12019 June 01

It had something to do with the two round things. I remembered seeing them in dreams before. They had fallen behind the other things, but there was something special about them. I thought that the others had headed to the northeast, but two people were at the end of the group. They stood so that one was to the northwest of the other. I looked at the two round disks, which looked like small game pieces. They were about a centimeter in diameter and three or four millimeters thick. I was looking at them at a slight angle, standing to the southwest of them. Someone then said something about them. I focused on them, thinking that i would have to remember them. I remembered that i had seen this imagery several times in dreams before. The two round markers were brassy in color. I focused on them for a moment.

My parents sat down in the booth on the northern side of the room. I moved to the south, looking at the food that was on the table. We had entered this cafeteria from the west, and it seemed as though we had come here later than the others. I looked over the food for something to eat. They had a sandwich, which seemed to be some kind of turkey, but looked around to see if they had something that i liked better. It seemed that most of the food was taken. I walked a little to the east, noticing a roll that was wrapped with slices of salami. I did not want to eat red meat, so i would not be able to eat that sandwich. I grabbed a loaf of bread from the table. It seemed like a long narrow roll of Italian bread. It was about five centimeters on the cut end, but it tapered to only a few centimeters on the uncut end. The section of bread was on the eastern end of a wooden table against the southern wall. I was not interested in much of the food here, and i felt annoyed that nothing was left. I thought that i should try the turkey loaf. A man to the south of me then picked up the turkey loaf. He joked about it, saying that it would clog your arteries. I thought that he was commenting on how much meat was in the loaf. I could not eat that much meat at this time. Annoyed, i tossed the half loaf of bread back onto the table. I did not know what i would eat. I moved around a little. I then picked up the load again, thinking that i would have to find something to make a sandwich out of. I looked around again. A man was then standing to the southeast of me. I asked him if any vegetarian food was left. He seemed to be a chef here, and he said that he did not think there was much left. I turned to the north and tossed the bread back onto the table. I was aware that my parents were in the booth to the north now. They were watching me, and i thought that throwing the bread would seem like a dramatic gesture. I walked to the table where my parents were sitting. $K3 was sitting on the western side of the table. She asked me what kind of food i eat. I told her that i do not eat red meats. She nodded.

I was in the middle of the room with the others. Most of the people seemed like $G4. They were eating, but i felt that there was not enough food for everyone. I moved a little to the north, where two people were standing. I had to remember something about the brass-like disks. The two people seemed to be standing in the same positions as the disks. One of the people was $A717. He stood to the southeast of the woman with the long dark hair. A service counter was to the north of them, and i mentioned that they did not have enough vegetarian food for all of the people here. They agreed.

12019 June 02

I left the others in the room where i had been talking to them. I moved to the south-southwest, walking up the slope of the mountain. We were near the top of the mountain, on a flat spot on the ridge. The rounded ridge line was covered with short grass or snow. I ran to the south, following several others who had already started running to the south along the narrow top of the mountain. The people to the south of me stopped, though. They had reached a dead end and had to turn back. I thought that the trail must have gone in a different direction. We would have to go back to the area where the others were gathering. I turned around and ran north, back along the grassy surface. The others were talking around me as some of them ran past me. These people seemed familiar to me, but they did not quite seem like people i knew well. I thought that the might be from my high school. I could see a line of people running to the northwest, following the ridge line as it turned. I saw the lower flat area to the northeast, where the others had gathered before. The others were running back there, but they were heading down the ridge and turning to the east on the gradual slope. A steep incline ran down to the north just to the northeast of us. I did not remember running up the shallow slope that the others were taking. I had come straight up the incline. I told another man this, and i turned to head down the steep grassy slope to the northeast. As i started down, the other person asked in surprise, “You brought four people up this hill?” I remembered that i had told him that four people had followed down the ridge to the south. I told him that only two people had followed me up the hill and that one had joined us at the top of the ridge. I stopped in the flat area to the northeast, looking west. Some of the others were running to the northwest, down a short ridge of the mountain that ran away from where we were. I heard someone say that they were cutting a trail to where he had been before. I thought that they would have to dig a trench along the ridge to make sure that everything flowed downhill from the ridge to the south-southwest to the rounded top of a ridge. The ridge was covered with snow, and i thought that the other person had been sledding down the hill to the west. The mountain now seemed to be covered with packed snow, and it was dark out, though enough light was in the air so that i could see everything.

I spoke with the person to the north of me as i sat in the building, facing east. We had been doing something in the building. A large room was to the east of us, and another large room was to the south of that one. This building was very modern, and it seemed that it was still being constructed. Something about the building seemed like a school. The person to the north of me seemed like $Z, and we moved through the different rooms of the building. A long corridor seemed to run north to south, to the west of the large rooms that we had been in. Smaller rooms were to the north and south of the rooms. My father was to the east of us. He asked me where the atrium was. I pointed out one of the large rooms, but he did not understand which room i meant. I thought that he was managing the construction of the building, and he was asking me where the atrium was. I looked at the floor plan that he unfolded to the east of me. I saw the large square rooms on the plan. One of the rooms to the north was a little larger, and it stuck out to the east more than the other rooms. The next room to the south was more rectangular, but still rather large. A small square room was to the north of the large square room. Not much else seemed to be to the north of that room. To the south, several small square rooms were on the eastern side of the corridor. This place seemed like a school building. I pointed to the large square room and told my father that it was the atrium. $Z said something about the rooms, and i explained to him that the square room had many different things in it and the other did not. This did not sound like a great explanation, so i thought of a way to say it better. I told him that the atrium had different things in different areas of the room, like an area with a pool table and an area with a ping-pong table. He seemed to understand what i was getting at. I still did not feel that it was a great explanation, but it made sense. I then referred to the rectangular room, saying that it was an office area and that the desks were in different areas of the room. I was trying to say that the office was more uniform is usage than the atrium. I explained this as we started heading to the south. We were now driving in a car. My father was driving the car as i explained the construction to $Z. I looked up to the south, noticing that the gravel road that we were driving on was not quite finished. My father drove over the remains of an old rusty car, and i worried that we might get stuck. Our vehicle was not meant for off road driving. We made it over the car, but i noticed that the road ahead of us was not yet finished. The ground was covered with rubble. We would not be able to drive over it. We backed up and turned to the east, heading down the paved road. I looked to the south, at the debris-strewn land. The tall thin trees seemed dead, with no branches or leafs. A large bulldozer was pushing broken chunks of cement over the ground to form a flat surface. I then noticed the small bluish-gray car driving over the debris. It had a metal plate extending from the front of the car. The car seemed like a 1990s American small car: like a Dodge or Chrysler. It did not look that well designed, but it seemed to be driving over the debris with no difficulty. It was moving backward over the ground, pulling some of the debris with the fin. The fin looked like an airplane rudder, and it seemed to press down the debris as the car drove in reverse. I told my father in surprise that the car was able to drive over the debris. I did not think that it had enough clearance to make it over some of the chunks of debris and ruts. It seemed to be creating a smooth road. I then looked back to the west. We were driving west again, and, to my surprise, the road ahead of us was now flattened smooth. This area had been covered with ruts and debris before, but it was now a relative smooth road of packed white rocks. We drove up the slope, heading back to the west. As we neared the top of the slope, i noticed a gap in the road. An old rusty car had been buried under the rubble, and the area where the front seat had been was not filled in with debris. I could see the rusted dashboard, which held up the rocks above it on the slope. I knew that the left tire of our car could ride up the narrow rocks on the southern side of the dashboard, but i did not think that our right tires would make it over the gap between the dashboard and the rocks below. I thought that we might get stuck. I watched the gap as we slowly drove over it. I realized that, as long as we kept our momentum going, we would be able to make it over the bumps. We drove over the car and continued to the top of the steep road. At the top, another road seemed to run north to south. I remembered being on the other road before. It seemed to relate to the school building that was being constructed. The rooms we had been in were somewhere to the northwest of us. I was then aware of a deep ditch on the southern side of the road that we had been traveling on. The remains of an old building were to the southwest of us, and i realized that the slope of the crushed debris ran up the foundation of the old building. The foundation seemed to be about five to seven meters tall, and the dirt path ran from the muddy ground to the east up to it. The slope ended sharply on the southern side, though, leaving a steep drop off. I looked down into the drop off. I could see the remains of an old wall to the west, flush with the foundation of the old building. The wall seemed to have extended to the east, but it had been cut off so that it was flush with the stone-block wall to the north. Old rusting girders extended upward from the top of the slope, where an old building had stood. I then noticed that many old pipes ran from the open spaces under the building to the south. The plumbing pipes twisted and interconnected, forming a maze of old metal pipes and gaskets. A regulator was just to the east of where i was sitting, held up by the pipes that ran through it. It was a lighter color than the rest of the pipes, and it was about a half meter tall and a quarter meter wide at the top. It was roughly triangular, with a pipe running across the top and one running out the bottom. I then looked to the west, at the broken end of the wall. I could see the individual blocks that had formed the wall. The blocks had a thick dark exterior with a lighter gray interior. They were stacked on top of each other. A rusty iron bar extended from the center of each block. This was the reinforcement bar of the old building. I thought that we could remove the iron from the entire building so that it did not go to waste. I imagined being able to extract the iron just by touching it. I thought that i could reshape it so that it flowed out from the building and collected in one area. I knew that this would be iron, so it would not be as durable as other metals, like steel. I then wondered if the authorities would be suspicious about where we got so much iron. We would have to get rid of it slowly so that no one suspected we had the ability to manipulate metal this way. I then thought that it would be easier of all of the metal in the building was connected in some way. All of the pipes to the south seemed to be connected, but we did not have a way to connect the pipes to the reinforcement grid of metal that was in the stone. I wondered if i could merge one of the pipes to one of the bars near me and then extract the metal from another site of the building. I thought that we should collect all of the metal and use it for something, but i knew that the government would want to capture us because we had the ability to do so.

12019 June 03

I rolled the push lawnmower to the north, down the slope of the grassy lawn behind my grandmother’s house. I passed to the west of the garage, looking at the houses at the bottom of the hill, on the northern side of the suburban block. I knew that i needed to get the lawnmower to the south of me, but it seemed that it would be easier to push it across the lawn and then come up the shallower slope to the west. I let the lawnmower roll down the hill. I did not have to push it that hard. I watched the houses if front of me, trying to determine the best way to pass between the houses. I knew that the pale-blue house to the north of me no longer belonged to my relatives. It had a garage to the southeast of it. I knew that the driveway ran to the garage from the street to the north of the house, so i walked along the western side of the garage, out the driveway, and turned to the west on the sidewalk on the street. At the western end of the block, i turned to the south and started pushing the lawnmower up the long shallow slope of the side street. As i pushed the mower along the sidewalk in the middle of the western side of the block, i realized that it was rather hard to push the mower. It was a self-propelled mower, but the engine was turned off, and the wheels were still engaged. I could get it to roll more easily if i could turn on the engine, but i knew that this would not be a good thing to do, because the blades would be turned on as well. At the next street, on the southern side of the block, i turned to the east and stated back toward the house. I was only a few houses away from where i had started, but the large modern building on the corner had a set of steps along the southern side of it where the sidewalk used to be. I pushed the lawnmower up the short set of stairs, having trouble lifting the front wheels up the next step. As i moved up the stairs, i realized that the stairs were ascending to the east, along the northern side of the tall apartment building. I seemed to be on the western side of the building, but the stairs crossed back and forth across the building, running east to west. I reached the first floor of the building, but i knew that i had to climb farther to the second floor. I was having trouble stepping on the stairs. They now seemed to be thin wooden shelfs sticking out of the wall to the south of me. My father was near me. He seemed to be standing in a doorway in the center of the wall. I was still struggling to step on the narrow shelfs of wood that stuck out from the wall. They were now arranged in two staggered columns so that they could be climbed like a ladder. As i stepped on them, though, i could feel the thin wood sagging under my weight. I was not sure that the wood would support my weight. I was also still carrying something in my hand. My father then said that i should fix something. I told him that the stairs did not seem stable under me. He mentioned the light, and i looked up at the object that i was holding over my head in my left hand. It was a small oval cage, which seemed like a cage that would go around a light bulb. I did not see the light bulb in it, but i was trying to gang the top of the cage from a small hook in the ceiling of the porch. The ceiling above me was part of an overhang on the northern side of the house. I woman came out onto a landing above and to the west of me. I looked up at the small orange pumpkin that i was holding. It was attached to the bottom of the cage, and it had long tassels of yarn hanging from the bottom of it. I had been trying to screw the top of the pumpkin into the light socked on the ceiling of the porch, but i could not get it to attach properly. It had a strange latch, and i did not quite know how it worked. I hung the other thing on the hook over me for a moment as i looked at the pumpkin, trying to figure out how it worked. I took the other thing down from the hook, thinking that it somehow hooked on to the bottom of the cage and the pumpkin-shaped object. I did not know how they merged together, though. I felt frustrated as i turned them in my hands, trying to figure out how i could put the light up on the ceiling. I did not see the hook for the light, and i need it to hang it from the ceiling. I turned the object over a few times, frustrated that i could not figure out how it worked now. My father then said that he was ready to leave. He had something else to do. He said that he would have to fix the door on campus, and he asked me to hurry. I looked to the south. I was in a building on the northwestern corner of two streets. This place seemed like the intersection of Garden Avenue and Tower Road. I looked at the white building to the south, thinking that it was Mudd hall. I asked my father if the door was in that building. I remembered that my office in the building had a door that did not close properly. I wondered if my father had been asked to fix that door. I asked him if the door was in the building to the south of us, and i motioned with my right elbow. I pictured the blue metal door on the office, which was on the western side of the hallway. I told my father that my office door did not latch correctly when it was closed. It seemed like that would be the door my father had been asked to fix. It then seemed strange that he would fix doors on campus.

12019 June 05

I was in the building, getting things ready for the event. The people were already gathering to the west of the building. I had not expected them to arrive so early. I then realized that the people were early for the event. I should go out to greet them. I was supposed to meet a man here. He was organizing the event, and i wanted to tell him that everything was set up and ready. I then realized that it must be past the time for the event to start. I worried that the man might think that i was running late. I moved to the west, through the old stone house. The door in the western wall of the stone building was locked from the outside, so the men could not have gotten in. I hoped that they did not think that i was late for the event. I had been ready, but i had not realized that they were waiting outside. It now seemed to be a few minutes after the starting time of the event. I felt a little nervous. I did not want the man to think that i was running late. I opened the door and headed out onto the flagstone patio to the west, where the people were gathering. This old building seemed to be a fraternity house, and the people to the west were fraternity members. They wore gray suits as they stood in a group, talking to each other. I walked into the group of men, looking for the man in charge of the event. I felt a little nervous. This was not my fraternity, and i started to wonder if the people here would confuse me for one of them. I would have to tell them that i was not one of their brothers. I felt uncomfortable, but i stood in the crowd, waiting for a chance to talk to the man that i thought was in change of the event. The others were all talking to each other. I was not sure how to interact with the people. I did not want them to think that i was part of their fraternity. I then spotted the man in charge. He stood to the west of me, facing south. He was talking to someone else, so i did not want to interrupt him. He had short gray hair and looked somewhat distinguished. He spoke to the man to the south of him, so i stood to the east of them, waiting for a good time to introduce myself. The man gestured with his left hand as he spoke. He seemed to be holding something in his right hand. I then realized that he was wearing a yellow sleeveless dress. The dress was a simple summer dress, with a dark floral pattern on the front. It reminded me of the pattern on a kimono. Others in the crowd were also wearing odd clothing. It had something to do with the event. I was again aware that others in the crowd would think that i was part of this group, and i felt uneasy as i thought about how to explain that i was not and why i was here. I stood to the east of the man, waiting to talk.

12019 June 09

I moved to the south, through the narrow passageway between the open space to the north and the area to the south. I was with many people, and $Z was following me. I stopped just in the narrow corridor, which seemed like an aisle of a grocery store, with a set of shelfs to the west. A man was standing very close to me, to the west of me. I greeted him, feeling interested in talking to him. He was a famous person, and i was interested in chatting with him. I said hello and handed him a small piece of paper. His face seemed very large. He had long ragged gray and white hair, and his face was square and wrinkled. He was Neil Young. I complemented him on his music. He then said that he wanted to hear my music. This seemed strange. He should not have heard of me, and i did not think that i had any music that would be good enough for him to listen to. I tryed to bypass the subject, and i said something about his music as i wrote something on the piece of paper. The writing on the paper was Neil’s, and it was in a light-black ink, forming clear letters in shaky thin lines. He acknowledged what i had said about his music, but again mentioned that he would like to hear mine. I was not sure what to say. I did not have anything prepared.

12019 June 11

My father turned the car to the north, heading from the street down the long narrow parking lot. We had been driving through the city area. It was night, but the lights of the city were very bright. As we started to the north, i noticed a family walking from the west. They were The mother was not paying attention to the street that she was crossing, and she started walking across the road with her two children. I felt worried for them, because we were too close to them. My father did not slow down, though. He was not driving fast, but he kept moving at the same speed. I knew that we were moving, but we did not get any closer to the family as they passed in front of the car. The mother led the way. She was thin, with shoulder length straight hair. She wore a lose sweater or jacket that was open in front. It was dull yellow, and she wore it over a white shirt. The young girl moved behind her, and the father was at the back. As they came out on the eastern side of the car, the father was in the front with the second child, and the young girl was behind. We were still moving toward them, and we were too close. The girl would not be out of the way in time. She moved suddenly, and the large yellow backpack that she had been wearing fell off. I thought that we must have hit it with the car. The girl looked surprised, and the mother was suddenly surprised and worried. We continued driving. My father did not seem to notice that the backpack had been hit. The mother rushed to her daughter as we continued quickly to the north. I looked back at them. The girl seemed frightened but okay. The mother was panicked. I could not see the backpack, and i wondered if it had gotten stuck on the car. We turned to the west at the northern end of the lot and started back to the south down a strip of lot that was a ways to the west of the one we had driven north on.

12019 June 12

I entered my apartment from the south. I had been gone for a while. The apartment seemed to be mostly a large room. I suddenly realized that my parents had been in my apartment all day. I felt suddenly nervous, worrying that my mother had changed things while i was away. I walked to the north, into the living room. A wooden table was on the eastern side of the room. It was tall and thin and had short drop leafs. The surface seemed worn but nicely kept. A cushioned chair was to the north of the table, and a couch was against the center of the northern wall. A small wooden table was between the couch and the chair. Things in the room were different. My mother had redesigned things. I felt upset. I spotted a new plant in a glass bowl, which as on the end table between the couch and the chair. I felt annoyed as i approached the bowl. I knew that the bowl did not look that bad, but i did not want things changed without my permission. The glass bowl was mostly spherical, with the top open. I realized that a second smaller glass bowl was inside of it. The smaller bowl was the same shape as the outside bowl, but it was opaque and bright yellow. I liked the design, with the green plant sticking out the top of the bowl, but i was still upset that my mother had changed things. I felt very angry now, and i wanted to throw the new things across the room. I did not want to destroy the glass vase, though. I pushed over the chair that was to the north of the table. I then turned around and grabbed my cup from the table to the east of me. The cup was now a rounded silicone cup with rubbery tendrils on the sides. It was oddly shaped. I thought that the silicone was not actually good to drink out of. I was angrier now. I turned back to the south. My mother was on the southern side of the room now. I yelled at her, saying that i was not happy and using curse words. I felt upset and tense.

I suddenly realized that i had to get back to my apartment. I had left work, and i had to get back to my apartment so that i could make sure that my parents did not change things there. My apartment seemed to be to the southeast of me. I walked through the lower level of the large old stone building. The building seemed like an old school or hospital. The walls seemed off-white with a greenish hue. I had to push open the large wall to the east of me to head into the apartment. I left my backpack in the hallway as i passed through the opening in the wall to get in. The plaster wall seemed very thick. I was then in the apartment, and i felt confused. I had been here for a little while, and i was not doing anything. I had come home from work to be here, but i was still supposed to be doing things at work. The situation annoyed me, and i thought that i would have to call work and tell them that i was here so that they did not wonder where i had gone. I felt agitated. I then thought that i could dial in from my home computer and do some work while i was here so that i would not miss as much time. I went back out into the hallway to the west of the apartment to get my backpack. I was in what seemed to be a maintenance corridor that ran along the southern side of the building. Doors to the south of me seemed to lead outside. Several double doors in the northern wall led into larger rooms. I realize that i could simply have taken the doorway to the north of me to get into my apartment. This way, i would not have to go all the way around the eastern side to get in through the thick wall. The wall to the north had an orangish-tan hue and bowed to the north slightly. I slung my backpack over my left shoulder and started walking to the north. I came into the large central room of the library. Tables were around the eastern and western sides of the room, and people were moving around the tables, looking at things on the tables. The area to the east seemed to be slightly higher than the ground where i was, and a shelf ran along the curved eastern wall. Most things in the room seemed white. I headed to the west, down the corridor. I was then outside. The corridor now seemed like a space between two tall plain buildings on the eastern side of the complex. I passed the end of the tall thin building and stared along the next building. The last building was at a slight angle so that it closed the area on the western side of the corridor. The door had several doors along the front of it, and i knew that they were doors to different apartments. I walked up to a door near the western end of the building and knocked. Short cement stoops of one or two steps led up to the doors on the white building. The door i had knocked on had a large simplistic drawing of a rabbit on it. The rabbit was colored with pink and burgundy shades and had a think line defining the edges. The entire drawing seemed circular and covered the upper left part of the door and the wall surrounding it. Short shrubs were along the front of the white cement building. This place seemed very familiar, and i was not sure why i was knocking on the door. I had come for something. The door opened, and i suddenly recognized the woman inside. She was $A588, and she was holding a small tan dog in her right arm. She smiled as she greeted me, but i could tell that she was surprised to see me. I explained that i had been looking for something and that i did not need her to do anything. $A594 then came from the east, from around the end of the open door, and stopped behind $A588. He greeted me. I said hello to him. They were on their way out of the house for something, and i did not want to delay them. I apologized for knocking on the wrong door. I had recognized the drawing from a long time ago, but i had not realized that they had lived there. I said something about the rabbit food that i was holding, and i headed back to the east. A raised cement surface extended to the west from the tall thin building to the east. It seemed to be a docking bay. I stopped along the short cement wall that ran along the southern side of the top of the platform. I wanted to go down the southern side of the tall building, so i hopped to the south, over the short wall and down to the ground below the raised platform. It seemed like a big jump, but i did it easily. I headed back toward the corridor, thinking about the doors in the northern wall. I then heard music as i walked. A song by Led Zeppelin seemed to have ended, and one by Pink Floyd was starting. I headed back down the corridor.

12019 June 13

I wandered around the house, which seemed to be an open area, as if the house were unfinished. The others were to the northwest of me, and they seemed to be in another room, not in my direct sight. I moved to the cement wall to the north of me. It was about my height. I looked over the top of it, thinking that this was a nice area to build a house. I knew that a river or creek ran along the northern side of the house. I thought that it would be nice to build a new house here. I backed away from the cement wall as the others returned from the west. They entered the room through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. We were now in a basement room. I told the woman that the house would have a second floor. I then thought that the houses would be built one floor at a time. That way, people could live on one floor while the next floor is being built. We were in the basement, though, so there would be two floors above where we were now. I headed to the east, down the center of the room. My relatives were to the east of me, and they said that it was time to go. I felt as though i would have to hurry to get my things together. I packed some things together on the counter to the east of me as others started up the stairs to the south. The stairs ran up a narrow corridor, ascending to the south. $K4 was standing to the east of me, near the bottom of the stairs. He was doing something on the counter to the north of him. He said that i would ride with the others to their house. The others were the ones ascending the stairs. I thought that i would be riding with them to my aunt’s house, which i pictured as a small simple house in a country area. The grass around the house seemed tall and overgrown, and the land around the house seemed very flat. The area felt lonely. This situation seemed strange. I knew that i would have to go to their house so that someone could pick me up and take me home, but it seemed out of the way. I knew that my house was out in the country as well, somewhere to the southwest of the city i was in. I hurried up the stairs after the others. I could see the two children at the top of the stairs as is started up the bottom. I would have to hurry to catch them. I would have to follow them to their house. I was then on the lawn to the east of $P7. The two children were sitting on the curb on the eastern side of the lawn, facing east. They were waiting for the bus to come and get them. I had been with them, but i was now running around the building. I had run to the south, down the western side of the building and was now heading to the east on a sidewalk along the southern side. I could see the children sitting on the curb to the northeast of me. I felt unsure of them. I did not trust them, but i would have to follow them. I knew that they were fooling around with my things, which had been left near the bus stop. I felt upset with them, and i headed north along the stone curb, heading toward them. The boy and girl sat on the sidewalk, doing something. The boy seemed to be a year or two older than the girl, and they both seemed a little over ten years old. The children could not see me approaching, and they did not know that i had been watching them. I had a leather backpack over my right shoulder. The boy was going through my things, and i felt angry with him, so i threw the backpack toward him, letting it slide along the sidewalk until it reached them. The boy was standing now, and the girl was still sitting on the curb, to the south of the boy. As i approached them, i thought that i should not be forceful with them. They were only children, and any force i used to keep them from taking my things would appear as bullying. I did not want to get in trouble because people thought that i was beating up on small children. I was mad at the boy, though, because he had taken my things. I asked him where my things were. The boy and girl were both defiant. We were now in the cafe of the building, which seemed to be on the lower floor near the northern side of the building. The cafe ran north to south, with round tables in the middle of the floor. Everything in the cafe seemed gray, and the boy and girl were now sitting near the eastern side of the room. Others seemed to be watching us from the north. The boy and girl snubbed me, turning their heads up and walking away to the east. I felt upset, thinking that i could not do anything to make them tell me where my things were. The boy then said that my things were all over the yard. I felt very upset, and i wanted to hit the boy. I knew that i could not. Instead, i grabbed a bowl of grapes from the center of the table to the south of me and pushed them onto the floor. I walked to the east, again on the front yard of the large building. It was dark now, and i crossed the road to the eastern side. A large bus was coming from the north, and i thought that it might be the bus that i was supposed to take to get to the house of the children. They did not want me coming with them, and i felt desperate and distressed that i would miss the bus because i had to pick up my things. A light was shining from the building to the west of us, and it illuminated the green grass that sloped down from the eastern side of the road. In the light, i could see some pens and notebooks. I felt distraught, and i started picking up my things from the ground. Several loose papers were scattered on the ground. I collected what i could see, but i felt that i would not be able to see everything in the dark. I thought that i could use my headlamp or maybe the light on my phone, but i would have to find them. I then saw my blue backpack to the north of me, just before a cement structure that stood on the eastern side of the road. The structure seemed like a dugout or bus stop. I looked through the backpack for my headlamp, but i could not easily find it. I then realized that i was on the bus that was heading north on the street. I was looking for things along the eastern side of the bus. Some people were watching me from the south. The driver to the northwest of me had long shaggy hair. He asked me where i was going, and i told him. He then said that the bus was going back to California. I felt upset, thinking that it was going the wrong way. I told the driver that i would have to get off at the next stop and take another bus back to Albany. I collected my things from between the seats of the bus. I then realized that i had too many things in my arms, and i was having trouble carrying them. I took off my white house coat and put the things down in the middle of it. I would use the coat to gather my things together. I felt upset and was not sure what i should do.

12019 June 14

I was riding my bicycle to the south, on the western side of the split-lane highway. The road was heading up a hill to the south as it curved from the north-northwest. The land around us seemed like rolling country, and the road seemed like I88. The others were with me on bicycles, and we stopped on the shoulder of the road. I looked to the east, where two hills came together. We were trying to cross the highway to get to the small town that was just over the low hills. The hills seemed to be very narrow. A car passed us, heading to the south. After it, the road seemed clear, so we crossed to the east. The small town seemed very familiar, and i pictured the road running from the highway through the town, just to the southeast of the center of town. The road headed east-northeast out of the town, curving to the northeast. I entered the front room of the house, coming from the south. I had entered the small entryway from the door, which was in the center of the southern face of the house. This house belonged to $A608. I had arrived with the others, and we were supposed to meet $A608 here for the party. The others wandered to the east and west from the small square entryway. I headed to the north, into the center of the house. The house seemed to be empty, which seemed strange. The narrow corridor seemed to end in a kitchen in the center of the house. As i reached the kitchen, i could hear $A608 talking somewhere to the west of me. I turned to the west in the central room, following the voice, but i still could not see anyone. I called out a hello. No one responded. The voices were clearer now, and i could hear that they were arguing. I stopped, thinking that i should not intrude. We were here early for the party, so they might not have expected us to be in the house so soon. I stood in a corridor on the western side of the house, facing north again. The voices were coming from a room that was just around a corner to the east. When the voices paused, i walked around the corner and said hello. I could not see $A608 at first. He was standing out of sight on the northern side of the room. I moved farther in to the room and said hello. He did not really respond. I then hear a man complain from the southeast. I turned to see $A608’s father standing in the southeaster section of the room. He had thick limbs, and he moved with odd motions, as though he was having difficulty and was stiff. His father complained about something. I thought that they must have been arguing about something, and i felt uncomfortable here. We should not have come in so early. The others then started coming into the room around me. I wondered what i should do. I started moving around the room, feeling uneasy.

12019 June 15

I came from the south along the eastern side of the room. The laboratory room seemed mostly open, but it had small rooms along the northern wall. The rooms were separated from the main room my white walls. Much of the lab equipment seemed dark or metallic. I passed two of the laboratory technician, who were both wearing white lab coats. They walked closely together as they passed to the north of me. They looked at me as i passed, and i noticed that they had one eye closed. This seemed strange. I then noticed that several of the people here had only one eye open and the other closed. I remembered that there was something special about keeping one eye closed in the laboratory. Everyone here had one of his or her eyes closed. It seemed as though they were mostly keeping their left eyes closed. I thought that it would be easier if they all wore a patch. That way, they would not have to constantly focus on keeping one eye closed. I turned to the west near the northern end of the room. The tables around me were full of laboratory equipment, and many people in lab coats were moving through the room. I then noticed the man with the eye patch. This surprised me; i thought that i had only just thought about it. I then saw the man walking by himself toward me. He had his hands in the pockets of his lab coat. I realized that he did not have a patch over his eye, and he had both of his eyes open. He seemed confident about something, but he also seemed out of place. I felt concerned about him. He had done something that the others in the lab had not been willing to do, and i knew that he would be shunned for it. I thought that the others had investigated him. Security men were then near me, and they were moving toward the man. They were going to detain him for something he had done. I thought that he had performed some experiments. He had changed physics in some way. I then realized that he had pulled people from a parallel universe into this universe. The lab was suddenly filled with people who looked like the man, and they were all looking around with both eyes open. I had paused to look back at the man as the security people moved to him. I did not want to be caught by security, though, so i continued to the west. I knew that the security people could not deal with all of the extra people that had appeared in the lab. The man had created too big a change in the universe. I thought about this as i walked to the west. This was a good story line.

12019 June 18

I was reading lines from the play with the other person. I had done this play a long time ago, and I remembered most of the lines. I was reclined to the west, leaning back against something that was low to the ground. I said the lines as i had remembered them. The other person said something, and i tried to remember the lines that i was supposed to say, but i could not remember where the play went from here. I also could not remember what i was supposed to be doing. I sat up suddenly, trying to remember what i was supposed to say. The woman was sitting to the south of me, waiting for me to say something. We were sitting on a low stage, which ran along the eastern wall of the room. I tried to remember the lines that i had with the woman, but i could not. I looked down at the pages that were on the floor. I felt nervous. I could not find the correct script for this play. I had several scripts and books scattered across the floor near me. I flipped through several of the pages, trying to say something that sounded correct. I finally found the correct script in a thick three-ring notebook, and i started flipping through the pages to find where i was. I could not seem to find the correct page, though. The script looked unfamiliar to me. It was a thick packet, and i could not find the section that related to this scene in the play. I tried for a while to get the lines correct, and i started moving around on the stage. I felt anxious and tense.

12019 June 19

I was standing by the desk on the western end of the room. This place seemed to be my office at work. I looked at the computer screen for a moment, but then i realized that i was wearing a wrap. This seemed strange. I should have brought pants to work. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that it was inappropriate for me to be wearing a wrap in the office. $A704 was to the south of me, and she commented on the wrap. She seemed humored by it. I told her that i had forgotten that i was wearing it. I then realized that i had been standing with my knee up on the desk to the south of me. I was not wearing anything under the wrap, and i wondered if i had left myself exposed. I felt uncomfortable, but i could not leave work now. I turned my attention back to my computer, which was to the southwest of me. $F67 then said something to me. She was to the south of me. I responded, chatting to her about something. I tried to feel comfortable about being in the office with a wrap. I turned my head to say something to $F67, and i realized that my short-sleeve button-up shirt was not buttoned. I quickly started to button up the front of the shirt, feeling uneasier now. I felt annoyed with myself for not being properly dressed. I was then doing something on the eastern side of the room. I grabbed a short stack of papers and started walking back to the west. The lecture room around me was filled with people now. The room was open, with no chairs, and the people were around the southern and western walls. The stage was set into the southern wall, and several students were sitting on it. As i walked across the open space of the room, i was aware of the wrap around my legs. Some men who were sitting on the stage noticed and made “cat calls” as i walked. I felt awkward, wondering if they knew that i was a man or if they were trying to insult me.

12019 June 25

I moved to the northeast, over the edge of the steep drop-off. I was on the top of a dirt mound that was in the center of an area that seemed like a junkyard. I was riding on the wooden cart, which seemed very simple and primitive. It seemed like something made in medieval times. The cart had a square floor of wood planks. Rounded wood branches that had crossing poles formed the walls. I thought that this cart could easily be attacked from below. I imagined that a spear could go through the wood planks of the floor and come into the cart. It would be dangerous. I knew things about future times, though, and i knew that other materials could be used on the cart that could prevent such an attack. I thought that the cart should have metal plating on the ground. It would have to be a modern metal, though, like steel. The people who built the cart would have used a copper or bronze, but a modern metal would be sturdier and would prevent spears from piercing the bottom of the cart. I thought that the rounded cart to the northeast of me would have steel under the wood planking on the floor of the cart. It would not be noticeable, and the people attacking would not know that their attacks would not work. I then saw the tall metal spear pushing up on the bottom of the cart. It would not be able to pierce the floor. As i moved, i noticed that the cart had metal bars on the sides now. The bars hung below the floor of the cart and seemed to have sharp points on them. I realized that the points could be used as weapons against those who were attacking the cart. I thought about this as i turned and headed to the west. This story sounded good, and i felt good having come up with a solution to this problem.

12019 June 26

I was in the building in the tourist area. This place seemed to be near a beach. I could not see the water, but i remembered the small buildings that ran down the street near us. I turned to the east, stepping out of the apartment that i had been staying in and stopped in the hallway. I had spoken to $A556 only a little while previously. He was staying in the apartment to the west of me. He had seemed very happy. A woman was now standing near his door. She turned to look at me as i stepped into the hallway. She wore a blue sweater and matching skirt. She had straight chin-length dirty-blond hair. She stood with her head forward a little. She tossed a folded letter on the ground in front of the door, which was to the northeast of her. I had seen the woman before. I had thought that she was the one who had served legal papers to a woman in another place. I was not sure, though. The woman turned and headed down the corridor to the south. I looked at the folded paper in front of $A556’s door. I thought that it was a legal summons, and i wondered if he was in trouble for not paying his rent again. I turned to the south and started down the corridor. I could see the top of the stairs that led down to the edit door. The door was about thirty or fourty meters away. I started down the wide white corridor. The walls were plain and featureless, and they seemed worn, with scuff marks here and there. $A556 was to the south of me, at the end of the corridor. He was chatting with the other man, whom i had thought was interesting. The other man sat on a ledge that was set into the eastern side of the stairwell, just before the end of the corridor. Something about him seemed very interesting. He leaned back against the wall, reading something. $A556 was standing in front of him, chatting and smiling. I felt good here. I jumped up onto the black metal railing that ran down the center of the stairs and slided down it, past the two men. I was aware that the man sitting on the wall might notice the carefree motion and find it interesting. I jumped off the end of the railing and floated to the south, landing with my feet on the wall of the other corridor. I stepped across the wall for a few steps before stepping back down to the floor. I put my hands on the wall, mimicking the steps as i continued to walk to the east, down the long white corridor, toward the exit door. I felt very happy here.

12019 June 27

I watched myself move to the southern side of the parking lot. I was standing to the west. I had been doing something with the other people, who seemed to be from $G3. They had walked to the southwest. The parking lot had tall grassy medians in the center, and a grassy hill to the east separated two different sections of the lot. I had moved to the south as the other people wandered to the east. I was now watching myself lie on the grass, which sloped up from the parking lot. I had a blanket over my body. I realized that i was not wearing any clothing, so i thought that i would have to keep the blanket close to me. The others started coming back into the parking lot. I stood up, pulling the comforter around my waist. It had been spread out over me on the grass. The others walked to the north of me, heading to the northwest. I spoke to them, trying to keep the blanket around me.

12019 June 28

I moved quickly through the corridors with my mother. We were in a hurry to get to the airport terminal. We had to catch our flight to Russia. We rushed to the north on the western side of the long corridor. A low divider separated the western side from the eastern side. At the northern end of the room, we rounded the end of the divider and started walking quickly to the south on the eastern side. We stopped in the middle of the long white room. I put my bags down. My mother was standing to the northwest of me. My large blue duffel bag was on the floor between us. I thought about what i would need to get on to the airplane. I then remembered that i had not brought my passport with me. I felt suddenly upset. I would not be able to board the airplane. We were already running late, so we would not have time to head back to the house to get my passport. I felt distressed. I turned to my mother and told her that i had forgotten to take my passport with me. She seemed frustrated and annoyed with me. I was upset that we would not be able to continue our trip.

I stood in the white corridor with a few other people. I was speaking to the person to the south of me, but i was aware of a man standing to the east of me. I looked at him as i said something. He was $A185. He stood with his hands at his sides, facing south or southeast. He was not moving. He wore short blue athletic shorts and a white T-shirt. He did not move as i watched him. I noticed that his thighs seemed larger than normal. This seemed interesting, and i pointed it out to myself as i spoke with the other person. Several other people seemed to be to the north of us, and i was chatting with several of them. The people seemed to be some of my relatives. I then saw the man approaching from the southeast. He seemed threatening. He had a knife in his left hand, and he lifted it to stab me. I felt tense, and i moved out of the way, pushing him back to the east. This seemed like a strange situation, and i was not quite sure that it was real. I easily pushed the man away, but i felt very aggressive with him. I then backed to the west, still feeling tense. I spoke again to the person to the south of me. We were now in a more open area, which seemed to be outside. As i spoke to the man, i noticed the crane to the south of us moving to the east. It had entered my view from the west. I pointed out the crane to the man. I then realized that the crane was mounted on the deck of a large ship. The red ship with the white upper deck was moving to the east, down the water channel just to the south of us. Tall metal girders were on the southern shore, and the black metal of the crane passed in front of the structures as the boat move past. I noticed a few other cranes attached to other boats, which now seemed to be moving along the channel.

12019 June 29

I had been talking to some people in the large academic building of the college. It felt good to be in this place, but i had to get to somewhere. I headed to the east. The building i had been in seemed to be a gray stone building, but i passed through a doorway and came into a large hall with high peaked ceilings and polished wood walls. This room looked very nice. I turned to the northeast and headed up the length of the hall, noticing the nice wood tables. The wood frame around the doorway that i had come through was arched and peaked, and the wood had several layers of ridges in parallel lines. The door seemed to be heavy and made of wood. I reached a second similar door on the northeastern end of the hall. I pulled the heavy door open, using the cast-iron ring handle, and i started to walk outside. It was still light outside, though it seemed as though the sun had set. I stopped in the doorway, noticing the large animal just to the north of me. At first, i thought that it was a bear, even though it seemed rather small. I was surprised to see it here. I hoped that it was not a bear cub. I backed into the doorway a little. I then realized that the animal was a skunk. It was digging through the green grass for something and did not notice me. I decided that i would have to go around it so that i did not scare it. I started to head to the west, but then i noticed several more skunks to the northwest. They were standing in a line in front of a row of low leafy plants. The plants had thick wide leafs, like some kind of fern or lily. A tree was to the north-northwest of me, and i saw one of the skunks hobble behind it. I realized that i could not be able to go this way or i would have to go too close to one of the skunks. I decided that i should head back into the building and take a different door. I headed back into the room, thinking that there was a door in the center of the western wall of the hall that would lead into the side yard of the building. It would be far enough from the skunks that i would not have to try to sneak past them quietly.

I had been doing something with the group of people, who were gathered at the house. This seemed to be my house. It seemed to be a one-level house that ran east to west. I was in a central room, and i looked to the north at the tables where food had been prepared. The family had been gathered near the table. I was in what seemed like a wide hallway on the southern side of the building. The light blue table was just to the north and a little to the east of me. It had empty serving dishes and clutter on it. The family was now to the west of me. It seemed that many people had left the gathering already, but some had stayed around. The family seemed to be $F10’s family. A large living room seemed to be to the north of me, but people were not in it. I walked to the west. $F10 was to the southwest of me, walking to the west. He walked into the small room. A slanted ceiling rose from the northern side of the door. It was the same dark color of stained wood that the wall to the west was. I paused in the doorway, hearing the sound of $A774’s voice to the west. I knew that she had left the house, so $F10 must have been talking to her on the radio. She said something about the event. I felt concerned. Something seemed to have happened. I quickly walked to the west, entering the room to hear what was being said. $F10 was sitting at a counter on the eastern end of the northern wall. The wall was uneven, with a section in the middle extending into the room. The counter filled the two and some meters to the east of the indented area. $A774 said something else about the event. I listened, worried that something bad had happened. I moved to the west. The large table in the middle of the room had some food on it. Several people were still sitting around the table. Someone said that it was nice to be here. I thought that we should clear some of the food from the table, now that the party was over. Someone was sitting just to the north of me. It seemed to be an older woman, and i thought that it might be $A451. Someone said that it was nice out here. I knew that the person was referring to the large room around us, which was a window-enclosed porch. The ceiling and walls were covered with glass. I had liked this part of my house, and it was nice to have people out here. I knew that it would not work in the winter time, because it was too cold to sit outside, but it would work in cooler weather to keep people comfortable and warm. The table to the west of me had an aluminum frame, but it also seemed to have wicker legs. The top was very thin. I stood just to the east of the southern end of the table. The table was very long, and it was covered with something light blue. The edges of the table seemed to be pale yellow. I tried moving some things from the table, but the southernmost section of the table started to sag. I realized that the table was worn, and the legs were starting to weaken. The two southern legs slided out to the south, allowing the top of the southernmost section bow down. Someone to the north of me mentioned this. I looked at the white wicker legs and pushed them back to the north. The table was unstable, though. The legs slided out to the south, and the table section collapsed to the ground in a loose fold. I felt annoyed. Someone said that the table was not steady. I picked up the crockpot of soup that had weighed the table down. It seemed soft and flexible now, but the soup in it did not spill. There was not much soup left after the party. I tried to prop up the table again. I put the pot somewhere and pulled up the surface of the table. I pulled the southern end to the south a little so that the legs could rest against the southern wall. I thought that this would keep them from sliding out. The table still slided down, though. I felt frustrated, and i turned to the west to start doing something else. The people were now mostly to the north of me, in the large open room. I moved around on the southern side of the building. We were ready to leave this place, but we had to wait for someone. I felt concerned about the person, who had not yet shown up. She seemed to be traveling from somewhere, and she should have been here. I felt that we had to get out of this building sometime soon. This building was old and abandoned. I remembered it from long ago. I used to come here with other people to look at the ruins. I felt a little nervous being here. The woman to the north of me then asked a question about the person we were waiting for. I thought that she was an owner of the building, and she was waiting for us to leave. I wanted to get out of the area, but we were still waiting fro someone to show up. The woman asked about the missing woman. I looked to the south. It was dark out now, but i could see the narrow grassy lawn to the south of the building. A narrow packed-dirt driveway came from the east. I expected the woman to travel into the area on the driveway. I then thought that we would all leave to the west. I moved to the west again, into the entryway of the large old brick building. The building was an old abandoned factory that we had been in. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that we were probably not supposed to be in the building. We had been gathered in a room on the first floor, but i remembered being on the upper floors many times over the years. The rooms were probably cleaned out now, but i remembered junk being strewn in different rooms of the house. I pictured clothing and old dolls on the floor of one or the rooms i had been in. It had been a small cubical room on the southern side of the building. I then realized that someone else was in the building. It seemed that a construction crew was to the west of us somewhere. I thought that we should probably not be in this building, and i worried what would happen if we were found here. I paced back and forth to the south as i waited for the others. I looked to the north, into the large open space where we had been gathered. The room looked very nice now. It was cleaner than it had been. The walls were still only vertical supports, and several things seemed to be hanging from the ceiling, but it did not seem as dusty and debris-strewn as it did before. I turned back to the south, noticing an opening in the western wall of the small entryway to the south of me. I had not noticed the opening before. Through it, i could see a clean gray floor. The floor had parallel lines running east to west, making it look like an old wood floor. It was painted with thick gray paint, which gave the floor a glossy finish. Someone had just redone the room. The construction crew must be remodeling the building for some reason. I was aware of people moving around in the western side of the building, and i thought that someone was to the north of me as well. They must be the construction workers. I worried that they would find us here. I noticed that the floor of the entryway was also gray and lined. I headed through the narrow doorway, heading into the entry way. Before I could turn to the east to exit the outside door, a large man opened the door and came in. He stopped to the south of me. He wore a tan patterned button-up shirt, and he had short brown hair and a rectangular face. He did not say anything, and i did not think that he was upset that i was here. I wondered what i could say to explain why i was in the abandoned building. The door then opened again, and a young woman walked in. She had long dark hair and an oval face. She continued to the northwest, walking around me. An older woman with short wavy light-colored hair followed her. I recognized this woman as the landlord of this place. I had seen her before. I said hello to her, thinking that the man might think that i belonged here if he realized that i knew the woman. She stopped to talk with me as another woman with long blond hair followed her into the room. I moved to the south of them as we spoke. The woman asked me something, and i responded. I then asked her if she was remodeling the building for apartments or for something else. She said that she was making a house out of it. We were now standing in the small cubical booth that was to the south of the building. The booth was open on all sides, but some structure blocked the view of the building from the center of the northern side of the booth. I moved a little to the west, looking at the large brown building. It looked like a building from the early half of the 1900s. It was mostly brown, but it had horizontal striations. It seemed to have wide metal sections between the floors. I spoke about the building to the woman as she stood to the northeast of me. I kept glancing back at the old factory. It looked very nice. I told the woman that i had always liked the building. I then noticed that the eastern side of the building had cables running along the structure. The wide pillar under the southeastern corner of the building looked like a layered shock absorber. The cables ran along the eastern foundation of the building, running through long pulleys and plates. The pulleys looked like the track pulleys on the top of cable cars. The entire structure seemed like some kind of suspension system. I thought that this was a very interesting view of the building, and i wanted to take a picture of it. I pulled my cell phone out of my left pocket and moved a little to the west. I then realized that my view was blocked by the structure of the booth that we were in, so i moved farther to the west, still talking to the woman, who was standing in the northeastern corner of the room. The young woman with her seemed to be standing to the west of her. I looked at the building from the western side of the small room, but the view did not look as nice. I tried moving back to the east to get a good view of the suspension system that i had seen. The young woman seemed to be in the way, so i moved around her. I asked the older woman if she was redesigning the building into apartments or something else. She said that she was making it into a living space. I felt upset. I had been interested in this building. I told her that i had always liked it. She looked at me as if asking if i wanted to buy it. I told her that i could not afford it. I then looked back at the brown building, saying that it must have been built in the twenties or the fifties. I felt very interested in the old building.