11995 July 01

I was at $P19. My mother was there for a while. My knee hurt a lot, and i found it hard to walk. I had to pack my things so that i could leave. I walked across the room toward the counter. $F4 was there to get some food. We walked out of the restaurant, and $F4 and i got onto the carnival ride. It was like a scrambler, and it was a pale red metal. We went around a couple of times, but $F4 started to get sick. We climbed off and started walking along the parking lot at the edge of the building. The parking lot was paved black with white lines. Then this group of men started picking on us. We ignored them and kept on walking. We walked around the side of the white cement building. There was a black boarder at the top of the building. The three men followed us. They were rather stocky, like football players. We stopped on the other side of the building and they caught up with us. They attacked us. I thought about fighting them off, but ended jumping onto the side of the wall. I was standing there while $F4 beat them up. My adrenalin was high, and i jumped off of the wall. I walked down the corridor with $F4 and entered the large banquet room. There was a party going on. I watched an oriental woman as she walked across the room. She was wearing a plain black dress that came down to her knees. She was attractive. The party seemed more like a wedding reception or banquet for the family. Everyone around me was oriental. There was a father figure with his wide at one side of the room. He was wearing a tuxedo and had a squarish face. He bowed to each of the guest couples as they came up to greet him. I felt slightly out of place, as i did not know the people there. I looked around. The waiters were still setting the tables. There were thick pink clothes over the tables, with pleated napkins near the plates. The napkins and place settings were all white. I thought that i should leave, so i started to wander toward the door. I opened it and walked out into the hall. I realized that the people were following me. The guests had not known that they could wander into the hall. By doing so myself, i had given them the idea. I was wondering if anyone would notice if i let them wander away. They continued down the hallway, heading for the elevator at the end of the hall. It was a decorative elevator, with black metal decorations cast over the white doors. I turned to the left and walked down the back hall. I moved where the crowd was not. Some people started to follow me. I rounded the corner to the right and saw the gallery at the end of the hall. I remembered how $F10’s family had the gallery in the back of their house. I hoped that they would not mind me visiting it once more. I wandered into the gallery. There were windows to the left, on the front of the building that let the sun shine in. We were several stories up. I looked at the paintings on the wall to my right. They hung high overhead. Then i looked at the clothing racks to my left. I guessed the galley had been converted into a shop. On the racks above me were a couple of wrestling jerseys. They had some red and some blue. I remembered wanting to buy some. Then i wandered into the next room. There was a counter there, with shelves to the right of it. I looked on the shelves and noticed several volumes of books there. They looked like textbooks, or D&D books. One of them was white, with decorations on the spine. They were all wrapped in plastic.

11995 July 02

I got into the water and looked around. There were docks around me, and the small bay was man-made. It had wooden sides, with vertical slats of wood holding back the bank. The water was rather cool, and there was muck in the water, like old algae. I was trying to fix one of the docks. I looked it over. The side boards of the bay were falling apart. They were rotting at the bottoms, and the panels were easy to pull apart. $A14 stood on the shore, asking me how it was going. I told him that the boards would not work. It might have been because of the nuclear reactor at the end of the bay. It was spoiling the water and helped to decay the wood, or it could have been the rocks at the bottom of the water. Something was making the water very acidic. I turned around and walked over to the wooden counter. There were cabinets with oak doors arching above me as i read through the papers. I was not sure what i was supposed to do with the papers. $A14 went through the papers and showed me what to do. He left and i walked around the lab. There was a chapter in the packet that i was supposed to do. I was not sure how it was supposed to be done. I felt lost, so i asked $A14 again what i should do. I had to translate the two files from the folder. They needed to be corrected, but i did not know what to do.

11995 July 03

The bank robbers came into the building. They held up the bank. I watched as they shot people and then went about their business. I had a sense that they could not be stopped. They were above the law and could not be captured. The robbers shot everyone in the place and left. I thought about stopping them. I stood at the side of the other room as they came in. I could not let them find me. I hid behind the dark grey file cabinets. I was afraid that they might see me. I saw a man attack one of them. I felt hopeful that he would beat him and that the robbers would be defeated. The man who came in was an African. He had short black hair and was young, tall, and thin. He knew karate and was beating up on the robber. I thought he would win. The robber threw him down on the ground and pulled out a knife. It was a five-inch blade, which was made of a white synthetic material. The robber stabbed the man through the side of his rib cage and into his heart. I was afraid again. I ran upstairs and through the air processors. They came into the room looking for me. They wanted to kill everyone. I tried to fly up the side of the building. It was night and i landed on the ledge near the top floor of the building. The robbers went into the bottom of the building. They were still after me. I kept getting away, but they kept following me. They knew that i was there, so they followed. I tried to fly up the elevator shaft, but i realized that the elevator was there. I felt trapped. The men are very evil and would not give up. They had no feelings in what they did.

11995 July 05

$A75 was teaching the English class. I sat in one of the armchairs with the rest of the students. I looked down at my book, but it was too dark to read anything. I could not see enough of the text to know what it was about. $F4 sat next to me at the wooden table. I talked to him for a while, but i felt competitive. The classroom was just not right. I walked over to the counter and started arranging the items on it. People walked around the store around me. I found a small earring on the floor. I picked it up and played with it. It was a brassy colour and had several bangles off of it. I realized that they were part of the gold cowboy hat. They hooked to the inside of the hat, which was flat, like a large earring. The bangles had blue stripes around them. $A143 was there at the counter. He was watching me put the hat back together. I showed it to him when i was done. They were elephant earrings. I turned and walked outside. I walked out the glass door of the building and up the cement steps, toward the potter. There were pinkish-red flowers growing in the potter. I walked over to the kiosk and handed the man back the rings that i had found in the store. The earrings had become rings. I picked up the cylindrical object. It produced a humming noise when you played with it. I heard the label and found that it was a pilsner. I thought that was actually good. I picked up the small plastic fork from the counter and headed back into the store. The store was more like a church now. It was dark, with tall ceilings. The light was filtered from the windows, as if coming through stained glass. The choir was practicing on the platform to my right. I went to the counter where i was supposed to work. I found an umbrella there. It had a wooden pole with a white and yellow cloth. The fat man came over to the counter and looked at the umbrella. It was not my umbrella, but it looked rather close. I was supposed to be leaving work. I had to get ready to leave. The fat man in the business suit was rather weary of me. He wanted to know where the umbrella came from. I told him that it was not mine. I could hear the people from the choir talking from the platform. They were discussing which parts they were supposed to do.

11995 July 06

There was a horse there. It kept wandering back and forth in front of the wire fence. I did not know what to think about it. Then i saw the guitar leaning up against the pole. The strings were broken from it, and it needed to be repaired. It looked like $F13’s guitar. It was a black classical guitar. I wondered how it could be restrung.

11995 July 07

I walked around the large room. There was a party going on. I did not really know anyone. There was a large tank of water by the back wall. It had thick glass sides, and some people were bathing in it. In the distance, i could see people in the swimming pool. Others were hanging around the room, talking. I then noticed that most of the couples in the room were homosexual. A pair of men kissed as they danced. I felt strange being here. I was not comfortable with the people, but i did not like being at the party alone. I walked back toward the front of the room. A man suddenly started to harass me. He was trying to pick a fight. I ignored him for a little while, but he started attacking me. I pushed him back into the room and he attacked me again. I let him fall past me and then pushed him into the bouncer at the front door. He was occupied for a few moments, so i stepped into the crowd, where he would not be able to follow me. I was outside, walking along the edge of the building. Then i was in the back seat of the car. $F29 was there. The two people in the front seat of the car were homosexual, and were on their way to a show. I was interested to know where they were going, but did not ask them. At the fraternity house, i was feeling really bad. I took a knife from the drawer and sliced off the right side of my nose. It was for dramatic effect. I wanted to see how people would react. A couple of people walked by. They wanted to know what i had done to my nose. I told them i had cut it off. I had intended on cutting the other half off in a few minutes. I thought, for a moment, that it was odd that i did not feel any pain. I took the piece of flesh i had cut of and took a bite out of it. It was rather chewy. I looked at the remaining piece of flesh. It was the right lobe of my nose. I ate that as well. I thought that i would just cut off the entire nose. It was no big deal, as it would always grow back. Then i wondered if it would leave any scar tissue. I did not want that. I could have put the pieces back on and bandaged them up, but i had already chewed and swallowed them. I decided to bandage my nose up. I got several white gauze pads from the kitchen and tried to put them on my nose. The person wandered into the dining room and looked out the front window. They were wondering if there was a tornado coming.

I walked toward the pond with the bowel of three tadpoles. There was a very large turtle in the pond, but i it was on the other side. I dumped a couple of the tadpoles in and watched them swim away. I wondered if the turtle would eat them. I picked the last fish out of the bowl and placed it into the pond. It floated slowly for a while. The turtle, whose head was now more like a lizard’s, opened its mouth and waited for the fish to swim by. As the fish started to move by the side of the man’s mouth, the lizard grabbed the fish in his mouth and ate it. It was an old man with a balding head. I got up and walked away from the pond. I was wary of the turtle, who was an old man. The old man started to follow me. I walked around the front of the large university dorm, which seemed to be one of the dorms at $P104, and tried to lose the man. He kept following me. There were two construction workers in front of the building. I watched them as i walked by. I thought about walking back by the pond, hoping the man would go back in. I turned around to confront him by the side of the other building. He asked me if i remembered any Michael Jackson songs. He mentioned the song “I Wanna Rock With You”. I sang a section of it, and them pushed him back against the wall. I did not feel hostile, but i was tying to get away from him. I walked across the room toward the boy. Wally Cleaver was sitting there. I talked to him for a little while.

11995 July 08

I pondered the ivy machines for a moment before i followed $F4 inside the building. He said that he was going to buy a gun. I was not sure if he was serious, and felt a little uneasy. We walked up to the counter at the gun store. I wondered if they would sell guns to us without a license. $F4 wanted a big gun. $F5 was there, and he was going to buy a gun as well. I thought about how long it would take for the guns to be ordered and whether it was illegal to have them. $F4 asked for a machine gun. The man at the counter handed $F4 a rifle, showing him how the clip worked. Then he brought a long black tube, which looked like a hand-held gatling gun, and handed it to $F5. They were all very powerful guns. We walked down the hall and got into the hum, which was a six-wheeled all-terrain vehicle. It was purchased at the gun store. $F5 started to drive the hum up the hill. Someone asked “So, what are you going to do now. . . take out a house?” We chuckled and continued to ride up the slope. The hill was covered with large rocks with sharp edges, like the embankment of a waterway. The hill became very steep, and the hum did not seem to be able to make it. I was climbing up the rocks myself. $F5 was on the other side of the hum, walking. Then the hum tipped over and rolled back down the hill. It landed upside-down, with people still in it. I hoped that they were all right. I ran back down the hill and flipped the vehicle off of them. I wanted to make sure that they were okay. $F13 was underneath, and sat up. He was upset that the hum did not work right. He started to write a letter of complaint. He was very upset and looked like he might cry. I wanted to comfort him. Everybody gathered around and sat on the ground. They started talking as if at a dinner table. $A452 asked $F13 “So, like, what are you going to write? ’Dear sir, i’m very pissed off.’?” Andy was hurt a little by the comment.

The road race had already started by the time i got out of the bathroom. I started to follow them. $A62 was in the hall outside of the locker room. He was encouraging me to catch up with everybody. He started scrubbing things along the brown walls of the building. Steve Urkel was there, and thought that the writing should not be on the wall. I ran down the hall after the runners. I passed the man on the couch and ran over to the table. I started signing the pieces of paper that were three. The figure was decorative, looking like a script “WY” with connected letters. Soon, i was making the marks with a green highlighter pen. It left a thick wet line on the paper. I soon realized that the pink sponge with which i was writing, was saturated with paint. I held it over the silver bowl of green paint and let it drip for a little while. Then i picked up the clean sponge and tried to drip only a little paint. The paint was too watery, however, and saturated the other sponge. Then Dudley Moore came up on my right. He looked over my shoulder to see how i was doing. I asked him if he would like to help me dip the popcorn balls into the green dip.

$F13 was sitting in one of the chairs in the hallway. The walls were white, with uneven black grime smeared from the seam between the blocks, about three metres up. $A344 was three. He was all pumped up, and was showing us his muscles. $F13 admired the way they looked, and i pointed out what i thought was interesting. $A344 flexed different muscle groups for us. There were other people gathered in the hall, but they were in there own discussions. I was standing behind an empty chair. $A344 flexed his leg muscles, and i noticed the small muscle bulges along his upper thigh. Then, as a joke, he pulled down his pants and showed us his penis. It was long and erect and had a tapered end, like the tail of a flat worm. I rolled my eyes and turned around, carrying the chair with me. I walked past $A344 as he pulled his pants back up and headed down the stairs. I had to go to the lavatory to urinate.

11995 July 09

I was with the $G4 as they collected in the woods. We were all ready for a good run. Then we were off and running. We ran though the woods and through the thick undergrowth. We ran through the dense green forest. Then we came to the water trough. It ran down the side of the hill. The runners jumped into it and slid down. I was hesitant at first, but jumped in anyway. The water slide was V shaped at first, and three was a fair amount of water flowing down it. The slide turned into a tube and curved as it went down the hill. I jumped off at the bottom. There was a stone wall to the left of the slide as it went down the ravine. The area was heavily forested. There was a thick metal grating angled to the left and front, through which the water flowed. The openings were square and about a deci wide, with about a third of a deci of metal in between. The reddish dirt path curved from the bottom of the ravine, off to the right. $A79 walked off down the path, and i followed. It led to a large white house. I watched myself run up onto the porch and then inside. We hung around the kitchen for a while and talked. We were having fun. I felt awkward though, because i had not showered. The others had already cleaned up. I thought that i should not go with them, as i was still dirty. Then $A326 showed up. I had forgotten to bring her socks again. I called her name and told her, and she scowled at me. $A161 walked around from the back of her car. He had found the Dominos pizza that she had brought. It was a sausage and pepperoni pizza.

We were driving down the road along the coast. The terrain was open, with very few trees. The land around us was covered with bright green grass and shrubs. The dunes were rather sharp, and the road was a pale grey, with a broken narrow shoulder. I thought, for a moment, that we might be lost. My grandmother was in the car with me, along with my parents. They were lost. I kept thinking that we were in Maine, or somewhere else on the New England coast, like Cape Cod. I kept noticing the road signs. They were crest shaped and blue, with a white design on the top part and white numbers in the bottom section. I decided that we were in Canada. We turned right at the next road and came out onto the ocean shore. The road curved over the yellow sand and out onto a light-grey roadway under the water. He stopped the car suddenly on the grey roadway, right before the car hit the water. We looked over the edge and noticed that the embankment continued under the water for a ways. The water was very still. We started forward again, when, suddenly, we realized that the dock did not continue much farther. We tried to stop, but the front wheels went over the edge of the dock. We were stuck. I turned around and headed back down the aisle of the bus. I noticed that the people in the back were removing the yellow seat. The seat was shaped like a carnival ride, like a bumper car. They were going to replace it with one that worked. I stood by as the steam engine rolled past, into the station. The other chairs in it were blue. I looked up in the other direction on the tracks. They ran along the tall white brick building. There was a docking bay along the side of the building that acted as a station. I walked along the platform and into the small room. It was the entranceway to a house. There was a door on the front of the room that lead out, a window on the right, and two interior doors on the back and left of the room. I was going to sneak out, but i did not want the old women in the room to the left to hear me. The entranceway was bright white, with rounded corners and a curved ceiling. It was not that tall and had darkly stained wood furniture along the walls. There was a slat-back bench under the window, and a small end table to the left of the main door. The main door was shorter than i by a little, and was heavy stained oak. A brass light fixture hung from overhead. I went over to the window, which was about a metre wide and half a metre tall, and deeply inset into the wall. It was painted colonial blue. It was a little above my chest level, and i tried to climb out it. I climbed back down to the floor and glanced in the other room at the old women. The other room was white as well, and had large colonial windows. The women were sitting around a table in the center of the room, preoccupied with sewing or something. They chatted to each other. I noticed that they were wearing black pilgrim clothes. Then the girls walked past me. They were from Little House on the Prairie. Nell was wearing a blue dress with a white bonnet, and she was bragging mow their family had just come into some money. I thought that i remembered that episode. We were in the general store, and there were things hanging from the rafters. It was a laundromat. Nell and the other girl were giggling about how much better off they would be. Then they picked up the pillow and tossed it over the balcony. It hit Laura Ingles, who was lying in a basket of clothes. She was wearing a brown flowered dress. Her mother was to her left at one of the white washing machines in the white laundromat. Laura pulled the pillow from her face and complained to her mother. Carol comforted her.

11995 July 11

The members of $G3 were there in the back hall of the house. They were leaving. I wan not going with them. I felt that they expected something from me, but i was not sure what. I felt uneasy. I walked down the stairs and into my parents’ basement. I could watch the members of $G3 leave from the window out back. There was a program on the back wall. It was an orange spot along the black wall. There were other orange spots along the wall, which was ribbed horizontally. The program was a small, octagonal chip. I knew that it was an “.hqx” file. I thought that this was strange, and mentioned it to $Z. We were both trying to figure out where the programs had come from. I knew that an “.hqx” format was an alternate format. We wondered what it could mean. Then, the woman in the tan suit walked toward us from the wall. I knew that she was Quark’s wife. She smiled at us and removed the orange chip. She handed me a tricorder and i continued to analyze the files along the wall. I looked at the readings. Dr. Bashire came up on my left, and i showed him the chip. It was broken. We were all very puzzled.

I was in the house. There were children running around. The old man came up and asked me a question. He was wearing a white dress shirt and was either oriental or occidental or both. He asked me what i knew. I looked past him, out the window. There was a wooden statue that looked like a duck. It was very featureless, but had a rounded head off to the right side. Then i remembered the young woman. She was occidental, with long black hair. She smiled at me as she passed. She was wearing a jade-green jacket. She was a memory from before. There was some story of her that related to this house. It was all from long ago.

11995 July 12

Mr. Worf was arguing with the woman about the ritual. He did not approve of the way it was being run. The woman objected to him. She was making it up as she went along. There was no real significance to the actions they were performing. It just looked right. I played with the mask. It was a snake mask, made with tan scales. The scales were tiny and covered the mask. The mask had a long tongue, which hung down below the mouth. It was thick in the middle, but i could not see the bottom of the tongue.

My grandfather was there. The others came by. I headed back toward the cars in the gravel lot. My father was down the walkway. I was acting very impolite to everyone, just like in the dreams i had. I got into the car and left. My mother was in the car with me. I drove up the old country road. The road headed up a steep hill. I drove through the boards that blocked the road off. There was snow on the sides of the road. The road was covered with a packed layer of snow. I headed up the steep hill, hoping that the car would make it all the way to the top. I drove over the large logs that were lying across the road. I neared the top of the road, but the car slowed down. We started to slip on the snow and get stuck. The other car on the road came up behind us and passed us. It was a four-by-four jeep. I backed down the hill and wanted to try again. I could see another car coming up behind us. I put my car into first to see if that would help. I accelerated better up the slope this time. I drove up the hill and made it over to top. We rounded the crest of the hill and started across the flat area on the other side. The sun was bright, and everything was green with life. There was a work crow to the right side of the road. They turned around to look at us as we drove by. The road was a scenic short cut. The yellow sign at the left side of the road said that the road was open. It also said that the hill we had driven up was at 2473 feet of elevation. We followed the road on the left side of the orchards. There were pipes running through the orchards. The orange and red utility pipes went through the orchards and then ran along the side of the road about three metres from the ground. They were held up by dark-grey braces. The exit to the orchard ran along the side of the pipes. It was an old dirt road that wove around the grey braces. There was a work crew in white T-shirts and yellow and reflector vests on the right side of the road. We approached the corner at the end of the orchard. The person who was telling the story of the construction workers charged. Something else was going on. They were working on the relays.

11995 July 13

$A423 was looking over the computer files in the small room of the house. The walls were covered with brown wood paneling. The computer was on a table in the center of the room, at the foot of what might be a bed. I was her, and looked through the computer files. Suddenly, i came upon a file of money. It should not have been on that computer. I realized that it was hidden there by someone who was trying to steal it. I clicked on the picture of the money and copied it over to the computer i was on. A triangle appeared in the lower left of the screen and had the image of money pouring onto a pile in it. I knew that i might get in trouble for copying stolen money. I heard sirens in the background, so i cleared the computer. I made it look like no one had been using it. $A423 removed all evidence that she was in the room and left. The police caught up with her later. They had found her black leather glove on the table near the computer. She had forgotten it. I was disappointed that i got caught. Then i found out that everything was all right after all. The money turned out to be fake, which meant that i could not get in trouble for copying it.

11995 July 14

I was eating at a table in the back room of the restaurant. The room was slightly below ground level, with windows high on the walls. The tablecloths were a red plastic polymer cloth. I was with someone at the moment, but we were finished eating dinner. I saw someone at another table that i knew. It was a friend of mine. I passed the female waiter as i was walking out the door of the room. She was wearing a white shirt and a red apron. I told her that i was finished with my dinner and that i was going to talk to a friend. I told her that she could just bring the check to me. I thought that she might be worried about me leaving without paying. I walked up to the table where $A218 was sitting. I was glad to see him and talked to him for a few minutes. There was a woman sitting to his left. She was a friend of his. It was snowing outside. I could see the snow fall onto the city street through the large window at the front of the restaurant. There was a parking garage across the street from the restaurant. I asked $A218 if he needed a ride back to $P19, as it was snowing. He said no; he would just ride his bicycle. I went over to the counter along the loft wall of the restaurant to pay. I had a white bag of merchandise on the counter. The woman with the dirty-blond hair behind the counter started ringing me up. I then noticed that my bag was missing. I asked the woman where she might have put it, but she did not know. I looked behind me at the next man in the queue. He had a large white bag in his hand. It was not mine, but i wondered if someone had taken mine. This was the second time my bag disappeared, and i was getting rather annoyed. The woman asked me if my bag was below the counter. I looked below me. The corner of the counter was rounded and made of wood. The finish was old and wearing off. I saw my bag on one of the shelves. I picked it up and placed in on the counter to the right of the register. I looked through it to make sure that everything was there. There were plastic toy robots in it. One was a blue transformer with black legs. There was also a red and black box in the bag. I finished at the counter and left. I walked into the parking garage, where i ran into $A218. He had come back from his trip. Te was tan and quite nicely built. It was good to see him. I could see the detail in his left arm, which told me that he had not fallen out of shape during his vacation. We talked about his vacation down in Mexico. We then talked about the “cruisers” and others out looking for a good fuck, like the queans.

11995 July 15

I was in the park. It was rather open, with no buildings. There were streets surrounding it on all four sides. It had a hill on the back of the park, which dipped into a small valley in the center. There were swing sets along the slopes of the hill, facing the center of the park. They had dull-yellow frames. I walked around in the park, waiting for my father to come and pick me up. I wondered why he had not come. It was getting rear dusk, and the park was emptying out. Soon the police came and told people that they had to get out of the park. There was a green chain-link fence around the park at that time. I walked out of the park and down the block. I was heading toward the apartment in the brownstone building on the street, along the eastern side of the park. I walked into the door, which was painted dark grey and was on the right side of the building, which was red brick. I walked up the stairs in the narrow hallway and into the apartment. I wondered why no one was coming to pick me up. I watched the cars drive by outside, near the front entrance of the park. Then i noticed $K3 getting out of her car below me. She was unloading some groceries from the passenger’s side. It reminded me of a scene from the 11970s. I walked around the apartment, worried that no one had shown up yet. Then i saw my mother’s car waiting by the entrance of the park. She was driving the yellow Vega. My grandparents walked up the back stairs and into the apartment above. I noticed some magazines on the shelf along the back wall. They were all out of print. It seemed that they would be hard for us to get.

I walked down the hill from $P19. I was bored and could find nothing to do. I walked across the suspension bridge and started up the other side. I passed some people from $G3, who were coming back from someplace. They were hanging out with $G4, as a single group. They were having fun, and i wished i had gone with them. I asked them from where they were coming and what they were up to. One of the women with them made a smart remark, purposely insulting me. I told her to get a life. She then made more jokes. I was upset, so i cursed at her. She was already with the others on the other side of the suspension bridge and walking down the trail. I called her a slut for hanging out with the others. She was hurt, but joked with the others. I wondered why i was so harsh to her and though that i should not have insulted her in such a way. I walked the rest of the way across the suspension bridge and up the hill toward the quad. There were some members of $G3 playing a game at the top of the hill. I saw $F7 walk off of the quad and toward the bridge. $F13 came running across the sports field and asked me how i was doing. We started talking about the rock buildings around us. Then i walked around the side of the black car. I hit the back window with a hammer. It did not break. It was made of plexiglas. The old woman smiled at my attempt. I would not be able to break the glass. I tried a side window. I expected the old woman to try to stop me, but she was confident that i could not break any of the windows on the car. I was trying to shatter one so that it would mark the car. The old woman had kidnapped us, and i wanted to mark her car so that people could find us. I hit the front window and noticed a little white mark. I hit it again and the mark widened. It was like a stress mark on plastic. I kept hitting it until the mark had spread, and it was obvious that the window had been hit. The woman grabbed me and dragged me into the house. She locked me and the other two into the cottage. She was going to keep us there. The other two were girls, and just stood around feeling trapped. I kept trying to escape. I tried smashing several of the windows, but they did not break. The old woman kept trying to restrain me, but i hit her and pushed her away. There was another old woman sitting in a chair. She was not capable of moving. She had square features and was wearing a very plain whit dress with a frilly collar. The other woman was thinner and had more worn features. I asked the other children why they were not helping me. I kept throwing things around. Then i found a cooking knife and i stabbed the old woman in the stomach. She fell to the ground. I pulled the keys from her belt and unlocked the door. A girl and i ran out toward the underpass of the red brick building. I told the girl to call an ambulance first, and then call the police. In the walking under the edge of building, i could see the leftovers of a banquet. I knew that the banquet was to lure the girls. It was a social event to celebrate the girls’ acceptance into elite society. There were some greek statues of Athena along the right wall. The tables in the center of the walkway had left over food on them. I could see a sandwich and some olives in a large silver cup. No one knew that the girls were to be trapped in the cottage. I walked back along the porch, which ran along the side of the cottage. I suddenly saw the old woman swimming out in the pond. She was going to kill herself. The pond was not that deep and was in the amphitheater of a cliff wall. The old woman sang as she swam. She said “Come on down and sit in the chair, Delilah. Delilah, let down your hair.” I remembered the myth about the chair at the bottom of the water. She was going to go down to sit in it and drown. I ignored her and walked into the house. The other girl came in, and i was surprised to see the old woman gone from the floor. The girl asked me where the woman had gone, and i told her that i did not know. The girl was the one who had made the phone calls. We walked into the other room to see the other old woman sitting in the chair still. Then we heard the singing from outside. We walked out the back door of the cabin and down the stairs to the right. We were on the foot of the lake. The old woman was standing on a floating deck in the middle of the water. She was getting ready to jump. $A135 asked me if i knew how to swim, hoping that i could rescue her. I told her that i could not swim, even though i knew that i could.

11995 July 17

I leaned forward, over the couch, holding onto the metal beam that ran across the room. I was talking to someone. Another person walked in, and we were uncomfortable talking in front of him. I delivered the sandwich to one of $G3. I was pushing a supply cart with food on it. It was snowing outside, and it was difficult to push the cart through the snow. The cart was then a bag, and i was dragging it over the snow. $F4 was with me, and he was dragging a bag as well. He tried to switch the backpack/bag from one shoulder to the other, but some of the food dropped out. He grumbled a little and then bent over to puck it up from the snow. I had just gotten out of bed and it was very cold. I started to put on my heavier house clothes, like my blue sweat pants and my old slippers. I walked around the room and across the driveway. There was a car parked across the driveway by the road. I wondered about it for a while. It did not feel safe there. I walked around the house. It was an old yellow house, with dare brown trim. It was rather run down, and the many layers of point were chipping. The two of us went to work on the trim at the edge of the room. $Z had a screwdriver, and was fixing the side of the house. I looked around and noticed that we were in the center of the house, as it made a U around us. I helped $Z with the window he was working. I noticed that the thick layer of paint on his forehead was cracked. I put my fingernail into the crack and chipped a large section of the paint off. It covered the left side of his forehead. I walked to the middle section of the house and noticed the clear plastic handle of a tool on the top of a metal box, which was attached to the side of the house. I picked the tool up and found it to have a screwdriver-like handle, with two strange gooks on either end. I played with it for a while. $Z moved to my left to work on the section of the house over there. I grabbed onto an overhead wire with the hook and played around with it. A third person came into the U of the house. He had red hair. Then $Z and i started looking over the metal box on the side of the building. There was a black cable wire running out the top of the box and up the wall. I could see the antenna on the roof above and assumed that the wire ran to it. Further investigation, however, revealed that the wire actually ran under the eves to the right and along the side of the house. It then ran over the black tar shingle roof and into the wall of the second story.

11995 July 18

I was in the dorm room with $F4 and $F7. We were fooling around on the beds. We were hitting each other with pillows and hiding under the blankets. $F5 was there, but he was sitting at the edge of the bed, talking to a girl. We kept fooling around. I jumped underneath the blanket. There was a small hole in it through which i peeked. I stared at $F5. He was annoyed and told me to quit it. I did not, so he jumped me and we started to wrestle.

11995 July 19

I stood at the edge of the cliff. I had been hiking with $Z over the terrain. We were at the edge of a cliff, looking out over a canyon. We had wandered away from the general visitors’ area of the park and out along the green finger of the plateau. Across the canyon, i could see a line of small plateaus. They ran along the top of a ridge, which was made of dark grey rock. The peaks of rock were smooth yellow. It was very beautiful to look at. I remembered climbing along the edges of the cliffs earlier. The tan rock was to our left. It had been a long hike to this place, but i felt happy and serene. I did not want to leave the scene, but a storm was coming in from the southwest. The clouds were very dark. We walked away from the cliffs and out through the dunes of bright yellow sand. The sand was very dry and soft. Soon we came to the bright green grass. We walked across the cut lawn and into the street, which led through the quiet suburb. There were very few trees in the suburb. It was dark as we drove down the road, and the brakes were not working so well. We rolled right through an intersection and continued walking down the hall. I walked into the room. $F24 was there. I had not seen him in a very long time. It was good to see him. I kissed him hello and missed him. I thought about $F12 not being there. I walked around to the other side of the room and opened the locker. I removed the wheel from the locker and inspected it. $F9 was there.

11995 July 20

I was in the house. The entrance hall was stone, with neo-gothic architecture. It was poorly lighted, and full of decorative furnishings. The crazy man then came into the house. He walked up to the butler, who was wearing a tuxedo and started babbling. The butler just stood still and did not say much. The crazy man had deep-red hair, and was wearing an emerald-green jacket. He was threatening in some way. Val Kilmer walked out from one of the corridors. He was playing Bruce Wayne. Several other people walked out around the room and started milling about. The crazy man walked up to Bruce and started talking to him. Bruce acted scared. I thought that was the way he should be acting. I thought that it was more believable than his Bruce Wayne in the Batman movie. The crazy man slapped Bruce, and Bruce fell down. He did not get up right away. The woman was there, with her dark-blue suit and frizzy blond hair. The crazy man ran up to her and started talking to her. She acted uncomfortable, as if she were testifying. She nodded her head and said, “No, you are not a madman.” The crazy man acted happy and started dancing around the room. Then he left. The woman still stood there as Bruce approached her from her left. She then admitted that he really was a madman, letting the tension and uneasiness show on her face. The men in the background started moving the furniture. It was still very dark in the room. I backed up across the dark-green oriental rug of the parlor and turned to my left. There was a fire in the fireplace, and the mantle and frame were stove. On the mantle, i could see several dolls of the crazy man. They were already made for advertising purposes. They were all clothed in green, with brown jacket-vests. They were wearing small round hats and had tussled red hair. I realized that the next evil villain of the movies was going to be the Scarecrow.

I walked through the corridor of the hospital/school. There was a room of library stacks to my right as i walked. They were running some kind of service. Then the girls came out into the hall. They were all wearing white shirts with dark-green plaid dresses. They lined up and showed me how to dance. I got on the end of the line and tried to imitate them. The principle came out from behind the window, along with several doctors. The doctors watched as we tried to dance, but the principle was not happy. He pulled down his black plastic-framed glasses and told us to disperse. I walked back down the hall. I glanced into the room to my left, just before the entrance to the stacks. There was a table in the center, and some paper scattered around. I then walked back through the library stack, noticing the red book between the blue volumes on the shelf.

11995 July 22

I woke up in the car. I was in the back seat. I looked around at the landscape. It was flat fields, with dry yellow grass blowing with snow. I thought that we were in Canada. We were heading for Alaska. The snowplow had come before us to clean the road. I was worried about where we were. The elevation seemed too high. I said that i would have trouble breathing.

I drove $F14 over to see $A440. I was interested to talk to her for a little while, but then got annoyed. I stepped off of the bleachers as the game was coming to a close. I wanted to wander around. Then the game was over, and the bleachers started folding up. I still had some stuff on them. I went back to get my shoes and jacket, but the area where i was sitting had already closed. I realized that the bleachers were divided into sections that could be pulled open like drawers. People’s stuff was inside. I had to go over to the lost-and-found department to pick up, however. I walked to the cement corridor in the left wall of the stadium. There were people crowded into the back of it. They seemed to be seeking shelter, and were huddled together in silence. A cat walked from the crowd and over toward me. I bent over to pet the small dog as it approached. $F14 and $A440 came up. They were having a good time. $F14 acted sad that i was not having a good time, but it was just an act. She was still upset with me and preferred talking to $A440 anyway. I walked down the short hall and out the front door of the motel room. I was leaving. The motel was a camping-style lodge, with brown wooden walls and yellow trim. I walked across the balcony of the second floor and down the outside stairs. I was thinking of getting in the car and driving away. $F14 watched from the room with $A440. I walked down the hall of the lodge, toward the lobby. I came into a room with white walls. There were two or three stairs leading up to the next room off to my left, at the far side of the room. There was an archway on the wall before me, with a view space to the dining room beyond, which was half a floor up from me. I heard the telephone ring from the room below, so i walked down the stairs at the right, on the far side of the room. They turned into the front desk area of the lodge, which was decorated in dork stained wood. I picked up the wall phone on the left of the stairway and said hello. There was something wrong. I walked out the side door of the lodge. There were some people gathering there. They were watching the smoke off in the distance. The man on the telephone had said something about turbines. I did not know how that applied to the fire. We could see a lot of smoke rising. Then we noticed the airplanes. This was not just a fire. The planes were attacking something. Then we realized that the city dome was over there. It was a huge grey orb-like structure that acted as a city. The planes were bombing it. We could hear the small explosions off in the distance. For a while, we just stood, wondering what was going on. We did not know what to do. Then i noticed the grass fire to my left, behind the lodge. It must have been caused by the bombings. We had to leave the area before the fire spread. It was strange to think that the city dome was being destroyed. We could see thick clouds of smoke rising on the horizon. A purplish haze glowed around it from the fire. There were small sparkles in the air of the planes flying around. We had to leave. We got in the car and drove away. We headed down the long road. It ran straight through the flat thinly forested countryside. The city dome could be seen along the horizon to our right. The smoke hovered over it. Then we came upon the factory. It was off the road to the left. I could see several pipe towers over the row of trees as we approached. There was a thick black smoke blowing across the road from it. It had been hit by the bombing as well. Power lines ran across the road from the factory. There was a metal chain-link fence along the road on the right. As we drove past the first buildings of the factory, which were short blue buildings, we could see a couple of cars ahead of us. I then noticed the yellow gas leaking from an overturned cement truck in front of the factory, ahead of us. It was dangerous, and i told $Z to stop the car. The dark green cement truck exploded, and a large cloud of thick yellow smoke spread across the road. It was a toxic gas, and we should not be driving through it. We backed up the car and went down the road to our right. There were corn fields all around us, and power lines running along the right and left sides of the road on the high tension mounts. Then we started to come to an intersection. I noticed a plane turning toward us from behind. It turned its nose down and started following the road behind us. I told $Z to drive through the stop signs at the intersection. The intersection was a T in the road, on which we were coming in on the ending road. $Z did not slow down that much as he rounded the corner to the left. A red american boxy car was stopped on the road to the right. The intersection was a metre recessed into the surrounding land. As we started around the corner, i could see the airplane fire a missile at us. The missile went straight and struck one of the high-tension towers across the road in the field. The plane continued on. We kept driving into town. I pulled the car into the parking lot of the small shop and went in. The place was empty. There were golf clubs along one of the walls. The place reminded me of a pro shop, but it had camping supplies. I started to pull out a few things. I picked up something that looked like a large yellow spring. There was another man in the shop with me. He was collecting supplies as well. He was saying something to me that i felt unsure about. It had to do with the invaders. I collected more supplies, interested in the fact that i could take what i wanted. The entire town had been taken over by the invaders. People were wandering around without knowing where to go. I gathered several things from the shelves. The room was dimly lighted from the front windows. The lights were off. The shop was somewhat rectangular, with the front window along a short portion of the side wall. There were other windows near the ceiling. The counter was to the right of the main window. Behind the counter was an entrance to the back storage area, where they kept the auto parts. There was a set of stairs going down just to the right of the counter. The main floor took a step up at about the same level. There were striped features to the walls, as if there were fishing poles along them, or supplies made of layered wood strips. The old man then told me of how the invaders were getting rather close. I decided it was time to go. I took my supplies and went outside. I got into the old dark-tan car and drove away. The car was a boxy american seventies model. I drove to the old cement building and walked inside. The building looked much like a school. The entrance was on the right-front side, set into the main wall. I walked into the glass doors. There was a long corridor before me, and an entrance to the gymnasium to my left. In the gym were several people gathered around some tables. The building was being used as a hiding place from the invaders. The tables had food on them, and there were people in sleeping bags around the room. We had to be cautious that the invaders did not find us. Then the sirens went off. The planes were coming after us. We left the auditorium. The lights on the ceiling started to dim. The power was going out. We ran down the hall where it would be safe from the falling bombs. We gathered near the end of the halls. We had to turn off the lights so that they would not be able to see us. I turned off the light switch in the hall as i passed. There was a woman standing in the hall. She was scared and holding her child in her arms. She was wearing a red button-up sweater. The lights came back on. Someone had hit the switches. I ran to the wall and tried to turn off the lights. I looked down the hall and outside. I could not find the correct switch o turn off all of the lights. Then i saw a plane coming toward us through the front windows. I was afraid that they had spotted us. For a moment, it appeared that they did not, but then i heard the rumble of engines outside. It was the sound of heavy equipment. They had bulldozers and plows. They were going to break through the walls. The people started to panic. Then the dozers started pushing through the side wall. The people ran out of the building and into the parking lot. The invaders came to take us hostage. Everybody huddled together in the parking lot of the factory. The semi trucks and bulldozers closed in around us. I wandered around on the outside of the crowd. I thought that if i did not act like the others i would b e safe. I had to act like the people in the town, who were already captured. I wandered into the car by the side of the factory. $Z was driving. The car was perched at the edge of the parking lot, right next to a steep decline. We had to get away and go back into town, but we could not act like anything was wrong. $Z pulled the car forward until the tires went right next to the edge of the hill. I looked aver the nose of the car to see the tires right at the edge of the cliff. Then the dirt gave away. The car slid down the steep slope. It got caught in some brush branches and spun around. It came to a stop somewhere in the middle of the hill. The car was facing up the hill, and the doors were open. We were very cautious about getting out. Any small movement could start the car falling again. We tried to get out slowly. Then $Z jumped out of the driver’s door. The car started sliding down the hill. It spun around again and ended up in the gravel drive at the bottom. $Z and i walked around the blue car. We had to get away from the invaders, but we did not know where to go. We walked down the dirt road. It led through the thick forest. To our right was a swamp. There were foot trails that ran through the thick green undergrowth of ferns. As we walked up the road, we noticed that there was a car following us. It was a couple of kids in a hotrod. They were following us, thinking that we were “outsiders”. They wanted to capture us for the invaders. We turned up the dirt road to the left. It led back through the swamp. I remembered the running trails from before. Their car would not be able to follow us over the soft ground. Then we ran for the main road again and turned sharply to the lift. The car speeded up after us, but could not make the sharp corner onto the main road. They skidded across the main road and ended up in the ditch. We headed down the main road until we came to the railroad tracks. There were two building to our right, hidden in the thick woods. There was a small silver switch box by the edge of the road where the tracks crossed. This was the factory road. Just past the tracks, we could see that the road turned sharply to the right, into the lot of the factory. We stood at the edge of the tracks for a moment, watching the heavy machines pulling things around the docking bays of the factory. There were some teenagers hanging around on the factory bay. We could not let them see us. We ran into the forest and back out onto a road. It was the same road that we ran into the factory. We needed a place to hide out. It would not be safe to go back into town. All of the people would be working with the invaders. They might point us out as different. We walked back down the road toward the factory. There were houses there. Perhaps we could find one that had been abandoned. We sneaked down the road. The first building we came to was a yellow trailer with brown trim. It had a junky wooden porch and the sides were cluttered with tools and unwanted items. We sneaked around the back of the trailer, keeping low to the ground. There were people inside. We hoped that they could not see us. We went don the road a little farther. There was a dirty old dark-grey house to the right. It was the last house before the factory. It looked deserted. I walked into the front door. There was a large view window to the right of the door. Inside, there were two more doors. I was in a small foyer. I was heading through the door in the wall straight ahead of me. That would lead to the abandoned apartment. I worried for a moment whether there might be someone in the apartment to the left. I did not wish to be caught. I quickly walked into the door and closed it behind me. Both of the doors had glass windows. I was in a kitchen. It was narrow, and stretched along the front of the house. It was cluttered with abandoned food and broken dishes and bowls. It looked as if someone had been forcibly removed from the house while they were in the middle of preparing a meal. I opened the refrigerator to see if there were any supplies that we could use. There was a thick layer of black mold over everything. The power had been shut off. I closed the door. It was dark in the kitchen. I turned to the left and walked into the back of the house. The kitchen counter was along the front wall of the house, with the sink in front of a window. The refrigerator was on the wall to the left of the door to the back of the apartment. The corridor was very dark. At the end was another hallway. I turned right and headed into the back bedroom. The room was empty of furniture. The large window on the far wall had been smashed, and i could see debris on the floor and graffiti on the walls. This was where the teenagers hung out. Through the broken window, i could see the side of the factory. The teenagers were still hanging out on the back bays with a couple of older people. I stepped out the window and started walking along the tracks, toward the road. There was a brown rail fence made of wood running along the house side of the tracks, with several small shrubs along it. We were in a small community of houses. As i walked, i heard someone talking to the mayor. He was by the side of the factory. He said that they had to watch out for strangers because there were some wandering around that the police were looking for. I met up with $Z in front of the house, and we started walking down the road. It would not be safe to stay here because there were too many people around. The area was open, with a tall oak tree to our right. There were trailers spread around on the small roads. Then the mayor pointed us out and thought that we looked suspicious. He called out to us to stop. We took off running. We had to get out of there. Then we heard someone saying that they would have to release the dogs. We kept running across the cut grass of the lawns. Then i saw some dogs running toward us from the left. They looked like dobermans, only they were a little boxier. They caught up to us and encircled us. We stopped running and stood there. People started to gather, and we were caught.

11995 July 23

There was a big blue ox in the cabin. It was quiet, and i did not feel safe. I always seemed to feel unsafe.

I was in the banquet room. People were gathering around for the party. Many of $G3 were there. Some were at the table in front of me. Across the room, i could see a group of girls entering the room. They were all very pretty. They wore tight black dresses and black shoes, with bright green jackets. They walked in a line, as if they were part of a show. The one in front was oriental, with short black hair. She waved in our direction. I looked around the room and noticed all of the military men around. They were all in uniform. I left the table and walked into the other room. It was a bookstore.

11995 July 24

I was in a place that was called Yale House. I was wearing this sleek black thing.

11995 July 25

I was with $G4. They were all gathered around. Everyone started to drink, but i forgot to bring my mug. I just stood around as they drank. Then they all went upstairs, to McDonalds. We sat at tables. I remembered that i could not drink coffee. I wished i could have. I felt out of place. Then the rest of them came back. They were wearing the yellow cowboy hats. I remembered that they had lost them, but now $A161 had found them. I walked into the other room to get a chair. It was a square room, with no real furnishings. $G4 partied next door. Then i looked behind the buildings. I was in the back lot, with a long white windowless factory to my left. The train came by. I watched it pass. $X6 or $X2 sat by the tracks. I worried for a moment that the dog might get hurt by the train. The train passed and went down the tracks. The tracks were in the middle of a street, which was in a suburban area. The trees were very green. I walked down the decrepit abandoned street, following the tracks. The dog followed me. The place was very overgrown, and there were more and more trees. I came to the edge of the tracks, where it ran into the other track. There was a factory straight ahead. I looked to my right, and i could see where the train had turned to follow the trail through the woods. There was a rain puzzle on the brown dirt path. I climbed up one of the trees that hung over the junction. I wondered why the branch had not been hit by a train. I swung around on the branch like a gymnast, interested at how easy it seemed. Eventually, i jumped down and started home. I followed the dirt trail through the woods, between the two tracks. The area felt very comfortable and very familiar.

11995 July 26

I was up by the Saint Lawrence River. It was raining, and the water level was very high. The rain stopped and i walked out toward the riverbank. The sun was not out, and everything was grey and hazy. I could see a man on a small boat approaching me fro the water. He asked about $K15’s boat, which filled with water and partially submerged. I wondered why $K15 did not secure the boat before the rain. He was always so meticulous about these things. The man helped me pull the boat ashore. We rolled it over and dumped the water out of it. I planned on leaving it upside-down on the shore, but i could not turn it over all of the way. The canvas over the cabin was getting in the way. I decided to prop it against something. I dragged the bow of the long canoe over the tree and tried to rest the nose over one of the branches. I was having difficulty balancing the boat. I tried to arrange some of the wooden poles i was balancing it upon until it was stable. Then i walked down the shore, toward the small wooden boat enclosure. There were some children swimming in the area, playing games in the water. I thought about joining them in their fun. The sun was out. I thought that i might be too old to hang out with them, but i realized that their parents were older. I turned to the right and walked away from the water. I walked over to the picnic table where everyone else was sitting. There were small boxes of cereal on the table that we were going to eat. We were in the room of the cafeteria, with a large glass window. I tried to cut open the cereal boxes, but they were fresh from the oven and still too hot. They were arranged on an oven tray. The utensils we were using had strange shapes. The fork had a spade design on the middle prong. I thought that this was rather strange. Then i picked up the spoon and noticed that it had a clubs shape cut into it. It had a main cut in the center and a thin piece of trim around it. My grandfather and my parents were at the table. $K3 walked over and sat down. I picked up the milk, which was in a clear plastic bag. I poured it into the box of cereal that i had cut open with the club-shaped spoon. My grandfather wanted some cereal, so he took a couple boxes off of the tray.

11995 July 27

I was out behind the old worn-down brick building. They were old factories, and i stood in the parking lot between two of them. A man was in the parking lot. He had a white kite strapped to his back, and he was going to fly. It was shaped like a small hang-glider, and had black bars for support. I watched him as the small kite lifted into the air. He walked around the paved lot under it. I then noticed the power lines overhead. I was worried that the man might get electrocuted. I tried to warn him, but then his kite hit the lines. He shook for a moment as the voltage hit him, but then he dropped back to the ground. I started to approach, but remembered that i would not be able to touch him. I turned and ran to get some help. There was a bar on the right side of the road. I ran in the front door. Inside was a narrow dirty corridor, with off-white walls and dark wood trim. I went to the door at the end of the corridor and tried to get in. It was locked. The bar had already closed. I went back down the corridor and tried the door on the left. It was an apartment. I had to use the telephone to get help. No one answered, so i turned and went back outside. To my right, i could see the man lying in the middle of the road. A dark-blue mid-seventies pick-up truck was stopped to help him. There was a fence along the left of the road, with a hedgerow growing over it. I was relieved that someone had come to help the man.

11995 July 31

I was not sure if i should go yet. It was getting late, but i was not quite sure how late. I was in the store, and there were people running around. I was pacing around the section. I walked out the door and into the hall. Then i turned and walked back. $A286 was at the cash register by the counter. I thought that he would probably go out running. This thought made me nervous, because i wanted to go as well, but i knew that the “running of the employees” was a bad thing. I walked back down the aisle of the bus. The bus was empty. I realized that it must be the early bus. I still had time, and i did not have to leave early. I rode the bus around the side of the building and then decided i should get off. The bus stopped. I got off at the entrance to the mall. Other people started getting back onto the bus. I realized that i was still early, but the crowd getting on the bus was the regular crowd. I got off and walked down the sidewalk to the left, along the outside of the mall. I had to pick up some things at the shop. I needed to get a present for someone. I looked back to the bus. It was number 1106. It drove away, and i thought about how much time i had before i had to catch the next one. I went to the mall and found that all of the doors were closed. The lights were off and it was dark outside. I realized that it was later than i had thought. Now i would not be able to buy the swimsuit. I was upset. I thought about catching the bus at the other side of the mall before it was too late. I walked around, but found that the bus was driving away. I was mad that i missed it. Now i would have no way of getting home. I pulled myself along the guard wires along the side of the road that led away from the mall. It was dark outside, and the cars moving on the road had their lights on. I got a little way down the road and turned around. I was frustrated and kept pulling myself forward by tugging at the wires, which were now part of the power lines. I kept pulling faster. Then i started floating along the edge of the mall. There was a man in a car who had been watching me. He watched me pulling on the wires as he drove by, and now he watched me hover around the sign for them mall. The sign was made out of tall thin letters that were raised from the surface of the ashen uneven surface of the outer wall. They were graded and black. I got the feeling that the man watching me might be a police officer. I started singing as i passed back and forth in front of the sign. I was singing “We are the world, get a fucking life!”. I started to think about credit card taxies, and how i should get home. Then i put on my tweed trench coat and hat. I pulled my hat down over my face so that the police could not recognize me as easily. Then i decided i had better start going home. It would take a long time.