12021 June 01

I was playing guitar in the small room of the building. The room had dark-gray walls that had a bluish hue to them. The room seemed to be on the southern side of a building. I was standing in the center of the room, and people seemed to be in the room with me. They were listening to what i was playing. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that what i was playing was not that good. I faced south, and i started playing fast, because i could not play other songs correctly. I thought that the fast notes would blur together and sound like they were intentionally meant as noise. I could hear the loud guitar solo that i was playing. It was distorted and sounded like a solo from a heavy-metal song. I thought that it sounded quite nice, which surprised me. I continued to make noise as i listened to the notes. Something did not quite seem right. The music i was hearing did not seem like what i was playing. I seemed to be hitting random notes with my fingers, but the music sounded coherent. I turned to the southwest, facing a man who was sitting in a chair. I played facing him for a moment, but i had been pacing, so i slowly turned and started back to the southeast. I switched the notes to slower triplets. It still sounded good. As i turned to the northeast, i realized a group of four or five others sitting in a row to the east of me. They were judges, and they were listening to what i was playing. I was surprised that what i was playing sounded so good. I stopped, ending the song with a long note. The people to the east of me seemed impressed, and they said that what i had played was great. I felt good, knowing that i was creating something that sounded good, but it felt strange to do so, because i had not done it intentionally. The man to the southwest of me then asked why i did not play a specific song. He mentioned the song title, saying something like “Winston and Jackson”. I told him that the song did not work, adding that i could not learn it. I then talked to the others on the western side of the room. I still felt good, but i felt that i had to leave. I headed to the north, through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. The other person was walking with me as i walked to the north of the building. I thought that i would have to head to the west to get to the place that we needed to get to. The other person then asked if i could drive him to where we had to go. I thought about the place to the west, and i realized that it would be a long walk. I thought that my car was to the east, though, across the river from where we were. The river seemed to run from the north and curve around the east and northeast of us. We headed to the north, now in a large room, like an auditorium. We pushed open the double metal doors in the northern wall and walked outside. It was already raining outside, and i thought that we should hurry before the storm came.

12021 June 03

I moved away from the others a little so that i could lift the object. I was on the western side of a small room, facing south, and i bent over to grab the large metal object on the floor to the west of me. The object was roughly square, and it was made of a gray metal. A round pole extended from the northern side of the top surface and bent to the south so that it was parallel with the top. The southern end of the object was slightly narrower than the northern end. I grabbed the handle with my right hand and pulled the object up toward my chest a few times in exercise. I then switched hands and started pulling with my left hand. A large metal structure was to the east of me, and i leaned on it with my left hand as i pulled up. I then stood up. The other person approached me from the southeast. He was moving something across the floor, so i backed to the north a little to get out of the way. Two other people were following him, talking with each other. I noticed that the object the man was pushing had a white rope attached to it, and the loop of the rope got caught on the southern leg of the metal structure to the east of me. I pointed this out. The man bent back over to undo the rope. He then started pushing the object to the west again. I bent back over and tried to resume doing exercises. I lifted the metal weight with my right hand, doing arm curls. The man was then stopped to the southwest of me. He was having trouble moving the object. He said something to the other two people, and they looked at the object to try to figure out what was wrong. I bent over to put the weight back down and noticed that the small loop of rope was caught on the hinge of a door in the western wall. The rounded pin of the hinge stuck up, and the rope had gone over the top of it. The gray door seemed to be made of wood, with thick sides and two panels of wood. It was smaller than a regular door. The man unhooked the rope from the hinge and thanked me for pointing out the problem. He then said that i had helped him twice. I started doing the curl exercises as he left, heading to the northwest. The other two people were near me. I realized that i was now in a corridor, and other people were starting to approach from the south. I felt a little self conscious about doing exercises, so i put down the weights. I wanted to continue, but it seemed inappropriate to do here. I said something to the other two people, who were still to the east of me. One of them, the woman, said that i should do the exercises anyway. I still had one of the weights in my hand, and i realized that i was not wearing a shirt. I thought that people might think that i was showing off by doing exercises here. I felt uneasy and started to wander to the east as i said something to the woman, who was now to the southwest of me. I turned back to the east, aware that i was wearing black and red pajama pants. I thought that i probably looked nice to others, but i did not want people to think that i was trying to impress someone. I started walking to the west, following the others down the wide corridor as we spoke. We passed through a doorway and come outside. I moved to the front of the group and noticed that we were in a small enclosed area. Tall cement walls were on all four sides of the small area, which was about six or seven meters square. The ground was cement, and the plain walls rose about five meters. I walked to the western wall, thinking that we would have to climb out of the area. I said something to the others as i reached the wall. A black metal set of vertical bars was high on the wall in front of me, and several other things were on the wall. I thought that we could climb the wall here, but it would be difficult. $F10 passed me on the south and started climbing. I then noticed that the corner to the northwest of me had a mound of dirt in it. The dirt had grass growing out of it, and it had several flat areas where people had stepped before. I thought that this might be an easier place to climb, so i started climbing up the wall in the northwestern corner. I grabbed the top and pulled myself up, aware that i was using the same muscles that i had done curls with. I thought about how the muscles contracted as i pulled myself to the top. I then thought that $A645 was still behind me, and she might have trouble climbing. $F10 reached over the railing at the top to help me up, but i stopped at the railing and turned around to help $A645 get up. I swinged my left arm out to the east and then down toward her. She had already started climbing, and she took my hand.

12021 June 07

I stood in the hallway, facing east. Others from $G4 were along the eastern wall of the hall, which ran north and south. They were waiting in a queue for something to the north of us. A small kiosk was to the east of me, and i was trying to pay for something that i wanted to buy. A computer screen was in the face of the kiosk, and i was reading the screen, trying to figure out what to do. I felt a little frustrated, because i was not able to get to the correct payment screen. $A815 was to the south of me, and she pressed a button below the screen to forward the system to the next page. I felt annoyed with her, and i pressed the button to go back. I pressed the button with my right hand, and i was still holding the neon-orange T-shirt in my left hand. Someone to the north of me had handed me the shirt, and i had been trying to pay for it on the screens, but i had backed up too far when i pressed the back button. I thought that i might have canceled the order. I was frustrated and thought that i should not have deleted so much. I tried to scroll forward through the pages, but i had to get past the many screens of pictures. $A815 stood to the south of me, seeming impatient. She reached for the screen to try to help again, but i was annoyed with her. I forwarded a few screens to try to stop her from interfering. The screen now looked unfamiliar. I felt upset, because i thought that i had messed up the order even more. Annoyed, i started to forward through the ads again. The ads were full-screen images, and i had to get past them to get to the order form. One of the ads then started playing a video, and i could not move past the video. I became angry at the interface. I tried to move to another screen, but the video seemed stuck, and i could not move off of it. A man to the south of me asked what i was doing, and i told him that the video was stuck. I then complained about the system being poorly designed. I felt very frustrated and upset.

I was running with $G4, heading to the north and following the marks across the open area, which seemed like a college campus. I crossed a small grassy area before running between two old stone buildings. I came out into the western end of a grassy quadrangle. I could see the rest of the people moving to the northeast, following a trail in white chalk. I was running with a few other people, and we seemed to be near the end of the pack. The others seemed to be heading to an entrance to the building on the northern side of the quadrangle. It seemed strange that the trail would go through a building. I also thought that the buildings of the campus should have been closed for the quarantine. I then looked to the east, down the length of the quadrangle. The building to the northeast of us was a theater, and i realized that it was open now. A gap between the buildings to the north of the theater provided a corridor out of the quadrangle, and i thought that $G4 had probably gone that way. As i headed to the northeast, i noticed a queue to the north of me. People were queued up along the western side of the theater building. They must be waiting for a theater show. I was surprised that a show would be starting at this time of quarantine. I turned to the west as i reached the northern side of the quadrangle. I then turned to the south and found myself inside a building. I realized that i was in the backstage area of the theater. The others had run through the building, and i thought that i was still on the trail. A man stood near the doorway that led to the lower floor. He stopped to ask me what i was doing here. I was wearing a black backpack, and i showed it to him as though i were delivering it. I said that we were going in to get something. I ran inside after the others. I passed down a short darkened corridor between the doorway and the main east-to-west corridor. I turned to the west in the main corridor and ran through the large building. I could not see the others, though, and i wondered if i had gone the wrong way. I wondered if i had gone too far down the corridor. I could have missed a doorway somewhere. I stopped near an archway in the corridor, which had open doors in it. I turned around and headed back to the east. A man was in the corridor ahead of me, and he asked why i was here. He was tall and thin, with dark skin and short hair, and i thought that he was a bouncer. His face seemed rather handsome. I told him that i was delivering something, and i hoped that he would let me pass so that i could find the others and catch up with them. I thought that i was in the backstage area here, and i would be getting in the way. I hurried to the east. As i hurried down the hall, i passed someone who was standing on the southern side of the hallway. The person seemed to be one of the performers. I hurried past and pushed through a doorway at the eastern end of the corridor. I entered a room that seemed like a pub. The bar was on the northern side of the room. The others were gathered around the bar. This place must have been one of our beer stops. I moved north to join them. A table was on the eastern side of the room, and it was covered with food snacks for the people here. I thought that $G4 had been here a little while, and they were eating and drinking. I knew that an older man ran this place and that his son was a rich person. Both of them seemed very formal, part of a social elite. I moved to the table and took some cheese snacks from an oval metal platter. The snacks were like fried dumplings. They had a tan breaded crust and were long and narrow. A woman to the northwest of me offered me a plate of food as she slided it onto the table next to me, under where i was holding my hands. The plate had four or five rounded potato pieces. I thought that i could eat some of the potatoes as well. I thought that they would be a good starch for a meal. I gathered more of the dumplings into my right hand, holding them on an open napkin. They seemed paler than the ones that i had started with. The rich man who owned this place then started addressing us from the north. He seemed happy and gracious as he greeted the people in the bar. I was still in the center of the room, and the man was on the northern side, near the bar. A large dining-room table was now to the northwest and north of me, and the others started gathering around it as the older man talked. I felt wary of the old man. Something seemed uncomfortable about him, and i thought that i would have to act in a formal manner around him. He said some things to the others in a friendly greeting as the others started to leave the pub. The man then looked at me and spoke to me directly. I felt a little concerned by this, but i felt comfortable, because i knew how to act like the social elite. He asked me some questions, trying to find out something about me. I answered his questions as i stood on the southern side of the table. I moved a little to the east along the southern side of the table, gathering some more food before i left. The others had been here longer than i had, so they had time to eat more food. I would have to take some with me. The man was now to the west of me, near the southwestern corner of the table, watching me pick up some things from the table. He seemed to want something from me. I tried to act casually but formally. I did not want him to think that i suspected him of subversive acts. I was now aware of a gorge to the north of us. The northern room of the pub now seemed to be open to the gorge. IT was still dark out, but i could see some of the features of the rocky walls of the gorge. I had rounded the eastern side of the table and was now standing to the north of it. I had collected about as much food as i thought was good. I thought that it was getting late, so i really had to catch up with the others. I still felt wary of the man to the southwest of me. He seemed to be staring at me, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I knew that he was trying to find out something about me. I was now standing on the northern edge of a long open boat. I was near the front of the boat, to the east, and the man stood near the middle of the boat, to the southwest of me. The table was still to the south of me. The others had departed the boat already, and i felt that i should get going. I said something to the man without looking away from the table. I was trying to tell him that i should be leaving to catch up with the others. A light was then to the west of me. It was a bright light, and it had suddenly turned on. I turned to the west, but i noticed that the light as very high in the sky. I felt suddenly alert and nervous. Several other lights turned on in the sky. The man stood still in the middle of the boat, watching me. He seemed unsurprised by the lights in the sky. I thought that the extraterrestrials had suddenly come here, and i knew that this was bad. I started moving to the east on a rocky path that ran along the top of the gorge. I tried not to act scared, but i moved quickly to get away from the area. A short woman in a black and pink running suit was on the trail in front of me. Suddenly, she was taken into the air. I thought that the extraterrestrials were trying to kill us. I had to get out of this area. I turned to the north and headed out over the edge of the gorge. I knew that i could fly, so i floated over the edge of the cliff, trying to get out of sight. As i floated over the edge, i saw a man holding on to the edge of the cliff below me. He was scared, and he looked wide-eyed into the sky above. I was only watching this scene from a height, but i felt very concerned for the man. I then looked to the east along the face of the cliff. A crowd of people had gathered on a narrow path that ran diagonally down the cliff. They pressed against the rock to stay out of sight of the overhead ships. Some of the people seemed grouped in families, and the men and women held on to their young children with fear on their faces. A man holding a young child in his arms looked up suddenly at the lights above. I thought that the people in the ships would kill all of these people. I thought that i could hide in a crevasse farther up the tan cliff. I would be able to press against both sides of the narrow channel to support my weight so that i would not have to float. I wondered if the extraterrestrials would be able to detect my floating. I then wondered if they would be able to detect me hiding in the rocks.

I ran to the north along the sidewalk on the western side of the street in the semiurban area. I thought that i had to get back to the college area, which was to the north of me. This place seemed like College Avenue in Collegetown. Others to the east of me were talking to me as we ran. I decided to cross the street and run near them, so i ran diagonally to the northeast. I thought it might be better to take the eastern sidewalk. The street sloped upward slightly to the north, and the buildings on both sides seemed to be shops. Something about this area seemed different now. I had not been here in a while, but this area now felt very reminiscent. I talked to the others as we ran. The land now seemed very flat and open. It suddenly seemed as though we were near the ocean. The land to the east and northeast was a flat muddy plain, and a short stone wall ran to the east of the sidewalk. A man and woman ran with me, and i spoke with them as we passed down the street. We then came to a store and turned to the east to enter it. The restaurant seemed like a Taco Bell, and we had entered a small room on the eastern side of the building. I felt uncertain and anxious. I was unsure where i should go. I felt that i had to continue somewhere, but i was not sure where. I then noticed the small door in the eastern wall of the room, which seemed to be a back room of the restaurant. I told the others that i would leave out the small door. The man did not seem comfortable with the idea. He said that the door was an emergency exit and should not be used. I pushed open the door anyway and left the restaurant. I thought that the manager would probably be angry with me for leaving through the small door, but i did not care. I ran to the north, now along the ocean shore. The ground was packed sand, and the ocean was to the west of me. The sandy beach seemed very wide, running a ways to the east of me. I turned to the west and headed for the water. I stopped before reaching the waves. I thought that i should call out in a loud tone. It would be a meditative tone. I thought that others on the beach would think that i was talking to the ocean, but i would be singing a tone that resonated with the sound of the waves. It felt good to be here. As i thought about the tone, i imagined a tall wave coming in at me. I thought that it might be dangerous to meditate to the ocean like this. The resonance could bring in the large wave in response.

12021 June 10

I stood facing south, with the other man to the east of me. As we stood, i could hear the voice of a young man talking about the classes that he was taking. He said that they were “great” classes and that he got to do choir. I saw the photographs to the south of me as the young man talked. Most of them seemed to have shades of brown. As the young man talked of the fun he had had, i saw the pictures of the students in his class. One picture near the western side of the display had two people in bluish-gray suits, and they were singing in a group. I realized that the courses included concerts. Other pictures had people playing guitars with the singers. Some of the pictures were moving like short videos. I watched as the images slowly moved by, heading to the west. In one of the pictures on the eastern side of the collage, a man was holding a red acoustic guitar with two necks. I felt somewhat jealous of the man’s situation. I thought that he must have been in a special dorm where he could do these special things, and i wanted to do those things, but i no longer could. Looking over the pictures, i could see many of the people having fun in them. I focused on one picture where a redheaded man was zipping up a horizontally striped brown and orange sweater. The style of the picture seemed old, but something about it seemed interesting. I told the man to the east of me that we needed to create some pictures. I then said that i had many pictures, but i had not story to tell with them. I wanted to do something creative, and i felt disappointed that i could not. I looked to the southwest, noticing a highway running to the south across the valley from us. It ascended a pass along the ridge on the western side of the valley. The road reminded me of Route 13.

12021 June 11

I was in the small room of the building. The room seemed to be on a lower floor. The walls of the room seemed to be cement. A doorway was in the southern end of the eastern wall, to the southeast of me. This place was a weight room, and i was exercising here. I was almost finished with my exercises. A man was in the room to the south of me. He was very muscular, and he looked rather nice. I thought that he was interesting. I was standing in the center of the room, to the east of a metal machine with cable weights. I was pulling the weights down, facing west. The man was looking around the room for something, and he turned to me and asked me for some weights. I handed him a set of dumbbells. He asked if there was anything heavier in the room. I told him that the weights only go up to sixty-five here. He seemed disappointed. I told him that he should use the weight room at the gym. I said that they have dumbbells that go up to seventy-five pounds. I motioned to the small room to the south, where a small cement door was in the center of the cement wall. This place now seemed rundown, with chipping paint and dingy walls. The man took the cable off of the machine in the center of the room and carried the weight to the south. He leaned against the southern wall and started doing exercises. In a short time, he was done, so i took the cable and weight back and hanged it back on the machine. I then left the room through the doorway in the eastern wall. I headed to the north, now in a suburban area. I had to get back to the place, and i thought about how i could do it. It seemed like a ways away. A strong wind was blowing from the west, and i thought that i could fly on the wind. I was wearing a special suit that could catch the wind and allow me to lift into the air. I was still walking, but i imagined that i was flying. I thought about how it would be done. I would have to keep my legs down, and i would open my arms to catch the wind in the flaps between the arms and the torso of the suit. I would keep my legs down to rise straight up, and then i would tip forward to glide over a long distance. I thought that it would be a hard thing to do over a long distance. It seemed that it would require a lot of stamina.

I talked to the man as he headed to the north. He was following the other man. He seemed determined, and i thought that he was going to kill the other man. They both seemed angry. I headed after them, following them into the small building to the west. I came into a dimly lighted narrow room with dingy plaster walls. A hallway ran to the west from the western end of the room, but i turned to the south and walked into a doorway. The room to the south was also small and dimly lighted. This place seemed like a basement, with cement floor and walls. I looked to the west in the room, noticing two bodies on the floor. It was both of the men that i had been following. They were both naked now, and one had dark skin and the other had light skin. Their bodies were laying as if they had fallen, with their heads to the south. The light-skinned man was on the eastern side of the two. He lay on his left side, and i noticed that his left foot was missing. It had been cut off just above the ankle. I felt suddenly afraid, thinking that something had happened to the men. I backed out of the room, wondering what to do. I looked to the west, down the hall of the building. I saw a severed foot on the floor of the hall. It had dark skin, so it must have been from the dark-skinned man. A streak of blood ran from the foot to the west. The men had been angry at each other, but someone else had killed them. I ran to the east to get away from the area before the other person came after me. As i approached the exit door of the building, i wondered if the killer was waiting for me on the other side. I pushed open the door and left the building.

I entered the building from the east, walking in to a small room on the southeastern side of the building. This building was very large and seemed very nice. It was now an apartment building, and i was renting a room here. It seemed like most of the tenants here were college students. The small square room that i was in was nicely kept. It had off-white walls and thick molding around the ceiling. The ceiling was also very high. The molding was creme blue, and the trim around the walls seemed different colors, making the room seem very colorful. I headed to the southwest, leaving the room though a doorway in the southern end of the western wall. I had to go around the building to get to the other side, where my apartment was. I usually did not enter through the eastern side of the building. I pictured the overall building as a multistory square with a square hole in the center. The hallways of the building connected small rooms like the one i was in. They seemed to be near entryways or stairwells. Some also seemed like lounges around the corners of the building. I turned to the east and entered one of the small rooms, which seemed like a lounge. I stopped suddenly, though, realizing that this area was actually a women’s bathroom. It had sinks along the northern wall. I turned back to the west to leave, noticing the large television that was mounted above the western door. I stopped outside, wondering where to go. I was now on the western side of the building near the southern end, and i knew that my room was on the northeastern side of the building. I had come in a different entrance of the building so that i could walk though the halls and see more of the building. I knew that i could easily go out the door here and walk around the outside of the building, but i wanted to see the decorative interior spaces. I headed to the north, walking through the eastern side of the building. The corridors seemed very nice and glean. They were carpeted with green and blue rugs, which seemed a little faded with age but still not very worn. Everything here seemed nicely kept. I wondered what this building was like when it was a single-family house. It must have been a very impressive mansion. I then decided that it was too complex to have actually been a single dwelling. I thought that it must have been designed as an apartment complex. It was just designed with so many extra rooms for sitting, which other apartments did not have. I seemed to be on the northern side of the building now. I came north into a large atrium, where a balcony ran along the upper floor on the western wall. A stairway ascended to the east on the northern side of the room, and the stairs curved out from the northern wall. The thick wooden or plaster railing on the edge of the stairs curved until it was facing east at the bottom, forming a small round space between the stairs and the pale-blue eastern wall. The room was rather large, and i was aware of other people on the balcony to the west. I suddenly realized that i was on the wrong floor of the building. I had come in on a different floor than i usually entered. The door on the eastern side of the building was one floor up from the door on the western side. I stood to the southwest of the stairs, which were carpeted in creme-blue and white. I turned to head east, toward a set of stairs that ascended to the center of the eastern wall. A large recession was in the center of the eastern wall, and two large dark-gray columns, which seemed to be made of speckled marble, flanked it. The steep set of white stairs ascended into the recession and then stopped. There was no opening in the wall; the stairs just ended. I had not been paying attention to where i was going when i started up the stairs. I stopped near the top and looked around the room. I felt a little annoyed with myself, and i started up the real stairs to the north of me. At the upper level, i was on the balcony that ran along the eastern side of the room, and i started walking to the north. I then saw a miniature set of steps that rose to the eastern wall of the corridor near me. I knew that this was a play area, and the opening in the wall led into tunnels that children could play in. The tunnels would lead me in the correct direction to my apartment, but i did not want to go through them. I was ten aware of some people to the northwest of me. They seemed to be watching me as i looked at the tunnels. I wondered if they thought that i would go through them. I knew that it was for children, and they were probably watching to see if an adult would crawl into them. This building was very interesting. I looked out over the large atrium to the south of me, noticing the stairs that went to the eastern wall below. I now noticed that the upper end of the eastern wall sloped backward, and flat cutouts of a city skyline were set along the sloping surface to give the impression of a large metropolitan area. The skyline was painted the same pale blue as the walls, but it faded to almost white as it reached the ceiling. An indented section of walls formed a small block that reached into the southeastern corner of the room. I thought that it must be a room on the other side of the wall that had reached into this room. The southern wall of this room must have been cut out to accommodate this room. Other people were not to the northeast of me. I could hear them talking on the other side of the tunnels in the eastern wall. I was not sure where to go to get to the northeastern side of the building. I needed to get to where the people were walking down the hall to the east of the tunnels, but i could not easily get there from here. I wondered how i could get around the building.

12021 June 12

I was talking to someone to the west of me, and i looked to the north at the picture. The large poster showed different types of money. Someone mentioned cryptocurrency. I focused on some bills that were in the upper right of the poster. They seemed related to cryptocurrency. I noticed that they had small white marks along the upper edge of the bills. I thought that the marks were a form of numbering. I was still listening to the voice talk about the picture as they mentioned Bitcoin. Something about the image seemed interesting. I thought that something might be implied by the image, and i was trying to figure out what it was.

12021 June 14

I sat in the back seat of the car as the other person drove through the urban area. We had come the west and seemed to be to the north of the main urban center. We were looking for something and trying to get somewhere. We turned to the south and headed down a long straight street. $A682 was in the car with us as we turned to the east and headed down an old parking lot. The asphalt parking lot was long and narrow, and the pavement was old and crumbling. I remembered this lot from before. It was along the southern side of an old brick building, which seemed like a factory building. Cars were parked in many of the slots of the parking lot, but many of them seemed run down. Everything here seemed dingy and old. This seemed like a very old area of the city, and i wondered if it would be safe to park in this place. Another building was on the southern side of the lot, and the lot seemed to extend around the eastern side of the building ahead of us. As we reached the eastern end of the lot, we seemed to be to the southeast of the large building. A cement wall blocked the northern side of the lot from the area to the east of the building. I wondered why we had driven this far into the lot. We could have parked closer to the street, in one of the spots to the west of where we now were. I thought that we actually had to get to an area that was to the north of us. I tried to remember how we had come here. I mentioned the directions to the others as i ran them though my mind. I then saw the large iron gate to the north of us. Beyond it was an intersection on the main road. We had come from the west, but we needed to get to the northwest. I told the others that the area we needed to be in should be to the northwest of us. I thought that we might be able to walk through the gate. I then noticed a queue of people along the building to the northwest of us. They seemed to be waiting for the cinema. I wondered if this was the place that we were heading to. I started to climb down into the gorge area to the southwest of us. The queue for the building descended a steep trail on the northern side of the gorge. I could see a building set into the cliffs on the northern side of the gorge. I realized that this building was part of the cinema. A sign above it said “4 for movie”. I realized that we would need four tickets to get into the movie theater. I must have bypassed the ticket line when we came in this way. We would have to go back to get tickets.

I walked to the south with the other person, talking about volunteer work. The job had something to do with charity. Gates were set up at the southern end of the corridor, and i headed toward one of the gate attendant as i approached the center gate. The man with me showed his ID card to the agent at the gate. I had taken my wallet out of my right pocket, but i was having trouble pulling my ID card from it. I felt frustrated as i stood in the middle of the gate, trying to dig it out. I finally showed it to one of the agents there. The other man had walked ahead of me, through the doors to the south. As i held out my card to the agent, i noticed that the card had white letters on a black background. I felt annoyed again, thinking that my card was in the wrong mode. The man tapped on the card to change the mode, but i knew that he now suspected something was wrong. He referred me to another agent to the southwest. I looked at my ID as the man handed it back to me. It had a red circle at the bottom of the tan card. The man had marked my card because it was not correct when i handed it to him. I remembered that they had marked a circle on it before. I headed south, to the center counter, which was between two of the doors in the southern wall. The woman behind the counter asked me about my job. She seemed confused about the work i was doing. She did not seem to understand why i would be doing volunteer work. I tried to explain that it was my job to do volunteer work. I knew that the volunteer work was not my real job, though. However, it was an advantage for me to do the volunteer work. I told the woman that i do design and editing, adding that the volunteer work was done on the side. I felt frustrated with the woman, but i explained patiently so that i did not get in trouble.

Two people were lying on the bed to the northeast of me, as i sat near the foot of the bed. I talked to them about something. $F12 was then to the east of me, and he suddenly leaned toward me and kissed me. The kiss surprised me. It was unexpected, but i enjoyed it. I then felt uncomfortable kissing $F12 in front of the others. I suddenly wondered what $F71 would think about me kissing $F12. I kissed $F12 back anyway, enjoying the feeling. I was then lying down, and $F12 was on top of me. I kissed under his jaw, and he told me that he liked that. It felt good to kiss him in such a way. I then tried to kiss him on the lips, but something changed. He was no longer near me, and i felt disappointed.

The woman to the southeast of me was holding an orange tabby cat in her arms. Something seemed wrong with the cat. It seemed sick. She put the cat on the metal counter to the south of her. I felt very bad for the cat, thinking that it had been abused. I moved to the eastern side of the store or shop, closer to the counter with the cat was. The cat moved in strange jerky motions. I felt sad for it, and i wanted to pet it, but i felt hesitant. It seemed like a loving cat, but i did not know if i should be touching it. I then noticed that the fur on the side of its neck was pushed it. I thought that someone had damaged its head. I pet the side of the cat carefully, not wanting to scare it or hurt it more. The cat seemed playful. It swatted at my hand and bit the base of my thumb, but it did not bite hard. It was only playing. I realized that the cat could not bite hard. It had no pallet. I told $F71 that the cat’s jaw was missing, and i felt upset. I wanted someone to take care of the cat, and someone moved to do so. Other cats were not around the room. A black and white cat climbed the wall to the east of me. It climbed on top of a round clock that was mounted on the eastern wall. It stared down at me, seeming playful. I thought that it was still a kitten, even though it was adult size. All of these cats were abused, and i felt upset about it.

12021 June 16

I was sitting in a cushioned chair on the northern side of the room, facing east. I seemed to be in a waiting roof for a doctor’s office. The office was on the southern side of the room. I knew that this office was for an optician. I did not have an appointment, but i was waiting for something. A female receptionist was behind a counter that ran along the western wall of the room, to the southwest of me. A man started talking to her. The man looked over at me and pointed out that i was here to the receptionist. I felt a little awkward sitting here, and i thought that i should probably leave, but i felt to tired to go anywhere. The man asked me what i do. He implied that i had to leave here. I felt uncomfortable, and i got up out of the seat. I felt very uneasy as i stood. I turned to the north and walked slowly along the eastern wall, but i was unstable. I held on to things as i walked. I felt dizzy. I walked between the shelf-like walls into the large area to the north. This place was like an office, with cubicles dividing the larger room. I entered one of the cubicles. I felt confused, and i put my bags on the floor. I moved to the northeast, but i realized now that i was on the other side of the wall from the cubical i had been in. The waiting room now seemed to be to the west of me. A booth was to the north of that room. The booth was a small rectangular room to the northwest of me. The booth extended a few meters into the room that i was in. I knew that another room was to the east of me. A man came into the room where i was and walked to the toilet stall to the southwest of me. Stalls now seemed to be along the southern wall. I thought that i must have climbed over the wall to the west of me to get to this room. I was not sure how i could get back to that room without climbing back over the wall. I thought that i should not climb back over the walls, though, and i wondered what i should do. I then noticed that the area that i was in had an opening to the east. I stood to the north of the stalls in a narrow area, and i started pacing around. I remembered that i had locked the stall door to the south of me, so i would have to climb over the stall wall to get back in. I thought again that i should not climb over the walls. I felt impatient, but i would have to wait for the person in the stall. I then thought that this area was actually part of the prison. The stall to the southeast of me opened up, and a bald man in an orange jumpsuit walked out. He frowned at me as he walked past. I entered the stall. I thought that i could reach over the wall from this stall to unlock the other stall. I unlocked the door and then entered the other stall.

12021 June 18

I moved to the west on the southern side of the large crowd. I was in an open area, which was outside or in a very large room. A stone wall was to the south of me, and it seemed like the wall of a building. The crowd to the north of me seemed to be gathered for a large celebration, which seemed like a college graduation. I looked over the people in the crowd as i moved along the southern end. The center of the ceremony seemed to be on the eastern side of the room. I then noticed that a number of people were wearing peacoats and other items of a formal uniform. The uniforms looked like West Point uniforms. I thought that the people wearing them were from my high school. I then realized that i was not wearing a uniform, and i felt suddenly out of place. I thought that i should be in uniform like the other graduates. I wondered what i should do. I looked to the southeast, noticing a man who was sitting in a chair, facing east. He was talking casually to a woman who stood to the north of him. The crowd was dense, and i noticed many people in uniforms. I thought that everyone from my class would be sitting together, and it would be noticeable that i was not in uniform if i sat with them. I felt sad about this. I wanted to be a part of the graduating class, but i felt uncomfortable not in uniform. The crowd was then thin around me as a man approached me from the east. He was $A335. He smiled as he noticed me, and i greeted him. He still looked very young, with black hair. This seemed strange. I knew that he should be older now, and i knew that he should have gray hair. I said hello and said that it was nice to see him. It felt nice to see him. He did not seem to have much to say, but it was obvious he was thinking of something else that he had to do. He wandered back to the east, and i felt disappointed. I wondered if he had left me because i did not seem to be part of the celebration. I felt uncertain, and i wondered what i should do to continue with the ceremony.

12021 June 22

The scene changed suddenly, and i was aware that this was now a dream sequence. The man moved to the southeast. The scene then panned to the north to show the four people approaching. The other man had been running from them. The four people had the heads of lions and camels, but their bodies were human. They wore black dress suits with bright white shirts. Two of them had tall hats that seemed to be made of sticks bound together. I focused on the one to the northeast of me, noticing that the hat of sticks was made of vertical twigs bound together in a ring, with several sticks longer than the others to create an uneven top. These four people seemed like the bad guys, and i thought that they must be dressed this way to represent them as bad. The others had gone to the east to stop something from happening, but a man was now coming from the east. I looked to the east to see a stairway descending along the eastern wall of the room, which seemed like the living room of $F1’s house. The southern end of the stairs met a small landing against the southern wall, and i was standing to the west of the landing, where one or two steps descended from the landing. The man walked slowly down the steps, saying something to the people with the animal heads. The animal people were not interested in what he had to say. I thought that it would not matter what the man had, the others had already went to the east to stop the thing from happening. The man said that he had things from the museum of letters. I thought that he must have gotten into the library of the society of the Men of Letters. The animals seemed very interested in the man now, and they focused on him. I thought that something bad could happen with the animal people, but i kept telling myself that the others had already headed east to stop the thing, so it should work out in the end. I turned to the southeast, now in the center of a room. A circular staircase descended into the floor of the southeastern section of the room. Someone ascended the stairs quickly and rushed into the room. People started to fight. I felt confused and panicked. A woman was standing to the north of me, and she seemed to be part of the conflict, even though she was not doing anything. More people rushed up the stairs from the south. I turned to the north, thinking that i had to get out of the tank that we were in. I could see the gray metal walls of the circular room. An observation booth was high on the northern wall, and i could see a man watching us impartially. A hatch was low on the northern wall, but it was already under water. I took a deep breath and tried to swim to the hatch. I had to get out of the room. I quickly felt out of breath and had to come up from the water. I headed upward, toward the top of the tank. I reached the top suddenly, and i realized that there was not enough air left at the top of the tank for me to breath. I felt suddenly panicked.

12021 June 23

We were traveling to the east in a car. My mother was driving down the country road, and the man in the passenger’s seat looked to the south, saying that the land just off the road should be a special graveyard. I looked to the south. Old houses and barns were in the yards to the south. The grass was shaggy, and the grass near the road was yellowish-green. The grass around the large weather-worn barn just to the south of me was taller and had weeds reaching above it. The barn seemed to be bare wood, but the wood had turned almost black with age. I looked beyond the barn, noticing the shallow hill, which was covered with very short green grass. It seemed to be a grazing field. As we drove, i noticed that the field ran behind many of the buildings on the road. The man said that the graveyard should be here, but i could not see any headstones. I wondered if it was among the old houses that were closer to the road. The field beyond seemed smooth, with small rocks dotting the smooth grass hill. The field reminded me of Ireland, and i thought that this place was very old and special. We drove to the east a way past the houses, and then my mother turned the car to the south. I was still looking for the cemetery as we drove. I told the man that the stones might be here but that we might just not be able to see them among the buildings. We then turned to the west and started driving behind the buildings. I noticed the gravestones near some of the houses. I then noticed the large dark barn. It had rounded features to the corners and seemed very impressive. I pointed out the grave stones to the man, and then, i said that i really liked the barn. Something felt very special about this place. The headstones seemed modern in design, but they were made of old rocks that were worn. Many of them were blocky, and they seemed to stand in a wide grid. One headstone had a cap that was beveled and a little wider than the rectangular base. The stones were at slightly tilted angles and seemed to have small structures between them, as though things were built around them over the years. I looked back at the barn to the north. Something about it was very interesting. Its design was plain, but it seemed very different from what i was used to. I then looked to the west, down the narrow road in front of us. My mother was driving from the passenger’s seat of the car. The road ahead was nothing more than two narrow dirt tracks in the ground for the tires. We were passing through an area shaded with trees, but i could see an open area ahead with small simple wooden houses on either side. The houses seemed more like shacks, and i knew that this was part of a poor country. I asked my mother where we were. She said that we had to drive to the doctors in the other country. I wondered if we had just crossed the border when we had turned to the south over the field. I was aware that we did not pass through any customs stops. I looked down at the map. The land on the map was white, and a red line marked our journey. The red line seemed to leave Europe and enter Africa from the eastern end of the northern side. It then ran across the northern side and down the eastern coast to somewhere near South Africa. I knew that i was sick, and we were traveling to a doctor that could take care of me. We would have to travel a long way. I kept thinking about the border where we had crossed. I looked to the north as we headed east. I could see a map of southeastern Europe. It showed a small rounded country, and i said the name of the country. It seemed to be an Eastern European country. Just to the northwest of it was a larger country, which was labeled France. I knew that we had crossed from France into the smaller country before heading south to Africa. I realized that i had now experienced the border of the two countries, so i should be able to remember that this smaller country borders France. I thought about this for a minute and i glanced back at the map. The smaller country had a jagged coastline to the south and southeast. As i said something to the man to the west of me, i noticed that the coastline had sharp pointy white shapes on it. I was actually looking at a picture of something. I looked at a narrow wedge that had a rounded top. It pointed south-southeast on the map. I realized that someone had drawn a figure of something over the coast. The small islands that stretched from the coast in different directions were represented as teeth or horns. Someone was to the right of the figure, but the figure was a symbol for the islands that the locals would know. I thought that the wedge was part of the archipelago. Other wedges stuck out on the western side, but they were not as long. I then turned to the east. We were standing near the southern wall of the doctor’s office. My mother was to the southeast of me. A secretary in a white shirt and matching nurse’s hat stood behind a desk to the north of me. She was in a small recessed area in the northern wall, and the desk extended from the western wall of the area. She had been standing as she talked with us, but she swept the back of her white skirt with her left arm as she sat down in the chair. I felt a little uneasy as we waited for the doctor. I felt sick still, and i was waiting to be seen. I looked to the east. The green and dark bird had a long narrow bill, and it was sticking it into a bottle. Something about the bill of the bird seemed like a needle. The bird had something to do with the cartoon rendering of the islands on the map.

I looked to the southeast at the man. A red bar ran across the bottom of the scene, making it looked like a poster or television screen. The man was facing east on the western side of the picture, and he was instructing the other man to the southeast of him to do something. The man seemed to be sitting, and he punched his arm slowly to the east in the air in front of his face. The other man had been standing to the south of a table, and he was holding his arms across the table, in front of the first man. Something seemed odd with what the first man was doing. The second man slowly let his arms down as he realized what the first man was doing. The first man continued to make a fist and slowly thrust it to the east. I realized that he was making a sexual gesture, and that he was pretending to do it to someone who was not there. He had asked the second man to pretend to be the other person. The other man was uncomfortable though. I thought that the first man was actually a doctor, and he was imagining sexual acts with young children. I felt uneasy, and i thought that he was a disgusting person. The second man tried to pull his hands back, but the doctor ordered him to put his hands back into position. The man on the right now seemed to be wearing a bright red shirt. I tried to remember the red bar across the bottom of the screen.

12021 June 26

I moved to the south, into the building. $F71 and i were visiting New York City, and i knew that $A448 lived nearby. I wanted to stop in to say hello to $A448, but i felt a little shy about it. I knew that $F71 and i were visiting someplace just to the north, and i tired to picture the neighborhood. I moved hesitantly down a corridor to the south. $F71 seemed to be waiting for me to the northwest. I had been in this building a long time ago, and i wondered if i should really try to say hello to $$A448. I wanted to say hello to him. I stopped at a junction in the corridor. A short corridor ran to the east before opening up into a small room, which seemed to be a kitchen. The kitchen was to the north of the corridor. To the south of the kitchen seemed to be a living room or common area. I could hear people in the common room talking. Some of the people from the apartment must be gathered here. I then noticed the small dog lying on the ground, its front half visible just around the southern wall of the short corridor. The dog was playing with something, and it was trying to drag itself to the north. It was lying on its right side, with its belly to the west, extending its front paws to the north as it clawed at the rug to pull itself forward. I thought that it was on a leash. I recognized the dog as $A448’s, and i thought that he must have been holding the thick pale-blue leash. I stood still, wondering if i should go into the room to say hello to him. He was not expecting me. I backed to the north a little to get out of site of the dog. Just as i moved around the corner of the two corridors, i saw a second larger brown dog walk to the north, along the eastern side of the small pug-like dog. I was unsure what i should do. I did not want $A448 thinking that i was purposely coming here just to visit him. I stepped back into the short corridor, deciding that i would say hello. As i reached the area where the corridor ended, $A448 stepped to the south from the kitchen. He was talking to a tall dark-skinned woman to the east of him. She had frizzy long hair and seemed rather thin. She was nicely dressed. $A448 turned to the east and looked at me, surprised to see me. I smiled and said hello. It was good to see him. I told him that i had come down with someone else to visit something in the neighborhood. I pictured the area to the north of this place, and i wondered what i should tell $A448 that we had come to see. I felt awkward. I then wondered if i should introduce him to $F71. I felt hesitant to do so. I continued chatting with $A448, and as i moved into the center of the large room, i noticed that quite a few other people from the building were gathered here. I told him that the place looked like it had not changed much. He nodded, but i knew that it had changed some. I added that it was a lot more worn than it had been before, but it still looked like it was being kept up nicely. He agreed. I thought about the cabinets along the top of the northern wall. I thought that they were new when i had first come here a number of years ago. $A448 said something about the others in the room, and i realized that the tenants of this building were gathering for an event. I wondered if i should be here. Many of them seemed to be dressed up. They started gathering in the northern side of the room, and i thought that someone was going to take a picture of them. I thought that i should stay out of the image for a little while. It was good to see $A448, and i wanted to talk to him more.

I moved to the north, across the open area, which seemed like a field. $G4 were standing around at the northern end of the field, where the narrow road that i was following seemed to end on another narrow one-lane dirt road. $F58 was talking to others about looking for something. She seemed very concerned that there was something that she had to do to the south. I moved to the east of her, and mentioned the thing. I felt concerned for her. Something was happening to the south, and it seemed that we would have to go back to that area. I turned the car to the east, feeling that it was the wrong direction. I said this to the person in the passenger’s seat, to the south of me. I slowed down the car, thinking that i should turn around, but the road was not wide enough. I wondered if i could still turn around by driving on the grassy ground on the sides of the road. As i slowed down, i noticed an old drive to the north where i could turn the car around. It was covered with grass. I continued to the east a little farther and turned north into the short turn-around area. I said something to the person to the east of me as i looked back to the west. The large white building was in the center of the intersection with the other roads. Something seemed to be precipitating from the ski, even though no rain seemed to be falling. The building was not complete, and i thought that it had been closed for the pandemic. $F79, who was to the east of me, said that she worked in the office in the center of the building. I was still looking at the building. The double doors in the center were under a section of building that projected to the south. The projection had flat surfaces that formed came to a curved point in the center of the building. Two large oddly shaped windows were in the second-floor area. The bulging part of the building seemed to be made of metal, which was dull gray, and it came to a shallow corner that ran up the center of the building. The corner stuck forward, and the rest of the rounded shape curved back into the building. One window was on either side of the corner, making the shape seem like the head of a bird in some way. I asked $F79 if the entire room behind the eastern window was her office, and she said that it was. It seemed interesting that she managed to get one of the few rooms of the building that had been restored. The rest of the building seemed to be hazy or non-existent. I started heading back to the west.

12021 June 30

I talked to the others as i walked to the north, pushing open the door of the building and exiting. Something was happening. I knew that it had to do with the large factory to the north of us. It was burning. The people were moving around in a panic. I looked up to see thick black smoke rising from the north. I could not see the factory building, though. Another tall structure was standing just to the north of me, across a grassy lawn from the building that i was in. I could see the smoke curling up from behind the tall building. I tried to move to the side a little to get a better view, but i could not see much. When i moved a little to the west, i could see a lower part of the factory building, but i could not see where the smoke was coming from. I wondered if we would need to be careful of falling ash. I thought that it might be toxic. I talked to some other people who were worried about the fire. I then exited a building again, heading south. The factory was to the south of me now. I still could not see it directly, but the thick black clouds loomed overhead. I talked with the others about something. The fire was then to the north of us again. I was now in a narrow area between buildings. The alley ran to the west from where i was. The building to the south of me was a low wooden structure, which seemed more like a set of sheds or shanties. A square opening in the building was directly to the south of me. The other person left to the northwest, but i turned back to the southeast, thinking that i should get inside the building. I moved toward a small enclosure that was just to the east of the large door in the building. The side of the building seemed to be made out of plywood, and the enclosure was only a meter deep, with wood extending on both sides and overhead. I thought of it as a bus stop, but i also thought of it as a place of shelter for sleeping.

I walked to the north with the man to the northwest of me. He was talking to me about something, trying to interest me, but i felt impartial. He seemed like a wealthy man. I looked at the small blue object to the north of me. It seemed to be just to the west of a small road. The area around me seemed to be very flat. The man asked me if i liked the boat. I looked at the pointy nose of the small craft, which was facing south as i approached it. It looked interesting. It did not seem to have any place for people to sit in the top of it. It seemed to be a solid structure that was enclosed. It was shaped like a speed boat, with a very narrow nose, and the underside came to a V that was only about seventy degrees wide. It was about three meters long, a little less than two meters long, and about a meter and a half tall. I walked along the eastern side of it as i looked at it. It had indented ridges that curved along the underside and a ridge that followed the slightly domed top. It seemed to be metallic blue all around it. The man had stopped to the west of me, looking out over the water to the north. He stood as though admiring the view, and i thought that he was trying to act casual as he showed me the boat. He wanted to impress me with his wealth. I did not trust the man and felt a little hesitant about him. I looked to the north as the man started talking about his other boat. The larger boat was floating in the water just off the shore. It had a similar design to the smaller boat, but it seemed to be a lighter color. It faced north, and the wide back of the boat was facing me. I walked toward it, conscious that i was actually walking across the water. The man talked in a bragging tone about the boat. He was trying to lure me onto it. I walked over the boat, looking out over the wide water to the north. I could not see the shore to the north of us. I knew that the man was trying to trap me on the boat, but i did not feel worried. I knew that i could fly over the water. I stood on the front of the boat, looking out over the hazy water, which seemed like a flat indistinct plane. We now seemed to be quite far from shore. I thought that the man had lured me out here to do something, but he did not know that i could easily move over the water without a boat. I looked to the north, seeing a corridor between the tall grass-like things. I was not really looking at a scene. The image was more like a sketch on a pale greenish-yellow background. The corn or tall grass was simply vertical lines on the sides of the drawing, which showed a path cut through the tall stuff. The path vanished into the north. It seemed to be about four meters wide. I looked back to the southwest, over the water. The man was on the boat somewhere to the south of me. I felt uninterested in him, and i thought about flying back to the land to the south.