11997 July 01

I was with $G4 when we ran through the forest. We were heading up the creek bed. I remembered that we had climbed up the falls of this creek earlier. There was someone hiding under the ice of some part of the lower falls. I had escaped over the top of the ice, but they were hiding in a large air pocket under one of the falls. I thought that we could break the ice farther up the stream, which would cause the water to flood over this person. I vaguely remembered the person as being $A52. I walked over the creek with the other person, remembering what we had done before. I still thought that it would be a good idea to break the ice and flood the other person out. I looked over the stream. This was not the place where the other person was hiding. It was all too level here. There were no spaces under the ice here. Then i looked off to the left, down the gorge where the falls started. That is where the other person was. I remembered it now. I crossed the creek with the other and headed down the hill on the other side. We had to continue on the run. The others had run through the wooded area. I looked around the swamp in which we were standing. There were several trees which had fallen into the water on the ground. I climbed down the steep slope of the hill, the loose moss peeling under my feet. The other person followed me. I could see several of $G4 continuing off to my left. They crossed in front of us on the logs, complaining about getting their feet wet. I stepped on one of the logs, the rotting clump of leaves that had covered the log falling off into the murky water. We would have to cross the swampy valley. I wondered whether we could walk on logs the entire way, or whether we would have to get our feet wet at some point.

11997 July 02

I was near my parents’ house, talking to the children outside. It was a slightly cloudy day. I was talking to the boy in front of me when i noticed the band of clouds stretching overhead. I looked up and could see a thin strip of smoke moving overhead. It crossed from in front of me to behind me. I thought for a moment that it was from a fire, but then i realized that it was a cloud. I looked behind me and could see the rotating storm clouds. The thin strip of cloud was being sucked in by the funnel cloud. I could see the tornado as if from above, watching the thin band of cloud merge with the disc of rotating clouds before sinking into the hole in the center. I thought that a storm was coming in. I thought that it must be a hurricane.

I was in the apartment. I had to get my things together and unpack them into the apartment. I had just moved in with someone who was one of the brothers, though i did not recognize him. It seemed like $G128. I moved my stuff from one box to another, trying to put things away. The room was a dull white. There was an entrance door to my left and behind me as i faced the back wall. On the back wall was a window with a bed in front of it. The bed was covered with a yellow spread. I walked over to the bed and pulled some yellow sheets from the box that was sitting upon it. $A128 was getting some of his things into the room. I moved to the right wall and opened one of the cabinet doors. The door was very small, and just over my eye level. In the cupboard, i could see several yellow sheets. I then walked out of the apartment and down the sidewalk to the right. I was in a city, with a large park across the street fro me. The park was on the top of a hill. I could see the tips of the tall buildings from the rest of the city just over the grassy slope. It seemed like San Francisco. There were row houses to my right as i walked. I could see the lady walking her small dog on the grass across the street, right at the edge of the park. It was a bright sunny day outside.

11997 July 03

The fish swam in the fish bowl in the center of the room as i walked around. The room was very plane, with flat walls and no decorations. It seemed like some sort of lab. I was playing with the fish. The fish was swimming freely around the room. I had woken up earlier at my grandmother’s house. I remembered being on the back stairs of her dining room talking to several people. We were talking about the experiments. The fish had brushed up against my leg with its long fins. I was worried about it doing so for a moment. Then we discussed the sound that was coming from the next room. I could hear the bass vibrations from the music, and i started playing the bass part in my mind. It was the bass part that i had written. I could tell that the fish liked the deep sounds. I moved my left leg over to the fish, who reached out and touched it with its fins. It was the only way the fish could tell who was making the bass sounds. It could only identify people by sense of smell that it received through touch. I then thought that others would not be so eager to let the fish touch their skin. It was a strange feeling. I found it strange, but i did it anyway. I then walked out of the water and away from the room.

11997 July 04

I walked across the large room in the house. The walls were white, and there was a wood floor, but there did not seem to be any furniture. The house seemed to be my grandparents’ old house on $P12. I walked over to the large window on the back wall of the room. There was a heating vent on the floor by the wall. I walked over to the vent and stood over it. The warm air came up under me. I looked down through the grate at the area below. I was young, and much shorter. I could see down into the area below the floor. It seemed dry down there, and i could see the shadows moving from the light above. I then heard a buzzer go off. I thought that i had done something wrong by stepping on the grating. I remembered that it was a bad thing to do. I walked to the kitchen of the house when i noticed a police officer coming in the front door. She waked over to me and asked me some questions. I thought she had come in because of the alarm and was going to question me about the grating. She said that she was investigating the house because someone had thrown a yellow plastic thing out the front window and into the street. I knew that it was my parents who had thrown the thing out of the window. They were having an argument in the kitchen. I was relieved that they would get in trouble and not me. I told the police officer that my parents had thrown the yellow thing. I then told her that i was afraid that she had come to question me for stepping on the heating vent, as i had remembered that doing so set off an alarm in the past. She walked into the living room and stood in front of the couch on the far wall as we spoke. I tightened the blue wrap that was around my waist. It hung down to my ankles. The lady sat down on the log to my right. I walked over to the long log that was lying on the ground to my left, just under the front of the lean-to. There was a large open field to the right, running up hill slightly from where we were. The man walking in front of me joked about scottish clothing. I tugged at the wrap that was around my waist and pretended that it was a kilt. I realized that i was wearing it like a scottish kilt: with nothing underneath. I opened up the front of the wrap, which was made of a light, rippled material that was coloured a royal blue. I then closed it quickly, joking about the scottish fashions. I then laid down on the log and started talking to the woman again. The man continued the joke, however, and grabbed my feet. He lifted them into the air so that my wrap slid up. I wiggled free and pulled the wrap back down, laughing with him. I then drove my car down the dirt country road through the vast field. The car in front of me was playing their radio very loud. I could hear it as i followed them. It was $A95, driving a tan jeep with a black tarp top. There was someone else with him. We drove over the crest of the small hill and into the small valley on the other side. I was following him to some place. I could hear the music the entire way. There was a swamp off to the left of the road in the bottom of the dip. I then took a turn to the left on a small road. I remembered that it was the road on which i had come. I traveled along the dirt trail that ran to the right of the road. I remembered what $A95 had said about running through the woods. I remembered that it was more of an experience than an exercise. I passed along the side of the road, wondering how far the trails continued before they faded into the woods. There were many pine shrubs and bare rocks along the ground. I thought that the area was very scenic. I cut in from the road a little bit to stay on a clear path. The trail was no longer obvious. There was someone passing on the roads to me left. I ignored them and ran through the woods, enjoying the experience. I then looked back towards the road and could see that the land i was on had risen about two meters above the roads level. There was a rock cliff leading back down to the road. I wondered whether i would be separated from the road if i went further. I kept going anyway.

I looked over the tops of the equipment that lined the wall of the office. It was all old computer stuff, but it had been refurbished and patched together. I could see where the tubes projected out of the top of the case on the right had been taped to the turn-table on the top of the dull silver box. There were several mechanism projecting from the top of the box.

11997 July 05

I went into my office. I saw $A52 walking out the sliding glass doors of the office as i wandered in. I had to get to work. As i walked into the office, i realized that things had been changed. I looked around at the computers and realized that they were being replaced by newer models. The room was rectangular in shape, with the side walls only a little longer than the front and back. The walls were plane and painted white. The computers sat in the middle of the room on desks. My desk was on the right side of the room as i entered. I walked over to my desk, which was facing the door, and walked around to the other side. I realized that my computer had been replaced by a newer model of a Macintosh. There was also a synthesizer keyboard leaning up against the right front side of my desk. I realized that they had converted my desk into a MIDI station. It was all part of the showroom that my office was creating to sell their computers. I wondered where my desk and computer had gone. I was excited to see the MIDI station, which was a black Macintosh computer in a rack mount, because i thought that i could play around with some music while i was here. I also felt uneasy because i did not know what had happened to my computer or my work. I turned around to face the back of the room. There were two men near the back of the room discussing instruments. One was wearing blue denims and a black vest and sat on the edge of a platform that extended from the left hand wall. He was playing a guitar as the other stood to his left and talked to him. They were both salesmen from the music department. I had to find out what happened to my desk. I wondered whether i would be out of a job. I thought that i should ask my new boss, $A129. I walked down the hall and into her office only to find that her cubicle had disappeared. They had made the space where her cubicle had been into an open lounge. People were gathering in the lounge at the moment for a meeting. I did not know what to say. One of the ladies, who was sitting on the couch in front of the left wall, told me that everything in the office had been rearranged. She said that the entire department was being moved. I felt relieved for a moment that $A129 was not around, because then i would not have to do anything for work right away. I was distressed no to know what was going on, however.

My mother walked up into the apartment as the men tried to move my stuff out. I had to get everything out of my apartment and into my new one. Things were changing around me, and i had to move everything. I walked along the cement ramp of the multilevel garage. The movers were moving things up the ramp behind me. I walked along the street when i saw the jogger coming towards me. I talked to the jogger and started to head in the same direction that he was moving in. We then came to a section of the ramp where we would no longer be able to continue. The jogger started to climb along the outside of the railing, between the ramp and the cement wall on the outside of the garage, to the next level up. I could see part of the moving van between the crack on the ramp above me. I would not be following the jogger, though. I wanted to head down. I climbed over the ramp and lowered myself onto the next level down. I held onto the metal pipe as i descended, hoping that the ramp below me was not far enough away from the wall that i could slip between them and fall even farther down. I jumped to the next ramp below and started walking.

11997 July 06

I was at the top of the stairwell in the old building. The walls of the well were made of laid stone. There was a set of pinkish-tan shelves along the back wall of the well. It was part of the staircase. There was a gymnasium to the left where people were playing sports. I walked over to the thin metal shelf and started to walk down stairs. I worried for a moment that i might fall to the level below. I tried not to look down as i was descending them. I held onto the metal bar on he left hand side of the stairs as i climbed down. At the bottom, there was a man sitting on the bottom step. He was wearing hockey padding and red and black uniform. There was a large hockey bag sitting on the ground to his left as he spoke to the boy in the doorway to his right. I recognized the hockey player from high school. I stepped over the hockey bag and walked into the large lobby of the building. It seemed like a train station. I noticed that the clocks on the wall seemed to be running too fast. I could see the minute hand moving around the dial. Then i noticed that the watch on my wrist was running too fast. The hands were moving too fast. $Z walked with me on my right and just behind me as we entered the large area. There was a triangular ad sign in the center of the floor. I could see $A130 and one other standing by the sign. He was wearing a dull brown suit, and he had his right hand in his pants pocket. I could see his watch from under the edge of cuff. I noticed that it too was spinning too fast. Something strange was happening. I told the other three that there was something going on. Our watches all seemed to be moving too fast. Then $A130 told me that they were not. He said that i was just imagining it. He showed me his watch. I looked at the watch and could only see the second hand moving around the dial. It was normal. Then i looked at the other clocks around the room. They were all running normally. I knew that i had seen them move fast before, but i said that it must simply have been my watch that was off. I looked at my watch to see that it was now running normally. I was confused for a moment. I walked into the other room of the building. $A130 followed me. I let $A130 sit down in one of the chairs around the room, but i walked on, out the back side of the building. I looked out of the opening on the back of the building. There were tall mountains before me, covered with green vegetation. I thought that the view was very attractive. It seemed out of place, however, but i enjoyed it.

I walked into the lab with my things. The room was small, and things had been rearranged while i was away. I went to place my computer down on the desk, but found that there were other computers there. I would not be able to work here at the moment. The main room had a single table along the back all. There were two rooms off to the right, through two separate doorways. The doorway on the left led to the other small lab, where the other student did his studies. The door on the right led into the professor’s office. I remembered talking to the professor earlier. His desk was on the left wall as one entered the room, and it was cluttered with papers and things. He sat at it earlier, talking to me as i stood in the doorway. I walked across the main lab room and placed my small computer upon the table where the other computers were. I then realized that i would not be able to plug my computer into the wall anywhere. I picked up my things, frustrated, and walked towards the lab to the left. The room was long and narrow, and had a blackboard along the right wall. The student was working off to the right as i entered. I said hello and went to place my things on the shelf under the blackboard. I then realized that the shelf was only a chalk tray and not large enough for me to place my things. I was frustrated again. I needed a place to work, but did not know where to go.

11997 July 07

I was on the submarine. I walked through the narrow corridors of the ship. The captain was upset about something. He walked past me and into the door on the right side of the narrow corridor. He had to talk to someone about the problem. I wondered what was going on. I walked down the main corridor to my cabin. It was a rather large cabin. The lights were on, but they should not have been on as bright as they were. I tried to turn them down from the wall switch. They all went off. I tried again, turning them up by one level. They came up dimly, but then flipped to the next higher wattage. I was having difficulty adjusting them. I decided to leave them and walked to the other end of the room. The room opened up into a large stone lobby. It was the front hall of a public building. I walked up the marble stairs with the other man following me. He was an older man, and knew more about these things than i did. I then saw the occidentals standing along the back wall. They were talking and enjoying the bright day. This was their city, hidden away in the middle of the jungle. I was excited to be here, in the middle of the other society. The occidentals were all wearing reddish-orange ponchos and loose pale pants. This place was a hidden city of theirs. I looked down at the circular decorations on the floor. I knew that they were incan. They celebrated the heritage of these people. Then i noticed one circle which was black with purple arabic lettering in it. I wondered how that lettering could have gotten there. It seemed so far away from the Arab Empire. As i walked farther out along the platform in the center of the temple, i realized that the stone floor was worn and ancient. The circular decorations in it were raised slightly as the soft sandstone around them eroded, leaving only the rounded edges of the designs. This part of the temple was original. I wondered about the variety of designs here in the incan civilization. The platform ended along the edge of the building and i looked out over the ashen houses of the small city. I could see the lush green vegetation growing over the houses and the dense jungle beyond. There were mountains even farther. Then i noticed that the drumming in the forest had stopped. Something was wrong. The others were coming to attack us. I looked over the balcony at the staircase which descended into the library below. A lady walked down, her light blue and bluish-grey robes trailing behind her. She was the spiritual leader, and knew about the wisdom of the scrolls. She explained as she walked along that the others have chosen a different philosophy. They disagreed on the main principles of the thought of the people, and would attack us because of it. I was on the other side of the stairs now, and i watched as she walked into the chamber to the left. She was going to the scrolls to read the history of the people. I thought about what she said. It seemed familiar to me, but i did not feel a part of it.

I sat at the table with the other students. I was taking the test for $A96. He was not with us at the moment, but we had to take the test without him. I sat at the edge of the table. I knew many of the answers on the test, and wrote them down into my book. Then i realized that the others did not know all of the answers. They were the students who always fooled around. I then got up from the table and wandered into the garage behind my grandmother’s house. I felt that the others would not be able to figure out what i was doing. I needed to go to the lavatory. I walked across the main section of the garage and to the left, into the side room. Out the screened window i could see the houses next door. I noticed someone coming out of the side door across the lawn. It was the house on the side street from where my grandmother’s house was. There was a man and a woman talking in the doorway. I turned to the left again and walked into the small toilet closet. There were no walls around the toilet, however. It was enclosed with only screening. I could see the two people in the doorway as i got ready to urinate in the toilet. I hopped that they could not see me. I looked around to make sure that no one else could see. I then wondered whether the toilet actually worked, as it seemed the wrong time of year for it to be running. I thought that the water might be turned off. I leaned over and flushed it. It seemed to work all right. I then looked back around the yard to make sure that i was hidden from everyone. I did not want anyone to be embarrassed by seeing me. I then lifted the seat of the toilet and realized that it had been clogged. There was toilet paper floating up near the edge of the bowl. I realized that it must have been brought to the top when i flushed it. I thought that it might have even dripped over some. I urinated in it anyway, thinking that it would eventually go down. I then looked behind me and out the front window of the garage at the table where the others were still taking the test. I saw one of the boys pick up my test and read the answers on it. They then started to pass it around. I was disappointed. I did not want them to copy my work. I started back out of the room. As i left the lavatory and headed across the main room of the restaurant, i ran into $F12. He was wearing a light blue shirt with no sleeves, and had his hair cut really short. I thought that it could not be $F12, as he was not back in town. I realized that i was probably mistaking the other man for $F12. They did look somewhat alike. I told the man that i had not realized that he was in town, and he said that he was. He continued on towards the lavatory, and i walked out into the main room, where the others were still sitting around the table. I then noticed $A178 standing between the table and the wall. He was the man whom i mistook for $F12. I realized that it really was $F12 in the other room. I felt really excited to have him here. I told $A178 of his twin, whom i had just seen walking into the bathroom. $A178 smiled. He remembered that i thought that he looked like $F12. I sat down at the end of the table and looked at the small square white envelope in front of me. It was my test. It had been handed in and considered complete. I was upset because i could not have answered enough questions on it to get a passing grade. The man at the other end of the table said that he had handed it in for me, as i was away. I knew that he and the others must have gotten better grades because they all copied my answers. He then said that i would have to correct my test later. I thought about having to take it again so that i could get a better score. I was upset with them. He joked with the others for a little while. I threw the envelope at him, hitting him on the chest. I was upset. I then picked up the other square of cardboard. I pretended that my throw was unintentional. I tossed the other to him, as i was supposed to do. Then i noticed $K1 sitting to my right, on the side of the table. She handed me a small square clear plastic bag. I opened the bag to find that it was full of coins. I looked through them. Many of them were foreign. They were from $K1’s trip to Italy. $K1 would be on the trip soon. I pulled the small brass-coloured coins from the bag and tried to sort them. It was having difficulty sorting them because too many of them were foreign. $K1 would be going on a trip. It would be a space odyssey.

11997 July 08

I was at the theatre. $A62 and some of the brothers were there. $A123 sat on the other side of the table from where i was standing. They all talked about things. I was joking with them. Then i turned and walked out of the theatre. I looked across the old, decrepit parking lot of the cinema as i walked out the front door. There were small sprigs of grass sprouting up from the faded grey pavement. The others were exiting the old cinema building with me. The movie had just ended. It was a special screening of a film. I then noticed a car driving down the road on the other side of the short parking lot. A woman in a tight red evening dress jumped out of the back of the car and posed for a moment on the road. She was a famous movie star, and had come for the show. Her dress was full of clear sequins. She arched to her side, waving the scepter over her with her right hand. I thought that it was something special that she had shown up. It did not seem that special to me. I wondered why she was going through all of the effort of her appearance.

11997 July 09

I drove up the road from $P4 towards my parents house. The road was very narrow, and paved with cement blocks, like a sidewalk. I walked along the path, looking at the houses and trees around me. There was a town building just of to the left at the corner, and a large tree full of leaves on the right. My mother was following me in another car. I headed up the hill outside of $P5 in my small car. I looked over the hood of the red toy car as i rolled it up a flight of cement steps on the sidewalk. I then came to the set of brick steps in front of the house. They were new and have been made taller. I could not get my car tires up onto the first step. I decided that i should drive my car around to the right, where the grass ran between the rocks that bordered the gardens around the stairs. I soon realized that i could not get my car between the boulders. They were too close together. I wondered why i would have to go around the side of the house in the car anyway. It seemed very inappropriate. Then my mother said that we were ready to leave the restaurant. I knew that we had not paid the bill and wondered what we were supposed to do. She told me to give the manager the credit card, telling him that we would be right back. I walked away from the table and over to the counter of the restaurant. I handed the man behind the counter the small black purse and told him that i would be right back. I smiled at him and it seemed as though i was familiar with him. I walked out of the restaurant and into the parking lot. We were outside of a small country store, with white cinder block walls and red trim. I walked my mother to the car and looked back at the store. We had just arrived here and were looking for a place to eat. My mother said that the bill should be no more than thirteen dollars for the steak. I then went back into the restaurant and told the man that i would pay the bill. I looked over the little white receipt that i had in my hand. It listed the steak as “invitational”. This meant that there would be no charge for it. I told the woman behind the counter that the slip did not have the price for the steak. She said that it was invitational. I asked her why the steak would be free and she said that the chef had been sick, so there was some contamination on the food. I did not understand, but i thought that it was not good for a sick chef to be spreading disease.

I looked out of the front door of my parents’ house. It was dark out, and i had left my bicycle on the front porch. I decided that it should be moved to a safer place. I rolled it around to the side of the house and tried to lock it up on the other porch, which was between the round end room and the wall of the house. The house seemed very run down. The white paint on the rounded wooden shingles was fading, and the red trim along the roof was dull. The roof seemed to be covered with green tile. There was a steep cone roof over the rounded part of the house which was to the left of the porch. The grass seemed dry and ragged. I then thought that my bicycle would have been safer on the side porch where people could not see it easily from the road. I walked down the road near the driveway. There was something in the field across that street that i was watching.

11997 July 11

I stood on the back side of the warehouse as the two men with the truck pointed guns at us. I was not worried about the guns. It seemed as if i was in a movie. I knew we had to escape, however, but i knew that i would not get shot. Then i saw the other man sneaking up from the left. He was making his way across the floor of the warehouse. He sneaked up behind the two gunmen and pulled the rope that held their watercycles to the back of the large truck. The two tan cycles hit the water and started sinking. The two gunmen were confused at first. They were off guard and did not know how to get their cycles back up on the water. Their boat started sinking and we ran off to the right. I knew that the two gunmen would not be able to get their watercycles running before we were able to escape. I knew that we would escape. I followed the older man over the small footbridges that crossed the water. I remembered the bridges from before. They had been across all of the channels that we had crossed earlier. I looked down at the crude cement slab that was laid over the narrow water channel. The water channel was only a metre wide, and the slab was deteriorated along the edges. I followed the man, who was wearing an old english cape, and the younger girl across the small bridges over the streams. The cape was a dark tan colour. We crossed one of the canals. We were in England somewhere, and there was a bar to our left. It was dark out and the streets were wet from dampness. We walked into the bar, which was set up like a diner. The walls were a bright yellow, and there was a counter in the center of the room. We sat at one of the round tables in the small british bar. My grandmother was with my mother and me as we sat. There were several people off to my left. They were sitting around the piano. I felt slightly out of place because this was a foreign pub, and we were from America. Then i noticed the lady standing to the right of me. She was wearing a sixties-style yellow dress and held a cigarette box in front of her. She was the cigarette girl for the pub. I noticed that the yellow dress was a loosely knit outer garment. My grandmother said that she was getting hot, and wanted to take the red loose-knit sweater off. I looked over the photographs that i had taken on the trip. I came across the one of the Mayor of Santa Fe. She was wearing a slender yellow dress with a red loose-knit poncho over it. I had taken photographs of her removing the poncho. I thought that they were very good pictures. The colours came out very nicely.

11997 July 12

I was near the bus stop. $A26 was there with a stack of books. $A179 gave me some flowers. I then started walking away from the bus stop. I walked along the wooden boardwalk that ran in front of the old wooden houses. The lawns in front of the houses were rounded and sloped abruptly down to the road below. I walked over the wooden slats of the walkway, which had railings on both sides. I then realized that the boardwalk was actually the porches of the houses. I walked in front of a dull yellow house, climbing over the edge of their porch as i walked from one porch to another. I looked down at the narrow stretch of yard between the houses. There was a wooden, vertical-slat fence around the yard, and a few toys lying on the grass. One of the toys was a bright yellow plastic bucket. I hoped that the people would not mind that i was climbing on their porches. I decided that i should run down the stairs and walk along the sidewalk. There was someone at the base of the stairs as i came down. I walked back along the city street. I had to get back to meet my family at the hotel. I was in a large resort town, and i was walking through the run down part of town. I was not worried about what would happen to me, though i knew that my mother would. There were several old buildings on my left as i walked down the side walk. They were old stone buildings and were somewhat run down. I knew that i would have to turn to the left up ahead to head back to the center of town. I was good with directions, so i was not worried about getting lost. There were several people walking around me. I watched them as they passed. One boy walked out from a side street to the left. He was wearing a raggedy jacket that was a dull purple colour. I walked between him and the building as i rounded the corner to head back to the hotel. I was in a foreign land. I headed along the road that led into the main section of town. I remembered this from before. My mother was in the car with me. She did not know where we were going. I noticed the large black building up ahead on the right. It was part of the old section of town. I knew where we were when i saw it. It was on one of the main streets that led back to the center of town. I pictured the village from the air. I could see the two main roads that merged in front of the old black station building. The building was a large plain structure. The road we wanted ran to the left, along the river towards the north. I walked down the corridor and into the casino. There was a counter to the right which was black. The decor in the building was very dark, and there were several people standing around waiting to serve us. My mother and grandmother were waiting with me. We were visiting this place. It was a large tourist town. Then i noticed that Ed McMahon was standing with the staff on the other side of the counter. I was not interested in talking to him. I walked out of the front door of the casino and into the small cobble-stone square of the old town. We had to get back to the bus station.

11997 July 14

I was sitting in the auditorium on the left hand side, in the middle of the crowd. The chairs were wooden, and it seemed like i was in high school. There was someone at the front of the large auditorium giving a lecture. I could see the stage at the front. It was large and square and had a cement platform. There was a large opening around it which was held up by exposed girders. It looked relatively modern. Then i noticed that some of the students started fooling around. They were not interested in the lecture. They started throwing things across the audience. One of the students next to me threw a small, square shaped object forward and into the right side of the audience. I imagined that it must have hit someone. Then i wondered what would happen if i threw the glass that i was holding in my left hand. I was leaning back in my chair. I did not want to throw the glass, but i knew that someone would take it from me and throw it. It was a narrow champagne glass, with angular ridges running up its side. I crossed my arms as i leaned back in my chair, holding the glass in my right hand on the left side of my body. Then $A180 reached over my right shoulder and grabbed the glass. He threw it out into the audience to the right. I heard it crashed and knew that it had hit someone in the face. The man lecturing was disturbed, and the audience started to disperse. People were upset that the glass had been thrown. I suddenly wondered whether they would try to fingerprint the glass, as it would have my prints on it. I would have to explain that $A180 took it from me and threw it. Then $A86 asked me why i had thrown the glass. He was sitting on my right. $A181 was sitting on my left. They were both upset that i had thrown the glass. I told them that i had not, but they knew that i had been holding the glass earlier and that i did not have it now. I was not worried, because i knew that $A180 had thrown the glass.

11997 July 15

I walked through the store. My father was with me. There were several instruments hanging from the ceiling on the opposite wall of the store. I pointed out one of them to my father. It was a strangely shaped instrument. I told my father that it was a sitar. It was shaped more like a golf bag, with a narrow section in the middle. It had strings running down the front, was painted a creamy blue, and had circular cream coloured spots on it. The designs were outlined with a fine black line. There were some black objects on the body as well, which were also part of the painted design. We then walked down the long corridor of the store. It was open on both sides and seemed to be the corridor of a mall. There were glass windows on both side of the aisle and a large round, glass-enclosed area in the center. I looked into the glass-enclosed circle to see a display cabinet with a greek statue on it. It portrayed Agamemnon and some of the other greek legends. It was a promotion for saving the dolphins. It used an old greek story about a water voyage to symbolize the dolphins’ plight. I looked over the display and realized that it was very modernized. It was not correct according to old greek mythology. I mentioned this to my father. The store manager heard me, however, and objected, saying that the display was correct. The manager was a heavy-set man, slightly over-weight. He was wearing a plain white shirt and his grey hair was balding. I told him that the nymphs were really not correct. I knew that he did not understand that i was referring to the real pagan beliefs. He would deny their existence. I told him that the religion defined the characters differently. I told him that Poseidon was the god of the ocean, but the display had him as a minor character. I noted also that several of the other gods were incorrect. The man was appalled that i referred to them as gods. He asked what made me think that they were gods. I told him that the correct pagan beliefs had them in different places. He was taken aback. He started to lecture me on the evil of believing in the pagan gods. I told him that he must be a christian, because only the Christians could be so narrow-minded. I walked away as he lectured. He was very upset with me. I laughed at the fact that he was getting flustered. I walked down the corridor and into the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I spoke to the other man for a few minutes. Then we started to joke around with each other. We started to wrestle. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that he was well defined and in shape. I wondered whether i could pin him to the ground. He slipped behind be and wrapped his left arm over mine, pulling mine back. I tried to get him off of me. I thought that it seemed more difficult than it should be. Then my mother walked into the room. We stopped wrestling for a moment. She would think that it was rough-housing. I did not really care whether she was disturbed with us wrestling. I wanted to continue. I looked at the other person, but he seemed to be embarrassed, as if we were doing something wrong. I was agitated that we were interrupted.

I walked across the parking garage where i had parked my car. There were several people standing around along the sides of the garage. As i started down the aisle i noticed a man who had just stepped out of a doorway ahead of me. He was coming towards me and wearing a white shirt, tan slacks, and a yellow tie. He was dressed for a meeting. I recognized him. It was $A182. I said hello and asked how he was doing. He mentioned that he had just come from a meeting. I asked him how things were going at the office. He grumbled and shook his head in complaint. He told me that things were beginning to change in his office. He mentioned that there was something underhanded going on in his office. The people were rearranging the staff, and they were talking of changing everybody’s positions. He tried to whisper, telling me that he could not talk aloud for fear that some might be listening. I asked him what the problem was. He looked at me for a moment, then pulled me off to the side of the aisle. We walked to the back of the garage, where people would not hear us talking. He could not tell me what was going on where everybody was standing around. Then i realized that there was someone watching us. I turned around and looked out the windows of the small room. I could not see anything, but something was there. I could sense it. The girl told me that she was afraid that someone was following her. I could not see any one, but i felt that she was right. There was something dangerous about the place. I tried to pull down the shades on one of the windows, looking outside as i did so. It was dark outside, but i could see the open lawn in the dim light of the street light. There was no danger from out there. I moved the tray of food over to the couch and tried to sit down. It was time for dinner. There was still something wrong. Something was out there watching us. Then i realized that the danger was not from outside the room. The girl was being stalked by someone, but it was not by a person. I turned around to look at her when i saw the phantasm rising from the floor behind her. It was simply the outline of a human man, with a heavy robe on. The man had an old face and long white hair. He hovered over the girl as she turned around. She screamed and backed away. I remembered that this was part of Poltergeist 4. There were several other ghosts in this movie, so i had to watch out for them.

11997 July 16

I drove my car down the road. It was night out, and everything was dark. The land around me was featureless. There was a flat plane on the left which stretched several kilometres to the steep, rocky hills. To the right of the road was a rocky embankment. I came to the intersection where the road led off to the left, across the plane and through the valley into the hills. I had been looking for a road to the left to get me home, but this was not the correct road. I had traveled too far. I turned the car around and headed back down the road. I had to find the correct road which led to the left. I wondered whether i had gone to far on this road. Then there was a sign on the right side of the road which said “Yes” and “No”. It was a triangular sign, like a flow chart function. I then noticed the road coming up on the right. It was not the correct road. I had traveled too far. I had been to this corner before, and wondered how i had returned. There was some sky glow in the distance which seemed like city lights, though the air was very clear. I was late, and headed back down the road. I was frustrated that i had gone the wrong way and started to speed back. I imagined that i was lying down on a small car which was moving very fast down the road. My head was forward, and i could see the road moving in front of me. It reminded me of a cat running over the wild plains. I then knew that there was a police officer ahead. I slowed down and drove slowly past him. He was standing on the right side of the road as i passed, his arms crossed in front of him. He had short blonde hair, and i could tell that he was well built. I thought that it was very stereotypical of a police officer to be very well built.

I was in the small bedroom in my parents’ house. I had to get my things together. My mother was ready to leave for $P6, and i had to get ready to go to school. My grandfather was downstairs with his wife. I had to get all my things together. I started packing things into my school backpack on my bed when i realized that i was not dressed yet. I felt rushed and quickly went to get my school uniform. I then remembered that i had not packed a lunch yet. I ran into the kitchen and started to get my things together. I thought that it would have to be a quick lunch. My grandfather was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I had to hurry or i would be late.

I looked over the menu in the diner. I stood by the counter with my mother trying to decide what to eat. The counter was a cream white with red trim. It seemed like a very old place from the fifties which was still running. I flipped through the menu and realized that all of the food in it was american. It did have a chinese section, but it was very standard chinese food. The chinese section was the first one in the menu. I then realized that the menu had food on it. There was a large patch of spaghetti under the plastic on the right hand page that i was looking at. I then realized that the menu contained food which acted as a sample of the meals. The page was a plastic bag that contained spaghetti in a red meat sauce. I wondered whether the spaghetti was real. I flipped the pages forward to look for something else. I came to the section for tomatoes. There were several stews with various spices in the bags. I noticed that the potato section was very large, with several meat stews. Then i came to a large container. It was the last page. I closed the menu. There was nothing in it that i wanted to eat. I told this to my mother. I was in the mood for chinese food. I remembered getting good food here before, but i did not see any of it on the menu. My mother decided on something. I just wanted normal oriental food, not the stews and stir fries that the Americans called chinese food. I thought that all of the menu seemed very strange. I then opened the tan menu up again. It seemed different. It seemed that there were some things that i had missed before. I pulled some of the food from the bags to look at them. I opened a very large serving of fries. I then looked over the oriental section of the menu. My attention was drawn by my mother, who was standing by the side counter to my left. She had gotten a very large cake and was slicing it up. The cake looked like chocolate with a light pink frosting. She was cutting the cake into perfect slices and trying to arrange them on the tray that she was holding in her right hand. She wanted it to look nice. The rest of the cake sat on the counter as she cut it. Then the austral man walked up to her left and took a piece of the cake from the counter. He was with his wife and two small children. He picked up the box from the counter and started grabbing pieces of the cake with his hands. He fed some to his children. He chopped up the remainder of the cake with the cake knife. I realized that my mother would not be able to make any more nice pieces from the cake. She was upset at the man. She thought that it was obvious that she was trying to make something nice. Now she could no longer decorate the cake the way that she wanted. I looked at the tray that was the cake box and noticed that a girl’s head was in the center of it, surrounded by white frosting. The girl seemed like one of the man’s daughters. Then someone called across the room to us from the other side of the diner. I looked over to where the counter ran around the opposite wall from where we were. There were stools in front of the counter with round, green, fake leather tops. The man was sitting on the last stool on the right side of the counter. I then realized that he was calling my maternal grandfather, who was standing to my left. My grandfather answered in a somewhat aggressive tone, as if he knew who the man was. The man was surprised a little, but replied. He was my grandfather’s old fishing friend. They remembered each other from when they were young. My grand father joked around with the man for a while. He was wearing a red hunting-style hat on his head as he talked to the old man, who had a round face and wore a yellow pair of overalls. I turned back to the counter. I could not decide what i should eat. I had ordered potato pancakes last time i was here, but did not really want to order them again. My mother wanted me to make up my mind, however, so i grudgingly decided that i would have them again. I told the lady behind the counter that i would have the potato pancakes as i closed the menu and placed it on the counter. My mother was ready to leave. We would have to get going. I walked out the glass door of the diner, which was part of the large glass wall on the front of the building. I walked behind my mother as we started across the parking lot. There were cars parked on either side of us in rows along the sides of the building, which formed a U-shape around the small lot we were in. There was also a roof over the cars. I suddenly felt lost. The lyrics to the song “Magic Clouds” came to my head. Something seemed wrong. I was supposed to be heading to $P7, but i did not want to go there. Something felt wrong. I did not understand why i had to take classes there. I no longer seemed to belong there. I had moved on from that place. I thought about simply wandering around, with no place to go. I would be going back there later. I walked back through the parked cars and into the restaurant. The restaurant was serving dehydrated food in small packs. It was the newest trend. A man to the left of the door opened a small pack of pizza and slid it into the small rehydration stove. The pizza came out looking delicious. I felt lost.

11997 July 17

I walked down the aisle of the building with my grandmother. We were heading for the border. At the end of the corridor was a gate where the men would check our passports. I realized that i did not have mine with me. I remembered leaving it at home. I wondered if they would let me cross the canadian border without it. I was worried that i could not cross the border. My grandmother walked up to the gate in the airport and started to pass her bags across. I tried to walk across too but the man at the gate said that i could not go past without a passport. Then we saw my mother as she approached the gate from the right. She had several bags with her. She passed them to the lady at the gate and asked me if i was coming or not. I told her that i did not have anything with me. I was very upset. My mother pulled a white card out from her pocket and said that i could use it to get across the border into Canada. It was a card from her office, and she said that i could be placed on it as a pass. She showed it to the lady at the gate, but the lady would not let me through. I was very upset. My mother went through the gate and left. I walked back through the airport. I was frustrated and started hitting things. I grabbed a set of pamphlets from the counter to my left and threw them across the lobby. I then started grabbing things around the airport lobby and throwing them. I was very angry.

I walked out of the building with the other person. It was dark out, and we were heading home. I looked back at the house, which was a fraternity house, as we walked across the gravel parking lot that stretched along the front of the building. The girl with me walked around to the other side of the car and got in. I started to get in on the driver’s side when i noticed someone in the window of the house. It was an oriental boy, and he was sitting casually at a desk with his legs up to the right on top of something. I noticed that he had nice legs. He started to get up, however, and i decided to get in the car. I turned on the car and backed out of the parking lot and into the road, which bordered the outside edge of the gravel parking lot. It was still dark and the other cars on the road had their lights on. I tried to go forward in the right lane, but the car was still in reverse. A car passed me in the other lane. I stopped the car i was in and tried to shift into first. I tried to go forward again, but the car still went in reverse. I could not get the car to go in the direction that i wanted. I kept going into reverse. I thought that i could travel very fast in reverse to get where we needed to go.

I walked around the front of the building and noticed the car that had tried to drive into the driveway that i had walked out from. The small bluish white car sat with its nose against the white house, which had aluminum siding on it. The blonde-haired man stood on the other side of the car from me. He was upset because the other car had cut him off. The black-haired man with the mustache was standing beyond the car, near his dark blue pick-up truck. He had cut to close to the small car, and caused the small car to drive off the road and into the side of the house. I looked at the side of the house and noticed that the front end of the car had gone through a window on the lower level of the house. The car was only slightly damaged, and the window was cracked inward a little bit. I turned and walked away from the accident, heading back down the slope of the gravel driveway, toward the three-story apartment building. I walked into the door on the corner of the apartment building. I would be living in this building. There were some other people there whom i knew. They were brothers. $F17 was also one of them. She lived in the apartment upstairs, but was moving out soon. I felt strange about being here, but i thought that i should live here as well. I walked out the side of the house and started talking on the phone. I was on the balcony that looked down over the parking lot. The phone receiver was black, and i held it to the right side of my head as i watched myself sit on the roof. Then i realized that someone below was looking for me. I was not quite comfortable being part of the group of people in the house, yet. I then started slipping off of the roof. I dropped the phone over the edge and caught the edge of the rain gutter before i slipped over the edge entirely. There was someone walking into the front door below me. I did not seem that high off of the ground, and was not worried about falling. I would simply lover myself from the balcony to the ground. I did so and walked into the front door of the house. I met someone in the front hall who had just moved into the building. I turned and headed back for the door to answer the phone. I was going to leave. I opened the small white door on the corner of the narrow hall. The building was somewhat run down, but not in poor condition. I opened the door and realized that this was not the way out. There was a shelf about waist level with windows over it. This was the phone closet. The outside door was just to the right. I placed the phone back on the white shelf, which was covered on the front with thin wood planks. I closed the doors over the shelf and outside window and walked outside. I got into the car with the others. We would have to start traveling. The car pulled out onto the main road. We started heading away from the apartment and down the road by the hospital. The road was suburban, near a business district. Suddenly, the man driving the car turned around. We had to head the other direction for some reason. Then i started to notice the people walking down the side of the road. This was a parade from the people who were in town from the olympics. I remembered that i had passed by the visitor’s center earlier when they were gathering. The road ahead had been closed. That was why we had turned the car around. I looked out the right window of the car as we passed the athletes in the homosexual olympics. They were walking in a line in the parade, and were dressed in bright pink colours. I wondered if any if any of them would look attractive.

11997 July 18

Turned around in the driveway on the left side of the road and started heading back. I could see some young people running along the railroad tracks on the other side of the road. I thought that walking along the tracks was quite dangerous, but i knew that they were drunk. Running down the rail bed was one way of being defiant. I watched them as i passed along the road. I then noticed that one of them was $A10. He was holding a paper cup which looked like it had come from a fast food restaurant. It was white with blue, diagonal stripes up the side and had a plastic lid with a straw sticking out of it. I knew that it was the alcohol they were all drinking. I was surprised that $A10 would be running around with these other people. I drove on down the road and walked into the corridor of the house. I walked into the large plain room where the family was. There was some type of special occasion going on. It seemed like Halloween. The boy was fooling around and doing things that he was not supposed to be doing. The family was getting ready to leave, but the boy did not have his things together. I was waiting in the house. Something seemed wrong.

11997 July 19

I walked back up into my bedroom. Things had been rearranged slightly while we were gone. I walked over to the right hand corner of the room, near the bathroom door. The black bookshelf had been moved against the back wall. It stood against the wall, with an open space between itself and the corner to the right. On the right wall from the corner was a large brown dresser, which stood right next to another large piece of furniture. I remembered that the black book shelf used to be in the middle of the room facing the brown dresser. I thought that it was much better when it was against the wall. I moved it back into the space between the brown dresser and the wall. Then i remembered that this space was where my guitars should go. I had not unpacked them yet from our trip, so the space was still open. I moved the book case out from the corner and tried to stand it against the back wall. The base of the book shelves were against the back wall, but the top kept leaning out, away from the wall. I remembered that the floor sank as it came away from the wall. I could see the flat section against the wall and then the slope as the wood floor sunk towards the center of the room. I could not lean the book case up against that wall. I decided that i would have to place the book case back into the center of the room. I turned it to face the furniture against the back wall, as it had been before, but i placed it closer to the back wall. It still was not stable. I then realized that the old blue rug, which was on the floor, did not stretch all the way to the back wall, and made the legs of the book case stand unevenly if they were over it. I would have to move the book case back in front of the dresser and let it stand in the center of the room. I thought that it looked silly there. I wondered whether it would block the bed, which was behind me, on the left wall of the room. I then walked back down stairs. I walked into the back yard of my parents’ house. I was in the room with the rest of $G4. We were getting ready to go out for a run. I was not feeling like a run. Something was upsetting to me. I seemed somewhat depressed. I thought that i should just get up and go home. I had several things in my hand. I picked up my mug and some other things and started across the room. I left my blue tank top on the edge of the table in the room. There seemed to be a fire pit in the center of the room. I started to head towards the door. Someone asked me if i was going. I said that i would be right back. I knew that run was supposed to start any minute. I did not think that they would get it going, though. I felt distressed and wanted to leave. Then i ran into $F19 as i placed my things into the back of the car. She wondered where i was going. I found that she was coming in the same direction. I asked her if she could give $F24 a ride home, as i realized that i would probably not be coming back. She said that she was board and that she was leaving as well. I wondered what i would do about $F24. We both started walking across the street from the house. We crossed towards the trees that were growing on the other side of the road and headed up the short hill. As we got to the top, we came to an intersection on the other side of the river. The older woman, who was driving the car, asked where she was to go. She asked how she would get to $P64. I pointed forward and to the left of the car as i leaned forward over the back of the front seat. I was sitting in the back of the car. She turned left at the traffic light and onto the busy, split-lane road. I thought about where we were. It seemed like this road should run right into $P64. Then i mentioned to my grandmother, who was sitting in the passengers seat of the car, that i thought this road was the $P64 Parkway. I knew that we were already on the other side of the river. We had crossed over it before we had come to the traffic light at the intersection. I then started to wonder whether the road had curved too far around. It seemed that $P64 was not off to our right, and that we were heading back towards the river. We drove through another intersection. I remembered that that intersection led left to the $P64 Bridge, a green, steel bridge which crossed the river near $P3. Then i realized that we were heading back toward the river on the road on which we were. I thought that we must be heading towards $P64. We started to head through he factory section. I remembered that these old white factories were just before the main section of $P64. There were bridges that crossed over us as we drove. I looked at the old abandoned factories on the right side of the road. They looked familiar to me. Then i noticed the radio tower in the center of a factory yard. The road curved sharply to the left around the fenced in yard. I could see the large red letters of the radio station going up the side of the tower. They read “WXXX”. My cousin, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat said, “You know what we used to call that station?” Then she made a snoring sound. I realized that the letters “ZZZT” on the tower could be pronounced as a snore. We passed under some more bridges.

11997 July 20

I was walking down the country road that wound through the forest. It was a bright and sunny day, and the leaves on the trees were a rich green. The forest spread out to my left as i walked along the right side of the road. To my right was a small drop-off which led down to a small river. The river was full of clear water and had tan sandstone rocks poking out of the shallow water. Then i heard the car coming from in front of me. I cold hear the loud stereo playing. I knew that this car would be trouble. Then i saw the dark green car. It was a mid-seventies sports car, with a black top. It passed by me slowly. The driver was trying to threaten me. I pretended that i did not notice him. The car swung around in front of me and tried to drive very close to my side. It then swerved around in a tight circle and tried to cut me off. The back corner of the car cut in front of me and went under the guard rail at the edge of the road. I stopped. I realized that the small dog that i had been walking was in danger of being run over by the car. It was only about the size of a squirrel. The car pulled back towards me and the dog disappeared under the back of the car. I hoped that the dog did not get caught under the wheel. Then the car pulled forward. I could see that the dog had been crushed on the road. I was upset, and crossed the road to the left. I looked at the back of the car as it pulled ahead slightly to get the license plate number. I read the entire plate, but could only remember the first part. It started with “Tx_4”. I walked across the short parking lot, toward the store. There were two buildings on the parking lot. Both were long and had glass fronts. They were both shops. I walked into store on the left, looking back across the lot to see where the car was. I could see it pull into the lot, standing just beyond another car. It was waiting for me. I walked into the store and into the back room. I did not want the person in the car to seem me calling the police. I wondered whether he would guess that i was going to call them. I spoke to the girl in the shop. I told her about the car and asked her to call the police. I then told her about my dog. She was appalled. I felt sad all of the sudden, and thought that the emotion would be effective in convincing the girl that i was telling the truth. I stood out in the back of the restaurant. Some of the others came out to talk to me. Then the policeman showed up. I wondered whether the car was still outside in the parking lot. I told her what kind of car it was. She moved over to my left, near the other girl i had been talking to. The police officer asked me if i happened to get the license number of the car. I said that i had, and told her that it started with “Tx_”. That was all i could remember. Then someone called from inside of the restaurant. The girl who had talked to me had to get back to work. I turned and started walking up the hill. I wrapped the pink wool blanket around me. It was starting to rain. I felt depressed. I should talk to the girl again. I headed up the hill when i noticed $F14 appearing from a car on my right. She was carrying a large green couch from the trunk of the car. She smiled and said hello to me. I thought that i could talk to her, but i noticed that she was being evasive with me. Then i noticed the man on the other end of the couch. He was her new boy friend. I noticed that he was nicely built. I did not want her to suspect that i had come to talk with her, so i said that i was heading up the hill to visit some relatives. I remembered that my aunt lived near the top of the hill. I remembered going into their house earlier. It had a patio on the left side of the house which was covered by an overhang. I walked past the row of houses, which ran along the left side of the road, and headed up the hill. I could feel the light rain as it hit me on the head. Just beyond $F14’s apartment, i looked up. I noticed that there was a large clear plastic shield hanging out from one of the houses. I could see the black wires that outlined it, and the slightly brownish tint of the plastic. It was blocking the rain above me. I wondered why someone had placed such a thing over the front lawn of their house. I continued up the hill, heading towards my relatives house. Then i realized that i had reached the top of the hill. The houses in front of me were starting to level out. I must have passed my aunt’s house. I looked back down the row of small family houses. I thought for a moment that i had forgotten what my aunt’s house had looked like. I looked over the faces of the houses. I tried to remember what the porch on the front of her house looked like. Then i remembered about the patio on the left side of the house. I started back down the hill when i noticed my relative’s house. I did not really want to go in to see them. I continued walking down the hill. I looked over to their house as i passed. I noticed the familiar house with the open screen patio on the left side of the house. I could see several chairs and a table on the patio. I continued walking down the hill. I then looked up at the pool of water that was suspended over the sidewalk from the large brick building. It was a clear plastic pool, and was filled with water. I wondered why it was there. As i walked under it, though, i noticed that it held a pontoon boat. The black and grey boat was being stored in the water. I thought that the pool was to catch any water or oil that might drip from the bottom of the boat. It would keep the oil from dripping on people who walked on the streets below. I continued on down the street of the city.

11997 July 23

I was at the small college book store. I had to order some books for $F12. I had one that i thought was an important book. It was a science book, but it dealt with religion. I could see that the title was the Bhagavad Gita. I was fascinated that this book store actually had the book. I wondered how many other interesting books there were around.

11997 July 24

I walked along the cement sidewalk that ran along the side of the large building. The building was made of wood, and seemed like an apartment building. It was a multistory building. As i walked, i noticed that the building seemed like a cement school building. It was cold and drizzling outside. There seemed to be something wrong. I carried my acoustic guitar over my shoulder. As i came to the edge of the building, i looked forward, down the small hill towards the parking lot behind the hotels. I was walking to my car. There was a large pine tree just off the corner of the school building which was partly down the hill. I was walking towards it as i headed away from the school. I could see a white cloud moving over the top of the tree. The drizzle must have been turning to snow. I thought that the weather must be turning bad. Then a strong gust of wind hit me, knocking the electric bass off of my shoulder. The snow was blinding. I fell backwards for a moment before i caught myself on the slope. I could not see anything. I felt around on the ground for my bass, but could not find it. I had to get inside, but i wanted to find my guitar. I decided that i was starting to get too cold and ran for the building. I walked into the back door of the old wooden apartment house and down the stairs into the basement. I would be safe here. Then the ground started to shake a little. It was the earthquake again. I walked through the dark halls of the large cement building. I was safe here. The lights were out, however, because of the storm. I walked down the long stone corridor when i came to the place where the meeting was being held. It was some kind of jewish ceremony. It was a secretive ceremony, but they let me stay in the building because of the storm. I did not feel quite right here, though. I was uneasy about the ceremony. I then saw a rabbi walk around the corner in front of me and disappear into the ceremonial chamber on the right side of the hall. I wondered whether i should stay here.

11997 July 25

I was at the counter in the building. It seemed like a bank or a library. There was a large wooden counter along the side wall of the room. The walls of the room were a dull yellow, and seemed to have some decoration on them. The room was cluttered with people. I was there to pick up the three things from the person behind the counter, but the place was busy. I walked to the right where the back office was. There were two desks in the room, both made of polished and stained wood. They were very nice solid-body desks. $A47 was sitting at the desk on the right, which had one side to the right wall of the room. Both desks were facing forward. A woman sat at the desk to the left, but she got up as i approached. I talked to $A47 in a hushed tone. The door on the left side of the back wall was open, and the bosses could hear. One of them leaned into the doorway and called for the woman. I asked $A47 if he was able to connect to the server, pointing to the large dirty-white monitor on his desk. I wanted to make my question sound official so that the boss did not get mad at him. $A47 was hesitant to answer. The boss kept calling for the woman, but his words did not make any sense to me. His voice did not seem that well, and his words came out in hoarse mumbles. I decided that i should probably ask $A47 later. I told him that i would ask him on-line a little later. He agreed. I walked back out of the office as the woman walked into the back room. I came to the counter where the people were being waited on. A man placed a large red book at the edge of the counter and started out of the room. I picked up the book, realizing that it was one of the ones i had been looking for. It was a library book, and had small white letters on the bottom of the spine. I wondered if anyone would need the book. It did not seem natural just to walk out with it. Then i realized that it should get reshelved. I walked out into the main lobby with the book. There were several other people gathered there. I realized that i could not use the book after all and placed it onto the stack of books that was on the table to the right. It was a pile of unshelved books from other library users. I thought that i should take the book back to where it belongs, but i did not want to do so. The man who had it before me had walked into the room ahead of me and now stood somewhere in the back of the room behind me. I walked towards the front door and headed out of the building. I walked onto the city street, turned left, and rode my bike down the street. There was someone who was following me. I shifted the bike into high gear and tried to keep ahead of them. I realized, however, that they were in a car. I knew that i could keep ahead of them most of the way to where i was going. I started off and they were going to chase me. I headed down the open road, with the grass lawn to the right and a plain, one-story building to the left. The building seemed like a school building. I started racing away down the road. Then i realized that the car was catching up to me. I decided to cut across the walking paths that cut the corner to the left. I rode over the curb and down the path in front of the building. I came to the street on the other side and looked to see if there were any cars coming. I had to stop to let the red car from the left pass by. Then i noticed that there was a car coming from the right. I knew that the car that was chasing me had already made it to the intersection of this road and the one i had been on and was ready to make the turn. I quickly sped across the road and started riding away. Then my bike snapped and came to a stop. I looked down and noticed that the chain had broken. I figured that it was bound to happen when i was racing so hard. The car caught up to me. I wanted to tell the person chasing me that he only did it because my chain broke. I felt disappointed.

11997 July 26

I walked from the field house of $P7 and into the parking lot. I had parked my old car there. It was the tan Honda. I had left it here for a long time while i was driving my new car. I opened the driver’s door of the car and looked inside. The car was not clean on the inside. I could see papers all over the floor. I sat in the driver’s set and started to look for things. There was a space between the two seats, under the front dashboard, which was open. I tried to place some of the stuff in there to organize it. It was a very large space, and could fit a notebook into it lengthwise. I wondered whether this car would start. It had been sitting here for a very long time, and i knew that it was having trouble running. I would need to use this car to get home. I should not leave it at $P7 any more. I shuffled through the papers that were on the floor of the passenger’s seat, trying to get the car ready to drive.

I was packing the food into the freezer. I had to get things ready for the function. I kept rearranging the bags of food to try to get them to fit. Then i tipped over the pinkish juice carton. It spilled onto the racks of the refrigerator. I was upset and started to clean up the mess. I needed to get everything ready for the party. I was getting frustrated that things were not working smoothly.

11997 July 27

I was with the fraternity brothers. People were gathering together for the run. It was part of a course. The woman led us along the sidewalk that ran next to the gorge. We were all on a jogging tour of the campus. I recognized the place and knew where i was. I then started to jog ahead of the group. We were on our way back to where we had started. I knew where the trail ran from here. It followed the side of the gorge down to the place that we were going. I jogged along the dirt trail that ran across the mowed lawn near the side of the gorge, which was on my left. There was a metallic chain-link fence between the trail and the gorge. It was only a meter and a half tall, and there were several trees growing on the other side of it. There was a forest on the other side of the gorge, and it seemed like all of the leaves were full and green. The trail then came through someone’s back yard. I could see the grey wooden house with white trim on the right. The colours of the house were dull as the house was somewhat weathered. There were people outside the back of the house, where we were running. We ran through their yard. Then i noticed that there was a llama in the back yard, along with a couple dogs. The llama was interested in me and the other runners and walked up to us. I pet it on the head. It was very friendly and licked my hand. I knew that it would not be hostile. Then the girl behind me said to another runner that all animals liked me. I felt special that she had noticed. I continued past the house. There was a building in front of us by the gorge, so i had to turn to the right to run in front of it. I ran across the small field that was the front lawn of the industrial building. The building was one story and made out of cement. I was still leading the group as we ran over the lawn. I knew that we had to run around to the other side of the building and then follow the back streets to where we were going. I then noticed that there was a small stream bed running across the lawn from the building. There was a wooden bridge which crossed the stream. I could not see any water in the stream bed as it was a very narrow channel with grass growing in it. The wooden bridge was only a couple metres wide and easily spanned the rift. There were some people standing on the bridge watching us run. I knew that they thought negatively of us. They were the narrow-minded type and did not like anything that they did not understand. They would make fun of us as we passed. I decided not to use the bridge to cross the stream. It would be easy enough to jump the water. I ran to the right of the bridge and jumped over the rill. Then three men stood at the railing that extended from the building and watched as we passed. I then walked over to the couch and sat down. Some of the other people started to gather around me. $A8 then came over to the orange couch and sat next to me on my left. The couch seemed old and was rather soft. We were sitting there for a little while when $A8 placed his hand on my leg. I took his hand and held it. I thought about being affectionate, but then i realized that the woman to my right was watching us. I felt nervous and tried to act like nothing was going on. I leaned back into the couch and put my left hand up behind my head. I then thought that she might think that i was trying to hug $A8, so i started to pull my hand down. I then realized that i had gotten my hand caught behind the cushion on the back of the couch. I pulled roughly on it and got it free. $A8 placed his hand on my thigh again. I hoped that she did not get mad at us.

11997 July 28

I could hear the music from the boat that was out on the water. I unhooked the boat i was on and rode out to sea. The cruise ship was playing an old seventies song. I listened to it and remembered that i liked it. I had not heard that song in a long time. I was worried about being out on the water, however, as it was already dark. The small power boat that i was in was not mine, but i knew that i could drive it. I thought that i should be able to dock it in the dark, if i was real careful. Docking it required turning the boat around in the small bay near the city. I wondered how i could get back to the New York City docks in the dark. I would just follow the lights. My dock had a red light on it. I wondered whether i would be able to see it in the dark. I turned my boat to the right, riding parallel with the other white boat. I listened to the music as i rode next to it. I wondered whether the boat would know that i was here. Then i realized that i did not have my lights on. I reached backwards over the dash of the boat and flipped a switch. It did not seem to have any effect. I started to flip the other way when i noticed that the other boat had spotted me and stated to turn away a little so that we did not collide. I flipped the switch back to the way i had it before. It must be the correct position, even though i did not see any lights. The elderly lady from the other boat said hello to me. I greeted her as we headed back into the shore. She wanted to know how to get to the city. I mentioned that i was heading back there. Then i reached my left leg over the right side of my boat. I felt the cement dock under my feet. I realized that i had run the boat up against the cement platform of the island. I thought that i was lucky that i did not run the boat into the cement. I walked onto the platform and looked over my small red boat. I noticed that it had a small hole in the bottom. I must have damaged it when i ran into the cement. I flipped the red plastic sleigh over and noticed that the crack was too big for keeling the boat afloat. It would fill with water too quickly. I wondered how i would be able to get back to the mainland. I dropped the small red boat back onto the ground. It had two blue handles on either side. I walked out into the grassy park of Liberty Island. It was dark out, and the air was very heavy with moisture. Haze hung in the distance. Then i noticed several other people walking by in the park. They were all out for the night. I started heading back towards the guest building at the base of the Statue of Liberty. The entrance door was to my right, but i noticed something going on just ahead of me. There were three people in a small driveway on the other side of the path. Something was wrong. There was another person there. Then i looked into the small water channel on the other side of the path, just past the door to the guest hall. I noticed the three bodies floating in the water. They had been murdered. One of them was a blonde, middle-aged man in a reddish brown sweater, and another was a young woman. The lady from the other boat stood in front of me. I told her not to look around at the bodies. I acted disgusted, though i did not seem to be so. I walked past the water channel and down the side of the old white building, which seemed to be like a bar. I walked over to the pay phones and tried to call the police. I picked up the black receiver from the center phone and dialed zero, but nothing seemed to happen. I realized that the telephones were set up so that you needed a coin to make a call. I tried dialing zero again, but it still did not get me the operator. I then hung up the phone and tried again. I dialed 911. I thought that they must have 911 service in New York City, and that it must be toll-free on any phone. I then heard the person answer on the other end of the phone. I then wondered whether it was all right to call 911, as this was not an emergency. The people were already dead. I spoke briefly into the phone and then hung up. I turned around and headed back into the bar. The police were already there. They dragged the bodies out of the water and were asking people questions. I walked into the front room of the bar and looked around. There was a counter on the left side of the back wall. Some police officers were questioning someone there. They had the area closed off. I looked around for a moment. I wondered how i would get back to the main land. I started to walk to the left. One of the police officers from behind the counter stepped towards me and asked if he could help me find anything. He was wearing a grey uniform with a short-sleeved shirt. A blue stripe ran down the side of his pants. He seemed to be wearing a hat, and had short blonde hair. I told him that i was looking for my ride home. I wondered where the lady was. I then noticed her on the left wall of the corridor into the next room. There was a set of stairs leading down along the left wall of the corridor with a metal and wood railing around them. She stood against the wall on the other side of the railing. She was wearing a white knit sweater and a flowered dress. She seemed to be watching things happen around her. I wondered why she was so interested in the people around us. Then i walked into the next room and continued to the right. I came into the next room, which was at the back of the bar. It was a dark room with dark stained wood on the walls. Several of the tables were filed with people. A man stood up in front of me form one of the tables. He had a beer pitcher in his hand. He turned to head back to the front of the bar. Then i wondered whether there was anyone that i knew at this bar. It was Saturday night, and i remembered that several of the brothers might come here. I wondered if i could meet them, but i did not see any one that i recognized at the bar. I had to get back to the main land, and hoped that the old lady would give me a ride, since my boat was broken.

I was on the boat as we rode down the small channel. It was night time and it was very dark outside. We moved very quickly down the narrow river. Other motor boats were coming from the other direction. I could not see them in the dark, but i could hear them pass very quickly. I hoped that they could see us in the dark. I thought that we should probably turn on our lights so that they could see us coming. Then i realized that my mother was rowing the small boat. I looked to the shore and noticed that we were moving quite fast. I asked her if she wanted me to row, but she said that she was managing fine. I was surprised that she was able to row the boat for so long and so fast. I thought that she would have been worn out by now. My mother shifted position so that she would not be kneeling on the small light-coloured wood that hung out from the bow of the boat. I looked at it and wondered how comfortable it was to sit there. It did not look that comfortable to sit on. I then looked around the boat. It was larger than i had thought it was. My mother was on the bow deck, and i stood behind the dashboard. The wood was light and dark coloured on the dash, as if to simulate buttons. The boat was very wide. I looked over the counter in front of me. Then i heard the phone ring. I turned around and headed back across the small area inside the mall. I answered the phone. There was something not right here. Then i heard the people from the escalator mocking me. They shouted something about TIA. I knew that they were accusing me of something, but i tried to act like i did not understand what they were referring to. I turned around and headed back towards the phone booth. The silver escalator was behind me, leading up to the next level of the mall, which had a balcony that ran along my left side. I reached the phone booth and wondered whether i should call someone. Something seemed wrong, but i did not know what it was.

11997 July 31

I was with $F21 and the others in the business section of the city. We were on our way to the restaurant. There was something wrong with $F21, however. She was very upset and did not want to walk to the restaurant along with everyone else. We were walking in front of the plaza when she stopped. I told the others to go on to the restaurant. I motioned them down the corridor that branched off at a fourty-five degree angle to the right and front. They started slowly walking down the narrow aisle of the mall. I walked into the small open shop with $D21 and asked her what was wrong. She started to cry. She was very upset and could not control her emotions. I got into the back seat of the car as she started driving down the main aisle of the plaza. I asked her what was wrong. Then i realized that she was passing the turn off for the restaurant. I mentioned this to her, but she did not seem to care. She was in no mood to speak to the others. I then noticed that the back passenger’s door of the car was still open. I had not closed it entirely. My feet were still sticking out of the car a little. I watched as we passed some parked cars to our right. There was also a white metal post sticking out of the sidewalk just beyond one of the cars. We were then traveling in the other direction. We passed the intersection of the main road and headed back towards the restaurant. I looked to the left and noticed that some of the shops had put out decorations. The decorations seemed to be in a spanish theme. They were flowery and coloured red, orange, and yellow. I mentioned that it reminded me of a celebration that i had seen down south somewhere. It seemed mexican. Then i looked ahead and noticed that there were people decorating the streets with similar decorations. There was going to be a parade. Everyone was getting dressed in fluffy white costumes. I thought that this seemed like a celestial celebration. I continued walking down the side of the street with $Z. We spoke of the celebration as we watched the decorations go by. Then we left the business district and started heading through a section of the road that had several trees along it. There was a wooded slope to our right that rose from the road. A black metal railing made of round poles ran along the right side of the sidewalk. The ground dropped off suddenly from the sidewalk and then rose into the woods. Ahead of us, i could see tan cement blocks forming an arch-shaped embankment where the hill ran along the sidewalk. Just beyond, i noticed a yellow back-hoe. It was sitting part of the way up the hill in front of a marble-like building. The building was very small, and had a semi-circular front. It had a beveled outside edge and a rounded window in the center. It was a mausoleum which was just being constructed. The hill was all part of the graveyard. We passed by it rather quickly as we headed down the road. I then mentioned to $F6, who was walking with me, that i was the one who was supposed to go to Mars. I wondered whether i would actually make it to Mars or not. I worried suddenly about how dangerous a mission it was. Then the man on the side of the road told us that $F6 would be sent to Mars, and that i would be the one guiding the mission from Earth. I thought that it would be safer for me to stay on Earth. I thought about this arrangement as we walked down the sidewalk and towards the stairs that led up the hill to the right. $F6 and i started walking up the stairs. I then thought that $F6 would be back in shape if he was training to be an astronaut. I walked on his left side as we climbed the stairs. Then my legs started to get tired of climbing the stairs. The pack on my back was very heavy. I asked $F6 whether he was in good shape for the mission to Mars. Then i started to race him up the stairs. We were not moving that fast, however, as both of us were very tired. My legs started to fatigue and burn with the workout, but we were forcing ourselves to climb the stairs one by one. I moved my left arm in front of $F6, trying to get in front of him. He resisted, and we continued to climb the stars. We were almost to the top. We finally made it up the last of the stairs. He had managed to pull ahead of me. I prodded him in jest and he played back. I asked him if he still did any wrestling and tried to get him in a headlock. He tried for a moment to get me in a headlock, but then reached under me and grabbed at the crotch of my pants, pulling down in the center. I let him go and wondered why he did that. It was not a legal wrestling move. I was somewhat disappointed that he had tried that move.

I walked along the street with $Z as they were putting up the decorations for the parade. We walked into the small building that covered the section of the road. The building was made of plywood and two-by-fours. It seemed like a temporary shed. There was a park bench on the wall by the curb, and we walked near it. Then i realized that the mail truck was coming into the shed. It would be parking where the bench was. I told $Z to watch out as the small, square truck pulled into the shed. He moved out of the way. The truck came into the shed and veered toward the wall. It started pushing the green bench down the length of the wall. I tried to get out of the way, but the corner of the bench caught my foot. The bench rotated out into the street. I realized that i had caused it to rotate out and wanted to fix it. The mail truck came ahead anyway and pulled up against the wall of the shed.