12002 July 01

I felt out of place as i wandered throw the crowd at the wedding. This was the wedding of a friend of mine, but i did not really know any of the people with me, and i did not know how to talk to them. I started to walk to the east, finding myself on the train tracks just to the south of the old warehouse. The south wall of the warehouse was wooden and looked dark with age. I thought about the people at the party and thought that i still wanted to stay in touch with $F4. He had moved away, and i thought that i might not be able to keep in tough with him, but i new that he would still be able to mail me. I looked at the letter which was in my left hand as i started to walk to the west, along the north side of the railroad tracks. There seemed to be a large black engine stopped just to the south east of me in the station. I now seemed to be on a station platform. The south end of the building was open, and i could see a white farm house on the other side of the tracks. $Z then said something, and i turned around. I was now on the tracks near $P120. $Z was standing on the north side of the tracks, and i was walking back to the west, heading toward him. $Z was really $F12, and he was looking over the side of the embankment at something. As i approached, i realized that there was a skunk near $F12. I told $F12 to stand very still so that the skunk did not spray him. I was suddenly concerned and felt that we had to do something to get away. I carefully reached for the blue duffel bag which was on the side of the stone embankment, hoping that he skunk did not feel threatened by my movements. Once i had the bag, i walked quickly to the west with $F12. The others were already to the west of us. They were getting ready to go to dinner. I felt strange here. I did not feel as though i fit in as well as $F12 did. The others were superheroes, but there was nothing special about me. I thought that i had been invited to join them because i was a friend of $F12, but i wondered if i would really be comfortable there.

12002 July 02

I was thinking about what i could do to redecorate the small blue bathroom of the house. I pulled the small mirror off of the wall over the toilet, which was at the back of the bathroom. This place was my new house, and i was just settling in. I wanted to change things so that they were how i liked them to be. I held the mirror in my hands as i looked around the bathroom. I did not know what to do with the mirror. I did not want to throw it away, but i did not have a place to hang it. I looked at it. It was a small rectangular mirror in a whicker frame, which had been painted blue. I turned to walk through the house with the mirror. I though that i could find a place to hang it somewhere. As i was walking down the narrow stairwell, however, the mirror slipped out of my hands. It rolled down the stairs and shattered as it hit the floor below. I felt suddenly disappointed. I would have to replace the mirror in the frame. I felt somewhat upset, thinking that i had had the mirror for some time. I had carried it with me through several apartments. I was now living in this house, which was my grandfather’s house on $P12. I had bought the house. I then wondered why i had bought the place. This house was different from the house that i had been living in. I still owned my other house. I started to feel confused and wondered why i had moved. I thought that i would have to redo this place to get it the way i like it, but i had already done a lot of work on my other house. I could not figure out what advantages this house had over my house. As i crossed the living room toward the bay window in the east wall, i tried to understand why i had purchased this house. I then suddenly decided that i had bought the house as a place to watch thunderstorms. There was a large porch running along the eastern side of the house. I could see its wooden deck and overhanging room through the bay window. The porch seemed very wide and rather deep. I thought that i could sit out on the porch with $F12 and watch the storms pass by. It seemed like a romantic idea. I then turned and headed across the living room to the kitchen. I would have to redecorate the kitchen. It was much smaller than mine. As i walked into the kitchen, i looked to the north. It looked like it always had when my grandmother used to cook there. It did not have a lot of counter space to cook, though. I wondered whether i would be able to expand it and add more counters and counter space. My parents were then in the house with me. They had just come in the front door, to the south of me. I said hello to them and told them about the mirror. I still felt upset about breaking the glass.

12002 July 04

I walked to the south, back toward the large modern building. I had run out of the mall as the other people were walking through the plain white stone corridors. The halls seemed dimly lit, but there was light reflecting off of the polished stone surface. Outside was bright, though the light seemed diffused through a layer of grey haze. The man was standing to the south, on the other side of the large glass window from me. He seemed like an actor that i might know. He was wearing a dark grey business suit with a bright white shirt underneath. I approached the glass, knowing that i could not shatter it. The man thought that he had locked me out of the building, but i knew that the aluminum casing around the sides of the window were not bullet proof. I moved to the west along the window and looked at the metal support at the edge of the pane of glass. I thought that i could shoot it out with the modern hand gun in my right hand. I knew that the man had a gun as well, though, so i had to be careful. I started to back away from the window, thinking that i should move around one of the pillars. As soon as i was near one of the large red stone columns on the north side of the building, i pulled bath of my guns out of their holsters and fired at the metal plate on the right side of the window. The man also drew his guns and fired back at me. I positioned myself so that the tall columns were blocking my view of the man. I continued retreating as i fired, thinking that this event seemed as though it was taking place in a movie. Even though we continued to fire at each other, i did not think that there were really bullets in the guns. The windows did not crack with the fire. The man repositioned himself in the window so that he could get a better shot of me. I ran to the west, continuing to fire. There was a thick patch of pine bushes growing along the north face of the building to the west of me. I stood near them as i fired the gun again, trying to stay out of the man’s sight behind the columns. I turned suddenly and ran to the west. There was a glass door which led into the building farther down the wall. There seemed to be a black ATM panel in the wall to the west of it. I was now out of the sight of the man, but i knew that he would come out of the door to chase after me. I threw myself against the wall to the west of the door and pointed my gun to the east. I waited for the man to come running through the door so that i could shoot him. In a moment, he burst through, realizing too late that i was waiting for him. I shot at him through the glass of the door as i backed away to the west. He fired bark at me from the other side of the glass door, but the glass was undamaged. I then thought that i would have run out of ammunition already had this been reality. I thought that i had been firing more than the man, so i thought that i should be out of bullets, while he might still have some. I turned and ran to the south, around the west side of the building and across the open plaza. I remembered this story. It had to do with the watchers. They were mystical warriors. I thought about them as i moved quickly to the east, across the small courtyard. The yard was surrounded an all sides be a plain cement wall. This place seemed old and run down, as though it was an empty lot in the middle of a city in the western United States. The ground was dry dusty dirt. As i flew aver the courtyard and started circling to the south, along the east side of the yard, i thought about the secret society which guarded the secrets. The objects in the middle of the courtyard had something to do with them. It seemed as thought i was discussing all of this with the other person, who was walking around the courtyard below me. He was older that i and was wearing a button-up shirt and tan pants. I looked at the elongated forms which were partially buried in the dry ground. One of the forms was in the center of the courtyard. I looked it over as circled to the east of it, in the air. It seemed to be an old sailing ship without its masts and its bow facing east, but it was stylized. It seemed to be made of clay, which had been painted yellow, with green spots and lines all over it. The paint seemed to have been glossy at one time, but was now dulled by the dust from the ground.

I was driving down the highway, heading south. I was trying to get someplace, but i was unsure where i was going. I dove my small car up the highway ramps, which seemed like bridge entrances. This place seemed like a large parking lot, but i knew that it was a highway. I read the road sign on the side of the four-lane road as i headed south. The sign was for Route 55. I knew that i had to get on the highway to get where i was going, so Route 55 was not the road that i wanted. It would be a state or federal road rather than a real highway. I then seemed to be on the road near $P121. I remembered the young woman from the motel that i had been stopped at before. She had described the directions to me, telling me how to get back to where i had come from. I knew that the highway ran to the north from where i was, but i really wanted to head to the southeast. I then saw a green road sign with white letters which pointed to Route 3. I thought that i might be able to take Route 3 to the highway. I remembered that some of the larger roads all crossed the highway at some point. I started to picture the roads on a map. I could see the main highway running north to south down the eastern coast of the land. I was somewhere south of New York City. I then realized that my mother would be worried about me because of what happened in the city. She would think that i was too close to the city and might be dead. I looked at the map from the northern edge, thinking about the bomb which had been set off in New York City the night before. The explosion was very large, and i thought that it probably killed many people.

12002 July 06

I knew that the terrorists had already made attacks on schools around the country. They were good targets. As i walked across the room, heading to the west, i spotted the bright flash to the south of me. I turned quickly to see a black ball of smoke and debris expanding over the roofs of the small city. I saw the shockwave approach me and pass by with a rumble. I fest suddenly worried about my grandmother. I was on the telephone as i paced across the large empty room, still able to see the explosion out the large window to the south. $K7 spoke to me from the other end of the telephone. I hurriedly asked her where my grandmother was. She seemed confused. She said that my grandmother had gone to a meeting at the high school. I urgently asked her which high school, but she did not seem to know. I hoped that it was not the one which had been bombed. Someone then said something about the bombings. He said that something large had been destroyed early in the morning. I had not heard of it. I thought that i should watch the television to see what had happened.

I was in the small bathroom, trying to defecate, but i could feel a piece of shit hanging out of my anus. It seemed to be too long, and it would not come out all the way. I could hear the others talking on the other side of the wooden door in front of me. I should get out of the outhouse, but i could not get the piece of shit to fall into the toilet. I stood up and tried to shake my buttocks. I could not get the piece of shit to fall. I did not know what to do.

12002 July 07

I followed $F12 and $F35 up the trail through the forest. We had been hiking a very long time over the top of the ridge. It seemed that we were heading to the south, but had just reached the top of the ridge. There were no longer any trees around us, and i could see the grassy mountain ridge as it extended to the east and west. It felt very good to be up here. I looked back down the trail to the north. There were several sharp mountain ridges which stretched from the ridge that we were on to the north. We had just hiked up the eastern side of one of the valley between two of the ridges. I looked back down the valley, expecting to see the lake from which we started, but i could only see the dry tan crest of the mountain ridge to the east. I felt confused. This did not seem right. I remembered hiking up through the green trees along the eastern side of the valley. The trail was tan dry dirt, but it was surrounded by light-green mountain grass. I tried to figure out why i could not see the trails and place where we had come from. I then realized that i must have been looking down the wrong valley. We had crossed the top of the southern ridge. I was now looking down the valley just to the east of the valley that we had actually hiked. I then looked over the entire landscape. There were many mountain peaks piled on top of the horizon in all directions. It felt good to be here, and the scenery was very beautiful.

12002 July 11

I sneaked back to the south, looking at the small garden plots in the fenced-in area ahead of me. I remembered sneaking out of the large area through this place before. I walked through the space in the tall chain-link fence and looked to the west. There was a building to the northeast. I was escaping from the larger area again. There was then a woman to the west of me. She was mad that i was in her yard. I thought that she might be mad because she thought that i was trampling her flowers. I remembered her from before. She had helped me escape from the other place, but she did not remember me. I started to worry that she might turn me in for escaping. I felt nervous about being trapped in the area again.

I floated to the southeast, across the wooden floor of the gymnasium. I had just come from somewhere where i had been talking with several other people. $A62 was in the room with me. He was instructing us to do something athletic, but i was not really paying attention to him. I continued to drift to the southeast. The room was divided into two sections by a thin grey dividing wall. As i passed around the eastern end of the wall, i noticed $A353 playing tennis in the southern end of the room. I could not see his opponent, but both of them seemed to be very good at tennis. $A62 was standing at the edge of the dividing wall watching $A353 play as i hovered just to the east of the wall. I was surprised that $A353 was so good at tennis. I then remembered that he was homosexual and thought that it was part of the stereotyped traits of a homosexual to be good at tennis. I started to drift to the south, along the eastern edge of the tennis court. I had never thought much of $A353 before, but i was impressed with how well he was able to play tennis. He then hit the birdie and it came at me. I thought about shifting position, but the white birdie halted in front of me and fell to the ground. I had managed to deflect the shot by altering the time change for the object. As another birdie came at me, however, i simply caught it. Catching the birdie was easier that using my abilities to deflect it.

12002 July 12

The car seemed very small as i got in. I realized that i was not used to small cars anymore. My new car had been larger than the ones that i had driven before. My parents were standing to the south of me, in the driveway of their house. I was supposed to move the car, to get it out of the way. My parents got into their car, which was sitting to the south of the small one that i was in. I tried to drive the small car to the south, across the parking area to the east of the driveway. I drove to the east of the large tan car in which my parents were sitting and turned to the west to head back to the driveway. I found my way blocked by a large fallen tree. The tree seemed to be a locust tree, and the main trunk had fallen to the north, landing on a wide dark stump of another large tree. I stopped the car and thought that i should park it here. I then looked to the north, at my parents in the other car. I wondered whether i was supposed to take the small car somewhere. I thought that i should be driving the car out of the driveway, but i did not feel like doing it at the moment. I decided that i should, though, and started to maneuver the car around the tree.

12002 July 13

I was running with $G4 when we came in to the bar. The bar was dark, but i could see all the way to the back of the large room. There were square wooden support columns running down the center of the room, cutting through the front part of the room. At the back of the room, the columns ran through the bar. As i walked through the crowd, i noticed $F26 sitting on a bar stool near the back of the bar. He looked quite different, and i almost did not recognize him. His hair had grown long and seemed unkempt. I thought that he must have left the army, and i suddenly wondered why he had done so. He had an old acoustic guitar in his lap. I said hello as i followed $G4 toward the back of the room. I felt eager to talk to $F26, but he did not seem to recognize me. I told him who i was, but he only seemed mildly interested. I started to feel disappointed that he was not happy to see me. I looked to the north, toward the back of the bar, to see $G4 climbing the stairs which ran up along the west wall of the bar. I could see some of them gathered on the balcony which looked down over the north end of the room. I was upset that $F26 did not want to talk to me, so i walked back with the rest of $G4.

I walked to the east with the other person, through the streets of the city. It was bright out, and there was a wind blowing through the tan and grey structures of urban area. This place seemed very quiet. All of the buildings seemed modern, with straight edges and very little ornamentation. I talked to the young man who was with me. We had been traveling for a long distance together, though it seemed that we just happened to be together. We had been in the same group of people while traveling across the country. I thought that he was very attractive, and i was interested in getting to know him. He had short curly blonde hair and was not wearing a shirt. His torso was thin, but he had nice detail on his muscles. I asked him something as we moved down the street. As we spoke, i glanced down at his abdomen, watching his abdominal muscles contract as he spoke. He had a slight bit of hair starting to grow just below his navel. I turned to look ahead of us, and i was suddenly alone again. The man had to go somewhere else in the city. I felt sad that i had to leave him. I wanted to talk to him more. It then seemed as though a long time had passed. I was still in the city, but we were getting ready to leave. I spotted the man standing at the front of the dark brown building. He still seemed attractive to me. He had been waiting for us.

We were at the camp site on the edge of the woods when we heard the sound of an airplane overhead. We seemed to be in the middle of a clearing. There were trees all around us, and i could see the brown rock face of a mountain peak just to the northeast of us. I looked up with the others to see an airplane flying up side down. Something was wrong. I started to feel worried that something bad was happening. I then spotted a helicopter in the sky as well. It was a small red helicopter, and it followed the blue one very closely. I turned to the south to see the blue helicopter still flying inverted. The others around me referred to the blue helicopter as “she”. Then someone commented that it should be flying up side down in order to be called “she”. I told them that the helicopter was already inverted. I wondered whether they could make out what i was seeing as clearly as i could. The blue helicopter circled to the north, passing behind some of the tall trees at the edge of the clearing. I wondered why an inverted helicopter would be called “she” and if a regular helicopter would then be called “he”. Something seemed very strange about all of this. The group of people around me started talking about the blue helicopter, referring to it as “she”. I watched the helicopter try to flip back over by tipping its nose back up in the air. I could not understand what was happening. It did not make sense that a helicopter would be able to fly upside down. The rotors should pull it into the ground. Something was wrong here.

12002 July 14

I was joking around with $F38 and we started to wrestle with each other. I was enjoying the competition and was trying hard to pin him. He was better that i, though, and he managed to pin me to the ground. I still struggled, trying to escape, but could only move around the ground. We were both standing again. I still wanted to wrestle, but $F38 had turned to the other person in the room and started to wrestle him. I felt disappointed, and i hoped that i could still wrestle him again. I wanted to be part of the fun.

12002 July 15

I was then on the street with the other person. It was dark out, and we seemed to be in the middle of the small city. The street ran east to west, and there was a group of men in the middle of the street who seemed to be playing a sport. It seemed kind of like volleyball. I paused with $F11 in the middle of the street, to the west of the men. We were swimming in the cloudy water. $F11 was on the other side of the table from me, but something seemed wrong. I tried to tell him to come back from that side of the table. Before i could say anything, however, he disappeared below the water and swam under the table. As he surfaced, he told me that he was uncomfortable on the other side of the table. I told him that i had not felt that he was safe there either. We both started so move to the north, and i looked back at the men playing at the other table in the street. They seemed oriental. I then saw a figure swim under the dark-brown rectangular table that we had just left. The figure looked human. I watched the legs kick as the man disappeared under the table. I knew that he was the killer, and he had returned to take another victim. He started to swim away from the table, dragging the body of a man with him. As he moved off to the west, i cautioned $F11 to get out of the water before he returned, but $F11 did not seem to be moving that fast. I was standing on something that was elevated over the street. I yelled at $F11 to run. The man was returning. $F11 was not moving fast enough, though. I watched him slowly step backwards to the east as the man approached from the southwest. I yelled to $F11, telling him to run, but i realized that he was too scared to move quickly. I could then see a face on the ground near the approaching man. It was a picture from a comic book. It looked like Venom, wearing a red costume. I thought that this was all part of a comic-book story. The killer approached $F11. “He’s too scared to run.”, i commented to myself as i jumped down toward the man. I threw the blue towel over his head and as $F11 escaped to the east. I wondered whether i should be jumping from place to place without a costume on. I could not let the others in the street see me defeating the man. I threw the man into the brick wall on the east end of the street.

12002 July 16

I saw the video of the men on television. They walked out of the house, toward the camera. I felt anger toward them. They were the Taliban, and they had taken over this country. They had become the religious majority and were enforcing their way of life on what we were doing. I felt frustrated to be under the control of others. I turned from the television and paced around the small room angrily. The room was sparsely furnished, and the walls were white. This was a small apartment in which i was living. I thought about how the Taliban were taking people one by one so that they did not draw too much attention to themselves. They had scandalized all of the people who did not think like they did until they could start getting rid of people. I felt unsafe because i was not Christian. I did not like having to hide my beliefs. I grabbed something from the table to the left of the television and threw it across the room in anger. I then started grabbing other things and throwing them, trying to vent my frustration.

12002 July 17

I sat at the table, facing south. $A261 was sitting to the east of me, with one other person to the east of her. The instructor was standing with another person on the south side of the table. I looked down at the test that we were supposed to be taking. The sheet of paper seemed to be mostly empty, with light type in the center. I read over the first question and wrote an answer with my pencil. $A261 had already finished the first question on her sheet and had passed it over to me. I took the sheet as the instructor picked up mine and walked to the east side of the table with it. I wondered why we were rotating papers. I thought that i should be able to see the answers from the others if i had their sheets. We shuffled paper again. I started to feel that i was not able to answer the questions as quickly as the others. I asked the woman a question as i got a test paper. There was something that i did not understand. I felt that $A261 was annoyed with my question. No one else was asking questions about the test, but i did not seem to understand something. I thought that i was different for not understanding the test as easily as the others were.

12002 July 18

I wake up suddenly in the bed in by bedroom. I could hear the beeping sound from somewhere in the room. I walked over to the dresser in by bedroom and looked at my pager. It was ringing. I thought that $A261 might be calling me. I did not feel too concerned, and did not really want to answer the call, but i took the pager and read the display to see whom it was. The numbers on the display were garbled, though. I tried to focus on them, but could not read the digits. I could make out the figures, but my brain was not processing what they meant. I felt confused.

12002 July 19

I wandered through the confined area of the library. This place seemed to be on the first floor of the old building. There were no windows to the room, and the walls seemed to be covered with stained wood. Modern book shelves had been inserted into the room in rows which ran from north to south. The northern and western sections of the room were open and seemed to have chairs in them. I walked past the other people who were browsing through the library, down the aisle which ran east to west, through the center of the stacks. Someone was showing me something. I looked at the eight-by-ten photographs that the woman had taken. She pointed out the image of the ghost. It was a picture of an empty aisle of books where four manila folders had been pulled out from the shelves. There were two folders on either side of the aisle, directly across from each other. The folders were on shelves, one above the other, and were pulled out from the rest of the books on the shelves in such a way that they were tipped at angles. I looked at the image, realizing that the space between the folders, in the middle of the aisle, formed the shape of a man in a loose-fitting coat. I felt uncomfortable and continued to walk around the library. There were several other people who were talking to me. It seemed as though i had something to do here. I then walked back down the aisle to the east. When i looked at the picture before, it seemed that i had been on the south end of the shelves, looking up the aisle where the folders were as i compared the image to the actual corridor. I was standing in the southeast section of the room. I wanted to get a second look at the folders in the aisle. I did not believe that there really was a ghost. I would be on the north side of the row now. I looked at the photograph again. I could see that the shape of the man was simply formed by the edges of the folders. I thought that someone must have set the image up. I then realized that there was a shaded area of the print where the outline of the man did not follow the contour of the folders. The area of the man was lighter than the background of the picture. I felt suddenly uncomfortable. I thought that there might really be a ghost here.

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandfather’s old house on $P12. The two large dogs were with me. This house no longer belonged to someone in my family. I could not use the living room because there were other people now living in the house. I felt out of place here, and i had to be very quiet so that i did not disturb the others. I wanted to go downstairs, though. I thought that i had to let the dogs out. I sneaked down the stairs and came into the sunroom on the south side of the house. As i came to the sliding glass door of the sun room, i spotted the old man sitting in the yellow cushioned chair to the north. He had his head back on the chair and seemed to be sleeping. I was afraid that i might disturb him, so i carefully moved the latch on the door and started to open it. The dogs following me made noise on the floor, however, and the man woke up. He seemed surprised to see me in the room. He stared at me with his mouth open, and i though that he looked very like my grandfather. I knew that he could not be my grandfather, though. I remembered that my grandfather was dead. I remembered that he had died a little while ago. I remembered what he looked like as he was lying in his coffin. He looked strange because his jaw was wired shut, but it was not shut in the correct position. The mortician hand wanted him to have a peaceful smile on his face. I remembered thinking that it just looked strange.

12002 July 20

I walked with the others away from the house, heading to the northeast. We had been at the party at the house. I felt as though i had a good time with these people, and they still seemed to be having fun. We were gathered together for some function. We stopped on the gravel driveway at the east end of the front yard. The sky seemed white but very bright. There were tall deciduous trees along the front edge of the yard. The land to the north sunk into a valley, where the nearby town seemed to be located. Beyond the town was a rounded mountain, which was dark in the evening light. The mountain seemed to be covered with trees. The others were standing behind be, talking about something. I noticed something on the horizon to the north-northeast, just off the eastern edge of the mountain. There was a grey cloud billowing up from behind the mountain. I remembered how someone had described the mountains as clouds before. I wondered whether these clouds were really just part of the surrounding mountains. I looked more closely at the clouds, starting to feel that something was out of place. The clouds seemed to be moving too quickly. I strained to see the clouds along the rounded edge of the mountain’s side through the grey haze of the sky. My vision seemed to zoom in on a rapidly expanding bubble of cloud. The cloud was dark grey and stretched outward in long narrow spines that were eventually engulfed by the fuzzy grey mass of the main body of the cloud. I thought that it must have been an explosion. I was now watching the clouds from the driveway again, aware that the others were still talking to the west of me. I felt disturbed by the clouds. I waited for a moment, listening for the rumble of the explosion. I was still not sure that something was really wrong, but i felt as though there was a crisis approaching. After a moment of not hearing an explosion, i started to wonder whether there might not have been an explosion. I thought that the cloud might have been a storm cloud after all. I was then standing by the door of the house, looking down the driveway to the northeast. There was a green mist rising over the valley where the grey cloud had been. I realized that something must have exploded. The green mist might have been a chemical bomb that detonated over the nearby village. I felt frightened and called to the others to get into the house. I could see the green cloud drifting toward us as i ran into the front door of the house. We had to get the house sealed so that none of the green gas could get in. The others from the party were now in the house, but they did not seem to take the threat as seriously as i was. There was a young man in the house with us whom i remembered from the back yard. He was wearing a pair of tan baggy shorts with no shirt. He had blonde curly hair and was very nicely built. I felt attracted to him, and i watched him as he ran to the east, out of the living room and down the corridor of the house. I started to follow him, thinking that we should make sure that all of the windows of the house were sealed. I then realized that there was a green dust everywhere in the house. It was already too late. I stopped in the corridor and looked into the bathroom, which was the first door on the north side of the corridor. The young man had been changing his clothes it the bathroom, but he had left the window open. I felt suddenly worried and helpless. The green mist was already in the house. If it was an infectious agent, then we were already exposed. I thought that the others should have paid better attention to the warnings, and i started to feel very upset and defeated.

12002 July 21

I was in the front yard of my parents’ house, standing just to the north of a bush. I seemed to be looking at the bush through a window, but there was nothing between the bush and me. There was a small nest on the top of the bush where a small blue and grey bird was sitting. It moved carefully as it continued to lay a few more eggs in the small straw nest. I mentioned the bird to the others, who were in the kitchen behind me. I was fascinated by the way the bird was laying eggs. $K3 was then there. She leaned over to look at the nest, getting too close. She chased the mother bird away so that she could look at the eggs. I was annoyed with her for disturbing the bird. She touched the side of the nest and looked at the contents. Now that the mother bird was gone, i could see the cream-yellow eggs which had just been laid. I then noticed that there were also several small black chicks in the nest as well. They sat quietly; their fluffy feathers making them look like small balls. I was angry at $K3 for chasing the mother bird away and touching the nest. I knew that it was bad for a human to touch things in the nest. I scolded $K3 for what she had done and told here that the mother might not come back to the nest now that she had touched it.

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house. It was a bright summer day, and the sky seemed clear and bright. The trees and grass around me seemed very green and rich. I looked to the north, up the grassy slope of the hill to the large stone building on top. There were tan horizontal stripes across the face of the hill where try lines of grass stood. The stone building at the top of the hill was an old castle, which had been abandoned for many years, but there seemed to be someone moving in. I could see a car traveling up the dirt road on the eastern slope of the hill. I had visited the ruins just before they came. The castle was still vacant and abandoned when i was there. I pictured the bare stone walls and the open spaces which used to be the fortress. My mother was then standing to the southeast of me, and she said something about the castle. I said that it had a nice view of $P8. I remembered sitting on the terrace on the south side of the castle looking at the mountains in the distance, across the valley, to the south. I was standing on the terrace of the castle now, looking to the west, across the wide valley. The land around seemed dry, as though it was near the edge of a desert. The hills were dark blue from pine vegetation. The hill on the eastern side of the valley stood taller that the other hills, with steep sides. There were several smaller peaks in front of it. The smaller peaks were tan on the sides. I then looked over the roofs of some small houses which poked up above the trees. I then noticed a line of small mountains which stretched to the south. To the east of them were two tan stone mesas. I had never noticed them before and was amazed to see them. The view seemed very attractive to me. I then turned around and walked back in to the castle. It was no longer a crumbling building. The new owners had repaired the walls and put a roof back on it. As i walked into the main hall, i was impressed with the architecture and beauty of the building. My father was standing on the grand stairway to the east, talking to the owner of the house. The white marble steps started on the southern end of the room, heading to the east. They then curved to the north and climbed the eastern wall. The wide hall had several exits to adjoining rooms, each with an archway over the exit. I walked up to the bottom of the steps and greeted and greeted the man who owned the castle. The tall man was wearing a black jacket and seemed somewhat young. He continued to talk to my father as i glanced around the room. I then noticed the mountainous scenery out the large western window of the hall. The scenery to the west was moving slowly. Something was strange about the movement. It seemed that the building was moving through an artificial scene. I then realized that the scene was not really changing, but that the castle itself was moving. The castle was being rolled down hill. I moved closer to the window, trying to see what was going on. I was now looking to the south, but we were no longer high enough up the hill side for me to be able to see the wide valley to the south. I wondered why the man would want to move the castle and block such wonderful scenery. I was on the lower floor of the castle as i walked to the south, out onto the small stone balcony. I was disappointed to find that the view of the valley to the south was blocked by the office buildings at the bottom of the hill. I felt that this was wrong. The office buildings should not have been built in such a scenic place. I looked to the east, to where i had been before with my mother. The field was now filled with a short cinder-block office building. There was a paved lot around the north side of the building. I felt upset. This development had ruined the country which could have made the castle nice to live in.

12002 July 24

I woke up suddenly, realizing that i was not in my house. I felt panicked, and tried figure out where i was. I then remembered that i had to leave my house to get away from something. I felt stressed and worried. I was in California, in the small bedroom of the apartment. The place seemed messy, with clothes scattered around the floor. Someone was after me, so i had to keep traveling so that they did not find me. I walked across the room, wondering what i should do. I knew that i was staying in this small apartment with a young woman. It felt good to be here in California. There was something about the place which felt comfortable. I wondered whether i could stay here. I looked out the window to see the small tan apartment building across form us, to the south. I wanted to explore this area. I then thought that i should tell $F12 that i was here. It would be good to see him again. I looked to the southeast, past the corner of the other building. I could see the hazy sprawl of Los Angeles in the valley in the distance. I was then standing on the side of a hill looking down at the city. It seemed nice to look at. I turned and headed back to the north, toward the tent where i had been staying with the girl. We were still on the run, and i was starting to feel afraid that someone might see me standing outside the tent. There was someone near us, and i was afraid that they might be after us.

I was sitting in front of the small tent with the woman. The area around us was densely forested, and there were very large cedar trees all around. The sky was very bright, but it seemed like a cool day. The remains of a camp fire sat in front of us, to the south. It seemed as though we had just woken up and were just starting the day. I had a small plastic bag of granola in my hand. I had been snacking on it, and i offered some of it to the woman, who was sitting to the west of me. She reached into the bag to try to grab a large chunk, but it crumbled in her hand as she tried to pull it from the bag. I decided that it would be better to eat the granola from a bowl, so i stood up to get one from the tent. I reached into the bag and pulled out a large piece of granola. I handed it to the woman so that she would have something to eat while i was going to pour the crumbs into a bowl. I headed to the north, toward the tent. I thought that i could use one of the metal bowls that we had brought with us.

I stood to the south of the long display table as the others talked to the southwest of me. There were several shirts on the table for sale. Several of us had already been given shirts, and i was looking over the one on the man to the west of me. The shirt had a cartoon on it, but it was difficult to read what it said. I tried to focus on the shirt, but could not. I knew that the joke was funny, but i was having difficulty seeing it. The designs had come from $A46. I was here with the cross-country team, and the shirts were designed for us. The woman on the northern side of the table said something to me as i read the shirt on the man to the west. The man moved, and i could no longer see the shirt clearly, so i looked at the ones on the table. There was a brown version of the shirt just to the west of me which had long sleeves. I thought that the long-sleeve version might be better because it might be cold at night here.

I walked through the living room of my grandfather’s house on $P12. I had just moved into this house, and i was walking through the room looking at things. The walls seemed dull yellow, and the furnishings were all nicely kept and polished. I wandered to the bay window in the east wall of the house. I wondered why i had moved in here. I felt very confused. I already had a house of my own, and i was not sure why i would have moved into this place. I tried to remember why i had done it, but i could not think correctly. Why did i give up my house for this one? I could not understand. I had already spent time and money changing the way my house was. I had just put a deck on the back of it. As i looked out the bay window of my grandfather’s house, i thought that i would have to put a deck on the back of this one as well. I felt confused as i looked over the back of the new house. The siding on this house was new, but it already looked as though it was starting to wear on the corner. The northeast corner of the house was dull and the grey vinyl siding seemed to be scratched in some areas. I could not figure out why i had come back here.

12002 July 30

I was standing in what appeared to be a back alley in the middle of a city. It was dark out, and everything seemed to be damp. I read the small white card in my right hand. It was important. The black text was the clue to a riddle which was important. I stared at the text. I thought that the trick to the riddle had something to do with a chemical compound which was created by an interpretation of the words. There was a woman lying on the ground at my feet. She had read the card, but did not get the riddle. If the chemicals on the card were mixed as they were written, cyanide would result. The riddle could kill you if you did not know how the trick to mixing the chemicals correctly. I felt tense, trying to concentrate of the words on the card. The woman had been tricked by the card, and now she was in trouble. I could help her by figuring out the card. The card had the name of the drug on it. The name had about five or six letters at the beginning, followed by “ptotcillin”. I pronounced it as “mortocillin” though. That was part of the trick. The root of the word was “morto”, which meant “death”. The woman was in danger because she had fallen for the riddle. I had to do something to save her, but the others would not help her. I had to get her to a hospital. I bent over to lift her limp body up. As i grabbed her by the legs, i noticed the screw which was sticking into her left knee. The screw was dangerous, because it would help spread the toxin. I put her over my shoulder and started to the west, down the dark city street. I did not know what to do for her. I was very worried. I knew that the others wanted to give her a drug to help cure her, but i was unsure that the drug would really work. I felt desperate.