12011 June 01

We had come to the mall as a group. I was still in the cinema, but i was not sure where the others had gone. They seemed to have wandered to the west, out of the theater. I wandered to the west, up the aisle on the southern side of the rectangular room. The seats for the audience seemed to take up only a small part of the northeastern part of the room. People were still in the seats, and i looked at some of them as i passed. I noticed the three young men near the back of the audience. I recognized the one with his back to me. He had short black hair that was combed straight up, and he wore an old T-shirt that i recognized from before. The blond man who was with him was rather attractive, with nice shape to his arm muscles. I also noticed the skinner man in the sleeveless shirt, who had gold paint over his left arm and part of his face. I remembered him from before, when he was covered mostly with gold paint. I continued to the western end of the room and came out into the long white corridor. No stores seemed to be on the sides of the corridor, but i knew that his was part of a mall. I headed to the south for a little ways before turning back to the north. I was looking for the other people, and i was not quite sure where to go. I then noticed the man on the eastern side of the corridor. He was familiar, and i thought that i had seen him before. He had short blond hair and a nice build. He sat in a wheelchair, facing south. I suddenly felt bad for being in a wheelchair myself, because i really did not need one. I passed the man and continued to the north. The corridor spilt into smaller corridors that ran parallel to each other, separated only by thin walls. I moved to the eastern side of the corridor, where the ramp was. Stairs seemed to be in the center of the main corridor. I tried to slow myself a little, but i had used my legs to shift my weight in the chair to turn to the east. I hoped that the man in the wheelchair did not notice. I felt bad for impersonating an injured person. I let the wheelchair roll into the eastern wall of the corridor, following the curve of the small corridor from the northeast to the north. I was using the wall to slow down as i descended the ramp. This would be different than the way others used wheelchairs. I bounced the wheelchair off of the wall again before starting down the corridor to the north. The corridor then opened to the east. This led back to the cinemas where i had been before. I thought about the people i had been with and wondered where they were. I was supposed to meet them someplace. I headed to the east, down the wide corridor. No one seemed to be in the corridor. There was something in the center of the large corridor, which looked like turnstiles. They were really short walls along the sides of the stairs that led down to the east. I was moving very quickly toward the short flight of stairs, thinking that i could easily hop down them in the chair. As i came close, thought, i turned the chair to the southeast a little, slowing it down and coming to a stop in front of a wall that separated the stairs in the main section of the corridor to the north of me and the narrow ramp to the south. I turned to the south and took the ramp, again bouncing the chair off of the wall as i rounded the southern side of the ramp. I entered the long rectangular cinema again from the western door. The movie had started, and the audience in the rectangle of chairs in the northeastern side of the cinema was watching the screen. Two steps led down into the room from the corridor, and i jumped over them. As i passed over them, i noticed the three men i had seen before sitting on the stairs. They were reclined toward the center of the stairs, resting their heads near each other. They still seemed interesting, but i passed over them and continued to the east, across the room. I passed through the door in the southern part of the eastern wall and came into the next cinema to the east. This cinema was set up in the same way, with a small section of audience on part of the room. The movie had not yet started here, so there were only a few people sitting around in the chairs. I was moving fast, so i tried to slow down as i reached the middle of the room. I noticed a silvery coin falling from my right pocket as i slowed. The coin bounced on the floor and rolled to the east. I followed it, aware that the woman with the long hair and pink T-shirt was watching me from the seats to the north. She had a female friend with her. I followed the coin across the floor, watching it roll into the heavy red drapes that hung on the southern wall. To my surprise, the coin started rolling up the drapes. It disappeared into one of the folds. I walked to the south of where it disappeared and started lifting the drapes to see if i could find it. I wondered if the two women might think me strange for trying to get a coin that was not really mine. I felt into the fold where the coin had disappeared, wondering what was holding the coin up. I realized that the folds were stitched together, so the coin had gotten stuck on top of one of the stitched areas. A pulled the coin from the folds and started back to the west, but i noticed the woman approaching me from the southwest. She was one of the people that i had been with earlier. She seemed upset, and i realized that she had been unable to find me and was upset. She now seemed like $F45, who was upset because he could not figure out what to do. He scolded me, asking me where i was. He was then the woman again, who now was wearing a long-sleeve sweater that was white with thick pale-blue and pale-red horizontal stripes. She had long straight blond hair. She was $A66. She still seemed upset like $F45 gets, so i told her that i had come back here to meet. I acted exasperated as i told her. I then turned to the north, pointing out the lobby, saying that it was where we had entered. I acted as though it was strange that she did not understand. The lobby to the north had a ticket counter in the center with black drapes hanging over and around it. The walls were black, and people formed a queue on the northeastern side of the room. The eastern wall had a series of black metal doors that led out of the building. I knew that the led to the parking lot, where we had come from. I remembered that we had crossed the main road from the east and came to this part of the mall. It seemed that we had come to the south of the main entrance to enter through those doors.

12011 June 02

I felt rushed as i drove my car to the north, through the streets of the small town. I turned to the west onto the wide street, but i was not able to go that far because there was a large machine heading toward me from the west. The machine was wide enough to take up most of the road, and it swerved toward me. I turned to the southwest and crossed the road, coming to a stop on the southern side of the road, facing east. I wondered suddenly if this was really a one-way street that i had simply gone the wrong way on. The person driving the machine had intentionally turned toward me to prevent me from traveling down the road, and i felt worried about the person. I stayed in my car, not wanting to engage the person, who i knew was to the north of me. I was nervous about what the man might do, and i did not want to get out of my car. I then looked back, noticing that the man was turning the long crane arm of the machine toward me. The man stood to the south of the machine as the arm reached over the top of my car, which was now facing south. I looked to the west to see the arm inserting a yellow piece of nylon rope through the space between the top of the passenger window and the frame. He was trying to fit the rope through the car to lift the car and take it away. I was annoyed and pushed the rope out of the car. He would not be able to thread it through the car to lift it up. The man had a few other people with him, and i knew that they were a threat to me, but i did not know what to do. I turned to the west again, noticing that a boy was at the window, trying to push the string into the opening. I quickly closed the window, hoping that i could pinch the boy’s fingers in the glass. I felt trapped and wanted to hurt these people to make them get away from me. The men were then to the south of me. One of the men told me confidently that the car was no longer mine. I felt very bad and ignored the man. There were two men, and one of them seemed to have long hair. He wore a tan mechanics jumpsuit, and se seemed to be in charge. I was now standing to the west of my car, which was parked with its front end facing the northern side of the road. The driver’s door was open, and two young men were reaching into the car to do something. I felt helpless and did not know what to do, but i knew that i could not let the men take my car. The man with the long hair asked me about the undercarriage of the car. I ignored him, pretending that he did not say anything. I moved back toward the car. He asked me again whether i had ever had any work done on the undercarriage. I walked to the driver’s door, which now seemed very wide, again not answering the man. He simply told me that the car was no longer mine and continued to the north with the other man. They seemed familiar, and i thought that i had known them from someplace else. I felt distressed as i wandered into the front of the car, not sure what i could do. I felt that there was nothing i could do, and i started to unplug several small boxes from the front dashboard. I would have to take what i could from the car. I started to feel very upset about having my car taken away, and i wondered what i could do. I unplugged a small black box and took it with me to the east, heading through the doorway in the northern wall. The doorway came into as small corridor that led back to the west. The corridor was short and crowded with furnishings. I thought that the man with the long hair was actually related to $A404, and i decided that i would confront him. I felt angry and wanted to hurt him. Two men were standing guard in front of a door that was recessed in the northern wall. I paused to the east of the men, wondering what i should say. They noticed me, so i asked them if $A404 was around. I had one of the black power chords in my right hand, and a heavy transformer hung from the end of it. I wanted to swing it like a flail to attack the men who took my car. The men seemed uncertain of what to do, and i thought that i should just break down the door to the north. The men said that $A404 was not there, so i turned away and started back to the east. I was still very angry, though, so i turned back to the west and started swinging the transformer at the men. I wanted to hurt them.

I moved through the rooms of the old house. I was taking care of this house while the other people were on vacation. They seemed to be old landlords of mine, and i thought that they might be $A220 and his wife. The rooms in the center of the house seemed very familiar, but, as i moved to the north, i noticed that there was a hallway running down the northern side of the house that i did not remember. I thought that it might run past the main bedroom, and i wondered if i should be back there. The hall was not well lighted, and there were things stacked on the sides of the hallway. I decided that i probably should not be in this back hall, but i wanted to see what was there. I did not remember this part of the house. A set of stairs descended to the west, along the northern wall, just to the north of me. I decided that this was the stairs down to the basement. My old apartment seemed to be in the basement, so i thought that these stairs must lead down to the apartment. The apartment would be to the north of the stairs, but the door would be blocked off so that people could not move between the apartment and this part of the house. I started to the west, squeezing between the northern wall and the obstacles on the southern side of the hall. This hallway seemed unused, but i thought that it led to the master bedroom of the house. The object to the south of me seemed to be a bicycle. I pushed past it, trying to see what was down the hallway. The hall widened to the west, and there was a set of stairs ascending to the east along the northern wall. I glanced around the corner and up the stairs, seeing a closed door at the top. Light came around the sides of the door. This room seemed to be the master bedroom, and there seemed to be someone in there. I started to feel nervous in this part of the house, thinking that i should not be here. I then noticed that the open room to the west of me seemed to be a garage, and the doors on the western wall were open. The door looked like old green shutters, and they had hinges in the center of each half so that the doors folded into four sections, two on either side. The small garage was full of boxes and small pieces of furniture. I started to feel that this might actually be part of another house, because someone seemed to have been here not too long ago. I looked out the garage door, noticing the buildings outside. I did not recognize them, but they had to be somewhere near the yellow house that i was in. The bedroom upstairs must be the bedroom for the house that i was in, but i did not know whether there were people in it. I should make sure that no one is here. The garage door was left open, so anyone could have come in. I squeezed past some more things in the hallway and then crossed the garage, unsure of where exactly i was. The buildings outside did not look like the buildings around the house that i was in, and that confused me. I then noticed a man walking toward me. He was walking down the sidewalk on the northern side of the parking lot to the west. A tall gray cement building stood to the north of the lot. The man glanced to the south of him at a young child. The man was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt, and i thought that he was nicely built. I then realized that he was $A117. I backed into the garage a little to get out of sight, unsure what the man was doing here. As he got closed, i noticed that he was not $A117. He was medium skinned and seemed to be austral. He was relatively thin, and he smiled at me as he came close. We started talking. He seemed friendly.

12011 June 03

I sat, leaning against the wall to the east of me. The other person was to the west of me, and we were talking. Something had been happening to the north, but my attention was now drawn to the large truck that had pulled up to the northern side of the area that we were in. The truck was on the southern side of the street, heading east. The wheels of the truck, which appeared to be a eighteen-wheel bin truck, were very large. They had white metal rims, which seemed to be composed of a complex mechanism. The thick steel, which was painted white, formed a wide shallow cylinder that was closed on the back side. The outsides of the cylinder moved on thick hinges, forming an adjustable aperture on the outside of the tire. The mechanism closed the opening a little, and water started pouring into the center of the wheel from a green hose at the top. The driver must have turned on the water, and i decided that he had to fill up the water in the wheels before he left for his trip. He would want the brakes wet so that they did not overheat on the long journey. I then realized that the man was filling the wheels from a hose that was part of the truck, meaning that the water must be carried on the truck. I wondered why he could not simply fill the wheels during the trip by transferring water from the onboard tank to the wheel. The truck moved forward and backward, aligning two large wheels just to the north of us. The mechanisms within the wheels again adjusted, changing the size of the wheels, and water started filling these wheels as well. I chatted with the person to the west of me about this.

12011 June 04

I turned to the east because the other man pointed out something. I focused suddenly on the small monkey that was sitting on the flat surface of a branch. It seemed like a spider monkey, with a brown body and a pale-tan face. The branch seemed to form a right-angle Y, with the northern branch rising almost vertical and the southern branch sloped up a little to the south. The person mentioned the frog, and i noticed that the monkey was crouched on the southern branch, holding both hands over something to the north of it. The monkey then slapped the green frog, which was on a wide flat area of the branch, with both hands. The monkey leaned back, as if surprised. I realized that the small green frog, which was now lying on its back, had startled the monkey by its presence. The monkey had then slapped it with both hands, flattening the frog out on the branch. The monkey was now reared back in shock, staring at the frog. The monkey then repeated the slapping action, as if still angry with the frog for startling it. This seemed suddenly funny, and i started to chuckle.

12011 June 05

I followed the people to the north, wandering away from the buildings and through the small square area, which seemed like a small patio surrounded by bushes. It seemed to be twilight or late evening because the colors were all very dark. We stopped on the northern side of the patio. The two people in front of me commented on this area. It seemed like a small suburban neighborhood, but i knew that there was something special about this place. I looked up, noticing the looming brown cliffs that were obscured by the haze. We had come down a short dirt cliff from the place we were before, and we were now in a narrow steep canyon. The cliffs reached kilometers above our heads. I could see the hazy features of the cliffs as they closed over our heads, forming a jagged crescent shape smile that curved from the southwest to the northeast, bending northwest. I worried suddenly about the rock cliff that must be leaning over our heads from the southern wall. The opening of the cliff was so small above us that the canyon must be wider at the bottom than near the top. This place was special, but it made me uncomfortable. We continued to the north. One of the people with me mentioned something, and i suddenly noticed the strange spherical objects floating in the air to the west of us. They formed a pattern that stretched up and away to the northwest. They looked like round bright orangish-yellow glass bulbs that were decorated like fish, with thin fins and small round red marbles on the surface for eyes. They floated magically in the air, and i became suddenly fascinated by them. This place had a special quality to it that allowed these things to exist. Someone referred to them as “baubles” and i watched them, happy to be in a place where such things were possible.

The man to the north of us was arranging himself on the side of the object. He had a surfboard in his left hand as he faced south, toward us. He wore ragged shorts with no shirt, and his hair and graying beard seemed unkempt and fuzzy. He pulled the surfboard close to his left side as he turned sideways and mounted himself on the wall to the north of him. He was now hanging on the wall with his right side down and the surfboard covering part of his left side. I decided that the surfboard was being used as a shield, blocking his body from something above. My parents were in the room with me, watching the man. I did not understand why he was doing this, though, and i moved to the east, watching him. As i came to the east, i noticed that the man was hanging across the side of a gray horse. The horse was facing west. I started to ask my parents what the man was protecting himself from, but there was a bright flash from the south. The horse turned pale and seemed to become emaciated very quickly, but the man seemed unchanged. I felt suddenly concerned about the flash. My parents, who had been sitting on the couch and chairs to the south to watch the man, stood up suddenly. There had been a nuclear explosion to the south, and the radiation had change the horse. I asked my father if the explosion was real, turning to the south to see a bright glowing spot on the horizon. He said that it was an atomic bomb. I did not focus on the bright spot to the south, knowing that the radiation would be bad. I felt worried and thought that we had to do something. The area to the south seemed to be very flat, as if the city had been leveled. Building rose to the southeast, forming a dark silhouette to the east of the yellow glow in the hazy sky. I told my father that we had to get things from the house. We needed blankets, warm cloths, and shoes. I stressed that we would have to get heavy boots. I thought about the heavy treads of the boots, but then though about using insulated boots. I hurried to the east, across the southern side of the building. Turning to the north, i came into a small room. My father followed me, but stopped just inside. I continued to the north, into the small bedroom. The closet was in the western wall, and i slid the door to the south and started pulling things from the floor. There were several pairs of shoes, but they were mostly sandals and running shoes. My boots and heavy shoes were not here. I would have to get them from storage. I pulled out my heavy stuff, collecting as much as i could. As i came back to the south, i noticed that the southern horizon was still glowing, and i wondered if it was too early to head out of the buildings. There were others gathered to the south of the building, in the large open lawn between the buildings. The gap in the buildings to the south allowed us to see the ruins of the city with the glowing area around it. I told the others that we needed to get warm things. The people were talking about the fallout, and i looked up into the southern sky. The sky seemed gray, as if it were about to snow. I wondered if that was the fallout coming toward us. I hoped that it did not fall on us. It would generate too much radiation. I then thought that we had come out early so the fallout had not yet started. There did seem to be a light snow falling, though, and i worried that it was radioactive ash. Someone in the group commented that it would cause loss of hair as i watched a snow flake fall on the scalp of a man to the southwest of me who had a balding buzz cut. I turned to the north, hoping that the fallout was not too heavy here. It would only make matters worse, and we would then have to find some way of not breathing the dust in. I walked into the building to the north, entering the room though the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. The room seemed to be a cafeteria with a kitchen on the western side. Several long tables ran north to south in the center of the room. People were gathered here, and many of them seemed worried. I walked to the northern side of the room. A woman stood to the southwest of me, on the western side of one of the long metal tables. She wore a white smock and seemed to be a cook. She was worried about some of the stuff that we had to collect, and i spoke to her about it for a moment. I then asked her if the dinner she was cooking happened to be about ready. I knew that they had been preparing a dinner before the bomb went off. She said that it was almost ready. I told her that the people around the room were worried, and would feel better if they were served dinner as normal. The woman nodded in agreement and turned back to the west to look at the ham roasts on the metal rack. I walked to the south, between the metal table and the tall metal ovens. On the southern side of the woman, i turned back to her, feeling concerned for the people here, and asked her if there was anything i could collect for her. I said that we were going to the houses to collect warm things and heavy boots. She grabbed something from the west and handed it to me. It was a set of keys with a black car remote on the chain. They were the keys to her apartment, and she was giving them to me so that i could pick up some of her stuff while she was here. She told me the address of her house, and i turned to the southeast to leave. As i started across the kitchen, i thought about the address, remembering that the house number was 100. The name of the street started with “North”, and i remembered the rest of the name, which was a good thing. I headed out of the building to the south and headed west to collect things. The address that the woman had given me was on a north-to-south street somewhere just to the west of us. I was still in the southern part of the room, though, and there were people gathered around me. I felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that we would have to gather the things. A few men were here with us, and they seemed like business people. They were trying to install updates to the machines here. The others agreed to allow the men to install the software on their systems, but i felt uncomfortable with these men. I had agreed to let them update my Adobe products, but i worried about what they would be charging us. I knew that they would be taking advantage of the desperate situations around us. The men came back from the western side of the room, saying that they were finished. They started handing out white sheets of paper that were the bills, but they were vague about what the cost was. The others started bending over to pull bags of lunch out from the large cardboard box on the floor to the southwest. Several of the people with me had white papers in their hands. The business men wandered around the southern side of us. I asked them for my bill, stressing that i only had an upgrade to my product. They seemed deceitful, though, and i did not trust them. I reached for the long piece of computer paper, which was scored into smaller sheets. I tried to tear my sheet off so that i could read my bill. The bill had several layers of copies, but i tore it off. The others protested the high prices on their bills. I was upset by the business men and noticed that my bill was over a thousand dollars. I told the person that an update should be around three hundred, but the man to the south of me in the dark business suit just shrugged. I felt angered by him and complained about the price. A woman who had been crouching over the box stood up and complained that her new install was four thousand dollars. The business men smiled smugly and walked casually off to the east. I crumpled the copy of the bill in my left hand, thinking that i really did not have to pay it. I knew that they would not be able to bring me to court because there would be no courts running so soon after the atomic explosions. It was only two days after the disaster. I defiantly decided not to listen to them, and i took my white lunch bag to the south, leaving the room of the building and heading outside. I turned to the west and walked along the front side of the building, thinking that we still needed to collect things from houses to get supplies. As i rounded the southwestern corner of the large building, i realized that i was taking a place of leadership in this now group. That made me feel good, but i wanted to have others be leaders with me. I turned back to the northeast and headed toward the large opening in the barn-like building i had just rounded. A few people sat at the picnic table outside the building, and i realized that i still had my white paper bag of lunch in my hands. I should sit to eat my lunch while the others are eating the dinner prepared by the woman.

12011 June 06

I picked the box back up and looked at the tiny mice that were in it. They seemed like baby mice. I had put the box down for some reason, but realized that my action had changed the mice. They suddenly seemed to not be breathing. I picked them up and looked at them. They were lined up in a row in my left hand. They now looked more like humans than mice, with familiar faces and long narrow bodies. I could see that several of their faces looked normal, but a few still had their eyes closed. I worried that i had accidentally killed some of the babies. The mice were lying in the box as if standing in a small group, with three in the back row and three or four in the front row. The mouse on the left side of the back row leaned forward and looked closely at one of the mice in the front row, who still had his eyes closed and his mouth puckered. The mouse in the front row opened his eyes suddenly and took a deep breath. I had not killed him, and i felt better about it. The mouse from the back row resumed his position. I told my mother about the mice as i moved the box back to the east. I still felt bad because one of the mice was still unconscious. I worried that i had killed him by what i had done. All of the mice had gone unconscious, but almost all of them had recovered. I wondered what i could have done for the mice, and i felt bad that i had done something to make the pass out. I looked at the mice in my hand. I had put all of the mice back except for two. Something seemed strange. I watched the two, noticing that the off-white one was still unconscious. I feared that it was dead, and that upset me. I quickly picked up the box from the east, worried about the other mice. As i brought the box roughly close to me, i saw the two small mice in it roll stiffly around on the bottom, as if they were dead too. One of them had something light blue stuck to its side. The object looked like a broken robin’s egg. I was upset that these animals looked dead too, even though i knew that they were the ones that survived. I said something to my mother about them. I then noticed something moving to the northeast of me. Something green was moving near the floor. When i looked, i noticed a large object on the floor tipping up to the north. I realized that it was the head of a very large snake. I could not get a clear look at it, but the snake’s boxy head was green with yellow on the underside. Its body was somewhere to the north, in the wall or floor of the cottage that we were in. It was trying to get into the room, but was having difficulty slipping through the crack in the northeastern corner of the room. I felt suddenly worried about the large snake, telling my mother that a python was trying to break into the cottage. I told her to get out. We had been in the sun room on the eastern side of the cottage, and we moved quickly to the west. I told my mother to get $X3 out of the room so that the snake did not attack him. I then wondered if the snake was actually an anaconda, which would be a more aggressive snake. I felt upset and worried about the snake coming into the house.

12011 June 07

I quickly grabbed my things in the small room and headed to the southwest. I had to take a shower, and i was carrying my clean clothes in my right hand. As i crossed the outdoor area, i noticed the people to the south. I seemed to be walking to the west, across the northern side of a cinder parking lot. The land sloped down to the south slightly. The people were walking down the road that entered the eastern end of the southern side of the parking lot. They seemed to be wearing light-colored shorts and T-shirts, and i thought that they were coming from the swimming hole. They became hidden from my view as they passed under a black metal railroad bridge as they walked down the road toward me. I turned my attention back to the west, but suddenly realized that i had forgotten something. I did not seem to have my soap or shampoo with me, and i felt suddenly annoyed, thinking that i could not take a shower without it. I looked to the northwest where there were cars parked with their fronts facing north, along the northern edge of the lot. A white cement building stood to the north of the cars. I had to get something from my car, but, as i looked at the row of cars, i could not remember which car i had brought. At first, i thought that i had driven the off-white car that was the eastern-most in the row. I stood directly to the south of the car now, and i noticed that the dull black car that was parked to the west of the end car was parked very close. There was no room to open the driver’s door of the white car, which was now pale yellow. I was annoyed by this, but then thought that the car was not mine, so i probably did not have to worry about it. I looked down the line of cars, though, and could not remember which car was mine. It seemed that i had a white car, but none of the cars in the line seemed like mine. A small white car was farther to the west, but it did not seem like my car either. I decided that the car on the end might actually be mine, and i felt annoyed by this. I looked down at the set of keys in my right hand, noticing the blue logo and writing on the side of the key. The writing had something to do with the rental place, and it matched the printing on the side of the license place of the white car on the eastern end of the row. I moved to the passenger door, thinking that this was really my car. As i started to open the door, a man opened the rear passenger’s door and started taking luggage out of the car. He seemed to think that this was his car, and i felt annoyed by this. I confronted the man, asking him in a bitter tone what he thought he was doing. I pushed the rear door closed before he could take more luggage out. He told me that the car was his and that he was taking his luggage out. I looked at the key in my hand. I then turned to the west, opened the passenger’s door, and inserted the key in the lock on the southern side of the eastern face of the metal box that was in the front of the car. The box seemed to stick out from the center of the dashboard. The key fit the lock, and i was able to turn it. I turned back to the man and asked to see his keys. He showed me his car key. I looked at the ridges on my metal key, and then i compared the ridges of his key to mine. Both keys had higher ridges on the ends with a low spot in the middle, but the keys did not match. I could not understand how both keys could open the same car. I felt confused and explained to the man what was wrong with the situation. I told him that this seemed to be my car, and that the key that i had also fit into the lock. I put the key in the metal box and turned it clockwise. This did not make sense to me, and i tried to understand what was going on.

12011 June 08

I looked down the steep slope to the north at the small channel of water. Something had fallen on the eastern side of the channel, creating a long arching splash that landed to the west. The water seemed clear, and i could see the large flat bedrock on the bottom of the channel. A dam seemed to be just out of sight to the east of the place that i was looking at, and the splash of water seemed to be from the flood gates of the dam suddenly opening. I thought that they were trying to let the water out into this gorge. I watched the water in the small channel, but it did not seem to be turbulent or rising, though i knew that water was pouring in from the east. Something about this place made me think that it was in Israel or Jordan. I watched the water, imagining the river flooding over the tan plain to the north. The rock on the southern shore of the waterway was dry, and i thought that the water was rising over it, but i was not sure. I was high enough above the water that the flood would not reach me quickly. I knew that it would have to flood to the north first, but i imagined that it got high enough that the water started spilling over the top of the hill to the north of me. A creek seemed to run under me, and i thought that the flood waters would force the small stream to flow backward. I looked again at the water over the rocks below. It seemed to be getting higher, but it still did not look as though it was flooding. I turned to the south-southwest and headed down the road, still thinking about the water flowing backward into the stream near me. I then noticed a creek running from the southwest. It passed under the road where i was. I could see the reflection of light off of the water, noticing that the water was flowing very swiftly toward me, over a flat rocky bed. The stream curved from the southwest to the east as it approached the road. It seemed dark now because i was only really able to see the water by the light reflected off of the surface. I came to the intersection on the road, where there were rounded trees in the center of the road. I crossed the intersection, which seemed to have roads splitting off in many directions. The road i was on came from the north, and another main road ran to the west. Two smaller roads ran to the southwest and southeast, and there seemed to be something running to the south. The roads to the south were crude, with flat pale pavement and no shoulders. The land around me now seemed to be covered with dense grass that faded into dark trees. I turned back to the north, looking at the large trees in the center of the intersection. I said that they were banyan trees, but they looked tall, with rounded trunks that got wider near the bottom. Several people were standing to the west, looking at the trees. They were tourists and wanted to take pictures of them. I realized that a car was coming from the north, so i hurried back to the center of the intersection and stood close to the southern side of the large central tree. The car would not hit me if i was standing near the tree. The tree seemed like an African species, and i remembered that the trunks could be hollowed out. This is what fascinated the tourists about the trees. I was standing to the southwest of the intersection now, looking back at the three main trees in the intersection. They were lined up east to west, with the smaller trees on the outsides. The tree on the west seemed to have been a medium tree and a thin tree that had somehow merged by growth, and the trees to the east seemed to be a cluster of small thin trees with wide bases. I felt uncomfortable here, saying something to the person to the north of me. I then looked down at the numbers on the paper in front of me. There was some text around them, but i focused on the numbers. The first number was sixteen with a superscript sixty-six to the right of it. The second was a few words away on the same sentence and was a twenty with a superscript number following it. The second superscript seemed to be sixty-six as well. I was trying to remember why these numbers were significant. I decided that the first number was a date. It was actually 1666 and was the date for the Crusade. This seemed to make sense and i told the other person that the date was for the Crusades. I then wondered what the second number was for. It would be in the future if it was also a date, and i wondered if it had some relation to the Crusades.

I was talking to someone in the long room. I was facing north, and the person was leaning against the table to the northwest of me. Something changed suddenly, and i realized that i was now standing in a rectangular room, which seemed to be a central room in a larger building. This place seemed somewhat like an airport lobby, with smaller waiting areas to the north and south. Long cafeteria tables were around us, and the two men were standing to the north and northwest of me, talking to me about something. I felt very confused, not sure what had changed. I seemed to have appeared here without coming here, and i felt stressed and panicked trying to figure out what had happened. The men were talking to me about the conference, and the professors were talking to the southeast of me. I was confused and looked around, not knowing who these people were. There was a large gap in my memory, and i started to feel concerned and agitated. I moved back and forth nervously, not sure what to do. My memory had been blocked for a period of time. $A14 was to the southeast of me with the other professors, and i was talking with the graduate students. They had thought that i was part of their group, but i did not remember belonging here. The man to the north of me referred to me as a professor, but i knew that i was not a professor. I told the person that i was not actually a professor, saying that i actually was a bachelor student. The men to the north of me were surprised with this statement. I thought that they had assumed that i was of higher status than i actually was. This happened to me a lot. I felt that the men were less interested in me now that they knew that i was not a professor. I felt out of place here and wondered how i had gotten here. Something had changed and i could not remember anything from my recent past. $A14 walked to the west with some of the others. I still felt uneasy and looked around the area, wondering what i should do. I would have to follow the others, and i decided that i had to keep up with $A14. He was wearing a white shirt that had thin multicolored horizontal stripes. He disappeared from sight to the west, so i hurried out of the room, trying to keep up with him. I could not remember why i was here, and i had to tell him what had happened. I turned to the north, but could still not see him in the short corridor. The corridor opened to the east, into a larger room. Just before the opening was a large square opening in the wall, which seemed like a window. Through it, i could see a stairwell and a small corridor. The room to the northeast seemed to be yellowish-tan. $A14 had rounded the wall on the northern side of the stairwell and was now to the east of the small cubical room. I could see him through the window. He was still wearing a striped shirt. I headed to the east, through the window. I suddenly realized that i could not walk through the glass and paused halfway though. I then noticed that there was no glass in the black metal frame. I looked down at the tall thin frame on the bottom of the window. It was about five centimeters tall, but there was no glass in it. Realizing this, i stepped the rest of the way through. The corridor on the other side was now long east to west and there no longer seemed to be an opening to the north. $A14 continued to the south. I was still looking down at the ground as i walked past the stairwell, which ascended the southern wall to the east. The stairwell had no risers between the stairs, and the stairs seemed to have orange and yellow carpeting on them. The floor was covered with black stone. The stone was cut into small rectangular blocks, about two by five centimeters. Some of the blocks were about three or four centimeters taller than the others, and the tall blocks were arranged in rows and columns. I knew that these were the tiles that people would be walking on, even though they seemed to be spaced too far apart for a person to step on more than one at a time. I knew that water would be flowing over the floor, and, if people could walk on the tops of the taller rocks, their feet would not get wet. I crossed the dark-gray stones of the floor and came to the eastern side of the stairwell. The room extended to the east for a little bit, ending about three meters to the east. This place was very familiar. I ascended a set of stairs to get to the higher level of floor to the east, but paused before i followed $A14 out of the room to the south. I had been here before, and i remembered when there used to be water on the floor. I tried to remember when this was, but i could not quite understand. I then looked again to the east, into the empty section of the room. The stone on the floor was dull red and had similar blocks raised for people to walk on. A set of stairs ascended to the west on the southern wall. I suddenly remembered this place. I was at the University of Indiana at Bloomington, or someplace that was very similar. I could not quite remember where i was. I had been here for a conference a long time ago, but this was what i had remembered. I wondered again why i was here now. I had not come back to the same conference, since i no longer worked in that field. This did not make sense, and i quickly headed to the south to catch $A14. I felt worried again about my missing memory. I followed $A14 across the area, which seemed like a parking lot, and into the modern building to the south. This was the hotel where the people at the conference were staying. I felt upset and very confused, not quite sure what i should do here. I must have been here for a while, but i could not remember. I walked through the tinted glass door of the lobby and into the large lobby. The room was full of people that were here for the conference. A man sat behind a table to the southwest of me. This must be the registration table. I knew that i had already been registered, but i could not remember why i was here or where i should go. $A14 had headed down the hallway to the west, so i followed him, walking past the man at the table. The man watched me, and i hoped that he did not ask me if i was registered. I did not know what to tell him, and i could not remember what my room number was. I hurried past him and down the hall. I realized that i did not have my pass with me, and i did not want him to check for my pass because i did not know where it would be. The graduate students and college people from the conference seemed to have rooms down the corridor to the west, so my room must be down the hall somewhere. I felt stressed as i walked down the corridor, wondering where i should go. I then wondered if i had my pass with me. I reached into my right pocket with my right hand and withdrew a blue pass on a black lanyard. The lanyard attached to the top corners of the pass, which seemed to be in a black nylon case. I did not have my memories of getting the pass or of being at the conference earlier. I must have been here for a few days, though. I was very upset, and i started looking for my room. I flipped over the blue pass and noticed that i had a tag that said “109” on it. This must be my room number. I looked back to the southeast now, realizing that i was now in a parking lot outside of the building. I seemed to have come from the building to the east. There was another building to the south, which was mostly brown or brick with a protruding design or balcony along the second floor. The bottom floor seemed to be shops. This might have been my building, but i was not sure. I then realized that i did not know whether room 109 was on the first floor or the second floor of the buildings. My room should be in the building to the east, where i had just come from. I did not know whether the rooms on the second floor of the building started with a one. I had a memory of some rooms on the first floor being only two digits, which meant that the room numbers in the hundreds would start on the second floor, like they do in Europe. I was confused and did not know what to do. I started to feel upset. My memory was missing, and something had gone wrong. This started to upset me again. I turned to $A14, who was standing to the north of me. I tried to explain to him what i thought had happened. I knew that i had gone through a fugue, and i asked him if he knew what a fugue was. I then started to explain that it was also a musical term, referring to a melody that was repeated in a pattern. We were sitting near the back of a bus, which seemed to be heading east as i tried to explain this to him. I then started to say that a fugue also meant something else, but i started sobbing and could not get the words out. I was very upset about what had happened to me.

12011 June 09

I woke up suddenly and ran to the eastern side of the house. It was starting to rain, and i could hear a storm coming, so i had to close the windows so that the rain did not get in. I moved to the eastern end of the southern wall. $X14 was on the floor near the window, and he ran to the north as i approached. The white lace curtains around the window blew in from the wind. I could not tell whether the rain was coming in at the moment, but i pushed up the top of the window. I wondered if i should be closing them, because the rain did not seem to be coming in. I then turned to the southeast, heading into the small living room of the small house. The room seemed worn, with no furnishings. The two windows in the southern wall were open, and so was the one in the western wall. I moved to the window on the eastern end of the southern wall and pushed it shut. As i did, my forearms felt wet. I had gotten rain water on them. I pushed up the window, but realized that the rain was not coming in through the window. I looked up to see that the board on the edge of the ceiling was missing. The board seemed to be part of the trim in the room, though it seemed more like a part of an eve. I could see the beams above the ceiling, and water was dripping down all across the opening, like it was raining directly into the house. I felt upset about this, thinking that the roof would have to be fixed.

12011 June 10

I drove my car to the west, down the snowy road in the middle of the old suburban area. A car was driving in front of me, and i was watching the snow-covered road carefully, nervous about sliding on the slippery roads. Other cars were skidding on the road. Another car coming from the other direction skidded a little as it passed me, heading to the east. I then noticed a large dull-orange truck in the other lane ahead of me. At first, i thought that it was slipping into my lane, but i realized that it had stopped and was backing into a road on the southern side of the road that we were on. The truck seemed old and rusty, with a rounded cab, like something from the fifties or early sixties. It had fully backed into the road before i had reached it. I also notice another truck coming down the road from the west. The truck that had backed to the south them pulled back into the road that we were on. It turned its back end to the east. The truck had something long and white, like vinyl pipes, on the back of it. As it turned to the south, into the other road, the pipes swerved into my lane. I tried to move to the north to avoid them, but the hit the back end of my car. I was driving a Volkswagen Minivan, and i knew that the truck had hit my car near the rear of the driver’s side. I tried to focus on the road to prevent my car from skidding into something. I then noticed the truck ahead of me turning suddenly to the north. It was also an old truck, like the one that had backed up to the south, and it too was pulling a long trailer of something long and thin. The back of the other truck seemed to have something that was formed by a structure of thin dull-yellow girders. It skidded to the north, hitting something on the northern side of the road. The trailer lifted behind it, sliding around on the road to block the road completely. I was suddenly worried about this and turned quickly to the northwest, where another road departed from the one that i was on. After i was off of the main road, i stopped my car and got out to look at the damage. I was annoyed that the truck had hit me. I walked back along the driver’s side of my car, noticing that the small pale-yellow tank on the back of the flatbed truck i was driving was dripping liquid. The truck i was driving seemed to have some kind of hydraulic machinery, and the small tank seemed like a gas tank to run it. I worried that the gas was leaking over the truck, but i tried to focus on the problem to figure out what was really wrong. The tank was in the middle of the truck, on top of the machinery. It had a thick tube running on the northern side of it (the truck was parked facing west). I realized that this was probably not a gas tank, but rather a water tank. The water dripping from the tank was condensation. I then noticed a seat to the east of the tank. The back of the truck had some kind of machinery on it, like a crane or hydraulic bucket. The chair was the control chair for the rigging. As i looked over the damage to the truck, i realized that a man was walking slowly to the east on the northern side of the truck. I felt suspicious of him and did not trust him. The man asked me some questions, and i tried to answer. I then realized that there was another man near my car, which was parked to the west, in front of the truck. The man by my car reached for the door handle of the driver’s door. I had the remote keys in my hand, so i quickly locked the door before the man could open it. He was working with the man to the north of the truck. The first man was trying to distract me while the second man tried to get into my car. The man who had been to the north of me then approached me, trying to intimidate me. I felt uncomfortable here, so i headed to my other car, which was parked to the southeast of me, facing east. I thought that i should just get into my car and drive away, but then i worried about my other car, which was still parked to the west. I was not sure what i should do. The man then confronted me, taunting me and asking me questions. I told him to go away, feeling threatened. I moved around to the southern side of my car, pulling out my cell phone. I called emergency to report the man, thinking that it might scare him off. He followed me, so i headed west, toward my other car. I passed to the south of the dark car to the west of me, dialing 911. The man was following me. I rounded the rear of the car, which was to the west, and crouched down behind the car, listening to the phone. A recorded voice told me that the signal in the area was not strong enough to reach emergency, and i started to feel upset and hopeless. I did not know what to do here. As i listened, though, the female voice stopped talking and asked me something. I replied, asking her something. She told me her name, and i realized that i knew who she was. This situation seemed very strange, and i felt very uncomfortable about it. I started to tell the woman about the emergency. I said that there was a man threatening me at the gas station in town. I tried to give the street names, but i was not sure what they were here. I then muttered something about this probably being the only gas station in town. I knew that the man was following me, and i started to feel awkward talking to emergency about it, so i wandered to the southwest some more. I told the woman about the man, but was not really sure it was an emergency. I could not think of what to do as i wandered down the southern aisle of the small store i was now in. The man was to the north of me. He started insulting me and tossed something at me over the shelf of merchandise. Another man was bending over to look at the shelf. I threw the object back at the man, and the second man looked up and sneered at me. The second man considered me weak for backing down from the first man, and he started calling me names and throwing things at me. The first man then threw a set of keys at me. I started to feel angry with the men, and i grabbed the set of keys and walked to the south, heading out the door in the southern wall. I wanted to throw the keys away so that the man could not easily find them. As i pushed open the dull-red metal door and came into the grassy area behind the store, i threw the keys to the southwest. The man was angry with me. He started after the keys, but then turned around and confronted me. He started to attack me, and i decided that i would probably have to injure him to keep him from attacking me.

I headed to the west, down the central aisle of the crowded train car. The seats were on either side of the car, and the seemed to be recessed into the floor of the car so that they were at a lower level than the aisle. I was looking for $F45 and $F43, who were supposed to be on the train. I knew that they would be in the last seat on the right side of the train. As i reached the end of the car, though, i noticed that the booth on the right was filled with young college-aged people. The booth had a narrow table running down the center of it, and two padded benches on either side of the table. I wondered where $F45 and $F43 were. I then noticed that the bench on the eastern side of the table still had two seats open, and there was one seat on the western side. I wondered if these were the seats for $F45 and $F43. They should be on the train soon. I wanted to go with them on the trip, but i knew that i would not be going. I wanted to see them about something before they left, though. I wondered why they were not on the train, and i wondered if they would be sitting in the open seats in the last booth. They should be on the train soon. I then realized that the train started moving to the west. I should get off before it gets too far from the station. I turned around and started down the aisle to the south, thinking that i could actually get off at the next stop and take the next train back. I knew that they would not check for tickets that quickly. I had come to the train station in my car, so i would have to get back to the same train station to get my car and drive back north to the city. I pictured the station in a small town just to the southwest of the large city. As i turned to the south, i was walking down the center of a long limousine. The limousine was crowded with people, and i pushed my way through the crowd toward the front. I realized that the driver of the bus had stopped at a light as he was heading south. He was going to turn east here, and i wondered if i could just tell him that i wanted to get off here. I then wondered if i could simply open the door myself and get out. I moved to the passenger’s door of the long car and opened it while the driver was stopped at the intersection. The driver was sitting in the seat to the east of me, and looked at me curiously as i got out of the car, but i ignored him, acting as though this was something normal. I quickly started walking back to the north, down the western side of the road, heading back toward the station. I thought that the station should not be too far down the road from where i was. The train was heading to the south, and i pictured the town in relation to the city and the train. The tracks ran to the southwest from the city, curving to the south as it reached this town, which seemed to be in a wide open valley. This town seemed very familiar, and i seemed to remember being here for a train before. It was hazy and sunny out, and all of the vegetation was dull summer green. I started flying down the western side of the road. The road had houses on the southern side, but seemed to have an empty field of tall grass to the north. I wondered if $F45 and $F43 had gotten on the train on the other station in the city. I would not have seen them at this station. As i floated down the road to the east, thinking that the station was a few hundred meters down on the southern side of the road, i noticed a woman jogging to the southwest of me, on the southern sidewalk. She looked like $F43. I focused no her, thinking that it could not be $F43, but realizing that it looked very much like her. She was wearing a pair of dark jogging shorts and a white running bra. I thought that maybe it was $F43, so i called her by her last name as i started to float over the center of the road. The woman looked up at me in surprise, covering her bare breasts. She had been jogging without a bra, and she realized that someone was actually watching her. I felt a little embarrassed, realizing that she had been topless, and that she was not actually $F43. I decided that i should try to ignore her and continue flying. I started swimming through the air, pulling with my arms in a crawl stroke. As i did so, i noticed that something was wrong with my arms. I was not able to pull ahead with wide strokes. My hands were making short inefficient strokes in the air. I glanced to the east, noticing that the woman was still keeping pace with me. I hoped that i was not making her nervous. She was running, so she should be moving faster than i could walk, but i was flying, so i should be moving ahead of her. I could not pull faster, though, so it seemed as though i was purposely staying at her side. I would not be able to pull ahead of the woman like this. I lifted into the air and drifted to the south, across the road and toward the train tracks that ran parallel to the road. Tall grass grew around the tracks, but the track bed was dark gray and clear. I tried swimming over the tracks, passing behind the trees that separated the road from the tracks. The woman was out of my view, but i suspected that i was still flying parallel to her. The road was now running more to the north-northwest, and the tracks ran directly to the north-northeast. The road would bend back to the northeast to meet up with the tracks near the station. I just had to fly down the train line until i reached the station. The station suddenly seemed rather far away. I pictured it at the southeastern base of a hill that rose in a shallow slope on the flat valley floor. The tracks seemed to curve in a wide arch to the northeast, where they ran to the city. I glanced to the west, noticing the woman in short glimpses though the pale-green leafs of the trees. Other people were walking on the road as well. I tried to focus on swimming through the air, but i could not seem to get it right. My body now seemed to be bent over, as if i were slouching. I tried to straighten up, but something prevented me from doing so. I moved my arms to swim, but the strokes were short and ineffective. This was not like how i would swim in water. I felt frustrated and struggled with my stroke but could not get it right. I wondered what the problem was and why i could not do this properly.

12011 June 11

I drove my car to the north, down the narrow road. The ground was covered with snow, and the road seemed wet. I felt a little nervous about driving, thinking that the roads were slippery. I was following another car as we approached the old cement bridge. The bridge was very narrow, and i felt nervous about it. As i entered the bridge, i noticed the choppy whitecaps on the waves to the east of the bridge. There also seemed to be ice buildup on the outside of the bridge deck. I only caught a glimpse at the white stuff on the sides of the bridge, so i was not sure whether i had seen ice or waves foaming around the base of the bridge. I decided that the bridge was very tall, and i pictured it with long thin cement legs holding up a narrow deck, so the white stuff could not be water. The deck of the bridge now seemed worn and cracking, and i worried that the bridge might collapse. It looked old and abandoned. As i continued driving, though, i realized that i was on the northern end of the bridge already. Land was under the bridge here, and i could see the tops of trees off the eastern side of the bridge. I would not have to fall into icy water if the bridge collapsed here. I then noticed that car ahead of me had skidded a little to the left. I slowed down as i approached. There was another off-white car ahead of that one. The larger car, which was two cars in front of me, skidded all the way into the left lane and slowed to a stop. The other car continued past it, heading off of the bridge to the north. I started to follow the other car, but the car in the western lane started to pull back into my lane as i passed. I was very nervous about the situation and felt tense, trying to maneuver my car between the car in the western lane and the car that was parked on the eastern side of the bridge. I avoided the car that had started to turn back into my lane, but i skidded into the last car in the row of parked cars. The parked cars were facing north, and my car skidded to the east enough to hit the tail end of the car with the rear of the passenger’s side. I was annoyed, but i continued driving to the end of the bridge. Just on the other side of the bridge, i turned to the east and pulled off the side of the road. I walked around to the western side of my car, the rear end, and looked at the rear fender on the passenger’s side. The blue plastic cover over the tire was wrinkled and coming off. The blue plastic piece formed an egg-shaped patch over the side of the car, with a flat bottom that crossed the midline of the tire. The left edge of the plastic was lifted from the darker blue of the rest of the car’s body. Just over the tire, the plastic was wrinkled. I was annoyed by this and tried to push the plastic back down. I thought that i would probably have to replace the entire piece. I pushed on the lifted edge, but it would not stay down, and i thought that the clips that held it on were probably broken. I then tried to pull the plastic off, but it was still well attached on the front edge, and i did not want to break it any further. I was frustrated, noticing how the metal around the plastic now seemed to be deformed. It seemed as though the side of the car had been pushed inward. I reached into the open rear passenger’s door and tried to pull at the plastic from the inside. The body of the car was squished together a little, so i pulled it back out. It unwrinkled a little, but not enough for me to push the plastic back into place. I was annoyed and pulled on the metal frame of the car some more. I then wondered how i was so easily able to deform the metal beams of the car. This seemed strange, but i kept trying to pull the frame back out and fix the car to i could continue.

I walked to the east, across the northern side of the house. $A517 was in the large square room to the south of me. The room was nicely decorated, and i knew that this was her house. I had been invited here, but i was just stopping in to say hello. She bent over to pick some things up from the floor as i talked to her, and she asked me about the dinner plans we had on Wednesday. She said that it was at twenty o’clock. I had to think for a moment, not able to remember what i had said i would do. I worried that i had something else scheduled for that day. I said that we would be going to dinner, but i hurried to the west to find my bag, where my date book was. I came back to the east with my book. It showed that i had written the time into my calendar. I was relieved that i had done so, and walked to the center of the room to tell $A517 that i had the date saved. A couch sat in the center of the room, facing west. A short rectangular coffee table was in front of it. $A517 moved a few chairs to the south of the couch. I realized that there were more tall dull-red wooden chairs to the north of the coffee table, so i pushed them back to the northeast. They seemed to have white and light-blue decorations around the wooden supports on the sides of the backs.

12011 June 14

I was descending the cliff on the small platform, which was suspended by the black ropes. The light-gray stone of the cliff to the north of me looked had a smooth crystalline surface. The platform that i was standing on was slowly being lowered toward the river. I watched the cliff as i descended, nervous to look down at the river. The platform stopped for a moment, and i felt very uncomfortable here. I wanted to get back to the top of the cliff. I could see two black ropes in front of me, running down the cliff wall, and i wondered if i could pull on the black rope on the right to make the platform ascend faster. As the platform started back up, i tugged on the rope on the left side of the platform. I was becoming very uneasy here. At the top, i walked to the west, listening to the others talk. Someone mentioned that the ride stopped at a certain level of the building and the people were expected to make their way up the building. I seemed to be on one of the upper floors of the building, but i knew that i was at ground level to the area to the north of the building. I faced west, looking across a lobby at the people, still feeling nervous. I had gotten off of the ride at the wrong floor, so i was not with the other tourists. I pictured the building as a large plain cement structure. There were two or three levels of the building at the top of the cliff. The cement face of the building then descended the face of the cliff on the southern side, forming the light-gray surface that i had descended. The building reminded me of West Point. In the lobby, i could see two levels of the building. The lower level had tables arranged in the center of the floor. A corridor ran to the west, between two glass-enclosed offices, and there was a space that extended to the west along the southern wall. The second floor formed a U-shaped around the open cafeteria area in the center of the first floor. A walkway with a railing ran in front of the glass covered offices of the second floor to the west of me, ending on the southern end with a set of stairs that descended to the south. The metal railing followed the railing down. There also seemed to be a balcony or open area on the second floor, overlooking the open space of the southwestern part of the first floor. Someone mentioned that the people would be getting off of the ride at the bottom floor of the building and would be taken by elevator to the top floor. I had done this differently because i had gotten off of the ride early. Two or three people then came into the area from the south and turned down the corridor to the west. They were heading into the elevator in the southern wall of the corridor on the second floor. $F6 seemed to be one of them. I headed to the west, into the small room as the people talked. I seemed to be on one of the higher floors of the building now. The people were scattered around the small room to the south of me, and they were discussing how people would get off of the ride. Someone then mentioned that i had come from a different route. I felt that this was all right because i knew my way around this place. I was not like the tourists. The people then told me about the stairs, where everyone was expected to walk. They were surprised that i had not come the normal route. I told them that i had taken the elevator to this floor because i knew where i was supposed to be going. I turned to the west and headed into the small room, which was the elevator. I had just been in this booth before. The room was rectangular, and had doorways in the eastern and western walls. The main entrance to the elevator was to the south. A man exited the room to the south. The room then changed, and a tan plastic or vinyl curtain started to move across the walls. It closed oven the entrance to the south. I knew that this was the elevator working, and i watched the paneling move across the wall. The curtain was made of thin vertical pieces of flat material that were about a deci wide. They were connected at the edges with a thin material that acted as a hinge the entire length of the board. The curtain moved across the surface of the wall, spreading across the eastern wall and closing the doorway that i had entered through. The western doorway would be opening soon. I extended my left arm and waved it across my body, as if commanding the western doorway to open. I remembered being in the elevator before, but the curtains had worked differently. The western door was exposed much earlier. The wall started moving after i waved my arm, which i then thought was a silly movement to do, but the doorway was not uncovered yet. It seemed odd that the elevator was acting differently this time, and i wondered what i should do. After a few moments, the moving sheet had moved across the wall to the north, uncovering the western doorway. I had come to a different level of the building, and i walked to the west into the new room. This place was a library, and there were racks of books all around. The shelfs were wooden, and one of them to the north of me was rather short, with only two shelfs on the rack. A man was to the west of me, and he started lecturing me about something. I felt annoyed by him and did not want to listen. As he talked, i decided that i should continue with what i had to do. I turned to the north and looked at the two large white paper bags of books that were on the lower shelf of the wooden rack. I would have to take them to the new library room. I bent over to pick them up by the plastic ring handles as the man continued to tell me what i should be doing.

I woke up in the small bed and sat up, facing west. I was aware of the wolfs to the southeast of me. They seemed vicious, and they snarled very close to my head. I was afraid of them, but i knew that they would not attack me. I was able to keep them away because i had a special relationship to them. I still felt nervous, though, and i stood up and walked to the west. I seemed to be walking down a narrow street, and the land around me was covered with small buildings or shacks. Some people were sitting in the street or hallway near me. I came to the western end of the hallway to see two people, a man and a woman, sitting cross-legged on the floor in the center of a square area. They were chatting casually with each other. The woman, who was on the southern side of the couple, glanced up at me as i stopped just inside the room. I then looked to the north, noticing a self against the eastern wall, just to the north of the doorway that i had come through. I immediately focused on the head of a wolf, which was resting on the top shelf. The skull still had fur on it, but i knew that the animal was dead. This seemed like a burial place for wolfs. I noticed several more wolf heads and some other bones on the two-tiered structure. The shelfs seemed more like rock ledges now. The area was almost like a small cave. I looked over the skull on the top ledge, noticing how the skin had deteriorated around the lower part of the wolf’s jaw, exposing white bone, while the gray fur still remained on the top of the head. There was something special about this place. The bones almost seemed to be arranged as if on an altar. I noticed that the white bones around the wolf head were almost flower shaped, with rounded white paddles sticking up around a circular ring. There were several of these, and i thought that the people who arranged the bones on the stone must have purposely used these bones because they looked so much like flowers. I then focused on the skulls again, wondering whether the wolfs died here by themselves, or whether they had been taken here after death to be arranged. The people to the west continued talking to each other, so i headed back to the east, into the small room where i had been sleeping. The bed was still against the eastern wall, on the floor. I bent over to get something from the bed, which was in the northeastern corner of the area, when i noticed the two dogs to the south of me. A woman had walked from the west down the road that i was now standing in. My bed seemed to be in a small shelter on the northern side of the road. The dogs were shy of me, but allowed me to pet them as they wagged their tails. They were both relatively small dogs: less than a meter long and only a half meter tall. The had shaggy white fur that clumped like a sheep dog’s. The hair on their heads was longer than the rest of their fur, and it was colored blue, making them look like punkers. The woman looked on as i pet the dogs, chatting at them as i scratched their heads. I mentioned something to the woman, then started talking about the wolfs. I remembered that the wolfs were threatening, and i felt that they were very near me again. They were snarling and ready to attack, but i knew that they would not attack me. I had some immunity to them. I thought that the wolfs really just needed food. As i talked with the woman about the wolfs, i realized that the animals were really theropods. They seemed like small theropods, with sharp teeth around the sides of their mouths. They stood very close to me, but i knew that i was immune to them as well. I told the woman that they were just hungry, and mentioned tossing he small deer to them. I had a feeling that a deer was tossed to the northeast and that the theropods would go running after it. As i looked to the southwest, i could see the rounded features of the theropod staring at me. It did not look threatening, as i had imagined the faces of the pack to look. It was more cartoon-like, with mottled red and dark-red skin that curved smoothly around its rounded head. It then turned down the road and stated trotting away. I watched the theropod waddle away for a moment. Its head was too big for its body, as if it were a fictional character. It waddled from side to side as it jogged away, heading to the southwest, across the lawn that was to the south of the road. The grass sloped up hill at the edge of the road, curving up about a half meter over a two-meter distance. A large red brick academic building seemed to be on the western side of the grassy area, and a large tree with a wide leafy crown seemed to be directly to the south of me. The single theropod kept jogging to the southwest. I then noticed the other theropods on the hill to the south. They watched the small dinosaur jog past. The woman was afraid that they would attack the small theropod, but i knew that they would not because the small theropod was a main character. The pack of theropods on the hill were taller and thinner, and looked more menacing, with sharper faces and beak-like noses with sharp teeth. A young boy on a bicycle then appeared from the west. He was a little chubby, and he road the black bicycle to the south of us, heading east on the road. The theropods on the hill watched him with interest, stepping menacingly toward the edge of the road as he passed. The woman was afraid that they would attack the boy and eat him, but i did not think that this would happen. I did start to worry about it, though, because the theropods were staring to the east as if stalking. They trotted town to the road and gathered in a small pack, facing east. They were then people in black leather jackets and motorcycle helmets. They sat on black old-fashioned motorcycles, facing east, and i worried that they would take off after the boy. One of the bikers turned to look at me, thick tinted goggles covering his eyes. The bikers looked threatening.

12011 June 16

I felt upset as i arranged the things in the small area. I was actually in the back seat of my car. I had put all of my things in the car, and i was now trying to arrange them. The car was moving to the south. I looked at the things i had put in the driver’s seat. The top of the dark-green nylon bag was sticking up from the seat and leaning out the half-rolled-up driver’s window. I worried that the top of the bag would blow too much in the wind. I looked again at the bag as i arranged several things in the back seat. The top of the tent bag or sleeping bag bent down as a gust hit it. It had a white draw string pulling the top closed, but i was worried that something would happen to it. A car passed to the east, heading south. I then realized that the car i was in was crossing the bridge across the river. I was nervous about the bag blowing in the wind, and i suddenly realized that i was not in the driver’s seat of the car. The car had been heading south, and i was suddenly surprised that it had stayed on the road without anyone driving. I felt that i should be driving, so i climbed over the seat to get into the driver’s seat. I became aware of the road ahead of me as the car i was in reached the southern side of the bridge. The urban area around me seemed tan and brown, and the dingy narrow highway ramps curved to the sides. I should not have crossed the bridge and left the city. I would have to take the ramp that curved back to the bridge, to the north. I had been at someone’s house on the northern side of the river. I pictured the house on the main road that ran parallel with the river, to the west of the bridge. I had to get back there. I turned the car onto the narrow run-down ramp that curved to the east. There were small rectangular signs that seemed to have the letter V on them. These signs pointed with arrows to the highway that i needed. The signs seemed to be printed in a faded-brown or dull-purple type on a tan background. As i followed the road around to the northeast, i realized that there were other signs on the side of the highway that looked similar to the ones that i was following. I could not read the signs quickly enough and started to feel frustrated. I was heading to the north, and the road ahead of me curved to the northwest. I did not know which ramp to take because i could not figure out the signs in time. I seemed to be on the northern side of the river now, but there were too many signs with letters on them, and i was confused. I then spotted a sign with letter i was looking for. I was heading to the northwest, but i was passing the sign as i saw it, and it pointed to the southwest. I had missed the turn. I was driving down the main aisle on the northern side of a large hotel lobby now. I had missed the turn, but i decided that i could take the next left and get to the road that i wanted to be on. I turned to the south, passing through the narrow aisle between the tall thick black columns or gambling machines. On the southern side of the machines, i turned to the west and started driving over the dark-red and brown carpet of the lobby. I was careful not to hit any of the people in the lobby, but then i realized that i should probably not be driving in the building. A woman in a hotel suit approached me from the southwest. She did not seem happy that i was here, and i thought that she probably did not like me driving on the carpet. I stopped, telling her that i was following the signs. We spoke for a few minutes, and i no longer seemed to be paying attention to the situation. I then realized that the woman was very close to me. She seemed to be interested in me, and she started flirting with me. This suddenly seemed very strange, and i wondered why she was interested. I tried to dissuade her.

12011 June 17

I was in the back of the van as it moved down the road to the north. The others had just picked me up, and had helped me through the open door of the white van. The door was still open on the western side of the van. I felt concerned, thinking that something strange was happening. I said something to the others about it as i looked to the southwest. The land around us was flat and seemed to be covered with fields of tall green hay grass. The sky seemed unnaturally dark and cloudy. It seemed as if a storm was coming, but i knew that this was not the problem. As my view panned to the southeast, i noticed strange cone shapes extending from down from the clouds. I pointed them out to the others. They seemed like tornados, but their shapes were smooth and conical. Many of them seemed squat, but i could tell that they still extended to the ground. The bottom tips of the cones were blurry, as if spinning quickly or made of smoke, but the top parts remained smooth, looking almost metallic. The sky to the northeast was filled with the cones, and they extended all the way to the ground. I looked closely at their strange features as we approached. They seemed like tornados, but i knew that they were not. They moved slowly to the south, across the field on the eastern side of the road. We drove past the cluster of cones, heading north, and i commented to the others about them. There was something very strange about them. The van had turned to the northwest, and it pulled into a parking area on the northern side of the road. We stopped on the square grassy patch to the north. I was outside of the van now, talking to the others about the strange things. I felt very uncomfortable here, thinking that something was happening.

I was lying down in the back seat of the car as the others drove through the suburban area. I seemed to be in the back of a van, and i could see the tops of the houses around me. The neighborhood looked very nice, with tall old houses and bushy green trees. I then noticed the tall tan rocky cliffs to the west as we headed south. I knew that we were in $P14, but i was not sure where this neighborhood was. I pictured it on the northern side of town, in the area where the steep cliffs overlooked the valley to the west, but the rocky features that i was seeing did not seem right. The steep hills were more like tall mounds that rose among the houses. They had trees growing on them, but there were bare patches where the dirt had slid down the face of the steep slopes. Some of the houses were built into the sides of the hills, and i wondered if there were mud slides when it rained. I looked at the exposed dirt behind a large modern nicely built wood house to the west, thinking that it could easily slide into the house. I watched the dirt cliff as we passed the house, noticing more and more of the steep tan dirt slope coming into view from behind the house. I then started to look around at all of the nice houses, thinking that it would be nice to live in a large house like these. Two old wooden houses now stood to the west. They seemed run down, and the house between them was in worse shape. They were old and had not been that well maintained. The house in the middle was set back from the road, at the end of a dirt driveway, just to the west of the other two houses. It had faded white paint that was chipping from the wooden siding. I then noticed the house to the north as we moved west. It was a tall gothic design, with a square tower in the center of the building on the front face. The wood siding was painted dark purple, and the house looked very elegant. I felt interested in it and wondered if we could find a house in this neighborhood that was in good shape. The area was very picturesque, and i liked the idea of being here.

12011 June 18

I sat on the eastern side of the bus as the bus moved to the east. I was looking west, down the southern wall of the bus at some of the other people in the seats. Tall jagged rocky mountains stood to the north of us, and the land around us seemed to be forested. We seemed to be on a class trip, and the other people in the bus were students with me. The bus now seemed to be stopped, and $F4 stood up and walked to the east, leaving the bus through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. I felt upset that he was leaving, thinking that i would not have my friend with me. I was distracted by this thought, not quite sure why i felt so bad. I then realized that $A4 was watching me from one of the chairs to the west. The chair was near the southern wall of the bus and seemed to be the only chair there. He could probably tell that i was upset about $F4 leaving, so i tried not to act upset. I did not want others to know what i was feeling about $F4 leaving. I felt stressed and moved to the other chair that was just to the north of me, against the northern wall of the bus. It was in a row of three chairs, and i tried to recline in the chair, pretending to look relaxed so that $A4 would not think that i was upset. The armrest that separated the cushioned seats was down, and i wanted to put my legs up on the chair, so i lifted the armrest and folded it back between the backrests of the two seats. I then reclined to the north. I felt angry and thought that i should protest this trip, but i continued sitting in the chair. I decided that i could not please everyone here, and tried to do something. The scene then seemed different, and i was sitting on the southern side of the table, facing north. I was taking a test in the small classroom as the others moved around me to the south. A large flat-screen television was hanging on the northern wall to the northwest of me, and it was turned on. I looked down at the paper in front of me, feeling very stressed about what i was supposed to write. I had written out several answers in blue ink on the paper, and i tried to read them back. I tried hard to think about the answers, but i seemed to be missing something. I kept looking back at the paper, trying to think of the answers to the questions. I had started the test in blue ink, but i could see that i had been using black ink on the lower half of the paper. This seemed strange, and i wondered what had changed. I kept looking back over the questions, as if i did not understand something. The writing on the paper was very thin and uneven, and i realized that each response was separated by a blank link. I decided that i should write the questions numbers on the left sides of the responses. I started numbering the responses from the top of the page, aware that i was missing the first response. I felt upset about the test and was not quite sure what i should do. The others were still moving around in the room, and some of them tried to ask me questions. I told the others to be quiet, saying that i was taking a test. $A90, who was in the bathroom to the northwest, must have heard me, and he asked in surprise about the test. I realized that i was taking the test unsupervised and that i had been taking it for more than one session. This was my second session that i had been working on it. I should not have been working on the test for over an hour, and started to feel nervous. I would have to tell $A90 that i was making sure that i did not go over the allotted time for a test. I then started to feel uneasy about this, thinking that i should not be doing the test unsupervised. I would have to say that it was not a real test, but just a practice. I became uninterested in doing the test and stared at the paper for a moment. I felt upset and looked up at the television again, which was now playing cartoons. This was a distraction. I felt frustrated and looked at my other homework, which was about reading a book on paper. I looked over the paper in front of me, noticing the colored ink that was used to write out the homework. This must be my science homework from college. I started to feel anxious, thinking that it was not near the end of the semester yet. I could not understand why things seemed so confused now. I was discouraged, and did not want to work on my projects anymore, so i started packing my things up to leave.

12011 June 20

I was driving through the large city, looking for a place to park. The streets did not have much traffic on them, and i rounded several corners. Everything seemed dark gray. I watched for the cars as i reached an intersection, careful not to run into anything. There was an old gray building to the north of me, with plain features. I watched it for a moment as the people started to talk around me. I could hear the voices as i headed to the northwest, through the narrow passage in the rocks. The walls were dark at first, but became tan sandstone, with smooth features. The cliff wall was to the west of me, and i was moving along it, noticing the small cave to the west. The other person was with me as i turned to the west, into a small cave, which had been carved out of the cliff wall. The small room was square and well lighted. The women were still talking to the southeast of me, outside the cave wall. I realized that the southern wall of the room had a grating carved into it that led directly to the outside area where the women were talking. They were discussing something, and i did not want them to know that i was here. I tried to be quiet so that they would not hear me moving around. I stood still on the rough sandstone ground, listening to the voices to the south. The grate had vertical slots cut through the rock, and it seemed very intricately carved. I moved suddenly, and i could hear the sound of my feet shuffling on the ground. The women must have heard me because they stopped talking. I felt that i had to get out of the cave now and moved quickly to the east. I then noticed that the entrance to the cave was very narrow. I moved toward it, knowing that i had come in this way, but the diagonal opening in the wall now seemed too small for me to squeeze through. I wondered how i had come in this way.

12011 June 24

I sneaked to the north, across the outdoor area, which seemed like a campground. My parents were still to the north, near the tents. I felt upset about something and paced around the area. I headed to the north, toward the garage, but i was not sure where i was heading. It was dark out, but i was able to see the area around me. I walked to the west and arced to the south. I felt anxious and wondered what i should do. I also felt horny as i started to walk faster to the south. I then lay down on the ground with my head to the north and my belly down. I wanted to do something. I was not fully lying on the ground when i started to look around the campsite around me. I realized that there were tall cliffs to the west, and i could see people walking near the top of it. The rock wall was very steep, and the cliff had a deep cut into it. The southern part of the cliff was farther to the east than the northern section, and it curved to the north, blocking my view down the center of the divide between the two sections of cliff. I noticed that the rocks of the cliffs had several rounded caves worn into them. I could see other people walking past the entrances to the caves. Hiking trails must run along the cliffs and pass through the caves. I started to feel uncomfortable lying here, realizing that other people could see me. I also noticed that the sky above me was now blue. The morning had come. My parents were now awake, and they were standing to the north of me. They seemed worried about me, but i lowered my upper body back onto the hay that was spread on the ground under me, pretending to be uninterested.

I moved through the people at the party, heading through the house to the west. I stopped to talk to some of the people there. A man approached me from the south and started talking to me. I recognized him and thought that he was $A487. I chatted for a moment, and then i mentioned to him that $F45 had left the party. $F45 seemed to have left the house to the southwest. I was now standing on the western side of a large living room. The wall to the south of me had two french doors leading outside. Two doorways were in the western wall of the room, and both seemed to lead into the same room to the west. $F45 seemed to have walked through the room to the west and exited the house to the south. The room to the west did not seem to extent as far to the south as the room that i was in. The man to the east of me then told me that $F45 was actually breaking up with me. I did not understand this and did not believe the man right off. I then started to think about $F45, and i started to feel that the man might be telling the truth. I thought that $F45 might have wanted the others at the party to keep me occupied while he went to get his stuff and leave. I wondered if he was cleaning out his things from the house at the moment. I felt a little upset about this and did not know what to do. I did not know why $F45 would suddenly be leaving, and i wondered if he had actually found someone else. $K27 and $K26 came into the room from the east with their parents. The started chatting to me, but i felt a little confused and did not know what to do. Someone then said that the girls had gotten in trouble. I was not interested in them. I felt upset and wondered what i should do.

12011 June 26

I was upset about something and paced around the small room on the eastern end of the house. $F45 was to the north of me in the room. As i walked to the north, i noticed $X14 standing outside the large window that ran from ceiling to floor in the wall to the east of me. I was annoyed by this because $X14 was not allowed out of the house. I turned around and headed to the south, where there was a wooden door in the eastern wall leading outside. As i opened the door and called his name, $X14 ran to the north. He did not want to come in. I was more annoyed at this and started after him. Through the window in the wall to the west of me, i could see that $F45 had opened the door in the northern wall of the room and walked outside. $X14 had run around the northern side of the house, and i knew that he had gone in the northern door. I still felt upset about something and walked back to the south, in through the door. As i turned to the north and started walking toward the center of the room, $F45 told me that $F10 called. I still felt angry and did not want to do anything, but i wanted to talk to $F10. I felt comforted when i spoke to him, so i thought that i should.

12011 June 27

I moved through the halls of $P7, heading generally to the north down the main corridors. The building seemed newer than i remembered, with clean polished wood trimming on the eastern wall of the corridor. Something was strange about this place, though. It did not seem to be the same $P7 that i had known. I realized that this was really a different reality. I passed down several halls, noticing how modern everything looked here. I felt out of place, knowing that this was a different universe than i was from. I came into the main hall and turned to the west, heading into the auditorium. I was too old to attend this school, but i seemed to be a student again. It seemed to be the beginning of the school day, and everyone was meeting in the auditorium for a talk. I did not know what i should do. I was at the western side of the room, at the front of the audience, between the chairs and the stage. I remembered that all of the students were seated by grade, but i could not remember where my grade would have sat. I looked over the students gather in the nicely polished wooden chairs of the auditorium to the east of me as i faced north. They had short-cut hair and wore pale-green uniform shirts. This did not seem correct. I had thought that the school had given up uniforms a long time ago. I headed to the east, down the central aisle of the audience. There seemed to be a large arching wooden structure over the northern side of the audience. The men in the rows seemed young, and i thought that they should be the seniors, since they were at the front of the audience. I thought that i should be a senior now, even though i was not from this timeline. I knew that i was older, but i was still a student here again. I looked down at my clothes, realizing that i was wearing a pale button-up shirt under a blue denim jacket. This was very casual for the school and was not part of the uniform. I looked again at the young men in the audience, noticing that they were wearing purple and yellow sweaters with striped beanies on their heads. What they were wearing did not seem like part of the normal uniform, and it all seemed strange to me. As i continued to the east, i noticed some people that i recognized from when i was in $P7. They were young again and sat in the audience. I knew that they were juniors here, and i wondered if i was a junior as well. Something seemed wrong with this idea. I then started to feel uncomfortable again, knowing that i was older and no longer belonged to this place. I headed back to the west and came to the front of the room. I felt very upset and started to cry. I tried not to. A man was with me, and i told him that i was upset because everything was different here and that i did not belong in this part of reality. I then told him that the architecture of the building was wrong. It was not what i had remembered, so this was not my world. I wondered what to do. I headed to the north, town the road through the dark rural area. There was an area on the eastern side of the road, and i turned to the east, into it.

12011 June 28

I was painting something on the southern wall of the room with an artist brush. The brush was about two centimeters wide. The painting had random strokes of different colors across the image, forming some kind of scene. I was painting gold swashes of paint in short strokes down the center of the scene, swishing the brush from side to side in unspecific patterns. I was surprised how nicely the strokes looked across the painting. I made a few more sloppy strokes, thinking that this was how the painting was supposed to be made. I was still surprised how nice they looked when i backed up. The gold strokes blended in nicely with the long black strokes that covered the same area of the painting. The female teacher to the northwest of me commented on the painting, saying that it was very nice. I moved to the east and made a few more brush strokes across the wall. The teacher watched me for a moment, and then commented that “it must be nice” that i could reach so high on the wall. The gold spots i was making ran in a general pattern from upper-left to lower right, and they seemed to be the spots on an image of a lizard. As i backed away from the picture to look at the wider design, it seemed much different than i had expected. It looked like a black and white image that had been invented in tone. It also seemed to be a view of the ocean. It was not what we had been doing. One of the other painters approached me from the east, asking for my brush. He must have wanted it to paint something else on the wall. I gave it to him, realizing that i had not dipped it in paint in a while, so it must need to be refreshed. I backed a little more to the north, looking at the full scene on the southern wall. It was mostly in dark colors, but it seemed very nice to me. As i turned around, i noticed that the students had been painting a similar painting on the northern wall of the wide cement corridor. Square cement column seemed to support the building above near the northern wall, but they did not block my view of the mural. The style of the painting on the northern wall was very similar to what i had been working on on the southern wall, but there were large letters across the top of it. The square letters with rounded corners were outlined in bright green or yellow and looked like graffiti writing. It seemed to say “Popolupous”. This seemed like a silly word, and i noticed that the ending of the word was “ilf”. I pronounced the word several times in my head, thinking that the word would normally be spelled with “ilg” at the end. I pronounced it a few more times with both the F and the G at the end, realizing that there was not much difference in sound. The woman then told me that the name was of a comic-book character who was a penguin. I suddenly wondered if the name had something to do with Opus, and i asked the woman if she was talking about Opus. She did not answer me, but instead said that the penguin had some very dirty jokes in the comic strip. She then started describing one of the jokes. I listened to her as she described the joke to the students on either side of her, noticing that her belly was showing under the tails of the button-up shirt that she was wearing. She continued the joke, not standing on the northern side of the rectangular picnic table. The students were sitting on the benches on the eastern and western sides of the table. The room now seemed very narrow east to west, and very long north to south. I was actually in the main cabin of a small airplane, and we were heading down the runway to the north, to take off. As we moved low over the cement ground, i noticed the small blue airplane to the east of us. It seemed rather close to us, but we passed without hitting it. We were then in the air, and i was looking out the large window in the eastern wall at the tan and ashen cubical features of the small city below us. The airplane turned to the east, and the man in the cabin with me commented on something. The airplane continued to turn, and i looked around the cabin. A young boy was standing to the north of me, and a large woman sat on the chair on the western wall of the airplane near him. This was part of a deadpan comedy routine. As the airplane turned to the east, i looked to the west, toward the back of the airplane. The man was apologizing to the young child as he walked the child away from the door in the rear of the airplane. I thought that the child had been outside on the tail of the airplane as part of the comedy skit. The man then walked toward me and opened the door in the side wall of the aircraft. The door now faced east. He told me that he was ready to end his work for the day as he strapped on a parachute. The airplane was still turning, and i could see the mountains in the distance, which were to the northeast of us, pass the opened hatch. The small blue propeller airplane that i had seen on the runway then passed us slowly, moving to the northwest outside the open doorway behind the man. I knew that the man was going to jump from our airplane to the blue airplane to get a ride home from work. As the blue airplane passed, the pilot waved to us and said hello. He then mentioned that work was over, but i knew that he was just starting work. The pilot of the blue airplane was just starting his shift, and he was going to take the man from our airplane home. The airplane that we were in tipped even more so that the doorway was facing upward toward the sky. I watched the sky pass by as we turned to the south and then to the southwest. As we leveled out and started heading to the west, the open door was on the northern side of the airplane, and the man jumped out. I could see the city below. It formed an irregular pattern of square shapes that was interrupted by the jagged shapes of mountains poking up through the buildings. I then turned to the north and headed back down the corridor of the building. It was dark in the building, and i came to the rooms at the north, which seemed to be a combined kitchen and dining area. The walls were dingy and poorly lighted, and everything seemed run down. A set of narrow wooden stairs ascended the western wall, heading up to the north. This was an old apartment building in the middle of a city. Several people were sitting in various places around the room, though mostly on the eastern side. The corridor i had come from ran into the western side of the room from the southern wall. I knew that the people here were all the flight people. They were the ones who had controlled the airplanes. A woman stood outside the door on the western end of the northern wall. I could see her silhouette through the webbed glass. She had been knocking on the door, and i knew that she wanted money. The others in the room were ignoring her, joking about her. The woman came in and was waiting by the door, but the people in the room did not seem to be paying attention to her. The others in the room started to joke about her because she wanted her money. They said that they had not even been paid for the flight yet, so they had no money to give the woman. I wandered to the north as the people on the eastern side of the room talked about the oriental woman. The woman was standing inside the square serving counter, which took up most of the eastern side of the room. Someone asked if she could make money playing. I looked at the woman, noticing that she had a banjo strapped over her shoulder. She was slender, with long straight black hair. A few men stood close to her, fussing with her clothes and hair. It seemed strange to me that she was using a banjo. I thought that she should be playing a classical string instrument because it would make more money. Her husband was standing to the northwest of her, watching as she got ready. She seemed nervous. As i rounded the northwestern corner of the counter, i realized that the instrument that she was carrying was not actually a banjo. It had a square white body with a long thin neck. I mentioned to someone that it was not a banjo, and i thought that it must be some kind of oriental instrument. Her husband then asked how they could look sexy for the show. The others in the room did not answer, and i thought that they would probably have to dress in better clothing. The woman was wearing a simple white sleeveless dress with thin straps holding it up over her shoulders. The man was wearing a new light-blue button-up shirt, which was also rather plain in style. They turned and headed to the north together, and i started to follow them. My father’s mother then said something to me as we walked. We were outside now, heading down a short hill toward the creek, which ran east to west. The couple was ahead of us, and they had started to cross the creek. The hill had been covered with short dry grass, but the water in the creek was frozen. As they crossed the creek, heading to the north, i noticed that the ice under their feet was sagging. I warned them of this. The woman made it to the other shore, but the man was walking more cautiously on the ice. The path across the ice had been well worn by other travelers, and the snow there was dirty and yellow. I watched the ice as the man stepped carefully across it. It seemed very sponge like and giggled as he placed his feet, like gelatin. The creek was actually the road that ran in front of my grandmother’s house, and i could see the house just to the north of us. We just had to cross the frozen stream to get to the house.

12011 June 29

I looked over the items on the counter to the north of me before wandering to the east a little. My parents continued to look at the small trinkets, showing some of them to me. They were trying to buy me something, and i was looking for a small model of the Empire State Building. I felt indecisive and was not sure what i should get. I remembered the models of the building being very nice, but i did not see the one that i had remembered. We stood to the south of the counter, where there was a tiny model of the tower. It was about three or four centimeters tall. A man stood behind the counter, to the northeast of us, helping someone to the east of us with something. I could see the larger models of the Empire State Building on the shelfs to the north, behind the counter. They were too big, and the one i saw on the counter was too small. I was looking for the one that i had seen the last time, which was about a deci tall. It seemed to be the correct size. I knew that i did not want the bigger one, and i told my parents this. I felt indecisive and started to pace around the store. I was looking for the smaller version of the model that i had seen before. I wandered to the south and then back to the north, heading to the east of where i was at the counter. Near the eastern end of the counter, i noticed large plastic mugs. Their designs were very interesting. They were not shaped like the Empire State Building, but the had shapes like old stone architecture. I picked one up and looked more closely at it, telling my father that i thought they looked nice. I then considered that i might get one of the mugs instead. I looked at the different designs on the table and realized that the mugs each represented a specific building. They were made of clear plastic but were molded into shapes that resembled specific buildings. The one i was looking at reminded me of the college chapel. The boxes for the mugs were stacked just to the north of the display mugs, and i pulled some of them forward to look at. There were only a few mug boxes left. I thought about buying the mugs, but then decided that it was not really what i wanted, so i started wandering to the east. The store had a smaller room to the east, which was flush with the northern wall of the store. Shelfs filled the three walls of the room, and a table filled with trinkets sat in the center. People looked over the small things in the room. I realized that the items here were the cheap items. They seemed to be made of thin plastic and were not as interesting. I realized, however, that this was where we had seen the small towers before. They had been on the northern wall of the room. I mentioned to my dad that we had seen them in this room as i walked into the room to look. I started looking over the items on the northern wall, but i thought that these were probably discontinued and sale items, so something that was there before might not be here now.

I was in the bedroom of the house talking to the person. I sat on the edge of the bed, which was against the western wall. The bedroom seemed like my bedroom, but it was in a different house. Something seemed rather strange here, and i noticed that the window over the bed, in the middle of the western wall, was dark. This seemed strange since i knew that it was daytime. I looked to the south, seeing that the window on the southern side of the room was bright with the sun outside. I continued chatting with the man as i moved to the northern side of the bed and reached out for the window with my right arm. I pulled aside the curtains on the northern side of the window and noticed that there was a black shade pressed against the glass. I tried to pull the shade back to see some light through the window, but the thick material started to separate, leaving a brown film attached to the window. I continued to pull at it until i could see the glass. To my surprise, the glass still seemed darker on this side of the house. This did not seem to make sense to me. I turned to the east and started talking to the man, trying to figure out what was going on. As we moved to the east, i realized that we were in the attic of a house. The floor was wood and the rafters under the ceiling were exposed. A column ran down through the center of the room, dividing the attic into east and west sections. The column seemed to contain a chimney, but also contained some structural supports for the house, which seemed to be cross shaped. Light was coming in from outside through a window near the peak of the ceiling, in the center of the building. The window was out of my sight, but it seemed to be on the western side of the peak, which was just to the east of the central column. Looking across the northern side of the attic, i noticed a hole in the wood of the eastern wall. I then noticed that there was a similarly shaped hole in one of the larger wooden beams that ran diagonally from the central chimney, sloping down to the north. I moved closer to the beams to get a better look. As i got closer, i realized that the two holes were aligned. Something must have punched through both of the beams. The object came from above, somewhere in the west-southwest at about a sixty-degree angle from the horizon. I looked up and saw a similar hole in the roof of the house. I could see blue sky outside of this hole. I wondered if a meteor had fallen through the roof of the house. I asked the man what had come through the roof of the house. I felt concerned and puzzled by this. I looked back to the east at the other holes, but my vision became dark brown. I blinked for a moment, trying to stare at the eastern wall, but my eyes could not see it. The light from the sky had been bright enough that my eyes would now have to adjust to the darkness of the attic again.

12011 June 30

I was in the small room in the center of the house when the people entered from the northeast, through the narrow doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. They started talking to the woman to the north of me. I looked at the group of three or four people, noticing the woman in the center of the group. She was slightly overweight and wore an off-white sundress. She looked familiar to me, and i thought that she might be $A285. The man standing just to the north of me talked to the group, addressing the two older people, who seemed like the parents of the family. I kept looking at them, thinking that they were very familiar, but i could not figure out who they were. $K5 was then to the north of me, and she started talking to someone. I looked more closely at the family and realized that the woman was no longer there. I did not get to meet her, and i felt a little disappointed because i would not get to find out who she was. They had passed to the south, somewhere into the house. I headed to the northeast.