12001 July 01

I was flying to the west, over the houses of the suburban area. The lawns of the houses were square and bright green, with few tall trees. All of the houses seemed to have been built at the same time. They were all very plain, with different colours of siding. This place seemed to be near where i lived. I thought that i had to get back to the place. I looked down at the driveways as i passed over the houses. The driveways ran between the houses and into the backyards, where they stopped at the edge of a chain link fence. It seemed that there was a swampy field to the south which was not part of the housing development. As i passed over one of the houses, i noticed that there was a puddle of water collected at the southern edge the driveways. The water was not in the driveway before it had rained. I thought that the rain did not seem to be a lot, but the amount of water collected on the ground did seem to be a lot. I remembered that there had been a flattened trough of grass between the yards of the two houses. This was a swampy area where the water had pooled. I could see a line of reeds growing from the crude wire fence on the south to the north, between the houses. I thought that the upper edge of the driveway, to the north, must drain water very well, but it would get backed up on the lower end at the south. I then thought of something and turned around to head back over the driveways. I remembered that several of the driveways were sealed around the edges. This should have kept the water from pooling near them. I wanted to see whether the one with water had edging to keep the water out. I thought that the high edging might actually trap water in the driveway. I stopped as soon as i realized that i would have to cross over the swampy strip of reeds to get back to the driveway. I was running on the ground, and though that i must have hopped over it before. I did not want to try to jump it again. I thought that i might get my feet wet in the swampy ground. I turned around and continued running to the west. I felt as though i was sneaking around this area. I then came to the end of the yards. There was a tall chain-link fence which ran from the shorter fence on the south to the north. I remembered squeezing between the two fences before, but the space between them seemed to be very narrow now. I tried to slip between the metal pole of the tall fence and the wooden post of the shorter fence. I could not get through. I wondered how i had slipped between the fence before. I knew that i could not have changed size in such a short time. I wondered whether the fences had been tightened since i had passed through before. I tried to force my way through, but could not squeeze between the crack. I decided that i would have to run to the north until i came to the end of the taller fence. The fence seemed to be on the edge of the property where the large building was. The building seemed to be an apartment building. There seemed to be an open field of grass to the west. Everything around me was dry, as though this place was at a high altitude and in a very dry climate. I thought hat i should get off of this property as quickly as possible. I did not want the people from the apartment complex to catch me in their yard. There was a row of thick pine trees to my right, between the fence and the driveway which ran down the west side of the brown shingled two-story apartment building. I pushed past several of the large pine branches which were crowded up against the fence. I thought that i could probably travel faster if i were running under the line of trees. It would be easier for the people in the building to see me, but i would not spend as much time in the yard. I thought that the trees were made to provide a barrier from people sneaking along the fence. They were planted so close to that people would be restricted from walking out of view of the houses. The area was then illuminated by a very bright light from the southwest. I tensed, thinking that something had gone wrong. I realized that the brightness might be an explosion. I thought that a bomb must have gone off. I ducked down, under the trees and hid until the light faded. I felt suddenly alert and anxious. I worried that a nuclear bomb had been detonated near me. Once the light was gone, i crawled up to the fence and looked back to the east. I was looking for a mushroom cloud along the horizon, but saw instead a large bubble of black smoke just over the hill to the south. I was in the driveway near the hotel. I had come to the end of the fence, near the main road, and could have run to the west. I was afraid that the blistering bulge of smoke was traveling out in all directions. I thought that the blast wave might be traveling in my direction. I turned quickly and sprinted to the hotel, to the east. I ran down the dark corridor and came to the room at the end, on the north. I ran into the room with the light blue walls and looked for a place to hide that would be safe from a blast wave. I then remembered that there was someone else with me. I was in an alternate time line. The bomb had not really gone off yet, but i knew that it would go off soon. There was a large window in the north wall, on the other side of an old double bed, which was covered with a brown and white spread. I walked back to the door of the room, which was on the west end of the south wall. To the west of the door was a bathroom, in the west wall. I looked into the bathroom, thinking that i might be able to hide in the bathtub. I knew that it was a safe place in case of a tornado. The white bathtub was on the north wall of the bathroom, but there was a window over it. I decided that this would not be a good place to hide. The window would shatter when the shock wave hit, and i would get hit with the glass. I had to find a place to hide. I looked back into the hall of the hotel. I noticed a service closet to the west, on the south side of the hall. I thought that it would be a good place to hide. It was in the center of the building, with no exterior walls. I felt more relaxed now that i knew where i would hide. I decided that i wanted to go outside and see the mushroom cloud first. It would take time for the explosion to reach where i was. I turned down a corridor to the south and came out on the terrace. I seemed to be on the third and top floor of the hotel. The terrace was kind of like a balcony, but i did not look over anything. The building was made of darkly stained wood, and the green tile roof was suspended by wooden poles along the outer edge of the terrace. The terrace was entirely enclosed within the building. There was a rectangular atrium in the center of the building, with an opening in the roof above it. I decided that the bottom of the atrium must be the main hall of the resort. This was a very nice resort. Each of the rooms around the atrium had their own space on the terrace where the occupants could sit outside. The sky above was light blue. I was disappointed that i could not see the sky to the south, where the explosion would occur. The terrace was divided into sections by short wooden walls. I stood against the short wall which looked over the atrium. I could see the second floor of the resort below. I then looked over the short wall to the east, into the terrace of the room next door. There was a metal circle on the ground. I decided that it was the fireplace for the balcony. I then looked to the south again. I could see the green tiles of the roof over the southern wing of the building. The room sloped toward me. I wondered whether i would be able to hop over the short walls dividing the terraces and make my way to the south hall. I then realized that the room of the main hall to the south did not connect to the building that i was in, and the jump would be very long. I looked to the west and noticed that there was a section of the northern building which protruded toward the south. The space there would be short enough for me to jump. I walked back inside the building, thinking that i could come out closer to the narrow gap.

I felt tense and worried. I had to make the house safer. There was something wrong outside. I walked into the back room of my parents’ house. It was very dark outside, and something felt wrong. I thought that there was something about to occur. I had to make sure that the house was closed tightly so that no one could get in. I moved around the room, looking for ways to lock up the house. I was then on the outside of the building. I looked through the glass window of the greenhouse. The greenhouse was on the west side of the house. I could see the others in the room inside. They had just returned from somewhere. I was glad to see them. I thought that i should take a picture of them. I then realized that i had left my remote control inside. I would have to get it before i took a picture. I walked up to the small window which looked over the living room of the small white house. I knocked on the glass of the window. I could see a tan cushioned arm chair just inside the window. My grandmother came over to the window. She tried to pass the remote out to me, but she hit the glass of the window. She did not realized that the window was still closed. H tried again, but could not pass the remote through the glass. She was confused, and i felt frustrated with her. I thought that she should have realized that the window simply needed to be opened. I pushed up on he window frame and opened the window from the outside. I then felt frustrated and annoyed that the window had been left unlocked. The house was not safe, as it should be. My grandmother handed me the camera. I took it and turned back to the south to head back to the section of the house where the glass windows were. I wanted to get a picture of the others in the room. I then started to wonder about the danger to the northwest. I felt uneasy as i walked down the gravel country road to find the others. I then felt that there was danger near, but i could not tell what it was. I thought that the air was very clear. I could see the clear sky above me. I thought that, as long as the air was clear, i would be safe. It was very dark out, and i could not see too far in either direction. I continued down the road, thinking that i would be safe as long as there was nothing in the air. I then noticed the fog ahead of me. The air was becoming thicker. I felt uneasy. I could not go there. It would be unsafe. I turned around an headed back. I could not get caught in the cloudy air.

12001 July 02

I walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house, passing several people, who were just leaving. There were several teenage children who had been in the kitchen. They were part of the family who was staying with my parents. It seemed like it was early in the morning, and i had to make breakfast. That it was still turned on. I wondered whey the family had left the stove running. I then started to feel annoyed with them. They were always making a mess. I felt frustrated with them, and did not want to have to put up with them. I turned and started to walk to the south. I noticed that the second stove was also turned on. The oven door was open. I thought that the children must have been complaining about the temperature in the house. They probably thought that they could use the oven to heat themselves in the morning. I felt that the family was taking advantage of us. They felt that they could do anything they wanted as they pit us down as simple people. I turned off the second stove and continued to make my lunch and breakfast.

12001 July 05

I walked to the northwest, across the grass of the large park area. We seemed to be in the middle of a large city. I could see the tops of tall buildings to the west. The ground sloped down to the west on a gentle slope. There was a large willow tree to the southwest of me which draped over my head. I could see several other trees in the park to the north and northwest. I felt that there was something wrong. I had to get away from here. I knew that there would be men after me. I wanted to fly, but i was afraid that the others in the park might be afraid of my ability. I decided that i did not want to stay here. I concentrated on rising. I floated up through the branches of the large tree near me. I watched the green leaves pass, obscuring the view of the people on the ground. I could see the people below gasping in shock as they saw me flying. I felt uncomfortable. I knew that they would report me. Someone would be after me. I flew to the northwest, out of the park and over the city. There were roads curling under me. I could see the cars on the multi-lane highway standing still under me. I then shifted to the south slightly, near the tall building. I could see people walking in the sidewalk to the south of the highway. Everything seemed to be moving very slowly. I was amused by the fact that no one could see me above them. I then thought that i should not let the people on the ground see me. It would be dangerous for me if they reported where i was. There was a woman walking under me. She was wearing a red dress. I suddenly realized that the doughnut that i was carrying in my left hand broke into small pieces. A piece fell near the woman on the sidewalk below. I felt suddenly tense. I wondered whether she would look up to see where it came from. I then noticed that no one on the ground was moving. I looked to the north to see the man in the convertible sports car. The car seemed pale yellow, and the man was heavy, with a balding head. A piece of the doughnut had fallen on him. I could see it sitting on the edge of his forehead as he started to look up at me. I remembered that all of the people were frozen in the cold weather. They could not move or react to me. I lowered myself and carefully took the piece of doughnut off the man’s eye. I then told the people on the street that they should not just sit around. I knew that they could hear me, even though they could not react. I jumped into the air and flew down the street to the west. I dropped another piece of the doughnut near the school building, which was on the south side of the road. The road seemed to curve to the northwest in front of the school. I flew into the school building, thinking that i could hide from the people who were following me. I knew that the people wanted to trap me, but i thought that i could hide among the other people in the school. I flew down the long narrow hall of the school. It seemed dark, but there was light shining in from the outside. The floor was stone, and the walls were clean and polished. I flew to the west, thinking that i could slip out the other side of the building. I passed through a large atrium inside the building and flew through the double doors on the other side. I thought that this would lead me out of the building, but i found myself inside a large domed room. The ceiling was made of a geodesic dome, which was formed of black metal braces and covered with frosted white glass. I realized that i had flown into a dead end. This was a gymnasium, with no doors leading to the outside. I had gone the wrong direction inside the building. The police then started to enter the room behind me. I felt desperate and had to get out. I could not let them capture me. I knew that flying was not approved of. I thought that i could break one of the large triangular windows and escape. I landed on a balcony near one of the large windows. Just as i got there, the glass of the window shattered. I thought that one of the police officers must have shot at me and hit the glass. I felt frightened and quickly jumped through the window. I stepped from the narrow cement ledge outside the window and jumped from the second floor of the building. I had to get away. I flew to the northwest, wondering where i could go where they could not follow. I felt a sudden urge to be free. I wanted to fly, but i did not want people to punish me for it.

I flew over the back yard of my parents’ house, toward the road. It was a bright day out, but the air seemed cool. I landed near the road. I felt as though i had to go to someplace. I knew that i could not let the others see me flying. I was afraid that someone might get mad at me flying and call the officials. I walked to the west along the north side of the road. The road was now a train track. I was on the platform of the old station. The station seemed to be an old brown wooden building with a green over-hanging roof. The woman walked over to me. I was supposed to meet her here. She was a date of mine. I knew that she was in love with me, but i did not feel the same about here. I was hesitant of the relationship. I liked her, but did not want to date her. I knew that i had to be nice to her, though, because her father was in charge of this area. I imagined him as a short fat balding man in a white suit. I was worried about being seen with her. I was still concerned that someone might have seen me fly to the station. She started to walk to the north, up the driveway from the road. There seemed to be a very tall white apartment building in the center of the lot, to the north of me. It was part of the city. I felt that i had something to do. I told the woman that i would follow her. I quickly ran to the small wooden shed which was to the west of me, on the north side of the road. I found myself crossing the road to the south, however. I looked around at the woods to the south, trying to figure out where i should go. I was one of the rebels in the city, and i had to complete some task before i followed the woman into the building. I ran back across the road and into the small booth on the side of the road. I was supposed to sabotage something. There was a control panel in the shed. I had done something to it which would cause problems in the city. I then quickly left the shed and jumped into the air, flying back onto the front lawn of the tall white building. I landed near the building and walked down the east side of it. There was an open corridor into the building into which i turned. I thought that the woman must have already entered the tall building. The building had something to do with the controlled city. This place was not free, but was run under strict rule. I imagined that the armoured soldiers in dark clothing would be swarming around the small booth with their automatic rifles drawn. I felt that i could hide under the woman’s protection. As long as everyone thought that i was dating her, they would not bother me. I knew that her father was a strong leader over the city, so it was good for me to be in a relationship with his daughter. I could hear her voice as i walked to the west, into the corridor which entered the building. It seemed that the building was really four buildings, all joined at the corners with a square courtyard in the center. The woman was talking about a hero in the city. She spoke of a vigilante who was able to fly. I realized that she was talking about me. I could not see her, but i knew that she must be in the corridor ahead of me. She referred to the hero as “Fox”. She could not remember the exact name, but she mentioned “Flying Fox” and other variations on the name. I turned to the north and started along the western side of the eastern building. I had a piece of paper in my hand. It was from the woman. It said that she wanted to meet me in room 2230. I thought for a moment, trying to remember where the room was. I did not remember a large room on the second floor of the building. I did not even think that there could be two hundred and thirty rooms on the second floor. The courtyard to the west of me was full of plants and flowers. I could see the white outside of the tall building to the north. It seemed that it was really in the center of the other smaller buildings and that there was a courtyard on to the north of it which matched the one past which i was walking. I wondered whether i should tell the woman about my ability to fly. She seemed sympathetic to the idea of the hero in the city. I knew that flying was discouraged here, though. I did not know how she would react if she found out that i could fly. I then thought that room 2230 might be on the twenty-second floor of the tower. I walked into the corridor which ran between the tower and the building on the west. The lights inside were dim fluorescent bulbs, but i could see the sky light from the north end of the corridor shining down the hall. I turned to the west and started into the center of the tall building. There seemed to be a guard in the corridor, but i knew that i was dressed like one of the nobles. He would not bother me. He was guarding the administrative offices which were in this building. I turned to the south and walked into an open elevator. An old woman followed me in from the west. I did not want to stay on the floor to long. I was afraid that the guard might start asking me questions. I had to act casual and relaxed. As the old woman hurried into the elevator, the door shut behind her. I could have held it open, but i knew that i had to get out of sight of the guards. I could see that there was someone following the woman, but she was not able to make it into elevator before the doors shut. I felt slightly annoyed with these people. I knew that they were part of the aristocracy, which was the main source of the city’s troubles. I then thought that the guards might be aware of the sabotage in the shed, so i wanted to get into the upper levels of the building before the security forces. I pressed the button for the twenty-second floor, and the elevator moved abruptly upward. After a moment, i stepped out of the elevator and into a conference room. There was a large wooden table in the center of the room. The walls of the room were made of a polished wood paneling which was stained red. The woman was sitting on the right side of the table, and her father was sitting at the head, opposite me. I realized that everyone in the room was looking at me. There were guards in dark uniforms standing against the side walls of the room. I realized that they knew about my sabotage. They had discovered what i had done in the shed. I wondered what else they knew about me. I realized that they must know about my ability to fly. I wondered whether i should fly away from the. I thought that i could jump out of one of the windows and fly away.

12001 July 06

I walked across the small room of the apartment. There were a few other people with me. I thought that several of them lived upstairs from me. It seemed as though there was a party going on, but i was not sure where everyone was. There were only a few people with me. I started to walk through some of the rooms of the apartment. I noticed that there were more and more people walking around me. I decided that the party from upstairs was joining us. I walked to the north, into the narrow room on the west side of the house. There were several chairs in the room. I remembered that there was a man here whom i was interested in, but i did not know where he had gone. I walked on the east side of the small green piano. There was someone sitting on the east side of it, where the keys were. Several other people walked on the west side of the room. $F4 was then with me. He walked over to me and hugged me around the upper torso. He seemed very friendly toward me. I knelt down next to the short green counter with $F4. I then noticed the other man who was walking toward us. He was the young man whom i had been interested in before. He seemed short, with a round face. He was wearing a dark-blue tee shirt with dark-blue gym shorts. I noticed that his waist was very thin and thought that he was in nice shape. I then felt strange about $F4 being so close to me. I thought that i might not be able to talk to the young man. The people in the room then seemed to be standing up and heading to the south, out of the building. $F4 stood up and followed them. I wondered what i should do. I looked to my left as i started to follow the others. I was stopped my a man in my way. He was standing at the end of the green counter, pouring himself something to drink. I remembered him from before. I had thought that he was somewhat attractive and had wondered whether he was still in shape. He was not wearing his shirt at the moment, and i could see that he was starting to get a large belly. I thought that he must be like all of the other college students who stop doing sports once they leave high school. I passed him and started to the south, where the others had been gathered. They were just outside. As i walked out of the building and into the back yard, i noticed the people kneeling around the small pool. There was a large animal near the pool which belonged to one of the men on the east side of the pool. Another man stood up from the near side of the pool and started walking toward me. He was carrying something in his hands. I remembered that he had several pet salamanders. I thought that he had to remove them from the pool so that the larger animal did not hurt them. As he passed me, i spoke to him, stopping him. I asked about the salamanders as i looked down into the square plastic tub in which he was carrying the creatures. He answered my question, saying that he originally had only two salamanders. As i looked into the tub, i noticed that there were many salamanders there. The two large ones on top moved next to each other, as though trying to kiss each other. The man said that the salamanders keep reproducing in the spring time. I looked at the creatures. They were shaped somewhat like large toads, but they had thick forelimbs and square protruding heads. Their skin was a creamy white on the underside, with faint traces of light red. Their upper bodies were covered with a thick brown and reddish-brown bubbly skin. I joked with the man about the salamanders before he continued into the building. I turned to look to the south, noticing that there were many people here. I wondered how so many people had come to the party. As i looked around, i noticed that there were a lot of people from $G3 and $P7. I felt interested to hang out with them, but wondered how they had all managed to come. I looked to the west, noticing the large hill in front of us. I thought that i had remembered the hill from someplace before. I then realized that i had run up the hill past several of the buildings. I remembered passing the white apartments in front and crossing a road before i climbed up a cement embankment, which was just under a line of brown and white apartments. I could see the row of white houses in the front and noticed the flat area which must be the road to the north of it. A man and his wife were glancing up along the hill as they walked toward me from the west. The hill was now to the north of me. The man noticed that i was looking up the slope and commented, mentioning how difficult it was to walk up the road. I told him that i had actually run up the hill. I pointed to the slope with my right hand, saying that i had run up it from this direction before. He seemed surprised and looked back to the slope. I said that i had crossed the road and headed to the top. I then noticed that there was a rock cliff near the top of the steep hill. I told the man that i had not made it all the way to the top of the hill, but had not climbed up the steep cliffs. As i looked at the hill, the cliffs on top seemed to get steeper. I was now standing very near the hill, and it was almost a sheer cliff. I looked up, still talking to the man, who was to the west of me. I could see a rock climber scaling the reddish-tan cliffs far above. I started to wonder whether the man was safe. He did not seem to have a harness or rope and was scaling almost up side down on the rock. I wondered whether we were safe under him. I thought that he might knock some rocks loose. I looked around at the many people gathered at the bottom of the slope. They seemed to be here for a picnic. I looked up suddenly to see a small rock falling toward me. I backed out of the way and told the other man that we would have to be careful. I then saw the man who was climbing turn suddenly to look at us. Something we had said startled him. I was worried that we were distracting him and turned to look to the west. Something felt wrong. I saw the man fall into the crowd of people and disappear behind a picnic table. I was suddenly tense as i realized that the man had been hurt. I rushed to the west, to see the man lying on his back on the bench of a picnic table. His face and upper torso were covered with a white and yellow gel, which looked like melted cheese. I thought that he must really be hurt and told someone to call emergency. I felt concerned for the man. I turned to the east quickly and them back to the west. The man was now standing, rubbing his head. He had black hair and a skinny tanned body. I thought that he was rather attractive, but was still concerned for his health. I thought that he should not be moving and walked over to his side. I thought that i should get him to sit down, but he kept pacing around. I remembered the yellow puss over his body and thought that he could injure himself further by walking. He then fell forward. I walked to his side as he lay face down on the ground. He reached his right arm behind his head as if to rub himself. I watched the muscles of his shoulder move, thinking that there must be a lot of internal damage if he had been covered with the yellow puss.

12001 July 07

I walked to the southwest, across the large empty room of the house. The floor of the room was polished wood, and the light coming in from the east seemed diffuse. I had just moved into this place, and was looking around at what was here. I realized that several things had been left behind. I spotted a small thin string instrument hanging on the west wall, just under a beam what crossed the room. I pulled the instrument from the wall, noticing that it was a tiny guitar neck with a long protrusion where the body should be. The protrusion ended in a small nub and was split down the center, like an ink-well pen. There was a round section in the middle of the protrusion. I thought that this must be the section of the guitar which vibrated to project the sound. I fingered a G chord on the narrow neck and strummed. The sound was not that loud. I realized that the neck was too narrow to play easily. I placed the instrument back on the wall, thinking that i had always wanted a small guitar to take with me when i traveled. I thought that this house belonged to Paul McCartney. He was the one who had left all of the interesting instruments in it. I hoped that i would be able to keep some of them. I looked above me to see a large stringed instrument hanging from the ceiling. It was very wide and seemed to have many strings. I reached up and strummed it. It sounded like a harp. I then wondered whether all of these instruments would really be left in the house. I was excited to see the instruments and wondered what else was in the house. I thought that i should take a look around. I walked to the room on the south side of the house. It was a little darker, and seemed to have a porch to the south of it. There were a few furnishings in the room. I thought that i was staying with someone. I wanted to check out the rest of the house for more instruments, but i was aware that there were other people with me. It seemed inappropriate for me to be wandering where i pleased. I walked to the north, across the basement rooms of the building. I opened a large wooden door and walked into a small room. The room was an office. I was then aware of a woman standing behind me. I glanced around the office. There was a small window in the top of the north wall which let a little light into the room. On either side of the window was a row of wooden filing cabinets, which protruded from the walls. There was a desk on the west wall and several corridors of equipment to the east. I wondered whether all of this stuff would be left in the house. I wanted to look through it to see if there was anything useful there. The woman walked into the room, her hands folded behind her back. Her eyes scolded me as she asked me what i was doing in the room. I told her that i was just walking around. She said that no one had used this room. I was confused and looked at the furnishings. The room seemed very clean. I wondered why no one had used it. I spoke curiously; “No one uses this room?”

I raised my arms out from my sides and started to float into the air. I was aware of the large woman watching me from the east. I thought that she must be surprised by my ability to fly. I ignored her and lifted suddenly into the air. I thought that i would soar over the neighbourhood. I wanted to spin around over the houses. I thought that the motion might look like dancing from below. I was over the west end of $P3. I looked below me at $F1’s house. I had been handing out with him and a few other people. They were inside the house. I descended along the back side of the house. The woman had come over, but we were not interested in hanging around with them. One of them was out on the balcony of the second floor, on the north side of the house. She was sitting on a small sofa, rubbing her hands over her breasts as she made luring gestures into the house. I could see $F1 glancing out the window at her. He chuckled at her and continued to the west. The women were trying to lure us, but we were not interested. I floated up behind the woman and mocked feeling my breast. The men inside laughed at the joke. I then sank down quickly so that the woman could not see me. I started to float up again to make another pass, but i noticed the woman’s reflection in the glass of the large door. I wondered whether she would be able to see me floating behind her. I sank down slightly, watching her face in the reflection. She had short red hair and was wearing heavy makeup. I rose a little, wondering when she would be able to see me. Her thick platinum-blonde hair was bunched up against the back of the chair as she faked desiring gestures. The couch leaned forward as she leaned toward the glass. I turned to the east and flew around the side of the house. I flew into the side door and started up the stairs. The rooms inside seemed empty of furnishings. I paused at the top of the stairs, standing on the floor. I did not want the women to see me. They should not know that i was with the other men. I leaned against the wall, trying not to be seen from the north. I then decided that i had to get outside again. I ran across the room to the west and out the side door of the room. I flew around the house again, but ended up inside on the first floor. I thought that i should leave the house. I headed to the west, but noticed that the side door was now closed. I turned around and headed to the east, out onto the balcony which overlooked the driveway. There was a very large tree just off of the house. I looked down through the branches of the tree. The ground seemed quite far below me, but i thought that i should be able to fly. I started to doubt whether i could fly, but i jumped from the porch. There seemed to be someone watching me from the east. I tightened my lower torso and slowed my descent. I realized that the ability to fly was somehow controlled by tightening my abdominal area. I landed and headed back to the south, along the side of the house.

12001 July 09

I walked to the east, across the small back yard of the house. The grass seemed yellow and dry. There were shrubs around the sides of the rectangular yard, and there were two people standing at the east end of the yard. There was a break in the row of shrubs on the east side, and the people were making lines on the ground with flour near the break. I realized that these people were part of $G4 and that they were setting a trail. The yard seemed like mine, and i wondered whether the run would be that close to me. I felt excited to have $G4 run by, but i started to wonder whether i would be able to make it to the run. I knew that i had other things that i would have to do.

I walked into the kitchen of my house and opened the small narrow cupboard on the east side of the north wall. As i looked inside, i realized that one of the black grills to the stove was inside. I wondered why it was there. I pulled the grill out of the vertical cupboard and looked it over. I then noticed the pizza screen standing in the cupboard. I remembered that it had been dirty, and i wondered why it was back in the cupboard. It did not even belong in that cupboard. I realized that the dirty dishes on the counter below me were no longer there. They had been cleaned and put away, but they had been put away in the wrong location. I knew that my grandmother had been in my house. I remembered that she had a key to the door. She had come to clean up the place while i was away. I felt suddenly angry with her and threw the stove grill onto the floor. I then started pulling the other things out of the cupboard and throwing them on the floor behind me. None of the things belonged in the cupboard. I grabbed a set of long black plastic rods from the bottom of the cabinet. I did not recognize them, but realized that my grandmother must have brought them. They seemed like shish-kabob sticks, but were poorly made. I pulled all of them out and angrily threw them to the floor. I did not want others running my life.

12001 July 13

I drove up the driveway of my parents’ house and turned to the left in front of the garage. I was trying to get the small car out. The car seemed like a yellow Volkswagen Rabbit. As started to drive to the west, to turn the car around in the driveway, i noticed that there was a polar bear standing in front of me. It had wandered into the back yard of the house. I felt frustrated that the bears were always wandering into the yard. I thought that it was after a deer. I beeped the horn to try to get the bear out of the way. As i did so, i thought that the bear might not really be intimidated by the horn of a car. I looked to the south to see a smaller bear running after the deer, heading to the east across the driveway. I knew that the mother bear would be defensive of her cub. The bear was then standing next to the car with her mouth against the driver’s window. I tried to ignore the bear and beeped the horn again. I drove to the west, past the snow bank and down onto the back lawn of the house. I then started to wonder whether i would get the tires of the car stuck in the lawn. The lawn seemed wet, and i thought that the tires might sink in. I then noticed the man on the red bicycle riding toward me across the back lawn. I tried to turn my car and get back onto the driveway. The car turned sharply to the right. The car now seemed to be a bicycle. I wondered whether the other man on the bicycle would catch up with me. I turned to the northeast and started walking across the house. The man walked to the south of me. I then turned around and walked in front of him. He seemed younger than i, and i seemed to know and like him. He stumbled suddenly and fell to the ground in the hallway. I bent over him as he lay on the wooden floor. I noticed that he had dropped the five-dollar bill next to the white banister of the stairs on the north side of the hall. I moved to the north of him, picking up the money. I thought that i should hide the money and not let him know that i had picked it up. He would be looking for it, but i thought that i could sneak it into my pants where he would not see it. I then started to wonder whether it would be dishonest to keep the money. I spoke to the man.

12001 July 15

I sat on the ground in the pine forest, looking down the long path which ran between the snow covered trees. The path was cleared to the east, and it seemed that there was someone else with me who had walked down the path. I knew that my tent was just behind me. I felt as though i had to go talk to the other person. Something felt strange, though, as though i had something to do. I stood up and started walking to the east. The ground had a light covering of snow. I thought that i did not feel cold, but know that i had slept the night here. As i walked, i noticed the black pipe poking out of the ground just to the north of the path. The black plastic pipe was about half a deci in diameter and was almost parallel to the ground. I could hear the sound of gas hissing from inside. I thought that it was a vent to the main gas system, which was under the place where i had come from. I came to the other tent in the forest and turned around. It seemed that i had to go back to get the other person. I remembered that he had gone the other direction. I came back to where my tent had been and looked to the south, down the narrow corridor which descended into the ground around a flight of stairs. I wondered whether the other had fallen down the flight of stairs in the cement corridor. It seemed dark in the basement. I felt uncomfortable here, as though something had happened that i did not want to think about. I turned to the east again and started to walk across the long narrow room of the building. It seemed dark, and i knew that the other people were here with me. I glanced to the north to see the large open room of the hardware store. My mother was with me, but i knew that i had come with $F1. This place was on the west side of $P3. I tried to remember the place across the street from us. I was supposed to meet someone. I asked $F1 about the store across the street, to the south of us. I remembered that it used to be a hardware store as well. I thought that my memory was old, though, and the place must have changed. I looked around the street on which i was walking. I could not remember what was on the other street, or where it was. I felt confused. I tried to picture the plaza to the north of us as i talked to $F1. The plaza seemed old and worn, and was set back from the road. I spoke to $F1 as i looked over the white and red signs over the top of the plaza. He asked whether i was talking about the correct place. He said that there was no hardware store across the street from where we were. I walked down the street, thinking that i could show him. As i looked around the area, i thought that i should head back to the south. The store i had been in was on the block to the south of me. As i had been thinking about the area, i had been moving around. I was no longer with $F1. I stood on the street which ran east to west, thinking that the blue cement building of the hardware store was to the south of me. Someone pointed out that the store to the north, which had the red signs, had never been a hardware store. I felt confused and wondered where the second store was that i was thinking about. I turned to the south, thinking that i should ride my bicycle around the block to the other side of the hardware store. I started to move through the streets, watching the pedestrians walk around. It was a sunny day, and i thought that all of these people were shopping at the outdoor markets.

I tried to remember where i had been in the crowded market place. I remembered that i had been with $F1 in the hardware store that was on the south side of the small suburban area. There were train tracks to the south of us, which divided the area from the rest of the town. I started to move to the west, flying down the street. I thought that i had not been to this place in a very long time. The street seemed to run along an old brick building, which was part of a factory. As i walked down the street to the west, i noticed the police car driving past me from the other direction. I wondered whether they would know who i was. I thought that i had to hide from the others. I could not let the people find me flying, or they might be suspicious of me. I had to keep to my disguise. I turned back to the east and started to fly over the narrow gravel drive, which ran between the two brick buildings of the factory. I knew that i was wearing my red costume as i flew. I felt special in the costume because it let me fly in plain view of everyone without letting them know who i was. I was still afraid that they might capture me if they knew who i was. As i passed over the police car, i could see the police office watch me fly over. I then realized that i had my sword drawn in front of me. I wondered whether the office might think i was dangerous because i had a weapon. I thought that i should fly somewhere where the police office could not follow me. I felt as though i was being watched. I suddenly swerved to the east, heading out over the factory yard. I realized that i was following the narrow clearing which made its way through the vegetation of the field. It seemed like an old road, which ran to the southeast along the edge of town. I decided that i should turn and head back to the center of town, where the factory buildings were. I flew to the west, heading over the railroad tracks, which ran to the southeast. I could see the tall chain link fence, which ran along the western side of the tracks. I realized that i was crossing over the army base, which was on the side of town. It was a restricted area. I felt that someone was watching me as i headed back toward the buildings on the western side of the restricted area. I glanced to the north, thinking that the train tracks used to supply the restricted factory a long time ago. The land of the base was now covered with thick field grass and weeds. I felt uneasy flying over it. I thought that someone would catch me. I flew low to the ground as i approached the other side of the base, thinking that i could lose people in the streets of the small city. I turned to the north down a street. I was walking again. I wondered whether the people around me would know that i was the one who could fly. I then heard myself talking. I asked how i could fly, and i answered myself by saying that i flew toward whatever i focused my eyes on. I lifted from the ground and started flying down the street again, aware that there might be someone following me. I looked ahead of me at the large building. I moved toward it. I then glanced up at the white tile ceiling above me and started lifting toward it. I thought that i had to hide, so that the person following me would not find me. I looked across the large paved yard in front of me to see a large airplane being rolled into an open hangar. I looked at the side of the yellow plane, which seemed to be a construction vehicle. I moved quickly toward it. As i came close, i turned to the west, into the hangar. I walked across the small room. I was hidden from view of the people outside. I thought that i should take off my costume and hide the sword as quickly as i could. I had to look normal when the police came into the building. I opened the suitcase on the east wall of the room. The suitcase sat upon the bench along the green tile wall. There was a doorway just to the north, which led to the shower room. I could hear other men talking as i tried to remove the white guitar from my neck. A man then stood to my right. He complimented me and said that i had won the award. I felt very pleased, but thought that i had to hide the guitar before anyone came in.

12001 July 16

I walked into the living room of the house. I had just gotten up for the morning. My mother was doing something in the kitchen area. There was a large white cat with fluffy fur near my feet. I remembered that the cats had come with the house. I knelt down the pet the cat. It seemed very pleased and rubbed strongly against me. I felt happy to have the cat. I then stood up and started toward the kitchen. This place was my house, but it was decorated with many trinkets and objects that i did not put here. My mother had brought many things into the apartment. I looked around the room and noticed that there were small objects everywhere. I felt upset that she had redesigned the room. I walked to the west, into the kitchen. There were more trinkets all around. I was mad that she was taking control of my live and brushed some small pine trees from the shelf along the west wall. I could hear my mother doing something in the room to the north. I looked down at the dining room table to see small red dishes all over the surface of the table. I brushed them to the floor with my left arm. I did not want any of the decorations in the house but the ones i put there. I walked into the living room. As i looked around, i noticed that there were many small objects on every surface. There were many small blue dishes with some round red objects on the large table on the east side of the room. The red discs had a bright streak of yellow across the center of them. I thought that they were rather ugly and brushed everything to the floor. I turned to the south and wiped all of the objects from the table. They seemed to be small figurines and furnishings. Several of them were small yellow wicker chairs. There seemed to be several new pictures hanging from the wall, but i only took the decorations from the tabletops. The surface to the north had small pine trees on it with several Christmas-like decorations. I wondered why there were so many christmas decorations in the room. I knew that the winter holidays were not close. I pulled everything to the floor. Then i noticed a few light-blue bowls in the bench in front of me. They were glass, but i brushed them onto the floor as well. I knew that some of them might break, but i did not care. I watched as one of the bowls bounced on the rug, a small crescent chipping from the edge. I felt very upset, and was still aware of my mother moving in the room to the north. I wondered what she would say about the mess i was making. I was trying to make a point to her, knowing that she would never listen any other way. I left the room and headed back upstairs. I knew that there were other things in my bedroom that she had changed. As i started looking around the room, i could hear my mother say something down stairs. She called my name, asking what i was doing. I could tell that she was upset. She asked why i had broken everything. She then started to sound like she would cry, saying that she had spent all morning fixing up the room. I felt a pang of sadness for her, but did not answer. I removed some of the trinkets from the dresser on the east wall of my bedroom. I then walked around the bed and brushed some of the acorns to the floor. As i did, i noticed that there was a large crack between the wall and the bed. I leaned on the pale yellow covers of the bed and looked into the crack. I could see the boards of the floor. They had separated from the east wall of the house. I thought that the crack had been there for a long time, but it was suddenly getting larger. I wondered whether the floor would fall, but then i noticed that the main beams of the floor were still attached to the outer wall. Only the wooden deck of the second floor was separated. As i looked into the crack, i started to notice old steam pipes crossing in the darkness far below. I then realized that i was looking all the way into the basement. There was a flash of brightness below, and i realized that the cats had jut run across my view. The white one was last. I felt somewhat upset.

I walked to the north, into the small room of the house. The bedroom on the main level was my mother’s. The decorations in the room were plain, and everything seemed white. There was a television on a dresser in the northwest corner of the room. I noticed that there were several packages on the floor in front of the dresser from when my mother went shopping this morning. I remembered that she had bought several things and redecorated my apartment. I wondered whether she was still upset with me for dumping all of the decorations on the floor. I looked to the east on the wall to see the cheap-looking posters. She had put them into new white frames. I realized the one of them was a cartoon image of a person which acted as a chart to keep track of her dieting. I turned to leave, aware that the sheets and covers on the mattress, which was on the floor in the southeast corner of the room, were untucked and messy. I walked into the living room. My mother was in the kitchen to the west of me. I spoke to her. I then noticed the large crack in the ceiling along the south wall. I pointed it out to her, remembering that the small bedroom in my parents house had the same crack in the floor. I wondered whether the two houses had the same design. My mother shook her head in disagreement. I realized that the houses were built quite differently in different eras, but there seemed to be some relation that i could not put into words.

12001 July 18

I walked into the large lecture room of the college. The rest of the class was already there. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. The east wall of the large room was covered with the raised chairs of the room. The chairs rose very steeply from the ground, and seemed almost like bleachers. The seats were dull brown, as if unfinished wood, and the spaces between them were white to match the walls. I walked across the room as the professor spoke. I did not feel as though i belonged here. Something seemed out of place. I remembered that this was a math class, but i did not remember being in this class before. I realized that i had a full schedule of classes which i had not been going to. I started to feel worried that i would fail all of my classes. I then wondered why i was worried. I did not really care about the classes. I could not get rid of the concern, though. The professor asked me something, but i did not know the answer. I looked into my notebook, which was a thick spiral notebook, filled with blue scribblings. I did not know the answer, and i felt nervous. I wondered why i had not been paying attention to my studies. I felt confused and started to worry how i would pass all my tests. It seemed as though it was near the end of the school year. I wondered whether i had missed any paper assignments. I tried to listen to the teacher, but i started to feel helpless and depressed.

I walked down the hall of the old school building. This place was familiar to me. I thought that it must be $P7. There was a young man standing in the hall to the north of me as i came down the stairs of the south wing and started down the hall. I did not know who he was, but i felt interested in him. As i walked toward him, though, i noticed the other young man standing along the east wall of the hall. I recognized him and greeted him. He called out my name and said hello. I tried to remember where i had met him before. I thought that he looked very much like $A38, but i thought that he was too young. $A38 should be a lot older now. I then decided that he was someone from $G3. I thought that he might be a new person, though i did think that he looked a lot like $A189. He asked me some questions and i answered. He then sat on the wooden bench on the east wall of the small classroom. He had a notebook in his hand and said that he was having trouble understanding the math problem. I suddenly remembered a dream i had where i was having trouble with math and exclaimed “Ah!” He looked at me as though he did not understand. I explained to him that i had dreamed about being in a math class where i could not understand my work. I described to him the notebook which i had been reading from as a thick blue spiral with blue writing all over it. I then motioned to his notebook and said “Like this one.” I also through that i had a second dream in which i was being chased by dinosaurs, but i could not remember how the entire dream went. I sat next to him and looked over the notebook. It was filled with blue type, asking several questions. I read the questions on the left hand page and some of the answers on the second. The man sat next to me. I leaned on him a little as i tried to figure out what the question was asking. He quoted part of the question and asked what it meant. I looked over the column of answers on the right hand page. I told him that each answer reset the question, which was almost a quote from the question. I then explained that the previous answers in the test did not affect the answers after it. The question would return to default values after each answer. I turned and leaned to the left, taking the man’s arm with me. I felt like challenging him, but made it seem as though i was simply answering the questions. The man then seemed like $F7. I read something from the book, but he moved suddenly, wrapping his legs over my head. He managed to swing his legs around to trap my arms against my sides as he locked his ankles and squeezed. I felt the sudden pressure of his legs as he tightened his grip. I joked with him and struggled to get out. I then felt the pressure of his grip start to fade and realized that this was all part of a dream. I felt suddenly disappointed that it was ending. I wanted to enjoy the struggle with $F7, even if it was only from a dream. The sensation of being trapped was enjoyable. I woke and sat up in the bed. Someone moved over to me. I realize that i was in $P19. The man walked over to me as i sat on the floor and tried to comfort me. He said that i had been dreaming and started making sounds. I realized that he was $F15. I moved with him as he helped me onto the small bed in the bedroom at the top of the stairs in my parents’ house. I wondered what sounds i had made while i was asleep.

12001 July 19

I watched myself walk to the west, through the bottom floor of the open building. Everything in the building seemed grey, and all of the walls were open so that i could see the green trees of the suburban town around me. The town seemed to be $P14. I turned to the east and started up the stairs to the upper floors of the building. There was an older man leading me. I noticed that $A303 was following me through the halls. I wondered why he had invited me into his house. I then realized that it was his father who had asked me in. As i walked across the second floor to the next set of stairs, i noticed that $A176 was also following me. Both he and his brother looked solemn as they walked behind. I felt as though they were not very happy that their father had invited me in. I felt slightly uncomfortable. As i came to one of the upper floors, i walked into the center of the building. There did not seem to be any walls on the building, as though it were not quite finished. I could see the city around us. I walked into the small room where the family was gathering. They cluttered into the center of the room. There seemed to be a few young women with them. I stepped over a golden retriever that was lying on the floor. I then noticed the large snake moving over the floor toward my left foot. I knew that it was a pet, but i quickly pulled my foot away and moved to the east. The snake hissed at me and i remembered that it was only trying to check me out. I mentioned that it would get mad if i did not let it check me out. I left my foot in place as the snake moved over to me again. It put its mouth over my right foot. It seemed that my foot was through the center of the snake’s head. The snake had placed its mouth around my foot from behind, so that its teeth were closed just over my toes. I tried to move a little, but the snake hissed and then started snapping its jaw. I felt the teeth dig into my left foot, and i complained that the snake was not being friendly.

I left the small theatre in the middle of the city and headed back to the center of town. I had been traveling with my mother, and was trying to get back to the place where i had met them before. I walked through the city streets. All of the buildings around me were very tall and modern. The light from the sun reflected off of the upper parts of the buildings, giving the streets a dull grey colour. I walked to the west, across the street to the large old building in the middle of the city block. The building was set back a little from the street and was only a few stories tall. It was made of a red stone, and seemed to have a tall wall all around it. There were flagstone courtyards between the wings of the building and the wall. I walked through one of the courtyards in the building. This place seemed like an immigration center. I thought that all of the people must be here to get into the country. I remembered meeting my mother here before. We had come to visit. I then realized that it was getting late in the day. The sun was shining over the top of the building at a sharp angle from the west. I turned to the north, looking across the empty terrace of square dark-grey paving stones. The terrace ended at a half wall of grey stones which separated it from the courtyard on the other side. There was a wide set of stairs in the center of the wall which led down to the main courtyard, which stretched from the western wall into the middle of the U-shaped main building. I could see a mass of people moving to the west, across the courtyard. They were all leaving the immigration center for the day. I thought that they would have to try again tomorrow. I turned and started to head back down the street. I thought that i would have to get back to the theatre before it got dark. I started to fly down the city street. The street seemed more suburban now, with a gentle slope rising to the north and green trees shading on both sides. The sun seemed to have set, but the sky was still bright enough to see. I flew up the hill, wondering whether i would make it back to the theatre before it got to dark. I started to worry that i did not have enough time. As i came to the top of the hill i stopped and turned around. I seemed very high now above the city. The hill descended steeply to the southwest, rounding a corner. There was a tall cliff on the northwest side of the road, and i noticed the car that was resting unevenly in the mouth of a large cave. The car seemed crumpled, and i thought that there had been a crash. I was worried because the sky in the west was now very red, and i thought that it would be dark soon. I walked over to the small grey car and wondered what i could do. I then turned and walked into the cave next to the car. I crossed the crowded hotel room, toward the door on the north wall. It seemed that there was someone else staying here with me. The room was messy, with magazines and papers strewn all around. There seemed to be several sheets crumpled on the floor. I thought that the other person was just coming into the room. I felt agitated and wanted to leave. I felt annoyed with the other person ad he walking to the room. I started to clean up my things so that i could go. It now seemed dark out, as though it was late at night.

12001 July 20

I walked to the northeast, across the large open park in the middle of the city. The city seemed like $P6. I felt as though i wanted to do something, but i was not sure what. I knew that i was sick and should not be doing athletic things, but i felt as though i had to do something. I felt upset and frustrated that i had not been able to exercise. As i walked to the north, along the paved path, i noticed the person skiing toward me from the east. The slope of the hill was very shallow, and i knew that this was a ski area for children. It was part of the downtown fitness center. As i followed the path to the northeast, i decided that i wanted to go skiing. I knew that i was not very good at it, but i wanted to do something. I thought that it should be a safe enough exercise for me, as it would not be too exerting. I headed to the east, along the north side of the snow-covered slope. I could see the main building of the community center ahead of me. It was a modern stone building with various shades of grey in the rough stone blocks. There were very few features on the building. Confused, and wondered whether i should risk playing a sport. I felt desperate for exercise, though, and wondered how i could do something. AS i walked between two of the stone structures near the building, though, i noticed some men standing to the south of the path. They were wearing bathing suits and looked like wrestlers. I realized that they were having a match. I thought that i would like to join them. I then realized that they were starting their match on a small trampoline. I realized that they were not really wrestlers, but just men who like to pretend that they were wrestling. I was then aware of a few of the muscular men sitting behind me on the floor of the hallway. They were watching the match. One of them said something to me, and i felt suddenly nervous about being near them. I wanted to wrestle as a sport, but i was hesitant to be with these people.

12001 July 23

I walked around the small wooden shack on the farm. I had been staying here for some time. The ground seemed muddy and worn, as though several animals had been plodding over it. The other buildings around the area were white, but seemed old and worn. The small shack was brown, as though it had never been painted. It had small old windows on the sides of is. The windows were made of four panes of glass in a white frame. The white paint on the frame was chipping and dull. I knew that this farm was owned by $A74 and $A75. I was here to work for them. I did not really feel like working for them, but it seemed that i had to. I glanced to the west as i walked along the side of a barn. There was a man in a white lab coat looking over an animal in a large stall. There was hay on the floor, and it seemed that there were many people working for the farm who were not normally here. I turned to the west again, noticing the small wooden shack to the west-southwest of me. I could see $A75 through the dirty glass of the window. I called to her, asking her when i was expected to show up in the morning. I felt frustrated and did not want to work here. $A75 said something through the window, but i could not hear her. I walked around to the south side of the shack and moved toward a window that was open. There were two windows on the south side of the shack. The eastern one was open and had a dingy screen over the bottom part of it. I could see $A75 washing some kettles in the kitchen sink inside the building. The south side of the building seemed to be only a few metres long, the width of the two square windows. I leaned toward the screen of the eastern window to hear what she said, but i realized that there was a small black fan in the window. It was making too much noise for me to hear. I backed away from the window and walked to the west side of the shack and leaned through an open window. I asked again what time i was expected for breakfast. I was not on the east side of the building, looking west as she answered. She said that i should be there before six. I thought that it was too early, but i did not comment. I backed away from the south side of the building and started to the south. There was a large barn in front of me. $A75 was still saying something to me. I paused to listen and respond, but kept watching the people in white lab coats moving in the barn. I could see them through the open spaces in the wall of the building. As said something to $A75 and then turned to the southeast to head away. As i turned, i noticed some of the workers walking out from under some trees below me. It seemed that i was looking down on them. I then realized that i was flying. The workers were young. I looked at the chubby boy in the tan Boy-Scout uniform. He was carrying a bundle of sticks that he had cleaned out from somewhere. There was another Scout to the southeast of him. The first boy had slightly reddish hair, and looked up at me as he paused in the driveway. He wore a green scarf around his neck which was held together by a Scout clasp. I wondered why the Boy Scouts were working here. I then started to feel uncomfortable with the place. I knew that this place was run by people who thought themselves more moral than others. They seemed like conservative Christians, and i did not feel comfortable being here. I started to fly to the southeast, over the large grassy lawn. I could see two men in tee shirts playing frisbee below me. The one to the southeast started running to the north. He was wearing a red shirt with blue shorts. The other, who was on the western edge of the field, was wearing something red with white shorts. He had dark skin. He tossed the yellow frisbee over the field. I watched it fly as i drifted slowly over. I then noticed the small dog running from the northwest. It was $X6. I called to her and she barked at me. I thought that she would run after me. I then heard $A75’s voice commanding her to come back. I flew on to the southeast, thinking that i would head out over the hill which led down town. It seemed that the edge of the lawn ended with a very steep hill to the south. I knew that the town was far below the hilltop. As i approached the hill, i could see the hazy distance of the town below. It seemed farther down that i had thought that it was. I headed toward the edge of the cliff, thinking that i could fly out over the town. It seemed that someone was warning me about something from behind me, though i heard no voices. As i approached the edge, i saw that the grass became uneven, and there were patches of sandy ground showing through. There was a single tree growing just to the west of where i was heading. It was short, with a flat crown of deep green leaves. As i approached the edge, i suddenly realized that the wind currents around the cliff were uneven. I realized that i had to be cautious. I fell suddenly, swooping very close to the ground. I tensed as i watched the rough dirt move faster under me. I thought that the wind must have come down along the edge of the cliff, removing my ability to fly. I carefully tried to lift back up, hoping that i did not hit the ground before i came to the edge of the cliff. I then realized that the cliff was much steeper and taller than i had realized. I had thought that it was a steep slope, but, as i came closer to the edge, i realized that i could not see the cliff below me. I passed over the edge suddenly, noticing that the cliff was concave. I could not see the rock curving under the edge of the cliff, but i had an idea that it was reddish-tan in colour. I suddenly felt myself listing and realized that there was a very strong updraft rising up the side of the mountain. I tensed again, feeling unsure whether i was safe. As i looked down, i realized that i had risen very fast, and was not about fifty metres above the top of the cliff. The land looked very far below me. I felt uncomfortable being so high. I then considered the down draft right before the cliff. I thought that the strong updraft must have created the down draft as it passed the edge of the cliff. I started to fly to the south again, still wondering whether i would be all right flying so high.

12001 July 26

I froze in place, aware that there was something standing in front of me and to me right. I looked around at the other people around me. Everyone seemed frozen in a tense stance, ready to move if they had to. I looked up at the large allosaur that was standing near me. It seemed to be part of a museum exhibit. I quickly turned and ran to the right. I remembered this from before. The allosaur was actually alive. I tried to remember when i had seen this before as i walked to the north, along the east side of a building. The building seemed like the fire station near the park in $P3. There was a wooden fence in the main garage, though, which divided up the area into stalls. I remembered that the allosaur came after us when we were in the middle of the stalls. I quickly dodged to the left, jumping into one of the stalls to the south. Another man ran to the north. The allosaur saw the man and clamped its mouth over his upper torso. I took the opportunity to run to the north, on the outside of the fencing. I rolled on the ground and hid just outside the corral. I felt tense and scared. I then remembered that all this had happened earlier. I tried to remember when, but it seemed as though i had dreamed it. I ran through the dream in my mind again. I thought that i was very lucky to have escaped. The other man was eaten by the animal.

12001 July 27

I looked down at the IV which was in my right arm. I felt uncomfortable having it there. It did not seem to be correct. I looked closely at it, noticing that the metal needle was at a strange angle to the vein in my arm. I wondered whether the metal was poking through the vein to the other side. I then remembered that the IV should have been plastic. I tried to move my arm, but realized that the IV had torn a large gash in my skin. I could see the red muscle tissue. I started to worry that the IV was not in correctly. I lifted a section of my skin and looked into the hole. The metal needle of the IV kept moving around. It had torn all the way though my arm. I wanted the doctors to take it out, but there was no one around. I rolled my arm over to see the needle pushing up a small area of skin on the underside of my forearm. I wondered what i should do.