracted to me, but i felt that he was hesitant to say anything. He followed me closely as i moved across the room. There was some anxiety in him, which was directed toward me, and i felt that he should simply ask his question. As i stopped in front of one of the beds, i decided that i should confront him with his question. I sat down on the edge of one of the beds against the south wall. He was standing on the other side of the bed. He had dark hair, and was not wearing a shirt. I thought that he looked nicely detailed, but that he seemed too young to know what he really wanted. He laid down on the bed near me, asking some more questions, trying not to be too obvious with his intentions. I thought for a moment that he was interested in physical confrontation. I leaned heavily on his chest as i spoke to him. He seemed surprised, but did not try to push me off. I slid down his side, trapping his left arm in my left arm. I tightened my grip, with my left arm and grabbed his wrist with my right hand. I looked down at his arm as i stretched it out over mine, watching his biceps stretch with the force. I was causing him discomfort but was being careful not to hurt him. I wondered whether he would take the challenge and struggle back. I was then standing. I stood up from the car seat and started to climb out of the passenger’s seat. The young man lay in the back seat. He seemed pleased that he had gotten an answer to his question. I felt that i should talk to him some more and comfort him, but there was someone else near. As i stepped out of the car, i noticed my father standing at the back of the garage. He was doing something to one of the other cars. I spoke to him as i walked around the front of the car. I thought about the boy who was sleeping in the car. He was homeless, and was looking for a place of shelter. As i walked around the car, i noticed that the lawn on the side of the house was very cluttered with junk. I realized that we were at the house which was next to my parents’ house. I wondered how the lawn had gotten so cluttered. My father walked to the north, away from the cars. I decided that i should get back to my car and drive it home. As i walked around the side of the red car, i wondered why i had been driving it. It did not seem like my car. I circled the car until i was back on the passenger’s side of the vehicle. I stepped into the car, thinking that it must be late at night. I hoped to get back to the young man who had been sleeping in the back seat. As i sat in the seat, i noticed that the front dash of the car was covered with icicles and frost. It had been very cold. I hoped that the man was all right. I felt very concerned for him.

12001 June 14

It was early in the morning as i walked to the north. I seemed to be somewhere near my grandmother’s house. I had to get up early so that i could go to the doctors to have an operation. I knew that it was important, but i did not feel interested in going. I walked across the cream-yellow lobby of the large building, it seemed as though there was something that i was supposed to be doing to prepare myself for the surgery, but i could not remember whether i had done it. I started to feel unprepared for the operation. I wondered why i was here. This did not seem real.

12001 June 15

I was ridding on the bus as it traveled to the north. It seemed to be grey outside, and i thought that it might bee cold. We were driving down the suburban street which, i thought, was near the college campus. I was taking the bus home. I knew that we were near the spot where i got off. I stood up from the left side of the bus and started to walk to the front door. There was someone else with me as i moved to the front of the bus. The bus came to a stop and the door opened in front of me. I did not think that i was already to the front of the bus, but i stepped down and walked off of the bus. $F10 was then with me. We crossed the street and walked into the house along the west. The house seemed to be deep blue. The room of the house was empty, but it had very nice wood floors. There seemed to be white wooden columns to the south at the entrance to a larger room. I thought that this house was very nice. It seemed cold, but i knew that no one was living in it. $F10 asked me several questions, and i started to feel agitated. He was trying to get me to think about something that i was not interested in. I turned to the south and stepped down into the large room. The walls inside seemed to be same dusty- blue as the outside of the house. I noticed a window in the south wall which looked out at the large green tree. I walked over to the window, noticing that there was a tree frog on a large leaf. I pointed it out to $F10, but he did not seem interested. I got close to the tree as $F10 stayed in the entryway to the north, speaking to the woman. The woman seemed to be a realtor. I looked closely at the frog. It was bright yellow with green and red feet. I thought that it was a rare tree from the tropics and wondered what it was doing in this climate. I grabbed the end of the leaf and bent it down so that i could get a better look at the top of the frog. I then realized that there was a piece of the tree piercing the center of the frog. I felt disturbed. I told $F10 that the frog had been caught on the tree. As i looked at it, however, it started to unfold its wings. I realized that it was really a large insect. I thought that it must have been camouflaged as a tree frog. I felt scared of it and backed away fro the tree. It then left from the tree. I scurried backward to get away from it. $F10 and the woman watched as the large insect flew in circles near the ceiling of the room. It had large yellow wings. I grabbed a large piece of paper and tried to hit it. The insect then landed on the step between the north and south sections of the room. I quickly slammed the newspaper down on top of it. I pressed down so that it could not get away, but i could feel it squirming under my hand. I was uncomfortable having it in the house. I thought that we had to get it out of the house. I then noticed its legs sticking out from the sides of the newspaper. It was a large brown roach. I was afraid to lift the paper because it was afraid that it might try to attack us. I was scared of it and did not know what to do.

12001 June 16

The man ran out of the room through the small door in the north wall. I remembered this from before. The room was small, with dull-yellow walls. It seemed old and poorly kept. There did not seem to be many furnishings, but there were many things in piles on the floor. I wondered why we were running through this scene again. I looked out the window to the west and noticed the gnome standing in the yard just outside. The gnome was signaling to me with its hands. I remembered this action from before. The gnome was supposed to attract my attention. I was supposed to be interested in what the gnome had, but the gnome was really evil. There was a knight in the room with me. He had a sword with him. This was all part of the story that we were acting out. I pretended that i did not know what the gnome wanted, forcing a curious expression onto my face. I drew my sword as a precaution. I knew that this action would make the knight interested in what was happening. I had to signal him without letting the gnome know what i was up to. I wanted to fighter to sneak around and capture the gnome. I was ready for the fighter to move toward the window. I listened for his footsteps on the floor, but he did not move. I thought that he would have at least drawn his sword. I hoped that he could see at what i was looking. We could not trust the gnome, and i wanted the fighter to back me up in case the gnome tried to play a trick on me. The gnome then walked up to the window, in plain view of everyone in the room. I did not remember this from before. The gnome reached out his hand and passed a piece of paper through the wall to the left of the window. This did not seem to be part of the plot. The story did not run like this before. I acted surprised as i reached for the papers. I had taken the papers from the gnome outside in the previous iteration of this scene. I looked down at the papers, remembering that they were supposed to tell me a plan. I looked around the room at the others, not sure what to do. I did not remember how this was supposed to go now that things had changed. The fighter was standing near me. I then noticed that there were people in the next room. They were square dancing. Many others were grouped in the room. I wondered whether this was a festival. I felt confused. I did not remember this from before.

12001 June 17

I was standing near the house next to my parents’ house. There were new people moving into the house. I watched the boy as he walked from the large moving van toward the house. I thought that he was dressed rather well. I thought that his parents must be very fancy. I looked over the decorations on the side of the large van. The sides of the van seemed to be made of wood, with intricate carvings in it. The carvings were painted red and brown, with bright highlights of white, yellow, and blue. It was nicely crafted, and i thought that the people must be rich to afford the van. I thought that they were just showing off, though. I started to walk back to the west, to my parents’ house. I then noticed the truck coming down the road. The man who was driving was watching mew as he passed. I could see several children in the back of the car. They all seemed to be blonde and well groomed. I realized that they were the new neighbours. I also knew that they were strongly Christian. I felt very hesitant of them. I knew that they would try to preach their beliefs to us. I walked into the small bedroom in my parents’ house. I had to collect my things so that i could leave. I did not feel good here.

I stood in the middle of the large grassy field. This place was out in the country. The grass around me was tall enough to come up to my knees, but it seemed old and about to dry. $A166 was in the field with me. He was tossing small round things into the air and watching them fly. I knew that i was able to fly myself. I had mechanical wings on my back which worked to counteract gravity. They were metal, with round discs on each end. I knew that the discs were a special mechanism to force the fabric of space down around them. They acted as magnetic propulsion. $A166 had been experimenting with small models that had similar propulsion mechanism. I turned the wings forward, so that the discs were parallel with the ground. I then jumped from the ground and soared upward. I was surprised at how well the wings worked. I had moved very fast, but did not feel that much acceleration. I looked down to see that the ground was very far below me. I suddenly wondered how i would get down. I was not sure exactly how to control the wing. I worried that i might not be able to land safely. I thought that i might be able to glide with the wings, but i knew that it would take precise control to set down gently. I looked around as the scenic country landscape below me. I could see the large lake to the northwest. I tipped the wings forward and started to glide to the southeast. I could see the city below me. I thought that everything looked very nice from up here. I felt peaceful as i watched the city pass below me. The ground did not seem so far below now. I could see people moving below me. I then spotted the police under me. I knew that they were watching me as i flew. They would be cautious of someone who could fly. I became nervous. I thought that they might shoot at me. They could not let me escape. I thought that i should fly away so that they could not reach me. I adjusted my position into the wind. I was trying to tilt the wings slightly so that i could move away. I knew that i could escape. I then started to worry that the police might actually shoot at me. I knew that i could not be cause. It they actually did hit me, i would have to hide. The bullet wound would let them know that i was the man who was flying. I flew close to the ground near the college campus. I then realized that the police might actually be shooting at the students of the campus and not at me. I flew behind some of the college buildings and landed. I had been shot. I thought that i could tell the police that i had been hit by one of the bullets in their volley with the students. I thought that i should hide in one of the buildings to the east of me. They seemed like large stone college buildings, but i knew that one of them was the dormitory where i was staying. I ran through the front hall of the building and started up the stairs. The building was modern inside, made of cement. The stairwell was dull red. As i reached the floor on which i lived, i realized that i did not have my key with me. I would not be able to sneak into my room and hide. I turned around and ran back down to the third floor. As i came into the corridor, i realized that all of the doors to the rooms had been left open. It seemed that everyone had been removed from the building. I felt worried and thought that the police had already been here. I ran down the hall. I had to find a place to hide. I was afraid that i would run into some of the officers here. As i passed one of the doors on the right side of the corridor, i noticed my name printed on it. I stopped and walked back to get a second look. I wondered why my name had been written here. My name was in white letters on the bottom of the dark metallic door. The door was open slightly. I realized that i did not need my keys after all. The apartment had been left open by the people who had removed everyone from the building. I stepped cautiously into the front hall of the apartment, looking around carefully for traps. I then spotted $F4 in the room to the south. He had a woman with him. I knew that this place was really his apartment. I was just visiting him. I felt uncomfortable interrupting him with the woman, so i backed out of the apartment. I had to find a place to hide, but i could not intrude on him and the woman. I knew that the woman might tell the authorities how i came into the room. I looked back at the name on the door. I realized that it was a note which had been left on the door for me. I thought that it probably warned me of the woman in the apartment. I thought that i would have to come into the apartment correctly. I would have to knock and pretend that i had not been staying here. I could not let the woman know who i was.

I walked to the west, up the long driveway, toward the house. There was a man standing on the left side of the driveway, holding a large brown dog in his arms. I felt that there was something strange about him. He watched me as i walked past. I thought that he looked stern. He had his lips pressed together as if he was irritated by me. I walked into the house. I felt as though i was coming back from some event. There were others i knew in the building around me. As i walked down the hall to the west, i thought that this place looked like a school. The walls were plain and bare, and there were many doors in the corridor. I then realized that the others were leaving. They had to go out to get something. I looked around the building. I did not feel safe here. This place felt very empty with no one around. I turned and walked to the west, up the driveway toward the house. There was a wide green lawn to the south, with thick green shrubs. The man was standing on the left side of the driveway. I felt uncomfortable to see him again. There was something important with the way he stood there, but i did not know what it was. He was an austral man, wearing a heavy tan jacket. He had his right arm in front of him, as if carrying something. I could see that he was holding a Doberman by the ear. The dog hung casually, as though it had been used to this treatment. I started to pass him, and i said “Token man with the dog.” I then remembered that “token” was considered a bad word in our society. It was generally used in a bad way, and i thought that people might mistake what i said to refer to the man’s race. I felt uncomfortable correcting myself, though, so i did not say anything else. I thought that “gratuitous” would have been a more appropriate word. I walked into the large house at the end of the driveway. This place seemed to be a school building. I felt as though the others had gone somewhere, and that i had missed them. I sat down in a chair on the small patio, which was really a room. There were no walls to the south of me, but the room was fully furnished as if it were a formal parlour. I could hear the woman inside the building to the north talking. There was a pair of white french doors in the stone wall of the house. They were opened on the left side, but i could not see into the dark room inside. I listened as the woman spoke. I knew that i was probably not supposed to hear what she was saying, but i felt nosy. I leaned back into the green cushion of the couch. The woman was now sitting next to me. I felt friendly toward her. She placed her hand on the back of the couch near my head, and i leaned over and rubbed my face against it. I was aware that this action was inappropriate, but i did not care. I knew that it was how i expressed my affection for her. Someone then stepped through the french doors from inside the building. I looked up suddenly to see $A37 walking into the room. He was holding a manila card in front of him. I knew that it was part of the standardized mathematics test that he had just taken. He started to talk about the test as he approached me and the others. The woman in the other room then called his name sharply. $A37 stiffened suddenly. The woman ordered him to come back into the room where she was. I knew that she had some authority in the school. It seemed like she might be one of the teachers. I thought that she might be upset because she heard $A37 talking about the test. As $A37 disappeared into the room, i could hear her asking him whether he had discussed the test with anyone else. I did not hear his reply, but i could hear the woman stressing that he could not give answers to anyone else in the school. I did not think that this was as serious an issue as the woman was making of it. I turned to the north and looked down the courtyard. Some of the other students were starting to gather. It was a bright sunny day, and i was standing in the middle of the courtyard in the middle of the tall grey stone buildings. I realized that the students were forming battalions to practice their marching. I started to feel out of place here. I was not prepared to march. I watched several of the students walk by. They were in formal coatees with white pants. I thought that i did not have the proper dress to be here. I knew that i was an officer in this group, but i did not feel prepared. I looked to the southeast. There seemed to be some buildings blocking the edges of my view, as though i were looking at the courtyard beyond the buildings. The people walked past me as i looked around. I did not know what to do. Something felt out of place. I then spotted $A86 walking toward me. He was carrying his sabre with the tip on his shoulder. I thought that i should be dressed up to be here. I felt out of place in blue jeans. I asked $A86 whether we would need our full dress uniform for this practice. I knew that this was really a formal march. He said that we would need uniforms. I told him that i had forgotten my sword and that i would have to go back to my house to get it. I asked him whether i would have time to run to my house. I knew that i lived on the street just behind the school. It would not take that long for me to go to my house. I told him that i would be right back and ran out, across the field. When i came to the northwest edge of the field, i crossed the suburban street. Something felt wrong, and i wondered whether i was really out of place.

12001 June 18

I ran down the long hall of the hotel. I was trying to escape from the person following me. I looked back down the corridor to see the humanoid robot moving in my direction. I rounded a corner and turned to the left, through a brown metal door and into a stairwell. I ran down one flight and came out into the hallway. I knew that i would not lose the robot, but i thought that i might be able to confuse it enough to keep it away from me. I looked behind me just as i rounded another corner in the long hallway. I could see the red and gold figure rounding a corner in the corridor behind me. I ducked out of its sight and ran into another stairwell, this time, running up. I went up several floors and came into another corridor. I ran down the corridor, looking back as i came to a corner. The robot was still behind me. It seemed to be getting closer. I thought that i would have to do something to place some distance between the robot and myself. It was capable of running faster than i could. I turned to the left and headed down another stairwell. I went down one floor. As i reached the next floor, i could hear the robot enter the stairwell above me. I ran into the corridor and turned right. I thought that i should find an open room to hide in. It would confuse the robot for a while. I turned to the left and headed down a long corridor. There was a step leading down in the middle of the hotel corridor. I wondered whether i should check the closed doors or simply look for one that was open. There was someone in the corridor in front of me. I knew that he was trying to help me. I ran into the room on the right side of the corridor and closed the door. I thought that the man who was helping me was also a robot. I thought that he was Steve Austin, the bionic man. As i paced around the room, i wondered how old he must be now. I knew that the robotic parts in his body might not last that long. They were built when technology was not that good. I wondered whether any of them might rust. I paced the room, still thinking that i had to escape. I imagined climbing out onto the window ledge. I thought that the woman, who was trying to escape from the robot, might happen to have a rappelling line. She was wearing a white jump suit with a white jacket on top. I imagined the black rope over her shoulder as she backed out the window. My view shifted across the room, as though i was watching through a camera. I passed out the window, thinking that the story would be better if someone had happened to store a parachute in the room. The woman could simply jump out the window and float to the ground. I then wondered whether she would be able to trust the parachute. It could have been sabotaged. I imagined all of the straps that she would have to fasten to make it secure as well. I wondered whether she had enough time to fasten them all before the robot came. My vision panned across the room, looking over the decorative furnishings. Everything seemed white. This was a very fancy hotel room. The woman left the room through the door while i excitedly hopped over the furniture and bed. There were many fancy items in the room. The woman said something about being able to find the room again when she returned. I knew that she was confused. She turned left as she exited the room, and i knew that she was heading in the wrong direction. I poked my head out into the hall and looked to the right. I could see the main lobby of the hotel. I then looked down at the surface of the dresser which was inside of the room, just to the left of the door. There was a key card on it with the number one written on it. The woman had forgotten her key. I thought that i should take it. I knew that the old woman would not remember where she was and would probably never make it back to the room. I looked out into the hall again, glancing at the number on the door to the room to make sure that it matched the key. I closed the door and turned back to the room. I felt happy. I looked down at the bar, which was to the north of the door along the wall. There were several candies on a silver tray next to a vase of flowers. This was a fancy hotel, and offered several niceties. I wondered how much i would have to pay for the treats, though. I then wondered whether they would even notice if a few were missing. I turned around and hopped over the counter where the candy was, heading to the window on the east wall. I knew that i was on the first floor and though that it would be easy to escape the hotel if the robot were still after me.

12001 June 19

I ran down the corridor of the office building. This was where i worked. I felt upset and defiant. I had been breaking things around the office and upsetting people. I knew that no one would know that it was me causing all of the trouble. I remembered that i had run through the corridors of the small cubicles and caused havoc with various things. I then made it back to my own cubicle, where i could hide and pretend that i did not know what was going on. I felt the confusion of the people around me as they tried to figure out what was happening. I then ran down the corridor on the balcony level of the room. The administrative offices were on the balcony. As i hopped over a desk on the west end of the room, i looked at the woman’s surprised face. She was the head of the division. I knew that she would not be able to tell who i was. To prevent anyone from catching me, however, i humped to the south, out over the balcony. The white walls and furnishings moved around me as i fell. I could see the cubicles three floors below as i fell. I knew that they would not be able to follow me. I quickly ran to the east again, heading back to my own cubicle, where they would not be able to find me. As i sat at my desk, i started to wonder whether they would be able to figure out whom i was. Part of me did not care whether they knew i was the one making all of the mischief. I started to wonder whether there were cameras around the office, which could capture me disrupting everything. I then heard someone talking about me. They knew that i had broken things in the office. I felt suddenly distressed. I remembered being in the lavatory. There was a large glass mirror over the sink, which had white designs around its borders. I thought that there must have been a camera behind the glass. It seemed strange that they would have a camera in the lavatory but not in other parts of the office. I felt upset, and did not want to talk to anyone from the office. I walked into my cubicle and looked at my desk. There were papers scattered over the shelf, just in front of my computer. I pulled out the keyboard tray and realized that it was covered with small stick notes. I did not think that they were my notes. Someone must have left them for me. I knew that it had something to do with the stuff i had broken around the office. People were mad at me and were leaving things on my desk to let me know. I felt that someone was outside the cubicle, heading my way. I decided to take the small squares of paper off of my keyboard tray, acting as though i was too concerned with the action to listen to whoever walked into the room. I glanced to the computer monitor on the desk and noticed that the keyboard was resting up side down in front of it. I wondered whether i had placed it there. As i was scraping a stack of dark-pink notes from the near edge of my tray, three people came into the room. The one leading the way was the director of our division. She spoke sternly to me. I pretended not to be concerned with what she was saying and continued to take the stick notes from my desk. She said that she was very disappointed with me and placed a long strip of clear tape on my desk. She said that i had to put it in the bathroom to replace the one that i had taken down. I looked at the tape and noticed that there was a small piece of paper in the center of it with a warning sign typed on it. It was a caution for the mirror in the bathroom. I looked at my desk and noticed that several other strips of tape had been placed on my desk. I felt distressed, and did not really with to talk to any of the people in my office.

12001 June 20

I left the room where the others were studying for the play. It seemed that several of the people were leaving, packing up their things. I felt uneasy, as though i was not happy about the play that we were doing. I knew that i had several things that i had to get from the room to the west. I watched myself walk to the south, across the large room with the wooden floor and out the door. I turned to the west and walked into the smaller room. There were books on the floor. I walked over to them. It seemed that they had belonged to $F14. I then heard someone singing a song from a play. I recognized it as a song that i had sung in a play. I tried to remember the lyrics as i listened to the melody. I then started singing: “When daisies pied and violets bloom and lady smocks all crimson white.”

12001 June 22

I walked into the south door of the kitchen of $P19. There were quite a few other people gathered there. I knew that i had been staying here. As i looked to the north, i noticed that $A204 was standing on the other side of the kitchen counter. We were all listening to someone in the center of the room discuss something. $A204 was wearing a light blue tank top, and i thought that he must have just come back with the others from playing basketball. I started to feel strange here. I wondered why i was still living here. It seemed that i should have left a long time ago. Something seemed wrong. I was then on the second floor of the building, walking to the south, toward my room. I did not feel as though i belonged here.

12001 June 23

I walked to the east, down the street of the suburban area. This place was familiar to me. I had been here before. This place seemed like our old house at $P2. I felt as though i had come here to visit the place. I looked to the north, through the front hall of the building. It seemed as though the front of the building was missing. There was a woman standing on the front porch. I spoke to her about how the house used to be as i gazed inside. I could see the stairwell which ran to the second floor. This house seemed very much like $F1’s. I told the woman that the front hall of the house had been redesigned. I remembered that the main staircase turned in the middle. It seemed as though i was moving through the house. I noticed that the stairs which ran up to the second floor were actually not connected to anything. They ended in the air just above the level of the second floor. I told the woman that there used to be a kitchen just at the top of the stairs. I could see an empty room above stairs now, but there was still a sink against the far wall. This was where our apartment was. I then turned and walked to the south. I thought that i should visit the old house. I tuned to the west and found myself in the back yard of an old victorian house. The house seemed like our old house on $P2. It was dark grey on the outside and seemed run down. I knew that i lived in this place now. I thought about the house which was to the north, just down the street. It seemed to be on the other side of the railroad tracks, just to the east. I wondered why i had bought this old house. It seemed too run down. The lawn around me was surrounded by an old metal chain-link fence, which formed a rough triangle. The triangle had a flat side on the north and west, with a rounded angle at the east. I could see the street which ran to the north. It seemed to be slightly own hill from where i was. Everything about the suburban area seemed different. I looked down at the ragged green grass of the lawn and though that it was about time for me to cut it. I did not feel like doing the work. I wondered why i had bought this house. I thought that i should have stayed in the house i had.

$F27 was holding the drill to the man’s head. I felt uneasy and wondered why this was happening. I looked at the bald man. He seemed to be conscious as $F27 pushed the drill into the right side of his head. I felt queasy. This was a medical treatment to let the fluid pressure out of the cranium. I wondered why $F27 was doing it, though. I then looked at the drill bit as it was pulled from the man’s head. It did not have any blood on it. I wondered whether it was because there were no major blood vessels in the head. I then remembered that there were no major blood vessels inside the skull, but there should have been some in the skin.

12001 June 25

I walked to the south, out from the entrance the grocery store. $F14 was walking with me. It seemed as though we were traveling, and had just stopped to buy some food. I thought about the land to the west of us. I thought that it was rugged desert buttes. As we approached the back end of the large pick-up truck, $F14 said that we should visit “alpine”. I wondered whether she was talking of Alpine, New Mexico, but decided that she was probably talking about the national park in the northwest corner of Colorado. We were in central Colorado now. I asked her whether she meant Alpine Ridge, thinking about the mountain ridge, which was in the national forest. She seemed uncertain, so i said “The one near Glacier National Forest.” As we passed the cab of the green truck, i looked to the west, over the hood of the truck, to see $F14 on the other side. She nodded. She seemed to think that i knew what she was talking about. I told her that it might not me a good idea to travel over the ridge this time of year. It was winter, and i could see a slight covering of snow on the hood of the truck. I told her that the roads over the mountains might be closed. I said that i remembered when i had been traveling across country before and had run into closed roads. I remembered driving with $F24 and $F12 down the mountain road. We rounded a corner in the mountains of Colorado and found that the road ahead of us was closed. It was much later in the year when i went before, when it was warmer. I said that, if the road was closed at that time, it might not be open this time of year. I looked into the front window of the truck to see $F30 sitting behind the steering wheel. I shifted the paper bag of groceries in front of me.

I knelt on the ground, facing the east. I was aware that i was in the wrestling room at $P7. We were near the end of our practice. I could hear a couple of the wrestlers to the north of me fooling around on the red mat. $F4 was sitting in front of me. I felt very sleepy, and bent forward to rest my head on the mat. I seemed to have a brown terry cloth bath robe over my back, with the hood draped over my head. I felt interested in wrestling the man who was fooling around to my left, but i also felt tired. Then the man leaned against my side. He was joking around, and said that he would wrestle me. I joked with him, sitting up slightly to look at him. He was wearing a red singlet and had very light curly blonde hair. I was happy to be talking with him, but i felt very sleepy and told him that i would not wrestle now. I then stood up as everyone started to leave the room. I started to talk to $F4, who was walking with me. $A62 was standing in the room near us, watching us as we left for the day. I stood in the hallway as $A62 said something to us. I felt somewhat dazed as i looked around. I turned to the white counter along the east wall. There was a cash register on the south side of it, near the glass door. Many items cluttered the rest of the counter. There was a white bucket in front of the register, which had money in it. $F4 walked over to the bucket and pulled out several bills. I wondered why he was taking the money, but then i remembered that some of it was his. I picked up the large paper bag from the floor. $A62 had pointed it out to me. It was full of my things, and i had to make sure to bring them with me. I turned to the south, heading out the glass door at the end of the building. This place seemed like the field house at $P7. I followed $F4 to the north until we came to the entrance door to a large building. This was where we were staying. As $F4 opened the door, i looked down the cement corridor inside and wondered why we were in one of the new dormitories. I thought that this place had just been built for the students but was not yet open. I carried the white paper bags into the basement corridor of the building. The light inside case a yellow glow.

12001 June 26

I was sitting on the bus with the other people. It seemed that we had been discussing something. I looked around as i spoke with some of the people near me. I looked to the north, across the large white room of the college building. It seemed that we were in the front hall of the building, talking to a professor, who was standing to the north of us. The rest of the class started to walk to the south. I realized that we were in the main lobby of $P98. I turned to follow the others out. They walked toward the door, which was on the south end of the west wall. There were large stone columns separating the various exits. Each of the doors seemed to have a small booth around them, to keep the air from escaping in the winter time. As we started up the stairs toward the door, one of the men asked the woman in front of me “Do you have to boot a lot?” I knew the man was referring to her computer, but i made a joke: “I hear you boot quite a bit.” The woman turned to look at me, laughing and blushing at the joke. She was wearing a tan button-up shirt and had short blonde hair. As we left the building, it seemed that we were all part of a military school. I thought that it was strange that i was part of the military. I paused outside, looking across the quadrangle to the west. I spotted $A253 standing on the opposite side of a fenced in area from us. The area seemed to be enclosed by a short, metal, chain-linked fence. $A253 was wearing a black kendo uniform, and she stood in a low square stance, with her sword drawn. She was wearing a vest of stick armour and seemed to be practicing.

I started to pick up the things in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It seemed like it was late at night. My parents were in the other room. They had just come back from someplace. I walked out into the larger room, looking around for several things. My mother then mentioned that she had placed several computer disks in my room. I walked back into the small room. The computer was set up against the south wall. It was a large white box, with a small black and white monitor sitting to the left of it. It seemed very old. I looked down at the black disk drive on the front of the machine. I could hear it turning. I felt slightly excited to have the extra disks. As i listened to the nice, however, i realized that there was something wrong. I flipped the black lever to open up the disk drive on the front of the machine. Something sounded like a drive trying to read a disk, but not being able to find it. I then noticed the drive to the left, under the monitor. It was open. I looked closer at it and noticed that there was a black disk inserted into it. I pulled out the disk, noticing that it was round. I decided that it was a disk that had been removed from its protective cover. I thought that it must be corrupt. I wanted to tell my mother that the disk she had given me was no any good without the cover. She had ruined it by taking it out. As i pulled the disk from the drive, i realized that it was actually too large for the drive. It was an older disk, much larger than the ones intended for this computer. I turned to the east and looked at the digital clock which sat on the dresser to the north of me. It was not working. I wondered what had gone wrong with the computer to make the clock not work. I picked up the white clock, which, like the computer, seemed out-dated. I knew that it was an old LED clock, but nothing was illuminated on its face. I started to wonder whether the clock had been unplugged. I walked to the north, along the west side of the narrow single bed. The room was now long north to south. There seemed to be a closet on the west wall, on the north side of the room. I glanced in at the polished wooden shelves to see all sorts of appliances collected there. There were several other clocks. I wondered whether any of them really worked. I looked back at the one that i had been playing with at the south end of the bed. It was not on a white shelf over the bed. It was still not lighted. I wondered whether it was still plugged in. I thought that my mother had inadvertently broken it. I looked at the blue metal power strip which sat on the shelf as i lifted the clock with my left hand. The strip was full of plugs. The white one must be to the clock. I wondered why it did not work. I turned to the north again and started wandering. My mother said something from the driveway on the east side of the bed. She had just come home with my father. They were about to go out to do something for the evening. It felt strange having them go to a social event for the evening. I walked along the west side of the bed, which was now a car in the driveway. I walked to the turn off on the east side of the driveway and looked over the pizza boxes which were stacked there. I thought that my parents must have had a fun evening. Something seemed strange about it though. I noticed a blue and white magazine on top of the stack of boxes. It was a pamphlet for a play. I thought that my parents had gone to some kind of play. I could not figure out why they would be at a play. Something did not seem right. I then started walking to the north. They were heading out again, and i had to stay here by myself. My mother mentioned the food that she had left cooking for me. I saw the black domed grill on the north side of the car. I thought that she had left food cooking on it. I lifted the dome of the grill to see several steaks cooking. The fire had gone out, and the meat was just starting to cool. It did not look that appetizing to me. I felt strange, and could not figure out what was wrong with the situation. The dog walked over to me from the darkness of the stairwell to the west of me. Then the woman mentioned the dog, saying that we had to get it inside before we left. I was now facing north, in the middle of a small alley between two large brick buildings. The alley seemed dirty. I looked down at the small shaggy dog, realizing that there were two of them. They were reddish-tan and had thick fur. The children came down the metal stairwell, which descended to the east from the building to the south of me. The animals ran from the shadow of the other stairwell on the building to the north. There seemed to be many animals around. I thought that most of them were wild animals. Several seemed to be raccoons and foxes. I then noticed the two wolves in the crowd. The children grabbed a few of the happy animals and started to carry them back to the house. My attention then fell on a sleek feline, which was about the size of a dog. I thought that it was a wild cat. It was tan, with a white chest. It folded back its ears, as if it was cautious of all of the commotion made by the family who had taken all of the animals in. I thought that i should stay away from the cat, in case it lashed out. I walked into the building, heading through the door to the north. The room around me was cement, and dimly lighted. There were large metal cages on the east and west walls. I was looking for a cage which might be big enough to hold the wolf. They all seemed like small cages, several of them with water bottles and food trays. I thought that they would be good enough for the smaller animals, but i wondered where the wolves would go. I then remembered that there were two wolves, and thought that i had to find a large cage for both of them, not two smaller cages. I came to the north end of the room, noticing the large metal cage on the east wall. It seemed large enough to house a wolf. I thought that it would be a very small space for such an animal, though. The wolf might pace in frustration. I then wondered what we could do with the other wolf. As i turned around, i noticed that the southern wall, which was pale aqua, had a cage around it. I wondered what kind of animal one would put in the cage. Someone would have to walk through the cage in order to get into the room. I then wondered where all of the animals were. None of them were in this room. I decided that they must be in the room on the other side of the hall from me. I then noticed the tiger standing near my left side. I felt cautious of it and wondered how it had gotten into the room. It seemed upset, and started to stand in its back legs. The man walked into the room. He was wearing black shorts and a white tee shirt, which did not quite cover his big belly. He said something about the animals. The tiger leaned against me. She seemed to be pointing to something on the west wall. I looked at the large green and white water tank, which looked like a hot water heater. I knew that it was a water filter. She gasped “Salvation”. I was surprised that she understood what the water purifier did. I spoke to the man, then to the woman, saying that she had not only grasped the concept of water in the large tank, but the need for the water to be purified before we drank it. The tiger then started to collapse in my arms. As i looked down, i realized that it was a woman. I was surprised, but the man said that she was a lycanthrope. He leaned over to help me lift her.

12001 June 28

I turned back to the southeast and reached across the crowded desk for something. This new house seemed old. The room where i was sitting was very narrow, and seemed crudely furnished. It seemed that the walls and desk were pieced together from various pieces of old furniture. There were several desk lamps on the desk, which were all of different styles. They all seemed old and worn. The person who had owned this house before me had not thrown anything away. I moved through the piles of paper on the desk. It seemed that i had to get something done.

12001 June 29

I could see several reindeer gathering near the large sleigh. We were in the middle of a forested area. There was a clearing around us. The reindeer were the ones which pulled Santa’s sleigh. I looked over the larger reindeer and thought that they were too large to move easily. I then noticed Rudolf at the head of the sleigh team. It felt strange to see them here. I then noticed a small reindeer which was speeding around the clearing. It pulled a small sleigh behind it. The sleigh seemed like a dog sled. I thought that the small one was much more efficient in the snow than the larger reindeer. As the small one zoomed past, i noticed that it had small green wings on its side. It was a special reindeer. As it passed, it splashed a wave of snow on Santa, who was standing just in front of the larger sleigh. I felt humoured, thinking that the small reindeer was a rebel. The small sleigh was circling through the forest to the east of us. I started to walk to the east with the other person. We entered the forest on the narrow trail. The trees were bare and widely spaced, and there was a layer of partially melted snow on the ground. There were several pine trees around us which had snow still in their branches. I liked this place. We were in a park which seemed to be in the middle of an urban area. The ground around us rose and fell slightly. I could see the small sleigh speeding around the trails to the east of us. I thought that this place was very nice. I knew that there was a lake to the north of us. I told $Z about the cliff around the lake. The ground sunk very steeply at the edge of the lake. It seemed like an old volcano core. There was something special about the geology of this lake. I then noticed the sleigh coming from the east again. I pointed it out to $Z and we stepped off of the trail to the north. The sleigh sped up and down the rises as it approached. It then flashed blurred past on the narrow forest trail. I stepped off of the trail and looked to the north, over the edge of the cliff and down at the lake. The water seemed very dark. I thought that it must be very swampy at the bottom because drift wood would not be washed out in heavy rains. I then spotted a sled coming down the east slope of the lake shore. I looked to see a young boy sitting on a small metal disc. I suddenly felt worried because he was heading straight for the water. He was dressed too heavily to swim. The disc slid down the cliff and skimmed over the surface of the water. I was afraid that he would not be able to make it all the way across the lake. He did not seem to be moving fast enough to make it all the way across. As i watched, however, i could see the boy running over the surface of the water. I did not think that the water was that cold. His father watched him from the shore, just to the north of me. I was standing on the southeast shore of the lake. I would have to climb back up the steep hill to the east to get out of the water. The boy had returned to his father, and the two started to climb the cliff. They had climbed the short dirt cliff just to the north of me, but i thought that the cliff would be easier to climb slightly to the south. As i started to climb, i noticed something falling from me to my right. I stepped back down to the bottom of the cliff and picked it up. I then started pulling myself up the dirt face again, careful to grab on to the secure branches and rocks. I reached the top and looked around. I noticed that there was a set of narrow stone stairs just to the left of me which rose from the lake to the south. I felt foolish for not having noticed them before. It would have been much easier to climb the stairs than the cliff. There was a section of stone wall at the top of the stairs with an arched doorway in it. The stairs led up to the doorway. This was part of the old park.