11996 July 01

I drove into the entrance to the gravel parking lot on the right side of the road. $G4 had already gathered there. There was field grass around the edges of the parking lot, which was full of cars. A main road ran along the top of a ridge of grass to the south of the parking lot. The police were in the lot. $G4 tried to act like there was no alcohol at the event. I got out of the car and walked down the row of cars. $A242 was there. He was interested in running with $G4. I said hello, but knew that he would not talk that much. I dressed up for the run. It was at a large campground. There were tents at he far side of the parking lot, with a corridor down the center of them, which led into the shale canyons. I jogged down the trail into the canyon. I charged up the steep slope at the other side. I thought that it would look good for $G4. I looked back and could see some of the other members of $G4 following the trail to the right. I slid back down the dirt cliff. I came to the cement platform and looked down. I could not jump down to the valley below because it was too far. $A82 stood on the ridge on the other side of the ravine. He looked down into the ravine and started talking about the geological decay of the dam structure. I could see the deep hole to the left that used to be the edge of the dam. There was a small platform to my right. Steel girders projected from the platform at fourty-five degree angles. They were very large I-beams. They entered the red wooden box from the top. I looked inside the box. The floor of the box was lower than the edge i was standing on. I figured that i could go down into the box and then jump down to the lower level from there. That way the difference in jumps would not be as great. I went into the box, but could not find a large enough opening in the bottom to get out of. I tried to kick through the wood at the bottom.

I was in chemistry class at $P7. It was in $A87’s room. I had a large glass tube in my hand with a snake in it. I poured the liquid out of the vase, into a small beaker. The snake got stuck in the neck of the vase i was holding. I tried to get the snake out. I would test the liquid later. I played with the snake in the tube until it came out onto the counter. Then i realized that the glass tube i had was broken. I looked back to the test tube rack to see the rest of the tube sitting in it. I removed the broken glass from the holder and threw it in the trash. Then i noticed that i had some broken glass on my tie. I went to look for some new test tubes. I needed a clean tube to place my experiment into. I had glass in my mouth, though. I moved it around with my tongue. I started to chew it so that the large pieces would not cut my stomach. I went into the other room near the back of the lab. There was a sink there where i could wash my hands. I washed my hands and then tried to spit out the glass. I could not spit. I put some water into my mouth and tried again, but i could still not spit. I must not have gotten enough water. I tried again, but it still did not work. $A96 was in the next room. I was wearing a white shirt with a narrow black tie. I leaned over the sink and spit out some glass. $A96 walked in from the other room. I said hello to him. He recognized me. He said hello back, but kept walking into the next room. I was upset that he ignored me.

11996 July 02

There were three young girls is the apartment. They were all under ten, and had bright blond hair. I felt strange to be here. One was in a white dress with blue ornamentation. I talked to them about some problems that i was having. They brought me into the next room, where their father was sitting, relaxed in a chair with heavy yellowish cushioning. He was watching television. I stood in the living room. I explained what was wrong with their house. I was an inspector.

I was in the department store with $K3. The store was one of the older department stores, with large open space inside a square room. We were at the back corner of the store. There was a register to the left, and a wall to the right. Ahead of me were the glass doors that led out of the store and into the parking lot. There was a small indent to the right of the door, on the side wall of the store. It was a customer service area, and was coloured a sedate orange. $K3 read through several of the maps in the wire tower rack we were standing near. She needed to buy a map. I looked over the other rack. It had comic books on it. I read some of the titles. They said “Weird X-Men” and “Weird X-Files”. The picture on the front suggested that it was related to the X-Men, but that they were all deformed in some way, like monsters. It seemed to be some trend to take the regular characters and make monsters out of them. There was also a “Weird Middle-Place”. I was familiar with the name, but could not remember from where.

11996 July 03

I looked at the map. There were three hurricanes headed toward us. We must avoid the hurricanes in our travel. Fortunately, we were north of them. I watched them on the map.

11996 July 05

The monster did not attack us. He just stood, trying to scare us. He was a plant man. He was all green, with rigid leaves poking like triangles around his neck. He growled at us. He held out his hands. They were flowers with large rosy-pink petals and a yellow cup-shaped center.

11996 July 06

I woke up in my bedroom in $P6. I had to go to the bathroom. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, but there was someone there already. It must be my grandmother. It was very early in the morning. I looked out the window of my room. It was not my grandmother. It was $A16. She walked outside, onto the lawn to do some lawn work. There was a single tree in the lawn, a little to the left of center. $A16 sprinkled some leaves on a mulch pile. The pile rustled. The cabbage heads were growing there. $A16 sprinkled some things on tem to get the cabbage moths to leave. I went outside to look at them. I talked about luna moths and how they were rare. I looked down at the large moth that was crawling through the grass. I thought that it was purple, but it was actually green. I picked up pieces of it and placed them on the picnic table. I took a bite out of the main body. It was solid white inside. I told $A16 that she should not waste the moths because they were a great source of nutrition. It was not exactly tasty. I asked $A16 if she wanted any, but she refused. I did not like the flavour. It tasted like some heavy nut. It was oily and nut textured. I spit some of it out. Then i walked into the shed across the lawn. I had to urinate. The windows of the shed were open, and i could see $A16 moving around outside. I tried to go to a better position. There was a stall of dark unfinished wood. I stood in it and tried to urinate. There was a cement block on the floor with a hole in it. The hole led into a lower level. I could see a horse running around below. I stood over the stairwell and urinated. The horse moved around, agitated. It then ran up the ramp underneath me, into the barn. I ran away. The horse could be dangerous.

11996 July 10

I was in the large house. It was very long but not so wide. It was a game house. The rooms were full of different items. Te object of the game was to travel through the house, collecting the various items. I walked into the room on the left of the main hall. The room was off white, with polished oak trim. The others were ahead of me in the next room. I searched through the room. I pulled out a drawer from the bottom of the wall on the left. There were light bulbs in it. I had to find some of the other things. The other items would give me powers and other helpful things. I came outside the house. $A46 was there. He was with the rest of the running team. I should go running with them, but i could not. I went back into the game house from the beginning. My grandmother was there. I tried to search for some of the items. I had to catch up with the others. My grandmother thought that the place was a mess and wanted to clean. She was annoying. I tried to ignore her as i searched.

11996 July 11

I flew over the trees of the wooded area. The hash was gathering below. I flew over the dirt road and toward where they were gathered. I descended through the trees. As i dropped down, i cut the index finger on my left hand on one of the tree branches. I landed on the ground and inspected my finger. There was a thorn in it. I tried to pull it out. The women from $G4 told me not to pull it out i might hurt myself. I looked over my hand. There were tatters of skin around the wound. I pulled the thorn out and tore the skin. The skin was an onion peel that crocked off. I walked to where $G4 was starting their run. I crossed the large open field. I was walking on air as i moved. I could fly. $G4 ran up a hard uphill. I drifted up the slope. We ran into the forest, passing a campsite to our right. $G4 were ahead of me. I could not see them, but i knew that they were up there. I drove down the old country road. The other members of $G4 were following me in their car. I stopped in front of the old farmhouse and barn to turn around. There was a road to the left. I turned around and headed back down the road. This did not seem to be where the run started. This is where it was yesterday. There were open fields on either side of the road, with bushy trees along the turn-off road. I drove back down the dirt road and pulled in, in front of the barn and farmhouse. The others got out of the car as i parked in front of the old decrepit barn. The red paint had worn away from the boards. The bus pulled up in front of the house and the other members of $G4 got in. I was confused. I did not understand what was going on. The bus pulled away. I noticed $F19’s car across the street. She was parked in front of the long white building, which had a few windows and sat next to the edge of the road. Her car was parked in front of mine. Her back trunk was up over my hood. I moved my car out from under her trunk. I noticed that the hood of my car was scratched. I could have hit the black section on the back of her trunk. I could actually say that i did. I shifted the bikes around so that they would not scratch each other, and then i walked back across the classroom. I had to organize my things. $A206 was there. I went out into the hall to get some things. When i came back, the class was sitting in a several-row semi-circle, playing guitars. They sounded very good. I wanted to be part of the class, but i was no longer in school. I was too old for their groups. There was one guy with an acoustic bass. The song sounded really good. I noticed the classical strings to the right. I had to leave. I did not belong here, so i walked back out into the hall.

11996 July 12

I walked around the side of the building and through the construction site. I was a labourer and was working there. $A84, the foreman with red hair, was there as well. He was wearing a blue hard hat. I walked by the side of the blue pick-up truck. I noticed the crack in the pavement, which had a bunch of red poker chips rolled into it. I picked up several of the chips and looked at them. As i walked down he alley, the bare-wood and tar-paper frame of a new house was on my left. I looked over the chips in my hand and noticed that it had a round window i the center. The window reflected light as a spectrum. I realized that the chips were actually diffraction gratings that could be used like lenses. I held one out in the sun with my right hand. I was not facing the other way up the alley. I could see the focused light on the ground. I closed my eyes as the disc exploded in a small pop. That is what they were supposed to be used for.

11996 July 13

The man was playing with his dogs by the edge of the cliff. We were near the gorge. He tossed balls to them and they caught the balls. The small dog was a very good catcher. Two of the dogs were brown and furry, and one was short haired and whitish. They were all medium-sized dogs. The man threw tennis balls to them. One of the balls fell into the gorge below. It landed in the water. I could see it floating from down the narrow crevice that ran toward the gorge. The smaller dog jumped into the water after the ball. It tried to swim ashore, but it did not know which direction to go. I yelled to the man that his dog was in trouble, but the man was swimming in the water, and could not hear. I watched the dog swim from cliff to cliff, but not heading toward the shallow rocks. I walked along the gorge, trying to get the dog to head for the rocks. I was worried that the god would drown. I walked along the stairs that ran down the side of the gorge. I was trying to get down to where the dog was. The stairs were covered with old plywood that was worn and had been painted white. I came out by a narrow gorge with a small stream in it. I had gone too far. I ran back up the stairs along the stream. The water was flowing over the boards on the path. I came to the gorge. The dog was all right and had made it to shore. I still felt insecure.

11996 July 14

I was at my grandmother’s house. My mother was there. There was something special going on, like a holiday. $X3 walked into the living room. He had some light bulbs in his mouth. He must have picked them up from the other room. We had to take the bulbs away from him before he chewed them and broke them. The man watched from the couch along the west wall. He started petting the dogs. I looked at the white cat that he was petting. The cat was very fat, and rolled over onto its back. It tried to claw the man. I thought that the cat was very temperamental. I pet the cat under the chin. It tried to play with me. Then i realized that it was a smaller cat in a large body. The small grey cat shifted in the neck of the large white body. It grumbled as it tried to get back into the body. It had to readjust. I realized that the blanket was on the cat backward. I laughed as the cat crawled under the white rolls of fabric and tried to correct the situation.

I was in the restaurant, which had no building. There were tables crowded together and an open cooking area with a mesh canopy hung loosely over it. Several grills still steamed. There was a voice from the wooden rafters above us. I was with $A358. The voice above was from a secretive society club. The restaurant was owned by the club. There were two other people with me, of which $A358 was one. The voice asked $A358 to come up stairs. They wanted him to join the club. I was envious. I wanted to belong to part of something. The stairs had no railing, and looked like stacked white crates. I snuck up the stairs and listened at the gate. There were people in the open office on the other side of the thin cloth gate. I tried not to look like i was watching them. I walked back down the stairs. There were display boxes on the stairs. I stepped on a couple on by way down. I jumped to the floor and tried to fix the gift boxes. I was in the gift shop of the restaurant. I adjusted the boxes to make it looked like nothing happened. The female worker walked by. The shop was closing soon. I walked around. The restaurant was shutting down as well. The main grill was cooling down. I watched the red thermal cones under the grill cool. My father watched with me. He took a taste of the potatoes that were still on the grill. The woman was disgusted that we were eating the extra pieces of the potatoes. My father put some food onto the stove. The woman was agitated. She wanted to shut everything down. My father started cooking some scrambled eggs in the frying pan. He tossed some other things in the omelet. My grandmother showed up. We should go. The other man walked into the kitchen and started packing up the food.

11996 July 15

I walked across the wrestling room in the small gym. There were mats on the floor, and windows up by the ceiling. I wondered who was up next. It seemed like it might be $A6. I went down the stairs of my parents’ main hall. $F4 was there. He was coming up the stairs. He was wearing shorts and several bandanas. One bandana was around his head, and one around his left bicep. He was excited and playful. He joked with me. We tackled each other on the lower landing. We kept laughing. His mother passed us. She was carrying laundry upstairs. I lifted him over my shoulder. I was unsure of others who might be watching. Adults were not supposed to be wrestling. I carried him up the stairs. He started doing pushups along the stairs as i carried him. I told him to stop. He was just joking around. We laughed as we got to the second landing. I dumped him onto the couch, and we continued to joke.

I walked into the bar where the $G4 was. It reminded me of an airport lounge. There were large glass windows to the left and behind me. I walked down the length of the room, toward the bar. $F19 was there. She came up to me and asked me if i had seen her computer cover. I remembered helping her move the computer out of the back of the station wagon. Someone lifted the computer from the back of the car and handed it to me. It was wrapped in newspaper. I shifted it in my arms and brought it inside. There was no cover with the computer, though i remembered the blue material of the cover. I left $F19 and walked into the bathroom. I picked up the telephone and started talking on it in the stall. A man walked behind me. I wondered if he was listening to my phone conversation. I realized that it was hard to hear the voice on the other end of the line. I looked across the bar at the airport lounge. The room was open to the outside on my left as i faced the large tinted windows. An airplane was unloading passengers on the runway just outside. Several clowns came down the stairs from the plane and walked into the bar. Some of them got into the white car outside. The car looked kind of like a limousine. I pressed the telephone to my ear so i could hear better. $F19 was talking to me from the other end. She was waiting for me to reply. I said hello and talked to her for a while over the noise of the bar.

11996 July 16

We got out of the car and headed toward the front door of the restaurant. I had been to the restaurant. The front side was very plain, and seemed old and faded. The front door was surrounded by a small breezeway on the outside of the building. Last time i came to this restaurant, i ordered french toast. I remembered that it was very good. My parents headed in the front door. I turned around just before going in. I had to get some stuff from the car. I came in a few minutes later. It was dork inside, and there was a counter or bar across from the door. I walked to the left and into the dining room. The dining room was a little better lighted. My relatives were sitting at a square table with a white tablecloth. The table was a little to the right of the entryway, in the center of the room. The chairs had a dark-green covering of fake leather cushioning. I walked over to the table. $A73 and my father had left for a moment. I sat down at the table and looked over the menu. They had not ordered yet. I walked across the bedroom in my parents’ house and collected several of my things. I had to be ready when $A73 and my father returned. I went downstairs and into my parents’ kitchen. I was getting ready to leave. I grabbed some clothing, mentioning to my mother how cold it was at work. My grandmother was worried that i would catch a cold there. I already had. I picked up the blue and white wool blanket and brought it to the back room. I returned to the restaurant and sat at the table. I still was not sure what i wanted to order.

11996 July 17

I was upstairs at my parents’ house. $K1 was with me. I was trying to sleep on the bed, but $K1 kept fooling around and joking. She would not let me sleep. I went up stairs to pack my things so that i could leave.

I was in $K14’s house alone. I watched television for a while. I noticed that the cable box on to of the television had been pulled forward. I walked into the other room and headed toward the bathroom. I had to urinate. Then i realized that there was someone else in the house. I should clean up the television. I walked back into the other room. I fixed the speakers on the stereo. They needed to be plugged in correctly. I drove the car up the gravel drive. There were several old people in the back yard in a car. They were looking around and reminiscing. I pulled my car up near them. They pointed out into the field, at the old leafless tree by the edge of the field. There was no garage by the house, so i felt my car in the drive. I walked out the side of the house as my father talked to the old man it the car. The old man was uninterested. He could not understand why he should spend so much on speakers. He complained that he could buy an entirely new stereo for that much money. My father headed inside, and the man headed back to his car. I started toward the house, but slipped and fell into the mud. I got up. There was a thick coating of mud on my hands and lower arms. I walked back to the side of the house and washed my hands off with the hose. I wanted to try out the speakers to see if they worked. The two people mentioned plugs. I wondered if the speakers would need some kind of adapter. There were two wires sticking out the back side of the speaker. It would not need a plug. The others mentioned RCA plugs. I told them that it was a quarter-inch plug. I looked at the back of the speakers just to be sure. There were microphone plugs with three prong holes. The speakers would need special plugs.

11996 July 18

I was on the bus. We were driving toward the dome, but the roads were closed. We would have to take a detour around the parking lots. We drove around the black. Another bus came from the other direction as we approached the corner on the opposite side of the block. We had to get to the dome for the big event. The people rolled gasoline down the side of the dome and lit it afire. It was a great spectacle. I watched the dog run around at the bottom of the dome as the fireball rose. I talked to $A439 about the incident at his apartment. I had not seen $A439 in a while. We talked. He was playing his guitar on his bed as we talked. He was still good at playing. I then wondered if i would have to keep in touch with him now that we have met again. There were some other people there. We talked outside. I could not remember exactly what happened at the dome. I started to pack some of my things. I got on the telephone to get some message. The other person’s father said that he had not heard from the other person. I told the person on the telephone that the father had not heard anything. I joked about it. The other person listened to me as i spoke. The father started talking to the other man. I had to pack the candy eggs. I offered one to $A439, who had given them to me in the first place. Then i noticed that his head was chocolate, and was wrapped in red foil. He had narrow slots for eyes. I looked into the candy bag and found several broken eggs in the bag. I packed the eggs separately so they did not get damaged further. I walked into the other room. I had the small plastic containers, which were red, yellow, and aqua. I gave it as a gift to people. The rich man had many containers. I told him that i was sorry for giving them away. He took the containers.

11996 July 19

I was in $A40’s class. We had to take a test. I thought that the test was stupid, and that we should not be bothering with it. It was a multiple-choice test. I started doing it. $F4 was there as well. There were also four essay questions on the test. I was impatient with the test. It was a waste of time. I finished the multiple-choice section of the test and looked ahead to the essay questions. There was a picture of a helicopter on the test. We were supposed to write what was special about the helicopter. I looked through the textbook. There was a picture in the book of the helicopter, which was upside down. The book mentioned that the upside down helicopter had only one foot. It crashed doing something important. The image on the test had more than one foot. It was not the right answer. $A40 walked around the room between the rows of chairs. I realized that the picture of the helicopter on the test was not from the book. It came from someplace else. I knew how to figure out the answer. I wrote some stuff on the test. There were two men in the picture. They were both wearing yellow rescue jackets, which gave me an idea where they came from. The two men next to me on the bus had blue and yellow safety jackets. I looked at the labels that were sewn onto the jacket. They had both played volleyball before they were rescue workers. The jackets said “soccor” beneath the patches a little later. That was what they called the sport in their country. I had the answer to the test. I had figured it out on the bus. I walked down the aisle of the bus and paced around the room. There were magazines around the table. I sat down at the darkly stained wooden table and tried to finish the test. I flipped over the test booklet and started writing on the back. There were grey lines, between which i could write. I tried to hurry. I sat in the classroom before the test started. I thought that i would do well on the test. Then i realized that i had been here before. I knew that the test was coming. The others were out in the hall, but they started to collect by the door. $A269 walked toward his office out in the hall. The others did not follow him. I remembered walking down the hall before. I remembered that everyone followed Mr. Burns through the shower room. He was going to complain to the others. It was a surprise visit. He walked through the shower room on the left. I walked down the main corridor. The other people stayed back in the main locker room. They were afraid to take the risk of complaining. Mr. Burns would walk to the door at the end of the locker room, as he did the last time. I flew down the central hall. I followed Mr. Burns and the few that followed him into the office. It was not quite like it was before. The room had cinderblock walls and was rather featureless. There was a desk at the right wall. I maneuvered in the air, trying to reorient myself. This was not how i remembered it happening. I floated back to the side of the room. There was a group of boys to my left. They were joking with each other, punching each other and fooling around. They were in their shorts, and were nicely built. I watched them play for a moment. I floated back across the greenish-blue tiled floor. I looked out the window of the bedroom. There were two motorbikes outside. One was for traveling, but the other kept stalling. I could not let the people on the bike see me. I hid to the right of the window. The light in the hall was turned on, and i worried that it would light me in the window. I was in the small bedroom at my parents’ house. I had to bend my neck under the sloped ceiling as i stood to the right of the window. I wondered if the people outside could see me. Then i heard the screen door close outside. Someone was coming inside. I tried to shut the light off. I went into the other room and flipped the switch. It shut off one light, but turned on another. The switch only changed which room was lighted. It must have been a new switch. I turned off one of the lamps directly. Then i floated back into the living room at my grandmother’s house. There was a white sheet hanging from the archway in the center of the room. I saw the gun on the table. I thought tat it was there for me to shoot at the television, but i was not sure. I turned off the television and walked through the open area between the two buildings. $F1 was with me. We were heading to the store, which was by $P142. There were run-down brick buildings around us, and a large grassy area to our lefts. We could cross the grass. Then the man told us that there was a shortcut. There was a large city square between the old buildings. The square had a large hole in it that was about twenty metres below. It was walled with grey stone blocks, and used to be a sort of park for the city. Now it was dirty and abandoned. Then i saw a man moving from the shadows down at the bottom of the ditch. We were being led into a trap. There was an entire gang down there. They started to come out of the shadows once they knew that we were aware of them. We ran up the metal platforms that were erected over the pit. They were part of some architectural design. They were metal gratings, with fancy patters cut into them. I floated up, over the area. I knew that they could not get me. The others gathered below. I could fly way and be safe. I had to ask $F1 to fly, though. I could float, but i was not sure that he could. I would have to grab him.

11996 July 22

I walked by the tall building in the center of the plaza. I was in the city of Eurivvonerga, or at least i thought i was. I was excited about it. There was a new building in the center of the plaza. The plaza was made of whitish stone, with cement-like walls. The building was dark black and was shaped like a round block. It had an uneven surface where the balconies were. There were tall fins standing up from the top of the building. They had white tips. I thought that its surface matched the narrow window design of the university. The designers must have been influenced by the Empire. I was in the car with $Z as we passed. I wanted to mention the design to him. I wanted to tell him about the City, but i was not sure that i was really in the City. We came to the end of the buildings and the car rounded the end of the plaza. We drove back through the plaza. I recognized the tall building from before. I was in the City. I wanted to tell $Z that this was the City. We walked toward the building and walked through the doors and into the locker room. People were all around in the locker room. I knew that the Empire was suspicious of us, and that they could be watching. We were not supposed to be in the locker room. We sneaked out the back door before the Empire’s storm troopers could come after us.

I walked along the broken pavement of the drive at the side of the old school building. I was with an old man and someone else. There was a rich woman in a large white car coming up the drive. She swerved close to us and tried to run us over. She was well dressed. I walked to the outside of the drive. She started to turn the car around ahead of us. I stepped over the stone blocks that marked the edge of the drive, and then i helped the old man over. The woman would not be able to drive over them. We would be safe from her car. I led the old man away down the path. The woman threatened us. The old man took off his shoes so that she would not attack us. We came to the end of the drive and started down the main road. I was upset that we had been driven away. We should have stood up for ourselves. The old woman and her gang were just bullying us. The old man stopped on the road. He could not go on without his shoes. His feet hurt too much for the road. I was annoyed and went back to get the shoes. They did not want me to go because they were afraid that i would get hurt. I walked back up the drive and picked up the shoes. The gang was not paying attention. There was a motorcycle in the drive. I got on and took that as well. I felt justified in stealing it from the gang. I drove back down the road.

11996 July 23

I was sitting on the bed in my bedroom. $A16 was explaining to me that there would be men coming to fix some things around the apartment. I wondered why she was in my apartment. It was strange for her to be there. Then she handed me several umbrellas. I looked at the three of them. She said that she found them while she was cleaning the apartment. Two of them were mine. They were both fold-up umbrellas. One was black and the other red. The third umbrella was a full-length umbrella and was black, with light coloured tips. It was not mine. I walked around the room. This used to be my room at my parents’ house. The walls were bare, and i was on the upstairs f0loor. The bed was a brass bed. It used to have a canopy over it. The walls were papered with a tan and brown paper that had a floral pattern on it. There were no other furnishings in the room, except for the bed. I felt that something was wrong. The house seemed decrepit, with holes in the outside walls, between the plaster rails. I packed the rest of my things and headed downstairs. My mother was downstairs. I carried some of the boxes for her as we walked down the hall of the high school. We turned left, into a narrower hallway on the other side of the double doors, which had windows in them. The ceiling of the other hallway was lower, and the walls were bright red. This was an office suite, and was added onto the school. My mother turned right and headed into one of the offices. She had an appointment to meet with the people here. They seemed like guidance counselor to me. I wondered why she was doing this. It was not necessary to have me register in this school. I placed the boxes i was carrying on the table that was in the hall outside of the office. My mother talked to the receptionist. My mother explained that she had called the woman earlier. She mentioned that the number was long distance in the book, and that it was from the middle zone. My mother had called too early in the morning. She did not take into account the time shift. “Won’t be calling central mountain time at eleven in the morning”, the woman replied. She was upset that my mother had called. She had asked my mother when she had called. My mother answered, but not to the question. I stood next to her, near the counter in the main hall, where she spoke to the office workers. She was wearing a bright-red dress that was made of a heavy polyester-like material. I was much shorter than she was. I asked her when she called the office here. I then walked to the left, down the main corridor of the school. I was too old to be here. I should e living on my own by now. My mother should not be enrolling me in high school. I walked through the double doors at the edge of the hall. The doors were painted blue, with an orange stripe across them. They also had a pane of glass in the top. I walked through them and into the gymnasium. There was a large wood floor with a basketball count in the center and an indoor track around the outside. I looked back through the glass doors, down the hall. I could see my reflection. I was wearing a white shirt with grey sweatpants. My head was shorn short, but i realized that i had a nice figure. I looked back into the gym, at the young kids exercising. They were playing basketball and wearing groucho glasses. I was too old to be here. I walked back into the hall and sat down on the bench outside of the offices. There were many young kids running around in the hall. They ran down the hall to the left. The hall i was in opened on the right to what looked like a cafe area. The carpet under the tables was dull red. I sat on the left side of the hall, facing the counter where my mother was.

11996 July 26

I walked down the road on the outskirts of the town. There was a forested hill to my right, and an open area to my left, which was possibly a field. The trees on the right bordered closely to the road. I walked down the road until i came to the stairs on the right. The stairs went up the hill to the right. I started up the wooden stairs in the hallway. There were 3-D glasses on the stairs. I stopped and looked at them. The glasses were white cardboard, as if cut out from a magazine. I tried on a pair and i started to see things in three dimensions. I floated over the stairs. I started collecting several pairs of glasses. I figured that there were probably enough pairs here that no one would mind if i took a couple. Then i thought that it was really stealing anyway. I thought that the glasses might have been from Dynamite Magazine, but then i saw the Mad Magazine on the stairs. The face on the front of the magazine of Alfred E. Newman was in 3-D colours. I floated on up the stairs. I heard kids in the living room above. I floated through the living room quickly, just to see what was going on. The kids saw me, but the father did not. They were excited, and told their father. I reached the end of the hall, just past the living room. I wanted to disappear through the wall so i would not have to cross the living room again. The kids thought that i was a ghost, and that is what they were telling their father. I could not travel through the wall, though, so i would have to return the way i came. I switched the glasses from one hand to another, so they would not be on the side of me facing the kids. I could not let them know that i had taken the glasses. I tried to hide them under my arm as i flew back through the room. I sailed down the stairs and got away. I thought about going back up the stairs by foot. I contemplated this at the bottom of the stairs. I could talk of ghosts to the children if they saw that i was walking and human.

My parents were it my apartment. My apartment was very messy, and i did not want them to see it like this. I looked out the large picture window on the front of the house. I could see the street below. Some runners jogged by. I watched them pass. They were $G1. I saw them stop at the bottom of the hill, just to the left of my apartment. They must have just finished a race. I walked along the outside balcony of my building, watching the runners. I saw $A166 running with them. I had to act like i was not really watching them because i could not let them think i was. I saw myself walk around the side terrace of the house. There was a driveway on the lower side of the house. It was a very nice house, set on a hillside in the suburban area of the city. It was an off-white stucco design, with two levels and a flat roof. The balcony wrapped around the front and side of the house. It came close to the ground on the up-hill side of the house. It was hot out, and all of the buildings seemed to be open to the breeze. The area was very clean.

11996 July 27

I was going back to $P7. I had to get dressed for it. I put on the uniform with dark striped pants. Then i remembered that they no longer work those uniforms anymore. I took off the clothes and looked for something else to wear. I pulled out my sear-sucker pants. I could wear them, but they were all wrinkled. I would have to iron them, which i could easily do.

11996 July 28

I was driving down the road. I was on the bus, and i realized that i had to put my T-shirt on. We were on a long straight road, traveling through an open suburban area. Then i noticed two lions playing on the left side of the road. They battled each other and jumped around. They should not be there. They were loose and could be a danger to someone. Farther down the road, i saw people playing. They should be warned about the lions. They were in danger. I saw one of the lions coming down the road. I passed down the sidewalk of the suburb, past the shrubs and bushes. I ran down the hall. The people ran into the room with me to get away from the lion. The room was up the two stairs at the end of the hall. The lion was coming. We ran into the room and closed the door just as the lion was coming. The lion banged against the door and tried to get in. I held the door closed. The room we were in was rather small.

11996 July 29

I heard a noise outside, so i looked out the window of my parents’ house. There was a helicopter sitting in the middle of the road in front of the house. A small black sports-like car drove past it as it waited. It was a police helicopter. I saw some other officers searching the cars by the tennis court. They were looking for someone. There must have been an escaped convict in the area. I moved away from the window so that the people outside could no see me. It was dark out there, and i was worried about being seen. I was in the old bedroom in my parents’ house, and the light in the hall was on behind me. I went into the hall and turned off the light. I then wend downstairs to check the doors. The back door was open, but the screen door was closed and locked. I ran back upstairs to find my journal. I could not tell them what was in my journal if they did come in. There were papers all over the floor, between the bed and the window. I sorted through some of them and headed back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen. My parents had left a place setting on the counter for me. It was decorative, with a fancy napkin over the formal grey and white plates. I opened the refrigerator to see what food they had left me. There were some peppers on the middle shelf. They were on a fancy plate and had a white sauce over them. There were a couple of bottles of champagne left over from the formal dinner as well. They saved me an entire serving. I walked over to the stove to start to reheat the food.

I walked down the aisles of the library. I had to look up a reference. I was in one of the stacks, in a dark section of the library. The stacks were parallel across the floor, with more shelves along the back wall. I walked along the back wall and pulled a thick book from the shelf. I opened it up to the man’s name. I needed a better reference than this. This book did not give enough information. It was dark in the aisles, and i found it hard to read. I remembered reading this book before. I must have come here for a reference some time before. I showed the others the book. I showed them how difficult it was to read in the dark. They agreed that this was not a good reference. They walked down the aisle of books and turned left, in the main aisle. They headed to the large wooden reference desk to get help. A man came into the stacks where i was looking. He was going to help us. He walked at the far side of the stacks. I watched him from down the aisle. He was headed to the area where i had found the large book. I followed him from the main aisle of the stacks. I watched him walk on the other side of the stacks, along the far wall. I walked fast enough just so that i could see his sneakers disappear around the end of the aisle as i walked across the aisle. He stopped along the back wall. I walked to where i had found the other book. He passed by the spot. I followed him down the side of the back wall. There were several black volumes on the second shelf from the floor. They were old Smithsonian magazines. They were from the 11960s. He pulled out of the volumes and handed it to me. He told me that the wrestler that i was looking for would be found here. I told him that the man i’m looking for should be older. I did not think that he would be alive in the 11960s. The man took of his shirt. He was very attractive. I liked the detail he had in his body. He walked back to the reference desk. I still felt desire for him.

I went to the doctor. I was having headaches. I asked him what i could do for them. He wanted to take a spinal sample. I did not want him to do that. I told him that the headaches specialist never said anything about a spinal sample. I also reminded him that he was not a specialist. He said that he wanted to see if my organs were imbalanced. I walked away, across the playground. I was somewhere in the City. The playground had several shrubs and interesting architecture.

11996 July 30

I rode my bicycle around the outside of $P31. I was in the back of the building. Things looked very different. The outside of the building was made of red brick. There was a shed against the outside wall of the school. It had a sign on it that said “No Kids”. The children were not allowed inside the small wooden shed. I rode my bicycle over the gravel parking lot. I looked at the corner of the school building as i turned my bicycle around in a circle. There was a rope hanging from the edge of the gym. It was a climbing rope, attached to a dull gray metal L-brace. The upper part of the building had a large glass window on it. The window had an old aluminium frame, with many panes of glass. It was set into the wall by a few decis, and rounded the corner of the red brick wall. I rode my bike by the open bay on the back of the school. The wall inside was stone and painted dull yellow. There was a small broken section of the wall above the old wooden door. I circled my bike back around to get a better look. The cement blocks of the wall were light blue, with purple graffiti on them. There was a small wooden door on the upper section of the wall. It had been broken. Someone must have smashed it in with a sledgehammer. I rode my bicycle out into the parking lot. There was a main road to my left, with the school on my right. In front of me was a grassy hill, which led up to a side street. I should ride my bike up the hill. I drove away from the hill to get a running start. I was at the same level as the main road to my left. I thought that i could just stay on the road and not have to go down and then back up the grassy hill. I decided to go up the hill toward the intersection of the side road and the main street. I wanted the exercise. I headed across the parking lot, for the hill. The gears shifted very smoothly. There was a set of cement stairs to the right, going up the hill. I got off of my bike and pushed it up the hill. I passed the two women who were coming down the stairs. Then i realized that i did not ride my bicycle up the hill like i had wanted to. I walked back along the edge of the building and into the glass doors of the store. I wondered if it was going to rain. I did not want to take my bicycle today if it was going to rain. I looked at the guitars in the store. $F20 was there. I told him that i had to bike to work. He would be inside all day, so he would not know whether on not it rains. It would not even bother him if it did. I told him that they needed windows in the store. I turned on the television on the wall of the store to catch the weather report. I turned off the volume so that it would not be annoying to anyone else. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched. $F20 watched as well. He sat on the bed, but fell backward, toward me. I caught him. He laughed as he rested his weight on me. He was joking. I tried to wrap my arms around his torso, to lift him off. He was too big. I could not reach all the way around. His chest was very tight. I tried to grab him lower around the torso, but could still not reach around.

11996 July 31

I was in the room with $F10. I was upset. I had not seen him in a very long time. We talked for a while. He wanted to wrestle, but i did not feel comfortable. I tried to discourage him. Then the alarm by the bed went off. I trued to turn it off, but the switch was broken. I kept playing with the large stereo system to turn the alarm off, but it would not stop. Finally, i reached behind the right side of the system and pulled the white chord from the wall. I wanted to hold $F10 because i missed him. I was scared to be that physically close to him, though. I hugged him, but i heard people coming from down the hall. I let him go. We had to look safe for the people walking by. I walked out into the wall. I had left something in the side corridor. The man walked behind us as i collected my things. He started to describe a bike trail to us. He showed us the things down the hall. He pointed out a greenish tube on the left side of the corridor. It was from the movie set. It was part of the filming equipment. I thought that they would be shooting the movie soon, but they already had. I looked out the old dry-rotting window at the end of the old corridor. I must have been in the upstairs corridor of an old west saloon. I looked outside just in time to see an actor jump off of the wood-shingled roof. There was a bright green tube along the edge of the roof where the rain gutter should be. It was for the actors’ safety with the stunt. The man rolled down the shingled roof and off the edge. He landed in the water off the side of the dock. The house was on an old wharf. The man jumped down from the upper roof, landed on the slanted shingled section, and rolled over the edge and into the water. The camera crew filmed him from over the water. The man rolled over the roof and jumped off of the edge. He landed in the water as the cameras filmed him. As he came to the surface, he asked if that time was better than the previous. They did the stunt several more times. Then the man tripped just under the window and rolled against the wall of the building. The crew came across the roof to check him out. He was fine, but out of breath. The stun man was Bruce Willis. He was all wet, and he was not wearing any pants. I wondered why he was doing the stunt without pants. I noticed that he had blue oil painted over his groin area. I thought that was really strange. I ignored it and walked into the building, thought the window.