12022 June 01

I was on the western side of the room, which seemed like the dining room of my grandmother’s house. I had been talking with the others about something. I was concerned about something that had been happening. It seemed like a significant event to the south or southeast of us. I worried that it would not be safe here. A report then came in that missiles were coming. I did not hear any sirens, but i knew that this area would be under bombing. We would have to take shelter. I moved a little to the south, aware that the ceiling and walls around me were cement. I seemed to be in a partially buried structure. The compartment was about the size of a cargo truck, but it had thick cement walls. The northern end was open, and thin cement poles ran diagonally from the ends of the eastern and western walls to the overhanging slab of concrete on the ceiling. The room sloped down to the south, and two men were standing on the southern side of the building. They were wearing loose clothing, and the man on the western side had one hand on his left hip and the other propped up on something on the southern wall. They both looked relaxed. We were to the northeast of Endicott, and i thought that the missiles might fall on the central part of town. I looked out the end of the compartment to the north, worried about what might happen. I then walked to the southern end, talking to the men as i wondered if the missiles would fall. I then realized that my mother would be worried about me. I looked at my cell phone, which was a small gray flip phone. I moved to the north and i said “hello” to the phone. My mother asked me how i was, and i told her that i was in the area that was being bombed. She seemed worried. I hoped that she would not be too worried about me. I then looked at the rolling hill to the north of me. The back yard of the house sloped down a little to the small houses on the other side of the block. The hill rose just beyond. It was forested. Suddenly, i saw men with rifles running down the hill, dodging back and forth around the trees. They were headed in my direction. I told my mother that troops were coming my way, and i said that i had to go. She told me to be safe. I backed into the dining room of the house and pulled the back door to the north of me closed. The door did not close all the way, though. It was a wooden door, with a glass peephole in the upper part. It swinged from the eastern edge. I reached for the knob on the western side of the door and pulled it closed, nervous about being near it. The door was then pulled open, and a man in dull-green military clothing stepped into the house. I was again in the dining room of my grandmother’s house. I held up my hands, backing away from the man. I asked him not to shoot me. He smiled politely and walked to the south along the western wall of the room. I backed to the eastern wall. He seemed to be the leader of the troop of soldiers. He talked quietly to the people to the south of me, walking into the house. He seemed to be trying to calm the people here. My grandmother seemed to be one of the people he was talking to. I felt nervous. I thought that i could not let him know who i really was.

12022 June 02

The man stood to the north of me. I was supposed to do a play with him, but i did not know any of the script. I felt bad for not knowing my lines. I started moving around, annoyed that i was not prepared for the rehearsal. I seemed to be on the southern side of the large theater now. The stage was set into the northern wall, and it had a domed ceiling. I felt bad, and i walked to the north, to where the others were waiting. The man was sitting on the edge of a stage on the northern wall. Several other people were around him. We were supposed to have a rehearsal. Several other people were standing around him, and $A623 stood on the western side of the group. I walked to the southeast of the man. He said something to me, but i told him that i did not have my lines memorized. He stiffened and sighed in frustration and annoyance. I felt bad. I told him that i could read from the script, but i had not yet memorized anything. The man seemed like $A810. I was upset that i was not yet ready.

12022 June 04

I had been walking to the west, down the corridor, and i stopped at the kitchen at the end. I was doing something. Someone was to the northwest of me. They said something, and i responded. I then heard the telephone ringing. I realized that it was my cell phone. I had left it on the chair of the lecture room where i had been. I wondered who was calling me, and i thought that it might be my mother. I told the other person that i had to get it, and i turned back to the east and hurried down the corridor. The corridor was now on the southern side of a wider space. Thick columns seemed to separate spaces on the northern side of the corridor. Black seats filled the spaces, forming rows of chairs that faced west. The thick cushioned chairs seemed to be part of the lecture hall. I had been sitting near the eastern side of the hall, and i thought that i had left my cell phone on one of the chairs. The seats were now filling with people for the lecture that was after mine. I reached the eastern side of the room, aware of an arched window in the southern wall, which was letting sun light into the room. I looked around on the floor and chairs, but i did not see my phone. I started to ask someone to the north of me if they had seen a phone when i noticed a man moving above me. I looked up to see a man crawling around above the level of pipes that crossed the ceiling. He grabbed one of the pipes and swinged his feet to the ground. He said that he had heard the telephone ringing, but he could not see where the sound had come from. I looked up at the ceiling again. White plaster seemed to be in several spots around the ceiling, but it had large holes in it where the pipes and beams could be seen. I thought that someone must have found the telephone and put it on top of a board on the ceiling. I wondered if the person would call again. I then thought that i could simply have someone call my phone to make it ring again.

12022 June 07

I walked to the east, across the library, which seemed to be on the southern side of the building. The library was the third thing. Two other things had happened before. They seemed important, and they seemed like things that were done. I slowed near the eastern end of the room, trying to remember the three things. I then remembered that the others had been at a funeral. It was not for someone i knew, and they seemed to be to the east of me. I thought that all three things referred to something that a person would do. I wondered what would be next, and i wondered if the baseball bat would be used again. I thought that it was one of the other two things, so it had not been used lately. I passed to the north of two people, and the man on the eastern side stopped me and told me that Katie had died. I felt concerned, and i asked him if he meant K.D. Lang. He said yes. I felt suddenly upset, and my eyes started to water. I turned and continued walking to the east. I felt very upset, but i wondered why i felt so upset. K.D. Lang was not someone that i actually knew. I liked her music art, but i did not have any connection to her. It seemed strange that i would be so upset about her death. I stopped at the western end of the room. A corridor ran to the north of me, and i could see my relatives walking around a corner from the east and starting down the corridor toward me. I tried not to cry too much. I did not want them to know that i was so upset.

12022 June 08

I was working in the office, which seemed to be part of $G6. I was standing on the western side of a rectangular room, which seemed to be on the northern side of the building. I was facing south. An opening in the western end of the southern wall of the room was to the south of me, and it opened up to a smaller room of the office. I thought that i had been working here again. This place seemed to be part of $P52. I felt a little nervous, because i had just started working here. I wondered what i should be doing. A man was sitting behind a desk to the southeast of me. A woman stood to the west of him, talking to him about something that she was holding. A telephone rang. I moved to the east, stopping on the northern side of a desk and answered the telephone. I stated the name of the company, which was $G2. I then thought that i had made a mistake. I had not worked for $G2 in a very long time. I thought that i should have said something related to $G6. I listened to the telephone as i thought about this. I thought that i really should have referred to my department as “facilities”. I stood for a moment, listening to the receiver of the telephone, which i held to my left ear. I then heard someone knocking to the east. I thought that someone was at the door, which seemed to be out of my sight to the east. I was now near the western end of the southern wall of the room, and a cubical wall was blocking my view to the east. I noticed that no one in the office had moved in response to the knock. I thought that they were waiting for someone else to get the door. I felt annoyed. The knock came again, and i stood up and started to the northeast to walk around the desk on the southern wall. When i could see to the east, i saw several people standing in the corridor, taking hesitant steps to the east. They glanced at each other. I knew that none of them wanted to answer the door, so they were all waiting for someone else to do it. Six or seven people were walking slowly, watching one another. I felt annoyed with them, and i headed back to my desk on the western side of the room.

I moved around the small room of the house, packing some of my things for school. It seemed to be in the morning, and i had to get going. The room seemed like the middle bedroom of my parents’ farmhouse. My mother was doing something on the eastern side of the room, and i was in the center. A bed was to the northwest of me, on the western wall. I thought of what i should wear to school, and i thought about a red and yellow sweater. It seemed like a heavy sweater, and it seemed to be in a small room to the east of me, but i did not get it. My mother said something as she left to the east. I responded and then turned back to what i was doing on the southeastern corner of the bed. I noticed the flash of light from the southwest, and i heard the thunder. A storm was coming outside. I felt a little nervous of the lightning, but i told myself that i was safe in the house. I still wondered if the lightning could hit me inside. I then saw the flash again. I could see bright flickers of light moving down to the southwest of me, but i was looking at them through something, so i could only see parts of the lightning bolts. The storm seemed to have a lot of lightning. I kept doing things on the surface to the northwest of me, but i was curious about and wary of the storm. The lightning seemed quite frequent. I moved to the window to the southwest of me and pulled open the curtain so i could see the storm more clearly. A dark gray column extended down from the gray clouds. The column seemed to be a heavy downpour of rain. I thought that the lightning must be traveling down the column, which was why the lightning seemed so intense. Sharp zig-zag bolts flashed down the column as i watched. I turned my attention back to the room and continued getting my things.

12022 June 09

12022 June 10

I stood on the southern side of the room, which seemed to be the main bay of an auto-mechanic shop. The room to the north of me was full of things. A narrow doorway was in the southern wall to the southeast of me. A thin cloth with dark decorative colors hung on the southern wall to the south of me. I had a small cart with me, and i pushed it to the east. I had to leave this place. I was aware of others in the room to the northeast of me. Two men seemed to be sitting near the center of the eastern wall, talking. I turned to the south, heading into the small room, which looked like a storage room. It had wooden shelfs on the western wall, but the shelfs had few items on them. The off-white southern wall of the room seemed to be made of plaster board, but i knew that port of the wall opened. On the western side of the southern wall, i could see a slight recess where the doorway was. I pushed in the center of the panel, expecting the door to swing open, but it did not budge. I tried again. I felt confused, thinking that someone must have sealed the door. I would not be bale to get out this way. I turned back to the north and reentered the main room. The other person was still to the northeast. I headed to the east, toward the doorway that was in the southern end of the eastern wall. A cloth or curtain hung across the doorway, and i pushed it to the north to get past. A woman was standing in the small room to the east of the curtain. She wore a loose long dress. She was tall and thin. The small room to the east was narrow, and i had entered into the southern end of it. The woman seemed to be the owner of the shop in the small room. Trinkets and wood ornaments seemed to be everywhere in the shop. I thought that the shop had a spiritual or natural theme. I did not want to be in the shop, so i turned to the south to leave. The exit door was just to the south of me. The woman continued speaking to the man to the north of her. A short corridor led from the doorway to the south. The building seemed run down, with dull white paint chipping from the walls. I said goodbye to the man in the shop to the north. He was the person i had been talking to in the large room to the west. I had wanted to sneak out, but he was there when i left. I pushed through a doorway, thinking i would be outside, but i found myself in a wide office-like room. A man sat in a chair to the southeast of me. The northern side of the office was wider than the southern part, as though a closet or store room was created in the southeastern corner of the room. The man sat to the north of a desk, which was to the north of the inset room. He had a guitar in his lap. He said hello to me as i entered the room. I replied, aware that i still had several bundles of rags in my right hand. I had taken them from the room to the north. They were made of a towel material, and they had intricate patters in dark colors. Not sure what to say to the man, i showed him the towels. I looked at the intricate tight pattern of the rags, and i suggested to the man that they could be cut and weaved into a seat. I then added that the fabric might be rough to sit on. He looked at the patters, commenting on them. He was still about four meters from me. Two men were now sitting to the north of him. He was sitting on a tall chair with the guitar, but they seemed to be in regular wooden chairs. I thought that they must be jamming with the first man. The man to the east on the north was wearing a shirt that looked Indian. It had a nice intricate pattern with several bright colors. I headed to the southwest.

I was to the south of the house in the suburban area, flying a kite high in the western sky. I remembered the time when i had let the string out of a kite and had it floating very high and far away from me. I wondered if i could do that again. It was dark out, though, but i could see the bat-wing kite floating in the air. The trees around me were black silhouettes against a dark-blue sky. I felt uncomfortable, and i realized that people were watching me from the southwest. I thought that they were agents and that they were suspicious of the kite. I felt annoyed with them, but i also felt cautious. I would have to fly the kite more to the northwest. I pulled on the string to turn it to the north, but the kite rotated too far and crashed to the north of me. I was disappointed. I started reeling the string in. Then, something changed. I was to the north of the house, and a large black shape was to the north of me, where the kite had been. The shape looked like a wolf. Something was wrong in this scene, and i felt afraid of the wolf. I moved, and i was back inside the house. I stood on the southern side of the room, just to the north of the entry door, which was in the middle of the southern wall. I said something to my father, thinking that we had to be cautious of the wolf. My father was sitting in the middle of the room, facing south. I then noticed the body of the wolf on the floor in front of me. It had thick gray fur, and it was dead. I felt a little relieved, but i thought that the body should not be here. I grabbed the loose pelt of the wolf and tried to grad it to the south, out of the house. The wolf was lying on its right side, with its paws to the west and its head to the northwest. I grabbed the skin on the upper side of the body, but i noticed that the skin was torn above the wolf’s shoulders. I grabbed the skin again, trying not to tug. I did not want to tear the skin further. I had to get the body out of the house. I said something to my father as i pulled on the wolf, moving it in small increments. It felt very difficult to move the wolf. As i pulled, the skin seemed to be coming off. I felt frustrated.

I walked to the south, down the eastern side of the store. I had to get something done. I moved around , finding myself on the northern side of a larger store. The room i had been in seemed to be in the northeastern corner of a large open room. A thin dividing wall ran from the northern wall, to the south. Cloth items were hung on the eastern side of the wall, and a man stood between the wall and a table that was cluttered with merchandise. A second table ran from the southern end of the first to the south end of the dividing wall. It also had merchandise on it. The merchandise seemed to be from a flea market. Another long surface ran to the south of me, forming the southern side of the area that i was in. I continued to the west, toward the other side of the room. Before i could reach it, someone called my name. I stopped and looked to the northeast. Two women were staring at me. I did not know either of them, and they did not look familiar. They were dark skinned and tall. A cluster of people was to the north of them, looking at merchandise on the table to the west of them. The two women seemed to be the only women looking in my direction, but they just stared at me without acknowledging that i had looked back at them. The situation seemed strange. I glanced at the people at the counter to the north of me as they looked over merchandise. I looked back at the two women and then to a woman among the group of people. The woman in the group was now looking at me. She seemed to know me. She had dark skin as well. I thought that i knew her from theater, but i did not really recognize her. She moved close to greet me. She hugged me hello and then walked to the southeast. I waited for a moment in the area, expecting something else to happen. I looked at the small gift boxes on the display table to the north of me. They had small samples of stones in them. A man stood to the north of the counter, facing east, toward the cluster of people on the other side of the counter to the east of him. I waited a little longer, but nothing happened, so i turned to the south and wandered down the eastern wall of the store. As i rounded the eastern end of the table, i headed to the southwest. I now seemed to be in a produce section of a market. The southern wall had boxes of fruit stacked against it. The top boxes were tipped forward so that the fruit could be seen. Someone near me seemed familiar now. I turned to the west to see $A707. She stood near me, looking at the ground in my general direction. I said hello to her, and i asked her how she was doing. She shrugged apathetically and said that she was good. She seemed concerned about something, and i thought that her family life might not be doing so well. I was not sure what to say, so i stood for a moment. I knew that i could not do much for her. I turned to the east and continued on, thinking about this situation.

12022 June 11

I walked into the small room from the northeast. The room was a waiting room for the train station, and i had to get tickets. I was headed to the small town to the north of us, on the Hudson River. $Z walked with me as i headed toward the service counter in the middle of the southern wall. I told $Z that we needed to get tickets to Santiago. As i turned to the west to walk in front of the window, someone said that the tickets were very expensive. I said that they were not. Through the window, i could see a women near the southern side of the office. A man stood to the southwest of me, near the service window. The window had glass over it, and i could not quite see the man clearly. I could see the woman through the eastern side of the window, but a vertical structure in the center of the window obscured my direct view of the man. The woman looked up suddenly, as though surprised by what had been said. She asked why the ticket was so expensive. I told her that the last time i had bought a ticket, she had said that the price was that much. I told her that i was trying to get to Santiago, New York, and not Santiago, Chile. She agreed that the ticket should be less expensive. I told her that Santiago was between Albany and a small town on the Hudson River, which i pictured as Middleburg or Bainbridge.

I moved to the north, toward the service counter of the train station. I was supposed to buy two tickets. A man was with me, to the west of me as i talked about the tickets. I looked at the piece of paper to the north of me. It had two lines written on it, which seemed to be Shakespeare plays. The second was The Tempest. These had something to do with the train.

12022 June 12

We were driving to the north on the large road. I was in the passenger’s seat, and another person was driving. The other person mentioned the mountains near us. I looked off to the northeast, but something was blocking the view of the distance. I caught a glimpse of a large bluish-gray rocky mountain with two peaks. I wondered if we would be climbing that mountain. The view was blocked again as we passed something closer to us. The man to the west of me named the mountain, and i thought about the name. I then noticed a mountain-shaped object closer to us. I focused on the small building, which seemed more like a tall signpost. It had a small building on top of a tall round pole, and a big was standing on the peak of the building’s roof. The statue of the pig faced northwest and seemed to be red. The barn was blue. I noticed the lower buildings around the base of the sign. They were all a similar color of blueish green. I realized that this place was a pig factory farm. The buildings were three or four stories tall, and they seemed about ten meters square in cross section. I could see openings on the northwestern sides that seemed like stalls. I thought that the area must smell terrible. As the buildings passed, i again looked at the mountains in the distance, trying to see what the man had been referring to. A rocky mountain came into view from behind one of the buildings. The peak of the mountain was gray craggy rock. As more of the mountain came into view, it seemed the rocky peak was mounted on top of another structure. A clean horizontal line marked the bottom of the gray rock, and a darker slope started just below it. The western side of the lower mountain was vertical, giving the gray peak a cliff edge to the west. Something about the mountain seemed interesting, and i watched it as we moved past. I remembered a treeless mountain that i had wanted to climb before, but i knew that this was not it. I then noticed that the western side of the peak was rounded and relatively smooth. The gray stone curved from the peak down to the cliff face below. I thought that people would be able to walk on the peak, but they would have to stop once the stone got too steep to keep a grip. I could see marks on the curve of the slope where the hiking trails were. A yellow patch marked where people usually stopped walking because of the steepness. I now seemed to be standing on the top of the mountain, and i felt cautious of the curving slope to the west of me. I could feel the slant of the slope under my feet, and i had to make sure that it did not get too steep to keep traction with my running shoes.

I moved around the room with the other $G4 as we got ready for the run. We seemed to be in the small living room of a house. The rectangular room was longer north to south, and the walls were pale dull yellow. People were talking about something as i moved around. $A456 seemed to be to the south of me. I said something to someone as i moved to the north. I stepped carefully over the water, but i could feel wetness on the toes of my left foot. I had been crossing the stream, but i must have slipped with my left foot and got it wet. I looked down at the rocky ground. The stream ran from the north, and it curved back and forth a little, breaking into smaller channel as it passed around stones and logs. I stepped to the east, over a narrow section. I could hear the others to the south of me still. They had not yet started coming this direction. I looked down at the rounded rocks, which seemed like igneous or metamorphic stone. They were all pale in color, and the largest seemed a little more than a deci in diameter. I crossed a section of the stream and stopped on the stone, feeling the coolness on my left toes. I then turned and looked back to the northwest. A tall steep slope seemed to rise to the north, to the northwest of me. I thought that the trail ran to the west, along the base of the slope. I headed back west, looking for places to step. I tried to switch my feet on the branch that i was standing on, but the branch my left foot was on dropped with my weight. I quickly took my weight off my left foot and looked down at the logs. The branch was about a half deci thick, and it was wedged into a curve in the stream. It ran north to south. Below it, the water looked deep enough to submerge my lower leg. Snow seemed to be on part of the branch, and i thought that the water must be very cold. I carefully adjusted my stance and took a few steeps to the west. Once i had my balance on the logs, it was easier to step over some of the water. I stopped at another section of stream, looking for the best way to cross without getting wet. I thought that i had crossed this way when i came east, and i looked for dry rocks that were close enough together to jump from. Some rough tan rocks were in the center of the water from the eastern shore. They had angled edges pointing up. The stream seemed a meter or so across, so i thought that i could step on the rocks and jump to the western shore. As i stepped on them, though, i noticed that a square area on the western bank, just to the west of me was recessed. Rounded rocks in the area were under water. It would be hard to jump to. I stood, balanced on my right foot while i decided how to cross. I would have to jump to something. I then noticed pale tan gravel to the northwest of me, at the base of a steep slope. It was close enough that i could simply step to it, and it ran up the western shore. I adjusted my feet and stepped over the gravel and onto the shore. I then started jogging west, thinking that the trail went in this direction. I could hear the others moving toward me. I thought that they might wonder how i had gotten ahead of them. I noticed a long purple mark on the ground, and i realized that i was on the trail. I started heading west, following the mark. I then realized that we had been running for a little while, and we had not stopped for beer. I wondered if a beer stop would be nearby. A small room was to the northwest of me, and i reached the doorway that led into it. The room had dull yellow walls, and i noticed chalk marks on the floor. I thought that this must be where we stop for beer, but the marks did not say that. A large circle in black chalk was on the western side of the room. It was emphasized with a purple circle and purple lines that radiated from the circle. A black rectangle was drawn in side the inner circle, and the words “pay here” were written in uppercase letters. I felt confused. This must be the place were we would register for the run, but it seemed strange, because we were already on the run. The others approached from the southeast, and i wondered why this would be the registration. This did not seem correct.

12022 June 13

I headed north, into the school building. This place seemed like $P7. I was returning here after a long time away. As i entered the main hall of the building, i was surprised by how much it had changed. The main hall was very wide, and it seemed like the corridor of a mall. Many people were walking around, and i stood for a moment, watching them. I then noticed that something was strange about the northwestern corner of the wide hall that i was in. The air in that area of the hallway shimmered with a brown hue. I thought that this was a special field. I thought that this was like something from the Harry Potter universe. The field was something special, and it contained a slightly different area behind it. I moved my hand slowly toward it to touch it, but someone approached me from the south and warned me not to touch it. The person seemed to think that it was dangerous to touch. The person sayed that it was a time-dilation field, and i knew that it contained an area where time was moving differently than where i was. I was looking to the southeast at the man as the bell rang. I looked quickly back at the field, and it was gone. It had been timed to disappear with the class bell. I walked to the east down the hall, which departed the wide room from the center of the eastern wall. $A48 was no the northwest of me as we moved. Something then happened in the hallway. I felt uneasy here, and i felt bitter about being back here. Someone had attacked me in some way, and i had defended myself. I would not have done that as a younger boy in this school, but i felt i should stand up for myself now. Unfortunately, i got in trouble for defending myself. I did not feel sorry, though. Instead, i felt defiant. I felt that the person should not have attacked me, and i should not have gotten in trouble for defending myself. The people here brought me back to the front hall of the building, where the time-distortion field was. I thought that they were punishing me by placing me within the field. I would only be in there for a short period of time, but it would seem a lot longer to me. An oval counter was in the center of the room, and the room was darkly lighted here. The oval service counter stretched east to west, and i walked to the west around the northern side of it. I thought that the field would keep me in this area for what would seem like a long period of time, but it would only be one class period. I felt annoyed, and i decided that i should try to sleep while waiting. Others were already sleeping under blankets on the floor to the south of me. I moved to the south a little and tried to get comfortable against the southern wall of the room. I was aware that a teacher was watching us from the west. I lay on my right side on one of the cushions on the floor. The place seemed dingy and crude. I tried to get comfortable, but i was not quite comfortable on the mattress. I moved my feet, trying to get them under a blanket so that i could stay warm. Someone was to the west of me, and i slipped my feet under the edges of their blanket. The person seemed like Neville. I lay on the ground for a moment, but i could not get comfortable. I tried moving into different positions, but i could not fall asleep. I was annoyed. I then moved to the west, talking to the others around me. We were awake and doing things. As we talked, we turned to the north to walk to the other side of the large room, which seemed like an outdoor space. I glanced to the east as we walked north. A wide shallow stream was set into a shallow canyon just to the east of us. The canyon was about a meter and a half deep, with steep walls. The water seemed to run west, but it came from the southeast, and i was looking down part of the shallow canyon. We started crossing a metal girder bridge over the water. A man was standing in the canyon about ten meters from the bridge, along the northern side. He was pushing small ducklings into the water and down the stream. This seemed strange, and i stopped to watch him. I felt concerned for the ducklings. I thought that they should not be put into the water at such a young age, and i worried that they were being separated from their parents. I wondered why he was pushing the ducks down the stream. He did not seem concerned for the ducklings, and i thought that he was simply treating them as toys. I asked the person to the north what the man was doing. The man moved closer to the northern side of the stream, where a wide flow of shallow water ran just to the south of him, over flat bedrock. The water ran to the west about three or four meters from the man before dropping over the edge of the flat rock. The drop was only about a deci, but i worried the current might trap the ducklings. I then noticed that the water running over the rocks was tan. The entire scene then seemed to be sepia. This seemed very strange.

12022 June 14

I turned to the north to pack things into the bag that was on the low surface. I had to pack the car to the south of me, and i was putting things into the boxes. I knew that the boxes would come on the airplane with me. I felt impatient as i packed, though. I felt as though i had to hurry, but i was still getting things together. Others were with me, packing things to the southeast of me. I told them to load the bomb. I then realized that what i had said sounded worse than it was. I knew that the bomb was really a mechanical device rather than an explosive device, but the people from the airport would not know that. I stood up and looked at the blue plastic bins that were against the southern wall of the room. I still had to load them, but i thought that they would not all fit into the vehicle. We would have to leave some of them here. I told the others that we would have to leave some of the bins, but they were not listening to me. They were doing something to the east of me. I felt frustrated. I tried to go back to packing what i could. I was aware that my father was to the north of me.

12022 June 15

I had been staying in this apartment. It seemed like a plain place, and i stood in the middle of the room. People had been telling me how to do things, and i felt frustrated with them. I felt out of place here, and i was not sure what to do. I knew that this place was for older people. It was like an old-age home. I was not sure why i was here. I mentioned that i had gone jogging to a man, motioning to the southeast. Something seem unclear to me. I thought about what i had said, and realized that others here would not have gone jogging. They were more sedentary. I looked around at the room. Its walls were dark gray and curved outward in the center, making the room somewhat round. I was not sure what is should do. Others then started coming into the room from the south.

12022 June 17

I moved around the room of the small apartment. I had been here for a party, but most of the people had left already. It seemed like early morning, and i was still here. The party seemed to have been hosted by $A623. I felt a little uncomfortable here, but i thought that i was expected to stay. The room i was in seemed like a kitchen, with a counter along the eastern wall that had cupboards above it. A tan counter ran along the northern wall, with a few appliances on it and cupboards underneath it. I put a premade waffle into the white toaster, which was on the western end of the counter. Fewer people now seemed to be in the apartment than just a few moments ago. I headed to the north, through a doorway, which was just to the west of the end of the counter. A tall white plastic set of shelfs ran along the southern wall of the narrow room, and they were full of small packages of food. Several of the small bottles seemed to have spices in them. I looked through the items, thinking that i needed to find some syrup. I stared moving to the east along the shelfs. This room seemed like a pantry or storage area. I did not see any syrup right off, but i thought that i could also use honey on the waffles. I then noticed a small bottle of honey on a small tower in the center of the plastic shelfs. The square tower seemed to be a set of shelfs that stood out a little to the north of the main set of shelfs. I started to pick up the bottle, but i noticed that it had dark spots in the honey. Something had gotten into the bottle. I put it back, feeling disappointed that it was dirty. I then noticed a tall thin bottle with a maple-leaf shape near the top. The bottle was on the eastern side of the tower. It seemed like a bottle for maple syrup, but it had dish soap in it. A metal counter ran along the southern wall to the east of the shelfs, and a sink seemed to be in the eastern end of the counter. The counter seemed like a dish basin from an industrial kitchen. I was disappointed about the syrup, but i thought that i could probably use sugar on the waffles. I then noticed a honey bottle on the shelf to the south of me, and i wondered what i should do. Someone was to the west of me now, and i said something to the person. I was then in the yard to the north of the house. The area seemed like the room, like the place where the party had occurred. I was aware that $A623 had left the apartment, though, but i knew that she would be coming back soon. I moved to the south and sat on the edge of the pontoon boat. I remembered that the boat had been in the garage before, but it was now outside. It had a tan canvas canopy over the top of it, but the canvas had fallen forward so that the front end was collapsed on the deck of the boat. I thought that $A623 had not taken care of the boat in a while, and she had let it fall forward. I was disappointed, thinking that the boat had been a nice boat, but it had been neglected and was now wearing down. I looked over the boat, noticing some mold growing on the canvas when rain had soaked in. The body of the boat was square with rounded corners, and the edges were about a half meter higher than the deck of the boat. The sides of the boat seemed to be made of wood, but the wood was old an rotting. I felt disappointed that the boat had been allowed to decay so much.

I was in the room of the house with others. The room was large and open, and the southern end seemed like a restaurant. I felt that i had to do something, and i moved to the northwest. I was carrying something in my arms. A large bed was against the northern wall, and two people sot on the southern edge of the bed. I was aware of them, but i did not pay them much attention. I had to do something.

12022 June 21

I stopped at the western ends of the hallways. Two hallways ran from the east and curved to the point where i was standing. One curved from the southeast and one from the northeast. They seemed to meet an a narrow angled corner. I said something to the other person, whom i had been with previously. I had something to do, and i told the man that i had to get ready for the procedure, which seemed to be a medical procedure. The man walked to the southeast, and i started down the hall to the northeast, which curved to the east. The hall seemed to end in a large open room. Just before the room, i stopped and reached into the box to the east of me. It seemed to be handing from the ceiling of the corridor, but the section of the ceiling was low enough that it seemed to be a panel in front of me. A case was on the wall, and several tags were hanging on small hooks inside the case. The case seemed to be about a quarter of a meter wide and about a deci and a half long. It was about a half deci deep. The round tabs seemed white with colored borders. The boarders seemed to be red, yellow, and green. I was looking for a green tag. I grabbed one, but i could not quite get it off the hook. I moved my hand to try to unhook it, but i was not successful. The front of the case had a diamond-shaped opening in it. I thought about the green tag, which seemed to be the correct tag for my procedure. I wondered if the tag meant that i would need radiation as part of my treatment. I hoped that i did not need any radiation. I felt annoyed with the case, because i was not able to pull the correct tag out. Finally, i decided that i should head out, and i decided that i did not want to deal with the tags, because i was not able to grab the correct one from the box. I pushed the cardboard box back onto the low ceiling to the east of me. I pushed it and held it for a moment to get it to stick to the ceiling. I then turned to the west. I was now in a room. The man was standing to the southwest of me, and he said something. I replied as i grabbed my red bandanna from the square pillar that was just to the northwest of me. The square light-black surface was just below the level of my waist. I picked up the bandanna, which was already tied to wear as a hat, and i put it on my head.

12022 June 26

I moved into the room where the others had gathered. We seemed to be at a special event, which seemed like a conference, but i knew that we were here by invitation. I thought that this event was run by the Subgenius, and i thought that they had invited me here for a reason. I felt flattered and felt a little special, but i also felt suspicious of their motives for inviting me. I walked closer to the group of people who were gathering on the northern side of the room. I felt nervous. We walked as a group to the south, down the western sidewalk on the street, which seemed like a hallway. I was aware of the house to the west of me. We then stopped in the rectangular room. The room was dimly lighted, and the others were gathering with me. I wondered if this event was a scam. I stood near the northern side of the group, thinking of why they would have invited me here. I seemed to be wearing a dress suit, and i stood with my hands clasped near my waist. A person to the northeast of me directed us to the south. We moved across the darkened room to a small section of the room that extended to the west. A large table was in the center of the room, with only enough space around it for seats. I sat down on the eastern end of the northern side of the table. Someone else i seemed familiar with sat to the west of me. I talked to the person for a moment, still wondering whether there was a gimmick to the event or not. A man walked up to me from the south and handed me a small stack of thin things. They seemed to be in a box, but i could see them without the box. One book was a portfolio. I thought that it would have works that had been done for me by a marketing team. I held the box to the south of me as i looked through the thin books and albums in it. The phonograph albums were on the left side of the box, and i lifted them and looked at the covers. The first two covers seemed dark, with only a little bit of white to create a figure. I knew that the people here had taken baby pictures of me from the Internet and created album covers as a fake history of me. I flipped through the covers and then stopped at the first on the western side. It was dark, and it had a black and white photograph of a baby’s face filing the front. Small text arced over the top of the face, saying “Save the Baby”. White banners spread from either side of the type. Something was written at the bottom of the phonograph cover as well. I liked the images, and i pointed them out to the man to the west of me. I thought that they would send these fake albums out to the internet so that people would find them and think that they were a real part of my past. We were supposed to be doing something for these people, and the fake profiles seemed important. I wondered again if the people here were helping me do something or taking advantage of me for their own gain. The table was then to the east of me, and i stood up and moved to the north. The people here said that i should go into the building and say that the television is not regulation. I thought about this, thinking that it was a good stunt. I would be dressed as Bob, and i would walk into a public place and make a declaration just inside the door. I thought about how i would walk into the building, which seemed like a pub. I would be walking in through the door in the northern side of the building. I thought the people inside would be bewildered. Some might even find it funny. I then wondered what would happen after. I hoped that the people who had brought me here did not intend to drive off while i was in the building and leave me there. If that happened, i thought that i would have to walk away and keep walking to stay in character. I picture what i would say. I would walk in and simply say “Attention! This television is not up to regulation.” I would then leave.

We were with some other people as $F71 and i got back on the bus. We had been traveling with this group of people, and we had just returned from someplace. The group seemed like a tour group. We seemed to pass through the small bus and stopped on the eastern side. The bus was a small platform, and it had a metal shelf with thin metal railings around the front of it. $F71 had walked out onto the metal grated platform on the front of the bus, and i followed him. I thought that we would not be able to be on the platform when the bus was in motion, though. I thought that would be unsafe. The bus then started moving. I worried that we might fall off if we stayed on the front of the bus. I told $F71 that it was not safe here and that we needed to get inside the vehicle. He seemed suddenly upset, and he stepped off the southern side of the platform. The bus came to a stop. A large metal structure was just to the east of us now. It seemed like an overpass or a bridge. $F71 waved his arms around him, as if to push the traffic in the area away. I was afraid that a car might hit him. The bus had stopped to avoid running into him as he crossed to the north, in front of the bus. I jumped off the southern side of the platform and walked after him. I was worried. He seemed very upset with me now, and he was purposely ignoring what i was saying to him. The bus had stopped at the western end of a large bridge with thick square metal girders or on the western end of a parking garage with a thick girder just to the southeast of me. $F71 stomped to the southeast, passing to the east of the pillar. I started after him, but i realized that the bus was moving again. It drove off to the east, leaving us. I thought that the driver did not want to deal with us. I felt very upset now, thinking that the tour group had left us behind. I was then aware of the large building to the west of me. It seemed to be made of pale tan stone or brick. It was a simple design, with white stone lintels and a very flat face. It had multipane windows at regular intervals along the front, and it seemed like a town building. Something about the building seemed important. I headed into it, entering a stairwell. I looked around the building, but i could not find $F71. I was outside the building again, and i started to head away from it, but i thought that the building was important. I headed to the north, into a stairwell again. I came into a small room from the west. Others were already in the room. I crossed the room to the east, heading for a large window. A woman on the southern side of the room asked me about $F71, and i told her that he had gotten off of the bus. I felt bitter about it. She said that he had told her something different. I felt defensive, thinking that $F71 was lying about the situation. I thought that he might be blaming me for it. $F71 then came from the south. He was still walking with wide steps and waving his arms at his sides. He never seemed to face me, and he said something about me, accusing me of doing something. I felt upset, knowing that what he was saying was not true. I then noticed that the woman, who was to the northeast of me, was nodding with pursed lips. She seemed to understand that $F71 was not telling the truth. I felt a little relieved that she believed me, but i felt upset and frustrated that $F71 was angry. I was not sure what to do.

12022 June 27

I looked at the pictures as the man explained something to me. The row of pictures seemed to be to the south of me. They were illustrated figures of people on a white sheet of paper. Some seemed to have color, and some were just black and white. Several seemed drawn like comic-book figures. The pictures were almost twice as tall as they were wide, and there were quite a number of them in the row. They had something to do with the arrows. I focused on the second picture from the left. It was of the head and shoulders of a man who wore a green helmet, which seemed like a helmet of a comic-book figure. He was aiming a gun out of the picture. The other person talked about the images. I focused on a simple line drawing of a man, who seemed to be standing as though playing ping-pong. A horizontal line just below his waist seemed to be a surface, which was slightly higher on the left side of the image. His shirt was drawn with a single black line, which curved up and back down to a flat bottom. The shoulders were slightly narrower than the bottom of the shirt. His arms were single black lines that extended out and down, as though the man was in motion to the right. His face was simple, but it had an expression of surprise, with the mouth slightly open. I then realized that his shirt had the name of $P7 written on it. This amused me. The man said something about the drawings, and i realized that they were some kind of targets. I thought that a second set of images must be behind me, lined up directly across from these. Shots were supposed to be fired from the images behind me to the images in front of me. I asked the person about them, stating something in my question. The person responded to me, but his response was belittling, making it seem like what i said should have been obvious to everyone. I felt very upset. I turned to the north, becoming very angry. A set of metal arrows was against the western wall of the room. They seemed aluminium and had a pink hue. I felt furious with the man, and i grabbed a hand full of arrows and broke them, throwing them to the ground. I then walked quickly out, thinking that i had done something violent. The man seemed like $A103. I wondered why i had broken the arrows. I suddenly felt bad that i had done so. I ran outside of the building, heading east. I was not sure what i to do. I was so upset that i had broken the arrows in anger, and i screamed in frustration.

12022 June 28

I stood on the sidewalk in the urban area. The woman stood to the northeast of me. The area to the southeast of us seemed to be a small plaza, and an intersection seemed to be just to the northwest. I had said something to the woman, and i was waiting for a response. She looked at me uneasily. I felt suspicious of her. She was a tall thin woman with brown skin. Her face had sharp cheekbones, and she had a narrow nose. Her curly hair hung down to her chin, and she seemed to be wearing a tan fedora. She was dressed nicely, with a loose trench coat that was wide at the shoulders and tight around her waist. She asked to see my cell phone. I felt a little suspicious of her, but i handed her my cell phone so that she could see what i had been talking about. She said that her phone was not working. I had been holding my phone in my left hand. She started walking to the north, and i worried that she would keep my phone. I followed her. Many people moved around the streets, and she walked with them, continually looking at me. She headed across the street at a cross walk. I watched her as she turned to the east on the northern sidewalk. I felt annoyed with her. I started to cross, but i saw her head back to the south, crossing an a second crosswalk that was only five meters from the one i was at. I headed to the east. She continued south across the plaza, glancing at me as she walked. She passed in front of a large building, which was to the east. The building had a narrow thick marquee above the three or four entry doors at the front. The trim on the marquee seemed to be maroon. she stopped at one of the doors in the center of the building and pulled it open to enter. I caught up with her at the door. I was interested in the building, and i asked what it was. It seemed like a theater or cinema.

12022 June 29

I walked to the south, entering into the eastern end of the small office. The entry door was in the center of the eastern wall, and the eastern wall seemed square and small. Two or three others were with me in the office. I remembered this office from before. It seemed to be a part of IBM. The others were looking around the room for something, and i was to the west of the. An old wooden desk was on the northern side of the room, and a large black cabinet was against the southern wall. The cabinet was about a meter and a half tall and very wide. I told the others that my grandmother used to work here, tying things. I imagined that she typed up documents in old programming code. I remembered a code that did not use letters, and i thought that i could say that she used to type up programs in that language. I then wondered if we should be looking for something in the office. I thought that it would be inappropriate for us to open drawers and things, but the others already seemed to be looking at things on the surfaces. I noticed a couple small plastic spheres on top of the black metal cabinet to the southeast of me, just to the west of a man who was looking through the stack of large paper on the cabinet. WE started to look around at things. A man then opened the door in the eastern wall, swinging it to the south. He seemed to be wearing a navy-blue business coat over a white shirt, and he seemed to have a matching blue fedora. I felt nervous about being caught here. I was then in the hall outside the room, talking to the man. The hall seemed to a juncture of several corridors. The room was to the south of me now, with the door in the southern wall of the corridor. A hallway seemed to run to the east and west along the wall where the door was. I stood to the north of the corridor, in an open atrium, with a wall just to the west of me. The man stood to the northwest of me, near the northern end of the wall. To the northwest of us, a corridor ran west, and the northern wall to the north of me seemed to be about three meters away. To the northeast was an open space, with a wall of doors that faced southwest. Several of the doors were open, and people were moving in and out of the room beyond. They seemed to be coming from a conference in the room. The man was asking me about something, and i told him that my grandmother used to work here, typing documents. I told him that she used to type up old programming code that was written with strange symbols. I then thought that the characters must look like an alien language from a movie. I was aware that what i was saying was not correct, though. My grandmother was then standing to the west of me, near the wall. She smiled sweetly at me, without saying anything. She had come from the conference to the northeast and had passed to the south of me. I reached out an put the palm of my left hand on her right cheek. As she smiled, i leaned toward her and kissed her on her left cheek. She then walked back to the northeast, toward the conference room. I thought that she was still doing things for this company, even though she had retired. She must be visiting people at the conference. I felt pleasant as i watched her go into the room.

12022 June 30

I carried the bushel of flowers to the south, heading down the western side of the room. Other people were doing things in the room. It seemed that we were getting ready for Halloween. The room seemed roughly square, with corridors or a wider section to the east and west on the southern side. Two square columns were in the middle of the southern side of the room, and a dividing wall seemed to run across the northern side, from east to west. The two ends of the dividing wall and the columns formed a square in the center of the room. A woman did something to the northwest of me, and a few people were moving around in the center of the room, to the north of the two columns. I rounded the western column and hung the flowers on a hook near the ceiling, suspending them across the gap between the two columns. The flowers seemed to form a wide flat surface of greenery, with bright orange blossoms here and there. The flowers were elongated, like long lilies, and grew from stems in the middle of the mix of green vines. I started cutting the long flowers off, leaving about a deci of stem below them. I cut four or five off and collected them in my left hand. I thought that i would need the flowers for my costume. I seemed to be wearing a black shirt, and i picture the orange flowers affixed all over the shirt. Something seemed incorrect about this, though. I started pacing around, trying to think about what i needed to do. The woman on the western side the room said something. I moved back to the north, around the western side of the columns. I tried to imagine how the flowers would look on shirt. I thought that i would need many of them, and i hoped that there were enough. I then noticed that the vines had many different types of flowers on them. Several of the buds were round, with many petals, like a carnation. A few had spiny petals, like an allium. Several more had long thin orange stems with arced soft spines coming of them, ending in small white balls. I wondered which flowers i should cut for my costume. I thought that i would only need some, and i thought that the more rounded flowers would fill up more space. I considered that i might have cut the wrong type of flowers at first. The woman stood to the west of me, and i was to the south of the vines now. I looked around the room as i talked to her. We had hung several colorful decorations across the ceiling above the vines, to the north of me. The ceiling was high now, and it was pale in color. I spotted the large paper snake with the round head near the western column. I had considered it as a costume, but i deiced not to wear it. I then spotted the painted mask of a crude skull face on the ceiling next to it. Many other small things seemed to be attached to the ceiling and northern wall of the room. I then turned back to the vines that were hung between the two columns to the southeast of me. $F67 was standing to the north of me. She moved forward, toward the things that were on the ground. I had arranged several barrels and containers to the north of the vines. I asked her about them. She grabbed the tall wooden barrel on the northwestern side of the cluster and adjusted its position. I felt a little hurt that she had adjusted it, but i turned my attention to the other person to the northwest of me and said something. I then walked back to the southern side of the two columns. The woman followed me. I looked at the vines, realizing that i had cut many of the flowers from a section of the vines. I thought that i should have cut them from the northern side of the vines so that this area did not look so blank. I remembered a greater variety of flowers on the northern side.

It was late at night, and i was in my grandmother’s house. I had been sleeping in the living room, and i walked to the east, toward the doorway to the kitchen. I thought that my grandmother was out, and i focused my thoughts of her to the southeast, toward the entry door to the southeast of the kitchen. I had stopped in the doorway to the kitchen. Something seemed strange. I thought that the house had moved. I backed a little, thinking that the floor was actually tipping. I stepped back into the dining room to the west, remembering that the floor in this room had always slanted to the west. I thought that maybe the entire house was tipping now. I moved back to the doorway to the kitchen. I then lunged into the kitchen and came to a sudden stop, pretending to rock the house. I felt the house move in response to my motion. It rocked to the east and then back. This seemed interesting, and i did not find it unusual. I stood for a moment, feeling the wobble die down. The house then tipped on its own, tipping to the east. This time, it did not tip back. I was still standing on the floor, but the house seemed to have tipped over. I pictured it tipped over across the driveway. I wondered if my grandmother was still sleeping in the bedroom to the north of me. Something seemed unrealistic about this situation now.