12006 June 04

I turned to the south and looked at the boxes which were sitting on the eastern side of the room, which seemed to be a large grassy quadrangle. I was with my parents and my grandmother. I looked at the cardboard box nearest me and noticed that it had phonographs in it. The record on top said “John Denver” on the cover, but it did not seem to be a John Denver album. The album cover was blue and had thick pale-yellow text of various size all over the face. The text listed out different artists and songs on the album. It seemed to be a collection of John Denver songs. I had left it here, at my parents. I had bought the album because it was inexpensive in a second-hand store. I saw the yellow label in the upper-right section of the album cover, and it said $2.88. I put the record back into the box and looked at the others. There was another album with a similar album cover in the box. It was a double album and seemed to be a collection of many different artists. I flipped through several of the phonographs in the box, thinking that i had forgotten them here last time i left. “Where am i going to put all of these?”, i mentioned rhetorically as i put some of the phonographs back. I knew that my cabinet, where i keep by phonographs, was full. I thought that i would have to get rid of some of my grandfather’s old albums in order to put all of these new ones in. My father was standing to the south of me as started to look through a second box. There were several plastic containers on the ground. I picked up one, which seemed to contain grains. The silver domed lit had a slide door on the side of it, which was partly open, and some of the grain was sliding out. The grain seemed slightly wet, and i thought that it must have been sitting for too long a time. I wondered if it had gone bad. I did not want to throw all of it out, so i tipped the container a little and spilled out the stuff which looked damp, thinking that only the stuff near the top would be spoiled. I then took a pinch of grain from the top and smelled it as i closed the lid on the rest. I then looked at the large plastic container that the grain was in. The grain now seemed pasty inside the jar. I turned it back and forth a few times to see if the grain would flow, but it all seemed clumpy. I hoped that it was not all bad. My father then said something to the south of me. I was crouching near the ground, facing west. I had the jar of grain in my right hand, but picked up the second plastic container with my left. It seemed empty. I looked at it as my father mentioned a name. He said there was something written on it. I looked at the container, noticing the coil of magnetic tape wound up inside the jar. My father said that the name “John” was on the side of the container. I looked at the white plastic cassette tape in my right hand, noticing that there was something written along the top edge of the tape. I thought that it might be another recording of John Denver music. I then looked at the plastic jug in my right hand and noticed that there was a large label on the side with four names on it. “John” was the first name on the list. I realized that the magnetic tape in the bottle was the multi-track tape from a band that i had been with. I told my father this, but he did not seem to remember the band. I thought that it must have been long enough ago that he did not remember it. I told him that i was in a band with John and George. I stopped suddenly, thinking that there was no George in my band. I corrected myself and told my father that it was really Andrew. I looked at the tape in the jar and hoped that it had not been ruined by time. I then looked at the box to the west of me, on the counter. It had several white cassette tapes in it. I had made recordings on many of these tapes before. There was a square typed label on top of the one in my right hand. I did not recognize it. I put the tape back into the small box on the counter and turned to the south. I was in the small lab. I worked here for $A14, and i was in collecting my things so that i could leave. The lab was small, with no windows, and there was a counter running around the eastern, southern, and western walls. I walked over to the eastern counter at the southern end of the room to get some of my books. I felt troubled and wanted to get my things and leave. I hoped that $A14 did not stop in. I did not want to be delayed. I then heard his voice outside the door on the northern side of the room. I turned to look at the metal lab door as i heard him talking to some students outside. He opened the door, surprised to find me in the lab. I said hello, and continued to collect my things as $A14 stepped back out to say something to the students. I felt nervous about being here, so i collected my book and turned to the north. I now seemed to be in a larger room. I walked out of the smaller area and where i had gathered my books and turned to the northwest. There was a square table just to the west of me, in the library. I carried by backpack with me, remembering that i had other books in it. I then remembered that i had taken the other books from the lab, and i wondered whether they would trigger the alarms at the doors of the library because i had not scanned them. I looked down at the small blue book in my left hand. It was an old book with a light-blue canvas hard cover and faded gold lettering. I placed it on the table as i thought about something. I was supposed to look up something here, but i could not remember what. I felt nervous about being here as i placed the two blue books down on the table. I was now on the western side of the table as the other people walked around the library. I was concerned about the books i had brought as i placed them on the table. There was something wrong here. I looked at the two books, the large thin one sitting under the smaller one i had been looking at before. Someone walked around to the southern side of the table as i looked at the manila folder in front of me. I felt that i had something important to do here. I opened the folder and looked at the papers in front of me on the table. There was something significant in them. I then turned my attention back to the papers in the manila folder. Several of them were turned sideways to keep my place. There was someone standing to the north of me, at the side of the table. I thought that the books i had brought into the library should not set off the alarms going out because they had not done so coming in. I then stood up and walked to the south, back into the small section of the room, which seemed to be a bedroom. There was a bed against the western wall, and i knew that $F43 was lying in the bed. A man was with her, but i knew that something had happened. $F43 was upset. I felt that something was wrong. A man was in the bed with her, and i felt that he had raped her. I did not know what to do. I moved to the foot of the bed as a man stood up from the southern side of the bed. $F43 seemed upset, and was curled up under the covers. I had to do something, but i was not sure what. I could not figure out what had happened.

12006 June 05

I turned to the east to look at the stage as the performer walked on. The small crowd of the run-down bar cheered as the music started playing. I recognized the song as “High”, and i watched Beck step into the light of the stage. He seemed to be wearing only underwear, but the underwear was bulky, as tough something was in it. As he started singing, i realized that he was not starting the song with the correct lyrics of “Beautiful dawn”. He had started singing the chorus. As he sang the word “high”, he started floating in the air over the stage. I realized that the bulkiness in his shorts must be helium balloons. He was floating up to the ceiling, and i wondered whether he was attached to any wires. He seemed to have some trouble balancing, because he kept swinging his arms and legs to keep his head up. At first, i thought that Beck was getting fat, but then i realized that his body was pretty detailed is his upper body and legs. It was just the large balloons in his pants which made his figure hard to discern. I tried to look at him more closely as he floated over the crowd. I felt as though i was trying to capture him on camera. I looked up, but could no longer see him against the dull-black thin wooden boards which ran across the ceiling. I turned to the west to see if i could find him over the audience. There was a wall just to the west of me, with a large rectangular hole in the upper half of it. The hole was only a metre and a half from the floor where i was standing. It seemed to open to the upper floor of the bar, where more people were standing. The wall was painted a dull white, but the paint was worn in some areas, exposing a grey colour below. A woman stood just to the southeast of me, wearing a tight-fitting white tank top and dancing to the music. I tried to follow the south of the lyrics as i looked across the room. I wondered if Beck had floated to the lower floor. I walked through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall, which led to the ascending stairwell. I looked up to the ceiling of the upper floor, but could not see him. I thought that he must be traveling around the room. I looked back down the black stairs to see several men in denims standing near the dark wooden bar, which was to the north of the stage. I could not find Beck.

I was doing something related to $G12, and there was a band playing some music. I felt that i was not able to play music any more because i was no longer in practice, but i knew that i could play well. I played the guitar in front of me, starting on a pentatonic scale halfway up the neck. I did not think that it sounded too good, but i tried to vary it, thinking that i was not really playing for anyone anyway. I varied the notes, sliding down the neck to a lower set of notes, outside of the scale. I thought that i could easily find notes which fit the music i was hearing. I wanted to make my playing sound awkward, though, just slightly out of rhythm with the song, and using notes which jumped up and down the scale. I finished and walked up the sidewalk to the north. I had just stepped out of the van, where i had been talking with $F41. I had been doing work for him for $G12. As i turned to the east and started up the steps to the door of the house, i thought about the song again. I thought that what i played did not sound too bad, but, when they asked me to play it again, i imagined that i would have to adjust the amp so that my guitar sounded more distorted. The sound was too clean before. I opened the door of the house and walked in. This was not my house, but i was here because i had to do something. I felt that it was very early in the morning, and i had spent a lot of time doing something. I was very tired. I had to practice something with another person in this house, even though i did not feel like doing so. I walked through the rooms of the house, feeling very tired. There were several people hanging out in various places. I came to the small living room in the northwest part of the house. The rooms seemed dirty, and the dark green couch against the northern wall seemed unclean. Someone was sitting in the center of it with white sheets wrapped around his waist, as though he had just gotten up. I walked to the northwestern corner of the room, which seemed dark, even though there was an open window just above the mattress on the floor there. $A400 was sitting on the mattress, facing north. I asked him about the project that i was supposed to do with him, but he did not seem quite interested. He said that he had just woken up and was not ready to practice yet. I said that i felt relieved because i was tired and wanted to go to bed. I told him that we could practice later.

12006 June 06

I moved to the west, following $Z up the slope of the narrow street. The street ran between short small houses in the old neighbourhood of the suburban area. I felt strange here and thought that something was happening. I stopped as the others continued up the hill. Everything seemed soft blue, as though it was late twilight in the winter. I turned to the east and looked back down the hill, over the small houses. There seemed to be a power line running down the southern side of the road. I closed my eyes and concentrated on flying. I felt frustrated, and wanted to levitate from here. I moved my arms down at my sides, as though trying to swim through the air. I was aware of the thick mittens on my hand as i moved my hands. I was also aware of the people watching me from the east. I felt myself levitating. I started to open my eyes, wondering how high i had lifted from the ground. I felt that i had soared very high, and i felt a little uncomfortable about it. I looked back down to see the houses below me. I then concentrated on the feeling, and i was back on the ground again, walking to the northeast, down the corridor of the old school. This building seemed to be abandoned. I felt that it was cold out, but i felt that we were okay in the building. $Z was standing behind me, to the southwest, near the entrance to the corridor. The building was empty, and it seemed that it was late at night. I wondered if i was supposed to be in this building. The corridor seemed under construction. I looked to the northwest into some of the rooms, which were boarded off. I could see the small windows near the tops of the northwestern walls of the rooms. I knew that they were just above the ground level outside. This building was partly underground. The rooms were closed off because they were still under construction. I looked into one to see a bare brick wall on the northeastern side and the metal flaming of a wall protruding from the northwestern wall, just to the southeast of the window. There was an old wooden stepladder standing on the dirty floor, and the ceiling above it seemed to be open. Clear plastic sheeting seemed to be hanging from parts of the wall. I turned back down the corridor to the southwest, thinking that construction had been stopped on these rooms for the winter. I felt that it would start back up soon, though, because winter was almost over. I stopped at the entrance to the building and turned to the west, looking out the window. I was now on the second floor of the building, and i could see the cement yard below. $Z was moving toward the building, but there was someone else in the yard to the northwest. The other man seemed to be a construction worker with a white hardhat. I wanted to communicate with $Z, who seemed to be my brother. I looked at the long grey sticks which were sitting on the cement sill of the window. They were fireworks. I was not supposed to have them in this prison, but i did. I had to get them to my brother, so i pushed several of them out the window, under the bottom brace of the round metal bars which covered the window. They fell to the ground below the window, and i could see my brother moving toward them. The other man had also noticed them, however, and i felt that he might report what he had seen. I turned to the east and walked back into the small jail cell, thinking about how the guards would be notified. I thought that the other man would definitely call the police. I then turned to the south. I was now watching something different that where i had been. I could see the wide green field rolling away from me. A man with a briefcase came into view from the west. He was stopped by a barbed wire fence, which he was trying to jump. He had chased a smaller animal to the fence. The smaller animal, which seemed to be a calf, had jumped over the fence, but the man seemed to be getting stuck on the fence. He was wearing a large brown cow suite, with curved white horns on top. I knew that this had something to do with a reality television show. The man was given clues to things that he had to do, and he was now trying to enter the large office building, which seemed to be just to the west. What he was supposed to do had something to do with cows. He stopped and looked to the southeast, and the view panned to follow his eyes. I could see the holstein cows in the pasture just down the shallow hill. The pasture was surrounded by a wooden rail fence. The man was unaware that this farm was so close to the office building that he was heading for, and he realized that it might be better for his quest if he went to the farm. I felt as though i had seen this scene before, and i knew that the people who created the challenge had wanted the man to be on the farm, but the man had not known about the area, and assumed he would have to go into the office building. The man now ran to the south, heading for the fields. He decided that it would be better than the office building. As i watched him move down the filed, i thought that the farmer was actually part of the game, and had already been informed that the man was coming. I wondered suddenly if the cameramen knew that the police wanted the man back in jail. He had been allowed to do play this hunting game, but the new evidence against him would make the officers keep him in jail. I thought that the producers did not know that the man was now supposed to be locked down. I then thought that it really did not matter, since everything the man did was filmed. The officers would know where he was anyway.

12006 June 09

I walked into the kitchen of the cafeteria from the west, realizing that i was late for work. I stepped into the wide open area, looking at the clock on the eastern wall to see that it was five minutes after the hour. I was five minutes late for work. I could see the woman sitting on the eastern side of the large black stone table in the center of the room. She was my boss. She did not seem to take much notice that i was late. There were many other young people moving around the room, getting ready to start the meal for the cafeteria. I said something about being late to someone and turned to the south. I had not worked here in a long time, and it felt a little disappointing to be back, though the new experience interested me. I walked around the central column in the room, which seemed to contain a small office within. I rounded the eastern side of the column and came to one of the tables to the northwest of the office. I had to get my apron on so that i could start preparing the salad bar for lunch. I bent over to look at the shelves under the eastern side of the table, where the towels were stored. I felt unprepared for this work as i pulled one of the light-blue towels from where it was folded vertically under the table. I noticed that there were also light-yellow towels under the table as well. I tried not to mess them up as i pulled one out, but i ended up pulling out several. I hurriedly stuffed them back under the counter and moved to the southwest. I turned back to the large office in the center of the room. There seemed to be windows on the southern wall and southern end of the western wall. The walls of the interior office were black and had kitchen implements and pipes covering them. The door to the office seemed to be on the north side, and $A401, who was my boss, was sitting on the floor, just to the west of the door. She had her head down, as though sad in thought. I remembered that she was one of my bosses when i had worked in this cafeteria many years ago. She was second in command of the kitchen, but the head manager had left, so she was now in charge. I pulled a light-yellow apron out from under the counter and walked around the western side of the central column to the southern side of the room. The others in the room were starting to wander away, heading to work, but i felt that i was not prepared yet. I felt disorganized as i tried to think of what i should be doing. I walked around the eastern side of the central room, realizing suddenly that i had not punched my timecard. I was already late, but i would now be punching it even later. I felt worried about this and walked around to the door of the office, where $A401 was still sitting. I asked her about the timecards, telling her that i had forgotten the procedure after all these years. She seemed distracted with thought, but told me that the card machine was in the office. I had already known that. I was trying to get her to understand that i had not checked in late and i was concerned about not having my time counted. It had been too long since i had worked here, and i felt that i was not familiar enough with how everything worked. I turned to the west and headed back into the kitchen. I had been walking out the entrance of the kitchen, which was in the northern end of the eastern wall. The entrance to the kitchen was a small corridor which connected to the room from the corridor outside. I stopped in the entryway and turned to the south, looking at the black passageway which ran behind the kitchen wall. I felt as though i was seeing this corridor for the first time. I had worked here before, and noticed the door in the southern wall, but never realized that it led to a corridor. Now i could see the black walls of the backstage area, an area which now seemed familiar to me. It suddenly seemed strange how my perception of this place differed from what i had remembered. The backstage area now seemed so familiar, but i remember it being unknown to be when i worked here before. I looked to the west, across the northern end of the kitchen. At the opposite wall of the room was a double doorway leading into the main dining room. I could see the brown interior of the cafeteria with several people sitting at the long rectangular tables. This place seemed suddenly odd to me. I walked to the southwest, thinking that i had to get my apron on and go to work. I reached under the table in the northern section of the room to grab an apron, but i could only see the light-blue towels. I was standing on the south side of the table, reaching around to the eastern side to pull out a pale-yellow apron and a blue towel. I then remembered that i had already taken a towel from here. I must have put it down somewhere in the kitchen. I felt disorganized. I walked to the east, along the southern wall of the room. The apron i was carrying in my hand was now my jacket. I had to put it somewhere while i worked. There was a small set of tan metal cubby lockers in the center of the southern wall. I thought that they were probably coin operated, but, as i looked at them, i noticed that most of them were already locked. I turned to the east, where there was a short set of narrow lockers near the floor. The sat in a small wood cabinet which ran at a fourty-five degree angle from the south wall, running to the northeast. They all had black metal doors, but the tops of the lockers were missing. I could see into each locker. I thought that the lockers were for storing large things, but the large things would have to be chained into the lockers. I looked into the top of the locker to the south, noticing the loop of metal cable which was bolted to the south wall of the inside of the locker. I did not know where to put my coat. There did not seem to be any open lockers. I looked around at the lockers again, noticing how worn and broken everything seemed to be. I did not know what to do with my things. I turned to the west and started into the southwestern corner of the room, which seemed to be set back from the rest of the room. There was a small space off the southwest corner of the room which seemed to lead into a stairwell. I noticed the tall grayish-yellow lockers against the western wall of the small area, but they were all locked. I wondered if i could just leave my jacket somewhere in the kitchen, thinking that no one from the staff would actually steal it. I then thought that i would not feel safe just leaving it around. I looked at to the north, noticing a large black box sticking out for the northern wall of the room. It had thin vertical doors on the front of it which seemed like very narrow lockers. I walked over to one and pulled on the western most panel, but the panel slid off. I realized that the panels were just coverings to hide the old telephone booths. I put the metal panel on top of the box and turned to the west, where i saw my light-yellow trench coat hanging on a coat hanger which was hanging from the wall. I had left it there, but i did not feel that it was really safe there. I thought that i should do something with it. I felt disappointed here, wondering why i had come back to work here. I looked out the large window in the eastern end of the southern wall. It looked down a long steep hill to a wide lake. It was dark and grey outside, and the lake looked swampy. There were trees and grassy reeds growing near the northern shore. I felt nostalgia for this place, but that feeling was confusing. I turned to the west, finding myself standing in the corridor which led into the eastern part of the room. The doorway which led backstage was to the south of me now. I felt distracted. I felt that i had to get my things together. I turned to the south and started through the dark corridor of the backstage area. This was actually a corridor which led down a short flight of stairs to a set of double doors. I felt that i knew someone here. A man stepped through the double doors. I recognized him. He was someone whom i knew rather well. He had a narrow face and curly black hair, and i thought that there was some significance to the fact that he was jewish. $A103 then walked out of the doors just behind the man. They both had been talking. I said hello to the man as he passed, even though i knew that $A103 would be upset that i was familiar with this man. I let them pass, saying nothing more than hello. I then continue through the double doors and turned with the corridor to the east. The hall made a crescent-shaped curve to the east, following a set of stairs down and to the south. At the bottom of the stairs, i walked into the apartment from the door in the western end of the northern wall. I remembered this apartment from when i had lived here a long time ago. I was moving in here again. It was part of returning to this area. I thought that i had lived in this apartment with $F10. Both of us stayed in the small bedroom just to the west. I had to put my things somewhere, but i did not know where i could sleep in this apartment. There were three women sitting on the black couch just to the south of me. They were watching the television, which was against the west wall, just to the west of me. I told them that i was just moving in and asked where my room was. One of the women shrugged, saying that all of the bedrooms had someone in them. I felt slightly disappointed. The room was oddly shaped. The apartment was rectangular, slightly longer east to west than north to south. There was a rectangular bedroom in the southeastern corner of the basement apartment, and another shorter rectangular room in the northeastern corner of the apartment. A small narrow rectangular bedroom ran along the western wall in the northwest corner of the apartment. The rest of the apartment formed the single oddly shaped common room, with a living room in the southwestern section and a kitchen area in the center of the northern wall. I walked to the east, noticing that the bedroom to the northeast had someone’s things stored on the bed. I turned to the south and stepped into the southern bedroom. I felt disappointed that i did not have a place to put my things. I felt slightly out of place here, thinking that i was older than the college students who were living here now. I then thought that $F10 should be living in this apartment with me. I looked at the things in the bedroom to the south, wondering if they belonged to $F10. I saw a shelf running along the southern wall which had trophies on it. I felt hopeful that they were $F10’s. I then looked across the room, noticing that the window in the south wall and the window in the eastern wall were covered with thin decorative curtains which portrayed cartoon characters. The characters had wide smiles and round faces with pink bodies. I thought that these decorations had been here for a long time. They seemed like something that a woman would have in her room. I looked at the trophies again, realizing that they were for female sports. One was for woman’s basketball. This was not $F10’s room. I then stepped out. I had to find somewhere to put my stuff. I looked in the small bedroom to the northwest, remembering that i had stayed there before with $F10. We shared the small room, and i thought that i would be nice do to so again, even though things felt quite different now. I looked into the small room, noticing some of the things on the bed nearest me. I could see that some of the articles looked like $F10’s things. I felt good at the familiar site, but still felt uncertain. I would still have to ask where i could stay once all of the housemates were together. I felt confused.

I was in the car as my mother drove down the rural road, heading to the west. I recognized this road as the road from $P6 to my parents’ house. We had just come over a hill and were starting across a strip of farm land. There were open fields to both the north and south of the road. As we started across the fields, i looked at the open grassy hill to the north, noticing that there was a large brown animal running across it. I suddenly realized that this animal was a giant gopher. It ran from the west, along the hill. I pointed it out to my mother, concerned that there was a giant animal in the area. I then looked to the west, down the road. There was a brown can coming toward us on the road. It had just rounded the corner at the other end of the field. An elephant followed it. I realized that there was a stampede of large animals coming down the road for us. I told my mother to stop and turn around. We had to get out of the way. I looked at the animals as they rounded the corner ahead of us, trampling the large white car which had been ahead of us on the road. A few more elephants came around the corner and started heading in our direction. I then noticed that several large furry brown animals, which seemed to be giant versions of a smaller creature, accompanied them. I told my mother to turn around, thinking that we could take the road to the south which we had just passed a little ways back. I thought that we would have to turn several times to get out of the path of the elephants. I thought about the road to the south, wondering if the animals could follow us there. There was something special about the road. I remembered that it ran into the mountains, winding back and forth across the face of the ridge. The area was covered with thick pine trees, and i thought that the road led to a place with a wonderful view of the mountains to the southwest. I thought that it would be too remote for the animals to follow us. I then thought that it would take a long time to get to the special area on the road. I turned back to the west, walking along the northern side of a small farming field. Something had changed. I was no longer on a road, but seemed to be quite far to the south of the road. There was a steep hill just to the north of me, ending in a cliff just to my right. The sun was very bright here, and the rows of green plants were just starting to come up in the fields. I thought that the gates had opened, and that i had accidentally stepped through. I looked to the south, noticing the porous rocks which formed a wall across the small area from me. I stepped to the south, over similar rocks. The rocks had large holes in their uneven surfaces, and they formed a natural wall around the eye-shaped area. I stepped down from the rocks, into the area. The dry ground was covered with powdery orangish-red soil. I had suddenly come to this place, which i thought was in Africa. I looked across the sandy area, noticing the holes in the curved rock wall on the southern side of the pit. I saw a shadow moving on the other side of the wall through one of the round openings. I though that it must have been an insect from the jungle. I had just been walking through the jungle before i came here. I turned to the east, walking around the green vegetation which was growing in the center of the pit. This place was Africa, and if felt uncomfortable with the unfamiliar surroundings. I then realized that they would have entirely different insects here. I would have to be careful. I spotted a small brown beetle crawling on the ground to the southeast of me. I thought that it was probably a dung beetle. The beetle suddenly spread its wings and flew at me. I swatted it away with my shoe, thinking that it was trying to defend something. I continued to the north, thinking that this area was special.

12006 June 10

I stood by the railing at the western end of the room. A set of stairs descended to the south along the western wall, just on the other side of the railing. There were several wooden chairs with rounded backs set up in front of the railing, facing east. I sat down in the second chair from the north, remembering what had happened. There was a ghost downstairs, and it had come up in the from of someone i was familiar with. I got angry at it and sent it back down stairs, but i was afraid that it would come up again. I then felt a change behind me as i sat in the chair. $X12 was coming up the stairs behind me. I turned to look at him, realizing that he was possessed by the ghost. I was annoyed with the ghost, thinking that it had come into my house uninvited, and it was now trying to have influence over me. As $X12 reached the top of the stairs, i turned and yelled at the ghost within him. I felt tense and agitated, aware that there was something watching me. I concentrated my anger on the ghost, forcing it from the small grey box which was sitting at the top of the stairs. I was then unsure whether the box was actually possessed. I thought that i might have driven it out for good, but then i noticed the small fluorescent green shape on the front of the box. I picked up the box, afraid that it might be a sign of possession. I was mad that the ghost was intruding on me and wanted it out of my house, but i was also afraid that i might not have the power to banish it. I scraped the green label that was attached to the front of the box, finding that it pealed off. I then set the box down, suspicious that the entity was still in the house and ready to attack again. I moved to the east, walking across the area. I fest annoyed. There was something wrong. I wrote a third letter, representing the third attempt that the ghost had made on me. There was a significance in these letters and what they said. I turned to $F45, who was standing just to the southwest of me. He had been possessed by the spirit in the past, but he seemed to be unaware that he had been affected. I told him that i had three letters that i had written to him to prove it. I motioned to the north, where three cars sat, parked along the northern side of the small parking area, their front ends facing north. There were letters in all three cars. I took the first letter, which was on a piece of paper, and showed it to $F45. It was hand written in black ink. The first link spoke about the apparition. I then looked at the second letter, which was displayed on the screen on the dashboard of the second car. I had started the letter by stating “I exorcise”. I read the rest of the words, thinking that the letters were significant. The first letter had been only a half a page of material, but the second was a page and a half. I then thought about the third letter, which was in the third car, the easternmost car. I sat in the driver’s seat of the third car as i started to back the car into the lot. The letters were significant, and i had to remember what they meant. I tried to remember what they said, but i could not. I had seen them in a dream, but i was having trouble remembering the dream. I then remember reading the first letter while standing with $F45. The second letter had something to do with Bosnia. This realization felt important, but i then seemed out of place. There was something wrong here.

I walked into the door of the small restaurant, which was in the western end of the northern wall. My mother and grandmother had walked in before me. I tried to think of something which seemed very important. I had to remember what the letters meant. I walked to the west, across the gravel parking lot of the restaurant and into the building. I stopped in the western side of the room. My mother and grandmother were already seated at a small round table to the west, but i was not ready to sit down yet. I felt that they had already ordered their food, but i was still unsure as to what i wanted. I walked over to one of the round tables where there were several brown menus sitting on the table. I picked one up to look at the food. I thought that i should pick something, even though i was not really that hungry. A female waiter in a white tee shirt and red apron then passed to the east of me on her way back to the kitchen, which was to the southwest. She stopped just as she got to the south of the table i was standing at and turned to ask me if i wanted anything. I felt unsure, and said something vague to her. I turned to the west, putting the menu down on the table. I then realized that i had put the small binder in the right pocket of my coat. I realized that the binder was the bill from the table. I did not remember taking it from the table, but i knew that it was now in my pocket. I felt embarrassed, wondering if there was a way for me to put it back on the table without the waiter noticing. I said something to the waiter, but realized that i could not get her to leave, so i pulled the book out of my pocket and handed it to her. I then realized that there was some change in my jacket pocket as well. I told her to wait as i reached into the pocket to collect the change. I told her i had some change for her, adding that i thought all of the change was hers. I said that i should not have had any change in my pocket. I knew that this might be wrong, but i felt bad about putting the bill in my pocket with the cash, so i decided that i could give here what change i had. I pulled out the change, which seemed to have many pennies in it, and handed it to her. I then realized that there was a foreign coin in the pile. I looked at the penny on the top of the small pile in her hand and saw that it had the decoration for a state that i did not have. It seemed to be a penny from Oregon, so i took it back. I then realized that there was a penny from Florida as well. It had a silver center and a picture of Disney World on it. I took that one as well, telling the waiter that they were actually mine and not part of the tip. I then noticed some other coins which did not seem American, so i took them as well. As i picked them up, i noticed that they had the face of the Statue of Liberty on them. I took two of them from her hand, realizing that they were dollar coins. I had not seen them before, but thought that they were special. The waiter started to protest, but i told here that there were foreign coins in her hand which could not have been part of the tip. I pointed out a golden coin from New Zealand.

12006 June 11

I sat down on the southern side of the road, watching the child to the north of me. The small boy was trying to sell ice cream on the highway, but i knew that he would not attract any customers. I looked at his large rectangular wooden sign, which was standing to the east of us, on the road. It was painted purplish red and had large decorative white lettering which promoted ice cream. I knew that it would not work, and i felt that i should tell the boy that he would no sell any ice cream. I knew that the news would upset him, but i felt a satisfaction in disappointing him because i knew that i could instruct him on why his sales would not work. I though that i could teach him to understand why he would not sell anything in the way he was trying. I started to talk to him, aware of the older man just to the southwest of us. I felt bad for the boy, but i started to tell him that there was a problem with his sign. There was nothing on the sign which would lure customers in and make them want to buy ice cream. We walked to the northwest, into the small store. This seemed to be a rest-area restaurant. The room seemed to be decorated with metal trimming and white walls. There was a metal counter to the west, and i told the boy that he could order ice cream here.

12006 June 12

I walked to the west, through the small town. Something was missing. I walked across the large paved parking lot of the store. The large “box” store faced north, and i was approaching it from the northeast. I walked up to the front face of the store and unlocked the metal panel with the small silver key i had. I looked down at the key suddenly, realizing that it had an odd triangular-shaped blade. I turned it in the lock, which was on the western side of the panel and swung the metal door open to the east. As i did so, i suddenly wondered why i had opened this panel. I should have realized that it was not the door to the store. It was simply a utility panel. I closed it and moved down the white wall to the west, where the wooden half door was. I stuck the key into the lock, wondering if the same key opened everything. I pulled the low wood door open, seeing a second door just behind it. The other door opened inward, and i pushed open. I started to feel that i was not supposed to be here. I was sneaking into the store after closing. It was daylight. I ducked down as i walked under the large white plastic canvas over the entrance and through the door. The door and awning were sealing off the front part of the store, which was basically a porch of outdoor equipment and furnishings. I walked through the stacks of merchandise, heading to the south, toward the large glass doors of the store. As i approached the edge of the piles of merchandise, i realized that the lights in the store were left on. I also thought that there might be a security guard wandering around. I worried that there might be cameras watching the store, and i wondered how i would sneak in. I was then aware of the white cloth over my head. I thought that i would have to keep my hood up as i went in so they could not see my face.

12006 June 13

The reunion was ending, and i gathered my things and started heading to the northwest. Something felt strange. I was in my tan car, driving away from the reunion area. I looked to the south, watching my mother as she sat on the western end of the picnic table. I wanted her to notice that i was not really leaving the area, even though i knew that she would think that. I drove my car down the gravel road to the west, turning into the driveway of the house to the west of me. The house was small, and i remembered the people who lived in it. They had been friends of our family a long time ago. I turned my car in a circle to the north. I wondered if the people in the house would notice that i was trying to park here and get mad at me. I turned to the east again, driving across the lawn toward the gravel driveway. The driveway was a large parking area behind the large grey farmhouse. The farmhouse was to the east of the gravel parking lot, and used to be the house where $A399’s family used to live. They now lived in the small run down shack to the west of me, the house which i was hoping to avoid. I pulled next to the large metal barn, which was on the southern side of the western edge of the gravel lot. I though that i would park my car on the grass just to the north of the barn, but then decided that i should pull up to the east side of the barn and park on the gravel. I knew that i would be parking on the driveway of the people who owned the large house, but i hoped that they did not mind. I wondered if they would come out of the house to tell me not to park there. I stepped out of my small tan car and walked around the front of it, heading southeast, toward the field where the reunion had been. As i started up the slope of the hill, which was at the edge of the lawn, i realized that i was limping. My ankle was still sprained and made it difficult to walk. I had a hard time climbing up the small hill. I looked at my mother, who was still on the bench with several others. I then realized that i could not lift my left foot up the slope of the hill. I looked down to see that it had gotten stuck in a hole in the slope of the hill. The tan soil on the sides of the large hole seemed dry, and i thought that this hole was large enough to be an animal burrow. I worried suddenly whether there was an animal in the hole which might get mad at me for putting my foot in the hole. I feared that it might bite me. I tried to shift my weight and get up the hill, but my legs did not seem to be working properly. I thought that it had to do with my sprained ankle. I looked down at the ground to the east of me and noticed that there were several other animal holes. I could not move properly, and fell over, onto the animal holes. Someone had walked over from the bench to help me. It seemed like $Z. I tried to get up, worried that i was laying on the animal holes. I hoped that the animals inside did not try to attack me for being too close to their home. I tried to roll over, but i was having trouble moving. I felt annoyed with the situation rather than panicked, and tried several times to get up. I could feel the uneven ground around the holes under my back and arm.

12006 June 14

I moved to the southwest, floating over the smooth water of the creek. I was in a special area. The creek ran to the south, down the center of a steep gorge. The walls of the gorge seemed to be made of smooth orangish-tan sandstone. I felt that there was something special about what i was doing. I looked down at the water underneath me to see the pogo stick forcing air down onto the surface of the water. I maneuvered to the southwest, toward the rock at the southern section of the still water, where the creek widened into a small pond. I stepped off of the pogo stick and landed on the yellowish-tan stones which were on the shore. To the south of me was a large lake. Rounded mountains rose on all sides of the lake, but it seemed that the mountains to the east and west were very close to the lake, forming a narrow valley. The mountain to the south seemed snow capped, and seemed farther away, leaving a flat stretch of land from its base to the southern end of the lake. This place felt special, and i thought that it was very scenic. There seemed to be some type of shed to the east of me now, partially covered by dark green bushes. I was aware that the water from the creek flowed into the lake as i turned back to the north to look across the small pond of the creek. There seemed to be a man-made dam to the east of me which held the water of the creek into the small pond. I was standing on some rocks which stretched from the west to the western edge of the damn. The natural wall was lined with trees to the east of me. The trees seemed to overhang the small damn. I looked down at my feet again, noticing that the water under me was swampy, with thin green reeds sticking through the surface. I thought that i should step back onto the floating device and cross the water, back to the northern shore. I leaned forward, watching the water ripple under my feet. My feet seemed to be hanging low, and i thought that they would be dragging in the water. I did not feel that the pogo stick was working well enough to get me all the way across the water. I knew that the water was not deep, but i did not want to get my feet wet. I moved rapidly across the water until i reached the narrow end of the pool in the gorge. There seemed to be a small waterfall entering into the northern end of the gorge, filling the pool. I stepped onto the cement wall which ran to the west of the waterfall. There was someone else near me. These people seemed to be members of $G3. $F16 was one of the people there, and i felt interested in talking to him. I said something to him. I then turned my attention to the man to the southwest of me. He was standing on the cement wall which ran along the western side of the northern edge of the creek. I joked with him about something, and then noticed that he was standing on a small spillway. He looked down as i joked, stepping through the water to get away from the spillway. There seemed to be a small cement shack just to the south of the spillway, and there seemed to be trees growing over the building. I said something to the man as i turned to the east and walked across the room of the old building. This place was part of the college campus. The man had asked me something about the area, and i thought that i would need a map to show him where to go. I remembered that there were maps in this office. The office was a single large room in the center of the old building. Orangish-grey cubical walls separated sections of the floor. This place seemed like an admissions office of a college. I did not work here, but i happened to be here with the others. I wanted a map which showed the buildings of campus, and i pictured the white maps which this office used to distribute. There was a wooden counter to the east of one of the cubical walls on the western side of the room. I spotted a pile of maps on the counter, but, as i approached, i realized that they were not the maps that i had remembered. I could see the old maps sitting in a stack on the counter, but this office no longer printed them. I picked up one of the maps from the pile, noticing that it was mostly blue and green, showing roads around campus, but not showing the buildings. I felt annoyed, aware that a heavy woman in a dark blazer and skirt was watching me from the west. She was standing near the entrance to one of the cubicles. I though that she would ask me if i needed any assistance, but i would tell her that i only needed a map. I turned back to the south, toward the conference room where i had been meeting with the others. I walked into the door of the small conference room, which was on the northern end of the western wall. I said that the maps did not have buildings on them, so i could not point out where he wanted to go. I then thought that i should get a pen and paper to draw a map. I felt frustrated that i did not have a pen with me as i looked at the stack of old maps on the counter in the center of the office. In the conference room. The tall thin man in the white button-up long-sleeve shirt said that he wanted to go to the admissions office. I told him that was just a few buildings over. I said that it would be easy to get to. I then motioned to the large window in the eastern wall. I pulled back the cream-coloured curtains to show the man the building outside. I seemed to be looking across the store quadrangle at $P52. I pointed out a short tan building to the man, telling him the building was $P136 and saying that it was where the admissions office was. To clarify which building i was talking about, i referred him to the tall rusted metal building just beyond it, and then said that the building he was looking for was the short grey one in front of the rusted one. Someone in the room then said something, and i suddenly remembered that the admissions office was not in the building that i had indicated. I felt suddenly confused, and told the man that i had been mistaken. I said that the admissions office had moved a few years ago, making an excuse for why i was confused. I told the man that i would show him on a map as i walked back out into the main room. I walked to the east, toward the building’s exit door, and then turned north. I stopped in front of the wall and looked at the dark-grey plaque on the wall, which used to be a map. I suddenly felt confused again, realizing that i was now looking at a blank panel. I backed away from the wall, telling the man that the map was no longer here either. I had forgotten about that. I turned to the west to get a map from the counter, but i realized that the man had walked to the east. I turned to the east to see the man walking quickly toward the exit door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. I felt suddenly bad, realizing that the man was angry with me for delaying him. He was frustrated with my confusion. As he walked out the door, a businessman walked in, greeting him. The man walked past without saying anything. The man in the dark-grey business suit looked at me questionable. I knew that he would be upset that the man in the white shirt had stormed out. I felt bad for messing up the situation. I remembered that the admissions building was to the north of us. I tried to focus, upset that i could not remember the details of the conversation.

12006 June 16

I moved to the southeast, across the entrance hall of the old apartment building. I was holding my keys in my right hand as i passed through the narrow hall form the entrance door and into the wider hall. The walls were covered with brown paneling, and there seemed to be a service counter along the northern wall. This place seemed run down, with old green carpeting on the floor. A man in a white shirt seemed to be standing behind the counter to the north, and a second man was crouching over a cardboard box near an open door in the southern wall. The man near the box said something to me as i approached, asking me whether i lived in a certain department. He seemed to be east asian. I shook my head and said “No.” as i continued to the southwest, to the next door at the eastern end of the southern wall. The door led to a hallway which turned east. I thought that i lived in an apartment which was down the hallway. I then realized what the man had asked. I thought that i had a low room number on my key, but i remembered having different room numbers on my keys before. I though that the man at the front desk would switch keys on a daily basis, changing the room numbers with the keys. I then thought that this did not make much sense. If the room numbers were changed, things would just get too confusing. I walked through the doorway and came into the entry hall of the building. This place was nicely decorated, and seemed anachronistic. I felt that this might be part of a movie. There were several people standing directly to the east of me, wearing clothing which seemed to be from the 11700c or 11800c. The woman to the south said something as she moved around to the western side of a large grand piano, which was sitting on the southern side of the room. She seemed to be Susan Sarandon, with long curly dark-red hair. She said something to the others as she sat down to play the piano. I looked to the east, at two girls is plain grey dresses. They started singing the alphabet song. The wall behind them seemed to be covered with multipane windows with white wooden frames. The wall was at a strange angle to the rest of the room, slanting to the northwest. I looked down at the floor, thinking about this situation. Something seemed strange here. I listened to the song as they ran through the alphabet. The singers stopped suddenly, but i was mentally running through the song in my head with them, waiting for them to continue. The next letter was S, but they were not saying it. I looked up at the young women. They were wearing white bonnets and had white bibs on their grey dresses. Both women looked dazed, staring up blankly. Something was wrong with them. I thought that they had stopped breathing. Everyone in the room suddenly focused on them as the two girls collapsed to the floor. I thought that they had passed out, but wondered if something more serious had happened to them. The scene changed suddenly, and i was looking down at the body floating just under the surface of the dark water. It seemed to be nighttime. I looked at the face just below the surface, wondering if the young women had actually died. As the pale face bobbed just below the surface of the water, i realized that it was only the face of a doll. There was something red on its forehead. I then noticed another doll just above the one i could see in the scene. This was part of the movie, and the dolls represented the symbolic death of the girls. I thought that this movie was trying too hard to show the symbols, but it was nicely artistic. I then looked to the east, seeing the women push the large cubical white stones into place over the gave holes. The rocks seem worn and weathered, with moss and thin weeds growing on the tops of them. I felt surprised that the women were dead, and wondered if they were actually under the stones. I then hear the sound of yelling from below the stones. I felt justified in believing that the women were still alive, and i wondered what would happen next. I listened to the muffled shouting, thinking that it did not sound right for the women. The people who pushed the stones in position seemed to be women, and i suddenly though that the young men were trapped under the rocks. I could hear them grunting as they tried to move the stones off of the holes. The women walked away to the north, but i could still hear the heavy breathing from under the stones. I then saw a puff of dust from the corner of the nearest rock. Someone was trying to breath from under the rock and had gasped for air at the edge of the rock. I wondered what would happen in this movie. I thought that the young men should be strong enough to push the rocks to the side if they could rest their backs against them.

12006 June 20

I was sitting on the chair, facing southeast. My father sat to the east of me in another chair. He said something to me, and i felt sad. I knew that he was dead, but it did not bother me. I was trying not to acknowledge what was happening, but i knew that he was telling me something important. He put his right arm on my shoulder as he told me something which made me feel anxious. He then disappeared, and i realized that he was really gone. I felt suddenly upset and started to cry. I had felt this before, but i had not expressed it. I did not know what to do.

12006 June 22

I stepped back to the west, into the office of the manager. We were trying to hire someone for a job, and i felt somewhat uncertain about the process. The manager opened the southernmost door of the black double doors in the eastern wall. The wall was slanted slightly to the north-northeast. The manager invited the young man in. He had already been hired for the new position. I followed them to the north, into the center of the room. I felt that i should have asked for the new job. The young man sat in the large black high-back leather chair on the north side of the desk. There seemed to be a large window in the north wall behind him which looked out into a small grassy yard which was surrounded by green leafy trees. The manager sat in his chair on the north side of the wide rectangular wooden desk, and i stood just to the west of the desk. The surface of the desk seemed neat, yet covered with papers and pamphlets. The manager greeted the new employee with a smile, asking some general questions about the man’s qualifications. The manager seemed to be familiar, and i thought that he played the boss in a television show. I looked at the young man in the chair to the northeast as he answered the questions. He smiled uneasily, and i felt that there was something unsure in his attitude. He was wearing a black double-breasted jacket which had a ribbed collar. He laughed uncomfortable as he answered one of the questions, and i realized that he was not skilled in the areas that we would need him. It was a mistake to hire him, and i felt uncomfortable about the situation, wondering what we would do next. My boss asked the young man a few other questions, but the man could not answer specifically. He seemed uncomfortable about the situation, realizing that he did not know how to do what my boss was asking him to do. I turned away, walking to the west. I wondered what we should do about this situation. I wanted to tell the man that he could not work here, but i did not think my boss would fire him right after he hired him. I turned back around as my boss told the man that he would want him to create a few PDF documents. The man said that he did not know how to do that. I felt anxious about the situation. I wanted to say something, thinking that the man would not have to create PDFs from scratch. He would probably use a program. I then remembered that we did not have Adobe Acrobat to create the PDFs, but they could easily be made from almost any program. The man could do the work, but he did not know that he could. I started to ask him weather he could use Word or other simple layout programs. We were now standing in the doorway to the office with my boss. A female was standing inside the office, just to the southwest of them. She seemed to be my boss’s secretary. The man was being shown out, but i felt that we had not resolved the problem. He would still be working for us, even though he did not know how to do the work.

12006 June 23

I stepped out of my car and walked to the west. The car was parked along the northern end of the parking lot. It was dark out, and there was a building to the north east of me where the others had gathered. I walked into the room where everyone else was. We were getting ready to do a play again. I started to get dressed in the dark suit. $F38 was to the west of me as i picked up pieces of my costume from the table to the west of me. One of the other actors said something to me, and i wondered if i would remember my lines. It seemed that we had not done this play in a little while. I thought that i would be able to remember my lines once the play was running, but i was nervous and thought that i should review them anyway. I looked at the set of folded papers on the counter to the west of me. Picking them up, i realized that they were not my script. I had just had my script, but i could not find it now. I looked in the left inside breast pocket of my jacket, but could not find them. I wondered where they had gone. I felt nervous and started searching for them. I did not feel prepared.

I stood in the large room of the house. There were two people on the couch to the east of me. The couch was facing east. There was a person standing just to the southwest of me. They all seemed like members of $G3. The man to the southwest started talking about going somewhere. I was interested to go. The other two would be coming with us, but they started joking with each other. I looked over at them and realized that they were both lying on the couch. They had started wrestling with each other, and $A380 had grabbed $A178 from behind, holding him in a sleeper hold. I found their antics amusing.

12006 June 26

12006 June 27

I turned to the southeast, looking out across the grey stormy ocean. The swells seemed large, and i felt that something was wrong. I was standing on a thin strip of land which pointed to the south, into the water. My eyes darted from a large swell to the south of me, to a large rolling wave to the east. I then realized that the wave was going to hit me. It was a thin wave of splashing water as it arched over me and splashed on the rounded glass window over my head. I realized that i was very high up on a mountain ridge, so the wave must have been enormous. I looked to the west, across the curving shoreline of the small island. There was a small city of skyscrapers at the back of the shallow bay, between the two arms of the mountain. I was on the easternmost arm. I watched the large mound of water roll from underneath me, through the city. Some of the tall thin buildings toppled as it washed over them. I realized that my mother was in the city, and i thought that there was no way to save her now. The wave completely covered the buildings as it washed up against the mountain behind the city. I turned to the east, expecting a second wave to come. I worried that it might be higher than the first, and i thought that i would have to hold on to something. I was then someplace else, thinking about the situation. I turned to the east and moved down the street. The wave had not hit yet, but i knew that it would. I thought that i would have to be ready for it. I traveled in the round glass vehicle with red metal framework as i moved down the shallow hill to the southwest, down the short suburban street. The street ended only a few metres along, where it intersected another east-to-west street. I looked at the low plain white building to the south of the intersection. It seemed to be an old factory or part of a ballpark stand. There was a young boy on the corner to the east, where a street turned to the south from the main road. Something about the flood seemed significant. I had to be ready for the wave when it came.

12006 June 28

It was late in the evening as i stood to the east of the school. The building was modern, with a glazed brick surface. I felt as though i should not be here, or than i should not let others know that i was here. I felt special, and thought that others would not be able to see me. I was then in a small room just inside the main door, to the south of the main door. The room seemed to be the serving area of a small cafeteria. There were metal counters all around me, but i was the only one here. I moved back to the north, into the hall. I felt as though people here could not see me as i flew down the corridor to the west. I came into another small room, where two people were talking. I flew around the northern side of the small room, carrying a sponge mop in my hand. I had been doing something with the mop, but now i the others could see the mop floating. I felt suddenly uncomfortable about being spotted, so i flew out of the room and back down the corridor. I was outside the eastern door of the school again. The sky was dark now, and i started to fly up into it.