12014 June 01

I looked up but something seemed to be wrong with my vision. I could not quite see. I realized that my hat must have been pulled down over my eyes. I tried to adjust it, but something was still wrong. I focused on opening my eyes slowly. I could see fuzzy images out of my left eye, but my right eye was still dark. Something seemed wrong. I adjusted the hat again and tried to open my right eye. I saw a small round spot in the center of my vision with cracks radiating outward from it. I realized that something must have hit my glasses. Maybe it was the glass that was foggy. I took off the glasses and opened my eyes again. I was still not able to see well with my right eye. I looked at the glasses, thinking that something must have hit them. I wondered if someone shot something at my glasses. I then wondered if the something might have caused a chemical to get into my eye, making me partially blind. I moved to the east, down the street-like area where the people were gathered. I tried to focus on the light as i crossed the room to the east. The room was rectangular, with few people in it. I looked out the eastern window for a moment, and then turned back to the west, starting diagonally across the room to the southwest. The others were returning from the west, coming from what appeared to be a running event. I walked back onto the street, thinking that i should gather my things. I spoke to some people as i turned to the north and then came back to the east, stopping to the south of the car. The car was facing north, and its trunk was open. People were gathering their things from the trunk. I had my jacket in the trunk. I said something to a person who had walked past be and stopped in the center of the rear of the car. She was someone that i knew, but she did not seem to recognize me. I must have been wearing a hat. The woman had rounded features and dark skin. I looked into the trunk. I was standing near the southwestern corner of the car. The clothes in the truck were all dark, and i dug through them, finding my jacket and hat. I wondered if i had brought a scarf with me today. The woman near me was chatting with someone to the north of me, on the eastern side of the car. I looked to the north to see $F58 getting back from the run. She was wearing a white T-shirt and short running pants. She shook out her legs as she spoke to the person near the car. I said something to her, and she greeted me, calling me by name. I then looked back to the woman to the south of me. She realized who i was and said hello. I must have been wearing my hat too low for her to notice before. I felt uncomfortable here, wanting to be with some people but not sure what i should do. I turned to the north and walked down the stairs. I was now in $P7. People moved around me, and i thought that they were alumni here for some event. I still felt a little uncomfortable. People that i knew should be here, but i was not sure if they would recognize me. I descended the stairs, turning to the north at the landing on the western side of the main hall. People were moving along in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs. Most of them seemed to be students. I felt a little uncomfortable here with them, thinking that i no longer belonged in this place. I decided that i should leave, but i noticed that people were gathering in the auditorium to the north. Some people were sitting by the door. I thought that they might be taking tickets, but i wandered into the back of the room, trying to get a look at the place. “Cool,” i uttered as i walked through the doorway. I was aware that the man sitting by the western side of the door would realize that i was interested in the design of the room. I looked at the vertical supports of wood running up the northern wall. The top of the wall was rich blue, and the bottom part was white. The wood trimming ran up the wall where it merged together in narrow arches. I remembered that the auditorium had been remodeled. I looked around the room, realizing that it still seemed somewhat small. I had thought that the room would have been made larger, but the chairs still seemed pain, and the main part of the room still seemed small. I looked around at the people, thinking that i should leave before the event started. I then imagined that $A527 might be in the building. I thought that he was now a teacher here. He would be one of the few people that i knew in this place, and he would still be my age.

12014 June 03

I headed east across the grassy area. Someone to the east of us was motioning to the northeast. I looked across the rolling fields at the trees in the distance as i approached the house. $F45 was with me, and we seemed to be visiting $A707. We moved into the large structure, which did not seem to have any walls. Everything seemed rustic and made with rough wood beams. $A707 was talking about building a campfire. I looked out the windows to the north. We were now on the second floor of a building. The room that we were in was large and open. It seemed to take up the entire second floor. The grass outside was bright green, but it seemed to be raining a little. I looked to the west. A second structure stood not far from the building that we were in. It had a fire pit to the north of it, but it also had a circular brick fire pit under it. We could always build a fire there. I stepped to the west, walking near the fire pit. $A707 said that it was going to rain too much to building a fire. I realized that she was thinking about building a fire in the pit to the north of the building, so i suggested that we build one under the building. We could cook dinner by it and be dry from the rain. $F45 was to the east of me as we moved under the overhang of the large building. The wind then started to blow, and the rain came in through the large opening in the southern wall of the building. The building was not keeping us dry from the rain. I said something about this as we started jogging back to the east, toward the main house. We ran up the wooden stairs that ascended to the south along the eastern side of the interior room.

12014 June 05

I stood in the southwestern corner of the room, watching the wrestlers on the mat to the northwest of me. A larger mat was to the northeast, and the main match was being wrestled there. I was interested in the main match, but i kept looking at the people on the smaller mat. I felt interested in one of the wrestlers on the small mat, and i wanted to watch it. A match had just finished on the small mat, and the two wrestlers stood up. The one on the west was wearing a brown singlet, and the other seemed to have a dark singlet with a white top. The bright light from above cast dark shadows across their bodies so that i could not see all of the details about who they were. The wrestler that i was interested in was heading toward the smaller mat from the northeast. He seemed to be Kyle Dake, and i was interested in watching him wrestle. He wore a blue singlet with white details. He kneeled down on the western side of the small mat, facing east. He seemed exhausted and he tipped his head back as he breathed heavily. I wondered if he would really wrestle. I remembered that Kyle was still injured, and i wondered if he would still wrestle. He then leaved back, and i noticed a strange bulge in his crotch. He seemed to have a small cup-shaped dome under his singlet. He them moved his right hand over the top of the dome, and a smaller bump rose on the top of the dome, making the bell-shaped object look like a simplified breast with a large nipple. He brushed his hand over the nipple for a moment, and i realized that something was very strange here. This did not seem correct. The wrestlers were then standing on the mat, talking to each other. I glanced back to the northeast, noticing that a referee was walking from the main mat to the smaller one. Kyle seemed uninterested in wrestling. He did not want to risk further injury, and he told the referee that they would not be wrestling. I was disappointed, but i thought that it was a good idea that he not wrestle when his foot was still injured. He walked to the western side of the mat, very close to me. I looked to the west, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Kyle said that he had rubbed his nose on CBR. I did not know what that means. He then said that he worked for college radio. I wondered if he really meant VBR. Kyle kept talking to me, and i realized that he seemed interested in talking to me. I felt good about this, but was not sure what to say. I then thought that CBR might be his initials, but realized that they could not be. The first letter could be his first name, but the rest did not work. I wondered if the man was actually Realbuto. I turned to the south and walked into the northern end of the locker room. I had come from the west. I was interested in talking to the man still, but i realized that i had nothing to do in the locker room. I felt out of place, and pretended that i was looking around for something. The wooden lockers were against the eastern and western walls, and people sat on wooden benches in front of them, changing clothes. I then noticed an oddly shaped thing near a locker to the southwest. It looked like a chubby person, but it did not have a human shape. I felt uncomfortable, realized that the others would see me staring, so i turned back to the north and left the room.

I headed down the suburban street to the west. This place seemed like my grandmother’s neighborhood. My parents were somewhere with me, and i was headed to the house to the west. I talked about doing something as i crossed the small kitchen to the western side. We were in a house now, which seemed to be on the northern side of the street. It was somewhere in the middle of the city block. It was on the same block as my grandmother’s house, but her house seemed to be near the western end of the block. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to get my stuff together to leave this house and get to my grandmother’s house. I was cooking something on the stove on the northern side of the kitchen. This house did not belong to me, and it seemed that i should not be here. I thought that an older woman owned the house. She seemed to be upstairs, to the northeast of me. I had to finish here and leave before she came down. I moved to the sink, which was in the counter along the western wall, and then i moved back to the stove. I stirred the white mixture in the metal pot. I added some flour to the mixture, thinking that it should be done soon. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to get done before the woman came downstairs and realized that we were here. I stirred the mixture again, noticing that i wall actually heating the mixture in a small white bowl. I probably should not have been cooking it in a bowl. I used my finger to taste part of the mixture. I hoped that the mixture was not toxic. I realized that i did not actually know what i was cooking in the bowl. I had added flour to solidify the mixture. I turned off the blue flames of the stone to let the bowl cool. I thought that i had to make it safe to leave it so that i could get out of the house before the woman came down. I cleaned up a splattering of white mixture from the stove and from the eastern side of the bowl. I felt hurried, and i rushed back to the east to get out of the house before the woman came down stairs and found us here.

12014 June 07

I walked to the east, down the long corridor on the outside of the white stone building. The building was to the south of me, and square stone columns that supported the archways of the roof overhead formed the northern side of the corridor. A man was talking on a cell phone in one of the archways. He was talking about being raped, and i felt uneasy about him. I looked down at his feet as i walked past. He was not wearing any shoes, and i noticed the red marks on one of his feet. It looked like blood, but i was not really sure what it was. I glanced back at the man after i had walked past him. He had turned to the north and jumped off the top of the stone fence that was at the edge of corridor. I did not trust him, and thought that he might be sneaking ahead of me. I turned back to the west and hurried down the corridor. I had to leave this place. I came into the room, noticing the cell phone charging on the table near the window in the western wall. It was not my cell phone. I had to find my cell phone so that i could call someone. I had to call someone in case the man came after me. I moved around the room of the house, thinking that i should hide. I noticed that the door in the northern wall of the room was open. I hurried to close it so that the man would not be able to get in. I then looked around the room. A couch was against the southern wall near the eastern side of the room. $X13 was hiding under the couch. He was afraid of someone, and i thought that there was someone in the house. I had to be careful. I looked around, noticing that other cats were now is the living room. I turned to the southeast to head into the house. A woman was there, and i told her that the door had been open. A man then came into the room. He moved across the room to the chair and started watching the sports game on the television. The woman complained to him. I realized that he was not an intruder in this house; he lived here. I stepped farther into the room, noticing that the door in the northern wall, which i had closed, was still open. A red cat ran out of the house, but then turned around and came back in. I told the woman that the cats would get out of the house. I was worried that they would run away. I told the woman about this, and i headed after the cats that had gone outside.

12014 June 09

I drived the car to the east with the others. The others were in the car as i drived. I was driving down the center of the road because of the motorcycles that were riding to the south of us. The motorcycles kept to the side of the road, and i was passing them. I felt nervous about them. I then noticed the children in the road ahead of us. I felt panicked, and i tried to stop the car. The car was not slowing down fast enough, and i worried that i would hit the children. I wondered if i was simply not trying hard enough to stop the car. A boy ran into the road from the south. His mother tryed to grab him, but he ran in front of the car. We moved past him, and i thought that i must have hit him. I did not see him hit the car, so i thought that he must have gone under the car. The car was still rolling forward as the mother bent over to reach under the front of the car. She was upset and panicked. I felt upset that i could not stop the car in time. I got out on the southern side of the car and ran to the east. People were trying to lift up the car. I could see some people underneath the car. They were trying to help the boy. It was dark now, and it was hard to see. People were around the car, hurriedly trying to rescue the boy. Three people crouched down and lifted the car. Others moved in to help the boy. The woman then came out of the crowd, which was to the north of me. The boy was on the eastern side of the crowd. He seemed to be missing a leg now. I felt upset, and i started to pace around the restaurant, heading south. I looked back to the north. The emergency crew was around the boy now. I hoped that he was not dead. I wondered what i should do. I turned to the south and continued to pace. I was now to the east of the small building that was the restaurant. I looked to the west. I could see the emergency crews to the west, through the doorway in the hall. I felt uneasy here, and i thought that i would have to leave. I headed to the north, wondering what i should do about the accident.

12014 June 10

I felt concerned about this place as i headed up the long wooden flight of stairs, ascending to the south. This old house was a special place, and i knew that it was some kind of trap. As i reached the top of the stairs in the dimly lighted space, i noticed that the upper floor of the house had a narrow gap under it. Something was hidden beneath the floorboards. I would have to be careful here. We were in this place looking for the others, but the house was design do be a dangerous puzzle. The others walked with me as we hunted for the others. We had to find the others and get out of this place. A railing ran along the southern side of the landing that we were now on. The landing was part of a hallway that ran to the east, down a wing of the building. i noticed the numbers that had been carved into the black rails to the south. They repeated in a certain way. I thought that this was important, but i did not mention this to the others, thinking that someone might be listening to us. I started down the hallway to the east, looking at the numbers on the railing to the south. I spotted the number 367 again. It repeated on the other gate, which was in the southern railing. These were somehow clues to finding the others. A man was then standing to the south of us at the edge of the railing. He was dressed like a sideshow magician, with a black cape and purple and gold stars and moons painted on his vest. He was the bad guy. We stopped suddenly when we saw him. I knew that he had come to try to stop us. However, the woman with me grabbed the black briefcase from the man before he could do anything. She took out the vials of potions and smashed them on the floor. She was angry with the man, and i knew that he was not really much of a threat. We were being defiant, and the others were showing that they were not scared of him. We would not let him deter us from finding the others. The woman had somehow foiled the man’s curse. The scene then changed. I was looking down into a large room with six large vats. They looked like old hogsheads, but they were black. One cracked. I knew that this happened because the man had lost the battle with us. The vat was somehow connected to his influence. The vats held the people that we were looking for. By defeating the man, we had cracked one open. I felt certain that we could defeat the bad guys now.

I moved quickly down the street in the middle of the small city. The buildings around me were gray, and the sky seemed overcast. The others were to the north of me, and i was heading toward them. I knew that i could fly, and i soared up and down over the street, swooping in big arcs. I thought that the others would find this amazing. They did not know that i had these powers. I flew to the intersection where the traffic light hung in the middle of the street. An alleyway ran to the north, and a large stone archway stood over the street to the west. The others were on the street to the west. I swooped under the archway but then rose back up to the ceiling. The buildings around this street now seemed to be suburban houses on the outskirts of a city. They were small brick buildings. I thought that i should float along the ceiling as if i were walking on it. I thought that it would be impressive to the others. I looked down at them, saying hello casually.

Someone was speaking, and the voice said that “suburb” meant “country” in Italian. I was in the room of the small house, which had decoratively tiled walls. The house seemed to be in Italy. The young girl in the kitchen was standing near the counter, which ran along the eastern wall. I was looking to the north at her. I played with the cereal that was on the southern end of the counter. The girl talked about using white gloss on the surface. I knew that she was putting white gloss on a white surface. Even though it would be white on white, i thought that the gloss would still be visible against the rest of the white surface.

12014 June 11

I moved to the east, into the small room. I felt tense. Something was happening. The floor of the room was covered with grass, and the air was foggy. It seemed to be early morning. I was trying to find something that i had left here so that i could head back to the other room to the west. The telephone started ringing, and i felt agitated. I knew that the telephone call was ominous, and i did not want to answer it. I let it ring for a moment, but i started to feel more and more pressured to answer. I answered the telephone, and the voice spoke to me. It was very threatening. I was not sure what i should. I tried not to say too much on the telephone as i wandered back to the west. I tried to pretend that i was not afraid. The person kept saying something that seemed threatening to me. Someone to the west of me then said that they had the woman. The people started to move around me as i stood in the center of the western room, which seemed to be in a trailer home. The people were saying that they had captured the woman. They were lying, but they were trying to make the person on the telephone uneasy. I felt a little relieved, realizing that we could fool the person and take away his power to threaten us. The others made noised around me, trying to convince the man that he could not threaten us because we held a woman that he would want.

12014 June 12

I drove down the road to the west, looking at the large open fields to the north of the road. The fields were covered with short tan dry grass. Trees ran along the northern side of the fields. I had passed some hunters, who were walking along the northern side of the road. I could hear them talking from behind me. They said something about the birds. I could hear the birds screaming now. I thought that it was a mother bird and her babies. As i approached our house, which was on the northern side of the road and seemed like my parents’ house, i noticed that the can that had been following me was no longer behind me. The hunters had been in the car. I wondered where they had gone. I looked at the large white house on the northern side of the road. It stood just to the southwest of a large old wooden barn. I felt suspicious of where the other car had gone, and i did not want to turn into the driveway of the house. I continued to the west for a little while before i turned to the north, entering the city area. I had to get something here. I then realized that i was riding on the front of the car. I had the hunting guns with me. I thought that i should not be on the hood of the car in the city with guns. It would scare people and get me in trouble. I would have to slide back into the cabin of the car. I hid the guns under the dashboard so that people would not see them in the car. I looked at the gray apartment buildings on the sides of the street. This city seemed like Watertown. I turned to the east down one of the streets. I had to get the guns back to the gun shop, but i could not remember exactly how to get to the gun shop. The road started going down a steep hill, and i wondered if this was correct. I felt confused. I turned to the north, but stopped suddenly when i realized that i was heading the wrong way on a one-way street. Annoyed, i decided that, because i was riding a tricycle, i could move to the sidewalk. I rode the tricycle on the cement sidewalk on the southern side of the street, passing under the old cement bridge of the highway overpass. I then turned around and headed back up the hill, pushing my bicycle. Several pedestrians were around me now, and i talked to a woman as i walked the bicycle up the hill. I mentioned where i was going to the woman. We chatted as we walked through the restaurant. I passed the large table with the white table cloth and headed down the narrow set of stairs that descended to the south along the western wall of the restaurant. The lower room of the restaurant seemed open, with few tables. The walls seemed to have yellow flowered wallpaper on them. I headed for the door, which was in the center of the southern wall. I then got a call on my cell phone. It was from my grandmother. I talked to her as i crossed the porch on the southern side of the building. I told her that i had received a call from my mother when they were on their trip. I remembered this from before. It had happened in the past, but it was now repeating. Time was looping here. I looked ahead of me, trying to get to the east across the patio. I felt worried that the loop would make me repeat the journey i had just finished. My grandmother was to the south of me on the street. I had to get back through the city to find the place that i had to get to.

12014 June 13

I headed to the east along the northern side of the building. I walked along the paved surface that ran against the large modern building. No the north of the paved area was a short grassy lawn, with trees beyond. This place seemed like a school, but i knew that it was more like a factory. I was not supposed to be here, but i turned to the south and entered the building. I realized that it was very easy to get inside, so i thought that i must have sneaked past security. This laboratory should have been a restricted area. I felt nervous as i walked down the white hall to the south. If i was caught here, i would be thrown out. Some people walked past me, not taking any special notice of me. I turned to the east, now in a small room on the eastern side of the hallway. The eastern wall of the room was made of glass, but it was covered by drapes on the eastern side of the glass. Someone in a room to the east opened the drapes. I saw the man near the eastern wall of the other room pulling on a chord to open the drapes. I also saw a man standing to the southeast of me, very close to the glass window. I recognized the man to the southeast of me. He was $A708, and he had long curly blond hair. His face was distorted, though, and i realized that he was actually hanging by a rope, which was wrapped around his neck. I felt suddenly upset, looking at $A708 as he hung. The other man suddenly realized that $A708 was hanging in the room, and he moved to do something. I knew that he was already dead, though. I started pacing tensely in the hallway to the west of the room. The man had lifted up $A708 by the legs, but i knew that it would not help. I wondered what i should do. I knew that the security forces would now come into the room. I thought about $A708, remembering that i had just seen him a day or to ago. He was driving past me in his car while i was out running, and he said hello to me. He seemed happy at the time, but i now realized that he must have been upset. I focused again on the white hallway around me. I was at the southern end of the hall. The hall turned to the east, where it met the hallway that ran to the north, along the eastern side of the rooms. I thought that i should run into the other room to help. I started hurrying around the corner, turning to the east, when i saw the crowd moving from the north around the other corner. I stopped, not sure what to do. The people from the other hallway hurried to the south, down a third corridor. They wore white, and they seemed to be emergency workers. They were carrying $A708’s body with them. It was too late for me to do anything. I was not sure what i should do now, and i wondered if anyone would realized that i should not have been in the building. I thought about $A708 hanging himself again, and i started to feel very upset. I backed around the corner and started crying. I realized that i was only acting so that the security guards did not question me, but i felt upset about his death. Someone came from the west and put a hand on my shoulder. I tried to stop crying, but realized that i was very upset. I could not stay here.

12014 June 14

I was with my parents, heading to the west down the street. My mother was to the west of me, looking at the sign on the southern wall. She said that we should get back to the place that we had started in, and she turned to the west and started on. I thought that she was heading in the wrong direction, so i said that the place was the other way. My father had already started walking back to the east. My mother said that it was to the west, but i did not think that this was correct. I thought about this, trying to remember how we had gotten here. I thought about the large stadium to the east, where we had been. It seemed like we should head to the west, but i realized that i had lost my orientation when i was in the stadium. I decided that my mother could be correct, so i followed her. We had been in a hallway on the northern side of a church. I was aware of a person to the south, in the large chapel. He seemed to be the priest. My mother exited the church through a door in the northern wall, which was to the northwest of me. I followed her, holding the door open for my father, who was still behind me. He did not follow me immediately, so i stood holding the door for a while. As he walked through, i heard the priest say that it was nice that i was so close to my father. He referred to my father as my best friend. I liked this idea, thinking that it would be good to be very close to my father. I realized that i had never been affectionate toward him. I wondered if it was because of the way that i was brought up. My father exited the door, and i walked across the lawn to the northwest. The dark stone of the church building was to the south of me. The building seemed old. A stature or fountain of the same stone stood in the center of the small grassy lawn. I walked to the south of it as i spoke to my father. I still kept thinking about the idea of him being my best friend. I liked the idea, and i joked with him about something.

12014 June 16

I sat facing west, looking at the black screens with the white handwriting on them. These letters were interesting, and i was trying to figure out where they came from. $F45 and another person were sitting near me, just to the north. $F45 said something to me, but i was trying to figure out the letters. I flipped left and right, sliding the letters onto and off of the screen. They had something to do with $F45 and what we were doing. $F45 seemed impatient, though, and he stood up, getting ready to leave. His cell phone then rang, and he answered it with an annoyed tone. I stood up and followed the man through the library, heading to the southeast, between the low wooden book shelfs of the main room. I passed through a doorway in the southern wall of the rounded room, seeing another rounded room to the southeast. The outside wall of the room to the southeast and east was glass, and i could see daylight outside. People were moving around in the room of the library, and i thought that it must be around closing time. This did not seem to be the right place for me to leave. I had come into the building from somewhere to the northeast. I thought that i could leave to the southeast, but i did not see a doorway in the outside wall there. I turned to the east. A set of stairs rose directly to the east of me, and another set descended to the east along the northern side of the first. I headed down the stairs and came into the large open room. I wandered to the north, hoping i was heading for the doorway.

12014 June 17

I walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house. I had to get my breakfast ready. My mother was to the east of me in the kitchen. She was anxious, saying that i should hurry. I realized that we would probably have to leave soon for school. I was cooking a bagel in the toaster oven on the counter to the north of me. I tried to hurry, thinking that i would have to make something to drink. I used to make shakes when i was in high school, so i tried to remember what i should make. I thought that i might not have time to make a shake that i would normally make. I remembered that i used to make a shake with ice cream in a blender. I did not have time to use the blender, so i thought that i should probably just mix something in a glass. I made some food on the counter to the north of me. I quickly mixed something in a tall glass. I wondered if i should have protein powder or yogurt in it. I could not quite remember what i had used before. I quickly mixed something in the glass. I then opened the refrigerator to the west of me, looking for something i could use in the shake. I was looking in the freezer, and i could see that a few half-gallon containers of ice cream were on the shelf. My mother must have purchased the ice cream recently. I looked through the containers on the northern side of the freezer, noticing a container of vanilla and a container of some other flavor. I then noticed a box of fruit-flavored popsicles as well. I then remembered that my father had a box of raspberry flavored ice cream, and i asked someone where it was. I thought that i would use it in the shake that i was making. My mother then came into the room from the west. I had to hurry and get my things together to go with her. I asked her if she had any takeaway cups. I thought that i could pour the shake into one of the paper cups and take it in the car with me. I hurried out the door, carrying the box of food to the west, down the road in the suburban area. Several people were walking down the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. I quickly caught up with them, carrying the box in front of my chest. I tried to walk past them, but they were walking almost as fast as i was, so i walked parallel to them for a moment. I then realized that they might be uncomfortable having me walk beside them. The woman to the north of me kept glancing at me as she walked. I tried not to look at her. She wore a red sweatshirt and moved her arms up and down as she strode. I thought that she might be nervous that i was there to attack her. I thought that i should speed up and walk past the group. As i started to speed up, the woman reached into the box that i was carrying and removed a cookie from it. I felt annoyed with her. I hurried up so that she could not get anything else from my box. I came to the open lot on the northern side of the road. Another road crossed the road that i was on just to the west of the lot, which seemed to be construction site. I worked here. I felt hurried as i reached the area, thinking that i was late. I then wondered where my father was. He should have been here by now with food. I felt starving and wanted to eat before i started work. I turned around and started walking back down the street to the east. The buildings on both sides of the large street now seemed to be businesses. This area seemed to be mostly commercial. I wondered where my father had gone. I then saw him on the southern side of the street, hurrying across an intersection in his truck, heading east. I did not understand why he was heading the wrong way. I thought that he must be lost. He then turned to the north, starting a U-turn. He slowed as he reached the northern side of the road. I crossed toward him. Once i was on the sidewalk on the northern side of the road, i waved at him, but he did not see me. He drove past me. I felt annoyed, and i ran back to the west, trying to catch up with him. He turned in to the lot where the office was. The office was now a small cement building that sat back from the road. I walked into the office from the south. A counter ran along the northern wall, and the walls of the room seemed dingy. An older man stood in front of the counter, leaning on the counter with his right elbow. He greeted me as i came into the building. He said that he remembered me. I thought that he must have remembered me from when i worked construction. The man grabbed my right hand and started rubbing my hand between his. I felt uncomfortable. I did not trust the man. He said something about what he was doing, referring to the ring on my finger. I looked at mi hand. I did not know that i still had the ring on. I worried that it might get damaged with work, so i took it off. I slid my backpack off of my shoulders and put the ring into the bag. I then wondered if the man took something else when i was paying attention to the way he was rubbing my hands. He might have been distracting me from something else. I turned back to the south and walked into the smaller room of the office. I had to start work. I put my hand in my left pocket to grab something. I felt the ring there. I was surprised at this. I though that i had put the ring in my gray bag. I then looked out the window to the south. Gymnasts were exercising and doing acrobatics in the large room, which seemed to be in the large open pit of the construction site. We were doing some kind of special training for the construction workers. I watched the gymnasts do flips. I thought that i should do well on the obstacle course that we prepared, but i also was not enthusiastic about doing the course. I did not want to do it. Several people were doing things on ropes and bars along the southern wall of the chamber. I then noticed the gymnast in the center of the pale stone floor. He was nicely muscled, and i found him rather attractive. He did several flips and landed. He was wearing a tight white singlet, and i watched the muscles on his shoulders and arms move. I thought that he looked very nice, but i realized that i could not say anything in this place. The construction workers here would be uneasy with homosexuality. I thought that they might become angry with me. I pictured the man with the long jaw, who was on the work crew. I knew that he would be uneasy with any comment i made about the gymnast being attractive. I decided that i should watch the female gymnasts performing as well, so that he did not notice that i was interested in the men. I did not want him to be afraid of me. I walked slowly to the east as i watched some women doing flips on a set of parallel bars near the eastern end of the southern side of the room. The gymnasts were tumbling between the large pieces of construction equipment that was scattered around the room. As i passed through a narrow doorway into another large open chamber, i noticed the padded crane that stood in the center of the room. The crane was part of the training. I felt nervous of it, however. I had to be cautious of what it was moving over my head. An observation boot was in the wall to the northwest. I could see a woman sitting in the small glass window. She was watching the construction workers and the training to see how everything west. I looked up at the crane. A woman was in the small booth on the side of the girder tower. I knew that she was new to the job. She was still figuring out how to run the crane. I would have to wait for her to do something before i could start working in the room. I stood for a moment near the western wall of the room. A man was standing just to the north of me. He referred to the dull-red wall to the east. I looked up to see the tall wall on the outside of the building. It was curved around the area slightly, and it was covered with red paint, which seemed to be chipping. The man complained about the people who built the wall, saying that they had done a bad job. I knew that he was referring to the bow in the wall. I then looked around the room, realizing that many of the walls were curved, allowing the metal supports no show through in the centers of the walls. The walls did not seem that bad, but i asked the man if this room was one that we were redoing. I did not think that it looked bad as it was. The man asked me how we would repair the room. I thought about it for a minute, and then i suggested that we might be able to rappel from a high area within the room. I looked up, seeing an opening high on the eastern wall, just below the level of the ceiling. I thought that we could hook ropes to the opening to get down. I headed to the north, looking at the western wall as i considered how the rappelling would be done. The big man walked with me, watching the wall to the west. He then looked at the woman in the booth to the northwest, calling her a bitch. I looked to the west. The woman was now on the floor of the room, talking to the foreman. I thought that the man had insulted the woman simply because she was a woman in a construction job. He felt uneasy with her. I was annoyed with the man and did not want to talk to him. I headed back to the south, but the man continued walking with me. He complained to something to the north. I looked to the north, seeing the large dark-skinned male construction worker standing near the northern wall. He had a large belly. It was obvious that he was pregnant. This seemed very strange. I focused on him, realizing that he was really a short woman. I felt confused, and i did not feel comfortable here.

12014 June 19

I looked at the instruments in front of me. I was looking at the green lines of the oscilloscope as they vibrated in lines across the screen. No signal seemed to be showing on the scope, but i remembered that Earth was resonating at eight hertz. I would have to tune the scope to look at an eight-hertz frequency. A green LED number on the screen showed that i was not at eight, so i turned the dial a little. The wiggling lines on the screen suddenly turned into uneven sign waves. I could hear a hum, and i realized that i must have found the resonance frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field. I looked at the digital display of the frequency. The number on the screen was six. This did not seem right. The resonance frequency should have been eight hertz, not six hertz. I wondered if the signal would be even stronger if i switched to eight hertz. I then wondered if i had found a separate signal, or if six hertz was the real frequency.

I had come out of the school building to the south of me and was now standing in the dark alley. Other people were talking to the east, and i looked down the alley to the north. The buildings around me were stone and seemed damp from the night. I started walking to the west, moving along the northern side of the street. I stopped when i noticed that the dull-green metal girder, which was a utility pole, was lying on its side ahead of me. It had fallen to the west. A cross bar near the top of the pole was tipped up, and the upward arm was still connected to one of the black power lines that ran overhead. This seemed dangerous. The metal near the bottom of the narrow tower was bent where part of the tower was still attached to the ground. I wanted to walk to the west, but i worried that the people to the west would try to knock the tower to the ground. They seemed like thugs, and i did not trust them. I backed to the east for a moment, wondering what i should do. Power lines ran along the southern side of the street as well. I followed them with my eyes, passing the door that i had come out of. The metal beam seemed to be leaning over the door as well. A dull light illuminated the area around the door. The small group of people to the east was talking about something along the northern side of the narrow street. I started thinking about what i had been doing in the building to the south. I then turned back to the west. The street seemed emptier now, and the people were ahead of me. They had walked to the north, into a building. I had to get to that building as well. I started to the west again. This time, the green girder was running along the stone wall on the northern side of the sidewalk. I felt nervous as i started walking past it. I hoped that the teenagers did not try to knock it down. I thought that the wires might come down with it. As i reached the end of the girder, someone reached around the corner of a stone building ahead of me and tugged on the crossbar of the green pole. It broke loose from the wires and fell suddenly to the ground, hitting me on the right shoulder as it fell. I complained but continued to walk forward. I turned to the north, entering the building through the narrow door. On the inside, i had to turn to the west because a short half wall ran directly to the north of the door. I pushed through a narrow doorway in the short wall, but found myself blocking a woman who was trying to exit the building. I probably should have turned to the east and walked on the other side of the partitioning wall. I turned back to the east and tried to squeeze back through the narrow gap in the short wall, but i could not move through it. The books and pamphlets that i was carrying caught in the loose material at the sides of the doorway. The frame of the door seemed to have several layers of splintered wood, which looked like straw to me. The edges of the book were getting caught in the layers, preventing me from heading back through. I backed to the west, telling the woman that the doorway was acting like a gate, only allowing one-way travel. I stepped to the north to let her pass me. Someone was standing on the eastern side of the room, watching us.

12014 June 20

$A101 was to the west of me in the small market. He passed me, pushing a grocery cart ahead of him as he walked north of me and stopped at the register to the east. Someone else was with him. I looked at the metal cart, which was now to the east of me. $A101 was to the east of the cart, pulling it along the southern side of the register counter. He seemed to have a bag of something in the back of the cart, and a six-pack of soda cans was on the top of the bag. The soda can on the right back of the cart was open. I was surprised that $A101 would have opened a cola can in the store. I asked him about it. He smiled at me and said that it did not matter. He did not seem to care that he had opened a can. He then told me that i should open one of the other cola cans and pour it into the one that he opened so that the store would not suspect that he drank cola. When he asked me if i should do it, i started walking back to the northwest. I thought about doing what he asked, but i felt uncomfortable. I did not want to do it, so i reluctantly told him that i did not want to fill the soda can. He just shrugged. I headed to the north, and then turned west down the aisle of the store. I felt awkward declining the request, but i did not want to do something that i felt was wrong.

12014 June 25

I had been on a boat that was traveling down the Hudson River, heading south. I looked at the forested shore to the west. I knew that we were approaching Albany, so i expected to see city to the west, but the shore was green with lush trees. The boat slowed and started to turn around. I realized that the city was just ahead. I could see the gray buildings on the western shore to the southwest. The cruise must not want people to see such ugly scenery, so it was turning around to stay in the scenic part of the river. I thought that this was a dinner cruise. I looked at the dirty gray city area on the shore of the river to the west of me now, still thinking about the boat that i had been on. The long highway ramps and bridges blocked most of the main buildings along the river. I then turned to the south and started walking down the city street. Others were with me. We were near the water, and it seemed as though we were going to head out on canoes. I crouched down and moved the red plastic canoe that was near me. Someone else stood to the southwest of me, on the shore, talking to me. I pushed the boat to the west, toward the water. We were on a canal or narrow waterway that seemed to flow between the buildings in the area. The large gray buildings seemed like old factories. As i pushed the red boat into the water, i reached for the paddles, which seemed to be resting along the sides of the craft, stowed behind the cross supports of the boat. I pulled out two paddles, one from each side of the boat. At first, i thought that they were single paddles, and i felt annoyed, thinking that i would not be able to easily row the boat with single paddles. I then noticed that one of the paddles was a double paddle. It looked too short, though, and it had very wide black blades, which seemed to be made of foam rubber. It would have to do. I then looked to the west. The woman was still crouching down on the shore to the southwest of me, and the man was to the south. I mentioned that i really should have a life vest with me. The woman agreed. I fooled around with the boat, not yet in the water. The water in the channel to the west of me was a dirty gray. I felt uneasy about being in it. I also felt uncomfortable boating without a life jacket, but i then remembered that at least i had a black helmet. I bent over and dug through the things in the boat to the west of me. I quickly gathered my things, thinking that we had to get going. I then looked again at the dirty water. I told the others of the green trees i had seen on the cruise to the north. I described how the cruise boat stayed where it was scenic. I headed to the southwest, putting some of my things in the trunk of the car. I looked through the things in my hands, realizing that i did not have my car keys with me. I felt annoyed. We had left the area where the boats were and were now at a house. I quickly looked through the pile of things in the trunk of the car, but i could not find the small box that i was looking for. Annoyed, i thought that i would have to go back to the place where the boats were to find my keys. I hoped that they would still be in the boat where i had dropped tem. I then realized that both sets of my keys were in the small box. I could not ever use the spare set to drive my car to the boat. I told the others that i might have lost the keys and that i might have to go back. $A377 seemed offended that i was suggesting that i had lost my keys in his trunk. I was not sure what to do, and i felt upset. I paced around, thinking that i would have to go back. I then walked back to the northeast and looked through the things in the trunk of the car again, which now seemed to be on the eastern side of the room. I then spotted the box in the jumble of things in the trunk. I pulled out the small black box, feeling relieved that i had found my keys. The box was square and thin, with a glossy black top. I headed back to the west, across the northern side of the kitchen. This place seemed like $P19. The kitchen was empty because the people had gone for the summer. I thought that i should clean, but then i remembered that i had a bunch of garlic. I wanted to cook with it. the others with me would not think that it was a good idea. The woman to the south of me was not sure how one would cook garlic. I knew that it could be sauteed to make it sweet and soft. I moved to the west, looking at the white beans in the palm of my right hand. I put them in a bowl and rinsed them with water. I then drained the water between my fingers and looked at the white beans again. I could quickly turn the bowl over on the grill of the stove and let them steam with the remaining water. This seemed like a good idea. I headed to the south, contemplating whether i should dump them on the grill or use one of the burners of the stove. As i reached the grill, i noticed that it was covered with solidified grease. The grease formed a thin translucent coat over the top of the grill. The coat was scarred with many small round holes left by evaporated bubbles. I did not want to put my food on the grease, but i was not sure what else i should do. I then thought that i could heat the grill and sterilize the grease. I paced to the west as i thought about this. As i turned around, others had come to the kitchen. They rushed to the stove, and i realized that the grill had already been on. It was smoking and must have alerted someone in the house that there was trouble. I looked at the black leg of the stove, watching smoke drift off of the grease that coated it. I moved to the northeast. A long metal table extended from the northern wall of the room. The man and the woman sat on the eastern side of the table. The table was actually a grill, and it extended from under the hood of a large stove on the northern wall. I turned over the bowl i had been carrying onto the surface of the grill. I thought that the people would be surprised that i would be cooking here. I lifted the bowl, looking at the greasy clump of food that i had put on the grill. I knew that the food would have a lot of butter in it, but i did not care. I wanted it to cook. I walked around to the eastern side of the grill, looking at the clump of butter surrounding the cooking meat. I sauteed the food and then put it on a small white plate. I piled it on. It was still thick with solid butter. I arranged the large chunks of beef on the plate, thinking that it would look appetizing to the people near me. I then wondered if the others would want some.

12014 June 26

I was still thinking about the place as i continued to the west, heading down the street. I had to get home before something happened. I then came to a stop in the middle of the small town, which seemed to be just to the east of my house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. Buildings lined both sides of the street, but they seemed to be gray and featureless. A large puddle filled the street ahead of me. The heavy rains must have flooded the streets of the town. I thought that the creek to the south must have been flowing into the city streets. I started to drive through the water, but then realized that the water was probably very deep ahead of me. I would not be able to keep the car moving though it. Annoyed, i turned the car around in the water and started back to the east. A large amount of rain must have fallen in the storm. I tried to think of a way that i could get across the water to get home. The gorge seemed to be to the south of me, but i thought that i could head back to the bridge at $P73. The water should not be high enough to wash out the bridge. I hurried to the southeast, walking on the southwestern sidewalk of the street. Others were walking with me as we approached the tall glass wall. A rock ledge was on the southwestern side of the path, where the road crossed the bridge. I could see the glass running across the road, fitting around the uneven surface of the rock on the southwestern side. At first, i thought that it was a column of water, but i knew that the water would not hold itself up. “Is that a glass wall?”, i asked. A man walking with me, to the northeast of me, breathed out a sudden demeaning sound. He mocked what i had asked, thinking me dumb for asking. I thought that i was actually asking in surprise that a glass wall existed here, and i thought that i should explain that to him, but i did not. I looked at the glass. It was holding back the flood water. The others discussed what it was doing here. It seemed strange. I was then standing to the south of the wall, looking north. The wall extended from the western end of a stone building, which seemed to be on the southern end of a quadrangle. The quadrangle seemed like $P39. The glass wall covered an opening between the buildings on the western end of the southern side of the quadrangle. The water seemed to be almost to the top of the glass. The people with me talked about the water. The water must have been filling the center of the quadrangle, and i told the others that the buildings around the quadrangle must be flooded. I looked at the stone building with the low peaked roof that ran to the east along the southern side of the area. Someone said that the water was pumped here intentionally. They said that the water was diverted from the dam so that the dam did not get overwhelmed. We stood for a moment, looking at the glass. Someone then said that the water was reaching the top of the glass. I looked up to see that the water was starting to bulge over the rim of the glass. The people started to back away, aware that the water would soon be spilling over. A stream of water poured down the side of the glass and ran across the grassy lawn to the southwest. Everyone started running away. I rode my bicycle to the southwest, crossing the shallow water. I had to get across the water before it got too deep. I ran west, through the streets of the city. I had to hurry so that i could cross the bridge area before the water flooded most of the city. I followed the streets, trying to think of where i had to go. I seemed to be in $P100, and it seemed as though i had to make my way to $P3. I pictured the small area that connected the two, picturing a bridge crossing over the river. I had to get across the river before the water got too high for me to use the bridge. I ran down the streets, trying to remember were i was. I had left the main road, which i knew connected the two cities, and i was trying to navigate on the smaller less familiar roads. I focused on keeping the sun to the south of me. It was midday, so the sun should be in the southern sky. If i kept it to the left of me, i would be heading south. I made several turns on the streets. I then ran down a long corridor, which seemed to be on the northern side of an old wooden apartment building. The corridor covered the cement sidewalk, and i thin wooden wall that was lined with windows in the upper half seemed to separate the sidewalk from the street. The green interiors of the apartments were to the south of me. I could see dirty green shag carpeting on the floor outside of one of the apartments as i continued to run to the west. This place had something to do with a man that i had been talking to. I continued running, remembering something about the building. I then came to a large intersection. The man was to the north of me. He pointed out this area, saying that the road to the bridge ran to the southwest from here. I looked across the intersection to the southwest. Six streets seemed to come together here. A small round restaurant was in the middle of the intersection, and i could see a woman in a dull-red fuzzy coat and a matching pillbox hat with black trim sitting at a table. She was facing northeast and was to the east of the restaurant, under the white awning. She spoke to another woman on the western side of the table. They did not seem distressed about the flood waters. I had to get to the bridge to get out of this area.

I flew to the west over the suburban area. It felt very good to fly. I passed around some of the taller buildings as i flew close to the ground. I then crossed the large green lawn that sloped up to the top of the hill to the northwest of me. A white house stood at the top of the hill. I flew up to the house. The land around the house was very flat, and the sky to the north had a purple hue. The building was very plain and tall. It seemed to be made of white stone, or stone that had been painted. It seemed federal in style, with columns extending up the second floor. I flew to the side of the building, where white poles crossed over the area to the east of the house. The poles seemed to form some kind of dome or cone. The front of the building seemed to face southwest, and i was near the back of the building. The building was U shaped. The center section was slightly indented on the northwestern side of the building from the two wings. The poles seemed to be attached to the building, and i stood on the top of the horizontal poles. People were to the southwest, in the courtyard behind the house. I climbed through the poles, making my way toward the building. They seemed to be very high off the ground, so i had to walk carefully between them. I then wondered if people inside the building could see me on the poles from the windows. I did not see any windows pointing directly at me, and i hoped that no one knew that i was climbing around outside the building. The stone courtyard was below me as i approached the building. I reached the end of one of the poles, noticing a metal cable running from the middle of the pole below me to the house. I grabbed the cable and swinged over to the padded area on the back of the house. The area seemed to be a balcony on the second floor of the house. I landed on the soft white surface, which was really a narrow ledge. I wondered what i could do for the last jump to reach the building. I grabbed on to another cable and swinged down to the bed, which was on the balcony below me. The mattress overhanged the edge of the balcony. I then realized that someone was sleeping in the bed. I felt nervous, thinking that i had woken the person. I then realized that someone could not be sleeping in the bed. The bed was too precariously balanced on the edge of the ledge. Someone would not sleep on it because they would be in danger of falling. I carefully climbed over the bed and into the room to the southwest. The window seemed to be a set of opened french doors. My grandmother was in the room. I said hello to her, surprised that she was here. I knew that i was far from home. She greeted me in surprise. She did not expect me to be her. I told her that i had flown here. She seemed happy to see me, but i knew that she was concerned about me making the long journey here. She looked around the large empty room, talking about the place. The ceilings were high, and no furnishings seemed to be in the room, except for the bed that was hanging out the northern window. She mentioned this place as though she were familiar with it. I asked her where we were. She passed to the south of me, heading to the west. She seemed surprised that i did not know where i was. I told her that i did not know exactly where this place was. It seemed unfamiliar to me. Something about the place seemed surreal or mythical. I thought that my relatives were visiting the South. I headed to the northwest, toward the side wall of the empty bedroom. The large tall window in the wall seemed old. It had a white wooden frame and a multipane window. I opened the window. The glass in the frame was yellow, with ivory crossbars. I indented to fly out the window and look around the area. I pushed up the lower section of the window, but it did not stay well. I got it to stay, and i started to climb into the sill. I told my grandmother that she would have to close it. I said that she would have to push it up a little to unhook it from the catch and then let it back down. She seemed concerned about doing this. I started to feel impatient with her. A boy then came into the room from the door in the center of the eastern wall. He seemed to be ten or twelve. He stopped in the middle of the room and looked at me. He was not happy with me, and he told me that i would have to leave. I felt annoyed with him. I did not want to leave so soon, and i wondered what i should do. I decided not to go out the window. I headed back to the east, thinking that i would leave out the eastern window, which led out to the open area behind the curved house. The white house now seemed to be C shaped, with the stone courtyard in the center.

12014 June 27

I wandered to the southeast, across the crowded room. This place seemed like a gym, with metal structures of work-out equipment and pale-gray cement walls. I reached the southeastern part of the room, feeling indecisive. I was not sure what i should do. Others in the gym were working out at various pieces of equipment. They all seemed nicely muscled. I moved to the north, heading into the center of the room. I saw a pull-up bar and thought that i should do some exercises. I grabbed the bar and pulled myself up. I felt awkward here, thinking that i did not really fit in. Someone was to the east of me. He seemed like $A709. I pulled myself onto the top of the equipment as the others worked out around me. The machine that i was on shook with my weight. I felt nervous and tried to control my balance. I was actually on the top of a metal-frame bunk bed in a dormitory. I shifted position and got up to move. I did not want to be on the bed anymore. Others in the room watched me from their positions. They did not like me being here, but i ignored them. They were all very nicely built, but i thought that they were all very abusive. I was not sure what to do. I paced around the room for a moment. The others seemed to be in rows and columns. I then realized that the people were all standing still, as if at attention. They were lined up in front of the beds. I thought that this must be a joke. They seemed like members of $G4, but i knew that they would actually take authority seriously. To my surprise, however, they seemed to be very serious in what they were doing. I thought it strange that they were actually doing this. I though that no one could get these people to do these things seriously. The people then started doing sit-ups. It seemed very strange. They seemed to be part of a military unit. I did not like this, and i turned to the west and headed across the field. I was part of the military, and we were invading this area. We had guns as we walked across the cut grass field at the back of the school, which seemed like a high school. The school was on the top of the short hill to the north. It seemed to be an old brown stone building. Other troops were already to the west. I thought that we were joining them, but they did not know about us. I walked uneasily, feeling uncomfortable here. I though that i had taken something from the other person. I knew him only by his nickname, and i pictured him in an olive-green military uniform. I tried to think of his name, and i said it over and over in my head, but could not quite get it. I was then somewhere to the north of where i had been. I seemed to be on the army base. The people here did not seem to know us. We had taken things to get here. I knew that the other man had not given them to us, and i worried that the troops here would find out. We had just taken what we needed. I took a jeep from this base, and i drove to the west. I thought that i would go back down the western side of the island to get to the place where i had been. I was heading to the west now, across the northern shore of the island. The ground here was very rocky, and i was driving through a narrow canyon. I looked at the layers of rock, thinking that they were very nice. I watched the cliffs and outcroppings as i drove. I enjoyed the views, but i was nervous that the others would come after me. I would have to say that i requisitioned the jeep to get back to the southern area. I thought that it would be a good story, but i also knew that they would not like it. I felt nervous about being captured.

12014 June 28

I was new at this college, and it felt good to be here. I moved across the grassy quadrangle between the buildings. I still had to do something to get ready. I went back to my room and started getting my things together. I packed up my things. The room around me was small and messy. I had been staying in this room. I collected my things from the southeastern side of the room. The other people were in the room, but they were just waking up. I wanted to be here, but i knew that i had to go. I was not sure what i should do. I thought about what i would need to get. I was still unpacking my car and bringing stuff into my room. I felt uncomfortable now, feeling that i had to get something done quickly. I looked at the things in the room, and i wondered where my guitars were. they must still have been in the car. I headed back to the southeast, crossing the quadrangle again. The buildings around the grassy area were old stone buildings. I headed toward a gap between two buildings on the southern end of the eastern side of the quadrangle. I felt uneasy, thinking that i had not been doing what i should have been doing here. I told the other person that i had not really been in college this year. I felt bad about this. I mentioned the name of the college to the other person as we started crossing the street. I thought that i should head to the west to do what i needed to do. The others started walking with me now.

12014 June 29

I was jogging with $G4 as we headed through the wooded area. I headed to the west, starting up the short hill. I was running ahead of the other people, trying to find the trail. The ground was covered with a thin layer of snow. Most of the trees and rocks were brown. I then noticed something to the south of the trail, near a small puddle of water. The other person on the trail with me pointed out the people to the south. They seemed to be copulating near the water. We stopped and watched for a moment. It seemed strange that the to people would be having sex just off the trail. I joked about the man having a “small dick”. I then wondered how i would have seen the man’s penis. I looked at the two people some more. They no longer seemed to be people. The shallow murky pond was to the west of the two figures. The dark soil around the pond was covered with patches of algae. I started walking to the south to get a better look at the two animals copulating. As i got near, the white otter ran off to the west, along the northern shore of the water. I looked back to where the two people were. The man was missing now. A large animal was now sitting where the woman had been. It had been having sex with the otters. The large animal hopped to the west a few paces and then turned toward me and bound through the trees. It stopped as it noticed me. I felt nervous, thinking that the animal might attach me. The large animal looked like a manatee, but i knew that it could not be a manatee. A manatee would not be in the forest; it did not make sense. As i looked closer at the animal, i realized that it was a hippopotamus. I then remembered that the others were talking about the hippopotamus. I did not think that the hippo was real because this did not seem to be a place where hippopotami would live. The animal kept staring at me, and i worried that it might charge. I backed away and started running to the west, down the path.