12003 June 01

I looked behind me for a moment to see the wet ground of the tunnel that $G3 had been working on. It seemed that they had just opened this tunnel and were discovering where it led. There was a piece of plywood along the right wall which covered another section of the tunnel. I remembered being in this tunnel before and wondered whether the other knew just how far it extended beyond the plywood. As someone walked past the plywood, i looked down at the freshly poured cement on the floor of the tunnel. It was still chunky and wet. I then turned around and started down the tunnel toward the house. I seemed to be heading northwest or west, over the uneven, newly patched, cement floor. The tunnel was suddenly shorter, and i had to duck to continue. I wondered what $G3 had done to the tunnel to make it so small. I remembered it being very passable the last time i was in it. I came to a very small opening at the end of the tunnel. The wall seemed to be freshly formed from cement and was crudely fashioned with a small oval hole in the center. The hole was too small for me to fit through, but i pushed my hands through it, hoping that i did not get stuck. Someone on the other side was helping me as i tried to crawl through. The hole should not have been so small. I was then on the other side of the hole, standing at the far end of the basement of $P19. I headed east, expecting to find the small cement-walled room where the boiler for the head was, but ended up walking into a large room where people were sitting around on couches. They had redone the basement of the house, making the utility room into a large lounge. The walls seemed dark, with silver glitter in the paint. There were many people sitting around in the chairs of the room, and i realized that they were having a party. The room seemed somewhat smoky, and everyone seemed very sedate. I looked around at $G3 and noticed that many of them were drunk. One of them, who was sitting on a chair to the southeast of me, was smoking a joint slowly. He smiled at me and nodded his head in greeting. I thought that they should not have rearranged the house, even if it did give them more room. There seemed to be something wrong with the new arrangement of the house. I walked around the east side of the room, thinking that i was rather old to be partying with $G3. I thought that i might look out of place here. I headed upstairs.

I stopped in the middle of the large quadrangle, just before the tall trees. There was something special about this place. The others were in front of me, and there seemed to be college buildings to the west of us. The quadrangle seemed to be long north to south with white buildings to the east and large grey stone buildings to the north and south. It seemed that there had been some shift in time during our travel to this place. There was something special about this time. The woman to the south of me seemed excited. She motioned to the eastern sky as she mentioned the alignment of the planets, and she motioned overhead and slightly to the southeast as she referred to the moon. I did not look all the way up to see the moon, but i was aware that it was close to full. I turned to the east and looked at the two stars near each other in the northwestern sky. The bright one seemed red, with a yellowish-white light just to the left and slightly lower in the sky. I said that they looked like Mars and Jupiter, but soon realized that there were several planets in the small section of the sky. My vision then shifted more directly east, and i was looking at the horizontal line of three or four stars, about fifteen degrees above the horizon. For a moment, i thought that it was Orion, with his belt horizontal to the horizon, but then i remembered that they were really planets. To my surprise, thought, the line of stars started moving. They were orange, and spread out horizontally across the sky. There was then another burst of light, like a small fireworks show. The orange lights burst from a center point and then spread out in a flower pattern. I recognized this event from someplace before. I had seen this all happen in another place. I told the woman that i remember this moment in time and that i had been watching this event with $F12. It was something special. I felt uncertain about this event, as though it was some kind of omen. This moment in time was special, but i did not know what it was. I thought about $F12.

12003 June 03

There was something wrong here. Someone had been shot, and there was a killer on the loose. The images seemed confusing to me, but i tried to focus on the small room of the house. The room was open to the west, and i could see someone moving. The woman with me stumbled slightly and started to head to the north. I turned and helper her. I though that she was drunk, so i helped her walk through the door of the small room, into the entrance hall of the building to the east. She walked hunched over, her black hair draping over her face. She was wearing blue denim pants and a red sweater. There seemed to be a stairway along the pale-yellow northern wall, ascending to the east. The banister and wood on the lower part of the walls was darkly stained. Just as we approached the outside door in the eastern wall, the door opened and a man stepped through. He was wearing a dark-grey jacket with a dark-green hat. His face was painted with grey and olive green paint so that all of his features were dark and covered. I passed him as we headed out the door, trying not to pay too much attention to him. I felt very suspicious of him. He held the door open as we passed, and i stumbled through, helping the woman stay standing. As the door started to close behind me, i looked up at the man and thanked him for holding open the door. His face was no longer covered with paint and he was watching us intently as we left the building. As the woman and i started up the sidewalk to the north, i asked her about the man. She did not seem to understand, so i pointed out the fact that there had just been a murder in the building, and that we had just seen a man wandering around in face paint. I asked her if she thought it was a coincidence. I then realized that i still had the silver gun from the crime scene in my left hand. I thought suddenly that i should have wrapped something around it before i picked it up so that i did not get my fingerprints all over it. I was then in the small kitchen area of the house. The room seemed very similar to the narrow room on the west side of the house we had just come from. Something felt wrong, and i wondered what we should do about the killer. He had to tell the police about the man, but something was bothering me, and i could not decide what to do.

12003 June 11

I stepped out into the water of the large lake, which stretched out to the west of me. The sandy beach was full of people, and there were many people standing in the shallow water as thought they were all sunbathing. There seemed to be some wooden planks just under the surface of the water that the people were sitting on. Some of them had folding beach chairs on the planks. I stepped out along one of the planks. The people seemed to be still. They were sitting or standing in one place, either staring at the sun or staring out to the west. I thought that there might be something to the west of us. Suddenly, there was a sound, and the people got up and started to pick up their chairs. I thought that the sound signaled the closure of the beach, so everyone was packing up to go home. I stood back up on the plank, careful to balance. The front end of the plank sank into the water slightly, so i backed to the east to prevent it from toppling. I wondered what had made the sound that i heard. After several of the people had left the water, i looked around at the planks, which were just under the surface of the water. I was hovering the water, seeing myself standing on one of the dark planks which stretched from the shore. The planks formed a grid pattern, as if they were the old foundation for a building. I wondered what they were.

I stood to the east of the crowded beach, looking out to the west. The people on the beach were standing still, staring in different directions. I moved to the west, climbing over the cubical cement structure which was in the center of the beach. As i passed over the top of the structure, i could see that there was a round hole on the other side where the water was taken in. A short flume projected from the bottom of the west side of the block, just under the hole. I was standing in the water at the base of the flume when i heard the sound. The pump station was about to turn on. I know that the large intake pipes would start sucking water from the beach. The people on the beach did not seem too concerned, though. They moved around slowly, but i felt panicked. I knew that everyone would have to get off the beach so that they were not sucked into the pipes.

12003 June 12

We walked to the north, though the center of the large fraternity house. The wooden floor was brightly polished, and everything seemed very clean. We had entered the house though the front door, passing through the narrow entrance hall. The entryway was now just behind us, the bright light of the day illuminating the floor and white walls. There was a small alcove to the east which seemed to be a phone closet. To the west was a wide-open living room. The living room had a darkly stained polished wood floor with a white oval throw rug, but it did not seem to have any furnishings. The brothers of this fraternity had cleaned the house for the tour. I started to feel strange here, wondering why i had come back to this place. I knew that i was much older than the others on the tour. They were all college aged. I had been in this house before, though. It seemed to be my fraternity. I was just following the tour to get into the house. I smiled at the brother who was leading the tour as he passed to the right of me. He seemed to recognize me and smiled back. I stopped to look in the living room as the others continued down the stairs to the north. The stairs were made of the same darkly stained polished wood as the floor. The set of stairs on the western side ascended toward a large multipane window in the northern wall before turning back of themselves and climbing to the second floor. The other set descended to the lower lever. I knew that there was a door to the back yard halfway between the first floor of the house and the floor below. The others were already far ahead of me, so i thought i should catch up with them. I suspected that they had headed out the back door. I walked down the stairs to the basement. As i reached the back door of the house, there was another man with us. He was a brother of the house, but there was something wrong with him. He had a gun, and he was threatening the others. I felt very uncomfortable around him, even though i knew that the gun was his idea of a joke. I tried to ignore him, as if he was not really significant to what was happening in the room. I was then to the west, in the kitchen. It seemed as though some time had passed. The kitchen was rather small, with metal cabinets on all of the walls. There was an island in the center with some pots hanging over it. I said something to the man with me, remembering the man with the gun. I felt better now that i was no longer near the man with the gun. The other man mentioned the gunman, and we joked about it for a moment. I made a comment that having a gun was “so seven days ago”. We both laughed.

I was looking at the photographs from $A236. They were figure studied and looked very nice. They seemed to be printed in sepia tone, and showed a lot of detail. I was on the bus, however, and tried not to act too interested in the images. The bus then stopped at the intersection of the two roads. I closed the book and stepped off of the bus. It seemed that i had been here only a short time before. I headed back to the building to the east, where i had been talking to $A236. I was still interested in the photographs and wanted to talk to him about them.

I was in the basement of the house of the house, and it seemed as though i was visiting someone. The basement was wide east to west, and i entered through the door in the center of the south wall. The walls of the room were made of cement, and there were couches against the south and west walls of the room. There was a young child watching the television which was against the north wall. I had come down into the basement to get the child. I stopped in the middle of the western side of the room, where the child had been standing. I looked at the cartoon which was playing on the screen. It was a movie version of The Lord of the Rings, and the graphics seemed very modern. I watched the scene for a moment, impressed by the detail in the computer animation. I recognized the scene that was being played. I realized that this movie stopped at the same place where the first movie stopped. I turned form the television and looked to the east, across the room. The room was now a cavern, with white rock spires hanging from the ceiling. I felt confused for a moment, wondering how the room had changed. I tried to focus on the white stalactite just to the east of me. It was rounded on the top and seemed to be dripping very slowly. Something seemed very strange about the cavern. All of the walls seemed to be shimmering and changing shape very slowly. I looked down at the liquid ground as i walked carefully toward the door outside. The ground was made of multicoloured stripes which oozed slowly to the west.

12003 June 13

I flew across the downtown section of the city and landed on the top of the Saint Louis Arch. I felt very good about flying, and this city seemed very nice. I looked to the northeast, down the center of the street, to see the tall dark grey buildings. The city seemed very open and nice. I jumped off the top of the Arch and glided to the northeast, over the wide grassy area below. I knew that the people in the city below would be able to see me in the daylight, but i wanted to fly. I then imagined that the people in the Arch could see me jumping from the top of the structure. They would think that i was jumping from the Arch to kill myself. I watched the grassy park below speed toward me as i felt the wind on my skin. I spread out my arms and swooped upward, to the north. As i rose above the tops of the tall buildings again, i thought that the people in the Arch would be able to see me flying back up into their view. They would realize that i was not jumping, and that i was able to do something that most people could not. I curved to the east, looking at the nice old buildings on the main street. The buildings were tall and stone. I wanted to explore this city from the air. I realized that it would look much nicer from the air because i would be able to see the art-deco designs in the architecture of the buildings. I flew to the north of a tall stone building which had yellow stone trimming with decorative faces and flourishes. I felt very free. I landed on the corner of a large grey stone building and looked off to the north. I knew that the officials would be after me once they saw me flying, but i did not care. I wanted to explore the interesting places in the city. I looked at some of the modern glass buildings and realized that they were not as good for flying as the older buildings. The older buildings were designed with perches on the upper levels, but the new ones did not have such niceties. I then started to wonder why the buildings would be designed with perches. There should not be that many people who are able to fly.

12003 June 18

The hill that we were walking up was very shallow and wide, with a plain featureless building on the top of it. My parents and i were walking to the southeast up the grass-covered hillside. The building on top seemed like a medical office, with plain cement walls on the outside and a flat roof. I was carrying something in my arms as we reached the large glass doors in the center of the buildings front wall. I walked through the doors and came into a white hall. The lights within were very dim, but the sun from outside reflected off of the polished stone floor and clean white walls. This place was a medical center, and i had been here before. I was held here long ago for something i had done wrong. We were then standing to the west of a large wooden desk in a wide white office. Morgan Freedman sat behind the desk. He was the head doctor here, and he seemed very stern with me. I was aware of two very large security guards to the north. Morgan recognized me, but he did not know that i had left this place a long time ago. He thought that i was back and should be imprisoned here. I felt frustrated trying to explain that i was no longer a patient here, but they did not seem to understand me. I was worried that they would try to trap me here and not let me leave. I had to get out of this place before they could lock me away again.

12003 June 19

I was talking to $K1 on the telephone as i paced around the living room of the small house. I was telling her that i would get the money to her. I felt tense and frustrated, feeling that my relatives did not trust me with money. I did not want to send the money to $K1, however. I thought that i should be sending it to $K3. The money was intended for $K3, and i felt that i had to give it directly to her. I knew that $K1 might take the money and then use it to say something bad about me. I would have to call $K3 to let her know that i was sending her the money, but $K1 would not get off of the telephone. I tried to hang up on her, but she had called me, so i could not break the connection. She was being mean to me and started scolding me. I had to call the others so that i could tell them my side of the story. I was afraid that the others would only hear $K1’s side of the story. I hung up the telephone, angry at $K1 for preventing me from letting the others know what i was trying to do. I paced around the small room, worrying about what i should do. I walked into the front hall of the building and out the front door of the house. There seemed to be a long white stairwell descending from the second floor of the house to the south of me. The door to the north was open, and it was dark outside. I stepped out onto the wide porch of the house and looked down the stone path which ran from the stairs. There were bushes on either side of the steps, and the short path stretched across the lawn to the old sidewalk. I was surprised to see a large number of runners coming down the road from the east. They were turning right in front of the house and heading down the dark road to the north. There was something eerie about the runners, and i crouched down in the doorway so that the runners would not notice me on the porch. I felt uncomfortable here, but i wanted to see the runners go by. All of the runners seemed to be dark skinned, and they were wearing tribal costumes. There was some significance to the run. The runners were from Africa, and they were here for some ceremonial run. I could not go out the door of the house, and i did not want the runners to see me here. I turned around and headed back into the house. I thought that i could head down to the basement and sneak out the basement door on the side of the house. I thought that Hitler might have slipped into the running crowd to escape. It seemed ironic that Hitler could have sought refuge in a crowd of dark-skinned people. I headed down the narrow stair well into the basement. The walls were made of stone blocks. This back corridor came to a small cinderblock room with a set of stairs running up to the east. I wondered if this was a secret place. The word “Hitler” was spray painted in white on the east wall, to the north of the stairs. I felt nervous as i started up the stairs on the east side of the room. This place was special, and i thought that i should not be here. There were cobwebs across the corridor which i pushed aside. The stairs turned to the north and continued up to a wooden door. I opened the door and found myself in a small secret room. There were musical instruments all around the room, leaning up against the bookcases which covered the walls. There was a fireplace on the south wall which was framed with a decorative white wooden mantle. Guitars and basses leaned against the walls and chairs. The room seemed in disarray, but it looked as though people had been here. I noticed that there were several small clips on the walls of the room. I lifted one and realized that it was covering a viewing hole into the next room. I looked out to see the living room to the north. I had been in the living room earlier. I moved the clip back into place over the hole and looked around again. There was a small white door juts behind the keyboard on the stand, in the northern end of the east wall. I remembered that there was a door in the front hall of the house which had been locked when the man showed us around the house. It must have led into this room. I unlocked the door and started to open it to take a peek into the hall. I then heard a noise from the stairwell on the south side of the room. There was someone coming from below. It must be one of the Nazis. I felt suddenly afraid. I could not let the person find me snooping around here. I quickly picked up one of the guitars and fingered a chord, as though i were playing. I thought that i could act casually, like i belonged here. After a few moments, however, no one come up the stairs. I put down the guitar and sneaked over to the stairwell. I cautiously looked down it. I could only see to the turn in the cement corridor, but i could not see anyone coming. I started to panic, knowing that they would be here soon. I ran across the room and out the door which led into the hall. I had to leave the house so that i did not look suspicious. The person would know that someone had been in the secret chamber. I turned to the north and walked into the living room, brushing the cobwebs off of my clothing. I had to look relaxed. I then thought that i should leave the house and go running. I could jog long enough to become sweaty and then return to the house. It would give the appearance that i had been occupied when someone entered the room. I could hear the man entering the room as i moved to the north. I had to leave the house.

12003 June 24

I walked up the wooden stairs and come out in the room where the party had been. The room was dark, and there were still some people from the party around. $A166 was with me. The room was in disarray, with clothing and trash strewn everywhere. I waded through the puddle of cream dip that was between the green chair and the coffee table, heading toward the pale-yellow couch which was along the southern wall. As i reached the couch, the small grey and white cat trotted across the room toward me. It was carrying several small plastic rings in its mouth. It must have picked up the rings on the floor. One of the rings was rather large, and the cat seemed to be having trouble pulling the ring behind it. I thought that i could gray the larger ring to help the cat out. However, as i stood up from the couch and reached for the cat, the cat became startled. It dropped the rings and ran away, across the room. I felt annoyed that the cat had been scared of me and started to toss some of the trash from the coffee table around. I then noticed several blue plastic bags on the northern end of the table. I remembered that there were several bags of candy from the party. I started searching through the trash on the table for the bags of candy. I wanted to dump them onto the couch. I picked up several of the plastic containers full of food and looked through them for the candy. Several of them seemed to be filled with cereal. I then noticed that there were flies in several of the containers. I felt that this place was rather unsanitary.

12003 June 26

I was in the garage at my parents’ house. My father was standing near the work bench, to the southwest as i looked at the frame of the old car in the center of the cement floor. My father said something about my grandfather and i replied. My grandfather seemed to be very sick in the hospital. I remembered that he was suffering from alzheimers and was not doing very well. My father talked about killing him so that he did not have to suffer. It seemed like a good idea, but i felt uncomfortable thinking about it. My father said that he could simply make sure that my grandfather got too much of and injection the next time he was given his medicine. I knew that the injection would put my grandfather to sleep. He would not feel any pain. I thought that it might be a good thing to do, but i did not think that i could give him the injection. I felt uncomfortable with the idea.