12007 June 05

I walked to the south, out of the train station with $Z. We had just come from somewhere, and i felt that we were trying to get to someplace. We turned to the east and started walking across northern side of the small plaza when i noticed the woman singing to the north. I stopped to listen to her for a moment. I felt that she was a member of a local band, and that i knew her. The young woman was standing in the center of a small crowd, facing west. She sang into a microphone that was standing in front of her. She was thin, and wore an orange pair of pedal pushers with a large brown floral pattern on them and a thin crinkled white sleeveless shirt. I then noticed the woman sitting on a bench or ledge to the north of her with a large white tape recorder in her lap. Several others stood around her, listening to her sing. A young man was sitting just to the west of me. I knew him from the local music community. He was helping the woman record the song as well. The man i had come off the train with then walked along the wall that was just to the west of the singer. He seemed to be fascinated with the music. I felt suddenly awkward, thinking that he did not realize that they were recording, and i thought that he might interfere with the song. He smiled widely as he stared at the face of the singer. He had a rounded face with medium-length wavy red hair. He seemed shorted that i. He started to mouth the words, and i felt that i should signal to him to stop. He then started singing with the woman, and i knew that he would ruin the song. I moved forward trying to get him to stop, but the woman turned to look at the man near me, saying that the song would not work. The redheaded man stepped back, realizing that he had been interrupting. I felt awkward here, and thought that i should head to the east, with the redheaded man. We had to get somewhere by a certain time. The singer moved around slightly as she spoke to some of the people sitting near her. The man who had been sitting to the west of me stood up to hug me goodbye. He seemed skinny, and i watched his loose black T-shirt move as he stood up. It pulled out of his pants a little, and i noticed that he his belly was getting fat right above his pants. I felt very close to this man as i hugged him goodbye. I turned to the east to start after $Z, but noticed $F41 sitting to the north. I walked over to him and sat down on the cement block to the southeast of him. I opened my hands into an exasperated expression, and $F41 bent over with laughter. It implied that i had been upset that he was not saying hello to be, which was a joke. I sat down next to him as he leaned his head over onto my lap. I hugged him hello. It felt very good to see him again. However, i was aware of $Z moving to the east, behind me. I did not want to take up too much time talking to the music people here because i did have to get somewhere.

12007 June 06

I payed the person at the checkout queue and moved to the southeast, leaving the store. I felt that i was purchasing this stuff for someone else, and was using the money of a group that i was involved with. I looked at the receipt as i left, realizing that it did not seem quite right. I looked into the small rectangular basket that i was carrying to see the many small bottles of stuff. I had bought the thin white liquid in the small bottle, but there seemed to be several more bottles of the liquid that i had thought. I also noticed that there were six or seven bottles of an opaque milky liquid. The bottles were shaped like extract bottles. I picked one up and saw that it was a dressing made from gorgonzola. The liquid in the bottle seemed a little thin for a dressing, but i thought that it would be good to have on salads, so i did not feel that i should mention to the cashier that i did not intend to purchase the bottles. I looked at the receipt, noticing that i was charged for the extra bottles. I felt as though i was being deceptive by keeping the bottles for myself. I walked out onto the porch of the store, heading south. I stopped to look at the receipts, which i had cut up into pieces so that the prices of the individual items were separated out. I would have to hand in one of the receipts to the group that was purchasing the stuff. $F16 was then looking over my shoulder, from behind me, from the northwest. I felt nervous about taking the bottles and tried to explain it to him. I shuffled through the pieces of the receipts, but it did not seem that i had everything. I then realized that i had payed eleven dollars and some cents. I mentioned this to $F16. I had actually payed for the extra bottles. I felt confused, and tried to find the right receipts for the purchase, but i could not find them.

12007 June 07

I headed to the east and then turned south to head out of the room and into the corridor of the building. I was getting ready to leave. I seemed to be in $P7, and i felt as though i was walking to the south, to get my car from the parking lot. I pulled the long-sleeve button-up shirt on over the shirt that i was wearing. The shirt was part of an overcoat. I stopped just after i had pulled the overcoat on, realizing that i was already wearing a long-sleeve button-up shirt. I looked at my arms, which were stretched out in front of me, wondering why i had pulled another shirt on over the one that i was wearing. It seemed strange that i was putting on another jacket when i was already wearing a long-sleeve shirt. I did not think that it was that cold outside. I stood in the hallway of $P7, thinking about the clothes that i was now wearing. The jacket i had pulled on was a brown oilcloth duster. I looked down at the clothing, thinking that it was not part of the uniform in this place. I was not wearing the correct uniform, and i felt that i might be slightly out of place here. I then thought that the uniforms here had changed, but they would still not accept what i was wearing. I remembered that there was a formal ceremony to the north, in the back fields of the school. I realized that i would no be able to attend them because i was not wearing the appropriate dress. I started down the hall to the south when i noticed the older man walking out of the doorway to the west. He glared at me as he stepped into the hall, his shoulders slightly hunched and a briefcase in his right hand. His hair was gray, and had thinned on top of his head. I felt that he might be angry with me, but realized that he was being grumpy with everyone. I looked past him, through the glass window of the door he had just closed behind him, and into the office. A man in a dark business suit was rounding the northern end of a wooden counter in the office and was coming after the man to try to calm him down. They must have had an argument inside. The man in the business suit called to the first man, asking him to come back and calm down and referring to him as “Henry”. I continued to the west, into the long narrow lot that seemed to run along the southern side of the building. I remembered that i had parked my black car on the western end of the southern side of the lot. I looked across the lot for it as i drove in, but i was not sure that i could see it. I then realized that there was a tow truck parked on the northern side of the lot. The tow truck had a long white metal flat bed, with two cars in it. There was someone operating the tow truck near the back, and it seemed that they had just put the second car onto the truck. I hoped that they did not take my car. I looked at the southern side of the lot, noticing that there were different signs on the parking spaces saying how long each space was for. There were a series of blue rectangular signs that advertised one-hour parking. I drove the car to the west, looking at the south side of the lot. There was a large SUV parked on the southern side of the lot, hiding a car behind it. I hoped that the car was mine. As i drove past it, however, i realized that the car was not mine. I felt annoyed, realized that my car had been towed. I drove back to the east, passing by the tow truck slowly to see if my car was on it. I could tell that the car on the end of the truck was not mine, but i was not sure if the car on the front of the truck was mine or not. I tried to look at the bumper of the car on the font of the truck to see if it had a bumper sticker on it. I passed the truck, but could not see the bumper of the front car clearly. I felt frustrated and backed up the car i was driving to see if i could make out the bumper of the front car. As i backed up, i noticed the familiar bumper sticker. It was my car. I felt annoyed and stopped the car i was in. I wanted to park it behind the tow truck so that the truck could not pull out before i talked to them. I looked to the west, behind my car to see where i was but realized that i was too far away from the truck. I was parked to the south of the truck, but far enough away that it could still back out. I was annoyed and tried to back up the small blue car, but i was having trouble stopping the car behind the truck. Something was not working well. I finally got the blue car where i wanted it and got out. There was a woman in overalls standing at the back of the truck as i approached it from the west. I asked the woman what i needed to do to get my car off of the tow truck. She started moving something on the truck, and i realized that she might let me take my car back. I walked to the northern side of the truck, which was the front. The truck had a white cab. The woman pulled on the front of the metal structure that formed the flat bed of the truck. It started to rotate to the west. I realized that they would have to turn the bed around so that i could get my car off without having to take the second car off first. There seemed to be some things in the way, however. The woman grabbed a thin white metal rack from the western side of the cab of the truck and moved it to the north to get it out of the way. I noticed a second rack so i grabbed it and moved it for her. There was a man in work clothes who was helping the woman move things. He worked in this store. The woman came back to move another rack which was to the west of the wide section of wall in the center of the store. I felt as though i was in their way, so i wandered around to the eastern side of the wall, looking at the metal girder structure of the back of the truck. The man pulled a queue of shopping carts around the northern side of the wall, which blocked the northern side of the back of the truck. I was then on the western side of the wall, watching the man pull the carts into a curved pattern. This was to keep people out of the way while we turned the truck bed.

12007 June 11

I walked to the east, past the construction site in the center of the wide green lawn. This place seemed to be on a college campus. I remembered the large oak tree that used to stand in the center of the field. There was now a large rectangular hole where the tree used to be. As i approached the northwestern corner of the hole, i noticed the trunk of the tree lying on its side, buried under the eastern wall of the hole. It had been cut cleanly off so that i could see all of the rings. I wondered if they would reassemble the lower section of the tree in the hole before they built the building. There seemed to be something special about the oak tree that i thought should be preserved. I passed along the northern side of the hole, which was the excavation spot for the foundation of the new building. It seemed like it would be a modern building. I thought that the oak tree might still be able to grow from its roots. I imagined that it could push its branches up through the soil and start a new tree. I felt upset that they were burying his special tree. $F46 was standing to the east of me in the field. I told her about the tree. She seemed upset about it as well. I looked to the south, now that i was facing west. There was a stone patio just to the south of me. I thought that one of the branches of the tree could push up through this area. I then realized that i was inside the front entrance of the new building. The walls were the same periwinkle colour as the tiles of the patio outside the large glass window to the south of me. There was a wall extending past the glass window on the east side of the entryway, covering the eastern side of the patio. There seemed to be walls of the building on the south and western sides of the patio, leaving a space on the southern end of the eastern side for people to leave. I though that the branches of the oak tree could push up through the patio. It might make a good spot for the beautiful tree. I then decided that the tree would grow too large over the course of its lifetime and would block the entrance to the building. I turned to the east again and started walking across the large open lawn, which was to the east of the building. I looked down into the large rectangular hole where they were building the foundation of the new building. The new building seemed important, and seemed related to the World Trade Center reconstruction project. I could see the large round tan disc of the fallen oak tree buried in the eastern wall of the pit. I was disappointed that they had cut down the large tree, and hoped that it could still grow from underground. I thought that it could sprout branches through the ground to the east of the pit and start a new tree. $F46 was standing to the east of me, and i talked to her about the fallen oak tree. I mentioned the possibility of the workers putting the lower part of the trunk back onto the tree. She agreed that it would be a good thing, but i brought up the point that they would probably not do it because the lower part of the tree would be in the pit where they were planning to construct the new building. She agreed that they would probably never put it back. We were both disappointed about the loss of the tree. I continued to the south, across the small room on the second floor of my parents’ house. I had to get some of my things together. I tired to think of a way that we could save the tree. I felt like i had something to do here as i moved around. The room around me seemed off white, with dark furnishings in it.

12007 June 12

I was in the train station as the train moved in from the north. I was standing on the western side of the large open room, which had windows all around the tops of the walls. People were moving through the room all around me, and i felt as though we had to get to someplace. $Z was just to then northeast of me as i tried to figure out what we were doing. The white train seemed very modern as it moved along the tracks, which were set into the floor along the western wall of the room. I tried to focus, but felt confused. I could not figure out where we were supposed to go. It seemed as tough we had just arrived in this location, but this place felt foreign, and i knew that we had to continue traveling. I was with a group of people, and it felt hard to coordinate with them. I looked to the east. I seemed to be on the outside of a building. There was a roof over my head that was supported by thin white poles at regular intervals. This place seemed like a toll plaza or a large gas station, and there were cars moving around me as i spoke to $Z. The white campers were moving through the gates, heading to the east. They were part of our group, but they were leaving without me. I felt confused and wondered if we were in the correct place. The land beyond the gates to the east seemed dry and flat, like a desert in the western United States. It was bright out.

12007 June 13

I was near the back yard of my parents’ house with the rest of the people from the party. We seemed to be near the front of the garage. The other people then came up the driveway from the road, to the south of us. I felt suddenly worried, thinking that these people were here to capture us. They wanted something from us, and i felt that they would abduct us and take us away. I was suddenly afraid of them, and moved to attack them. I had to get to them before they were able to take anyone from the party. I hit the first person that i had come to in the driveway and yelled for the others to get away. I ran to the north, picking up the telephone from the wall of my parents’ kitchen. I started to call the police, but a man came at me from the south and interrupted. I could not tell them what the trouble was and had to run. I felt aggressive, and violently defended myself against the people who came to take us. I then started running with the others from the party, trying to get away. I ran up near the garage, finding an area where no one was after me so that i could try again to call the police. I grabbed the mobile phone and listened for a dial tone, but the line was dead. I thought that the people must have cut the telephone line. We had to escape from here, so i ran to the west, into the woods near the house. I knew that we could cross over the hill through the woods and come out in any number of locations on the road to the west. Before long, we came to the other house, which seemed to be set back from the road. The house was a small single-level brown cottage, with stained wood planking on the outside. It sat atop a long grassy lawn that sloped down hill to the south. The yard was covered with yellow dry grass, and seemed to be surrounded by trees. The others from the party collected in front of the house. I looked at my cell phone, wondering if i could call the police from here, but i knew we were in the middle of a farming area and there would not be any reception. The cell phone had no reception here, and i looked up to the south, noticing the red sports car that had pulled up to the bottom of the yard. There was a woman with long blond hair driving, and she was looking up at the person who was descending the set of wooden stairs that ran from the lower edge of the yard to the road. I ran after him, suspicious of the woman, but wanting to ask her for help if she could offer it. The woman then started to come up the stairs, and i realized that she was acting nice. She was not really going to help us. I ran to the bottom of the stairs as she started to pass the yard in her red can, trying to get her to stop the car. I thought that She came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and was now out of her car. I asked her for help, but i realized that she did not feel confused by the situation. She knew what was happening. She was one of the bad guys. As she reached the first few steps, smiling and asking what she could do to help, i moved forward and punched her across the face, very angry and feeling very violent against these people. We had to get away, and i did not want her warning the others. I had to hurt her enough that she could not warn the others until we were hidden again.

I was in the classroom of the elementary school as the class started leaving. $A100 sat to the east of me, behind the small wooden desk in the center of the eastern wall of the room. Someone mentioned the test that we would be taking on Thursday as i packed my things from the table in front of me. I felt confused, though, as though i was missing some piece of information. I picked up the paper-mache mask from the desk and then picked up the green piece of paper from the table and brought it to board at the front of the classroom. I pinned the green label to the board, but i was not sure that this was the right thing to do. I felt confused and unorganized. I had to do something for the class, but i could not remember what. I went back to the desk to get a few more things so that i could leave. Most of the other people had already left the room. I thought about the test that was coming, wondering if i really knew when it was. There was something i wanted to know about, but could not remember what it was. I headed out of the class room, walking out the door in the center of the western wall. As soon as i reached the hall, however, i realized that i could not leave yet. There was something i felt bad about. I dropped my bags to the east of the door, and opened up the backpack, withdrawing one of the unfinished masks. It seemed to be a Mardi Gras mask, but it was tan, uncoloured and unfinished. I felt bad for taking it from the classroom, and walked back into the class room to return it. As i placed it on the desk, i reiterated the test date to the teacher, making sure that i knew exactly when the test was. I was still uncertain. $A100 said that it was the correct test date, and i turned to head back out into the hall. As i reached the door, i realized that i had left it ajar, and the cat was about to walk out. I went to stop it from leaving the class room, but then realized that it would be allowed to be in the hall. As i stepped through the door, i could see the cat’s bowls of food and water just outside the door, to the east of the door, against the wall. I knew that the cat would be allowed into the hall because it would have to be able to get to its food. The cat seemed young, and was a thin mostly white calico cat. I was concerned about letting it out, still, not sure that i had done the right thing. I could not determine what i had been doing incorrectly, though, so i headed to the east to leave the building.

12007 June 16

I scanned the gray skies to the north of us. The clouds seemed thick, and there was a storm coming. I was in a country setting, with wide flat grassy fields around be. I was standing just to the north of a house. The fields seemed to extend quite a way to the east and west from the house. To the north, they ended at a thick row of pine trees. There seemed to be tall rocky mountains of dark rock along the northern horizon. I looked to the east, noticing that the other people were huddled against the house, waiting for the storm. I knew something was wrong, however, and that it might not be safe here. I studied the clouds as i scanned the northern sky again, moving from west to east. I felt that there was going to be a tornado here. Then i noticed the thick pillars of rising clouds to the east. I pointed them out to the man who was standing next to me. He seemed to be a head matre’d of this place. I told him to get the people into the building. As we moved to the south, along the west side of the building, i pointed out the clouds to him. They looked like rising columns of smoke above the smooth gray of the lower clouds. I told the man that they were updrafts, and that they could easily turn into tornados. As we moved into the building, i could see the darkness in the northern sky, and mentioned to the man that the storms might simply pass to the north of us, but i thought that we should be safe anyway. I noticed some more columns of rising smoke, and thought for a moment that they actually looked like plumes of volcanic ash rising from the ground. We entered the building, and i felt as though we had spent the night here trying to hide from the storms. I moved to the north, and then to the east, into the bedroom. There was a bed against the eastern wall of the small white room, and the thick comforter was still sprawled over the side and on the floor. I moved to pick it up, wondering how it might have been the night before when the storms came. The roomed seemed to go dark suddenly, and i thought that the power must have been out again. This was something that happened in the storms. The people were speaking to the west of me as i gathered my things from the bed. My grandmother seemed to be in the room with me, and i knew that she was sleeping here the night before. I turned to the west, now to the south of the building in the daytime. I spoke to the other person as i gathered something together in front of me. I looked up at the dark-gray power lines that stretched across the western sky. They had something to do with the storm. I told the other person “God is all eternally”. I felt as though i had to think about the last word, trying to figure out a concise way to indicate both everywhere and every when. I imagined that the other person would argue against that point, not understanding that everywhere meant part of everything as well. He would argue that this concept of God could not be a perfect God because he did not understand the full implications of the words. I looked at the power lines again, thinking that God was in everything and that i could try to describe this to the man. The concept of “all eternally” meant that God was unchanging. I told the man that anything perfect was part of all the same.

12007 June 17

I walked into the basement area of the building, which was where the pool was. I thought that i should ask for someone, even though i knew that the person did not exist. I was somehow the person, but i was registered to be part of the swim team. I walked to the east, along the northern wall of the room. There were two pools in the room: one on the southern side of the room and one on the northern side. The white tile floor formed a thin walkway around the outside of both pools, and a wider passage between the two of them. I felt slightly out of place here, thinking that the other swimmers were young and athletic. I could have been intruding on the swim practice. I though about how i would ask for the swimmer who did not exist. I thought that i should pretend that i did not speak that well. I imagined having a difficult time pronouncing his name. I wondered if it would make it all right for me to be here. I stopped at the eastern end of the central walkway in the room. There were many members of the swim team lined up in the lanes to the west of me. It seemed that they were starting from the center of the room and doing laps from there. I held up the folded piece of notebook paper in my left hand as though reading something from it. The name of the swimmer was written in pencil at the top of the left most column of text. There seemed to be two or three columns on the top of the paper. A woman moved to help me. I thought that she was as assistant of the team. I looked at the top name on the paper, which was written as “LAMP” with a small letter before it. I crudely pronounced the name, implying that i wanted to know where he was. The woman said that he was not here. I had picked someone who did not exist, but who was supposed to be on the team. I then noticed that the easternmost lane of the pool to the south of us was empty. I motioned to the pool and uttered a few short words, asking if i would be able to swim in the lane. I was aware that $A117 was standing on the western end of the pools, coaching the swimmers. I felt awkward knowing that he would recognize me, but wanted to be with the other athletes. I moved through the water, heading down the lane to the south. I wondered if i looked as though i was really able to swim well. I then remembered that i was not that great a swimmer. I swam freestyle, but realized that i was still taking a breath every stroke. I knew that this was not done in professional swimming. I moved back and forth a few times, but realized that i should be moving through the water better if i wanted to impress the others. I thought about moving the water around me, so that it appeared that i was moving very fast. I could see the water ahead of me as i sunk under the surface and moved quickly toward the southern end. I was then standing on the northern end of the lane, watching the man swim. He was moving the water around him to swim better. $A117 stepped up to me from the west, asking why i was here. The man in the water, whom i had been, turned around at the near end of the pool and started to the south. With a few quick dolphin kicks, he was at the southern end of the pool. $A117 seemed impressed, saying that the man swimmed fast. I said that the man was very good with the dolphin kick. I watched him swim for a moment. He was thin, with pale skin and short black hair. I knew that he had thinking problems, but he could manipulate the water to make it appear that he was swimming fast. I felt out of place here, realizing that all of the others in the room were part of the wrestling team. I said something to $A117 before he walked away, to the south, toward the swimmer. I looked to the west, noticing several other wrestlers moving across the locker room. One of them stopped to say something to me. He had short blond hair and was fairly well built. He was wearing a towel, and i started to feel uncomfortable with these people. The wrestler walked down the side of the gray locker room, to the south of me. I felt that i should not stay here because i was homosexual, and i knew that these people would be afraid of that. I started to fold the large white towel in my hand as i noticed the large man in the grey shirt and pants to the south of me. He was older, with short white hair and a large belly. I felt that he would be more afraid of me if he knew about me. I finished folding the towel and put it on top of the tall gray structure that was to the west of me. I then realized that the structure was heated, and might produce steam from the wet towel. I picked up the towel and tried to find somewhere else to put it. I felt uncomfortable here, knowing that the people would be fearful of me and might try to harm me. I turned to the north and started walking away. There was a steep ramp leading out of the room, to the north. I started to walk up it, but my shoes started to slip. I realized that it would be very difficult to make it up the ramp. I stepped on it slowly, noticing how it curved around the side of the large cement column. I seemed to be outside now, at the base of a large cement building. The ramp started on the southern side of the building, and rounded the eastern wall. I slowly stepped up the ramp, aware that several people were walking up behind me to use the ramp. One man passed and walked up the curving cement spiral. I started after him, but my shoes slipped on the steep cement. There were thin steps in the cement to catch feet, but my leather shoes were smooth on the bottom and slipped easily. I slowly made it up to the top of the ramp, holding on to the cement column to the west and bracing myself on the ceiling. I started to climb around the outside of the column. There was a black metal structure, which projected from the base of the first floor of the building, circling the column. The man in front of me climbed around the column. I realized that this was the way the locals traveled, so i started to climb around the face of the building. As i started to do so, $F16 walked to the north of me, on the grassy ground, which was only a metre or so below me. He put some books by the western end of the column and then walked back to the east. He said hello as he passed. I then realized how close to the ground i was and wondered why i had bothered to climb around the fins of the building. I stood on the grass to the northwest of the column as $F16 came back with another bag of books. I asked him why he was moving his stuff, and he told me that he wanted to avoid the pickaxes. I was confused about what he was talking, but knowed that it had to do with the group of young adults who were gathered around the minivan to the east. They were here to protest something. I wondered if the police had attacked the people, and i asked $F16 if he was talking about the police. He said no. I looked at the people as they paced around the van. I then noticed one of the men, who was carrying a small shovel in his hand. I realized that it was the pick. They must have had it for digging. He waved it in the air as the group chanted something. I felt that it might be unsafe here.

I called to $X12, who now seemed to be a skinny mostly white calico cat. The cat was walking into the other room, heading to the northwest. I followed after it, calling the name $X12. I was then walking back from the other room, passing through the narrow passageway between the two rooms when i noticed the small black and white cat on the shelf to the north of me. The cat seemed small, and was mostly black, with white paws and underside. I pet it as i passed, but realized that i had caught on it. I looked at the cat and realized that it had bit my hand. I tried pulling my hand away, but the skin was stretching. The cat had bitten through the outer skin of the heel of my hand, and now the skin was caught in its front fangs. I noticed that the bite did not hurt, so i thought that it was just through the skin. I spoke to $Z about the cat bite. He was standing just to the northeast of me. I pulled my hand away from the cat, feeling annoyed with the animal. $Z told me that the cat had bitten my hand pretty hard. I turned to the west, looking at the palm of my hand. There was a large pit cut into the lower palm of my right hand, just by my thumb. It was red, and there were long white teeth radiating out of it from the cat’s mouth. I pulled several of the teeth out as $Z said something to me. I realized that i would have to wash my hand, so i moved to the skin, pulling several more teeth from the wound, which was now starting to bleed.

The small bat flew into my bedroom from the west and started circling the room. I thought that it was cute and did not want to kick it out of the house. I sat on the bed, thinking that i should release the other two bats that i had as pets so that they could meet this new one. As i looked through the white box on the bed, however, i was aware that the small brown bat was circling the room and coming very close to my head. I lifted the white cardboard lit of the gift box to block my face as the bat approached. I then dug through the box for something. When i put down the lid, i realized that i could not see the bat. I looked up and noticed that it was on the ceiling, curled up into a small little ball. I wanted to let the other bats out to play with it. As i stared at it, i realized that it had small tufts of hair sticking out evenly on both sides of its ears, reminding me of the antennas of lunar moths.

12007 June 21

I stepped to the edge of the balcony and looked over, into the large church below. I was on the western side of the large decorative chapel. There were people gathered below me in the pews, facing away from me, to the east. They seemed to be wearing green robes and were practicing something. I felt a little strange here, thinking that this was a Catholic school, and i was out of place. I wanted to leave the building, but i had come out of the stair well on the wrong floor. I stepped back into the stairwell, to the west of me, and headed down the stairs to the next level. I thought that i could get out of the building here. I walked to the east, but found myself in a large long white room. This room seemed like a basement room of an old church. I felt confused as i looked around the room. I seemed to be too low in the church to be on the ground level. I headed to the east, thinking that i should be walking into the main chapel, but i only saw a small room where the choir was practicing. I felt confused, and i did not feel comfortable with the religious people here. I thought that i would have to explain to them that i was not Catholic. I would have to tell them that i was not even christian. I imagined telling them that i was closest to being a deist or a taoist. I felt that i had to get out of this place before they found out that i did not belong here. The group of men started to leave the room around me. I turned back to the west and tried to find a way out, but i knew that i was not at the ground level yet. One of the young men approached me, chatting friendly to me. I felt uncomfortable, but did not know where to go. He mentioned that we were on the eighth floor of the building. I thought that this was not possible since i had come down one floor from the balcony of the church. I should have been closer to the ground floor rather than higher up. I followed the young men around a corner and found myself in a stairwell, facing south. The tile walls of the stairwell were pale orange, and there was a large black number eight on the far wall. I men were being nice to me as they led me down a few flights of stairs, but i felt cautious of them, knowing that they were devout religious people and likely to look down on me for being different. We came out into a hall to the west of the stairwell and turned south. The two young men in blue uniforms led me into a small classroom on the eastern side of the hall, near the southern end of the hall. This classroom seemed to be an art room. The stopped near the door as the men continued into the center of the room. They started talking to a few other people who were in the room. I looked at the crude wooden cabinets along the southern wall and some of the rough pieces of artwork that were on the countertops. Both the northern and southern walls of the room seemed to be lined with boxes or cabinets that were darker than the rest of the room. There was a woman in the center of the room whom the two boys were talking to. She was standing near a potter’s wheel. Something large was sitting on the potter’s wheel, and it seemed to be a person, but it was squashed very flat. Another young man on the southern side of the wheel was pouring some coloured liquid onto the wheel. I watched the liquid pour around the base of the sculpture and wondered what they were trying to do. The squashed human on the wheel reminded me of Aztec artwork, and i thought the paint that they were pouring onto it had something to do with finishing it, but i felt that they were putting too much liquid on the wheel. I knew that once they started the wheel spinning, the paint would splatter all over the room. I stayed back from them, thinking that i did not want to get splattered with paint. I then felt that the two young men were purposely putting the stains on the wheel so that they could get me close enough to ruin my clothing. I looked down at my white dress shirt, which had stripes of denser and thinner material to it. There was a small red spot in the center of the fabric from the paint. I was annoyed and tried to wipe it off. Most of it came off with my thumb, but i pulled on the shirt and tried to lick the rest off. I did not trust these men. I then looked up to see that they were turning the wheel on. The wheel spun quickly, and splattered paint around the room. I moved behind one of the men, so that they were blocking me from the splatter. I felt annoyed with the boys.

12007 June 22

I moved to the west, through the small room of the apartment. The room seemed to be rectangular, longer east to west, and had pale-orange walls. There were off-white furnishings against the southern wall and in the center of the room. This place seemed like a hotel room, but i knew that it was an apartment. It seemed that it might be part of a university dormitory, and we seemed to be here for some special real. It felt as though we were here for a conference, or something which would allow us to learn or research things in a special field. The others were talking about taking classes, and i thought about the main conference hall to the south of us, across the grassy quadrangle. I looked to the south now, through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall of the room. I could see the pond to the south of our building. We seemed to be on the first floor of the building, or, at least, at the same level as the grassy ground that circled the pond. The woman stood just inside the room to the south as she talked to the young man in the doorway, saying that she was going to head to the class. I thought that i would go to the class with her. I felt a little excited to be here. I picked up the brochure from the small square table that was against the southern wall, between what seemed to be two beds. It was a dark brochure, with a photograph on the cover. I said something to the others and i moved to the west again, heading across the small room, which was now a gym. There were workout machines around me now as i stood near the southern wall of the room. I talked to the others, who were working out on the machines to the south of me. A man then came through the machines from the northwest, telling us that there was glass on the ground. I remembered the woman moving the window through the gym and thought that she must have broken it here. I looked down at the rust-orange carpeting, but did not see any glass near me. The man was a gym instructor, though, and he said that there was still some glass from the accident. I looked down, noticing that i was not wearing any shoes. I felt out of place here, and thought that i should leave before i stepped on some glass. I then realized that i was wearing a sarong. I felt that i should not be here because the people who did not know me might think that i was strange for what i was wearing. I headed to the south, back to the apartment that we had been staying in. I was still carrying the potted plant in my right hand. The pot was an orange clay pot, and the plant seemed like something i had to be careful of. I walked down the slope of the sidewalk, which ran along the western side of the street. The forested hill to the west of me rose sharply, ending a few metres above me at what seemed to be the yard of a large house. There was an intersection just to the south of me, where the road i was walking along ended. The intersection seemed to be the bottom of $P147, but there was a bridge just to the east of the intersection and a cement wall with a metal railing on the top running along the southern side. Beyond the wall seemed to be a drop off to the valley below. It seemed gray and rainy out. As i approached the corner, i saw the bus coming from the west on the other road. I knew that something was wrong. The bus came around the corner too fast, and tipped to the south, crashing onto its side. It skidded a little to the east before coming to a stop on the bridge. I felt very concerned, and ran to help, but stopped just before the bus. Something was wrong, and i felt in danger. I thought that i should get help, and told someone on the road to the north to call emergency. I then realized that the bridge was wobbling with the weight of the bus. I felt that the accident might have weakened the bridge in some way. I had to get off of the bridge. I ran back to the corner, where several other people were standing. I talked with them about the accident, and said that we needed to get help for the bus. I felt uncomfortable with the people here, but i did not know what else to do. There was something about this situation that was making me feel uneasy. I looked down at the onion plant that i was carrying. It looked undamaged by the events that had just occurred. I was glad that it was not broken, because i felt that i was taking care of it for someone. $A380 was then standing near me on the corner, and he mentioned people wrestling at $P19. He spoke to the other person, talking about how the wrestling matches went. I knew that the matches were really just people fooling around with each other, but they were arranged for fun. $A380 then mentioned a move called “python”. It sounded interesting, and i thought that it was simply another name for a leg scissors lock. I remembered that $A380 had strong thighs, so the name might be appropriate for him. He then talked about the other person, saying that he had a big head. This seemed to be a problem for wrestling. They continued to talk about the competition that was happening. I was interested in the wrestling matches, but i felt confused. Something was out of place here, and i could not remember how all of these scenes fit together. There was something i was supposed to be doing, but i could not remember what.

12007 June 23

I spoke to $F4 as we started to the west from the small hotel room. I felt unclear, as though i was not registering everything around me. The area seemed open, with dry tan ground. I said something to $F4 as he drove the car over the dirt road on the western side of the field. The dirt path curved to the north, and i looked out the front window at the few people walking past. They were coming from the music festival. I then noticed that one of the people walking toward us on the western side of the road was $F14. She was wearing a tan cotton skirt with a red sweater on top. Her black hair was tied back, and she looked much like i remembered her. I started to wave at her, but realized that we were approaching the car ahead of us very quickly. The small tan hatch-back car ahead of us had stopped, but the woman driving the car i was in was not slowing down quickly enough. I put my hand up in front of me in case we hit the car ahead of us. I felt that $F14 had seen me through the car window, but i did not get a chance to wave back before our car had passed her. I turned to look out the back window of the car as we continued to the north. I could see $F14 watching me, so i waved to her. She waved back. I then told the woman driving the car that $F14 was someone i used to date. The car had rounded the corner and was heading to the east, along the northern end of the field, which seemed to be at a lower elevation than the rest of the field. The woman driving the car commented that i seemed to like women who were of a certain type. She did not know quite how to finish the sentence, so she motioned to herself as an example. I knew that she meant overweight. I made a comment about the weight, saying that it was not that bad. Some of the others were then talking to us as we stood on the small porch at the northeast corner of the field. There was a small brown house to the east of us. I looked to the north, where the dirt driveway sloped down a steep hill, ending at a pond. I could tell that the driveway was supposed to curve sharply to the north and follow the edge of the pond around the water, but i was interested in how sharp the corner was. I asked the others how dangerous it would be to head down the driveway in the winter. I imagined that the slope would be slippery, so a car would end up skidding into the pond. The others agreed. I then imagined that it would be a great hill for sledding.

I was sitting on the eastern end of the small living room in a chair in the center of the eastern wall. There was a man that i knew sitting in front of the window on the southern wall who was talking about the event. The police officers in the plain black trench coats were standing on the northeastern side of the room as the man was describing what had happened. My attention was then drawn to the tall man who was walking outside the windows of the house. I saw him through the southern window approaching, and then as he crossed the eastern window, heading north. The man from the chair had noticed him too, and was getting up to show the police something in the other room. I thought that the tall man coming in was carrying a skateboard that had been related to a crime. I knew that the man had nothing to do with the investigation, but he happened to be carrying things that had something to do with it. The police and the man from the chair left the room through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I listened to them move around in the other room for a moment. The tall man then walked into the living room where i was and put down some shopping bags. He seemed worried, and i realized that he thought that he was being investigated. I knew that he had been arrested for something before. Looked up at me worriedly as he bent over to put down his plastic bags. He was wearing a light-blue button-up shirt, and i thought that he seemed athletic. He hesitantly turned back to the room to the north, where the police were. I knew he was thinking that he was going to be arrested, and he was trying to prepare himself for it.

12007 June 24

I followed the crowd to the south, down the slight hill of the narrow road. I was walking on the sidewalk on the western side of the road. We seemed to be in an urban area, but the land around us was open. There was a set of structures along the eastern side of the road, which seemed to be low crude houses. To the west seemed to be an open pit of a construction area. There was a low barrier along the western side of the sidewalk to keep people from going in. It seemed to be made of two-by-fours and caution tape. This had something to do with a music festival. I turned to the west and started through the gap in the fence. There was a dirt driveway, which crossed a small culvert just off the road. I started across the culvert, but stopped when i realized that the cement platform on the other side was higher that i had expected. Something seemed wrong here. I realized that the ground was shifting in this area, and the small square platform had remained where it was on the ground, while the area around the culvert had sunk. I felt that this could be dangerous, and thought that people should not be crossing through here to get to the festival. I then noticed the woman standing on the platform to the west of me. She was much higher that i was, and i realized that the platform had changed position again. I then noticed that there was a line of red fencing in front of her, blocking the entrance. They must have discovered that the entrance was dangerous and blocked it off. I felt annoyed, realizing that i would no longer be able to enter this way. I started to follow the rest of the crowd to the south, along the sidewalk. I would have to go in one of the other entrances. I started to move quickly down the path as i headed south. There was orange construction fencing on the western side of the path. I noticed a few signs ahead of me pointing to the front gate of the festival. I was looking for a sign that pointed to the information booth, where i would be working. This festival was $G12. I started to feel that i had to slow down when i noticed some signs ahead, on the eastern side of the walkway. The path ahead divided into two sections, as though i was on a highway and approaching an exit. Orange construction fencing ran between the two paths, and there was a crude square sign made of plywood on a thin wooden post at the sharp point of the fence where the paths diverged. The sign was painted with rough bright-orange letters. He bottom part of the sign pointed to the west, and was labeled with the number two followed by what appeared to be a pi and some other symbols. I realized that this was a label for the second gate of the festival. I felt better once i realized that i wanted to go to the information booth at the second gate. I turned to the west and walked into the crowd of the festival. I was now to the north of the information booth. It felt nice to be here with the crowd.

12007 June 26

I looked out the window in the eastern wall of the kitchen of my parents’ house. I was standing in the dining room of the house, to the west of the kitchen. I noticed a truck pulling into the driveway, and a few men walking to the north, toward the back door of the house. There was something wrong with them, and i felt scared. I was closer to the window as i watched the man in the dark-green and blue plaid flannel shirt talk to the other person. They were plotting something that involved breaking into the house and capturing us. I walked to the north, into the back room of the house. I felt that i had to hide before the men saw me here. They were surrounding the house. I could see one of them opening up the door at the back of the house, and another coming to the side door. I pretended that i did not notice them and walked upstairs. I walked into the small bedroom at the top of the stairs before they could see where i went. I walked around the southern end of the small bed, which ran along the eastern wall of the small room. I then layed down between the wall and the bed, hoping that the men would not discover me. I watched the doorway to the room, which was in the western end of the northern wall. I seemed to be lying with my feet facing west, under the bed. I could see the white bedspread in front of me and to the south. It had small brown star-shaped patterns on it. The man stepped into the doorway of the room and looked around. He did not see me and turned to leave. I watched the door for a moment, wondering when it would be safe to leave the room. I noticed that there now seemed to be two beds in the room, one right in front of me, and the other farther to the west, against the northern wall. There was a wooden table with a tall white lamp on it between the second bed and the eastern wall. I realized that the lamp was on. I ducked my head down so that the man could not see me. I realized that the man might be suspicious about my presence here because the light of the room had been left on, suggesting that someone was just there. I felt nervous here and wondered what to do. I then walked out of the room and headed down the stairs. I thought that the men would think that i was just somewhere in the house that they had not looked. I thought that i could tell them that i had been playing guitar somewhere. I walked into the dining room. My family was nervously eating at the dinner table. I sat down at the northern end of the table, trying to act as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Some of the men were in the room standing around the table. I then sneezed and tried to blow my nose. I felt that my nose was running a lot, and i thought that this would be a good distraction to the men. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I was then in the kitchen, watching myself walk in. I watched myself pause in the doorway as i blew my nose into the tissue. The tissue was covered with runny snot. I would need a new one to finish blowing my nose. I then watched myself look down at my shirt. I was looking down at my shirt when i noticed the gravy stain on the left side of the bottom of the shirt. I stood over the garbage can, on the eastern wall of the kitchen, and squeezed out the bottom of my shirt. The gravy splatter on the shirt splashed into the large ceramic crock, which was now full of brown gravy. I was surprised at how much gravy my shirt had absorbed. I then started blowing my nose again, but noticed that the tissue was soaked. I moved to the counter to the north to grab some paper towels from the rack. I blew my nose again. Then i heard someone shout from the back room of the house. The police had arrived and were shouting into the house that they were here and telling everyone to get down on the ground. I remembered that someone had called emergency to tell the police that the bad guys were here. I felt relieved that the police would capture or shoot the bad guys. I then started walking back to the dining room, and i decided that i was going to pretend that i did not hear what the policeman said. My head was stuffed up, and i thought that i could say that my ears were plugged up. As i approached the doorway to the dining room, a policeman in dark-blue riot gear stepped into the kitchen and pointed an automatic weapon at me. I stopped and put up my hands, acting confused as he told me to got onto the ground. I tried to reply, saying that i could not hear him. A female police officer stepped into the kitchen behind the man. She seemed concerned that i could not hear the police officer. The man asked me if i was deaf, and i told him that my head was stuffed up so that i could not hear. I knew that i had snot running down my nose as well, so it should be believable. Both of the police officers seemed concerned about me as the man slowly had me kneel to the ground. I kept telling him that i could not hear well and asked him to restate what he had said.

12007 June 27

I traveled to the south-southeast on the double-lane highway. It was dark, and i seemed to be on the edge of a town. There were cars moving around me, and i passed several police cars that were parked along the side of the road. I started to wonder if the road was closed for a reason. I passed car that had slowed down. It had been in front of me, but i moved into the right lane to go around it. It slowed where a police car was sitting in the median with its lights on. The car seemed to be turning around. I wondered if the road was supposed to be closed and i was supposed to turn around. I looked around at some of the signs on the road, noticing that there were several construction signs visible. I moved back into the left lane of the highway, and then turned around across the median. I started to head back to the northwest, but the road ahead was blocked off by orange and white barricades. There was a sign that pointed to the west, marking the start of a detour. I realized that the lanes in this direction were closed, so i would have to travel through the town to get back. I turned to the west, onto the long street of the small town. The blue sign where i turned said that i should follow Route 3 all the way until i hit the highway again. I moved across the small convenience store. I had stopped in the middle of town because i had gotten confused about the directions. I heard the woman behind the island counter near the door, which was on the western side of the store, describe the detour to someone else. She said that if you were heading south, then you could just get back on the highway here, but if you were heading north, you would gave to follow Route 30 to the next exit. I visualized a map showing the thin blue line leading west to the next exit of the highway. I thought that i was traveling south, so i was already at the exit. I then started to wonder if i was really heading south. Something seemed incorrect about the direction. I tried to think of where i was heading as i left the store. There was a small parking lot surrounding the small square blue building. I felt confused. The highway seemed to be to the north of me, and i tried to think of where i was traveling. I visualized the map in my head again. I could see the red line moving across the map from the west. It joined a vertical line, which i thought was the highway that i had turned on to. I then saw another east-to-west red line meet up with the north-to-south highway, just a little south of where the first highway had met the vertical road. I was planning on traveling to the vertical road and then turning south for a little way until i met up with the other road. I was not sure if this was correct, however. I looked at the towns on the eastern road and saw that $P119 was one of them. I thought that i was heading there, but then i realized that i was already here. $P119 was the town where the detour was. I felt confused.

12007 June 28

I went onto the bus and walked across the small room to the west. The seats were facing west, with a single aisle down the center of the bus. I walked from the east to the front row of the bus and turned south, heading to the center of the long black fake-leather seat. I feeled annoyed with something, and just wanted to take the bus to where i was going. As i sat down in the middle of the row, i thought i had heard someone say my name. I looked to the north to see three children sitting in the front row across the aisle from me. The tall skinny boy on the far end was wearing a light-black hooded sweatshirt with something white on the inside of the hood. He looked at me questioningly as i realized that the boy in the center of the aisle had said something to me. He telled me that he had finished the homework assignment. I knew that i had helped him with the work before, but felt uncomfortable having him mention it in public. He was the nerdy boy, and i did not want to be associated with him in front of everyone else, so i looked forward and sat down, acting as though i was not involved in the conversation. I then started to wonder why i had gotten onto the bus. I realized that i had to be at work for a meeting at 9:30. I knew that the bus came just after 9:00, so i would be able to make it to the meeting on time, but i felt that i could not do what i had planned. I wanted to ride my bicycle into work so that i could ride it between offices as well. I felt suddenly aggravated, wondering why i had gotten on the bus. I was annoyed and thought that i had made a mistake. I tried to think of what i could do. I wondered if i could just get off of the bus and walk back to my house. I realized that i was too far away from my house and that i would not have time to go back to get my car. I looked out the front window of the bus, realizing that we were traveling to the south of where we started. I knew that my work was to the south of my house, but we seemed to be too far south. I then realized that i was on a bus that was heading out of town. We had moved too far to the west. I feeled upset. I was not going to get to my meeting on time. I feeled upset and wondered when i would reach campus. I thought that i would have to stay on the bus until it returned to my house. I wondered if i should call $A513 to tell him that i would not be at my meeting. I felt frustrated and wondered what i should do. I then noticed that we were traveling to the west on a street in the middle of an old suburban neighbourhood. I realized that i was one street over from where my grandmother lived. I contemplated getting off of the bus here and asking my grandmother if i could borrow her car to get me back home. I thought that i could drive to my house using her car and then still get to my meeting before it was too late. I was nervous, however, and could not decide whether i should get off of the bus or not until it was too late to leave. I would have to travel the rest of the route until the bus returned to my house. I was angry with myself for messing things up, and i stood up to ask the bus driver how long it would be before the bus reached $P51 again. He said that it would take a long time, and this made me feel even worse. I turned to the north and headed back across the large stone room of the bus terminal. The bus had stopped here, and i felt that i would have to wait for the next bus to come to take me back home. The busses were parked in the southern part of the terminal. The one i was on was old in design, with rounded corners. It was dull-yellow with brown detailing. I felt frustrated as i walked to the north, into the next room. People around me were asking about busses that went to different places. I walked across the northern section of the terminal, hading to the east. A cement wall that was painted red on the top divided the two rooms. Machines stood in front of the wall on both sides. I rounded the eastern side of the wall, noticing a man asking about a ticket. He walked to the south, where there was a small glass covered vending machine with tickets inside. He mentioned the names of a place, but the announcement said that the lottery did not choose a winner. I wondered if it was possible to win a bus trip based on the tickets you had. I asked the man if this was true. He was $F2. He told me that he did not win. I looked at the people with the small white bus tickets and wondered what to do.

I rode the bicycle to the south, heading through the forested area. I had been with my parents in the house. It was near dinner time, but i had gone out for a bicycle ride. I remembered that i had biked around the block the last time i went out, but i was now traveling a lot farther. I was on the southern side of the city. I headed down the narrow alley and turned to the east on the main street, which seemed to run along the northern side of a canal. As i made the turn, i was aware that someone was following me. I was a little nervous of them and thought that i should just ignore them. I came to a narrow part of the alley, where i turned to the south, up a cobblestone driveway. I had to stop because i could not get the front tire of my bicycle to make it over one of the sharp cobblestones at the end of the driveway. I pushed the bicycle a few times onto the stone, but could not get the tire over it. I finally lifted the wheel to get the bike to move. There seemed to be an old black flat-bed truck to the east of me as i squeezed the bicycle between the truck and the stone wall of a building, heading up the stone path. I turned to the east on the main road on the other side of the truck. There seemed to be a canal running to the south of the street, both of which seemed to curve gently to the northeast. There was a large boat sitting on the sidewalk to the east of the corner i had just come around. As i rounded it, i realized that there were some large metal pieces of docking equipment sitting just past the boat. I watched myself round the front of the boat and thought that i should quickly duck around the nose of the boat before the people came out of the alley. If i hid, they would not be able to follow me. I watched myself carry the round brass object, which was handing on three metal chains, around the back side of the large metal structure. The structure was painted red on the bottom and white on the top. I wondered if i would actually have time to hide behind the object before the people came around the corner. I then saw the car following me from the corner of my eye. I turned to watch it come out of the alley and turn down the street. As i passed behind me, heading north, i looked to the west to see myself crouch down behind the metal object. I had hidden enough that the men in the car could not see me. I then turned to the north and started across the small family room of the house, but found that the object that i was carrying had gotten caught on the chair in front of me. I laughed at the awkwardness of this situation and untangled my jacket from the corner of the chair. It was then a woman who had gotten her clothing stuck on the chair and had tripped. She stumbled to the north, ahead of me, and into the center of the room. There was a man sitting on the northern side of the room, in front of the large picture window. He seemed to be $A514. He was wearing a white shirt as he watched me walk into the center of the room. My mother seemed to be in the kitchen to the west, fixing plates so that we could eat dinner on the TV trays in the living room.

12007 June 29

I moved around to the southern side of the small man-made pond to adjust the covers on the boat. The small wooden boat was floating in the center of the rectangular hole, which was filled with water. My father had asked me to make sure that the boat was covered, so i was trying to move some of the pieces of thin clear plastic around over the openings in the top of the boat. I had already moved the piece of clear plastic across the rectangular opening in the bow of the boat, and i had moved to the center of the boat to pull the plastic across the cockpit. The boat was now under water, and the thin layer of plastic was stretched across the opening just under the surface. I looked at the cockpit to see that the clear plastic was held to the edges of the boat by the small plastic tabs. The tabs had snaps in the center of them that attached to the main sheet of plastic. I moved to the east a little to put some plastic over the rear end of the boat, which was now open. I had moved the strip of plastic from the rear compartment to cover the cockpit. I then realized that i would have to unsnap the larger sheet of plastic from the rear compartment in order to try to stretch it over the entire compartment. This seemed too complicated, and i started to wonder why i was moving the plastic around. I thought that i had done it in order to cove the holes so that the rain did not get in. I then remembered that it was a temporary solution, so i decided that it was better to have all of the compartments covered some than to try to stretch the remaining plastic across all of the compartments. I stood back from the boat and headed to the south, to the bow of the boat, which was now facing south in the large rectangular hole. I grabbed the bundled up piece of clear plastic sheeting and started to unfold it. This cover was supposed to go over the entire boat, and i wondered why i did not just put it over the boat to begin with. I then realized that the cover was still wet, and i would have to spread it out so that i would dry. I pulled the plastic back across the driveway when i noticed the truck parked to the north of me. It was a green van that was here for deliveries. I felt that there was something special about the truck, and i had to tell the delivery person something. I walked to the north and along the eastern side of the truck, which was parked to the east of my parents’ house. As i started to round the back of the truck, i noticed the delivery man in an olive-green uniform walking to the south from the back porch of the house. He had his head down and did not notice me. His uniform was made of shorts and a short-sleeve button-up shirt. He was wearing a billed cap over his chin-length straight blond hair. I felt that i had to stop him before he left to tell him something my father had wanted me to tell him. I opened the side door of the green van as the man got into the passenger’s side of the van and started to drive away. The van was full of packages and small boxes. I spoke to the man and told him that i wanted him to do something. He acknowledged me as he turned to the west at the bottom of the driveway and started traveling down the main road. I felt annoyed that he did not stop to listen to me. I asked him if he could stop the van since i was not wearing any shoes and i did not feel like walking all the way back to the house barefoot. The man said that he would do what i had asked, but he did not stop the van. I then realized that he felt hostile, and i thought that he was trying to take me somewhere. He then mentioned that the neighbour was angry with my father and that they wanted to see me. I realized that the man was trying to kidnap me, so i opened the door of the van and got out. I realized that i did not have my cell phone with me and thought that i would have to get help from the nearby houses. We were on a country road in the middle of an open area. The land to the south seemed to be a grassy field, and there were shrubs to the north. I started walking to the east, down the road, as the man pulled the van into a dirt road that was heading to the south. The dirt road led to the house of the neighbours that were upset with my father. They seemed like a cult and i felt that the young man, who seemed to be one of the sons, and whom i imagined had short blond hair, seemed dangerous. I started running down the faded pavement of the road, remembering that i was not wearing any shoes. I noticed that the road did not hurt my feet as much as i thought that it would. There was a small white farm house just to the east of me, on the south side of the road. As i approach, i could hear the sound of children playing somewhere the house, so i knew that people were home. I called out to them for help, aware that the van was still pulling out of the dirt road to come after me. The house was a small white wooden building with a small garage to the east. There was a parking space in front of the garage and a white picket fence running from the front wall of the house across the northern end of the parking space. I passed through the gate in the fence, calling for help. I ran through a small doorway where the garage extension connected to the main house and came into a small laundry and utility room. The room was rectangular east to west, with laundry machines on the western end of the southern wall. I could hear the sounds of people to the north of me. I felt that i was intruding on the house, but knew that the owners would call the police simply because i was entering their house unannounced. I opened the door to the west of me, on the northern wall and stuck my head into a small dark lining room. There were two children playing in the center of the floor. An old couch sat against the northern wall. I had entered through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, and there seemed to be another doorway directly to the north of me. A television was playing from the south wall of the room, to the west of me, and i was aware that an older woman was sitting in a room to the west with someone else. I called in to the room, saying that the people here should call the police. I heard the woman acknowledge me before i backed out and ran into the open space of the garage. As i made it into the garage, i saw the green truck pull into the parking space at the front of the house. I hid behind the wall between the two large garage doors, thinking that the man would get out of the truck and enter the house behind he. I thought that i should hide someplace better in the garage, and i noticed that there were two doorways in the eastern wall of the empty cement room. The doors seemed to lead into two smaller rooms, one of which i though would be a bathroom. I decided that i should not run into them because i might be trapped. I was aware that the man had headed into the house behind me, and i crouched near the door of the garage, wondering if he would see me as he passed into the house. I then decided that i should run down the road to the east to get away. I started running down the road again when i noticed that there were houses along the northern side of the road. I remembered these houses and thought that they were houses of rich people. There was a hill to the north of the houses. All of the houses seemed to have nicely manicured lawns, with trees and red flowers in the gardens. The houses themselves seemed to be large brown cottages with tall shady pine trees around them. I thought that i could cut through the back yards of these houses so that the man would not see me. I thought this as i ran along the road, across the front yards. I was moving along a sidewalk now, and there was a row of low shrubs between the sidewalk and the road. I was worried about the van coming after me, but it did not seem to be following me at the moment. I wondered why i was not running across the back yards as i had planned. I then stopped as i started up a set of steps in the sidewalk, still heading east. There were tall pine trees around me now and a thick tall hedgerow to the south. I looked down at my cell phone, noticing that there was someone calling me. I wondered if i had felt it vibrating, because i did not hear it ring. I then remembered that i did not have my cell phone when i was in the van and wondered how i had gotten it. I looked down at the cell phone and saw the name “eric shorter the lesser”. I knew that it was the son of the family that was trying to plot against us. I felt that they were a threat because they were a cult and practicing some kind of black magic. I felt frightened of them as i continued to the east, wondering what i should do. I looked at my telephone, trying to figure out why he was calling. I felt threatened by him. I then noticed that the location of the call seemed to be a fictitious place. There was a map displayed on the telephone, which showed an inverted pentagram labeled with a name that started with a W. It seemed to be located at the bottom of a world map. The town or land was connected by several lines to other cities around the world. The screen suddenly changed and the map was showing the United States, with lines between several of the major cities. I tried to move the map back down so that i could see the symbol of the fake city again, but i could not get the map to move in quite the correct direction. I pressed the black triangle painting down at the bottom of the screen, but the screen would not pan down correctly. It lowered from city to city, but then was showing the North Pole over Russia. I was annoyed with the screen and kept pressing buttons to see if i could get it to show me the fake place again. I felt that the people had somehow sent a virus to my telephone and were creating fake data in the phone system. I knew hat this had some magical purpose, but i could not get the map to show me what i had caught a glimpse of before. The screen then seemed lager, as i moved to the east, and i was looking at a brown picture of some hand-drawn figures. They seemed occult-like, but also seemed to come from a video game. I knew that this was something threatening from the family, and i started to worry that they were getting to me. The pictures changed on the screen, and i noticed the name “eric lesser the elder” again. He was the son of the family clan, but he was well respected by the small cult following and i felt that he had enough respect within his community to be dangerous with his power. I continued up the stairs to the second floor of the house. As i reached the small landing at the top of the narrow corridor, i noticed that there were several large manila envelopes on the floor, in front of the door to my room. I looked at one, noticing the red ink and torn edges. I looked down at the others and noticed that the bottoms of all of the envelopes had been torn in parallel lines, as though they had been put partly through a shredder. I felt that this was some kind of symbolic threat. I felt very nervous about these packets, realizing that the clan knew where i was living. I stepped over the envelopes and into the room on the top floor of the house. This place seemed to be $P19. As i entered the large room, i noticed a man to the south, in the small room. He was doing something in front of a mirror. He lived there, and he turned to look at me as i came in. He had short black hair. I turned to the north and walked into my room, still worried about the packages on the doorway. I wondered what i was going to do. I then wondered if i was worrying too much about this. I felt that the packages might not actually be from this family. I wondered if the other people living in this house might have left them on the door step for some other reason. I looked around the room. There was a section of the room to the south of me that was down a step from the main pale wood floor. The lower area was crescent shaped and had shelves along the southern wall. I noticed some paint cans on the eastern end of the western-most shelf. I wondered if the people here had really created the envelopes. I thought about the symbols i had seen, trying to remember their significance. I then noticed the man in the bathroom to the east of me. He was looking at a mirror to the south of him as he fixed himself up. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a white tank top. He had short red hair. I turned away, but something about him caught my attention. I had noticed something about his chest muscle and thought that he might be well built. As i looked at his chest, however, i noticed that his pectoral was actually sagging over the top of this low-cut tank tap. I then noticed that the thick red hair around his left nipple had been combed so that it stuck out from his chest. I felt that this was very strange, and i considered him not that attractive in general. I turned around to look to the south again. I noticed that the white plastic chair with the metal legs had been overturned at the edge of the crescent-shaped depression in the floor. I turned the chair upright again, setting it right on the edge of the curved step, where i felt that it should have been. I then looked at the art supplies that were left out on the western end of the lower step. I wondered if they were used to create the envelopes. I tried to remember the name of the man who i had felt was such a threat. I could not remember if “eric” was part of his name or not, but i knew that his title ended in “the elder”, which was simply a formal-sounding title used in the cult.

12007 June 30

I left $F45 and started walking to the west. I feeled full, as though we had just eated a large meal. $F45 had handed me a few things to carry as i told him i would meet him later. I walked into the area where the children were playing, looking at the small yellow plastic bag which had the large packet of gum in it. I holded the bag in my left hand, and a single pack of gum in my right. Looking to the west, i could see several families playing with their young children on the playground. There was a tall thin dark-skinned austral man in a dark-brown windbreaker playing with his children just to the south of the swings. I thought that i should hang out in the park while waiting for $F45. I wanted a stick of gum, though, so i started opening the single pack to pull a stick out. I turned to the southwest, heading toward the trash barrel that was set up near the large brick building. The ground seemed to be pavement. I opened up the foil pack to see four or five sticks of gum still in it. The pack was already torn open, and the sticks seemed to be loose in it. I pulled one of the light-blue sticks of gum out of the white wrapping and started chewing it. A young dark-skinned boy with short hair walked past me, and i hoped that the children in the park did not bother me for a stick of gum. I then decided that i should get rid of some of the things i had in my hand so i could walk through the park. I dropped several wrappers into the trash can. Several of the wrappers came from the yellow plastic bag and were things that $F45 had not throwed away. I then wondered what $F45 would say if i had to give away most of the gum to the children. I tossed a hand full of paper into the trash can, but suddenly realized that i had throwed away the wrapper that i had taked my stick of gum from, so i would not be able to take out the gum when i was finished with it. I decided that i should save one of the pieces of paper what i still had in my hand. I noticed an old gum wrapper from $F45. It was smaller and had black text on it. I put it in my right pocket and started walking to the north. I wanted to put the large bag into one of my pockets so that i did not have to carry it. I looked to the north, noticing the swings to the northeast. There were several people gathered to the northwest as well, but they all seemed to be just to the south of a fenced in area. I headed toward the gate house in the center of the fence. This seemed to be the park in $P127, and i had not been here in a long time. I headed down the stairs just south of the gate house, heading to the east to walk around the small white building. I suddenly realized that i was not wearing a shirt, and i felt a little out of place here. I would have to put the shirt i was carrying in my left hand back on. I walked to the north, wondering whether i could sit on the swings that were just north of the small wading pool. As i reached the bottom of the stairs, however, i realized that there was an orange construction fence across the path leading to the northern part of the park. I stopped for a moment and realized that the fence actually stretched across the entire area. There was some construction going on in the northern section of the park, and the entire area was closed. I looked to the northwest to see the large pond in the center of the park. A large willow tree grew on the northeast side of the water. I remembered this place before and thought that it seemed very picturesque. I then realized that the construction workers were probably going to remove the pond so that the area could be turned into a field. I stepped down next to the cement retaining wall that formed the southeastern rim of the artificial pond. The area to the northwest of me was quite attractive. I felt sad that the pond would be going away. I then looked up the hill to the north and west of the pond. The dry tan grassy slope ran up toward the top of the small mountain, which curved around the north and west of the park. I could see a woman in dark clothing from the 11800s climbing up the slope, and i realized that some people must be allowed to be on the other side of the fence. I feeled sad that the pond would be going away.