12008 June 01

I was jogging to the west, along the road which seemed to be on the lower side of $P87. The grassy lawn sloped up to the north of me, and there seemed to be houses on the southern side of the road, where the land sloped down a little. The road i was running on ran down hill slightly. I then noticed some people running on the road just to the north of me, at the base of the hill. There seemed to be college buildings between the two roads, but this was an area where the roads were very close together. I looked at the large group of runners and realized that they were all naked. They were streaking through the campus. I found them humourous and interesting, and i slowed down to watch them. They had slowed down themselves, coming to a slow jog near the end of the short stone wall that ran along the southern side of the sidewalk that they were running down. There was a narrow strip of grass just to the south of the stone wall, between the sidewalk i was on and the wall. The wall seemed to be a retaining wall, and i knew that it was taller to the east, but it had gotten short as the two sidewalks converged on similar elevation. I looked over the runners, noticing that many of them were quite attractive. I was wondering why i had never heard of this running group, since it was in my town. I then wondered if there were any members of $G4 in the streaking club. I looked around at the faces and did not recognize any of them. I approached them as they rounded the end of the stone wall. They chatted among themselves, and i watched them as they passed. I stood to the west of them now, as they headed down the southern sidewalk along the southern side of the tall stone building. They were gathering in the hallway at the front of the building, and i was standing in the hallway now, looking to the east, watching the group talking. They were gathering for something, and many of them seemed to be wearing clothes now. I was interested in the group and wanted to know more about them, but i felt out of place here. I then noticed that $A197 was sitting in the line of people along the couch that was against the southern wall. I did know some of these people, but i still felt awkward about going to talk to them. I listened to them talk for a moment, but then decided that i should leave this place. I did not really belong to this group and i felt out of place. I looked to the east again, noticing that the people were chatting among themselves. Some of them mentioned running naked, although everyone seemed to have clothes on at the moment. I mentioned that people used to streak across the campus on the last day of classes, when everyone hung out on the hill. No one seemed to respond to the statement, and i looked to the east, into the next room. The people had gathered in this room, and i was now standing in the hallway leading out. The door to the outside was just to the south of me. $A103 was standing in the middle of the room to the east, facing northeast as he organized the people and told them some things about their group. I felt as though i was not a part of this place. As i turned to head out the door, i noticed $A47 sitting in a chair directly to the south of me. I greeted him, but he did not seem to recognize me. It had been a long time since we had hung out together. I passed him, heading out the door, but then backed up to say hello again to him, telling him that i did not have facial hair back then. He then recognized who i was. I was not comfortable here, so i told him that i had to continue my run, and i headed toward the door, to the south. I dropped the blue nylon down thing, which seemed like a flat parka, and headed out the door. The down item was something i had been handed in the group. I turned to the east and started jogging down the sidewalk outside the building. I thought about the runners as i stood in the store with them. I had a jacket on and my hood was tied up over my head so that i had a very narrow range of vision. $A103 was there, but i did not want to be part of his group. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 1:20. I had to leave to get to a run of $G4. I headed to the east, out of the parking lot that we had been standing in. I was driving the blue car toward the bridge, which i knew headed north. It seemed to be the old bridge to $P64. I felt rushed, thinking that i was late. I stopped the car at the red light. I was sitting at the northern exit to the parking lot. A road ran east to west through the intersection, and the road straight ahead of me crossed the bridge to $P3. I then realized that the blue car i was driving in was not really mine. It must have been $A103’s. I felt suddenly annoyed, thinking that i had stolen the car. I had to take it back, but i felt that i did not have time to do so. I wondered if i should just drive it to the run, but then i decided that it would not be the right thing to do. I was very upset, and i turned the car around and headed back into the parking lot. I had to hurry or i would be late, and finding myself in this car was a big in convenience.

12008 June 02

The woman was threatening us again, so i hit her and knocked her unconscious. $Z and i stood up from the booth table, which was in the southwestern corner of the long room. A ceremony was about to start here, but i felt that the woman should not be part of it because she had a history of being aggressive. I started to the east, down the length of the room. The procession would start coming in the door to the east. I wondered what i could do. I had to tell someone about the woman so that she could be removed from the room before she regained consciousness, but i was afraid that the guards here would not listen to me. I headed to the east, looking for the police officer i remembered. He was wearing a gray suit and had an old square face. I looked at the officers in plain clothes that were moving around along the eastern wall. There seemed to me some kind of wooden dividing wall or counter separating the eastern wall from the rest of the room. It seemed a little like a cafeteria counter, and it had an open space in the center so that was as wide as the aisle between the people in the rest of the room. I was worried that the security guards would not listen to me about the woman, but i moved into the eastern part of the room, looking for the officer who had dealt with the woman before. I decided he would be the most likely to listen to me. There was a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall, and the guards were moving in and out of it, and all of their attention seemed to be turned to it. One of the guards looked at me, and i asked him where the officer was that i knew. He did not know, so i headed into the hall to the north. The hall was cement and seemed like a utility corridor. People were moving in and out. I finally saw an officer that i recognized and told him about the woman. I said that she should be taken from the room because she had attacked the special person that was coming. They seemed to react to this, and i moved off to the north. I then woke up in the bed, which was against the southern wall of the room. I was standing to the west of the bed as i watched myself pull back the red spread and sit up. The young woman was standing to the east, near the foot of the bed. I was suddenly upset that she had come into the room. I felt threatened by her and wanted her to leave the room, which seemed to be a hotel room. I stood up and started getting some things together, but the woman started bothering me, moving close and saying things that made her sound like she was trying to get me in trouble. I pushed her away, wondering if she was trying to make it seem like i was abusing here. I wondered if there were people watching the room with cameras. I felt very angry with her and tried to move away, but she kept pressing close to me. She then started yelling something at me. I pushed her down. She was very small now, and she looked like a bar of green soap. The soap was on the ground to the south of me, and it started screaming as though it was being beaten. I was sitting on the ground to the north of it, and i covered it with my left foot and pushed it down, smothering the sound. It still screamed in the muffled carpet. I then realized that i might suffocate the woman, so i stopped pushing and walked to the west, leaving the room. I stepped out onto the terraced hall and paused, wondering if there were people listening and watching what we were doing. I let the woman scream from within the room. If people started to be curious, they would now noticed that i was not in the room. I hoped that the woman kept screaming that she was being hit and abused, because if people heard her and saw me outside, they would know that she was lying.

12008 June 03

I was staying in the new dormitory at the university with the other person. The room seemed fairly empty, and i was reclined on the bed with $F45. The bed seemed like the upper bed of a bunk bed, and was in the northwest corner of the room, with the long side running down the western wall. A maid was moving through the center of the room, and we greeted her. She was wearing a stereotypical light blue maid outfit with white apron and trim. She seemed to be hispanic as she spoke to us, commenting on the fact that we were lying on the bed together. I was on the western side of the bed, and $F45 was lying against my left side with my arm under his head. She did not seem to mind that we were hugging each other, but her comments made it seem as though it was something that should not happen. We sat up in the bed. I pulled the left sleeve of my white shirt down to my wrist, but then noticed that there were small brown things on the arm. I looked closely at them and noticed that they were small worms. I must have rubbed against something. I moved to the eastern edge of the bed and started to brush them off. $F45 realized that he had some on him as well. I then noticed that there were more on me than just on my shirt. I stood up from the bed and tried to get the bugs off. I looked back at the wide bed against the northern wall of the room. It was covered with thin cheap linen sheets that had a set of thick and thin blue stripes running down the center. I realized that the bed might not have been that clean. I pulled back the upper sheet and noticed that there were more small worms crawling around in the upper part of the bed. I then pulled up the sheets at the foot of the bed. A cluster of bugs and worms were in the bottom center of the bed, and they started to scatter. They had been gathered in the spot where the feet of a person lying on the bed would be. The bed must be filthy from the previous occupant, and it had never been properly cleaned. I wondered what skin residue would fall off of human feet and collect on the bed, attracting that many bugs. I felt disgusted, and i turned to the east. I thought that the bed should be burned. I complained to the others about this. The entire bathroom to the east of me seemed filthy. I was upset that i had come to this college and had to stay in such a filthy place. I was now standing outside, to the south of the large white building. My room was directly to the north, inside the building. I told $Z, who was standing to the west of me, that the bathroom to the north was probably so dirty because people coming into the building would see it first. I knew that there were a couple other bathrooms around the main lobby on the first floor of the building, but people coming into the building did not notice them as much as the one directly across from the entrance door. I felt that the university should do a better job of cleaning the rooms. I then heard a loud bang and knew instantly that it was a bomb in the building. I stood up from my chair, pretending to act surprised, even though the sound did not scare me. One of the people who lived on our floor was angry about the dirty accommodations and was going to blow up the room. I looked at the tall white face of the building. I could see the orange glow of the bomb behind the dirty square windows on the second floor. I could also see the silhouettes of people running around inside the building, trying to get away from the blast area. I thought that the building might be affected by the blast, but it was not. It was still standing and seemed to be undamaged. I sat back down at the table in front of the building and continued talking to $Z.

12008 June 04

I felt upset as i walked out the door on the northern side of the small house, which seemed to be like a trailer home or doublewide. There was a wooden deck outside, and i had left the cats outside in their cages, but it seemed that they had been forgotten about and had been left out for a long time. It was dark out now, and i was worried about the cats. I picket up the large nylon carrier that the cat was in, and i noticed that the large cat had been attacked. It was missing its head, and its matted body was sprawled out in the bottom of the carrier. I picked up the second carrier and brought it in. The orange tabby cat inside was still okay, but i was very upset about the gray tabby that had been killed. I put the cage in the house, and then hurried back outside and down the length of the deck, heading to the south. There was a set of stairs in the center of the deck that descended and then ascended. I felt that i had to bring the body of the second cat in doors before something else happened to it. I carried the cage inside the small white house and locked the doors behind me. I was worried, and felt that someone might return to hurt the cats again, so i had to keep the doors locked.

I was sitting in the front room of the small house with the family. The walls of the room seemed reddish, even thought they were off-white. I was in a cushioned chair that faced west. The chair was just in front of the front wall of the house, which was to the east of me. The chair faced northwest, into the room, and there was an entry door to the house just to the southeast and a large picture window to the northeast. I turned around to look out the window, distracted by the sound of an engine. I saw a small airplane approaching from the northeast. It was heading to the south-southwest, but was turning slowly to the west as it came closer. It seemed to be a large jet aircraft, but there did not seem to be any wings on it. I felt that something was wrong, and i stood up to get a better view. I had moved to the south and was now looking out the door of the house. The airplane was actually a jet fighter, but it was flying upside down. It moved slowly over us, and i worked that it might crash into the house. I then saw the pilots through the cockpit canopy. The wings of the fighter were folded back against the engines, and the pilots were trying to get them unfolded, but were not having any success. As the fighter passed over my head and just a little to the south, i stepped back into the house and told the others what was happening. I looked out the front of the house again to see the airplane move over the top of the house, just to the south of the house. It seemed to have circled the house and then passed over again. I moved to the west, coming into the back yard. The yard sloped down hill slightly. There was another house just to the south, with a tall wooden fence between the yards. There also seemed to be a long white one-story apartment complex to the west, running parallel to the northern side of the yard. There was a column of gray smoke rising to the southwest. The large willow tree on the southern side of the yard obscured the view of the ground around the smoke. I felt tense, and i started running toward the smoke in the yard. Other people had come out to see what was going on. I asked an older man, who had come from the north, if there were any other people nearby. I told the people that there was a plane crash, and said that we needed help from others. I wanted to know if anyone was calling for help on the telephone. I ran to the southwest, down the length of the long yard. The fence on the southern side of the yard ended, and the grassy area opened up to the south. There was an area of taller grass running along the southwestern end of the larger grassy area. The smoke from the airplane was coming from there, but it was just over a rise, so i could not see the wreckage from here. As i got closer and started to notice the twisted pieces of gray metal, it seemed that there were people standing casually near the crash. Someone said that everyone was okay. I explained to someone who was standing around what i had seen as the airplane came toward the house and flew over. I then started floating over the yard as i headed toward the deeper grass on the western side of the yard. I realized that i was floating easily, and i remembered how easy this always seemed it dreams. I was surprised that i was able to do it when i was not dreaming, but then thought that it usually turned out that i was always dreaming when it happened. I knew that i was able to fly and that this was special, though. My legs were crossed under me, as though i was sitting on the ground. I felt good about flying, and wanted to float all the way to the airplane so that the pilots could see that i could fly too. I was rising higher off of the ground as i moved to the east now, and i was approaching the wide deciduous tree in the center of the yard. I thought that i should fly over the field where the airplane was, but i realized that i could not feel the energy flowing through me. If i was making myself fly, i should be able to feel the concentration and the vibrating feeling of levitation. I stepped down, near the playground. There was a wooden playground structure to the south of me now, on the southern boarder of the yard. The wreckage was still in the deeper grass to the southwest of me. There was also a set of overhead bars running to the west, just to the west of me. I could hear music playing from somewhere. There was a large old wooden barn on the southeast side of the lawn now. It looked as though it used to be red, but most of the paint had chipped off, and it was now the dull brown of bare weathered wood. The music then changed as i came to a rest on the thick wooden beams that were set into the ground around the edge of the playground. The others had already started to head to the north, to head back inside, but i listened to the song that was playing. It was a Beatles song, “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite”, but it did not sound like the version i remembered. It had cleaner sounds. It was a newer version. I thought that this might be one of the versions from Love. I then heard something that i had not quite heard in the song before, and i realized that Paul McCartney was singing part of the song. This was not in the original, and i wondered if he had added this part when he helped remix the song. There was someone playing on the overhead bars who seemed to be an acrobat in blue unitard. The blue designs faded to white near the top in a flame-like pattern. The music then started to fade, which seemed strange. It was not supposed to have faded so soon, but then i realized that it was fading into another section of the song, which i did not recognize. More strings and orchestral instruments were introduced, and the beat faded away. Something was strange with the music. It should not have continued like this.

12008 June 05

I thought about the train that i was supposed to take. I was at the train station, which was an open grassy area with tracks running east to west across it. The trains were coming from the west, and i was heading east on the train, but i could not remember which trains went in the correct direction. I thought about the towns to the east of us, which seemed to be towns along the southern edge of New York State, near I88. I felt that i might have gotten on the wrong train, so i stepped out of the car with the others and headed to the south. I felt a little confused. $Z pulled me to the south suddenly, and i realized that i had been walking across the tracks. I looked to the west to see a train pulling across the area. I watched it pass to the north of me, heading out across the wide field, which seemed to be near the old factories in $P127.

I headed down the stairs, moving to the west as i followed the man into the dark lower floor of the building. The basement area seemed old and dusty, but it was very open, with tall ceilings. The room opened up to the north of me, and there was a wall following the stairs down just to the south. Bookshelves seemed to line the eastern wall and eastern end of the northern wall. I looked at the books as i descended the stairs. There was something special about this place. Everything seemed to be painted black, making the room seem even darker. I followed the man down the stairs, but stumbled about half way down the first flight. I stumbled onto the wooden landing, where the stairs turned back to the east on the south side of the landing. There was a wooden railing running down the outside of the stairs and around the landing. The man said something about the way i had stumbled and showed me a computer screen. He said that we should look at the scene again. I felt a little embarrassed and did not want to watch myself coming into the room, but i was suddenly interested in the graphics that appeared on the screen. Several graphs and scientific diagrams showed up on the black screen, and i realized that we would be looking at the scene with special scopes. I watched myself enter the room. I was facing left on the screen, and i seemed to have thick fuzzy hair. A yellow haze formed around my head and dispersed down my body as the video continued. I wondered what kind of energy had enveloped me. I continued to watch as i walked down the stairs, noticing faint images of light-blue and yellow haze appearing around me as i moved. This was some kind of spectral energy. I then saw myself stumble on the stairs. This time, however, i stumbled up the stairs. I was then on the top of the bookshelves of the eastern wall, stumbling to the north. I stepped on several of the clay jars on the shelves, crushing them before i could regain my balance. I turned around and stumbled back to the stairs. I felt suddenly accused of doing something bad, and i objected to the man, telling him that the video did not show what had happened. I did not stumble over the shelves. I thought about the separate view of reality in the tape. There was some significance in the parallel structure of the plot.

I started playing the tape on the stereo on the southern side of the room. The black tape deck was in a low fake-wood cabinet. My parents were in the room, to the west and northwest. We seemed to be in a bedroom in the upstairs of the house. I had to go downstairs to feed the cats, though, so i headed to the east. I headed down some stairs and paused on the eastern wall of the lower room to open the window. The thick window frame was wooden and seemed to be rather old and painted white. I had to open the windows for the morning. I was aware that the cats were following me downstairs and that they were descending the stairs to the west of me as i stopped to open the window. I listened to the music that i had started upstairs. It was of a band that i had been in. I then realized that the music sounded very loud. I had turned it on and left the room, and i wondered if my parents were annoyed with the loud music. As i turned to the east, i noticed that the volume of the music decreased, so my mother must have turned it down. The singing did not sound that well, and i knew that i could probably to better now. I then heard a long sung not and realized that the voice was off a little. I felt that i could sing the note with more resonance than i had originally done in the old recording. I then started to wonder if i was the one singing the notes. I took a scoop of cat food from the jar and started dumping it into the bowls. I then realized that i was dumping it into a bowl that was filled with chocolate pieces. It was actually my bowl from the previous night. I picked up the bowl so that the cats could not eat from it and started picking out the cat food from it. I put the cat food into the two off-white bowls that were on the counter. I tried dumping some of the cat food at first, but noticed that some of the chocolate powder was falling into the cats’ bowls. I knew that a little chocolate would not bother them, but i did not want them to get too much. I tipped my bowl back down and tried picking out the cat parts one by one. They were rocks, and i put them into the cat bowl. I looked at the large stone that i had just put in the cat bowl. It was dirty, unlike the smooth stones that had been left in the cats’ bowls. The cats must lick the dirt from the rocks as they eat, making the rocks smooth. I continued shifting the food from one bowl to another as i listened to the music again. I was not really sure if i was the one singing. I headed to the west as i listened, walking along the northern side of the counters, which were on the southern wall. The main voice singing sounded more like $A459. I then heard the background singing come in. There was a high part that sounded like a female, and i knew that i could not easily reproduce that on my own recordings. Then i noticed the lower voice from the old recording. It was my voice. I had sung the low background voice, so i was not the main singer on this song.

12008 June 06

$F45 and i were in the room, and i was packing up to get ready to leave. It seemed that we were visiting a large city and were staying in this place. We had slept here but had to leave today. $F45 was heading out to work at the moment, and he would be leaving the city afterward. I was planning on collecting my things and leaving now, so i started down the long narrow hall to the south. I felt a little sad about leaving. Two of the men whom i had known from this building were in the hall ahead of me. They were returning to the apartments but had stopped to talk to each other. As i approached them, the younger man hugged the taller man and placed his head on the taller man’s chest. They were sad about something, and i smiled at them as i walked past. It was nice to see them so fond with each other. I continued down the hall, thinking that i should stop at the large department store again to consider buying some music software while i was in the city. I felt that it might be cheaper here. I thought about the program, thinking that it might finally be available for my computer. I walked into the large glass doors on the northern end of the department store. I remembered going to the counter to look at the programs before, but i did not seem to be on the correct floor this time. The room around me was plain, with flat fake-marble walls and floor. There was a doorway to the south, on the eastern side of the southern wall, which led into the department store. Many people were walking across the room, which seemed to be some kind of entrance corridor outside the stairwells. I headed up to the next floor and walked into the department store, which, i thought, was Macy’s. I immediately noticed the large telescope on the western side of the room and thought that i was in the correct place to find the scientific stuff that i was looking for. As i looked around the room, however, i noticed that the other items in the room were actually toys. I looked to the east, down the length of the rectangular room. A salesman stood in the center of the floor in a white shirt, dark pants, and a vest. Around him, on shelves that lined all three walls, were various toys. This was the toy room, so the telescope here was actually being sold as a toy. I realized that they must sell telescopes in two places of the store, one with the toys and the other with the scientific stuff. There was a counter to the east of me, on the northern wall, just to the east of the door i had entered. It was cluttered with displays of stuffed animals and other toys. The salesman walked over to me and asked if he could help. I asked where the programs were, and he seemed disinterested in what i had said. He told me that they would not be here, and i felt that he was telling me that the store no longer carried them. I was annoyed and walked out of the room, heading back down the stairs. At each level, i started looking into the rooms of the store to see if i could spot the telescopes and displays that i had seen before. I then thought that the store probably did not stop selling the stuff that i was looking for. The salesman upstairs must have misunderstood what i said. When i said “program”, he might have interpreted that as some type of manager who was not in the store. I remembered that the counter was facing away from me as i entered the room, but i could see the telescopes on the eastern side of it. I headed down several flights when i suddenly realized that the level i had just entered had a doorway to the store on the eastern side of the white entry corridor. The floors above had all had entrances on the western side. I suddenly remembered that the entrance had been on the eastern side the last time i was here, so i must have been in this part of the store. I thought about the arrangement of the levels in the building, thinking that the western side of the building must be taller than the eastern side. I headed into the shopping area of the department store, looking around for the counter with the software. I headed to the south, noticing the counter in the center of the floor with the thick black rectangular column in the center of it. I decided that the programs would be on the far side. As i rounded western side of the counter, i noticed that the eastern end of the room was fairly empty. There seemed to be some black mats on the ground but little else in the area. I looked around at the counter, but could not quite see what i was looking for. I wondered if the recording software was finally out for the computer that i had. I walked around to the eastern side of the counter, not quite seeing what i had expected to see. I felt a little uncertain about this counter and was not sure it was what i was looking for.

12008 June 07

I turned around and started heading back to the south. I had been out riding my bicycle and was now heading back across the area that i had been on before. The last time i rode over this area, i was not concerned about where i was going. As i rode now, i was a little nervous about riding over the roofs of the houses again, but i continued to the south, heading over the connected roofs of the long row of small houses. I watched the tan and dark-gray asphalt-tiled roofs pass under me. I focused on the slopes as i passed over them, trying not to bounce too much on the transition between two slopes. There were several areas where the roof of the house i was coming off of was a few decis above the roof of the house that i was going onto. I tensed as i bounced over the joints, but continued down the length of the houses. To the south of me, the houses met a taller building, which seemed like a resort. I moved to the west, where the slope of the last house ran all the way to the ground. I had come down here before, but, as i reached the top of the slope, i paused, unsure about heading down it. There was only a thin part of the roof that descended along the side of the buildings. I would have to balance on the thin strip and prevent my handlebar from hitting the higher level of the roof that ran on the left side of the narrow ledge. I decided that i had made it down the roof with no problem before, so i simply started down it this time. As i descended, i looked at the grass lawn to the west of the building. There was a man reclined in a lawn chair on the southern side of the lawn. I turned into the centre of the lawn, wondering where i had gone from here. The land sloped down sharply to the west, and there were bushes and weeds on the slope. A small white shed stood in the center of the western side of the yard, at the top of the slope. I then realized that the there was a gap to the north of the shack where there was a worn trail heading down the slope. Another man seemed to be in the lawn to the north of me as i started down the slope. The man from the chair commented on the path, saying that it was the best way back to the road. I headed down the path, which seemed to be made of packed snow. I moved to the east, down the narrow alley between the two buildings, until i came to the sidewalk on the other side. I turned to the south, trying to pedal over the packed snow and ice on the sidewalk. There was very little space on either side of the sidewalk. The buildings rose on both the east and west of the path, leaving only enough space for the stairs to descend from the doorways to the path. I was heading for the main road, but there was someone walking in front of me, so i had to move slowly. As we reached the road, i turned to the west, and there were two other people with me now: a man and a woman. I stopped on the northern side of the road to lock up my bicycle as the others spoke around me. There was a river running down the northern side of the road. I locked my bicycle to the railing of the cement wall, which separated the road from the river on the western part of the road. The man behind me then started to object. I turned around, noticing that a man in a tan coat had wandered into our group from the west. He seemed to be a vagrant, and he had taken the bicycle of the other man in our group. The man in my group quickly took the bicycle back to prevent the vagrant from riding off with it. Several people were clustered together on the road as the people spoke in annoyed tones to each other. I knew that we were going to go swimming in the river, and i could see one man in blue shorts standing in the shallow water already, but i was distracted by what was happening behind me. I then realized that i should not have unlocked my bicycle from the metal railing that was against the stone wall. I closed the black metal U-lock as the vagrant looked over my left shoulder. I did not want him to think it would be okay to wander off with my bicycle either. The others continued to speak to the south of me as the man on the other bicycle departed. He headed down the road to the west so that he would not have to worry about the vagrant taking his bicycle. I wondered if mine was safe here.

12008 June 08

I leaned back against the short wooden structure as the other person headed to the north. I was in a small booth on the southern side of the room, facing southeast. There was a structure to the east and north of me that seemed to consist of only a framework. The southern wall was just to the south of me. I had something in my nose, so i wiped it with my right hand. I realized that there was a piece of snot in my right nostril, so i tried to pull it out with my fingers. As i pulled, it stretched into a long rubbery string. I grabbed it with my other hand, trying to pull it free, but it only stretched more. I could feel it pulling in my nose, and i tried to stretch it out so that it would pull free. The tension in the snot was getting higher. I grabbed it near my nose with my left hand and pulled harder, trying to dislodge it. As i did i felt a sudden dull pain in my lower left jaw and i released the ribbon. It recoiled slowly. I recognized the pain in my jaw as coming from the root of my lower molars. The strand must have been connected to something in the tooth. I moved my tongue around in my mouth, noticing the relaxed strand that i had been pulling on. It had constricted back into shape and was now lying on the side of my mouth. It must have been a nerve, and i was suddenly worried that i had done some damage to my tooth by pulling on it. I rubbed the white tube with my tongue, noticing that it had the texture of a blood vessel in meat. It must have been a nerve, and i had somehow pulled it out. I felt worried and walked to the east to look into the mirror on the southern wall. I could see the flat white vessel lying on the side of my mouth, and i felt suddenly upset that i had pulled it free. I rolled it around with my tongue, aware that there was something attached to the end of it. I tried to pull it forward so that i could get a look at it. I worried that it was a nerve ending from under the tooth. As i lifted it with my tongue, however, i noticed that it was a round bulbous sack with veins running around the outside of it. It looked like some kind of small organ, and i wondered if it was a tonsil. I felt panicked and moved around the room, wondering whom i should call. I wanted to call my dentist, but i knew that they might not be open on weekends. I then thought that this might actually be a problem for a regular doctor, since it seemed to be related to some kind of gland. There were several other people in the room with me now, and i wondered what i should do. I felt that i had to do something right away, but i did not know what. I then noticed $F43 standing on the northern end of the room. I looked at her, but she seemed angry with me, and i wondered if it had been too long since i had contacted her. I felt distressed and thought that i should just tell her what had happened with my tooth. I thought that she might understand that i was having some trouble at the moment. Instead, she turned around to face the stained wooden door in the northern wall. She had a set of stickers in her hands and i realized that she was arranging them on the door. I looked at the sticker of a pinkish pterodactyl that was already on the door and thought that all of the stickers were dinosaur related. I was upset that she was mad with me, and i did not know what to do.

12008 June 11

I moved into the room from the west, leaving the others outside. They were gathered to the east of me somewhere, but they had to enter the room through the hallway to the west. This room seemed like a small classroom, and i knew that it was part of an academic building. We were doing something special here, and i was getting into costume. I put on the large diaper and hung the cloth by the thin metal wires for a swing. Aware of the people moving past the frosted-glass windows on the western end of the room, i hopped on the swing and started swinging. I wanted to be already in the scene when the people walked in. I then felt that there was something that i should do before they got here. I felt that i was not quite dressed right. I moved to the western end of the room and pulled on a shirt. The windows in the western wall now looked out over the outside of the building. It was dark out, so i could not see anything out the window, but it seemed that the building was on the edge of a hill that overlooked the town to the west. I pulled a white long-sleeve T-shirt over my head, thinking that it would be better to cover my upper body entirely. I still felt wrong as i started to dig through the piles of stuff here. There was a door in the eastern end of the southern wall that led into the hallway of the laboratory building. The interior of this room was covered with dark polished wood. I felt upset as i dug around in the piles of clothes that were now on the floor, trying to find something. I felt disorganized, but i had to get things ready. My mother came into the room, but i was still digging through the piles of clothes that were in the trunk of the car. They seemed like dirty laundry. I sat on the ground in the middle of the pile, nervous that things were not right as i pushed some of the clothes on the west of me to the south, digging under the red sheets and blue and white striped fabric to look for something.

I had to get my car, but it was parked behind the barn. The others moved around the area to the north of me, in front of the large wooden barn. The barn seemed somewhat modern because the wood it was made of was unfinished and looked relatively new. I moved to the north, now inside the barn. The main room of the barn was to the north of me, and i thought that i should open the large barn door on the eastern side of the building so that i can drive my can through the barn. I then remembered that my father stored his older cars in the main area of the barn, so i would have to move them before i could drive my car through. I looked at the old car in the center of the barn. It seemed to be maroon, and had a low rounded hood with wide fenders that ended above the tires. I walked to the west, out the back of the barn, to where my car was. There were a few cars parked out here, but i looked to the east and south. I was now to the east of the barn again, and i looked at the dirt path that ran around the northern side of the barn. It seemed very narrow, and i noticed that part of it was on the dirt embankment that marked the northern edge of the property. I followed the dirt path around the outside edge of the property. It turned to the south along the eastern edge of the yard and headed parallel to the driveway. It was separated from the driveway by a wooden railing. I noticed that the wooden railing had a section that was painted black, and which formed a triangular shape, pointing to the east. It made the area between the fence and the property line very narrow, and i doubted that a car would be able to squeeze through there. There was a man standing near me as i looked around. He asked me what i was doing, and i told him that i was trying to get my car out from behind the garage. I looked to the west, down the dirt trail on the northern side of the barn to see a car sitting on the road in the middle of a dense green thicket. He agreed that it would be very hard to drive the car down the narrow path, stating that it would probably not make it past the fence. I wondered what to do.

12008 June 12

The bus came by as i stood on the campus. I was uncertain whether i would be able to ride the bus because i did not know whether my pass would be good. I wanted to get home anyway, so i stepped onto the bus, heading west to get on. The bus was facing south, and i said hello to the bus driver, who seemed to be $A488. It was good to see her again, but it felt awkward. I started to carry my stuff to the north when i stopped to pull out my ID card. I handed it to $A488 and she took it to the front of the bus to swipe in the card reader. I hoped that the bus pass was still active. I thought that it should be now that i had a part-time job for the university. The bus was moving, but the driver turned around and walked part way down the bus to hand me the pass back. She told me that i would have to pay twenty dollars. I acted surprised and told her that i should not have to pay anything because i had a bus pass. I realized that i had to get off of the bus as soon as possible because i would have to walk home. I gathered my things and started moving to the south. I felt depressed about the situation. She told me again that i needed to give her twenty dollars, and i said that i did not have any money. I stepped off of the bus, which had actually traveled a little to the east. My house was to the west of campus, in the area of town with the rounded hills. There was snow on the ground near me, and i started walking to the north, up the snow-covered path. I pretended to limp a little because i felt upset. I had a metal U-shaped bar in my hand which i used to lean on as i stepped with my left foot. I was aware that the bus driver would be watching me as i headed up the hill, so i continued to limp. There seemed to be several other people who had gotten off of the bus around me, and they were all carrying things to the north. There must be an athletics game tonight. It was getting dark. As the bus pulled away, i was aware of $A488 watching me. I continued to limp, using the metal brace as a crutch or cane. I felt annoyed that i would have to walk all the way home. It seemed longer now than it did before.

12008 June 13

I was walking with a few other people as we headed to the west across the college campus. It was dark out, but the area was well lighted with streetlights. We seemed to be crossing the bridge at the entrance to $P182. There was something strange about the suspension bridge that crossed the small gorge. I was walking with the group, but then i was floating over the southern side of the bridge. I quickly grabbed onto the tree branches that were hanging down around me to prevent myself from falling into the gorge. I could see the rest of my group still walking to the west on the bridge. One of them looked up at me as i struggled with the branches, moving to the east. Someone had said that the bridge had special properties where people are suddenly transported elsewhere. It sounded dangerous because people could suddenly be transported over the gorge. As i moved to the eastern wall of the gorge, i wondered if i would become trapped on the steep yellowish-tan rocks on the side of the cliff. They seemed to be in thick rough columns. I thought about the special properties of the bridge, and they worked me a little. I felt hesitant to cross the bridge as we moved over it. $F4 was with me, and he mentioned that he had crossed over the bridge at just the right time to be transported over the side once before. I was surprised to hear this. I knew that the bridge would not act on everyone all the time, so you would have to cross it at just the right time. There was something spooky about the bridge, and i was hesitant to cross it again. I thought of all the people who might have gone missing as they crossed the bridge, and the idea made me uncomfortable. I then realized that i might be one of the people moved to a different place from the bridge. My family was to the west of me, and they were talking about the trip to Italy. I realized that i had already been transported to Italy by the bridge. This would make a shocking realization for my family. They would find out that i was already in Italy and had not actually traveled there. I simply appeared there shortly after they had seen me near the bridge.

I walked to the west with $Z, across the northern side of the building. This was a pretend haunted house, where people set up scenes in the house to scare the visitors. A few people walked to the south, out of my view around the northeast corner of the house. They were heading toward the front door of the house, and i heard the woman scream and then giggle as she was startled by something. I knew that there was someone by the front door of the house who was posing as a statue. As i rounded the corner, i spotted the man in the orange costume. He looked a little like a muppet, with a wide head and a red tongue. His clothes were also reddish or orangish. I remembered when i was acting in a haunted house a long time ago and i played a man in a hooded costume. I had stood against a wall with my head down so that people did not know i was a person, when they got close, i would yell at them and scare them. The man in orange was doing the same thing. As we approached the small inset porch of the house, the man stood very still on the eastern side of the porch. He then stuck out his tongue and made a humming sound like a harmonica. I smiled at him as we walked past and walked into the house. $Z and i came into a darkened room on the lower floor. I could hear people in the house getting ready on the sound of our approach. I headed to the south, up the stairs to the second floor, but i heard $Z walk to the west, opening one of the doors on the lower floor and walking into a room. I came into a hallway with several rooms around it. There were two doors to the east and one to the southeast. There also seemed to be some to the north and west. I heard a woman speaking on the other side of the door to the east of me as i came to the top of the stairs. I heard her say something and then become quiet as she readied the room. I started toward the door to the east, but opened the door to the southeast and walked into the room. There was a woman sitting in the center of the floor, behind a wooden crate. There were several things on top of the crate that seemed like tarot cards. The woman at the door asked me a question. She mentioned three names, the first of which was James Fennimore Cooper. The second name started with a D. The woman asked me who the people were. I guessed that they were baseball players, because Cooper sounded like it related to baseball. The woman smiled and let me pass into the room. Each person that entered the haunted house was supposed to answer the questions in order to continue through the house. It was part of the challenge. The second woman, who was sitting behind the crate, then asked me about a person. I recognized the name as the second name that the first person had asked. I asked the woman if she was talking about baseball, thinking that i had the correct answer. She smiled at me, but shook her head, telling me that i had the wrong answer. I then realized that James Fennimore Cooper was actually a writer. He had written Last of the Mohicans. I had only thought that he was a baseball player because Cooper reminded me of Cooperstown, where the Baseball Hall of Fame was.

12008 June 14

I looked out the window of the zeppelin as we glided to the west, over the fairgrounds. I was looking out the western window of the ship, which seemed to be at the front port of the ship. To the west, i could see the large ring of the stadium approaching us. This was where the concert would be later. I noticed that there were four dead trees standing in the center of the wide grassy oval in the middle of the stadium ring. They were lined up east to west and seemed to be large dark trunks and branches with few twigs. I knew that there was going to be a rock concert here later in the evening. It seemed to be around sunset right now, and the stadium was still empty. I thought that Led Zeppelin would be performing here. I then noticed the few people that were walking around in the center of the stadium. They pointed up to us as we started over the eastern edge of the low round ring around the stadium. I watched the ground as we passed over. Everything seemed a dull shade of red. We passed quickly across the stadium and went over the western side of the ring. I watched the people on the ground getting ready for the show, and i felt that there was something special about this show. The zeppelin that we were in started turning then, and we were heading back to the east. I left the window and walked to the east, back down the aisle of the passenger space. I had been sitting with $F45, near the window on the northern side of the plane. I then called $F45’s name, but two men near me answered. I realized that $F45 had been with someone else while i was looking out the window. I felt bad about this and wandered away to the south, coming into a room where people were wandering around. This seemed to be a party gathering. I then noticed a magazine called “Union D” in the rack to the north. I asked $F45 if he knew what “Union D” stood for. Some of the other people around me snickered at my question, saying that it was obvious what the name stood for. I felt bad having the others ridicule me. I looked through the magazine, noticing that several of the photographs seemed to portray S&M sex. I felt uncomfortable and wondered why $F45 would be interested in the magazine. I then remembered that he really would be from the theater section of the magazine rather that the fetish part. I continued to look over the web site on the screen to the west of me as i sat in the seat by the window of the aircraft. There were actually many areas to the site other than the S&M area. I was upset with $F45. He had taken up interests in these things and had not told me, and he was now hanging out with someone else.

I was in the basement of the house at $P12. The cinderblock walls seemed now, and the large room around us was empty. We were standing near the western wall of the room, and there seemed to be a set of wooden steps that descended into the basement to the east of us, in the center of the room. My father was standing to the southwest of me, and i noticed the large opening in the southern end of the western wall, just to the south of my father. It was not supposed to be there, and it was not there when my grandfather lived here. I thought about it, though, realizing that i had always had dreams about secret rooms to the west, near the garage. There was a large open cement room to the west, and i realized that it would actually be under the garage of the house. I looked at the opening in the cinderblock wall near me and realized that the blocks had been removed to make this opening. I could see the rough edges of the doorway. My father sayed that it was closed before. I told him about my dreams, where i had always returned to the house to find something hidden in a secret room near the garage. I walked to the west, into the new room. There was an opening in the southern wall of the room, leading into a set of smaller rooms. I looked down the short corridor to the south. There were several small brick rooms to the west of the corridor. They were open, so that i could see through the spaces in the walls of each room. They reminded me of an industrial oven. The spaces in the walls were small, and i thought that stuff might still be stored here. I looked for the thing in the rubble of the structure. The floor to the south of me was littered with debris from construction, and i noticed a small black box. I picked up and flipped the leather lid open. It contained military stuff, like old medals and rank insignias, but it was mostly empty. I looked at the few badges within, but closed the box and walked with it back to the north. I then realized that i had walked out of the northern door of the small shop. I looked back to the south, through the glass door and into the empty abandoned store. The garage of the house was now a pile of rubble to the west and north of me. The pile of rubble seemed to take up most of the center of a small city block. The southern side of the block still had buildings standing along it. This is where all of the old stores were. Everything around me was rubble. I looked back at the glass door of the store, which was just to the west of another glass door to a second store. I realized that the store i had come out of was an old army-navy store. The medals had probably been left by the store. They were not significant to my grandfather’s house, and they were not the special item that i had been looking for. I then realized that the box i had taken belonged to the store. I wondered if i should simply take it anyway, but i felt guilty about having it, and i walked back into the store. The man in the store stopped me, telling me that i could only come back into the store a certain number of times. The officials were letting people collect things before the rest of the block was demolished, but they were only letting people return to the stores a certain number of times. I backed out of the store and looked at the storefronts. I then realized that the large red letters above the door i had just exited were not from the army-navy store i had been in. They were from what seemed to be a convenience store. I realized that the army-navy store was just to the west, through the other glass door. I must have gotten the box from the army-navy store. I backed into the center of the block. The land seemed to slope up to the south, toward the stores. The pile of building rubble seemed very wide and covered most of the shallow slope in the center of the block. I moved to the west, along the northern side of the pile of rubble. I still had to find the special thing. I then noticed the people to the west, on the other side of the pile of rubble. They were gathering for the festival. I walked over to look. There seemed to be a wooden fence between the lot of rubble and the place where the people were walking. I looked over the top of the fence and the people walking past. They were heading to the north, along the sidewalk that ran next to the fence. One of them was $F46. I called to her and she waved hello to me and came over to the low fence and spoke to me for a moment. The pile of rubble around me seemed to be a large bleacher now, rising to the south. I sat in a dull-blue plastic seat on the western side as i spoke to $F46. We only spoke for a few minutes before $F46 had to leave. She had to get back to the festival because she was very busy doing something. I was a little disappointed, but said goodbye to her and headed back down the corridor to the east. The corridor ran between the wooden fence at the bottom of the yard and the bleachers or rubble pile to the south. I then realized that the police officers from the festival could see me. They would get mad at me for wandering in the rubble yard because they would not know that i was authorized to be here. I hurried to the east as the policeman ran toward the fence to the west of me, calling to me. I ignored him and hurried down the aisle. The policeman could chase me down the aisle, but i knew that, once he caught me, there was really nothing he could do, since i was allowed to be here.

12008 June 15

It was dark out, and i felt nervous as i jogged to the west, through the area that seemed like $P17. I though about where i was jogging. It also seemed that i was heading up $P183, running the three-mile loop. Something was different, though, and i thought that i was actually taking the extended loop around the block. I pictured the suburban area around me, thinking that i was jogging down the center of a long housing area. There seemed to be a cliff along the southern side of the area, and flat land to the north. I turned to the south, heading down a short street. I felt that i had to watch the uneven blocks of the sidewalk so that i did not trip. I turned again and walked across the room of the house. I was in the living room, on the lower floor. Everything seemed to be bluish-gray here. I realized that i was no longer out running like i should have been. I must have stopped running, but i could not have figured out why. I started running again, through the rooms of the house. I had to get a workout in. I turned back to the west and walked across the parking lot. It was dark out, and there was snow on the ground. The lights over the lot cast narrow cones of light on the snow, and it seemed cold. Some of $G3 were following me across the lot as we headed back to our car. There was a murder on the streets, and we felt nervous about being outside in the night. To the south of the parking lot, i could see the people on the street. There seemed to be a body there, and i felt nervous. There was danger here. I started running to the west and came into the room. The room was rather large, and there seemed to be clouds or benches shaped like clouds along the northern wall. I turned to the north suddenly, noticing the old man with the long white hair and beard. He was wearing white robes, and i realized that he was one of the greek gods. I looked around the room, noticing that there were some other greek gods in the room. They were here so that people could come and ask questions. I felt suddenly amazed to be here, and was a little nervous being near the gods. There was a woman standing on the cloud platform to the west of me, and Saturn was standing to the north, on my right. I turned to him suddenly. He had long curly white hair and long white beard. He asked me some questions about the english readings i had done in high school. I tried to remember the books, and thought that i could remember the plots well enough to answer some of the questions. I was nervous about getting the questions wrong, feeling that i should have done my homework well enough.

12008 June 16

I moved through the room on the eastern side of the area. This seemed like a college dorm where there was a party going on. I felt a little out of place here and i watched the people celebrate something as i moved through the room. $F4 was with me, and i felt that this was more his college than mine. He seemed very at home with these people, and he moved to the east, through the crowd, laughing with some of them and smiling happily. I was in a large room with a high ceiling, and there was an opening where the southeastern corner of the room would be that led into a smaller room. I started to the north, but noticed the people to the east. I was now in what seemed to be a dimly lighted corridor, passing from one room to another. These people all seemed to be very familiar with what was going on in this party, but i felt that i did not quite know what was happening. I watched a few people perform a small ceremony on the eastern side of the wide hall. A short set of stairs seemed to descend along the southern wall of the hall. They stopped at the eastern wall and turned to the north. The eastern part of the hallway was separated from where i was by a wooden railing. A group of young men were doing something on the southern end of the lower section, moving a royal-blue banner around. I realized that it was some kind of fraternity. The men seemed happy as they performed the ceremony with the blue flag and then started attaching the flag to the eastern wall. The flag was familiar to me, and seemed to have the symbols of $G3 in the center of it in orange print. I felt that i was familiar with this group, but they were from a different university that i was from, so i did not know how to relate to them. I watched with amusement as they started to tape the lower part of the flag to the wooden railing that separated the upper western part of the room from the stairwell on the east, forming a slanted canopy from the eastern wall. I did not know how to interact with these people. $F4 moved through the crowd again, and it seemed that the people were starting to leave the party. They moved to the west, out of the building. $F4 wanted to bring be around to other places here, but i felt uneasy about being in foreign places like this. I felt that i did not belong here. I moved along the northern side of the building as i headed east, trying to figure out what i could be doing. I started to feel suspicious of $F4, thinking that he was purposely leading me into places that i could not fit into. He moved quickly to the west, and i thought that he was just dragging me along on his parties. I looked at the building to the south, which was tall and seemed like an old brick apartment building from a city. It then receded to the southern side of a small quad as i followed the sidewalk along the southern side of the street. I stopped suddenly, noticing the brightly coloured paintings on the sidewalk in front of me. They seemed to be raised from the surface of the sidewalk. As i looked at them, it seemed that i was standing on a rectangular platform. The painted sidewalk tiles were on top of the platform, and the sidewalk seemed to slope steeply upward on either side. I looked down at the blue panel of the drawing, noticing the white and yellow dots on it. They represented stars, and i realized that this was some kind of calendar system. I looked up to the south, but the sky above the modern college buildings was gray, so i could not see any stars. I moved a little to the west, looking at the red panel. It too showed constellations and gave some interesting information. I called to $F4, who had walked ahead to the west. I asked if he realized what the paintings on the sidewalk were. I told him that they were a calendar system. I was fascinated by the illustrations and wanted to figure them out, but $F4 was continuing to the west.

I was with my family as we gathered in the outdoor place. There were many people around us, and we started moving to the north. There was a bridge across the steep narrow gorge just ahead of us, and it as being dedicated in a public ceremony. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that there was something wrong with this situation. I looked to the north, noticing that my grandmother was sitting in a gray cart that was being pushed down the sidewalk toward the bridge. I was annoyed that someone had put her in the cart.

12008 June 17

I moved to the south, into the intersection, as the others waited by the bus. We were all waiting for something. I bent over to pick up my gray duffel bag, which was sitting on the cement sidewalk. I noticed some of the yellow stretch material sticking out. It was part of a singlet. On top of it was headgear. I wondered why i was carrying wrestling equipment in my bag. I picked up the bag, stuffing the red sweatpants and the rest of the gear back into the bag. I felt uncomfortable having them and i did not want other to see them. I headed to the south, across the classroom. I felt uncomfortable here. The teacher asked me to put my coat away, and i thought that it had something to do with what was in my bag.

I drove my car up the hill to the north. The road was paved, and there seemed to be lawn on either side. There seemed to have been a storm, and i thought that the branch that had been grafted onto the large tree might have been blown off. It was the weak point of the tree. I could see the tree ahead of me, but i was not quite sure what i was seeing. It seemed that the large branch was sitting on the ground near the tree. I drove the car up the hill, but was having trouble making it up the slope. The tires were skidding, and the car sounded as though it might stall. I shifted the car down into third. I then noticed the tree debris lying on the ground to the right of the road. The top of the large tree was split open, and there were branches and wood splinters scattered around the base. Lightning had hit the tree. There was still a small patch burning near the top. The tree was standing in the center of the lawn of the house. I wondered what i should do. I was now standing to the south of the tree, looking at it across the lawn. There was a road running across the northern side of the lawn. A fire truck sat in the road to the west. I was on the front porch of my house, and my father was standing behind me. He sayed that the current of the lightning bolt would have traveled underground to the house. I looked down at the wood on the deck of the porch. There were small holes burned into it from the powerful current. The lightning had spread through the ground and damaged the porch. I moved around the wooden deck on the side of the building. It was actually part of a well cover. I then looked at the back of my house, noticing that the garage door was open. The electric opener must have been triggered by the current in the ground. I turned to the front door of the house, which was now on the east side of the small red house. The front door was ajar. I felt concerned, thinking that the cats might have gotten out. I worried about them because of the storm. As i reached the door, i noticed that only the white wooden screen door was open. The inside wood door was closed and locked. I was worried about the cats and hoped that they were inside. I reached into my pocket to get the key so that i could get into the house and check on the cats.

12008 June 18

I was lying down, and there was someone standing near me, to the southwest. My head was facing north. Suddenly, there was a shadow standing to the east of me, on the side of the bed. It only showed up in my left eye. I stopped talking to $Z for a moment to focus on it. The shadow was then on the west side of me, covering only my right eye. It then faded, as if moving away. I realized that $Z did not see the apparition, so it must have been some kind of ghost. I was intrigued by the idea, thinking that the scene would make a good story idea. I thought about the ghost that passed across my face, wondering what significance i could assign to it.

12008 June 19

The young boy moved along the northern stone wall on the inside of the building. He was with several of his classmates in the large building. They stopped in front of the man, who was Adolf Hitler. The boys were to the east of Hitler. At first, Hitler looked at the blond boy with pride, but then he realized that there was something different with the boy. I remembered that the boy had shaved the sides of his head. I looked at the boy’s long thin blond hair, noticing that he had shaved the lower parts of his head in a ragged bowl cut. The dangling ends were not as thick as the hair on top of his head, and i thought that the line of the cut must be very uneven if he did it himself. Hitler was disappointed in the boy and turned to the west and walked away. I felt as though i had done something wrong for cutting my hair short myself. I felt around the sides of my head, noticing the uneven feeling of hair. I used the electric shears to trip more hair off, thinking that i would eventually have only shaved skin on the sides of my head. I wanted it to look good, but i was not sure that it would.

I turned to the east, down the small street that ran off of the main street in the city. This was the road where $F43 had just purchased her new house. I wanted to see the house. I noticed the for-sale sign on the front lawn of a house on the northern side of the road. I had seen it in passing before, but i was now heading to see the house. I turned to the north, down a narrow alley that ran between the larger hotel-like buildings. The building on the west was brick, with few windows on the outside, and the building on the east was mostly glass, with white paneling between long rows of glass on the front. Both of these buildings seemed like hotels, and both were only a few stories tall. At the end of the alley, was a narrow tower that was about three stories tall. It was white, with wood siding, and had three green doors on the lower floor. The doors seemed like garage doors, but the width of the tower was only about ten metres. I thought that at least she had three garages. I then realized that the black asphalt pavement of the alley was really the driveway of the house. It seemed rather strange, as though the driveway must be shared with the hotels, even though i knew that it as exclusively for the house. I wandered around the western side of the house, noticing that it was about three stories tall and square in cross section. It had a flight of wooden stairs running up the western side with a thin wooden deck off the back. The house seemed very small, and i realized that there could really only be one room per floor. It was strange to me, and i hoped that $F43 would be able to live comfortably in such a small space.

12008 June 20

I hurriedly gathered my things and got ready to leave the house. I was in this city to visit $A487, and i was in his house, but he had still not come back from work yet. It was dark out, and the house itself was getting dark. I felt that i had to hurry out if i wanted to catch him. I then felt that he was unaware that i was coming to visit him. I realized that his wife was somewhere in the house, to the south of me. She knew that i was here and she probably knew that i was going out to visit her husband. I picked up a duffel bag from the northern side of the room and carried it to the south. The room seemed to be decorated in gray tones, and much of the furnishings seemed to be very modern in style. I put my bag on the western end of the long low couch, which was facing south. My bluish-gray socks were resting on top of the bag, and i felt that i still had to put them on so that i could put my shoes on. I then thought that i should ask the woman in the house for her husband’s cell phone number. I thought that i could call him to let him know that i was in town. I then thought that he would be less surprised to see me if he knew that i was coming to visit him. I put my shoes on and started to gather my things again. I then noticed the lights of a car pulling into the driveway to the south of me. It was $A487. He had just come home from work. I started to the east, across the dark room. The main door to the house was to the south of me, but i thought that $A487 would come in through the garage entrance, which seemed to be to the east. I looked out the tall glass window that was to the east of the door. I could see the curved cement walkway coming to the door, and the wall of the garage to the east. There were some shrubs planted between the cement path and the garage wall. A silhouette appeared in the doorway to the east of me. I looked into the next room, where $A487 had stopped when he saw me. I said hello to him. We chatted for a moment as we moved into the center of the large room to the northwest. There was a large lighted pool in the center of the room, and i walked into it. It was shallow, and i swimmed to the northern edge of the pool. The room had several levels to the north of the pool and seemed to be white. Part of the level to the north seemed to be a white couch. $A487 jumped into the pool from the western side and we started talking. I noticed that the space to the north of the pool now seemed a lot larger; the northern wall of the room was farther away. I speaked to $A487 as he swimmed near me in the pool. We joked for a moment, and then we started to wrestle for fun. I felt a little nervous doing this in his house while his wife was home. I thought that she might feel jealous. I then noticed that she had come into the room from the doorway to the west. She moved to the northern side of the pool. I paddled to the northern wall of the pool as he swimmed over to talk to her. I looked down into the water of the pool as they spoke for a moment, feeling uneasy. I held my breath and slipped under the water near the southern edge of the pool. The pool was shallow, so it did not take long for me to reach the bottom. I sat down on the floor of the pool and thought for a moment. I watched the empty pool to the east, thinking about the feeling of floating under water. I noticed how strange it felt here. Then something moved. I looked around at the blue patio where the pool was. I could feel the entire area tipping to the side. I realized that the area was not moving, but the pull of gravity was shifting to the south. There was a small white wooden pavilion on the southern side of the pool. The large stone blocks from column tipped over with the new gravity, and one of the cubical granite blocks fell into the pavilion. I thought that gravity was actually changing in strength rather than pulling from a different direction. The objects were pulling to the south because of the spinning of the planet.

I was sick in the small bedroom of the house. My mother was there, and she was worried about me. I moved to the east, through the house, coming out at the northeastern corner of the large blue metal building, which seemed to be a store. There was a car parked to the south of me with its trunk open. A young girl came out of the store and started looking through the trunk. She told her mother, who had followed her out, that she was looking for the balloons. Her mother was wearing an old black wool coat that seemed to be in a fourties style. I looked into the trunk of the car, which was a light-blue hatch-back. The car was now facing east, away from the store. I watched the girl search through the trunk for a moment, remembering that we had moved the large box of balloons around in the store. I asked the mother, who had curly gray hair, if the balloons she was looking for were made of black mylar and were in the shape of a moon. I pictured them as having reflective stars on them. The woman and the girl standing next to her seemed concerned, but she said yes to my question. I told them that one of the women who worked for the store had put them back on the shelf. She must not have known that they belonged to the little girl. I then realized that the woman had purchased the balloons at another store, which was why they were not with the things that she had purchased here.

12008 June 21

We moved to the south as a group. I seemed to be younger, and i was with several men and women. We had been doing something in this area, and we were now getting ready to head out. I felt that i had to go somewhere special. The women with us were our dates, but i had to leave them. There was a car to the north of us now, and two of the young men were in it, one in the driver’s seat, and one in the back seat, right behind the driver. I told the people on the curb to the south that i had to go, and one of the men said something to me. I felt close to him, but i also felt a little cautious of him. He said was interested in where i was going and he focused on the car as though there was some issue that bothered him. I joked a little with him, trying to lighten the mood. I was aware that our girlfriends were standing to the south of us as i pretended to console the man by rubbing my right hand down the side of his face. I tried to make a joke out of the fact that i was going somewhere. I felt as though i wanted to be closer to him, but there was something awkward about the relationship. I turned to the north and got in the passenger’s seat of the low car, which seemed like an expensive white sports car. To my surprise, the man climbed in the back seat right behind me. I did not think that he would be coming along. We drove to the east, down the road in the city area. There were buildings very close to the curving road here. The man behind me still seemed concerned about something, and he mentioned the place to the others. It seemed like a special club, and i knew that i was heading there with the others. The car stopped at a corner where the sidewalk curved in a wide arch from the south to the east. There was a building right on the corner with a doorway facing the corner. The bottom of the building around the doorway was made of wood that had been painted dark blue. The man behind me stepped out of the car, but i could see him sitting in the back seat, pulling something from a brown leather shoe that he held in his right hand. It looked like some kind of computer chip. He told the driver that it had special information on it and he said that he wanted to make sure the driver got it to the special club. I felt uneasy about this, wondering if there was some negative information about me on the chip. The man continued to talk to the driver as they moved to the south. I headed east, into the small building, which seemed like an old house from some small european town. We were part of some special club, and i felt that the man, who seemed to have more wealth that i, was trying to prevent me from becoming too involved in the group. I thought about the club, which seemed to be some special secret organization. We were in a white room in the house. The walls seemed a little run down and the room seemed empty of furnishings. I felt nervous about the wealthier man.

12008 June 22

I remembered this situation before. There was going to be an earthquake. I moved from the eastern wall of the room and stopped in the center of the classroom. The southern wall of the room seemed to be made of glass, and looked out over the city. I called to the others in the room, telling them to prepare themselves for a disastrous quake. The ground shook as we gathered in the center of the classroom, between the rows of desks. Something seemed wrong, though. The quake was not as strong as i though it would be. It was only a slight oscillating sensation. I looked to the north, watching myself in the center of the classroom, trying to balance as the floor slowly undulated. I knew that the destructive quake had to come, and i said that this was probably a tremor. I thought that the real quake might come two minutes after the tremor, but i was starting to feel unsure. Something seemed uncertain about the quake now. I knew it would happen, but i was afraid that i was wrong in telling the people about it, thinking that it might not happen now.

12008 June 23

We hurried from the train as it moved to the east. We were in a long station, and we were in a hurry to get to somewhere. I ran down the short corridor to the south, following the others. They had run ahead of me, and i could no longer see them. I turned to the east and started running down the longer corridor. There was a junction where another short corridor ran off to the north and where the main corridor jogged to the north and narrowed slightly before continuing to the east. A woman in a maroon uniform was standing at the junction, and i was aware of the small room to the north. I hurried past the woman, heading to the east as she told me that the show was ready to start and that she did not think that there were too many seats left. I ran down the corridor to the east and turned into one of the padded leather swinging doors of the theater. This place looked like an old cinema, with padded red fake-leather chairs. The chairs were arranged in large square areas around the room, which was slanted generally to the south. I was worried that there would be no open chairs left, but, as i entered the room, a man told me that there were probably no open seats in the theater anymore. I worried that i would have to get a refund on my ticket, and i knew that i would complain if i did. I stepped into the theater and noticed that it was crowded. I moved to the east, across the front of a section when i noticed that the front row of chairs in the section to the east of me had several chairs still available. The man had been wrong about the lack of seats. The section was bounded by the northern wall of the room and the aisle running to the south of it. There also seemed to be two short aisles running on either side of it, but the aisles did not seem to be aligned with the rows of seats, so that the front row had only three or four seats in it near the western end of the section. The next row had more until the full rows started running between the two short aisles. The first two rows of the section seemed empty, so i quickly sat down in a chair. I then wondered were $F45 and the others i had come with were. They must have sat elsewhere in the theatre. I looked around at the large open space around me. It seemed like an old theatre, with very simple design. The screen or stage was in the center of the southern wall, and all of the chairs fanned out from it. The section to the south of me seemed to be at a slightly higher elevation that the section to the north of it, making it seem that there was a small hill in the middle of the theater. It seemed to block my view of the stage as i noticed several red silhouettes of people on the eastern edge of the higher section waving things in the air. I moved around the theater, looking for my friends. I then decided that i really should get back to my seats to make sure that i still have them. I hurried back to the east and came into the theatre. Several other people were sitting down in the section, but my chair was still available in the front row. I sat down, wondering where my friends were. I then started to the south, down the corridor, which seemed like a narrow road. $F43 was with me, and we were talking about the strange things here. It seemed to be night out, and thick green plants grew up on both sides of the road, as though this road had not been used for quite a while. We were going to see something special near the park at the top of the hill. I felt that it was an old house that $F43 was not associated with. I spoke about the house as we looked cautiously around. We had to be careful of something near the top of the hill. I thought that there might be an attacker in the open dirt parking lot near the top. The driveway curved a little to the west and we turned into the southern end of the oval parking lot. I was aware that there was something or someone to the north of us, and i felt cautious. I did not want to scare $F43, though, so i did not mention it to her. There was a man to the east of me then, and i looked down the long narrow corridor that ran to the east, from the northern end of the parking lot. I started down the corridor, passing the man as i noticed the woman in the faint green dress to the east. She was heading down the corridor of the old house. I called to her, but she did not respond. I started to feel that there was something special about her, but i called to her as though i was insulting her. I was joking, but i was trying to get her to stop and come back to where we were. I felt that saying such things was dangerous, but there was something special about this house, and i wanted to find out what it was. I stepped up to the higher level of the eastern end of the hall and continued into the darkness, thinking that the woman was actually a ghost. She had seemed luminescent from a distance, but, now that i was close, she was gone. I turned the corridor and started to the south, down the dirt driveway between the overgrown bushes. I could no see the woman, so i turned around and headed back to the west, down the long narrow corridor. I came back to where the others were and started talking about the woman. The man said that i should not have spoken to the ghost like that, calling her a tramp. He said that the ghost would be very angry with me. I felt a little worried about this, but i felt that i should not tell $F43 because it would upset her and make her worry. I wondered what i should do.

12008 June 24

I sat on the floor of the small bedroom, which was on the western side of the house. I was reading a book, which seemed to be something i had read in high school english class. Everything around me seemed gray. I leaned to the west a little and pulled down on the white shade that was covering the window. The window seemed to run from the floor to the ceiling, but the wall did not seem to extend much above my head as i sat cross-legged on the floor. I looked out the window to see the intersection of the streets to the west. To the north of the house was the main road of the suburban neighbourhood, and to the west was a smaller road. Everything outside looked damp and dim, as though it was early in the morning after a night of rain. Several people were coming down the street from the west, carrying signs. They gathered on the western corner, chatting with each other as they came. They seemed young and were wearing white T-shirts. I listened to them for a moment, wondering what they were going to protest. $Z was to the east of me, in the room, and he suddenly turned on the lights. I did not want the protesters outside to see me in the window, so i moved in to the center of the room. I looked back at the window to the west, but i could no longer see through the glass because of the reflection from the light. I said something to $Z and then turned off the lights in the room. It was now somewhat dark in the room. The light coming through the windows was gray, as though dawn was just starting. I moved back to the window, placing my book on the floor near the window so that i could read by the light of dawn, but it now seemed too dim to see. I stared at the pages for a moment. The book seemed familiar to me, and i seemed to think that it was a special book. I had read it in high school, so there was some value to the book. I looked down at the book and then looked out the window to the east to watch the protesters gathering. I seemed to be looking out the small rectangular window of the small bedroom in my parents’ house, watching the people walk down $P162. There was a woman in the room with me, watching the protesters march to the north, down the street. She commented on them, and i felt that she had also gone to school in this area. I went to school in this building, and i felt that she must have gone to school in the building across the street. I was interested in the protest, but i felt no impulse to join them. I then noticed that several of the protesters from the west were walking past me on the north. I was standing on the northern side of $P7, watching the protesters move down the street to the east. A slow stream of people in white shirts came from the west, walking along the path on the northern side of the large stone building on their way to the road to the east. I still had my book with me, and i tried not to act too interested in the protest. I sat on the white stone steps, which seemed to descend from a small wooden door in the eastern side of the face of the building. I looked down at the book i had open on my lap, trying to focus on the story in the text. A man stopped just to the north of me. He had dark skin and was carrying a sign. He was one of the protesters. He seemed concerned about where i was sitting and said that i should not be sitting on the steps. I felt that he was trying to say that this building belonged to a private school and was thus considered upper class. He did not think that i had the social status to sit on the steps. I did not understand his concern. I had gone to this school, so i did not think there was any problem about sitting on the steps, but i also did not think that there would be any problems with anyone else sitting on the steps. There seemed to be a tall white column to the northeast of the man, and it seemed that the column was one of three or four that held up the end of a roof over the end of the building. I looked around to the west, wondering if anyone from the school would actually complain to me about being on the steps. I noticed a few janitors in maid uniforms standing by a door farther to the west. They were watching the protesters walk past. My attention was then caught by a short round dark-skinned woman who stopped just to the northeast of me, stepping between me and the man who had said that i should not be on the steps. I looked at her as she called out to the protesters who were marching down the street to the east of us. She seemed to be an organizer, and she was calling instructions to someone, telling them what they should do. I felt relieved that she had provided a distraction from the man. Her thick black hair was pulled back away from her face as she yelled to someone in the street. I turned around and walked up the stairs and into the building. I was in the long hallway on the northern wing of $P7. I knew that it was early summer, and the school was already out of session. Several of the classroom doors were open, though, and i could see teachers sitting at their desks. The chairs in the classrooms were empty. I wondered if there were any teachers left here that i would know. I did not think that there would still be any around. I glanced to the northwest, into the classroom on the western side of the northern end of the hall. A teacher sat behind a desk on the eastern side of the classroom. He seemed to be sitting on a short stool. He was rather tall, with short black curly hair and a rectangular profile. His nose came down at the end. He was wearing black pants and a bright blue button-up shirt. I did not know him, so i stepped back out of the doorway of the room and started up the hall to the south again. I then remembered that $A48 had been teaching here for a long time, and i wondered if he was still around. It did not seem likely that he was, but i walked across the hall to the east and looked into his classroom, which was the last classroom on the northern end of the hall. I glanced in quickly, noticing an older teacher sitting behind a desk on the western side of the room. He was wearing a light-gray suit and had short balding white hair. It looked like $A48, but i was not sure. I peeked in again, noticing that there was a tall skinny man sitting against the wall in a wooden chair. He was reclined a little as he stared vacantly out into the classroom, his mouth slightly agape. The older man at the desk was not $A48, although he looked like him. The younger lanky man with short reddish hair looked a little like $A515, but i knew that he was not. He had a pointed nose and reclined chin and forehead, making his profile seem very angular. He was wearing a blue or green shirt and dark-gray pants. His legs were bent because the chair was so short, and his black socks were exposed above his black shoes. I turned to the south and headed down the hall, looking into several other rooms. I could see several other teachers, but i knew that i did not know any of them. I glanced into a classroom to the west, but then turned into the room to the east. The room i entered seemed very different, as though it was not part of the same building. It seemed like an office, and it was very modern in design, in contrast to the old plaster and wood design of the hallway. There was light-tan carpeting on the floor and fake wood counters to the south. A woman was moving around on the northern side of the room as i passed through. She seemed to be a maid working here. I passed through the front office and entered into a second small but modern room. The walls here were white and featureless, and everything in the room seemed out of place for the age of the building. I realized that they must have remodeled the building and added more offices along the front. Some female maids cleaned up to the north of me as i paused in the center of the rectangular room. I made a comment to the maids, asking the way back to the main hall. I did not wait for an answer, but turned to the south and walked into the next room, which was a long narrow room, empty of furnishings. A man stood in the center of the room in white overalls. An aluminium step ladder was set up next to him, and i felt that he was one of the work men doing the remodeling. The man looked at me questioningly, but i continued through to the south. I came out in a small compartment with a white wall to the south, but i recognized the thick polished darkly stained wooden door to the east. It was one of the main doors of the building. I had come back to the entrance hall. I was now in front of the building, looking back at the three entrance doors. I stepped back into the northern most door, wondering why they had partitioned off the entryway so that each of the three doors led into separate corridors. I looked to the west once i was inside, noticing the old familiar entry hall. Someone was walking down the southern side, heading to the west. I was then back in front of the building, looking at the three white doors with two narrow vertical panes of glass in the top half. The remodeling seemed strange. I turned and started to the southeast, across the wide parking lot in the front of the building. Before i was too far from the door, a young man walked in front of me, dragging a large section of a tree trunk behind him. There was a white rope running through the length of the tree, and it was tied in a loop so that the man could carry it like a sling. He seemed tall and lanky with long straight black hair, and i felt that he was a student here who was protesting against the school. I worried about what he was going to do with the tree trunk as he disappeared into the building. I continued to the southeast, across the parking lot. There was a long narrow grass median separating the parking lot from a drive that ran along the front of the building. I stopped near the car, where the others were gathered. I told them my concerns about the man with the tree. I thought that he might take the tree to the roof and toss it off. I looked up at the dark-gray tower in the center of the building, noticing how the roof slanted down from the peak. I imagined that the man had thrown the log over the top of the room, and i followed the slope of the roof down with my eyes, thinking that the trunk could fall on the construction over the main entrance to the building. The young man might be making a protest against the construction.

12008 June 25

I flipped through the long strips of white paper that were in front of me. They seemed like filmstrips that were made of paper, but they also seemed like small squares of paper that were in a stack. I looked at the pencil writing on some of the pieces of paper. Some of these seemed like the names of movies, and one of them caught my eye. I had flipped past it, so i backed up to try to find the name again. The paper said “My Saint”, and i thought that it was the name of a movie that was yet to come out. I thought that i should remember it.

I was looking to the west, aware of the people moving to the north of me. I seemed to be in the back yard of a building or house. The house was to the east of me, and there was a steep grassy hill running down to the west, into a small ravine. On the other side, a grassy hill came up to a slightly lower elevation than us, and there seemed to be a house near the top of it as well. There was something very familiar about this place. The people to the north of me were doing something on the slope of the hill, and i felt wary of them. There seemed to be three of them: two men and one woman. I focused my attention on them, noticing that one of them was Al Pacino. These were the people from Dog Day Afternoon. They had taken over the school where i was, but i did not feel threatened by their presence. They moved to the west, into the center of the large room, which seemed to be the entry hall on the eastern end of the building. I knew that the police must be outside already, so the bad guys were trapped here. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i should leave, but i knew that i would not be able to escape the building. I turned to the north and spoke to the teacher. I was now in the center of a classroom. There were chairs all around us, but there was no one else in the classroom. The teacher seemed familiar, and i thought that he was $A516. He mentioned something about the game boards, and i remembered that he used them in his teaching. I looked at the tall cardboard box on the floor between us. It had several game boards standing up in it. I leaned forward and started flipping through the boards, noticing that the one he was talking about was missing. Both of us stood up, and i mentioned the missing board to him as i headed to the west, into the next room to gather my things. I walked into a very large coat closet, where the coats were hung on hooks around the lightly stained wooden walls of the room. As i got my jacket and things, i was thinking about the missing game board. There seemed to be some significance to it. I then realized that the bad guys were in the room to the east, talking to the teacher. They had come in while i was gone. I wondered what i should do. They had forgotten about me being in the building. I gathered my things and walked into the room to the east. The bad guys were wearing tan jackets and standing to the south of the teacher. All of them were discussing something. I kept my head down, pretending that i had forgotten about the hostage situation, and walked out of the room to the south. I thought that i could simply walk down the hall and leave the building before the bad guys realized that i was heading out. I looked down the long hall to the east, but it did not seem right. I thought that it would take me a long time to walk down the hall to the stairs at the western end, and the bad guys could spot me before i made it around a corner. I wondered if i should take the main stairs in the center of $P7. I then remembered that the teacher’s room would be in the loft on the fourth floor. This would make escape easier because i could simply run down the circular stairway in the center of the building and be out of sight most of the way. I looked up as i started to accelerate down the stairs, watching the white ceiling spin over me. I then thought that i would really be walking down the standard stair well on the western side of the building. As i reach the lower floors, i wondered if there would be a gunman waiting by the door. There must have been gunmen near the doors; otherwise the police would have come in already. I imagined heading out the front door, to the south, of $P7. There would be a line of police guarding the building, and i would have to act surprised at their presence as i stepped outside. They would then know that the doors were not being guarded. I would have to stay close to the outside wall of the building, though, in case there was a gunman in one of the windows above the door.

12008 June 26

I rolled over on the small bed, trying to get comfortable. I could hear the person to the west of me shifting uneasily on his bed. I was in the bedroom of a house, which seemed to be a friend’s house. There were two beds with their headboards against the southern wall of the room. They were covered with orange spreads and had people sleeping in them. I was lying on a thick air mattress, which was on the floor to the north of the easternmost bed. The mattress seemed to be black, with a thick gray stripe running around the center of the sides. The top of the mattress was white. I looked to the west, noticing that the person on the other air mattress was rolling around uncomfortably. His air mattress had deflated enough that he was lying on the floor. He sat up and started playing with the valve. I rolled onto my side, realizing that my air mattress was also getting flat. I could feel the hard floor under my shoulder. I rolled to my back, spreading out my weight so that i was not resting on the floor. The mattress felt very comfortable again. I considered staying like this until morning, feeling that i really did not want to get up and fool around with the mattress, but i decided that i should try to put more air into my mattress while the other person was. I sat up and looked at the other person, noticing that he was crouching in the dark on the western side of the mattress. I wondered if he would try to use the electric pump or simply inflate it manually. I thought that the pump would make too much noise and might wake up the people sleeping in the orange beds. The man suddenly reached up and turned on the small cone-shaped crane lamp, which was above his head. The man in the western most bed, who seemed to be the father, sat up suddenly. He was disturbed by the light and wanted to know why the man had turned on the light. The man seemed to be $F1 for a moment. I sat up to fix the air mattress. The father seemed annoyed at what we were doing, and he started telling us what we should have done. He started showing me a small bar-code label and showed me how to mark it. I walked to the west, meeting the father on the western side of the air mattresses. He wanted me to make two marks on the label with the dark-pink pen that he gave me. I realized that the label was going to be marked so that, when the item was shipped, someone could use the marks on the label to match the marks on the item when the item was picked up. I held the white label against the shellacked board and tried to draw two marks with the red marker. The marker did not work that well, so i told the father that i would need a better pen. I turned to the north, carrying the board with me and placing it on the surface that ran along the eastern wall. The wall seemed dark, out of the main light of the room, and there seemed to be a thick black curtain hanging over it. I tried to get the marker to work on the wood, but i was worried that it would leave a permanent mark. I tested it in the upper right corner of the board, but the red marker was not strong enough to leave a mark. I told the father this. He was standing to the south of me. He handed me the black marker, but i told him that i thought that it would stain the wood. I tested it on the rounded edge of the thin piece of wood, noticing that the marker worked better, but i told the father that this marker might leave permanent marks on the wood. I asked him if he wanted that. He moved to the east, and i looked at the label that was in my right hand. I had to attach it to the rest of the stuff before we shipped it. The marker was on the front of a small clear plastic pouch. I was still holding the small packing slip in my left hand. It had to go back into the pouch before we attached the pouch to the item. I tried to fold it, but i started to feel that something was not right here. I thought several times about how the paper should go in the plastic sleeve and how the sleeve with the bar-code label should be attached to the front of the item. The people to the east were talking about the cars, and i realized that we were shipping our cars the long distance. I moved to the west a little, facing south, toward the bag of things i was packing. Someone to the east asked if there were runes in the back of one of the cars. I remembered that i had packed many of my things in the trunk of my car, and i thought that he would be referring to my books and clothes. I thought about the word “runes” and thought that i must have something decorative with runes on it near the window at the back of the driver’s side of the car. I turned to the south, pulling some of the shoes out of the big leather satchel that was in the truck. I was trying to get the things in the trunk to lie flat. The shoes seemed to be sticking up too much. After a few moments of arranging the shoes in the back of the hatchback trunk, i pulled several of the shoes out of the canvas bag or cardboard box and placed them to the left, in the open spaces between other boxes in the truck. I felt that things would lie flatter now. I stepped back and looked at the label again. I was going to attach it to the back of the car so that we could ship the car, but then i noticed the large indent in the bumper of the tan vehicle. I was surprised and upset that my car had been damaged, and i exclaimed something to the woman to the east of me. She apologized for the inconvenience, saying that the car had probably come that way. I told her to look at the dent. The old white van seemed rather beat up, with many chips to the white paint, exposing the dark-brown undercoat. But there was a huge indent in the bumper of the car. The entire front end of the car on the eastern side was pushed in, and the metal was bent smoothly into a rounded bowl. I looked at the passenger’s side of the car, on the east, noticing that the front end had been bent in so that the nose of the car was rounded on one side. I was very upset, and told the woman that the car had not been damaged like this when i left it here. I wondered how they could have damaged the car before it had even shipped. They must have run into it with the work equipment. I backed up to the north to look at the damage again. The car was sitting in the entrance to a large wooden warehouse, lined up with several other cars. It was on the western end of the line, near the wooden support for the building. The wood of both the door and the support seemed faded and gray, with all their paint worn off. I was upset about my car.

12008 June 27

The people were starting to gather in the large open room, which seemed like a dining room. I was at a conference or on a class trip, and it was lunch time. We walked into the room from the east. The ceiling of the room was low, but the room was very wide, with square columns at regular intervals to hold the building up. Most of the people turned to the south, to sit down, but i turned north, looking for water. There seemed to be a drinking fountain against the northern wall. I carried the large white mug with red writing on the side. A female water approached from the west, carrying a pitcher of something in her hand. I asked her where i could find water, and she told me that there would be some on the tables. I knew that it was not enough water. They only served water in small glasses here, so i continued to the north. I stopped at the long serving table, looking over it for any water. There was none on the table, so i continued around the eastern side of it, to the northern wall. The waiters from the west told me that there was probably no water being served. I felt annoyed and turned to the drinking fountain on the northern wall, only to find that it was not really a drinking fountain. The yellow faucet-like protrusion was actually part of an electrical plug. I started to pull on it, but realized what it was and stopped. I was disappointed and annoyed. I headed back toward the tables where the others were sitting I stopped just to the north of a long wooden table, trying to decide where i should sit. The people gathering here were all from my high school, and we seemed to be teenagers again, but i knew that they were all older. I looked to the east, noticing that several people were talking near the end of the tables. There was a table just to the north of me where a few people had sat. The tables seemed to be in a row north to south. $A517 was sitting at the table to the south of me, but i was not sure he was someone i wanted to sit with. I looked to the east, noticing that $A53 was standing near the group of people talking. I used to like him, so i thought that i should sit near him. I could not decide. I then remembered that $A153 was sitting at the table just to the south of me. I had known him in high school, so i thought that i should just sit at that table. I sat down as a few others joined us from the east. We started talking to each other, and i looked around the group. It felt strange to be back with these people again. I started chatting with several people. I was on the eastern side of a long table that ran north to south now, and i looked to the south at some familiar faces. $A43 was sitting on the western side of the table, to the south of me. I looked to the east, noticing that several other people were grabbing food from the service tables. They seemed to be picking up pizza. I still wanted a glass of water. I looked back to the west, trying to find my glass. I had placed it on the northern side of the long table as i sat down. Several people were now sitting on the northern side of the table, and i was now sitting on the southern side. I could see two tall ceramic mugs on the table, but neither seemed to be the mug i had been using. I asked people where my mug was, and one of them looked at the ceramic mug they were holding. I told them that it was not mine, stating that mine was wider and not as tall. I then noticed that there were names on the outsides of the mugs, written in a swash across the circular red design. I wondered what my mug actually said on it, since i had picked it up from here. I turned around and looked to the east again, wondering where i could get some water. I still felt annoyed that they did not serve water here. $A175 passed me on the north and headed east. He was sitting with several of the other teachers, to the east of us. He said something to another teacher about the beauty of this place. I looked up at the triangular support of the roof, which was formed of heavy hand-shaped beams. The place looked rustic, and i remembered that many people had come to this area. Someone to the south of me talked about how everyone used to come to this area. I turned around again, back on the eastern side of the long table. I said that moving to this area was an old custom. I started talking to the people on the other side of the table. They seemed to be people from my high school, but they seemed to be much older now. One of them, who seemed to be $A43, had a rounded face and was balding. I said that it was the in thing for people to move to New England when we were in high school. I then thought that we might actually have been in college when this trend was happening. I was also aware that there was a waiter to the west who was listening in on the conversation. I asked the person to the south of me if they remembered when it was fashionable to move to Vermont or New Hampshire, where we seemed to be. The others agreed with me, and i was aware that the person to the west was taking interest in the conversation. I then stood up from the table, realizing that i had not gotten any food like the others had. I decided that i should eat before all of the food is gone as well. I started to the east, still hoping that i could find some water. I felt upset about the service here, realizing that they were serving us cheap food like pizza and chips. I remembered that several people had carried pieces of thin sheet pizza to the tables on paper plates. I had been busy looking for water and had not gotten around to getting food. I started walking along the northern side of the large serving tables. The table to the south of me had a bowl of striated potato chips. As i walked past it, i asked the person walking with me where the food was, making a negative comment that there was probably none left by now. The person referred to the table to the southwest of us, the one that we had just passed. I saw the bowl of chips on the western side of the table, but then, through a clearing in the people near the northern end of the table, i noticed that there were several blocks of cheese on the wooden surface. I pointed out the cheese to the other person, and the person said that there was also a bowl of cheese dip on the table. I looked at the metal bowl on the northeastern corner of the table. I could see a yellow dip at the bottom of the bowl, but the waiters had been covering the top of the dip with potato chips. I made an “ew” sound as i looked at the bowl, and the other person asked what was wrong with the chips in the dip. As i looked back at the bowl, i saw one of the waiters pour more chips into the bowl, filling it up. The new chips were a different colour than the old ones, though. They were not as pale and had an orange or dark-orange hue to them. I wanted a more substantial lunch, and i turned back to the east. I stopped, realizing that i was in a hallway leading out of the large room. The hallway was not well lighted, but the bright outdoor light spilled in from the eastern end. I turned around, realizing that i was floating in the air. This was something that i could easily do, but i realized that others could not. I turned around and floated back into the room. I wondered what the people from my high school would say when they saw that i could fly. I then remembered that i still needed some water. I landed, noticing the waiter to the west of me placing something on the northern end of a table. We seemed to be in a hallway, with a cement wall to the west. The room was now much smaller, with cement walls and fluorescent lights. The waiters put a plate on the table that seemed to have fancier food than i had seen the others eating. I realized that they had cleared the serving buffet from one of the other conference rooms and were placing the sandwiches and pizzas in our area. I moved to the western side of the table, looking over the thick slices of pizza with lettuce on top. The table seemed very narrow, and there was a thick rectangular cement column to the east of it. I moved to the south, along the side of the table, mentioning the sandwiches to the waiters while i looked them over. One had a thick piece of red lettuce on top with several half rings of onions on it. It looked good, but i kept looking at the slices on the table. Finally, i found one to the south that had olives and several other good things on it. I picked up the plate.

12008 June 28

I walked back to the northeast, through the forested area. Something seemed wrong here. I walked over the dry forest ground, which was covered with fallen leaves. It was cold and gray here, though it did not seem like Autumn. I then noticed the person lying on the ground on top of the shallow rounded rock mound. There seemed to be a swampy area to the north and west of the man, and i approached him from the southwest. There was a rounded recess in the ground to the south of the rock. I crossed over it as i approached $F12. I worried about him. He was wearing a blue long-sleeve T-shirt and was curled up on his side, sleeping. I felt concern for him, hoping that he would be all right. I nervously paced around the area, arranging things so that $F12 would be safe as he sleeped. I moved some branches on the ground, and then i headed to the west, to the shore of the lake. The lake seemed very wide but rather shallow. The water was calm and reflected the gray sky. I then heard something from behind me. It was $F12. He was stirring. I hurried back to him, but he did not seem to be on the dirt mound in the forest. I spotted him to the south of me, in a puddle of water. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that his skin was pale blue and that he was shivering. Something seemed wrong. As i got closer, i realized that he was under water. The clear water of the puddle seemed very cold, and it was over his whole body. There seemed to be a blue construction trailer to the south of the puddle. I quickly grabbed $F12 and lifted him from the water. I was worried that he had drowned, so i sat him up and wrapped my hands around him from behind, squeezing his abdomen to get the water out of his lungs. I held him close to me as i tried to get him to cough up water. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, and i was happy that he was still alive, but he did not seem to be breathing. I tried to revive as i sat down close to him. I was concerned about him. He was alive, but he was not vomiting water like i thought that he should be.

I walked back to the south, across the campground. I had been here before and i was returning. The people here were already packing up their picnic areas, and i felt that i had missed something. I moved to the south, between the picnic tables. I had to get my things together so that i could leave too. I weaved through the students who were leaving the area. I then noticed that my green tent had been taken down and piled up near the large brown picnic table to the west of the main corridor through the picnic area. I was upset about this. I did not think that someone else should have taken down my tent. I then realized that there was water coming in from the beach to the south. The water level was rising, so we had to get out of the park before the lake flooded. I then noticed that my clothes were folded on the picnic table near the tent. I was angry that people had taken down my things because i felt that they did not take any care. The wind started blowing, and several of my things started to fly off of the table. I tried to grab them. There was a man near the table. He watched the things fly away, but did not try to stop them. I was very angry with him and started calling him names. I walked to the south, into the shallow water at the edge of the sandy beach of the lake, but i could not reach the white thing. The water got deep very quickly, so i could not bend over in the water to grab it. I was annoyed that i could not reach it, and it sank to the bottom. I tried to reach it with my foot, but realized that i could not grab on to it, so i took off my shoes so that i could grab it with my toes. I then noticed the white crab in the large wooden cage to the west. I looked around for the paddle, thinking that i could pick up the small coin with it. I could not find it, so i reached for it with my right foot, wrapping my toes around the gold plastic coin with the Transformers symbol on it. As i picked it up, i wondered where the paddle was.

12008 June 30

I asked the others a question about the scene as i crouched down in the hallway outside the office. I had been in the room to the west where the others were. $F39 and $F38 were to the north of me as i thought about doing a movie of my own. I then turned to the south and walked to the end of the hall, where there was an elevator. I stepped into the small white booth, leaving the other person, who seemed like $A490, standing in the hallway. I pressed one of the buttons and the elevator started to descend. I knew that $A490 could see the elevator going down, so he would know just how quickly it descends. The elevator soon reached the bottom floor of the very tall building, and i pressed the buttons to start it moving back up. It did not seem to move up as quickly as it descended. I walked out into the hallway, commenting to the others that the elevator was actually wider than i had thought. $A490 already knew what i was thinking and said that there would be enough room to film with a camera in the elevator. I agreed with him and said that there was actually enough room to shoot horizontally, without having to lower the camera and shoot up at an angle. I remembered that they had done that with the last movie filmed in the elevator. I felt like i really wanted to create a movie, and i thought about it some more.