12017 June 02

I was in the long central corridor of the academic building on the college campus. The building was old, and the ceiling in the white hallway was high. I stood just a little to the east of the center of the building. A few people were standing to the east of me, and i was talking to them. I started floating to the east as i spoke. I wanted to fly, and i started drifting to the east a little. I thought that i should flap the large objects behind me. I had been carrying them. They seemed to be shaped like insect wings, and they seemed to be made of a diaphanous material that had been stretched over loops of wire. I held my arms along the sides of my body and flapped the long loops behind me. They seemed to be a few meters in length. I turned to the west and started moving down the hall. I thought that flapping the might seem like butterfly wings to other people. I flapped the wings, realizing that it made a low humming pulse as i pushed them backward. The sound seemed pleasant. I moved to the west, and was then standing in the quadrangle outside the building. The others were standing around me on the college campus. The old stone building was to the west of us. A more modern white building with plastic or cement siding was to the northwest. Bushes stood in to the east and southeast of the modern building. It was a bright sunny day, and the sky was pale blue. Someone to the northeast of me then said something and pointed to the sky. A group of people were now sitting on the lawn to the east and northeast of me. We had been relaxing on the grass of the quadrangle. I looked up into the sky to the north. I saw a faded white shape in the sky. It almost blended in with the faint cloud in the sky. I realized that it was not shaped like a moon or a cloud. It was shaped like a shuttle craft from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The ship stood still for a moment, its nose down and to the south. The ship then rotated to the west, pitching up to show the underside of the craft. The dark areas of the ship were lost in the blue sky, but i could see the highlights against the blue. This seemed very strange. The ship moved abruptly. It felt strange to see the ship in the sky, and i wondered what the significance of the experience was. Something about it did not seem quite real. I then realized that the ship was actually a small craft that was very close to us. I pointed out the ship hovering to the northeast of us. It was about a meter off the ground, and it looked like a large open frame. The ship was based on a large blue metal curving piece that formed a vertical crescent. Other metal curves ran at angles from the first. A large round camera lens was attached to the near side of the main blue crescent. It focused on us, so i thought that the people controlling the ship was watching us. I felt a little nervous about this. I did not want to be monitored by the small ship. The ship then moved off, circling around us and ending up to the west of us. I looked up into the sky to the southwest, suddenly noticing another ship in the sky. It was shaped like the Enterprise form the Next Generation shows. I pointed it out to the person next to me, saying that it was the Enterprise. The ship was heading upward in the sky, but the front of the ship was tipped downward. I then noticed many small shapes all around the sky. I looked back to the east. The small ships started to fall to the ground around us. I thought that the shuttle craft had crashed, and i walked to the east to look at it. It was actually a small model of a ship, no bigger that a half deci in length. I told the others in the group that it was a small ship, and then i noticed that all of the falling ships were small models. They were scattered across the grass like toys now. The woman moved to the north of me and started picking up some of the ships. I wanted to collect them as well, but there seemed to be so many of them. I looked down near my feet, seeing that some of the toys were shaped like cartoon characters. One just to the northeast of me was shaped like the Tasmanian Devil, but he had bright yellow sides. The woman bent over to collect a few of the toys. I noticed a dark version of Bugs Bunny to the north of me, just to the west of a metallic craft.

$F71 and i were in the small room on the northeastern side of the small house. $F71 was to the northeast of me on the bed, playing with the kitten. I chatted with him for a moment before we both left the room and headed to the west. We came into the living room from the corridor, which ran along the northern wall of the room. The living room was small, and people were sitting on the southern side of the room. $F71’s mother was standing just off the western end of the couch. I said hello to her as i continued to the west. I was hiding somewhere in the house, but someone had found me. The scene then happened again, but it was dark this time.

I sneaked back to the east, following the dirt trail through the thick forested area. The leafs were wet; it seemed as though it had recently rained. I followed the running trail to the north. I was aware that a river was running somewhere to the north of me. I was going to meet $F71 here, but i was not sure where he was. He was running with me in the forest. I thought that he might be setting part of the trail here for $G4. I was on a narrow island that ran east to west down the southern side of the river. The main river was to the north of me, but i could not see it through the dense trees. I started jogging down the trail to the west, but i had to stop when i came across a family hiking the trail. I greeted them as i slipped past them and continued running. I seemed to be wearing a running shell, and i was aware of the water collecting on the light-blue right sleeve. I suddenly came to the end of the island, where the land narrowed around the trail. A rusted steel structure was to the northwest of me. It seemed to span the water, but it did not seem to be connected to the island. I looked down at the muddy water of the river to the north of me. The river seemed to be coming around a corner from the south, and the water was flowing swiftly to the east. The water seemed dangerous, and i thought that we would not be able to swim in it. I felt nervous about the swift current. I turned back to the east and ran back down the trail to the eastern end of the island. $F70 was standing just to the north of the trail, and he greeted me. I talked to him as $F71 approached from the east. The three of us talked about the trail that $F71 was setting.

12017 June 03

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as the other person drove to the north. We seemed to be driving up a paved dirt road that went steeply up hill. The land to the east of us was grassy, but it sloped down steeply so that i could not see anything more than a few meters of ground. I then realized that we were driving up the hill for quite a way. I thought that we must have been getting very high in elevation. I leaned back against the seat, but i seemed to be facing east as we traveled to the north. The road curved here and there, but the general direction was heading to the north. I then started to feel concerned that we were traveling up such a steep hill. We seemed to be traveling up a surface that was at a fourty-five-degree angle. The road now seemed to be dirt, and pale-brown rocks were on the ground to the east. This was strange to me. I looked at the land to the east, and i started to feel nervous that we were so close to the edge of the hill. I could not see the ground anymore, and i worried that we might fall off of a cliff. I wondered where the man was taking me. I felt more and more anxious as we drove higher. The car then tipped forward, and we came onto level ground at the top of the mountain. I could not see the ground, and i wondered how wide it was. The car came to a stop in the dirt area. I realized that the dirt area was really quite wide. The other man got out of the car now. The car was parked facing west-northwest. The man walked along the northern side of the car. We had to get out and hike to the northwest. I looked out across the dry desert landscape to the northwest. The land was rocky and dusty. It was pale brown, and low jagged hills ran across the horizon to the northwest. I thought that we must have driven up a plateau. The man stopped to the northeast of me as i gathered some of my things from the back seat of the car. The man had brown skin that seemed to match the landscape. He seemed to be Indian or Mexican. I knew that it was dark now, even though we could see clearly across the land, so i would have to get a light. It would be darker by the time we had to come back. I told the other person that i had a headlamp. I pulled out my red headlamp from the car and took a few steps to the north. The man spoke to me about something. I was then aware of a bright light to the west of us and up in the sky. Someone was shining a spotlight on us. I thought that it must be from a helicopter, though i could not hear any noise. I did not seem to think anything of the light. Instead, i focused my attention to the north-northwest, where we would be heading. The light moved around the south of us and ended up to the northeast of us. I suddenly became afraid of the light, thinking that it was someone that might mean us harm. I spoke to the man. I then heard a bullet pass through the air near us. Someone from the helicopter was shooting at us.

12017 June 04

I swimmed back to the eastern end of the pool, where the water was shallower. I felt good here. Other students were wading in the water near me. I seemed to be at $P7. Some of the people around me were talking. I thought about being here. I then realized that i had classes that i should be going to. I felt suddenly nervous. I had just started taking classes at the university. I realized that i should have been going to the classes. Annoyed, i hurried to get my things together and rushed to the east. I was outside, crossing the darkened area. I remembered that i had attended an English class, but that seemed to be a few weeks ago. I should be taking three classes, but it seemed that i had forgotten to go to the classes last week. I was starting classes again, and i hoped that i did not skip classes like i had so many times before. I remembered attending the first class. I tried to think of the novel that we were supposed to be reading. I thought that it should be fairly easy to read the novel for the class. I wondered if i had done it. I was walking on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street now. I was heading for the university, which seemed to be downtown. I pictured the university on the outside of the main part of the city on the map. The tan map had red and black lines for roads. The lines ran mostly east to west, with the main part of the city being to the east. I knew that the university was in the middle of the map somewhere. I remembered looking at the map before to see how i could get there from where i was. I pictured taking a road from $P7 and heading east. The road cured to the north, connecting with another street that i could take east all the way to the university. I was not sure that i had come that way, though. I had been walking down the darkened street. I thought that i must be close to the university. I stopped at an intersection. The buildings to the northeast were old, and they seemed to be part of the university. They were not the buildings that i recognized, but i thought that it was pant of the college. The building was made with dark gray blocks of stone. Low lights illuminated parts of the building, and a steeple or cupola rose from the center. I wondered why i could not see the towers of the university. As i crossed the street to the east, i looked up at the tall tower behind the old building near me. It seemed like the university tower, though it was not like the towers of SUNY Albany that i remembered. I thought again about the courses that i had to take. I had to figure out which ones i was supposed to be attending. I looked at the sheet of paper in front of me. They were folded in half, so i opened them up. One of the sheets had a listing of classes, but i was not sure which classes i had signed up for. I read down the list. The list was printed as a table with thin lines around the table cells. The course numbers were in the left-most column. The next column to the right was also very narrow. The last column on the right had a lot of text, so it seemed to be the course descriptions. I then realized that some of the courses had yellow highlighting over them. They must be the courses that i had signed up for, but i had to figure out which courses were on which days. I was sure that i was supposed to be at a course right now, but i did not know which one. I mentioned this to the person with me. He or she was to the southeast of me. I sat down on the chair on the northern side of the area. This place seemed to be outdoors, yet there were dirty cement walls to the south and west of me. The ground seemed to be made of dirt. The other person walked to the west, passing to the south of me. I looked over the papers, trying to figure out where i was supposed to go to class. I felt that i had another chance to take classes, and i did not want to mess it up.

I walked a little way to the west, crossing the wide area, which seemed to be under a white roof that reminded me of a tent. The others had left, and we were still doing something in this area. The ground under the roof also seemed white, and it was very flat. I moved to the southwestern corner of the area, thinking of something as i spoke to the other person. I seemed to remember this scenario from before. A person was standing to the south of me, just off the platform. Another person was to the north of me, standing under the roof along the western side of the area. Something about the person to the north seemed to remind me of $A328. The person to the south of me was talking about the man who was the central focus of the plot. He seemed like Johnny Galecki, and i knew that this plot was for the last episode of Rosanne, the television show. I told this to the person to the south as the person walked east and stopped along the southern side of the area. I started walking to the east, thinking about Johnny Galecki and how the plot wrapped up around his character. His girlfriend would dump him, and that would be part of the ending of the show. I walked out of the area, heading to the west. I had to start cleaning up something.

12017 June 06

The man standing to the west of me in the modern building was a Cylon. He seemed to be John Cavil, and i thought about what he had said about the limitations of his design. He had said that his creators had given him inferior eyes because they could only see within the spectrum that humans could see. I thought it was a silly argument. I thought that i could tell him that he should stop whining and change his design. He could recreate himself with better senses than he had and see the supernova that he had mentioned. I moved to the southeast a little, talking to the other human with me. We were in a dorm room on the southern side of the college campus. The campus was on a hill, and the hill seemed to descend to the north of where we were. I could see the deep wide valley beyond some of the modern square buildings. A square tower was to the northeast of us. It had gray outside wall that were covered with rows of windows. The flat roof overhung the side wall by a meter or so. The building looked like something from the sixties or seventies. I backed into the center of the room as the others talked. One person seemed to be $Z. I knew that this area was filled with Cylons, and i worried that they would find us. We had to hide here. I then looked at the window to the west of me. It was a small square window in the cement wall. An old incandescent bulb was hanging from a chord just above the window. The light was glowing yellow. I suddenly realized that the Cylons would be able to see the light from outside the window. I felt worried that they would know that we were here. I rushed over to the window and pulled the white chord on the light to turn it off. I felt very worried about the Cylons finding us. I was then in the large lobby of a building. The walls were covered with pale gray marble, and they extended about ten meters to the ceiling. The light reflected glossy on their surface. The lobby extended to the northwest from where i was, and a corridor ran off of it to the northwest. Someone seemed to be standing to the northwest of me, in the middle of the corridor. It seemed like the Cylon i had talked to before, but it was a young woman who stood and stared at me. $Z headed to the northwest down the lobby, but i ran to the east, down a narrower corridor. I had to get out of sight before the Cylons came into the building. I turned up a corridor to the north, wondering if it was the right way to go. I started walking quickly while landing on the pads of my feet to keep my footsteps quiet. I started jogging as i ran past another narrow corridor that ran off to the east. I saw a boy standing in the corridor, facing south, as if waiting for an elevator. I wondered if he saw me. I started running faster to get out of sight of him. I was then flying. I was flying down the street of a city when i started to turn to the west. The city seemed to be in a deep valley, with high ridges to the east, west, and north. I flew over the northern side of the city, holding on to the large disk-shaped objects. They seemed like round shields, but they had tiny spines along the edges that looked like stiff fringe. I was speaking to someone as i flew toward the tall man-made ridge that ran along the western side of the city. It seemed to be a levy, and i thought that it had something to do with the waterfall. I remembered flying to the east before. I had headed toward the top of the steep narrow waterfall, which was on the southern side of the city. I remembered flying up and over the falls, noticing a domed outcropping of rock just to the south of the falls. The weather-worn rock was green with plants. As i flew over it before, i remembered that the land beyond dropped off a steep cliff to the south. I thought that the levy that i was heading toward was connected to the waterfall. The waterfall would be at the southern end of the wall. I curved to the south as i approached the dirt embankment. I threw one of the gray disks at the dirt, and it embedded in the ashen-tan eastern side of the wall. The edges of the disk must have been very sharp, because the disk was embedded almost to its center. I seemed to have my legs crossed as i flew down the length of the mound now. I knew that the falls were to the south of me. At the end of the dirt embankment was a cement structure that extended up a little from the top of the wall. I flew over it and saw the white water of the river. The tall waterfall was just to the west of me, and it seemed to drop around five hundred meters to the hazy valley below. I could see other tall steep rounded spires of mountains in the valley below. I flew to the south, excited to head over the falls and out over the open space beyond. I passed over the domed rock, which seemed to be around ten meters in diameter and about twenty-five meters tall. As i passed over it, i felt a flutter in my stomach, as if i were falling. I was nervous as i passed out over the cliff and into the open space beyond. The ground below was very far under me, and i could not see it through the haze. I thought that i was over the ocean now. It seemed like a beautiful place, and i was excited to fly over it.

12017 June 08

I had to get to my office to work for $A14. I was on the hill on the college campus. It was a bright sunny day with a clear blue sky. The slope of the college campus rose to the west of me. Old stone buildings were on the top of the hill, and several paved paths crossed the hill under them. I pictured the slope as an open grassy area. Most of the hill to the west of me seemed to be open. I knew that a road and an old neighborhood of wooden houses ran along the southern side of the campus, with a road that curved along the side of the grassy slope. Trees overhung the road. I had to get to the lab building, which was to the southwest of me. I knew that it was on the southern side of the college area, but it was on the top of the hill. I thought about walking to it by following one of the paths in an arc that led diagonally up the slope to the southwest and then curved into the campus. This did not quite seem right. I tried to picture the route in my head, wondering if it would be better to walk along the path that ran to the north and west of the building that was halfway up the slope, to the west of me. Something about this campus felt very comforting, but i did not really want to go to work in the lab.

12017 June 09

The others and i were in the small room of the place, which seemed like a resort. Most of them were sitting around the small tables on the southern side of the space. I was standing in the middle of the room, talking to different people. $F58 was to the north of me, standing in a narrow doorway. She was ready to leave the room, but she had stopped to reply to someone. She was facing north, but she looked over her left shoulder at the people in the room as she spoke. She wore a pair of light-gray tights and a dull running jacket with a hood. The hood was down, and her blond hair flowed over it. She then dropped something as she spoke, and it fell to the floor under her. The floor was cement, but it was covered with something glossy. I realized that she was standing on a narrow ramp, which ascended to the north. The northern wall was actually part of a metal structure. The floor of the structure was a few decis above the cement floor that we were on. The ramp started at the edge of the structure and ran up a narrow gap in the metal floor, leaving spaces on either side of the ramp. The object that $F58 had dropped was cylindrical, and it fell between the ramp and the metal floor to the east of the ramp. I moved toward the ramp, thinking that i could help the person pick it up. I now noticed that the lower part of the ramp was painted bright yellow with jagged splotches of a dark color. The design was very bright. I could not see where the object had fallen. I backed up a little as someone lifted the ramp. I realized that it pivoted at the upper end. $F58 held the ramp, and i looked under the eastern side of the metal platform. The platform was about a deci off of the ground. I could not see the cylinder under it. I thought that it was probably a flashlight. I reached under, but i could not feel anything. I finally crouched down and looked under the platform. I could see the object on the far side of the platform. I told the person that it looked like it had rolled all the way to the outside edge of the platform. I stood up and walked to the east, across the front of the metal object, which now seemed like stainless-steel kitchen equipment. When i reached the southeastern corner, i could see the brown cylinder on the ground, just under the eastern edge of the object. I picked it up and looked more closely at it as i started to walk back to the west. It was brown, but it had a yellow translucent plastic spiral that started at one rounded end and ran to the other. I realized that it was an illuminated tube for toilet paper. $A539 must have taken the roll from the hotel that we had been staying in. We still seemed to be in the hotel building, but this was a different part of the resort. $A539 was still standing on the ramp in a gray hooded sweatshirt. I handed her the roll. I thought that we should not be taking things from the hotel. I thought about the room that we were in at the resort. Something about it seemed like an entertainment area, and i thought of a circus. I then started thinking about the hotel. I looked at the sheet of paper in front of me, and i started drawing something about the hotel. It seemed that someone was asking me about this place. My sketch was quick and crude, but, when i stopped, i noticed that the drawing of the western end of the corridor and the rooms off of it looked surprisingly detailed. The corridor seemed like part of a small mall area, with shops or cafes to the west. I was facing west, and i had drawn the shops at the top part of the paper. I looked down the southern side of the corridor, which was on the left side of the paper. To my surprise, most of the drawing was very well detailed. I was surprised that i could create such detail in such a quick drawing. I did not know that i had this ability. I then wondered where the entertainment room had been. I thought that it should be along the southern side of the mall, where the corridor turned to the south. I could see a corner on the left side of the drawing. The main corridor ran down the paper to the east, and then the southern wall turned at a fourty-five degree angle in front of one of the stores before turning to the south to meet the other part of the corridor. The shop on the corner must be the area that we were in. I focused on it, thinking that it did not look right for the area. I was expecting to see the metal structure that had the ramp. I could see tables and chairs set up in cafe fashion on the square tile floor of the shop. I doubted my idea that it was the right place, but then i thought that it had to be. The chairs looked right, but i could not see the metal structure. I was uncertain where we had been.

12017 June 10

I had been helping the others move some of the furnishings into the blue SUV. We were cleaning up the building on the southern side of the street, and we were going to take the things to be donated. I had helped move the small blue couch, which seemed to be folded over, with a metal frame pulled over the top of it. $F57 and $F58 were loading the car with me. I now headed to the west to grab the basket of clothing. I was going to bring it back to the east, where we had loaded the car so that i could put it with the donations as well. I walked along the southern sidewalk of the street, carrying the light-blue clothes basket. As i reached the place where we had been loading the furnishings, the car drove to the west, passing to the north of me. I could not see it because a van was parked on the side of the street, between the SUV and me. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that $F57 must have driven the car to the west to pick up the clothing. He did not realize that i had gone to get it. I put the basket down, thinking that they would eventually figure it out and come back. I started pulling clothing out of the basket, looking at what was there. I suddenly noticed that my blue and green synthetic blanket was in the bottom of the basket, as was my smaller light-blue blanket. I thought that i had donated these because i did not need them, but i now wondered why i would get rid of them. I thought that i could always use blankets. I decided that i would pull them out of the basket and take them with me. I thought that i could use the blue and green blanket on top of my bedspread for when it got very cold at night. I started folding them up so that i could carry them with me. I then noticed some other small things that i thought i should keep.

The man grabbed the strap that was attached to his waist and moved to the north. I was standing to the west of him, on the tan oddly shaped roof of the building. The roof was covered with tan shingles, but it seemed to be part of a geodesic curve, with several small facets. Small black rectangular openings were in the various slanting sections of the roof to the east and southeast of me. We had to stop the man who was inside the house, and the other man was going to rappel down the northern side of the building to save the day. I was helping him do these things. The man seemed familiar. He had a pale-brown face with flat features. He seemed Native American or Mexican. He smiled as he hopped to the northern part of the roof, ready to descend the side and get the bad guys under us. Something about this seemed exciting. I turned to the northeast and started talking about how the event would happen. I was inside the building now. The walls of the room were dark, and the man with the pale-brown face was standing to the north of me. A pale-skinned man in a dark suit was standing to the northeast of me. He had balding white hair, and he seemed to be in charge of the building. I was telling him how the event would happen. I told him that the other man with me would be rappelling down the side of the building. I would be helping him. He pressed his lips together in contemplation. He did not seem impressed with the idea, but i knew that he would let us do it. This was how the story would run. I was then outside the building, to the east of it. This was before everything happened. I was talking to the other man to the northeast of me about working for this place. I felt out of place here. I knew that this story was about the young man who did not quite fit in. He would eventually join the dark-haired man on the roof at the end of the adventure, but he was now just starting to work for this place. This place seemed to be a hotel. I watched the scenes to the east of me on the small screen. It seemed that i was watching security monitors as the young man did his work for the hotel. I watched him clean up something on the southern side of the area. He was then carrying something out of a garage and heading to the north. He wore a dull-yellow jacket. He seemed Indian, and i knew that he was different from the others that worked here. I was watching a scene of the young man working on the southern side of a driveway. The driveway descended from the east, along the northern side of the hotel building. A garage door was open on the right side of the screen. It faced northwest from the building, and the cement drive sloped down steeply as it came out of the door. The door seemed to lead to an underground parking garage. The young man was reaching up with a broom or some other object with a long pole to do something to the gearbox on the southwestern end of the rolling metal door that was attached to the ceiling. I watched for a moment as he reached up. I thought that the door was stuck, and he was trying to put grease into the gears. He was then sitting on someone’s shoulders, and a small crowd of people were around him. The metal garage door started unrolling. It was a success. The people cheered. This was the part of the story where the boy became accepting by the other workers of the hotel. I had been watching something like a montage of his progress, but this was the highpoint, where the other workers accepted him, even though he was different from them. This would lead to the final scene where he was helping the man with the dark hair scale over the tan roof of the building to save the day.

12017 June 12

I stood on the southern edge of the area, which seemed to be a golf course. I felt pretty good, and i had to help the man to the northwest of me do something. I looked across the flat grassy ground at the man. He was around fifty meters away from me, standing near a golf cart that was on a paved path. The path ran north to south across the grass. Another man was to the southwest of him, and a third man was to the north of me, near a small wooden pavilion. I felt as though i could do something special here. I thought that i should fly to the man. He would probably be surprised at the speed at which i could fly toward him. I reached out toward the man, and moved to him as if teleporting. The action seemed sudden. I was excited that i could do this, and i thought about what i had to do here. I had to help someone. I then jumped suddenly to the west, teleporting to a spot in a city area. I was on the southern sidewalk of the street. A stone wall was to the south of me, and $F7 was to the west of me. I was going to help him do something. It was good to see him. I had to arrange things here.

12017 June 13

I got out of the car with the rest of the family. I had been traveling with them to this place. The father of the family had parked the minivan on the eastern end of the small parking lot, facing south. It seemed to be parked in the most northern row, but it was not against the northern edge of the lot. I stopped a few meters from the blue minivan and looked back at it. The children of the family were walking to the south, to the east of me. I felt good with this group of people. I then realized that i had left the rear passenger’s door of the van open. I thought that the father might be waiting for me to close it. I felt honored to be in this place. I turned to the south and headed to the southwest with the others. As we passed just to the east of the front end of a car that was parked facing south, i thought about the orphaned children. I visualized one as i glanced off to the east, following one of the children from the family, who was turning to the southwest around the car. I knew that the children we were helping were orphaned because they were homosexual, and their parents had thrown them out of the house. I felt bad for them, and i thought that i could help them. Helping them had something to do with why we were here. I walked to the west-southwest, across the parking lot. A small stone building was to the northwest of us, and we passed to the south of it. I was then in a small room with the others. I looked down at the car under me. It was a convertible, and it had white leather over the seats. The others were talking about the car, and i thought that i could describe it with words that started with G. I ran several through my head, thinking that they made good lyrics. I then looked up to the south. I was standing on a landing above the room to the south. A short set of stairs descended to the east of me. They seemed to run a few steps to the east before turning to the south and then to the west. The Beatles were standing against the southern wall, posing for people who seemed to be taking pictures of them. The people were to the east of me, on the lower level of the room. The Beatles smiled at the cameras as people asked them questions about the event. There seemed to be three Beatles standing against the wall. Paul was standing on the right, and George was in the center. They seemed younger that they would have been. George smiled as he looked back and forth across the gallery of people, whom i could not see. They were describing the car. I moved down the steps to the east of me and stopped on the landing. I was thinking about the car as well. I could have written a song about the theme using the G words i had come up with, but i felt it out of place for me to suggest things to the musicians. I was looking down at the white floor under me as i thought about these things. I wanted to start writing music again. I then looked up to the west. Paul McCartney was standing in the small rectangular booth at the top of the stairs. He was facing west, speaking ideas about the song that they were trying to write on the car. He paused for a moment, said “glitter glue” over his right shoulder, and then continued to walk to the west. He wore blue jeans and a brown vest over a white shirt. I thought that he had actually used G words in describing the car, but i did not think that they were that good. I wanted to add to the music, but i was not a famous musician. I was not sure how i could offer anything that would be respected. I started pacing again, looking down at the ground near me. I knew that i had good lyrics for my songs, and i thought that i must work on them to get them completed.

I sat on the seat in the middle of the small apartment. The man was to the south of me, on the other side of the couch, which was facing north. The couch was white. Two other men were subduing the man. One of the men in black clothing was to the east of me man, and he had the man bent over backward. He had his right arm wrapped around the man’s neck, supporting his weight as he choked him. The other man in black was standing to the west of the man, holding the man’s legs. The two men in black seemed East Asian, and i thought that they were trying to teach the tall thin man a lesson. The tall thin man seemed like $A716. I felt that $A716 was angry with me, and he blamed me for the men attacking him. Another man was sitting to the south of the three men. He had a round East Asian face, and he watched impartially as the two men in black clothing pulled $A716 to the ground. $A716 glanced over at me. He was angry, and he said he would kill them. I did not like the man, but i felt impartial about him being subdued, and i sat back down as the three men disappeared behind the back of the couch. I then wondered what was happening. I wanted to see the man’s face as he fell asleep. I moved to the couch and looked over. I could not see the man’s face, though. It was being blocked under the arm and chest of one of the men in black. I heard them hit the floor, and i waited for a moment. The two men in black did not stand up immediately, and i started to worry that they were holding him too long in the choke hold. They should let go once he was unconscious. I waited a little longer, but they did not come back up. I was not sure what i should do. I stood up again and walked to the couch. When i looked over, i was surprised to see that the men were gone. I felt concern, thinking that the men might now come after me. I walked to the east, out the door of the apartment and down the metal fire escape. I was now in an alley. It was dark out, and it seemed to be very early in the morning. The tall wall to the south of me was made of rough brick, and it did not seem to have any windows. When the building ended, a tall chain-link fence ran to the east on the southern side of the narrow alley. The northern part was open to a small vacant lot. I stopped, not sure what to do. Several people were standing in an opening of the fence to the southeast of me. They seemed raggedy, but i knew that they were waiting for something. The people seemed special, and they were a mix of cultures. The woman was tall, with long black braided black hair. She stood on the western side of a small group of three. To the east of her was a short dark-skinned man, who looked like an Australian aboriginal. He had a brown cloth over his right shoulder. It ran across his chest and connected to the simple shorts that he was wearing. He scowled as he watched me. I felt uneasy about him, thinking that he had special powers. To the east of him was a slightly taller dark-skinned woman of African descent. She had an oval face and plump features. I turned and looked at the small open lot to the north of me. Weeds grew from the ground around the edges of the lot. More people were along the northern and southern sides of the alley to the east, waiting for something. I was walking on a short stone wall that separated the alley from the small lot. I felt as though i did not belong here. I was unsure what i was really doing here. I then looked down as my right foot stepped on a loose stone. The slate capstone for the wall tipped south. I quickly shifted my foot to pull it back in place. As if in response to my misstep, the aboriginal man said something in a language that i did not understand. I thought that it was an insult, and i felt bad that these people did not like me. I looked down the alley at the others. I knew that they were all waiting here for the festival to start. I thought that the festival would not actually start until morning. It was only three in the morning, and the street festival was not even set up yet. The idea of the festival made me feel good, though. I liked the artistic people that were gathering here for it, and i liked the idea of being with a wide mix of creative people. I started running back to the west, down the alley. I headed for the bottom of the metal fire escape stairs. I felt happy in this place, and i liked the idea of being in a city. I thought that this place was Philadelphia.

12017 June 15

I was driving to the north on the road. I had just entered the small town, and i was not quite sure where i was supposed to go. I visualized the map. The red lines ran east to west across the map, and some black lines ran north to south. This looked like the southern boarder of Central New York. Someone then mentioned how Route 33 ran across the area. I thought that Route 33 was one of the black lines that came in from the southwest and crossed to the east. I looked at the old buildings on the eastern side of the street. They seemed like old gray stone apartment buildings. I stopped at the intersection in the town. The area around me seemed very crowded. All of the buildings and other cars on the street were very close together. I watched some cars drive across the intersection to the north of me. They seemed very close to each other. I turned to the east at the intersection, wondering if i was going the correct way. I pictured the large camping area that i was headed to. I thought that i was actually in Vermont. The park could be to the east or west of where i was. I felt that it might be to the west down the road, but i thought that i had to head east. I was going to an event there. I then noticed that water was running down the northern side of the street. It seemed like a lot of water, and the current was running rather swiftly to the west. I thought that the flooding must have come from the heavy rains that we had been getting. I passed through an intersection and found myself on a dry street again. The water must have been running from the street that ran north. I wondered again if i should have turned to the west. I looked out the passenger’s window of my car, leaning toward it as i peered into the side mirror. I could see the lid over the gas tank on the side of the dull-orange car. The dent in the lid had something to do with the directions. I had to turn right and then left. The intersection would have been the right turn, so i would have to drive to the end of this street to make a left. I was still not sure if i was heading in the right direction. I then noticed the still water on the northern side of the street again. This time, it seemed to be flooding the shops that were along the northern sidewalk. As i looked more closely, however, i noticed that the light-gray slab that was sticking out of the western side of a store was actually not part of the sidewalk. It was just above the water, and i could see the main windows of the store under it. The gray slap was an overhang to the store’s entrance. As i continued down the street, i realized that all of the stores along the northern side of the street were under water. This seemed serious. I then suddenly wondered why there was no water on this side of the street. I should have been driving in water. I looked to the east, seeing the dry sidewalk under my car. As i reached the end of the block, the paved elevated surface slanted down suddenly. I drove over the crest and saw that the ramp led back down to the dry street to the east. The water had been contained and the elevated lane had been built. I realized that the water had been here a while. It must have been flooding for long enough that people adapted with dams and new roadways. I followed the road a few blocks more. It then started down hill near the end of a block, and i could see a tall gray church-like building at the end of the street. The church had a square tower on the front with a domed steeple. IT looked old and weather stained. I felt confused. Was i supposed to turn north here, or was i supposed to be at the park where the festival was. I looked at the map again. It showed the festival grounds. A large hexagonal shape was drawn in brown ink on the map. The hexagon was wider than it was tall, and it had little marks running in from the edges. It represented an old castle or fortress that had been turned into a mansion. I showed the map to $Z, who was standing to the northeast of me. I said that the festival would be happening in this park. I pointed out that the name of the park was De Witt Park, which was printed in brown letters on the map. I looked around the area near me. I was now standing on the northern side of a small round square in the middle of a small park. The cobblestone square had some benches around the sides and low stone walls. I did not see the large castle, and i thought that we must be in the wrong place. I thought again that i should have driven to the west on the road to find the festival park. A low building was to the south of me. I mentioned it to $Z. It was a pub. I looked to the east again. When i looked back to the south, i was standing inside the pub, just to the north of the bar. The outdoor light from the windows in the northern wall lighted the room. The bartender and some of the people sitting at the bar where silhouetted in the reflection from the mirror on the southern wall. We seemed to be in a tent, though, and the walls to the south didn’t really seem to be there. I asked the bartender if he knew anything about the festival. I told him that i was looking for a music festival. I then felt a little awkward, because i knew that the festival was not exactly a music festival. He did not seem to know about it. I paced the pub for a moment, trying to figure out what i should do. The bartender was leaning on the counter, watching me. I knew that he was waiting for me to order. I had to figure out where we were, and i was waiting for $Z to join me. I told him that i would look at the menu. I looked at the chalkboard that was over the bar, on the western side of the room. He pointed out several of the beers that they had on tap. The list was in two columns, with three or four beers in each column. The bartender pointed out the beer at the bottom of the right column. It was called “Vorpus”. I thought that i had had it before. I remembered it as a brown ale with a malty flavor and heavy body. The bartender said that it was a good beer. I thought for a moment, but then told the bartender that i would have a pint of Vorpus. I turned to the north. I was now standing at the northwestern corner of the large white tent. The bar was inside the tent, and i was standing just outside. People were talking to the west of me, and i realized that something was going on. This place now seemed like the festival, but i felt unsure if it really was. Someone to the west was announcing the entrance of the performers. I looked to the north as a tall muscular man walked out of a structure and walked confidently across the grass. He wore knee-high white boots and black shorts. He had a white furry vest and a black cowboy hat. I recognized him as a performance wrestler. I nodded at him as he approached me, and he nodded back. He continued to the south, passing to the west of me. Two more people came out of the structure to the north. One of them was a man with short brown hair and a square face. Something about him looked very familiar, even thought i did not recognize him. He smiled at me as he approached. He seemed to know who i was. The passed me and stopped just to the south of me. Several more people were coming from the north. I looked to the southwest of me. The man with the square face and his partner were waving at the audience to the west. The audience cheered as the men waved. The man with the square face then turned toward me and smiled again, as if he knew who i was. I watched the others to the north approach. The people walking toward us were in a group of four or five. They seemed to be famous from a television show, but i did not know them. I then realized that someone was touching me. I could feel a hand down the back of my pants, touching my left butt cheek. It was the man with the square face. I pulled his hand from my pants and moved a meter or so away from him, heading northeast. I felt flattered that he showed interest in me, but i felt uncomfortable having him do it here. I looked at the group of people to the southwest and south of me. They were all performers, and they were waving to the audience, who was to the west and north. I then realized that the people here thought that i was one of the famous people. I knew that no one knew that i did perform, so i should not be here with the other performers. I backed away to the northeast, trying not to distract from the famous people here. A man just to the southwest of me noticed me leaving, and he asks why i was not with the performers. I told him that i had only heard of this festival a week ago. I knew that it was a little longer, but it was not that much longer. I felt strange here. I was not a performer, yet i felt that i should not leave this group. I talked to the people to the south of me about the festival. $F66 turned to the north to face me, saying that it was good for me to be here. As she spoke, i looked at her to see that she was really $A623. I felt good here, and it seemed to be good to be part of this place. I then started thinking about the festival. It still seemed awkward to me in some way.

12017 June 16

I was sitting on the northern end of the western side of the white lab table. I was in the small lab room. $A14 and the other man were standing to the southeast of me. The other man looked like someone from $G21. Something had just happened, and $A14 was suddenly very upset. He seemed about ready to cry as he spoke to the other man, who was to the north of him, on the eastern side of the table. $A14 was wearing a white dress shirt. He walked to the west along the southern side of the table and left the room. I thought that something tragic must have happened in his life. I thought that his wife must have died. I felt worried about him, and i wondered what i should do. I was still working here. I then felt relieved that i would not have to work further, but then i felt upset that $A464 had died. I was confused, and i wondered what i should do. I started talking to someone, who seemed like $Z. He was just to the north of me. I told him about the problem, wondering what i should do about it.

12017 June 18

I was with my family, and we were visiting this place. We were in the small white rooms of the house where we were staying. We seemed to be in Florida. I then thought that i would have to go to Russia for a week in the middle of the vacation. I had planned this trip a while ago. I was visiting this area in the south, and i would have to fly to the north to get to Russia, where i would stay for a short time. I felt nervous about going there, but it seemed like something i had to do. I walked to the southeast, into the next room. I had to gather my things. As i walked through the doorway, i realized that i had forgotten to bring a small suitcase. I was planning on using only a small suitcase for the trip to Russia. I felt annoyed that i would have to bring my large bag, which i had carried down here. I then thought that i could simply buy another suitcase here, but i was unsure if i should. I thought about the trip to Russia again. I was not sure why i had to go there.

12017 June 22

I headed to the south, down the street in the urban area. I was heading to a college to be interviewed for something, and i felt excited to be visiting this place. I was not quite sure where i was going. This place was new to me, and i was not quite sure where i should be going. I had to find the building on the campus. I looked at the list of directions in front of me. It mentioned the names of the streets in a vertical list. I was looking for Brother Street. I seemed to see it on a map. I looked up at the road ahead of me. The road i was following ended only a few meters in front of me on the northwestern side of a traffic circle. A road came in from the east, connecting to the northern side of the circle, and a road ran from the western side to the south. A smaller drive seemed to run to the west. All of the buildings in the area around me seemed to be one-story buildings. The trees around the building were full of leafs, and none of them seemed taller than the buildings. I was sure that Brother Street was the road that ran to the south from the traffic circle. I had found the correct street. Two white square columns on either side of the road announced the college, and an old iron gate, which was attached to the pillars, was open. I felt happy that i was almost there. I walked down the street, looking at the cross streets. They seemed very close to each other here, and the small buildings around me now seemed like modern apartments. Someone was walking with me, to the west of me. I mentioned something to him as we walked. I then noticed one of the street signs for the street that we were approaching. It said “Lust” on it. I thought that this was an unfortunate name for the street, and i wondered if the word meant the same thing when the street was named. It seemed strange that people would have named the street like that had they had the same meaning to the word as we do today. The man and i turned to the east down one of the corridors of the building. This was a college apartment. I was supposed to visit someone here, and the man was leading me to the pace. We stopped in the hallway, which was lighted with dim incandescent lights. A metal railing ran up the side of a cement stoop on the northern side of the hallway. We turned up the stairs and approached the yellowish-white door of the apartment. I could hear voices of people inside the apartment. They seemed to be talking very loudly, and i thought that something was wrong. I wondered if they knew that we would be coming today. I was supposed to be staying with them for the college visit. The man and i paused on the stairs. I was not sure what to do, so i let the man walk ahead of me to the door. He seemed well built, with short black hair and a beard. He had a slightly muscular build and wore a pale-yellow polo shirt and shorts. I said that i would wait here as the man walked into the apartment. I wondered if the people inside had known about the interview. I then wondered why i was interviewing for a school. It seemed suddenly strange that i would be going back to school. I was then at the southern end of a hallway that stretched to the north. I was still in the apartment building, and the students were now coming out of the rooms. The man was standing in the center of the hallway, organizing the students and directing them where to go. This was some kind of orientation event. He said that the students would have to get into groups. He told them that they should not be using their cell phones. I knew that this was because the phones would be a distraction to the students. As i thought this, i noticed a man standing near the eastern wall, texting on his phone. He was facing southwest. He had a round face with a fuzzy beard to match his dark-blond hair. The man directing the students looked at the man on the cell phone, who was to the southeast of him. He told him to put away the cell phone and then went back to directing the other students. I started to feel a little out of place here. I was uneasy about the organization of the students for this event. People started sitting against the eastern and western walls of the corridor. I backed to the south. Something about this seemed uncomfortable. I thought that the people directing were actually in control of the students. I wondered why i had come back to school here. Sat against the southern wall. I then realized that i was wearing a gray T-shirt and tan shorts. I was not dressed for an interview. I was also wearing tan work boots, which seemed out of place on me. I started to worry that i did not belong here. I thought about the interview. I realized that i did not know what i would study here. I knew that they would ask what i would study as one of their questions. I would have to make up something. I thought that i could say i would study physics as a graduate student. I did not like this idea. I could not think of other majors that i could say i would study, though. I did not know why i was looking at college. This did not make sense.

12017 June 23

$A678 was cleaning out the things in the room. He stood to the south of me, and he held a long blue housecoat in his right hand. He held the coat by the hood. I liked the way the housecoat looked. It was medium blue, and the trim around the hood and inside edges were either textured or colored a lighter blue. I liked the way the housecoat looked, but, when $A678 offered it to me, i told him that i did not want it. It was nice, but i had too many housecoats at home, and i did not think that i should take another. I still felt like i should take the coat, though. I turned to the north. $A678 offered me the coat again. I tried it on, looking at myself in the mirror that was on the western end of the northern wall. It fit very well. It had a blue hood that covered my head. It looked like a boxer’s robe. It ran all the way down to the floor. I felt uneasy about taking it. The man with me was then my father. He wanted me to do something, but i felt unsure about it. I felt pressured, but i did not want to do what he wanted me to do. I knew that we had to get the things here packed in the car so that i could leave. I then was aware of something to the west. I started moving to the northwest, toward the window in the western wall. $F71 was talking to me. He was to the east of me. I shushed him as i moved carefully toward the window, trying to hear what i had heard from outside the window. $F71 continued to speak, so i hushed him more insistently. He stopped talking for a moment. I was hunched forward as i moved toward the window. I stopped just short of it. It was dark outside now. I could not see anyone out the window. I then realized that $F71 was yelling at some people to the north of us. I felt annoyed with him. I packed into the center of the room, which was now a small grassy courtyard between several apartment buildings. An opening on the eastern side of the northern edge of the courtyard led out of the courtyard. $F71 was standing in the middle of the opening, defending himself against what the others to the north were saying. I felt annoyed at him and did not understand why he would aggravate people like that. I moved back to the center of the room. All of the things were still scattered around the floor in small piles. We had to pack them into my car so that i could go. I felt frustrated. I looked at all the stuff on the floor, thinking that there was too much of it. I felt a little overwhelmed. I did not think that i could get all of it into my car, and i wondered if i would have to abandon some of the things here. I then felt nervous about leaving some of the things here while i took some of it to my car. Now that $F71 had aggravated the people playing basketball on the courts to the north, i thought that they might try to take our things while i was carrying a bundle to the car. I moved to the east a little. The man was still standing near the southern end of the eastern side of the area. I asked him to watch our things while $F71 and i took some of it to the car. We then grabbed some of the things and moved to the north. I paused at the southern edge of the basketball court. The players were moving around the small area, which was contained in a room with white walls. I stayed close to the western wall to stay out of their way. One of the players had the ball and was just to the north of me. I moved closer to the wall to get out of his or her way. The person had a gray tank top and matching shorts. The person’s hair was long, but it was tied back into a braid or tightly wrapped ponytail. I hoped that the person was not still mad at $F71 and take it out on me. I moved west a little, and the person moved to the east, trying to continue the game. I stayed close to the wall until i reached the northern end of the room. I exited the room through the narrow door in the center of the northern wall. I found myself in a kitchen area of the building. I knew that we had to head out of the building to the north to get to where we were going. I headed east a little, walking along a low counter that was in front of the northern wall. I headed for a gap in the counter, which was to the northeast of me. A large industrial mixer was standing on the counter to the east of the gap. The northern wall of the room was pale green. I stopped in the gap. A person was standing on the northern side of the counter, and i would have to squeeze past them. I hoped that the opening in the northern wall to the northeast of me led out to the street. I slipped past the person, the other man following me. We exited through the door and came onto the street. The other person said something to me, and i thought about where my car was parked. I suddenly remembered that i parked my car in the tall cement parking garage, which seemed to be to the west of us. To my annoyance, i realized that we could have exited the building to the south and headed west. We were now farther from where i had parked. I told the other person this, mentioning the neighborhood by name where i had parked the car.

12017 June 25

I wandered to the north, across the old wood flooring of the dimly lighted store. This place seemed worn and old, and it had several boxes of old books on the shelfs. I looked at some of the comic books that were in a white box to the table to the east of me. A group of people were in the store to the north of me. I wandered around, the tall shelfs, looking at the old things here. I felt interested in them. A set of shelfs ran east to west to the northeast of me. I walked along the southern side of them, noticing some old comic books that i was interested in. I seemed to walk around the northern side of the shelf, rounding the eastern end and coming back to the southern side. The people then drew my attention to the east. They were talking about something that had happened, and they seemed very concerned. I was near the eastern end of the shelf now, and the store seemed more crowded here. Another shelf was to the south of me, and it led to the east farther, where the spaces between the items was narrower. The lighting was not as good to the east, but something caught my attention there. It seemed like a green flash of light, but it was more an area of green that flickered in midair to the east of me. This surprised me, but the other people to the west of me seemed to know about it. I walked to the west, and they were talking about the ghost that had invaded the store. Someone mentioned that the child had died here. I thought that the ghost must be a poltergeist, and i started to feel very uneasy about it. I did not want to be around where a violent spirit was. As i looked at the dark ground to the east of me, someone mentioned the type of spirit. The word started with a P, but it seemed like a short word, like “Pough”. They then mentioned that it had something to do with the religious group. I thought of $A713, and then thought that the Quakers had a special type of ghost in their beliefs. The person was mentioning this ghost specifically. I felt uneasy and backed to the east. I stopped to the south of the group of people. They now seemed to be dressed in old dark clothing, which seemed to be from the beginning of the 1900s. The men were gathered around the woman, who seemed to have some authority in this matter. She stood facing east as she spoke to a man to the southeast of her. He seemed to have dark red hair, but it was bundled up in a hat or wrap. She looked at me, saying that i could do something about the ghost. I felt uneasy, but i knew that i had abilities that would allow me to communicate with the spirits. I acted shy, though, telling her that i did not think that i would be able to do it. She smiled at me, saying “You are Zudema.” At first, i thought that she was labeling me as some type of psychic, but i did not immediately recognize the term. It seemed special, but i was not sure that i wanted to interact with these people. Something made me uncomfortable here.

12017 June 27

I headed to the south, down the hallway of the academic building. It seemed like classes had just ended for the academic year. I stopped at a wall, listening to someone singing to the south of me. I was now in an east-to-west corridor, which seemed to head east from the main north-to-south corridor. A wooden door was to the south of me, and i paused for a moment to listen to the male voices singing a cappella. It sounded like two men singing together. The sound was very nice, and i wanted to hear more of the song. I wondered if they were singing in the classroom behind the wooden door. As i stood for a moment, i thought that the voices sounded farther away. I seemed to be in the upstairs of the building, and the rooms seem to have been builded in a much larger attic room. I thought that i was hearing the sound from a room to the southwest, and i was hearing it as it drifted over the tops of the white wall to the south of me. I thought that i would have to walk around the western side of the rooms to get to the door of the classroom where the men were singing. They must have been singing for their class. I wanted to see the men, so i walked to the west and then south, stopping at the wide double wooden door in the eastern wall. I could see down the northern side of the large room. The front of a black stage ran flush with the northern wall of the room, and i could see some performers on it. A full orchestra appeared to be on the stage. One of them was holding a rounded green kettle drum and sat near the western side of the stage. The audience was sitting on the southern side of the room, but it did not appear to be that large. I moved to the seats on the western side of the room. $A682 was with me. He said that he liked the music, and he seemed happy to be listening. I felt interested in the music, but i felt uncomfortable being here with $A682. I then noticed that the music had changed. It was no longer a chorus. The strings had started playing something flowing. Large drums resonated with a slow beat. I moved around on the western side of the room uneasily. I liked the music, but i was not comfortable here. $A682 was smiling to the east of me at the music. He really seemed to enjoy it. He moved close to me and tried to hug me. He was happy, and he wanted to share this moment with me, but i did not think that it would be appropriate to be close to him anymore. We were no longer together. I started to wander away. I headed south, finding myself in the back room of my parents’ old house. I heard voices of people to the southeast of me. I felt cautious as i looked out the windows. I could see people just to the east of the lower end of the driveway. They were standing near the utility pole, talking about something. I crouched down, thinking that i should crawl below the level of the windows. I did not want them to know that i was here. I then thought that i could lie down under the door. If they looked in the window of the door, they would not be able to see me. I watched the people to the southeast for a moment, noticing that they were building a red metal railing. The railing ran to the northeast and then turned north. I thought that it ran along the upper edge of the gorge, preventing people from falling over the cliffs. A man was outside with the others, and he was talking about the railing. I now seemed to be watching the scene as if it were on television. I was very close to the railing as the man spoke. He said that the railing was a good idea to protect people. He stood on the right side of my view. He had dark skin and a smooth face with high cheekbones. His hair was braided and pulled back, but the ends stuck out behind his head. He said that the railing was good for people, especially people of his blood type. I thought that this as a confusing remark. I knew that he was not referring to his dark skin. As my view panned out and i could see more of the man, i realized that he was referring to his habit of being daring and doing things for excitement. He was shirtless, and i could see that he had a nice muscle build. He was sitting on the dark rocks. Most of the rocks were large and flat, with rounded corners. As the view pulled out farther, i could see that he was sitting in the middle of a cascading waterfall. Water poured down in a sheet behind him and went both to the south and north of the rock he was sitting on. He seemed to have been sunbathing on the rocks, with his feet pointing west. Another man was then near him. The other man also had dark skin and no shirt, and his hair was similarly tied back. He was taller and thinner than the first man, but he still had a nice build. He seemed angry with the first man and tried to attack him. The first man stood up and backed to the east. I realized that the second man was standing near the edge of the falls and might fall over if they fought. The first man was backing away to prevent him from falling. I did not want the first man to get hurt.

12017 June 30

I was to the west of my parents’ old house, in the back yard. Something was happening near the house, and i moved to the northwest, toward the garage. The garage was facing south, on the western side of the northern edge of the yard. I ran into the open bay door of the garage, thinking that i would have to turn on the lights. I also thought that i should turn on the radio that was on a high shelf on the western end of the northern wall. I thought that the sound would deter people from coming into the house. They would think that someone was home if the lights were on and the music was playing. I felt very worried that someone was about to come to the house. Others were with me in the garage, but, when i headed to the east, i was alone. I was outside the garage now, standing near the tall fence that ran along the northern side of the yard. It seemed like a chain-link fence, but it had vertical wooden planks on it. I had to get back to the house, which was to the southeast of me. I pushed off of the wall and tried to swim through the air toward the house, but a wave of water pushed me back against the wall. I tried again, but the current seemed too strong, pushing me back against the wall. I looked at the waves to the south and southeast of me. They seemed dangerous. I realized that i would have to swim to the east, along the fence until i could get to the shallower water. If i swimmed to the east and then curved to the south, i could reached the ground to the east of the house. I started swimming east, watching the rolling waves to the south of me. I had to be careful of them. The waves rolled to the east, along the northern wall of the house. They seemed to be halfway up the side of the wall, which was covered with white wooden siding. After swimming a few meters to the west, i turned to the south and started crossing the waves. The waves carried me to the east, but i knew that the arc would be safer to travel than if i headed directly to the house. I came to the east of the northwestern corner of the house, hoping that the current did not carry me too far away. The water here was getting shallower. To my surprise, my hand hit the sandy ground under me as i reached down to stroke. I had made it to the shallow water and could now head to the house.