12018 June 03

I was visiting this area with my relatives. We were in the old darkly stained pavilions on the northern side of the area, but it seemed that we should head home soon. My grandmother waited in the chair just to the northwest of me. She was facing south. She said something about leaving and seemed to be referring to the west. $K1 or $K2 seemed to be to the north of me. I headed to the west, walking out of the pavilion and into the next one, which was only a meter or so away. I actually seemed to be to the south of both pavilions, and i stopped near the southeastern corner of the western pavilion. The pavilion had counters and kiosks inside of it. It seemed to be a gaming area, with bright lights on the northern wall. I wanted to do something. I stood looking around at the place, feeling confused. I then looked at the map to the north of me, which seemed to be on a wall of the room. It was a digital map, and i used my fingers to expand the view so that i could get a closer look at the journey home. I was starting on the northern side of the map, and i would have to travel down and to the left. It seemed that i had to go more down that to the left. I was starting in Canada, and i thought that i would like to take the scenic route home. I could see green patches on the map, which represented natural parks. I noticed that the blue lines showing the roads showed a split just to the south-southwest of where i was. I would be traveling on the first road to the south-southwest, and then i could turn off onto the road, which headed mostly to the south. The southern road passed just to the west of a large natural park. I wondered if it was too far out of the way to travel. I tried to figure out how far i had to go. I traced the blue line to the south after the park, wondering if i could hit any more park lands on the way home. The road to the south seemed to run down the center of a river valley. I knew that i eventually had to head to the southeast to get home, which seemed to be down and to the left on the map. The park did not seem like that much of a diversion from the other road. I had to head to the southeastern United States to get home. I tried to pan down on the map, swiping my fingers to the north, but i could not get the map to properly move up. I could not see my final destination on the lower left side of the map. Feeling frustrated, i moved my fingers on the surface in a much bigger gesture, and the map panned out quite a way. I realized that the map section that i had been looking at represented a much smaller area than i thought it had. The starting point i was looking at was actually on the northern side of a small lake. The lake was mostly egg shaped, with the wide end to the south. It had a rough shoreline. It was entirely in Canada, so the map i had seen was not part of the United States. I had much farther to go than i thought i did. A small red star-like shape marked the northern end of a small island that was on the northern end of the lake. The shape of the island was now like the shape of the lake, and it seemed that the island might be in a large ocean bay. I tried to figure out where i was heading. I was then riding in the car to the west. My grandmother was hesitantly driving the car down the northern side of the narrow parking lot. The lot was not that wide, and it was empty of cars. Snow covered the narrow median to the south of us, which divided the lot into two even sections. My grandmother made a nervous noise as the car drifted to the south, running over the median. She then pulled back to the north and drove on the black asphalt as we neared the western end of the lot. An old wooden pavilion was to the west of the lot. My grandmother turned to the car to the south at the western end of the lot, driving around the end of the median. We would have to head back to the east to leave this area. I pointed out the pavilion to the west as we stopped on the western side of the lot. It was closed. It had gotten late, and everything was closing now. I pointed out that the lights were out on most of the games in the pavilion. My grandmother looked at the pavilion and acknowledged me.

12018 June 04

I stood on the eastern side of the store, leaning on the counter to the east of me. I felt impatient here, but i could not leave yet. A man stood behind the counter, to the southeast of me. He held a small metal tray in his hand, and he started to pour the silvery liquid into it. The tray had a small square bowl in it, which already contained a purplish liquid. The thick iridescent white liquid and the silver liquid mixed in the bowl. The man stirred them with a long glass rod, saying something about the mixture. He mentioned sulfur as the key ingredient. The other man was leaning over the counter to the south of me, watching the salesman stir the liquid. I turned to walk to the west, hearing the salesman say that the liquid would make leather. I realized that this did not make any sense. Leather was dried animal skin. He would not be able to mix a liquid from sulfur and create the cells necessary to make up leather. The people who ran the store then said something to me, and they were to the south of me. I was again standing near the counter, which was to the east of me. The people presented a young man to me, who was now standing just to the south of me. I felt uncomfortable about this, thinking that i was not sure how to apprentice the young man. It felt good to be associated to the man, though. I started to move around the store, thinking about this. The young man was near me, and it felt good to have the company. The others wanted him to be with me. I was then standing near the counter on the western side of the store. The man was to the north of me at the counter, and he was talking to the salesperson to the west. The salesperson was telling him something. I knew that i was supposed to be taking interest in what the boy was doing, but it felt uncomfortable to have him assigned to me in such a way. As the salesperson talked to him, i tried not to pay attention to them. I then noticed a small wooden tray of items that looked like shells on the counter to the south of me. The narrow rectangular tray ran east to west, and i looked at the metallic blue and green objects in it. They were shaped like small flattened conch shells. They seemed to be made out of a metal that had green and blue hues in its reflective surfaces. I picked up the greenish shell, looking at the detail on it. The surface seemed to have natural square shelfs, but the shelfs showed details of carvings. I noticed the shape of a skull in the center of one. I looked at another, noticing that the shapes of the objects were not really natural. I looked back at the one in my left hand, noticing that the etchings in the center of the mostly diamond-shaped object were anatomical. The heart and head showed detailed veins and nerves. I looked back up at the salesperson as he spoke to the young man, not noticing me. I then looked back at the detail of the shell. It seemed very intricate and special. The young man then walked away from the counter, heading east.

12018 June 05

I walked to the north with the other person, entering the modern building on the college campus. The building seemed like Space Sciences, but it also seemed related to $G6. The building was actually one of two similar buildings that were connected to each other. We walked into the building to the west, which had a brick surface and thick metal I-beams in the main lobby. I told the other about the differences between the two buildings. They were very similar, but they had two different styles of construction. I felt very interested in the buildings and stressed the important differences to the other person. We then headed to the east, into the other building. This building also had exposed I-beams, but they were much thinner, and there were more of them. We ascended the stairs on the eastern side of the building, heading to the north. I pointed out the thin gray walls and the thin beams. The beams swayed as we walked on the floor. I said that this building was not as well supported as the one to the west. I watched several of the thin beams bend to the east of us as we walked across the large open room to the northwest. I talked to the other about it, saying that the building rocked. A man came from the north, out of one of the offices. He seemed familiar to me, and this place seemed like a place that i had worked in before. I remembered that this building swayed, and i then remembered that Martha Van Rensselaer Hall also vibrated when things were happening around it. That building was in danger of collapsing, and i wondered if this building was as well. Beebe Lake seemed to be down the hill to the north of us. I was in the room on the northern side of the building when a man came in from the south. He was introduced to me, and i felt very interested in him suddenly. Something about him seemed special, and i wanted to get to know him.

12018 June 06

I had been in the lecture on the college campus, but i was now taking a break from the room. The room was to the southwest of me, and i was heading to the east, down the hall that ran along the northern side of the lecture hall. Books were stacked on a low wooden cart just to the northeast of me. I stopped to gather them. They were my books, and i would have to take them back to my room. $A14 was standing to the northwest of me now, and he said something about the lecture as i gathered the books. I told him that college here was different. This place seemed like a community college or a small liberal-arts school. It was not like the university that i had attended and that $A14 was used to. I stood up, carrying my books in my arms. I would have to head back to my room. I was not using the cart as i had planned. I felt as though i did not belong to this place anymore. I was finished with classes, but i had come to this place to learn anyway. I moved to the south, into the western end of a room, which seemed to be a large hallway. The ceiling was a few stories up, and the white plaster walls were faded with age. Darkly stained woodwork trimmed the hall. A set of stairs descended from the north, coming down from the hallway that i had been in to this one. I looked to the west. A wooden railing ran across an opening in the center of the western wall. The opening was on the level of the hallway to the north. It looked into the lecture room, and i could see a steep audience of wooden seats sloping upward to the north. The seats curved along the northern wall of the room. I could see a few people in the chairs looking intently to the south. I had missed the lecture, but i did not feel so concerned about it. I moved to a wooden bench, which ran along the southern wall of the room. The shiny floor seemed to be made of terrazzo. I sat down for a moment, waiting. Someone was then sitting on the bench to the south of me, and i was standing in the middle of the room. I was talking about the lecture. I said that i did not have to attend, but i had wanted to go. I felt indifferent about missing the lecture, and i thought that i would be able to go to another later. I moved toward the western wall, reaching up to grab a curved metal hook that protruded from the wall, just below the opening to the lecture hall. The wall to the west of me seemed different than the other walls. It was shiny and looked like a thin marble. To the south of me, a set of wide stairs descended into the floor and into an alcove in the southern wall. The walls of the alcove were glass, and the glass extended to the southern end of the western wall. Beyond the glass to the west was a corridor, which opened up into a small square room with a low ceiling to the south. Part of the glass wall was a door, and i looked at the brass frame of the glass door, thinking that it was probably locked at this time of day. I said something to the person who was still to the east of me in the room. I then grabbed the hook in the southern wall, just above the eastern end of the alcove. It pulled from the wall. The brass-colored ring or hook at the end was about a deci and a half wide and formed of a metal about two or three centimeters in diameter. The hook was attached to a dull metal bar, which seemed to telescope from the wall. I pulled the handle out. I then grabbed the handle on the western wall and pulled that out as well. I seemed to rotate the handles so that they were flat rather than vertical. I pushed the handle back into the western wall, and then slided the handle to the south back toward the southern wall. I thought that these levers should do something. As i reached the southern wall, i thought that the levers might control the doors in the alcove. I looked through the glass of the alcove. A set of stairs descended into the southern wall across the small tan room on the other side of the glass. Lights came on at the bottom of the stairs, and i thought that the lever must have turned on the lights in the basement. I mentioned this to the other person, wondering what was downstairs.

12018 June 11

We were leaving to head somewhere, and i was telling my mother about the new roadways. The roads had been under construction, and i could see them to the north of me. I was looking up a wide river valley, and i could see the pale-gray cement road run along the western side of the valley. It seemed to come from the southwest, but it headed to the north up the valley. It then turned a little to the northeast and connected with the darker colored road, which was the interstate. I remembered that we used to have to take the highway north and then get on a secondary road to cut across to the highway. Now, the road to the north ran directly into Interstate 81. I told my mother this. I pictured the roads again as if on a map. Route 73 came from the west, curved to the north, and then turned to the east, where it connected to I-81. I tried to describe this route to my mother, but she did not seem to understand what i was talking about. I thought about it for a while, trying to picture it. I had to remember that the road heading toward I-81 was Route 73. I said this name to my mother. I then looked to the north as we traveled in the small vehicle. My mother and i were riding in small cars, which were only wide enough for one seat. The glass lid of the monorail car had thick white supports over me, and i watched the car moved to the north along the cement rail. The train dipped down as it passed over a small hill in the city area. It seemed dark out, but i could see the bright lights of the buildings on the tall rounded hill to the northeast and north of me. The lights seemed neon pink. We had to travel somewhere in the monorail, and it seemed that we were heading around the western end of the hill just to the north of us. The city was in the wide valley to the west of the hills. We were then walking slowly in a queue to the north-northeast. I worried that we might be late because the monorail was not on time. Someone said something about the color of the tickets matching. I knew that if the tickets matched the colors, then we still had time to get to our flights. I could see a young child holding elongated balloons or flowers to the northeast of me. The bright orange balloon or flower that the child was holding had two or three lobes protruding from the top. Just to the north of the child, someone else was holding up a long yellow balloon. These were the two colors. I looked down at the ticket in my hand, noticing that it was bright orange like the child’s balloon. We still had time to make our flight. We were in an airport. We followed the people in the queue as they shuffled around the northern wall of the room to the west. My father put his luggage on the rack to the west. The metal counter was low to the ground, and someone to the west of it seemed to be collecting the bags. I realized that i did not bring anything. I had not packed for this trip, and i was now not carrying anything with me. I thought that i had not even left it on the monorail. I would have to go back to my house to get my clothing, but i knew that i did not have time. I would have to get new things when we got there. I was disappointed by this thought, thinking that it was wasteful to buy entirely new things. I told my father and mother that i had forgotten my luggage. My father said something to me as we started walking to the south along the western wall of the room. I then started to feel that something was wrong. My left leg was hurting. I started limping as i talked to my father, and he pointed out the problem with my leg. I started to feel upset, thinking that something was wrong.

12018 June 12

I turned around to look over my left shoulder, looking to the northwest at the machine. I pressed the button on the machine, but the orange digital numbers on the screen remained on. Someone to the west of me said something, and i thought that we should be shutting down the equipment. The person to the west then reached over with her right hand and pressed the button on the left side of the rack-mounted console. The console was dark, and was about two-thirds of a meter long and a deci tall. The square screen was on the western side of the console, and the characters on the screen kept changing. The console then started making a beeping noise. I thought that i had turned off the console when i had hit the power button, but the screen had not shut off before the woman had pressed the power button again. The machine was in the process of starting up, and it was running through several calculations as it started up. I was then aware of the group of people sitting around the table to the east of me. I was on the western side of the small round table. The room around us was darkened, and the northern wall was full of rack-mounted instruments. I watched the one to the northwest of me. It was still processing numbers. I told the others that it was the credit-card processing machine. It had just started up, so it would take a while to initiate itself before we could shut it down again. We had to turn off all of the instruments in the room. I wondered if we had to have all of the lights off too. I imagined the power being shut off and the room being totally dark. I said that we would have to wait for the machine to stop processing numbers. The small room seemed crowded with people, though there were fewer than ten people in the room. We would have to wait. I sat patiently, watching the changing orange characters on the screen, which was now a little above the level of my head. The line across the top of the screen seemed red now, and the characters under it were whiter.

12018 June 13

I crouched down on the southern side of the large open room, which seemed like an aircraft hanger. The floor and walls of the room were dark gray, and everything seemed dull in color. I was trying to unpack my things from the plastic bag that was on the floor. I glanced to the east, noticing a scattering of thin rocks on the ground. They had come out of the bag. The pieces looked like they had all come from a single rock that had fractured into shards and layers. The pieces were tan, but they had a glossy metallic hue. I looked back into the bag, thinking that i had to unpack things. I lifted the bag, feeling the weight of more dirt or rocks. I thought that i had picked up the dirt and rocks from the canyons in the western United States. I pulled several papers out of the bag and put them on the ground to the west of me. The papers seemed to have something to do with college, but i was finished with them now. I then noticed a small stack of cardboard pieces on the western side of the tan plastic bag. I pulled them up, realized that i had written notes on them. I thought that they might be notes on dreams that i had a long time ago. I felt suddenly annoyed that i had forgotten about them. I wondered if they were dreams that i had not written down a long time ago. I remembered that my dreams from a few years ago had seemed very sporadic, with many dates missing. I wondered if these notes were from the missing dates. I felt upset that i had not recorded them properly. I lifted the bag by the handles and looked into it. I seemed to have emptied it of everything that i needed. It now only seemed to be filled with dirt. I dumped the dirt out of the bag to the east of me, near the shallow pile of rocks. $A14 was then to the west of me. He pointed out the dirt on the ground, and i thought that he was telling me that it should not be there. I shifted my position so that i was facing east. I was still crouching near the ground. I looked closely at the flat rocks. They looked oily on the surface, but they were dry and brittle. I picked up a piece, turning it over in my hand as i said something about it to $A14. I then thought that i would have to clean up the dirt and the rocks from the cement floor of the large room. $A14 moved off to the west, and i stood up. I was now standing to the south of a large wooden kitchen cutting table. I felt that i had to hurry to get my things together. I ran to the west, into the next room. I had to get my clothes. I suddenly realized that i was naked. $A464 was in the room to the west of me. She had seen me in the kitchen, and i thought that she had been uncomfortable seeing me naked. I wondered if she had realized that i was wearing no clothes at all. I ran to the north in the room and stopped to the east of a large wooden kitchen cutting table. I crouched down, noticing that $A464 and $A14 were to the southwest of me, talking. He was trying to convince her of something. I pulled open the drawer on the southern end of the eastern side of the table and pulled out a pair of underwear. I hurriedly tried to put it on, but the blue underwear was inside out. I hurriedly tried to turn it around so that i could quickly put it on. I hoped that $A464 noticed me in the underwear after i had put them on and thought that i had not been fully naked after all. I was now wearing boxer shorts, which seemed to be red plaid or black and white plaid. I would have to find the rest of my clothing.

12018 June 14

I stopped running as the rest of $G4 slowed to a stop. It was a bright hazy day, and the air seemed humid. The lake was just to the north of us, but i could not see the full extent of the water from where we were. We were on a dirt road, and a small building was to the northeast of us. Trees and shrubs blocked most of the view of the small lake. Others in $G4 were talking about the place on the lake. I paced around as they talked, trying to catch my breath. One of the others had mentioned the small down on the side of the lake. They motioned to the west. I remembered the town. I had been here a while ago, and i tried to figure out in which direction we had to head. I looked up into the northern sky. The sun was in the north, about fourty-five or fifty degrees up, but i could not see it clearly because of the thin layer of clouds. It was nothing more than a bright spot in the gray sky. We were in Australia, and i remembered this place from when we had been here in the past. The others discussed the town on the lake. I knew that the directions here were not as they seemed, because we were south of the equator. I looked to the north at the water. The water near us was actually very small. It was really a pond. It was not the large lake that i remembered, but i knew that the lake was to the north of us. I thought that it must be beyond the trees that were at the northern side of the long narrow pond. I pictured the larger lake in my head. It had a triangular bay to the west, and i knew that this was where the town was. The southern end of the lake was rounded, and an oval bay with narrow sides on the east and west was just off the top of the lake. I turned my attention to $F47, who was standing to the west of me. I told him about the town on the lake. I motioned to the west, and said that the town was on the left side of the lake as we faced it. I told him that it would normally be to the west, but, because we were in the southern hemisphere, it was really to the east. I said that we would have to go east to get there. $F47 thought about this for a moment and then shook his head in understanding. I thought about it myself, and i found the idea confusing. I knew that it made sense, but i did not understand how the directions could change across hemispheres. I then realized that the others were no longer standing near me. They had already started jogging up the dirt road to the northwest. I looked up the road. It ran to the north-northwest from where we were, but curved to the northwest about a hundred meters away. The end near me seemed to run from the east-southeast. Two people were walking up the road, talking to each other as the walked. The others must have gone around the corner to the northwest. I could not see them because the tall field grasses and thick bushes blocked the view of the road. I started jogging after them. I was the last person to leave, and i felt that i was far behind the main group of runners. Small rural houses were on the sides of the road here. I then noticed a small gravel turnaround to the north of me. It was to the east of a small white church. I realized that i had been running on a thin path across a mowed lawn. The road i had been traveling on must have narrowed to a path here. As i reached the circular gravel area, i could see that a gravel road ran to the north from it. I remembered this place. I had come here before. I had come from the north the last time, so this was the farthest point to the south that i had reached. I told the others that i was familiar with this place. The church was a small wooden building with square features around the door that simulated pillars. The “pillars” were actually part of the wide door frame and seemed to blend into the short towers on the two front corners of the building. A wide stone slab with a couple short steps to the east was in front of the entry door. I told the other person with me about the church as we ran to the north-northeast along the gravel road. I wondered where the others had gone. I then noticed the small stone church to the north of us. I remembered this place from before as well. It seemed like a special place. The church seemed small, but i remembered it being rather large. The wall to the north of me was made of a creamy rose-colored stone. It seemed to have archways in it, but the wall had no openings in it that led through the wall to other areas. I knew that this was the back side of the church. The other person had already started to the north along the eastern side of the building. I was looking at a closed door near the southeastern corner of the building. The door was closed, and it seemed to be made of the same rosy-tan stone as the walls. I rounded the southeastern corner of the building and headed to the north, thinking that the others must already be inside the building, drinking. I walked through a door and came into the building. The inner space was dimly lighted, and it was very wide. The room seemed to be empty, but round pillars in rows and columns supported the roof. The pillars were less than a meter in diameter and seemed to be spaced about twenty or twenty-five meters apart. I could not see the others in the room, but i thought that they were to the west somewhere, eating around a large wooden table. I turned to the north, looking at the northern wall of the room. This area seemed very attractive and interesting. I then headed back to the east, coming into a long rectangular entry hall that ran along the eastern side of the building. I moved to the north in the room, which now seemed to be a kitchen. I had to get some things ready. I would have to leave for work, and i thought that i should get my lunch ready. I man was in the kitchen with me, and i felt hurried as i moved some things around. I then headed to the north. I was in a corridor that ran along the northern side of the darkened building, but the corridor seemed to be a driveway. Cars were parked along the side of the building, on the southern side of the corridor. My father seemed to be to the north of me, but he drove one of the cars to the east. I had to move one of the cars out of the way before i left. I got into the small convertible car and started driving to the south along the eastern side of the building. The driveway ran along the northern and eastern sides of the house, curving at the corner. I headed south. This seemed to be the back side of the building. Old junk and cars were against the house. I drove the red sports car to the south, but stopped and backed it up a little. I was trying to figure out where to park it. The building had an indented space where the southeastern corner would have been. I followed the curved driveway around the corner and stopped the car. I could hear the engine running. It had a low heavy sound. I wondered if i could remember how to drive a car with a clutch. I started the car moving again and thought that i would drive it to the west, where three or four spots seemed to be. The dirt driveway ran to the west-southwest across the southern face of the gray cement building. The ground was dry, and the leafs of the overhanging tree seemed to be dry and yellow or tan. The ground had traces of debris scattered over it. My father headed to the south from the area where the dirt driveway widened, but i was focused on the spaces to the west. The center of the building was five or six meters to the south of the wall that i was driving to the south of. The parking spaces seemed to be just off the southeastern corner of the protruding section of the building. As i pulled toward them, i noticed the wire and wood picket fence along the western side of the spaces. Fence also seemed to stretch into the spaces, creating three narrow pens. I stopped the car, thinking that the pens were too narrow for the car. I did not want to scratch the sports car. I then decided that the car would probably fit between the fences. I had to put the car somewhere, and i was frustrated that i had no other spot. Slowly, i drove the car forward to the west, sliding easily into the center slot along the fences. Someone was watching me from the south. I felt hurried, thinking that i had to get the other things done, and i had to move the other cars out of the way in the driveway to the east of the building.

12018 June 18

I moved to the north a little, looking down at my cellphone, which i was holding in my right hand. Something seemed to be wrong with it. The other person was to the southeast of me. I said something to this person as i looked at my phone. The screen of the cell phone was covered with a blue picture that looked like clouds. The top part of the image had something with dark shading. It seemed like clouds, but it also seemed like underwater details. I tried to swipe upward to get rid of the image, but it would not go away. I felt annoyed with it, thinking that it was some kind of advertising. I thought that i should try to shut down the application that was generating it, but i realized that my phone would not switch back to the main screen. I remembered having this problem before. I had solved it by closing the application. This video was not going away, though. I thought that it must be some kind of viral video. I pressed the button on the right side of the phone to turn the phone off, but nothing happened. I felt upset, thinking that the phone had been taken over by the screen. I complained to the person that the video was a virus as i turned to the northwest. I then thought that i would have to force the phone to shut down. I turned over the phone, which was now a black laptop computer, and i started pulling the plugs out of the back. I thought that i could remove the battery and forcibly shut the phone down. I let the laptop dangle between my legs as i pulled on the chords in the back of it. I then looked down at the two wires that i was now holding on to. One was dark green and the other was black. They looked like speaker wires, and i thought that they would not affect the computer if i pulled them out. They were for old-fashioned audio output. This seemed strange, and i paused for a moment to think about this. The man to the east commented on this as i looked at the computer. I turned to face him, saying something as i tried to get the battery out of the phone. I then thought that a cell phone could not be taken apart to remove the battery. I felt annoyed, and i walked to the north, feeling that i had been pacing. I looked now at the water that was flowing down the corridor. I had been in this place a little while ago, but i was now heading through the corridor again. I realized that i had somehow fixed my cell phone. Someone walked ahead of me as we started down the corridor to the east. We were on the northern side of the area. I looked down at the water on the floor of the corridor. The ground was formed of flat pinkish-tan sedimentary rocks that were worn unevenly by the flow of the water through the gorge. I had been walking on the rocks along the northern side of the creek, but i realized that we would have to step into the water to continue down the hallway. The rocks along the hall to the east of me were not wide enough to step on. I would have to get my shoes wet. The water only seemed to be a few decis deep. I looked at the tan ankle-high boots that the person in front of me was wearing. I stepped into the water and was now farther down the corridor. The corridor did not seem to be lighted, but light came in through the windows that were in the northern wall. I leaned to the east and started floating on the water, which now seemed to be waist deep. The windows in the northern wall were just above the level of the water, and they were about a meter tall. They were separated by blank sections of wall that were only about a deci wide. Through the windows, i could see the books on the shelf just on the other side of the glass. I remembered the corridor to the north that was part of the store. I spotted a girl standing in front of the bookshelf, looking at the books. She was young, and her head only came up to the level of the bottom of the window. She looked up at me just as i passed to the east. I thought that i should have waved at her. A few windows down, i saw a man standing on the other side of the windows. He too was looking at the books. The bottom of the window was also at the height of his head. I pointed to a red hardcover book on the top shelf, smiling as the man looked up at me in question. I wondered if my joking would humor him. The corridor then curved to the south, and the windows stopped. I swimmed in the water, thinking that i should actually start stroking to move forward. The water channel curved to the west on the southern side of the area, and more people seemed to be in the water near me. I leaned to the west and tried to swim, but i seemed to have some difficulty figuring out how to do it. I stood up. The water was up to my chest. I leaned forward and tried again, aware of a woman in the water just behind me. I started paddling. I was then aware that the room around me was open. The room to the south of filled with chairs full of people around small round cafe tables. It was not well lighted. I turned to the north to see a stage with a woman dancing on it. A small volcano was constructed behind her. She was wearing a Hawaiian grass skirt and seemed to be doing a traditional Hawaiian dance. She did not appear to be Hawaiian, though. She had a round European face with long straight black hair running down the sides. She had something fluffy on her wrists, and she was wearing a shirt that ran under her breasts, leaving her breasts exposed. This seemed strange to me. I did not remember this show happening the last time i was here. I wondered why the woman was dancing topless in such a style. I then realized that it meant nothing to me, and i continued swimming to the west. It seemed very hard to swim here because of all the people, but i kept trying to reach out over the water to the west of me. $F58 was then to the southwest of me, on the shore. She said something to me. She seemed to want to talk to me, but it seemed that she was uneasy about something. I thought that $F57 did not want her talking to me. I hoped that he was not upset that she had been talking to me.

12018 June 20

I moved through the house with the other people. I felt that we had to leave. I was aware of the volcano to the northwest of me. It was inside the house. The others did not seem to be concerned about the volcano, but i felt that it was a significant danger to us. I could not understand why the others would not want to leave the house. I hurried into the room on the northern side of the room. I seemed to be in one of the old houses on Paden Street, and i was now in the kitchen on the northern side of the house. A simple table with metal trim extended from the northern wall. I stopped on the western side of the table and started collecting the large floppy disks from the table. I thought that i wanted to save the information on the disks, but then i felt that it was not really necessary. I put some of the black disks back onto the table. I then moved to the south. The volcano was now in the room to the north of me. I turned to the northwest to look at it. It was a small vent that formed a tall narrow cone in the southwestern corner of the room. It stood about two or three meters tall and was a concave cone. Glowing red and yellow minerals were along the eastern side. I felt nervous about it, and i did not understand why the others thought that they could stay in the house. I knew that the volcano would be very dangerous when it erupted. I ran to the east. I then heard the rumble of an eruption. I kept running for a little while before i turned back to the west and looked across the valley. To the west-northwest of me was a narrow column of black smoke. The word “column” came to mind as an important descriptor. I was on a shallow hill on the eastern side of a wide shallow valley. I could see a dark black wave of smoke or ash rolling across the valley floor from the northwest. I thought that i should be safe on the hill where i was standing. Someone then said that it would be two weeks before we could heave clear skies again. I thought that the time should be longer, but i was glad that it was only two weeks. People would be able to survive without getting more food for two weeks.

I woke up suddenly in the college dorm room. Others were around me, so i started talking to them. We joked about some things, and i felt that i had to go somewhere. $A573 was near me. He moved to the northeast of me. I lightly punched him on his left chest as we joked about something. We then moved to the west. I came out of the room and headed to the east, down the hall. I remembered this corridor of the old building. The off-white plaster walls were dulled with age, but were in good condition. I knew that a door on the southern side of the hallway would lead outside. Just past a wooden archway, which seemed like a door frame, in the corridor, i turned to the south, pushing open a door. I came into a very narrow corridor, which seemed to be a utility corridor. It led to a maintenance office. The corridor opened up to the east, into the office. Just as it opened up, a door was in the western wall. I knew that the door led outside. I glanced to the east as i started opening the outside door, which swinged to the south. I noticed a small security room to the east. The walls and floor were painted pale green, and a large metal console ran along the eastern wall. A man was sitting in a chair near the southern end of the console, watching a black-and-white security monitory. I hoped that they did not mind that i was passing through the room. I steeped outside, to the west, finding myself on a narrow cement platform. A set of black metal stairs descended to the north at the end of the platform, just a meter from the door. This area seemed to be a loading dock. I turned to the southwest and walked across the paved ground outside the building. I had descended the stairs in long floating strides, and i continued walking with the same strides. I remembered that i could jump and not put my feed down for a very long time. I had jumped from the bottom step of the stairs and held my feet up until i had reached the ground a few meters from the bottom of the stairs. Now i was running to the southwest, aware of the person behind me, to the northeast. I stepped forward with my left foot, but did not put it back down on the ground. Instead, i held it up to see how long i could float. I remembered doing this many times before. As i came to the edge of the pavement, i decided that this was actually flying. I tipped forward and started flying over the short green grass on the rolling hills to the southwest. It felt very good to be flying.

12018 June 21

I had been watching the movie on the screen to the west. It seemed to be a good movie, and i felt good being here. I thought about the movie. It seemed to be a superhero movie, and it seemed related to the X-Men. I then woke up. I realized that i had been asleep, and i was reclined to the east. I sat up suddenly. $A713 was sitting next to me, to the south of me. He seemed excited by the movie. I then realized that the movie was over. I had missed the ending. I tried to remember where i had fallen asleep in the movie, but i realized that i could not remember any of the film. I felt disappointed. The movie ended and the lights came up in the theater. $A713 turned to face me, and we started talking about the movie. I had to admit to him that i had fallen asleep during the movie. I felt very bad about this, and i did not mention that i had not actually seen any of the movies. As we walked to the west, i asked about a character in the movie. The character had long reddish hair and a white shirt. I remembered him holding a double-bladed sword in his hand. I mentioned to $A713 that i thought that the character looked like Longshot, but i knew that it was not. $A713 told me the character’s name as he turned to the west to leave the cinema. I could not quite hear what he said. I did not ask about it further, though. I felt upset that i had missed the movie, and i did not feel comfortable asking $A713 to repeat himself because i could not hear. I continued to the west, feeling bad that i had missed the movie.

I walked with $Z to the east, down the street. We were on the southern side of the river, and we had to head to the northeast to get to the bridge. The bridge seemed like the old Vestal Bridge at Union. We walked along the southern side of the street, which seemed to pass though some in-town buildings. The shop buildings on the northern side of the street seemed to be green and red. The road ahead of us curved to the north, splitting into two lanes. I knew that we would have to stay on the eastern lane to get to the bridge. As we started around the curve, i remembered that the road had recently been under construction. This area of the lane was new. As we start to turn north, i noticed another split in the lane. I thought that we should still stay to the east, thinking that the lane on the western side was for people driving to the south. The median between the lanes formed a quarter oval, with the long northern side and the shorter western side flat. We followed the southeastern curve to the northeast. We then found ourselves inside a large wooden structure. The western side of the building was open on the southern end, and w e seemed to have entered through the opening. When my eyes adjusted to the unlighted interior, i noticed that a large group of people was sitting on the bench along the eastern wall. The building and the interior were both made of worn wood. The outside seemed to have been painted, but the paint had been worn off by weather, leaving darkened wood. I walked clone to the people on the bench as i turned to the north. The young people on the bench were festively dressed in greens, silvers, and blues. I thought that they were performers in the parade, which i remembered happening outside to the west. The people seemed to be getting ready for a performance, and they all seemed excited. I noticed one man sitting to the east of me. He was not wearing a shirt, and i thought that he was rather attractive, but i did not get a good look at him. I tried not to stare. Someone was then standing between the man and me, so i could not see him. I turned back to the north to speak with $Z, who seemed like $F71. I said something to him before i turned back to look at the man. I felt annoyed that i could still not see the man behind the others, but then i felt silly for trying. $Z and i walked to the north, and i looked at the brightly colored costumes of the performers. The costumes were decorative unitards, and each person had a different style of cut: some with only one shoulder, some that looked like straps, and some that fully covered. The blue and green colors of the clothing were related to the underwater theme of the performance. I remembered seeing part of the performance a little while ago. I continued to the north, leading $Z through a doorway in the western side of the northern wall. As we stepped outside, i started to feel that we should not be walking in this part of the building. Just as we stepped outside onto the cement ground outside, a woman caught up with us. She stopped in the doorway with her hands on the door frame and told us that we could not go to the north from here. I looked around the area where i was. I realized that the cement deck on the northern side of the building no longer led to the bridge. The northern edge of the cement deck was broken, and rebar was exposed along the ragged edge. A crude wooden fence of two-by-fours had been erected across the northern edge, and a low wall of cement road barriers ran across the western edge. I was surprised that the bridge was no longer to the north of us. Only the tan water of the river was to the north, about five or six meters below where we were. I started back to the south, mentioning that this wharf had been abandoned.

12018 June 22

I was talking on the telephone on the northern side of the room. I felt that i had something to do. I moved to the east, into the large living room. A chair was in the northwestern corner of the room, and a small CRT television was on a short table just to the east of it. I turned on the television, thinking that i would watch something. I was then aware of the car to the north of me. Most of the northern wall was a glass window, and i could see my parents driving to the east on the street to the north of the house. The ground was covered with patches of soggy snow. My parents stepped the small tan car in front of the house. They were both looking at me, and i remembered that they were waiting for me. I had seen them in the car before, and i had known that they were waiting for me, but i had forgotten. I felt annoyed with myself for forgetting. I pointed to the telephone receiver in my hand, letting my parents know that i would be out once i finished the call. I then thought that they would think that i had been talking on the telephone the entire time. I headed out of the house, saying that i had been talking to my father. I walked to the north, entering the long lining room, which ran across the northern side of the house. I felt rushed and uneasy. Something was happening here. A man to the northeast of me was singing. I then saw $F66 on the western side of the room. She seemed upset. She walked stiffly and quickly to the east, turning to the south on the eastern side of the office and heading into her office. I heard a door slam inside her office. I felt bad for her, and i wondered if she was upset that there had been so much noise in the office. I then thought about the three things. These were the things that should have been done, but i thought that they were not working out. I thought that these three things were actually causing the problems.

12018 June 24

I was in the parking lot on the western side of the building. The lot seemed like the side parking lot to $P7. I was standing just to the south of a car. I then noticed $A682 to the west of me. He was walking to the north. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i really did not want to talk to him at the moment. I headed to the east, into the mall. I hoped that i could get inside before he spotted me. I turned to the north and walked up a narrow corridor. At the end of the hallway, the corridor opened up to the west into a large room, which seemed like a cafeteria. The furnishings in the room seemed dull gray with a slight green hue. I moved to the west into the room. I then noticed $F14 to the north of me. She had entered the room. She seemed to have something to do with people i had just seen in the parking lot. I thought that $A755 was with her. I felt nervous about talking to her, but i wanted to say hello. I stood in the room, watching her as she moved along a short metal counter on the northern wall. She seemed to be ushering a small child in front of her as she tried to move to the south. As she neared me, i said hello to her. She looked up at me, but did not seem to recognize me. She said hello, but she stared at me uncertainly, not saying anything else. I thought that it had been a long while, and she was probably not familiar with how i looked. I said hello to her again, trying to realize that i knew her, but she did not respond. I then wondered if she thought that i was stalking her. She really had no idea who i was, and she was a little uneasy about it.

I was in the bedroom of my house, which was in the southwestern corner of the second floor of the building. I moved to the westernmost window in the southern wall. Something was happening outside, and i felt curious. I looked out onto the flat plain cut grass lawn behind the house. A street ran down the western side of the property, and the rectangular lawn seemed to be bordered on the west, south, and east with a short chain-link fence. Something seemed wrong. I could hear the fire sirens, and a truck rushed down the street on the western side of the house, heading south. I knew that something was going on in the neighborhood to the south of the house, but i could not see anything. A line of trees on the southern edge of the property blocked my view. I could only see small sections of houses here and there. I thought that i could see people on the street to the south moving as if something was wrong, but i could not be sure. I thought that something must be on fire, and i worried that it was serious. I then noticed a cloud of white smoke blocking my view of the horizon to the south-southwest of me. It seemed to be rising from an area near the street. I then realized that the billowing cloud was moving in my direction. I looked down, seeing the white smoke rolling across the ground and coming up the street. I thought that i would have to close the windows of the house to keep it out. I closed the window that i had been looking out of. I then thought that i should close all of the windows of the house. I decided that i could leave the windows on the western side of the house open. They were only open a little, and not much smoke would get in. I hurried to the north, to the door of the house. I felt that i had to leave. Others were around me, though. Something urgent was happening, and i tried to focus on it.

12018 June 25

I thought about the plot of the book that i was writing as i walked to the north, down the corridor. I thought that i should be writing the book, and it seemed like a simple thing to start doing again. I focused on the plot, thinking that i could do it. The story seemed short, though. I was in a modern building as i walked. It seemed to be one of the buildings on the college campus. I turned to the west and walked along the sidewalk, which seemed to be both a corridor and just to the north of a large modern building. The building was five or six stories tall. It had large square glass windows and a pale surface. The lower level had thin columns along the length of the north face. The columns were tightly spaced against the wall and looked more decorative that structural. I was pushing a cant cart down the path, still thinking about the book. I had a rolling cart to the west of me that i was pushing, and i was pulling a hand cart behind me. At one point, i had trouble keeping the rolling cart on the path, and i had to stop to adjust it. As i did, it seemed that someone was to the southeast of me, walking with me. I headed west, coming into a tall lounge that ran along the western side of the building. The hall was full of students, who sat around tables chatting and studying. I suddenly felt out of place here. I was no longer part of the college, and i did not think that i would fit in with the student crowd.

I was with a group of my friends, and we had landed on the small balcony that was on the northwestern side of the building. The building had an L shape to it, and we landed on the inside of the L. The cement balcony was longer east to west, and the door to the house was to the east of us. The building was bright red and seemed to be covered with wide siding. I pushed open the door of the balcony and entered the room. The others followed me. It seemed as though we should not be in the apartment here, but this was where we liked to hang out. We gathered in the center of the room. A living room filled the southern side of the apartment, running to the west. We had entered through a door that was in the center of the northern wall of the room. A smaller room was off to the north of the eastern end of the living room. It seemed to be a kitchen and dining area. More of the house seemed to be to the north of us. We stood to the south of a couch, which ran between us and the door that we had entered. I then heard the man in the apartment below us complaining about us. He knew that we were in the building. I thought that we should leave so that he could not find us here. I knew that we should not really be here. I started to head back to the door that we had come in through, but i could now see the silhouette of the man through the curtained window on the top of the door. He was knocking on the door and trying to get into the apartment. We would not be able to escape the way we had come in. The others stood silently in a small group around me now. I was on the southern side of the group, and i felt suddenly disappointed that we had been found here and could not escape. We sat down on the floor, waiting for the man to enter, feeling sad. I then decided not to stay here. I stood up and headed to the east, exiting the building and stepping out onto the porch that was on the eastern side of the building. The balcony was triangular in shape, with a wide base along the house and a mitered point that seemed to be centered just to the north of the center of the room. The northern end of the balcony seemed to extend across part of the kitchen area of the house. I could tell by the windows in the eastern wall of the building. I looked over the wooden railing on the southeastern side of the balcony, looking down at the grass far below. I seemed to be three or four floors up. The base of the building seemed to be cement, and i could see a cement patio below me. I would not be able to jump off of the balcony here. I quickly moved to the northeastern side of the balcony. The grass was just as far down, but i knew that i could fly, so i was not worried about the height. I just had to have some place to hide. I was aware of the others at the door behind me. I knew that the man would be coming after us, so i jumped off of the balcony, circling from the northeast back to the west and entering the building at a lower level. The others seemed to have followed me off of the balcony, but they were not following me into the building. I knew that the man had seen me enter the building, though. I would have to get away quickly. I headed to the northwest, entering a large room. The room was rectangular and had a peaked off-white ceiling. It seemed like an old hall. The plaster walls were darkened with age, and the lower levels of the walls seemed to be finished with wood. The wood seemed to have crests and other symbols on it, and i thought that this was a secret meeting room for an old society. Old wooden beams ran up the slopes of the ceiling. Several people seemed to be doing things in the room, but i walked quietly and quickly past them. I turned to the north, heading toward one of the many doorways in the northern wall. Most of the doors were closed, but i headed for one that was open. It led into one of the horse stalls. At the back end of the stall was another corridor, which i followed to the west. The corridor was dimly lighted, but i came out into a large open room. The room was shaped like the smaller hall, with a peaked roof and tall walls. This room was much larger, though. I was standing on a balcony that ran along the eastern end of the room. I had entered the room through a door in the southern end of the eastern wall. A man was standing on the balcony just to the north of me as i entered. The lower level of the room seemed to be filled with tables. I thought that this place was a gambling hall, but i was not sure. I felt a little uneasy here. I jumped off of the balcony and flew across the room, heading west. I was heading for the open door in the southern side of the western wall, which seemed to lead outside. I came outside over a long sloping hill. The ground was rolling to the west of the building, and it seemed to be a golf course. A small building was to the west. It seemed to be a club house. I glided down the slope, and i noticed two men in singlets wrestling with each other on a red mat in the middle of the hill. I realized that they were part of the Cornell wrestling team. They had decided to have a practice outside. Other wrestlers were gathered on the northern and northwestern sides of the mat. I flew over them, turning to watch the match as i moved. I was interested in the match and wanted to see it. I then heard $A117 call out my name as i flew to the south of the mats. I was surprised that he knew who i was, and it seemed strange that he would identify me as i flew past. I circled to the west, looking out across the golf course to the west of me and then back to the east at the mats. I wanted to watch the rest of the matches. I had my feet below me as i moved slowly through the air to the west and then northwest of the mat. To my disappointment, the wrestlers were starting to walk back to the east, into the large building, which reminded me of Barton Hall. I felt disappointed that i had missed the matches. The wrestlers had gray uniforms with white trimming and darker gray patches. Another group was now coming into the area, and i did not feel interested in what they were doing. I turned to the southwest and flew out over the golf course. A large pond was to the southwest of me. I swooped down over the shore before passing out over the water. It felt good to be flying here. The scene was very nice.

12018 June 26

I was driving to the east, across the open area with the others. We had to move the cars. It was dark out, and i watched the road in front of me. The land around us had steep rolling hills, and steep dirt banks elevated the road we were on. The hills around us had bright green grass, but they looked like large mounds of dirt on a flat land. I focused on steering the car around the corners of the road. I turned the car from the east to the northeast, noticing that it was much easier to steer now. I remembered having trouble steering the car a moment ago. It seemed to be difficult for me to turn the thin-rimmed steering wheel as i turned around a corner to the right. As i went around another corner, i realized that the wheel was broken. A piece of the gray plastic on the right side of the wheel was cracked and hanging from the side of the wheel. It was making it hard for me to steer when i turned the car to the right. I felt nervous as i again turned the car to the right, around a tight turn in the road. I watched the curve ahead of me as i started to glide toward the edge of the road. The road was now on a tall narrow mound, and the land on the sides of the road dropped off almost vertically. We seemed to be driving through a quarry basin. I felt very nervous as i struggled to turn the car around the corner. I then turned the car back to the southeast, feeling that it was turning much more easily. It was night outside now. The others were gathering somewhere nearby, and i was driving to meet them. They seemed like $G4. We had left the group to do something, and we were now walking to the west along the long flat surface, which seemed like a wooden pier. A few other people were with me as i walked down the center of the brown wooden surface. A low row of buildings ran along the southern side of the pier or dock. A group of two or three women was now walking toward us from the west. I recognized one of the women as $A121. I turned to look over my left shoulder at the man with me, pointing out $A121 to him. As i turned back around, i noticed that the woman approaching me was $A66. She had long straight light blond hair and a round face. I said hello to her as she started passing me to the north. She looked at me questioningly. She did not recognize me. I turned to the east as they paused just to the east of us. I realized that i had my sunglasses on, so i pulled them off, hoping that $A66 might recognize me better. I greeted the woman with her as well, thinking that they would both recognize who i was. They seemed nervous that i had stopped to talk to them. I was not sure what to say, so i turned back to the west and let them continue to the east. I was driving the vehicle again. I drove the large truck, which seemed like a tractor-trailer, down the center of the wide platform, which seemed like the pier. Tall wooden columns rose at regular intervals on both sides of the road. I then realized that i was approaching a tall metal bridge. The girder bridge was gray. It seemed very tall, and i could not see the top of it as i approached. I had trouble steering the truck, and i felt tense again. I grabbed the wheel and tried to keep the truck in the center of the road, but it drifted to the south. I then realized that a crossbeam ran over the bridge ahead of me, and it was too low for the truck to pass under. I pressed the brakes, worried that the truck would crash over the side of the bridge. I felt worried as i came to a stop. The truck hit the crossbeam. I felt annoyed that i had damaged the truck, and i was upset that the other person would be upset with me. I backed the truck up to the east to get it away from the beam, but i could not quite steer it correctly. It rolled to the south, hitting the metal railing on the southern side of the bridge. I got out of the truck and walked to the back of the vehicle, to the east of the vehicle. Two boxes were hung on the back sides of the large truck, which seemed to be made of heavy steel. It seemed like a garbage truck. The yellow metal boxes on the sides were at the back edge of the truck, low on the truck. They were cameras, and i had damaged the one on the left side of the truck. I felt upset and frustrated. $A699 was now to the north of me as i looked over the damage to the truck. I told him about the damage to the camera.

12018 June 27

I woke up in the small house, which seemed to be $F4’s house. I had been sleeping in a room on the southern side of the house, and i was walking through the doorway in the eastern half of the southern wall of the large room to the north of me. The room seemed like a living room. I realized that i was still undressed from being in bed, so i wrapped a bath towel around my waist. I thought that i should shower, so i asked $F4 if i could “rinse off”. I stood near the doorway on the southern side of the room. I thought that the bathrooms were to the north of me. $F4 seemed to be on the northeastern side of the rectangular room. The room was longer east to west. A woman then came from the south of me. She was very familiar. She had a thin body and fluffy hair, which made her head seem large. Her face was angular, and she had dark eyes. I thought that she was $A187. I said hello to her, but she did not seem to recognize me right away. I told her who i was and started chatting with her. I felt that i had to do something, so i headed to the south. I was then walking to the north, climbing the stairs to the second floor. I came into the rectangular room on the second floor. The room had ceilings that slanted to the north and south. $A186 was standing to the northeast of me as i stopped at the top of the stairs. I greeted him. I then realized that a group of young men were on the eastern end of the room. They seemed like $F4’s siblings. I said hello to $A186, but i started to feel uncomfortable, remembering that i was still wearing a towel. I said something to $A186, who was still to the north of me. He had bushy blond hair, and i realized that his face looked like $F4’s. I then thought that the man in front of me looked like a very young $F4. He had a light blue shirt, and he was very skinny. He smiled at me as he looked back and forth between his brothers and me. He did not seem correct to be $F4, but he looked very much like him. I thought that he still looked attractive, but then i thought that this seemed strange. This man was much too thin to be $F4, even at a young age. The other men were now standing around him as i thought about this.

12018 June 28

I drove to the west, heading down the road that seemed to be on the southern side of the area. The area seemed tropical, with sandy soil and wide-leafed trees. I seemed to be driving parallel to a body of water, which was somewhere to the south of me. Modern buildings were along the road to the north. I thought that i was somewhere near the ocean. I was heading to a place to meet the others. I turned to the north, into a small parking lot on the side of the road. A chain-link fence ran along the back side of the lot. It had plastic blinds in it so that i could not see the other side. My friend was near a car in the parking lot. It seemed that i was meeting $G4 for a run. It felt good to be here. A police officer was then near my friend. He stood near my car, and he seemed aggressive. He leaned into the driver’s window of my car and asked me a question in a demanding voice. I could not quite hear what he was saying. His voice seemed muffled in some way. I looked down at my right hand, which was in my lap. I felt nervous and not sure what to do. I thought that the police officer was here to harass us. He said something else, but i could not understand him. I felt annoyed and nervous. I did not know what i should do. The police officer was then in a car to the east of me. The car was facing to the south. He lectured us about something, and then started complaining about the blue Ferrari. I looked to the south to see the blue sports car sitting just to the north of the fence. The car was facing east. It was not my car, and i did not think that it belonged to my friend. The officer started to pace around the front of the car, saying threatening things. I thought that he was going to destroy the car out of spite. I did not understand why he was so upset, and i asked him why he would destroy the car. He became upset with me. He then turned his attention back to the car. I was not sure what to do, so i started walking to the south, through the store. I was in a long room that ran down the eastern side of a building. Several cars were parked along the eastern and western walls of the store, and several shelfs were set up between the cars to display merchandise. The entire eastern wall was covered with tinted glass, and the ceiling seemed very high. I felt annoyed with the officer and wanted to get away. I wondered if he would follow me. I thought that he must be following me, but i wanted to get away if i could. A door was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the store. I headed for it, thinking that i could leave the store and get back to the street that ran parallel to the beach. I hoped that the man did not realize that i was gone before i could get to someplace safe.