12004 June 01

We moved to the south, down the dirt trail in the middle of the damp leafless forest. The sky was overcast, and it seemed as though it had been raining. I was with a group of people who were running from the attacking warriors. One of the enemy soldiers sat on the back of an armoured horse just to the west of the trail. I watched him as we passed. His face was muddy, and the metal of his body armour was soiled. He scowled at me as we passed. I described how we were hiding from the invading soldiers, thinking that, if i showed that i was not hostile, the soldier on the horse would not attack us. As we passed, i hoped that he would help us evade the rest of the army. I continued describing how we were hiding, pointing out that it was part of an old black-and-white movie. I talked about how they used special effects for the shots. I said that the special effects were old techniques which people used to use in blacks-and-white film. They took advantages of the limitations of black-and-white film development. We had turned onto a second path which ran to the west from the one we had started on. There seemed to be an old barn in the middle of the woods to the south of the trail. We passed the barn and then circled back to the east, around the southwest of the barn. I had a particle rifle with me, and i knew that i could use it against the invaders, but i was hesitant to. I did not want them to find me because i knew that there were too many of them for me to shoot. As we rounded the eastern side of the barn, i dropped to the ground. I sensed that the soldiers were near and had to hide. I had to stay close to the ground so that the invaders would not find me.

12004 June 05

I ran to the northeast, following $Z over the dry landscape. The ground was covered with ashen-red dust, and there were rocks protruding in various places. This place seemed like a desert in the southwestern United States. I hopped over a few small rocks, looking across the landscape to the northeast. This land was very scenic. There seemed to be some canyons ahead of us, and i felt excited to see them. The land to the northeast was suddenly very hilly, with small mounts breaking up the view. I thought that the canyons ahead of us should look very scenic. It was fun to be running through this area. The land around us was suddenly hilly, with steep sandstone cliffs rising all around. There was a tall cliff just to the west of me, and it seemed as though i was following $Z into a tall canyon to the north. I stopped suddenly, thinking that i had just passed by some scenery which looked very nice. I turned around to the south to see a ring of stones on the ground. The area around the stones was flat and seemed to be raised. The natural outcropping formed a flat platform against a slightly higher level of stones to the south. The stones of the ledge and background were dark grey, but the round stone in the center was light grey. I thought that the round stone was really the remains of a very large tree. Only the bottom of the trunk could be seen in the dry ground. I walked closer to the rocks to see the small concentric rings in the center of the tree. There was something special about this formation. I looked closer, noticing that the tree had been filled in with minerals and become rock. There were small triangular features on the side of the tree where the crystals had formed. I was aware that $Z was standing to the north of me, waiting for me to follow him to the north, but i was too interested in the tree to leave. There was a smaller tree just to the southeast which was made of the same small light-grey crystals. I was very interested in the small dark-grey triangular shapes on the sides of the trees. I bent over to get a better look, feeling pleased with my discovery.

12004 June 12

I was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the small car as i drove down the highway to the west. The highway seemed like $P128 near $P121. I would have to get off at the next exit ramp, but the can was moving too fast to make the turn. I suddenly realized that i was not in the driver’s seat like i should have been, and i would not be able to stop the car in time. I quickly tried to move my feet over to the driver’s side of the car and put them on the brakes. As i hurriedly shuffled over the transmission column in the center of the car, i wondered if i could simply pull the emergency brake and slow the car. I decided that the emergency brake would stop the car too suddenly, though, and i would not be able to control the skid. I kept trying to place my feet on the pedals to gain control of the car. I realized that i did not have my seatbelt on and wondered whether i would be stopped for not following the law. I finally got my feet over to the driver’s side of the car and tried to slow the car down. I realized suddenly that the exit was coming up quickly to the right, and i was already starting to turn onto it, but the car was moving too fast. I tried to slow down so that i could make the exit, but the car crashed into the grey barrels between the exit ramp and the highway. I watched the green hood of my small car crumple. I could not turn quickly enough to make it entirely onto the ramp. I looked to the left to see the passing cars. The people in them seemed to be shocked. As the car started to skid to the right, recoiling from the crash, i decided that i should have put my seat belt on. I started to pull it over my shoulder in case the car started to roll. I was still in the process of crashing, because my car had still not come to a complete stop. I thought that this was time distorting. I was somehow experiencing time faster that i should have been, making everything seem to move very slowly. I was then standing outside the wrecked car as the other cars continued down the highway. My car was now a small green crumpled box in the middle of the road. I bent over to pick it up, thinking that i should drag it away before the police see it. I did not want the accident to be reported to the police. I pulled the box off the northern side of the road. Another car passed close to me as it headed up the exit ramp. I wondered what i should do about my car. I then wondered how it had become so light and so compressed.

There was a long tan couch against the north wall of the room as we walked to the northwest toward it. Quinn Malory was sitting on the western side of the couch, concentrating on something in his lap. He looked up at us as we approached. I was with $A34. As we got closer, she started to walk with a bounce in her step just before she ran to the couch and jumped on Quinn’s lap. She was obviously very happy to see him as she said hello. Quinn was solving a problem that seemed very important. We spoke to him for a moment about the problem, but i felt somewhat apathetic to the entire conversation. As we started to leave, i was aware of a small tent which was set up to the west. Quinn was staying in the tent near this place. I actually felt interested in Quinn and wanted to get to know him, but i did not have anything to say, so i started to move to the south with the other person. As we started to leave, i made a comment on the problem that Quinn was trying to solve. I was trying to encourage him, telling hem that he could only do his work “one electron at a time”. I knew that there was some significance in my statement. I had made it as an off-handed comment, but i knew that Quinn would find a hint in the comment that would help him solve the problem. It was part of the plot of the story. I turned to the southeast and started to move out over the field. I was floating slowly over the ground, thinking about the plot. I started to feel as though i was inflated, which was how i was able to float. I knew that i was not really inflating, though. I was just able to fly. I lifted up into the air and started to do loops in the large room of the house. I suddenly remembered flying though the large room at the hotel. It seemed as though i had done it in a dream some time ago, but i clearly remembered flying back and forth across the wide chamber. The ceiling of the room was arched, with thick exposed wooden. The place seemed like a hall which had been built to appear medieval, with tan plaster walls and a dark feel to it. The room i was in was rather plain, though, with flat walls and limited decoration. It seemed to be in the center of the house, with a doorway in the western end of the north wall which led to the room where Quinn was sitting. I glided to the eastern wall of the room and flipped over, pushing off from the wall to head back to the west. I had been gliding back and forth across the room for a little while now. I did several flips it mid air, thinking that i had done them in the hotel room as well. I pushed off of the western wall and headed back east. I then realized that there was a wide opening in the middle section of the western wall which led into the kitchen. I thought that i could swing through the kitchen on my next pass. I thought that it would seem impressive to anyone watching me fly. I turned around on the eastern wall and started back, noticing Quinn in the room to the north. I hoped that people might be impressed with my flying. I stretched my arms in front of me, thinking i could squeeze across the counter between this room and the kitchen, but, as i started to pass through the opening, i got stuck. I realized that the opening was too narrow for me to pass. I had forgotten that i was wearing a backpack. It had snagged on the top of the opening. I looked down to my waist, where there was a black strap holding the backpack on. I could see the metal tube near my belt, which seemed to be the backpack. I started to pull myself back into the room, carefully sliding back to the floor. There was a man to the north of me who helped me back onto the floor. I felt somewhat annoyed with myself. I felt as though i had been fooling around and was afraid that the man would chastise me. He was very understanding, however. He seemed to be the father of the family who lived in this house. I was visiting them. I felt suddenly comforted by the man. It was very comfortable to be in this house, and i felt as though the family here welcomed me easily. I walked to the southwest with the man as we spoke. The family was collecting in the small room to the south. I walked into the doorway and came into the western end of the smaller room. It was Christmas time, and the family had a tree in the southeastern corner of the room. I knew that the family had gotten presents for me, and i started to feel bad that i did not get things for them. I felt as though they were being too good to me, and i had nothing to offer them in return. Someone was sitting to the east, just to the north of the tree. She seemed to be an older woman. Several of the children came into the room behind me and ran over to the tree. This place felt comforting, but i felt guilty for being here. I bent over to look at something on the floor in front of me. I tried to feel relaxed and started to play with the item on the floor. It was something one of the children had opened.

12004 June 13

I walked to the east, down the city street. The wide sidewalk ran along the northern side of the street and had shops to the north and parked cars to the south. The parked cars seemed to be waiting for passengers. I was with several members of $G3, and we were gathering into cars so that we could go someplace. I got into a car with several other people, but i started to feel that i had gotten in the car to go to the wrong place. I felt that $A119 was waiting for me to get into a car with him somewhere else down the street. I was then in the back seat of the car as we drove to the east, down the rural road. I sat directly behind the driver as he drove around the turns in the narrow road. He seemed reckless, and, when someone said something to him about his driving, he started to drive even faster. I started to feel unsafe. The car sped up as we rounded a tight corner no the north. We traveled only a short distance before we turned around another tight corner which turned us back to the east, but the car could not make the tight turn and slid off the road to the north. I could see the tall field grass around us as we drove around the end of a wide guardrail and headed into a field. The driver kept driving, though, and i started to worry that we were in danger. We broke through a thin line of shrubs at the end of the field and started driving through a wide dirt drainage ditch, which ran to the east, separating from the road, which rounded the corner and stared heading southeast. I was worried that we might run into a tree somewhere in the brush. I then started thinking about the dangers of rolling over. I could not see beyond the line of shrubs just off the road, so i did not now what was there. If the land had a sudden edge, the car could roll over onto its roof, which would be very dangerous. I then started to imagine that there was a steep cliff to the northeast. There was a cement drainage ditch which ran from the side of the road to the northeast. It was big enough that the car could ride down it, but i imagined that the ditch ran to the edge of a cliff. I pictured the small truck driving off the end of the cement trough and tumbling to the ground below. I then focused on my surroundings again. I was standing just to the west of the tipped truck. The truck had stopped just outside the woods to the north. I watched the others walk around in the tall tan grass around the truck. The bushes to the north, which separated the grass from the trees of the new woods, were densely leafed and verdant. I started walking to the west to find out where we were. I walked parallel to the road for a short distance until i came to an intersection. We had driven off the road only a hundred metres from the intersection of the two dirt roads, where the road we were on ended at another road. There was an old white wooden farm house to the south of the intersection, on the western side of the roads. I wondered whether we could have the people in the house get us help. It seemed hot and humid out, as though it was late summer, and there was a slight breeze moving the leaves of the tall trees on the sides of the road. The land to the southeast of the intersection seemed to be an old field, which was now covered with tall wisps of tan dry grass. This place was familiar. As i got to the intersection, i looked to the south to see another intersection. The dirt road ran up a short hill where it ran into a crossing of a main street. There was a traffic light at the other intersection. I turned back to the others and told them that it was the intersection where we had started. We must have driven in circles in the woods before we wrecked the car here. We were not near the restaurant that we were trying to get to, but i thought that we would be able to walk to it from the main road. I thought that i probably should have gotten into the car with the others. I could have been at the restaurant by now. I turned to the west and started walking down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. There were cars waiting for us on the northern side of the street, just to the south of us. I thought that i would head down the street and try to find $A119, who might still be waiting for me in the car. I was then walking to the east, along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. I was close to the restaurant. As i entered the glass doors at the front of the building, the waiter told me that the restaurant was closed. I was standing in a long dark corridor in the center of the building, with the main part of the restaurant to the south of me. I could see people at a table to the south, still eating. I thought that they must have made it in just before the restaurant closed. The walls of the room around the round tables were covered with tan stucco, making the dining room look very old. I felt disappointed as i turned around and headed out the doors on the northern wall of the room. I was back in the long east-to-west corridor which ran across the building. I walked back down the hall, to the west, with the other person walking to the north of me. We would have to find someplace else to eat. I felt slightly disappointed, thinking that we could have made it to the in time if we had not driven off the road back in the country. We would have to go back to the other restaurant and hope that they were still open. The hall turned to the south, heading back toward the main door to the small mall. I stopped for something just after we had made the turn. I was suddenly in a room to the west of the corridor. This was part of the hotel, but something seemed quite different about it. The walls of the room where pale yellow and seemed to be covered with rough plaster. The ceiling was high, with a peak under the main rafters of the roof. This hall seemed to be old. There were long wooden tables in the center of the room which ran north to south. Several people were sitting around the tables on long wooden benches. I felt excited about this place. I knew that it was part of a dream, and i was aware that it was a dream. The southern wall seemed to have a low mantle on it. The paint on the wall was dull yellow, and there were square title lined up against the mantle. The squares were white, with black borders, and they had large black letters in them which spelled out the world “Theatre”. I turned back to the center of the room, happy that i was aware that this was a dream. As i turned back to the letters on the mantle, though, i realized that they had changed. I remembered that words in a dream were not consistent and tried to focus on the words to make them stay the same, but the letters kept changing as i read them. I then realized that i could not concentrate too much or i might wake up. I hoped that i did not wake up. I focused on the word. It changed again as i started to read it, but i could see that it started with “popo”. I focused on them, but they were never the same when i read the word again, so i was unable to read the word. I turned to the others around me and told them that i was dreaming all of what was around me. I walked down the length of the dining room to the north, hoping that i did not wake up. I was excited to be conscious of the dream. I walked to the north, along the eastern wall of the room and then turned to the west. The others were sitting at the wooden tables, talking to each other. I looked at something which was hanging in the northeastern corner of the room and then turned back to the center of the room, excited about the dream. I jumped up onto the wooden table at the northern end of the room and looked around, feeling very excited. I hopped across the table to the north, telling the others again about the dream. $F4 was sitting at the northern end of the table as i hopped toward him. I was happy about having this experience and i hopped around on the table top, looking at the room around me. I then reached up and grabbed the wooden beam which crossed the room. It was the bottom beam of a triangular ceiling truss. I pulled myself up onto the beam and flipped my body over it. It seemed really easy to move my body through the air over the beam. Everything in a dream seemed easier than it was in real life. I felt really excited about being in a dream. I jumped off of the beam and landed on the table. No one else in the room seemed aware that there was anything special about the situation. I wanted to get them excited about the dream. I told them that this was a dream, and that i could create anything i wanted in the dream. I moved to the northern side of the room and made a christmas tree which stood in the northeast corner of the room. It was a dark green conifer which was decorated with gold ribbons and small white lights. I looked at the tree, but realized that it changed. It would not stay where it was. I tried to focus, but the tree would not stay there when i created it. I could not change the scene at will. I wondered what was wrong. I turned to the south and walked down the western wall of the room. I saw a small tweed coat handing to the east of the door, which was on the western end of the southern wall. I recognized the coat. I thought that it was mine from a long time ago, but i could not remember for sure. It seemed to have some kind of significance. I lifted the eastern side of the coat to see the inside of it. The brown tweed coat had a black liner, and there was a small chain hanging across the inside of the front of the jacket. It seemed like my old watch chain, but it was not long enough to be a watch chain. There had to be some significance to the coat. I tried to focus, but found the situation hard to focus on. I walked through the door to the west of the coat and turned to the west, heading into the rest of the house. The main corridor of the small house ran north to south, with several small rooms off of it. There was a bathroom directly to the west which had been redone in colourful pastels. Directly to the west, there was a thin dividing wall with a small window in the center of it. The wall was pinkish-purple, and there was a swirled curtain over the small window. The curtain was swirled with yellow stripes and purple and orange patches. I turned to the east to see the other bathroom in the same style. The other bathroom had been redone in blue and green, though, while the one to the west was in pink and blue. I then realized that the layout of the house was very familiar. The decoration was not familiar, but the layout seemed to be. I thought that the house must have been decorated in the future. I was here in the future, and everything was in the brightly coloured style of the future. I turned to the south, realizing that there was something special about being here in the future. I looked back into the room to the west, recognizing the poles in the small opening of the wall just to the north of the door. The thick round poled bordered the viewing window in the wall, and i remembered this design from a house before. However, this house was decorated in red pastels, which i did not remember from before. I was in the same house as i remembered, but everything had changed. I turned from the doorway of the bathroom and headed to down the hall to the south. This house had something to do with $F12. I wondered if it was his house in the future. I entered the large empty room to the south and headed to the window on the western wall. This was the future, and i wanted to see what was outside. I looked out the window to see a city spread out before me. There was a street which curved from the southeast to the southwest to the south of where i was. It seemed to be busy with traffic, and it seemed to be running to the north side of a river. Something about the city reminded me of London. I spotted a black double-decker bus driving to the west along the road to the south. There was a sign on the side of one of the busses which said “Reagan” in white sans-serif letters. I thought that it was the name of a street. The street must have been named after Ronald Reagan in the future. This seemed strange. Another bus had a different name. The street, which ran to the southwest, across the view of the window, seemed to be a main street. I could now see the water of a thin river just beyond. I was not sure where this place was, but i thought that it might be Boston. I looked to the east and saw the tall buildings in the center of the city. I spotted the large green glass structure in the center of the downtown section of the city. It was a very decorative building, and i thought that the building might be Madison Square Garden. We were in New York City. I looked to the south, hoping to see the ocean in the distance. I was still slightly unsure where i was, but i believed that i was in New York City. Out in the distance, i could see the sea, and i thought that it must be the New York harbour. $A103 was standing to the west of me, and he said that the sea in the distance was definitely the delta bay. This place was most likely the New York City river delta. I started walking to the south, and the others followed my. There is something significant about this place. I was walking down the street in the middle of the city. There did not seem to be any other people around. I then noticed other black signs on the street which said “Reagan”. I know that there was something special about this place, but i could not figure out which. I tried to read the street signs as we moved, hoping to figure out exactly where we were. I wanted to know what was special about this place. I had to remember this dream because it was prophetic. I looked at the street sign to the west of me. It said “Lexington”. The buildings ahead of us were suddenly tall brick buildings which looked like apartments. They were painted dirty blue with yellow streaks. This was the poor side of the city. There was something wrong here. I was heading west through the streets, and the area seemed open, with wide sidewalks. I tried to focus on the details, hoping that i could remember everything important. I then noticed the white clouds in the western sky. They shimmered and formed wavy patterns across the sky. The streaks in the clouds looked like rain falling sideways. There was something threatening about the clouds. They had to do with the prophecy. As i came to the top of the hill, where i could see over the tops of the city buildings, i could see that the clouds in the sky were coming from a thick billowing smoke which was rising from the city to the northwest of where i was. I knew that this was important. I thought that it was Hathor, but then i thought that the name did not sound quite correct. One of the others had walked up behind me and was standing to the right of me when he said that the smoke was of Satan. I corrected him and said it was Hathor, but the name still did not sound quite correct. This vision had to do with Armageddon. I realized that “Hathor” was an egyptian name and did not make any sense in a christian myth like Armageddon. I decided that it was the correct name, though. I walked up the steep hill in the city, heading to the west. There were small apartment buildings to the north of me: some yellow and others brown. As i came to the top of the hill, i stopped in the middle of an intersection. There did not seem to be anyone around. I knew that i had to do something. This was the vision of the apocalypse, so i thought that there would have to be a saviour here. I wondered where Jesus was, thinking that we should see him here in the city. He should be here to defeat Hathor. I then heard a voice in my head saying “Ask and yea shall receive.” I turned to the south to see a woman in a dark robe approaching on the street. She held a baby tightly to her chest as she walked. She was slight, with short dark hair and a smooth round face. She wore a dark colourful robe and looked at me nervously as she passed. I thought that she was significant, but i did not know for sure, so i was hesitant to admit anything to her. I suddenly called out “Mary?” as she walked past me, but she did not stop. She continued to the north with her head down, as though trying to avoid my gaze. I thought that i had guessed wrong; she was not really the second Mary. I said “Well, it was worth a shot.” I watched her as she started away. The baby in her arms then said something, and i could see her bend over to listen. I watched as she stopped, as thought conferring with the child. She turned toward me, obviously upset, and placed her baby on the ground near me. I felt uncomfortable about the situation, but i bent over to carefully pick up the baby. The young baby had thick dark hair. The woman explained that she was unsure of what to do, which is why she did not stop before. I could tell that she was scared. I thought that we had to get the baby to Hathor. The woman continued on and i walked with the others to the northwest, through the slums, toward the source of the smoke. We started walking through the rubble of a collapsed building, and i thought that it would be hard to climb in this dream with the baby in my arms. The others easily hopped over the broken walls and mounds of brick and hopped the short chain-link fence in front of me. I looked around and noticed that a pile of yellow bricks in the northwestern corner of the lot would make it easier for me to cross over the fence. I started walking up the mound, careful with the baby in my arms. I was having difficulty making my way up the rocks, though, so i decided to set the small kitten down momentarily. It immediately started to climb up the rocks in front of me. I looked at the strange rocks on the ground. They were dark now, and formed regular rectangular patterns, like some sort of volcanic crystal. There was something special about them. I then looked at the baby again. It was now a small creature with red claws which gripped the rocks in front of it. I picked up the baby and set it down a little higher up on the rocks, where it would be able to climb. I thought that the baby just wanted a new experience, so it was climbing the rocks. It had very thin red arms which reached out of its white clothing so that the large red claws could grab at the rocks. The arms somehow seemed inappropriate, but i trusted that it was the right thing. I wondered why the saviour looked so deformed. A black crow then landed on the rocks in front of the baby. I then felt protective of the baby, and, as the crow hopped over the rocks toward the baby, i moved to protect the baby. The crow jerked suddenly toward the baby, so i reached out to stop it with my hand. The bird suddenly became limp, and i realized that i had broken its neck. I felt bad for killing it and started to move my hand away. I then felt the skull of the bird pinch my finger. My finger had gotten stuck between the base of the crow’s skull and spine. I was shocked, and pulled my hand away suddenly. The sensation on my finger was horrible, and i tried to shake the bird off, but it was stuck. I started to panic. I had to get the bird off my finger.

12004 June 21

I stood in the high place and looked over the wide agricultural landscape to the north. It was a bright sunny day, and the leaves of the trees far below shifted in the warm wind. There was a large white wooden farmhouse to the northeast with a wide square lawn of cut grass around it. There also seemed to be a line of tall trees leading to the northwest, from the front of the house to some unseen main road. There seemed to be many other buildings to the southeast of the farmhouse. The land seemed very attractive, but i knew that the farm was not defendable. I thought that this high point of land on which i was standing was defendable. I could see the land from a higher perspective now. This land was defendable because of the cliffs on the northeast side of the hill. I told $Z about defending the area. I described the land as a shallow hill to the west and southeast which rose from the surrounding plain. The land was covered with forest, thought, which made it hard to traverse. This also made the top of the small hill easy to defend, because invaders could not sneak through the trees so well. I headed to the west with $Z, thinking about how we could defend this place from the bad guys. I then heard some other people coming from the west. The dirt trail ahead of me ran to the southwest a short distance before it curved sharply to the west, behind a small mound of tan dirt. The mound ran to the west of where i was and had thick pine trees behind it. I hopped over the dirt barrier and hid from the approaching people. I thought that they might be South American drug lords. If they found us, they might capture us and kill us. $Z was still on the trail when the people rounded the corner to the southwest and spotted him. I was afraid of what might happen, but we started talking to the others in the hall of the building. It was dark in the corridor now. We were walking through the building looking for the concert. We had come to perform on one of the stages, but i was not sure where we were going. I thought that we had to get to the next show in the symposium. We were going from stage to stage to find out where we were supposed to be performing. I started down the hall to the west, trying to find on which stage we were supposed to be. I passed Mic Jagger in the hall as i moved to the west, hurriedly trying to find out where we were supposed to perform. We then came in to a small bar at the end of the corridor. The hall continued to the west at the south end of the bar. $Z was still running ahead of me, down the dark narrow corridor. He was part of the band that i was performing with. As we passed a counter to the south of us, i noticed that there was a woman whom i knew standing behind the cash register there. I stopped to greet her for a moment. I looked around as i was talking, feeling rushed. I then noticed that there was a show starting on the stage to the north. There was a large crowd gathered on the floor of the room in front of the stage. Red lights flooded the stage as the band started playing . Mic Jagger stepped out onto the stage in a red and blue pastel jacket. The patches of colour on the jacket were smeared together. It looked like a style from the eighties. I realized that the shows in the different theatres had already started. We should have started our show as well, but we could not find in which room we were supposed to be. I did not know what to do. I felt upset that we were not at our stage, but i decided that i should just stay here and enjoy a show. I did not want to rush around anymore. I just wanted to enjoy something.

12004 June 22

I concentrated on the oscillating pattern in front of me. It was composed of reds and yellows with some white, like the colours of a flame. The background was black, and it looked somewhat like a chalk drawing on a black piece of paper. The oscillating design was important, and i felt that i had to focus on maintaining it. It reminded me of a butterfly. This had something to do with maintaining consciousness. It was a pattern of life. I related it to the symbol of wings that is usually associated with angels, but i knew that it had something to do with the field oscillations around the human spine. It was the pattern of life. I had to keep the oscillation going or i would fail to exist. I thought that i no longer had my body, but then i did not think that this could be true. If i had died, then i had to keep the butterfly oscillation going because it was all that would remain of my consciousness. This had to do with life itself. I was then aware of someone with me. The person was watching over me to see how i could maintain the pattern. I then started to lose focus on the pattern. I could not keep it going and i started to see nothing at all. I thought that i had failed, but then i realized that i was still thinking. I had not totally died. As long as i was thinking, i knew that i was still alive. I hoped that i could maintain the oscillation, and i tried to focus. I would have to concentrate in order to live.

I had been running to the southeast, but i stopped in the middle of the wide hall, which seemed to be a street in the middle of the urban area. The walls on either side where white, but there did not seem to be a ceiling over me at first. I felt frightened. The government troops were rounding people up, and i had to get away. I felt as though i had been running. The government troops were to kill everyone here. It had something to do with the change. People had undergone some kind of change physically, and the change made them a threat to the government. I thought that i was special because i could evolve like the others. I knew that the troops did not understand what they were fighting against. They had been sent to round everyone up. The evolution had not come to them. They were instructed to kill the others in this area so that some humans could survive. I stood in the white corridor of the medical building. The hall ran to the east. I focused suddenly on the man to the south of me. I knew that he was special, just like i. He was a little shorter than me, with dark skin and short dark hair. I moved close to him, feeling a bond with him. I thought that it was strange that i should merge with him. He was not the type of person i had usually been close to. He did not understand what i was doing as i placed my hand on the center of his back. I thought that i had to move my energy through him in order for us to bond. The connection would make us both evolve faster. It was a way for us to join so that we could make ourselves stronger. I turned from him suddenly and walked to the north, down the short corridor in front of me. There was a set of wooden double doors across the corridor. They were propped open. As i walked toward the doors, a soldier appeared in the corridor in front of me and walked toward me. He was wearing a green uniform with a bullet-proof vest and held a gun ready in front of him. I pushed him to the side as i passed, feeling afraid that he might try to capture me. As he fell sideways into the wall of the corridor, i realized how easy it seemed to push him around. The double doors in front of me were now closed, but i broke through them with little effort by pushing on the center with my hands. The others in the corridor stared in surprised at me. They did not understand how i had become so strong. I turned around and headed into the hall of the old hospital. The change had made me invulnerable. I would no longer have to be afraid of the government troops. I felt suddenly good, knowing that i would not have to live in fear anymore. I could group with the others like me. Our special powers would multiply with the strength of each other, and make us all stronger. We would no longer have to be afraid. I felt justified that i had bonded with the other man. I could now stand up to the injustices of the government, who was killing off others like me. I then wondered whether i would have to stay with the dark-skinned man as though we were in a relationship. I dismissed the idea, thinking that he would pair with the oriental woman. I would eventually pair with the other light-skinned man. I felt akin to these people, and was happy to have them near me. We were now safe from the government.

12004 June 27

We were driving to the west, down the snowy back road in the middle of the forest. The land around us was clear of trees, and it seemed that we were rounding the crest of a rounded hill. The mountain seemed to be to the north, and there seemed to be a deep valley to the south. Something was wrong. I remembered this scene before from a horror movie. We were trapped in the backcountry by the folks of the hills. They did not like up being here, and were trying to catch us and kill us. We had to escape, but i knew that the others did not yet know what was going to happen. They were still unaware of the danger around us. It was dark out as we drove, and i could only see the snow on the sides of the dirt road. I seemed to be sitting in the back seat of the car, right behind the driver. I watched the snow which covered the road in front of us. There was a way out of this situation, and i knew that i could change the plot of the movie if i told the others about the danger around us. I then remembered that there would be a symbol on the ground ahead of us. It was a symbol of warning, but i remembered that the others would disregard it. I then saw the orange lines in the snow ahead of the car. They traced out a butterfly pattern on the ground. I wanted to say something to the others, pointing out the symbol to the others, but we passed over it too quickly. I had to warn the others. I thought that i could stop them from being captured by the locals. I then spotted another symbol on the road ahead, just on the other side of the crest of a hill. It seemed that the road ran downhill for a bit after the symbol. There were flames rising from the butterfly pattern ahead. This symbol has some special meaning. The car stopped near the pattern, and i started to get out. The car was facing north on the northern side of the road, as though we had pulled off into a small parking area. I looked to the ground as i opened the door on the driver’s side of the car. There was another pattern on the ground. I tried to warn the others about what would happen if they continued following the plot line of the movie, but they did not seem interested. I got into the driver’s seat of the car and tried to start the engine. I thought that i would have to drive the others away. We had to get out of this area. I felt worried about the others. I was then aware that there were several old men standing near the car. They were a threat. They did not want us to know about the symbol and would make us disappear if we stayed here. I felt scared and thought that we had to get out of here. The car was now facing west again, on the snow-covered road at the crest of the hill. I had to get it to move, but i could not get the engine to start. I then realized that the car was rolling slowly to the west. A man stood just to the south of me, staring at the car as i tried to start it. He was wearing a thin grey tee shirt. The others had gotten out of the car and were wandering around confused. I could not wait for them. I had to get out of the area. I stepped on the brakes to stop the car from rolling, but i realized that the breaks were not working. The car rolled to the west, picking up speed. I wondered what i should do. I wanted to help the other characters, but they continued with the story line.

12004 June 28

The people started to collect in the large farm house. I stood just outside the front door of the white wooden house, the door to the east of me. Several of the middle-aged people entering the house nodded to me as they passed. It was dark out, but the lawn seemed to be well kept and green. There was path leading off to the west-northwest, across the lawn, toward the main road. I was gathering these people together for a meeting. I was forming a new version of the Ku Klux Klan. I felt devious and knew that i was going to base the beliefs of this new group on the original charter of the KKK. I knew that the charter made many strong statements which people would still believe in. However, i would edit out the bigoted lines from the charter, leaving the purpose of the new Klan ambiguous. An old southern man then stopped in front of me as some of the others passed by, walking into the house. He questioned me about what i had done to the charter of the KKK. I told him that i had cut some things out. I thought that this was my way of usurping the Klan. I could form a new KKK which would carry all of the ideals which the old one did not. Eventually, the old Klan would be overshadowed by the new one. I turned and walked into the large building. There was a colonial semicircular porch on the front of the building which was supported by two thick white greek columns. The entrance hall of the building seemed large, with a grand staircase heading up to the east. Everything seemed clean and formal. I turned and looked at some of the people coming into the house. They now seemed poor, wearing old faded and torn clothing. Some of them were hunched over, clutching their clothing around them. One woman was wearing a red knitted shawl over a brown jacket. They were the local farmers and other less wealthy people. They would not know that we had changed the charter for the Klan. They were simply showing up for charity. A woman in a white lace dress walked past me as i turned to look around the building. I was now standing outside the front entrance again as the people shuffled past me. The building was to the east of me. The building was an old church which we had taken over and rebuilt. It seemed that the church seemed to be some kind of commune or radical church. I thought that the church would lure more people in, making them think that this would be the culture of fearing strangers that they were used to. It seemed ironic that we were using it to form the new Klan. It seemed as though we were taking over the old religion and using it for the good of mankind. I looked to the west to see a line of cars pulling into the wide circular driveway of the building. It was dark out, but i could see another brick building to the north, in front of the church that i had been standing in front of. I was happy to see so many people coming to join the group. Many of them now seemed to be towing small carts with things hanging off of them. I thought that these people were the gypsies and poor people. A few of them were pulling small round white houses behind them on small carts. They had nowhere else to live, so they brought their houses with them. I thought that they would not have come to the bad religions of the previous clan, but we were offering them something better, and they knew to find shelter here. I walked away from the house a little to look at some of the cars coming down the driveway. I reached the main road and looked to the west to see a line of cars coming toward us. The line stretched to the crest of the hill, just a little way to the north. It was now daylight, and i was able to see all of the buildings in the area. There was a fancy building to the west, in the center of the wide grassy hill, across the street. The building had gilded domes on top and seemed to be an old church building. There was a large willow tree to the south of the building, on the edge of the hill. There were decorations in the yard near the oak tree and down the hill to the west. At the bottom of the hill was a decorative pond, with a wooden gazebo on it. I thought that the people across the street were getting ready for a wedding. The two people in formal dress, who were sitting by the pond, at the large wooden dining table, turned to look at me as the cars passed by and into the house behind me. I suspected that we were an affront to their decency because we had our own church across the street from such a proper house. I turned to around to see the building to the north of me, at the front of the property. The church building was painted nicely in bright white. I knew that the building was not being used for anything, but the rich people across the street had fixed it up and painted it so that it would not be an embarrassment to them. There was a large cross on the front of the white wooden building, right in front of the road. The trimming and roof of the building shined, as did the silvery cross. I could see the intricate carved details near the roof. Everything had been gilded with platinum to make the building shine. I turned to the east and walked back into the large white house at the back of the property. I was aware that there was someone watching us from the rich house. It was a woman. The rich people did not like us because we had corrupted the Klan, and they were after us. I ran up the stairwell which was just to the left of the entrance door. It now seemed to be night again. I could not see well in the narrow stairwell, but i hurried up the old unfinished wooden stairs to get away from the woman and the people with her. $Z was running up the stairs in front of me. I knew that the woman would be able to hear where we were going with her special senses. She would know when we stopped climbing the stairs. There seemed to be many floors to the building, and i thought that we could lose her if we kept moving. I wondered whether there were cameras in the building which could see us. I tried to open one of the doors on the left side of one of the platform landings, and $Z tried the door on the right. Both of the doors were locked. I knew that the woman could hear us and what we were doing, so we continued up the stairs. I thought that we had to open as many different doors on as many different levels as we could. We would keep climbing and opening whatever doors we could so that she could not keep track of what floor were on. After we had done this for a while, i thought that we could run into one of the doors, either backtracking down the stairs or continuing up. Once we were in one of the doors, we could be lost in the large building. She would not be able to find us because she could not keep track of which floor we were on.

12004 June 30

I stood in the oddly shaped bedroom of the small house. This place was old, and did not seem to be lived in at the time. My parents were standing to the west of me, on the raised part of the room. The room that i was in was rectangular, with the long walls running north to south. To the west, there was another mostly rectangular section of the room which branched off near the southern end of the first section. The second section was raised about five decis from the first section. The walls of the room were dull yellow, and seemed to be made of old dry plaster. The ceiling of the first section was sloped a little on the northern section, where the roof trimmed off about a metre of the ceiling. The western section was oddly shaped, with a slanted roof rising to the east on the western part of the room. In the center of the western section was a dormer window which was recessed about two metres from the rest of the room. There seemed to be a closet under the southern part of the sloping ceiling in the western part of the room. The wooden floor of the room was bare and worn. I looked at the crude bed which was set up under the slanted roof on the northern side of the western part of the room. The thin spread on the bed was light blue, and woven with uneven chords so that it had the look of a wool blanket. There was a piece of old artwork over the head of the bed, on the slanted ceiling. I was interested in it, and felt as though i had rediscovered something lost in this part of the house. My parents were looking at other stuff in the room as i moved over the bed to get a closer look at the painting on the ceiling. The black painting had round objects attached to it, and i realized that the painting was an orbital representation of the solar system. The detail in the dark blue designs of the background was very nice. There were pieces of wire holding several of the planetary pieces onto the canvas. They were intended to hang from the painting to give a better idea of the relief of space. The background seemed to be a black net, which had several pieces strung to it with the wire. The picture was falling apart, however. There were several chunks missing from the upper-left section of the weaving. I picked up some of the pieces from the bed, realizing that they had just fallen. I wondered whether we could piece this artwork back together. There was something special about it. I held some of the fragments back up to the picture. The full picture was of blue swirls on an orangish-yellow background. There was something made of loose strings of brown yarn in the upper left corner, and i still had pieces of the sun and a piece of a comet in my hands. I felt like i was reclaiming something by piecing the picture back together. I then flipped over one of the pieces in my hand and realized that there was some writing on the back of the painting. It was a signature of someone whose first name was Kent. I thought that it might be a pseudonym for $K24. I felt excited to see something that he had done. I asked my parents about it. They said something about the storage space over the room. I looked up at the slanted ceiling over the bed, which was now in the center section of the western part of the room. The ceiling now slanted down to the east, and there was a space over the top of the plasterboard, which was attached to the rafters. I could see several rolls of paper above the ceiling. It was a hidden storage space. I tried to put the tile back onto the ceiling near the opening of the storage space. It had fallen off of the painting there. I could not seem to get it to stay there now, thought. I thought that it was moved to a different position than it had originally been. The piece i had in my hand did not seem to match the hole in the ceiling near me. The missing tile was actually forming the ceiling, now, and the rolls of old paper were resting on top of it, in their hiding space. The tile formed a fake ceiling, creating an empty space between it and the real ceiling. I pulled on several things in the ceiling, wondering what i could discover in the old things.