12015 June 02

The other person drove the car to the south on the snowy roads, through the suburban neighborhood. The snow seemed rather deep, and i thought that it was just after a big storm. The houses in the neighborhood seemed small. I said something to the person, concerned about where we were going. I then noticed that the road ahead appeared to be blocked. At first, it seemed that a short snow bank ran across the end of the road, but, as we got closer, i could see that a low yellow plow lay on the ground, extending from the large orange truck that was parked on the eastern side of the road. The plow was not attached to the truck, but the truck had probably placed it there, and the plow was being used to block the road. The car we were in drove over the plow without much difficulty, ending up on the east-to-west road on the southern end of the neighborhood area. We turned to the east and started down the road. I looked back at the blow, realizing that it was being used to stop people from going up the road that we had been on. Just to the east of it, a second plow blocked a second road. The road in the neighborhood must have been snowed in from the storm, and the city was trying to prevent people from driving on them until they could be cleaned. I wondered how we had gotten on the other side of the plow. I then thought that we had come into the area from the north. We turned north on another road, and i remembered being in the area to the east. It seemed like a hotel, and i had come from there. I was walking to the west on a road, which seemed to be on the northern side of the neighborhood. I turned south and started walking back into the area. I had been at the hotel to the east, and i had walked very far to get here. This was how i had gone around the blockades before. I thought about how i was going to get back to the area to the east. It seemed like such a long distance to travel, but then i thought that i would only have to do it once i stepped outside of the blockaded area. I headed to a house that seemed to be just to the west of the blockade. I entered the garage, which was on the western side of the small house. The other person was still with me, and we talked about something in the small room, which now seemed like a camper. $F45 was then to the south of me. The camper started moving out of the garage to the south. $F45 was driving. The camper had been facing south, so he drove it into the street and then turned it around, driving it back into the garage so that it faced to the north. I felt annoyed with him for doing this. He said that he was making it easier to get the camper out, but he had turned it around so that it would now have to be backed out of the garage. It would have been easer to drive out when it was facing outward. I did not understand what he was doing, but i did not want to deal with him. Instead, i turned back to the northeast to say something to the other person. We were now standing in a small office, which was in the main room of the house. I had to get some things together for the job. I felt agitated. I headed back to the garage area to grab some of the papers that we had just talked about. I grabbed a stack of orange cards and a stack of white paper. The orange cards had been printed on a full sheet of paper and then cut in quarters. The stacks seem to have been printed on a full sheet, though the sheet was not shaped like a standard piece of paper. I thought that the white sheets should have been cut as well, but, as i looked at them, i could see that the different pieces of the card were still attached together. The main part of the card seemed to have a form on it. Along the bottom edge was a strip that could be torn off. It looked like a concert ticket. The right side of the form could also be torn off for some other purpose. I decided that these forms were only supposed to be perforated and not cut. There were more orange cards than white sheets, though. This was because the sheets had not been cut into separate cards. I started to think that we had ordered an incorrect number of sheets for the white stack. The number of items in each stack should match. I brought them to the east, back into the main office. The boss was there. He wore an off-white shirt and brown pants. He seemed to be dressed in clothes from the seventies. I pointed out the stacks to him, not quite sure what we were supposed to have. We decided that the orange cards were okay. I started to put don the white cards to the north of me, but then i noticed that the writing on the upper right side had been cut off on the right edge of the card. The cards had not been cut correctly. I pointed this out to the man, and he agreed that they were not right. I would have to reorder the white cards. I tossed the stack of white cards down on the floor to the north of me. The others were then headed back to the room to the west. The man to the east of me seemed angry about something. He had been standing with us as we discussed the cards. We had to go to the room to the west for a meeting. I followed the group, and the angry man walked near me. I felt uneasy near him and did not trust him. As we started to sit in the foldout metal chairs in the room, which all faced north, the man pulled a black arrow from a round tube. I felt suddenly uneasy near the man, thinking that he might shoot the arrows at the boss. Everyone was gathering in the room, but i watched the man pull arrows from the tube. I felt very uneasy and wondered what i should do. I thought that i should call emergency if he tried to do anything. I wondered where my cell phone was, and i felt my pockets for it. I could feel it in the pocket in the center of my pullover jacket. I was not comfortable here, so i headed to the east, back into the main office. I had made an excuse to leave the room. I headed north across the main office, but then headed to the south on the eastern side of the building, leaving the building through the doorway on the eastern end of the southern wall. I was not sure what i should do, but i felt that i had to get away from the man. I started walking to the north along the eastern side of the building. I had to stay low so that i could not be seen from the windows. I contemplated how i would do this, thinking that i could crawl on the ground. I eventually made my way to the northern side of the building. I stopped, afraid to cross the windows in case the man was inside. I was not sure what had happened. I finally leaned to the west, looking into the windows in the center of the building. I could see into an empty room. The people must still be in the small meeting room to the west. This was good because the man with the arrows had not yet done anything yet. I hurried to the west, crawling under the window to the meeting room. I stopped at the northwestern corner of the house, pressing my back against the house while i thought of what i should do next. I would have to head away from the house eventually. I then realized that the ground was covered with snow. The snow was damp and packed. I must have left tracks along the eastern side of the house. This would mean that the man could see where i had gone. I would have to find some way to get away from the house without leaving obvious tracks. I then wondered if something was actually wrong inside. I could not hear anything. I thought i should call emergency, but i worried that i might be wrong about the man. I then heard gasps and screaming from inside the room. The man must be attacking now. I took out my cell phone to dial emergency. The screen was already active, but it was showing a chat program. The background was red. I pressed the button at the bottom of the phone to get back to the main screen, but the chat window just refreshed. I could hear a woman frantically saying something inside. I pressed the button several more times on my phone, but the screen did not change. I felt very frustrated, pressing the button several times to get to the main screen. The woman inside was telling someone what was happening, so i thought that she must be calling the police as well. She was upset. I was not sure what to do. I had to get out of here before the man came after me. I then noticed the small house to the northeast of me. The lawn between the two houses was covered with tan dry grass. I could get there without leaving footprints. I ran to the house, which was facing east, and ran into the open garage door. The garage was on the southern end of the house. Once inside, i ran into the wide shallow closet in the northern wall. A box of something was on the floor on the eastern end of the closet. I thought that i could easily hide here, but then i realized that it was not a great hiding place. If the man came into the building, it would be an obvious place to look. I moved around, wondering what i should do. I then realized that i could head north through the house. A corridor seemed to run along the eastern side of the house from the garage. I headed across the open rooms of the house. The house seemed to be under construction. The corridor was really just an open space along the eastern side of the rooms. Several boxes were along the eastern wall. I looked at one that had stuffed animals in it. I wondered if the people who had moved out had abandoned the items. The house seemed to be unfinished, but the items in it seemed used and discarded. As i reached the northern end of the kitchen, i was aware of the wide stainless-steel sink to the west. It seemed to be disassembled. An the northern end of the house, i noticed a door exiting the house to the west. I headed out the door and stopped outside. It seemed much darker now. The area to the west of the house was thinly wooded. I could escape through the woods, but i would again be leaving tracks in the snow that could be followed. I stood on the side of the house for a moment, trying my telephone again. I still could not get it to work properly. It was stuck on the same screen. I was not sure what i should do. I then turned back to the door of the house and started to slowly pull it open. As i did, i heard the door on the other side of the house close. I thought that someone must have come into the house, and i thought that it was the man. He must be after me. I wondered where i should run. I looked around the corner at the northern side of the house, thinking that i could walk along it as the man made his way through the house. He might not suspect that i would return to where he had been. I then noticed that my cell phone was shining from a white screen. I pressed the screen against my abdomen to hide the light. I could run through the woods to the west, but i would leave tracks. I then thought about hiding in the tall grass on the northern side of the house. The man might not be able to see me from the east.

The man seemed to be Russian. He crouched down to the north of me, doing something on the ground. He was near a small green plant, which seemed like a bush, but which had long pointed fronds that formed a round spade shape. Something was happening, and i was trying to figure it out. The images to the north of me started to change. People were moving past, and images of faces appeared. The man on the ground looked up at me and smiled. I then saw images of the silver masks. They covered the faces of the people passing into view. The masks were etched with decorative lines that swirled up the sides and across the top. I then realized that some of the masts had black writing on them that looked like decorative Arabic. The writing was drawn in long thin black lines and filled most of the fronts of the masks. The thin etched lines along the edges of the mask surrounded the words. I had woken up before, and i thought that this was not really a dream. This was something special. A man was then standing near me. He stared at me with his head turned toward his right shoulder. He said sternly that i must go back to the dream area. I thought that i should wake up, but he seemed very dire in telling me that i must return to dreaming.

I was in a strange place, which seemed like a foreign country. I seemed to be blindfolded because i could not quite see my surroundings. I could only see narrow views of the things right in front of me. The man was leading me to the north, along the open area. We seemed to be in Russia, and i felt uneasy in this place. I did not quite trust the man who was leading me around. He said that we would float in the water here. We had been walking through a shallow river. I could see the western shore of the river just to the west of me. I bent down as the man guided me into the water. I could see the dense branches of a tree just to the northwest of me. We were supposed to float underneath it. The man said something about the tree, mentioning that it was a thorn tree. I looked at the flat tan surface of a trunk below the branches as i rested my head on the water. The trunk seemed to be an exposed area of the tree, as if the tree had been resting against something and was now exposed. It curved northward as it rose from the ground, the round tan area ending in branches that expanded into the bushy crown of the tree. It was very low to the water, and the thin branches seemed to be right over my head. I floated for a moment as i looked at it. I then spotted a small thorn that had broken off of one of the branches. It was resting on the edge of the bare area of the trunk. I realized that the thorns must have fallen off of the tree before, and they were probably on the bottom of the river under the water. I floated backward, away from the tree, thinking that i should not step on the ground under the tree because i might step on one of the thorns. I felt as though i had been here a while, though, and i wanted to move. I rolled over in the deeper water off shore. I wondered if i could stand up here. The river seemed very shallow. As i rolled over, though, i noticed that the land dropped off steeply to the east of me. I was lying on a dark dirt cliff. The narrow creek was several meters below me in the narrow gorge. The eastern cliff was formed of tan rock. I was lying very close to the cliff near me. I pushed myself away from the edge, but the ground under me seemed soft. I realized that i could push the black earth down, and i thought that the cliff was ready to crumble under me. I sat up and looked to the north. The man must have brought me down the steep path on the cliff. The top of the cliff was only a few meters above the ledge that i was sitting on. The man had tricked me and left me here. I wondered if i could make it up the worn path to the north. I then looked to the south. The ledge ended, but i could see a spot on the steep wall where someone had climbed up. I thought that the man might have done that. A rectangular white rock was set into the wall of the cliff. It looked like hewn marble from a building detail. I thought that the man could have grabbed on to the sides of it and climbed up. I stood up and walked to the north, pulling myself up the cliff. I found myself under a set of old wooden bleachers that looked out to the east. I tried to head through them, but i noticed that the bushes were very thick on the edge of the bleachers. The man must have come through here somehow. I then noticed the rusted wire fence running through the bushes. I moved along the fence to the south a little, noticing that an area of the fence had been pulled down. This must be where the man had crossed through. I started toward it, but realized that the snow on the branches of the bushes was covered with a thick yellow ooze. People had urinated on the bushes, and the urine had thickened from the cold weather. It seemed like the way out, but i did not want to go through the urine. I wondered if the man and some others urinated there to keep people inside the fence. I walked to the south, looking for another opening. I felt frustrated and wanted to get out of here. Several areas of the fence seemed to have thick globs of thick urine on it. I then saw an opening that led into the bushes beyond. It would be hard to get through it, but i thought that i could do it. I leaded through the opening, but i heard someone coming from the west. I felt nervous. I did not want the police to see me in the restricted area. I then noticed that a pale light was shining on the ground just under the bushes. I tried to figure out where the light was coming from, but the source did not seem to be outside the bushes. I then realized that the light was actually from under the snow. I spotted a long metal black flashlight that had been dropped into the snow. I wondered if it was from the two guards, whom i now heard coming from the west. Someone must have thrown the lamp into the snow and alerted the guards that it was here. I wondered suddenly if the man who had left me near the water had put the light there to draw the attention of the guards; why else would they be searching near the bushes. I quickly ran through the bushes, toward the paved driveway beyond. The guards could now see me and were heading toward me. I was now playing the part of a woman. The guards called out to me, and i knew that the local women would be frightened of them. The guards were known to be cruel. I headed to the east on the road, acting frightened and upset. I had to convince the guards that i had no idea why i was here. I was then watching the woman in the yellow cloak backing away from the guards, heading toward the gate on the eastern end of the drive. She screamed and cried about the situation. I was still playing here as i headed east and then north. I was moving through the narrow streets of the old village. This place seemed very European. I slowed down as i walked with some others on the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. I had been through this town before, and i knew that i had to find the street that i had been traveling on. I hoped that i would remember it. I had to get back to the place that i was staying. I crossed a narrow side street and stopped on the southwestern corner of a block. The wooden face of the building to the north and east of me was painted with a thick layer of green. It seemed like residence, with the door next to the sidewalk. We were in a foreign country. I thought that i should go somewhere to hide, and i tried to think of where the woman would have run. I looked through a window of the house, seeing an older woman sitting in a chair, facing east. She was in an interior room of the house. Someone then pushed on the green door of the house and it swinged open slightly. The man then pulled the door closed. We should not disturb the people inside. I said that the woman in the red cloak had just missed the road that she needed to take. I could see the long street leading to the east, just to the south of the green house. It looked very familiar, and i knew that it was the way that i had come earlier. The woman should have headed back that way. She could have made it to the safety of her room. Instead, she traveled too far north and ended up near this green house. $A20 was playing with something over the top of the green door. I looked up to see that he had found a key on top of the door lintel. He had unlocked the door, and the door was slowly swinging open again. The old woman in the white and yellow shawl turned to look at us. $A20 pulled the door closed, apologizing to the woman. We started walking back to the west, talking about the situation here.

12015 June 04

I moved to the south, passing through the thin crowd of people in the modern open area, which seemed like a restaurant or lobby. We had been staying in this hotel for a little while. I knew that my mother was down stairs, but i had something to do. I had to get some of my things together. As i walked to the south, something felt different. I had been to this place before, but something had changed this time. It was not the same. I passed through a doorway and seemed to be on the outside of the modern building, but still within walls. The street ran to the south, along the glass face of the building, which was to the east. A metal booth, which seemed to be elevators, was on the southwestern side of the long area that i was crossing, and the street was filled with people. I then noticed a man standing just to the north of the metallic elevator doors. He had his arms up near his head and he was flexing. A small group of young men stood around him, feeling his arm muscles. This seemed very strange, and i glanced at him a few times as i continued to the south. I did not want to stare, but i was interested in getting a better look at him. The crowd kept passing in front of me, though, so i could not get a clear view. As i passed to the south of where the man had been, i glanced back to try to see him in the crowd. I still could not see him clearly, and i felt disappointed. I did not want people to think that i was staring, so i headed to the east, turning through a doorway and heading down a corridor in the large building. A few people were walking very slowly in front of me. I felt frustrated by this. They seemed like older people. They were shorter than i, and they wore long brown coats. I wanted to walk around them, but we were still walking between two railings near the entrance of the building. Once we cleared the railings, i would have to turn to the north to go into the other part of the building. I started to walk around the people, but found, to my annoyance, that they were also turning to head through the other doorway. A woman behind me said something in annoyance. She seemed to be very impatient with the couple. I tried to hurry as i turned to the north, into the lobby of the hotel. I looked back to the west, looking for the man who was flexing through the large glass window that was the western wall. I could not see him on the street outside. I turned and headed to the east, heading through the crowd of the building. I was then heading back to the west. The scene had now changed. It was still dark out, but it seemed later in the evening. I had been at the festival in this small town, and i was now walking back from an event to my hotel. The Hyatt hotel seemed to be on the western end of the city, a long way from where i was. I did not want to walk the entire way back. I walked on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. All of the shops on the street seemed to be closed. I looked ahead, thinking that it was a very long way to the hotel. I then remembered that a subway should run from east to west in this town. I wondered where i could get one. I knew that i still had a subway card with me, so i should be able to travel on the train. I wondered if i could hurry to the west to catch a train at the station. As i looked at the closed picturesque shops on the southern side of the darkened street, i suddenly realized that the train should be running beneath us and that several stops should be along this route. I looked at the small stone building that was to the south of me. It was a hotel, and i remembered that a subway stop should be under the lobby of the building. I approached the glass door of the building, now noticing the blue sign on the door that indicated a subway stop. I opened the door and walked into the lobby. Everything around me seemed to be closed. It was late at night, and the festival was winding down. The lobby seemed to be at a lower level than the door, and a set of stairs ran down the northern wall of the building to the lower level. I followed the steps down, thinking that they would bring me into the subway station. A doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall also seemed to lead down to the train tracks. A man was standing at the bottom of the stairs, and he seemed to be a gate attendant. I showed him my subway pass. I then heard the sound of a train coming into the station. I knew that i would have to hurry to catch the train. I pushed past the man and headed to the south, into the open area of the station. The walls and floor seemed to be covered with white tiles. I then realized that i was not at the correct level for the train. I could hear the train below me. Annoyed, i turned around and tried to get back to the north, where i could take the set of steps down. The crowd had now started coming into the station from the north, and i found that i could not easily move to the north anymore. I felt frustrated as i tried to push my way back through the people. The other man who had looked at our passes leaded us to the northern end of the crowd. I followed him down the stairs to the south. We turned west at the bottom of walked across the large room, which seemed to be a pottery shop. The shop was closed, but the man was leading us around the crowds by going through the shops. I noticed a large yellow clay dish on the top of a shelf in the middle of the store. It had a spiral design that looked very interesting. We continued east, through a cafe area on the edge of the shop. We came out in what seemed to be a food court. I could see people eating at small tables on the upper level to the east. The man started talking about the ice cream shop, which was one of the small stores along the southern side of the open area. He then said that the commuter train, which was #13, had just come in. He said that it was free for workers. I realized that he was referring to those who worked for the festival. He had thought that i was one of the workers at the festival. He told the others to have coffee and ice cream at the cafe as he motioned me to the east. I talked to him about the festival. I mentioned that beer was expensive now. I had just had a drink at the hotel. I told him that i was staying at the Hyatt.

12015 June 06

I stood to the south of the building, talking with the other people, but i heard the announcement from the north. Someone was walking on a loud speaker, addressing a crowd. The female voice was telling the crowd that they had to disperse. It sounded as though people were doing something that the female did not want them to do, and she sounded tense and angry about it. I thought that it was an announcement from the school and that the students must be doing something outside. I could not see what it was because the school that i was standing near was in the way. I thought that it was the school on the next block to the north. I turned to the north, looking at the front door of the school, which seemed like $P7. I thought that i could go through the building near me and head to the east, coming out the side door. From there i might be able to see the other school to the north to see what was happening. I then thought that the side door of the school might be locked. I would not be able to go out it without getting locked out of the school. I pushed open the front door of the building and headed to the east anyway. The long corridor of the building was gray and seemed like uneven cement. The surface had ripples in it but it was glossy and smooth, as though someone had put several coats of heavy paint on it. I came to the side door and pushed it open. I held it open for a moment as i looked to the north, across the large field. I could see the other school on the northern end of the field, but trees blocked most of the view. Several people were moving in the field near me. I realized that the students of this school were practicing marching moves. They were spinning brown poles as they moved back and forth from east to west. Only a few of them seemed to be in a line, which ran to the north along the western fence of the field, near the northern side of the grassy area. They wore dark blue pants with gray shirts. I looked past them at the school. I could see movement on the ground in front of it, and i thought that the students must be gathered there. For a moment, i though that i could hear rock music, but i was not really sure. I wondered if the students were partying in front of the building. I could not really make out what was happening there. I then turned back to the west, noticing people moving past the door that i was holding open. Several men hurried past the door, into a doorway on the southern side of the hall. They were holding towels around their waists and seemed to have just come out of the shower. They seemed well built, and i felt interested in them. The first one, who had light skin, disappeared into the doorway just as i looked, but the second one, who had darker skin and short curly hair, hurried past from the north. I walked back inside and looked down the corridor. No one was here now. I then read the sign on the door to the south, realizing that it was the door to the wrestling office. I was surprised that it was here.

12015 June 08

I was cleaning something in the upstairs room of the house. The situation seemed somehow different than normal. Everything in the room seemed to be shades of yellow, and the room had a mound of things piled in the center. Someone was talking to me as i turned to the west. I thought about what was happening. I pictured a map of the area as the man spoke. I told him that the magnetic disturbance was happening. He asked me a question, and i told him that it would depend on how strong the magnetic interference was. I could see a round spot on the right side of the map. It was yellow on the white surface of the map, and it represented the strength of the magnetic field. It slowly changed colors, showing that the filed was getting stronger. The right side of the ring had shades of pink and black, and the ring bulged around the brighter colors. The bulge pulsed brighter a few times. I thought that we were actually somewhere in the middle of the electronic disturbance, so we would be affected by the fields. It was something special, but others would come after us because we had become affected. The colors of the ring pulsed very brightly, and i thought that the heavy field was moving through us. This seemed like the Earth filed. I stood straight and closed my eyes, thinking that i should let the field pass through me. I pictured a spiral moving down my spine, which i had done before. It was a way to pull in the field and store it. This field seemed very powerful, though, so i was not sure that it could all be stored. Ribbons of bright light then wrapped around the image of my spine that i was picturing. They formed a multi-strand helix that spiraled down my spine. To my surprise, the pattern continued below my tailbone, extending down like a pole. I realized that it was reaching back into the ground to connect with the Earth. The man said something, and i realized that this shaft of light was actually a way to ground the energy into the Earth field so that i could store more energy than i could normally. I moved to the east, thinking about this. The energy would change me and make me special. I thought that it would do things to heal parts of my body. The man said something about the changes, and i felt uneasy, thinking that the people who already had these powers would not want me to have them as well. I felt defensive, thinking that they would come after me. I told someone that i wanted to be left alone. I knew that the energy would let me extend my life, so i told the person that i just wanted to live a normal lifespan, waiting for everyone i knew to die. Once everyone thought that i died a natural death, then they could talk to me about being special. I headed to the west, thinking that i had just died. Time had passed. Everyone thought that i was dead. I walked into the room of my house. I thought that i could get my things and leave before anyone came. Unfortunately, people were on the eastern side of the room. I could not let them see me. I headed to the north, toward my bedroom, which was on the northeastern end of the house. As i entered, i noticed three or four people there. $A55 stood in the northeastern corner of the room, just to the west of a pool table. He looked to the south at me, but did not quite see me. I turned to the west quickly, thinking that i could hide my face so that they did not recognize me. I could head to the closet to get things. $A734 was then on the northern side of the room. I could not stay here, so i turned to the south and started back out of the room. $A734 called my name. I had to keep them from knowing that i was still alive. I thought that i should stupefy them for a moment. I concentrated on generating a field that extended around them. It would prevent them from processing information for a moment. I walked out of the room, concentrating on the field. They should not realize that the time had passed, and will think that the vision of me had simply disappeared. I hurried down the hallway to the west. I had to get out of the way before $A734 came out of the room looking for me. I heard him say something to someone else as he crossed the hall to the southeast. I came into the large lobby of the building. Someone was sitting in a chair in the center. I turned to the west to leave. $A53 was walking from the eastern side of the room just to the south of me. He glanced at me, and i thought that he recognized me. I could not let these people know that i was still alive. It would make it harder to disappear.

12015 June 12

I talked with the other person as we sat on the grassy slope, facing north. We were in an urban area, but we were in a large park. The bottom of the slope to the north of us had a line of trees, which ran along a street. Brick and stone apartment buildings rose on the opposite side of the street. The sky was hazy and bright. I said something to the other person about the run. We were getting ready for a special run with $G4. I then heard people behind us. I looked back to see several people running down the road above us. They were wearing red dresses, and they had started the run. $A633 was jogging with them, and he called my name, saying that we should join. I was not quite ready yet. I still had to get the rest of my clothes on. As we stood up, i seemed to be wearing a red dress already, but i did not have the correct running shoes on. I would have to get them. I hurried to the west along the slope as the other person ran up the slope to join the other runners. I started to feel anxious, thinking that i would have to catch up with the other runners. I hoped that i could find the trail after they had gone. I turned to the north and ran down the hill, coming into the small building where the locker room was. My locker was on the eastern side of a northern-facing row of lockers. I came into the small old cement room and looked around. To my surprise, the lockers did not seem to be in the room anymore. I felt frustrated, hurriedly looking around the area. I walked to the west, down a corridor, wondering if my lockers were in the next room. The dingy cement corridor turned to the north on the eastern end of the building. I looked to the north to see a urinal against the eastern wall. The long narrow room was a bathroom. I turned back to the west and headed to the center of the room. People were changing here, but none of the lockers that i remembered were here. I headed to the south, down a short corridor. A young man was leaning on a counter, which seemed to be the staff counter for the locker room. He asked what i was doing, and i told him that i could not find my locker. He said that the lockers were in the main room. I told him that they had been moved. He stood up straight and walked to the north, into the room. I followed him, now seeing a small set of lockers on the eastern side of the room. The tan case had small cubbies on the northern side. It had not been there before, and i wondered how it had come here now. I quickly moved to the lockers and looked at the locks. I stared at each one for a moment, but decided that none of them were mine. I had to get back to the others, but i would have to get my running shoes from my clothes. I started to feel upset that i could not to what i needed to do. I moved around a little, and eventually headed back to the south. $G4 was not starting to gather outside the large stone building, which was on the eastern side of the city street. I passed several people as i came down the street. Someone motioned a drink in a plastic cup toward me in greeting. I walked around the southern side of the building and looked north down the eastern side. Someone had said this was where i would get things. I started down the side of the building, but then realized that the store here had closed. They had been offering food and drink to $G4, but they had just closed. I knew that it was now seven o’clock, so the store must have just stopped serving drinks. I felt upset that i had missed it.

12015 June 13

I was lying in bed in my bedroom. I had just woken up. $F45 came into the room from the south and walked to the east, stopping at the dresser that was against the southern wall of the room. He spoke to me as i lay on the bed. I lifted my head and looked at him as he talked. He was doing something on the dresser and looking over his right shoulder at me. He seemed in better shape than he normally did. He was shirtless, and i realized that he was becoming rather attractive. I felt turned on by him. This seemed strange because he had never been in muscular shape before. He continued to speak, and i wondered why he was here. I thought that we could copulate, but then i thought that it would not be a good idea. We were no longer together, so we should not be doing things together. I lay back down and went back to sleep.

$F45 had gone with the others to the north. He was with a group of tour people, and i was in the large lobby of the hotel with the young woman. I spoke to her about something. I then said that we had to catch $F45 before he got to the concert. I was facing south as i spoke to the woman, but it seemed that we would have to head to the north to get out of the hotel. $F45 seemed to be heading west on the street that was to the north of the building. As i turned to the east to head down the stairs, i saw Tori Amos standing near us. She was heading to the concert as well. I said hello to her, thinking that she probably did not recognize me. I chatted with her for a moment, and she said something about $F45. I told her that he had already left to get to the concert. She wanted to find him. I said something to the young woman and we decided to go after him to catch him before he went into the show. Tori walked to the north, but we hurried to the east, toward the stairs. I told the woman to head down. We descended a first flight of stairs, heading to the north. We stopped at the small intermediary floor. I noticed the next set of stairs to the east, against the eastern wall, and i told the woman to take them. She did not understand at first. The small set of stairs was gold in color and descended only a few steps to the north, down to the bottom lobby. I motioned to the east and explained to the woman that she would have to go down the stairs. She moved a little to the east and ran down the short set of steps. We ran to the north, across the large lobby with the tall ceiling and exited the building. We came out into a wide plaza, which ran east to west. I knew that the concert was to the west, but people were gathered on the plaza to the east, and several others were moving quickly in that direction. Tori Amos came out of the building behind us, and i thought that she must have run into some of her fans. She was probably talking to them. Two young dark-skinned me were joking about something to the east of us. Tori talked to them for a moment and then turned toward us and walked a little to the west. I asked her if her fans were excited to see here. I then thought that the people might not have been here for her. The crowd was still to the east, so i thought that some other more popular performer might be on the plaza entertaining them. I wondered if it was James Taylor. I felt a little sorry for Tori, thinking that she might be disappointed that no one recognized her. I chatted with her, trying to encourage her. I then turned to the west, heading down the hallway of the hotel. We had to find $F45 for Tori. The people came down the narrow hallway from the north. I knew them. They were friends of $F45, but $F45 was not with them. They asked me if i could break down a door. I told them that i probably could and then asked why the wanted me to. One of the men said that they had been locked out of their room. I told the man that he should probably get room service to open the door. We walked to the north, and i thought about the best way to kick in a door. The hallway turned at shallow angles to the east and west. Just past a slight turn to the northeast, a group of people was gathered in front of a door. I moved toward it, but realized that one of the people was in a hotel uniform. They actually did get someone to open the door. I chatted with the others for a moment. They had been at the ceremony and were now getting ready for something else. I had been with these people for the celebration, and i had been dressed up. I then realized that i was still dressed in the costumes for the celebration. I chatted with the people, but then headed back to the south, across the open area in the hallway. The open area now seemed like a small clothing shop. The people had been returning their costumes to the shop. A woman stood behind a small counter on the western wall, and she watched me as i moved slowly across the room. Another woman was to the east, helping a customer with a gown. I noticed the pile of clothing on the floor on the southern end of the shop. It was the costumes from the wedding ceremony. The people had been returning their clothing. I realized that i was still wearing mine. I could see the white jacket with the darker sashes. I thought that i should take it off and drop it on the floor. I then told the woman to the west, who seemed curious about me, that i was obviously dressed for the wedding. I would have to return the costume as well. I headed down the hallway and found myself walking back toward the open road. I was walking down the narrow road toward the east-to-west main road. The tour bus was parked on the main road, facing east. Tori was still in the bus, waiting for $F45. I would have to tell her that he was still coming.

12015 June 16

Everything had changed here. I came from the west and looked at the things in the room. The man had taken charge of this place, and he insisted that everything be different. A small group of people, who seemed to be a family, was sitting in the center of the small living room. The room had white walls and a peaked ceiling. A painting hung near the top of the eastern wall. The man was standing near the eastern wall, facing his family, who was sitting on the southern side of the room. The painting on the wall was a cartoon drawing. It depicted Homer Simpson and a space creature. All of the paintings had been changed to cartoon things because of the man. This seemed strange. I knew that the others were afraid of the man, but i pretended that i did not know what was going on here. I asked where all of the other paintings had gone. I backed to the west, looking around the other room of the house. The room had paintings on all of the walls, but all of them seemed to be cartoon copies of regular paintings. They were all drawn in the style of The Simpsons. I headed farther to the west, turning to the south into the next room. I came into a large open area. The house seemed to be to the east, and the man was walking around the western side, heading north. I could not let him see me. I then noticed the old building at the top of the tan cliff to the west. It seemed as though i had just come from there. I ran back toward the stairs, thinking that the man was trying to keep us out of the place. I hoped that he did not see me head there. The spiral staircase was tall and thin. It looked like a spire extending down from the building. I ran to the western side of it. I was then in the room on the eastern side of the small building. I crouched down against the eastern wall of the room, thinking that someone might see me if i stood up. I could not let the others see me in the building because the man had forbid people to be here. A light then came in the window from the east. A woman and a man seemed to be outside. I leaned against the eastern wall under the window, trying not to be seen. I listened to the people talk for a moment. I was then in the room to the west. The others seemed to have come into the building. I walked to the north, coming into the room where all of the original paintings were hanging up. Paintings hung everywhere on the walls. I then noticed the dark-gray and brown painting on the eastern side of the northern wall, just to the south of the corridor that ran from the center of the wall. I remembered the painting from before. I had painted it a long time ago. It looked like a heavy sewer grating, but several small white angles were on the upper right of the center of the image. They pointed down and were set inside each other. The white angular marks are what made the painting interesting. I felt very interested in the painting.

My father drove the car to the north, through the urban area. We were on a long straight road that ran up and down over shallow hills. My father said that we wanted to turn to the west to get somewhere. I felt apprehensive about this, telling him that the lake might be flooded. I thought that the water would be across the road. My father stopped the car as we decided what to do. We had to head back to the south, so my father made a U-turn to the west. Just as we completed the turn, a car came from the south, over the shallow hill. They were quite a way from us, but the driver seemed to panic and swerve to the east. The white car rolled over and skidded into us. I felt tense as it hit us. We were then outside the car, and people started getting out of the white car. Three or four people had been in the car, and they seemed to be all around the same age. They wore dirty old clothes and seemed grungy. I thought that they would be angry with us, because our turning in the street had caused them to panic and wreck their car. They walked slowly toward us. I thought that we should avoid saying anything aggressive to them because they might want to start a fight. A man was then to the south of us. He started arguing with the people from the car. My father said nothing. He just stood near our car, which was on the western side of the road. When i turned back to the south, we were in the small room of a house. The floor seemed to be made of polished wood. The others were in another room to the south, still arguing. I thought that they were crashing their cars as well, and i did not feel comfortable here. I thought that we should leave the house. As i turned back to the east, i told my father that we should take our things from the house. I opened the door to the refrigerator, which was against the northern wall of the room. The refrigerator had many cans of beer on the shelfs, but i took out the cans of coke that we had brought. My father then pointed out the reversible motor that was on the coffee table in the middle of the room. I did not think that we would be able to take it, so we would have to leave it. I felt that we should leave quickly. As i headed to the east, i realized that another car was now blocking the doorway to the east. I felt annoyed, but i took some other things to our car, which was to the east of the first car. I moved to the southern side of the car and opened the truck. I threw several of the things from the apartment into the trunk. I then wondered if i was actually stealing these things from the house. I felt bad about this, but i did not care at the moment. We had to get out of here. My grandfather was also collecting things from the room. A man came from the west to help my grandfather with his things. I looked at the few things that my grandfather had been carrying. I knew that he was forgetting things again. I took the green sleeping bag from him and packed it into the trunk. The tall thin man in the dirty clothing handed me some other things. I was surprised that he was helping us leave this place. He had shoulder-length ragged blond hair and a long face. He turned to head back to the west. I felt thankful for what he had done, and i was not concerned that he would attack us like his friends might. As he turned, i topped him on the shoulder of his denim jacket. He quickly turned back to me, saying that he could have been a diamond back. I knew that he was not threatening me, but i knew that the words would normally have been a threat. I said that it would have pinched. I felt compassion toward him. He then reached out and hugged me. I hugged him back and asked him if he was really the owner of this place. He said that he was. I apologized for being in his house.

12015 June 17

I ran down the sidewalk to the north, and i was aware of someone watching me from the south. I felt that i could do something special, and i thought that i would show off for the person. I started running in a hunched position. It seemed that i was running like a monkey, heading north down the sidewalk, which ran between the two large modern buildings. The buildings seemed very plain, and the one on the eastern side was white or pale gray. I was moving very fast, and i jumped into the air near the end of the walkway. I was not flying, but i was moving in a long slow arch toward the tall hotel building, which was to the north of me. I looked down, seeing the ground very far below me. I started to fall back toward it, and i knew that i had to use my powers to slow my descent. I would use the same powers that allowed me to jump so high. I landed in front of the tan hotel, and i started climbing the outside face. With my ability to propel myself, it was easy to cling to the building and pull myself up. I wondered what the man to the south of me thought of what i could do. I then wondered if i should be letting people know about my abilities. I was then in a hotel room. The change in scenery seemed sudden, and i thought that i was simply back in my hotel room. I had been here before with $F10, but he had left. A maid was in the room to the southwest of me. I felt a little nervous with her in the room. I tried to act relaxed. She asked about the angel candles. I realized that they were missing from the dresser against the northern wall. I remembered hiding the candles in a drawer of the dresser. We thought that they were cloyingly religious, and we did not want them in the room while we were staying here. I told the maid that the candles were in a drawer. I headed to the north, entering the bedroom of the hotel room. I felt a little nervous, thinking that one of the candles was actually broken. I did not want the maid to blame us for it. I walked to the brown wooden dresser that was against the northern wall of the room. It had three drawers, and i opened the bottom drawer to remove the candles. I turned and handed the candles to the maid. As i did, i noticed that one of the candles seemed to be melting. It was a statuette of a man with a reclined cow at his feet. I hoped that she did not blame us for ruining the candles.

12015 June 18

I came out of the stairwell and started to head to the west, down the long white corridor of the laboratory building. Many inset doors were on either side of the corridor. I had been to this place before, and i wondered if i should be here know. I knew that this was a secure area of the building. I had come out of the stairwell here by accident. I had been on one of the upper floors. I then wondered if people were watching me on security monitors. I thought that they would see me in the corridor and try to capture me. I felt nervous. I had to find a way out of the corridor. I walked to the west, but reached the end of the corridor. I could not find another set of stairs, so i turned back to the east and returned the way i came. I thought that i should leave this area. I headed back into the stairwell and headed up stairs. I came out in a large open hall, heading to the south. This building did not match the style of the building i had been in. The walls of the stairwell were cement, and the corridor was plain white. This hallway had exposed metal girders and glass windows to the south. I was in the wrong part of the building. This place seemed like $P40. I thought that i had come into the atrium on the lower floor. I turned to the east and headed into one of the rooms. I was still aware that people might be looking for me. The room i had entered was dark, and i could hear music playing. I then realized that i was in the backstage area of a small theater. I could not see the stage, but i thought that i was just to the east of it. I listened to the music playing. It seemed very nice, but i knew that it was part of a concert. I had crashed the concert by coming in through the back entrance. I felt uneasy here, and i wondered how i could get out of the area. I moved to the north, noticing the audience around me now. I was then aware that the music had suddenly stopped. The audience was sitting in wooden seats on the sloped floor of the enormous room. The floor sloped up slightly to the north, and i headed up the slope between the chairs. I thought that i could head for the exits at the back of the theater. The theater seemed to be on a hillside, and the ground dipped down a little about half way up the slope. The people at the back of the audience seemed to be struggling to hear the play that was happening on the stage to the south of me. I knew that it was a Shakespeare play, but i could not quite hear the lines. We were too far away to make out what the actors were saying. People in the audience around me were complaining about the play, and i started to feel worried that the production was not going well. I passed under the balcony of the theater and came to a corridor that curved to the west along the northern side of the theater. Round columns separated the corridor from the back seats of the theater. I headed to the northwest, starting to follow the corridor to the west. I seemed to be on the eastern side of the theater, so i thought that the entry door would be to the west of me. I then noticed $A364 pacing back and forth nervously in the back part of the audience. She wore a blue loose suit and i white shirt, and she walked stiffly between the pillars and the corridor to the north. She held a walkie-talkie in her right hand, holding it near her face as she paced. Others were standing in the corridor to the north of her, also wearing suits of the same bright blue. I tried to pass through them quickly as i headed down the corridor so that i did not get in their way. I thought that they were waiting for their cue to go on. I then realized that many of them were singing. I felt that i should not be in their way, so i crouched down to get out of view from the audience. A low wall ran between the archways, and i hoped that i could crawl below the level of the wall to stay out of sight. I tried to crawl past the singers, but they were crowding around me. I stayed low for a moment, waiting for them to head into the theater. After a moment, they had cleared out of the hallway and walked to the south. I rolled back to the east to get out of their way. I then noticed $A615 to the east of me. He was one of the singers. He looked down at me and sighed. Saying that the show was not going well. Others in the group seemed upset. I then noticed $A735 to the northeast, behind the singers. He was the director. I felt worried for the actions, and i wondered what i should do. I stood up in the middle of the group, thinking that i should get out of their way, but i wanted to do something to help them.

12015 June 29

I ran to the west, down the hall of $P7. I had just left $F65. We had been doing something together. I jogged down the hall and climbed the stairs at the end. I was aware of someone watching me. I headed up the stairs to the east, and then turned back to the west on the landing. As i climbed the next set of steps, i thought that i must be on the second floor. I looked down the long hallway, which ran the length of the building. The hallway lights did not seem to be turned on, so the hallway was lighted from the windows at various points along the way. I remembered coming up one floor, and i thought that the hallway below did not extend all the way across the building. I remembered the man watching me from the entryway in the center of the hallway on the first floor. I wondered if he was suspicious of me. I had not been here in a while, so i might not belong here anymore. I looked down at the stairs that i was descending. I was running to the west, down the flight of stairs that ran along the southern wall of the opening on the eastern end of the hallway. I realized that the stairs had no railings, and that made me a little uneasy. I stayed closer to the walls as i jogged down them. I then wondered why the stairs had no railings. This did not seem like a good design. The students would need railings to prevent them from accidentally falling off the steps. I turned to the north as the flight curved back toward the center of the hallway. I looked down the long corridor of the second floor. I then started running down it. I felt a little out of place here, thinking that it had been a very long time since i had been here and that i might not really belong here anymore. I reached the western end of the hallway, where the hallway opened up into another wide stairwell. I turned to the east and started jogging back down the hall, but noticed the man standing in the center of the hallway. I now seemed to be on the first floor, and the man was standing in the entry hall. I stopped when i saw him and turned back to the west. I pretended that i had to turn back for some other reason. I looked down at the floor, noticing a long scuff mark from my sneaker. I pretended to take interest in it, hoping the man would think that i turned around for some other reason than i was nervous about him watching me. The man stood on the southern side of the hallway, near the main door to the building. He had his arms crossed across his chest and he leaned back a little. He was middle aged, and he was balding with black hair on the sides of his head. He seemed to wear a light-blue dress shirt and navy blue pants. I tried not to pay attention to him as i looked at the things on the floor near me. I glanced back up from time to time, realizing that several other people were in the hallway around me. I could not see the man anymore, but i knew that he was there. I thought that i should move so that he was blocked from my view by the people standing in the hallway, chatting. One of the men in the hallway seemed to be $A736. I then turned to the west and headed down the stairs on the northern side of the stairwell. I came to the door on the side of the building and ran out. I thought that i would go back to my car and leave. My car would be parked in the side parking lot. A woman was walking toward the door as i left. I looked at the darkly colored cars in the parking lot, looking for my black car. I had parked my car here two days ago, and i started to wonder if it could have been towed. I was no longer associated with this place, so i probably should not have been parking my car here. I looked at the dark cars in the lot. I suddenly realized that i had driven my gray car here. I had been thinking of the black Volkswagen that i used to drive. It seemed strange that i was thinking of a car in the past. As i reached the eastern edge of the lot, i noticed the white signs with red lettering on the tall chain-link fence that ran along the western side of the lot. The sign seemed to say something about parking in the lot, and i thought that my car might have been towed. I thought that the people here probably identified cars by keeping track of the license plates. I wondered what i should do. I did not see my car, and i hoped that it was still here.