12000 July 01

I was in the ship as it moved through space. It seemed like the Millennium Falcon. I realized that this was part of a movie. I remembered seeing it before. The Falcon drifted along the underside of the large grey battle ship. I watched, as if from outside of both ships, as the Falcon glided from the left and quietly docked with the larger ship that was above me and to the right. I was then on the top surface of the battle ship. I was with the small group of people. We headed north along the western side of the narrow deck. We had to sneak along so that no one would find us. As we entered the narrow room, however, we could hear people coming from the south. I crouched down along the east wall of the room. The floor of the room was polished wood, and the walls seemed to be made of vertical wood boards. There were multi-paned windows on the walls which seemed to have thin yellow curtains hanging on them. The place seemed rustic, and there was a yellow light shining through the windows from the outside. I could see several of the bad guys walking past the window outside of the room. I was with Han, Chewbacca, and Leia. I quickly ran to the south, into the next room, before the bad guys could come in. We had to plant the bombs and get back to our ship. Han set the small explosive device and tossed it into the small room. We then ran back to the north. The bad guys had already entered the larger room, though. I felt confused. I did not remember this part of the movie. I had remembered that we had set the explosive device and then made it back to the Falcon before it went off. The plot was different this time, and i could not understand why. I separated from the others and ran back to the south. I did not want to get caught. I could hear the bad guys running along the deck outside the small room. I stopped in the doorway of the old wooden room. The room was at a lower level than the room from which i had just come. There was an old dirty window on the east wall, just to my left. I could see the bad guys running past. They were wearing ragged clothing and carrying rifles. They were headed to the south, but one turned around and started to jog back to the north. As he passed the window, he spotted me. He was wearing a purple and red striped shirt that was very baggy and made of a very light material. He smiled confidently as he walked slowly towards the window. He called to the others as he watched me. I thought that i had to get away. I ran into the center of the room. I suddenly realized that this was the room where we had planted the bomb. I wondered whether it would go off while i was standing here. I looked down on the floor and saw the small white egg. It was decorated with multicoloured stripes. The narrow end of the egg seemed to be cracked. I knew that the trigger device was under the narrow end. As i held the egg in my left hand, i noticed that there was a bump on it. The shell had been lifted and fractured around the bump. The bump was the triggering device. I wondered when it would go off. It still seemed that we had plenty of time before it exploded. I ran to the north, back into the room where the others were collected. I knew that we would not be able to make it to our ship as it had been captured. I then remembered that a smaller section of our ship was in the next room. It had been captured. I told the others that we could hide in it and wait for the bomb to detonate. I remembered that the bomb would crack open the large ship that we were in. I visualized the large ship exploding in a ball of fire, the center section splitting open as both sides started to rotate upward. I told the others that we could fly our small ship out of the opening. We hurried into the small room as the bad guys ran into the large room. There was a small white ship against the west wall of the small room. It was a miniature version of the Millennium Falcon. A small hatch had been removed along the back side of the ship. I wondered how we were all going to fit into the small capsule. It was no more than waist height. Han and Chewbacca climbed in first. They crouched down and moved to the right, into the front of the ship. I did not think that we would all fit. I climbed in after them with Leia following from my left. I thought that we could pull the square hatch over us and secure it. The bomb would go off any moment. I looked to the right as i crouched down inside of the small ship. Han and Chewbacca were huddled near the front. I wondered whether there were controls that they could use to fly the ship.

I was standing in the gravel parking lot with $F1 and some other people. The others seemed to be relatives of mine. There were two cars in the lot which were facing to the east. We had been doing something here and were getting ready to leave. $F1 picked up one of the socks from the ground and threw it to the east. It was part of a golf game. It seemed that we were with my mother’s father and $F1’s father to play golf. I picked up one of the white gym socks. It had two yellow stripes at the top with a blue one between them. I curled it up into a ball. It had gotten wet from the puddle. I thought that the water would help it travel farther. I looked to the east, over the large lawn at the edge of the gravel lot. $F1 had thrown his sock about ten or twelve metres onto the grass. I thought that i could throw mine farther. I squeezed my sock into a tight ball and walked to the north of the two dull green cars. I then threw the sock with my right hand, but it did not travel that far. It was too light. I realized that the water had drained out of the sock. I thought that it must have been made of a very thin material. I walked back towards the cars, a little disappointed that i was not able to throw my sock that far. I told the others by the cars that the sock was nylon and lost the water too quickly. It was dry before i had thrown it. $F1 and his father walked around to the south side of the southern most car. They were going to leave. We had already finished the golf game. I felt disappointed that my sock did not travel that far and walked to the east of the second car to start collecting the other white socks that had been on the ground. As i stood up, i noticed that the back dashboard of the car near me was full of small stuffed animals. It was an old seventies-style car with a rounded rear window. The car was medium green, but had faded over the years.

12000 July 02

I walked to the north towards the gorge with the other people. It was cold out and they were headed towards the cliffs. I wondered where they would go from there. I asked them jokingly whether they were going to go swimming. One of them said that they were. We crossed the main road and followed the dirt path t the top of the cliff that looked into the gorge. The ashen-brown rock of the cliff was bare, but there were mounds of frozen snow around the edges of the cliff. I looked over the cliff to the west, looking down the length of the gorge. I could see the dark waster below with frost and snow on either side. I thought that it would simply be too cold for swimming. I looked back a the others, however, and saw that they were already starting to climb up the stars that led down to the water. I walked to the northern edge of the ledge and looked at the stairs. The stairs ascended to the east, climbing slightly until they reached the rock wall. There was a thick mound of ice along the outside of the stairs which prevented someone from climbing down the stairs. $A252 separated from the group and started to the top of the stairs. I did not think that he would be able to descend the stairs to the water because of the thick layers of icy snow. He reached the top of the stairs, where the dark metal railing emerged from the bank of snow. The rail was flat on top and was supported by square metal poles. $A252 hopped over the rail and started to descend again on the outside. I noticed that the rocks on the outside of the rail were chipped out in uneven stairs. He smiled as he started to climb down. He seemed very excited about swimming. I felt very unsure, knowing that the water would be very cold. I started to walk away from the ledge, thinking that the only way to get to the water was to climb down the outside of the stairs. I walked to the east side of the ledge again and looked over. I could see $A252 standing on the edge of the stairs about half way up the cliff. He jumped from the cliff and dove into the dark water. I watched as he landed in the center of the small pool. I wondered for a moment whether he had jumped into the shallow area where the rock ledge was just under the water. As he surfaced, his head came up to the north of the ledge, which i could barely see through the surface of the water. He shouted an exulted yell and started swimming. He then paused and looked around. He was not sure how to get out of the water. A second person jumped in. $A252 started swimming to the west, down the length of the gorge. I realized that he did not know in which direction he was headed. He should have headed to the south, towards the nearest shore. The other person shouted as he emerged from the water and started swimming to the west as well. They were swimming next to each other when they both turned north and headed into the center of the river. I knew that they were in trouble. They were too cold to think and were swimming in circles. The others started to shout at them. I yelled out, trying to get them to swim to the shore below me. I then turned and walked to the south, leaving them and heading back to campus. I walked into the old building and started to head west. I was worried about $A252, but i started to think that there was something else i should be doing. I did not know what to do. The long narrow hall of the building had dull white walls with a dark grey chair rail made of vertical boards. I climbed up a few stairs and came to the end of the building. I wondered why i had come here. I thought that i should have run to the east along the gorge and tried to get the two swimmers to come to shore. They would need help. The hall opened up into a lobby on the west side of the building. There were three exits. I could see that the one on the right led into a dark tunnel. I walked to the one in the center, thinking that i should run out and head down the gorge to see if i could find the swimmers. I opened the middle door and found that it too led into a tunnel. The top of the tunnel was only waist level, though, and i could see the green grass of the lawn over the top of it. There was a thin cement rim around the entrance to the tunnel. As i started to lift myself up to the level of the grass, i noticed the flash of headlights in the tunnel. I knew that it led to the tunnels where the cars drove onto campus from the west. I climbed up onto the grass, noticing the driveways that led away to the west, between the patches of flowers. I quickly ran to the north, hoping to get back to the gorge. I started jogging slowly over the cement path of the campus. I realized that i was wearing my sandals. It was difficult to jog in them, and i knew that my feet might hurt. I tried to adjust my stride so that they did not hurt as i walked quickly down the path. As i came to the main road, however, i found myself in an open field with a small restaurant just to the east of me. I had come much too far to the west. I was surprised that i had traveled so far inside of the building. I would have to try to back up and reach the gorge farther to the east. I thought that i could simply head to the north and meet the gorge here, then start running east. I jogged over the gravel parking lot of the diner until i realized that there was a white chain-link fence along the field to the north. I would not be able to make it to the gorge from here. I thought that i should simply run behind the house and stay along the fence. I ran in front of the house instead, trying to think of a way to get to the gorge. I could see the hills to the north and i thought that the gorge must be right in front of them. They seemed a good distance away, though. I passed the diner and noticed that the field on the other side of the fence was part of a large high school. I could see a crowd of people to the east and hear them cheering at a game. It was getting dark out. Someone i knew was in the parking lot in front of the diner talking to someone else as i moved past. I wondered whether there was a road to the north just past the high school. I seemed so far away from the gorge. As i looked over the tree line on the other side of the field, i could see the hills open up to the east. I thought that the gorge must be farther away there.

I walked into the large white room of the building. I seemed to be in an old hospital. There was a group of people collected there. It had something to do with the test. I could not understand what the people were talking about. Then one of them said that $A253 may not have done the test correctly. The person said that there were a few methods on her test which were in question. I was curious about the test and moved to the north side of the crowd. There was a set of stairs which ascended to the east in the center of the room. I sat on them as the people spoke. The situation seemed very tense and $A253 seemed very upset. The man then said that some of the methods $A253 used had been called into question. If $A253 could not prove that she did them correctly, then her ISDN test could be proven invalid. Someone else mentioned that if her test was invalid, she would no longer be able to perform or instruct. I felt distant to the situation, even though i knew that i was one of the students of $A253. The older man said that her test was invalid and that she could no longer teach. I felt as if the situation were predictable. The association had been trying to get rid of $A253 and this seemed like a good way to do it. I felt frustrated and thought that i would simply not be a part of any of the teachings any more. $A253 stood to the east of the crowd. She was upset and started to cry. Several people comforted her, but i felt angry and did not want to join in. I felt like i finally had an excuse not to take the classes. One of the women who was comforting $A253 got mad at me and closed a door between us. I could no longer see $A253. I felt confused, but did not know what to do. I did not want to be part of the argument over the ISDN test.

12000 July 03

I walked back into the house. I had been sleeping outside with the other person. I felt angry with the other person. I felt as though i had an excuse to leave him by coming into the house. I had a headache and had to get some aspirin. I walked through the living room of the house. It was morning, and there were other people laying around on the couches and beds. I entered the door on the south side of the room, coming from the porch. $A254 stood to my left, watching me as i passed. There were two people in the living room, sitting on a large dark couch that was facing south from the center of the room. I felt as if both of them were angry with me. I started to stumble across the apartment, not quite awake and groggy from the headache. I reached into the large bark blue duffel bag that was sitting on the north side of the room. I pulled out the small white bottle and headed back toward the center of the room. I thought that i should go back to sleep. There was a bedroom to the south. I walked through the opening in the wall on the south end of the room and over to the two large beds that were on the south wall of the bedroom. The beds had tan head- and footboards and were covered with dark blue spreads. The bed on the west, in the center of the room, seemed to have people in it. There was a small tan wood table between the two beds. I walked between the two beds and looked at the one to the east. This was the bed that i had slept on before. I thought that i could go back to bed there, but i noticed a puddle of juice at the head of the bed. It beaded on top of the brown, tan, and blue striped sheets. I thought that the others must have spilled the juice last night. It seemed as though $F27 were one of the people in the room. I started to pull the dark blue cover from the foot of the bed, thinking that i could lay down there. It seemed as though $F27 and a girl were sitting arm-in-arm on a couch on the north wall of the room. I felt upset but could not concentrate because of my headache. There was a woman in the center of the bed to the west of me. She was lying chest down and was wearing a black dress. She had long black hair and seemed oriental. She watched me as i tried to pull the sheets from the bed. I felt groggy and angry. I kept closing my eyes so that the light did not make my head worse. I then realized that i had not taken the medication that i was holding in my hand. I stood up and walked to the south west corner of the room. I pulled the towel around my waist tighter, aware that the people from the couch on the north wall were watching me. There was a counter against the south wall with a sink in the center of it. As i reached it, the man with the red hair, who had just come out of the bathroom at the northeast corner of the room, walked up to me. He was getting something from the sink as well. He seemed concerned and asked me if everything was all right. I smiled and told him that i simply had a headache and that i simply needed some drugs. I felt less grouchy after he asked. He leaned forward and got something from the sink. He was wearing only a white towel wrapped around his waist. I realized that he was very attractive and had a nice build. I tried not to stare at him as i tried to walk to the east and back to the bed. There was a second counter just to the north of us, so i had to squeeze between the man and the counter. I excused myself as i brushed by. I walked over to the bed and started pulling out the sheets again. I then realized that i was at the bed on the west. I looked across it to the bed on the east. I decided that i should find somewhere else to lay down. I stood up and walked to the east, around the front of the bed. There was a small white couch facing east. It was off the foot of the eastern bed. I looked at the cushions and thought about laying down, but realized that the couch was too short for me. I turned to see that the longer white couch, which was along the foot of the western bed, had a woman sitting on it. She was short, but seemed to be the same oriental woman from the bed. There was a second woman standing in front of the couch, talking to her. I thought that i should ask the woman to switch couches so that i could lay down, but i felt upset with her and did not think that she would listen. I looked to the western side of the room where there were two orange couches. One had its back to the island counter and the other was on the north wall. There were people on and standing around both. I then realized that the sun from the eastern window was shining on the small white couch to my right. I knew that it was too small for me to sit in, but i knew that the light would make me warm. I felt upset and did not know what to do. I decided that i should go back into the living room to the east and lay down on one of the sofas in there.

12000 July 04

It was a bright sunny day as i walked down the hill of the suburban area. The houses were older and all set back from the road. There were many bright colourful flowers along the edges of the cement sidewalk with rows of bushes and other lawn decorations. The neighbourhood seemed well kept up and somewhat wealthy. I then realized that there was a man following me as i walked to the west down the south sidewalk of the street. I felt nervous about him and turned my car down the street to the south. The street headed down hill, through a shaded residential street. There were paved driveways leading from both sides of the house. I reached the bottom of the hill and pulled off on the left side of the road, into a large drive driveway. I turned around and started to head back up the hill. I wondered whether the car would follow me. The man driving the car would have to be very obvious about following me if he turned around. The man watched me as he passed by, but he continued driving. He made a sharp right just down the road from me. I realized that he was going to drive around the block and try to beat me to the top of the hill. I quickly drove back up the slope of the hill, but there were two cars in front of me. The one right in front of me was a small faded yellow car. The first car in the intersection, which i watched turn to the right, was a dull grey or worn blue. I looked to the left, watching for the man in the dark blue car. A dark car came from the left as the yellow car drove out, but it was not the man. I wondered where he had gone. I felt that i had to beat him out into the intersection. As i reached the intersection, i spotted the dark blue car, but it drove past. I felt confused and wondered whether it was really the correct blue car.

I hurried into the area where the other people from $P7 were gathered. It seemed like we had all gathered together after a long time. I walked into the small courtyard, which was between the large modern brick buildings, from the northwest. Everyone was lined up facing the west as though in battalion formation. I felt as though i had come in very late and tried to get my pee coat off. I tried to pull the coat over my right shoulder, but realized that i was wearing my black back pack. The coat became stuck halfway down my upper arm. I tried to pull it off, but could not get it to move. I managed to get my back pack off as i walked to the north of the gathered people, but could still not adjust my coat. I explained the situation to no one in particular. I thought that i should quickly join the others. As i walked to the north side of the flank, however, i realized that there were women standing in front of me. They were wearing light yellow blouses and green skirts. I thought that they were from $P81, but wondered why they had come here. I then remembered that $P7 had started to merge with $P81. I then realized that the people were not really in formation, but were arranged in rows for pictures. There was a camera man standing to the west with a small group of people who were crouched down to watch. I moved to the west and positioned myself at the end of a row of men, in front of the women. I leaned over, waiting for the picture to be taken. I was aware that the right sleeve of my jacket was still not over my shoulder. I then wondered why i was taking my formal coat off for pictures. The photographer took a picture and people started to move around. I stood up as the photographer turned to the southern end of the group of people and took a picture. I wondered whether the photographer had already taken a picture of the entire group. People started to move around and reform into smaller groups. I was confused and did not know what was going on. I started to feel out of place here. I then started to feel as though i should not be in this place. I stepped back as two columns of cadets lined up before me. I did not want to be part of the teaching any more. I moved to the northwest as they line up facing north. It was part of a drill, but i felt as though i did not want to be a part of these things any more. I moved around the north side of the large brick building, just out of sight of the small formation. There was an older instructor who was walking between them and the building. He was there to teach them things. I did not want him to see that i had been there but did not want to go to his lecture, so i ducked around the west side of the building. I looked back along the north face of the building to see part of the squad on the other side. The professor was walking on the north side of them. He was dressed in green pants and a dull yellow shirt. He rolled an old golf bag in a small circle in front of the students. I knew that he was demonstrating the sun’s orbit in the solar system. I shifted to my right slightly so that he would not spot me looking around the side of the building at him. I felt bad that i had not joined them, but knew that it was no longer appropriate for me to be there. I turned around and walked into the small office. It was part of a lab and $A14 was there. He said hello to me and asked me about work cheerfully. I felt distant and did not really want to work here at the moment. Then an older man with white hair came into the office. It was the professor who had been teaching the students outside. I felt slightly uncomfortable. He moved slowly as he spoke friendly to $A14. They talked form a moment before the professor walked to the black laboratory counter in front of the window to the east. $A14 introduced the professor to me as “Wagner”. I noticed that he pronounced it with a W. I asked the professor if that was how he really pronounced, adding that i had always thought that it was pronounced as though it started with a V. The older man turned away from me as he sat down at the counter. He started talking slowly and distinctly about his teachings. I felt as though he were a very precise and knowledgeable person. He spoke about his physics classes, mentioning that he tried to add in art as well as the sciences. I wanted to tell him that i already knew what he was talking about because i was already an artist before i was a physicist, but i did not interrupt him. His voice had a slow steady pattern to it, but i felt impatient with him, as though he were going to great length to tell me something that i already knew. I did not feel that i should have been in his class. There was something wrong with where i was.

12000 July 05

I stepped out of the car in the middle of the large field. The field was part of a campus, and was now being used as a parking lot. My father stepped out of the other side of the car. He had driven me to this place. I wondered whether he would be uncomfortable here. I looked to the north to see some people gathering. They were wearing tee shirts and shorts. This place was a camp ground, and the people gathering here were homosexual. The were having a meeting. I walked to the north to meet some of the people in the group. There seemed to be a cafeteria area around me as i sat down at one of the picnic tables. My father sat on the opposite side from me and my mother sat to my right. There were two other men who sat down to the east of them. My parents started talking to the men. It seemed as if i knew who the men were. I wondered whether my parents were uncomfortable with the situation. I knew that they were not so comfortable with homosexuality, but they seemed to be relaxed as the two men talked to them. The men seemed calm and cheerful. I stood up and started to walk to the southwest, across the cafeteria. I decided that i should get something to eat. There was a buffet section that ran from east to west with a line of cash registers to the north of it. The cash registers were divided from the buffet by a short dark yellow partitioning wall which was bent in the middle. The buffet seemed almost empty. I realized that it was a little late for breakfast and wondered whether they had stopped serving. I looked over the wall at the cashiers and noticed that people were buying hamburgers and frankfurters on rolls. The cafeteria had already started serving lunch. I felt disappointed and started to wander around the room.

12000 July 07

I got into my car and started to drive out of the parking lot, to the northwest. The are of the lot that i was in was full of cars, and i had to move to the other side, which was to the southwest of me. There was no pavement where i had to go, so i thought that i would have to drive on the grass. I started to drive forward when i noticed that there was a white car coming in the other direction. I stopped at the edge of the wet grass and looked at the white car. It was a remake of an old thirties design. I started to back up so that the white car could get off of the grass. I looked behind me to see a large white american car parked behind me. I was not close enough to hit it so i continued back. I looked forward again. There was a road to the north that ran along the edge of the parking lot. I watched several cars drive by from the west as the white car crossed the grass. One of the cars that passed by was a small dark blue car. As soon as the white car cleared the grass, i started moving forward again. I noticed that the grassy area was very wet. There was melting snow around the edges. I started onto the grassy area when my car stalled. I was annoyed with the car because it never ran right. I turned the key with my right hand to start the motor again. I realized, though, that i did not have the clutch in. I thought that the car would start moving with a jolt as the engine started, but the car rolled slowly forward as the engine gained speed. I hoped that i did not get stuck on the soft ground of the grass. I thought about having to drive out of the mud.

12000 July 08

I walked to the west, down the hall of the dormitory. It seemed as though i were back in college. I lived in this building. It seemed like a special place. I looked at the small wooden-framed blackboard that was hanging on the wall to my left. It had the number one on it with a number sign before it. I knew that i was supposed to go out to dinner with the person from room number one. It was some type of special program that they had in this place. I remembered that i had gone out to dinner with the man from the corner room previously. I tried to remember what it was like, but could not remember any of the details of the dinner. I continued down the hall to the west to see if i could fine room one. I thought, as i walked, that the blackboard had specified a line room because i had gone out with someone from a corner room previously. The schedule had to alternate. I wondered what the set up of a corner room was. I thought about the way the two beds were arranged in my room, which was not a corner room. I pictured the light blue mattresses side to side with a narrow corridor between them. My roommate was standing near the southern most bed. I wondered whether he and i got along well. I was looking at the room from the northeast corner, where the doorway to the next room was. I continued down the hall, where i spotted the “#4” on the square white sign on one of the recessed doorways to my left. It was my room. I imagined again what the layout of a corner room was. I realized, though, that i was traveling farther down the hall and had already missed room number one. I stopped at an intersection with a corridor from the left and turned around. I headed back to the beginning of the hall on the east. Room number one was on the south side of the hall. I did not knock on the door, but i knew that the person was not there. There was a white sign on the door which said “Henry”. I wondered whether he had already left to go to the restaurant. It did seem rather late in the evening and i thought that i had spent a good deal of time wandering around the halls. I thought that Henry might have left for the restaurant already hoping to meet up with me there. I turned around and walked to the west again, coming to the entrance to the restaurant. I walked in. The room was narrow and stretched out to the west. The eastern side was mostly empty. There was a small podium with a cash register on it to the north and there seemed to be a small table in the northwest corner of the room. To the south was an open space which led to the kitchen. There was a narrow dividing wall just to the west of the kitchen opening which separated the western end of the room from the main reception area. The room on the other side had several round tables and a few long square tables. A man, who had entered the restaurant before me, stood just in front of mew at the register. He told his name to the woman behind the counter as he took off his hat. He had short black hair. I thought that he said his name was Henry, and i wondered whether he was the Henry that i was supposed to meet. He walked out into the room. The tall waiter in the black coat showed him to a table on the north wall of the room. I realized that the waiter was $F6. I felt strange about seeing him here and wondered whether he would think it strange that i was having dinner with Henry. I wondered whether i should ask him for the man’s name. $F6 looked around the room as if somewhat confused. He still did not see me standing by the register. He was wearing a dark black jacket which had no lapels. There was a narrow opening near his collar that ran down his chest, exposing the white shirt he was wearing underneath. He had on an olive green pair of slacks. I thought that he must be busy. I was then aware of the people sitting at the rectangular table that stretched from the north wall into the center of the room in front of me. The looked at $F6 as they joked. The one on the north side of the near bench leaned over to the wall and pressed a button on an intercom. They called $F6 by his first name. I thought that they must work for the restaurant and were trying to get him to work harder. $F6 looked around at the people in the room and then started to walk to the kitchen. The man called again on the intercom, but $F6 did not look at him. $F6 walked to the south and disappeared into the kitchen. I looked to the back of the room to see if i could spot the man who had entered before me. I wanted to find out if he was the Henry that i was supposed to meet. Someone then mentioned food. I realized that the man had already been server. I thought that it would be impolite to interrupt his dinner. I heard him ask about the food though. Someone had said that it was time to rotate the food again. I wondered whether they were supposed to swap plates. It seemed silly, but i thought that they were doing it. There were two older women on the south side of the man’s table. The seemed to be eating white cream soup. I wondered whether swapping plates was a way for everyone to sample some of the food. Henry did not seem interested, though. I could not see him entirely, but i could hear his voice as he told someone that he did not want to change plates. Then someone stood up from the center of the room and walked over to the counter. It was $A179. I said hello to her and she greeted me. She smiled as we spoke for a few minutes. I asked her about the rotating plates policy and she wrinkled her nose in response. She said that she was leaving because she was not interested in swapping plates with someone else. She waved her right hand as she spoke. Someone called out for the plates to be swapped again. I then noticed that Henry stood up from his table as well. He was not interested in the swapping of plates either. He stood in front of me, and i asked him about swapping plates. He said that he did not want “icky” stuff all over the edge of his plate. I knew that he was talking about saliva from other people who had sampled his food. I told him that it was a fairly strange idea to switch plates. We both turned around to face the table that was to the east of us. We seemed to be in a small area of the restaurant to the south of the entrance door which was surrounded by dark blue curtains. The west side of the curtains were open. There were people eating at the table as we stood. I turned to the west just in time to see $F6 walk out of the kitchen and stop in front of me. I greeted him. The man to my left said something and $F6 replied, calling him by some name other than Henry. I realized that this was not the man that i was supposed to eat dinner with. He was not really Henry, as i had thought.

I walked down the dark suburban street. I was coming back from somewhere and i had to get to my car. I remembered that i had parked my car at the edge of the bridge on $P58. It seemed as though it had been at $P7 and was on my way home. I wondered why i had walked all the way from the parking lot at the edge of the bridge to $P7. I felt somewhat cold as i walked along the quiet street. Something confused me about the situation. I wondered why i had parked on $P58 when i could have easily driven all the way into the city. I looked ahead of me. I could see the rocky mountain reaching up over the top of the dull-white modern square-edged building in front of me. There was an outcropping of rounded rock on the left side of the mountain. I knew that i would have to travel to the right of the rock and over the hill to get home. I then realized that if i was already walking up the side of the hill, i was past $P58. I was walking in the wrong direction. I felt confused. Something about the situation did not make sense. I found myself in the apartment complex where the dull-white buildings were. They had black trimming around the corners and windows. It seemed very late at night, though i was able to see for quite a distance. The air seemed humid but cold. I started to walk to the southeast, across the parking lot towards one of the buildings. There were wooden stairs ascending to the doors of the houses. I did not feel like walking all the way back to my car. It seemed like a very long distance and i was starting to feel agitated. I wanted to be home. I then closed my eyes and thought that i should be able to make myself appear home by thinking about where i was. I had doubts that i would be able to concentrate hard enough, but i knew that it was possible to change my location by changing my perception of where i was. I opened my eyes again and looked around the basement room. It seemed to be a laundry room of the apartment complex. I walked to the northeast, to the exit door which was on the east side of the north wall. There was a set of washers and dryers to the west of the door. As i opened the door, the clear light of early morning shined in. I realized that i had concentrated hard enough to change my location, but that i had also shifted forward in time. I had moved several hours into the future. I then wondered whether i had simply lost track of time while concentrating. I walked out of the building and turned to the east, walking toward the short grey building. It was where my apartment was. I walked in the front door of the apartment, hoping that no one would notice that i had been out all night. My mother then appeared to the east. She stood in a dull pink house coat in the large doorway which separated the entry way from the dining room. She seemed confused to see me and asked whether i had gotten up early. I thought that i could let her believe that i had and agreed with her. She asked about my father, and i thought that he was probably still sleeping. I tried to act as though i had come in during the night and was only now coming out of my room. My mother seemed upset and pulled the front of her house coat tightly closed. She then turned to the south and stomped into the corridor which ran to the west, along the south side of the dining room. She demanded that i get her the shampoo. I told her that it was probably in the bathroom. I walked down the corridor after her and turned to the right into the small bathroom. There was a sink directly across from the door with a medicine cabinet above it. There was a white metal rack under the cabinet which had several bottles of shampoo on it. I picked one up and though that i should take it to my mother. She seemed very upset. I then started to look over the table that was to the east of me. It had several chemicals on it. There was a man sitting on the north side of it. There seemed to be several other people in the room. This place was a developing room. I was sitting on the south side of the white table, across from the man. There was a large black object to my right which had something to do with photograph development. The man across the table also had a dark object near him. I looked at the small piece of white paper that was on the table in front of me. I was exposing it to light. I could see the image start to form. I then picked up the paper to get a closer look, immediately realizing that i had moved it from the light. I looked at the image of dog tags that fanned out towards the bottom of the small round picture. They were not fully exposed. The images were too light and needed to be held under the projector longer. I realized that, once i had moved the image, i would not be able to expose it again under the projector because i would never be able to get the alignment correct. The result would be a blurry image. I looked down at the white piece of print paper this was below me and thought that i would have to get another sheet to expose. I looked in the black box to my right. There were several sheets of paper standing vertically in the box. They were all marked with little yellow price tags. This laboratory charged by the sheet of paper used. I wondered whether i wanted to use another sheet to try to expose the image again. I looked up into the light from the projector, trying to make out the image that i was trying to capture on print paper. I felt as though i had to get something. Something was not right with my set up. I stood up from the table and looked around the room. There were two women to the east at a different table. They looked over at me as i stood up. I tried to think of what i had to do. I walked to the east, where there was more equipment. There was a door to the north which i walked through to find four tabled in each corner of the room small room on the other side. There were developing machines on each of the tales, and they had bright colours on the knobs. I realized that this room was for developing colour film. I knew that i had black-and-white film, so i thought that i would have to work in the area outside where i was. I started to walk to the north, out the other exit to the room. I then wondered why the main room was so bright. It did not seem right that there was so much light in the room. I thought that the print paper would be exposed before the image could be put on it.

12000 July 09

We walked to the south on the east side of the bust city street. The street seemed narrow and cluttered with people and shops. We paused in the corridor which ran under the second story of a store. The front of the second story was supported by several columns which ran along the edge of the street. The front of the first floor was open. It was a clothing store. My parents and my relatives talked for a moment about where they were going. It seemed that everyone was going to split up and meet back at the car later. My mother, who was standing to the south of me, gave me a time that i should meet everyone else back at the car. I knew that the car was just up the slope of the street to the north. There seemed to be a red telephone booth on the side of the road near the car. I knew that this city was London. $K2 stood on the north side of our group. His mother and father were just to the north of me. They talked about when they were going to meet back at the car. Everyone then separated. I headed to the north. I had been to this place before. I thought that there was a shop to the southeast that i wanted to visit. I wondered whether it was too far to walk to in such a short time. I moved to the east down the road, trying to picture the city in my mind. I then heard someone say that the plans to change the name of the street to Broadway had been made. Someone was discussing making the change so that all cities across the world could would have Broadway instead of Fifth Avenue. I was heading north on the street when i saw the sign for Sachs. I remembered that i was a famous store and realized that it was actually based here, in London. The road sign for Fifth Avenue was blue and was suspended from a pole that crossed the center of an intersection. I thought that Fifth Avenue in New York City did not exist because it had always been called Broadway. I knew that this was the reason for renaming the London street. I then started to wonder about the famous stores in London. I knew that they were associated with the name of the street and wondered how the name change would affect the image of the store. I turned east and drove the car down the short road. The are around me had become flat and free of buildings. It seemed that i was on the outside of the city. There seemed to be small residential houses behind the trees ahead of me. I started to wonder how i had come to drive the car. I knew that the others were supposed to meet back at the car in a little while, and i wondered what they would do if the car was not there. I started to realized that i was actually driving in England and that i was driving an english car. I wondered how i was so easily able to handle the clutch in the small white car. I rounded another corner and headed south on the long flat road. The road curved slightly to the east. I wondered whether i was actually driving on the left side of the road as they do in England. I looked out the front window of the car to see the two automobiles in front of me. They were both driving on the right side of the double yellow lines. I was confused for a moment, knowing that the cars were supposed to be on the left side of the road. I then realized that the steering wheel in my car was on the right side of the vehicle. As a small yellow car drove past me from the other direction, i wondered why the cars were traveling in the right land when the steering wheel was designed for travel in the left lane. This did not make sense to me. I looked down at the steering wheel again and wondered why these two things conflicted. I then noticed that the gas gauge on the car was almost on empty. I thought that i should get gas before i returned to the others. I pulled off on the right side of the road ad stopped by a large white gas pump. I wondered for a moment about what it would be like to get gas in a foreign country. I thought that the workers in the gas station might view foreigners as incapable of understanding english cars and gas pumps. I felt confident that i could fill up the car. I was outside of the car, holding the pump handle in the gas tank on the right side of the car. I looked at the meter on the pump. I knew that gas was very expensive in England. I wondered whether the people here would like to point that out to an american visitor. I stood between the pump and the small white car, facing the car, which was to the northeast of me. I noticed an old farmer in green overalls pumping gas into a truck across the aisle from me. His truck was to the north of my car. To the northwest of me, there was a bright green sign with bright yellow letters that told the price of the gas. The sign said “3.53”. I remembered that everything was more expensive in England. I also remembered that gas was sold by the litre rather than by the gallon, to i would have to multiply the price by four to get a comparable price to american gas. It seemed strange to get gas here. I thought that the men who worked in the station might expect me to ask questions or make comment about the differences. I wanted to act as though nothing were out of the ordinary, though. I looked at the meter on the gas pump and tried to figure out which dial was the price. There were three dials. The top had a face like a clock and a small black handle moved around it. The middle one was a rolling number dial and the bottom was a large digital display. I knew that the bottom dial told me how many litres i had pumped. I stopped pumping and looked more closely at the other dials, trying to figure out how much money i owed. I then noticed that the middle dial said “53” with a pound sign in front of it. It had to be the price, but i quickly realized that the “53” also had a smaller symbol after it. It was a symbol for shillings. I was looking at the change column. I looked to the left to see that the amount in pounds was also fifty-three. I decided that 53.53 was a good number and pulled the pump handle from the car. I walked to the northwest and turned to face the large pump, which was to the southwest of me. It had a black face with a hold where the handle went. I pushed the handle into the hold, but it did not seem secure. I looked around the edges of the square hold to see that there was a small metal locking bracket at the bottom of the home. I pushed then handle so that the bracket was forced down by the handle. The handle clicked into the hole and stayed there. I backed away from the pump, moving along the southwest side of the white car. I seemed to be very low to the ground. I thought that the price was a lot but that i had a lot of green money in my pocket. I then decided that i should not pay in american currency, but that i should use my credit card. I knew that the credit card would automatically handle the currency exchange.

I walked to the north through the streets of London with my mother. We were headed back to the car, which was parked on the east side of the street. As we headed north, however, we seemed to be walking past he place where the car was. My mother wanted to get a better look at the rest of the city. It seemed that i had been to this place before, and i explained it to her. I told her about how they were changing the name of their Fifth Avenue to Broadway. I pointed out the construction that seemed to be occurring around us. It was part of the remodeling of the city. Something seemed different about the city, however. I looked to the west to see that large modern apartment buildings. They were coloured in bright green. I thought that it was typical european style to make brightly coloured buildings. They seemed very clean. There also seemed to be a beach to the west. I looked back to the north to see that the large area of land in front of use was flat. It was a large open lot with dry dusty ground. They had torn down the older buildings here to start the rebuilding. I told my mother that this had changed considerable since the last time i was here. I then spotted the large red sign to the northeast. There were construction workers moving thinks around in the lot in front of the sign. One of them was guiding a metal I-beam, which was suspended by a cable, to the ground. I looked up at the huge sign to see that it simply said “McDonald’s” in rounded yellow lettering. I told my mother that it seemed like a bad idea for an american restaurant to be here. The sign was so large, however, that it seemed that the american company would be tremendous in size when complete. I felt negatively about the idea as we walked to the east, in front of the sign. The construction workers watched us as we walked. I spoke to my mother as we walked into the corridor of the new building. It was part of the McDonald’s. I looked again at the gigantic sign which loomed above us to the north. I then looked down the long flight of stairs which descended into the restaurant. We had to go down to get back to the hotel. I walked down the white stone stairs, holding onto the polished chrome handrail to the right. As my hand ran across the rail, i noticed that it was made of a light-weight plastic. It was flat on top but had decorative bubbles along the sides which imitated fine silverware. My hand felt the underside of the rail as i descended the stairs. It seemed cheap, and i wondered whether my hand would get dirty from the underside. As i reached the bottom steps, i noticed that there was a tan stain on one of the stairs. I then noticed that there was a small puddle of apple sauce on the second to last step. I laughed, remembering that there had been pools of vomited applesauce from some baby on several of the other staircases that we had descended that day. I told my mother that the second step must be a popular place for people to spill things. I said that every stair case that we had gone down in London had the same puddles on the second to last step. I strode over the step and turned to the south, heading through the glass doors to the center of the hotel. There was a blank hall on the other side of the doors dark green and black streaked wall paper. It was our way to get back to the hotel.

12000 July 10

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door to the bedroom. The door was in the center of the west wall of the room. I felt groggy as i sat up in bed. My grandfather opened the door. I asked him how he had gotten here, knowing that he was not supposed to be traveling. I felt slightly annoyed that he had shown up without telling me, but i wondered how he had gotten away from the hospital. The hospital was supposed to be watching him and should not have let him out of their care. I felt concerned and thought that he should be taken back to the hospital. I rolled over to the left side of the large bed, which was on the north wall of the dark room. My grandfather came into the room and started to unpack things. I tried to act as though everything was all right, but i felt concerned. I wondered how he had gotten out of the hospital and thought that he should go back before he gets hurt. He stepped out of the room again. I hoped that he did not hurt himself. I picked up the receiver of the grey telephone which was next to the bed. It was my square dark-grey telephone. I pressed the speed dial button and then the button to call my parents. I wondered whether they knew that he had escaped. They would be worried about him. The telephone rang a few times. Then i heard the answering machine pick up. I thought that i would leave a message to tell my parents where my grandfather was, but the recording started off with my mother’s voice speaking in a whisper. She seemed to know what had happened. She was very elusive and did not state anything definitely, though. She implied that she was aware of my grandfather’s escape, but did not mention it directly. I knew that something must have been wrong. She then said “If you happened to be calling about grandpa--”. I hung up the telephone before she finished, feeling that it was dangerous for me to be talking to her about it. My grandfather then came into the room again. I had to be elusive about what i was doing. I could not let him know that i was concerned about him and that i was trying to call my parents to find out how he had escaped from the hospital. I could not let him think that there was anything wrong. He asked me what i was up to. I told him that nothing was wrong and tried to keep him happy. I felt nervous that he might find out that i was trying to call the hospital. He sat down on the second bed in the room. I thought that he might fall asleep. I could go downstairs once he was asleep and call on the other telephone. I told him that i would be right back. He said that he would wait there. The room seemed to have an orange glow to it. I walked out the door and went down stairs. I walked over to the white telephone which was on the small end table on the south wall of the room. I picked up the receiver, thinking that i could call. As i put the receiver to my ear, however, i could hear my grandfather’s voice. He was using the telephone in my bedroom. I carefully hung up the telephone so that he would not hear the click. I wondered what i should do. I had to find out what was going on. He should not have been wandering around. I was worried that he would find out what i was doing. I walked into the front hall of the house and looked at the red telephone that was on the small end table. I bent over to pick it up, but did not know whom i could call. I thought that i should call my parents again. I then heard my grandfather moving in the room above me. I quickly hung up the telephone. I then noticed that the small red light on the right front corner of the answering machine was blinking. It flashed twice in a row with a longer pause between the pair. There were two messages on the machine. I thought that i might have accidentally recorded them when i tried to call my mother. I had to get them off of the machine in case my grandfather noticed them. He might ask me what they were, and i did not want to have to play them for him if they were recordings of my attempts to call someone. The answering machine was shaped like an old automobile from the twenties. The red light was on the right front bumper. I pressed the bumper, hoping to play the messages and have them deleted from the machine. I then heard my grandfather coming down the stairs. I quickly stopped the machine before the messages were played and ran to the north, into the living room. I came into the room just as my grandfather descended the stairs into the west side of the room. He looked at me and asked me what i was doing. I told him that i was just walking around excitedly. He did not yet seem suspicious, but i knew that he had t know everything that was going on. I did not want him to get too suspicious and start asking questions that i did not want to answer.

I was at $A7, on the north wing of the first floor. I felt anxious as i worked on the homework in front of me. It was physics, but i did not seem to understand what i was supposed to de. Someone, who seemed like my mother, was walking around the room. I tried to concentrate on the first problem on the white sheet of paper in front of me. I looked at the book where the question was, but i did not seem to understand it. It seemed simply, but i could not figure it out. $F4 was sitting opposite from me at the small round table. I looked at his paper and noticed that he was four or five problems ahead of me already. I felt upset that i could not figure out the problem. I wondered whether i had simply forgotten everything that i had learned in high school. I flipped several pages ahead in the book to look at some of the later problems. They seemed just as confusing. I was disappointed and frustrated that i could not even answer the first question.

12000 July 12

I looked up that the large structure to the south of me. It was a launch tower for a large rocket. Then i looked back to the northwest, where the two women were standing. He had to clear out of the area because the shuttle was going to be launching shortly and we did not want to get caught in the engine blast. I watched as the two women stepped into the red and white van that swerved into the parking lot near us. There seemed to be several vans moving around us. They were taking people away from the blast area. I moved along with the vans as they started to swerve through the parked cars in the lot and headed away from the launch tower. I wondered whether they would be able to make it out of range of the blast in time. I felt tense as i swerved through the parking lot, passing between the other red and white vans as we headed to the northeast. We drove out of the parking lot and down the narrow road which led away. There were more cars parked to the left. A row of lush trees started at the edge of the parking lot and ran along the edge of the drive. As i reached the end of the lot, i stopped and looked back across the parking lot to the launch tower. It was dark out, but the red tower and white space shuttle stood out clearly. I thought that it should launch any minute. I turned and ran into the end of the tunnel. It was a safe place. The others were already ahead of me. The walls of the tunnel were uneven and seemed to be naturally cut through the ashen red sandstone. A large steel door, which had been flat against the ceiling, started to slide towards the opening of the cave, its front end dropping over the entrance. It seemed that i was part of a special group who had been allowed to come here. I knew that i should collect my things and move on, though. I felt as though i had to leave to get somewhere. I walked to the northeast, towards the back of the tunnel. There were other people wandering around in the tunnel. I turned to the left and headed north down the hallway of the school. It was part of the complex, but it seemed like a high school. I felt as though i was not a part of this place anymore. I should leave, but i felt that i should look around. There were people moving through the halls. There seemed to be a classroom behind me, to the east. I looked over a few things in front of me as the students passed. There was a low grey couch facing to the west just in front of me. I felt uncertain and wondered why i wanted to leave. I did not feel like i belonged here, but i wanted to be a part of the classes. I walked to the south. I was in the room that had been to the east of me. There were students gathered before a class. The room had several strange instruments on the floor and on desks. I walked down the aisle between the wooden arm chairs and the front of the room. There seemed to be a counter at the front of the room with a blackboard behind it. The teacher was not there yet. I noticed the instruments which were standing in the southwest corner of the room. I felt excited and wanted to play them. I noticed that one of them was a banjo. I thought that i could play bluegrass music, but then felt that the students might think it was a strange style of music to play. I was familiar with the type of music they liked, but i did not know how to pay it. I seemed to have an instrument in my hand already. It was a silver rod with a cable attached to it. It was part of the large dark-grey ox that was sitting on the floor between me and the other student, to the southeast. As i held the rod, i realized that the instrument was making a humming noise. The noise changed its volume in a steady beat. I knew that the rod was the control for the modulation. I walked around to the south side of the instrument, fascinated with it. It had a white keyboard on the side of it. I knew that the keys played the melody. I thought that i must have been pressing the keys down as i carried the instrument. I squeezed the silver rod and could hear the hissing sound start to pulse. As i squeezed harder, i could make the pulsing sound faster. The modulation could only be heard as a hiss until one of the note was played. I told the student who was standing to the east of the large grey box that the silver handle controlled the modulation of the instrument. I wondered whether the silver handle acted by detecting the electric fields around the hand. I played one of the notes and held onto the rod. I could hear the steady pulsing of the note. I wondered whether it was being produced electronically or whether there was a rotating speaker inside the box which was causing the modulation. The teacher then came into the room and walked behind the desk. I did not look at him, but he seemed young and seemed to be wearing a blue button-down shirt. I felt uncomfortable, as though i should not be here. I turned and walked out of the room to the south. I thought that i would go to pack the rest of my things. I hoped that the teacher did not ask me why i was there. I felt that i wanted to be part of the class and play the instruments. As i came to the center of the next room i noticed the dulcimers on the stands. There were two to the southeast. One was set up facing south towards the wooden folding chair. The other was smaller and facing the wooden chair from the west. I walked up to the back of it and looked it over. I thought that it was a hammer dulcimer. It was wide, with strings strung across its length. The top surface of it was slanted own towards the front of it at a very steep angle and there seemed to be white poles sticking out at the ends of the strings. Some of the wires crossed from white pole to white pole. I felt uncomfortable here and walked to the west. I was then on the grey couch in the lounge area. There was another person with me. I spoke to him as some of the teachers walked around the room. I felt uncomfortable here, but did not want to leave. I looked at the woman who walked to the south, in front of us. She seemed to be in costume, wearing a red flourished dress from the sixteen hundreds. I remembered that this place was an artistic community and that the students were putting on a play. I spoke to the young man with me as i watched the actors walk around. I then spotted the older man in the grey sleeveless coatee. He looked familiar to me. I whispered to into the young man’s right ear. He was sitting right next to me and i had my left arm around him. I felt very comfortable with him. I asked him whether the older man was $A46. The man looked at me. He was wearing dark stage makeup around his eyes. He said “Yes.” I was surprised that he had heard us. He walked around the south side of the couch, to the east. I liked this place, but felt confused about it. The young man who was with me was then sitting on my lap. He seemed to be making passes at me. He then started to rotate his hips in a steady rhythm in my lap. I thought that he was getting a little to forward and told him that he should not try to copulate here.

12000 July 13

I was in the western side of the parents’ house, on the bottom floor. I walked to the front window of the house. There seemed to be someone outside. I looked out across the lawn to see the sunny day. There was a young boy standing in the yard, just a little to the west of the house. He was wearing long red shorts but no shirt. I wondered who he was, thinking that he must be playing near the house. He ran towards the house and looked at the window where i was. I waved at him. His eyes widened in surprise and he ran to the east, around the corner of the western part of the house and onto the front porch. I knew that he was simply hiding, thinking that i would go away. I was humoured by the boy and walked back into the house. I walked to one of the windows in the eastern part of the house, one which looked out over the porch. I could see the boy to the right as he carefully peeked around the corner of the house to the west. He was trying to see whether i was coming after him. I thought that there was another boy to the east, but i could not see him. They were both doing something important. I came out of the house and was talking to the boy. He seemed nervous of me, as though i might yell at him. I smiled and acted as though there was nothing wrong with what the boy was doing. The other person came by us. He was the person who was telling the boy what to do. I did not pay much attention to him as i kept talking to the boy in a friendly manner. The man told the boy to carry the rope “up”. The boy, who was standing to the east of me, had a large coil of brown rope over his left shoulder. He adjusted it, carrying it with his left hand. I knew that the commander wanted him to sling it over his shoulder. I looked at the commander, smiling, as he told the boy again how to hold the rope. I explained what the commander meant to the boy, demonstrating with a coil of rope over my own shoulder.

12000 July 15

I as in the small room of the building. The ceilings were very high and it seemed as though i had something to do. There was a woman with me. I felt very friendly with her. It seemed as though we were supposed to be intimate with each other. I knew her, and was trying to show her how i could be erotic without copulating. I hugged her around the torso and started to caress her back. She was undressed, but still wearing her bra. I then felt as though i was not doing much. I thought about caressing her breast, but i knew that she might find it very typical. I knew that it would please her, but i felt as though i should try something else. I breathed on the center of her chest as i shifted position. I reached up her back and started to massage her shoulders. She seemed to enjoy the sensation. I thought that i should also breath on her neck. It seemed strange to be erotic with a woman, but i knew that it was not impossible. I then thought that the woman was really Molly Ringwold. I wondered how i had come to know her. She was still very young and i thought that this might be a scene from one of her movies. I then thought that the woman should really be $F34. I knew that $F34 wanted to get erotic with me, and i wanted to prove to her that i could please her without copulating.

I walked down the dirt road to the northwest. I felt as though something had happened and i was walking carefully. I had just come from a building where others were. I walked cautiously down the dirt road, noticing the cars that were parked along the right side. They were facing me. The one in front was a small blue car. I knew that they belonged to hunters. I thought that the hunters would not be around, though, that they would be in the woods hunting deer. The area around me was open. There was a dense line of trees along the south side of the road which led into a thicket. To the north was a grassy field with a line of trees along the back side. The grass seemed wet, as though it had been raining. As i approached one of the cars, i noticed that there was a man standing on the other side of it. He paced into the center of the road, his long shotgun pointing down. I slowed down and walked very slowly. He was wearing a blue shirt and did not seem to notice me. He was gazing off to the southeast. I continued toward him, thinking that he would let me pass. I knew that these men were hunting because something had happened to the rest of society. They were very defensive of their group. The two men talked to each other, not paying much attention to me. I watched the man in the white tee shirt as i passed. He had a wide face with a scar near his right eye. He smiled at me as he listened to the other an. I felt a little nervous about him, wondering whether he was going to try to bully me. I decided that i should not stare at him as i walked and continued on. I looked down the road to see that it rounded the top of a hill. I realized that my stride was very slow and deliberate. I was walking with my hands behind me back, as though i were viewing something. I thought that i should walk my normal pace, but wondered whether i was going slowly so that the men did not react to a sudden move and shoot at me. I also did not want them to think that i was afraid of them by speeding my pace once i passed them. Suddenly, i felt that something was wrong. It was as though i heard something. I strained to listen but could only hear background humming. I knew that the men might notice my alertness and be cautious. I looked back at them. They knew that i had sensed something and backed up into the trees on the side of the road. They were really two dark dogs who backed into a small shelter, their guns ready. I thought that they looked like dobermans. I scanned the area around me, looking for what was wrong. I expected something to burst from the tree line. I wondered whether it would be deer. I then turned quickly to look back down the road to the east. I could see two baby raccoons hobbling toward me. I could see their mother following. I told the two dogs to look up the road. They turned their heads, which were sticking out of the small cave, to look up the road just as the two raccoon children reached their position. The two dogs quickly backed into the cave. I felt afraid that the raccoons had rabies and started to back down the road to the west. I then thought that the two cubs were really polar bear cubs. I wondered whether their mother would be coming after them. It seemed strange that a raccoon would be with two bear cubs. I hurried down the road to the west. I knew that the rest of the people were down there. The hunters had been protecting them. There was a large light blue building to the left as the road curved slightly to the right. This place did not look familiar, and i was aware that i had not remembered it from before. The building was large and plain, with a cement outer wall. It seemed like some kind of storage warehouse. A green jeep drove down the dirt road from the northwest, passing me. I thought that they could take care of the situation. I then noticed the group of people standing ahead of me. The were waiting near the back end of a train. This had something to do with survival. The people were trying to survive the crisis that had befallen society. The two brown passenger cars of the train started to move to the northwest, along the curvy track that ran along the foot of the steep hill to the west. I noticed that there were many people still standing at the station. There was a bench to the right, on the northeast side of the track where the people were gathered. They watched the train leave. I realized that there was not enough room on the train for all of them. I thought that the people who made it onto the train were going to be taken to someplace safe. I floated toward the group as the train started to leave. I was aware that i was humming loudly. It was the humming that was keeping me aloft. I paused for a breath, starting to sink to the road near the round deciduous tree that was on the right side of the road. I hummed again and continued on. I thought that i had to reach the train. I hummed as i passed near the low dark-brown station building on the left. I then thought that i should not get on the train by flying over the people. If the train was truly full, i would only slow it down. I took another deep breath and started fly over the people. As i came near the train, i decided that i would not join it. I flew upward instead. There was something that i could do. I thought about humming at a different tone. The area around me seemed to start humming as well. I felt my body rotate backward, lifting my chest to the air. I could sense that there was a visible light emanating from my torso as the humming got louder. It was something important. I wondered what the people below would think. I wondered whether they might think it was a bright light like the one which had destroyed their homes. I knew that the humming would be good, though, and focused until everything seemed to fade into white.

12000 July 16

I was at my grandparents’ cottage. The place seemed unused. I knew that it had been sold a while ago, but i was walking around the area again. There were a few other people with me. I walked around the back side of the cottage when i noticed a deer sleeping on the ground near the cottage. I remembered that the deer were always coming by to eat the flowers near the house. I walked between the house and the trunk of the pine tree, stopping right behind the deer. It did not notice that i was there. There were two pine trees on wither side of me. Their bark was dark and rippled with horizontal tears. I looked down at the deer that was sleeping on the other side of the trees from me. I called out to wake it up. I thought that it would run away. It lifted its head, but seemed to be groggy. I continued to the east, along the back wall of the house. I noticed that there was a small piece of deer on the ground near the back door. I wondered why part of an animal had been left there. I turned to look at the deer. It was still laying on the ground. I yelled, waving my tongue in a battle cry. The deer shifted its weight, but did not get up to run away. I thought that there was something strange. I walked to the east of the small piece of deer, which seemed to be a chunk off of the hind leg. It was rounded and still had tan fur on it. I came to the screen door on the back porch of the house and looked in. I could hear the sound of flies buzzing within. I looked into the dark area of the porch to see a few flies swarming around near the door. In wondered whether the flies were after dead meat. I suddenly thought that there was a chopped up animal on the porch. I looked through the screen only to see the small distorted carcass of a rabbit at the bottom of the two yellow wooden steps that led to the back door of the house. I wondered whether another animal had been hunting and left its prey here. I walked to the east again until i came to the east side of the house. There was a yellow cement block on the ground where the old stairs to the porch used to be. I looked up at the green platform of the porch. Someone was on the top of the porch, just inside the house. She asked me something. I replied that the porch had been cut. I looked at the uneven edges of the planks near me. The new stairs that came down did not reach the yellow cement footer. I remembered that the green platform used to be longer, but it seemed that the new owners had sliced the end of it off. My mother then asked whether the porch had been moved forward. I looked across the large wooden platform that stretched from the east side of the house. It no longer had any walls. I thought that they had all been removed. I looked at the east wall of the house to noticed that the platform was not even with the house. It was shifted to the south, to the front of the house. I agreed with the woman that the porch had been moved. I walked over the pea green planks of the porch into the cottage. There was something that i had to do. We had not been in this place for a long time, and it seemed as though i had to be mindful of the changes. I walked into the back room of the cottage. My mother walked past me as she headed to the east. There seemed to be something wrong. I followed her into the open room. There were no furnishings in the room and the floor was made of a bright polished wood. The room was well illuminated by the bright sun outside. My mother seemed sick. There was something wrong with her, and i felt concerned. She leaned backwards and i grabbed on to her as she started to swoon. She said something about the sickness, but i did not know what she was talking about. The situation seemed familiar, but i could not remember where i had seen it. I helped her back up and she walked to the south, where my father was. My father held her for a moment. I wanted to do something, but i was unsure what was happening. The situation seemed strange and unrealistic.

12000 July 17

I drove to the west on the large road on the outskirts of the city. The area was open, with few buildings blocking the view. All of the buildings were large and low to the ground, as though they were warehouses. There was a large grey block building across the intersection from me to the southwest as i slowed to a stop at the red light. I looked under the visor of my car to see the light. I was unsure as to where i was traveling, but i knew that i should be heading in the general direction of northwest. I then noticed that the old brick building to the northwest of me was the building that i was looking for. I tried to maneuver into the right lane before the light turned green. I wondered whether the cars behind me would be annoyed with me. I then noticed that the lights which were hanging across the street had turned green. I turned to the right, rounding the corner and ending up in the left lane of the four-lane road. I looked at the brick building as i drove next to it. I had been here only a little while before. I remembered driving down the side of the building to the parking lot. It seemed that i had been here with my parents before. The building seemed to have something to do with shopping, but i was not sure. I visualized the area from above. I could see the brick building of the factory to the left as i moved over the street. There was a parking lot on the side of the building. I drove down the road to the north, remembering the parking lot. I wondered where it was. The alignments of the building that i was driving past and the building that i remembered did not match. Something was wrong with the image. I wondered where the parking lot was. I then realized that there was no one parked along the street in front of the brick building. I thought that i would just be able to pull up to the curb and park. I drove to the T intersection at the north end of the building and turned around. There were buildings on both sides of the street and they seemed close to the road. They were tall enough that they provided shade from the sun. The sky seemed clear, but a light blue. A large city bus passed me from the other direction as i started to head south again along the side of the road. I looked at the open parking spaces along the side of the white factory buildings. There were a few metal poles near the curb, but none of them said that parking was allowed there. I wondered whether there really was anyplace to park on the side of the building. I looked at the small white labels on the wall of the building, but could not see anyplace which had parking. I felt frustrated as i pushed my bicycle down the sidewalk. I passed a white counter where a man was standing. He looked like a receptionist and was wearing dark pants and a white shirt with a tie. He watched me as i pushed my bicycle down the hall. I could not find anyplace to lock it up. There did not seem to be any designated bicycle racks in this area. I thought that it was typical of modern businesses. I walked down the hall to the lobby area to the south. I leaned my bicycle up against the wall on the north end of the room. The wall protruded from the north wall at a fourty-five degree angle. It was white, and seemed to separate a reception desk from the front of the lobby. There seemed to be a large glass window behind me, to the east. I noticed that the front tire of my bicycle was touching a metal rack that was on the floor. I thought that i could lock the front tire of my bicycle to the rack. It would be at least partly secure. I thought that it would be safe enough. I held the U lock in my left hand as i positioned the bicycle nest to the wall. I seemed to have several other things cluttering my hands as i tried to lock the front tire of the bicycle to the rack. I hoped that it would be secure while i was in the building.

12000 July 19

I looked to the east as we walked to the south, down the road in the open farm land. My mother was to my left and just behind me. She was walking with me to show me something out here. The field of cut field grass to the east was a light tan and surrounded by a wooden rail fence. There seemed to be a green John Deer tractor in the middle of the field with someone standing near it. The road on which we walked seemed to be a country road with worn lines and minimal pavement. It seemed to end to the south of us on the other country road. My mother then spoke to me excitedly, telling me that my father and herself had gotten me something out here. She said that she had brought me out here to show it to me. I wondered what it was, but did not feel as excited. We crossed the main road and started down another road which was slightly to the east of the one that we were on. As we headed south, i looked through the large barn what was on the corner to the east of us. Its old wood frame seemed dark, but it had wide openings in its side through which i could a second smaller barn behind it with a blue truck in it. My father was standing in front of the second barn. I wondered whether that had gotten me extra space in a barn for my other car. My mother then told me that they had bought me a new car and a place to keep it. As i walked toward the barn, i could see a large tan truck in it. I looked over the old truck. It seemed strange to have a truck. I had always been used to small cars. The front end of the tan truck was wide and looked more like a large american car from the seventies. I felt somewhat happy to see the car, but wondered what i was going to do with it. I felt as though i did not need a car. The truck was an older design; it seemed to be from the seventies. I looked over the vehicle, noticing that the hood of the vehicle did not fit correctly. I realized that the hood was from another car. My father walked with me as i inspected the car. I looked closely at the center of the hood to see that there was a small black nub just above the front grill. It prevented the hood from closing all the way. I knew that the nub was from an older design. I walked to the right, around the side of the car. There was a fancy decoration down the side of the vehicle. The small vehicle was black with red flames on it. The flames formed a cloud-like design along the bottom of the small vehicle. I realized that it was a motorcycle. It was very wide and seemed to have a body made out of molded fiberglass. I looked down the right side of the motorcycle to notice that the black paint had been scraped off of the bottom of the bicycle. The white material underneath seemed to be some type of molding plastic. It seemed that the old owner tried to form the cloud patterns in relief on the surface of the motorcycle, but did not do a good job. The paint did not soak into the plastic and was flaking off. I asked my father how i would be able to ride the bike. It did not seem like an easy thing to do since the bottom part was so wide. I thought that the vehicle could use some repairs, but i felt enthusiastic to have it. I thought that i could fix it up in special ways. I then noticed that the seat of the motorcycle seemed very far back. It was a black leather cushion with. I looked to the front of the bicycle and noticed that it had a high set of handlebars with a long fork to the front wheel. It was a chopper design. I thought that it was somewhat inconvenient to ride, but i thought that it would look cool to have someone riding it. I straddled the seat to see what it felt like to sit on.

I climbed the stairs in the stairwell of the tall building. I was heading to my room, which seemed to be two floors above where it was. The stairwell was round, and the stairs spiraled up. I walked up to one of the landings in the stairwell and walked out of the door, onto the floor. As soon as i stepped through the door and looked down the hall on the other side. This did not seem correct. I realized that i had come out on the wrong floor. I walked back into the stairwell and started climbing back down. I thought that i had missed my floor. I then stopped, remembering that i had two more floor to go before i reached my floor. I walked through the door and into the main stairwell of the building, where i had just been. As the door closed behind me, i noticed that there was a two printed on the back of it. I still had to go up a few more floors. I started climbing again, but the stairs seemed shaky under me. The stairs ran straight along the side of the west wall of the stairwell, ascending to the north. There seemed to be an open space to the east of the stairs as i climbed. I tried to lean against the wall and press my feet into the stairs as i climbed. It became harder and harder to climb. I realized that the stairs were really two black belts. I thought that this was not right. The stairs should not have been replaced by ribbons. I stepped carefully, but it took a great deal of effort to keep my feet from swaying on the ribbons. I felt nervous as i lowered my center of gravity and reached for the platform. there seemed to be someone watching me from the platform at the top of the ribbons, but he did not offer any help. He seemed like someone i knew. I made it to the platform and climbed off of the ribbons. I told $Z that the ribbons were dangerous. I thought that they should be replaced by stairs. I walked to the west, down the hall to my hotel room. It seemed like it had been a while since i had been to the room. As i walked down the hall, i suddenly realized that i did not have my things with me. I thought that i should have been carrying something. I wondered where it was. I then thought that i might have left it by my car. I stopped in front of the door to my room. The black wood door seemed very familiar. I remembered being here before. It seemed that i had visited this country some time before. I remembered that the key to the door was hidden in the molding to the door. I felt cautious as a few people walked past me in the hall. I had to wait for them to get out of sight before i took the key from its hiding place. As soon as they were gone, i pulled the piece of wood from the right side of the door. I looked at the thin piece of wood and remembered that there was another piece. I looked over the frame of the door but could not see where the other part of the key was. I tried to remember how the door opened. I thought that there should be a second piece of wood, but i could not remember where in the door frame it was. I felt around, but could not find any pieces of wood which felt loose. I looked closely at the thin stick that i had already pulled from the door frame. I could see that it was carved with fine curves and ornamentation. I thought that it must be the correct piece of wood because of the way it was carved. I opened the door and walked into the large hotel room. The walls were white, with black wood trim. The paint on the trim seemed thick, as though it had several layers. I walked into the center of the large empty room. It seemed larger than i remembered. I noticed that there was a light stain on the tan carpet which covered the floor. I realized that the dog must have urinated on the carpet. The dog then came trotting out from one of the other rooms. I felt angry with the dog and thought that i should take it out of the house. I grabbed the dog by the collar and walked it to the stairs to the east. The stairs seemed like the back stairs in my parents’ house. I pushed the dog ahead of me on the stairs. As the dog started to descend, though, the white stairs folded up and collapsed. The dog fell through the stairs. I felt worried about the animal and looked over the edge to see where it landed. I could see the golden retriever walking to the north, under where the stairs used to be. He was not hurt. I wondered how i would climb down the stairs. I pulled the top of the stairs back toward me. The stairs were made out of folded paper. I realized that they collapsed because they were not folded properly. They had to be in place to support someone’s weight. I aligned the stairs in the center of the narrow hall below me, trying to shake them into unfolding. I could not seem to get it right. I shook the tall white piece of folded paper, trying to get the steps to flatten. I then noticed $A148 standing at the bottom of the stairs. She asked me what i was trying to do with the stairs. I explained how they needed to be to work properly. I managed to get the steps to unfold and stay rigid. I told $A148 that i had to fix the stairs in order to get down. I looked down and noticed that i was positioning a very tall wedding dress. It seemed to be on a white plastic frame which kept the bell of the dress open. The dress rotated under me as i tried to position it. I was then at the lower level of the building. I looked to the east, out the window. This seemed like a dream. I thought that the images were not real. The sky seemed to be illustrated as if part of a cartoon, with bright purples and yellows. There were buildings from the university across the land in front of me. My view then changed to a higher elevation, as though i were looking down on an animated island. I remembered that the island was owned by Arabs. I looked over the tops of the palm trees to see the clearing in the center of the island. I could see the long tan strip in the center of the sandy ground. It was part of a bowling alley. I remembered that this was where the Arabs came to bowl.

12000 July 21

I moved into the shadows of the locker room. It seemed late at night and i knew that no one else was around. I had been sneaking through the building, but there was someone else near me. The other person was a lycanthrope. I felt frightened of him and tried to stay quiet in the side of the locker room. I remembered that the man had a lot of fur on his back. I thought that he was a lycanthrope, but wondered whether he was just furry. I moved across the dark room of the house. I had to get out of this place before the lycanthrope found me. I knew that there was no one else in the house with me, but i was aware that the lycanthrope was plotting to attack. It was waiting outside. I had to get out of the house before it came in. I stopped in the small room in the center of the house and started writing. This place seemed like a school, and it seemed late in the evening. The building was dark and empty, but i knew that there were still a few people around. I walked down the hall when i noticed a room on the right side of the hall with a light on. I looked in and saw the wrestlers practicing. I wanted to join them, but i knew that it had been too long since i had practiced the sport. I remembered seeing them practice before, though. I remembered most of the wrestlers. I tried to remember where i had seen them. I remembered that, in the scene before, i had been watching them come off of the bus. I bent over to pick up some of the things which were sitting in the hall outside of the wrestling room. I remembered that the things were free, so i thought that i could take what i wanted. I looked up across the tile floor of the locker room to the back door of the room. The door was in the north wall of the room. I wondered whether the lycanthrope was still outside. The door was open to the outside, and it was very dark out there. I thought that i would have to gather my things quickly and leave the building.

12000 July 25

I walked across the living room of my grandfather’s old house on $P12 and into the back yard. My mother was there. I spoke to her. I was facing north, gazing at the house next door. The lawn of the other house was at a higher level than the lawn on which we were standing. There was a stone wall at the edge of the other lawn which seemed to act as an embankment. A gravel driveway ran to the west in front of the wall. This place seemed new, as though i had never noticed it before. I wondered why i had never noticed these things behind my grandfather’s house before. There seemed to be orange flowers in a bed at the top of the stone embankment. I turned back to the white siding of my grandfather’s house. It seemed as though i had never seen this side of the house before. I noticed that there was a small niche in the corner of the house where a small square porch was embedded. There was a single square wooden column holding up the corner of the house above the porch. There was a door in the center of the north-facing wall of the porch. It was white with a square glass window in the top. I could see a staircase inside which ascended to the east. The walls inside were white, but the stairs were bare wood. My mother said that she wondered where the stairs went. I remembered that there was a room behind my grandparents bedroom. I remembered seeing it a few times before. I knew that the stairs climbed up into the back of the bedroom. I walked through the door and into the stairwell. I felt as though i were discovering a secret place. I climbed up the stairs and came into the large master bedroom of the house. I felt very strange. I wondered why we had never noticed that the stairs were here before. They seemed to lead right into the back part of the bedroom. I knew that there had been a closet here, but i thought that the stairs should be noticeable. I then descended the stairs and reached for the door. This place felt special. I knew that i had been her several times before, but i wondered why i had never noticed these stairs before.

12000 July 26

I walked around in the rooms of my parents’ house. It seemed like it was early in the morning. My parents were in the large bedroom on the east side of the house. They were getting ready to leave. I got out of my bed in the room at the top of the stairs and started to collect my things. Everything felt unfamiliar. It seemed as though i were trying to go somewhere, but i was not sure what i was doing. I felt very groggy, as though i did not want to get out of bed. My father was lying on the right side of his bed as i stood in the room at the foot of the bed. He got up to get dressed. He had to get to work. I thought that there was something that i wanted to do and walked back into the small bedroom. I wanted to get my recordings together. I thought that i could record the sound of travel going home. As i drove to the west, heading for my grandmother’s house, i thought that i would have to start recording once i arrived there and drive back to my parents’ house. I thought that i had been at my parents’ house for a while and i felt restless. The night seemed very foggy and dark as i drove along the north side of a city. It seemed like i was very near my grandmother’s house. I looked down at the recorder and wondered what i would be recording. I thought that i should tune the radio and listen to the signal as i drove back to my parents’ house. I thought that the radio station should be 98.6 FM. I pressed one of the red buttons along the bottom edge of the grey tape recorder. It seemed like a multitrack recorder. As i played the tape, i could hear the beats in the background from the beat track. I then noticed that the song on the radio was playing in synch with the beat track. I thought that i should have started recording. The song had an entrance of instruments in a sudden orchestral burst. It matched exactly with the beat track in the background. I stopped the tape to rewind, hoping to catch another perfect entrance when i started recording. The music seemed to stop with me, though, and i wondered whether it was from the tape or the radio.

I sat on the small bench that was part of the window ledge in the corridor. The corridor seemed to run down the side of a building from east to west. The light came into the window, which was on the south wall, and illuminated the bright tiles of the hall. There was a small area on the west end of the corridor where two people were posing. There was a man and a woman, both in bathing suits. Sitting on what seemed to be a small seat between two columns. I remembered this scene from before. They were posing for a moment before they stood up and walked down the corridor towards me. I knew that there would be three pairs of them. The first pair walked past me. I noticed that the man was rather attractive. He was wearing black swimming tights and was well built. The second couple then appeared in the seat as the first vanished. They were both attractive. The man was wearing a dark coloured swim suit and, like the first, was well built. The woman was wearing a tight-fitting swim suit that was black with a V-shaped design stretching up the front in dark green. They posed for a moment before they moved on. A woman stepped over the seat next, followed by a man. As the man stood on the white seat, i noticed that he was not as well built as the other men. He was thinner and had short blonde hair. He smiled at the woman as he stepped off of the small pedestal in a quick dance turn. I remembered him from before. He was not as nicely muscled as the others, but he was an artist. He finished his twirl close to the woman. He was wearing a pair of green knee-length shorts. They seemed to have very fine vertical stripes in them. I remembered these people from the first time that i had seen them. The couple turned and walked down the corridor past me. I watched the man as they did, noticing that he had very fine detail on his skin. I focused on the center of his torso as he approached, watching the edges of his chest and abdominal muscles move as he walked. They passed me and i stood up to leave. I seemed to be gathering my things when they appeared in the corridor to the north. The man held out his right hand as though asking for a donation. I remembered that i should tip both of them for the show. The woman walked in front of me as i reached into my pockets for change. I realized that i had none and wondered what i could give them. I then pulled out my wallet, commenting that i might not have anything. I thought that i could give them a dollar each. Something seemed confusing about the situation. I seemed to pull a few dollars from my wallet, even though i did not seem to have any in my hand. I thought that the situation was made up. I handed the woman a dollar and then placed the second dollar in the man’s outstretched hand. I brushed my hands along the man’s forearm as i reached for him. I then grabbed him by the forearm as if to shake his arm. I felt strange and embarrassed. I quickly withdrew my hand and looked down. The man stood in front of me as if waiting for something. I made a comment but realized that the man knew that i was attracted to him. He reached for me and ran his hand along my left shoulder. I felt uncertain, but enjoyed having the man near me. The woman made a comment about leaving us alone. I wondered whether this was something that she was used to. The man then leaned forward and put his head on the right side of my neck. He reached around me and moved his right leg into my groin. I felt suddenly aroused but was uncertain with the situation. I wanted to be erotic with the man but was unsure whether i should. The man then reached forward again. I was leaning backwards slightly as he ran his hands across me again. I felt very aroused but uncertain.

I woke up in the large bet in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. It seemed dark out. I knew that i had to get up to go somewhere, but i did not feel like getting out of bed. It seemed that i had to drive back to my parents’ house. My grandmother walked around the foot of the bed as i lied on it. I had the orange covers over my body, but i was lying across the foot of the bed. I thought that i must have rolled over. That must have been why my grandmother got out of bed. I felt like going back to sleep, but i knew that i had to leave soon. I was then in the car, driving down the street. It was very foggy out and i could not really see where i was going. I thought that i should be careful so that i did not get into o an accident. I then realized that i was driving the car from the roof. It seemed strange, and i wondered why i was on the roof of the car. I felt cautious as i steered the car through the white mist. It seemed as though i were very high above the road. I wondered why the view from the roof of the car was so high. I decided that it was just the way the car was designed. I then became aware of the cars in front of me. They stopped suddenly at a traffic light. I seemed to be in $P3, on Main Street near a McDonald’s restaurant. I was heading east, and the restaurant was on the north side of the road. I watched the green car in front of me as i approached. I pressed the brakes and skidded towards the green car. I hoped that i stopped before i collided with it. I seemed to be going fairly fast. My view panned over my car as i watch my car come to a stop just off of the green car ahead of me. Then i saw the large car behind me skid into my car and knock it forward. My red car bounced off of the green car, which was propelled into the large brown truck in front of it. My car skidded to the left, as though on ice. It swung around until it was out of the intersection and resting on the side of the small driveway which ran along the west side of the restaurant. I was outside of my car. I looked into the intersection to see the young men getting out of the green van. They seemed to be ragged and i thought that they were not paying attention. They could have caused the accident. I walked around to the front of my white car and pushed it towards the side of the drive. It skidded easily over the pavement. The right front tire dropped into the ditch on the side of the road just in front of the stop sign. I thought that i should not leave it in the ditch and tried to pull it back. I walked around to the front of the car to look for damage. I could not see any noticeable dents, but i remembered that the left front of my red car had been damaged as i watched from overhead. I looked at the right front tire of the car and noticed that it was torn apart. I could see the rusted rim, which was slightly bent, through the shreds of rubber. I wondered whether i should call my parents, who were at my grandmother’s house. I walked into the intersection, wondering whether the two cars ahead of me had driven away. I noticed that the van of young men was still there. I thought that i should go back to my car and get out my insurance card. As i walked back down the driveway, a few of the men followed me. They mentioned that they should get the cars out of the way. I walked into the back room of the restaurant as they lifted my car and brought it into the store room. I wondered why they were taking my car into a building. It seemed strange and i told them they should leave it. One of the men said that it would be better out of the way, and i halfheartedly let them proceed. I turned and walked into the back room of the storehouse, where there was a table of cooking supplies. The others followed me. There were several glazed doughnuts on the large wooden table in the center of the room. I ate one and thought that it was very good. It seemed to have pink frosting on it. The others started to come in. We had to discuss the accident. I collected some of the small droppings of glazing from the table. They were shaped like small coins. I thought that they were leftovers from the doughnut-making process. I placed several of them on the wooden table in front of me, near the rows of doughnuts, as the others gathered around. I looked at the small coins and noticed that some of them were shaped like the emblem of a Mercedes Benz. They seemed to be molded into that shape, though some were broken and chipped. I ate one and thought that it was very sweet.

The man at the counter of the restaurant told me that i needed to get something to eat. The restaurant seemed crude and personal. He said that i should get makestamp sandwich. The other person explained that it was a traditional sandwich in the area. I pictured a thick tan pita rolled around a glob of red meat. It seemed delicious, and i wondered whether i had eaten one before. I tried to remember the name. “Makestamp” seemed a familiar name for the sandwich, but i knew that i had heard it somewhere else.

12000 July 27

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house. My parents were in the room with me, and there was a fourth person with us. The fourth person was female and seemed to be a visitor. It seemed as though we had to make the visitor comfortable. The room was slightly dim, as though the light was coming from outside and it was early morning. I walked around the outside of the room as the woman spoke to us. She was about to leave and i thought that i should get her things. I walked around the north side of the room in a counterclockwise direction until i came to the south wall. I picked up the red jacket and lifted it in front of me. It was a straight-cut leather coat. I said something about it, and someone replied to me. I handed the coat to my father as i crossed into the center of the room. I started toward the kitchen when the large shaggy irish setter trotted toward me. He seemed very happy as he wagged his tail excitedly. He whined as he looked up at me. I realized that he was hungry and walked into the kitchen, telling the dog that i could get him dinner. I looked down at his metal dish, which was on the south side of the counter, on the outside of the chairs. There was a cardboard box full of bones in front of the empty dish. I wondered why the dog could not eat what was on the bones. I pointed to them and asked the dog why he did not consider them food. He wagged his tail and stared at me. I thought that the bones must have already been cleaned of meat. I turned and asked my mother where the dog food was. She picked up his bowl and walked to the refrigerator as i pulled a large blue and white bag from the north wall of the room. As my mother brought the dog a bowl from the refrigerator, i looked over the white design on the front of the bag. It seemed to portray a cat. The contents of the bag were white and granular. I thought that it might be cat litter. I wondered why the dog would want to eat it.

12000 July 28

I walked down the corridor of the school building, to the south. I turned to the right into the short corridor which led into the large open gymnasium. There was a play being held in the room, and there was a woman standing in the center of the room giving directions. She watched the play, which was on a stage on the south side of the room. I could not see the play, but i could hear the actors talking. I felt upset and annoyed. I knew that i was to be doing the lighting for this production. I stepped into the small alcove around the door to the large room and watched the woman in the center. I then realized that there was a large curtain lowering from the ceiling in the center of the room. I realized that one of the thin twine ropes that i was leaning on with my right shoulder must have come loose. The director looked up at the roll of canvas as it lowered to the floor. I felt destructive and pulled one of the other twine ropes that was on the wall to the north of me. I could see a lighting rig lower into view. I backed away from the door and looked over the wall to the north, thinking that i should look for the ropes that controlled the rigs. There was only one thin rope on the wall which disappeared into the wall just over my head through a small tan plastic ring. I thought that the director might be upset that the lights were being done now. I pulled on the thin rope as if to correct the problem, but i wondered where the other ropes were. The director walked into the alcove with me as i tried to figure out the ropes. I walked back out into the hall and looked at the small chain just to the north of the alcove. It seemed to be coming from a small green metal grating which looked like an old air vent. The vent had wide square openings. I pulled on the chain several times, hearing the faint sound of a bell. I knew that it was a signal to the people in the operation booth of the theatre. I could hear someone acknowledge the bell, and i thought that they would be down to solve the problem of the lights. I started to walk to the north, up the narrow metal staircase. I knew that the director was watching me from behind as i moved. I thought that i should get started on the lights, but i did not feel like doing anything right now. I walked to the west, thinking about doing the lights. I was in a corridor, but there seemed to be a house to my left. I then realized that i had walked quite far into the neighbourhood. I had just passed the large brown wood house and was now in the middle of the large suburban neighbourhood. I looked back to the east. The road was wide and curved to the south. I could see the large brown house on the side of the road. There seemed to be a pond to the south of me and houses all around. It seemed that i had come a long way from where i had started. I wondered why i had walked so far. I then realized that i would have to jog all the way back. I looked down at my shoes. My left ankle was bothering me. I noticed that there was a red patch just above the outside ankle bone. I wondered whether i had been bitten by something. I was worried about the mark and leaned over to get a better look. It seemed that the skin around the area was flaking, as though i had burned the region. I wondered what could have happened. I sat on the grass on the side of the road and looked down at my ankle. It did not seem as back once i looked at it closely. I decided that it was nothing to worry about. I then started to adjust my white sneaker on my foot. I noticed that there was steam coming out of my shoe. I had not been wearing any socks and my feet were getting uncomfortable in the sneakers. I thought that i should take them off, but i had to walk all the way back to the house. I stood up and started walking. I thought that i could actually jog home, but as i started moving, the heels of my shoes came off of my feet. I thought that it would air our my feet, but it made it difficult to walk. I stopped on the road and looked around at the houses again. I started to wonder how far i had to go to get back home. I looked to the right to see the green hills rising over the tops of the houses. I decided that i was looking to the west. The road i was on curved around the pond enough that i was no longer head west. I walked a few meters on the road and spotted the tall buildings of the city ahead of me. I knew that they were to the northeast. I knew that my house was to the southeast of me, through the neighbourhood. I started to walk. There were many leafy trees between the houses and it seemed like a bright sunny day. The air felt cool.