12003 July 06

I turned to the east and ran back down the southern wall of the large room. The woman was with me, and the others were to the north of us, in the other section of the school. There was something happening, and i knew that we had to escape. The white walls of the room around us were three stories tall, and we were on a narrow walkway which ran across the south wall of the room, at the level of the second story. There was a door on the eastern end of the walkway through which the others had run. I stood for a moment, looking down at the white smoke which was now drifting past the doorway on the lower level of the room. The lower door was on the eastern end of the north wall, and it led into one of the main corridors of the school. I could hear the troops coming up the hall from the east. The woman stood next to me. There was something special about here. She was not entirely human. We had to get her out of the school before the troops captured her. I motioned her to the south, out the door of the room and into the white corridor beyond. The corridor ran to the east, where there was a set of stairs going up along the northern wall and a set going down along the southern wall. We had to head to the south to get out of the building. The others were already heading down the stairs as i came to the stairwell. I tried to imagine the escape route in my head. I remembered leaving the school through these corridors before, but i could not picture exactly how i had gone. I knew that we would have cross through the cafeteria at the bottom of the steps. I ran from the bottom of the steps and turned south, into a plane dark corridor. There was a door at the end of the corridor, but no other outlets along either wall. This door seemed to lead outside, but i knew that we still had to travel through the kitchen of the school.

12003 July 07

I sat on the right side of the tramcar, looking out the window to the south. The tramcar reminded me of a subway car because it was very plain with metallic surfaces. I was standing somewhere near the front of the car, because i could see the single thick cement rail of the train curving to the north ahead of us. There were metal girders on either side of the track which seemed like the sides of a bridge. We moved to the east, swerving around the tight curves of the track. As we passed over some of the bridges, i noticed that the green girders that we were passing were rusting. I started to wonder whether the girders were in good enough shape to support the train. I then realized that we were traveling on an elevated track. We were traveling on the lower level of the track, with another track above us. I could see the cement roof above us as we entered the long tunnel. We were approaching the station at $P51. I watched the buildings to the north pass behind the crossing cement beams of the tunnel. It was a bright day out, even though the sky was grey. The train then came to a stop just after it passed into a cement tunnel. I was suddenly outside of the train, on the platform to the right of the train. I had not been out of the train for too long before the tram pulled back out of the station. I felt lucky that i had gotten off quickly, because the train had to stay on its schedule. I headed to the west, down the dull-tan corridor of the station. The ceiling and walls of the corridor curved together to form a smooth arch over the floor of the hall. There were cross tunnels running from the north to south. As i came to one of the cross tunnels, i was surprised by a tramcar which slid out of the tunnel on the south. It was suspended from a track in the ceiling, and the tram had a rounded front end and streamlined body. The car bumped into me as it crossed the corridor, and i was startled that it had gotten so close to me. I thought that it could have killed someone. I looked down the corridor to the north after the train had passed. The corridor made a tight turn to the northeast. It did not seem that the train could have fit through the corridor. I then realized that i could not see the train at all in the corridor. It could not have traveled out of sight that quickly. I wondered where it had gone. I looked to the south to see the yellow tunnel turn to the southeast. There was a man walking in the tunnel. I continued to the west, coming into the lobby of the station. My mother was now with me. My parents were getting out at this station, but i would have to travel on by getting another train. My parents lived only a short way to the south of the station, and would pick up their car outside the station. I was then on the top of the airplane. I would be taking the airplane to me next location. I felt someone uncomfortable here. This place was in a foreign country, and i realized that my grandmother was not coming with me on the next part of the trip. I felt confused as the plane started to move to the east, seeing my grandmother standing on the edge of the runway to the southwest. The plane was open on top, and looked like a bus that had no roof. This was a cheap foreign airline. It was not as sophisticated as the airlines of the richer countries, and the planes simply had people crowded in the seats along the top of the plane. This was an arabic airline, and it seemed that i was in the Middle East. The airline was called “Oma”, and i thought that if a vowel was added to the end of the name, it could be pronounced “oh my”. It was a joke that Westerns used about the airline. I smiled at the joke, imagining that i could add an o with an umlaut to make it funnier. I then heard the captain of the plane talking over the intercom. He was asking someone else for the pronunciation of some of the names. He then started reading the names of the passengers on the plane. He read my name first, and i thought that he might have started with me because i was an American. I felt slightly uncomfortable here. I looked down at the small black suitcase of mine which was on the floor by my left foot as i listened to the pilot read off the other names of the passengers. All of the other names were foreign. I looked to the southwest again to see my grandmother. She was much closer to the airplane now, and she nodded to me. The bus then started accelerating as it moved off of the runway and down the street to the east. I felt very unsafe in this town. The buildings were tan, and seemed to be in various states of disrepair. Before long, however, we seemed to be on the eastern side of the city. There were short trees on both sides of the road, and i could see the blue waters of the lake to the south. The bus was taking me to the house farther up the lake. I was coming here for a vacation. I knew that the house was large and very western in design. I felt somewhat insecure about getting off of the bus in front of the house, because i knew that the others on the bus did not have such nice houses. I then looked down at my bag again, wondering why i had brought such a small bag. I should have brought more things for my stay here. The bus turned to the south, and i saw the large red house that i was staying at. I wondered if i could get off the bus and appear to head is some other direction. I looked at the house. It was very large and gothic in style, with red shingles on the outside. There was a round tower on the front corner of the building. I thought that the house was very nice, but i felt bad about staying there when everyone else lived in such poverty around me.

12003 July 10

I turned around and started flying back to the west, through the center of the small factory. The building was long and tall, but very narrow. There was a chute hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. As i passed the chute, i watched the white flour sift and pour off the end of it. There was something in the rectangular bin that was stirring the flour from below. I thought that it was mixing some of the other ingredients together. There was a brown powder on the eastern end of the bin which was just starting to get mixed into the dry batch. I floated farther down the center of the building, over the smooth cement floor. The ends of the building seemed to be open, and the light from the western opening was illuminating the center of the building. As i drifted across the room, i remembered that this was where i worked. I was just arriving for my job, but i was late. I felt as though i should have been doing something in the morning, but i also did not really care that i was late. I passed over $A313, who was talking to a man on the floor in the center of the building. She said something to me, but i did not really understand what it was. I replied and continued floating down the length of the building. I was following the trough of powder which was suspended along the length of the building. On the western edge of the building was another chute which ended over the trough below it. There was a dark powder on the chute which looked like cocoa. I watched it churn in the bin as something stirred it from below. I then started thinking of what someone had said. The translation in Genesis that things were done on a specific day, but then it added that there was a Sunday included in the day. A phrase came to my head: “On the fifth day and a Sunday”. I thought that all of the passages of the creation story started like that, and i realized that the word in ancient Hebrew which was translated as “day” might actually mean “age” or “era” as well. The true meaning of the word would have been changed over the years. The creation story would then explain each event as being “in the fill-in-the-blank era and a Sunday”. This translation would allow for the creation story to explain the slow evolution of the universe.

12003 July 13

The chairs in the living room were lined up east to west in many rows and were facing south, toward the front of the house. There were many of my relatives in the room here for some kind of ceremony or reunion. I was sitting on the eastern side of the room, in a row near the center of the room, when i noticed the young man come into view through the window on the south wall of the room. There seemed to be an entry room just to the south of the room that we were all in, but the room did not extend the entire length of the house, leaving a space along the southern side of the room that we were in where a window could see out into the front yard. The man walked from the front porch of the house, carrying the large dictionary that we had left there. We had been using the dictionary for something before. The man looked around as he walked to the east, down the stone path, from the porch, to the driveway. He seemed to be wearing a dark-brown suit jacket with no sleeves, and i could see that his biceps were nicely built. I watched him as he walked down the driveway and turned to the west on the sidewalk. I thought that he had looked around for an owner of the dictionary because he thought that it might have been abandoned. I was suddenly concerned because he was taking the large black dictionary with him. As he disappeared from sight, i heard some of the other relatives bustling over the missing dictionary. I then saw several of them running down the driveway after the man. I knew that the man was a neighbour, and i could hear the people outside talking about him. We should have the dictionary back. I then started to drift to the east, over the back yard of the houses. I felt interested in the surrounding area and started to fly over the houses. I could see the white row garages on the alley behind the house. A woman was standing at the east end of the alley, speaking to someone who was against a white garage, to the east of her. She looked up at me as i hovered over the roofs of the buildings. For a moment, i felt as though i might be intruding in this neighbourhood. As i drifted a little to the east, i noticed that the man to which the woman was talking was really an elephant. The elephant was backed up against the off-white garage door and seemed reluctant to do what the woman was telling it. I felt that the animal was upset and sad. It started to back to the south, and i though that it would back right through the chain-link fence which separated the driveway area of the alley from the back yard of the house to the east of the house from where i had come. There were two people in the back yard of the house. The man was standing in front of a barbecue grill, facing south, and the woman seemed to be on the back porch of the house. I watched as the elephant turned to the south and walked into the fence. The fence stretched rather than broke. As the elephant moved into the metal mesh of the fence, he seemed to grow narrow again until he was just a man with wrinkled grey skin. He stopped right behind the man at the barbecue grill, stretching the metal fence into a narrow loop. The man at the barbecue grill turned around suddenly as he realized that the elephant was behind him, and the woman from the house ran down the stairs to stand next to him. I knew that the people from the house were also relatives of mine, whom i had not seen in a long time. I flew down and landed near them, saying hello to the woman. She had a triangular face, with a sharp jaw line. Her blonde hair was short and choppy around her ears. I greeted her in a friendly manner, and she stared at me questionably. I realized that she might not recognize who i was. I spoke to her, very close to her face, but she just stared back, puzzled. I then said “You don’t remember who i am, do you?” She backed away a little and kept staring.

12003 July 17

I ran with $G4 through the streets of the small city, which seemed like $P14, though the streets were older and the buildings made of stone. It was dark out, but the city light reflected off of the damp streets and buildings. There was a large structure to the south of us. It had a large round front, with many white columns supporting the grey roof. We jogged between this building and the other structure to the north. The streets of the town were made of large blocks of rock which had been worn with age. There was a young man coming down the steps of the large grey building to the south of us, just as the rest of $G4 turned to the north and started across the large open square. I paused to say hello to the man. He was interested in the run and asked me something. I remembered that we had passed him before. There was something interesting about him, and i spoke to him as the other person with me turned to the north to follow the other runners. I looked to the north and found myself running across the stone plaza after the others. The plaza had a single step in the center of it which dropped to a slightly lower level. There also seemed to be a large white arch on the north side of the courtyard. The arch was very plain and modern, with straight sides and a thin curved top which came to a point. I moved to the northwest, across the plaza. We jogged for about a block to the west before we came to another small plaza. I ran to the southwest, toward the open theatre on the western side of the small plaza. The large grey building was still to the south of us. It seemed like $P35. There were only a few lights on in the building, making it seem as quiet and deserted as the rest of the city. The open theatre was formed by a small round stage at the northwestern corner of the plaza. To the south of the stage was a set of stone steps which were built into the ground of the plaza. The steps curved around the southern side of the oval stage. We stopped just to the north of the stage for a bit. Some of $G4 sat on the stone steps, but i wandered around in front of the stage for a little while. This place seemed very interesting to me. I then realized that the man who we met before was standing to the south of me, near the lowest step of the audience. He was wearing a bright green tee shirt with white trimming on the collar and sleeves. I spoke to him again, glad that he had joined us. He smiled as he spoke, seeming a little shy. His arms were crossed, but i could tell that he had a nice build in his upper body. His face seemed wide, and his straight brown hair was cut rather raggedly. He seemed very attractive to me, and i was interested in talking to him more.

12003 July 18

I sat on the northern end of the western side of the long black table. I was here eating dinner with the rest of the family. The room around us was very large, with a lot of open space in it. The floor of the room was black, and there seemed to be a stage along the southern wall. The room was very dark, with light coming down from the high ceiling. The large dinosaur walked up to the table from the north. I felt very nervous about having it in the room. It was very large, and seemed like a tyrannosaur with thick red skin. I knew that he family was trying to train the animal as a pet, and i knew that the dinosaur had enough intelligence to act like a dog, but i was afraid that its vicious instincts would override anything that it was taught. It could not simply sit at a table with other creatures and not want to eat them. The animal moved its large head over the table, exposing its sharp white teeth. It seemed to be restraining itself. I moved around to the south side of the table, and the dinosaur snapped at me. I was frightened, thinking that it was not trained well enough, but the others at the table did not seem as concerned. The dinosaur moved suddenly, and placed its mouth around my waist. I thought that it might bite me, so i stood still, hoping that the family would command the dinosaur to stop. They now seemed to be nervous about the animal, and i knew that i would have to get away from the dinosaur. I jumped out of the animal’s mouth and ran around to the south side of the table. The family now seemed to be panicked, aware that they could no longer control the dinosaur. I ran out of the room, heading to the northwest, across the paved lot in the urban area. The others were running in front of me, toward the tall chain-link fence at the end of the lot. I felt tense as i hopped over the fence, hoping that he dinosaur was not that close to me. The people climbing over the fence with me seemed to be fraternity brothers. We were heading back to the house, where we had been before. As i landed on the ground on the other side of the fence, i remembered being in the bedroom of the fraternity house, talking with several of the brothers. There was something strange about this situation.

12003 July 19

I stopped in the middle of the room, aware that there was something strange. I felt that there was someone outside the house, just to the south of where i was. I seemed to be in the living room or dining room of the house. The light grey walls were very plain, and the furnishings seemed very modern. It was dark outside and inside the house, and i was able to see around the house by the dim light which shined in through the windows. I felt nervous as i walked to the sliding glass doors in the south wall and looked out. There seemed to be a formica-surfaced countertop protruding from the wall just to the west of the door. Outside the door was a wooden deck. We were on the second level of the house. The grassy lawn at the back of the house seemed to meet the house at the first lever, but then sloped upward to the southwest. I walked out onto the deck and noticed the dark shape of a man sleeping on the ground. He looked like a hobo, and if felt very cautious of him. I was then on the ground just outside the house near the man. I noticed that he had a long black guitar case sitting to the south of him. I thought that the guitar was really mine. I had left the instruments outside after the party that we had the night before. I walked quietly past the man, thinking that i would pick up the guitar case and bring it into the house where it would be safe. I then realized that the case was abnormally long, and thought that it might contain more than one guitar. I leaned over the case, realizing that i could see much better now that i could from the house. It was still dark, but there seemed to be some sun light starting to illuminate the morning sky. I lifted the plastic-coated cloth lid of the case to see a very thin guitar near the top of the case. Below it was a mandolin. These were not my instruments, but i thought that i could have them anyway. I was excited to see them. They were in very good shape, and i realized that i did not have a mandolin already. I tried to close the bag, but the man near me started to stir. I wondered what i should do.

12003 July 22

I looked up into the sky to see the small ring of lights moving overhead. They seemed to be part of a solid object, and i wondered whether they were really part of a spacecraft. I then thought that they might really be plasma cells hovering over a magnetic disturbance. I was in the back yard of my parents’ house, looking into the night sky. I wondered whether there would be any geologic activity.

12003 July 25

I left $P7 and ran to the west, over the manicured grass lawn. The scene seemed very dark, but i was able to make out the details of where i was. I then started to fly, thinking that the others behind me would see what i was able to do. I swooped up into the air, heading for the tall tree in front of me. The tree seemed to be the only tree in the field. I flew up into the branches of the tree and paused for a moment. The branches were very high off the ground, and i started to wonder about what would happen if i suddenly could not concentrate enough to fly. I swooped downward and back up on the other side of the tree. The tree seemed very old and majestic, with thick twisted branches and dense green leaves. I grabbed onto one of the branches and sat down, taking a momentary rest form flying.

I looked to the west, across the square marsh where the people were standing. There seemed to be something wrong with the people, and i felt as though they were being repressed in some way. The marshy areas were recessed into the flat land around us. They were both square and sat beside each other east to west. There was a raised strip of land dividing the two. There seemed to be some thin reeds growing up in rows and columns in the marsh, as though people were growing rice here. There seemed to be a long brown wooden building to the south of the marshy plots. I stepped to the east and started to fly, angry and frustrated with what had happened here. I felt as though someone was restricting me from doing something. I knew that my mother would be angry with me for flying, but i no longer cared. I flew over the water of the fields and swooped up into the air to the west. I knew that the others could see me, and i felt proud that i could fly.

12003 July 28

I stepped out of the small country store with the other people. We were talking about the parking lot which wrapped around the southern and eastern sides of the building across the street from us, to the west. I said to the other person that the parking lot used to be gravel not too long ago. This place seemed to be somewhere in $P24. It was as old market that i remembered from when i was younger. It seemed run down, with pale green cinder-block walls and a large glass window on the front. I stepped across the street, looking at the old building. I felt very nostalgic about it. As i turned around, i was aware of a small food stand to the south. There was still someone at the food stand, even though it was very late at night. I felt suddenly cautious. I did not want anyone to see that i was sneaking around the old buildings in the middle of the night. It might look suspicious. I looked to the south to see a woman standing on the wooden deck which wrapped around the front and sides of the small food shop. She was wearing a loose summer dress and was watching me. She had long dark hair which blew on the breeze. From her actions, i had a feeling that she was attracted to and was trying to get me to come over to talk to her. I thought that i could just tell her that i was homosexual, but then i realized that such things might not be acceptable in this small town. I was suddenly uncomfortable here and thought that i should get out of sight before anyone found me outside. I hurried back to the bar on the east side of the street, gliding over the street. I realized that i was able to fly quite easily. I remembered how easy it seemed to fly in all of my dreams. I never thought that i could do it so easily in real life. I lifted my feet into a cross-legged position and glided to the steps of the bar. I knew that i should not show off my talents to just anybody because some people would be mad at me. I did not care. I stepped into the northern room of the bar. There were many people standing along the pale-green bar along the south wall of the narrow room. I walked past them and turned to the south, walking through the wide doorway in the eastern end of the south wall. The rest of the building was an old restaurant. The people knew that i was different, and i started to feel out of place here. I floated again across the room. The room was decorated with darkly stained wooden posts. There were round tables in the middle of the western half of the room, and a pool table on the eastern side. Just to the west of the pool table, however, was a railing surrounding a set of stairs which descended into the floor. I flew over the railing and dived down the stairs. I was aware that the people were watching me. I had already eaten dinner here, so they had all seen me before, but now they knew that i was different. I rounded the bottom of the stairs and flew to the south again, where there was a man sitting against the southern wall, on the southern side of a small square table. He was someone i knew, and he seemed like $Z. I said something to him and i collected the rest of my things from the booth. I had left my blue bandana on the chair. I told $Z that we should probably leave this place before anyone got mad at us.

12003 July 30

I was with the others as we walked to the east, across the roof of the old factory building. The factory seemed to be an old brick building with white trimming. The building was to the south of us, and we seemed to be on the northern most edge of the first-floor roof. The factory to the south seemed to be four stories tall and rose from the roof on which we were standing. To the north seemed to be a paved parking lot with a small shed on the northeast corner. I felt unsure about being here. I knew that this was still an active factory and suspected that someone might see us on the roof and have us arrested. I walked to the northeast corner of the room as the others talked behind me. There was a driveway running between another section of the factory, which was to the east of me, and the section on which i was standing. Street lights curved over the drive from the brick walls. I thought that the driveway let to a loading dock in the middle of the building. I was getting more nervous about being here, but the others did not want to leave. I then saw the security guard in the dark blue uniform stepping out of a window to the west and approaching the others. He called to us. I pretended that i was not concerned and acted like i did not know what was wrong. We walked across the room and climbed in through the tall white multipaned windows. I found myself in an old office, with cement floors which had been painted pale green. Three seemed to be several secretaries at old wooden desk to the north of us. The man told us to stay in the area while he went to the west to get something. I did not feel like being charged with trespassing, so i started to wander around the office. I headed to the west, out into the hall. The ceilings in the building were high, and everything here seemed old. I had to get out of here before the guard came back.