12012 June 02

I walked to the east, to the south of the festival area. People were moving to the east with me, to the north of me, and they continued walking after i stopped to sit down. A building was to the south of me now, and i glanced at the small group of people to the northeast, who were now standing and chatting. I had been doing something here, but i felt like being alone for a short while now. A small car came from the west, though it seemed to come around the northwestern corner of the building. I did not pay much attention to it, but i noticed that it was a small tan car. It looked more like a go-cart, with a domed shape and thin arced supports holding up the small roof. Through the large windows of the vehicle i could see the young man sitting inside, on the passenger’s side. He had a familiar face, and fluffy straight blond hair. I realized that he was Justin Bieber. It seemed surprising to see him here, but i realized that he was probably here for the festival. He was riding in one of the parade cars, which was why the car was so small. He saw that i was looking at him, so i tried not to notice. I did not want him thinking that i was a fan that would annoy him. As i glanced back down at the think in my lap, i noticed that he was looking down into his lap to get something out of a bag. I realized suddenly that he was tossing candy to people as part of the parade. He had noticed that i was looking at him, so he must have thought that i wanted some candy. I decided that i would take the candy bars, so i looked up as he tossed me two bars. They seemed to be Kit Kat bars. I opened one and started eating as Justin stood to the west of me. His bodyguard had stepped out of the driver’s side of the car and was now walking around the northern end of the car to help Justin. I looked at the chocolate bar on my left leg. It was starting to get soft and melt. I would have to break it apart and eat it quickly. I then realized that i had already opened up the second Kit Kat bar, which was in my lap. I wondered why i had both of them unwrapped. I wanted to say something to Justin, but i felt a little awkward. As he started to leave, though, i asked him if i could ask him a question. He turned around suddenly and said that i could. He was wearing a tan sports jacket. I asked him if he wrote his own music. I was thinking that he would only continue to be popular if he was actually an artist and not just a performer. He told me that he did write his own music, and then he mentioned playing the piano. I told him that he could be a good artist if he continued to write for himself, and i said that it was a good thing that he did write for himself.

12012 June 04

I moved through the dimly lighted house, heading roughly to the east through the rooms. I felt upset here. I had come to stay in this house, but i was not happy about being here. Something felt depressing. I looked around at the others in the house as i passed them. They seemed deranged or mentally impaired. Their bodies had odd proportions, and their facial features seemed deformed in some way. They chatted with each other as i passed, smiling and giggling to each other. I felt weary of some of them, but thought that i would probably enjoy their company. I noticed a man in a white tank top to the north of me as i headed back to the west. He was smiling at one of the other people with him. His head seemed unnaturally flat, with a wide clam-like mouth. His arms seemed muscular, and i thought that these people were, at least, attractive in some ways. I did not like being here, though, and i continued to the west. I turned to the north, heading into the room on the western side of the building where i had been sleeping. I felt depressed in this place, but i did not think that i could leave here yet. I moved the white pillow across the ground. The pillow case was stained with the red clay of the ground. The ground must have gotten wet. This annoyed me, and i tried to move the pillow to the south a little, to cover the muddy pillow that was below it. The pillows were at the base of the western wall of the room. The pillow that i put on top also had brown stains on it, so i grabbed another pillow from the north to cover it with. All of them were muddy, though, and i realized that, if i took more pillows from the north, i would be taking them from the sleeping area of others. Many people would have to share this room. This thought made me uncomfortable. A woman was then to the south of me. She managed this place, and she was trying to help me. I was not comfortable here, and i did not want her help. She pointed out that i did not have a blanket with me, and she said that i should get my blanket. I felt bad, and i told her that i had left my house and did not get a blanket. She seemed to feel sympathy for me. I noticed an old red blanket bundled up on the floor near the bed that i was lying on. I must have been using it to sleep with, even though i knew that i was not getting much sleep. I stood up and told the woman that i probably had the wool blanket from the back of my car. I started walking to the northeast, across the parking lot. It was night, and the building was to the southwest of me. The woman followed me. My car was parked on the western side of the aisle that i was walking down. I could get my blanket out of the trunk. It felt nice that the woman was trying to help me.

I walked to the north, along the western side of the apartment buildings. The buildings were tan, with a plaster exterior. I had been staying in the apartment with other people, and i was now heading back to the room. Something felt uneasy here. I was not quite comfortable with this place. I was carrying something to the north when someone in authority to the west pointed out that we had to avoid a certain area on the sidewalk. She wanted us to avoid the sidewalk to the north of me. I moved a little to the east, walking up onto the cement patio or porch that ran along the apartment buildings. The porch was indented into the side of the building. A couch seemed to be against the eastern wall, and papers and books were scattered on the floor. I felt as though i was circumventing authority by carrying my things onto the porch rather than heading back to the south. Another person walked with me onto the porch, and he seemed to be smiling mischievously, knowing that we were not doing as expected. I stepped over the scattered papers, thinking that the students had left these when they moved out at the end of the year. I turned to the east on the northern side of the building and headed to the second apartment. A door in the uneven wall let to the apartment. As i turned to the south and opened the pinkish-tan door, $F45 was standing in the doorway. He was just leaving the apartment. He smiled when he saw me and asked me a question. I had been doing something for him. I walked past him and into the apartment, feeling awkward about something.

12012 June 05

I felt uneasy as i walked to the south, into the classroom. I had been looking over the piece of paper, which was part of the test. I was supposed to be taking the test in this room. Other students were with me as i sat down on the southern side of the rounded table. I started to read through the test book, which was a paper pamphlet. The booklet seemed to have more questions than the answer sheet had spaces for answers. I looked over the answer sheet, noticing that the column of ovals on the left-hand side of the sheet had small numbers in the ovals. These were the question numbers from the book. I noticed also that the questions were not in order on the answer sheet; 74 was followed by 56. I would have to look up the questions in the book. I had been working on one, which seemed to be a simple calculation. $A87 stood to the west of the table for a moment as i tried to figure out the problem. I looked at the question again in the booklet. I would have to divide the rates to convert the units. I felt uncertain about what i was doing, though, and tried to focus on the text. I looked again at the question, confirming that the answer should be in weeks. One of the units given was in weeks as well, so i would have to convert the other number into weeks before i could use it in the equations. I felt very uncomfortable doing this, not sure that i was doing it correctly. I realized that i would have to do arithmetic, so i reached for my blue backpack with my right hand to get my calculator out of the front pocket. I felt distressed here, not sure what i was doing. I flipped through the papers again. I realized that i had the answer sheet with me, and i read the answers on the sheet. I could easily copy the answers to the answer sheet, but i decided that i should show my work. I started to write out the equations to do the calculations, but then realized that there was not enough room on the answer sheet for this. The answer sheet would only contain the answers. I started writing the equations on the test booklet, but became frustrated. I decided to fill in the oval of the correct answer for this question. As i scribbled in the oval, though, i realized that my pencil was not that dark. I had picked up the wrong type of pencil. I complained about not using a number-two pencil, and i dropped the pencil on the desk. The female teacher seemed to be standing to the west of me, looking over my shoulder. I tried to read the number on the end of the pencil, but could not make it out. I had to find a darker pencil. I picked up another from the desk, which i thought would be a number-two pencil, and i started to fill in the circle again, making it darker. I was uneasy here and did not want to be here. I knew what the answers should be, and i felt that i should simply fill in the answers on the test because i did not really want to do the work.

12012 June 06

I walked from the west, down the northern side of the suburban street. The men were just starting to gather around the tree, which was growing on the northern side of the street. I knew that they would be working on the tree, which seemed to be in my grandmother’s yard. I stood to the southeast of the tree, watching the men for a moment. They were still standing around the trunk of the tree, wondering how they should start working. One of the men seemed to be in charge, and he moved toward the trunk of the tree. He was going to cut it down, which seemed strange to me. I moved to the southwest of the tree. I watched the men as i slowly made my way to my car, which was parked just to the southwest of the tree. My black car was facing north. I suddenly realized that my car very close to the tree. A young man leaned against the front of my car, watching the other workers as the one man moved in to the trunk of the tree, which no longer seemed to be that thick. The man leaning on my car seemed interesting, but i could not talk to him. I had to get somewhere. He was wearing a fluorescent green T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off. I got into my car, thinking that it was a good think that i was moving it because the man in charge of the work group was now starting to run a saw along the northeastern side of the trunk of the tree. I did not want the tree falling on my car, so it was good that i was leaving. As i started the car, the man who had been leaning on it glanced over his right shoulder at me. He slowly leaned away from my car so that i could leave. The man working on the tree ran the saw quickly through the trunk. I wondered for a second whether it was a chainsaw. It did not seem to be one. He had cut almost all of the way through the trunk, but the tree still stood. It was good that it did not fall yet, because it seemed that it would fall in the direction of my car, but it also seemed strange that it did not fall. I moved to the west, down the hallway of the building, which had something to do with my grandmother’s house. This building was very large, with plain walls and rooms that were open to the corridor. I turned to the north, looking into an empty lounge area to the east side of the hallway. Someone said something about the heat in the building, and i realized that it was turned off. I remembered that it had gone off when the workmen cut down the tree. Wires had run across the western side of the area where the workmen were working, and the workmen had to move them to get them out of the way. The thin wires had something to do with a thermostat. Someone mentioned the lack of heat in the building, and i said that it was probably due to the workers. I headed back to the west to see if i could turn up the thermostat now. I came down the hallway and stopped just to the southwest of the tree. The tree was still standing, but a large part of it was now leaning to the northwest, against the wall of the small room that it was standing in. The room was open on the south to the corridor. A thin white curtain hung across the entrance to the room. It was thin enough that i could see through the material and make out the tree and the leaning limb. I noticed that the curtain was stuck in the middle of the tree, though, in the slow where the man had been using the saw. The curtain, which seemed to be a thin polyester weave, must have gotten caught in the saw and pulled into the slot in the trunk. My grandmother would be annoyed that the workers had been careless enough to let this happen. I pulled at the curtain, dislodging it from the trunk of the tree. A long branch with green leafs on the end was lying across the top of the trunk, running to the northwest, where it leaned against the back wall of the room. I moved to the east, leaning over and feeling an air vent. I now seemed to be in a wide hallway with a stairway descending into the floor on the southern side. The stairs descended to the east, and a metal railing with a glass half-wall ran around the sides of the stairwell. Someone mentioned the lack of heat to the west of me, and i turned to look over my shoulder at him. He was standing on the southern side of the hallway, seemingly at the bottom of a flight of stairs that descended from the west. I told him that cold air was coming out of the vents. It was like the cooling was turned on. I thought that this was because the air was being circulated through the cool ground water, which, at this time of year, was actually colder than the air. I stood up and told him that the men had turned off the heat while they were working on the tree. I also said that i had seen a thermostat. I headed to the north, up the corridor. Others were in the small rooms on the western side of the hallway. I could see into the rooms through the glass windows in the wall. The wall was composed of the glass windows, which were held into place by thick white metal beams. The people who lived here were wandering around. Many of them seemed to be looking for the thermostat. They seemed older, and i thought that this place might be a retirement home or elder-care facility. I told the man that we needed to find the breakers, and i asked him where they were. He seemed uncertain. He was a maintenance person for this building, but it seemed that he was relying on me because of what i knew about the workmen and the heater. I headed to the west, into the first of the small rooms. A brass metal thermostat was on the wall to the north. I wondered for a moment whether the workmen would have tripped the breaker or whether the thermostat would just need to be set higher. I asked the maintenance man again about the breakers, but he was unsure. I then headed to the east, along the northern wall of the room. A thick low radiator stood against the northern wall. It was painted brass in color, and its overall shape was rectangular, with a square end. It stood on four stubby feet: one on each corner. I held my hand over the side of the radiator, but i could only feel cold air. I then realized that i might be feeling something warmer than before, and i wondered if the heat just took time to regenerate after the workmen had turned it off. I passed my hand over the side of the radiator again, but realized that it was actually still cold. The man stood to the south of me as i crouched down on the floor. I looked under the radiator, realizing that a cat was curled up under it. It was now higher off the ground than it had seemed before. As i crouched on the ground, i became aware of another animal approaching from the east. I looked across the floor to see a kitten slinking toward me. It was strangely shaped. Its dark-gray body was shaped like a salamander, with a flat head. Its back undulated as it crept toward me, and i remembered that it was not a normal cat. It had one large red eye in the center of its face. I felt uncomfortable around the creature, even though i knew that it was a kitten. I backed up so that it did not get too close to my face. I then looked at the dark-gray cat under the radiator. It too had smooth dark-gray furless skin and large red eyes. The shape of these creatures disturbed me. I mentioned it to the person who was standing to the south of me. She bent over to look at the cats, pointing out the dull red eyes. I looked at the cat under the radiator, noticing the blotches of gold around the iris. I pointed these out to the woman, saying how strange the gold flecks looked. She agreed with me. I turned to the east, talking about the heat again, but i kept mentioning the cats. I then moved a little farther to the east. The woman was now to the north of me. She sat on a high stool to the northwest of the tall round table. Others from $G4 were sitting around the eastern and southern sides of the table. I mentioned the heat to them. The woman to the north of me, who seemed to be $A569, then told me that i had left some of my things at the house where the thermostats were. I remembered leaving them when i had been watching the workmen. I told her that i had left a pair of shorts and two T-shirts. I described the blue T-shirt, and then mentioned the other one, saying that it was a Friehoffer’s shirt. $A569 mouthed the name as i said it and nodded her head. She then said that i had left other things there. She mentioned my license. I suddenly remembered that i had taken my driver’s license out of my wallet and left it by the strange cat under the radiator. I mentioned this to $A569, agreeing that i had forgotten my license. I had hoped that i did not forget it earlier, but i must have.

12012 June 07

I stacked the books on top of the library cart. We had taken the books from the library a while ago, and now it was time to return them. I only filled the top two shelfs of the cart before i started pushing the cart to the northeast, down the street in the urban area. The buildings around me were tall old apartment buildings made of brick or stone. I pushed the cart down the left side of the street. I seemed to pass under an old bridge before i turned to the southeast and started walking down the long wide avenue. I remembered that we had come this way before. The library would be a small building on the eastern side of the street. As i walked, though, i felt that i might be traveling too far. I then realized that i had only filled the top two shelfs of the cart that i was pushing with books. I should have filled the entire cart so that i would not have to go back to the house so soon. For a moment, i felt that i should turn around and head back to the house to get more books, but i really did not feel like taking the books all the way back to the house. It seemed like i had come too far from the house to turn around now. Annoyed, i continued pushing the cart to the south, down the street. I looked at the buildings on both sides of the street, trying to figure out where the library was. I pictured it as a small light-gray building on the eastern side of the street, with wooden siding. I could not see it though, and i started to wonder whether i had gone too far. I started to feel unsure of where i was. The library had seemed closer before, and i started to wonder if i had gone the right way. I looked around at the buildings, now unsure that i was on the correct street. I then noticed a modern store on the eastern side of the road, ahead of me. Many of the buildings were set back from the road in this area, and cars were parked perpendicular to the curb. I realized that the tan buildings here were part of a mall. Stores ran along the western side of the road as well. I remembered this mall from before. It was quite a way down the road, but i remembered that the library was just to the south of it. It seemed farther today than it had in the past. I walked down the center of the mall area, looking at the red and white sign on one of the shops. I was now in a hallway, pushing the cart in front of me. The cart now seemed more like a small wagon with a tall stack of books on it. I rolled it down the damp street, which became a run-down alley. The cement walls were tinted with patches of green. I turned to the east, walking through one of the doorways and into a long hall that ran parallel to the street. I turned to the south to continue going, but suddenly realized that this might not be the correct way. The corridor to the south of me seemed to end in a dirty cement wall. A short set of stairs descended just to the south of me to a lower level, where the hallway ended in a small chamber. I could not go this way. As i turned the wagon around, i was aware of someone watching me from the southwest. I explained that i would have to go the other way. I pushed the wagon back up the corridor and then headed for the doorway that led back out to the street. The wheels of the wagon got caught on the edge of the bottom trim of the door. I tried to push the over the door, thinking that i might have to lift part of the cart over the dark metal trim.

12012 June 08

I felt uneasy as i moved to the east, along the southern side of the building. $F45 and i had come here. He stayed to the west, heading into the wooden pavilion to the north. Something had happened, and we were escaping from something. We had come here to hide. I knew that we had to be careful of what we did or the bad guys would find us. I came to the end of the building, where a service window was in the outside wall. The glass window was closed, but it looked like the window on an ice-cream shop. I said something about the generator, which was near me now. We would have to turn on the power so that we could do things in the building. I also thought that we would need the heat because it might get cold over night. I started the generator, which was on the ground at the southeastern corner of the building. The lights in the windows turned on. I then realized that all of the lights in the buildings were on. The fluorescent lights in long tubes overhead, which were under the wide eves of the wooden structure, seemed very bright. I worried that they would attract attention from the bad guys to the west. I moved back toward the door of the building, which was to the west of me. I told $F45 that we would need to shut off all of the unnecessary lights so that we were not wasting electricity from the generator. I flipped a switch off with my right hand. The switch was on the wall just inside the building, and it turned off the lights outside. As i stepped into the large building, though, i noticed that all of the lights inside were on as well. $F45 had wandered into the eastern side of the building, which was a large open room filled with wooden picnic tables. The tables were aligned north to south. Bright fluorescent tube lights ran across the ceiling here as well. I would have to find switches to turn them all off before we wasted too much gas from the generator. I turned to the east, looking down the hallway in the center of the building. The building now seemed to be full of people. Food kiosks stood on the northern and southern sides of the corridor, and they were serving food to the people here. I looked up at the lights overhead, thinking that we would have to turn off as many as possible. I felt frustrated, thinking that i did not know where the switches for these things were. I moved through the area, thinking about the people after us. They could not know that we were hiding here or they might come after us. I moved to the north a little, finding myself on the northern side of the building. It was darker now, with only a little light coming from the pale-blue western sky. I felt concerned, and then i noticed the embers burning in the fire just to the west of me, on the ground. No one was attending the fire. We would have to keep the fire going to stay warm, but we could not let it get too big or the others would see us. Flames flickered up from the fire pit, and i suddenly realized that the northern wall of the building was white with glowing red patches. The building must have caught on fire. I started to worry about this, but moved to the west a little, looking over the smoldering side. I did not feel panicked that the building was on fire. I could not figure out what i was supposed to do, and simply watched the situation, waiting for what would happen next.

12012 June 09

I was in the northern room of the building, and i felt stressed. I had just finished getting my things together to leave. My family had been talking to me in the room to the southeast, but i left them to get the rest of my clothes and my bags. I seemed to be in a cottage, and i felt that i had to leave quickly. I crouched down for a moment near a mattress, which was on the floor. I had just defecated in the bathroom, and i felt something strange on the back of my right thigh. I realized that i had accidentally gotten the tails of my shirt in the feces. I felt suddenly annoyed, realizing that i would have to clean up. I was upset that i would have to stop what i was doing to clean up as well, and i turned to the east to go back to the bathroom.

I felt anxious as i followed the other to the south, walking through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room that we had come through. The person ahead of me seemed to be $A593. We walked into the next room. I was carrying several things with me, and i felt that i had to get my stuff together to leave this place. $A608 was sitting on the floor on the southern side of the room, and he smiled at us as we entered. $A593 turned to head to the west, through the center of the room. $X14 was on the floor of the room, and he jumped at $A593’s legs as he passed. This seemed strange, since $X14 rarely attacked anyone. I thought that he must simply not be so fond of $A593. I stood for a moment on the eastern side of the room, noticing the cats lying on the floor between the two men in sleeping bags. $A608 was the man in the sleeping bag on the southern side of the room. The black cat reclined next to him, with its head to the west. I could see the fur sticking up near its right ear, which was sticking up into the air. The cat seemed to have long hair, and i realized that it was probably not $X14. I stared at the cat for a moment, trying to figure out which cat it really was. It should have been $X14, but it did not seem to be him.

12012 June 10

We had just come into the small abandoned room. We immediately focused our attention on the hand that was on the floor. The man had cut off his hand in order to escape. This was a scene from The Walking Dead. My view panned to the northeast, where i could see the stunned expressions of the people who had come in with me. I then saw the hand lying on the cement floor again. I moved to the southern side of the room. It was very dark in the room, and i wondered if the body of the man was lying somewhere in the darkness. Long black drapes hung across the southern wall. I pulled some of them back, looking on the floor behind them for a body. As i pulled back the curtains, light started coming into the room from the west. Someone had opened up a door or window, and white fluorescent light brightened the room. I could see better now, but there was no body on the floor behind the curtains. I felt stressed a little as i told the others that the man was not here. I moved to the west, looking around on the floor. I then spotted a face through a narrow vertical opening in the northern wall. It was the man we were looking for. He was lying unconscious on a hospital table, and his head was very close to the opening. His round face was old, with red blotches from sunburn. His brother, who had been with me, moved to the west of the opening to look in. I noticed the red box on the wall just to the east of the opening, in the room that we were in. It was a plastic fire alarm. I focused on it as i approached the opening. I then looked at the man. The brother seemed anxious. We could not get to the man through the opening, which was less than a deci wide, so i told the brother that we would have to walk around. I headed to the west, heading out the door of the room and coming into the corridor of the hospital building. We headed north, but came to a white door with a large sign on it. The red letters of the white sign said “Staff Only”. I was a little uncomfortable here, thinking that we should not even be in the hospital. If the staff had seen us, they would try to stop us. I knocked on the white door to see if any of the staff would respond. I did not want to push into the room because that would make the staff feel less comfortable with us. No one came to the door, so it seemed safe for us to enter the room unnoticed. I pushed through the doors to the north of us, coming into a junction of hallways. A door was to the north of us, but it led into a small enclosed room. To the east, i could see an open hospital room with many beds and metal equipment around the room. Patients were lying on some of the beds, and at least one nurse, who was in a white gown, moved to the south to check on the equipment. The room did not seem to run as far east as we needed to go, and i could see a patient lying on a bed in the southeastern corner of the room, with his feet to the north. The man we were looking for could not be in this room, so i thought that he must be in another room just to the east. I looked down the corridor to the northwest. The gray walls of the corridor curved to the north and then northeast. They had thin vertical ribs running up them at intervals of about a deci. This corridor seemed to lead to rooms to the north, and i thought that it might lead around to the east of the room that was now to the east of us. I told the other man this, and we started up the corridor. The corridor curved to the northeast, but ended at the northern end of the large room. The northern wall was flat, and we followed it east, coming into some small empty rooms. Everything here was modern, and white curtains hung from various places in the room. No patients were visible, though, and we would not be able to reach the other man heading in this direction. I felt annoyed. We started to head back to the west. Before we moved too far, though, a woman started talking to us. She was wearing a fancy heavy dress, which looked like something from the Victorian period. She seemed like $A518, and she had long frizzy red hair hanging down the sides of her head. She started talking to me about the theater event. I realized that she was performing in the Shakespeare play, and she started talking to me about it. I knew that i would enjoy the play, and i mentioned this to her, but we really had to find the other man, so we continued to the west. I said goodbye to her and continued down the corridor. Before too long, we had come to the western end of the curved corridor, where two men greeted us. They were wearing black leather costumes with silver studs decorating the arms and torsos. They were also from the Shakespeare play, and they started chatting with me. I told them that i had just spoken to $A518 about the play as well. It felt good to talk to them.

12012 June 11

I ran to the east, across the southern end of the small asphalt parking lot. I had come from somewhere in the tall modern building to the northwest. The spies were after us for some reason, and i remembered this from before. I stopped in the middle of the southern side of the parking lot, wondering what i should do. I looked to the north of me, but could not see anyone there. Someone then called my name from the south. I turned around, noticing the tall tan clock tower just to the west of me. I was on the college campus. $F58 was calling to me from the south. I moved a little to the south, to the edge of the drop-off, which seemed to run from the southern end of the clock tower to the east. I could see $F58 standing with two other people around her. She was wearing a bright pink sweatshirt with black sleeves. She told me that i had to take a picture of them. I realized that the snow that was falling was in large flakes, which made the picture look nice. I commented on this to $A456, and she agreed that this was the reason that she wanted the picture. I moved close to the edge as she backed to the south. She was on the paved area below the ledge, standing with the others. I took out my cell phone and tried to take a picture of them. They seemed very far away, though. I tried to frame the picture, which i was seeing without looking at my phone. They gathered below me, on the lower level of ground. The family pulled together in the center of the frame, but their young boy was running around behind them. He ran to the west. $F58 tried to back up a little but found the ground slippery and started to slide backward. She waved her arms to catch her balance. I giggled at her. The father of the family, who seemed East Asian, called to the child, telling him to get into the picture with them. The child ran back to his parents, but tripped or slipped on the ground and fell to the northeast of them. The parents seemed surprised and stepped back to let the child get up. I thought that the boy would cry from the fall, and i stood looking at them for a moment. The drop-off to the south of me now seemed to be a set of large stairs. Three or four steps led down to the lower level, and each step seemed to be about a meter tall. Something was happening to the north of me, then, and i thought of the spies again. I crouched down on one of the steps, wondering if i would be able to hide on the steps. I worried that the bad guys might start shooting people in the area. I thought that i would be in plain sight on the top step, so i wondered if i could move off the eastern end of the step and hide at the edge of the step. A man was then to the southeast of me. He seemed like O. J. Simpson, but something was wrong with him. I looked down the steps to the southeast, looking at the cartoon in front of me. The cartoon showed a caricature of O. J. standing in a dark suit. His body position was unbalanced, as though he was surprised by the large round balloon that had bumped into him from the left. His left arm seemed to be holding a crossbow or gun. I noticed that the large balloon was in the shape of a head. It was some kind of political statement against O. J. I turned to the north and walked into the room, where the others were gathered. Several of them were sitting on cushioned furniture to the north of me, facing east. The room was L shaped, with a long part on the northern side of the room. I felt concerned about something, and started to turn back to the south. As i turned to the east, i noticed the political cartoon in my hand. It was on paper that had turned tan with age. The tan reminded me of the tan of the steps where i had seen the other cartoon. This cartoon was more comical. It was making fun of the original image, and the characters seemed like figures from Dilbert. The head also was shaped like the head of one of the characters in the comic strip rather than like the round original. The comic was using this common cultural image to make a joke. I realized that this image had become a cultural icon, and even the people to the north of me would recognize the original context referred to by the joke in the comic strip.

12012 June 12

I felt upset, and i ran to the east, leaving the house and coming out into the yard. Something seemed wrong, but i did not now what it was. I felt very tense, and i turned to the west. I was on the front lawn of the house to the east of my parents’ house. I seemed to be able to see my parents’ house to the west, through the tan branches of the trees. It seemed dark out, but the ground was bright. I then noticed the glowing spot in the west-northwestern sky. It looked like a star, but it was very bright, and it glowed with a purple light. It glowed strangely, as though i had been staring at a bright light for a while and was only seeing the burned out spot in my eye. Something seemed special about the light, and i focused my tension on it for a moment. Someone seemed to be standing to the west of me, no the lawn, but i was not paying attention to them. I turned to the southwest, jumping up into the air. Flying had something to do with this light in the sky. I felt defiant, and hovered in the air, just to the south of the lawn. I was defying the man to the west, and my defiance had something to do with the light. I was hovering over the road. I looked down, thinking that i might be pushing myself too far above the ground. I worried that i would not be able to descend in a controlled manner. For a moment i could not see where i was. The scenery was gray. I could feel myself accelerating upward, but i was not sure how far i was traveling. I was then aware of the black power lines running on the southern side, just above and to the south of me, but i did not seem concerned about them. I had stopped, and was now hovering over the road. A woman drove a car down the road from the west, passing underneath me. I wondered what she would think of me hovering in the air. I knew that i should not let people see such phenomena, but i did not care if she saw me or not. I hovered in the air as she passed, realizing that i was not that far above the road. I floated back to the ground and walked to the west, into the house. Something felt out of place here, and i kept thinking about the strangely colored star in the sky. I glanced to the east as i crossed the large room in the center of the building, which seemed somewhat like my grandfather’s cottage. A doorway in the eastern wall led outside, and through it i could see a cement walkway that led a short distance to the east, to the bottom of what seemed to be a long set of cement steps. The stairs seemed to ascend a grassy hill outside. I turned to the west and stopped in the doorway, looking into the kitchen to the west of me. A man stood in front of the counter that ran across the western wall. He was doing something in the sink that seemed to be in the counter, and he turned his torso to look over his right shoulder at me. He smiled at me, but something about him made me feel uncomfortable. I headed to the north and walked west, into the bedroom that was just to the north of the kitchen. A small wood-framed window was in the western wall. I looked out at the trees to the west. The lawn to the west of the house seemed to be four or five meters below me, and it sloped slightly to the west. A creek curved around the western side of the property, bowing to the west, leaving a steep hill with an exposed dirt cliff on the western side. I noticed the bright dull-orange and yellow leafs floating in a small eddy on the southern end of the curved stream. It must be autumn. Something about the leafs seemed very clear to me, and i decided that i would have to remember these details so that i could write them down later. I then looked up at the trees, which lined the slopes of the steep hill to the west. The trees had dark green leafs. A branch hung across the window from the north. It too seemed to have very dark leafs. I decided that it must be very early in autumn for some of the leafs to be falling and others to be green on the trees. I looked to the north, noticing the finely cut grass around the house. The land to the north was separated from the house by a crude stone wall. It seemed to be a public park, with trimmed pine trees growing here and there. I felt very interested in this place, and i thought that i would have to remember as many details as possible. I then looked down to the west from the window, noticing that the house below me was also made of rounded stones. The corner of the house came to a very acute point just below the window, curving out as it reached the ground. The tip of the point seemed to merge into a short stone wall that ran to the west. The window i was in must be in a very small tower of the house. I mentioned this to the person to the east of me, in the room, who seemed to be my mother. I then was standing in the kitchen doorway again, looking to the west. The man was still standing by the counter, looking at me. The man smiled and told me that this place was actually Hell. I felt suddenly uneasy. I knew that what he said was true. He continued to tell me of this place, but my eyes wandered around the room, looking at the wooden interior. The man then told me that i would die today at eight or nine. I felt worried, thinking that this was true. I did not want to be trapped here. The man then told me that i would be here and that i would die at nine or ten. I realized that he had changed the time from what he had just said. He was not that accurate. I felt afraid of this place and wondered what i should do. I turned to the west and headed back into the large room, wondering if i should have taken the cement stairs that i had seen to the east earlier. Maybe i could have taken the stairs when i first got here, i could have regained consciousness, or maybe have gone to heaven. I looked to the east, out the door of the house. I could see the forested land to the northeast of the house. A steep mountain rose to the north of the land. The ridge seemed to fade off after a few kilometers, and the land below it was very flat. It made me think that we were on a volcanic island. I noticed that the forest on the land was made up of palm trees. We must be in the tropics, though i did not remember the trees to the west being palms. They seemed to have deciduous leafs, which i then realized could be from a tropical place. I looked over the forest to the northeast again, noticing that some of the palm fronds were faded and pale-green or dull-yellow. It could be autumn on this side as well. I looked to the north of the house again, noticing the nicely manicured grounds with the short pine shrubs. This place seemed very nice, but i still felt uncomfortable here. I then told the other person about the stairs to the east as i headed out the door. A cement walkway ran the short distance to the east, to the bottom of the stairs. The stairs ran steeply up, disappearing behind a structure that seemed to be to the south of them. A metal railing was on the southern side of the cement steps. I moved to the bottom of the stairs to get a better look at where they went. The stairs turned into a long flat ramp that rose high into the sky. It had long black and white patterns on it: the white triangles dominated the center of the step, with faded-black areas on the sides. The land under the ramp seemed to be an old city. I knew that the ramp ascended forever, with no end, and i started walking up the bottom part of it. It was a trick to escape from Hell. People would try to leave on the stairs, but they would be on the stairs forever, because the stairs never ended. I thought that this was like the punishment of Sisyphus. There would be no end to the walking, and no one would escape from Hell this way, but it was a continual distraction.

I moved to the west a little, through the crowded room. $F47 was to the west of me, and he talked loudly over the crowd, telling me that we needed to put the beer in a specific place. I told him that the location of the beer stop had already been decided. I felt annoyed that he was bringing it up, because we had already figured out what we were to do. I told $F47 that the location had already been decided, acting bitter about it. I then turned to the east and left the group, heading to the east along the southern end of the large open field of cut grass.

12012 June 13

I was walking down the southern side of the city street with $F45. We seemed to be in Russia, and i thought that this city might be Moskva. It seemed that we were looking for the train station, but we would not be able to leave for a while. It was a bright sunny day, but the air seemed chilly. I looked around at the tan and pale-red buildings, noticing that the sun seemed to be low in the southwestern sky, making the surfaces of the buildings golden in hue. I looked at the folded piece of paper in my hand, trying to figure out the streets that were marked out on it with white lines. I was confident that i could lead us to the station, and i said so to $F45. We turned a few corners, but continued heading generally to the east. I looked at the map again, trying to figure out where we were in the city. I then realized that $F45 was no longer with me. He had left to do something. I was supposed to meet up with him later at the station. I felt unsure of this city, though. It was not a good thing to be wandering around the city alone. I looked at the map, not quite sure where the station was anymore. $F45 had been gone a while, and i realized that he was probably visiting one of his friends in the city. I remembered that he had met someone from Russia before. I suddenly felt disappointed and bitter that he had left me to hang out with someone else. I knew that it was rather late now, and i realized that i must have missed the train that we were supposed to be on. I did not feel like going to the station now, anyway. It was very upsetting that $F45 had left me alone.

I was on the bus, which was traveling east, toward Albany, New York. I was heading back home from the foreign country, which $F45 had left me in. I still felt upset that he had abandoned me. I looked at the scenery of the city to the north of me. The buildings were old and seemed to be apartments. The highway that we were traveling on seemed to run in a straight line across the southern side of the city. I felt a little uneasy here, and i suddenly realized that i should have gotten off the bus a little to the west. The bus had not stopped in the small town where i lived, though. I wondered whether i would have to take the bus all the way into the city. I was annoyed by this, and i wondered if the bus would stop at any point before it reached the center of the city, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the city. The bus did not stop as it turned a few corners, leaving the highway and coming on to a street. I walked to the west with the woman. This place seemed foreign, and i spoke to the woman about it. I mentioned that i had been in Russia, and i still felt upset that $F45 had abandoned me there. I had to take the bus back by myself because he had left me in the city, and i was not able to get to the airport on time to take an airplane with $F45. I felt that $F45 did not care much about me. I noticed the tower to the west, which looked like the steeple to an old church. It was very much like the towers i had seen in Moskva, and i pointed it out to the woman. It was a tall square tower of tan stone with a rounded gray metal cap on top. The cap was somewhat spade shaped, with a round detailed figure on the side facing me. Vertical window slots seemed to be just under the cap, allowing me to see through the area where the bells would be. I crossed the large open plaza, heading to the west, toward the tower. This place seemed special in some way; it seemed to be part of the City. I talked to the woman as we climbed the ladders, which seemed to lead to the tower. I was nervous about this city, but something about the tower seemed to interest me. We were now high on the side of the building, and i wondered suddenly why i was here.

I was in the car with $F45, and we were driving in Russia. I remembered this from before. This was the plot where $F45 had abandoned me here because he was too busy with other people. I tried to remember this scene from before. We were driving to the southwest on the street, and i was looking at the low tan buildings to the southwest. We were not quite sure where we were going, and i had been looking at a map. $F45 turned the car into a dirt parking lot on the southwestern part of the road. He had intended to turn the car around, and started backing out of the parking lot when the white taxi pulled across the road behind us. The taxi stopped on the northeastern side of the road. The taxi driver stepped out of his car, calling to us. He was a young man in white garments, and he had shoulder-length black curly hair. He seemed Arabic or Indian. I did not trust him, and knew that he was a swindler trying to take advantage of us. I knew that $F45 would want to talk to him, though, and this annoyed me. I felt that we had to get out of here. $F45 or $F12 backed the car on to the road, but was now out of the car to the southwest, talking to the man. I felt that we had to leave here quickly. The man would have friends who might attack us. It was not safe here.

12012 June 14

I moved around in the area with the pale walls. We knew that the storm was coming. It seemed to be coming from the southeast of where we were standing, and we had to be ready for it. I thought that we were actually on a ship. The woman closed the bulkhead door to the east of me. This would prevent the flood waters from coming into the ship. The woman stood to the east of me now, and i looked at the rounded dark door behind her. I then noticed the hatch in the ceiling, up a short tube from where the woman was. This was the exit to the deck of the ship. It seemed too small for someone to travel up, and i imagined people trying to hurry down it before the storm came. This did not seem right. To the southwest of me was another narrow corridor. This one led to the safety of the interior of the ship. It too seemed too small for an easy escape. These passageways should be wider so that people could easily run down them. I imagined that the corridors were big enough that people did not have to crawl down them. I then looked to the southeast, noticing the gray clouds on the lower edge of the sky. They did not look threatening yet, but i knew that the storm would be coming soon. Someone then talked about the coming rain, saying that it would be here on Sunday. I was worried about this, thinking that the waters would rise and flood this area. I was on the deck of the boat now, looking to the southeast at the shore. We were on a rived, which seemed to be flowing to the west. The southern shore was tall, with a dirt cliff leading down to the water. The cliff seemed to be about fifty meters tall. I backed up to the west a little, thinking that i was actually on a long narrow island in the middle of the swiftly moving river. The top of the island was covered with the same golden dry grass as the shore to the south. I imagined how the water would rise from the east and flood over the land here. I was then to the north of the island, looking at the dirt cliff on the side of the island. The land should erode very quickly here because the cliffs were made of very soft rock. I then wondered why the dirt had not already washed way. It seemed too soft to withstand the flow of the water. It should have washed away already. I thought about this as i moved slowly to the west. I seemed to be on a boat to the north of the island, but i also seemed to be close to the water. I held up a small piece of the cliff in my left hand, rubbing it with my thumb. The stone easily wore into sand as i rubbed it. How was the cliff able to survive the flow of water? I picked up a dark rock and started rubbing it. The sandy rock fell from the surface of the harder dark stone. As i rubbed, i started to notice white symbols on the dark rock. The symbols were similar to the white marks painted on the cliff wall to the south of me. They were from an ancient civilization. I felt fascinated in the writing now and looked more closely at the rock. The other person wandered to the west of me. I tried to read the symbols on the rock, but i did not know the language. The symbols were drawn in curved lines of white. I felt that there was something very special about them. I then started to worry that i was disturbing the archeological area by picking up the rocks. We were still on the boat, drifting to the west, down the river, so i was actually moving the rock that i was carrying. The rocks had been buried in the soil under the water, so people had never seen them. I washed the rest of the dirt from the rock that i was holding and looked at the symbols. The rounded mark near the bottom of the stone had a question mark in it. This seemed strange to me, and i pointed it out to $Z, who was still to the west of me.

I walked from the north into the western end of the long narrow room. The storm was coming from the southeast, and i felt very nervous about it. The room had very few furnishings in it, and windows ran across the entire surface of the southern and eastern walls. It seemed bright outside, but i could see the muddy water of the floods rising up to the level of the windows. I moved toward the center of the room, looking at the rolling water to the south. I could not see any land to the south of me anymore; it was all covered with water. The water rose about a deci from the bottom of the windows, and i started to worry that the water would come into the cottage where i was. This cottage seemed related to my parents’ cottage, though it looked nothing like their cottage. I wondered if i should call my father and tell him about the storm water that was washing up against the windows. It would flood in soon. I moved to the east, watching the water rise across the eastern windows as well. I felt worried that the water would start washing into the house, but it did not. I turned to the north and looked down the steep set of stairs to the lower level. The exit door was at the bottom of the stairs. No water had come into the lower level yet, which surprised me. I then noticed the light coming in through the windows in the northern wall of the hallway below, and through the glass window of the door. I could see the dry ground outside. The water was only washing up on the southern side of the building. The storm surge must only be pushing the water from the south. The water was not rising on the northern side of the house. This seemed strange, but it also seemed reasonable. I headed to the east, noticing stairs at the eastern end of the room. The stairs led down into a small room on a lower level. The room was off the eastern end of the house. I peered down into the room, expecting water to be rising on the floor. The rounded room was decorated with red, and looked like it was in a style from the sixties or early seventies. Windows ran across the southeastern wall, which curved from the south to the east in short flat segments. The water washed up against the bottoms of the windows. This seemed suddenly strange because it had also washed up against the bottom of the windows on the floor above me. These windows must have been submerged at some point. I walked to the window to see the water outside. As i approached the eastern wall, i noticed that one of the windows had been open. It looked like a service counter, with cheap plexiglas windows. I suddenly did not understand how the window could have been open and no water had come into the room. For a moment, i could make sense out of it, thinking that something was preventing the water from flooding into the room, but then i tried to rationalize it and could not. This room was below the room that i had been in before, so it should be under water. Since the window was open, water should have come into the room. This did not make sense. I was still tense about the storm, though, and i worried that it would flood into the cottage.

12012 June 15

I was driving to the east, looking for something. I was not quite sure where i was supposed to go to get to the place. I turned to the south, into the entrance of parking area. I seemed to be entering the grounds of the building that i was looking for. The main road in led to the south, between two large parking lots. Several other parking lots seemed to fill the lot around me. I could not see any cars in the lots; everything looked empty. I could see the old stone building, which seemed like a large school, to the south-southeast of me. It was a tan building with wide overhanging eves and a gray roof. I headed to the south, down the drive between the lots. Grass medians separated me from the lots. The grass seemed unkempt, and tall plain light posts rose from the median. The sky seemed gray and overcast. The drive ahead of me ended at a T intersection with another driveway. To the south of me was another parking lot. A few cars were scattered in the lot near the building to the southeast of me. I thought that i should turn west here. I had to get to the street on the southern side of the building to get into the building. As i came to a stop at the intersection, i could hear a voice on the radio talking to me. It mentioned the car driving through the lots, and i knew that it was talking about us. Someone was in the passenger’s seat of my car. I listened to the voice on the radio, realizing that i had no way to respond to it. It told us to head straight and stop at the red light. There was no light at our intersection, but i caught a glimpse of one on the street to the south. I turned to the west, noticing that another roadway headed to the south just to the west of the intersection. I was not sure that this was the correct way to go, but the voice on the radio was not that specific. I felt that the person talking to us was watching us from the east. I turned south again and headed toward the main road to the south. I glanced at the old school building to the southeast of us. I turned to the east, walking down the street with the other person. I suddenly realized that i was holding $X14 in my arms. This seemed very strange, and i was suddenly focused on the situation. I could not let $X14 go because he would run away. I felt very nervous about him, now, and worried that he would escape. He started to squirm in my arms. I had to get him someplace where he could not get away.

12012 June 16

I stood on the eastern side of the long rectangular room, which seemed a little bit like a hallway. The people to the west were from $G3. Many of them seemed to be alumni of this place. I had come back here because everyone was celebrating some event. I did not feel as though i belonged here, though. I moved a little to the west, feeling interested in what the others were doing, but i felt that they were doing things without me. I wanted to join in, but i was not sure how. I smiled as what the others were saying, but i could not quite relate to them. I then turned to the east as i reached the northwestern corner of the room. $F10 was leaning against the northern wall of the room, chatting to someone else. The other person stood to the south of $F10, and he seemed to be $A81. $F10 looked strangely shaped. He wore denim shorts and a white button-up shirt, but his rounded belly protruded from the bottom of the shirt. He did not look right. $F10 should not have been this out of shape. He actually looked rather sloppy. I turned back to the west and walked through the doorway, finding myself on the street outside. I was in a city now, and people were walking up and down the street to the north and south. A small group of $G3 were selling things from a small square table on the eastern side of the road. One of the people standing near the table seemed to be $A157. I felt confused and was not sure what i should do here. I looked to the north, distracted by the store. The woman then approached me from the table. I looked at her as she smiled at me, holding up something that she had been selling for $G3. She seemed to be $A595. I thought that she wanted me to help them sell things, but i did not really feel like it. I knew that i should, though, just to be a part of $G3 for a while. I looked back to the north, noticing a small group of people walking down the center of the street toward me. They were all wearing white masks, which seemed to be nothing more that white crescents for mouths and two spots for eyes. They had bought the masks at the costume store, which was to the north, in the center of the street. The street seemed to split into two roads, one running to the north on each side of the shop. I looked at the front window of the shop, suddenly interested in the items in the windows. I could see some of the white masks that the others had been wearing. Something was interesting about the storefront. The designs seemed old and mystical, like an occult pamphlet printed in the art-nouveau style. A symmetric symbol, which looked like the letters “db”, stood over the central door in a rectangular box. The letters started as two parallel lines at the top, and they turned up and out into a curve that merged at the bottom into two short parallel lines again. I realized that it must be nice to live in a city where a costume shop would be open all year round. I thought that ours was only open during Halloween. If i lived in this city, i would be able to buy costumes any time of the year. This seemed appealing. I then turned back toward the table. I felt uneasy here and was not sure what i should be doing. I wanted to join $G3, but i did not feel that i was a part of their group any more, and i was not comfortable standing at their table without knowing them well.

12012 June 18

I ran to the east, following the other runners on the race course. We seemed to be inside a building, but i was not aware of walls around me. We stopped suddenly, and i watched the people to the east of me. A man was telling us what had gone wrong. It seemed that i had just run a loop of the race to the east, through a large room on the northeastern corner of the building. I would now be heading to the south, down the narrow corridor, but something had gone wrong. I looked to the south to see $A592 standing on the eastern side of the hall. He was heading back to the north. He wore something white, and he seemed to be breathing heavily. He said that he had been running on the wrong part of the course. Others with him had also taken a wrong turn. Someone described how these people had been headed down the path to the east. $A592 explained to me that they had seen the other person to the east, so they had been running toward him, but then they discovered that the dark cinder trail that they were on did not actually lead all the way to the man. I thought that the path they had been following was actually part of the course where i would be heading next. We started moving again, and i jogged to the south and then turned to the east. I was running down a narrow set of steps that descended to the east. Metal pipe railings ran along either side of the steps. I felt that i should be running faster to stay in the race, but the woman in front of me was not moving that fast. She seemed East Asian, and she was wearing dark gray clothing. I tried to move fast, but there was not enough room on the steps to go around her. I came up very close to her, feeling impatient. She did not move aside, but seemed to be aware of me. I then felt my knee hit her buttocks as we ran. I hoped that she would realize that i was getting impatient. Finally, we reached the bottom of the steps, and i turned to the south. Another set of steps ran parallel to the first, just to the south of the first, and we were supposed to jog back up them. I ran around the woman and got on to the ascending steps before she did. I started jogging faster, taking multiple steps at a time, but i suddenly realized that i was actually only taking one step at a time. I seemed to be going slower that i should have been. I started stepping over multiple steps again, but something felt wrong. I did not seem to be exerting myself, but i could not move as fast as i wanted to. I realized that i was stepping on every step again. This seemed very strange to me. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that i was running up a hill. I reached the top of the steps and started thinking about the rest of the course. I pictured the course in my mind, seeing one square lap to the south, and then a smaller square lap to the north east. I was more than halfway through the course, and the rest now seemed easy from here. I thought that i should speed up from here.

12012 June 19

I hurried to the north, trying to cross the street in the middle of the city. I was heading for the city bus, which was stopped on the northern side of the street, to the northeast of me. The street seemed very wide, and there seemed to be a median or other grassy area between the bus and me. I was trying to catch this bus so that i could get to school. Other people were already getting on the bus, but i knew that i had more than enough time to make it across the street. I reached the bus, and i thought about this situation. The area to the north of me seemed to be an open lawn of green grass. Many people moved around the city area near me. This place seemed very familiar. I was then on the southern side of the street again, to the southwest of the bus stop. I had to get to the stop so that i could catch the next bus to school. The bus was already at the stop, and people were getting on. I started to worry that i would not make the bus because i would not be able to get across the street again. I was already late for the bus, and i started to feel anxious. I moved to the east so that i was directly across the street from the bus, but the traffic was still to heavy for me to easily cross. The street seemed very wide here, and it seemed that there were extra pull-off lanes on both the northern and southern sides. I started to cross the street to head for the bus, which was still at the stop, but the traffic was very heavy from the west. I then realized that no striped lines were on the road to designate a cross-walk. I started across the street anyway, but someone from the north said in an authoritative voice that a cross-walk should be used. There were no cross-walks across the street, though. I would have to head all the way back to the west to get to the last corner. I started walking into the street anyway, now aware that the man to the north seemed to be a police officer in an olive-green uniform. I reached the northern side of the road, but i could no longer see the bus. It had left to the east, and i felt upset. I wandered to the north across the grass. Several yellow school busses seemed to be sitting on the northern side of the lawn, facing relatively north. I felt confused, thinking that i would have to take another bus to the east. It seemed that i had to travel to the downtown area of the city. I looked around for another bus. A boy walked in front of me. He seemed like a high-school student. He had messy reddish-brown hair, and he turned to me suddenly. He wrinkled his nose and curled his lip at me, acting aggressive. He seemed like a bully from high school. I did not understand what he wanted, and ignored him. He turned to the northwest and continued walking across the grass, a backpack slung over his right shoulder. I then felt the thing in my mouth again. I remembered that i had the copper pipe running across my lower teeth. I tried to adjust it as i walked, thinking that it was not in my mouth correctly. The hollow copper pipe was about a deci long, and a little under a centimeter thick. I pulled it out of my mouth, thinking that it was being held in by the metal arms on either side of my front teeth. They looped over the top of it and pressed it against my teeth to hold it in place. The pipe seemed too long for my mouth. I put it back in place as i walked to the northeast, but then removed it again, thinking that it still did not feel correct. I looked at the metal pipe. I realized that the metal was actually very soft, and i bent the left end of the pipe. I decided to fold the ends of the pipe over so that they would better fit in my mouth. I pressed the ends flat as i folded them. I then continued to the northeast, looking for the school. I felt lost, though, not exactly sure where to go now that i had missed the bus.

12012 June 20

The other person, who seemed like $A351, drove the car to the west as i sat in the passenger’s seat, looking at the map of the area. I knew that my grandfather’s house on $P12 was somewhere just to the northwest, and i wondered if we would be heading past it. We had just been running with some people in the sunny forest to the northeast of us. I remembered standing on the southern side of the forest with some of the other $G4. The sun brightly lighted the trees, and a wooden rail fence ran along the southern side of the yard, which had an edge of cut grass between the fence and the forest to the north. $G4 stood in the gap in the center of the fence. I looked at the may in my hands, which showed this part of the forest. I could now see the red line, which formed a jagged loop in the center of the green area on the map. I was surprised that the trail had gone in such a big loop, and it seemed now that the loop had gone around the neighborhood where my grandparents’ house was. I pointed out the circle to the person driving, and then i looked up to the northwest. I knew that the road to my grandparents’ house was somewhere ahead of us, but i did not think that we would be taking it. I felt a little disappointed that we would not be passing by the house, but i knew it was not on the main road. I looked around at the streets around me. They seemed very familiar and friendly, but i was not exactly sure where i was. I then remembered that i had to head back down the road to the west to pick up the rental car. I would have to return it. It seemed as though it was getting late, and i felt that i had to hurry. I had been chatting with the other person on the southern side of the street, standing on the sidewalk. Houses were on both sides of the road, but i only really noticed the ones on the southern side of the road. I told the other person, and the few people with him, that i would have to the get the rental car, which was to the west of us. I said that i would have to drive it to the airport, which seemed to be somewhere to the northeast. I hurried down the street to the southwest to find the car. It now seemed dark out, but the street was well lighted by the street lamps. I walked close to the cars that were parked along the southeastern side of the road, thinking that one of them was the rented car. I had to return it before it was too late. I thought about the last time i had seen this scene. The person had driven me here before. I turned to the north, heading up the alley between the buildings. I was now to the south of the street, and i had to get back to the street. I came to the edge of the roof. I had been on a higher elevation of land, to the south of the houses. The houses seemed to be in rows, with the row to the south of me starting on the level of land that i was on. The row of houses that i was walking between seemed to be two levels tall, starting at the lower land to the north and extending above the higher land to the south. The space to the west of the house seemed to have a garage, which opened up to the southern level. The roof of the garage was at the same level as the higher land, so i had simply walked out across the roof. The roof of the garage now seemed to be separated into two separate roofs. The shorter roof on the west, which bordered the high flat fence to the west, was shorter and ended farther to the south that the shallowly peaked roof on the east. I remembered coming to the ladder on the western part of the roof before, but i did not remember having to climb down before. I stopped at the edge of the eastern part of the roof, looking at the two ladders that descended from there. The ladders looked warped and flimsy. The gray ladder just to the north of me warped outward, and i was nervous about climbing down it. Four or five young people had come from the south and were now standing at the bottom of the ladders. They seemed like college students, and they were wearing short pants and shirts. One of the men seemed to be carrying a plastic cup of alcohol in his right hand. I felt nervous about descending the ladders, and i did not want to do it. I then wondered how i had come down the last time this scene had run. I remembered that the man had picked me up in his car the last time, so i did not have to descend the ladders. I was looking to the southwest, at the darker shorter roof to the west. The ladder on the other roof was gone. I would have to climb down the ladders now because the man was not here to pick me up this time. I turned back to the ladders to the north of me. One of the ladders had fallen, but a man was standing near the bottom, holding the other ladder up for me. It was the warped ladder, but it was now pale pink. It sagged now, but the man, who seemed to be the college student from the group, was holding the ladder so that i could descend. I started to climb down the ladder, but it was not stable enough. The ladder started to fall under me, so i turned to the south and grabbed on to the corrugated metal building. The metal looked rusted and old, and the top of the building curved down toward me. I stopped myself from falling by grabbing the building with my right hand, but the ladder fell under me. I knew that the man was quickly trying to get it. I wondered whether i could simply jump to the ground from here. I then realized that the metal roof was bending under my weight. I felt annoyed. It was too high for me to jump to the ground from here, so i pushed down with my right hand on the roof. The corner of the building wrinkled together under the weight, allowing be to descend more slowly. As my feet hit the ground, i was surprised that i was able to crush the building under my hand. I wondered if the college students would think it impressive that i could crush a metal building. This seemed strange, though. I should not have had the strength to destroy a building. I turned to the north. The small darkened room on the western side of the building was now filled with people. Several people were around me now, talking to me as i made my way to the north, trying to reach the street. The people here seemed to be at a party. I walked along the western wall of the room, but three young men came from the north. The man leading the way stopped in front of me and greeted me. He was oriental, with high cheek bones and a rounded chin. He had short wavy black hair. He seemed to be wearing dark makeup: heavy eye liner and dark blue eye shadow. I remembered the costume from somewhere. He also wore a thin black shirt, which was made of a stretchy material. The shirt seemed more like a robe that was tied around the waist. I knew this man from somewhere, even though i did not recognize him. I felt attracted to and interested in him. He smiled and spoke to me as i paused in the middle of the crowd. The others that were following him also spoke to me, but i knew that i had to leave to the north soon. I still felt that i was in a hurry, even though i felt very interested in the man. I glanced back to the south as i reached the northern end of the room. The larger room to the south, where the ladders were, now seemed filled with people. A woman walked to the south, entering the room just as i was about to enter. She was slightly overweight, and i noticed a square pattern of blue lines across the upper left side of her face. It started on her forehead and crossed down over her eye. Her clothing was loose, and seemed to be made of dark-red taffeta. I passed her, heading out of the room. I said goodbye to the man and the others, but, just as i left the room, i realized that i did not have my bags with me. I wondered whether i had dropped them when i came down the ladder. I knew i had them when i was at the top of the ladders. Several people were starting to head to the south, to where the ladders were. I then noticed that many of them were overweight, with rounded faces. All of them had strange blue patterns on their faces. The patterns formed square shapes, but were composed of thin blue lines. I stopped to watch them for a moment, realizing that the red clothes they were wearing were actually robes. This was some religious gathering. I felt uncomfortable about it, and i was not interested in finding out what was happening. They wandered slowly to the west of the rectangular room on the northern side of the house, and then turned to the south to head deeper into the house. A peninsula counter extended from the eastern corner where the two rooms met, separating the rectangular room from what appeared to be a kitchen. The people were walking down the western side of the kitchen, into the room to the south where the ladders were. I did not feel comfortable with the religious cult, so i decided that i should leave the house again. As i passed through the door, i ran into the oriental man that i felt comfortable with. He was still wandering through the party with the others. He hugged me goodbye, and it felt very warm. I then remembered that i did not have my bags with me, and that i worried that i had dropped them when i came down the building. I pictured the blue shoulder satchel and the other smaller bag. The man handed me a small green backpack, which was my other bag. I must have been given the blue satchel as well. I then felt hurried, remembering that i had to return the rental car. I hurried down the street to the northeast.

I drove to the east, down the southern side of the street. Something was happening in this city. I looked at the white nylon tent to the west of me. It was a festival tent, and all four walls seemed to be covering the tent. As i looked at it, someone had just pulled the sides down over the tent so that we could not see inside. The police man to the west of me was suspicious of the tent, but i knew that he was not one of the good guys. Things were being hidden under the tent to keep them hidden from the authorities. As i moved to the east, i noticed the small rounded red car turning to the north of me. The car had been heading east, but it turned in a circle to the north and was now heading to the southeast, past me. I could see the driver. He looked like the clown from Spawn, but his expression seemed impartial. He was heading to the tent. Others would be coming as well. The police man to the west was now aware of the tent, and he would have the police surround the tent. They would try to invade the tent to get the special things inside. I looked at the tent again, noticing that the sides were being rolled up, exposing the thin white square metal poles that supported the tent. I was surprised that i could not see what was under the tent. I should be able to see under the tent by now, and it annoyed me that i could not. I watched the tent, starting to feel frustrated that i could not see the things in it, but i also hoped that the authorities never saw what was in the tent.

12012 June 21

I sat on the object on the southern side of the room. $X14 was sitting in my lap. I pet him, but something seemed wrong. $F45 paced across the room to the north of me. I pet $X14 across the top of his head, which was facing east. As i pet him, i felt his left ear tear off. He did not seem to mind, though. He continued to sit on my lap as though nothing had happened. I looked down at the black fur on his head. I could see a narrow slot where his ear had been inserted. It seemed strange, and i worried that he was damaged, but then i relaxed when i saw that $X14 did not seem to mind. This did seem strange, though. I then realized that $X14 would not be able to hear as well because he could not tip his ears to locate sound. It became upsetting that he had lost his ear, and i wondered what had happened. I pet him, feeling very upset about him.

12012 June 22

I crossed the rounded top of the small hill, which seemed to be in the middle of a campground. The wooden cabin was to the west of me, and the area all around me seemed to be cut grass lawns among dense green forests. I moved quickly to the west, looking at the white rope that was dangling from the sky. It was floating down from something. I grabbed on to the end of the rope, knowing that it was a very long rope. I imagined that it stretched across the land quite a distance. The rope was looped so that i was actually grabbing on to two individual strands. I thought that i should pull on the rope to pull it farther across the land. Something about this idea seemed very appealing. I looked up to the north to see where the rope was coming from. To my surprise, i could see that the rope had gotten caught on the black wires from a high-power line. The dark metal tower with four wide legs and two arms loomed over me to the north. The white rope rose at a steep angle into the sky, crossing to the east of the power lines, but then turning across the lines and heading to the southwest. I still wanted to pull on the rope to create the special project, but i suddenly realized that it might discharge the power lines. I held on to the rope anyway. I looked to the southwest. Another man was now standing at the top of the hill, looking to the south, down a dirt trail. I could not see the trail, but i knew that it was there. The man seemed excited about the two ends of white rope that he was pulling on. The ropes rose at a steep angle to the south from the man. I realized that the man was pulling on the other end of the ropes that i had been holding on to. Excited about the idea, i told the man that i was pulling on the other end of the rope. The man was trying to drag the rope to the north, which seemed like a very good idea to me. I let go of the rope that i had and started thinking about the rope that the man had. I imagined him pulling the rope down the road. It would stretch for miles. It would be fantastic to see from a hillside because we could look down across a valley and see the white rope stretching into the distance. I then wondered where we could pull it so that it would be good to look at from a hilltop. The valley to the southeast had a long road across it, where the man seemed to have pulled the rope. The man twisted the end of the rope. The end looked thicker, as though it was a whip handle. I tried to picture what the rope would look like from a hillside. It seemed very interesting to me.

I said something to the others, who were to the west of me, before turning my attention back to the north. I was at $P19, and i was cleaning up my room so that i could move my things out. I had to get out of here. I was on the northern side of the small bedroom. The walls of the room were white, and a shelf was formed in the eastern end of the northern wall by a recessed window. I had set the black metal cage on the shelf. $X14 was in the cage, but i was trying to get him out so that i could pet him. I suddenly realized that $X14 was not actually in the cage. I could see him through the metal, but he was walking behind the cage. He walked to the east and then came toward me on the eastern side of the cage. I felt suddenly worried about him. I looked back to the two or three people on the western side of the room. I told them that $X14 had escaped. I felt very worried about him, and i looked down to the floor to see where he had gone. The others did not move. I realized that the door to the room was open, and i moved to the south, leaving the room. I hoped that $X14 did not get outside. I was then moving to the north, outside the house. Several small buildings ran in a row to the north of the small house. The buildings seemed like sheds or garages. I ran up the eastern side of the buildings, not sure where $X14 had gone. I hoped that he had not wandered out into the road to the north. I stopped on the northern side of the yard, not quite sure where to look. A short stone mound ran across the northern border of the yard, and i could see the green grassy hill to the north, which seemed to be part of a farm. A large brown wooden barn sat on the western side of the field. A car suddenly came from the east, driving down the strip of cut grass that was just to the north of the stone mound. It speeded down the short hill on the east and crossed the opening in the stone mound, just to the north of me. I was annoyed with the car for driving so fast on the grass. The car was bright yellow and blue, and it looked like a funny car. It speeded away to the west. I felt suddenly worried that $X14 might escape from the yard and get hit by the cars. I turned back to the southwest. A black cat was standing on top of a short stone planter in the yard to the west of the buildings i had walked past. I moved to the cat, noticing that a second black cat was also wandering between the planters. A woman sat on the western edge of one of the planters to the southwest. The planters seemed to be arranged in rows and columns in the yard, with stone walking paths about a meter and a half wide between them. I looked at the black cat that was on the wall. It had longer fur that $X14, and a rounder face. It was not $X14. Neither was the cat on the ground to the south, which was skinnier and longer than $X14. I started to feel sick with worry about the animal as i moved to the south, wondering where $X14 could have gone. I started walking back to the south, toward the house, passing between the planters and the small square buildings. I noticed several more cats on the planters. Many of them seemed like $X14, but none of them were he. I felt distressed. I was then in the house again, but the planters were still to the west of me. $X14 had not left the house, and he was standing on the stone edge of the planter to the south of me. I moved toward him, wanting to comfort him. I felt very upset about him. I then noticed suddenly that he was covered with round green pods. He must have gotten caught in the weeds in the garden outside. They stuck to his fur. I moved to the south of him, petting his head and trying to pull the sticky pods from his fur. Something seemed wrong, though. There were too many plants wrapped around him. I started pulling off the green stalks, but i still felt upset about him. $X14 then started gagging. I realized that he must have tried to lick the pods off. His face bloated suddenly and his eyes bulged. He was choking on something. I did not know what to do. I worried that he was dying. He stopped moving, and i felt distraught. I wanted to hold him, but i did not know what to do.

I watched the others on the western side of the room. I was at $P19, but i did not feel that comfortable here. I was here for an event, and i wanted to stay to be a part of the event, but i did not feel right here. It seemed that i had been staying in this house, but i felt that i really did not belong here. I headed to the north, into the dining room of the house. Several people were sitting around a long rectangular table that was near the western wall of the room. A man came from the kitchen to the south with several trays of bagels. I remembered seeing the trays in the kitchen earlier, on the metal counter than ran along the western wall, just to the north of the large metal sink. Several of the sesame-seed bagels looked very good, but i did not take any at that time. I felt nervous and uncomfortable here. I moved to the northwest, where the man had put the tray down on the northern end of the long table. $A485 seemed to be sitting on the western side of the center of the table, watching me. I did not feel comfortable with him there because i knew that he was always bitter to others. It made me nervous to have him watching me. As i reached the table, i looked at the tray, but noticed that not that many bagels were left. I could not easily see the ones that i had wanted, and i felt disappointed. I did not know what to do here, and i started to wander out of the room. $G3 were gathered in the dining room of $P19 now, and they were chatting with each other. I did not feel like i belonged here, so i headed into the kitchen to the south. I noticed another tray to the west of me. This one had doughnuts on it. I saw several that i liked, but i was not sure that i should eat any. I knew that they were not as good as bagels.

I felt awkward as i moved the boxes into the empty rooms of this new apartment. I had come from the north and was carrying the things to the southeastern part of the room. I had been living in $P19, but i had moved out of the house. It was time that i changed. I felt uneasy, though. My parents seemed to be helping me move. They were somewhere to the northwest of where i was. I had moved many of my things into this apartment, but i still had a lot of boxes at $P19. I felt stressed about this situation, thinking that i would have to move everything into this temporary place. I put down the box and started looking around the rooms of the house. I looked to the south into the other empty room. I then opened the closet to the west. My winter coat was hanging in the closet with a trench coat. My other jackets had not yet been moved because i had not yet needed them this season. It annoyed me that i still had clothes at $P19, though. The move felt incomplete, and i wanted to be done with it. I then noticed some things on the top shelf of the two or three shelfs that were on the northern wall of the closet. I started to look through the items, which seemed to be office supplies. I lifted a large pad of sticky notes and a tan stapler with my right hand. I was interested in these items and thought that i could keep them when i moved out of here. I felt impatient now, so i decided that i would look through the items later. I felt that i would have time once i was moved in here, but i still felt impatient and rushed. I then realized that i never actually looked through the things in storage before i had left my previous place. I felt upset. I looked at the coats again, but then decided that i should shower so that i could get going. I moved to the eastern side of the room, where a bed was pushed against the northern wall. I sat on the southern edge of the bed, picking up the green briefs to the north of me. They were clean underwear, but i was hesitant to use them. I wanted to take a shower, but i felt that i would be doing something that would get my clothes dirty soon, so i thought i should wait. I started to look for my towel, realizing that it was on the ironing board, which was now to the north of me, between the bed and i. I grabbed the towel, but realized that it was wet. I had just taken a shower. Something seemed strange, and i could not figure out what i should do.

12012 June 23

I had killed someone, and i felt very upset about it. I knew that i had hidden the evidence, but i started to worry that someone would figure out what i had done. I wondered if i had hidden every thing well. I thought about the person as i looked out across the lake, which was to the south of me. The shore of the lake was rocky, with small stones sticking up though the calm water. The person i had killed seemed to be $A103. I knew that i had done this long ago and had hidden it from my memory, but my memory of the events was starting to come back. I felt bad that i had killed someone all those years ago, and now i could not stop thinking about it. Someone was holding a photograph up to the southeast of me. I looked at the image, which showed an area of docks and small shops. People walked on the boardwalks in the photograph. I realized that this photograph showed the scene from April. I wondered for a moment whether someone could think that it was in May, but realized that the details of the photograph definitely showed that it was in April. I was not sure what details of the photograph showed this, though, and it seemed strange that i could see such a specific date from the picture. I mentioned the date to someone as i looked at the image, noticing the person in the red dress near the middle of the photograph. I thought that it was April 10th, even though the number was unclear. I then worried that someone would be able to figure out what i had done from the picture. I remembered throwing the gun into the water to the west, along the southern shore. I felt bad for killing the person. I then remembered that the killing had nothing to do with hate of anger. It was just a killing for personal vanity, which made me feel guiltier.

I looked through the old manila folder that had been in the cardboard box with the dusty records from my grandfather. Several bound folders were in the box. He had left the stuff when he had died, and no one had gone through it. I was looking for something interesting. I flipped through the papers when i came to a clear plastic folder that had CDs in it. I pulled the folder out of the box and looked at it. The CDs seemed out of place. They were disks for a computer, and they were labeled with felt-tip pen on one side. The image of a male portrait seemed to be on one. I read something that told me that the disks contained photographs. They had been digitized. I sat down on the old brown couch, which was facing west, and it had its back to a short wall, which extended from the southern wall. Someone seemed to be to the northwest of me. The box of old documents was on the couch to the south of me now, and i looked through several of the files. I realized that one of the thick manila folders in the box was a file on part of the family tree. The name on the file seemed to be related to our Dutch relatives, and had something to do with “estate”. I read the name in the red ink, which seemed like Rensselaer, was written in a shaky handwriting, which seemed like my grandfather’s. He must have been looking through the file recently. I took out the file, thinking that i should keep it safe. I wanted to read the information inside. I knew that my parents would look through my grandfather’s things here at a later time, but i wanted to make sure that this folder was safe. I was then standing up, facing the couch from the southeast of the couch. I realized that light was now coming into the basement from the windows in the walls. The windows in the southern wall seemed small and ran along the upper part of the wall, but most of the western wall seemed to be a window. The window to the west seemed like an old shop window, with thin wood supports between the large panes of glass. Windows were also set into the western wall, and the light from them seemed pale. I realized that it must be just after dawn. I had been down here for quite some time. I was surprised that it was morning so soon. I stood on the northern end of the couch, looking at the box and commenting to $Z, who was to the northwest of me. When i looked back to the windows in the western wall, i noticed the long pieces of wood resting on the northern end of the old wooden counter. The counter extended from the western wall, and then turned south, separating a small area in the southeastern corner of the basement. The planks of wood were less than a deci wide, and seemed to be a meter to a meter and a half long. I recognized the one on top as a plank i had carved letters in for a writing project in fifth grade. I remembered writing Greek letters into the soft wood. I moved toward the boards, noticing that they were resting in a narrow trough at the end of the counter. I picked up a piece of wood, noticing that a small amount of wood dust fell out from the far end. I realized that the wood had been sitting down in the basement for quite some time, so termites must have gotten into the wood. I tapped the end of the wood on the counter, trying to shake out the termites. I then looked at the letters in blue ink on the board. The seemed very messy and uneven. I remembered thinking that they looked very nice when i did them in fifth grade. I must have thought that they looked good then. I then tapped the end of the board on the counter again, trying to shake out the termite dust. As i shook out the board, i realized that the bug, which had fallen out of the end of the board, was actually a bumble bee. I glanced at the man and woman who were now behind the counter to the southeast of me. They seemed to be doing something behind the counter, and they had not really paid much attention to me. I felt suddenly nervous of the bees, and i tossed the board down onto the counter, thinking that i might upset the bees inside and make them come out. I then tossed the wood to the west, tossing it a little to the south of the counter that it had been on. The end of the board hit the eastern wall of the room, which, at first, had seemed like mail slots. As a chunk of the wall fell away from the impact with the end of the board, i realized that the entire wall had been filled in with a bee nest. I had disturbed the hive, and i started to feel even more nervous about the bees. The two people behind the counter looked back at the nest just as a large bumble bee flew out. The bees were starting to swarm. I had broken the hive, and the bees would swarm out to attack. I turned to the west as i heard the hum of the bees coming into the room. I would run up the stairs, which seemed to run to the east, ascending up a narrow stairway against the southern wall in the southwestern part of the basement.

12012 June 24

I walked with $F45 to the west, across the large room in the airport. We had just come in from a flight, and we were trying to head somewhere. The man with me was pushing the large metal cart, which seemed to be a set of collapsible stairs. The pale-yellow structure had a metal railing running up the slope on the southern side. The man was pushing the cart to the west, to the north of me, and the metal object on the cart sloped up to the east. $F45 walked to the west of me, heading out of the airport through the glass doors in the western wall. I could see trees running along the southern side of a driveway outside. The road curved from the south, and eventually curved to the west. A large parking lot seemed to extend to the west from the southern part of the road and running to the west, to the south of the trees. The person pushing the cart pointed $F45 out as he left the building. I looked curiously at $F45’s back as he walked away, and i told $Z that i did not know why $F45 was leaving the building from this exit. I said that our car was parked in the parking lot to the south. $F45 was not heading toward the correct parking area. $Z pushed the cart ahead of me, turning it to the south. He said that we should take the ramp, and i noticed the metal slope on the southern side of the lounge. The slope looked like as escalator descending in a wide doorway. As i reached the doorway, though, i could see that the ground was sloped steeply down to the south, and metal rollers were on the floor. I looked to the southeast, noticing a narrow corridor that led to a stairway. I knew that we had come up from the stairs. The corridor seemed to be at a lower level than i was, and i could see a corner to the south of where i was. Stairs descended around the corner as the corridor turned to the southeast. I recognized some of the shops on the rounded corner of the corridor. This was the corridor that we had taken up from the main lobby. I thought that we should be using this corridor, but i wanted to stay with $Z. I looked at the ramps again, noticing the series of rollers running down the slope. The rollers formed triangular patterns on the floor, and all of the patterns seemed to point downhill. $Z had already gone down the ramp, so i stepped on the ramp near the eastern end of the wide doorway. The ramp sloped a little more to the southwest. I slid down the ramp, coming to the landing where several sets of stairs seemed to merge. Stairs and ramps came from the north, and several sets of stairs or ramps ran off to the south. Two sets of stairs descended to the east, through doorways in the wall. I looked through the northernmost doorway, seeing another ramp. This one had pale-orange triangles on the tan surface. I moved a little to the south and looked down the other stairway. This corridor had a set of stairs descending down it. The corridor was narrow and dimly lighted. A counter seemed to be the south of the bottom of the stairs, and i could see the feet of someone standing at the counter, which seemed to be a bar. The person was wearing white pants. I started down the stairs, which seemed to be covered with carpeting. After only a few steps, though, i decided that i wanted to take the ramp down this way. $Z seemed to have headed to the south, but i knew that the main lobby of the airport was to the southeast, so we had to go back through it to get to our car. I came back to the top of the ramp, headed a little bit to the north, and then started down the ramp with rollers to in the next corridor. To my surprise, i was actually descending stairs. I realized that the bright colors were in the rug of the stairs, and formed various shapes on different steps. This was the stairway used by children. I felt suddenly awkward as i descended these stairs. I had tried to roll down the ramp, but ended up sitting on the top step and sliding down the steps like a child would. I stood up and walked the rest of the way down, wondering if the people standing near the bottom of the steps had seen me sliding on the stairs.

12012 June 25

I moved around in the row of seats in the large auditorium. The seats were facing east. I was getting ready for a play that we had been rehearsing. I felt anxious, feeling that we had to get things set up quickly. Something seemed to be causing stress here. I put the bags of articles to the north of me, on one of the wooden seats of the audience, as i tried to set up the small light at the base of the back of the chair to the east of me. The small light, which seemed to be an artificial candlestick, was in my left hand, and i placed it on the floor. It seemed to be plugged in behind the chair to the north of the one i was working behind. I imagined how the light would illuminate the chair from behind. I still felt anxious, thinking that we were not prepared for this play. We had not practiced in quite a while, and i knew that the play was very soon. It seemed strange that we would have a play that we had not rehearsed enough on. I wondered suddenly how the audience would see us if we were sitting in the audience. Something seemed wrong with this situation. I then realized that the stage was to the north of me. I was now standing on the eastern side of a theater, in a row of audience seats. I looked at the stage to the north, which was only five or six rows of chairs away. The black stage was elevated above the chairs, and a row of red theater chairs was set up on the stage. A few members of the cast were already sitting in the chairs, and i realized, with annoyance, that i was not setting up in the right place. I would have to move the lights to the chairs on the stage. Frustrated, i unplugged the light, picked up my bags, and headed for the stage. I felt tense, not quite sure how we were going to set up all of the things on the stage. As i walked around the western side of the stage, $A623 walked past me on the west, heading north. I started to put my things down on the edge of the stage, and i asked $A623, who had stopped to do something on the rounded back end of the stage. She was standing at a lower level than the stage. She quickly hushed me with an angry face. She did not want me to speak so loudly. I realized that the audience was here already, and we were not yet set up, but she was worried about the south traveling. She glanced over her shoulder to the wooden sloped wall to the north of the stage. I remembered that this was an old theater, so she was checking to see if the acoustics were good enough to amplify the sound for the audience. I wondered if the audience would really hear the actors whisper from the stage. I was annoyed with $A623, and went back to digging through my bags for my things. I had to set up the light by the chair, but i was no longer sure how i was going to do it on this stage. I put by bags down on a low ledge to the south of me. I now seemed to be to the east of the stage, in a backstage area. The walls were black. I stared pulling things out of my bag, but could not find what i was looking for. I noticed the gray button-up sweater with the diamond pattern on the front. I actually needed a suit jacket for my costume, but it did not seem to be in the bag. I could use the sweater instead, but i did not want to. I was not prepared for this play. It was occurring too soon, and we had not been properly prepared for it. I dug through another bag of clothing, pulling out a stack of clothing. I saw the white, red, and black tie in the bag. I would have to wear it in place of a dress coat. I felt bad about the play, and i was not sure how we could do it. We had not worked on it enough.

12012 June 26

I was eating at the restaurant with a few other people. We had been sitting on the eastern side of the counter, which ran along the western wall of the room. The people who worked here moved around behind the counter, to the west of us. The counter curved to the east just to the north of me, forming a rounded area at the northern end. $A479 stood up to the north of me. She had been sitting with $A589 on the southern side of the rounded area. She was now writing something on the bottom of the clear plastic cup that she was holding in her left hand. She turned around to me and handed me the cup, asking me if i could make a reservation for her and $A589 at this restaurant for later. She had written the time on the cup, and it seemed to be two o’clock. I agreed to make the reservation and moved to the south a little, waiting to the east of the counter for someone to help me. $F42 seemed to be with me, but he was still seated at the counter where we had been eating. He was to the north of me, facing west. I was then to the south of the restaurant, out in the hallway. I had been waiting for someone to help me near the cash register, but the staff seemed very busy, and could not get to me right away. I paced to the west a little, looking to the north, up the corridor that ran to the west of the restaurant. I could see $F42 walking out of another entrance to the restaurant. He had come out to smoke a cigarette. I wondered if anyone had payed the bill before we left the restaurant. I headed back into the restaurant through the southern exit and waited near the counter again. A woman was now behind the counter to the northwest of me, so i told her that i wanted to make a reservation. $A589 and $A479 had already left the restaurant, which was why i had to make reservations for them. The woman looked at me curiously. She said that she was not quite sure how to make reservations. She sayed she will write something down. I then told her that the reservation was for $A479 and $A589. They were regulars here, so the woman would know who they were. As i turned to the north, i noticed a man in a white apron moving behind the counter. He had slips of paper in his hand, and he seemed annoyed that no one had payed them. I told him that i would be paying for my bagel. The man looked at one of the slips and told me that i owed two dollars and some change. I looked through my wallet and pulled out a two-dollar bill with some singles. I had taken five dollars out all together, but then i realized that the tip should not be that much. I tried to calculate the tip again as i looked through the bills in my hand. I realized that i had two two-dollar bills in my wallet, which seemed strange. I decided to give the man one of the two-dollar bills with a one-dollar bill, which should cover the tip. I then wondered whether the others had payed for their meals. The man had been holding multiple unpayed bills, and i felt bad. I decided that i would pay for $F42’s meal. I knew that he did not have much: probably a bagel with coffee. I did not want to pay for $A479 and $A589’s meals, though. They had full meals.

12012 June 28

I sat on the back of the truck as we turned the corner and started heading to the west. I looked at the intersection behind us as we headed down the long straight road to the west. A tan car was following us, and $F63 seemed to be driving. He was heading south on the other road before he turned to follow us. The land to the south of us seemed very flat. It seemed to be short grass lands, but, as we continued down the long road, i was looking out over the smooth water of a shallow swampy area. Bare tree trunks rose from the water in various spots. I then focused on a small island of grass bog. Six to eight birds were standing in a cluster on the western side of the small grassy island. They seemed very distinct against the calm blue water of the swamp. They had smooth black skin with white breasts. Not all of them seemed to be of the same species of bird. A few on the western side were tall and slender, with thin legs and long tall necks. The few on the western side were squatter, looking more like squat penguins with wide thick yellow snouts. Several of them watched us as we drove past. Something seemed special about the bird. They looked very good standing over the water, and i wished that i had my camera with me to take a picture. I watched the birds pass for a moment to the southeast. I then realized that the road to the east of us was empty. The car that had been following us was no longer behind us. I thought that $F63 must have gotten lost somewhere. I turned around and tried to tell $F45 that $F63 was no longer behind us. I was sitting on the back of a pick-up truck, leaving against what appeared to be a large dresser in the back of the truck. I could see $F45 driving the truck ahead of me. I was holding on to one of the wooden legs of the white dresser to keep from sliding out of the back of the truck. The leg was over my right shoulder, to the south of me. I felt a little uncomfortable on the back of the truck. I glanced over my right shoulder at $F45, telling him that $F63 was no longer following us. He did not seem to care. I adjusted myself on the tail of the truck, feeling uncomfortable near the edge. The truck then started to accelerate, and i could feel myself sliding toward the back of the truck bed. I was nervous, and told $F45 that he should not drive so fast. I looked around at him, seeing his face in the large side mirror on the driver’s door. He smirked at me. He was accelerating on purpose, to make me feel nervous, and i became annoyed with him. I pushed myself back into the truck, feeling nervous. I then decided to move from the rear of the truck. It seemed that we had less furniture on the truck now that we had before. I grabbed the door at the back of the truck and swung it closed. To my surprise, it almost closed. Now that we were missing the second dresser, the door came close to closing. I pulled on the pale-green metal door again, and it swung closed, latching on the passenger’s side of the rear of the truck, which now seemed more like a van. I started climbing over the seats inside, telling $F45 that the door would now close. The van was actually a lot larger inside than it had seemed before. The pale-green interior was made up of several rows of cushioned seats, all of which seemed to be facing north. The back of the vehicles was now about ten meters square in size, and i realized that i was actually on the second of two levels. I pictured the camper as a large box. I headed along the southern side, toward the driver’s seat at the southwestern corner. $F45 was just standing up in the front compartment of the camper. I turned back to the northeast, noticing the stairway that i had ascended from the lower level in the northeastern corner of the room. The bench seats now seemed to be facing east or west and ran from the northern wall of the room, leaving a corridor on the southern side. I looked to the north, along the bench. A narrow gap in the floor ran in front of the bench that was against the western wall of the rear compartment of the truck. I felt interested in this vehicle, thinking that it was very comfortable to camp in. I leaned to the north, laying down on the green cushions of the couch against the western wall and looking down through the long narrow opening in the floor. I could see a couch below. I thought that the couch below was set into an alcove in the western wall, and was actually a pull-out bed. $F45 moved to the northeast, heading toward the door. We had to go out to the restaurant, which seemed to be in a row on the southern side of the street from where we were parked. The southern side of the room now had a long counter across it, with a kitchenette behind it. Cupboards filled the wall above the kitchen area, and several things seemed to be on the counter. We had to go to the place in town to the southeast, but i suddenly realized that i did not have my wallet with me. I felt the pocket of my pants, noticing that it was empty. I suddenly became very upset, thinking that i should have noticed while we were driving across the swamp. I told $F45 that i could not go to the places in town. When he asked why, i told him that i did not have my wallet with me. He was now standing to the west of me. I said that i had forgotten everything, pointing out that i did not even have my keys. I felt very upset and angry about this. Frustrated, i grabbed the glass that was on the mantle to the south of me, and i threw it to the east. The top part of the glass bounced off the eastern wall, but the southern part flew into the kitchen area and shattered on the floor. This seemed like a stupid thing to do, but i was frustrated enough to do it. $F45 simply told me to go clean up the glass. I did not want to, but i knew that i should.

I walked to the west, into the western part of the larger room. $F45 had walked to the south, around the eastern end of the dividing wall that separated this part of the house from what seemed to be a kitchen area. I had been talking to $F60 on the telephone. He seemed to be depressed about something, and he told me that he was in town. I was interested in seeing him, but he said that he was busy with something in town. I felt disappointed, but i thought that he would be spending his time with $A598. I sat down on something that was near the southern wall of the room. I then heard $F45 talking to someone to the southeast, in the other room. Someone had just come into the house through the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. I could not see who it was, but i thought that it was $F63. I heard him talking to $F45. I then heard $A598 talking in the kitchen. He seemed disappointed as he spoke with $F45 and $F63. He told them that he had been in town with his friend. I knew that he was referring to $F60. I pictured the town as a row of small shops and restaurants on the southern side of the street, somewhere to the south of us. $A598 said that his friend was at a rehab center, and i wondered why $F60 would be at a rehab center. $A598 then said that his friend was in rehab, but did not need to be there. I wondered if $F60 was putting himself in a rehab center because he did not know what else to do with his life. I felt bad for him, and i stood up and walked to the east to talk with $A598. $A598 was standing in the kitchen to the southeast of me. His black hair was now shoulder length. He seemed upset about $F60, and i wanted to ask him how they were both doing.

12012 June 29

The car had pulled up to the west of us, facing south, and i could see $K14 sitting in the driver’s seat. She seemed very upset, so my grandmother and i walked toward her. She was crying. I greeted her and tried to ask her what was wrong, but she was too upset to be able to speak. I knew that something was wrong, and i felt that $K15 had died. My grandmother moved to the west side of $K14, who now seemed to be sitting on a bench facing south. I was not sure that $K15 had died, but i felt very strongly that this is what had happened. We tried to comfort $K14, but something felt wrong. We would have to take her to where the trouble was so that we could see what was wrong. I drove the car to the east, down the street in my grandmother’s neighborhood. I turned up $P23, heading to the north. I was not quite sure where i was going, though, and i thought that i would turn to the east on a street very soon. I then thought that i should actually turn to the east farther up. I was not sure where i was heading, and i told this to my grandmother, who was sitting in the back seat with $K14. It was dark out, and i could only see the part of the street in the head lights. A gray furry animal was waddling down the eastern side of the road. It surprised me, but was not in my way, so i continued going. It was about a meter long, and its rounded back arched up to about a third of a meter. It had thick light-gray fur that stuck up. I could not see its face because it was heading to the north, in the same direction that we were. I continued to drive, but did not know where we should go. My grandmother then told me that she would drive us there. I had just crossed the railroad tracks on $P23, so i pulled off on the eastern side of the road. We were passing an old dark-green wooden house. Several people were coming out the white front door of the house as i slowed to a stop. I felt a little weary of these people, feeling that they were not to be fully trusted. They seemed poor, but they also did not seem to be a family, but rather a collection of people who just lived together. I pulled the car onto the white cement sidewalk just to the northwest of the house. A row of low shrubs separated the front yard of the house from the sidewalk. One of the people who had come out of the front door of the house was a young woman with pale skin and long dark hair. She wore a white shirt, and she turned to the south, walking along the inside of the shrubs. A larger rounded man with dark skin stood at the top of the stairs. He wore a white T-shirt, and he stood with his balance back, as though he was having trouble walking. His dark skin was faded with age, and his expression seemed concerned as he glanced down the short stoop below him. Several other people had come out of the house and started heading south. I got out of the car from the eastern side, even though the car was facing north. I looked at the sidewalk on which i was parked. The curb of the road ran to the west of the car, so i cautioned my grandmother that she would have to drive off of the curb to get back on to the road. I then told her that i had driven onto the curb from the south, where the sidewalk sloped down to the road without a curb. I moved around to the western side of the car, aware of the people in front of the house to the southeast. As i spoke to my relatives, my attention was drawn to the wooden deck to the west. A rounded picnic table sat in the middle of the deck, taking up most of the room. The wooden deck, which was attached to the southern side of a rustic house, seemed to be in a wooded area, and a man walked around on the northwestern side of the deck. He was collecting wood from somewhere near the house. He seemed to be a relative of mine. He seemed like $K8. He tossed a short block of wood onto the deck, just to the north of the table. $K14 and my grandmother seemed to be just to the east of the table, but i could not see them. I felt upset because of what had happened, so i thought i should help the man with the wood. I told the man that i would help him and bent over to pick up the dark piece of wood he had put on the deck. It was about three-quarters of a meter long, and a quarter of a meter square in cross section. It was darkly stained, making it look like an old railroad tie. I picked it up, surprised at how light it was. The man, who seemed a little like my mother’s father, said that the wood could be brought inside, so i turned to the northeast and walked off of the porch. The stairs to the house were no the eastern side of the house, to the north of me. As i approached them, however, i remembered that they were not actually stairs. A wood railing ascended to the house, but it did not have stairs around it. The house was reached by ascending the two two-by-four boards that were nailed together at the bottom part of the railing. This house was built with this special ramp for a reason. I tried to walk on the bottom of the rail, but the vertical boards got in my way. I started by walking up the southern part of the rail, but decided that the vertical beams were mostly on the southern side of the lower boards, so i stepped back to the ground and walked around to the northern side of the rail. I started to climb up the northern side, but could not figure out how to step correctly. I took several steps on the beam, but realized that one of the vertical boards was just ahead of me. I had my left food under me, but could not place my right foot ahead of me without stepping to the outside of the vertical pole. This would place me off balance on the beam, causing me to fall. The man was behind me on the beam, and he suggested how i step. I did not quite understand what he was telling me. I considered how i could get past the posts without losing balance, but it seemed that i would have to take a very wide step. It seemed too far for me to step to get around the beam, and i was not sure how i would do it.

I sat down in the seats of the large vehicle with my mother. The seats were facing south, and we seemed to be on an airplane, though the compartment was square and had a cross section more like a bus. We were sitting near the back end of the airplane. The paneling above us was white, and several other people were getting on to the airplane and moving to the south. I felt uncomfortable on this airplane. My mother was seated to the west of me, but i was looking around the cabin. A white wall was to the north of us, separating us from the tail section of the aircraft. The western wall was covered with large glass windows. We had to get back to someplace, but i did not feel comfortable riding on this airplane. We had heard the creaking noise in the ceiling to the south of us, and i remembered being on an airplane like this before. Everything was creaking and making noise, and it did not seem safe. I then thought that the engine was probably right behind us. I pointed out to my mother that the tail section of the airplane was probably not a safe place to be. My mother did not seem to like this airplane either, and she asked me about the other airplane to the north of us. I stepped back into the door of the cabin, looking out to the north. I knew that the other airplane that was heading to $P6 was much larger. Several people were heading toward the white vehicle that was to the north of us on the tarmac. The vehicle was a large bus, though. I knew that the airplane was very large, so i thought that it probably would not fit in this area of the tarmac. The bus would take people to the other airplane, which seemed to be waiting somewhere off to the east or southeast. My mother was still interested in taking the other airplane, and i knew that it would probably be a safer airplane. She asked me when the other airplane would be leaving this airport. I asked a man, who was to the north of me, when the airplane would be leaving. He told me when the other airplane would arrive in $P6. I told him that i was actually interested in the departure time of the other airplane. I knew that the other airplane would leave later than ours, and i wanted to know how much time we would have to wait for the other airplane. The man simply pointed out that our airplane would arrive in $P6 much earlier than the larger one. It now seemed better that we stay on our airplane because it would get us to our destination quicker. I walked back into the airplane, thinking about the tail section of the vehicle again. I could see the white cone stretching off to the west of me, with a tall thin tail fin sticking up from the center. The tail fin had a rectangular surface on the front that merged into a rounded bulge near the top of the fin. It looked like some kind of air intake. I knew that it had something to do with the engine. I then thought about something going wrong with the engine. The rectangular section of the tail fin suddenly burst apart, and pieces spread out to the sides. The action happened quickly, but seemed to be part of an animated cartoon where the pieces froze in place after exploding from the white structure. The engine was being ejected from the tail section of the aircraft because something was going wrong. I knew that this would not be safe for the passengers in the aircraft, but it would save pieces of the aircraft for the company. I did not like the idea that this could happen.

12012 June 30

I watched the scenario of the people in the forest. It seemed very strange, and i knew that it was a television show. I moved with the group of people through the trees. The trees were dense with dark-green leafs, but most of the area around me seemed to be brown. This color was significant, because the other group of people were living in someplace where the color was greener. This show was actually a spin-off of Battlestar Galactica. The Galactica had come to this place. I was now watching a scene in space. Everything was dark to the south of me, but i could see the large rectangular shape of a space ship. The ship was very close, and only the upper portion could fit into the view. We were passing close to the upper surface of the ship, heading to the west or southwest. The Galactica had docked with this ship, and this ship contained the forest. Something had happened inside, though. People had splintered into two separate groups. They were actually from the same place, but they were unaware of each other. They seemed to be fighting with each other because each group assumed that the other group had come from this forest. I was with one of the groups of people now, moving through the forest again. I was facing south, and the others were coming toward us from the southwest. I knew that the arguments were useless because both groups of people had actually arrived here at the same time on the same ship. They simply did not know about it. The people were actually fighting each other, but i realized that they were not using any weapons. This had something to do with the plot of the show. I turned to the east and told $F45 that i had seen this part of the show. I told him that it was actually a spin-off of Battlestar Galactica and that i had seen some of this series before. I then tried to focus on the plot of the show. It was important that the two groups did not realize that they were from the same group originally. Somehow, they had come from the same ship, but had come at different times and to different places in the forest. The scene to the south then shifted. I was looking into a gray cavern. One of the people from the forest was talking to humanoid creatures in the cavern. The creatures blended into the gray walls of the cavern, and seemed to be made of rocks themselves. They were the “gods” of this place. They actually just controlled the place and made the rules for this forest. The person stood on the eastern side of the scene as he told the masters what was happening above. The creatures moved as they listened. Some of them seemed to have curled horns on the sides of their heads. One of the creatures on the western side of the scene asked the human whether the others had expanded the living area of the forest. The human said that the people here had. The creatures seemed angered by this, and they rolled their heads and roared in anger. The creatures were trying to control the events in the forest, but the humans who were in conflict with each other did as they pleased. I then wondered how the humans had added more area to the forest. I pictured the rectangular ship again. The center of the ship seemed to be filled with green forest, but i could see an open area to the east. The area was depicted as a black square near the top of the ship, but a long cigar-shaped brown area was resting in the eastern side of the square. The tip of the brown area poked out the back end of the large ship, sticking through the eastern end of the square, which was on the end of the ship. I realized that the Galactica must be docked in this area, and that the humans were using the Galactica to expand the living area of the ship. This had something to do with the two different colors of the people fighting.