12013 June 01

I felt nervous as i sat on the bench that was against the northern wall of the room. The man stood to the east of me, asking me questions. He seemed nervous, but he and his comrades had captured me and were holding me and my friend prisoner. I was nervous because i knew that we were out of place here. The man asked me questions about where i was from, but i knew that i could not answer him properly because i was really from a different time period. This place seemed to be in colonial America, or maybe even before the Americas had been colonized. I wondered if the man was still from Europe and would not even know of the United States. My friend and i had been telling the man that we were British. When he asked again, i told him again that i was British. I stood up in frustration and started pacing to the south. The man asked me something else. I wondered why i had said that i was British. I realized that i did not actually have a British accent. The man would realized this. I moved back to the northern wall, and i told the man that i was from the United States. He seemed concerned about this, but i was not sure that he actually understood what i was talking about. I could not quite tell whether the United States was around yet or not. My friend was in the other room to the northeast, and the others were questioning him there. The man that was with me turned to the east, heading toward the door in the northern end of the eastern hall. I thought that he was going to tell the others what i had told him. I then wondered what my friend would say. My friend was $A556, and i realized that he was hispanic, which would be hard to explain in a Europe that did not yet know about the Americas. Then i thought that he could, at least, speak Spanish to them, which would make them think that he was from Spain. The man had left the room, and i realized that i could easily escape from this place. A window was in the eastern end of the southern wall. I moved toward it, thinking that i could easily jump out of it and escape into the night. I then realized that it was too cold outside to survive for long, and i thought that i really had no place that i could go to in this country. I hesitated, wondering what i could do. I then heard the sound of people entering the house to the east. I realized that the troops must have come here to visit. They would discover that we were here. I was still not sure whether the people here meant to harm us or not. I felt a little worried about their arrival, though, and i wondered what i should do.

12013 June 03

I was in the room on the northern side of the house, performing in the play. Two or three other people were in the play with me. I felt nervous, trying to remember my part. I was not sure that i remembered what we were supposed to do. A few other people were also in the room with us, to the southeast of me. They were part of another play. I moved to the north to grab some of my things for the play. We were going to practice our show. I knew that we would have to coordinate between the two shows, however. Both plays could not rehears in the same room at the same time. The other play was now rehearsing. I felt a little out of place, and i was not quite sure what i should do. I moved to the north of the pool table with the two other people. I seemed to be crouching down behind the pool table as the two people from the other play continued their conversation. The woman moved to the western side of the pool table, and them an moved to the eastern side. They acted out their lines as the woman leaned over the table to make a shot, her cue aimed to the northeast. I held my head near the northern edge of the pool table, trying to stay out of view from someone to the south. I thought that the audience was somewhere to the south. The other two people in my play were crouching down on either side of me. I then wondered if the audience would be able to see the tops of hour heads over the table. I hoped it would not be distracting to the audience to know that we were there. The cue ball then rolled off the side of the table and started to fall on us. I watched from the north as it rolled off the side of my head, falling to the east of me. I moved my hand upward, pushing the ball back up and onto the table. I then started to feel uncomfortable here, wondering if we were distracting to the audience. I hoped that we were not taking their attention away from the play that was currently being performed.

12013 June 04

I was with my parents is the house, but i felt uneasy and agitated here. I moved around, thinking that i had to do something. This room seemed like the living room of my parents’ house, but it was actually a restaurant. The round tables filled the room to the south of me. As i moved to the south a little, the room now seemed a little wider. A roughly triangular platform filled the northwestern section of the room. I was walking along the eastern edge of it, which was only a few meters long. The southeastern edge of the platform extended to the southwest, toward the western wall near the southern end of the room. The western side of the raised area was against the western wall of the room. The floor was black, and the platform area was about a half meter higher than the main floor to the southeast. Thin white wooden columns ran on the eastern and southeastern sides of the raised area, framing the area like a fake Greek temple garden. The tables were set up on the platform and on the lower area. People were coming into the room form the south, and were gathering around the round tables. I felt a little uncomfortable, not sure what i should do. I then noticed a man walked toward me from the southeast. He had come to the room with a group of friends. I recognized him, and i felt very interested in talking to him, but i was not sure that i should greet him with his friends around. I did not feel comfortable around them. My friends were sitting at a table to the southwest of me, in the center of the southeastern edge of the raised area. I thought that i should go over and sit with them, but i wanted to talk to the man. He seemed to be $A646. I looked at the other people with him and realized that several of them were in drag. One of the taller men, who was now standing on the eastern side of the round tables, was wearing a silver sequin dress and had puffy black hair. I felt nervous about the friends of the man, who all seemed to be in drag. I was not sure that i wanted to greet the man among them. I headed to the southwest, toward my friends, still feeling very interested in the man. I felt awkward here and did not sit down with my friends. Instead, i mentioned the holiday tree to the woman. I said something about the red V-shaped ornaments that were on the tree. My comment seemed inappropriate in some way, and i thought that the i had described the ornaments as jockstraps. The woman to the south of me, whom i had started chatting with, mentioned the tree as well, agreeing with my comment about the tree. I knew that she worked at the gym where the tree had been. I then could see the tree with the red decorations on it. The decorations were V-shaped and looked like skimpy men’s underwear with a bulging front pouch. The pouch had a triangular design in yellow on one side. Each ornament looked similar. The woman continued walking to the southwest as we spoke, and she agreed that the ornaments looked strange. I looked to the south at the man with us. He seemed like $A648. I was still interested in the man, but $A648 now seemed to be the man.

I was sitting on the floor of the small room, which seemed to be a bus. No seats seemed to be around us as we moved to the west. I was sitting against the southern wall, and i looked to the west, at the large steering wheel in the center of the floor. Someone was driving the bus by using the wheel, which seemed to be in the middle of the bus. The bus turned sharply to the north. I felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that the person steering had made a very sharp turn. The people on the bus seemed to be high-school students, and i felt annoyed by them, thinking that they were just joking around. I did not think that the man should be steering the bus as he was. I then looked to the north, where the driver was sitting in the center of the northern side of the bus. He was pressing the accelerator, but the man in the center of the bus was turning the steering wheel. The man at the accelerator seemed to be $A199. I was annoyed that he was driving, thinking that he should be more careful on how he accelerated. If he kept the bus slow, the corners would not seem as sharp.

12013 June 05

I moved through the old large house with the other people. We seemed to be in Deutschland, and i remembered this place from some time before. I felt a little uneasy letting the others know that i knew this place, though. It seemed to be an old Nazi house, and i felt as though i remembered this because i had experienced it in a past timeframe. It seemed strange, but i recognized features of the polished wooden walls. The others were looking for something here, and i felt that i might know about places in the house that others had not yet seen. I knew that the house had been explored over the years, but i wondered if rooms remained undiscovered behind walls and in secret basements. I walked to the east, toward a brown wall, which was covered with wooden paneling. A man was looking at a small cabinet on the northern side of the room. I walked toward the white northern wall and looked at the darkly stained wooden cabinet. I was actually a safe, and i thought that i knew how to open it up. The man opened the front doors of the cabinet, but i looked at the horn that was on the top. The horn looked like a long ox’s horn that had been turned into a hearing cone. The thick part was on the eastern side, and it tapered to the west. It was curved into a spiral shape and seemed to be made out of stained wood. I moved it, showing the other person that the horn separated into three pieces. The narrow end separated and shifted to the west as i pulled the central piece forward. It was a way to open a secret compartment. The man said something about it, and i then pulled the horn forward, over the top of the cabinet and rotated it down the front side. The horn was now whole again, and it turned across the front of the cabinet so that the rounded wide end was facing up. It was now very straight, with a rounded wide end at the top and a tapered end facing down. The top end had a tear-drop shaped pale-blue design in the center. It was long and the pointed end ran down, parallel to the taper in the wooden object. A round dark-gray ring was in the center of the rounded section of the tear drop, circling a glass lens. I told the other person that you had to pull the object to the front so that “it was looking at you”. The glass eye was now looking toward us. There was some significance to this. The doors on the front of the cabinet opened, showing a gray metal surface with a grid of dark-blue buttons. This was a safe, and i thought that the buttons would allow us to enter a combination for the safe. I thought that i might know the combination because i had some familiarity with this place. I started to feel uneasy about the safe, thought. I wondered if i should really admit to knowing the secrets of this place. I did not want to be associated with the Nazis who had lived here before. They seemed aristocratic, and i worried that people would think that i had been one of them. I backed away from the safe as i thought about these things. I wondered suddenly if the building would be set with booby traps. I thought that the old bombs from the war could still be hidden in the building. I imagined large rounded bombs, like the kind dropped from airplanes, sitting in the basement or in the walls of the building. They would have been hidden in the secret rooms of the house. I told the other person this, but i was not sure that they would believe me.

I headed to the west, down the stairs on the western side of the house. Three people were standing on the flight of stairs, and i walked past them as i made my way to the landing on the western side. As i turned to the south, to head down the second flight, which descended to the east, i noticed the men on the stairs. They were from $G3. I had been living in $P19 again with these people. My room seemed to be on the eastern side of the house. I had to leave to catch a bus, but i thought that i had to get some thing from my room. I felt rushed. I noticed that one of the men on the stairs was $A99. I felt nervous about them. $A99 seemed displeased with me, and i thought that the others might not be happy with me. I was not sure why they would be upset with me, but i felt that they were. I headed to the east, into the room, which seemed to be an outdoor area on the eastern side of the house. I exited the house through a door in the southern end of the eastern wall. $F47 was standing to the northwest of me, and a crowd of people were gathered around him in a crescent extending from his north to his southeast. He was telling them something. He saw me when i came out and he asked me something. I was not sure what he was asking, but then i noticed the large dark-gray snake that was on the ground between the crowd and the house. $F47 must have been referring to the snake. It seemed dangerous, and i asked what it was. I moved to the east of $F47, watching the snake with the others. Someone explained the animal to me as i watched it.

12013 June 06

I moved around the large room on the western end of the house. This place seemed like my grandfather’s cottage. Others had been in the room with me, but i could not see them at the time. Something felt uncomfortable here, and i looked around the brown wooden features of the room. I turned to the north, looking over the counters of the kitchen area. The counter ran along the eastern wall of the room, which was now much narrower. A narrow corridor ran to the north from the room. It seemed to lead to an exit door of the house. $X3 was in the room with me, and he jogged to the north, toward the door. I realized that he wanted to go out. I walked down the long narrow hall and opened the door. A leash was outside the door, and it seemed to be attached to a long overhead cable. I clipped the red leash to $X3’s collar and closed the door. For a moment, i was doing something in the kitchen, but then i realized that $X3 was pacing around near the door. I thought that he might want to come back into the house. I moved to the corridor to try to get a glimpse of him, but i did not want him to see me, so i did not walk all the way into the corridor. I stayed out of view just to the west of the wall. I did not want to let him in know, so i did not want him to know that i was in the kitchen. I leaned a little to the east to see if i could see him, but i could not. I then moved to the west a little, looking to the north-northeast down another corridor. This one seemed to lead along the outside of the house, toward the area where the back door was. I thought that i could see $X3’s tail around the corner of the house. He would not be able to see me because he was concentrating on the back door. I backed to the south, into the kitchen. I then turned around and started walking to the south. I was now to the west of the brown wooden cottage, walking on the dirt ground outside. I thought that $G4 should be back soon. I knew that they had been around the cottage. I started to feel cheerful as i moved to the south, looking across the long open lawn. Tall pine trees grew up in places around the lawn, leaving bare dry ground underneath. The ground seemed rust colored, which i thought was from the old needles of the trees. As i started to move faster to the south, skipping a little, a wall seemed to be to the east of me, separating this part of the cottage from the outside. The bare lawn was inside the walled area. The wall was thin, with large windows in it. I thought that it was nothing more than stained plywood on thin beams. I jogged to the south, and i started to wave my arms in the air. I thought that i could act weird here because i was in an enclosed area, and no one would be able to see me. I swinged my arms over my head, then i chuckled at myself, thinking it funny. I made my way to the center of the western wall of the room. Picnic tables now seemed to be on the lawn to the south east and east of me, and a few people were entering the area from the southeast. I turned toward them. A person then came from the north. These people seemed to be from $G4, and some of them had been setting a trail. The man from the north seemed like $A601. I thought that the trail went through this area. I chatted with the others about the run.

I sat in the southwestern part of the classroom, facing east. I was new to this school, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. This place seemed like a private school, and i did not feel that i related to the other students. I was then aware of the sound of people shouting to the southwest or west of me. The sound was muffled because it was coming from the other classroom. I teacher was yelling at someone, and then the person started yelling back. The other students heard the noise as well, but they did not seem to pay much attention to it. I felt that this might be a common situation at this school. The students just accepted the fight in the classroom next door as a part of school. The shouting became loud and intense, though, and i started to hear things being thrown or hit. The male teacher, who was standing on the eastern side of our room, walked to the south. He had started to feel a little uncomfortable about the sounds of the fight, and i knew that he was going to try to stop it. I stayed sitting near the western wall of the room, at the back of the classroom. I felt very strange here, not quite sure what i should do. I did not feel as though i belonged here. A female teacher with curly shoulder-length hair and a skirt was now in the eastern side of our classroom. She seemed to be wearing clothing from the early eighties. She smiled widely at the class as she talked, trying to get them to do something. She talked about the woman who was in trouble, saying that the woman had tried to commit suicide. I wondered if this had anything to do with the fight that was next door. It seemed related, but i did not think that any of the voices shouting were from a woman. The students is the class to the north of me then started singing about the woman. I started to feel even more awkward. The class then started moving in a synchronized dance to the north as they sang. They were doing an inspirational song to talk about the problems of the woman. It seemed trite and artificial. I moved to the west, trying to get out of the way of the dancers. I watched them, thinking that this was part of the counseling here. I did not approve of this place, and i thought that it was all very strange and unproductive.

I moved to the west a little, trying to brush out the clothing that i was carrying in my right arm. I had to iron my clothing, and i felt a little preoccupied as i did it. I walked across the damp dead leafs or the ground of the outdoor area. Large trees draped long willow-like branches overhead. The ground seemed damp, and i bent over to pick up the light-blue ironing board from the ground. It had gotten covered with a few wet leafs, so i tried to brush them off as best i could. I shook the board so that the legs dropped to the ground, and then i stood it up, with the narrow end facing north. I moved to the western side of the board, still carrying the clothes over my right arm. I had to iron these clothes. I looked up to the north, seeing the small nylon tent that was set up under a tree. My parents were sleeping in the tent. I held a long thin stick in my left hand, and i moved it over the clothes as i layed them on the ironing board. The stick was hot, like an iron, and i would use it in some way to get the wrinkles out of the pants. I adjusted the wet pants on the board to the northeast of me. I would have to get them dry. I then noticed that several spiders had fallen onto the ironing board. I brushed them off with the long stick. The stick now had several long thin silvery threads on it, which i must have taken off of the ironing board. I shook the stick off to the west of me, trying to get the spider webs off of it. Looking up, i then realized that the branches of the tree above the ironing board were thick with spider webs. Many spiders must have been crawling through the thin branches, and i thought that several of them had fallen on the board. The thin webs hung low to the board. This made me feel uneasy. I sweeped the long iron through the trees, trying to clear away the cobwebs over the board. I thought that the hot iron would burn the webs. I then realized that many spiders were crawling around the webs that i had been clearing to the northwest of me. I felt uncomfortable again, and i looked up to see that the thick webs were all around me. I then felt a sudden pinch on the inside of the first knuckle of the ring finger of my right hand. I looked at it. I could not see a spider, but i thought that i must have been bitten by one. I backed up to the southeast, annoyed. The bite started to feel itchy, and i decided that i should probably not stay here. I then looked up again. I now seemed to be in a room. The ceiling was covered with a mess of tangled vines and silvery spider webs. A large yellow and black furry spider sat in the middle of the ceiling. Its body was about half a meter wide. I felt scared of it and backed away. I then wondered if it had bitten me. I looked at the knuckle near the tip of my right hand, noticing two small red marks on the inside. One of the spiders had definitely bitten me.

12013 June 08

I had been out hiking with the others, and i drove the car to the west. I headed down the steep dirt slope of the hill, heading to the west. A road ran across the bottom of the hill. I recognized it as i approached, and i thought i could tell the others that we were finally out of the wilderness. I walked or drove down the hill, following the narrow dirt path, which could have been a jeep trail. I thought that we would have to turn to the south on the road, but, as i started heading to the left, i was not sure that it was the right way to go. The town now seemed to be north on the road. I felt unsure. I pulled the truck over to the western side of the main road, just to the west of the dirt road. I stood by the truck, looking back up the rocky brown slope of the hill. The other people were following me. The man who was right behind me seemed annoyed at the journey. He did not like walking over the hills and wanted to be back on the pavement as soon as possible. I stood just outside the driver’s door of the pick-up truck that i had been driving, waiting for the others. I could hear the people walking down the hill, but i could not see them among the rocks. I then looked to the northwest, the sun was getting low in sky, and i thought that it would be dark soon. I was glad that we had made it to the main road. I looked back at the hill, still unable to see the others, but i could hear them talking. It was dark now, and i tried to use the lights of the truck to light the path for the people still descending the slope. I realized that the lights did not light the path well, so i turned to the west and started looking through the back seat of the truck. I thought that i could find a flashlight in the pocket on the rear door of the car, but i could not get the back door of the car open. I felt a little rushed as i looked, unable to find the lantern. Several people came down the slope. I could still hear the sounds of people approaching. I could hear the father talking to his daughter as the walked over the rocky ground. Another person was near me, just to the north of me. I had found a flashlight and tried to shine it to the east, up the slope. The voices seemed to be very close to me, directly to the east of me, but i could not see anyone. I moved the light around, pointing it at the voices, but i could not see them. I started to feel uncomfortable. I knew that the people were there, but i was unable to see them.

12013 June 09

My grandfather was to the north of me, and he was talking about going to Vancouver. He said that he would have to make the trip. I did not understand, and i asked him why he wanted to go to Vancouver. He told me that “pot” was legal there. It seemed like a strange thing for him to say. I then realized that he needed marijuana for his medical problems. He would be able to get marijuana in Vancouver because it was legal there. I thought about this for a moment, thinking that i knew where he could get some without having to travel to Vancouver. We seemed to be near the East Coast of the United States, so Vancouver would be a long trip. I turned to the north and opened up the door of my freezer. I had opened the plastic bag of chocolate-covered pretzels and was taking some out. I ate a few, thinking that they were actually laced with THC. I thought that i could give some to my grandfather, but i felt a little uneasy about it. I then thought that he should probably not have any right now, so i put the bag of pretzels back on the top shelf of the freezer. As i placed it on the shelf, i noticed another plastic bag just to the right of it, on the eastern side of the freezer. The other bag was filled with small yellow cookies. I then remembered that the pretzels had come from my parents, so they were not made with marijuana, but the cookies were. I was a little disappointed that i had eaten the pretzels instead of the cookies, but i thought i would just ignore the cookies for now. I closed the freezer door. My grandfather talked about going to Vancouver to get marijuana. He kept referring to it as “pot”. I told him that he did not have to go all the way to Vancouver, and i said that he could get it anywhere. I thought about the area in which we lived, thinking of several places that sold it. He asked me where we could get it. I felt a little uncomfortable, and i did not want to tell him directly. My parents were to the north of me, and i did not want them to know that i was aware of where people were selling marijuana in the town. I wanted to tell my grandfather, though, and i thought about telling him that he could get in in $P123. However, i was not sure how to tell him without my parents hearing. I then thought that i could simply tell him that he could get it pretty much anywhere around town. The area that we lived, which seemed to be $P14, seemed to have a lot of marijuana around. I turned to the north and started walking across the grassy field. I was now outdoors, in a farmyard. The land sloped up to the north of me, and an old red wooden barn stood on the hill to the northwest. The farmhouse seemed to be to the southeast of me, but i could not see it. I was in an area that seemed to be part of a large corral, and the grassy ground was a little muddy. A man moved to the east of me. He was an investigator, and he was investigating something on the farm. It seemed to have something to do with the barn to the north. I was annoyed at the man and did not want him to be here. A woman was also to the east of us, and she seemed to be a police officer. She was commanding us to do something, but i felt very annoyed with her and did not want to listen. The male investigator walked off to the southeast, but the woman kept trying to assert her authority unnecessarily. I moved around the area a little, hoping that the police officer would leave. She then mentioned the barn, saying that she wanted to search it. I did not want her to, because i felt that she might find the marijuana. I started to feel agitated, and i wanted her to leave. I started to walk away from the woman, but she just talked louder, trying to get my attention. She was trying to intimidate me. I felt irritated, and i told her that she was just annoyed because someone had said “no” to her. I knew that this would upset her, but i did not care. I started walking to the southeast, across the grass. I knew that she would be mad and come after me. I continued walking, listening for her to approach me from behind. I would have to pretend that i did not know that she was coming after me in anger. I imagined that she would trip over a small tractor that was in the yard. I would have to pretend that i did not know that she was behind me and act surprised that she had tripped. I then imagined that animals were coming into the corral from a gate in the southeastern corner. I thought that i could simply walk past the animals, but the police officer would trip over them. I would then pretend that i was unaware that the woman was behind me, and i would keep going. It seemed to be a good plot, but i was also aware that i was just imagining these events. I turned to the west and walked along the northern shore of the river. The others were walking with me. We had walked from someplace, and we turned to the north to head back. The cement dock ran from the north, over a shallow watery area and ended at a cement dock that ran along the river bank. We had been walking down the dock on the bank, but were now turning north to head into the shore. The cement ended after a short while, and i could see a cement sidewalk a little way to the north. A muddy patch of ground, where one of the sidewalk blocks had been removed, was between the end of the pier and the sidewalk. I looked down at the mud as i stepped across it, realizing that i was barefoot. I knew that we would have to walk back to the house, which seemed like a great distance to the north. The house seemed to be on the northern side of the town, on a higher level of ground. We would have to walk through the downtown section, which seemed to be to the north of us. I felt upset that i would have to do this, and i did not want to do it barefoot. As i stepped over the muddy area, i thought that a bus that could take us most of the way home must be available from the city. A woman walked behind me as one of the two people who were following me. I was then aware of a car pulling up from the north, stopping at the end of the dirt road that ran on the western side of the walkway. I realized that it was a police car, and i felt a little nervous. I knew that we had not done anything illegal, though, so i tried not to pay attention to it. The woman who had been walking with me stopped to look at something to the west. I glanced to the west to see an old cement structure across a narrow water channel from us. I then realized that the police officer was leading someone out of the police car. I looked at the woman, who had her hands handcuffed in front of her. She wore a brown suit with a matching skirt and a white shirt. She was Agent Skully from X Files. She was being held captive by the officer, who i now thought was a bad guy. I felt nervous of the bad agent. Skully glanced over her shoulder at the female officer who was directing her. Skully turned to the west, walking down a short cement block that ran to the west from the main path. The ground to the west of the path sloped down steeply, and swampy water stood in the area between the cement block and the path. Reeds poked their tops above the water’s surface. Skully walked into the water, sinking up above her waist. The bad agent was forcing her to stay in the water. I felt very nervous about this, but i was not sure what i should. I could not let the female agent know who i was. I then saw Agent Moulder being led from the car. He was walked to the same place that Skully had been. The bad agent was the female officer who had harassed us before. I pretended not to notice her. I glanced to the east, across the swampy water. A short cement structure was partly submerged in the water to the east. I was aware that the female agent was standing behind me now. She was staring at me, so i had to pretend that i did not notice here. I did not want her to recognize me. I looked at the cement structure. The northern and southern walls were taller than the western wall. A flat cement roof ran between the northern and southern walls, leaving a gap on the western side. I could not see an eastern wall. Water filled the center of the structure, and i looked from north to south across the calm water within the structure, pretending that i did not know that the woman was standing over me as i crouched near the ground. My two friends still seemed to be on the path to the southwest of me. I noticed a long dead trunk of a tree floating on its side under the roof of the structure. The southern end of the branch was leaning against the southern wall. I stuck out my left foot to push the branch a little, trying to dislodge it from the wall. I had to pull my foot back to rebalance myself, but i stuck it out again, pushing on the branch. I had to pretend that something was occupying my attention so that it would not be obvious that i was not looking at the female agent. The dry ashen branch slipped into the water, and i realized that i could no longer pretend not to know the agent was there. I turned around, pretending that i had not noticed her before. She seemed stern, and she told us that alcohol was illegal from others. I thought that my friends had some beer with them, bun i knew that i had not been drinking. She would not have any reason to keep me. I knew that she would try, thought. She told us to follow her to the north. My friends walked with her, and i followed them to the north.

12013 June 10

I woke up suddenly, finding myself in the strange house. I felt uneasy here, thinking that i had not come here by myself. I must have been brought here. I worried that i had been kidnapped. I looked around the nicely furnished room, but i did not recognize where i was. The walls of the house were white, and the minimal furnishings seemed to be made of wood. I looked around, wondering what i should do. I looked out the window to the north of me. I seemed to be near the ocean, and i knew that the ocean was to the south of me. This house was on the southern shore of the land. I could see a water channel to the north of the house. It had yellow sandy shores on both sides, and the sand had small rocks mixed in with it. An old woman in a dark black and purple dress sat in a chair on the northern side of the channel. Her skin was tanned to a medium brown. I thought that this place was Jamaica, and i felt trapped here. I could not let the woman see that i was awake. I had to get out of the house before my captors came back. I walked to the west a little, through what seemed to be an archway separating two rooms. I then noticed a small entry way to the north, which had a short set of stairs leading up to an outside door. I thought that the door would be locked to keep me in, but i walked up the stairs to test it anyway. The door was actually slightly ajar. I pulled it open and stepped out side. I paused, wondering suddenly if this was some kind of trap. I stood just outside the door, with the door swung open to the east of me. A walkway seemed to run over my head to the building to the north, which was a white house with wooden siding. It looked very similar to the one that i had just come out of. A door was directly to the north of me, leading into the house. I had to get help, but i knew that i could not run to the east, where several other houses were. I thought that the people there had some relation to the kidnappers, so they would simply report me or try to prevent me from leaving. I could not trust the older woman. I looked at the door to the north, noticing a large metal box with rounded corners. It looked as though it was made of cast iron, and it seemed to have a number pad of buttons on the front of it. It was on the western side of the door, where the knob would normally be. The upper part of the door had a multipane window in it, with white curtains on the inside. I noticed a small red light blinking on the front of the box. I thought that it must be some kind of alarm, and i wondered if i had tripped it when i had opened the door to the house i had been in. I looked back to the south suddenly, realizing that a second blinking light was on the edge of the door i had opened, which was now to the south of me. I must have set off an alarm. I would have to escape quickly. I moved to the west, noticing that i was now in a courtyard. A large stone church connected to the western end of the house to the south of me. The church ran along the western side of the yard, and a modern extension ran to the north from the church, connecting it to the house that had been to the north of me. I wondered if my kidnappers had something to do with the church. I thought that they did, so i knew that i could not go to the church for help. I looked through the large glass window in the modern extension to the north of me. The southern wall of the building was glass, which was held in place by thin aluminium supports. I could see through the windows into what looked like a library. The library seemed to belong to an elementary school, which must have been associated with the church. A large glass window filled the eastern end of the northern wall of the library, allowing me to see through the building. I could see the hazy skyline of a large city in a valley to the north. I would have to escape to the city to get help. I pulled on a glass door near the eastern end of the library, surprised that it was not locked. I decided that i would have to sneak thought the darkened library and walk out of the building to the north. I came into the library, but did not see an obvious exit door in the northern wall. I started to head to the west, hoping i could see one. I could still see a large grassy lawn to the north. The lawn had a short hill on the northern side that sloped down to a street. The land on the northern side of the street seemed to slope down steeply toward the city. I would have to make it across the lawn and down the hill without being spotted from the church.

I looked at the map to the north of me as the other person spoke about the high-speed rail system. The map seemed to be on the wall. The other person seemed to be interest in the high-speed rail system, but i did not trust it. The red lines on the left side of the map seemed to show the high-speed routes, and the green lines on the right showed regular rail routes. I thought that someone had been dishonest when they had created them maps. I knew that the two systems were not real. Someone wanted people to believe that the high-speed rail would exist, but i knew that it would never be built because the corporations could not make enough of a profit on them. It would remove money from the industries that supported the current transit systems.

I walked to the west, feeling anxious about something. I was walking on the southern side of the road, and i had to get back to the house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. I felt hurried as i walked. I looked at the tall grass that was growing just off the southern edge of the road. A small pool of water had formed just off the road ahead of me, where a culvert seemed to be under the road. The puddle extended to the north, over a depression in the road. It seemed too deep to walk through. I also could not go around it because something was directly to the north of me. I backed up, suddenly concerned and not sure what i should do. I then realized that the thing that was to the north of me was actually my gray car. I remembered that i had stopped here before. I felt relieved to realize that i had actually walked all the way back to my car. It then occurred to me that i had parked my car in the middle of the street. I decided that this did not matter because this was a country road. A car fame from the east and slowed down behind my car. After a moment, it carefully passed my car and continued down the road to the west. I got into my car, thinking that i had parked it here because i had run out of gas. I was not far from my parents’ house, though. Their house seemed to be only twenty or thirty meters down the road to the west. I knew that the car was a hybrid, so i knew that i could drive it with the electric engine for a short distance. I would be able to make it to my parents’ house. I turned the car to the north and drove it up the driveway, along the eastern side of the house. I stopped in front of the garage. I felt that i had to do something. I started unpacking my things and bringing them to the garage. I felt hurried as i did this, feeling that i had some urgency to what i was doing.

I sat at the counter at the northern wall of the room. $X14 was sitting in my lap at the counter, but he kept squirming. I was eating dinner at the counter, but i was having difficulty because $X14 seemed to be in the way. He then got up and left to the east. I was annoyed, and followed him to the east, walking through the rooms of the house. I felt agitated here. People were then in the large room with me. I paused, feeling very uncomfortable here. A woman in the center of the room, to the east of me, talked about the Albany area. She describe part of the area, but here description did not seem correct. She was talking about some place that seemed to be to the west of the city, but i told her that she was probably talking about the downtown area, because what she was describing seemed like downtown Albany. She moved to the north of me, talking with the others who were standing by the long counter that ran across the northern wall of the room. Someone then talked about getting to the area that the woman had described. They said that they could use an EZ Pass. I pictured a long street, which seemed to be Central Avenue near Westgate Plaza. I was not sure how one would use an EZ Pass on the city street, but it seemed logical in some way. I turned to the east, looking across the large room. I seemed to be in a dance club. It was daytime, so the club was not full of people, but the people were queued up in front of service counters on the southern side of the room. This did not make sense to me. I felt very confused here. Something did not seem right here. I headed to the east, toward a door in the southern half of the eastern wall. I had to get to someplace, which seemed to be in the city to the east. I opened the door and stepped into a hallway. I looked back to the west as the wooden door closed behind me. This building was very familiar. It seemed to be a Department of Motor Vehicles or some other state office building. It was old, with plaster walls and a narrow hallway. The hallway ran north to south. The exit of the building seemed to be to the north, so i started walking that way, still confused about how i had gotten here and why the room to the west seemed out of place in a DMV building. I exited the building, coming into a semicircular driveway with a median of cement paving stones. A street ran to the north. The modern building to the south of me seemed to curve slightly so that the eastern and western ends were farther north than the center of the building. I looked around as i started walking to the west. I had to find my car. I did not know where it was, though. This was not the way that i had entered the building, so i could not properly orient myself. I thought that it was to the west, but i was not sure where. Annoyed, i turned back to the east and headed back toward the building. I would have to retrace my steps backward and try to figure out where i had parked my car. I looked at the large building as i approached the entrance in the center. A short gray roof extended over the entrance. The building now seemed old, with thin wooden columns on the upper floors that looked like they were from French colonial houses. I turned a few times, but was not sure where i should go. I stepped on something that was slippery and had to back to the south. I was near the roof of a building, which sloped up to the north of me. I leaned back on the modern building to the south as i looked at the ice on the roof to the north. I was surprised that ice was still on the roof this late in the year. I started to feel anxious, thinking that i had been abducted. I had escaped from this area, but i was still not out. I thought that i would tell my parents that i had been abducted by the DMV. I did not think that my parents would believe me, because it would seem improbably that a government agency would capture anyone, but i would tell them anyway.

12013 June 11

I looked to the north at the map that was on the inclined surface. The map showed two rivers running parallel to each other. It seemed to be a three-dimensional view of the landscape. The rivers seemed to be narrow channels. The larger river on the western side was the Hudson River. I mentioned this to the other person. The narrower water channel on the east, which seemed to be contained within a man-made cement channel, was the Harlem River. I talked to someone about the two rivers, confused by the rivers. The Hudson River ran to the south, making sharp turns with oblique angles. I knew that we were near the Albany area of New York State, so i did not think that the Harlem River should be up this far. I was surprised to see it. I had thought that it only ran near New York City. I said this to the other person as we flow south, over the brown water of the river. The two rivers ran mostly parallel to each other, and i mentioned that the flooding of the Hudson River would overflow into the other river. I told the other person that this was a concern. The two rivers should remain separate, but, when the flooding starts, it will erode the land between the rivers and create a new path for the water. I thought again about the eastern river, trying to figure out how it was the Harlem River. It seemed too far north. That river could not run all the way to the Albany area, even though i was looking at it there.

We walked to the east, across the college campus. The modern glass and steel buildings of the campus were all around us. I chatted with the others on the eastern side of the area as we paused in the middle of a small paved yard. It was dark out, and i started to feel chilly. We had to get back to our dorms. $F10 was standing to the east of me, with the other students. We chatted for a moment, and i started to feel chilly again. We then headed to the north, into the large modern building. The lobby of the building seemed very open. It was enclosed with a glass wall that curved from the south to the west and then to the north. The interior walls seemed to be dusted metal with round smooth vertical features. A rounded column in the southeastern part of the lobby was actually an elevator. The others had opened the door and gotten in. We had been waiting for the elevator to come, but it had not. $F45 walked to the northwest to check out another elevator, and he was unaware that the first elevator door had opened. The others stepped into the round elevator, and i stopped by the door, calling to $F45 to come back to us. He hurried back and i stepped into the elevator with the others. I pressed one of the round black buttons on the metal wall to the northwest of the door. The door closed, but an alarm went off. I felt panicked as i looked at the panel. I suddenly realized that we had been out past curfew. Armed guards in black riot uniforms came into the lobby outside the elevator from the outside doors in the northern and western sides. They pointed their guns at us as they arrested us. We were not allowed to be outside the dorms after a certain hour, and the troops were coming to arrest us. They treated us roughly and brought us to a room. The troops were in the small rectangular room to the west of us, and i wandered around in the small waiting room to the east. They were trying to make examples of us. I knew that they were putting people on the small stage that was on the northern side of the room to the west. They were going to make us perform to make an example. I looked at myself it the mirror on the northern wall of the smaller eastern room that i was in. The room seemed to be a bathroom, with sinks under the long mirror. I was wearing a yellow dress, which had a V-cut across the front. I had been wearing the dress for something else, but the troops were going to make an example of me by forcing me onto the stage in the dress. I felt a little awkward, not quite sure what i should do. I thought that i would perform on the stage as though i had nothing to be afraid of. I wanted to show off the dress to let them know that i was not afraid of them. I pulled up the front of the dress, noticing that it did not quite fit correctly because i did not have breasts to fill the top part. I pulled up the area around the breasts, noticing a silvery V-shaped piece of material just under the top edge of the dress. I then looked at my face. I had been wearing dark goth makeup as part of the costume. It did not quite look right, so i thought that i should wash it off. I had put the dark makeup around my eyes, which made the eye sockets look empty. I decided that i should wash it off because i was not actually performing on stage in a rock show, as originally intended. I leaned over one of the sinks and started to wash off the makeup.

12013 June 12

I walked with the others to the northwest, chatting about running shoes. I was with the track team, and we had to get to a track meet. I said something about the shoes, picturing them as brightly colored running flats. The team wandered through the narrow passage as they headed north. I started to feel as though i was responsible for finding the place that we were going to, so i looked down at my cell phone and tried to search for the address. I typed in the name of the place, but the search did not return specific results. I mentioned this to the others as we passed through a narrow space heading north and then turned to the northwest. Several of them looked back at me as i tried to figure out where we were going. I looked at the GPS in my hand as we headed to the west, but the place that it mentioned did not seem to be correct. It mentioned a city in Illinois. I repeated the name of the city for the others, saying that it could not be correct. It was too for away for us to get to in time. I then looked at the search results on my phone again. This time, they mentioned a city it California. I shook my head as we continued to the northwest, saying that the city was in California and that we would not be able to make it there in time for the meet. I felt confused. I knew that we had to head to someplace close to us, but i could not find the correct city on the GPS. Several other towns were listed. I told the others that the GPS had picked a place called Corals. It was in California, and it was the city i had told the others about. I recognized the name, and told the others that i remembered it from California. It could not be the correct city. I then felt unsure about the city being in California. I remembered that Coral Gables was a town in Florida. I was not sure where we should go. We traveled to the west, over the dirt road. The road ended suddenly in a small grassy field. I looked to the west, unable to see any more of the road across the small rounded field. A thick forest enclosed the western and southern side of the field. The land sloped up over a rounded hill to the north, and up to a smaller hill to the south. The trees to the south seemed dense, but a flat area ran up the bare hill to the north, toward the tree line. I thought that the bare dirt area could be the road, so i backed the van up and started driving up the hill. The road ran to the northwest, across the slope of the hill. As i neared the top, though, i noticed that the road faded into the surrounding landscape as well. This did not seem to be the correct way either. I felt frustrated, not sure where we should be going. I looked back down the hill to the south, trying to see if the other road actually did go anywhere. I could only see dry grass in the field. Frustrated, i turned the car back to the southeast and headed back down the hill. I was not sure which way we should go. I looked at the map, which seemed to be part of the GPS device. It showed a small area of complex curved streets, which looked like a housing development. I could see the dead-end street that we had driven on to the west. I now realized why we had run into an empty field. We would have to travel to the north on the main road until we could find a road that would take us around the hills and to the west.

12013 June 13

I walked to the west, down the crowded hallway in the academic building. It was the end of the semester, and i was finishing up my education here. My class had ended, and the semester now seemed over, but i did not feel happy. I packed several things in my backpack in the hallway, thinking that i would have to take all of my things with me. I felt upset because i knew that i would not graduate. I still had another of classes to make up before i could graduate. I looked to the east, across the large lecture hall. A few professors were standing on the eastern side of the wooden table on the eastern end of the room, chatting with each other and with students. I felt that i would not be able to complete my education like i had wanted, and i would have to come back. I was now a year behind everyone else. I turned to the west and continued walking, upset that i would not be graduating. I started walking through the campus store. I had something that i had to do, but i could not remember what. I watched the others move around me for a moment, feeling anxious about what i would have to do. I had to get something, and i tried to think of what.

12013 June 15

I stopped on the northern sidewalk of the street, looking to the east. The other person was lying on the ground to the east of me with his head to the east. I looked up at the jet aircraft that was flying across the eastern sky, heading downward to the north. It passed over the brown buildings on the northern side of the street. I told $F45, who was lying on the ground in front of me, about the airplane crash. I felt very urgent about the crash. I remembered the airplane moving over the buildings and then everything went silent. The airplane made no noise as it disappeared behind a taller building just to the northeast of me. I then heard the loud boom of an explosion as the airplane crashed. I remembered this crash, and it felt very painful to recall. The silence of the airplane scared me. I looked up as the airplane passed to the north over the buildings. It seemed to be crashing again. This time, i could hear the sound of the engines rev up as it disappeared over the buildings. Again, i heard the sound of the explosion. This time, the sound of the jet engines continued to whine after the boom faded. I thought that the engines must still be running while the engine was on the ground. I felt uneasy, thinking about the silence before and the sound of the jet engines now.

12013 June 16

I moved to the western side of the bedroom as i looked around at the clothes on the floor. I had just entered the bedroom from the east, and i was surprised to see how messy it looked. I felt a little embarrassed at the mess and thought that i should clean it up. I hurried to one of the piles on the western side of the room and started cleaning. A child was on the northern side of the room, and he pointed out a stuffed animal that was on the floor in the middle of one of the piles. The child picked up one of the stuffed animals, and i realized that several others were on the floor with it. The one that the child picked up was pale brown, and it had a tear-drop shaped body with long fur. Its hands and feet stuck out at the sides of its body, and a face was drawn at the narrow top end. I said something about the doll, but the child picked up another. The second one seemed to be of a man. I recognized it. The child then picked up a third doll, which was also a man. The second man seemed to be wearing a hat that looked like Robin Hood’s, but it was pale brown and dark green in a camouflage pattern. The doll was also wearing a simple tunic of the same pattern. I told the child that the two dolls were of Peter Pan. The child put the two male dolls back down on the pile of clothing and picked up the fuzzy doll again. He said something about the fuzzy doll, and i told him the doll’s name. It was a joke name, and had something to do with the fact that the animal dug holes. I told the child that it was a joke name as the child read the name on the doll’s tag. I then told the child that the fuzzy doll was new. I could actually see the price tag still hanging off the side of the doll. I said that, because the doll was new, it would not have to be washed. The child disagreed and brought the doll to me. I looked at it, noticing that the fur on one side was matted down. It looked a little muddy. I then remembered that the doll had fallen onto the icy ground and that the young girl had driven over it with her car. I told $K2 that we would have to clean the doll on a gentle cycle. I asked $K2 how the washing machine was set.

I walked to the east, across the narrow cinema. This place seemed crudely set up, with a small white screen on the eastern wall, and white wooden folding chairs set up in two sections with a center aisle. I thought that the people were here to see Star Wars, which was showing as a special screening. The section of seating on the northern side of the cinema was longer than the section on the south, running most of the length of the room. The section on the south only ran about half way across the theater, to the west. I walked up behind the section on the southern side, looking at the people in the theater. Few people were in the chairs, but i thought that the theater would be crowded soon. I then turned around and looked to the west, at some of the other people coming in. I noticed $F45 coming into the room. He was wearing a blue dinner jacket. He did not look like $45, but i knew that he was. His face was square, with rounded cheeks. He seemed out of shape and a little pudgy. He walked toward me, but seemed to be staring at someone on the northern side of the audience. I looked to the north to see $A651 sitting in one of the chairs on the northern side of the audience. I nodded hello to $A651, still trying to attract $F45’s attention. $F45 did not notice me, though. $A651 glanced at me, trying to get $F45’s attention and point out that i was in the room, but $F45 was not listening. $F45 told $A651 that he would not be able to stay for the movie and headed back to the western side of the room. He was leaving. I knew that he was going to meet someone to copulate. I felt annoyed with him and called his name to get his attention. He seemed preoccupied and continued heading toward the door. I yelled to him again, calling his name loudly. He still did not seem to hear and continued out the door. I started to follow him out the door. I was now very annoyed that he was not paying attention and that he was leaving $A651 here because he wanted to copulate with someone. I walked out into the hallway at the end of the room and looked to the south. I could not seem him in the hallway. I headed back into the cinema. Not many people were in the cinema, even though the audience had seemed somewhat full before. I walked to the front of the theater and stopped to look at the white screen on the eastern wall. I then turned to the west to see if i knew anyone else in the theater. A man had come into the room from the door in the center of the southern wall. He wore a coat and seemed to be checking tickets of several young men in the last row on the southern section of the theater. I thought that the man must know that too many people were in the audience, so he was checking the tickets of everyone there. I did not have a ticket, but i thought that i would tell the man that i was just visiting the cinema and then leave. I started to leave, but i noticed that the man had motioned one of the boys to leave the room. The boys looked to be in their mid teens. The blond boy at the northern end of the row stood up. He wore a pale shirt and seemed rather skinny. He held something dark in his arms that looked like a spray bottle. He must have been cleaning the room with the other boys. I walked toward the door in the southern wall. The older man, who was the usher, was approaching the door after me. I felt a little nervous, thinking that he might ask me whether i had a ticket. I opened the door, pulling it toward me and swinging it to the east. I started through the door, holding it open for the man behind me. I thought that he might appreciate me holding the door. I then stepped to the south, into the hall. I felt suddenly that i needed to defecate and wondered where the bathroom was. I thought that it was probably down the hall to the west. The hall to the east ran for a distance and seemed to have a carpet in the center of hit. To the west, the hallway opened up into a small lobby. I thought that the bathrooms would be on the southern side of the lobby. Several people were standing in the center of the lobby. They were part of the cleaning crew, and they seemed similar to the young men i had seen in the theater. They stood in a group in the center of the hall, looking in my direction as the spoke casually to each other. I looked again to the east, noticing a large surface on the eastern wall, which was no longer that far from me. Several of the young men were cleaning it. I thought that i recognized a few of them. I then decided that i still had to use the toilets, so i turned to the west and headed to the lobby. I stopped near the group of men and said something to one of them. The young man and i started chatting about the bathroom as some of the other continued cleaning. The men said that they used the bathroom to the south, so i headed to the south, into the bathroom. I then stopped again, still in the hallway. I looked to the east again, seeing the corridor widen into a small room, which seemed to be a lobby. A group of young men were standing in the center of the room, talking to each other. They were wearing gym shorts and T-shirts, and they were playing with a soccer ball. I had been talking to some of them, and i talked to them about the soccer ball. I realized that i was holding a cat in my arms as i spoke. I was supporting the cat with my left arm, and was petting its back with my right hand. I said something to the men, and one of them rolled the soccer ball toward me. I pretended that the cat could play soccer, and i turned it toward the ball as the ball rolled slowly toward me. The ball stopped suddenly in the middle of the floor. I was surprised by this, and i stared at the ball for a moment. The others stared as well. It seemed very strange that the ball had just stopped, and i wondered if the cat had actually been able to stop the ball somehow. I joked to the others that the cat had stopped the ball. The ball then moved a little back to the northeast, but then started to quiver. It was deflating. The white ball seemed to have a hole in the southern bottom side, and it was deflating into a flimsy white dome. I looked at the ball, and i remembered that this event had happened before. I told the others that this had happened before. Something seemed very strange. I knew that the cat could not have done this with the ball, but i still felt suspicious. I moved a little to the northeast, to the northwest of the ball. I noticed a dark spot on the floor under the ball. I realized that it was probably a hole in the floor. I told the others that an animal might be under the floor, and i thought that the animal must have attacked the ball and caused it to deflate. I walked to the east, around the northern side of the ball. I was staying at a distance in case an animal could come out of the hole and attack me. I thought that a snake might be under the white surface that we were on. The surface seemed elevated, like a stage. I crouched down a little, trying to see into the hole. The hole now seemed wider, and the southern rim of the hole seemed higher than the northern rim, making a small cave in the rough plastic-like surface of the floor. I imagined that a snake might be coiled there. I pictured it as a rattlesnake, or as some other kind of pit viper. I thought that its fangs could have punctured the ball and caused it to deflate. As i came directly to the north of the hole, i noticed the face of the snake. It had a flat head, and i could see its left eye looking out of the hole. As i focused on the creature, i could see more of it in the small hole, which now seemed to be half a meter wide. The dull-black head had dull-yellow scales along the side of the head and jaw. I then realized that the yellow scales ran down the side of the lizard’s body to a short leg. The animal was a lizard, and it stood still near the entrance of the opening. I wondered what we should do. It seemed like a dangerous animal, so i was not sure how we could get it out of the hole.

I told the other person that we would have to get multiple bank accounts. I tired to think about the situation, thinking that we would need multiple accounts to transfer money between. I said that the business would not work if it had only one bank account. This seemed like a reasonable statement, but i could not quite comprehend what i was talking about. I knew that the business required multiple accounts for something, but i was not sure what. I then thought that the other person might suspect that i was trying to do something illegal. I told the person that we were not trying to break the law. I thought about the situation, but i could not make sense of it.

12013 June 17

I stood with several other runners on the western side of the golf course. We were just about to start a race. A footpath ran from the northwest to where i as standing. I started to jog to the east of the footpath, but i soon realized that we were about to start the race. I turner around and looked to the west. Several people were still running toward the starting line, but some of the runners had already started running toward me on the race. I felt a little awkward, so i jogged back to the starting line, which was marked with a short wooden sign on the northern side of the path. Someone, who seemed like $A652 ran past me. Many of these runners seemed fast, and i knew that i would not be able to keep up with them. I jogged with a few of the runners, heading to the east. I thought that i would not be able to keep up with them, and i started to feel anxious. As the path curved to the southeast, i noticed the rolling green land around me. It all seemed to be part of the golf course, and golfers were standing here and there on the course. $A34 jogged past be suddenly, passing to the south of me. He was shirtless and was running rather fast. I followed the runners around the tight turns that were now on the course. Small stone markers on the right side of the trail marked where the trail ran through the grassy area. We ran up a short steep hill to the southeast, and turned sharply to the east at the top. I stopped at the top of the hill, noticing the small gray stone pylon just to the south of the trail. The trail continued to the east, but dropped steeply down a white slope, descending almost vertically for about four or five meters. I could not see the markers below, nor on the hill to the east. I wondered where the trail went. Several other runners then descended the steep slope, hitting the tight curve at the bottom. I ran after them, felling as though i was not really running. The white trail descended the slope and then turned sharply to the south, curving in a tight circle to the west, north, and then back to the south. The white trail now seemed to be carved into the vertical side of a tree. The curved part ran along the fanning roots at the bottom. I followed the trail to the south, heading out of the hollow tree. I looked around, but i could not see any other runners near me. I felt lost now. I could not see where the trail went from here. I tried to look for it, but i was still not sure where i should go.

12013 June 18

People were gathered on the northern side of the room, which seemed like an outdoor area. We had been camping out, and some of the camping equipment was still scattered around the room. $A630 was with me, and we were chatting about something. He seemed to be to the west of me as we spoke. It felt nice talking to him, and i felt as though i had missed him. i then started moving around the area, packing things up on the northern side of the room. For a moment, i seemed to be in the room by myself. The others were still on the northern side of the camping area, but i was in a smaller room, to the south. I picked up some of my things from the ground, and then i headed to the north, into the larger room. A few people were now cleaning around me, and i packed up a sleeping bag near the eastern frame of the wide doorway. The sleeping bag rolled into a small bundle that was wrapped with a dark-blue nylon cover. I had borrowed the sleeping bag from someone, and i was making sure that it was packed back up appropriately. I pulled the black strings around it. As i tried to clip the end of one of the strings to the top of the pack, i realized that the strings seemed to be part of a mesh. I was clipping the western side of the netted mesh to a small round piece at the top of the bundle. The entire thing clipped up easily, even though i had to pull some of the chords tightly to get them to clip. A man and a woman were to the east of me. They were the people that i had borrowed the sleeping bag from. I told them how easily it clipped up into a ball. The round object at the top of the bundle now seemed to be attached to something else. I thought that the entire package was suspended below a set of red and white balloons. I continued talking to the man and woman as i finished packing.

12013 June 19

I moved to the south, into the room, which seemed like the dining room of my parents’ house. I had brought several of my things to keep in the house. My things seemed to be packed up in boxes and packages. I carried some of them into the room. I was now carrying a small potted plant into the room. I brought it into the eastern side of the room, but i realized that i would need to leave the plant near a window. My mother was to the east of me, in the kitchen. She stood near a counter on the eastern wall. She talked to me as i walked to the south, looking for a place to put the plant. She seemed unhappy, and she did not seem to like the plant. I carried it to the window on the eastern side of the southern wall of the dining room and put it on the floor. It did not have direct sun light from the window, but i thought that it would have enough light. The small pot had a thin stalk of a plant in the center. I turned back to the north and walked to the northern side of the room, talking to some of the other people there. Some of them had come into the room from the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. I chatted with one of the men on the northern side of the room. He seemed like $A284. A few other people came into the room from the east and walked to the north of us as we chatted. I moved to the east of the man as we chatted. I then noticed the metal rack that extended from the northern wall. It looked like an aluminium walker, but it only curved from the north to the west, forming an L-shaped brace. I realized that the man i was talking to was actually $A653. He could not walk, so he was propped up in the metal frame. He was then in the middle of the rack, facing me. We chatted for a moment as the people moved around us. I then asked a question about the things. A man was leaning over the northern end of the rack. He yelled in response, his voice high pitched and annoying. I leaned away from the man so that he was not yelling into my right ear. I remembered that he was an annoying person, and i said something about this to $A653. I could still hear the man’s high-pitched voice resonating in his throat. He seemed somewhat attractive, with a young face and short strawberry-blond hair. I realized that he had said something about the resolution. He disagreed with us, saying that the resolution was not high enough. As he leaned back to the north, i thought that he was saying that the resolution was not high enough to display himself. He was somewhat nerdy, and i thought that he was complaining because his freckles were too small to be seen at the resolution we had mentioned. I said something to the man to the west of me, and then i headed to the east. I had to leave this place. I started to pack my things as the others to the north started to leave. I was now standing to the west of a table, and $A623 was sitting in a chair on the western side of the table. I felt uneasy here as i collected my things. $A623 asked me some questions, and i was not quite sure how to answer. She seemed concerned about something. I did not want to get into a discussion about something with her. I then remembered that i was supposed to tell her about a conflict in my schedule. I told her about the conflict, thinking that she would be upset. I said that a friend of mine had just announced a wedding and that $F45 and i were planning on attending. I felt awkward, not quite sure what to do next, so i turned to the west to leave, hoping that she would not object.

12013 June 21

I turned to the east, showing my father the pictures that were hanging on the wall. The framed pictures were of my father. The were old photography that i had gotten from my mother, and i had mounted them on the wall. I looked at a small picture that was hanging to the southeast of me, referring to it as i spoke to my father. The colors had faded to a cream, and the picture seemed to be of my father when he was young, with me standing on his left. My vision seemed somewhat hazy around the edges as i looked over the various sizes and shapes of photographs that were hanging on the wall. My father wandered to the north a little, and i panned from the southeast to the east and then to the northeast. I was aware of other relatives of mine entering the room from the west. I continued to look at the paintings on the northern wall, though. They were in various rectangular shapes, and the one i was looking at was mostly blue, with a diagonal slash of yellow across the top part of the canvas. Other shades of color created square shapes. The modern art seemed new and bright. I panned to the east, looking at the other paintings on the walls. A large square one in the center of the wall was mostly dull-yellow and cream-white. It had dark diagonal lines running across it, from the upper left to lower right, the same direction as in the small blue painting. I then turned my attention to the west, where my relatives were. $F45 was also in the room, and he seemed to be to the northwest of me as i moved toward my relatives. I now seemed to be on a porch or open space on the western side of the house. The hazy sunlight was dull on the green trees and grass to the west. My mother was talking about getting the meal ready, and i thought about what i was supposed to do. My mother said that $F45 was making the ice cream for dessert. I thought about this, realizing that we did not have the supplies to make the ice cream. $F45 and i would have to go out to the store to get them. I said something about this as i walked to the edge of the porch, still looking to the southwest. A train had come from the west and was now moving to the south of us, heading southeast on the tracks. It seemed to be running parallel to the main road, which was on the northeastern side of the tracks. I listened to my mother speak about $F45 as i watched the blue engine of the train roll past us. The road near the tracks seemed to run into an intersection with a larger road, directly to the south of the house. I knew that a traffic light was at the intersection, and i thought that the train would be crossing the road here. We would not be able to go too far because the train was blocking the road. I then thought that we did not actually have to cross the tracks to get to the store, which seemed to be to the southeast of us. I watched the large blue engine pass. It was strangely shaped, with three rounded compartments. The shapes looked like hemispheres that were attached end to end and squeezed a little. They had a section across the center that bulged upward, wrapping from side to side of the train. The hemispheres seemed to be smaller at the front of the train, but a white structure that ran across the tops of the hemispheres seemed to be level. I thought that this design was somehow part of a science-fiction fusion engine. The train continued past, and i looked at the other cars. Large blue locomotives then passed. They looked like the regular engines of a train, and i wondered muttered that they were really on the train. I started talking about the train with the others. I then realized that the blue locomotive engines were actually not part of the train. They were driving down the road. This seemed strange, and i thought that they might be being transported. I looked down at their wheels, however, and saw that they had tires and were actually riding on the roadway. This seemed very strange, but i decided that the locomotives were designed to ride on the roads. I then focused on the train again, watching the cars go past. The light blue metal cages were rolling past. I could see several people standing in the cages. They were dressed like miners, with yellow hardhats. I thought that they were on their way back from work in the cars. I commented on the passenger cars to $F45. I then wondered if there would be any regular passenger cars. As i thought this, i saw the passenger cars passing from the west. They looked like metro cars, and i could see people sitting inside them. I then asked $F45 something about getting the ice cream.

12013 June 22

I was floating around the yard, passing over the green grass in wide clockwise circles. Someone was to the west of me, an the side of the yard, and i had been talking to him. The others were leaving to the north, toward the house, but i did not want to follow them yet. A tall picket fence ran along the eastern side of the yard. It looked old and the paint on it seemed faded and chipping. A small garage sat in the southeastern corner of the yard, facing north. I passed the northwestern corner of the garage and stopped on the grass just to the west of the northwestern corner. A pile of keys had been dropped on the grass. I remembered finding the keys in the center of the yard before and placing them here to get them out of the way. I looked closely at the pile, aware that a dog was somewhere in the yard. I focused on an old key that was on top of the eastern side of the pile. It looked like an old flat tin key, with rectangular teeth on both sides and no ridges carved into the flat side. It was on a metal ring with a thin flat piece of metal. The metal had notches carved into the flat sides at regular intervals. I was interested in the tin key, though. I picked up the ring, but then i started to feel guilty, thinking that i should not be taking the keys because they were left in someone else’s yard. i wanted to keep the tin key, though. I turned back to the north and started flying around the yard again.

I was in the small car with the other people, and the situation seemed tense. Something was happening. Sam and Dean Winchester were sitting in the back seat of the car, but they seemed threatening to us. I had been facing southeast, and Sam and Dean were to the northwest of me. I turned back to the southwest and grabbed Sam, trying to control him. I wrapped my arms around him, but i realized that my arms were reaching behind me, over my head. I had been holding him around his neck, pulling him close to my back. I then realized that he actually had his arms around my neck. I was the one being held. I felt nervous, and struggled to get out of the hold, but he was wrapping his arms tighter around my shoulders. I pushed him back, trying to get out.

I felt tense as i moved to the west a little, along the northern side of the large building. This building seemed like a hospital. My father was in the van, which was parked in the circular driveway on the northern side of the building, facing west. I stood to the southeast of the van, looking back at the door to the hospital as my mother came out. I told my father that she was here. We had been waiting for her. I felt agitated and walked to the south, down the corridor of the hospital. I walked to the end of the hall, where an east-to-west hallway connected to it. The elevators were at the end of the hallway. I walked to the east a little and pressed the button on the elevator. I remembered taking the elevator on the northern end of the building the last time. The elevator was to the east of the doors that i entered, a few meters down the hall, on the northern wall. I had taken it up to the fifth floor the last time. The elevator opened and i walked in. I turned back to the north and pressed one of the black buttons on the metal panel to the west of the door. I then realized that the button that i pressed did not say five on it. I thought that it was actually the button for the subbasement. I looked at the buttons again, realizing that only three buttons were on the panel. This elevator did not go all the way to the fifth floor. I was annoyed, thinking that i should have taken the elevator on the northern side of the building. I looked to the west, noticing that i was actually in the small eastern section of a much larger room. The room seemed to have a cured southern wall, which made the room narrower on the eastern and western ends. I could see a large door in the center of the northern wall, which was the main elevator. I moved to the center of the room, in front of the metallic elevator door. A smaller elevator was just to the east of the large metal door of the main elevator. I remembered the small elevator, feeling uneasy thinking about it. It was a very small compartment, and it did not work properly. I knew that it went up to the fifth floor, but i did not want to take it because the door did not always open when you wanted it to. I also remembered that the compartment did not have any walls, so it was easy to scrape the cement walls of the elevator shaft. I turned to the west and walked to the small set of stairs that ascended to a hallway on the western end of the room. The hallway was to the north of the stairs, and i stepped into it, looking to the east and west. I remembered the diagram i had seen of the southern end of the building. It seemed rather complicated. I remembered the stairs running to the west and then continuing along the southern side of a hallway, to the east of where they ended. i thought that i must have just taken the first set of stairs, so i walked down the hallway to the east. The next set should bring me up to the fifth floor. I turned to the south, walking through a doorway in the southern wall. I immediately turned to the west and started up a narrow set of stone steps in a narrow hallway. I thought that this would lead to the next floor, but i quickly realized that the stairs and the hallway ended. They only led to a few doorways to small rooms. I paused in the middle of the flight of stairs, looking at the small wooden door on the northern side of the stairway. The door led to the old radio studio for the hospital. It was probably closed now, because everyone would be listening to music on the computer broadcasts. I felt annoyed, not quite sure where i should go.

12013 June 23

I was with the other person on the eastern side of the small classroom. The room was very long east to west. It had white walls and was cluttered with dark wooden chairs and easels. Only the other person was in the room with me. We were talking about the class. I then had to get something, so i started walking to the west, across the northern side of the room. I thought about singing. It had something to do with the class that was held here. I walked to the west, toward the small room that was off the end of the class room. The small room was connected to the classroom through a doorway in the northern end of the western wall of the room. A large window in the southern end of the western wall let in hazy sunshine. I walked into the small room, gathering my things. I glanced at the piano on the southern side of the room, thinking of the sheet music that was on it. I focused my attention on the things that i was gathering from the floor. I packed some of them into my backpack. I now seemed to be on the street, to the north of the large old stone school building.

12013 June 24

I crouched down to the east of the couch that was in the center of the living room of my parents’ house. It was dark out, and someone seemed to be outside the window to the west. I watched the figures moving. I felt nervous of them. I could not let them seem me. The figures were of several men, and they were staring in the window. They seemed to have been watching me, and i was uneasy with this. I turned to the south and headed across the room toward the stairs that led up to the second floor. Someone said that Dick Cheney was watching me, and i pictured him as one of the men that had been outside the window to the west. I ascended the stairs and stopped in front of the small bedroom to the south. The light in the room was on. I had not turned it on, so i thought that one of the men from outside must have done so. I walked to the eastern side of the small room and quickly turned off the small white dresser-top lamp so that the men outside could not see me moving through the house. I felt very nervous. I looked out the front window of the house to see if they had moved around to the front of the house yet. I could see down the slope of the short roof outside the window. A man in a fedora was starting directly at me. He knew that the light had been turned off, so he must have known that i was in the room. I felt nervous about these men, and i backed into the house so that they would not see me.

I had been sitting on the western side of the large church, and i moved to the south, down the aisle. The service seemed to be happening somewhere to the east, but i did not seem to be able to view it. The section of pews where i was faced east, but they seemed to be on the outer section of the church, so a gray stone wall separated them from the main chapel. I was walking between two pews near the western wall of the church. I had not yet settled in here, and i seemed to be heading toward a different seat. As i reached the end of the pews, i noticed two other people sitting on the end. I did not really want to walk past them, and i had no place that i was actually going to, so i stopped and looked to the southeast. Few people seemed to be in the audience, and all of them were now standing. The man and woman, who had been sitting on the southern end of the pew move out into the aisle to the south. I looked at the man, realizing that he had moved to allow me to pass. I shook my head at him, letting him know that i really did not need to get by. He was a tall thin man with dark skin. He wore a dark suit and seemed nicely dressed. His hair was cut very short on the sides, but was taller on top. His face seemed very narrow, with thick lips that stood out from his lower jaw. His wife was also nicely dressed. She too had dark skin, and her thick black hair was brushed back from her face. Her dark dress had a purple hue to it, and she seemed to be wearing a black suit coat over the top of it. Either the suit coat or the dress had a few lines of something glittery running vertically down her left side. I hesitated for a moment, thinking that i did not really have to leave the pew, but then i started moving again. I had turned to the west to head up a short aisle. I thought that i had walked to the east, down the aisle at the southern end of the pew i had been in, and then i had headed back to the north across the main aisle, which ran to the east of the section of pews that i had been in. I had headed west up the small aisle, which i had thought was back at the northern end of the section that i had crossed before. As i looked at the section to the south of me, thought, something seemed strange. A woman was kneeling down to the south of me. She wore a white napped sweater and seemed to have a white woven hat. Her gray and white hair was combed back from her face. She looked at me as i stood in the pew to the northeast of her. I could see a short wall dividing the pews, running east to west, just to the north of the woman. This did not make sense. I could not figure out how i had come through here before. I then backed to the north, looking at the narrow aisle i had come into the section on. I realized that the aisle did not extend all the way to the west, across the section. It was not the same aisle i had come down before. It was just a small aisle in the middle of the section, not the aisle that separated the sections. I backed to the north, trying to get to the main aisle, but then i started flying to the south. I moved to the southwest first, to get to one of the pews behind the woman. I felt uncomfortable here now, thinking that i had to get out. I was flying, which was not something that the people here would think was normal. The people in the congregation did not seem to pay much attention, but i felt that someone to the southeast was heading toward me. He seemed to be a priest in a long off-white robe. I turned back to the north, now on the western side of the church. Someone said something to me, and a man was standing very near me now. I paused on the western side of the building, feeling that i had to get away. I seemed to be outside now. The man was saying something to me as he stood to the east of me. I was also aware of the priest approaching us from the southeast. I ran to the north, across the grassy area. Everything looked stark here. A black chain-link fence stood to the south of us. It was taller than i was, but i quickly climbed it and jumped to the other side. The person with me had done the same. He then said something to the priest who was following us. They seemed to have some relationship to each other. As i started across the small yard, i noticed that another fence ran across the northern side of the yard. The city seemed to stretch to the north and northeast of us, and the church seemed to be on a hill. I felt that i had to get to the northeast, but the fences were in my way. I decided that i would have to jump over them as well. The hill ran down rather steeply to the west and on the western side of the northern edge of the lawn. I would not be able to hop the fence there because it would be a long fall down the steep rocky hill. I moved near the fence to the north, feeling desperate to escape. I looked over the edge, thought, noticing another tall fence below. For a moment, i tried to figure out how i could climb over the first fence and make it to the second. I realized that the first fence had barbed wire running across the top, though. It would be more difficult to climb. I felt disappointed. I looked to the east, seeing a flat ground running down a slight hill on the other side of the fence. It was covered with trimmed grass. The center section of the lawn on the eastern side had turned yellow or dried up. I did not consider hopping over the fence to get to the yard here. It seemed that i would be trapped on the others side. I felt as though i had nowhere to go to get out of the church yard. I would have to go back through the church to get away. I felt disappointed by this. The other still held on to the fence to the north of me, on the eastern end of the yard, facing north. I started walking back toward the northern side of the church. I felt frustrated that we would have to be let into the church to get out of the yard. I wanted to escape to the east, but it seemed to complicated. The door on the northern side of the church was closed, but i knew that the priest was near it. I followed a short set of steps up to the door, feeling angry now that the priest did not open the doors as we approached. I knew that he was trying to leave us in the yard for a while. I thought that i should kick the door and demand that we be let in.

I stood on the wooden dock, looking out over the water to the northwest of me. A canoe was on the northern side of the dock, and someone seemed to be doing something with it. Others seemed to be out on the calm water to the west. The water seemed to be within a room that had worn wooden walls. A group of people on a boat moved to the position where the canoe had been, and they started doing something on the canoe that they were in. I backed to the eastern end of the dock, still looking out to the west. I remembered that the man from the expensive house had thrown a large cake into the water just to the north of the dock, near the shore. Other things seemed to be under the water. I thought about the pink and reddish-pink cake, thought, and i thought that it would probably have become soggy and would have fallen apart. I thought that it should still be in the shallow water. I felt a little annoyed with the man for throwing things in the water. I thought about getting some of the things out. As i turned to the south, my mother was to the southeast of me. She said that she had taken the cake out of the water because she thought that it was disgusting. I walked with her to the south.

I had been talking with $F45 about something, but we were walking to the west now. I felt that we had to get tickets. I turned to the west, standing on the western side of the small crowd. Someone was telling us that we could now go to buy the tickets, and several of the people in the crowd were rushing to the west to get to the ticket booths. I hurried to the west, thinking that i could get to a ticket stand and buy a ticket to $P14. I was the second person in the queue, and $F45 was just to the east of me, so i thought that we should get good tickets. He did not seem interested in the tickets, though, and that disappointed me. I had hoped that he would come with me to buy the tickets, but he only walked slowly to the west. I tried to ignore him, but i felt uncertain about the tickets now. I headed across the large corridor. Passing through a wide doorway to the west, i looked up, noticing red signs overhead that mentioned the ticket locations. One of the signs mentioned $P14, so i knew that i was still heading in the correct direction. The sign had the name in black script in the center of the sign. As i passed through the doorway, i noticed that the room opened up to the south. Rows of counters were along the eastern wall of the room. I turned to the east and walked to the first counter, noticing that the counters had numbers followed by letters. I wondered why i was not at the counter with the letter “a”, since i was at the first counter on the left, on the northern end of the row. The second counter from the north was recessed a little to the east of the first. A woman stood behind the counter. She was wearing a dark-blue suit with red trim. She had a white shirt under the suit, and wore a matching steward hat. Two other women were doing something at the recessed desk, looking down at the counter in front of them. The first woman smiled at me and asked me a question. I told her that i wanted to buy a ticket. She glanced over her left shoulder for a moment as one of the other two women asked her a question, and then she turned back to me, saying that she was ready to help me. I turned to the west to see where $F45 had gone. Several other people had gone to the counters on the western side of the area, but i could not see $F45. I felt uncertain where i would be buying a ticket. I realized that $F45 must be buying tickets to the east, and i then realized that we might not be taking the bus to $P14. I remembered that we were supposed to be flying to Russia instead. That would be on our way back. I felt uncertain, and i told the woman that i would not be purchasing a ticket here. I walked to the north, not sure what i should be doing.

12013 June 25

I was joking about something with $G4. We were on the southern side of a large room, sitting in some wooden chairs. The chairs seemed to be spread around the room in random shapes. I started talking about something, and i showed the others some pictures of what happened. I seemed to have the pictures on a laptop computer, but i was looking at them to the north of me on a vertical surface. I saw pictures of myself scrolling from right to left. The first several pictures seemed to be casual pictures of me not doing anything, but the last few were shirtless pictures of me, where i seemed to be flexing in some. I thought that i had sent these pictures by accident, and i felt very annoyed. I had attached them to an e-mail a while ago, but had accidentally forwarded that e-mail with the one i had sent out to $G4. I felt a little embarrassed about the pictures, but could not do anything about them. I joked about the event. I then noticed some pictures of $F45. They seemed out of place. One of the pictures was of $F45 jogging on an elliptical machine at the gym. It looked like a sepia-toned image, but it was actually a video. $F45 was moving his arms with the machine as he jogged. $F45 commented on the picture, saying that he did not like it. He was shirtless in the picture, and i told him that he looked good in it. I then joked about something sexual, which seemed to have been the topic of the original e-mail from $G4. I said something to $F45, who was now in the room with me. The others were now to the southwest, in the next room. I said something to $F45, but he left to the southwest to join the others. I still had to get ready, and i played with the costume that i was putting on. $G4 was dressing up in silly costumes, and i had one that i was putting together. I had a small plastic lightsaber in my hand, and i pulled the cover off of the long blade. I carried it with me as i headed to the east, thinking that i would leave the room with it. I knew that it was not my lightsaber, though, so i would have to tell the others that i would bring it back after i was finished playing in the costume. I headed to the east to exit.

12013 June 26

I wandered to the north, along the western side of the grocery store. I felt very bad, and i tried to think about what i was feeling. I wanted to describe the feeling to $F45, but i was not sure how. I missed the way i used to feel, and i started to think that i would never be able to feel that way again. It seemed that i had had something in the past that i no longer have. I looked at the northern wall of the store as i approached. I seemed to be in the produce section of the store. The tall all was full of green vegetables. I turned to the east, looking at the people around me. A tall metal rack of bread-like items was now to the south of me. I started thinking about a song that i remembered from a long time ago, but i could not quite remember how it went. It seemed to capture the feeling of loneliness that i was feeling at the moment. Words to the song seemed to have something to do with clouds. I then thought about tea. I recalled the Carly Simon song about “clouds in coffee”, but i knew that it was not the correct song. The song had something to do with the unhappiness of not having someone there. I felt that i could almost remember the song, but i could not quite get it. I then thought that i should simply write my own song about it. Since i was experiencing the feeling, i should be able to write the lyrics myself. I slowed down near the eastern end of the aisle, running my hand across the shelfs to the south of me. I tried to think of the song, and i started to feel the discomfort in my chest. I looked to the north, at some of the people that were standing around the store. I thought that i had been happy when i was younger. I knew that i could not go back in age, and i wondered if that happiness was lost forever. I remembered being with friends in college, and i thought about the way we acted. I pictured myself with some of the people i knew in college standing around a round tall cafe table. $A645 was standing on the northern side of the table, and she glanced up at me as she laughed with the others about something. She had long frizzy hair and was leaning on the table with her elbows. I remembered how easy it was to be happy back then. I knew that i could not go back to that time, nor could i become young again, and i wondered if that would prevent me from having the same kind of interactions i used to have back then. I started talking to $Z, trying to express my feeling. This seemed to be part of a movie, thought. The female voice seemed sarcastic and said that she understood perfectly. I knew that something had happened to her and that she was bitter about it. I turned to the southeast, thinking that my character might have let her down during a critical scene in the show. I could see down a corridor in a dark swampy area. Reeds were growing over the ground in the center of the corridor. Tall dark trees seemed to line the corridor on either side. The white bird was flying down the center of the corridor toward me. It was the woman. She was trying to escape from something. I knew that she was an angel, like me. I also remembered that she had been attacked by something because she could not escape fast enough. I wondered if i was supposed to help her. I then saw a black bird flying behind her. It was a demon. I remembered that it had killed her. I felt that i should have done something, but i was not quite sure what i should do. I saw the black bird catch up to the white bird and hit it. The white bird fell to the ground in the reeds. I was not able to help, and the female voice reminded me that i had not helped. I turned to the west, moving across the water of the shallow swampy lake. The green reeds grew to the south of me. Someone was talking about the plot where the demons were killing the angels. I did not feel threatened by this plot, and i glided over the water toward the floating boats. This was here the good guys in the movie would come together. Something seemed to be wrong, though. A man was talking to me about meeting, but he seemed upset, as though things had not gone as planned. I looked at the bed, which was floating in the middle of the water. The other angels had brought their floating things and started to join them together here, but only one man was on the floating assemblage. He was facing northwest, pushing a pole down into the water as if to steer the objects. I felt disappointed that others were not here, and i flew to one of the smaller pieces of floating material on the western side and landed. Something had gone wrong, and i was not sure what it was.

12013 June 29

I drove the car to the north, careful to avoid the fallen branch that was on the road. The branch had fallen in the rain storm and seemed to have shattered into short splinters. I swerved around the dark material as i continued to the north, along the narrow curving road. I seemed to be in a suburban area, driving near a college, but i could only see trees on the sides of the gray road. The road was wet from the recent rain. As i turned along a few more curves in the road, i had to avoid other debris that had been scattered by the storm. Several chunks of cement were on the eastern side of the road as i rounded a curve, turning back from the north to the north-northeast. A few people were walking along the eastern side of the street in dark clothing. As i started to turn back to the north-northwest, i noticed water washing over the shoulder of the road from the east. The rains must have caused some flooding. I thought that the debris must be from the flood water. I thought that the eastern side of the road must be crumbling as the water washed it away. I tried to avoid it as i rounded another corner and turned from north-northeast to north. A large lake now seemed to be to the east of me. I felt that the water would be flooding up over the side of the road. Some disaster had happened hear, and i felt uneasy. The lake now seemed like Skaneateles Lake, and i came into a small town to the north of me. I immediately noticed the large white mansion to the north of me, and i stopped in front of it. The western side of the upper floors of the building were charred, and part of the building was missing. Something had happened to this town, which seemed like Skaneateles. I felt upset about the disaster, and sad that it destroyed the old houses of the town. The house was on the northern side of a short grassy lawn to the north of me. Wide tall old trees seemed to shade the eastern side of the grass, which extended to the east of me as well. I then looked to the northwest and west, seeing two other buildings that had been burned. I felt sad that the buildings had been destroyed, because they were historic building. The building all seemed to be around a grassy town square, and i was standing on the southern side of the square. I started to ride my bicycle north, looking at the ruined houses. i paused again near the building to the north, stopping near the western end of the southern side of the building. I dropped a small brown object onto the ground near the building. I felt as though i was paying my respects with the object, but i felt a little strange doing it. I looked again at the object, which i now held in my right hand. It was a light-brown emblem with ragged edges. It had a rounded heart shape in the center, with a ragged edge around it, as though the heart shape had been stamped into a brown material and the trimmings had not yet been taken off. Three letters were carved into the center of the heart in serif typeface. As i tossed the emblem back onto the ground to the north of me, i noticed that the letters were the Greek letters Kappa, Delta, and Rho. These buildings must have had some relation to fraternities or sororities, and the letters represented the one that i was sad about. I started riding my bicycle to the east, along the cement path in front of the building. Just as i started, a man to the west of me called to me whether i had known the girl. He had seen me put the emblem down on the ground, and he seemed insistent that i answer his questions. I did not want to have to explain myself to the man, and i knew that i really had no relation to the old buildings. I had simply put the emblem down because i felt sad for the buildings. I ignored the man and started to pedal to the east. The man was persistent, though, and he seemed to become angry with me, calling after me. I paused for a moment, telling the man “Just leave me alone.”. My voice sounded sad, which i thought might convince the man that i was upset about the incident. I then started pedaling to the east again, hoping that the man would go away. However, the man started following me, and i became uncomfortable. I thought that i could bicycle faster than he could run after me, so i should just ignore him and pedal to the east. I knew that i could not go all that fast on the grassy square, though. I would have to make my way to the road that ran to the north of the buildings. I followed the cement walkway to the east. The man was jogging after me, demanding that i answer his questions. I came to a short set of stairs at the end of the walkway, but i rode the bicycle down them. I pulled upward and jumped, hopping over the stairs. I could see a green bush under me now. It had been to the east of the stairs. I thought about landing in it, but, at the last minute, i turned the bicycle so that it was facing to the northeast, landing just to the west of the bush. As i landed, i noticed a black metal cast-iron fence running from northeast to southwest through the bush. I was glad that i had not landed on top of it. I was still concerned about the man running after me, though. I wanted him to leave me alone, so i started pedaling to the northeast along the path. The man was still following me, demanding to know how i was related to the buildings here. I knew that i could ride faster once i reached the road to the north, so i continued pedaling, thinking that i would lose the man. I felt uncomfortable about his questions.

I had been in the small room on the eastern side of the building, which seemed like $P19. The others were around me, but i had been packing something up. My attention was now turned to the west, where a young man was singing. He was one of the i knew from this place, and he seemed to be part of $G$3. A band was playing in the small room on the western side of the house. I watched him for a moment. I did not really know him that well, but i felt very interested in him. I was more interested it him now that i could see that he was a singer. I crouched down on the steps on which i had been standing. The steps ran along the eastern wall of the room, descending to the south. I had been in the small room at the top of the stairs, to the east of the stairs. A wall ran along the western side of the flight of stairs, but it did not have any surface across it. I could see the exposed two-by-fours that created the structure. The band was playing on the southern side of the room to the west of the stairs, and i watched the man to the southwest of me as he sang a rock song. He had a gruff voice, and he seemed to sing very well. A short dark beard covered the bottom part of his face. I started to feel anxious, wanting to be able to sing with a band. I wished that i could perform some of my music for people. The man grabbed on to a metal microphone stand as he sang. He then slided down the stand with his arms as he held a long note. He was lying on his left side with his legs to the north of him, but he continued singing into the microphone. I felt sad that i could not play my music, thinking that the man had an advantage because he was so much younger. I walked to the west, talking to the others around me about the man. I liked him, but i did not want to seem that i was interested in him simply because he was singing with a band.