11998 July 01

I was traveling down the dusty countryside. There were ashen tan rocks on all sides of me, and a deep ravine to my left. I could not see into the ravine, but i knew that it was a very deep gorge. It was not that wide at the top. I listened as the instructor told us what we would be doing. I knew that we would be going into the ravine. The ravine had a river that flowed through it, but the water had to go underground for quite a long way. The instructor said that we would be using scuba gear. I suddenly felt uncomfortable going on the boat ride. I had never used scuba gear before, and was scared of doing so in very rough water in a tight tunnel. I then realized that the water would be moving very fast through the tunnel, and that it would dangerous because of the rocks in the tunnel. I wondered whether anyone had actually been through the tunnel. It would be very dangerous, and the scuba gear might get caught in small openings, and pin the divers in the tunnel. I wandered around in front of the hotel with the tour group. I felt as though we were part of some kind of challenge expedition, and that we were supposed to do many dangerous things. The man from the hotel stood near me as i walked around near the van. I felt very nervous about what we were doing. We were in China, and we were on some kind of tour. We drove in the van along through the green forests. I looked out the right window of the vehicle. I knew that the gorge was ahead on the left. I remembered coming up this road before in my small yellow car. I was uneasy about the tour. Something was not right. I paced around in front of the van near the hotel. Then i noticed the other people in the office. I felt out of place here, and did not want to do something. I turned started to talk to someone when i noticed $A173 walking across the office. He was wearing a dark pink dress shirt. I was surprised to see him and greeted him. I told him that i thought he had been in China. It seemed strange to see him again. I felt discouraged and somewhat lost. I did not want to be in the office. The other person started talking to me. I walked back to my desk. I could not write anymore. I wanted to leave this place.

11998 July 02

I walked into the large room where the other people were gathered. I felt somewhat good about what we had done. We had just reformed the organization and were getting together with the rest of the members to discuss some things. The room was square, and had white walls and a whiteboard on the front wall. There were several arm chairs in the room in which the other members sat. I was talking to $Z as the members started to decide something. I listened to their conversation, but was getting confused. $A168 was standing at the front of the room. She wanted people to decide between two different sentences. I listened to the sentences and realized that they were not exclusive. I tried to say something, but $A168 kept talking about the choices. Then she asked everyone to raise their hand for whichever option they wanted. I felt frustrated and upset that i could not speak. It seemed obvious that what they were doing was unnecessary. She asked how many people agreed with the first choice. I raised my hand. The person whom i had been talking to was sitting behind me, and started to grab at me to keep me from getting in the way of the others. I was annoyed. I thought that, if i kept my hand up for both choices, $A168 might notice that i was making a point about the fact that the two choices were not related. I could see several other people in the room raise their hands for the first choice. The person behind me grabbed me around the waist with his legs and started to squeeze me. I kept my hand up and tried to get him off of me. He was joking, and i was getting mad. $A168 then asked how many people liked the second choice. More people raised their hand. I pushed the person behind me away and kept my hand up. $A168 then sighed with decision and stated that the second choice was more popular, and thus, the one we would do. I then spoke out and told her that the two choices were not related. She turned around to face me. She scolded me for interrupting. She seemed very angry. She said that the decision had been made and i could not speak out of turn. I kept insisting that she listen, but she became furious. I then stood up and decided that i would walk out of the meeting. It seemed the only choice i had. It was very inappropriate to do so. I remembered that i had carried my jacket up the stairs earlier, and that i would have to get it now. I walked over to the long set of green stairs which came down in the center of the room. The stairs were not enclosed, and the steps seemed to be rounded poles. $A168 told the guard of the organization that i must be stopped. Walking out of a meeting was not allowed. She also mentioned that i had some kind of position in the organization which forbid me to leave. $A169, who was the guard, approached me as i turned to the right to head up the stairs. I ignored him and climbed the stairs. I was slightly afraid of walking on the banisters, as it was quite high from the ground. I reached the balcony at the top of the stairs and turned left. There was a room at the end of the hall which was where i had placed my coat. I was very upset, and knew that $A169 was following me. He had some kind of staff, which was part of his ceremonial props. It seemed long and yellow. He caught up to me as i entered the small room, saying, “Well, looks like i’ve closed the gap between us.” I said, “Of course. I’m don’t like walking on the stairs.” I admitted that it scared me as i grabbed my jacket from the far wall. The $A169 blocked my way so that i could not leave the room. He started to threaten me with the staff, but i was not intimidated by him. I felt as though he could not hurt me as long as i did not engage him. He then picked up one of the vases in the room and held it in front of him. I realized that he would damage the antique furniture that was in the room. I told him that he should not damage it. I felt some attachment to the antiques. He then smashed a glass table on the far wall. I thought about breaking the glass on the front of the grandfather clock to my right, but realized that i did not want anything damaged. I then realized that $A169 was simply breaking things so that he could blame it on me. No one downstairs would believe me if i said otherwise. I screamed loudly, hoping that the others would get the impression that $A169 was attacking. I ran back down the hall and started down the stairs. I knew that $A169 was after me. I thought about letting him roll down the stairs as he chased after me. I imagined that he had caught me and was holding me to the ground and punching me. I knew that, if i did nothing to defend myself, the others in the group would realize that $A169 was the one being hostile. $A168 came to the bottom of the stairs, her mouth open in shock.

11998 July 03

I was walking through the corridor of the transportation terminal. The place seemed like a bus station or an airport. I had been talking to $K1, but i had to go somewhere. I knew that i was just wandering around the building I followed a few people through the set of glass doors that were at the end of the hall. There was a man standing on the other side of the door as i passed. There was something about him that made me focus my attention on him. He was wearing a white tee shirt and seemed familiar. I then realized that i was staring at him and knew that it would make him nervous. I thought that it was humorous and watched his face as i walked past. He seemed uncomfortable. I continued on. I talked to the other people for a moment. I was then outside of the building. The other runners were with me. I sat on the back of the flatbed truck. I knew that the other man would be coming out of the building with the other runners. I watched as the joggers ran out of the large open space in the center of the building. The building was on my left side, and was plain and white, with no surface details. It had a large square opening in the side of it, through which i could see the runners as they ran from the left side of the building across the open space and out through the opening. The ground inside of the opening seemed to be dirt. I then noticed the one man as he paused just to the left of the opening. He spotted me and felt uncomfortable running in front of me. I knew that he was worried about me watching him. He was wearing a white tank top, and i could tell that he was nicely built on his arms. I leaned back in the truck, putting my arms over my head to catch some sun. I was humoured by the man’s fear of me. I closed my eyes and felt the warm sun. I then started to float off of the ground. I wondered whether the man would be interested in the fact that i could fly. He ran quickly out of the building while i was enjoying the sun. He crossed the alley in which i was sitting and headed down the street. I thought that i should follow him. I flew upward, rising over the tops of the stone buildings. I then flew over the building and looked down through the space on the other side of the building. I could see a narrow street. I knew that the man would run by. I sat on the edge of the building, looking down into the alley. I then leaned across the narrow gap between the buildings and leaned my forehead on the edge of the next building. The space between the buildings seemed to be triangular. I was at the narrow end. I felt very tired. I closed my eyes and started to get sleepy. I thought that i should not fall asleep or i might fall between the buildings. I tried to stay awake, but could not. I then sat up and looked down into the alley. I could not see the man, and knew that he must have passed already. I was not really interested in watching him.

11998 July 04

I walked down the driveway of the house, following $K5 towards the building. It was her new house. The building was a dull yellow, and was at the end of an alley. We entered through the two garage doors that were at the ground level of the alley. The main part of the apartment was on the second floor of the house. We entered into a living room, which had yellow walls and a brown shaggy carpet. I looked at $K5 as she spoke to me. She was wearing a tan tank top and i could see her arms and shoulders. She was commenting on the food that she was eating. I noticed that she seemed a lot thinner than she used to be. I told her that she seems to have lost a lot of weight. She did not seem convinced. I continued driving the car. $K5 was in the passenger’s seat. It was dark out, and we were driving over the hill, away from the city. I had never been on this road before. There seemed to be a cemetery on the right side of the road. $K5 then mentioned that we would be traveling over the hill. The car went up the steep road on the side of the hill. We rounded the top then we headed down the other side. The road seemed to drop away all of the sudden. I felt uneasy, as the car seemed to be heading vertically down the slope. $K5 told me that it was a very steep hill. I tried to shift the car into a lower gear so that it would not speed away. I had my foot on the break, but thought that i should probably not use the brakes as much or they might wear out.

I was in the front bedroom of the apartment when i noticed that there was someone approaching the house. I walked out the door of the bedroom and looked at the front door of the apartment, which was on the right. I could see the shadow of the man under the bottom of the door. I realized that he was really coming into the apartment. I walked in front of the door and stood as the man opened it. I spoke to him in a commanding voice. He seemed confused. I took the black flashlight from his hand and started babbling something to him. It seemed as though i was speaking some kind of ceremonial chants. I thought that the man might be intimidated by it and might not come into the apartment. He did not seem frightened by my talk, but rather seemed confused. I kept speaking the chant, hoping that the austral man would be deterred from coming into the house.

11998 July 05

I was running through the woods with the group of people. It seemed like a long time since i had run with a group of people in a race. It was early in the morning, and i was worried that i would not be able to keep up with the other runners. I knew that it was the first run that i had been on in a very long time. It seed that other runners from $G1 were running the race with me, but i knew that they were far ahead of me. I ran down the dirt trail through the grass. There were trees on both sides of the path. I felt very tired. I knew that i was not able to keep up with everyone, and i started to feel sick. I wondered whether i had started the race too fast. I thought that everyone would be ahead of me. I started down the slope of the hill. I knew that this path led down the side of the gorge to the parking lot where i had left my car. I thought that i had problems running down changes in elevation. I imagined telling someone why i was running so slowly, but i got the words wrong in my mind. I thought that i had told them that i had trouble with running down. I thought that it did not make sense. I looked to the left and could see the water in the bottom of the gorge far below me. I then looked ahead of me to see the edge of the mountain curve down. I knew that the trail ran down the steep hill to the parking lot at the bottom of the park. I felt worn out and unable to finish the run. Then i heard the car coming behind me. I heard it turn round in the parking lot that we had just crossed ad i hears the door close. I then saw the runner in the red tank top pass by. He was moving very fast, and i knew that he had just come from the car. I thought that he was late for the run, and that he wanted to catch up with everyone. I thought that it was unfair that he was starting the race in the middle. Now he would not be tired. I tried to keep going. I thought that the other runners around me would start running a little faster as well. It seemed that runners always try to pick up the pace when a faster runner passes them easily. I passed a group of slower runners and started into the woods. There was a muddy dirt trail running perpendicular to me just inside the tree line. I turned left on it and ran through the thin forest. I realized that we were almost near the end of the run. I could hear the crowd cheering on some of the runners. The voices were coming from the other side of the thick vegetation to my left. I saw one of the runners round the vegetation ahead of me. The crowd cheered to him. It seemed like a long time until i had rounded the edge of the woods myself. I turned left at the edge of the bushes and then left again down the road which was on the other side. I could see the officials at the finish line. They were just starting to disband. They must have thought that the race was over, and that there were no other runners. I knew that there were some runners behind me. The female official looked at me from the small black stage on the right side of the road. She was trying to figure out what team i was from. She the stated that i was from $P52. I looked down at the red tank top that i was wearing and realized that it was an old team shirt from $P52. The shirt had white text on the front of it which spelled out the name of the college in arching text across the top. The center of it had a crew symbol, with a line of text below it. I tried explaining to the person that i had purchased the shirt. Then i turned round and saw the other boy walking down the road. He was wearing a red shirt which seemed like a new running jersey. I knew that he was from the $P52 cross-country team. His shirt was rather tight, and i wondered how in-shape he was. I told him that i had purchased the shirt at the gym sale at the end of a year. He did not seem to believe me, and smiled as he nodded. I told him that it was one of the older shirt designs and that it was for sale at the gym. I asked him whether he remembered the design. I then started walking up the hill. I did not want to get into an argument with any of the officials over the shirt. I was quickly at the top of the hill. I pulled the shirt over my head as i reached the top of the hill and started walking between the buildings. I thought that i could turn the shirt in side out so that no one would see the logo. I looked at the white interior of the shirt. It seemed like the grey shirt had a white lining. I then noticed that the tag on the back of the shirt was rather large, and it would be very noticeable that the shirt was in side out. I then thought that i could simply walk around without the shirt. I looked down the side of the large campus building and could see the sun shining on another person, who was walking on campus. I thought that i should probably not be out in the sun without a shirt, as i had just gotten burned the day before. I then thought that i could walk down the to the gorge on the north side of campus and go swimming. I knew that $A171 would be down in the gorge. I then remembered that i had to be at the theatre at eleven. I would not have time to go to the gorge.

11998 July 07

We were in the small house. I was on the second floor, getting things ready. The house seemed to be put together in small sections, and was part of the set of the play that we were working on. As i spoke to $A20 about the houses, i looked past him to se the dark brown tiles of the roof as it came down around the windows on the two small pieces of house. I thought that the two pieces had been together before to form a set of stairs which ran from the second floor. Then someone told me that the next play had been changed. They had been talking about it before. I was supposed to be doing a play in November, but $A54 had changed the date so that it would be opening next month. I felt uncomfortable, and mentioned that i would not be able to do the play. I would be going away that month. Someone said that the director would be new. They mentioned a man’s name. I shook my head in displeasure. I did not want to work with that director. I walked around in the parking lot near the set. I thought of going somewhere.

11998 July 09

I suddenly noticed the man lying on the ground. It was dark out on the city street. The emergency workers walked around to either side of the man and lifted him on the stretcher. Something was wrong. I felt as though something had happened. It seemed like an accident. I looked at the man and noticed that he did not have any legs. They must have been broken off in the accident. I felt concerned and wondered what was happening. I had missed the emergency. It seemed very dark out, and there was only a flicker of orange light coming from down the street. I was disturbed by the sight of the injured man. Then i looked up as i started down the street towards the accident. I could see the bodies of many of the emergency workers lying on the street. There was a fire still burning beyond, which cast a yellow and orange light down the street. I knew that all of the people were dead. There were no emergency workers helping them. I thought that they must have helped the people who were alive, and would go back to clean up the dead bodies. Something seemed very wrong with this situation.

I walked across the parking lot of the small shopping plaza at $P60. I remembered that i had lived near here once, in an apartment. It seemed very strange to have left. I was with $Z as i walked. I told him about where i used to live. I wondered why i had left. I knew that it had something to do with changing my jobs. I had to move from the area when i got a house. I felt disoriented and did not know where to go.

11998 July 10

I stepped off of the porch of the house. Something seemed familiar with the place. My parents were there. I then noticed that old cars through the small window. They looked like sports cars from the mid-thirties. There was one which had driven in front of my view from the left. I knew that it was a Volkswagen. It was a dark grey convertible, and had a rounded hood with streamlines fenders. The man stepped out the side of the car. I realized that this was an old car show. Then i knew that it was part of a classic car race. The other classic cars pulled up on the dirt road from my left. There was an open grass field beyond, and it seemed rather wet outside. Then i saw one of the other cars run into the back of the grey car. I realized that the other cars were attacking the grey one. A car came from the right and rammed into the front of the grey car. It pushed the grey car backwards towards the pond which was in the open field. I realized that there were still people in the car. The two children, who were in the rumble seat of the convertible, started to yell. The young boy started to climb over the back of the car into the main seat. The driver of the car ran down the hill along the side of the car, trying to stop it from going into the water. I was worried that the children might drown in the water if the car went under, but then i thought that the car was open enough that they would be able to get out. I turned from the scene and walked back down the corridor of the mall to the west. The hall opened into a wide central area on the right ahead. There was no one around. The place seemed somewhat dark and empty. Then i realized that the children were following me. I was uncomfortable around them. I wanted to be left along. The boy and girl ran up to my sides and grabbed onto my hands. They wanted to follow me. I felt strange, and wanted to get away from everyone. Then man then asked me whether he could use my computer. I knew that i had to let him use the one in my office. I told $A14 that the man could use my computer. I realized that i would have to show him what to do. I turned around in the large white hall of the building and walked back to the east, towards my office. My office was on the left side of the corridor. I walked in and saw the man sitting on a stool in front of the black computer, which was on a desk on the right side of the room. The room was very white, and had a counter in the center of it. There was a large window on the north wall. I told the man that i thought he was going to use my computer, which was more up to date. He had sat at the old computer, which had been sitting around in my office. I thought that it was better for him to use the old one, as i did not trust him on mine. I told him that he was using the older computer. I walked up to the old black computer and wondered what kind of a computer it was. It seemed like a NeXT system. I told him that it might be a little slow, as it was so old. I lifted up the keyboard and looked on the underside of it for the date. There was a copyright date on the left side of the casing which read “1989”. I read the date to the man and placed the keyboard back down. I remembered doing this before. I had looked up the date on the keyboard earlier. I remembered that it was 1988. I had been working at the terminal earlier. I then noticed the woman standing at the window. She was trying to look out into the darkness. I knew that the window was bubbled. She mentioned the large clock that was outside. I had been out in the plaza before, and knew that it looked like. The plaza was marble, with a long pond in the center. There were several statues and constructed objects around it. The clock to which the woman was referring was actually a pendulum stature. It was a large mobile made out of metal, with two long arms attached to either branch of the main pole, which was Y-shaped. The arms were narrow, with a triangular cross section, and swung back and forth. I told the woman about the statue. It had something to with time travel, or time translation. She seemed interested as she looked out the window at the distorted shape in the dark plaza. I then turned around and started walking back across the office. Something seemed to have crossed my mind, and i was trying to remember what it was. There was something important about what i was thinking. I looked at the schematic diagram which was on the computer monitor in the small section of the office. The section had walls on both sides of it which formed a small booth. The schematic was white with red and blue lines, and was of an extraterrestrial ship. I realized that the diagram showed how several of the main systems worked. I realized that we could use this diagram to study the ship’s systems to figure out how they worked. I was very interested in the idea. I could hear the people in the next booth on my left talking about the data. I moved the cursor around on the screen and selected one of the systems in the ship. The screen changed to show a menu of the specific system. I had been looking at the levitation system, but was now looking at the propulsion system. I knew that it had something to do with recycling air through the ship. I thought that it would be an important advancement in our culture. I then walked to the left and looked at the two monitors which $A172 and $A35 were watching. They were watching demonstrations of the ship’s systems. $A35 then selected something from the screen and mentioned that he wanted to see the hyperdrive. There was a picture of a cylindrical object on the screen in a field of stars. Then there was a circular ripple in the image and the ship disappeared. The ripples spread, like the ripples on water. They both thought that the effect was very cool. I thought that the effect was easy to create with an image editor. We could not know for sure whether we were really seeing a space fold.

11998 July 11

I looked down the track at the people running towards me. They were young men, and were just finishing an obstacle course. It seemed to be some kind of military training exercise. There was a man standing on the inside of the track to my left. He seemed to be in charge of the obstacle course run. I wanted to join the people on the run, but thought that i would not be able to keep up because of my knee injury. I felt bad that i could not join them. I then started to feel that i would not fit in with them, as they were much younger and in shape. I then noticed the white shirt on the boy in front. It said something about wrestling. It made sense that the wrestlers would have to do an obstacle course to stay in shape. I felt bad that i could not join them. I then thought that the man in front looked very nice. I wondered whether i could join them from the back and stay up with them. I felt depressed.

11998 July 12

I was with the band as we discussed some things. Something was unsettling to me. I did not feel like i was comfortable with the people. I walked up the stairs with them. I then looked in the mirror. My hair was all greasy. I remembered that i had put stage grease in it to make it hold. The other person said that it would be fine. I could see that it was very greasy, however. There were clumps of gel on my scalp, which reminded me of vaseline. I had to get it off. I scraped my scalp with my finger and removed a glob. I had to get my hair looking dirty, but it could not look this bad.

I was on the small boat as we moved over the water. I could see the globe in front of us. It seemed that we were somewhere in the southern ocean. The planet looked strange. It was not earth. The main continent was in the northern hemisphere, and was mostly crescent shaped. The two ends of the crescent curved towards the equator. I looked over the land mass and remembered something about it. It seemed strange, as if it were very empty. There were no inhabitants on this part of the globe. Most of them were to the west, along the other coast. I felt both very relaxed and very apprehensive. There was something peaceful about the countryside, but my senses were alert as i scanned over its surface. I seemed to feel excited about this place. It seemed pure and clean. I then started to move north. I realized that we had driven the boat up the east coast and into the northern sea. I could see the clean white snow along the eastern coats as we moved over the water. For a moment, i wondered how we were able to travel such a distance in such a short time, but then it seemed natural. The boat turned southeast and headed along the side of the coast. There seemed to be a ice on the smooth water. The land was covered with pine trees and there was snow on the ground. The land seemed to be very open, and the air seemed thin. I could see the boat moving across the map. We were headed into the coast. There were no people there. It seemed dark suddenly as we drove through the shallow waters. There was a town around us. It seemed abandoned. The captain of the boat told me that the town had burned down, and that there was no one living there any more. It seemed strange to be traveling through it. I realized that the streets were made into canals. We drove the boat down one of the streets. The charred houses stood in the eerie silence of the night. I felt uncomfortable driving through them. It seemed strange that no one had ever come back to the houses. The entire town had simply been abandoned. The place seemed very still, i felt a lonely being here. I walked between several of the houses on the suburban street. They were nicely painted and seemed maintained. Several of them were a dull yellow, with decorative trimming. My parents and myself had to find a place to sleep for the night. I walked down the narrow alley between the houses. I realized that all of the property in the houses had also been abandoned. I wondered why no one had come to take the valuables from the houses. It seemed strange that everyone would have simply left. We walked through the living room of the house. My mother was with me. I looked around that the items in the living room. There was a shelf in front of me as i faced north which was standing against the back of a couch. There seemed to be more shelves to the left, against the south wall of the living room. I looked over some of the decorations on the shelves. Some of them seemed interesting, and i thought that we should simply take some. I thought about gathering up treasure from the houses in the city. I picked up one of the ornaments from the shelf in front of me. It was an old fashioned metal car. I realized that it was a collectors’ item. I pointed it out to my mother as she cautiously walked past me on the left. I wanted to collect some of the interesting things from the houses. I felt uneasy about taking anything, though, as it still seemed as it had an owner. I then walked into the back room of the house. There was a window facing the next house on the street. It was dark outside, and the blinds over the window were drawn down but flipped open. There was a room to either side of me. I knew that we had to find a place to sleep, but it felt wrong to sleep in the houses. It seemed that there was still something here. The lights in the house seemed to be working. They cast a dim yellow light. The place seemed very unwelcoming. I turned to the left and walked into the front room. The house seemed to be filled with small trinkets that were interesting, and which i thought we should take with us. I then turned around and headed into the other room. It was a bedroom. There was a wooden shelf-bed against the far wall with a black sheet pulled over it. I felt uneasy about sleeping here. Then i noticed someone moving under the sheet. There was already someone else sleeping in this town. It must have been another stranger who had wandered in. The place felt very wrong.

11998 July 14

I walked into the small store. There seemed to be many items around the store. I looked over some of the musical instruments that were around. They seemed very strange. There was a string instrument to my right as i walked up the white step. The store seemed white, and the instrument was a dark wood colour. It was S-shaped, and looked like a carved figure of a snake. There were black tuning pins along the spine of the curve which held the strings. The strings spanned the open spaces between the curves. The instrument also seemed to be played while it sat on the ground. I looked around at the other items in the store. The all seemed equally exotic. Then i looked at the screen one more time. I realized that i was still playing the computer came. There were purple flowers appearing along the sides of the screen. I realized that it had something to do with Ultima. The flowers had some magical meaning, and i had to figure out what they were for in order to solve the game. I then realized that the game was far from over. I felt as though i had been spending too much time on the game. I was no longer interested in playing, but it seemed that i had to finish it.

11998 July 16

We were driving through the city in the small car. My grandmother was in the passenger’s seat. We had just come from some function. Ahead of us, i could see the pillar of smoke rising from the city against the grey sky. I then realized that the edges of the column were smooth. I was surprised by it and told my grandmother that there was a tornado in the city. It seemed strange that there should be a tornado this time of year in the city. It was so cold out. I started to wonder whether it was really a tornado. To the left of it, i could see a narrow stream of smoke rising from the chimneys of one of the factories. I then looked back at the main column of smoke. It could be from a smokestack. Then i realized that it had very smooth edges, which meant that it was spinning very fast. It was really a tornado. My grandmother drove the car down the street to the left. I looked across the sky and could see tornadoes all over. They were forming all over the city. We tried to drive out of the path of the big one. We headed north along the small street. The lake was to the northwest of us. I could then see a funnel forming over the lake. It seemed to be moving towards us. My grandmother pulled off of the road to the left, into a parking lot near some houses. We thought that the tornado would pass us on the north. I then realized that the houses around us were trailers. There was a yellow trailer in front of us as we pulled off of the road. I told my grandmother not to park here. Since this was a trailer park, the tornado would come through it. I turned the car around and headed back down the street. I told my grandmother to speed. We drove down the street. I knew that the tornado would be headed in our direction. I wondered about driving through the intersections without stopping to look at the cars coming. It could be dangerous, but we had to get away from the tornado. I then told my grandmother to turn right at one of the intersections. We headed down the long street in the center of the city. I looked back down the street behind the car. I could see the tall buildings on either side of the road. At the end of the street was a tall skyscraper. It was illuminated with multicoloured lights. The edges of it on either side were red. I then saw the grey tornado cut across the street from one of the side roads behind us. It thought that it would make a good picture, but i did not have my camera. We then turned the car down one of the side streets and i walked into the restaurant. I placed my things on the bench, which was behind the table on the right wall, just inside the door. I then realized that there was another person in the restaurant. I did not want to leave my things on the bench. The man stood up and walked towards me, but stopped in the center of the room. He seemed to be waiting. I started to root through my things, trying to find my camera. I was having trouble getting it out of the bag and putting film in it. I wanted to get some pictures of the tornado. I did not trust the man in the restaurant, however. The restaurant was brightly coloured, with fine detail of yellow and red. It matched the tall building that i had seen at the end of the street. The man then started to move again. He walked out of the restaurant. I felt relieved and talked to the others who were outside. They had come in the car with me. I started to wonder why i did not have my camera with me. I remembered that i was having trouble getting it out of the bag, but i could not remember what the trouble was. I pictured the grey camera bag in my head. I wanted to get photographs of the tornadoes. I spoke to $A14 about the photographs and other work that i was doing. I finished the conversation and started down the hall when i passed the office on the left. $A89 told me that there was something wrong with my time card. I had forgotten to add in some extra time on it. I remembered that i did not enter the vacation or sick leave. She said that she would correct it. I apologized for the mistake. I would have to do something. I walked down the hall to the end, where the hall opened into a larger room. The walls of the building were white. There was a blue cabinet on the left wall which was as tall as my mid-torso. I pulled it out from the wall and placed my notebook on top of it. I would have to complete some of the work so that my timecard would be correct. I slid the desk away from the wall and sat down on the stool behind it. My notebook was on top of the desk. I then thought that i should get something. I started to write on the desk. I walked from the hall into the large open room of the hotel. I started going through my luggage. There was something significant about it. I knew that there was a message in it. I opened up my dark blue bag and sifted through the clothing. I remembered that there was a message here. I then started to look over the zipper on the upper flap of the tote bag. I thought that the message was arranged in the teeth of the zipper. I looked over the black zipper, trying to read it, but realized that i could not. It seemed that there was nothing there. I felt frustrated that i could not find the message. Then i noticed the note written on loose-leaf paper to my left. I remembered that someone had written the note to me. I tried to read the name. It was from someone from high school whom i had not seen since graduation. I thought that it was from $A150, and wondered why he would be writing me. I then looked closely at the signature. It seemed to be a play on someone’s name. It was long and sounded like a flourished pet name. I then realized that it was from $A164. I was surprised to hear from him, but was very happy that i did. I had not seen him in a very long time. I spoke to $F6 about the message. I knew that he had seen $A164 more than i had. I followed $A164 away from the table and down towards the shore. We were on the boardwalk and there were carnival booths up the shore from us. I looked over the sign that was on the beach. It was for some show. It seemed to be brightly coloured with reds and yellows. There was a star balloon in the center which stood behind the figure of a man. It was some music show. I spoke with $A164 as we walked. I knew that he worked for the institute. There were two people sitting on the edge of a wooden deck to my right as i started to turn from the sign. We turned around and walked towards the water. $F6 walked in front of us, stepping out over the dock. I followed $A164 onto the wooden surface. I noticed that $A164 was not wearing a shirt and was very skinny and detailed. He had a nice tan as well. $F6 stepped across the gap of one of the boat slots and $A164 followed him. I looked at the space and wondered how they had crossed it so easily.

11998 July 17

I was driving my car on the road which ran down the narrow streets of the suburban area. It was dark out, and seemed to have been raining. There were cliffs on both sides of the road from time to time, as if the entire area had been cut into the hill side. I then crossed the white bridge that ran across the gorge. I realized that the road ran through a small opening and went under the white bridge. I stopped at the edge of the cliff near the bridge and looked down through the cracked pavement. I could see the ledge below. The section of pavement that i had been driving on had fallen from the bridge and slanted downward, catching on part of the cliff. I stood on the ledge under the bridge .I remembered being here before. I had climbed down into the water to escape before. I looked down now, but did not see how i could have climbed down before. There was a large tree branch below me. I looked back up to the hold in the bridge above. I realized that i would not be able to climb back up through the hole to get out. I wondered how i would get out. There was someone else with me, who had been climbing around the rocks with me. I was suddenly worried that we would get trapped. I lowered the brown office chair down to the branches below me, trying to create a place to where i could jump. I realized that the rocks on the shore below were too far down to jump to. $A168 was the woman with me. We were trying to figure out what to do about the problem. I tried to step down carefully. I was then standing on the bridge at the top of the cliff. $A20 was with me. I was trying to show him the hold in the bridge which was causing problems. I had to report the problems to him. I told him that there was a dangerous section of the cement, but i could not find it as i walked along the edge of the bridge.

I got into the new car and drove it away from the area where the bridge was. I turned left down a road and started to accelerate. I thought that i should be very careful of this car, as it was very new. The car seemed to be a Volkswagen, and was shaped similar to a Rabbit. It was neutral grey. I remembered that the people were in the house on the right hand side of the road. The house was very close to the edge of the road. I beeped my horn as i passed the house, saying hello to the people inside. I continued down the country road. I was worried about damaging the car. I remembered how the road by the bridge was bad. I then stopped in the middle of the field. I had to turn around for something. The road was raised from the rest of the landscape. I trued to turn the car around, but ended up backing it over the edge of the road. I felt bad about driving the car off of the road. I should not have tried to turn around. I felt as though i should have been more careful.

I was in the marble room in the center of the bank. The bank seemed to be closed for the night. I wanted to get into one of the doors on the end of the hall. I had been eating with the others in the other room to the east of where i was. The entrance on the east sided of the room was between two large marble columns, at the top of a flight of twelve or so stairs. The stairs seemed to be red marble. The rest of the room was made out of a dark polished stone. On the north and south ends of the room were stairs which led up to glass walls. In the center of the walls were doors to different offices. The stairs on the north and south of the room were taller than the one on the east wall. I was standing by the glass door on the south wall, trying to pick the lock. I remembered that i had managed to break into the bank before by using a metal tool to pick the lock on the door. I called to the woman who had been eating with me before. I asked her to bring her access card. I hoped that she could help me break into the bank. The door was sealed with a magnetic lock. I knew that the woman could help me open. I looked across the hall to notice the video camera mounted on the ceiling. It could not see me from where i was, so i was safe. The woman came to help me with the door. I remembered opening it by myself earlier, but i thought that i should ask her for her help, so that it would not appear that i was breaking in. We stood by the door for a moment, playing with the locks. Then the door opened, and the man walked out from the offices. He was the editor of the paper. He asked us whether we had heard the news about $A183 and his new girlfriend. The man told us that the new wife had been fired from her position at the paper. It seemed rather scandalous. I walked into the bright stone room on the other side of the glass wall and sat down at the dinner table with the others. I thought that i would be able to put honey on my bread for dinner. The children around the table were annoying me, however. They were wasting the food that we were trying to eat. I decided that i should hide the honey so that would not use it all up. I also noticed that the milk was hidden from the children. I felt full. I thought that i had eaten too much, and that i should not be eating another meal. I picked up one of the triangular slices of bread and looked it over. I felt sick.

11998 July 18

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house. It was evening, and the sun would be setting soon. $F15 kneeled in the chair that was along the north wall of the room. He looked over the back of the chair, facing west. I felt uneasy about having him in the room. I felt attracted to him in some way. There was a small circle of light on his face. I realized that the light was coming from the window on the north wall. It was a spot of light from the setting sun that was shining through the trees. Is seemed very orange, and i thought that he looked very pretty in the light. I looked at his face and thought that i should take a picture. I asked him if it was all right as i took out my camera. I looked through the camera and tried to focus on him. I was having difficulty seeing him through the lens. I could only see a dim blur. Then i finally got it focused. I wondered if it would be bright enough for a picture. I did not know what speed film i had in the camera. Then i realized that the light on his face was getting darker. The sun was setting, and there was no longer enough light to take a picture. I was disappointed.

11998 July 19

There were many people moving around the area. I was slightly out of place, but wanted to be here. I stepped into the back seat of the car. We drove slowly down the road through the bustle of other people getting together. I was going to write something down. Then i noticed someone out the window. It was someone with whom i went to high school. I rolled down the window and called to him, thinking that he might be impressed that i was riding with the team. He looked up and came over to talk to me. He congratulated me for the victory that the team just had. I thanked him, but told him that the players probably had more to do with it. I reached forward and patted one of the players on the back. He was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, wearing a light blue tank top. He was nicely built, and had smooth detail over his wide shoulders. I suddenly felt strange. I really did not belong with the rest of the team. I sat on the left side of the bus as we drove through the streets. I looked out the window at the passing buildings. The driver of the small car then started talking about his relationship. I was watching a movie. The driver was expected to do something, but he had gotten stuck in some situation. He started talking about his lover, who had died. He referred to the person as “him”. The man was upset over his loss. I realized that he was referring to a homosexual relationship in a very casual way. The movie did not seem to stress this relationship, as if it were an everyday occurrence. I was surprised that a movie would be brave enough to actually do it. I then realized that the movie that i wanted to watch was not on where i had expected it to be on. I looked over the schedule, but could not see it listed in any place. I then realized that separate channels were added to the television line-up. I thought that the movie could have been moved from one channel to the new movie channel. The other person came to talk to me in an urgent tone. There was something wrong. I made a note to remember what he was telling me. There was something wrong with the top four levels. I was having trouble understanding what he was talking about, but it seemed like a problem that should be perfectly clear to me.

11998 July 20

I was in the living room of my grandmother’s house watching television. There was a show on that i wanted to watch. I saw the preview for it in the guide. It was some kind of japanese animation cartoon. I turned the television to channel 64 and looked over the buttons on the front of the equipment that was sitting on top of the television. I wanted to record this show. The show was about to start, but i realized that the main power to the VCR was not turned on. There was a large red plate on the right side of the television which had a square red button in the middle of it. The show was starting, and i had to press the button quickly to start the recording. The red plastic plate seemed loose from the television. I sat back in a chair and watched the television. A cartoon came on, but it did not seem like the one that i was waiting for. There was an image of a girl standing dazed on the screen. She had a very round face and sharp blonde hair. The camera moved back from her and i could see the rest of the animated cast staring off into the distance. I wondered whether this was the show that i had been waiting for. I did not recognize it. I wondered why i wanted to see it. My father was standing in the doorway to the living room, just behind the television set. I then got up to leave. I had to go get my car. I rode my bicycle down the road towards $P62. I got off of my bicycle just in front of the train tracks. I seemed to be pushing something on my way there. I was wearing roller blades on my feet as i started to push my tricycle across the railroad tracks. I was with a group of people. I looked down the tracks to the left as i crossed. I could see the lights of a train coming. I realized that i would not be able to leave the park right away. I turned to the right inside of the park and walked down the length of the parking lot. I was looking for my red car. I did not see my car in the lot by the water. I suddenly wondered where i could have parked it. I tried to remember where i had it last. I could not think. I seemed to remember having it here Saturday night. I wondered what i had down with it since. I walked to the end of the lot. It was somewhat dark out. It was very early morning. I did not see my car in the lot, and i was somewhat worried. I thought that i might have to walk all the way back to my grandmother’s house. It was a very long way off, and i would have to bike down the highway to get there. I tried to climb back onto my tricycle, but i realized that the skates that i was wearing on my feet would not fit easily on the pedals. I searched the lot one more time, from the far end. My flashlight scanned the cars. Then i passed the light over the car that was to my right as i faced the end of the lot. The light reflected off of the circular symbol and stripes along the side of the car. It was a police car. They were watching the park. The officer asked my what i was doing. He would give me a ride back. We drove through the neighbourhood near the park, where the houses were all one level and looked very run down. He mentioned that this was Puerto Rico. I thought that there were several immigrant families here. It seemed like a dangerous section of town. Then the car turned to the left into a small garage. The place was a body shop. We walked past the car that was sitting in the entrance to the garage. I could see the side of a red car inside of the garage. It looked very much like mine. The officer asked if it was. I told him that i thought so as i walked around to the front of the car. As i reached the front of the car, i realized that the red car was only the front section of a Corvette. I told the officer that it was not my car. I was slightly disappointed as i walked to the back side of the shop. I then noticed the young man who was chained to the post in the middle of the room. The other man stood near him and was telling him things. The man who was chained had his arms drawn backwards around the post. He had no shirt on and there was a heavy metal chain across his chest and around his arms. The other man spoke threateningly to him as he extended a metal wand. It was a telescoping object, like a car antenna. He talked about how the other man had hit him with the object before. I was standing very close to the man with the wand as he spoke. He said that the other man had hit him with the wand, but that he had not extended it all the way. I watched as the man extended and collapsed the wand. I realized that it would be collapsed so that only the narrow section of the wand was left extended. It could also be collapsed so that the wider sections remained. The man held it, telling the other that the other had hit him with the wand while it was partially collapsed, leaving only the thicker sections up. He said that it hurt much more. He was going to hit the chained man with the wider sections of the wand to show him how it felt. The other man seemed to protest, but his voice was not serious. I watched at the man played with the wand, extending and collapsing various sections of it. The chained man seemed to be sorry for what he had done earlier and he pleaded with the other not to hit him with the heavy section of the wand. They did not seem to be taking this seriously, however. This seemed to be some kind of game. The man who was standing then told the other that he would have to take drastic measures. He places a grey portable radio on the table in front of the other man. He said that he would have to use “the sleeper”. The other man protested in jest. I looked at the radio and could see the word “THOMAS” printed in narrow, widely spaced, sans-serif type across the top of it. I realized that he was going to play slow music on the box and leave it by the chained man. I thought of how interesting this entire game seemed.

I was with $F12 was we climbed into the well shaft. There was going to be a nuclear explosion near us. I knew that it was something that had to happen. I thought that we would have to go into the well, as it would be the only safe place. I imagined the two of us climbing down into the long shaft. I thought that there would have to be ladders on both sides of the shaft for us to climb on. I wondered how safe it would be. It seemed that the heat blast might actually come into the well. It would depend on how close to the city we were. It seemed as thought we would be out in the desert. I imagined that we could jump into the water as the heat wave hit. That might save us from getting burned. I then thought about what would happen as the withdraw gusts came. It would be safe for us to stay in the well until after they had passed. I then climbed up from the well. We seemed to be on the top of a mountain, in the middle of a city. I looked to the left and could see the dark skyline of tall buildings. They were not lit. It seemed like night, but there were still some lights on. I could hear the sound of traffic on the highway which ran to the north of us. People must be trying to escape from the city. I told $F12 about the sounds. I told him to listen. I could not hear the sound of the air conditioning systems of the city any more. He agreed with me. It was very quiet now. The only sound was the sound of traffic moving on the road. We walked down the narrow street of the city. It seemed very dark. I asked $F12 where we should go. We both seemed to want to go the center of the city. He mentioned that we should take a bus to the center of the town. I then spotted several other people moving into the small room that was in the alley. The walls were plain cement. The people did not seem to be in any hurry, as if there was nothing wrong. Everything seemed to be very confused, however. I thought that everyone was walking around in a daze. Then the woman who was standing in front of me mentioned that the subway went into the heart of the city. I asked $F12 whether he wanted to take the subway into the city. I thought that it would be a good idea, as we would get there quickly. We had to get away from the center of the blast.

11998 July 21

I got into the car and started to drive it out of the parking spot. I had to take it somewhere. It was a new car. I backed out of the space and started backing down the hill of the parking lot. The parking lot seemed to be in the middle of $P63. I stepped on the brakes to slow the car, but realized that they did not work. I tried the emergency brake, but it did not seem to do anything either. The car did not seem to be slowing down. I tried the brakes again, but they did not work. I swerved to avoid another car which was driving through the lot. I then pulled the car out of gear to make sure that the engine was not driving it. I decided that i would have to turn the car around and let it roll up the hill. I picked up quite a bit of momentum going down the hill. I did not think that the car should have sped up that much. I looked out the back window of the car and watched the rows of cars around me. The window on the back of the car seemed to be fogging up and it was very hard to see. I started to drift to the left, so i swerved to the right to stay in the middle of the aisle. I could not see the cars clearly out the back window. I was still heading fairly fast up the hill. I turned the car to the right at the top of the lot and it started to slow. There were only a few cars parked at the top of the lot. As it reached the end of the lot, i put it back into gear to stop it. I removed the red plastic lid which was over the car and got out. The lid was lying up-side-down on the ground in front of the car as i walked towards it. I thought that i should let the car roll forward, back down the hill. It would be easier to steer that way. I walked over to the red shell, pulled the back end from the ground, and started to wipe off the moisture from the inside of the narrow front window. I thought that i would be able to see better. I then lifted the shell up and held it over my head as i started to walk back across the lot. I thought about telling my father what had happened. I would say, “Remember that Corvette that you wanted me to buy?” I would have to tell him that it had no brakes and that the windows fogged up. I walked the shell back down the hill and was going to put it over the car.

11998 July 22

I was somewhere near $P4, in the middle of a small field. I had been talking to someone on the telephone about buying some land. I wondered what the land looked like. I knew that it would not be that large, but i knew that i could build a house on it. Then the man told me that the house size was limited on the land. It was part of the purchasing deal. I thought that the sale of the land was part of a sales scheme. I felt disappointed that i could not build a large house on the property. I thought that the land was only $2000, but that it was rather small, and the house on it would be very small as well. The man handed me an apple, which was to represent the house. I was unsure about the american units that he was using to measure things. It seemed as thought the house would be only a one room shack. There was a bite taken out of the apple which represented the back window of the building. I looked over the apple and noticed that the man had made a narrow slip on the other side of the apple with his thumb nail. He told me that it represented the direction towards the main road. I confirmed that he did not mean north. He said that it was towards the main road. The window was not directly opposite the small slit. I knew that it was this way because the property lines were not perpendicular. I felt unhappy that i would only be able to build a very small house on the property. I wondered how i could have accepted such a deal. I thought that i could simply not build anything on the land, but i did not know whether i could resell the land for more money. I knew that it was still under the contract from when i purchased it. I thought about then telephone conversation that i had. I thought that i made no contracts to buy the land. I had only asked questions about it. I could tell the person that i was getting information on the house. I was not really going to buy it if it was a bad idea. I walked into the small shed at the back of the house. I thought that i would be safe because i had never made any written agreements. I wondered whether the salesman would have recorded the telephone conversation and would use that against me. There was a set of trash cans in the shed on the right side of the door. I tossed the apple into one of them. I then noticed that there was someone curled up in the plastic bin for recycled material. There was a groan as i moved the boxes. I placed the lid back on the container and then dropped some more containers on the top of it. I was annoyed by the fact that the person was in the bin again. I walked out of the shed and behind the house. I seemed to live in this run down area. I wandered around near the decrepit shack when i heard $A16 approaching. I watched her as she searched around for something near the shed. I wondered whether she was looking for the person in the bin. I asked her what she was looking for, but she said that she did not need any help. She walked around the area, looking over things. She then started looking around the bins. I asked her again what she was looking for. She asked me whether i had seen Ella. I thought about the skinny old woman and told $A20 that i last saw her in the garage near the recycle bins. I hoped that Ella did not suffocate in the bins because i had closed them too tight. $A20 started towards the garage door when Ella walked out. We were all supposed to go somewhere. I walked out to the road from my parents’ house. There was a band practicing in the middle of the road. Ella walked over to the keyboards and started playing with them. I walked over to the drummer and started talking. The drummer was on the opposite side of the road from the house, and Ella stood to the east. The drummer faced north, where the rest of the band stood. I stood between the drummer and the keyboardist as we talked about the music. Eddie Van Halen stood just to my right as i spoke to the drummer for his group. We were talking about some of their songs. The drummer mentioned that the song might sound better if they had real violins. I realized that he was referring to their performance of “Kashmir”. I told him that everyone seemed to be doing a remake of that song. I then mentioned that it would require a small set of strings. I turned and asked the man at the keyboard whether he had a small quartet sound. He did not answer at first, but eventually told me no. I looked at the black keyboard that he was using and remembered that it was rather low quality. I turned back around and shrugged to the drummer. I then told him that i could always play it on my violin. I mentioned that a single violin would not have the power that the song required, however. We laughed at the joke. I also realized that Eddie should probably be doing the lead for the song, as he was the guitarist and the most talented instrumentalist in the group. The other two musicians leaned over to me and started talking about Ella. They told me that they really did not like his style and that he was not a good keyboardist. I was worried about their conversation, as i knew that the man could hear. I thought that the man looked rather skinny and gawky. I knew that he was somewhat of a nerd and agreed wit the band members, but was still nervous about them telling me where he could hear.

I walked from the large barn to my car. I thought that i should move my car and leave the area. There seemed to be some reason that i felt i should go. The farmer was moving his vehicles around in the grassy yard outside of the house. I got into my car and thought that i should drive away. Something seemed out of place, however. I watched as the farmer moved the large tractor-trailer down the dry dirt road. He pulled it forward past my car and then started backing it up towards the house on the right side of the road. I sat in the passenger’s seat of my car, watching myself sit in the driver’s seat, looking out the window as the truck pulled along the side of my yellow car. It backed into the driveway of the house, which was just behind my car. I then realized that the farmer was asking be to back my car into the front of the house. It seemed strange, but i tried to back my car up. I could see the other people standing around in the small yard in front of the house. The front yard was surrounded by wall of shrubbery which only rose four or five decis from the ground. There was a gap in the center of the front side of the shrubs, where i backed my car into the yard. I was trying to maneuver it into a space in front of the porch, but i seemed to be pulling in at the wrong angle. I turned the car one way then another and ended up slightly crooked in the space. I pulled forward and tried again. $F20 watched as i pulled in the second time. I was still not in straight, so i pulled out all the way to the front line of shrubs and tried to back in straight. I stood on the porch and looked out across the land. The river was to the north of us. I noticed that the water was very high, and that the ocean waves were coming through the town. The river must be flooding. I then spotted a jeep floating on the water through the town. I wondered what was going on. I stood on the porch when my mother started talking to me. I then noticed the water flowing up to the edge of the porch. The small jeep was tossed onto the bottom of the porch stairs by a small wave. I grabbed the back of the jeep and noticed the two men who were sitting in it. They seemed barely conscious. I asked them whether they were okay. The one in the red shirt seemed to be conscious enough to reply. He said that they were fine, and that they wanted to drift on the water. I let go of the toy jeep and let it float away with the water. I walked back into the house. The water was flooding the town all around us. I knew that this cottage belonged to $K3, and that the lower floors of the cottage were already flooded. I thought about telling someone that we were unable to watch the television because it was in the room on the lower floor. I then realized that the cottage did not have a television, so it would not be worth it to mention it. I wondered what we would do. I did not know why the river had been flooding. I walked out onto the back porch of the cottage. The water was lapping along the edge of the wooden deck. There was a green smear down the wall of the cottage where the water had washed out some green construction chalk. I walked towards the water. The water level seemed to be dropping again. I seemed somewhat disappointed. It seemed as thought the crisis was over. I wondered whether the river would start flooding again anyway. I walked off of the porch. I was on the other side of the house from the deck. I looked out across the small garden that was nestled in a niche in the side of the house. The path of slate rock that curved through the green plants was dry. The water had receded. I then noticed the thick forest beyond, where the swamp was. The water had lowered and the swamp was clear again. I thought about walking out into the garden, but knew that my mother would warn me that the water might come back, flooding through the swamp.

11998 July 23

I followed the others through the tight room. The room was small and there were furnishings crowding the way. I looked at the skeleton on the wall. It was a human skeleton, and i was carving the meat off of it. I looked at it as the others continued out of the room. It seemed to be decaying. What meat was left on the bones was starting to rot. I could smell it. I decided that i would have to remove the skeleton from the wall and place it somewhere where the ants could get at it. I thought that the sunlight might also help remove some of the flesh from the bones. I turned around and looked at the tray that i had been using. It was a rectangular meal tray on which i was carrying the dinner plate and several sets of silverware. I thought that i could place the bones on the tray and carry them somewhere. I wanted to get the plate off because i thought that the bones might be contaminated with germs. I piled the silverware on the plate and tried to move the plate onto the back of the green chair which was standing right behind me.

I walked west through the small apartment complex. All of the buildings were made of light grey stucco with dark brown roofs. Tall trees shaded the paved drive that curved between them. I was looking for someone. Then i noticed the woman who was wandering through the complex. She stated that she was looking for apartment eleven. I looked at the numbers on the sides of the building. On my right, i could see the number one and two on small brown plaques on the side corners of the buildings. Beyond them, i could see the number four. I then looked to the left to notice that the buildings started at number fourteen and continued up. There must have been some buildings missing somewhere. I walked through the small section of buildings and came to the other side. I turned around and looked back the way i had come. I thought the numbering sequence should place the buildings on the other side of the complex, in the direction from which i had come. I then remembered that i had walked through the rows of houses in the other section of the complex. I could see the paved road running through the row of buildings to the east of the complex that i was in. I had forgotten about it. I told the woman that building number eleven was probably over there. I waved with my arm, directing her to the south, out into the parking lot of the nearby plaza. She looked at me confused. I realized that i had pointed in the wrong direction. I then pointed in front of my as i looked back through the small set of houses. She thanked me and started walked to the east. I then started walking east along the edge of the plaza. The stores were to my north. I was with $F10. We talked as we moved west along the stores in the plaza. Then he had to go somewhere. He could not stay around. I felt disappointed. I walked back into the parking lot and looked for my car. I noticed a red Jetta which looked very much like mine. As i approached it, i realized that i was not. I walked around to the driver’s side and noticed that both of the doors on that side were open. I thought that the car must not be too secure. I closed the back door and stepped into the car. I noticed that there was a grey backpack on the floor of the passenger’s seat. I wondered whether it belonged to $F10. There seemed to be several other things in the car. I did not seem to fit into the seat easily. It was not designed for me. The interior of the car was grey, and seemed to have fine blue stripes across it. The dashboard was plain and very vertical. I wondered whether my key would actually work in the ignition, as it was the same type of car as mine. I put my key in the ignition and started the car up. I thought that i should drive it forward a little to let the owners know that i had moved it. I then realized that it might be too far forward in the parking space. I looked at the cars next to me and thought that it should be moved backwards. I put in the clutch and let the car roll backwards into the space. I then realized that i would have to use the emergency brake to stop the car. I did not think that i should leave the emergency break on, however, as the owner of the car might not have left it on. I backed the car up, but realized that i had backed it too far into the space. I pulled the emergency brake to stop. My left leg was out of the driver’s door. I wondered whether i could push the car by myself. I did not want to run the engine again. I pushed forward. I did not want to take off the emergency brake until i knew that i could get the car moving. The car seemed easy to move. I took off the brake and rolled it forward. It slid to the right a little, but it was not near the car next to me. I realized that it was such a light car because it was a Volkswagen. I then stopped the car and got out. As i did, i noticed a group of three women walking towards me from the entrance of the main store on the plaza. The oldest of the women walked around the driver’s side of the car and stopped just forward of the door. I realized that she was the owner of the car. She was here with her two daughters. I told her that i had accidentally driven her car around the parking lot, thinking it was mine. She did not seem alarmed. She was wearing a blue denim jacket and had blonde frizzy hair. She was shorter than i was, and she was carrying a white plastic bag of merchandise in her left hand. I told her that i had thought that the bag in the front of the car belonged to $F10, and that i thought that he left it in the car while he went to do something. I realized that i should not have told her that i drove the car around the lot. The evidence was contrary to that story.

I walked around the counter that ran across the center of the kitchen. The others had just left the room, but i had to finish doing something. I looked at the machine that was on the counter. It was flat and long and looked like an old modem. It had several green lights on the front of it. I could tell that it was running. I wondered whether the other machine on the back corner of the kitchen was running, however. I could not tell that it was by any lights. I wondered whether the fuse to it had blown. I turned on the fluorescent light over the sink to make sure that the circuit was running. It was. I looked over several of the other appliances in the kitchen to see whether they were running. I walked back around to the front of the island counter to check the battery charger. I picked up the small object and looked at the red light on the front of it. It was flashing slowly. I thought that the batteries inside of it were dying. I remembered that i had just purchased new batteries. I did not want to have to get new ones. I then looked over the plugs in the wall to the right. There was a jumble of white wires that seemed to be connected to a battery charger. I then remembered that the item that i had could simply be plugged in to charge. There was a white plug in the tangle of white which seemed to be inserted into one of the open outlets. I thought that it should not be plugged in, as it was a low power audio cable. I pulled apart several of the wires and looked them over. I realized that i only had to plug in several of the pieces to get everything working. I picked up one of the items which had an exposed circuit board. I then remembered that i had pulled things off of the board. I could not attach the power cables to the board as they had been removed for something else. I thought about placing the small end of the board against the wall terminals, but realized that there was too great a possibility that the ends would short out. I walked back around the island to the counter along the back wall of the kitchen. I looked to the left to see the large VCR sitting in the corner of the counter. It was large and grey. As i looked at it, the tape inside of it stopped and popped out. I wondered why it had done that. I pulled the tape out and looked at it. I realized that the tape had been running for some time without anyone watching it. The machine had shut down after a certain amount of time. I remembered that i was only looking for something at the beginning of the tape. I had forgotten about it. I would have to put the tape back into the machine and rewind it. I thought that i should not rewind it on the machine, but i did not want to find the rewind machine. I looked at the sides of the machine as i put the tape back in and noticed that there were two triangular-shaped speakers on either side of the machine. I wondered where the old machine had come from. I thought that my grandmother must have bought it at a garage sale. I then looked to the counter in front of me. The toaster oven was running. I could see the pancakes that i had placed in it. They were hanging from horizontal wires inside the oven, and seemed to be dripping down into the heating elements. They were a light brown. I thought that they were not quite done. I opened the oven and tried to arrange them. Then i started the oven again. I did not want them to get burned on the heating elements. I looked back to the oven suddenly and noticed that all of the pancakes had fallen from the wires and landed on the horizontal shelves of the oven. They were now pieces of sour dough bread, which were cooking perfectly. I was pleased that it had worked out.

11998 July 24

I was at a house which was not mine. $F10 was with me. I was staying here for the night. There had been some minor earthquakes, and we knew that there might be more. There was something going on which caused the earthquakes. I walked into the kitchen to see what had been damaged. I could see that the dishes had spilled out of the cabinets and across the floor. I was in the dining room with $F10 when the other big earthquake hit. We could feel everything vibrating back and forth. I then realized that there were several things on the shelves on the west wall of the room which were vibrating forward. There seemed to be a mantle in the center of the wall, which was farther into the center of the room than the rest of the wall. The entire wall was covered with wooden shelves that had been painted white. There was only one shelf across the center section. I rushed towards the shelf in the center section to try to prevent any of the items from falling. I grabbed for a tall fluted chalice which was slipping over the edge. It was made of a purple glass with gold trimming. I hit it with my hand, but could not catch it. It shattered on the hard floor. Then i noticed several other things falling from the shelf. I tried to catch them, but was not able to. I pulled several items from the shelf and placed them on the table in the center of the room, but i was having difficulty grabbing anything that was falling. I knew that some of the stuff on the shelf was very expensive. I grabbed for several things only to hit them with my hand and watch them tumble to the floor. Then i noticed the blue mug start to fall. It was shaped into the image of a face. I knew that it was a very expensive antique. I was too far from the wall to grab it, so it broke against the ground as well. Then the quake was over. I wandered around the house, looking at what was damaged. I then ran into my mother. I told her about the things which had fallen off of the shelf. She asked me whether the IBM plate had fallen off. I pictured the pink china plate, but could not remember whether it had fallen off of the shelf or not. I told her that i did not know whether it had broken, but that i knew that the Falstaff mug with the face on it had fallen and shattered. I walked into the west side of my parents’ house, looking to see what was damaged. There was a pile of stuff in the center of the den. I dug through it, wondering where it had come from. I then realized that it had all fallen from the shelves along the back wall of the room. There were two black wooden chairs on top of the pile which were up side down. I moved the chairs and sifted through the multicoloured cushions that were on the floor. I seemed to be looking for something, but i did not know what. I pushed the chairs back into position and dug through the rest of the pile, making sure that nothing was broken. I then got up and started walking back through the house. I was on the second floor, placing things into my old bedroom. I walked through the large rooms. The house seemed to be unfinished. I looked around the room and noticed that it was empty of furnishings. The wood floor was bare and seemed rough and unfinished in the center of the room. I thought that the area in the center was probably covered by the rug. I looked to the front of the room, where the floor lifted one step to the small section of the room. The large red oriental rug was rolled up on the edge of the stair. I thought i should pull the rug back across the floor. We had to get the house ready for company. The rest of the house could be unpacked before they came as well. We had a lot of work to do. I walked back across the room when i noticed the large pine tree in the center of it. It was partially decorated with Christmas decorations. My mother walked around the right side of the tree, looking over the branches for more places to decorate. She was getting the tree ready before the company came. I thought that we would have a hard time getting the house back together from the earthquakes before people started arriving. I walked into the front room of the house, which was on the northeast corner of the building. The room seemed empty. The front door of the house was just outside of the room. People were starting to arrive. I walked back to the room on the west side of the house, where everyone was starting to gather. They were friends of mine, and were here to help us move into the house. The men were sitting around the room with glasses of beer in their hands. One of them was lying across the couch. I sat on the edge of the couch and joined them.

I was in the hallway in the fraternity house. The people were in the room on the east end of the hall. I knew that the door was locked and that i would not be able to walk in. Then i saw $F16 walking down the hall. He grabbed the doorknob of the room and turned it abruptly. The door opened and he walked into the television room. I started towards the door, wondering whether the lock could be forced by twisting the handle a certain way. I thought that i would try it. I got to the door before it closed, however, so i simply went in. There were a few people sitting on the black leather couch in the large open room. The couch was on the wall to the left of the door. I said hello to them and then walked back out of the room. The people for whom i had been looking were not there. I walked down the hall to the west, into the other television room. There were more brothers in there. I sat down on the couch and started to read. I enjoyed hanging out with them.

11998 July 25

I was in the center of the living room as my family gathered in the building. $K1 was walking across the center of the room. I looked at the blackboard that was hanging on the wall to my right. It hung to the left of the doorway into the next room. The doorway was behind me in the long narrow room. The black screen hung in the middle of a black frame. The screen was glossy and i knew that it was computer controlled. I looked at the computer in my lap and tried to type some things into the board. I looked over at it and noticed that green and orange letters lit up across the top of the screen. They were fancy letters. My grandmother was sitting behind me and to my right, near the door. She looked over the sign and hummed with satisfaction. Then $K1 walked towards me from the other end of the room. She was wearing a fancy red dress and had cosmetics on her face. She looked at the sign in surprise. I knew that it said something about her birthday. I looked back at the screen and noticed that it had gone blank. I wanted to program something else into it. I looked down at the keyboard that was on my lap. I knew that it was an Apple computer. I wondered whether it would interact with the television screen on the wall. I knew that the screen was set up for an Intel-based computer. I typed several things into my keyboard. I noticed that, when i pressed the spacebar, the board changed. I realized that my computer was adaptable enough to work on any system. I looked over the things on the right wall of the room. Then my grandmother, who was sitting in a chair to my left, asked me whether i could control the television from my computer. I pressed the space bar and the lights on the cabinet to my right turned on. The cabinet was on the front wall of the small wing of the room which stretched off to the right. The cabinet was wooden with a glass front, and lit with small lights. I kept pressing the spacebar on my keyboard. I through that it was strange that the single key operated so many functions. It did not seem logical. I pressed the keyboard several more times to see what was going on. Then i stood up and walked where i was sitting and into the next room. I remembered that this is where we had found the treasure before. I remembered that it was something special. I knew, however, that it was still to be found here. $K3 walked across the room to my left as i knelt down on the sandy ground. I was playing golf on the floor in the sand. I thought about the treasure that was here. I held the small styrofoam object in my hand. It was rounded on the bottom and flat on the top. In the center of the top part was a small round indent, about the side of a golf ball. I placed the cup on the sandy ground and tried to embed it into the ground. It had something to do with the treasure. I then remembered that i figured out how to open the treasure before because my grandfather had given me a clue. He said that it had something to do with the book that had been in the family for a long time. Then i heard $K3 scream in surprise. She had stumbled across the spot where the treasure was buried. I knew that she had fallen into the sandy hole. I ran over to the closet where she was and looked down into the hole in the sand. I could barley see her head as the sand was collapsing in on her. I reached down and grabbed her arm. I pulled her up and asked about the golden chalice. She said that she did not see the golden chalice. I told her that it was part of the treasure, but she did not know about what i was talking. I looked over the stone box in which the treasure was enclosed. I remembered that, when i had opened it before, i had been given a clue by my grandfather. I opened the old book from the secret society. It had writing in the back of the book which talked about the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. I knew that this had something to do with releasing the treasure. I knew that my grandfather had told me something about the treasure which would lead me to figure out how to unlock it. The four elements would mean nothing to anyone else, but i knew that they related to the password. I closed the old yellowing book and thought about how i had done this before.

I was running with $G4 through the open corn field. It was winter, and there was a covering of snow on the ground. We were crossing some kind of open strip of land, which seemed like a right-of-way. The strip ran from the southwest to the northeast. We were heading north from the line of trees that were along the edge of the field that we had just crossed. The runners paused at the edge of the open area, hesitant to cross. I did not stop with them, but continued across the strip. There seemed to be small metallic circles on the ground at regular intervals across the area. The snow was melted in rings around them. I wondered what was under the ground that would cause such an effect. I hoped that it was not dangerous. Then i saw the muddy trail on the other side of the right-of-way which led through the woods. I knew that this was the correct direction for us to run. I turned around and ran back across the field of circles. There was something strange here. I felt uncomfortable about invading the area. The ground around the metal circles seemed raised slightly from the rest of the ground, into wide mounds. The $G4 had all run across the field as i looked over something. I could not tell what was drawing my attention. I then realized that i would be left behind if i did not catch up. I could see $A174 standing on the other side of the right-of-way, encouraging me to run across. I decided that i should follow the rest of the group. I ran across the circles, following the areas between the circles where the snow had melted. I looked down at the muddle trail as i started down the hill through the woods on the other side of the open area. The ground was muddy from the others runners before me. I rode my bicycle down the trail and turned right at the creek. I wondered why i had my bicycle with me. I thought that i must have had it nearby. I thought that i would need it to catch up with the rest of the hashers. I looked down the road as i rode. It seemed like a hot summer day, and the grassy fields around us were filled with golden grain. I could see one of the other runners ahead of me. I then thought that they might punish me for riding my bike on a run. I remembered that someone else had done that a long time ago. I continued down the road and pulled into the parking lot which was nestled into the U of a tan cement building. There seemed to be a stairwell made of black metal to the north of us. The building surrounded us on the north, east, and south. The $G4 were playing some kind of game. It seemed silly to me, and i was unsure whether i wanted to join in. They encouraged me to join them, but i did not understand why i should.

I walked from the crowded area. I looked to the north. There was something out there that i remembered from before. I remembered that there was an old occidental ruin down the road to the north. We had just left Disney World. I thought about how interesting it was that the desert area and the ruins were so close to Disney World. I wondered whether anyone else even knew that the ruins existed. I wanted to go back to them. I thought of the red soil of the desert around the ruin area. I walked north out of the park with the other people. I then remembered that the last time i had left the park this way i had to cross over some orchards, which were private property. I looked ahead of me and noticed the sign for the honey farm hanging on the top of a wooden sign. It was a tan and brown sign with a honeycomb pattern in the background. The letters were black and sans serif. I decided that i did not really want to cross back through the orchards. I looked over the land in front of me. It was rolling, with the farm on the crest of the next hill. The orchard ran to my right, between the main road and me. There was a white wire fence separating us from the rows of trees in the orchards. The trees seemed full with red apples. To our left was a row of barns and open fields. The main building for the orchard shop was white, and seemed to have many people in the front parking lot of it. I did not want to walk to the building and cross the fence there. I turned around and headed back to the edge of the orchard. There was a grassy drive running to the road. The others followed me. I turned left down the drive and started walking towards the main road. There was a large stone arch over the entrance to the drive. It had a metal gate in the center of it which was entangled with many vines. I wondered whether i would be able to get through. I then walked north on the road. I wanted to get to the occidental ruins before it got dark. I walked into the entrance of the small hotel that was on the left side of the road. The ruins were further up, but we had to get something here. There was an old man standing behind the counter, which was along the back wall of the room. He seemed overweight, and was wearing a white button-down shirt. The walls of the room were covered with wood paneling. I felt as though i wanted to get out of this place, but we needed something. I then realized that it was dark outside. We would not be able to make it to the ruins. They would be closed for the night. I also realized that i would not be able to get to them because it was the weekend, and they would not be open again until Monday. I felt uncomfortable here.

11998 July 26

I was walking with $F4 through the park in the city. I was somewhat distracted and kept thinking about things as we walked. It was a bright summer day and a gentle wind blew the leaves on the trees. We came to the edge of the hill. I had to be somewhere. I started to float over the ground. I looked at the old buildings around me. They were very elegant. They were made of stone and seemed very decorative on the outside. There was a large red building in front of us which had a rough stone surface. It seemed to be an old church. I glided past it and started heading out over the hill of the park. $F4 was standing at the corner of another stone building as i flew past him. He was standing on the top of a set of rounded slate steps. The steps were set into the corner of the building, and fanned out as they descended to the ground. Over him, the rest of the building formed a curved roof which had white stones along the edge for decoration. The white stones formed mini spires as they crested the edge of the roof. I flew under the large maple tree on the slope and down the hill. I continued talking to $F4 as i flew. It seemed as though there was something that we should be doing, but i did not seem to be concentrating on it. I then noticed the large grey stone building at the bottom of the hill. It had white stone trimming on it. I thought that it was the same building that i had just flown past, where i had seen $F4 standing, but, when i looked at it the second time, it seemed to be a single wall with several arches in it. I walked through the large open hall in the modern building. There were other people gathered under the open arches of the modern architecture. The walls were white, and all of the corners were square. I then thought that i might be missing something. I looked down the length of the room at the large brown wooden doors at the other end of the hall. I opened them and stepped in. I suddenly realized that the wedding had started. I could see $F6 at the front of the chapel with the other woman. I asked them whether they were really starting. I knew that the other guests were outside should be in here. No one seemed to be ready for the wedding at the moment. I walked back out into the lobby and told the others that the wedding was beginning. I noticed the groomsmen standing on the right side of the room talking. They were still wearing street clothes. They hurried off to change into their tuxedoes. I thought that i should tell them that they need not worry as $F6 and his wife did not seem to be dressed up for the ceremony. I hurried down the road. I had to find a parking spot for my car. My father was driving the car, and my mother was in the passenger’s seat. I looked out the front window to see that we had just past the plaza where the wedding was being held. I told my father that he could park along the side of the road just past the plaza. I could see the grassy edge of the road which ran just in front of someone’s house. There was a wide shoulder on the road. My father did not pull off as i expected, however. He slowed the car, but continued to drive along the edge of the road. I told him that he should park close, so that we can get back to the wedding. He continued driving. He then turned right into a long gravel road which led up hill. He started up the hill, following the man in the dark uniform who was walking. He then turned the car around and started back down the hill. I walked along the right side of the main road, back towards the plaza. I then noticed a large group of people passing me from the other direction. I spotted $F6 and his wife in the crowd. I realized that the wedding was over and that i had missed it. I felt disappointed. I stopped and thought about simply going back to my car.

11998 July 27

I was hiking across the campground with my mother. We needed to find a place to sleep for the night. I told her that the forest just past the camp ground was very dark and shaded. I through that it might give us some shelter. It was very dreary out, and the ground seemed wet. We walked into the line of trees at the edge of the forest. The area inside of the forest was very dark, and the ground was covered with moss. My mother did not seem to want to stay here. We walked back out of the forest and over towards the campers. I looked across the small pond that was to our left. I could see the empty kayaks tied up in a row. I thought that the people must be away from them. There was a woman in the green tent which was standing on the water near the boats. She was cleaning out the tent. We wondered whether they were leaving the tent and whether we would be able to use it. I spoke to the woman. My mother wanted to get into the tent. She stepped into the waist-deep water in front of the tent. I thought that she would get cold at night if she were all wet. The woman from the tent said that they would be leaving, but we did not think that it would be convenient enough. I told my mother that we would have to go sleep in the woods after all. We started away from the tent and across the parking lot. It seemed that it was dark already, and i felt very sleepy. We would have to drive back to where we had come from. I did not feel like driving, and knew that i could sleep in the car. I would need to sleep for something. There was a reason that i had to be awake later.

11998 July 28

I was in the apartment with the other young people. We were living together as some sort of project. We walked up the room which seemed like a loft. Several of the women went down to get something in the kitchen. I joked around with one of the men left. He did not seem to be a friend of mine, but i seemed interested in him. I stood up to get something. He made a comment, and i jokingly nudged him in the abdomen as he sat on the couch. I realized that his abdomen was very hard as i lightly punched it. I could feel the detail of the individual muscles. I suddenly felt strange picking on him in such a way and laughed. He looked at me questioningly, with a curious grin on his face. I stood up and started into the kitchen. I thought that he must have though me silly because i laughed at my actions. Had i stayed serious, he would not have been so humoured by my actions.

I waited in the car as my mother went into the building to the left. The building was large and grey and seemed like some kind of fraternity. The car sat on the edge of a gravel parking lot, facing south. The fraternity was to the southwest of the car, along the edge of a steep hill which dropped off at the edge of the parking lot. There was another building to the right of the car which was at the bottom of the hill. The second floor of the apartment building was at the same level as the parking lot, but was not reachable from the parking lot. The building was a dull black and had a rusted fire escape on the side facing the lot. I was getting board in the car and thought that i should go into the building. I wanted to get something. I stepped out the front of the white car, which seemed like a very small car. I looked back through the door to see the car sitting between the seats. The cat wanted to get out of the car with me. I knew that the cat should not be wandering around in this area because it might get lost. I pet the cat and pushed it back from the door. I then closed the tan hood of the car carefully. I did not close it all the way, but swung it down until just before it latched. I wanted to make sure that i did not catch the cat in the door. I slowly pushed the door closed until it latched, listening for the cat in case it complained. I heard the latch of the door close and i looked through the window of the car. I wanted to see where the cat had gone. I could see the orange cat sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the car. It was staring down at the crack at the bottom of the door. I then decided that i should go get the blanket before my mother returned. I suddenly heard her coming. I ran over the edge of the hill and down to the bottom, where the entrance to the faded black building was. I thought that she should not see me sneaking away, but she spotted me as i lay on the ground at the bottom of the hill. I sat up and turned to the right, looking up the stairs of the building. I ran up the stairs and came into the open room. The brothers seemed to be reconstructing it. They were tearing apart the walls and floor in order to redo the house. The room was nothing but bare wood. I remembered that my father had rebuilt this house once before. There were several brothers in the room pulling things apart. I looked around the room and noticed that everything looked crooked. Someone asked me what i thought. All of the walls of the room were windows which looked out over the suburban area. I concentrated on the images outside of the window as i spun around looking at the room. I told them that i did not think that the entire building was crooked, but just the floor of this room. The windows seemed to be level, but the floor was slanted at a noticeable angle. I suddenly felt strange for saying it. I knew that they had probably already figured it out for themselves. It seemed as though i had some voice of authority, however, which i did not feel comfortable with. I turned around and looked at the baseboard that a few brothers were working on. $A177 was standing just in front of me, looking at the rotting wood along the edge of the floor. I told them that this was the older section of the house, and that it had been more damaged by the weather before my father got to it. I could see the peeling section of plywood on the ceiling where the water used to drip through. I thought that the rotting piece of the floor, where the pipe was coming up, probably slid down the inside of the wall, which made the floor crooked. The outside edge of the floor would have to be propped up to correct the problem. I then decided that i should continue on to get the blanket. I headed east through the house. I opened the door on the bedroom area and tried to sneak quietly across. As i opened the door, i could see two people getting changed. One of them was wearing a pair of yellow boxer shorts and had hairy legs. I said hello to them as i tried to walk across the room. The floor in this room seemed very steep. I was having trouble crossing it. I could see that the brothers were having difficulty changing their clothes as they stood in front of their dressers. I opened the next door and started into the sleeping area. The room was long and narrow, and my father was lying on the bed on the right side of the room, at the far side of the room. I held onto $X3 as i walked in, so that he would not go running over to my father and wake him. I knew that my father did not feel well. I pushed $X3 back and walked up next to the bed where my father was sleeping. I needed the dark blue blanket which was under the bed. My father was sleeping under a light green comforter. There was someone in the bed to the left as i talked to my father. He was asleep, and i did not want to disturb him. He seemed to be oriental, and was facing us, lying very near to the edge of the bed. My father then licked the man’s fingers, which were hanging out over the edge of the bed. The action reminded me of a dog. It was intended to make the man roll over so that we would not disturb him. The man shifted position. I then spoke to my father. He did not seem to be feeling well. I walked out of the room and back into the kitchen. My mother was getting a glass of orange juice. I opened the refrigerator door and looked in for the bottle of juice. There was a carton on the shelf of the refrigerator which contained the orange juice. I lifted the carton from the door and placed it on the counter to the left of the refrigerator. It contained two bottles of juice in it. I opened the left side of the carton and pulled out the partially empty bottle. That must have been the one that my mother was using. I then placed the carton back into the refrigerator. I could hear a soft hissing sound as i held the door open. I lifted the carton again to see if it was coming from it. The hissing still seemed to be coming from the door. I looked down at the door and noticed a large black can of beer that was foaming. I realized that the carbon dioxide canister in the bottom of the beer must have ruptured, and the beer was starting to leak out through the seal at the top of the can. I picked up the can of beer and carried it to the left, over to the sunk. I then looked to the left, where i had been cooking several things. I looked at the brown piece of melting plastic that i was cooking in the frying pan. I thought that it would taste good. My parents were leaving, and they said goodbye as they walked out the door behind me. I said farewell to them and continued cooking the pieces of plastic in the small cast iron pan. I then noticed that the small grey piece of plastic was melting into a gooey mess. I thought that it was probably not safe to eat that one. I lifted the small piece on the end of the metal instrument i had in my right hand and tried to toss it into the garbage. I then looked over the brown piece of plastic. It seemed sturdier, and i thought that it would be safer to eat. I then wondered how it would be safe to eat plastic.

11998 July 29

I was in the kitchen of the house with some of $G4. We had just gotten back from someplace. I was talking to someone as the others milled around the back yard of the house. I looked to my left, behind the tent in the back yard. There seemed to be a road on the other side of some shrubs. Someone was walking on the outside of the tent. I was interested in what they were doing. Something seemed strange about being here. I felt uneasy, as if i were not part of the invited crowd. I walked over to the counter in the center of the kitchen. I was holding a glass in my left hand. I wanted to get something to drink. The others started to wander out of the kitchen. I wondered whether i should join them. I did not feel like we were supposed to be here. There was a woman working on the other side of the counter. I asked her whether there was any more juice. She said that there was not. I looked behind me to the sink. There were some pots in the sink. I asked the woman if the water was safe to drink as i turned on the lever faucet and started to fill the clear plastic cup. She said that the water was fine to drink. As the water came out into the glass, i could see that it looked rusty. I did not think that it was good. I moved the glass out from under the faucet when i noticed that there was bright yellow oil floating on the surface of the dirty water. I tried to pour it off into the sink. Then i smelled the water. It did not have any unusual odor so i tasted some of it. It was very bitter, and had the flavour of sulfur. I spit the water back into the glass and poured the glass out into the sink. As i did, the paper cup started to deform, becoming as flexible as a plastic bag.

11998 July 30

I was in the white room of the house. There were several animals with me. I knew that the animals could speak English. This was part of some movie. I remembered teaching them how to talk earlier. I watched as the black monkey climbed up the wall. There was a square channel running down the wall. The small monkey was climbing up and down the channel, supporting its weight by pressing against the channel walls. I realized that the animals learned to speak English through this monkey. I could talk to the monkey, and it would describe the english word to the other animals. I told the monkey that the channel in the wall was narrow. The monkey slid down the channel, chatting to the others animals, telling them the english word for “narrow”. The two smaller kittens ran into the fireplace and climbed up the chimney. They were having fun playing around. Then i heard my grandmother coming in. The animals had to be here when she got back. The black and white cat, which was sitting in front of me, said that the black kittens should come down from the chimney before the woman came into the room. I looked out the front window of the room. The woman seemed to be in the driveway with her car. The black and white cat ran up the chimney. I could hear it calling sharply to the kittens to come back down before the woman came in. Then the woman walked into the door. She walked in front of the fireplace and asked how her animals were doing. I could see the white cat sitting on the edge of the window sill. I told her that the animals were all around the house. I hoped that the kittens would come down from the chimney. I thought that they could sneak past the woman while she was talking to me. The kittens did not come down, however. I spoke to the woman some more. Then i heard the car pull into the driveway. I knew that the animals had been out on the town and were finally returning. They had to get back into the house before the woman got suspicious. She would be searching the house for them. I wandered out to the large black car that was parked in the driveway. I got in the car and backed out of the driveway. I had to go somewhere. It was dark out.

I backed out of the driveway of the country house. There were woods all around us. The house seemed to be on the top of a hill. I remembered driving up the hill earlier. I would have to head back into the town. I seemed to be facing west. I turned to the left to head down the road. It seemed like an overcast fall day. The day was bright, and the leaves on the trees were drying. I started down the open road, which curved slightly to the right as it headed down the hill through the woods. I was not moving on the road, but starting to fly above it. I started to float up above the trees as i reached the bottom of the hill. I suddenly passed a set of power lines as i ascended. I remembered them from before, and thought that i would have to be careful not to hit them as i flew. I looked ahead of be and could see the open space where the heavy black lines ran through the row of trees which ran along the side of the main road. The road that i had been following ended on the main road, which ran east to west along the bottom of the hill. I looked at the square space cut in the trees around the power lines. The power lines ran along the left side of the opening, leaving a large open space on the right. I remembered flying through the opening before. I thought that it would make a great place to travel through. I looked upward across the open fields beyond the tree line. In the distance i could see the lake nestled between the hills. The town lights of $P14 around the near end of the lake. It seemed like evening, and the country side near the horizon was a foggy blue. I then noticed the light brown buildings on the other side of the field from me. I remembered that it was some kind of industry complex. I remembered driving around it before, when i had come to this place. The road ran to the left side of the complex. I started to fly over the field towards the complex. I thought that i should fly low over the place. It would make a great sensation. I sped close to the ground, watching the bushes and fences pass swiftly under me. I could see the men in the white shorts and shirts playing tennis on the open courts near the business complex. I thought that i could fly close over them. They would be surprised by the sight. I looked past the tennis courts and noticed the large square pool which had a fountain of tiny water jets spraying up from the center of it. The pool was painted a dull brown. I passed over the tennis court when i started to wonder how easy it would be to continue flying over the area. It seemed strange that i would be able to soar over everything by myself. I seemed to be riding on something. I pictured the object as a small triangle, having narrow wings off to the sides. I then seemed to black out. I could not see where i was going anymore. I knew that i had to get over the fence on the back side of the complex. I tried to focus. I knew that i would have to concentrate in order to stay aloft. I suddenly focused on the tall white chain-link fence along the back side of the complex. I was hovering low over the large pool. I started moving, hoping that i would be able to fly. I lifted over the fences with some effort. I then started to float down the road which ran through the business area. There was an airport near me. The road curved to the right ahead of me. I knew that the end of the runway bordered the road. I stopped where i was and looked to the right. I could see a large military transport plane sitting at the end of the runway. I was looking over a corner of chain-link fence. The fence followed the corner of the road and ran along the opposite side of the road from the airport. I then saw the plane move suddenly, lifting from the runway and jumping over the fence. It took off to the east as i watched. I then noticed that there were several other airplanes waiting in line on the runway. The next one was white, and took off just as suddenly. I wondered how the planes could lift off so suddenly from the runway. It seemed that they did not have enough room to take off. The white plane nicked something with its landing gear as it started into the air. It then passed low over the fence. I thought that the runway seemed very dangerous. I realized that i would not be able to fly high over the area, as there was an airport near. I had to cross to the other side of the runway, but i did not want to fly in the way of the air traffic. I looked ahead of me, to the west, along the south side of the airport. I could see the open green grass of the local golf course. I knew that i could not fly over the gold course because that would mean flying through the driving range. I thought that i could fly higher, but then i would be picked up on radar. I would have to cross the runway on the road. I thought again about the triangular shape of the ship that i was sitting on. It looked somewhat like a high-tech airplane, but people would still wonder at it because if hovered so slowly and low to the ground. I decided to follow the road around the corner and across the runway. I paused before i crossed the path of the runway and looked to the left, down the length of the runway. I could not see any more airplanes coming. There seemed to be a large commercial airplane in the distance. It had a large blue tail fin. I crossed the path of the runway quickly and came to the highway overpass. I would have to go under the overpass and turn left to head home. As i passed under the overpass, i noticed a man sitting along the left side of the road. He seemed homeless, and was wearing an unkempt brown trench coat. I passed him, at first, but decided that i should give him something. I backed up and walked over to him. I pulled a round piece of flat bread from my right pocket and handed it to him. He did not understand why i was giving him the bread, but he took it. I then realized that there were other people around. I thought about the tortilla bread that i was sitting on. I handed out several sheets of the bread to some of the people. I knew that they were all hungry, so i gave them what i could. I then looked around the room inside of the bus stop. There were several other people gathered. They were all wearing worn brown coats. I reached into the pocket that was on the lower section of the back of my shirt. I could feel several of the flat bread pitas. I pulled some of them out and handed them to the people. I then realized that i was running out of pitas. I reached into the back pocket with both hands and could not find any more loafs of bread. I could only feel crumbs in the pocket, which stretched across the back of my shirt. He hands entered from both sides and met in the middle. I then thought that i could give the person some of the bread on which i was sitting. I knew that i could not give all of the bread away. I was using the bread to fly on. I held the remainder of the large loaf of flat bread in my hand. It was a dark tan. I walked out of the small building. I tore the remainder of the loaf in half and held one piece in each hand. I hoped that there was enough left to allow me to fly. I held the pieces over my head, trying hard to get off of the ground. I would have to fly over the fences of the business area to get home. I then noticed the man in the brown suit standing across the cement court of the office building, in front of me and to the left. He looked curiously at me, as if i were acting foolish. I strained to lift into the air, but the bread did not seem to lift me that far. I had to get over the fence at the back of the court. I wanted to fly.

11998 July 31

I walked down the stairs of my grandparents’ house on $P12. There was someone else with me in the house. She seemed to be female. There was a set of white plastic trays sitting on the table at the bottom of the stairs. I remembered it from when i was younger. It was some kind of kid’s toy. The trays were filled with various items which depicted various themes. I remembered that there was a tray filled with plastic dinosaurs. I could see a red and yellow lizard-like model as i watched myself sift through the trays. I was watching myself from my left. I pulled another tray out and looked at it. I then realized that some of the trays were very old, and starting to decay. There was one which depicted the chemical elements. I looked at it and noticed a pale blue medical pill in the center. It represented some kind of chemical, but i could tell that it was leaking into the rest of the display. I tipped the tray and watched the pill roll off the shelf on the front of the display and drift slowly down through the thick liquid in the display. The writing on the front of the pill said “CYANOL”. I realized that it was some chemical derivative of cyanide. I then thought that the assumption might not be correct. I watched the cylindrical shape of the blue tablet float to the bottom of the tray, a faint blue mist dissolving from it into the water. I was worried that the chemicals were going to start to corrode and mix with each other. It could be dangerous. The set of trays were starting to dissolve. I walked into the kitchen and placed the trays on the counter. The woman was talking on the telephone in the dining room behind me. I backed away from the trays and looked at them. They were in the sink, and they were starting to smoke. I was worried that the smoke might be toxic. I suddenly said, “Oh shit!” in a loud voice. I walked over to the trays and moved them out of the sink and into some containment. I could feel some hot liquid seeping around my fingers as i held on to the trays. The woman came in and asked me what was happening. I started coughing from the fumes. I told her that the chemicals in the chemistry set were starting to corrode. I looked at my hands and i could see elongated beads of some plastic-like substance stuck to my finger tips. I thought that they were burned onto my hand. They seemed like melted plastic. I did not feel any pain, however. The woman looked at my hand and tried to peel one of the beads off. It seemed to chip off with little damage. She said that they were not too serious.

I was in the room with the group of people. We were hanging around from something. $F27 was in the room, and he had a large snake around his neck. The head of the snake hung over his chest. The snake had a large black body with a red head. I could see round scales over the snake’s surface which were raised, giving its skin texture. There were yellow patches on both sides of its face and it seemed to have white and black stripes or patterns around its head. The head of the snake moved up and down across $F27’s chest. We were getting ready to lay down for the evening. I sat on my bed. Then one of the women with us told $F27 that she did not want the snake to be around. She was worried that it might crawl in bed with someone else while we were asleep. I was not too fond of the idea of having a snake wandering around while we were asleep either. $F27 was showing the snake to people, to let them know that it was not really dangerous. He was going to be sleeping in the bed near my feet, however, and i did not really want the snake around either. Then $F27 walked over to me to show me the snake. I told him that i did not want to see the snake, but he brought it close to me. The head of the snake reached out towards me. I told $F27 that i did not want to see the snake as i grabbed the snake’s head to push it back. I then realized that i was grabbing something which felt like an arm. I realized that the snake was really $F27’s arm. He had painted it up to look like a snake. The coils, which hung over his shoulders, were fake. I smiles at the idea, but still pushed the painted hand away. I could see the greenish-yellow detail on the underside of the snake’s head. $F27 hinted to me that the snake was not real. I told him that i knew but that i still did not like snakes. I acted as if i had known for a while that the snake was a fake. He backed away and walked over to some one else. I moved around the room where the others were. I kept thinking about the mouth of the snake. There seemed to be something familiar with it. I walked into the room with the other people. There seemed to be something wrong with the place. I remembered the events before, as if they were from some television show. There were monsters around. I was at the back of the room when i remembered the greenish-yellow detail of a person’s mouth then they were taken over by the monsters. The monsters would posses the person’s body and only be visible as a scaly pattern around the mouth. Then i noticed the girl looking into the fish tank at the small fish. I remembered this scene before. There was a monster hiding in the top of the tank, out of sight under the black hood. She bent over to look at the fish. I told her to get a closer look under the tank. I knew that the monster would be there. She smiled at the fish, talking to it in childish tones. Then she bent over far enough to see under the hood, where i knew that the white substance of the monster was. Her face filled with terror and she shrieked. I remembered all of this from the movie. I then walked back out of the room and into my office. I walked into the small lab room, where my computer was, and noticed that it was very cold. I could see dew forming over the walls and counters. I thought that someone must have turned the air conditioning on in the environmental chamber. I would have to tell $A14. I walked out of my office and into the hallway, where $A14 was. I told him that someone had turned on the air-conditioning in my office, and that everything was getting wet from the condensation. He was slightly agitated by the news. He said that he would have to do something about it. Then he told the others in the room that i would be leaving soon. He said that there were several others who were leaving the department to go work for $G6. I was unaware that so many people would be leaving at the same time that i was. I wondered whether there was something going on within the department. The $A14 said that he wanted to show a film. It had something to do with our departure. I felt embarrassed and dropped my head onto the table. The person to my left groaned at the thought of a film. The room was long and narrow, and i was sitting at a black lab table, which filled the center of the room. $F14 was standing on the other side of the table from me as he spoke. I looked to the screen on the left wall, at the end of the room. A blue and white title came up on the black background. It said “Street Fighter”. The people complained. I was slightly embarrassed because i remembered the science fiction movie from before and did not think that it was any good. Then i saw the image of a large star cruiser. It seemed old fashioned, as if it were part of some special effects from the eighties. I did not really want to watch the movie.

I walked down the road which ran from my grandparents’ cottage at $P26. I was walking along the part of the road which ran between the cottages on the lake’s shore. I then thought that i probably should not be walking here. I knew that this entire area was private property. My grandparents no longer owned the cottage, so i should not be on the land. I thought that i would have to act as though i belonged here so that no one would ask me what i was doing on private land. I then noticed the hose on the ground. It was partially buried. Only a metre or so of the green hose was above ground. There was a spray nozzle attached to the end of the hose. I picked up the hose, as if i had been using it for something. A man walked by, heading up from the lake on my left. I tried to act as though i were doing something. I sprayed part of the ground, but stopped when i realized that the man was staring at me. I thought that i should lie to him and tell him that i was visiting the cottage of my grandfather. I then looked more carefully at the hose. I realized that the end of the hose had broken off near where it came out of the ground. I thought that it must have been twisted and run over. I hoped that i was not the one to break it. I then realized that i had walked out of the house still wearing my bed clothing. I only had on a tee shirt and my underwear. I realized that that was the reason that the man was staring at me. I decided that i had better get back to the house before other people start to get uncomfortable around me. I started walking back across the path towards the house. I pulled down my pinkish red shirt to cover my underwear. I thought that the shirt was long enough that it made it all the way down to my legs. I thought that maybe people would not notice that i was only wearing underwear. They might think that i was simply wearing very short pants. I started up the hill when i became unsure of where i was going. I seemed to remember that the road to the cottage was long and had a turn to the left coming in. The turn ran along the front shore of the lake, but then ended in the swampy area. I wondered where i was. I thought that i should be back near the cottage soon. Then i realized that i was walking down the street of a small town. I realized that this was the village. I wondered how i had come that far. I thought that the place seemed very developed. It was not as developed as it was when i was last here. There seemed to be a mall around. An older man with grey hair looked at me as i walked past a stand in the middle of the aisle. I remembered that it was still pulling my shirt down. I then noticed a shop down a corridor to my right. It used to be an old ice cream stand. I remembered from when it was little. Back then, it used to be on the street. They must have added many tourist shops to the area.