12016 June 01

I looked to the west as i walked to the east through the trees. I was following the wide path, which seemed to be an old gravel road. The path to the west curved slightly to the west-southwest before it headed back into the neighborhood area. I looked back to the east, noticing an open area on the northern side of the path. The open spot sloped steeply down to the north, and it was rounded on the northern side. I recognized this place, thinking that i had come here with $A53 to play when we were young. The leafs were not fully opened on the trees, and i could see a house to the northwest. We were still in the middle of a neighborhood area, but this place seemed well hidden by the trees. Looking at the area, however, i thought that it was green and grassy when we were here. I then thought that there should be other small areas near it. I was not quite sure that this was the place that i was remembering. It seemed very familiar, but it was not quite right. I then thought that we used to ride sleighs down the steep hill when it was snowy. I looked back down the path to the west. I had come here with $A53 one time, and i remembered that he had stopped being my friend as we walked back down the path. I felt sad about this, and i wondered if it was something that i had said to make him stop wanting to be my friend. I headed to the north, noticing a narrow walking path heading into the woods from the end of the rounded area. This all seemed familiar. I was then in the city area, which seemed like Endicott. I was heading west on the southern sidewalk of the street. I had a long way to go to get home, and i felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed to be getting dark. The land rose to the south of me, up a shallow hill. House spread up the hill. The man was then near me. He insisted on driving me home. I did not want his help, but i was in his car as he drove west on the street. He then turned to the south, heading into the neighborhood on the hill. His son was in the back of the car. I knew this man and his son. I felt disappointed, thinking that the man was bringing me to his house, which was actually not near where i was going. He thought that he was helping me, but he was really taking me out of the way. I looked to the west at the houses as we drove, not saying anything. The houses in this area all seemed to be low wide houses, like old neighborhoods from the fifties or sixties. Something about the design reminded me of houses from the south. The man turned the car to the west and stopped two or three houses down on the street. His house was on the northern side of the street. I was upset that he had taken me so far out of the way, but i did not say anything to him because he thought that he was being helpful. I started walking back to the east and then north. $F24 was with me as we turned to the north onto the long street. It was dark now. The man was then near us again with his car. He had realized that he had taken me out of the way, and he wanted to drive me back to the city. I felt unsure, and i spoke to $F24 about it. We were in the car headed to the north. The man did not take us all the way back to my house, though. He dropped us off at the corner of the long road and the main east-to-west road in the city. We would have to walk the rest of the way. I continued to the north a little, looking to the east at the large body of water, which seemed to be a small lake. It was daylight again, and i could see strange waves rolling over the top of the blue water. As we turned to the west, the lake was more to the southwest of us. We were walking through the downtown section of the city. The area we had just entered from the east seemed to be an open plaza, with stone blocks at various levels for benches. I looked out over the lake to the south, noticing that the waves were actually very tall. A man was sitting with one knee up on the ground near the edge of the lake. The stone-block plaza seemed to be right on the lake, and a set of short steps descended into the water just to the south of me. The man was leaning back to the east, against a thick square stone column, on the eastern side of the steps. The waves just to the south of him were tinted brown, and they tumbled over each other. The waves near the man’s feet seemed turbulent, though they did not crash onto the shore. They seemed to be rolling over each other in place, just off the shore. I wondered if the storm was coming and would blow the waves into the town. They were quite high. I looked up, seeing the top of the wave, which seemed to be four or five meters tall. It seemed unsafe, and i wondered suddenly why the wave did not roll into the square. It seemed to stay at the edge of the lake, thin wisps of water blown from its crest by the wind. I headed to the south, walking into the center of the square, where a round fountain stood. The fountain seemed plain, and it was made of the same dark-brown stone as the rest of the plaza. $F58 was standing just to the east of the round fountain. She said something to me as i approached. She had asked a question about what i was doing. I told her that i could not do it. I then added that i was going to Russia for a trip. It seemed that i had been planning this trip for a while. She was surprised to hear that i would be heading to that specific country. It did seem like a strange place to go. I walked to the east, across the front of the fountain as i talked to $F58. I had been walking with $F1, who was following me. I then focused on $F1 as we walked away from the square. It seemed strange to be with him here. I knew that i had not seen him in a very long time. He had not been a friend for a while now. We reached the western side of the area, and i stopped near a queue of men. A few of them chuckled and said something to us. We were waiting for something. The queue was facing south, and i thought that we had to wait in the queue to get something as well. The three of four men to the west and northwest of us were wearing very little clothing. They had on bright green suspenders, which seemed to hold up bikini shorts. Something about the clothing seemed like lederhosen. I felt a little uncomfortable near the men as they joked, but we had to wait for something here.

12016 June 03

I drove the bus away from the area. The other man was talking to me. He stood behind me, to the north of me. I felt a little uneasy driving such a large vehicle, but i felt that i had to do it. I turned the bus to the south, leaving the road and heading for the long flat stretch of broken cement, which seemed to be a bridge. I though that we had to cross it. As i left the road, i heard a loud thump. I focused on the cement surface, which sloped down slightly to the east. As i started to turn to the east onto the slabs, i heard another thump. I was nervous about driving the bus, but i felt better once i had turned it onto the bridge. I then heard a third thump. This seemed strange. The sound did not belong here. I wondered if something was hitting the underside of the cement. The sound came again, and i realized that it was not part of the dream. I thought that i should wake up to see what it was.

12016 June 04

I stepped into the theater to the west and looked around for a moment. I was still in the doorway, and the other people started talking to me. I had come here to do something, but i felt that the others were changing the area. I looked to the north, noticing a woman approaching with a large blue object in her arms that looked like the top half of a cartoon figure. I thought that they were doing something that would prevent me from doing what i had wanted to do. I looked back to the west to see that the man was starting to take apart the booth. I then noticed the large tan building to the west of me. It was closed. The place that i had come to was closed, and the people here were taking down the structures in the area. The building to the west and northwest seemed to be a store in a plaza. The glass booth to the east of me was like a bus stop, but the man was starting to disassemble it. I looked to the north again. The woman was now driving a fork lift, which was shaped like the head of the blue cartoon rabbit. She drove it to the north of the sign that advertised the business that had been here. The sign was a long low rectangular sign that sat in the median of the entry drive, which extended to the north toward the main road. The woman stopped the blue rabbit and lifted the large sign from the ground. I felt disappointed that everything was closing down. I headed to the west, feeling uncomfortable. Something was wrong here. I felt that people would be after us here. I walked into the large abandoned space, which used to be the apartment. I felt danger here, and i looked around as i continued to the west. I remembered people living in this place before. I moved to the western end of the room, talking to the other person with me. We had to be cautious. The white outside walls of the building to the west and south of us were broken, with large holes in them. I looked quickly out the holes, spotting two people staring back at me. I moved quickly to the east, pulling the other person with me. The bad people were outside, and they knew that we were here. They would be after us. I looked at the large hole in the western wall. I moved toward it, thinking that i should block it with something so that they could not shoot at us. I lifted the rounded metal object. It looked like the wide door of an old pot-belly stove, with a domed front. The curved surface had three or four parallel slots in it that ran horizontally. I lifted the grill to the hole in the wall, thinking that the metal would block bullets from coming in. The grate did not stay over the hole, however. I would have to hold it, so it was not a great solution. I backed into the center of the room again, looking around. There were too many broken holes in the walls that the people could get into. I felt uncomfortable. The people seemed like vampires. They had some special abilities, and they wanted to infect us and get us on their side. I thought that we would have to kill them to get away. I wondered what we should do. I then wondered if we could wait for them to come into range and shoot them. They would not expect us to put up a fight as they approached the room. I moved out of sight of the holes in the walls. I moved to the eastern end of the room. The exit door was now in the eastern end of the southern wall. I stopped by it. The others were outside the building now. They were trying to move around the building to find us. This meant that the hallways should be clear in the center of the building. I opened the door carefully and looked down the hall to the east. I could not see anyone. I locked the door to the room i had been in and stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. When the people came, they would think that i had locked myself in the room and spend their time trying to get in. I crossed the hall to the south, stepping quickly into the darkness of the abandoned room. I waited for a moment before looking down the hall again to the east. I was waiting for the woman to come. The woman with the long black hair walked up the hallway and stopped in front of the door to the room i had been in. I watched her for a moment. I then backed to the west to get out of her view, in case she turned around. I stood for a moment, listening. I then noticed the metal object to the south of the door in the room that i was in. It seemed to be on the eastern wall of the room, and it reflected something lime green. I realized that it was reflecting the color of my shirt. I hoped that the woman did not see it. I waited for a moment until the woman walked back down the hallway to the east. Once the hallway was clear, i ran down the hallway to the east. I headed for the main doors to the building. I could see the double doors with glass panes in the upper halfs. The doors seemed to be metal and painted dull red. I had seen a shadow move across them earlier, but i thought that they were clear now. However, i knew that a balcony or terrace was just outside the door. I hoped that no one was on it. I did not want to be spotted leaving the building. I opened the doors and stepped out. A tan dog was standing on the terrace. He looked up at me questioningly as i stepped out the doors. I locked the main doors to the building, thinking that i would lock the bad people out of the building. It would confuse them. I then ran to the southeast, where a set of stairs descended to the west from the balcony. They would lead me down to the street. I had to get away. I hoped that i could find a car to get away from this place quickly. I had to get out of the area before the bad people realized that i had left the building.

12016 June 06

I followed the others to the east, running along the southern side of the long large building. It was dark out, and it seemed as though i really should not be here. I felt giddy as i jogged along. The building was covered with dark-gray stone, and it seemed to have pale streaks down the stone from weathering. The sloped up hill slightly to the east, and i was pushing something up the hill. The others ran ahead of me a little. We seemed to be fooling around. I was then aware of someone behind me, at the bottom of the hill. The person called out to us. I had lagged behind the others and only seemed to be halfway up the hill. The others had already reached the eastern end of the building. I thought that the person calling us was a security guard for this place. I hoped that i would not get in trouble. I stopped pushing the rolling chair up the hill. I stopped pushing the rolling chair up the hill. The white cushioned chair was cubical, with square arm rests. I pushed the chair to the south, off the wide paved sidewalk that ran along the building. A large tree was growing just to the south of me now, and the land seemed to level off a little here. I thought that the person might now think that i was leaving the chair near the tree by the stone bench. I hoped that the guard thought that i was just moving the chair around rather than stealing it. I hoped that i did not get in trouble.

12016 June 07

I was lying in the bed, which was against the western wall of the bedroom. $A682 was standing just to the north of me. Something was not right. I felt distressed. He learned near me and asked me a question. I was aware that he had drugged me. I tried to ignore him, but he kept asking me questions. I knew that the drugs were not affecting me as they should. He would expect me to be cooperative. I pretended that i was too drugged to understand the questions. I closed my eyes and pretended to be falling asleep. I did not trust $A682. He was here to do harm to me. I felt unsafe here, but i was not sure what to do. I could not do as he said. He shook me and asked me more questions, trying to get information from me. I felt more and more upset and had to do something. $A682 moved to the east of me, watching me as he moved around me. I sat up in the bed suddenly, thinking that i should try to leave. I wanted to call out to the others, hoping that someone would hear me. I tried to turn to the north, toward the door in the center of the northern wall. $A682 grabbed me and held me down. I could not get up. I struggled, thinking that i had to leave the room before something happened to me. I then heard something fall in the house. I could hear the sound somewhere out the door to the north. I yelled out, hoping that the other person in the house could hear me. As i yelled, i realized that i was making no sound. I suddenly realized that this was not real. I was dreaming. This was how things happened in sleep; a scream produced no sound. I thought that i should try again, hoping that i could wake up. I yelled again. The sound came out as dull and strained.

12016 June 11

I turned to the west and started to walk between the people in the area. I was worried about getting things ready for the barbecue. I had to bring a grill so that we would have a place to cook. As i started walking across the outdoor area, i noticed that someone had started a fire in the stone fire pit to the southwest of me. I realized that we could grill on this and that it was somewhat close to the house that i had just come from. The house seemed to be just to the east of me. Someone then mentioned the fire. I thought that the cook would be able to grill on the pit to the southwest. I turned to the west, looking through a small crowd that was gathered in front of me. I noticed another fire pit with flames burning in it. A man was standing near it. He said something about getting more wood and headed to the west, walking south of the stone fire pit. I thought that wood was not the best to burn when cooking, but the second pit would be good for fire. I then wondered if these pits were actually close enough to the house. Something seemed wrong with this situation. It did not seem real. I had been thinking about where to get a grill, and i had realized that no pits were close to the house. Something was strange here. I continued to the west, following the worn path across the grass. Another person was walking in front of me. He seemed like the man who had gone for firewood. I followed him over the raised path. I remembered this path from long ago. I had not traveled it in a long time. It crossed the college campus. This path seemed like the path behind Risley Hall, but the large reddish stone building was to the south of us now, and the path curved slightly around the raised treed area to the northwest of me. As i followed the other person to the west, i noticed that the path was not as wide as it had been in the past. It was raised from the ground around it, but the edges had been worn away from erosion. Small patches of grass had started to grow on the packed gravel in the center of the path. The southern edge of the path here had become ragged. The man walking in front of me seemed to be walking slowly, and i felt that i wanted to go faster, so i jogged past him, passing him on the north. I continued down the path until i reached the western end of the area. I felt as though i really should not be traveling here anymore. I crossed the grassy area and reached the steep hill on the eastern side of the parking lot. The parking lot seemed like the lot on the eastern side of Teagle Hall. I approached the edge of the hill, but the grassy cliff was too steep for be to descend. I remembered that we had come this way before, but now, the hill was no longer a path. People were not supposed to climb down the grassy slope. A street light was just to the northwest of me, pointing down on the parking lot. The pole was dark brown, and the matching square lamp was at my eye level. I thought that i could hold on to it as i descended the hill, but the hill still seemed too steep. I wondered how i was going to get down. I felt rushed, as though i had to hurry to the ground. I sat on the top of the hill, realizing that the ground under me was still soft. I had pushed some of the sandy soil around. I then thought that i could dig my way down to the ground. I sat down and started pushing some of the snow out of the way, creating a depression in the top of the large snow bank. Eventually i could push enough snow out of the way to make the depression low enough that i could simply step down to the pavement of the parking lot. I stepped down onto the floor of the small room. I quickly started picking thing up within the room. I should not have been here, and i had to clean up the laboratory so that no one would know that i was here. I looked at something on the counter to the south of me, thinking that i should take it with me. I then thought that i should not take it because it was not mine, but i wanted to take it with me. I knew that it would just be discarded here. I bent over, noticing a small disk on the floor. It looked like a small CD in a rectangular case. A picture was printed on the CD and case, but the case still seemed mostly transparent. I remembered having the CD before, but i was then not really sure if the disk was mine. It looked like some kind of game disk or small CD-ROM. I picked it up. As i straightened myself, i was aware of someone walking to the north, past the western entrance to the large gray metal shipping container that i was in. The man stopped and watched me for a second. I realized that he was a security officer. I tried to seem as though i belonged here, but i felt uncomfortable because i knew that i could not explain why i was taking the plastic disk with me. The man asked me what i was doing here, saying that no one should be here. I told him that i worked here and that i was cleaning. He told he that i would have to leave the building. I told him that would leave if he wanted, but then added that i had a key to the building, so i could just come back in. I knew that i did not have a key to the building, but i said that i did with annoyance, hoping that the guard believed me. I had to convince him that i belonged here. He seemed to relax suddenly, so i thought that he believed me.

12016 June 14

I hurried into the building and turned east, heading down the hallway. This was an academic building of the college, and i was coming here for work. The white hall was very plain and narrow. I thought that i had to get to the office before it was too late. I then heard $A14’s voice at the end of the hallway. I stopped suddenly, realizing that i had said that i would not be working tonight. I felt suddenly confused, not sure why i had come here. I must have done it out of habit. I should not have come in, however. I did not want $A14 to see me here or i would have to work. I turned around and hurried back down the hall to the west. When i reached the door on the northern side of the hall, i reached for the handle but stopped. This was the door to my office. I could see the light in the office shining from under the door. I was about to enter the office, but i should not go in. I did not want to stay here, so i should not be caught in the office. I felt anxious that i had come here, and i hurried to the next doorway on the northern side of the hall, which led into the stairwell. I could not figure out why i had come here. I descended the stairs to the north and turned to the east at the bottom, leaving the building through the double glass doors that were in the eastern end of the northern face of the building. I hurried away from the building, up the grassy slope to the north. The tall modern white science building had a niche in the northeastern corner where the doorway was. I knew that $A14’s office was above the door on the eastern end of the building. I hoped that he did not see me leaving the building. I turned to the northwest, thinking that i should go around the building to get out of sight sooner. I hurried up the grassy hill toward the nearby building. The building was tall, modern and surfaced with stone blocks, with dark details under the windows. I knew that the thin tower was a dormitory. I remembered being in the building a long time ago. The southeastern side of the building seemed curved, but it had a corner on the eastern end. A man was standing near the corner, heading toward door that was on the northern side of the corner. He watched me approach. I had to get around the corner of the building to get out of sight of the science building. I rounded the corner and continued running to the west. I hurried across the large campus, which had long rolling stretches of green grassy lawn. I turned to the south, floating over the ground as i moved. I make wide steps, floating between the steps. I then turned to the east again, heading down a corridor between two buildings. I wondered if people were noticing that i was able to fly. I knew that it was something special. I felt pleased to know that people could see my special abilities, but then i felt uneasy, thinking that the authorities would not want me to be special. I ran to the east, over the stone slabs of the walkway. A long gray stone building ran to the north of me, and bushes were planted along the southern side of the path. Ahead, a long set of stairs descended along the building. I was aware of someone still watching me from the west. As i reached the stairs, i floated over them, maintaining the same vertical level as the stairs descended below me. I knew that the man to the west of me was watching me. I started to feel uncomfortable with the others watching me. When i reached the eastern end of the hall, i stopped and stood on the floor. I was in a building now with smooth tile walls. Someone was still watching me from the west. I looked at the metal drinking fountain that stood near the southern wall of the hallway, just to the south of me. The hallway widened to the north into a square room. Everything in the hallway seemed tan or light brown. Something about this building seemed very comfortable, but i was still uneasy knowing that the guard was watching me from the west. He seemed to be a police officer now, and i knew that he did not like me flying. The authorities did not want people to see that certain other people could fly. I was being watched here, so i tried to act casually, as i though i had not noticed the guard to the west. I moved to the drinking fountain for a moment. I then turned to the east and hurried for the glass doors that were in the wall at the end of the hallway. They led outside. It was sunny outside, and the doors were illuminated with a hazy light. I knew that the authorities would be after me, so i jumped into the air and flew down the stone pathway to the east. I had to get out of sight before the guards could catch up with me. I turned to the south and flew across a small terrace. At the end of the terrace, i continued to the south, over the steep hill below me. I could see a street crossing under me. Four or five people were standing on the northern side of the street as if waiting for a bus. I started singing as i flew over them. They looked up. The man below me was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt. He was thin, with short dark hair. A woman was standing to the southeast of him. She was rounder and wore a flowered dress. Everything seemed sepia toned, and the sun made everything glow with a golden aura. I flew to the south, thinking that i was now out of sight of the guards. The people and the street seemed to be twenty or so meters below me, but, as i crossed the street, i was lower to the ground. I continued singing, using my voice to vibrate the air around me. A long grassy yard stretched to the south, down the length of a park. Trees lined the sides of the park. I swooped low to the ground, trying to get out of sight of those pursuing me. I brushed the dry leafs on the ground with my right hand as i floated under a low hanging branch from a tree on the western side of the park. Ahead of me, a woman was walking her daughter to the south. The daughter turned to look at me as i sang a few notes again. I felt very happy flying.

12016 June 18

We had been talking to the older man in his yard, which seemed somewhat like a junk yard. Now, we were leaving the area. We were in the car, and i was backing the car to the west. The man stood ahead of us, wearing a plaid shirt and denim overalls. He was standing on the southern side of the road, facing north with his head turned toward us. He seemed annoyed at us for some reason. I thought that he had become angry because we were on his property, so i thought that we should leave quickly. I backed the car up down the dirt road. After a few moments, i could still see the older man standing to the south of the road. He was now walking toward us. I thought that we had been driving for a while, so it seemed strange that the man was able to keep up with us. I hurried to the area, turning now to the north as i entered the parking lot, which was to the east of the low buildings. A metal bar gate crossed over a narrow entrance on the western side of the lot. Several people were standing in front of the gate. One seemed to be $A689. The people were from $G4 and were gathering fro a run. I was worried that they were still on the man’s property, so i tried to get them to move to the west, where they would be off of his property. I said “On on”, pointing to the west. Several people started jogging to the west. I walked into an open area to the west, but i realized that some of the people had thought that i meant the run was starting. They were searching the area to the west of me for trail. A small building was just to the west of me, and some of the people had jogged around it. I was annoyed that i had not been clear, and i tried to get all of the people back together. I headed to the north, toward the large old building. The building seemed to be a Tudor style with old wooden beams. I walked into a large room at the bottom of the building. Several people were gathering there. I tried to keep the group together, but i felt frustrated that i had told them to move to the west but was not clear. $A702 seemed to be to the north of me in the room. The walls of the room were pale yellow. I had to get the others together. I walked to the west, stepping out of the room. I could see three runners trying to jog to the west along the side of the area. They could not find trail. I called to them, tying to collect everyone together.

12016 June 19

I had left the area and drove my car to this part of the city. I seemed to be to the south of where i had been. I was also to the south of the college. I parked my car on the eastern side of the street, facing north. I seemed to be in Collegetown. The shops on the eastern side of the street were in old brick and wood buildings. I walked to the north, thinking that i had to go to the thing that was to the east on the next street. I was then to the east of the venue, which was on the southern side of the street ahead of me. $A690 was walking toward the theater from the west. This surprised me. She had been at the other place that i had left, which now seemed to be an office. I did not know that she would be coming here as well. She looked over her left shoulder, chatting with a tall man, who seemed to be $A678. They had both been in the office with me before. A third person seemed to be with them. I wanted to say something to them, but i did not. I approached the theater, but they did not know that i was here.

12016 June 21

I headed to the south a few steps. It was dark around us. We had just finished doing something and were now in the area cleaning up. I chatted with $F18 for a moment, who was standing to the south of me, on the opposite side of the small table. Several cans were on the table, and we seemed to be sorting them. I joked with $F7, who also seemed to be around the table. We were getting ready to leave, and we had to finish cleaning up the deposit cans. I moved several of the empty beer and soda-pop cans around, and $F18 grabbed a few to take to the southwest. I picked up a bag full of cans. I was trying to sort them quickly. As i pulled a few cans out, though, i noticed that the bag felt heavy. I told $F18 that the cans were not so easily sorted. I added that it felt as though some of the cans in the bag were still full. I pulled several out, trying to find the heavy cans. The others seemed anxious to leave, but i was trying to figure out what i should do with the cans. I pulled out a tan that did not seem to belong with the others. I handed it to $F18. She was not sure what to do with it. We did not have an easy way to carry the full cans with us. I then noticed that i had a can with a plastic six-pack holder still on it. I was holding it in my left hand. I suggested to $F18 that she hook the cans together. She seemed impatient, and i tried to hurry to get the cans apart. I noticed that the can i had just pulled from the bag was deformed and dingy. It seemed very old. I pointed it out to the other person, but felt that i was wasting too much time. $F7 and $F18 walked to the southeast. I started to put the old can down, but i realized that it was a type of beer that was not made anymore. The can was mostly white, with a narrow crest in the center. The name of the beer was above the blue crest. It seemed to say something like “beer”. I did not want to leave the can here for deposit, so i decided i would take it with me. I then noticed that three old cans were connected together with the plastic holder. One of the cans seemed to be in pretty good shape. I was glad, thinking that i could save that one. I moved to the west, putting the cans in the plastic bag that i had. I gathered my things and got ready to leave this area. I hung the plastic bag on the small white dog, which was just to the north of me. I had two dogs on leashes with me. I started heading to the north to leave the store. As i turned to the north, i noticed guards in the doorway of the store. They were checking sales receipts of the customers that were leaving the store. I felt uncomfortable, realizing that i did not have a receipt. I had only come here to drop off the cans. I felt nervous, wondering how i could get out of the store. I walked past the check-out queues, where two people were boing asked to show their receipts. The people seemed to be in light-colored clothing, one to the east and one to the west of me. They spoke to the store clerks, who stood on the opposite sides of them from me. As i led the dogs between the two customers, guards in black flack jackets approached me from the door. They had automatic rifles slung across their chests. The man to the east asked to see my receipt. I was not sure what to say, and i felt nervous and uncomfortable. I told the man that i did not have a receipt, adding that i had not purchased anything in the store. The man did not seem to care, and wanted to detain me. They took the dogs to the northwest. I felt frustrated and upset. They made me wait for a moment in the store. I wondered what i should do. I suddenly remembered that the bag on the small white dog had two full cans from the store. I pictured the tall aluminium cans: one red and one bright yellow. I felt upset, thinking that i might get in trouble because the men might think that i was stealing from the store. I wondered what i should do. The men then led me to the north, across the grassy park, which seemed to be across the street from the store. Tall trees shaded the park from the sides. I walked begrudgingly into the center of the park. The guards gathered several others with me. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that i had not done anything wrong. One of the other people started talking to me. He seemed to be challenging me. I felt annoyed with him, but did not do anything. He then tried to punch me. I moved out of the way, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the ground. He seemed very easy to control. I did not want to fight, and i told the man that. I was holding his arm out straight, forcing him to the ground. I then noticed that the guards were watching me from the south. They seemed to approve of what i was doing. I did not trust them, thinking that they were just testing me to see if i was violent. They could now see that i was not. I still felt frustrated, wondering why i should be detained.

12016 June 22

I ran to the east in the small room of the house. Someone was coming from the west, and i could not let the person find me in the house. A dresser stood against the eastern wall of the room. Doorways were to the north and south of the dresser, leading into the next room. I moved into the dresser, trying to stay still as the man walked into the room to the west of me. I hunched over. I seemed to have a blanket over me. I thought that the man must see me, but he walked to the south of me. He was a Nazi, and i worried that he would capture me. I felt scared of being captured. I tried to stay still. The man moved around me. He then started sweeping the floor. I looked down at me feet, which were in ankle-high boots. I realized that would be visible under the cabinet. The man started sweeping near the cabinet, and i thought that he would see my feet. He moved the broom under the red fringe that hung along the western side of the cabinet. I realized that he must know that i was in here. I started to feel more comfortable, realizing that he knew i was hiding and did not say anything. He was on our side.

12016 June 23

I had come to the place, looking for a new job. I felt a little nervous being here. This place seemed like Cornell Dining, and i though that i had worked here before. It seemed strange that i would be here again. I stopped on the southern side of the room, waiting for someone to show up. The room to the north of us was open and plain. The light gray carpeting covered most of the empty floor. A hallway ran from the western side of the room to the north. A second hallway seemed to run down the western side of the room, between cubicles. I waited nervously for a moment. Some people were moving around to the north. I thought that i was supposed to speak to a specific person here. It seemed as though i had made an appointment. I waited for a moment, wondering why i had come here. Something seemed out of place about this situation. I already had a job, so i was not sure why i would be looking for another. A short woman in a white jacket and a gray sweater came toward me. I told her that i as looking for Mary. She turned to the northwest and asked for someone. A tall older woman came walking up the corridor toward me. She wore a light-gray sweater. She smiled as she saw me, calling me by my name. She opened her arms as she approached and hugged me hello. She seemed to be very familiar with me. I thought that we must have worked together in the past. I followed her back to the north as we chatted. I could not figure out why i had actually come here. Something seemed inconsistent with this situation. I did not really want a job in this place, and i felt that i should not have come here. I knew that this woman was the manager here. She headed down the westernmost corridor, but turned quickly into the first cubical. I followed her into the empty cubical as she spoke. She moved to the southern side of the small empty area, where a white copy machine stood against the southern wall. I felt confused, and i was not quite sure what to say. I wondered why i had come here. I already had a job that i liked, so i could not understand why i was looking for a job here. I had worked here before, and i was not sure why i would want to return.

12016 June 24

I sat in the middle of the lecture room as the professor spoke to the north of us. The people with me were seated to the east of me in the wooden seats. I felt very interested in the lecture, but this was not a normal class for me. I had transferred into this class, and i wanted to attend. I knew that the class had something to do with religion, and i really liked the topic. I thought that i should make the transfer permanent. I could not quite understand the professor, however. He seemed to be speaking in Chinese. I listened intently, knowing what he was talking about, but frustrated that i could not understand his words. I felt disappointed that i could not understand what he was saying. I wanted to be part of this class, but i worried that i would not be able to be here. I looked around, realizing that many of the students to the northwest and west of me were eastern Asian. The lecturer then walked to the east, and i thought that the class was over. The people to the east of me started to stand up. I sat for a moment. I then spoke to the person just to the west of me, saying that i liked the class, but could not understand what the professor was saying. The man seemed surprised. He talked about the class, but i realized that he did not quite understand what the lecture was about. I explained that the professor was talking about certain philosophical ideas that were present in eastern religions like Buddhism and Taoism. I headed to the east, following my friends down the aisle and out of the classroom. The others were heading north to the main street. We seemed to be in the outskirts of a large city, and i knew that we were heading to the central part of the college campus, which was to the northwest of us. I started walking with the others down the southern side of the street to the west. I thought that this city was Buffalo, and that the main part of the city was to the northwest of us. The others were heading to somewhere on campus, but i was not sure where i was headed. They wandered ahead of me. I crossed to the northern side of the street and continued to the west on the northern sidewalk. The trees seemed to be losing their leafs. I then turned to the north and headed up a street through the suburban neighborhood. I was still following some people. A small house was on the western side of the street to the north of me. It seemed to be a small gray trailer home. I headed to the west, into the small room, following the other man. The room was very crowded, but i did not really pay attention to it. I was thinking of something or trying to figure something out. I was aware that the man had wandered off to the north. I looked to the north, seeing a white wall. I could see the man heading up the street through a window in the wall. I turned to the east to head back out of the room, but realized that there was no longer a door in the wall. The yellowing plaster was smooth, with no features. I felt trapped, and i felt annoyed. I hit the wall in frustration, realizing that someone had trapped me here. I then realized that this situation was not logical. I must be dreaming. The wall would not have been able to change in real life.

12016 June 29

I looked at the writing on the piece of paper in front of me. The paper seemed pale green, and the writing was in black type. The top line had some words, but the second line sayed “VA RC 139”. The third line seemed to repeat the number “139”, and the fourth line had some letters at the beginning of it, followed by “11220”, and then ending with a word. I thought that the second line had something to do with right ascension. I then thought that the letters should really say “RA”, but then i thought that the combination of “VA” and “RC” might somehow translate to “right ascension”. I wondered if the last line was the declination. It seemed to be a point in the sky.

I was on the southern side of the small dining room as the two men to the north of me pushed each other around in play. The dining room table was between us. I watched the men grab each other as they grappled for control. I was interested in the match, but they did not seem to be really doing much. One man grabbed the other in a choke hold. I thought that the man in the hold would have to submit, but the man with the hold did not try to tighten the hold. This seemed confusing to me. I moved with them as they stumbled to the east. The ma in the white T-shirt fell to the ground, landing on his hands. The other person grabbed him around the neck as if choking him. I was interested to see them actually wrestling, but they only seemed to be grabbing each other and not really competing. The man to the west had his hands around the other man’s throat, but he did not try to push the other man down or choke him. This seemed disappointing. I moved to the west, coming to the edge of the steep hill. The dirt hill sloped down almost vertically to the west. Our cars were parked in the dirt lot at the bottom of the hill. It was dark outside now, and i thought that some of the people would be going to their cars. Several people were to the west of me. I pulled myself back up the hill, noticing my black car below me in the lot. A long low brown building was on the western side of the lot. I stood up at the top of the hill and followed the dirt driveway to the east. The sun had set to the west, but the sky was still glowing with twilight. The old man was to the east of me on the road. He wore a red T-shirt and blue denim overalls. I asked him a question, and he told me that the fireworks would be at one. I thought that this was one in the morning. I knew that they would be to the west of us.