12010 June 01

I sat in the back seat of the small aircraft as one of $F45’s friends piloted the plane. The pilot was a woman, and there were four people in the cabin of the airplane. I was not comfortable having the woman fly the airplane. I looked out the window to the right of me, to the north. There was an old town below with stone buildings. There was a river running northwest to southeast on the southern side of the area that i was looking at. I pointed out different things to the others as we flew, but they did not seem interested. The river curved from the northeast to the northwest around part of the city. The stone embankment on the northern side of the river was tall, and curved around a rounded grassy area in one section. The grassy area had a gray granite monument on the northern side of it, and i realized that it was the war memorial. There was something interesting about it. I pointed it out to the others, saying that it used to be just grass in that park. The small oval park was now out of view, but we were flying back to get a better look of it. The airplane turned back to the northeast, passing over one of the large buildings. We were heading north when we crossed the tall gray slate peaked roof of the long old stone building. I thought that the memorial would be just on the other side of the building. I then noticed that we were flying lower than the tops of some of the buildings to the northeast of us. There were tall brick towers, which looked like clock or bell towers, with slate peaked roofs. We were now flying to the north, and i was looking to the northeast, at the passing buildings. Some of them were now modern skyscrapers. The city looked foggy, and was nervous that we might crash into one of the buildings in the fog. On of the other people said “Woah!” as he looked out the window. They were aware how low we were flying through the city. I was nervous that the plane would crash, but we landed in a large parking lot instead. The land around us was very flat, and i continued driving to the north, into the back room of the building. The building seemed old, like a crude metal-roofed storehouse that had been converted into a flea market. It was dark in the back, on the northern side. The front was painted with green paint, but the paint was now chipping and faded. I was in a room, but i seemed to be on the porch of the old building, where there were several long tables with old objects on them. There was a wooden wall to the west with a glass window in it. A man sat in the booth, watching the people come and go from the shop. I thought that he was watching for shoplifters. He turned to the north, doing something with the objects on the counter in front of him. I had been looking at something on the wall to the north of me. I was nervous that the man might not want me holding it, so i hung the blue metal airplane back up on the wall. It was an artistic sculpture of an airplane: mostly flat with paint to detail the features of the airplane. I walked to the north, through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall, looking around at the items is the shop. The walls of the store were made of bare wood, and there were many long tables running east to west with shelves on them. The shelves had been painted white, but the paint was dull and worn. I moved through the rooms of the store, looking at the old items on the tables. I noticed a dull brown statue on the table to the south of me. It was a portrait of a slouched cowboy. I recognized the image, thinking that it was from the famous artist who created many images of slouching western figures. I picked up the small statue and looked it over as i rotated it in my hands. There was a name carved into the base of the statue, on the bottom. I was interested in the statue, thinking that it was an original carving by a famous artist. There was a plate on the counter with a similar design as well. It was carved in the center of similar scenes as the statue. The plate was three dollars and some cents. I looked for the price tag on the statue, noticing that the statue was $1.65. I thought that i would take the statue, since it was probably worth more. I tipped it over again, looking at the name carved into the bottom. The name looked like “Herman Hamilton”. I brought the statue toward the register, which was to the east. I then realized that i could no longer see the price tag on the statue. I looked for it, and finally noticed it on the side of the statue. It had curled up. I tried to flatten it out, but it was sticking to my fingers. I worried that it would pull off of the statue and stick to my fingers. The shop owners might think that the removed tag meant that i was trying to switch tags on items. I tried to flatten it and get it to stick to the statue. Three young children were watching me from the southwest, and they giggled at me. There was an older woman sitting in a lawn chair near the children. She watched me look at the statue, so i commented to that the artist who had done the statue was a famous artist from the fifties. I said that he did western movies. I then headed back to the south, into the other room where the cash register was. I moved to the counter, which was now to the north of me, on the eastern end of the northern wall. The surface of the counter was the glass of a viewing case. I placed the statue on the glass counter, and the thin older woman with the curly beehive hairdo picked it up to ring it out. I looked down at my fingers, noticing that there was still sticky stuff on them. I tried to rub it off. The woman then pointed to the white statue that was on the counter, asking me something about it. I looked at the statue, realizing that it was not the one that i had placed there. I had set down a brown statue. I told the woman that it was not the statue that i had placed on the counter and asked her where the one i had set down was. She shook her head and pretended that she did not know. I knew that she was just acting innocent, and i suspected that she had taken the statue because i had said something to the woman in the other room. I became angry with her, thinking that she was hiding it so that she could keep it for herself. I looked around the counter, moving the other objects there, but i knew that it was not really here. When i looked back at the counter, there was a wooden statue on it. I paced back to the shelf where i had taken the statue from. There was a wooden statue there very similar to the one that i had tried to buy, but it was not the same statue. The woman must have put the other statue out to make it seem that i was confused. The second wooden statue was too small, not the right color. My mother, who was standing to the southeast of me, agreed that the woman at the counter was being dishonest. I started to pace the room, angry and wondering what to do. I then saw the woman at the counter handling a small wooden statue, which looked like the one i had tired to buy. I walked back to the register and yelled at her, accusing her of taking the statue that i had tried to purchase. She acted innocent again, and showed me the statue of the small bird. It was not the right statue, and i felt awkward here. I was very angry with the woman, so i left the store, heading to the south. I floated over the stone floor of the large old stone lobby of the building, heading to the archway to the south that led outside. My grandfather was waiting with us in this place. I sat down at the small round table on the southern side of the lobby, near the young girl. My grandfather came from the west with a plate of food. He sat on the other side of the girl. The young girl seemed uncomfortable and complained that i usually crowed her in cars, but now my grandfather was doing it. I still felt upset here and thought that we had to leave this town. It was not a nice place.

12010 June 02

12010 June 03

I was in the bed in the back room of my parents’ house, and there was someone with me. The bed was against the eastern wall of the room, and i was on the southern side. I was fooling around with the other person in the bed as we lay under the covers. The bed was near the back door of the house, and my mother came in the back door. She walked to the west, not noticing us. I felt suddenly nervous that she would find us here. I did not want her to see that i was fooling around with someone in the bed in the middle of the house. $A17 was with me in the bed, and i wanted her to hide so that my mother would not see her. I told her that she could hide under the covers more so that she was not as noticeable. $A17 said that she would not hide under the covers, and i started to feel uncomfortable about this. I wanted her to leave before my mother came back. I did not want my mother to find me with $A17. I shifted the white comforter over the bed so that it hid us from view to the south. I thought that i could make it seem that no one was in the bed. $A17 seemed annoyed by this and stood up from the bed. I was angry with her, but did not know what to do.

12010 June 04

I was in a strange foreign land. I was not quite sure where, but i knew that it was not in my country. I realized that i was actually in another dimension. None of this was part of my reality. I had appeared in this land, where there was a war going on, and i was on one side of the war. I crouched in the high area in the middle of the old town, trying to figure out what to do. Everything seemed more colorful, though the old stone building looked more like old european cities. There were people below me, to the north, discussing something about the war. The scene shifted suddenly, and i was on the roof of an old building. The roof was covered with red roofing tiles. A man was standing on the southern edge of the room. He had been chased by the king and was now being threatened by the troops. The man had betrayed the king and was now cornered. I knew this plot, but i also knew that not everything here was as it seemed. There was some twist coming that i was trying to figure out. The scene moved in slow motion as the man fell over the edge to the south, tumbling backward. He had jumped to get away from the king, but he had his gun drawn and fired a shot toward the king. It was a last desperate attack. I then saw the kind walking to the north. It was night, and he moved in slow motion toward the torch lights on the roof, his robes swaying as he walked and the light glinting off of his gold jewelry. The king was still smiling, but i saw the bullet burst from his chest. He had been shot in the back, and the bullet came out through the bottom of the left side of his rib cage, punching through the dark-blue tunic that he was wearing. The kind was still smiling as he walked, but then he started to feel the pain. The scene was in slow motion, so it showed the delayed reaction of the king. I knew that the king was smiling in reply to the last words of the man before he fell. The king had thought that he had won, but now he fell forward, toward the ground. I knew that he would somehow survive the bullet wound because he would be needed later in the story. I then noticed the others to the northwest, on the flat roof of the plaster building. They ran toward the king to help. The large man was dressed in white, which matched the tunics that the guards were wearing over their body armor. I could see the man’s concerned face as he approached the king, but i could not see the faces of the guards. They were wearing large stylized head masks with pointy projections and curved ridges that resembled machine parts. I thought that the actors had actually borrowed the masks from some other film’s props. I watched them as they crowded around the kind, and i wondered why the director would have let them borrow the masks like this. It made the movie seem a little cheap. The guards were angry, and i knew that this had something to do with the plot. I thought that they would now act rashly and attack the flying things from the other side. One of the guards took up an archery pose and shot an arrow into the air. I looked up to see a close-up of a white bird. It had a leather head harness over its head, and it turned dramatically with its wings splayed out as if grasping at the air. It rolled over in the air and fell to the ground. I then was looking at the mountains to the west. They were tall jagged peaks, and their ashen yellow slopes looked picturesque against the darkening blue sky of early night. Those on the other side of the conflict were angry that the bird had been killed. It was a giant bird that could be flown by humans, and i could now see many birds flying up from the slope, into the crimson sky that was now above the mountain peaks. This was the start of the war in this story. The scene then made a sudden change, and i found myself in a small cement structure with several other men. They seemed to be dressed for battle in gray suits that resembled partial suits of armor. I looked around at them, most of whom were gathered in the southeastern corner of the room. They were the warriors from the other side of the conflict. They were not as glamorous as the king’s men, and they seemed rugged and dingy. I had shifted to another body in this land, and i wondered who had taken over mine once i had left. I wondered what my body back home was doing while i was drifting from person to person in this dimension. i looked around at the men. They were facing north, looking over the short stone wall and across the wide valley. It was daylight now, and the forested valley was very scenic. I felt a little out of place here, knowing that i was only inhabiting the body of someone else. I headed to the west, wandering along the tall stone wall. The wall ran along the steep side of the mountain, to the south of us. I tried to act casually here, but i worried that i looked suspicious. I did not know the customs of this place, and i worried that i would not fit in. I glanced at several of the troops standing around, but they did not seem to notice me. I rounded a corner, turning to the south at the end of the walkway. Everything around me seemed surprisingly normal and familiar. It was not overly fantastic like the king’s side of the fight. There were no overly dramatic dark stresses put on the movements of people or the way the scenes looked. I rounded a corner of the mountain, heading south. There was a town ahead of me that looked like a small modern suburb. I walked down the street, coming to an intersection. I turned the corner and headed to the east, noticing the storefronts and restaurants on the street. I was aware that there was someone watching me from the southwest, now. There was a tall watch tower, which seemed like a column of cement, on the southwestern corner of the intersection, attached to one of the buildings. A man watched me from it as i walked down the street. This made me nervous, and i wondered if he knew that i did not belong here. I had to act normal, and i wanted to get out of the man’s sight. There was a grocery store on the southern side of the street. It had a large pale-green sign over the top of it with thin off-white letters. I knew that i had to get food, but i was worried that it might be a trap. I knew that the people were still looking for me. I had to act casually, though, so that they did not suspect that i was from somewhere else. I watched the people moving around the front of the grocery. The sliding glass door opened several times to let people in and out. I then noticed the official in the gray uniform heading toward the door from the east. He looked down as he walked, and he turned to go into the store. He was Tommy Lee Jones. I felt a little nervous being here, but i had to get food. I watched people walking in front of the store. Several of them were putting money back into their wallets. I watched the bills as they folded them in their wallets, trying to figure out what kind of currency they were using. I was then aware of an official standing near the wall to the east of the entry door to the store. He was watching me, and i thought that he might be suspicious of me because i was watching people handle their money. He might think that i was trying to steal people’s money. The money i had seen was very similar to United States money. It was like the money i had in my pocket, so i should be able to buy things in the store without causing people to notice that i was not from here. This side did not seem so different from the side that i had come from. I walked into the store, thinking that i might actually be in my own universe, but misplaced in time by a few years into the future. I moved through the store, heading south. I thought that Tommy Lee Jones might be following me. I imagined him being suspicious of me and following me into the store. I then imagined that he would stop following me once he realized what i had said about the money. I would act out this scene as it had been done before. I repeated what the person had said, but then i realized that there was no need to. The expression on my face would let them know that i was not hostile and that i was confused about what was happening here. I did not really know what to do here, so i pretended that i was looking around the store for something, in case someone actually was following me. I would be able to see them watching me down the aisles and figure out who they were. I imagined picking up some large boxes from the shelf. They were actually boxes of colored sugar. I imagined that i could try to carry some of them in my arms, but they would tip me over backward because they were too heavy. It seemed a bit comical, but then i wondered why i would actually carry the boxes. If i did not want to draw attention, i would have put them in a cart. I moved down the aisle to the north, wondering what i should get. I then looked north. I could see several television screens at the end of the aisle. The registers were on the east side of the store. I could see them over the tops of the metal shelfs. The women running them were wearing light-blue smocks. I focused on one of the women in the center of the store. She looked bored as she cashed out one of the people at her register. I was then outside the store, looking back at the line of registers. I had exited through the open eastern end of the store and was now looking back at the opening to the west of me. I wondered if Tommy Lee Jones had followed my out of the store. I did notice an official near me, and i started to feel suspicious. I started traveling to the south now, down the city street. I was on a bus, and i watched the people out the window to see if there were any officials watching me. I felt uneasy here. Something seemed very wrong here, and i worried that the officials suspected me of something. I then noticed the dead body ahead of us, lying in the middle of the street. This was another one. There had been several before, and that was concerning me. The bus did not slow down for the body, though. Instead, it drove over it, coming to a stop on top of the body. I was disturbed by this and turned to get out of the door. I felt very uneasy about what was happening here, but i could not let the things here upset me or the people would know that i did not belong in this reality. A i stepped out the door, i could almost see the bloody head of the body underneath the door. The body had been crushed by the front tire of the bus, and was between both of the front tires, but the blood was starting to ooze across the pavement under the door. These people must be marking the stop signs with the number of people dead. There were serious problems in this town, and i felt very nervous about being here. There were people moving to the west of the bus. They seemed ragged and downtrodden. I knew that there were many people dead here now, and that the crisis was growing. I had to do something about this. I moved around the residential area of the city, where there were low apartment buildings all around me. The people wore heavy clothing as they hurried down the streets, not making eye contact with anyone else. It must be cold now. I turned back to the east. I was standing on the sidewalk near a picnic table, and there was an official standing near me. He was not watching me, but i was suspicious of him. I wondered what i should do. I was not a part of this area and should not get involved with their problems, but i felt that i had to take some action. I looked back at the bodies on the ground under the bus. The bodies were actually under the picnic table now. I walked back toward the picnic table, where a young boy stood. He was standing near the southern end of the table, and his father was sitting on the southern end of the bench on the eastern side of the table. The young boy looked at me questioningly, not sure why i was there. They seemed to be victims of what was happening here as well. The boy was light skinned, but his father was dark skinned. I noticed an icicle hanging under the near side of the wooden table. I grabbed it and broke it off, taking off a small flat section of ice from the underside of the table. I felt that they should not have been there. I then looked at the boy and his father, wondering what i should do. Everything seemed out of place here, so i turned away and started to wander around the area.

I was in the small room of the strange place. The walls were pale-blue, and everything in the small apartment room seemed dingy. $F45 was to the southwest of me, and i was standing on the eastern side of the room. $X12 and $X14 were also in the room with us. I then noticed that the window in the eastern end of the northern wall was open, and it was rather low to the floor level. I was worried that the cats might get out. I then saw $X12 standing outside the window. I was annoyed and i told $F45 to close the door of the house, which was in the center of the northern wall. He did not seem to understand, and i became upset that the cats had gotten out. $F45 was no help because he did not seem to understand what the problem was. I walked out the window, closing it behind me. I had to find the cat. I was now in a marina area, standing to the south of the building i had just left. There were docks to the south and west of me. I headed to the west, across the southern side of the building. An orange cat came out of the shallow water to the south of me, climbing up onto the lawn from the narrow strip of sand on the beach. The large body of water seemed to be to the south of us, and i was worried about $X5, who had gotten out of the house. I headed down a boardwalk to the west of the building. Another can was coming out of the water to the north of me, swimming to the surface and pulling itself up onto the wooden bock between the dock and the large boat that was moored there. The cat had long gray fur, with a white belly and paws. I then noticed the small white cat in the water no the northwest of me. It was swimming with a brown dog in a small shallow section of water that extended into the northern shore of the land. I was very worried about the $X5 now, thinking that she might be in trouble here. I called her name as i moved, hoping that she would come. The cat had a head start, though, so she might not even be close to where i was. I then noticed several young people playing in the shallow water to the west of me. They had turned to look at me as i called the cat’s name. They told me that a cat had gone to the northwest, and i told them that the cat was not used to an urban area. I realized that this was not an urban area, so i clarified by saying that the cat was not used to an area “so urban”. As i headed to the northwest to search for the cat, i realized that this statement was not actually true. The cat had lived in an area about as urban as this, but the cat had never lived near water. I headed to the north, suddenly realizing that i could not remember what $X5 looked like. I tried to picture her, and remembered that she was skinny and black. I then thought that $X5 was actually the cat that i had seen in the room when i left. $X4 must be the cat that had gotten out. I was really looking for an orange cat, not a black one.

12010 June 05

I followed the others across the dark lots. It was dark out, and i was talking to the others about the play that they had done. It seemed that these people were all part of a theater troupe. I talked to the oriental man, who was to the west of me, as we started walking slowly to the northwest, toward the entrance to the large flat yellow building to the north of us. The building almost looked like a bowling alley. The man told me about the actors that were in his group, mentioning that they had done the play for the school. I realized that he was talking about the hotel school, which seemed like a strange place for an acting troupe to be based. It was nice to be with this group, and i chatted with them. I was then aware that i was carrying the large tree in my left hand. It seemed to be three or four meters tall, but i was easily swinging it around with my hand. It was part of the play and had something to do with the place to where we were going. The tree seemed to be a type of tall thin cedar. $A615 seemed to be in the group of people walking with us as we reached the door on the eastern end of the southern side of the building.

12010 June 06

I had been in the house with the group of people, but something made me think that i had to leave. I jumped into the air quickly and started flying. I was rising quickly into the sky over the darkened landscape. I looked down as i seemed to head very fast to the west. I imagined that i was rising very quickly and then diving over and over again. I had done this kind of flying before, and it was always very exhilarating. I then said something to the person with me. He or she seemed to be to the south of me. I wanted them to experience the kind of flying that i found so enjoyable. They seemed to be with me as i hovered near the ground. I then pushed upward and soared very high into the air, watching the landscape zoom away under me. I then thought that i had changed altitude so fast and gone so high that i should feel the change in pressure. There would not be a lot of air up here, so i would be holding my breath. I closed my mouth and focused on holding my breath until i was at a low enough altitude. I watched the ground approach again, and i wondered how fast i should descend. I worried about coming down too fast and not being able to stop in time. The other person still seemed to be with me, and they were experiencing the flight with me. I concentrated on holding my breath again, aware that i would have to breath at some time. I watched the blurry colors of the landscape move below me as i adjusted my angle so that i was rising again. I looked to the north, noticing that the land and sky were blending into a strange gray color. The dreary colors swirled together as i started to rise. To my surprise, i came to the surface of the water sooner than i had thought. I had been under the water of the pond, and i was now floating up into the air again. There was someone near the pond. The person had come out of the house, which seemed like $P19. The house was to the east of the small oval pond. The person walked around the southern side of the pond and stopped on the western edge. He seemed to be wading into the water, and he seemed unaware that i was here. I wanted to surprise him with my ability to fly. I floated over his head, heading to the east, and then dove down into the water of the pond. He let out a gasp of surprise as i splashed through the water. He did not realize where i had come from, though. He probably thought that i had jumped from the building. I came to the surface again near the western end of the pond. I was still facing east, and the man was to the north of me. He was $A4. I stood in the water with only my head above the surface, and i had asked $A4 to climb onto my shoulders. I was going to show him how i could fly. He put his legs over my shoulders, and i started to stand up. To his surprise, i did not stop rising once i was fully standing. I rose out of the water and hovered over the surface for a moment. Others had come out of the house to the east and were in the swimming pool. I put $A4 down on the ground and started flying over the people in the pond. I wanted them to see that i could fly.

I was reclined on the couch, which was facing to the west, into the living room. The room was small and seemed run down. All of the furnishings in the room seemed run down as well. My attention was drawn to the southwest, where there was an old television on a table, against the southern wall. It was showing four pictures across the screen of arms being held in the air. The pictures were in rectangular frames that were on top of a solid background image. Each arm was the right arm, and some of them seemed rather muscular. I focused on the third arm from the left, which was orange and had strange rocky patterns to it. This was a commercial for the Fantastic Four, and the arms were the raised arms of the Fantastic Four dolls. The orange arm was the arm of The Thing. The Human Torch seemed to be to the right, which was the right-most image, and Mr. Fantastic seemed to be all the way to the left. Someone started talking about the action figures in an excited voice and finished by saying “Hey girls, would you like to see something really exciting?” The four boxes were smaller now and on the left-hand side of the screen. I realized that there was a man reclined on a shelf to the right. The background image had panned over him. He was wearing blue shorts and a red tank top, and he seemed very attractive. I realized that he was the actor who played Johnny Storm. He had short blonde hair. His right leg was on the ground and his right knee up in the air as he reclined on his right elbow, posed like a fashion model. He leaned his head forward as he spoke, and the camera focused in on his mid section. He brought his arms across his chest as he lay on his side and curled his legs forward. I sat forward to see what he was going to do, thinking that he was going to flex his biceps for the camera. He seemed giddy about it, as though he was doing something naughty. I watched his arms, but the camera panned toward his waist so that i could no longer see his biceps. I wondered what he was supposed to be doing. I then realized that his right hand was in his crotch. I looked down to his groin and noticed that he was rubbing himself. He was wearing white tight-fitting underwear now, and the front part was sewn into a small sack so that we could see his erect penis in it. It seemed very strange, and i was disappointed. I then sat up and looked over the back of the couch, to the east. My mother was cleaning the kitchen area on the other side of the red linoleum counter on the eastern side of the room. I worried that she would see me watching the commercial and think that i was interested in watching the man masturbate. She crossed the small room to the back of the couch, but payed no attention to what was on the television. He was too involved in cleaning the room. I leaned back on the pillow that was on the arm of the couch. I then felt something stringy over my face. I pulled it off, thinking that it was a spider web. I sat up and looked around, thinking that i had pulled the spider webs off of my face from this section of the couch before. There must be a spider that keeps building a web in the window over my head. I turned to look at the window in the northern wall. There were white lace curtains on both sides of the window. As i pulled the top of the pillow away from the window, i noticed a fine mesh of a web funnel on the window with a small black spider in it. This must be the spider that kept building the web. My head was very close to the window, and i saw the spider tumbling out of the web toward me. I was annoyed with it and said something to my mother. As the spider unfolded itself from the web, however, i realized that it was actually rather large. It was falling toward my face, and i suddenly became scared of it. I too off my white had and thought that i should swat it away with the hat, sending it to the east. I did not have time to swing the hat, though, and the spider fell onto the couch near me. In a panic, i stood up.

12010 June 07

I walked through the rooms of the apartment building. My parents had just moved into this place. The building seemed well kept, though it was rather old. I headed to the west, down the hallway toward the bathrooms. I had to take a shower so that we could leave soon. I also thought that i had to get my things together. I wondered which things i would have to gather. I knew that i would need the correct things because we would be leaving soon. My father was in the hallway. He was using the shower stall in the southern wall of the hall. I knew that there were two shower stalls, though, and he was in the stall on the western side of the hallway. I turned back to the east, coming into the small bathroom. There was a stall on the southern end of the eastern wall of the small bathroom. I put my dry clothes on the edge of the bathtub, which was against the northern wall of the room. I then turned back to the shower stall and started taking things out of the stall. Someone had left bottles of cleaners and other items in the stall, leaving little room for me to take a shower. I then realized that the shower was actually running. This annoyed me, because the water did not need to be running. I was in the hallway again when i stood back up from the shower. My father came out of the shower to the west and headed down the hallway to the east. He had put on his clean clothes already. I then noticed that there was a young child standing in the hallway to the west of me. He was dark-skinned and seemed austral. I knew that his family lived in the apartment down the hall to the east. He was mischievous, and i did not trust him to be handing around in the hallway. I was weary of what he might do. I started to move around in the hallway, gathering my things to leave. Other children were to the southwest of me. I was now standing in a larger room that was open to the south. The children were on a rollercoaster that was to the south. I could only see the top portion of the rollercoaster because the land to the south of me sloped down steeply at the southern and western edges of the room. I moved to the western slope and noticed a yellow cart coming up the steep grassy hill. Someone was in the car, though i could not see the person. He seemed to be bored with the ride, but i thought that he would scream once the ride started down the other side. The room was very narrow now, and i was standing on the thin ridge that ran from the northern wall. The cart was coming up the western side of the ridge and would fall down the eastern side. Both of the sides were nearly vertical slopes. The rest of the metal structure of the rollercoaster seemed to run along the southern wooden wall of the room, near the southwestern corner. I watched the cart as it came over the hill, but it seemed to slow down as it reached the top. It tipped over the other side, but seemed to go even slower. I know that the man would no longer be board and that he would start screaming once the cart started to fall, but he was silent as the cart seemed to pause on the top of the eastern slope. It took a very long time for the cart to fall over, but i finally heard the man screaming. I had been crouching down on the top of the slope, and i now stood up. The room around me seemed smaller now. $K24 had been crouching with me, and he now stood up, standing to the south of me. There was a cart stopped on the eastern slope of the hill, but $K24 headed to the south. He was going to jump to the bottom of the slope to get to the roller coaster. I knew that the southern side of the slope did not actually have a surface, though. It was only open wooden beams that supported the artificial hill that we were standing on. I tried to warn him, but he did not want to listen to me. He seemed mischievous and wanted to do something, so he purposefully ignored me. I felt suddenly tense as he disappeared from sight over the southern edge of the room. I was worried, and i suddenly heard him falling over the edge. The lights on the western side of the room went out suddenly. He must have fallen through the power lines on the support structures. The tall yellow metal structure of the rollercoaster went dark to the southwest, and i felt suddenly upset. My grandfather would be upset that $K24 had died by doing something so reckless. I then realized that the other children on the rollercoaster would have to see the mangled body. I heard my grandfather yelling from the bottom of the western side of the room. He was furious about what had happened. I had to get the other children off of the ride, so i started down the eastern slope, heading toward the large yellowish bed at the bottom. As i came down the slope, i pointed to no one and said “Get Out.”, saying it in tempo to my grandfather’s yelling. He was shouting the same words over and over again. I had to get the rest of the children out of the area before he upset any of them. My grandfather continued to yell from the western side of the room, and i worried that he was angry enough that he might hurt me for letting $K24 jump off of the hill. I had to get away from him. I then heard him close the door to the west and start down the stairs on the western side of the room. The stairs ran down the side of the rollercoaster’s structure to the main floor of the room. He was heading toward me, so i turned to run to the north and ran down the stairs off of the higher part of the room. I pushed open the metal door in the northern wall at the bottom of the stairs, propping it against the western wall on the other side. I had to get out of the building. I was then worried about being able to get out of the back door of the building. It had been locked, and i worried that i would be trapped. I came to the door and turned the handle slowly, tense that i would not be able to get through. The door opened this time, thought. I hurried out the screen door and headed to the west to get around the corner of the building before my grandfather could see where i had run.

I moved to the west a little, following the other person. I had just woken up and was looking for my clothes on the grassy field. It was gray and hazy out. My mother was in the car to the west of me, waiting to drive me back to the house, but the other person and i were doing something. I moved to the south, walking to the west of the green sleeping bag that was stretched out on the ground. There was a piece of plastic sheeting hanging on the eastern side of the sleeping bag. I pushed it aside as i bent over to get my clothing from the ground. Someone had said something, and i looked to the west again. I could see across the back yard of my parents’ house. There was a small shed on the western side of the yard with a wooden walking bridge over a small stream just in front of it. There also seemed to be a shed to the north. These structures were all new, and i was surprised that they were finished already. They looked nice. I thought that i was going to help my father work on them. He seemed to be in the car to the northwest, waiting for me. As i looked to the northeast, though, i noticed the other man waiting as well. He looked at me as though he had not expected to see me this way. I looked down, remembering that i was still in my boxer shorts. I was still getting dressed. My father assured the man that i would be dressed quickly and could still help with the work. I bent over to pull my pants up, thinking of the song. I imagined opening the concert with “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. It seemed appropriate, and i imagined starting the song with a heavy guitar. I wanted to arrange it so that the audience would not guess what it was until the lyrics started. I could come in singing the lyrics from the back of the audience. It would be a tribute to The Beatles.

12010 June 09

I was fixing food in the small kitchen of the small house. My parents were in the house with me, but they were not in the kitchen at the moment. I was cutting food on the counter against the western wall of the room. The small house seemed to be rustic, and seemed to be out in the country. The sun outside was bright, and the sky seemed to be blue. The plants were green, even though i could not see them. I then heard a sound to the south of me. There was no one in the room, and i thought that it was the people outside the windows. This place reminded me of living with $A16. It seemed very run down and there was so little insulation no the windows that i could hear people walking past. I knew that the dogs from the other tenants kept the people away from the houses, though. I was making something in the bowl on the western counter, and i started to have difficulty doing it. I stirred the bowl, but dropped a piece of fish from the bowl. The fish dropped onto the pale-green formica counter. I quickly picked it up and put it back into the bowl. As i did this, however, i managed to drop a piece of cheese from the bowl. The cheese missed the counter and landed on the floor. I became very frustrated, and i complained to no one as i moved to the east. There was a sink in the counter against the eastern wall, and i washed off the dirt from the piece of cheese so that i could put it back into the bowl. I was then aware of the windows to the south of me again, feeling that someone was on the other side of them. I ignored them and finished my salad. I sat at the counter to the east and started to eat my salad. The other students started collecting to the south of me, around the table that was now in the small courtyard near me. I was sitting by myself on the western side of a picnic table. I was then aware of a man standing on the northern side of the table. He had come from the northwest and stopped at the northern end of the table. I tried not to pay attention to him as he walked to the south, around the eastern side of the table. As he reached the southern side of the table, i glanced up at him, realizing that he was $F4. I sat at the bench, eating my salad as he sat on the southern side of the table. He then asked me if i had ever asked the hard questions. He seemed serious about the conversation, and i thought that he was talking about relationships. I was not sure how to answer, so i asked him which questions he was referring to. He said that he used to like his wife, but now he no longer did. I knew that he was having a hard time in his relationship, but i did not know how to advise him. I felt a little uncomfortable with this, and i asked him which questions he had asked her.

12010 June 10

I was in the small dark room of the old house as the man to the north of me finished making a crude wooden coffin. He put the final pieces of the coffin together and tossed the coffin outside, though the open door to the west. Through the door, which was to the northwest of me, i could see several other coffins in a heap just outside. They had not been taken as the man had expected, but he was hurrying to make more. It was dark outside, but dull-red flames illuminated the small city from all directions. Fire was all around us. The man made more coffins hurriedly and put them out the door to the west. There was something significant in the man’s story. He was hurrying to do something because it was his job, but it was totally unnecessary for him to do. People hurried past the pile of coffins outside, hurrying to leave town. They were evacuating, and i knew that it had something to do with the Jews in Russia. Everyone was leaving the area, heading to the southeast to get out of the country. I could then see the street outside of the man’s house. The people moving across the street to the south of me were dark silhouettes against the dull-red background. It was very dramatic, as if part of a Hollywood film. I then realized that the street was actually a tunnel, and i thought that this was a secret escape route for the Jews. A young girl then ran across the tunnel. She was heading to the southeast, from the left side of the scene to the right side. These were the tunnels that the Jews had hid in during their escape, but they were now abandoned. All the Jews had left the area already. It now seemed that a long time had passed since the evacuation, and i knew that the Jews were now coming back into the area. They had all headed to the southeast to leave the country, but i knew that they would not be allowed to leave. They had been told that there was a place that they could escape, but it had been a false story. They were tricked, and they were now running back to these areas that they had abandoned. They had been tricked. I had stayed here, knowing that the escape route was false. Those that had tried to escape would be heading into a trap. Now they were returning, and they would be exposed to the authorities. They were now in danger because the authorities would know who they were. This was why they needed their own place to go. I sat on the toilet and though about this. I was in the downstairs bathroom of my parents’ house. The situation seemed dire, and i was very concerned for the people who would be hunted by the authorities. I looked out the window in the northern wall, but the drying rack was in the way. I could only see a small area outside the window. I pushed the drying rack out of the way, trying to think of a place were the Jews could go where they would be safe.

I flew around the upper part of the large open room. The room was several stories tall, and i was able to fly through the air from side to side. I was happy flying, but i knew that others did not appreciate this. They would be suspicious and fearful of what i could do. I would have to hide in the rafters of this church when the others were here. I flew through the white crossbeams near the peaked ceiling of the cathedral. The southern part of the room, where i was flying, had wide ledges at the bottoms of the long beams that ran the length of the room. There were two main beams on each side of the room: one on the east and one on the west. Where the beams met the tall wooden pillars, wooden platforms had been installed. They were designed so that the people who could fly would be able to stop here and rest out of sight of the people below. I thought that the platforms should be bigger, though. As i moved to the western wall, i noticed that the thick white beam separated a high balcony from the rest of the church. The beam had arched windows in it so that people from the balcony could look over the edge and into the church. This would allow the people who could fly access to the balcony, where they could hide. I flew up to the flat terrace near the roof of the church. Something seemed different here. It was not as i had imagined it to be, and i decided that this was a modern church. It should have been an old church. The old societies from Europe made the platforms in the churches for people who could fly like i could. They tried to protect the special people. Few people knew about them, and the societies wanted to keep it that way. They also wanted to prevent the authorities from exploiting the special people. Three women came into the church below me through the door in the northern wall. They walked down the central aisle toward the alter on the south. I was floating over the center of the aisle, but moved to the west to hide behind the beams so that the women could not see me. I felt weary of the women, though. They seemed to be strict conservatives, and i knew that they were searching for special people like us. The people enforcing the status quo were hunting people who could fly. I sat on top of the platform, where i could no longer see over the side of the ledge. I wondered what the women were doing in church below, and i wanted to peek down to see. I started to feel nervous about what they were doing. I wondered if i would be able to see down from the terrace to the west of me, on the other side of the thick white beam. I moved down the beam, thinking that there was a small door in the beam where i could cross through. I then thought that there should be peep holes in the bottom of the ledges so that those of us who could fly could peek down. I looked through a small hole in the floor, trying to see the floor of the cathedral far below. I could see the tall white stone column that was supporting the thick white beam that ran across the ceiling. This did not seem right. I was looking at the beam from the side, but i should be looking down the length of it from where i was. This seemed very strange, and i wondered how the change in angle worked. I had to stay low to the floor as i moved to the next crack in the floor. I did not want the women to see me from below. The balcony on the end of the church now seemed to be running north to south. The floor of the platform was made of old worn wooden planks, and, as i moved on them, they slid from side to side. They did not seem to be attached to the beams that were holding them up. I felt nervous about being on them, thinking that they could slip between the beams. This church seemed to have odd places in it. It must have been built by a society that wanted to keep some things mysterious. I looked around at the walls, realizing that i was now standing on the floor of the church. I had flown down from the beams and was now walking. The priest to the west then started talking to me. I had to pretend that i was a regular person. I asked him about this place, pretending that i did not know about all of the secret places around the chapel. The exit door to the church was to the north of me, and i felt that i had to leave the church so that i could fly away. I had to pretend that i was not a flying person, though. I pretended that i was oblivious to the flying people and asked about the church as if i was a tourist. I talked to the priest about something, trying to end the conversation and leave the church.

I walked to the north, down the worn dirt path through the wooded area. I stopped when i noticed the old wooden bench on the eastern side of the trail. It was a sunny autumn day, and the woods seemed very nice. I was at the far end of the trail, thought the trail did seem to continue to the north. I turned back, heading to the south and then to the southwest, through the bright forest. I remembered that the pond was to the west of the trail in this area, and i pictured the land from above. I was then at my parents’ house. I came into the back room of the house and told my mother that i had checked out the trail. She asked me if i went all the way to the bench, and i told her that i did. I then said that i would check the trail again. I turned to the southwest and spoke to the others who were with me. I spoke to one of the men with the group, who seemed to be $F12 or $F45. I asked him if he wanted to go walking to the bench. We had to go back to check the trail again. I then headed to the north, thinking that i had to check the postings on the bulletin board first. I walked down the corridor of the large building, talking to the others as we walked. There was a man and a woman with me, and i was interested in talking to them. The man was somewhat attractive. He was wearing a white T-shirt that fit nicely over his torso. We came to the end of the corridor, where there was a double doorway. The black metal doors had small rectangular windows just over the latches of the metal door handles. I joked about the things on the floor near the door as we passed, pushing the doors open to the north and walking into the off-white corridor on the other side. I remembered that we had to go through the building to get to the large board on the northern side of the hockey place. This place seemed very much like the field house at $P7, but i could not quite remember which way i should go. The building was familiar, but it seemed like a very long time since i had come here. We were in a short corridor that ran to the north, with several doors leading off to the sides. I knew that the doorway on the northern end of the western wall led to a stairwell that would lead us up to the second floor of the building. I was not sure if this was the correct way to go. We would have to head north, but i was not sure which corridors led though the building. There were double glass doors on the end of the corridor to the north of us, and i realized that we would have to head north through them. We pushed the glass doors open to the north and came into a corridor that ran east to west. This corridor was wide and also off white. The walls looked slightly worn from people passing though them. The corridor seemed to end a short distance to the west, where it turned north and ran down the side of the building. We headed to the east, passing the tables that had been set up on the sides of the corridor. It seemed that an event would be starting here sometime soon. A woman was setting up an off-white vinyl folding table on the southern side of the corridor. She had several booklets on the table, with small stacks of CD in front of them. The woman was currently standing behind the western end of the table, adjusting a flat-screen television that was handing on the wall. She seemed to be changing the commercials on the screen. I remembered seeing the screens before. I had gotten lucky before because the screens had displayed the information that i just happened to be looking for right when i looked at them. The television screen was hanging over the table, which was pushed against the wall to the south. A young child reached for the disks that the woman had on the table. She seemed to be related to the woman and was helping her set up the table while the woman continued to play with the television controls. The stack of disks was standing on the table to the southwest of the woman, near the wall. I looked more closely at the disks for a moment, realizing that they were much wider than CDs. They were actually metal rings, and they reminded me of laser disks. This seemed strange. I then turned back to the west and headed down the corridor. The others were waiting for me at the junction of the corridors. I thought that we would have to head around the corner to the north to get to the hockey rink. There was a wooden structure standing against the western wall of the corridor near the corner. I looked at it as the man and i passed, heading to the north. I started talking to the man again, and we both laughed about something. The others had stopped behind us near the wooden tower. The tower was made of old dark-brown wooden planks that had very rough surfaces. They started to climb up the tower, but i felt that this was a distraction. I continued to the north, realizing that $F12 was waiting for me at the end of the hallway. He was sitting on a table with several small cardboard boxes on it. As i approached him, i noticed the television screen on the wall to the west of him. I had to watch the screen for the information. I would have to tell my mother what the information said. I then told $Z, who was sitting on the table in front of the television, about the others, saying that they had stopped to climb the wooden tower. I was annoyed with them. I then thought that $F45 might be jealous that i was talking to the attractive man. I headed back to the south a little, trying to figure out what the others were doing. I started to feel agitated, wanting to get moving. I turned to the north and headed back, deciding that the others would have to find their own way. There were now more tables set up in the hallway, and one of the long rectangular tables had been set up across the hallway to the north of me. I should not have come back to the south for the others. I jumped up, flying over the table feet first. I knew that some people would not want me crossing behind the table, but i did not care. As i landed, someone was talking about the children working at the stores here. A comedian was giving a show somewhere to the north. He said “They don’t work at the stores; they run the stores!” The audience laughed as i jumped over the table again, coming to the corner at the northern end of the corridor. The corridor turned back to the east from here. I looked down the eastern corridor as the comedy act continued. The corridor here looked more like a maintenance corridor, with empty boxes and wrapping plastic on the floor along the walls. I was aware that i had hit something as i flew over the last table, and i thought hat i had probably knocked the wooden object over. I heard Jackie Gleason’s voice continue with the comedy act as headed down the corridor a little to the east. There was a doorway in the southern wall just past the corner. Jackie said “And, as you can tell from my ------ skit, ------ is in London.” He mentioned another performer’s name. The audience laughed at the comment. It was a joke, and it meant that the joke was not from the other comedian that he had mentioned because the other person was mentioned as being in London. This was funny to some people, but i thought that it was an old joke that was not as funny to me. I opened the door to the south, seeing a set of steep stairs running up the cement corridor. I started up the stairs, thinking that i should go up feet first, the same way that i flew over the tables. I jumped into the air and started up the stairs, but i hit a bag of something that had been standing on the eastern side of the stairs. I stumbled and landed on the stairs. The stairs were crowded with things that had been put along the sides. It was too crowded for me to efficiently fly, so i would have to walk up the stairs. This annoyed me. I started walking up the stairs, but they seemed very hard to climb. I was straining to step up them. I was also carrying several long white things as i neared the top of the flight of stairs. I came into a darkened attic storage space. The room was full of boxes and dusty objects. I moved some of the things around, trying to find a place for the long white things. I eventually pushed them over the top of some tall cardboard boxes to the southeast of me. Everything here seemed to be dusty. As i left the items on the boxes, i thought that they were not arranged well, but they would be okay here. I did not want to spend too much time putting things away here. I then heard something fall to the south of me. I looked to the east to see long white poles standing against the wall to the east. Some of them had tipped over. I was annoyed and ignored them. I did not want to waste my time arranging things here.

12010 June 11

I walked to the north, across the large living room of the house. My mother was in the room with me, sitting on a couch near the western wall. This house seemed like $A339’s house. It was nicely decorated, with old well-kept furnishings. We had been invited here for Christmas. My mother was sitting up on the couch, facing east, as though not entirely relaxed here. I noticed a large crate in front of the couch, near the northern side of the room. An old label on the top of the wooden crate said “Bible”, and i remembered that it was full of old books. I had seen this crate a long time ago when i was here. I opened up the crate and looked at the large volumes inside. They were standing on edge, with the spine up. I remembered that they used to use the very large volumes in churches. Churches would have mirrors over the altar so that the book could be read from the audience. This was why the books were so big and had such big type. I had pulled one of the large volumes out and was flipping through the old yellowing pages. The text was very large, and the book was about a meter tall with pages about three-quarters of a meter wide. I remembered a picture from the book before and tried to find it. The picture was of a woman, and i knew that it was Alice: the same Alice from Lewis Carrol books. I tried to find the picture that i was remembering, but i could not see it in the book. As i flipped through the pages, i noticed several black-and-white hand-drawn maps, but no pictures. The pictures i remembered were black-and-white line drawings, but i did not see any in this book. I decided that the pictures were not in this version, but then i thought that they might simply not be in this volume. I closed the large volume and tried to put it back into the crate. The volumes had thick wooden covers, with two thin planks running across them for support. I thought that the boards would rest on the supports of the casing when the book was being used. The casing was specially designed to allow the book to rest securely on it during a church service. I continued putting the book away, realizing that i should probably put it back before $A339 returned. She would probably not want me looking through her antique books. I tried to put the large volume back into the case, but was having trouble doing so. The other books in the case kept tipping in the way. I had been reading volume two of the set, but volume three was in the center of the case where volume two should go. I tried to push volume three out of the way to get volume two in. Volume one was a smaller thin volume, and i was resting against the eastern side of the wooden rack. I wondered suddenly whether the picture i was looking for was in volume one. I finally managed to put the books back into the case, and i pulled the lid closed over the top of them. The lid did not sit correctly on the case, though. One of the books must not be in the correct place. I was nervous about getting them in right, but i did not want to continue to fool around with them. The lid was dull red and seemed to be covered with old leather. I looked at the crate from the east, noticing that it was sagging slightly to the north. It was old and worn, and it was starting to wear down with age. The lid would not close because the center of the case was sagging to the north, pulling the lid, which was attached to the northern wall of the case, back from the rest of the case. I pulled the lid closed over the case and pushed the northern side of the case up. I hoped that it would stay closed. The weight of the lid should prop up the northern side while the lid is closed. I then remembered that i had set the small red bible down near the base of the case. It had been leaning against the leg. I looked around, but could not see it, and i wondered where it had gone. I backed to the southeast, away from the case, looking for the book on the wooden floor of the room. I felt nervous about getting everything back into place because i did not want $A339 to be upset with me. $F14 and $F30 then came into the room with some other people, entering from the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. I said hello to them, happy to see $F14 and $F30. $F14’s hair seemed much lighter than it used to be. She wandered past me to say hello to my mother, who was still sitting in the couch on the western wall. The others paced around in the center of the room, and i started to wander to the south. The others then left to the east, heading to the dining room for dinner. I followed them, feeling nervous here. As i crossed the center of the living room, there was still a young man standing in the middle of the room. He seemed somewhat attractive, and i felt interested in him, but i did not want to seem impolite. I said hello to him and smiled as i passed, heading out of the room. I was uncomfortable here and thought that i would have to get things ready for dinner. $A339 was ignoring us and had not shown up to greet the company. I knew that she still did not like me and did not really like us as company to her house. I was in the doorway to the south, in the garage of the house. The garage was to the south of me, and a woman stood just inside, looking down at the cement floor. She started talking to me about the floor mat, saying that she could not get it to stick. She wanted it to stay in one place on the floor, but it kept sliding. I suddenly realized that the woman was $A339. I had not recognized her because she looked quite different than i had remembered. She had long straight black hair, and wore a nice light-colored dress. I then remembered that a woman had come into the living room when i was there with the others, and i wondered if that had been $A339 as well. I wandered to the east, and the young man was with me again as i came into the next room. I chatted with him. HE was very friendly, and i suddenly realized that he was flirting with me. I was pleased by this and talked to him more enthusiastically. I was having fun chatting with him, and then he started pushing against me. He was trying to wrestle with me. I liked the man and wanted to get to know him, but i remembered that i had someone else i was dating. I fought back against the man, but he slipped behind me and grabbed me around the torso, trapping my arms. I tipped to the north, throwing him onto the bed where $F45 had been lying. We laughed about it, and i said hello to $F45. I introduced the man to $F45, saying “This is my husband.” The man understood and stayed on the bed to chat with us. I sat on the western side of the bed chatting with the young man. $A532 was on the northern side of the bed now, listening to the conversation. He still had a nice build to him, but he looked very different. His face now seemed ugly, with big teeth and bulging skin. This seemed strange. The man was reclined along the eastern side of me, and he continued to chat with me as he smiled.

12010 June 12

I had been sleeping on the city streets, and i felt uncomfortable and upset here. I was lying on the cement on the southern side of the street when the man walked past. He asked me to go to his room, but i felt uncomfortable. I knew that he just wanted to take advantage of me, and i did not want to be with him. I said no and stayed where i was. The man headed off to the east, but returned again with another man, who seemed to be a friend of his. The man smiled at me as he passed, heading to the west, down the hall. I was sleeping on the southern side of the hallway of the house. I was nervous about the man and did not trust him. I started to gather all of my things together, to keep them closer to me. I felt scared of what the man might do, and i thought that i had to protect my things. I pulled my cell phone, which had been on the floor to the northwest of me, under my blanket so that it was out of sight from the man. The man then came back down the hall. I watched him defensively as he passed. I then heard the people to the east talking. They were speaking Russian, and it seemed that i was in a foreign country. I had been trapped here and forced to live in this place. I then noticed that there was a table set up just to the east of me. It had a plate of turkey on it. I felt upset that i was not allowed to do anything here, and i wondered if i could take some of the turkey to eat. The man was still in the hallway, and i realized that he was standing near where i had collected my things. He was trying to coerce me into doing what he wanted, but i did not want to listen to him. He quickly grabbed the phone charger from my pile and ran to the east, up the old wooden stairs in the hallway. I became very upset with him and ran after him. I knew that he was just trying to make me angry, but i was now furious and wanted to hurt the man. As i reached the top of the stairs, i realize that his friend was lying on the wooden bench on the northern side of the hallway. I wanted to punch his friend while he slept and push the man into the wall to stop him from running away. I thought about how i would hurt them to keep them from taking my things and bothering me.

12010 June 13

I mentioned the festival to the other person as we headed north, coming onto the dirt road. We seemed to be at the festival, with tents and kiosks around us. As we turned to the west on the road, i told the other person that i did not think that the festival was happening again. $A404, who had been walking in front of us, then looked over his right shoulder and told us that it was not positive that the festival would not happen. I was surprised to see him because i did not think that he was here. He implied that he was still able to run the festival and made it sound like he might hold the festival this year anyway. This seemed surprising, and i thought about it as i continued to the west, down the road. $A404 wandered off to the southwest, and i slowed down near the food trucks. There seemed to be a long metal counter in the center of the road, which had food on it. I looked over the food on the counter, thinking that i should make something for myself. I seemed to be in the kitchen of $P19. Others moved around the metal counter, which had two levels of shelfs on top of it. The counter and the shelfs were covered with plates of food that had yet to be prepared into a full meal. I wanted to do something, but i was not sure what.

12010 June 14

12010 June 15

Someone was talking about the Irish settlements, saying that there are no traditional ones left. We seemed to be traveling on a bus, and the man was somewhere on the bus with me. The land around us seemed rural. I also seemed to be back in time to some earlier period of my life. I listened to the people chat about the old towns for a moment, and i mentioned the ones near my parents’ house. I could not think of the actual town names, though. I pictured them as the small towns in the creek valley to the south of my parents’ house, but i could not remember the names of the towns. I mentioned a town called Hunter to the woman, but she said that it was not an Irish settlement. I told her that it is not an Irish settlement now, but that it was long ago. I then wondered if this statement was correct. This was not a town in the area that i was thinking of, but i knew that it was close. I tried to remember the names of the smaller towns in the valley, but i could not. Instead i mentioned the names of $P3, $P51, and $P76. I pictured the land where my parents’ house was, imagining a creek running east to west to the south of them. The towns were on the southern side of the red line that represented the creek, and they were to the southwest of my parents’ house. I was looking at the land as it had been a long time ago now, so i thought that the settlements should be traditional settlements at this time. I thought about this, trying to figure out what the small towns were called. As i thought, i looked around the small rural community. I seemed to be to the south of an old house, looking south across the green grass. There were many trees around the lawn, and several other small houses were in view around across the wide lawns. I was just outside the large glass window on the southern side of the old wooden house, and i knew that the other people were gathering to the north of the house. I was supposed to see them about something, but i was still thinking about the towns in the area. I paced around the outside of the house, passing down the eastern side as i headed north, still thinking of the small Irish town around me. I was now in the United States around the time of the Revolutionary War. I had come back in time and was trying to advise these people on something. I knew that they were scientifically minded people, but they were not advanced. I had to tell them something interesting about the settlements. I walked into the room from the south. The room was dimly lighted, and the bare wooden walls were dark. The people there sat on a couch in the northern side of the room, facing south. I sat on the western end of the couch, in front of the large table. Men in colonial-style white shirts were standing to the west of me as the others continued to gather. One of the men approached me and asked for donations. I asked why they were collecting the money, and the man said that they needed the money to pay the wages of the people who worked here. I felt uncomfortable about this, but started looking through my pockets for money. I realized that my money would not work here, and i did not really think it was appropriate for them to be asking for money anyway. I felt defensive, and told the men that it was different where i came from and that we usually do not donate to pay for the waiters at a party. I though that the people here were just trying to cover the cost of the party, so i mentioned that we usually did not cover the cost of a party with money; instead, we would cover the cost with food, like a “dish to pass”. I then thought about this, wondering how this would actually work. My attention was then drawn to a young girl, who was walking down the street to the south of me. She came from the west and turned to the south, heading toward a small white wooden house on the southern side of the street. She pushed open the gate of the white picket fence and walked in. She was wearing a ruffled full-length dress, which looked like something from the 11800s. I thought that this was from Little House on the Prairie. This was the episode where the man came to see Laura. The scene then changed to another house. The man was being roughly escorted out of the house. The father of the house was pushing him to the north as the man apologized for the mistake. He told the father his name. I knew that this was part of the plot. The man had been looking for Laura, but he had been given the wrong address. This was how he had come to the wrong house. He must have upset the people there by assuming that the girl there was Laura. I then remembered the young man who had gone into the other house with Laura. He must have been an imposter. He had planned the deception, telling Laura’s suitor the wrong address so that he could sneak in with Laura. I then saw Laura standing in the room to the south of me. The man was pointing a gun at her. He was going to kill her, but i knew that the suitor would show up just in time to save her. This was how the plot worked. I then thought that this plot was rather advanced for this show. I must be experiencing a later season of the show, when the cast was living in a city. I thought about this, trying to remember the name of the town that they had lived in at the beginning of the show. I thought that the name of the town ended with “Prairie”, but i was not sure. I tried to remember the name of the town, and i imagined being asked by people. I tried to think of what to say. I looked around the room where i was now standing. I seemed to be in an old country store, on the northern side of the room. The room was filled with tables of goods. I moved around the place, but seemed to stay to the north of the counter in the center of the store, where i noticed the pin toys in the western wall of the room. I walked over to the wooden wall, which was now in an empty space. The pins were in a corkboard that was on the wall. They had small dark rounded heads, and there was a magnet in the center of them that turned all of the pins in the same direction. The pins had been stuck into the cork, but the heads pivoted toward the magnet. I pulled the magnet out of the board and moved to it to the north. The pattern of the pins changed. The pattern did not seem like a simple radial pattern, though. It had a more complex pattern of rounded shapes that radiated from the magnet. The board was actually not attached to the wall, but was standing in front of the wall. There was a doorway in the wall just to the north of board, which stood about two or three decis from the wall. I then noticed that there were glass tubes running vertically up the corkboard as well. The tube had pins inside of them, and the pattern within the glass tubes had changed as well when i moved the magnet. I picked up the magnet and placed it on the wall to the west of the board. The pins in the board started to skin into the wood of the board, bending toward the magnet, which was now behind the board. It must have been very strong magnet to bend the pins like this. I backed away from the board and looked at the pattern of the black pins. The pins were still bending to get to the magnet. I suddenly wondered if i was supposed to put the magnet behind the board like that. I pulled out some of the pins and looked at them, noticing that the bottoms had bent because the magnet was pulling the tops over. I pulled out a number of pins and took them through the doorway and into the southern room, where i let them go near the northern wall. The magnet was just on the other side of the wall, and the pins fell to the wall and stuck around the magnet, forming a large X-shaped pattern. I wanted to see what the pattern would actually be like, so i went back and forth several times between the pin board and the wall of the room, carrying pins from the board to the room and letting them go. I was still in Revolutionary times, and this magnet was part of an old game. Some of the pins had colored heads, but most were black. There was a window in the wall to the south of the doorway, and i let go of several of the pins on the glass, watching them spread out in a continuation of the same pattern. I decided that putting pins on the glass would enhance the pattern, but i hoped that the weight of the pins toward the magnet did not break the glass. I walked back into the room to the north to pull more pins out of the board. I then thought about the people around me, who seemed to be getting ready for the party in this building. The main part of the party was to the east. I looked at the pins on the northern wall, thinking that i should not have bent the pins by moving the magnet like i did. I hoped that the people did not mind that the pins were bent. I felt bad for changing the positioning of the pins, and i tried to put them back into the small white board with the glass tubes in it. The people were supposed to be impressed by the strong magnet, not by the patterns that the pins created. I then thought that there must be a switch to turn off the magnet. I picked up the magnet and put it back into the small white plastic box. The box insulated the magnet, and there was a switch on the bottom of the box to turn the magnet off. I imagined explaining how this worked to the people from this time. I imagined telling them that the magnet was strong enough to mess up small devices, like cameras. I headed into the room to the south, where the people were gathering for the meeting. The people here now seemed like $G6, and i felt out of place here. I was no longer part of this place and wondered why i had come back. I still had the magnet with me in the white box. A large conference table stood in the center of the room, and i walked around the southern side of it, heading to the east. I placed the magnet down on the sill of the large window in the eastern wall. A green pine tree stood just to the north of the window, and it seemed to be covered with decorations. The ornaments were all office related, like paperclips and pencil. There were several notebooks attached to some of the branches. I turned back to the north as $A412 entered the room from the door in the western end of the northern wall. He was going no start the meeting as he sat in the chair on the western end of the table. I did not feel comfortable here and thought that i should leave. I was standing in front of the door in the northern wall. As the people at the meeting started talking, i backed out of the room, thinking of where i should go.

As i came out into the hall, i noticed a group of people to the east of me. They were staring at the small cardboard boxes on the floor, to the east of the door, against the southern wall. I noticed that all of the boxes were filled with what appeared to be VHS boxes or books. They all had Star Trek logos on them. I realized that some of them were actually laser disks. This was all stuff that had been abandoned here. $A103 was in the hall looking at the books, and he seemed very interested in them. He asked about the laser disks, wondering what the data density on the disks was. I told him that they should be the same as DVDs, only they were twice as big. I then remembered that the data was on two sides of the disk, unlike a DVD. I considered this, thinking that the laser disks must have larger units of data because the disks were wider, so the data would have to be spread out over the larger surfaces of the two-sided disks. I thought about this as i started walking to the east. I wondered if i could use the laser disks for something.

12010 June 16

I stood in the doorway to the office, facing east. The small crowded office was to the east of me, with several other people in it. There was something i had to do, and i felt tense trying to figure it out. I had brought something here, but i was still looking for something. I turned back to the west and started walking down the length of the long room. Many people were gathered in the room, which seemed to have bunk beds or some other shelf-like structures along the northern and southern walls. One of the structures from the south wall reached into the room, and i had to walk around it. I could not find what i was looking for. I thought that there was a movie that i was trying to figure out, but i knew that this did not make any sense. I twisted my way through the crowd, heading to the west. My mother was there, and she seemed worried about what i was trying to do. She stood to the north of me and did not understand what i was doing. I told her that i was looking for the concert. She asked which one. I was aware that the sequence of events was out of order because this was a dream, but i told her that i was trying to get to the concert that had just ended. She became stressed because she could not make sense of the events. Her voice became higher as she tried to ask what was happening. I told her that it did not have to make sense; it simply needed to be done as the dream organized it. She was too upset to think about it clearly. Something else started to distract me, and i looked at the man to the north of me. He was a police officer, and he was leaning over to talk to me as i sat in my car. I had stopped in the middle of the road to try to figure out where to go. It was dark out, and my mother was in the SUV to the north of me. She had turned around and was facing west. She was still stressed and felt panicked that she was stopped in the middle of traffic, so she started driving to the west. This was the wrong direction, but i did not know what to do about it. The officer dismissed me and i started to drive to the east. I would have to find my grandmother some other way. As i drove, i was aware that i was in a foreign country. I was driving on the right-hand side of the road, but i knew that i was somewhere in England. My grandmother was traveling with me, but she had gone the other way. She would be upset that she could not find me, but there was nothing that i could do about it at the moment. I did not think that i was going in the correct direction. I would have to turn around, but that did not seem like something i could do. There was a car behind me and i was not quite sure where i was. I came to the end of the road and turned to the north, thinking that it might bring me back in the direction that i needed to go. As i drove along the long country road to the north, i thought that i had to meet up with my grandmother. Our cell phones did not work in this country, so there was no way for her to call me. She would just have to figure out how to get to the place and meet me there. I pictured the road that i was on, hoping that it circled around the eastern side of the small city and reconnected with the road that i was supposed to be on. The black lines represented the road, and they were on a gray background. I could now see several thick black lines that represented streets in the small town. I was heading somewhere outside of the town, but i was not quite sure where. As my view of the map panned out, i could see long roads leading to the north and east. There seemed to be two that led to places along the coast in the east, and one that led to the coast in the north. The areas on the coast were highlighted in a lighter gray, signifying that there were towns there. I looked at the one to the north, wondering if it was the town that i was trying to get to. I was not quite sure where i was going, but i tried to figure it out. Someone then described the towns as three small islands. The map seemed to change so that i was looking at a picture of three small sandy rocks in the middle of water. The rocks were sandstone, and were strangely shaped. I quickly realized that the rocks were too small to be islands. They were flat on top and stood on trumpet-shaped stems. Someone was still describing the islands as my view backed away from the rocks and i realized that they were actually part of a wall of rocks to the west of me. The rocks formed circular patterns in the sandstone cliff. The voice described the rocks as flowers, and i tired to picture the circular shapes as individual flowers. This did not seem right, though, because each circular shape was more than a meter across. Flowers should not be that big, and i did not think that they would have petrified like that. As the voice described the flowers, i realized that there were smaller petal shaped features at regular intervals running along the top of the wall. I wondered if these were the petrified flowers. They were dark gray, and looked more like the leafs, with narrow bottoms and thick rounded tops that bent over. I looked again at the large round shapes in the center of the wall, trying to picture them as flowers. They were roughly shaped like flowers, but they seemed quite big. The woman continued to talk about the flowers, calling them petunias. I turned to the east and looked at her. She was a tour guide, and was wearing tan shorts and a tan short-sleeve button-up shirt with a wide rimmed ranger hat. She described the flowers, saying that they were one kind and not another. I asked her about they type of flower and she referred to the shrub in front of her, saying that people commonly mistook one kind of flower for another. She put her fingers around a pink flower on the plant and showed it to us, telling us that this was the type of plant that people commonly called a petunia, but it was unrelated to the large flowery designs. I was sitting on a small ledge on the wall still, and i swung my feet to the east and jumped down. I asked her what a petunia really was. There were a few other people in the tour group standing with her, and they watched as she stepped to the south and produced a tall potted plant. The plant had small eye-shaped green leaves, like a wild rose bush. On the top stems were small purple and yellow flowers. She referred to them as petunias. I told her that i was surprised that they were called petunias, saying that we had another name for them where i came from. She asked what i called them, and i told her that we called them snap dragons. The purple flower had yellow and white stripes across the center of the bulb. She found the name funny and asked why we called them that, so i explained that, if you pinched the back of the bulb slightly, the front of the flower would open, and it looked like the mouth of a dragon. I did not want to demonstrate on the plants that she had shown us, but she said that she would do it so that it could be done carefully. She walked to the west of the plant and grabbed around the flowers. After a moment, i realized that she had pulled several of the flowers off of the plants. She was holding a white flower in the palm of her right hand as she put her fingers around a purple but that was still attached to the plant.

12010 June 17

I woke up on the western side of the bed in the upstairs bedroom of the house. This seemed to be my parents’ house, and the head of the bed was against the southern wall. The bed was covered with a thin yellow cover. My mother still seemed to be asleep on the eastern side of the bed. I moved around in the dark room, feeling that i had to get something. I still had the twenty-dollar bill in my left hand. I realized that this was my mother’s money, and i wondered if i should put it back with her things. I felt indecisive and wandered to the east. I wanted to keep the money, but i was not sure that i should. I then noticed the bags that had been tossed on the floor just to the south of me. I had just entered the kitchen of my parents’ house. The bags on the floor seemed to be paper shopping bags. They had been hastily tossed on the floor and were lying on their sides. I then noticed the wallet under on of the bags. The top end of the wallet was open a little, and i could see that there were several dollar bills in the wallet, and most of them seemed like twenties. My mother must have gone shopping early in the morning and tossed her things here as she came back. She was now sleeping again. I thought that i should keep the twenty that was in my hand because there was more than enough in the wallet, so the one would not be missed. I paced in the kitchen for a moment. My grandfather was standing in the dining room, to the west. He seemed upset about something. My mother was now standing in the dining room with him, and he brought her a small clear plastic box of books. The box fit the small books nicely and was only a deci and a half tall. It fit about four or five books. My mother looked at the books as my grandfather took some of the small dark-green leather-bound volumes out. They seemed to have gold-colored lettering on them. He was insistent about them, and he seemed to be concerned about something. I thought that he had taken the books from the table in the back room and was simply confused about something. One of the books seemed to be The Bible, but i knew that my grandfather did not find the book significant simply because it was religious. I moved back into the kitchen, and my mother was there, placing the books back into the thin plastic casing and setting them on the eastern end of the counter on the southern wall. The counter was in front of the cabinet that stood at the eastern end of the southern wall. I looked at the books, thinking that my grandfather was making a deal out of nothing. I then turned around and headed to the north, into the back room of the house. My mother seemed to be talking to my grandfather about something in the dining room. I wandered around the couch and then headed back to the southeast, toward the small dresser in a southeastern corner of the room, just to the north of the entry door. I noticed two other boxes of books similar to the one my grandfather had. He must have taken the box from this dresser. There was a space to the east of the boxes on the dresser where the other one must have gone. I moved toward the dresser. There was a white lace doily across the top of the table, and the items on the table rested on top of it. My grandfather had acted as though the books had some importance. The books on the table were dusty now, and i moved to them and started cleaning off the tops of the boxes. They just needed to be cleaned. That was really what my grandfather was trying to say.

I walked north, into the large dining room, which was now empty. There were rectangular tables set up throughout the room with white tablecloths on them. The floor seemed to be covered with a dull-yellow carpet, and the walls on the sides were very tall. This place seemed like it was on a cruise ship. There was some special event happening here. I, however, was not part of this event. I had simply come into the dining room because the people here thought that i was part of the serving staff. I looked over the dining room, wondering what i should do here. I felt a little out of place. I turned to the south, looking down the length of the dining room. I was now standing near the eastern wall, on the northern side of the room. The room was filled with people, and everything seemed to be colored with incandescent lighting. I recognized many of the people here. This was a Hollywood party, and it was a special event. I felt lucky to be here, but i knew that i did not belong here. I felt a little tense about being here, thinking that i would be discovered. The boat seemed to be heading south now, and i was still looking down the port side of the boat. There was a glass canopy overhead that ran down the eastern side of the deck, and some of the famous people were standing under it, glancing at me. They were wearing tuxedos and formal jackets. I felt uneasy here, not sure what to do. I moved to the western side of the boat, noticing that we were near the docks. Something was happening. It seemed that everyone was leaving the area, and i wondered what i should do. Looking to the south, down the side of the ship, i could see people escaping from the front of the ship. They exited through a door in the side of the ship and ran onto the wooden dock that was attached to the hull. They glanced back toward me and then turned to run south. I wondered if i should leave as well. The famous people were trying to escape, but i felt that i was not really involved in this situation, even tough i felt nervous and felt that i should be doing something. I moved around, glancing out across the water to the southeast. Something seemed to be wrong, but no one else seemed to be upset. I was standing on the cement dock, which was part of the mainland. There was a large aluminium warehouse to the south of me. The others were sitting around the table near me, and i kept staring out over the water. There were several small boats in the water. I then noticed that one of the motorboats was smoking. I pointed this out to the others, but the man sitting to the east of me said that the boat was not smoking that much. It was actually something else smoking. I felt tense and thought that he was wrong. I looked at the boat, watching the white and gray smoke drift up from the boat. I told the man that it was definitely the boat that was smoking. The boat was very near to us now, and seemed more like a water scooter. A woman stepped onto the back of the water scooter and started the engine. She seemed to be wearing a black wetsuit. The smoke billowed out of the round black engine, which was in the center of the small boat. There were two handles arching back from the engine, and the woman grabbed them, trying to rev the engine. The large outboard motor bucked forward, and the prop tipped up, out of the water, striking the woman in the groin. She stepped back, stunned for a second. I tried to tell the others that something was wrong, but they were not listening to me. The woman grabbed the crotch of her tan pants, which were now torn open. I could see the dark hair of her crotch as she pulled at the torn material of the trousers with her hands. It seemed strange that she was naked there, but no one else around me seemed to care. I then heard the sound of airplanes near us. I looked up and could see the metal plane approaching us from the south. There was gunfire from the airplane, and i thought that it was shooting at us. I felt tense, and told the others that we were in danger, but no one seemed to react. They did not believe that the planes were shooting at us. I stood up on the chair or table in the middle of the people as the airplane flew overhead. I watched the silver plane with dull red stripes down the side fly to the northwest and then circle to the west. It seemed to be coming back toward us. It was going to shoot again. I looked down at the people, trying to warn them about the danger, but they did not believe me. I was standing on top of a large wooden wagon in the center of the old barn. The roof of the barn seemed to be missing, because i could still see the airplane overhead. The people were standing to the north and east of the large wagon, which could have been a pile of boxes and crates. They were not interested in what i had to say. They were all members of the town, and they were excited about the thing coming. I had tried to warn them about it, but they did not want to listen. I felt helpless and wondered what i should do. There was a truck coming from the east. It seemed to be a large tractor-trailer, with a white metal trailer and yellow lights on the cab. It was slowly coming down the road from the east. I knew that it was dangerous, but the people would not believe me. I could see several people running to the south to greet the truck, so i moved to the southern side of the house to look out the window at them. The truck was pulling up, but i could not see it yet, and the people were gathering to greet it. Some of them were cheering and jumping.

12010 June 19

I stepped out of the small office and headed down the corridor to the east. The office had been on the southern side of the corridor. I had left this job a long time ago, but, for some reason, i was coming back. The office was mostly empty now, because i had taken all of my things with me, but there were still some things left behind. The corridor emptied into a large room, which almost seemed like a warehouse or large garage. The main door seemed to be to the north. Just to the north of me as i came out of the corridor was a stack of old things. Some of them stood against the western wall of the room. Something long and dark red was draped over a tall object. I started collecting some of the things i had left on the floor. I knew that i had left these object behind because they were of no importance to me, but i started to feel attached to some of them. I wanted to bring them into my new office. I wondered why i felt this way. There was a hospital bed in the center of the room with an IV stand next to it. I piled some of the books onto the bed and started rolling it back to the west. I left the IV stand against the wall, thinking that i would no longer need it. I then turned around and came back for some of the mathematic stuff that was on the ground. There was a box of metal protractors, and i wanted to make sure that i kept one. I then thought that i already had one at home, but i wanted to get another, just in case. I took some of the things and headed to the east, across the large room. This room seemed to be on the northern side of a college library. I knew that the students had left for the summer, but there were still a few wandering around. A large wooden table stood just to the southeast of me. There was a large gray drawing on the northwestern part of it, and a smaller one to the east. There were art projects that someone had left here. I gathered them up to get them out of the way. A female student walked from the south, passing me on the east. She was wearying long tan pants with a blue or green long-sleeve T-shirt, and she had her black backpack slung over her left shoulder. I pulled the gray drawings to the southern side of the table and flipped the smaller one onto the larger one. They seemed to have white wet paint on them, so i hoped that the paint did not run when i put them together. I felt a little sad putting the paintings away, but i had to get things organized. I returned to the office to the east and started to gather more things.

12010 June 20

I was with four or five other people as we came out of the area in the western side of the large building. This building seemed to be a museum or casino, and the corridor that we had come from was wide, with rooms on either side. The double doors to the rooms, which seemed like conference rooms, were closed. The junction of the corridor had a corridor that ran to the east and one that ran to the southwest. I talked to the others, mentioning the exhibit that we had just seen. The corridor to the east was darkened, and the glass windows of the shops down the mall-like corridor were unlighted. There was a man in a glass ticket booth on the southeastern side of the junction. He seemed to be in uniform, and he was looking down at the desk in front of him as we decided something. I told the others that we had just seen the bones in the museum, but that we would not be able to see the dinosaur zoo because everything was closed. We had come here too late in the day and the stores and exhibit halls were closing up. Most of the place around us was closed, and i felt sad about it, wondering what we should do. The others wandered to the south, farther into the large restaurant area. There were tables all around us and a few men in uniforms stood against the eastern wall. They were waiters, but they were busy with other things and were not paying attention to us. $F45 then told me to hurry to the south. I looked to the south to see the others that we had come with running out a metal door in the southern wall of the room. They were escaping from the restaurant. I asked why we were running away, and $F45 said that the people would be after us. Running felt like a mischievous thing to do, but i realized that the waiters had been ignoring us and we had not yet been served. I hurried out the door and started walking to the south, down the paved path. The grassy areas between the paths were fenced off. They were pens or rides at this amusement park. $F45 was walking on my left as we followed the path. He was nervous and joking and told me that i should run faster. I did not feel like running but i jogged with him, thinking that the people from the restaurant would be chasing us. I then wondered why we should run from them, thinking that they did not actually serve us. We had missed out on the events of the park, so we had not actually done much of anything here. $F45 followed the left part of a Y in the path and wandered to the southeast. I continued to the south at a slow jog. Glancing behind me, i could see a few men running after us. I tried not to notice them and slowed down, looking to the southwest, where there was a small race track with go-carts on it. The track twisted between small black and white objects. I stopped jogging and walked toward it. I then realized that a red go-cart, which was shaped like a formula-one car, was rounding the southeastern side of the track and coming toward me. I quickly moved to the western side of the walkway to let the car go past, aware that the men behind me might be fooled by my lack of concern for them. I started walking to the northwest again as the men caught up with me. A man stopped to the south of me and said “Hey.” I turned to look at him, pretending to be surprised by his presence. I then looked back, noticing that there were several other large men near me. They were wearing white shirts with red short sleeves, and the man to the south seemed to have short balding black hair. I acted upset by they presence, as though i thought that they were going to attack me. I pretended to be frightened of them as they pushed me against the red blockade horse that was to the north of me. I pushed back, acting like i was trying to defend myself. I kept asking them what they were doing, and then i started calling to others for help. I then noticed that one of the men in the group was wearing a blue shirt and shorts. I recognized him as one of the men we had seen inside earlier. I acted surprised to see him said, “Wait a minute; you work here!” They pushed me to the ground and subdued me. The man in blue leaned over me, asking me where the extra four tickets were that we were selling. I realized that he had thought that we were doing something illegal. I was confused, and told him that there were no tickets. He did not believe me, and someone grabbed my right hand. I pretended to be scared and confused, as they started to drive me to the north in the small car. The woman sat to the east of me. The white seats of the carnival ride could only fit two across. As the car traveled, i pretended to be scared. I squeezed the woman’s hand as i felt the motion of the car. The ride moved us from side to side, and i told the woman that i was getting sick. She did not pay much attention to me. The car then started moving in a tight circle, and i realized that we were ascending the spiral staircase of the main building. I bent forward with my eyes closed, grabbing the woman’s hand. I had to continue to act upset and nauseated by the motion. After some time of traveling on the circling ride, we came to a stop in the large room at the top of the building. This was a courtroom, and the people from the cars were lining up along the benches to the north. The benches faced north, with the southern bench about a meter and a half higher than the northern one. The benches seemed somewhat like bleachers, but there were only two of them. The people had left the cars and entered the benches from the western side of the upper bench. When the queue reached the eastern end of the upper bench, it turned to the west and followed the length of the eastern bench. I was near the western end of the upper bench, near the end of the line. One of the judges then said that the line would actually be moving from the other direction. There was a long wooden counter along the northern wall, with several service windows on it. There seemed to be no partitions separating the windows, but i could tell that there were places for three people to sit behind the counter. There seemed to be two people in black robes discussing something near the eastern-center of the counter. The dark-skinned austral woman, who was sitting in the eastern-most chair behind the counter, had told us that the queue should be moving the other way because she was stationed on that end of the counter. I thought that the queue would start moving from the eastern end of the lower bench, and i felt that this was unfair to the people queuing up. The people in the queue stood looking at each other, shuffling a bit to try to figure out how to get into the correct position. The female judge finally told them not to mind, stood up herself, and walked to the chair on the western side of the counter. She had her braided hair tied up over her head and seemed to be wearing something yellow underneath her black robe. She sat at the western chair, and i looked over the line. $F46 was seated on the eastern end of the lower bench, wearing a light-blue business suit. She shuffled some papers and folders in her lap as she looked at what the judge was doing. I then realized that the people i had been with were ahead of me on queue, including $F45. They would all have to wait for me because i was near the end of the queue. They would be impatient about this, and this made me feel uneasy. It was my fault for acting upset with the woman, who still seemed to be guarding me.

We headed to the south, down the long roads on the southeastern side of the small town. It was dark out, and we were trying do find our way on the streets, but i was not exactly sure which roads we should take. $F45 drove the car down the darkened road until we came to an intersection with a wide road. He turned to the northwest, toward the center of the city. The street ahead of us was well lighted, and i thought that we would be able to see signs for the road that we were looking for. I then saw the white sign for U.S. Route 33 on the right side of the road. There then seemed to be several other signs on the side of the road as we again headed to the southeast, toward the intersection. I thought that one of the signs was for the highway that we were looking for. $F45 turned the car to the west, following the curve of the road to the northwest. This seemed like the on-ramp of the highway, but i knew that the highway must be a little farther to the northwest. We were simply crossing the city area to get to the highway, which seemed to run southwest to northeast. We passed a large green sign on the northern side of the road, and i thought it had said this was the way to Interstate 79, but i was not quite sure. Something seemed wrong with the directions. $F45 turned to the west again and followed the road to the southeast. This seemed to be exit ramp, but something seemed wrong. A car passed us heading in the other direction, and i looked to the northwest at the large building, which seemed to be a mall. There was something strange about this place, and i tried to warn $F45, but he was not paying attention to me. We followed the curve of the road to the northwest along the southeastern side of a large parking area. I was surprised to see that the road ahead simply ended. I tried to warn $F45, but he had followed the curb around and run over the tall stone curb, where the metal drainage ditch was. The car went over the grass, and i realized that there was a very steep hill to the west. I could not see anything anymore, and i knew that the car was tumbling sideways down the steep slope of the hill. I looked up at the roof of the car, aware that i could not feel the rolling motion. I wondered if we were actually rolling down the hill or whether we were just stuck on the grass. I then decided that the rolling motion of the car would make me feel that i was simply sitting in my seat because of the centrifugal force. I thought about this for a moment as i looked at the green roof of the car, noticing that it was only slightly wrinkled. I wondered if it would be collapsing from the weight of the car. I then started to feel the tumbling motion of the car pulling me out of my seat as we fell. The centrifugal force had become weaker as the car slowed down, and i could now feel the spinning more.

I followed $F45 into the city area, turning to the northwest down the long urban street, which was lined with modern gray and glass buildings. We entered the lobby of the large glass building, which seemed like it might be the atrium of a parking garage. There was something happening here. People were gathered in the lobby for some special event. I felt a little out of place, knowing that i did not really belong here. $F45 moved away from me into the crowd, but i waited near the southeastern wall of the tall lobby. The window on the southwestern wall was glass, with thin metal ribs running horizontally across it at wide spacings. There was a theater show happening here, and i felt as though it was something special. People moved near me. I seemed to be part of this show. The man stood up on the cube, which was now in the center of the small square room that we were standing in. He was older than i, and he was one of the actors in the play with me. He seemed to be wearing a brown leather roman skirt over an off-white toga, and he started declaring his lines. I felt suddenly nervous, realizing that i did not know these lines that well. I was happy that he was starting the play off. The woman moved to the south of the cube that the man was on and started speaking the lines with him. I stood to the west, looking up at him as he stood with his left arm raised, facing east. I spoke the lines with him, but was very nervous because i was not really sure what they were. Something was wrong. I had been part of the play but i was not fully aware of what was happening. The man had learned the first section of the greek play, which seemed to be part of an old epic poem. I was impressed that he had memorized it, and tried to keep up with him. I thought about the greek play, wondering if i would be able to remember any of the other parts, or whether we even needed to perform the other parts. I started to feel very out of place here. I moved to the east. The first part of the play was over, and i felt a little relieved. The woman i had been acting with headed to the east, into the small room to do something with her costume. I looked back to the west, at the man who was still standing on the platform. I started to feel out of place here, realizing that i was not able to keep up with these people. I then looked back to the east, into the black room of the theater and realized that the singing section of the show had started. They had gone on stage without me, and i felt nervous about joining them. I did not know what was happening in this play, and i did not know enough of the lines. I turned to the east again and walked into the dressing room, telling the woman that they were singing the songs to “Wizard of Oz”. With a sudden shock, she realized that she was missing her cue and she rushed past me, to the east. The audience was sitting on black risers on the western wall of the room, and she ran through the opening of the bleachers. A man was standing near the bottom of the bleachers, just to the south of the opening. He seemed to be the director. She ran out in her red and white dress and started singing the song to “Annie” with the rest of the cast. I realized that she was actually playing the part of Annie, so it was rather awkward that she had come out onto stage late. The director glanced back at me with a frown on his face, and i felt upset. I had messed up here, and i started to feel that i was not good enough to act in a place like this. The older man who had acted with me had memorized all of the lines of the old greek play instantly, but i would have had to spend a long time doing so. This was a play in New York City, and i was not used to this environment. I felt out of place and unprepared. I wondered if i should be doing stuff like this at all.

12010 June 21

I looked at the piece of bread that i was eating. It was a folded piece of white bread, but there was a small corner on the fold on the right side that had been dipped in the sauce. The sauce was dark brown, and the bread where it had been dipped was covered with sesame seeds. I took a bite out of the bread, but i realized that the sesame sauce was something special. I thought that there was some kind of THC mixture in it. I realized that i had already eaten more of the bread with the sauce. I got out of the car, which was parked on the eastern side of the yellow brick school building. The building seemed somewhat like an elementary school. The car was parked on the curb right in front of the building. As i started walking to the north, however, i realized that i was intoxicated. I looked down at the piece of white bread that i was still carrying in my hand. Aware that people were watching me, i realized that i would have to act naturally. I thought that my actions would seem too sudden and jerky on the drugs, so i had to focus on remaining calm and moving slowly. I had to walk in a more natural way so that i did not seem intoxicated. I got out of the car again and started walking to the north, along the face of the building. I had come here looking for someone who worked in the school. I looked to the west to see $A17 coming out of the door of the building. She was wearing a red dress, which looked a little like a business suit. She turned to the north and started walking along the building. I looked down at the white piece of bread in my hands. I tore another piece of bread off and ate it. I realized that i had to act naturally so that no one would realize that i was intoxicated. There was a man standing to the northwest of me, and i was aware that he was watching what i was doing. I had to be careful not to let him know what i was following $A17, and i had to act naturally so that he did not suspect that the bread that i was eating actually had THC in it. The tan school building was to the south of me, and $A17 was walking to the west along the side of it. There was something that i had to give to her, but i could not let the others suspect that i had been following her. I was twenty or thirty meters away from the school building now, watching $A17 walk on the sidewalk down the side of the building. There seemed to be a parking garage between her and myself, though i could see easily around the thin gray columns. I then realized that $A460 was walking down the sidewalk. $A17 had turned to the north and walked toward a car on the eastern side of the parking lot. I stopped to look at the bread in my hands, aware that the man was still watching me. I could not make it obvious that i was following the woman, so i pretended to think about something while i played with the object in my hand. I started walking to the south, moving slowly so that i did not catch up with $A17, who had gotten in her car. She was driving to the north, along the side of the parking garage. I did not want her to see me. I was now heading toward $A460, and i could not let $A17 know that i was here. I took a few quick steps toward the center of the lot, keeping three or four parked cars between us as she moved to the north. This would block her view of me. I crouched down a little as she passed to keep out of sight. I then focused on $A460, who was still walking to the west on the sidewalk. I had to get to her.

I moved through the halls of the school building, thinking about the things that i would need to do. It was near the end of the school year, and i knew that there were tests coming up. I spoke to the person with me as i headed to the east, down the hall of the building. I would have to write my papers for my test, and i wondered how much of the work i would have to do for it. I realized that i had not done enough of my reading. I remembered that there were several books during the school year that i had not read, and i wondered if they would be on the exam. I asked the other person if they would be part of the testing material as we turned to the south and started down the stairs at the beginning of the adjoining corridor. I then felt suddenly worried that i had not done the work. I felt very upset and realized that i would have to study a lot of things for the test. It seemed that i would not be able to do it, and i started to feel upset. I asked $X again what would be on the test. I then stopped in the middle of the stairs, saying that i would have to first find out when the tests were. They seemed very soon, but i did not know where or when they were. I was then aware of a male teacher standing to the east of me. He had overheard me, and he seemed to be disappointed in me. I felt very bad about this. I should have done more to study.

I walked down the hall of the high school to the west, and then turned to the south, down the long corridor. $F43’s room was on this side of the school, and i wanted to see if she was still there. The school year was over, and all of the children were leaving the building. I thought that everything was ending here, and only the teachers were left to clean things up. There were yellow lockers on either side of the hallway, and there were some teachers standing near their doors as the last of the young children rushed to the north, toward the entrance to the school. I hoped that $F43 was still in her room. I passed through a doorway in the corridor and came to a narrower section of the corridor. The wall to the west seemed to have some hand-painted pictures on it. I did not remember $F43’s room being in such a narrow corridor, but then i realized that this was probably not the section of the building that she was in. I convinced myself that i would have to pass through the narrow part of the hallway to get to the next part of the corridor, which would be wider. I passed through the doorway at the end of the narrow section, wondering if anyone would notice that i was not a teacher here. They probably thought that i was an adult, so i should belong here. I came to the wider section of the corridor and seemed to recognize it more. $F43’s room was on the western side of the corridor. I was then at the end of the corridor when i heard her voice. She was standing in the doorway with the door ajar behind her, talking to someone in the classroom. I heard the reply voice, and i realized that she was talking to $F38. I stopped in front of the door, suddenly realizing that i was at the southern end of the hall. The hall used to continue to the south. As i opened the door to $F43’s classroom, i realized that the hallway to the south of me was blocked with plywood. It must be under construction for the summer. I walked into the classroom, saying hello to $F43. She was helping $F38 carry something on the southern side of the room. It was a large dull-red triangular shaped frame, which seemed to be padded. There was a set of stairs descending to the north along the western wall of the room, and $F38 was turning the pointed end of the triangle down the stairs. I asked if i could help and grabbed the bottom of the object as $F43 grabbed another corner near me. She was to the north of me. $F38 was down the stairs now, and i helped $F43 maneuver the object. I then realized that there were several other people in the class room helping her move. I looked up to the north to see $A190 walking across the room to the west. Most of $G11 had come here to help, and i suddenly felt out of place, realizing that i had not been told about this before. All of the others had been invited, but i had not been told about this. I felt upset by this.

$F47 was sleeping in the small bench on the western side of the niche, which was in the southern wall of the hallway. I stood with $F58 in the hallway, looking at him. The bench under him had a black pleather cushion, and he was reclined against the southern wall, with his head turned to the east. He was partly obscured by the column in front of him, so $F58 and i moved to the east. Another corridor ran to the south, and we rounded the corner. There was a window in the western wall just around the corner that looked into the niche area. We could see $F47 better from there, and we snickered at the fact that he was still passed out. I then ran back out to the other corridor and stood on the north side of the white column that separated the bench from the corridor. I smiled at $F58, even though i could not see here through the small square mirrored window. I knew that she was looking, and she would be amused that i was smiling at $F47, who was passed out. I then thought that she would probably be taking trying to take a picture of us, so i tried to remain still. I wondered when she would be finished with the camera. I could not see her so i was not sure whether she was taking a picture or not. I turned back to $F47 to see how he was doing. He was now on the eastern side of a niche in the northern wall of the small classroom. The door to the classroom was just to the west of us, and $F58 was outside the main door, in a short corridor that led to the main east-to-west hallway of the school. A man came into the room with me and looked at $F47. We joked about it for a moment, and then the man left. It seemed that $F47 was no longer there as well, and i felt that i should leave the classroom and head out of the school. The others had already left the room, but i though that they would be back for $F47, who i thought was still passed out on the bench. I pushed open the gray metal door of the classroom, thinking that it might lock if i let it close. I looked down to the floor on the western side of the narrow entry corridor to see that i had already pushed the black computer bag and black boxy saddlebag outside the door. This way, if the door locked when i let it close, the others could still come back for their things. I hesitated in the doorway for a moment, not wanting to close the school door behind me, knowing it would lock. I tested the lock for a moment, seeing that the door was indeed locked. I then tried to close the door slowly so that the lock would not engage, but the spring on the door was pulling it closed, and the door clicked shut behind me. I walked down the two-meter corridor to the main hallway. I then realized that there was another door on the outside of the corridor. It closed behind me, and i realized that it had locked as well. The others would not be able to retrieve their bags when they came back, unless someone came to unlock the classroom. I decided that they could wait for a janitor to come, and i started to walk down the corridor to the east. This was the last day of school, and all of the students had left. I moved a little to the south and moved down a curved corridor, heading to the southwest. There were lockers on the southwestern wall, and several female teachers came out of their rooms from doors between the lockers. This section of the school seemed to be the lower school area, and i thought that they were cleaning out all of the supplies from the lockers. I then remembered that there might be a lot of interesting things that they were taking from the lockers, and i wondered if i should look thought he piles of discarded things. The narrow corridor curved to the east and ended in a wider white corridor. There were people cleaning the lockers there as well. The lockers were on the northern wall of the corridor. There was a special feeling about the last day of school, and i wondered what i should do now. I thought about how to get out of the school building and realized that i would have to turn back to the northeast. I passed several other faculty members when i suddenly realized that i was already on the outside of the building. The curved glass face of the building was to the west of me, and i was walking down a cement path along it. I passed a professor in a wheelchair, who was sitting on the western side of the path, watching me as i passed. The corridor i was walking down must have sloped down gradually from the second floor of the school, where i had been. I was now near the exit door on the northern side of the building. As i approached the door, i was heading south, and the building was now to the east of me. I came to the glass doors at the main entrance to the school and i turned to the west, starting down the wide stairs. There seemed to be some older students standing around near the entrance as i passed.

12010 June 22

I was in the large atrium area with the other people. We seemed to be in a long rectangular courtyard between modern cement buildings, or in the central hallway of a large multilevel mall. There was some tall structure to the southwest of where we were. I spoke to several of the other people, who all seemed to be from $G3. They were people i had gone to college with. $A37 was standing on the southern side of the long pale-gray trough in the center of the room, to the southeast of me. I seemed to me moving back and forth in the shallow trough. The others were talking about something, and i realized that they were the only people from my call in college that were still in this area. I felt that they would be leaving soon, and it made me sad to think that i would be the only one left. I lied down in the shallow water and started moving from east to west in the pool. The water was only a few decis deep, so i could only slide from one deep section to the other. The bottom of the pool seemed to be saw-tooth shaped, with very long shallow peaks. The others started to move around on the southern side of the pool. I felt a little awkward, thinking that i would be the only one here of my class, and i started to feel out of place. I moved a little to the west and then turned back to the east. The building to the south of us seemed very tall now, and we seemed to be in an alley behind it. There was a cement loading dock just to the south of me, which ran to the west, along the side of the building. There seemed to be some dumpsters near us. The others were leaving to the east, and i thought about the trail that we were supposed to be following. I looked around, but could not see where the trail was marked. I moved to the southwest, across the damp floor of the cement room. We seemed to be in a tunnel. I then realized that there were chalk marks on the floor. Someone had made wide pinkish marks with chalk. The marks had gotten wet and looked blurry. I called to the others, letting them know that i had found the trail, and i started following it to the southwest. I followed it through the cement corridor and out of the room. I turned a little to the south and then to the southwest again as i came into the larger room. We fanned out, looking for marks. The others had been in this room for a little while, and they could not find the marks. I zigzagged across the floor of the room looking for marks. I then realized that there were heavy iron manhole covers at regular intervals across the floor. They seemed to form a circular pattern, which radiated from the center of the room. I wandered to the southwest for a moment before a woman behind me said that she had found trail. I turned around and noticed a chalk mark under the thin film of water that was on the floor. It headed to the west, so i started moving again. I was still at the head of the pack, and this seemed to be a good thing. My grandfather seemed to be in the room with us, and i passed him as i moved quickly to the west. We seemed to be in a large arched tunnel that ran east to west. There was a stream running down the center of the tunnel, and i was jogging on the northern side of the stream. The tunnel was dimly lighted and damp. As i started moving on the bicycle, i realized that i was moving rather slowly. I was still at the head of the pack, but the other people in the race would soon be catching up to me. I glanced back, noticing someone following me. I started biking more quickly now. There was a bridge ahead of me that crossed the small stream that ran down the center of the tunnel. I was on the southern side of the stream, and the bridge crossed to the northwest where the stream turned to the southwest. I started pedaling the bicycle faster and crossed the covered bridge. I was worried that the man behind me would catch up. A domed ceiling covered the bridge, and, as i entered the eastern side of the bridge, i noticed that there was only a narrow band of light on the other side. I remembered that the opening on the northern side of the bridge was very narrow because the ceiling arched down over it. I reached the other side of the bridge and tipped the bicycle sideways to slide it under the roof. I then continued pedaling fast along the northern side of the stream, toward the darkened tunnel to the west. Glancing back over my left shoulder, i could see that the other person was still following me. I was worried that he would catch me because i had been going so slowly before. As i raced through the corridors and up the stairs, i thought that i should have been conserving my energy because i had not been running that fast at the beginning of the race. I came up the stairs to the north and exited the tunnel through the small subway exit. I glanced over my right shoulder to see the man very close to me now. The small cement building around the stairs seemed dingy, with art-deco architecture. I stopped suddenly on the sidewalk to the north of the exit. I could not remember where the trail went from here. I looked down the city street to the west, but did not recognize anything. I then looked to the east, noticing that there was an intersection just to the east of me, where another wide street ran from the southwest to the northeast. I did not remember which way was correct, and i worried that, if i started running in the wrong direction, that the person behind me would catch up. Someone to the south of me then reminded me that we had to go toward the meatballs. I looked around and recognized the tall tan cement buildings on the southern side of the street to the east. They were part of the museum, and that was where the meatball was. I quickly started running to the east, but the runner was already ahead of me. He had come out of the tunnel and crossed the street to the median at the center of the western street of the intersection. He did not know where to go either, so he had to pause to look around. He was wearing red shorts and had a nicely detailed and muscled upper body. As i started riding to the east, he noticed where i was heading and quickly started running in the same direction. I knew that i could catch up with him on the bicycle, but was disappointed to realize that i had to stop at the red light at the intersection. The runners would have a better chance of keeping ahead of us now because the bicyclers would have to follow the traffic rules. As i waited impatiently in traffic, i felt that we had to head up the street to the northeast to catch the runners.

12010 June 23

I was sitting on the southern end of the long lecture hall. The seats seemed very low, as though they were bleachers, and the room slanted upward to the south. I was on the eastern end of the room, facing north, and there were only a few other students with me. It seemed to be near the end of the school year, and i knew that i would have to start doing my term papers. The professor seemed to be sitting to the north of me, on the eastern side of the room. He was sitting on the northern side of a small table on the flat part of the room, and there was a woman sitting opposite him. The woman seemed to be wearing white pants and a red long-sleeve sweater. I felt strange about being here, as though this was not a regular class. I had to prepare for something, and i was unsure whether i was ready. I focused on what i was doing. I then opened my eyes again. The movie had started playing on the western wall of the room. For a moment, i worried that i had fallen asleep. I looked to the north, noticing that the professor had left. I wondered how long i had been asleep, and i started to feel annoyed with myself for dozing off. I watched the pictures of the college clock tower appear on the projection screen to the west. The tower was shown against the backdrop of a purplish-gray evening sky. I looked down at the desk to the east of me. I had to come up with a topic to write my term paper on. I had not chosen a topic yet, and i wondered what i should write. I tried to think, but started to worry that i would not be able to come up with anything. I felt nervous about writing the paper, and started to lose confidence in myself.

12010 June 24

I moved to the east through the dimly lighted house. It seemed to be late in the evening, but the light in the room seemed co tome from outside. I suddenly noticed that it was rather cold in the house. The temperature had dropped again, and i felt very cold. I moved to the east, into the kitchen area. The kitchen was attached to the wide rectangular room to the west and was on the northern end of that room. There was another room to the south, which was separated from the kitchen by a corridor. I realized that i could close off the extra rooms of the house like i do in the winter. That way i would not be wasting heat. I walked to the south, to the doorway between the wide rectangular room and the smaller square room to the southeast. I did not use the room to the southeast, so i would close it off. I stopped in the doorway, looking at the exit door on the eastern end of the northern wall of the room. The door led to outside and seemed to be the back door of the house. I pulled the wooden doors closed over the room and turned around to close off the rest of the house. I then turned back to the east. I was now in another room of the kitchen, which seemed to be to the north of the first kitchen. There was an old dull-green refrigerator in the southeastern corner of the room, blocking a doorway to the first kitchen. The previous owners had put the refrigerator here, but it blocked the way of the door that i wanted to close. I pushed the refrigerator to the south, realizing that there were shelfs on the northern wall that had been hidden by the appliance. I looked at the plastic bowls and other objects on the shelfs, wondering if anything was interesting. I then went back to trying to close the brown wooden doors of the rooms. I turned to the west and then headed to the south, down the long corridor of the western wing of the house. There was a long rectangular living room to the east of the corridor. I explained to the other person that i watch television on the northern of the room, and i pictured the black pleather chair on the eastern end of eth southern wall, facing north, toward the doorway. I said that i would close off the room at the southern end of the hall, which seemed small, and then i should close the southern end of the living room. I pictured the house from above, and started creating a layout. The long rectangular wind had only the living room and a small room at he end of the corridor. The hallway then ran to the north of the room, connecting with a small central hallway to the east. The entry door to the house was to the south of the square central area. I thought about the layout as i started to map it out. The other wing of the house would have to connect to the central hallway on the north, and then run east, where it would come around the eastern side of the entryway. I wondered if there should be a courtyard in the center of the house or not. I then realized that there should be two floors to the house. I imagined putting the bathroom on the top part of the northern section. The hallway would have to be wide enough to accommodate the room below, so that would give me enough room to put the hallway on one side of the wing and a bathroom on the other. This would make it easy for visitors to get to the bathroom. I then started thinking about the stairs that would ascend from the entry hall. I did not want them visible from the doorway, so i would have to arrange them in such a way that they did not run across or into the door. I wondered if they could be a double stairwell that ran in both directions from the entry hall. There did not seem to be enough room for this in the hallway.

12010 June 25

I had to wait outside the garage of my grandmother’s house. I was standing to the south of the garage, waiting to be picked up. My father was supposed to pick me up, but he had not come. I felt depressed and upset that i was still waiting here. I thought that i should go to get the bus before i missed the next one, but i was unsure what i should do. My bags were still sitting in a pile against the white house to the west of me. They had been there for more than a day, and i realized that i should not have left them outside. I thought that they had probably gotten wet from the rain over night. I did not know what to do and i started to pace around in the garage. The front door on the southern wall of the garage was open, and i looked down the driveway to the south every once and a while. The garage was full of equipment, and i glanced around at the large metal structures that seemed to be machine tools. I finally felt frustrated and headed out of the garage and toward the door in the center of the eastern side of my grandmother’s house, to the southwest of me. My father was still coming, but he was going to be very late. I worried about missing the bus, and i did not know what i should do.

I headed to the north, into the small theater where the show was about to start. The chairs faced north, toward the small stage. The show was being put on by a small acting group, to which i had some relation. I was not part of this production, though, but i wanted to see it because i knew the people in it. I thought that they were showing the Rocky Horror Show. A woman stood in the center of the dark stage, and she introduced the play. She was short with wide frizzy hair. She referred to the show as “Violet Gray”. She then corrected herself, saying that it was really “Awkward Red”. I knew that the lyrics were actually “Bright White”. One of the characters then came onto the stage from the east and introduced herself as “White”. She was wearing tall go-go boots and a plain straight dress in a style from the mid sixties. The dress and boots were mostly white with blue lines. A man was then standing on the western side of the stage. He was playing Franky. He wore the standard fishnet stockings and a black teddy. He stood with his hands on his hips and his hips tilted, with his weight on one leg. A man from the audience ran up onto the stage and started ogling Franky. This was all part of the show. Franky acted uninterested, and the characters continued with the show. I then noticed that the characters were painting Franky as he stood staring out over the audience, impartial. The man from the audience was pretending to be overwhelmed with lust for Franky, and i realized that he was acting the part of a wild fan. I found this annoying and thought that they should not use it in the show.

I was in the large auditorium, near the eastern end of the room. The chairs faced to the west, down the sloping floor of the room. People had started gathering on the western side of the room for the lecture that was about to start, but i was waiting near the eastern side of the room, near the back of the auditorium. The chairs and walls of the room seemed to be maroon. I was sitting in a wheel chair behind the last row of chairs, but the chair was not a normal wheel chair. It was actually able to float. I played with the controls for a moment, trying to get the chair to work. A man came into the room from the center door to the northeast of me. He found the chair interesting and watched me use it for a while. I wanted to get away from the lecture, so i flew the chair upward from the center of the room, turning it back to the east. There was a balcony over the eastern part of the room, and i started to fly toward it. The theater around me was actually an old theater, with elegant carvings on the walls and ceiling. I wanted to take a picture of the room from this height, and i thought that it would be something that few other people would be able to do. I moved toward the back wall of the room, thinking that the room should look largest from the back of the room. It had something to do with the way the walls sloped out from the center of the room. I flew up to the northeastern corner of the room, hovering over the very thin balcony and looking at the view of the room through my camera. I seemed to be very high up now, but i knew that this would be the best picture of the theater. I then started to wonder if i was actually scared of heights. I was not sure that i would be comfortable this high up in the room. I focused instead on the tall pale-tan chandelier that was hanging the center of the room. The chandelier was made up of tall white crystal columns that projected from the brass-colored round holder, which hung just below the ceiling. I wanted to take a picture of the chandelier, thinking that it looked very nice from this angle. I looked at the chandelier through the lens of the camera, moving to the west a little to get a better shot. I focused on the light for a while, trying to figure out the best way to take the picture. I was then thinking about the picture, and i realized that i was outside of the building now. I was looking at the chandelier through the large glass window in the southern wall of the building. I took the picture, but was annoyed to see that the reflection from the window glass had ruined the shot. I moved a little and was back inside, trying to get a better angle. I then turned to the north to see the house to the north of me. It was my house, and the southern door on the porch was open. I felt annoyed and wondered who had gone into my house. I was worried that someone had broken in. I walked into the house and looked around the living room. Nothing seemed to have been changed, but i still felt worked. I moved through the downstairs, looking for people, but i could find no one. I then went upstairs. I thought that i should call emergency if i ran into anyone in the house, but i could not find anyone else in the house. I was annoyed, and i wondered if someone had opened up the door to the house just to annoy me. I then wondered if the eastern door to the house was open. It seemed to be, but i could not be sure. I felt unsafe here and tried to figure out what was going on. I moved through the house, but did not know what to do.

12010 June 26

I moved generally to the south, heading through the busses that were parked in the large lot. I could not see the busses clearly, but they seemed like school busses, though they did not seem yellow. The ground was packed gravel or crumbling asphalt. The busses near me were aligned north to south, but i could see that the busses on the southern edge of the large parking lot were arranged east to west. I was heading for the busses to the south, looking for the bus that would take me home. I could see the different signs on the busses that said which route the busses were taking, but i did not actually know which route i was supposed to take. One of the bus drivers was standing near a bus to the south of me, so i asked her which of the busses went to the south of the city. I was trying to get back home, which seemed to be my parents’ house, which seemed to be in the country to the south of the large city. She asked me which town that i was trying to go to and then started mentioning a few options. I told her that i was heading to $P3, but she was not sure that the busses went that far. She did not seem to think that i would be able to get a bus to take me there. I told her that i would take a bus to get closer to $P3 than i was now. It would be better than walking the entire way myself. I then mentioned that i could bike the rest of the way if i had to. She did not seem to answer, and i started wandering through the busses again. I was then heading west, and i came out of the parking lot near my parents’ house. I entered the house and started moving through the rooms. As i crossed the dining room, i noticed that there were people to the south of the house, in front of the house. I headed to the east, into the kitchen and walked out the kitchen door to see who the people were. As i opened the white wooden door, i heard an alarm beep. I wondered if the alarms on the doors were turned off. I hoped that they had been deactivated because i did not want to have to remember the disarm code. I would have to talk to the security people on the telephone. I was standing on the stone stoop outside the kitchen, and i noticed the runners to the south slowing down and stopping in front of the house. They had been running down the road from the east and were slowing to a stop at the bottom of my parents’ driveway. I then noticed that they were stopping where a white mark was on the ground. The mark seemed to be a circle, and i thought that they were probably looking for a running trail. I asked them if they were from $G4, but they did not seem to hear me, so i called “On on” to them. They turned suddenly toward me, ready to run in my direction. I realized that i had accidentally informed them that i was on the correct trail, which i should not have done. I walked down the driveway to meet them. Some of them seemed disappointed that i had pretended to find the trail. I realized that they were $G4 from $P6. I recognized several of them and started talking to $A633. I chatted for a short time, telling them that this house was my parents’ house. They were surprised to see me in town, and i told them that i was here visiting my parents. One of the female runners recognized me and said hello, so i said hello back to her. They then started jogging to the north, meaning that someone had found the correct trail. I though that they were probably going through the woods in the back of my parents’ house. I followed them down the road to the east a little and up through the neighbor’s yard. I then noticed several men in the garage to the north of my parents’ house. One of the men in the garage seemed familiar. He was young and somewhat attractive. I walked to the garage and looked in at them while chatting with the other person from $G4. I wondered what the men were doing in the garage. They were not part of $G4, and it seemed that they should not be in the garage. I then looked back to the southeast, noticing that there were people in the neighbor’s house. My parents were renting the house next door, which was now very close to the garage. The people standing on the back deck of the brown wooden house were eastern Asian, with medium-toned skin. They seemed crude and unclean, and i wondered why they were here. They had scars over their faces and arms, as though they had been attacked. One of the men did not have any eyes, and there was a crescent shaped scar on his right eye. They must be renting from my parents, but i wondered if my parents knew how many people were in the house. There seemed to be more than ten. I did not want to stare at the people, so i headed to the west, following $G4. They were in the woods behind my parents’ house. I was not running their entire trail, but i imagined taking them through the trails in the woods near my parents’ house. We jogged down a hill in the woods and turned to the north, heading up the wide creek bed that ran through the woods.

12010 June 27

I had been working with the younger students at the college. They were now on the deck to the east of me, and i seemed to be on a grassy area, just to the east of a house. The woman near me said something to me. I glanced back at the graduate students on the deck. They seemed to be having a party. I turned to the north and complained to the other woman, who was sitting on the grass near me. I told her that the graduate student on the deck was worried about the finals that were coming up. I then noticed another graduate student sitting to the northeast of me on the grass. She had long blond hair and a nice body. She told me that there were no finals coming up, so the other work that the students on the deck were complaining about was just an excuse. I looked back at the deck. They were not doing anything because they said that they were worried about studying for their finals, but i now knew that they just did not want to do anything here. I noticed a young man on the deck now. He had short blond hair and was wearing a white T-shirt. He was somewhat attractive, and i felt interested it him, but i pretended to ignore him so that he did not think that i was interested in him. The students did not want to do anything, and i felt annoyed by that.

12010 June 28

I was on the bus as it headed north through the crowded city streets. There were people standing on the eastern side of the street, which seemed to be blocked off by orange saddle-horse barricades. Something was happening here. I looked ahead, noticing that there were small white signs on the orange cones in the eastern lane of the street. The signs had something to do with the protest, which i knew had something to do with bigoted ideas. The bus driver turned the bus a little to the east so that he started driving over the signs. I chuckled at this, thinking that he was protesting the bigots by running over their signs. I said something to the other person as we reached the northern end of the area. The bus driver then suddenly turned around and started walking back down the street to the south. I realized that he was very angry with the protesters, but i felt suddenly concerned about him. I did not approve of what the protesters were doing, and i liked that the driver had run over the signs, but i did not think that he should engage the protesters with anger. He would simply start a fight. I moved to the south with a few others, trying to stop him from going too far. A man grabbed the bus driver and tried to get him to head back to the north. I stopped, relived that the bus drive did not get to start a riot. I turned to the west and started down one of the streets, but then i realized that the darkened street seemed to be in disarray. There was something white and crumpled against the southern building about fifty meters away. I realized that this was the muslim section of town where the protests were happening, and i did not feel safe walking down the streets here. If i walked one block to the north i could be on the main streets, and it would be safer for me to walk. I turned to the east and started back down the corridor. I then noticed $F4 lecturing at the front of a classroom to the north of me. I stopped in the doorway as he spoke. He glanced in my direction as he continued to say something to the class, which was out of my sight to the east. I nodded to $F4 and then continued on. $F4 seemed concerned that i was there, and i suddenly felt that i should stay and listen to his lecture. He might be disappointed that i did not watch him perform here. I turned around and went back to the door to watch the lecture. $F4 was referring to drawings on the board on the western wall. I saw a large diamond shaped three-dimensional drawing in white chalk on the dark-gray chalkboard. I watched for a moment, feeling concerned for $F4 and thinking that i should support him. I then started heading to the west. I was still in the unsafe part of town, and i felt that there was someone following us. We turned to the north, into one of the buildings. We started moving down a long narrow corridor in the basement of the building. The corridor seemed to have brick walls, but the walls were moving inward, narrowing the corridor. I started to feel that we were pushing against the walls to get through, but i then realized that this would be a good away of escaping the people that were following us. We could run to the end of the corridor, and it would open only to let us pass. It would squeeze shut behind us, blocking our pursuers.

12010 June 29

I was floating slowly over the large city, facing generally north. It was dark out, but i could see the tall towers below me. In the center of the city, under me, was a large cathedral, with tall pointed spires. The spires had rounded knobs decorating the sides of the spires. I liked to fly around these old buildings because they were so beautiful, and it felt good to soar through them. I moved closer to the stone southern wall of the building, thinking that i should fly through one of the open windows on the large face. There seemed to be a small window open near the top of the wall. I knew that there were people gathered inside the cathedral, and i knew that they would wonder how i was able to fly. They would be amazed at what i could do. I looked at the large red and blue stained-glass window in the wall below me. It was brightly colored, with radial frames holding the panes of glass in. The center of the large window had a smaller round window in it that seemed to pivot open around a horizontal metal axis. I could fly through the top part of the window and into the large chapel inside. Bright colored lights flashed around the room inside the window, and i thought that they were having a large dance party inside the building. I seemed to be able to see the bright lights of the dance floor through the open roof of the room, though i knew that there was really a ceiling over the rounded chapel. I floated down, closer to the window. It was dark out, and there were no lights shining up the sides of the building, so no one would be able to see that i was flying around the towers unless i entered the range of one of the lights from one of the windows. As i moved closer to the window, i realized that the opening over the top of the axis might be too small for me to fit through easily. I would have to be able to fly through without too much aiming so that i could get out easily if the people inside decided that they did not like someone flying in their cathedral. I looked at the hole again, noticing that it was actually very small. This was actually a model cathedral in the middle of the city, and not a real building. I was really not sure whether this was a model, though, and i thought that i might just be very high up above the building. I looked down at the old stone building, which now seemed to have a single tall round tower with a domed glass ceiling. I could see into the dance room though the triangular panes of glass of the geodesic dome. I flew around the top of the tower from east to north to west. I then headed over the tile rooftops to the northeast, toward another tower that rose above the city. This seemed to be another cathedral. I flew into the main hall of the large cathedral, but there were no people there. The mass must have been over. I backed out of the chapel and flew again to the northeast, but found that there was a massive stone tower surrounding me. I had been inside the round tower. I floated upward, noticing the enclosed tower against the northern wall of the larger structure. This tower seemed to be a stairwell to get to the top of the main tower. There were round openings for the clock face in the eastern and western walls of the larger tower, which now did not seem as large. The bell tower was also now square, and the rounded room that ran up the northern side of it seemed to take up about half the space of the tower’s interior. I looked down the southern side of the clock tower, noticing doorways in the bottom of the tower. These would allow people to enter the tower. There were also round holes running up the face of the tower, but, as i looked at them, i realized that they were not really holes. They just looked like holes, but were really areas of recessed stone. I turned around and moved to the southeast, across the upper floor of the bell tower. The old wooden floor was worn with age, but everything in the room was covered with nicely polished wood, and the lighting was dim and elegant. There were a few people moving around in the room to the northwest of me. They must have come up from the mass downstairs, which had been over. I then noticed a man in the hallway to the southeast of me. I was standing in a doorway on the eastern end of the room, and the hallway ran north to south outside, with a branch heading east from the door. I felt suddenly suspicious of the man and thought that he was planting a bomb in the tower. I moved to the west, into the smaller rooms of the floor. I thought that the man had planted another bomb in the top of the bell tower, which was above us. I felt nervous, but felt that i should not interfere with these events. He had planted a bomb in the top of the tower to start the building crumbling, and another in the bottom of the tower to take down the stone structure. I then heard a deep bumping sound and thought that the bell in the tower must have gone off. The large bell was falling through the center of the tower. The people around me seemed concerned, not sure what was happening. I pretended not to know what was happening as i headed out of the building, moving to the southeast. As i came outside, i turned to look back through one of the doorways of the tower. I could see the massive brass bell partly embedded in the ground at the base of the tower. The bell had fallen on top of the second bomb, covering it. The second explosion would now be encased in the center of the bell, which seemed to be at least ten meters in diameter. The man was near me, and i could tell that he was suddenly upset about his second bomb. He rushed for the bell to try to get to it, but i knew that he would not be able to retrieve it. I wondered if the explosion of the second bomb would actually be enough to lift the second bell from the ground. I thought about this as i wandered to the northeast.

I was in the pale-green tiled locker room, standing on the northern side of the room. I was pulling white towels from a bin and separating them into piles on a bench. I did not seem to be working here, but i imagined that i was working here like a towel person. I tossed a towel to someone to the west of me as he exited the shower room, which was to the north. I then tossed another towel into the doorway of the shower room, pretending that someone would come out just when the towel reached the doorway and grab it before it fell. No one came out, though, and the towel fell to the floor. I ignored the towel for the moment and went back to sorting the other towels from the large bin. I felt a little frustrated when some of them started to stick together from static, and i tried to shake them out as best i could. A man was standing to the south of me, changing his clothes in one of the aisles of the locker room. He was wearing a blue shirt that seemed like a business shirt. I only glanced at him, because i did not want him to think that i was checking him out. I turned to the west and headed to the doorway of the shower room to pick up the towel from the floor. I was annoyed to see that the towel was all wet now. I tossed the towel to the west, into the large plastic bin where the dirty towels were collected, and i started to head back to the east. As i passed the doorway to the north, i glanced into the room to the north to see that it was a large room with a swimming pool in the center. A man was swimming laps east to west across the pool as i passed. I then glanced to the southwest, noticing that there was a doorway in the western wall that led into an office. I could see part of the desk, which was against the eastern wall, and an empty office chair. I turned my attention back to the towel bin to the east of me.

12010 June 30

I was moving through the school building, heading to the east, out of the classroom. I was carrying two long metal rods under my arms. This place seemed like a community college, and it was late in the evening. I was worried about taking the long pipes from the school, but i wanted to bring them with me. All of the students had left the building, so i would only have to sneak them past the janitors. I turned to the north and started down the long corridor. There were classroom doors on either side, and windows ran along the tops of the walls. I looked at the end of the dull metal pipes that i was carrying. The pipes were sagging near the ends, where there was a small bell-shaped object attached to the end of the pipe. They would make nice instrumental sounds. I hurried to the north, hoping that i could sneak the pipes out of the building before anyone noticed. There then seemed to be some janitors standing on the western side of the hall above. I decided that i would simply walk past them and hope that they did not realize what i was doing. They might simply assume that i worked here. I seemed to be on the eastern side of the building. I let the front ends of the pipes strike the floor as i walked, producing a ringing sound. The janitors might think that this is the purpose of the objects. I passed the janitors, hoping that they did not say anything, but i felt worried that they were suspicious of me. I was now heading to the south, down the corridor and into the atrium. The atrium opened to the west. The janitors were to the north of me, but i was almost to the exit to the building. The exit seemed to be to the southeast of me. I would have to head to the east, through the double metal doors and then turn to the south at the next corridor. I felt that the janitors in the red polo shirts might be following me. I then saw a man coming out of an office ahead of me. He seemed to be an instructor or official here, and he was dressed in a dark-gray suit, which he wore over a white shirt and dark-red tie. I quickly realized that he was $A117. I rang the bells again, pretending that i was not concerned about the people around me. I nodded to $A117, and he smiled and nodded back. I hoped that the janitors would see our exchange and assume that i worked here. I had already walked past the doors to the east, but the door to $A117’s office was in the eastern wall, just to the south of me. $A117 had left it open, so i walked into the open office. I knew that there was a door on the other side that would lead out of the building. The desk was on the southern side of the room, and there were some chairs on the northern side. A man stood to the north of the desk. He seemed curious about me as i walked through the room. I passed him and walked to the glass door on the other side, which was covered with a white metal blind. The door had a push-bar across the center of the door. I pushed it and hoped that it was not locked. I quickly pushed the door open and walked outside, hurrying around the southern side of the building and turning to the west. I had to get to my car quickly so that i could leave before the people caught up with me and questioned me. There were several students standing in small groups near the front of the building. The students had been out of the building, but they must not have left the grounds yet. It was dark out, and it seemed late in the evening. I had to hurry to my car, and i started to fly. There was a long parking lot that ran along the western end of the southern side of the building, and my car was parked on the western end of one of the rows, near the center of the lot. I could see my car parked near the western end of the building, facing the building. I continued toward the car, but then realized that i could no longer see where my car was. There were too many cars in the lot, and i was having trouble finding my car. I started to feel a little stressed and wondered how i could get to my car and get it out of the lot quickly. It would be hard for me to drive out of the lot easily with so many cars here. There seemed to be more students is the lot now, and there was a small group of students near my car. I tried to ignore them and get to my car, but one of the men there started acting aggressive toward me. I tried to ignore him, but he started pushing against my car. The black car started to roll over to the west, and i felt upset because it would prevent me from leaving the area quickly. My car was to the south of me now, and the man was standing to the east of it. I did not have time to deal with these people, and i was afraid that if i did not get out of here quickly, someone would come to question me. The man seemed to be a bully, and he tipped the light-gray car that was to the east of mine over, rolling it over the top of my car. I was upset by this and pushed the car back down to the east. My can had been squeezed thin by having the other car roll over the top of it. As i moved to the driver’s door of my car, i also noticed that my car was flattened a little as well. I was annoyed by this, and i pulled at the sides of my car to try to straighten it out so that i could get into it. I started to feel very upset and helpless, and i wondered what i should do.

I woke up again in the large bed, which seemed to be against the northern wall of the room. I wrapped the blanket around my torso and headed to the west, toward the water. I got in the body of water and started swimming to the north, along the shoreline. As i swam, i was aware that the water was shallow enough that my feet were still walking on the sandy bottom. I continued swimming for a while, but suddenly realized that the water was probably chilly. This was something that i did in the morning: swimming lake. I turned around and started swimming back to the south, watching the shoreline to the east of me. There were people in the water now, and i stopped in the shallow water. I was reclined with my head to the south, resting on the rocks just under the surface of the shallow water. I had my feet out of the water, and i suddenly realized that there were cats curled up near them. I sat up and started to pet $X14, who was lying near me. My hands were wet, and i realized that the fur he had been shedding was sticking to my wet hands. I thought that i should get as much of the shed fur off of him that i could, so i started petting him roughly. I stroked his back several times, pulling off the loose fur. As i pet the cat, however, i realized that it was not actually $X14. It was $X12. The fur was coming off in my hands, and i shook it off of my fingers, letting it fall onto the floor to the east. $X12 seemed to enjoy the petting and started circling around me. $X14 was still lying near my legs, so i started petting him, thinking that i had to take off a lot of fur to get all of his shed hairs. A woman to the south of me then commented on what i was doing. I continued to pet the cat, keeping it under me as it tried to scurry away. It wanted to move away from me, but i kept pulling it back. I seemed to be taking quite a bit of fur off of the cat. I then noticed that there was a tuft of fur sticking out of the cat’s coat near his back leg. I grabbed the small tuft and pulled it out. To my surprise, a large chunk of fur came off. I was suddenly upset by this, realizing that the fur had pulled some skin with it. The small piece of skin near the bottom of the fur had a little blood on it. I had pulled too much off, and i felt upset about it. The woman commented again about the fur. The large white shaggy sheep dog then started pacing around me. I started to pull off its shed fur. It seemed to be shedding a lot as well, and i thought that i should pull off more of its fur to keep it clean.