12009 June 01

I was thinking about making large teddy bears. There was something special about them, and i thought that, because they were hand made in small quantities, they would sell well. I knew that people were trying to buy them. I looked at the woman with the large teddy bear to the south of me. The bear had pinkish-red fur and sat about a meter tall. It seemed to have a flowery design on its paws. I continued to the west, wondering how we were going to make these bears. I saw the man with the piece of red cloth spread out on the table. The cloth would have to be cut into the shape of the bear and hand stitched. This would take too much time. As i walked around the southern side of the table, i noticed that there was a stack of fabric on the table. The man was doing something to the west of the table, getting ready to cut the cloth. I looked up, noticing the long curved blade set into the heavy block of wood. The blades would come down and cut out the patterns in the fabric. I could only see one loop of the blades and thought that we should actually determine the entire design of the bear before we cut. We might want to cut smaller details out of the sides of the red fabric so that we are not wasting as much material. I continued to the west, along the northern side of the table as i thought about this. I continued to plan out what needed to be done to create the bears. I came down the length of the long cement room. My grandmother was near the western end, and it seemed as though i had been visiting her here. I would have to head back home soon. Something felt tense, and i knew that i should be looking for a way to get back home.

12009 June 02

I drove the car to the southeast, out of the large parking lot that surrounded the mall. I seemed to be in a mountainous region, and the mall was on a sloped and terraced part of the land. Large mountains seemed to rise to the west of it. I was with the others, but they were in a separate car from me. I followed the road between the sections of the parking lot, but i realized that i was not traveling the correct direction. I slowed down and turned around, heading to the north. A car passed to the west of me, and i looked around for other so that i could cross into the western lane of the drive. It seemed that the drive led directly into a highway, and i was not so sure that this was where i wanted to go. I knew that i had to get in the correct lane of the highway so that i could travel west, to get back into the mall parking lot. I was too far into the drive to back all the way out, so i would simply have to get on the highway and then get off at the next entrance to the mall. I felt a little frustrated as i drove down the long curving lane, which arched to the east and then started heading to the south, along the eastern side of the mall complex. I then found myself on the long curving road that was headed back toward the mall. I was coming from the southeast, and i was following the access road around the curve of the southern side of the mall. The mall was to the west and northwest of me, and it seemed to be a long low building. There were tall ragged mountains jutting up just to the west of the mall. The mountain range curved around the southern side of the mall as well, though they were not as tall on the south. The rock of the mountains seemed reddish gray, and the sun seemed to have move far enough to the west that the rock of the mountains was now in shade. I pictured the road that i was on, thinking that in curved around the south and west sides of the mall. There were parking spots on the western side of the mall, and i was driving around the mall to get to them. The parking seemed to be in a small parking garage or in a lot that was partially enclosed by part of the tan cement building of the mall. I remembered being here before. I was then driving on the northeastern side of the mall, heading south through the parking lots. I could see the curving road that ran around the southern side of the mall. It curved back and forth at the foot of the tall mountains to the south, running as a pale tan line on the darker red-tinted rock of the mountain’s slope. I started to see the pattern in the road, which seemed out of place. The road curved in petal-shaped patters as it crossed the slope on the southern side of the mall. It was very decorative, and i knew that this road was part of the original mall design. The road was designed to be picturesque, and the mall was originally designed to be more esthetically pleasing, but it had been overdeveloped, and the original plans had been altered. I was looking down at the mall from high above, admiring the weaving road as it passed through the forested area on the slope of the hill. The mall seemed to be placed in an awkward position among the curving patterns, the straight lines of the mall disrupting the pleasing pattern of the sweeping roadways. I focused on the road just to the south of the mall, where my car was speeding around the curves. I was traveling very fast down the road, and i watched the motion of the road ahead of me. The vegetation on the side of the road seemed dry and bushy, as if it was in the western United States. I watched the car speed across the southern side of the area, passing across the side of the hill at the foot of the mountains. It was getting dark, and the car crossed the yellow double lane line. I thought that i should stop on the southwestern side of the mall, where the car would be in the shade of the mountains. The rocky landscape around me seemed tan now, and i crossed the dry dirt ground and headed to the east, into the lobby of the large building. I had parked the car in the garage, which was an asphalt parking lot under a cement ceiling that was supported my many round white columns. As i came through the glass doors on the western side of the room, i spotted a man heading the other direction with two other people. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a strange design on it. I focused on the design, identifying it as an archer with red patterns around it. The archer was drawing the bow back to his eye, aiming his arrow to the right. It seemed to be a representation of Sagittarius. The man was shorter than i, and seemed to be round in figure. He had shoulder-length wavy black hair and a greasy appearance. Something about him made me think that he was from Texas. I told him that the shirt was nice, and i continued to stare at the red patterns on the black background as he walked away. The red patterns were on the leather hub of a round wheel. I walked to the south, across the plain white lobby, which seemed to be nothing more than an empty entryway. The glass doors to the west led back to the indoor parking lot, and there seemed to be a set of stairs ascending from the southern side of the room. The room seemed simple and cheap, and the floor was covered a multicolored carpet that was spotted with small black, white, blue, and purple overlapping patches. There was another glass door in the southern end of the eastern wall, and there seemed to be some kind of wooden reception counter on the northern end of the eastern wall. I stopped near the glass door to the parking lot, realizing that i was still holding on to the steering wheel that had the intricate pattern on it. I let go of the wheel, which was attached to the reigns of the large tan longhorn steer. I had been leading the animal into the building, which i should not have done. It belonged to the short man who had parked his car on the western wall of the parking garage. It seemed suddenly strange that i had grabbed on to the wheel and led the cattle into the room. I wondered why i had done such a thing. The man was with a friend of his now, so i turned to the east and walked through the glass doors and into the lobby of the building. As i passed through the glass doors and came into the simple modern room with the dark walls, i felt as though i was moving strangely. I was walking to the east, and i had the sensation that i was tipping backward as i moved. I thought that it must be the cowboy boots that i was wearing on my feet. The strange heels of the boot must make me feel as though i was leaning too far back. I wanted to walk across the room with an assured stature, standing upright. I tried to stand more vertical, but i could not. I passed through the glass doors and into the white corridor of the hotel. There was actually something strange about how i was walking. It was not what i had intended, and i could not seem to correct it. My body was not moving correctly. I headed down the corridor, walking to the south-southeast. The corridor had several jogs in the walls. I remembered this place, which seemed like a resort lodge. I had been here long ago. I must have rented rooms here. I passed through the rooms of the apartment on the southeastern side of the corridor. This was all familiar. The rooms were plainly decorated with modern furnishings that hinted of a rustic style. This place seemed to be someone’s house or apartment. The white cement ceilings were very high as i headed to the west, across the large master bedroom. There was a small window in the northern end of the western wall, and i could see the red rocks of the mountains through it. I was looking west, as i approached the window, spotting the pond under the tall rock formation. I remembered this scene from sometime before. I had been outside by the pond, looking back at the building. I had taken a photograph of the rock formation the last time i was in this western state, but i had taken it from a different angle that i was now at. I looked over the rocks from the room, deciding that the photograph should have the building in it, and i should be able to see the round window. I could confirm that i had been here before by looking at the photograph. There was a strange pleasure i had in recognizing the rock formation. I then turned back into the room, noticing that there was a woman in the southern side of the wide living room. The ceiling seemed very tall, and the walls were white. There was a dark-tan couch against the eastern wall, and the room seemed to be filled with natural decorations, like driftwood and feathers. Several plants were growing tall against the eastern and western walls. A tall leafy plant grew up the eastern wall, just to the south of the couch. I realized that i was intruding on this family. I had simply walked into their apartment. I looked around the large bedroom that i was in before i turned to the east and exited through the wide doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The room to the east seemed very similar to the one that i was in. It was long with plants growing along both walls. This was the grand suite of the hotel, and it must have been expensive. I had to leave, so i turned to the north and walked across the living room, heading for the exit door. This place was still very familiar to me, and i remembered it from a long time ago. I passed through the living room and into a smaller room, where i headed to the west, toward the exit door. Before i could reach the large wooden exit door with the frosted glass window in the top, a young girl appeared from a room to the south. I was surprised by here, and i was disappointed because i did not want to be caught wandering through the rooms. I felt a little scared, realizing that i should not be here and could get in trouble if caught. The little girl did not seem to think that i was out of place, and she started complaining to me about the room being too expensive. I smiled at her and stepped out the wooden door, pulling it closed behind me. As i moved away, i watched her blurry figure move as a darker spot on the frosted glass window. A corridor ran north to south at the outside of the apartment, but only ran a little way to the north. I was headed to the west, where another corridor ran directly across from the door to the room. As soon as i was in the corridor, i replied to the girl, saying “Yes” loudly. I hoped that her mother did not hear me though.

I was staying with the man in the small house, and i moved through one of the rooms on first floor. The house seemed old in style, but the furnishings were plain and modern. There were many windows around the northern side of the room that i was in. This was the living room. Most of the walls seemed square with each other, but the northern wall seemed to curve a little, bowing out to the north on the eastern side. I turned to the east and headed up the stairs in the southern wall, coming into a small plain room, which seemed like the small bedroom in my parents’ house. There were crumbs on the floor at the top of the stairs, and there seemed to be an ironing board out just to the east. I stepped over the crumbs and looked around the area. There seemed to be several rooms clustered around the top of the stairs, and i moved to the west into the small bedroom, which seemed to be slightly elevated from the landing at the top of the stairs. There was a small bed against the western wall. I walked over to the bed and kneeled on it with my left knee to do something. I then heard the man yelling to me from outside. He was on the western side of the house, and he was yelling at me through the closed window, telling me not to be on the bed. I quickly got off of the orange and red sheet on the bed, adjusting the sheet so that it did not look as though i had been on it. The sheet seemed to be made of a very stiff material, like a flannel sheet that had been too heavily starched. The bed was near the northern wall of the room, set into a small indent in the western wall. The foot of the bed faced north. I hurried to the east, into the next room over so that the man did not catch me near the bed. I came into the small room, thinking that i should tell the man that i had not been on the bed. I then wondered how he knew that i had kneeled on the bed. Could he have heard the sound of the bed creaking from outside? There was an ironing board standing in the center of the small room at the top of the stairs. The room was mostly to the east of the stairs, and there was no railing between the stairs and the room. There seemed to be some kind of couch or narrow bed against the eastern wall, and the area to the south seemed to be a small utility kitchen. There was a small white sink in the eastern wall of the small room to the south. I started to sweep up the crumbs on the floor, thinking that i could make it appear that i had been cleaning up here rather than kneeling on the bed. I looked over the crumbs, thinking that the cats must have been eating their food in the middle of the floor. The floor was bluish-off-white linoleum, with tiny flecks of green and blue across it. It did not seem to be worn, but it was lifting around the edges, where the fake-brass metal border ran. I dropped the crumbs on the linoleum floor to the east of me, getting them out of the way of the stairs. I then turned and headed down the steep flight of stairs to the north. I came into the room, which seemed like the back room of my parents’ house. The man and the person i had come with were both there. I started to talk to them as i reached the bottom of the stairs. The person i had come with did not realized that there had been an upstairs to the house and was surprised to see me descending the stairs. I looked back up the flight of stairs to see the shower in the small room to the east of the top of the stairs. I told the person that there was another bathroom at the top of the stairs. I then told him that there was also a kitchen and a bedroom up there. He seemed surprised and looked up the stairs at what i had pointed out. I looked around, realizing that we were now standing to the north of he house, outside. The stairs came down through the northern wall of the building and ended near us. It was a sunny day. I looked around at the landscape around us. The land was mostly flat, with light-green deciduous trees covering it. It seemed to stretch to the horizon in most directions. To the north, however, there seemed to be distant mountains rising across the horizon. They seemed to be a fairly new range, with jagged peaks.

I was doing work for the man, and i was at a new job here. I sat in the small plain office and looked at the computer to the east of me. There was a white keyboard under it, but the letters on the keyboard did not seem right. I held my hands over them, but realized that they were not in the correct place on the keyboard. Someone had just handed me the keyboard when i started here, and i had not looked at it before. The keys were white, with red boarders around them. The letters on the keys were black, but they did not seem to be in the normal place. This was not a Qwerty keyboard. I then wondered if it was a Dvorak keyboard, but, as i looked for the letter patterns, i realized that was not right either. Someone had simply swapped the keys around at random. I would have to swap them back to use the keyboard.

I drove the car to the south, through the short streets of the city area. My father was in the passenger’s seat with me because he would have to drive the car back. We turned corners around the tall white buildings, which seemed like $P30. It was Monday morning, and i had to get to work. I turned the car to the east on one of the streets and started to drive up a shallow hill. I then noticed some members of $G4 to the south, moving along the southern sidewalk of the street. The curb on the sidewalk seemed dark gray, though most of the other colors were light gray. $A528 jogged along the street with $G4, but then she noticed me driving by in my car. I wanted to be out running with them, but i had to get to work. $A528 came over to my car and i rolled down the window to talk to her. I held up a stack of papers in front of the window, showing her that i had a lot of work still to do, which was why i was not out running. She asked if i had called the man yet. I had forgotten to do it, so i told her i was going to do it from work. I said that my files were at work, so i would have to call from there. I was nervous that i had forgotten because. This seemed like something important that i had to do, and that everyone would be expecting me to take care of it. $A528 said that i needed to call these people as she nodded her head insistently. I thought about the call, thinking that it had something to do with a bid on eBay. I rolled up the window and continued driving to the east. My father was again in the passenger’s seat of the car. He was going to drive the car home after i got to work. I turned to the north, up a short narrow street to the north and then turned back to the east, following the road around a corner. I realized that it was getting late in the morning, and i was going to be late for work. I looked at my watch, and it said that i was just on time for work, but i was not quite there. I drove up the road to the east, which ascended a hill. The road curved to the south a little, and then curved back to the east. I spotted $A313 as one of the people walking down the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. She was from my office, and i pointed her out to my father, saying that she was my boss. I continued up the road and stopped in the parking lot to the east of the large cubical white building, which was on the southern side of the road. This was where i worked. I felt hurried as i looked through the things i had with me in the car. I had all of the things i needed with me to make the calls that i was supposed to make. I was standing outside of the car with the driver’s door open, shuffling through things in my backpack. There were several manila folders in my backpack as i started to zip it shout. I then noticed $A528 and someone else to the north of me in the parking lot. I felt nervous about the telephone calls again and quickly zipped up my bag to head into my office. I then realized that $X12 was standing under the car to the east of me. I was surprised to see him here, and i realized that he was in the passenger’s seat of my car. He must have sneaked out while i had my door open. I was upset that he had gotten out and i walked toward him to pick him up, but he started to walk away. I was upset. I would have to get him and put him back in the car, but i knew that i could not leave him it the car all day because it was too hot out. He would overheat. I would have to call my parents to come to pick him up. This seemed too complicated and i was annoyed that i would have to do it. I crouched down to try to pick up $X12, but he ran away from me. I cursed and stood back up to follow him. $A528 saw what i had been doing and came over to the car to help me. I walked around the back of my car, annoyed and tense. I looked down to see where he could have run to, but i could not see him right away. I then spotted him. He backed away from me, scared of being captured. As i approached him, he turned and ran to the northwest, under the cars in the lot. $A528 was to the north of me, and she moved to the west to try to catch him, but she could not. I thought that she might have a better chance of catching him because $X12 did not know her as well, and he cowered away from her as well. $A528 moved slowly toward him, though, and eventually bent over and started petting him. $X12 was now a beautiful blond woman, who was sitting reclined on the pavement. $A528 was petting her head to try to comfort her. I came over slowly to help, and started petting her head as well. I bent over to pick her up. She was naked, and it was awkward to carry her back to the car. I told her that i would have to put her in the car for now so that she did not run away again. I said that my parents would come to get her shortly so that she did not have to stay in the car all day.

12009 June 03

I came back into the apartment, where i was staying with the other people. They were to the west of me as i started unpacking some things. It seemed as though i had been away for a little while, and i was surprised to find that there was something going on when i returned. I felt slightly out of place here. This place seemed like $P19. I felt a little stressed as i put some of my things away, feeling that the others had started some event that i was unaware of. I put some stuff in the refrigerator, which was against the southern wall of the room. As i turned around, i noticed $F16 sitting on a bench against the western end of the northern wall. There was an older woman to the east of him who looked very similar to him. I decided that it was his mother. I had seen her before, and i decided that i recognized her features. I continued putting stuff away, heading to the north a little to round the end of the mottled-green formica countertop that extended from the southern wall. I walked to the counter that ran along the eastern wall and started putting some of the food away. I still felt as though i was missing out on some of the events of $G3. I then turned to the south and looked down the stairwell of my grandmother’s house. I was standing near the counter in her kitchen. $X14 was on the landing halfway down the stairs, standing in front of the basement door. The door was open, and i worried that he would walk out, but i also felt that it was an inevitable situation. I started to feel that he should be let out to teach him a lesson about how bad it is outside the house. When he walked out the door, however, i simply felt stressed and called after him. I heard my mother’s voice to the southeast as i started after the cat. She had just arrived home. I felt that $X14 should be left outside until he was upset at being locked out, but then i worried that he would run into traffic and get killed. I left the house heading west, just behind $X14. He turned to the south and started running down the narrow grassy lawn between the two houses. I yelled at him to come, but i knew he would not listen. I did not want him heading to the south, into the street, so i ran to the west rather than chase him. I hoped to circle in front of him and stop him from heading to the south, but he was already running to the south. He crossed the street and headed into the yard on the southern side. I went after him. My mother was to the east of me, at the front of my grandmother’s house. She commented that $X14’s tail was large. I could see that he was tense about something and realized that there were two other large cats approaching from the southwest. As they came up to $X14 and stopped just to the west of him, i noticed the fluffy thickness of $X14’s tail. I thought that the other two animals were cats, both dark with one having white patches here and there. As the first animal moved around $X14, though, i realized that it was a small dog. It had long wiry black hair with periodic tufts of gray. It sniffed the ground near $X14, but basically seemed to disregard the cat. The black and white animal circled to the south of $X14 and then came back to the north. It made a strange bleating sound that almost sounded like words. It continued to trot with its head near the ground as it came toward me. It then made the sound again, and i realized that it could mimic speech. It was actually a small goat, with dark fur and light gray spots in its sheared coat. I started petting it, mimicking what it was saying. It bleated again, repeating the same words. I guessed that it had learned to mimic the words of its owner, like a parrot. I must have taken some time to get it to repeat the language properly. I repeated the words back to the goat, but realized, after i had finished the short statement, that i had changed the words. I wondered if the goat could easily be retrained with different words. It bleated the words i had said back to me. I was sitting on the ground with my legs crossed, and the goat laid across my legs. I pet it, and it rolled its head on the ground, repeating the words i was saying. It was very good at parroting my speech.

12009 June 05

I was at a job for $G6. It seemed that i had been working here only a short time, having returned from a long time off. It seemed awkward to be here and i moved through the small white cubicles trying to figure out what i should be doing. I did not feel comfortable with this job. I looked at the empty counter inside the cubicle to the north of me. It was where i worked, but it did not have a computer. I would need a computer to do most of my work. I knew that i would be taking inventory of something. I moved into the cubicle, aware that something as out of place. I did not belong here anymore and wondered why i had come back. I looked at the stuff on the desk and realized that the CDs that i had brought with me were no longer on the western side of the counter. I wondered where they had gone. I was upset that people had touched them and thought that they must have thrown them into the garbage after i had left the first time, assuming that i would not be back. I would have to go through the trash to dig them out. I was upset about this and asked the people outside my cubicle where the trash was. They pointed me to the west, giving me the name of someone. I did not understand what they were saying, and i stood where i was, waiting for them to show me where the trash was rather than simply brushing me off by telling me to go somewhere. I felt very upset and started digging through the office where i was, making it obvious to the others that i was upset. I decided that i should look through the things here, disturbing the people that would not help me. The others were having a meeting around the table, trying to rate the movie that they were watching on the eastern wall. I kept moving papers around trying to find something. I then started to feel very strange. There was something odd here, and i felt that this scene was not correct. What was happening here should not be happening, and i started to question whether it was real or not.

I was cleaning the room of the small house, which seemed to be an older house with small rooms. The walls were pale blue and the furnishings seemed very simple and plain. I picked several things up, but something seemed very wrong here. The others around me were discussing something as i was trying to pick up some objects from the coffee table in front of the couch, which sat in the middle of the room, facing east with the coffee table in front of it. I turned to the west and walked into the other room. I stopped suddenly when i heard a thump. Something had fallen, and i was suddenly tense and afraid. Something had happened to my mother in the next room to the north. I looked around the room where i was, which seemed to be the back room of my parents’ house. I had killed my mother, but i could not quite remember the situation correctly. I remembered strangling her near the stereo in the northeastern corner of the room. I could see her fighting. She was much younger. I walked across the room, which had pale-blue walls and very few wall hangings. I could not see her in the room right now, but i knew that the event had just happened. The body should still be there. The stereo was now in a black cabinet in the center of the southern wall, just to the west of what appeared to be an old fireplace or column on the wall. There was no body in the room, and i thought that i might have gotten rid of it. This all seemed very strange and surreal. I was then aware of the people to the northeast. They were standing in the wide doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The entry corridor seemed to be just on the others side of the doorway, and the main door to the house was on the east. Diffuse light came into the entryway and the living room, where i was, through large windows in the eastern walls. The people in the doorway seemed to be from my office. One of them was $A396, and the other seemed to be $A455. I moved around the room, thinking that i would have to act sad about the loss of my mother. The others would know about it, but they would not have known that i was responsible. I looked around the room nervously. I did not know where the body had gone, and i was worried that it might still be here somewhere. I walked out into the entrance hall to answer the front door, worried that the body was still somewhere in the house. I opened the door and saw a group of people out front. They asked about the pile of stuff that was sitting on the lawn. I looked to the southeast, across the small green square of grass to the east of the house. There was a mount of trash on the southern side of the lawn. It looked like roofing shingles and bags of garbage. The people were here to load it onto the truck. I went outside to help them, worried that the body might be in the pile. The pile was already partly gone, and i told the people here to collect it that $A396 and $A522 had taken some earlier. I helped the people load the truck, throwing the broken chunks of cement and beer cans onto the back of the truck with everything else. The truck was parked on the street to the east. After i dropped a load onto the truck, i turned around and immediately focused on a man standing in the doorway of the house to the west of me. There was something out of place about him. He faced out of the house, and i stopped to stare, trying to figure out who he was and what he was doing there.

12009 June 06

I sneaked through the darkened house, heading generally west through the small rooms. It was night, and the pale light from outside came in through the windows and illuminated the room. The colors seemed to be pale blue, and i looked at the hastily abandoned furnishings as i passed through. The Nazis had been here, and they were driven out. I looked to the southeast at the white rumpled sheets on the single bed against the eastern wall. The bed was very close to me, and there seemed to be very little space in the room. I worried that there were still some Nazis hiding in the house. I wondered if there were any under the bed. I moved over the surface of the bed as i got closer to one of the windows. The light from the window was a different color from the light in the room. It seemed brighter, and was sepia toned. I could see soldiers in World War II uniforms carefully advancing to the northwest, around the house. They were tracking down any remaining Nazis. I had to be careful as i looked out the window. I did not want them to mistake me for the enemy. I backed away from the window and moved to the south, through the bluish rooms of the house. I hoped that there were no bad guys here. I looked out the windows on the southwestern face of the house. I could see more troops passing on the sepia landscape. They stalked carefully through the bushy tufts of field grass, pointing their guns ahead of them. I hoped that they had searched the house. I moved to the northwest now, coming to the northern part of the house. The room here was suddenly different, with white lighting. It seemed like a hotel room, and i knew that it was the place where i was supposed to stay. Dick Cheney was to the west of me, arranging his things around the small single bed in the room. I did not trust him, but it seemed that i had to room with him here, so i started arranging my things around the eastern-most bed. I still worried about Nazis hiding in the room.

I rode my bicycle to the west until i came to the large modern off-white building. It was the office of $G6, and i felt as though i was working here again. Something had happened, though, and i could see the large light-tan metal blinds closing over the windows of the building. Something had happened, and the office was being locked down for security reasons. I pulled my bicycle up to the southwestern corner of the building, where there was a large docking bay with a cement roof over it. As i pulled up, metal door slid from the south across the entrance to the bay. I had just missed the open entrance. I wondered what i should do to get into the building. I wondered if i had to have a security card to get in. A woman in a pale-green, blue, and white dress, which seemed to be from the sixties, walked up to the northern side of the door and passed her ID card through a reader on the northwestern wall of the docking bay. The door swiftly slid upward. The woman pulled her card out of the reader and started walking to the east, into the building, but the metal door slammed shut in front of her. I thought it had actually hit her on the way down, and i wondered if she was all right. The card had to remain in the card reader for the door to stay open, so it was almost impossible for a person to open the door and then walk through. The card reader was too far from the door. The woman tried a few more times, but seemed unable to get into the building. I felt that i was working at this place and wondered how i would get in. I moved a little to the north so that the door was directly to the west of me now. I did not think that i would be able to get in with my card, and i felt that i really did not care. The woman stuck her card into the reader again and the metal door slid upward. There was a second woman by the door now. She was wearing a pinkish-red skirt with a matching long-sleeve top and was shorter and rounder than the first woman. She started through the door as soon as it opened. The taller woman then pulled her card from the machine and started toward the door. The door came down quickly, striking the woman in the reddish suit over the back of the head. She fell forward, reaching up to grab her head. I asked the first woman if she was going to be all right. I knew that someone could get into the building if another person held the door open for them. This seemed inconvenient. I moved back to the east again, and then realized that i did not have my backpack with me. I had gotten off of the bus earlier, and i was just stepping off of the bus now, but my bag was not with me. I had to have it to get into my office with $G6, so i turned back to the northwest, where the bus was just starting to move away from the curb. I felt disappointed that i had missed it and thought that i would have to wait for it to come back in the other direction. The bus then stopped and the bus driver looked back in my direction. I thought he had seen me head back toward the bus and was waiting for me. I cloud see him in the bus, but i realized that there was someone sitting on the bench behind him who was also looking in this direction. They were waiting for something else. I walked over to the door of the bus and got back on, telling the driver that i had forgotten my bag. I looked at the empty bench on the western side of the bus, where i had been sitting, but there was no bag there. I asked no one in particular where my bag had gone. The man who had been sitting behind the driver told me that the bag was put in the pile in the center of the bus. I looked at the pile of luggage, a little annoyed, and tried to find my bag. I was then walking to the south. I had found my bag and had gotten off the bus, but i realized that the bus had traveled some distance to the north. I would have to walk all the way back to campus. As i turned and started heading to the west again, i realized that i had already made the walk, and was surprised at how fast it seemed to have been. I did not remember most of the time i was walking. I rode my bicycle to the west, between the large buildings of campus. I had to get back to $G6 and figure out how to get in to the building so that i could get back to work.

12009 June 07

I was driving the car to the south, down the hill on the road that seemed like $P36. $F45 was sitting in the passenger’s seat, and he was talking about going someplace to eat. I had been heading home, but i realized that, if we went to eat, we would be heading in a different direction. I came to the intersection and stopped. I had been planning on turning to the west, but decided that i should head south to go downtown. When i started driving again, i headed through the intersection to the south, thinking that $F45 might be surprised at where i was going. He would not expect me to head to the pizza place downtown that he had mentioned. He then got out his cell phone and told me that he wanted to call the pizza place to order the pizza ahead of time. This seemed like a good idea; the pizza might be ready by the time we got downtown. As i started traveling south, i realized that there was a second intersection just to the south of me, and that the traffic light over the intersection was still red. I slowed in the middle of the intersection and looked to the east. There were no cars coming, so i quickly drove through the intersection, stopping on the other side. I felt flustered and joked with $F45 that he had distracted me and i had not seen the red light. I felt nervous and pulled the car off to the side of the road, stopping on a gravel shoulder between two entrances of a small parking lot. The lot was rounded, with two flat sides along the intersection and rounded southern and western sides. There were only a couple of cars in the lot. $F45 started talking on the telephone as i looked to the west, into the lot. I noticed two men in an old leafless tree on the southwestern side of the lot. The tree was leafless, and the bare trunk had only a few branches remaining. The men seemed to be wrestling with each other on the branches of the tree. There was one branch extending no the northwest, and another, only a few decis higher, extending to the southeast. The men seemed to be wrestling each other from these two branches. It seemed strange, and i was interested in what they were doing, though i noticed that the men were not particularly in shape, so they were not interesting to look at. I tried not to act as though i was staring. The men paused a moment and glanced over at me. They seemed to be wearing gray sweat shorts and long-sleeve shirts. After a moment, i looked back at the men again. They were still struggling on the tree, which now seemed more to the west of us, near the southeastern corner of the parking lot. A corner of the lot now extended to the south of us a little. As the men fought on the tree, i noticed the top part of the tree swaying back and forth. It seemed to shake with the movement, and i wondered if the dead tree would tip over and fall on our car. It seemed close enough to us that the top part of the tree might hit us. I looked at the top of the tree, where there was still some bark on the trunk. There was a knot just above the men, and i watched it shake as they wrestled. All of the sudden, the top part of the tree snapped and fell away from us, to the south. I watched the man on the top, who was now more muscular than he had been, tumble backward with it. He was shirtless now, and i watched his pale skin as he opened his arms and fell backward. The parking lot bordered the gorge, so the man disappeared over the cliff. The other man fell down to the parking lot and stood staring to the south for a moment. I knew that the shirtless man would be injured at the bottom of the gorge, and i thought that he would probably be dead. The other man started to walk away, but noticed us sitting in front of the lot. $F45, who now seemed like my mother, had stepped out of the passenger’s door of the car to talk on her telephone. I wanted to call emergency, but i did not want the other man to know that we were reporting the incident. He seemed to want to run away and pretend that it did not happen. I felt my pocket for my cell phone, but did not take it out. I decided that i would wait until my mother was done and then drive to a safe place, away from the man, before i called emergency. I decided that i should get a good look at the man in the parking lot so that i could identify him later. He had dark skin now, with chin-length hair in thin braids. He was wearing a dusty-blue jumpsuit. The man stopped just to the west of us, staring at us. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave, but my mother was still talking on the telephone. My mother then stepped back into the car, and the man started moving toward us. I was in the back seat of the car, just behind the driver’s seat. The man opened the driver’s door and got in. I pushed my mother back out of the car and told her to call for help. I told her to run and shout for help, but she did not seem to understand. I knew that the man was trying to kidnap us. He struggled to keep us in the car, but i tried to leave as well and started yelling for help. My mother just stood outside the car, too afraid to do anything. I yelled at her to go get help.

I came down the tall narrow white hall from the east. I was in some kind of public building, which seemed to be a museum. The hallway opened to the north a little, and there seemed to be a small room just off the northern side of the corridor, separated from the corridor by a long glass window, which came halfway up the wall of the corridor. Through the window, i could see several small children playing around with a large trunk. The trunk seemed to be finely decorated, and i thought that it was a museum piece from the egyptian era. It was made of dark wood and had intricate designs on a metal band, which circled the trunk just below the lid. I moved back and forth a little in the hallway, watching the children. There was something suspicious about them. I then noticed that there was something moving in the crate. I could see features through a keyhole on the western side of the southern face of the chest. The children had trapped an animal in the chest and were playing with it. Through the keyhole, i could see the face of a calico kitten. It moved back and forth across the keyhole, and seemed to be illuminated by a small incandescent bulb. I felt suddenly angry with the children for trapping a cat in the trunk. They were torturing the animal, and that angered me. I moved toward the trunk and pushed the young children out of the way. As i did so, i looked down the corridor to the east, noticing their mother. She glanced over her right shoulder as she hurried away. She was dumpy, with a narrow oval face and shoulder-length straight hair. She did not want to be caught in the museum, and i realized that she was abandoning her children, thinking that i was arresting them. I opened the trunk to look for the kitten, but i could not see it. There was a shelf in the middle of the trunk with a tan blanket rumbled up on it. The kitten must be under the shelf, which only seemed to cover the western side of the chest. I moved the shelf to the east, lifting the blanket, but i could not see the kitten. I was a little confused, but i realized that the kitten was angry. I reached for it under the shelf, but it screamed and scurried to the other side of the box, farther under the shelf. I put the shelf back and put the blanket on top of it. I was upset that the cat had been so abused. I turned to yell at the children, but they did not seem to care. I was very upset by this. The mother then started creeping back down the hall toward us. I wondered if she would try to defend her children.

I stood to the south of the tall dark brick building. It was night, and i was in the middle of a city. The scene around me was artificially drawn, as though it was part of a comic book. The bad man was to the north of me, down one of the oddly shaped corridors in the wall. I seemed to be Batman, and i was throwing small boomerangs at the bad man. I watched the boomerangs fly down the hallways, which were shaded in purple, with yellow highlights. The hallways seemed flat, as though drawn on paper, and the walls slanted inward so that the top was very narrow. The man at the other end of the hallway fired back with a gun. I had been trying to get to the east and then turn north in one of the corridors, but i decided that i had to do something less predictable. I threw a boomerang down the hallway and then turned to the west and started running. The man would still think that i was trying to get to the east and keep firing his automatic gun to keep me from heading in that direction, but i would fool him and circle around from the west.

12009 June 08

I was working in the cafeteria of the building, which seemed to be part of a college. This place seemed very familiar to me, and i wondered why i was back here. The cafeteria seemed to be on the northern side of a corridor that ran east to west through the modern building, which seemed like a mall, but which i knew was part of the school. I moved to the southwest, into the area of the store where clothing was sold. It seemed strange that i would be working here, and i did not understand why i was. I looked up at the red polo-style shirts that were hanging from the ceiling for display. They seemed to have the university logo on them. I felt uncomfortable about working in this store and wondered why i was here. A man to the west of me then pointed out something about the clothing that was on the circular display table to the south of us. I looked at the darker shirts, some dark-blue, some gray. The man started lifting them up, complaining about the tags on the clothing. The tags were not in the correct place and the plastic lines that held the tags on had been punched through the wrong parts of the shirt. They had been inserted in places where the tags might tear the fabric. I was very uncomfortable here.

I was very uneasy as i traveled down the dark country road, heading east. I could see the leaves on the trees in the headlights of my car, and everything seemed soaked with rainwater. Something seemed dangerous here, and i worried that the storm had made traveling here dangerous. I then noticed the heavy black cables slanting down from the southern side of the road. They were power lines, and they had been brought down. I drove over them. I could not stop or i might get stuck in the storm. I felt nervous as i headed to the east. I then noticed that there were trees down across the road ahead of me. I would not be able to travel here. I was upset about this. I would not be able to get where i needed to go.

12009 June 10

I put the white dog in my arms and then walked to the north, into the small room. The dog was medium sized and had short fur, with light-brown patches here and there. It still seemed like a puppy, but it was a little bit older. I stepped into the room with the long hallway running through it from east to west. The rooms here were oddly shaped, and the cement walls were painted medium blue. The hallway crossed the southern end of the room and only went for a little distance in either direction. It was an archery range. I moved near the eastern end of the corridor and aimed my left arm to the west. I practiced pulling a bow back with my right hand, lining up my left finger with the target. I seemed rather close to the target and thought that an arrow would fall a little. I moved to the east a little more, pretending to draw a bow and look at the target again. The older man, who seemed to be an instructor here, watched me from the northeast. I lined up my finger with the target, thinking that the arrow would be resting just above my finger if i had a bow. I would then have to lift my finger a little to adjust for gravity on the arrow. I moved closer to the target again and pointed some more. I then dropped the pretend bow and turned to the east. Another person had come in to the corridor, and he seemed to want to use it to shoot at the target. I then realized that i was still holding the small dog in my arms. It was curled in my right arm, with its nose down near my abdomen. It snuggled into my abdomen as i scratched it with my left hand. The dog must have gotten in the way when i was shooting, but i could not remember. The older man approached me on the southeast, and i told him that i liked the dog. The dog belonged at this place, and i had started petting him in the outside corridor. I told the man that he was very friendly, but i was still thinking of the archery techniques. I put the dog down and started walking to the east, thinking about shooting a bow and arrow. I wondered if i would be able to do it well. I thought that i could play a character in a movie where i was had to use a bow. The studio would then train me on shooting. I moved to the north a little, toward a doorway in the northern cement wall. I thought that i could hold the bow horizontally, like they do in the movies, but then decided that i would be the one in the movie to hold the bow properly when i shoot. I passed through the doorway and started heading down the corridor to the west. I stopped for a moment, looking at the rounded tunnels around me. I had been crawling through the tunnels to get to the west, but i was starting to feel tired. I no longer wanted to pull myself through the tunnels and wondered if there was a better way to get through them. This did not seem right. I pulled myself through one of the smaller tunnels when i noticed that the ground under me was covered with fine glassy sand. The surface of the sand was glazed, as though it had been heated. It made a nice smooth surface, and i thought that it would make it easier for me to slide through the tunnel. I wondered if i could simply slide down hill rather than crawl. I felt disappointed realizing that i would actually have to crawl. I felt very fatigued as i started to walk down the sidewalk. I was heading back to the west, down the hill, following the road that ran along the southern side of the tunnel system. There was a line of shrubs between the corridors to the north and me. The tunnels now seemed like a small creek gorge. It would take me a long time to get back to where i had started, and i felt too tired to make the entire journey. I wanted it to end soon. I then remembered that i had already walked this part before. The bus must have brought me back to the starting point, making me walk this place again. I felt exhausted, thinking that every time i did this thing, the bus would simply bring me back to the beginning where i would have to start all over again. I remembered walking through most of the tunnels before. I had taken several ways back in the past, but i was always brought back to the beginning of the journey. I looked down at the black asphalt pavement that i was following down the hill. I realized that i was not wearing any shoes as i walked down the road. I looked at my bare feet as i walked, watching them step under me. The skin on them looked rough. I looked up again. I was now heading east on the narrow paved path. My toe started to hurt, and i looked at my feet again. The skin on my toes and the edges of my feet looked dry and white. There was a split in the skin on the outside of the big toe of my left foot. My feet had dried out from walking so far, but i was not quite sure whether this was right. I wondered if my feet had a break out of dry skin cause by walking barefoot. I thought that i might have caught a virus that was making my skin flake like it used to do when i was young. I stopped near the long rectangular table that was set up on the southern side of the road to check my feet. My mother was sitting at the table. I talked with her about my dry feet, showing her the white stuff that was on my skin. I thought that it was dry skin that was flaking off, but, as i touched it, i realized that it was just sand that had caked onto my feet from the tunnels. I was sitting in a chair on the northern side of the table, and i brushed the sand off of my feet. I was still very tired, and i decided to sit and talk to my mother for a bit.

12009 June 11

I grabbed the small camera in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house and then turned back to the east. I walked down the stairs and came into a small room, where my parents had been sitting with company. It seemed dark out and the house seemed illuminated with incandescent light. $K24 was sitting in a cushioned chair in the northwestern corner of the room. He was wearing a thin red sweater and had his feet up on the ottoman of the chair. He seemed young, as he had been in all of the photographs i had seen of him. I brought the box of photographs with me from upstairs, and i thought that i would show them to $K24. The shoebox was full of small photographs in stacks and on their sides. I had gotten them from my grandfather. I started flipping through several of the black-and-white photographs, looking at the images on them to see if i could find some of $K24. I realized that several of them were actually large film negatives. I had not scanned any of these negatives when i scanned all of the film from my grandfather, and i realized that there were some good pictures in here that should be scanned. I flipped through several of the images, noticing that a bunch of them were from my mother’s high school. I showed some to $K24 as i was sitting on the couch on the northern side of the room. I said that i would like to scan the negatives. I turned one image, noticing that it was actually blurred. Several of the images in the box seemed to be blurred, and i felt bad that i could not get good scans of them. $K24 was still slouching in the chair to the southwest as i turned to the west, looking through some of the pictures to try to find some of him. I knew that there were several in the box, but i could not find them among the pictures of my mother and father as teenagers. $K24 then stood up and walked to the southeast, leaving the house through the back door. I was suddenly very disappointed that he had to go. I wanted to get to know him a little better. I was upset that i could not do as i had planned, and i now was not quite sure what to do. I wandered to the east, into the main room of the large library of $P7. The library was empty now, and it seemed that the school was closed or that it was late in the evening, after the library would normally be closed. I looked up at the tall ceiling of the room. This place was very familiar, and i felt comfortable here. I yelled suddenly at the ceiling. My voice came out as a strong tone, echoing through the room and resonating through me. It sounded very nice, and i was surprised that i was able to do it. I knew the strength of sound and how powerful it could be at the right resonance tones. I then heard someone moving outside the large double doors to the north, in the center of the northern wall. I must have startled the person, and i could tell that the person was trying to get into the library to see what had made the noise. I quickly moved to the east of the door, where there was a wooden table. I started fooling around with the camera that i had been carrying, pretending not to have noticed the sound. A man in a blue jumpsuit walked into the room. He was a janitor. I nodded to him quickly and walked past him out the door, as thought nothing was strange. He looked around the room questionably, but i realized that he knew that i must have been the one who made the loud noise. I started down the stairs, trying to get away. I walked down the stairs on the northern side of the library door, coming into the main hall of the building. I felt that i had jumped over several steps and simply did not land on the rest on my way down. I had done this type of thing before, and i knew that it was something special. I concentrated on floating over the steps, wondering how far i could float down the stairs without having to put my feet down to land. I floated past several people who were ascending the stairs. They were wearing suits with black coats and appeared to have just come from a formal event. This was a reunion event that had just ended. I knew that they would be surprised that i could float over the stairs, so i thought that i should act ghostly as i floated. It would make an interesting image if they thought that i was a ghost. I acted disinterested in the people around me and stared forlorn down the stairs. I came to the lower flight of stairs, which was exposed to the lobby. I focused on my floating as i reached the corner because i knew that it would be hard to change direction without putting my feet down. I was still hopping over the stairs and simply not landing, but i would have to change direction without landing and jumping again. I was floating down the stairs to the north. As i approached the wooden wall on the northern side of the landing, i pushed off with my hand, turning back to the south to float down the next flight of steps. I wondered whether it would still look ghostly and strange if people could see me pushing off the wall to change direction rather than simply flying down the stairs. I passed through the main door at the front of the building and started down the white stone steps outside. I was still floating over the steps, but i had to go slowly because there was a woman walking in front of me. She seemed nervous about me following her and walked with tense steps. She was wearing an orangish-red jacket and skirt with a white shirt. I was floating close to her for a moment, but was then riding my bicycle farther behind. I still moved slowly, trying to keep from overtaking her. She looked over her left shoulder at me as she walked along the black metal railing on the southern side of the paved walkway. We were in the center of a large city, and we seemed to be in a park. I was moving along the western side of the rounded area, following the path to the southeast in an arc to the east. There was a line of thickly leaved trees along the southern side of the walkway, but there was a gap in the trees just ahead of me. I passed through the gap in the trees, coming into a smaller grassy area between the buildings. I was not following the woman any more, but i ended up biking close to her on the cement path again as i headed to the south. The path ran between two tall white buildings, which seemed like old factories. This area was now modernized, and there was a cafe with round tables in the narrow alley. I had not paid attention to the woman that i had been following, but, somehow, she had appeared ahead of me again. I did not want her thinking that i was following her, so i thought i should pass her. She was walking ahead of me through some of the tables in one of the cafes. I slowed down, realizing that there was not enough room in the alley to get around her. I squeezed through the cafe area where she stopped to sit down. She stared at me uncomfortably as i passed, and i tried not to look at her so that she would know that i was not intentionally following her. I continued down the alley to the south, which became the long narrow room of a warehouse. I went slowly as i passed the large crates that were stacked on either wall. This place was then a long narrow kitchen, and the plates were silver cabinets of dishes. People in white clothing moved around near the walls as i passed. I walked my bicycle down the hall, pushing on the handlebars as the bike rolled along to the right of me. The maintenance corridor ran to the southeast, but i kept thinking that i had to get back to where i had come from. I looked to the northeast, trying to figure out how i could cut back to the main room of the cafe and get back to the plaza. There was a narrow aisle between some tall obstacles, and i started to turn down it, but i realized that there was a man in a white chef’s outfit cutting meat with a large knife on a wooden counter. I knew that i really should not have been in the kitchen, and i did not want the chefs seeing me close up. I remembered passing another aisle back to the northwest, but it had seemed too narrow. It was the only other aisle in the room that would allow me to get back to the front of the kitchen. The room was long and rectangular, and there were metal cabinets in the center, forming the two aisles. I backed up and started pushing my bicycle down the first aisle. As i moved, i heard one of the chefs from the back of the room complaining about the tight quarters in the kitchen. I moved against the northeast wall, squeezing between the wall and the metal cabinets. The outer wall of the building seemed to be made of heavy canvas-like plastic, as though it were a tent. I pushed the bicycle ahead of me, but it got caught in the fabric of the walls. I felt a little frustrated and tried to pull the bicycle away from the wall. I looked down at the pedal on the far side of the bike, which was where the material was wrapped around the bicycle. As i pulled, i tried to get the chain unstuck from the material until i was only pulling on the chain and there was no bicycle. I finally pulled the chain away from the wall and started on to the northwest. I had to get out of here, and i suddenly wondered whether the woman would still be in the cafe outside of the kitchen, to the northwest of me.

12009 June 12

I was in an outdoor courtyard in the middle of a city, and the area around was paved with cement squares. $Z was standing to the northwest of me. The area was lighted by streetlights, and it seemed to be close to nighttime, thought the sky was light. I looked at the strange metal sculptures to the north of me. They ran in a row from east to west. They were made of a shiny metal and were shaped like tall pyramids. There seemed to be three or four of them. The man to the northwest of me had been with me, but i had to stab him with a knife. I felt nervous about doing this, but i remembered that i had done this before. This was a scene that had been repeated several times. I remember using the long carving knife with the dark wooden handle the last time i had stabbed the man. This time, however, i had a long serrated blade. The serrations were deeply cut into the white ceramic blade. It seemed very modern, and i looked at it curiously, feeling uneasy about what i was supposed to do in this scene.

12009 June 13

I woke up suddenly and found myself on the floor in front of the stone fireplace. The fireplace was to the south of me, and it seemed to be fireplace of the cottage at $P140. I felt suddenly surprised and distressed. I had not fallen asleep here; i had somehow fallen unconscious. I realized that there was something very wrong. I tried to lift myself from the floor, but something was wrong, and i could not move properly. I yelled out, not forming any words. Something bad had happened to me, and i knew that i was not well. My mother came from a room to the south of the room that i was in. She entered to the west of the fireplace, surprised as she saw me on the floor. I was still dazed, and i did not try to focus my attention any, hoping that my confusion would make others realize how serious my condition was. I stood up slowly, but my mother seemed worried and panicked about my condition. She ran back out of the room to get help. I looked around the dark room, wondering what i should do. I walked to the north and sat in a chair in the next room to the north. The small room was actually a porch, with glass windows looking out to the north, over the river. It seemed to be early in the morning, and everything was still dark, but i could see around the room easily. I wondered what i should do.

I was moving into the new apartment and carried some of my bags in. I put my duffel bag down on the bluish-gray bed that extended from the northern wall and started unpacking some clothes. I had just rented this place and was trying to get my things unpacked. This apartment was smaller than my old one, and i wondered why i had come here. It seemed strange that i would have moved into such a small place when i had a better apartment. I felt as though i was settling for something less because i had little choice, and i felt bad about it.

I came into the apartment building where i was now renting a room. I was not happy here and wondered why i was still here. My apartment was to the west, but i turned back toward the entrance door and looked to the east. I noticed that there were flags painted on the walls to the north and south of the entry door. The entry door was a heavy wooden door, with thin multi-pane windows on either side. The dull-yellow walls seemed to be made of plaster. I moved closer to the door, looking at the flags on the wall. Some of them were familiar, and i felt that there was something special about them. I then realized that they were fraternity flags, representing the crests of different societies and chapters. This house seemed to be a fraternity house, and i thought that each flag represented a different class of people in the house. They had not been here before. I then noticed that there were numbers printed in yellow digits next to each of the flags. These numbers represented the class years. I remembered seeing the numbers on the walls before when i had come in late one night. I had not realized what they were before because they were simply numbers. Now that they were associated with the graphic banners, i could understand their significance.

12009 June 14

I was floating in the water in the middle of a clam ocean, and i knew that there was a large animal underneath me. I could feel the pulse of the animal through the water as i floated. I tried to float quietly, so that the animal would not noticed me. I moved my feet over the object under me, feeling the lines in the smooth surface. It was very dangerous for me to be here with the animal, and i felt scared. It seemed dark enough that i could not see very far across the water, but i kept watching myself float in the water form the west of myself. As i moved my feet over the raised lines in the surface below me, i realized that they were the tentacles of a giant squid wrapped around the blue whale. The whale was the smooth object under me. I felt the pulse through the water, and became aware of my own heartbeat. I was afraid that sharks might attack me if the blue whale was no longer around. It could also be an orca that might come after me. I knew that an orca was just another kind of shark. I had to keep my heartbeat steady or the animals would know that i was afraid. I was in a small capsule floating on the water, but i knew that the animals would be able to hear my heartbeat as a pulse from the outside. If i were panicked, they would hear the heartbeats outside the hull and know that i was in trouble. I tried to remain calm as i floated. I then felt the beats to the west of me. They were strong beats, and i was worried that they would attract the monster. They were too fast and might sound scared. I had to slow down the beats, and i concentrated on relaxing. I floated in the water, feeling the beats on my legs as i tread water.

I gathered several things from the grocery store, putting them in the plastic hand basket that i was carrying. I then realized that there was something bitter in my mouth. It was very displeasing, and i headed to the southwest, into the back room of the store to spit it out. I passed through the open doorway in the southern wall of the old store and came into a dull break room. The fluorescent lights were dim, and the room seemed dingy. I opened the metal lid of a trash bin, which was against the western wall, near the counter. The counter ran across the western wall. Women were working on the other side of the wooden table, which seemed to be a cutting table. They seemed to be chopping up something for the cafeteria here. I felt as though i was interrupting, so i turned around and headed back. I suddenly realized that i had left the store and was now outside. I would have to head back because i did not pay for the things that i was carrying in my basket. I was then surprised that no one had tried to stop me from leaving the store. I considered leaving the store without paying, since i was already outside, but knew that i should not do so. I headed to the southeast, back into the store and across the greenish interior. The registers seemed to be along the eastern wall on the southeastern side of the store. As i passed through the aisles of the store, i realized that i had not picked up any bananas. I turned back to the northwest and headed back into the store to try to find some. I came into a produce area and saw some bananas in a plastic bag on a green counter. They seemed a little brown, but they would be good enough to eat. I picked them up and headed back to the south, toward the registers. I came into the small apartment in the middle of the large city. The other people were already gathering in the apartment. I knew most of them, but there was something uncomfortable about this place. I moved through the crowd, wondering what to do. I then noticed the fireworks in the dark sky to the south of me. I was still in the apartment, but i could see out across a dark smooth landscape to see the large red explosions expanding on the southern horizon. There was something strange about them. They seemed oddly shaped for fireworks, and i realized that they seemed more like bomb explosions. I tired to focus on them, but they were hard to see. I moved to the south, across the roof of the tall apartment building. $F4 was standing in the doorway of the stairwell to the east. I passed him, nodding as i did. I headed to the south, out across the expanse of the roof, trying to see the fireworks more clearly. Something seemed to be in my vision, though, and i could not get a good look at the explosions. I could tell that the ocean was to the south of me, and i cautiously moved near the edge of the top level of the building. I started to feel nervous about being so close to the edge, so i backed away a little. I looked down over the side of the stone balcony, noticing the white patio stones of the lower level to the south. It was not such a far drop. The drop to the ocean level was much farther down. The daylight was bright now, and the sky to the south was blue. I looked in front of me and realized that i had placed the items i was carrying down on the higher level of the roof to the east of me by accident. The upper part of the roof sloped up to the east, covering the main wing of the house. I had put the things there, and i pretended to rinse off the things with the water that was trickling down the side of the roof. I knew that the people were watching me from the north, inside the large room of the house, so i had to make it seem that i had put the items on the upper roof for a reason. I then started walking up the steep tin roof to the northwest a little. The roof over the open part of the house to the north of me seemed to be curved, and the viewing window on the southern side of the large room was arched so that the roof curved around the sides of it. I had started up one of the curves to the east of the window, but i turned around and carefully climbed back down to the terrace. I was nervous near the edge of the roof to the south of me. The terrace was very narrow, and it did not seem to be intended for people to be walking on it. I decided that i could stop myself from falling over the southern end of the building by grabbing on to something on the lower roof. The white metal lower roof to the south sloped to the south, but the slope was not steep enough that i could not stop myself from sliding off the edge. I thought that $F4 was still watching me from the building, to the north. I wanted to do something, but i decided that i had things to do, so i should not stay here on the outside of the building for too much longer.

I moved through the old market area of the city. There were stands on both sides of the narrow street, which did not seem to have any cars going down it. I was supposed to follow $G4 through the city, but i was not sure where they were gathering to start their run. I turned several corners, heading mostly to the northwest, but i did not see anyone that looked familiar. I then spotted a man jogging to the north of me, but he did not seem like someone from $G4. I headed to the west, through the wooden market area. There was a boardwalk under the kiosks around me, and the buildings seemed to be made of old siding with faded white paint. I passed down the long corridor of shops and found myself at the western end of the boardwalk, which seemed to be a dock over a wide body of water. I saw a small group of people gathering there and realized that they might be $G4. I felt a little excited as i approached them, but i soon realized that they were not $G4. I wandered close to them, but they did not seem like runners. After i passed them, i looked over the dock area around me. There was another dock to the north with tall buildings to the north of it. I yelled out “On on” to see if anyone would respond. If $G4 was here, they would know what i was talking about. No one responded, though, and i started to feel annoyed. I floated over the water to the north, looking around the docks for them. As i reached the boardwalk on the northern side of the boating slip, i turned back to the east and headed back into the city market. The crowd moved around me, and i started to think that i was in the wrong part of the city. This was not the place were we thought that we were gathering with $G4. I wondered what i should do. I then noticed some people jogging to the west, and i decided to follow them. I could not quite catch up to them, but kept them in sight as they rounded the corners of the narrow alleys of the ashen-tan city. I then realized that i was following a single man to the east. He turned around in front of me and sprinted back to the west. He passed me quickly, and i realized that he was not from $G4 either. I tried to follow him to the west, but i started to feel disinterested, knowing that these were not the people that i had been trying to run with. $G4 must be starting elsewhere. I wondered how i would find them. I started to sprint to the west, down the long boardwalk. The old brown wooden boards ran across the walkway through the narrow alley. I focused on moving fast, and the scenery around me blurred. I wanted to move quickly to another part of the city so that i would not waste time looking for the hash, but the blurring stopped suddenly, and i was moving normally in the streets. I knew that i had the ability to move quickly, as if teleporting from one place to another, and i concentrated on moving fast again. I tried hard, but i was having trouble. I came to a sharp corner in the alleyway, where the sidewalk ran very close to the northern side of a brick building. I had to go slowly here so that i did not run into the railing ahead of me, to the west. I had been traveling down the sidewalk along the side of the building, and the land to the west, at the end of the building, dropped off suddenly. The city seemed to run down the hill, but there was very steep drop off that i could not run down. I had been this way before, and i remembered that i simply had to climb along the balcony on the northern sides of the buildings. As i reached the western end of the sidewalk, i came to an old thin metal railing. I had to go around the side of it, between the building and the railing. I was not supposed to be climbing on this path, but it was the way i had come before, and i knew that it would be the best way to go. This area of the city now seemed rundown, like the back alley of a dirty city. I then remembered that the railing was actually broken. The top metal bar was not properly connected to the supports, and i was able to lift it up. This allowed me to crawl through the grate under the railing. I stepped out onto the balcony that ran along the side of the building to the west. I was now high over the dirty alley below me, and i felt a little nervous about the height. I put my right hand on the railing of the balcony, noticing that it was rather weak. This seemed like a dangerous place to climb, since the ledge was in such disrepair. I headed back to the east, along the balcony, which was now inside a rather large room. I walked along the balcony to the east, along the southern wall, but there was now a wooden railing blocking my path. It was loose, like the rest of the railings around the balcony. I quickly climbed over it and headed across the dull-yellow carpet of the room. There was a large opening in the floor to the south, along the southern wall on the eastern side of the room. It was a stairwell without a railing. A man came up the stairs suddenly and walked over to the railing to the west of me, the one that i had climbed over. He was checking on it because it was loose and falling apart. I thought that he was mad at me for changing it. I looked down the stairs in the hole. They seemed like rows of chairs at first, but were really polished wooden stairs that descended to the east. They also seemed to be in disrepair, and i worried about climbing down them. I walked onto the stops, which again seemed like bleachers, curving slightly to the west in the center, as though audience seats. I started down the stairs to get to the lower section of the theater, where everyone else was. I thought that, if i got to into the crowd quickly, it would be harder for the management to pick me out and accuse me of going where i was not supposed to go. I reached the middle of the steps and realized that the lower section of the stairs was missing. The room around me seemed victorian in decoration, with polished wood ornamentation on the white plaster walls and around the doors. I moved to the northern side of the stairs, holding on to the railing. I climbed over to the outside of the stairs, holding on to the wooden leavers that were sticking out of the sides of the stairs. They seemed to be organ works. I looked down to the room below but it was too far to jump, and there was no way to climb down. I wondered how i could get down. Part of the stairs was still broken on this side, even if i was on the outside of the railing. I moved back to the south more, trying to find a good place to climb down. I then noticed the man on the floor above me. I thought that he was very mad with me. I could not climb back up or the man would catch me, so i carefully climbed along the broken edge of stairs, holding on to the wooden leavers that hung out in front of the first row of red seats on the stairs. I made my way to the working set of stairs, which were very narrow and ran down along the southern wall. I quickly climbed down them to the room below, and then turned to the south and headed out the wide doorway in the southern wall, at the bottom of the stairs. I felt that, if i got out of sight of the management and mixed in with the crowd, i would be harder to find. I tried to cross the darker room to the south, which had a lower ceiling and seemed to be the lobby of the theater. I then spotted a woman in the crowd. She was $F39, and i heard her voice as she spoke to someone. She was wearing a dress that seemed to have silver trimming on it, and she was talking to someone to the west of her. I walked up to her, thinking that, if i talked to her, i could make it seem that i had been here all along and was not the person who had climbed over the stairs. As i said hello, however, i realized that she was not $F39. I apologized to the woman and joked about the mistake with her, but she did not seem to notice what i had said. My embarrassment turned to annoyance and i walked away, heading toward the main door to the building, to the west. I headed out the doors of the theater and found myself in the city again. This time, it was a modern city, with metal and stone buildings. I had to meet $G4 somewhere, but i was not sure where to go. I thought that i should head back to the east, hoping that they would be there.

12009 June 17

I was doing a play in the hotel. I moved through the large lobby of the building, trying to remember what i was supposed to be doing. I could not concentrate on the play. I started to move to the northwest, diagonally across the large lobby. There were several other people with me, and i felt distressed about something. We all had special abilities, and it seemed that we were part of a group of superheroes, but something was wrong. Some of the heroes had been corrupted and were turning against the good ones. I felt worried about the stronger heroes, knowing that they would come after us. I tried to usher the others with special abilities to the west and then to the south. The corrupted heroes would be coming after us, and we had to hide. They were the heroes with the strong abilities, and i knew that they would capture us if we did not escape. I moved in to the narrow white hall. I could see the entry hall to the northeast. We were in a tall narrow corridor heading to the south from the western end of the southern wall of the gray stone entryway. The powerful heroes were coming into the entryway from the east, and they would be looking for us. I tried to hurry the people with me to the south, into the bathroom on the southern side of the corridor. I pushed a few people to the south and then looked back to the north. There was a shadow moving on the gray stone wall to the north of us. The stone wall then seemed to be a translucent silk screen, and the shadow was cast from the other side. It was a dramatic shadow of a hero with his hands on his hips. He was coming after us, but he stood still for the moment, his shadow growing taller on the gray screen. I recognized the outline of the character. It was Iron Man. I turned to the south and followed the others across the opening at the southern end of the corridor. A corridor ran to the west from the open space, and another to the sound from the eastern side of the opening. Directly to the south of us was a small alcove in the southern wall. There were doors on the eastern and western walls of the alcove that led into bathrooms. I motioned the people into the men’s room, which was on the eastern side. I knew that both the men and women would be entering this room, but there was a secret escape tunnel there. In the room, i pointed to the small rectangular panel in the white eastern wall. It seemed very small, with rounded corners. The others had opened the panel and crawled through, though i looked at the panel and could not figure out how someone could fit through such a small opening. It was a secret hiding place that the heroes would not know about, and the people with abilities would be safe there. I was aware that the hero following us was not certain that we were even in the building. If we hid well enough, he would simply assume that we were no there and continue looking elsewhere. I felt hurried, and there was one other person with me. We could not get through the small opening in time, and i wondered what to do. I thought that i should take the person into one of the gray stalls on the southern wall of the room. The panel had to remain closed so that the hero did not suspect that the others had crawled through it. I then realized that i could grab the other person, who seemed rather scared, and phase them through the southern wall of the room. This would be another way to escape.

12009 June 19

I came from the south to the top of the short hill. There seemed to be a road to the south that ran east to west. I came to the old ruins of a house, and there was a man there. He told me that the house had been destroyed. I did not pay much attention to the remainder of wooden beams that stuck up from the ground to the south of me as i stood just to the north of the building. I was facing west, along a path that had been overgrown with grass. There was another structure to the west, and i asked the man about it. He told me that it was just a barn and said something dismissive about it, but i was interested in the other building. I started walking to the west, past the man. There was something strange about the barn. It seemed old and worn, and i thought that the man was telling me that it was abandoned. I then noticed that there was a short building to the south of the path as i approached the other farmhouse. I felt cautious, as though i was not welcome here. I looked to the large shed structure to the south of me. The walls were made of horizontal slats of wood, but there were gaps between the wood, and i could see through the structure. I noticed large green melons or gourds on the ground in a row. They looked like large green pumpkins. They were on the western side of the inside of the structure, under what seemed like an overhanging roof on the outside of the main building. Through the slats of the main building, i could see a square patch of green ground. I thought that the people were hiding a garden here. I kept glancing at the fresh produce as i walked past the building, wondering if the people were growing illegal things in the barn. My attention was then drawn to the building to the west. It was now a similar structure, with horizontal slats that i could see through. There was a man moving in the building. He aimed a rifle at me and fired. I realized that i was in a place where i was not supposed to be. I looked at the silhouette of the man, noticing something red near his left hand, which was holding the barrel of the rifle. I had been shot, but i was not dead. I felt stunned, and i thought about what had happened. I was not to the south of the area, and i realized that the man had actually cursed me. I felt bad and wondered what to do.

We walked through the wide tile corridor of the train station and started moving to the east, on a train. We had just gotten on the train and were heading to the next station. As we started moving, there was an announcement about the trains running late. I knew that the train we were on had been delayed at the station and was now leaving late. I realized that our train would not be stopping at the next station because they were trying to save time. The announcer had said that it would be stopping at the next station, which i knew was right next door to the station that we were getting on at. I then realized that the train would be missing the station that we were supposed to be getting off at. I felt worried about this and told the woman to the east of me. She looked down the length of the train car, to the east, but did not seem convinced. I looked down at the map in my hands and tried to figure out where we were. It seemed as though the station that we wanted to get off at was only two stops away, and i felt that it was one of the stations that was going to be skipped. Some of the others started talking to the woman, complaining about the train. She started to get annoyed with them and did not want to hear any more about where the train was going to stop or whether we would be missing our stop. She sighed in frustration and took the map back from me, looking it over for herself. I felt a little annoyed that she did not trust me to figure it out. She stared down at the map for a moment as the man behind her started braiding her long black hair. The woman seemed like $A460.

It was a wet day out, and i was standing on the northern side of the road, which dipped into a creek valley to the west of me. The ground was soggy, and i could see that the creek was flowing over the top of the road a little. It was swollen from the melting snow and rain. There was a small stream of water running down the southern side of the road as well, flowing into the creek. I then noticed the house cats stepping carefully over the muddy clumps that were scattered on the northern side of the road. The stream seemed to be flowing south over the road. A car came from the west and slowed down as it reached the road. I felt tense and worried, thinking that the car would not make it across the road. The creek might wash out the road and the car would fall in. There were several cars trying to cross the road where the creek was flooding. I was worried and started to move toward the road. I looked at the deep ditches of water on the northern side of the road, where the fast moving water had dug channels into the dirt here. I then looked across the pavement to the southern side of the road, noticing that the pavement of the road was cracking in long east-to-west rifts. The water was eroding it. The cars would have trouble driving up the road. I then heard the sound of an animal and felt a little confused. I looked down the road to the west, spotting the small farm animals heading toward the creek. They were on the southern side of the road. The goats baaed again. The goats started to cross the road, just to the east of the creek, but the ground on the southern side of the road collapsed, and several of the goats fell in. I felt panicked and moved toward them. A small lamb, which had been following the other goats, slipped over the edge and fell into the water on the southern side of the road. The mother goat, which was brown with white near her head, turned around and headed back toward the baby, jumping into the muddy water on the southern side of the road. The baby was covered with the muddy embankment that collapsed from the road, and i knew that it was dead. The mother goat bleated repeatedly as she looked for her child. I felt bad about it. I then noticed that the water on the southern side of the road, which was eroding the pavement, was flowing to the east. This seemed to be flowing away from the creek, which i thought was a little strange. I moved a little to the west and found myself just to the south of my parents’ house. Looking to the west, i could see that there was water pooling up just off the southwestern corner of the house. This did not seem right. My parents’ house was on a hill well above the creek, so there should be no water pooling near the house. There must have been a lot of rain for the water to acting so strangely. As i headed toward the road, i noticed the cats near the front of the house. They had made it across the creek to the west and were trotting along the grass near the stone foundation. The front lawn was soggy and brown, but there was a patch of bright green grass running along the northern side of the road. I crossed the road and looked down into the muddy trench. As i approached the edge of the road, where the pavement had broken away, i could see that there was no longer any flowing water on the southern side of the road. The land to the south was muddy and had deep ruts. It ran downhill a little from the road. I could see the baby goat lying in a muddy trench on the side of the road, and i knew that it was dead. I picked up a large stick and tried to lift the lamb out of the mud, but i could not get the stick in the right position against the lamb’s body. My attention was then drawn to the west, where there was a flank of men on horses riding across the swollen creek, crossing the stream on the road. They seemed to be dressed in renaissance clothing. As they passed me, heading to the east on the road, i thought that the king was heading to the festival, which was to the east of us. I then looked back to the west as a car came across the shallow water where the creek flowed over the road. I immediately recognized it as my mother’s car. She drove up the road and turned to the north, into the driveway of her house. I dropped the stick in the mud and headed back to the house. I told my mother about the goat. I still felt bad about it and thought that others should be concerned as well. I looked down the muddy dirt road to the east as i spoke. The road seemed to run from the middle of the driveway, but it seemed to be the same road that the kind and horses had traveled down. A man then came out the back of my parents’ house. He handed me some money and told me that he was leaving. I did not understand what the money was for. There was something going on here and i was not quite sure what it was. The dog near me then had money with it, but it was covered in mud from the creek. This was a payment from an illegal deal, and i did not want to get involved it in. The thugs were then standing to the north of us, and they started to check out the money. I knew that all of it was not there because the man had given me some and had taken some with him. The thugs threatened to go after him. As they talked among themselves, i sneaked off to the west, heading through the tall aisles of the warehouse. There were tall stacks of cardboard crates on either side of me. I came outside of the metal building to see several teenagers playing in the cement lot. They were riding they bicycles around the area and jumping over small objects. I knew that there was a jump to the north, and i thought that the kids were heading for it. I tried to avoid them. They seemed as though they had been drinking, and i was not interested in hanging out with them just to drink. I walked to the south, around the back of the building, trying to avoid the main group of teenagers who were in front of the corrugated-metal sheds, riding skateboards and jumping their bicycles. I thought that i should take the beer from the stacks in the warehouse so that the kids did not have any reason to stick around. They were only here because they could easily steal the beer and hang out. Instead, i headed to the west, down the long dark hallway of the building. I came to a small room at the end of it. The room was fairly empty, with only a few small metal crates in it, but i recognized it. It was the room where i had come into this place. I had been here earlier. This was how i had gotten into the warehouse. I headed to the north, toward the exit door.

12009 June 20

I moved to the west, into the classroom on the southern side of the hall. I had come from a place where there were more students. This place seemed to be $P7, but it was not at all like $P7. I had been doing something with the clothing in the other room, but i now felt as though i had to leave there. I did not feel right being there. I sat down in an armchair in the center of the classroom, facing north. I placed a paperback book on the tan surface of the desk in front of me and started reading. I was alone in the room, and i felt as though i was separating myself from the other students intentionally. There was something unsettling about this place, and i did not feel as though i should be here. I was then moving around the room. $F4 was with me. We were working at this place, which now seemed like an office, although it was still a classroom. I walked to the western wall of the room where there was a long table against the wall. Some students were working on the computer in front of the table. $F4 stood a little to the north of them, helping them with something on the computer. I looked over their shoulder at the light-blue screen. I started teaching them about something that we were viewing on the screen. One of the children asked me something about the chip. The screen had thin white vertical streaks down the top of it that simulated a picture of a processor chip. The question of the children seemed very important. They had asked me about the name of the chip. I told them the name of the chip, which as something like “Lazario”. It was important to know the name of the chip. I thought about the name, remembering that it had something to do with Lazarus. It was a strange name, and i contemplated it for a moment.

I was using the special device as i moved to the southeast, toward the other man in the room. I was invisible because of the device. It had something to do with the special chip. The man had a small black box in his hand. It was about the size of a phonograph, and about four or five centimeters thick. It had ridges on the thin sides, which looked like vents. I stood on the western side of the room watching myself approach the man. I could not see myself because i was still invisible, but the man was waving the black box around. He knew that i was in the room because we had been talking earlier, but he could not see me now. I thought that he was waiving the box around to try to feel for me. I realized that the box was some kind of powerful magnet. He could not reach me, but as he waved the box the west of him, behind him, i saw a ripple in the air and part of my arm exposed. He swinged the box to the east again and i became fully invisible again. As the box swinged back to the west, however, he got closer to me, and the air blurred and more of my torso appeared. The strong magnet was disrupting the invisibility field that was wrapped around me.

12009 June 21

I left the stone room in the center of the building and wandered to the east, down the narrow alley that ran through the lower level of the building. I had been with some people but had to leave. I was thinking about things as i walked. I considered them as i came out into the north-to-south alley on the eastern side of the building. The daylight from the ski illuminated the top of the eastern brick wall of the alley, and i started walking to the south. As i did so, i drew a couple marks on the eastern wall with the large piece of orange chalk that i was carrying. There were many other marks on the wall, and i looked at them as i passed, thinking that they all had their special meanings. It was interesting, and they seemed to have something to do with what i was thinking about. I felt happy as i continued to the end of the alley, passing some of the dumpsters and boxes of rubbish that were piled against the western wall of the passage. I stopped at the end of the alley and looked up the city street to the east. It seemed to continue a little way up the hill of the town. We seemed to be on the southern end of this part of town. There were buildings on the southern part of the street, but they seemed to be on a steep hill, with nothing to the south of them. The street sloped upward to the east, and i moved up to the next corner and looked to the north. It seemed to be early night now, where the sky was dark but it was still bright enough to see. The streetlights seemed to on in the city, and there were several young people on the rooftop terrace of a building, eating at a table. There were string lights around the railing of the terrace. This part of town seemed like it was close to a college, and i felt that many of the people here were college students. I turned back to the west and started walking down the hill. I passed the alley and walked in front of the pub, which was on the ground floor of the building that i had been in. I walked to the north, into the entryway of the pub, and then turned to the east, heading into the main room. I had been here before. The room was full of young people sitting around tables, and it seemed as though it was a special time of night. I felt a little out of place here as i looked around the room. The room was rectangular and stretched to the east. The windows on the southern wall seemed high in the wall, as though we were slightly below street level. There was a small rounded service counter in the northwestern corner of the room, where a waiter in a white apron stood. He watched me with his hands on his hips, trying to figure out what i wanted to do. To the east of the counter was a wide doorway that led into what appeared to be a corridor on the back side of the bar. It ran to the east, behind a thick wooden dividing wall. It seemed as though it was near the end of the evening, and i thought that the pub would be closing. I then noticed that one of the young men at a table to the south of me had stood up slightly, lifting his hands over his head as the woman to the east of him slipped his blue shirt off. He seemed to have an attractive body, but i did not pay much attention. I then noticed that another young man to the west was also taking his shirt off. Something seemed to be strange here, and i was not quite sure what to do. I moved to the doorway, thinking that it was time for people to remove their clothing. I was not sure that i wanted to be in the pub at this time, but i did not quite know where i should go. I then turned back to the south, noticing that the room was now empty. The people had moved into the large glass booths on the southern wall. I had thought that the booths were old telephone booths, but i realized that i could not really see through the glass. The people had taken off all of their clothing and were now touching each other erotically. It was a special event at the bar, and i was interested in it, but i was not sure that i wanted to participate. I felt a little out of place here. I turned back to the other person to the northeast of me and told them about the people in the booths. I was surprised at this. This seemed to be a foreign place, and i was interested in what was happening here, but it made me feel uncomfortable because i was not accustom to such things.

I started walking to the east, across the large outdoor plaza between the tall office buildings. Someone was talking to me from the northwest, but i had become interested in something on the eastern side of the plaza. There was a row of what looked like stone heads arranged in a row along the ground. They were elaborately carved, and reminded me of something like Aztec drawings. I tried to move closer to the artwork in the center of the plaza, but it seemed to keep shifting position. It was always to the east of me, but it seemed to be to the southeast for a moment, to the west of the tall white metal office building. Then it was back to the east, on the northern side of the building. I moved toward it, noticing that it almost looked like a balustrade in the middle of the stone courtyard. There seemed to be writing in the center of the balustrade, which now seemed like a railing made out of decorative twisted metal. The word was in the center of the railing, near the top of the thin supporting spindles. It was surrounded by an elongated rectangle with rounded ends. I realized that the name was a native-american name, but i had trouble reading it at first. It started with “Teck”, and i suddenly remembered that it was the name of the native from the midwestern United States, the one that $F12 had been interested in. I told $Z, who was standing to the north of me, that the plaza was named after Tecumseh, although it was spelled more like “Teckumsa” on the railing. The row of heads that were the railing had been north to south, in front of the tall building in the center of the plaza, but, as i approached, it was now a row of chairs running east to west. They looked like pews, and each seat seemed to form a narrow wooden human head. On further observation, i noticed that there were several rows of seats. They looked like pews, and they faced south, toward the tall building. A woman sat in the front row of the pews, and she watched me as i wandered in front of the chairs. There was something special about the design of the pews, and i thought that there was something special about his plaza. I started to float into the air, and then realized that the woman and others in the plaza would see me. I suddenly did not care about them and lifted up into the air. I would be away from here before they could become afraid of my abilities. I spread out my arms as i lifted above the trees. I then rotated my body to the south, watching the white stone face of the building pass in front of me as i rose. As i reached the top of the building, i noticed the intricate texture patters of the stones on the surface of the building. It formed a T near the top of the building and seemed to be native american in design. There was something special about this plaza, and it had to do with the carvings and designs on the buildings and pews. I felt good about being here, and i wanted to fly around, even if the people would see what i could do. I swiftly flew to the north, close to the ground of the plaza. There was a low modern building on the north of the plaza with a grassy courtyard in the center. The building formed a C, with the opening in the center of the southern section. I flew thought the opening and slowed to a hover in front of the northern side of the building. There were glass windows on the face of the building, and i could see students inside sitting at tables. They were all studying. It seemed strange that they would still be here, since it seemed that the college session had ended. I started flying to the west, not wanting to be caught by staying in one area for too long. As i passed by the windows, i could see the young people filling the tables inside. They had not left for the summer because they were graduate students and were still working on their studies. I looked at several young men and women as i passed the windows. On the western side of the building, i turned to the south, flying along the inside corner of the building. I imagined that i could run on the side of the building. It would be easy because of the way i was flying. I looked at the large white square tiles just above the windows and imagined that i was running on them. It would be an amusing sight for those in the building. I crossed the shorter western wing of the building and started to turn back to the west again. I could not stay in one place for too long or the people would find me.

I jogged down the stairs to the northwest, heading between the old buildings here. This town seemed old, and i had come through these alleys and corridors before. It was a tricky way to come, because there were no paths the entire way. I jumped over the railing at the bottom of the stairs and started crawling across the northeastern face of the wall. The white plaster wall was at the bottom of a house. The house was on a steep hill, so the stairs had ended at the top of the hill, and i had to climb along the narrow ledge of the wall to continue at the same level. The dry dirt ground below me sloped steeply to the north, between the old buildings. I held on to the railing that ran across the face of the white stucco building as i went. I had done this before, and i was doing it again. I came to the bottom of the stairs and stepped over the metal railing. To continue to the north, i grabbed onto the metal railing on the side of the building and carefully pulled myself across the face of the building. There were men following me this time. They were heavy and middle aged, wearing old T-shirts or tank tops. They had short straight black hair and seemed italian. The said something to me as i started across the railing, and it seemed that they did not think much of me. They seemed to have a negative opinion of me, as if they considered me weak and homosexual. I ignored them and watched my hands hop over the metal railing. It was easy for me to move across the face of the wall, and i knew that they would have a much harder time. I could make the climb that they thought i could not make. I had black winter gloves on my hands, and i watched the gloves grab onto the railing as i moved along the wall. There were vines growing out of the railing, and there seemed to be a metal chain-link fence under the railing. I worried that the gloves would make it harder for me to grab the railing, but decided that i could still do it. I came to the northern side of the building and jumped to the cement ledge of the next building. This was how the course ran, and i was quite able to do it. I passed through a building and came into the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. I was heading south now, and started down the cellar stairs on the eastern side of the house. The cellar door was open, and i noticed that there was a cat getting ready to run out the door. I did not want the cat to get out, and i hurried to close the door, even though i was on my way out. The cat got out anyway, and i was upset that it had. I complained to my relatives, who were in the room behind me, and then i followed the cat around the northern side of the house, heading west. The cat was $X14, but i called it $X5. I wanted to get in front of him to catch him, and i kept calling his name, but he would not come. He started around the western side of the house, and i was worried that he would run into the road to the south of the house. A black pick-up truck then came from the north, across the lawn of the house. It drove across the grass between the houses, heading to the south, toward the street. I was afraid that it would run over $X14, but, instead, $X14 started chasing after the truck as if he was going to catch it. I was annoyed and chased after them. The truck ran into the street, but $X14 stopped just short of the street. I hoped that i could catch him and came after him. We were then on a north-to-south street, and there was a large school bus parked to the east of us. $X14 ran under the bus before i could get to him, and i started to worry that the bus would drive forward while the cat was under it. It seemed to be stopped at a light.

I headed to the north, down the slope of the dry dirt alley that ran between the old buildings of the town. There was a movie screen hung to the north of me, and i hopped down the slope toward it. The walls to the east and west of me now seemed black, as if they were part of the theater. I jumped up as i came close to the screen. I wanted to capture the image that was hanging there. As i reached for the screen, though, i realized that it was just a piece of cloth hanging from the ceiling. The blue and white label that was on it was being project by a movie camera from the south. It was not being generated by the screen. I was disappointed that i could not grab the image and instead grabbed a piece of cloth that the image was being projected on. I fell back to the ground and tired to move back up the slope to the south. As i tried to move, i realized that there was something under my arm. It seemed like cloth, and i decided that i must have pulled the screen down on top of me. It was making it hard for me to move because it was wrapped around my waist. I lifted my left arm, realizing that i was reclined to the north, with my right arm down. I tried to get the cloth to slide under my arm, but it seemed to be catching on my torso. I pulled again, realizing that i was in a bed with the sheet over me.

I entered the restaurant from the west and started walking east down the long corridor. There was a small dining room to the south of me. The walls were plaster and seemed old. The building was worn, and this seemed to be an italian restaurant, or it seemed to be a restaurant in Italy. I paused at the eastern edge of the dining area, looking to the east, down the corridor. There was something special about this place. The white corridor led into another section of the restaurant, where a second small dining room expanded from the northern side of the corridor. There seemed to be lavatories directly to the north of where i was. The walls of the restaurant had old pictures on them, and there were small lights hung here and there. There was something gypsian about the place, but it was really just italian. My mother or grandmother then seemed to be to the east of me, in the corridor leading to the other room. I was aware of a waiter or mater d to the southeast of me. I felt confused and did not know where to go in the restaurant, but i though that i should head to the west. I then realized that the hallway got darker, and my attention was focused on one of the lights on the top of the wall to the northeast. There was a ledge on top of the white wall. The wall seemed to be a dividing wall in the eastern part of the restaurant, running a few meters into the room to separate the southern side of the room from the corridor. The wall ended a little less than a meter from the ceiling, and there were rounded white lamps with white cone lampshades on them along the top of the wall. It seemed that my mother or grandmother had turned out one of the lamps, and the action had shut the lights off in the eastern dining room. I felt a little annoyed and walked to the lamps on the top of the wall, where the half wall ran in front of the main wall at the entrance to the corridor. I reached for the second lamp and turned the knob back on. I then tried to turn the first lamp on, thinking that it would make more sense not to have the second on because it would save some power and spread out the light better if every other light was on. I turned the knob on the first lamp, but noticed that the light bulb was missing. There was a round metal cup facing me where the light should be. I decided that my idea would not work and went to turn the second light back on. The lights in the dining room came back on, but then seemed to be off again. Something was wrong with the electricity here. I thought that we might have shorted out the circuit when we turned the lamps on and off. I felt annoyed and was not sure what to do. I turned to the west and started walking slowly back into the first dining room, which was still lighted. There was a man standing in a doorway on the northern side of the corridor, just to the west of me. He tossed a ball of pizza dough at me. Instinctively, i reached up with my right hand to catch it. I was surprised that i had caught it, and thought the man would be impressed as well. He seemed to have wavy blond hair under his chef hat, and he was wearing a green uniform that looked more like a bellhop than a chef, with gold or white trim down the right side, where the buttons were. I felt bad about messing up the lights in the room, and did not know what to do about it. I continued to the west, feeling a little out of place here.

12009 June 22

I was standing to the west of the others as they wandered down the driveway, heading to the south. There were two young men playing american football, and i thought that they were on the team. The third man seemed to be their coach, and seemed to be an older man with graying hair. He wore a navy-blue windbreaker as he spoke to the young men. He was talking to one in particular, giving him pointers on playing the game. This conversation seemed serious. The other young man was fooling around to the east of the first two. The man to the east kicked the football high into the air. It rolled over the tops of some of the trees to the east and then came back down to the ground. I felt that this was a foolish thing to do, and i started to feel that there was some danger to the situation. The ball seemed to land under one of the wooden utility poles that ran to the east from the driveway. There seemed to be a right-of-way under the power lines, but it was becoming overgrown with tall weeds and small shrubs. There was a sudden explosion to the east, along the right-of-way. It seemed to be a little bit to the west of where the football landed, but i felt that the football had something to do with the explosion. The two young men moved to the east, and i moved toward them. I said that the football must have landed on a land mine. They moved to the east, but i cautioned them that there was danger here. The first man, who was the star player that was being lectured by the coach, told me that the problem had to do with the oil wells here. We were now in the thick vegetation of the right-of-way, where the explosion had occurred. The man said that there was something wrong with the oil well here, and i thought that the oil companies had done something wrong for the explosion to have occurred this way. We seemed to be standing on small submerged drums, which were about the side of fifty-five-gallon oil drums. Only the white tops of the drums were above the thick murky water. I tried to move from one drum to the other, but the drums were unstable and wobbled in the water. The first man was to the northwest of me on one of the drums. He moved to the northeast, away from the drum that seemed to be an open pipe. There was thick black oil around the mouth of the pipe floating on the water. This was an old oil well, and this was the cause of the problem here. I knew that the water was polluted by the oil drilling, and this is what made it dangerous. The second man seemed to be to the east of me, floating in the thick reeds around us. I was aware of a channel of water where the reeds had been cut, running to the north from where i was. I decided that it would be easier to swim in the water, though i was fearful that the water might be too sludgy to swim in. I started floating to the south when i heard the second man telling us he had a way out. There was another channel of cut vegetation running east to west to the south of me. The second man had found an inflatable raft. The first man was in the tan raft as it moved from the northeast of me, heading to the east. It turned down another channel and came to the southeast of me. As it started to speed by on the south of me, i jumped on the eastern end of the raft. The soft edge of the raft folded under me and i was worried that it would start to take on water. It did not seem stable enough to support all three people. We were moving quickly to the west. There was a strong current in the waterway, but that did not seem correct to me, so i decided that the boat was powered. The back of the raft then stiffened suddenly, and i was sitting out of the water on the back of the raft. The others were then talking to someone, and i moved to the southern side of the small room. It seemed to be an entryway to a suite of offices in and old wooden building. The white walls around us were plaster, and the doorways were trimmed with stained wood. There was a man in a suit lecturing the two young men, who now seemed to be boys. The man seemed to be wearing a gray suit from the fourties or fifties, and there was something out of place about the situation. The young boys were being accused of causing the explosion because they were in the woods near the oil rigs. I knew that the oil company was just trying to place the blame on someone so that they would not get changed with any crimes. The adults were lecturing the boy, who seemed to be in his mid or late teens. He had dark skin and short black hair. His face seemed oddly rounded, with a puffy jaw line, and i could tell that he was upset. It was unfair that the adults were accusing him of the explosion when i knew that he did not have anything to do with it. The situation was bad, and i knew that the children should not be blamed. I moved to the northwest side of the room, where there was a short set of stairs heading up to a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. I stopped on the stairs and called to the dark-skinned boy. He and his friend, who seemed to be light-skinned with dark hair, turned their attention to me. They now seemed to be a little older, in their late teens. I told the first man that i had seen what had happened. I said that i would act as a witness and vouch for their innocence. I wanted to convince them that i had seen what had happened, so i told them that i had seen them playing football on the driveway with near the coach. I described what i had seen, hoping that they would know that i was being honest.

I stepped into the elevator, leaving $F45 to the north of me somewhere. I had pressed the button for the floor just a few levels below me, but my attention was drawn by the buttons on the right side of the panel. The large silver panel was in the center of the southern wall of the elevator. All of the walls of the elevator seemed to be covered with a white metal, and the doors were to the north. I looked at the buttons again, noticing the separate section of buttons on the western side of the panel. These were special buttons, and i thought that they would take me to a special place in the building. I did not want to press them, however, because i felt that they would make the elevator travel much farther than necessary, and i did not want to spend the time traveling. The group of buttons had a dark rectangle over the top of them to show that they were special buttons. White text in the dark bar said what they were for. The buttons were arranged in a small grid of about four or five by four. I looked back to the center of the panel, where the rest of the buttons were. The other buttons seemed to be arranged in three or four diamond shaped clusters across the face of the panel. I pressed one of the buttons in the center of the panel, but kept contemplating where i was going. I only had to move a few floors. For some reason, i pressed one of the buttons in the special section. I was then very annoyed that i had done so, knowing that the elevator would have to travel down into the subbasement and take a very long time. The elevator suddenly started upward and started moving very quickly. I tried to press a button to cancel the floor i had chosen, but the elevator kept rising. I realized that it was going to one of the upper floors of the very tall building and i started to feel uneasy. The motion was making my stomach feel queasy, and i did not want to be on the upper floors of the building. I was uncomfortable as the elevator ascended through the building. It seemed to be moving very fast, and it seemed to be traveling for quite a long time. It finally slowed down near the top floor. The door slid open, and i wondered if i would be able to see out one of the large windows at the city skyline to the north. I felt uneasy about being this high in this building, but i still thought it would be nice to see the view. I looked to the north as the door opened, but i could only see a white wall on the other side of the corridor. I pressed a button to get back down and the door slid shut again. The elevator started to descend quickly again, and i felt uneasy with the motion. I turned to the north and stood with my back against the southern wall of the booth, pressing my hands against the eastern and western walls to brace myself. The elevator finally stopped and i got out, walking into the large open room of the library. $F45 was waiting for me, and he seemed to be impatient. We had come here to look for something. There were people sitting around small round tables in the room, reading books. I wandered a little to the west as $F45 stood to the north, across one of the tables. He complained about wandering around the library with no specific book in mind. I ignored him, knowing that he was just impatient because he had nothing specific to do here. I wandered into the room to the south. The library was decorated in a flat gray. There were metal shelves on all of the walls. Looking at the western wall of the second room, i noticed that the books were mostly philosophical books. I had come here looking for the religious texts. I realized that the books here were not exactly what i was looking for. They were related to theology, but they were works talking about theology. I wandered to the west, looking at the books on the southern wall. Some of them seemed to be large old leather-bound volumes. A few had very intricate text on the front. I looked at them as i continued to the west. I then noticed one that seemed very fancy. I wondered if it was a special book by some philosopher. These books seemed to be written by the poplar philosophers of the time, like Des Cartes, Aristotle, and Copernicus. I focused on the fancy book, trying to read the title. I then realized that the wide cubical object was not actually a book at all but a safe. It seemed like a television mounted on the wall above the shelves, but it was actually a gray metal safe with gold writing on it. It belonged to the people that were researching at the table just under it. There was a man and woman sitting at the table. They kept special books in the safe while they were not at the library. As i passed to the west of the table, the woman, who had been sitting on the southwestern side of the round table, stood up and reached for the safe. She was going to put something back into it. This was her area of the library for research, so she kept her materials in the safe. There seemed to be another safe to the east, in the southeastern corner of the room. It was darker. I scanned all of the walls of the room and then headed back for the exit door, which was in the western end of the northern wall. These were not the books that i was looking for. They were all writings on the idea of religions. I wanted the books that were actually about religion. I remembered that they were in the other side of the library. This section of books continued in another room. I thought about this as i looked at the tall volumes on the shelves in the western wall. I left the room and started walking to the northwest. I pictured the layout of the library in my head. There were many rooms between where i was and the other part of the religious section, which seemed to be in the northwestern corner of the building. The rooms of the library seemed open, with glass walls between them. It was a very large complex, and i knew that $F45 would be impressed at just how big the library actually was. I started walking through the rooms to get to the northwest.

12009 June 23

We ran into the large white house and down the corridor until we came to a door. The person with me tried to open the door, but there was something blocking it from opening on the other side. It was probably a large piece of furniture. I felt a little annoyed that we had to go all the way back, but i turned around and ran back down the hallway with the others. They were going to try a different route into the house. I turned a corner and then i noticed a large white kitchen cabinet standing in front of a doorway. I realized that it was the doorway that he had tried to get through. The others had reached another door and were trying to get through it, but it would not open. They had gone to the north down the corridor, but i turned to the east and walked a little way to the north. I could see the doorknob on the door to the east of me moving, and i knew that it was the others trying to get in. They were concentrating on getting through the doors that were locked or blocked, but i understood that all of the obstacles were easy to get around. It was simply a matter of taking alternate routes. There was something strange about this, and i tried to tell the others that all they had to do was look for different ways through the house. I headed to the north again, taking a corridor on the eastern side of the hall. I stopped when i realized that there was a dark cabinet to the west of me, blocking a doorway. The others would be on the other side of it soon, and i thought that i should tell them how to get around the door rather than trying to figure out how to force their way through it. I then looked into the small room to the northeast. There were people sitting around a table, and i realized that they had been watching us. The house was filled with monitoring equipment. There was a man sitting on the northern side of the square kitchen table with a set of black headphones on his head. I felt nervous for discovering them, but i also felt that i had stepped behind the scenes here. I wondered what i should do next.

12009 June 24

I moved with the people through the large building, heading to the east. This was a temple in egyptian style, but i knew that it was part of the spaceship from Stargate SG1. I was walking with the people from SG1 as they attacked the Goa’uld. The temple that we were in was filled with followers of Apohpis. They were all sitting on the ground facing east, where the main throne was. Apophis was standing just to the east of us, in the corridor of the room. We had a weapon that would disable the Goa’uld weapons, so they that they would not be able to hurt us. The followers knew this, which is why they had stopped attacking us. The people i was with had been victorious in this battle. The person aimed the weapon at the golden wall of the ship, and the ship was forced to drop out of hyperspace. The followers were disheartened. They knew that they had been defeated and that there was now nothing that they could do against SG1. I thought about this situation. The weapon was very advanced technology, and i knew that it had come from the future. Time distortion had allowed this technology to come back in time to fight Apophis. This seemed like a very good plot to the story, and i ran it through my head several times, trying to see if there was any way to make it better. I kept replaying the way that the weapon had come back in time and how it had been used to defeat the bad guys. I moved through the large empty rooms of the spaceship, enjoying the plot running through my head. This was how we should defeat the Goa’uld. I would write this story into the plot of what was happening, and we could win the day. I moved through the empty gymnasiums, thinking about how i could apply the plot to the series. I had to have a way to integrate the actors. I thought about the actors of the series as i headed back to the east. I started moving down a long corridor when i noticed Daniel lying on the floor, just to the east of me. He was being dragged to the east, down the length of the corridor. I felt that things were suddenly not going well in this battle. This was because the weapon from the future had not been brought back yet. Adria was in the corridor near Daniel as the Goa’uld continued to attack. She fell down near Daniel, and i noticed that she was holding an apple in her hand. It was something special, and she was trying to protect it. A glowing blue line then connected the apple to an object that Daniel had been carrying. Daniel was unconscious, but the object that was in his hand moved suddenly to Adria. This surprised her, and i thought that this was how they discovered a new technology. The blue line and the object became a blue ring clamp around the center of the apple. The blue ring and the apple were both part of the same device, and they were attracted to each other. The device turned around on Adria’s hand as she held it. She started moving to the west, and i followed her down the corridor. Both of us were looking at the device as we went, trying to figure out what it was and how it was used. Ahead of us, the group was leaving through the gate at the western end of the corridor. Sam and two other people were standing in front of an open stargate. Daniel was standing to the northwest of Sam, closer to the gate, and i saw that he had the blue device in his hand. A larger man was standing with Daniel, between him and the gate. The device in Daniel’s hand seemed to be attached to his wrist, as if it was a bracelet, but it was attracted to something on the other side of the stargate. He was pulled suddenly toward the gate by the device. Daniel collided with the larger man who was between him and the gate. The larger man was covered with black clothing, so that little of his body could be seen, but i could tell that he was very muscular. He tumbled backward as Daniel hit him, and they both fell through the gate. The large man was a new character on the show, and this was their way of getting him into the cast and on the show. The scene suddenly changed, showing the other side of the gate. Daniel and the large man rematerialized in a large metal room. Sam and the others were with them. This was the new cast of the show. I listened as thing were being explained. We then started to walk down the corridor, away from the gate, heading east. Adria still held the apple in her hand. She held it out and pulled an object from the southern wall to her as we walked. I thought about how this worked, and she said that she could read minds after taking a small bite of the apple. We continued to walk, and i had the apple in my hand now. I heard Sam talk about the mental abilities of the apple as we continued to the east. I wondered how it worked, so i took a bite of the apple. We came to the edge of the building and stopped. I was acting the part of the character, so i pretended to have mental abilities. This was part of the plot. I started moving again to the west, acting as though i was being overwhelmed by the new abilities. I stumbled dramatically and fell against the southern wall.

I headed to the west, across the large parking lot. It was dim out, as though it was evening or early morning. I had just left the cast area where i had been acting for the film. I was wearing blue spandex shorts and a crimson cape. I felt a little out of place, but i was heading to my car, so no one would notice me. I looked around the parking lot, but i could not see my car. It should have been parked on the northern side of the lot. There were few cars in the lot at the moment, so my car should be visible. I scanned the cars parked along the northern side of the lot, but could not spot mine. Something was wrong, and i wondered what my car looked like. I could not remember what kind of car i had come in. I then realized that this parking lot was part of $P52. I had left my car here over the weekend, while i was filming, but classes at the college had started over the weekend as well. This meant that the parking restrictions might have been put in place while my car was parked here. I started to feel annoyed, thinking that my car was probably towed from the lot. I then noticed that there was now a large hole in the ground on the northwestern side of the lot. Several cars were parked around the edges of the hole. The hole was part of a new construction project, and i wondered if i had parked my car where the construction was now taking place. If that were the case, then they would have towed my car to start the construction. I felt bad that i had left my car there so long. I was annoyed and turned back to the southeast, where $F45 was standing. I sadly told him that my car might have been towed. He was the person who drove me here to pick up my car, and he seemed disappointed and annoyed with me for leaving the car here. I told him that i would have to go to campus to get the car. This lot seemed to be just off campus. I started walking to the east, noticing that i was wearing better clothing that i had been wearing before. I did not want to walk across campus in my costume. I told $F45 that i had to walk out to the impound lot, which seemed to be a long way off campus to the east. I headed through the gray locker room, moving through aisles in a generally southeastern direction. I then turned west at the southern end of the room and headed down the corridor. I took my wallet out of my pants pocket and looked at it in my hands. I was pulling some papers out, thinking that i would have to show them to the people at the impound lot. There was a police desk ahead of me, and i would have to ask them about my car.

12009 June 25

12009 June 27

$A122 was driving the car on the southern side of the road, just to the south of where i was. He was backing the car up slowly, moving to the east. I watched him as he looked over his shoulder to see where he was doing. This seemed like something dangerous to do. For a moment, i was inside the small white car with him as we backed up. He pulled the car to a stop in the gravel parking area just to the north of the road. We seemed to be on the northern side of $P52. There seemed to be a white bridge spanning a narrow gorge just to the west of us. The gorge was to the north. I then noticed that there was a police car to the east of us, just down the road, at the eastern end of the gravel parking area. The police officer turned to look at us as $A122 stopped the small white car in the lot. I felt worried about what the officer might do. I felt that he might abuse his authority to harass us. He started walking toward us. I backed away from the car as the officer told $A122 to get out of the car. $A122 got out of the car, trying to remain cheerful. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that the officer was just trying to threaten us. I then noticed that there were many police officers there. $A122 had turned his locator off. The police were watching him because he was not an obedient citizen. He did not have a locator beacon on him, though, so the police suspected him of being a bad person. He made jokes as the police questioned him, trying to keep up the appearance of an innocent person who did not understand why the police were questioning him. I wandered away, uneasy with the situation. To the west of me i saw a large map of the area. It seemed to be a topographic map, with green shades and many curving lines. It also had lines for roads and buildings. The map was part of a computer screen, which was slowly redrawing the map as i watched. This was a map of $P14. I could see the small red dot near the center of the map, which represented $A122’s locator beacon. I then looked at the map again. This time, it was more of a screen saver, with generic images across it. I could still see the red blip indicating where $A122 was. A white graphic of an airplane then passed across the screen, moving from left to right. This was al part of the screen saver.

I walked to the north, into the small bathroom at $P189. There were gray toilet stalls to the east, and i moved into one of them. I had defecated here, and i was looking into the toilet at the feces. There was something wrong with it. I noticed small white spiders crawling around the outside of it. I wondered how this could have happened. Something must be very wrong. I then noticed the spiders on the side of the toilet as well. I became nervous about them and started to back out of the stall. I then realized that there were spiders everywhere on the stall. The entire bathroom had spiders in it of all shapes and sizes.

I had come back from the camping trip, and was hiking on the dirt trail to the south. The land around me seemed dry, with scrub plants low to the ground. The soil was dark red. It had been raining, and the narrow river to the south of me was now very high. I would still have to cross it in order to get home. I stepped out into the water. The water was deep, and i started to float to the east. The others complained about the mud at the shore of the river, but i lifted my feet up and started to float. There was a coffle of horses walking down the southern side of the river. They had been trying to cross as well, but they were walking down the river instead. This caravan of horses had been part of the party that i was camping with. I floated on the current, moving just to the north of the horses. The animals seemed anxious and jumpy in the water, so i tried to stay far enough away from them that they could not hurt me. The current pushed me around the corner of the river, and i started heading to the northeast. I turned my body in the water to prevent drifting into the horses and the rocks on the southern bank. I put my hands down in the water in front of me, feeling gravel on the bottom of the river. The water was shallow here, and i could control my movement more easily. I grabbed handfuls of gravel to slow me down. I then heard the others behind me calling out for me. They were worried that i had not been with them, and they were starting to panic. This annoyed me, because i knew that the best way to survive the current was not to panic. They seemed to have fought their way to the shore to the south. I called back to them, saying “I kind of have my hands full at the moment. You’ll have to wait.” I would get to the shore when i could. I looked to the east, to see the rounded red rocks rising from the water. I would not be able to easily climb out here, but i noticed that there were people standing on the top of the rocks. They had come out of the river from someplace else. I was floating to the north now, and i thought that i needed to get out of the water and back onto the trail. The people to the east must be walking on a hiking trail over the tops of the rocks. I turned to the west and walked down the hall. The plaster walls were white, and this hall seemed to be an access corridor. There was a set metal stairs on the western end, and i walked up them. The stairs ascended to the west, but turned back to the east before reaching the second floor. I had the key for the door at the top of the stairs, and i opened it. As i walked through, i propped the door open so that i would not have to use the key again. I then turned off the lights in the stairwell. It was late in the office, and i did not think that the lights should be left on if no one was using the halls. I walked through the large room on the other side, which seemed to be an office complex. There were many small offices behind glass doors to the south and an open room of cubicles to the north. The walls of the cubicles seemed to be pale orange. It was dark, but i knew that i could still find my way out. I then noticed that there were people sitting at the large rectangular conference table in the white conference room to the east. They were still here taking care of the children that had been left by the people who work in the office. Some of the children were deaf, so they would need special care. I stopped in the doorway, looking at the brightly colored toys that were scattered across the floor. There was a large television hung against the northern wall, and it was playing some kind of children’s show. Someone mentioned the name of the channel, and it seemed like it was something that started with an R. I did not quite hear what they said, but i tried to remember the name. I thought about several names, but i decided that the channel was actually Nickelodeon. I wondered what name they had mentioned that had started with R, and i thought that Nickelodeon might be owned by a large company whose name starts with R. I turned to the southeast and headed down the large hallway. The hall was very plain, but there was a small white kiosk in the center of it. This place seemed like a mall, but it was empty because the office was closed. I decided that i had to get to bed.

12009 June 28

I was walking through the dark city streets with $F43. This place did not quite feel right, and i thought that we had come into the future. This place was a city in a time after we were supposed to live. There were crowds of people to the north of us on the street, and they were protesting something. We had come out of an alley from the west and found ourselves stuck in the main north-to-south street between the buildings to the south and the large crowd to the north. The buildings around us seemed tall and were faced with cement. They seemed to be corporate buildings, but all of them were dark and seemed abandoned. We seemed to be in a little bit of danger here, and $F43 was wandering to the northeast, ahead of me. I felt that i had to keep her safe. The world had fallen apart, and the protesters would become violent if necessary. I pushed $F43 toward the building on the western side of the street. The crowd had gathered on the southern side of the building, where we had come from. We would not be able to go back out the way we came. I then decided that we should enter the building. The protesters would not dare do so, so i thought that we could get away from them by running into the offices. I ran to the west, pulling $F43 with me. We headed into the double door. It was not the main entrance to the building, so the crowd had not bothered protesting in front of it. We could wait inside and let the police arrest the crowd. I tried to open the door, but the protesters started crowding around us. $F43 was pushed against the white metal door, closing it again. I tried to keep some of the people back so that i could get the door open. We would have to wait for the crowd to get distracted by the protests again before we entered the building. I watched the crowd to the north, hearing them yelling at the riot police. Once the door was left alone and no one was paying attention to it, i opened it a crack and wandered inside. No one seemed to notice us this time. The maintenance corridor inside was bare, with several pipes running across the ceiling. I seemed to be watching us moved through the corridor to the west from someplace near the ceiling. If the security guards came to us, i could tell them that we came inside to get away from the protests of the department. I could tell them that the protests over the department were inside.

I was in the metropolitan area, with tall buildings to the east of me. I seemed to be on the shore of a long narrow beach, with the water to the west. It seemed dark out, but it also seemed to be daylight. I turned to the west and noticed several people coming out of the water. They were all women in bathing suits, and they were crawling slowly out of the rolling waves. Something seemed wrong, and i thought that there must have been a shark in the water. The women had been attacked, and they must have just escaped. I then realized that the water had receded back into the ocean, but it had receded by quite a long way. Something was very wrong here. I looked back at the women crawling over the wet sand to get to the beach. There were several of them. This did not seem right, but the women did not seem to be distressed about anything. They were actually crawling in a seductive manner. I then realized that this was part of the bachelor party. I looked to the south of me to see the men gathered on the beach, watching the women approach them. I had been invited to this bachelor party, but i really did not know any of the men here. I felt out of place. I turned around to the southeast and found myself in the large fancy lobby of the hotel. The glass doors to the hotel were to the north of me, letting bright light into the polished stone entryway. To the southeast, people were mingling in the corner of the room. They were part of the wedding reception, which now seemed to be over. I remembered drinking the evening before, when i was at the bachelor party, but it now seemed that the wedding had come and gone, and that the reception was almost over. Something had happened to the time, and i could not remember what i had done. I wondered if i had jumped ahead in time, or whether my memory had been blocked for the entire time. I was suddenly upset, realizing that i had missed $F43’s wedding. Someone must have drugged me, and i thought that this was like the movie i had seen. I could not remember what happened the entire night or most of the morning, and i was very upset about it. I did not want to miss these events. $F45 was then standing next to me, and he showed me the pictures from the night before. He was displaying them on a small screen. I looked at the pictures of the large party, which seemed to be in a fancy nightclub or well decorated apartment. Everyone was having a good time, but i could not remember any of it. $F45 then started talking about the hot men that had been dancing the night. I started to feel distraught that i could not remember, and i wandered away to the southeast. I walked into the small apartment and started to cry. $F45 was still with me, and he mentioned the copper coin that i had found in the back corridor of the hotel. He then made an offhanded comment about the night before, and i became furious with him. He did not realize what i had lost, and he was not noticing that i was very upset at the moment. I grabbed a small egg-shaped white porcelain lamp from the table at the eastern end of the white fluffy couch and threw it to the west, toward $F45. I started to cry more, and $F45 tried to comfort me. I was mad that i had missed everything and mad because there was nothing that i could do about it. I could never get the time back. It was the only wedding that i would ever be able to go to here. I then started to think that it was actually a funeral. $F44 was dead, and this had something to do with him. I wandered to the north, into the cafe-like area. There were round tables. I approached a table from the north. It was a white metal table, and there was a man sitting on the southern side of the table. $F44 was standing to the east of me. I was surprised to see him there because i knew that he was dead. I then thought that only i could see him. The man would not know that he was there. I started to feel that there was some urgency to this situation. I looked at $F44, but he was staring to the south, at the man on the other side of the table. I wondered what the connection was. I reached out and pet $F44’s face and replied to the man. The man would not be able to see $F44 or to understand what i was doing. I had to figure out the connection between $F44 and the man. I wanted to know what made $F44 so angry with the man.

I had woken up early at my parents’ house and was wandering around the downstairs rooms. My relatives had been visiting, and they were planning on doing something today. I felt grumpy because it was too early in the morning. I walked into the back room of the house, and one of my relatives told me to go out doors. I did not want to do it, but i wandered out the back door of the house and into the driveway. $K14 was standing in the driveway. She did not look surprised to see me. There was something going on, but i was not sure what. We were supposed to be doing something, and i felt that some of my family members were trying to keep it a secret. I was not happy about following them, but i played along with the event, thinking that it would be better if i did what everyone else was doing. We were on the bus now, and it was driving somewhere to the east. I had my light jacket stuffed into a large mug that i was not using, but i realized that i did not bring anything else. It seemed that i might need more clothing, if we were staying for more than a day. I felt a little uncomfortable now, realizing that i did not even have my wallet with me. I had left the house so suddenly and did not really think that we would be heading anywhere, so i did not have my wallet in my pants, nor did i shower. I felt a little dirty. I must have slept late and rushed to get out. I felt agitated, not knowing where the bus was headed. This seemed to be a trip planned by my relatives, and it all felt very strange and suspicious. My father, who was sitting across the aisle from me, on the northern side of the bus, made joking complaints about the outing, implying that it was a tedious event that we would have to put up with. $K3 and $K4 were also on the bus. $K1 had arranged this trip, and i knew that it was to some religious retreat. It had something to do with religious training, and i felt pressured into being here. My father was not happy about it either. I moved to the west, thinking that it would be a long time until the bus turned around to head home. I felt impatient already and did not want to be here. I walked to the west across the circular driveway, heading for the building. The people here seemed very cheerful, but i realized that they were segregating us. I felt very uncomfortable as they led my family somewhere into the building, telling me to stay in the reception area. This was some kind of religious retreat, and they were separating us so that they could more easily indoctrinate us. I started to feel angry. My parents were led off to the northeast, and i started to wander around the living room. The room was very large, and there seemed to be many small rooms off the sides of it. The main entrance was to the east, and there seemed to be a corridor running to the west, from the southern wall of the room, and one running north, from the western wall. There were three large red couches in the room, arranged in a U that faced east. The one to the north of me was against the northern wall, with some cabinets to the west of it and a closed door to the east. The other two were placed away from the southern and western walls, forming corridors around the sides of the room. I was very angry about what was happening, and felt that they were discriminating against me because i did not believe in their religion. I started pushing over some of the yellow spongy things that were on the shelf to the north. I was frustrated, and picked up some of the toys that were left on the coffee table. I started throwing them across the room. After a few moments, i started to feel like my acts of outrage were futile, and i started to wonder what i could do. There was a large flat-screen television on the eastern wall, and i thought i could watch it. I then realized that the programming would probably be restricted to things deemed acceptable by this religion. I wandered to the west, out into the courtyard in the center of the building. I did not know what to do here and wanted to leave. I did not have any of my stuff with, so i would not be able to get home easily. I could not simply pay for a taxi with no money. I walked back into the building, noticing that there was a group of people approaching from the west. Some of them seemed to be injured, and were being escorted by others. I opened the glass door and held it open for the injured people. Some of them were being carried by the younger men. I felt annoyed with this. As nice as these people appeared, i knew that they were very hateful and manipulative with those that did not accept their beliefs. I was angry and stormed across the main room, heading to the north. I pushed open the door of the bedroom where my parents were staying, but there was no one inside. I turned around and came back into the main room. People were talking about food in the main room of the facility, and i turned to the north and walked into the kitchen, following the other man. I was not wearing any shoes at the moment, so i was barefoot. The pale-green kitchen seemed very large. It was long east to west and there was a formica counter running along the northern side of the room. It seemed as though i had been at this place for a while now, and the people were starting to trust me. I was more comfortable here, but i knew that i had to get out. It was still a dangerous place.

12009 June 29

I woke up in the darkened living room of house. I was sleeping on the red cushioned couch on the western side of the room. The room seemed to be nicely furnished, but it was hard to see in the dim light from the window. I realized that the light that was coming in through the large window in the northern wall was actually from the neighbors’ house. Their window must be very close to this one, and someone was standing in the window. I could see the shadow on the floor. I thought that they were spying on this house. I looked to the southern wall, which seemed to be mostly clear of decorations. I could see the image of a man with binoculars projected onto the wall. There was some lens effect happening in the window, allowing the image of the man to be faintly transferred onto the southern wall. He was checking the features of the room to see if anyone was here. I felt uncomfortable about this, but i did not want to move. I was worried that he might see me in the room. I made sure that i was lying out of his sight on the couch. I had to make sure that the light cast through the window was not hitting my feet, which were under a blanket on the couch. I remained very still and tried to go back to sleep. I did not want him to know that i was here, and i did not think that he would try to come into the room if he thought that no one was here. I then heard voices to the north. I opened my eyes, realizing that some time had passed. The voices were talking about an escaped prisoner in the area. I looked up at the widows, which were very low to the floor. I could see the police officers searching the grounds around the house. The female officer shined her flashlight into the house, and i moved against the couch to get out of the way. I felt nervous and tense. I did not want anyone to see me in this house. I tired to stay asleep on the couch, but felt worried about the people outside. I knew that there were others sleeping in the room with me, but the people outside had not spotted them either. I told them about the man that had been sneaking around the house. I rolled to the east, leaning off of the couch to look out of the window again. It was dark now, but i was much closer to the window that i had been before. I could not see down into a lower room of the house from here. The floor in front of the window seemed to have multiple levels to it. The meter wide section by the window was raised about a meter from the floor that the couch was standing on. The window to the outside started at the upper section. The vertical between the sections was also a window, though, and through it i could see a lower underground room of the house. It was a separate apartment. The room was dark now, and there did not seem to be anyone there. I worried that someone might be hiding in that apartment and could get into the house where we were. Someone then mentioned that an Italian man lived in the apartment.

I was moving very quickly over the ground, traveling very low to the paved surface, as if traveling in a very small vehicle. I was heading to the west at a very fast speed. I seemed to be outdoors, but, as i approached the intersection, where were walls on the northern and southern sides of the road. I was cautious of the intersection, because i could not see what was coming in the other directions. I was in a tunnel as i slowed on the eastern side of the intersection. The tunnel was rounded, but the roadway was flat at the bottom of it. There were two tunnels crossing the one i was in: one for each lane of traffic. I came to a stop just to the south of the two tunnels, which now headed off to the west. I had come from the tunnel that sloped down toward the intersection from the south. I felt nervous as i walked on the sidewalk on the western side of the road. The tunnels to the west were painted red, and seemed to be ascending from somewhere deeper in the earth. I felt afraid that a train might come out of the tunnels as i crossed. The tunnel i was following was painted white, and sloped upward to the west. I looked up at the red light at the intersection. As i started to cross the tunnels to the west, i could hear cars coming up them. The sound echoed strangely, and i worried that the cars would not see me. I knew that they would have to have a red light, though, so i tried not to be nervous, but i was anyway. I made it across the two tunnels and started up the tunnel to the north. I then realized that i was walking on the side of the traffic lane on the western side of the tunnel. There was a cement barrier on the eastern side of the tunnel, which seemed to separate the traffic lanes from a walking lane. I should be behind the barrier to the east, across from the northernmost tunnel on the west. I hurriedly crossed the white tunnel and started up the sidewalk on the eastern side. The road rose several meters in a short distance, but seemed to level out only a little way up. The area ahead of me also seemed to open up a little, and the lane of traffic seemed to be broken up by more cement barriers. This place now seemed like an underground parking garage. The wall to the east of me receded, and there was a silver drinking fountain in the center of a blue wall. The drinking fountain was rather high from the ground. I passed by, but decided to back up and get some water to drink. I had to stand up tall to reach the fountain. As i tried to get a drink, however, the fountain sprayed water erratically, getting my fate wet.

12009 June 30

I left the gathering and headed south, out over the large rocks that lined the shore. The water was to the south of me and seemed to be a large lake or a very calm ocean. A wooden bridge was running east to west across the water not far from the shore. It looked like a wooden deck, with wooden railings on the side. I jumped off of the rocks and landed on the outside of the bridge. The bridge was very old, and the wood seemed to be decaying. I worried that it might break with me on it. I looked back to the shore to the north of me, thinking that i should jump back. There was a man and woman walking across the shore to the east, just to the north of me. I waited for them to be out of my way so that i could jump. As i looked back to the shore, however, it seemed much farther than i had thought. It seemed very far away, and i did not know how i would be able to jump that far. The rocks on the shore were also rather rugged. It was easier to jump onto the bridge because i could see where my foot would fall on the flat surface, but the rocks were very uneven. I worried that i might twist my ankle on the rocks as i landed from such a long jump. I started to feel worried about where i was and wondered what to do. I then heard the railing behind me cracking. I looked at the railing to see that it was breaking off from the bridge. I was not standing on the deck of the bridge, but was hanging from the side. The deck was at my waist level. I let go of the railing and hung on to the boards of the platform. I started moving to the south, across the side of the bridge, which was now to the west of me. I would have to cross over the water by handing on to the edge of the bridge. As i moved, i realized that it was not as hard as it would seem. I swung across the side of the bridge until i was back on the rocks of the shore. Once i was over the rocks, i let go of the bridge and relaxed a little.

$F45 was flying the plane that we were in, but i felt nervous because i did not think that he knew how to pilot a plane well enough. I seemed to be sitting just behind and to the right of the pilot’s chair, so that i was looking over his shoulder. $F45 was reading the instructions in the book and trying to follow them. I looked out the window to see the rugged mountainous terrain below. The rocky peaks were snow covered, and we seemed to be flying very low to them. I was nervous. I tried not to pay much attention to them, but i then heard a scraping sound on the underside of the plane. I realized that we must have skimmed the snowcap on one of the mountains. I looked out the window to the east to see the mountains very close to us. They did not seem to me moving that quickly, though. We were actually moving rather slowly. I told $F45 that we should not be this close to the mountains. I did not like the way he was flying and walked over the mountains and into the valley to the south, which was actually the room of a building. I looked around the wide floor of the room to the south of me, wondering where we were going to land the plane. I felt very nervous. There large room had windows on the southern and western walls that seemed to look out over a wide flat area, which could have been an airport. The eastern wall seemed to be an internal wall, just like the northern wall that i had just walked through. The doorway in the northern wall seemed to be in the center of the room, and there was a corridor flush with the wall that headed east. I looked over the cement floor of the room, noticing the green lines. The lines seemed to mark out sections of the floor. This was a playroom, but it was also the landing field. $F45 pointed out the marks on the northern side of the room as we walked toward the center. I also noticed marks to the southwest of us, near the western wall. Both sets of marks resembled landing strips, but i thought that mine was better for large planes. I then wondered how we were going to get the airplane into this room. It did not seem to be big enough for a plane. The runways in this room were used for landing model planes. I looked at the markings on the floor, thinking that they were a model of the runways outside, to the west. The real planes would land to the west of this building at this small airport. The other people in the room told this to $F45 as well. I headed out of the building to the west, coming into a small parking lot. I was confused, thinking that i should have been near a runway. I looked at the flat paved ground in the distance, wondering where the runway could be. I could see lines that marked the car spaces to the north of me. I headed south and then east, around the southern side of the building. It seemed that we had entered the building from the east, so i was heading back to see if i could figure out where to land the airplane.