12004 July 02

I followed $Z and the other man up the paved path which ran up the steep grassy slope of the hill, heading to the west. The man seemed like $Z’s father, and they seemed to be discussing something serious. I felt that we had to be careful here because something was wrong. There was a line of green leafy shrubs running along the southern side of the path, separated from the path by about two metres of grass. $Z and his father talked about the disasters as we walked. I thought about the earthquakes which had happened all over the world. There was something very serious happening. I mentioned that there were blackouts in every major city. I then thought that this comment may not be correct, but i thought that it was close enough for now. I remembered that the disaster happened at 8:04, but told the others that it happened at 8:05, trying to generalize so that my words would not be seen as incorrect later. I knew that picking a time which was even by five was more general that the exact time. $Z said that the exact time was actually 8:04. I stated that eighty-nine percent of the population was affected by the disaster. Just as i said it, i thought that the number seemed too high. I could not imagine that so much of the world was affected. The hill that we were climbing suddenly became steeper, and i felt as though i was straining to continue climbing. This place seemed like $P15, and i asked the others if we were going over the top of the hill. I thought that we could climb the trail up the cliffs on the southern side of the hill to get to the top. I hoped that we would go that way because i liked the cliffs. We were then on the other side of the hill. The path ended at a suburban street. There was a row of shrubs which ran along the street. The row had a small break in it where the path ran through and met up with the street. The street did not seem well traveled. There were several small houses on the western side of the street which seemed worn. The leaves on the trees seemed to be falling, and everything seemed grey and used. The street seemed to end just to the south of where the path came out, but there were two streets running to the west from the first street. I told the others to stay left, remembering the streets from some time before. As i looked down the street to the far left, however, i became confused as to which left we should take. I remembered that the street splits just after it starts west. I thought that the far-left branch of the street would go down the side of hill by the stream. We wanted to take the other left. I told the others that the other left was $P129. I tried to picture the part of the city on the other side of the hill, where the street would come out along the canal downtown. There were tall brick or stone apartment buildings on either side of the narrow cannel. A lane of the street ran on either side of the cement ditch where the canal ran. Green metal railings ran along the top of the cement walls, and many trees were planted along the length of the canal. It seemed like a very scenic part of town. The other person seemed to know this section of town, so we walked on.

There was a large snake coiled around the decorative black metal railing. I was hovering in the air, looking to the north, at the snake. The metal railing seemed to be part of a bridge which crossed over another roadway. The snake seemed very large, and seemed a threat to the cars passing below. It struck at the cars as they passed under the highway bridge. I watched the snake as i passed to the east, across the main road. Something should be done about the snake. It was coiled through the shapes of the metal railing in a decorative butterfly pattern, with its tail down and its head in the center of the shape. I thought that i should tell $A14 about the snake. I then remembered seeing the other snake before on the other road. It was also large and attacking cars, just like the one here. I turned and moved to the west, trying to get away from the snake before it injured me. I moved along the southern wall of the white college building. The cement wall just to the north of me seemed to be the foundation of the building. It seemed that i was moving along the back section of the building, which was at a lower level than the main part of the building. As i walked along the face of the building, i noticed a small snake in the grass, near the base of the building. It seemed strange, so i bent over to examine it. I picked up the small tan snake and looked it over. It had a funny shape for a snake, and i suspected that there was something special about it. As it slithered over the top of my hand, i realized that there were tiny bristles on the underside of its mouth. They must be artificial. The bristles gripped my skin as i tried to lift the snake, and i thought that the snake might use the bristles as some means of holding onto prey. It was a very strange snake, and i thought that i should tell $A14 about. I then remembered the giant snake which had been attacking the traffic on the road. I wondered whether the two snakes were related. I became suddenly uneasy, thinking that the larger snake might come after me for handling the smaller snake. I hurried along the face of the building, thinking that i could quickly run in and close the door behind me. The snake would not be able to use the doors. I walked into the front entrance of $P40, thinking that, if the snake did manage to make it through the doors, i could turn to the west and run down one of the corridors quickly and be lost to the snake’s sight. The snake would not know in which direction i had run. I came to the desk in the office of the building and told the woman of the large snake. I was not sure where it was at the moment, since it seemed a while since i had seen it over the highway, so i told here that it was somewhere else. I tried to describe the snake but i could not remember enough details about it. I could only remember that it had a whitish body and a copper-coloured head. I described these details and then mentioned that it could have had a diamond pattern on its back. The woman was surprised and asked me whether i was sure about the diamond pattern. I clarified that it could have the pattern, not that it did. I did not really see its back. I remembered that i was thinking of another snake which i had found on the side of the road a long time ago.

12004 July 05

I paced along the western side of the building, which seemed to be an airport. The building was brownish yellow, with few windows along the wall. It seemed chilly outside, even though it was sunny out. The ground under me was paved. It was part of the runway. I paused at the end of the building and turned back to the south to start pacing back along the side of the building. I then noticed that there was a narrow tall window in the wall just at the end of the building. I could see people standing in a queue just inside. The queue was rounding a switchback of a roped off waiting area. I recognized the two people in the yellow-tinted window. $F7 waved at me through the window. With him was $F18, who was wearing a long yellow rain coat. I waved back, happy to see them. I motioned to them that i would try to come into the building to meet them, but they did not seem to understand what i was trying to say. $F7 now seemed like $F3. I thought that i had enough time before my flight left that i could talk to them for a little while. I looked to the west to see the train sitting at the platform just outside the terminal. It was the train that i was supposed to be boarding, but it would not be leaving for a little while. I checked my watch to see that it was 17:05. I knew that the airplane did not leave for another two hours. I was still unsure about this, so i tried to calculate the times in my head again. The plane was supposed to leave at eight o’clock, and it was now 17:50, so i had a little more than two hours to wait around the terminal. I collected my duffel bag and items from the ground headed to the south along the rough wall of the building. I turned west and headed into the building. I was then turning to the west again and heading into the large waiting room there. The room was on the western side of the building. It seemed very orangish brown in decoration, with large brown sofas along the wall. There was a large sofa in the center of the room to the north. The sofa faced north, closing off the northern section of the room into a small talking area. I could hear $F39’s voice as i approached. I then thought i spotted $F39, $F38, $F7, and $F18 sitting in the common area around a small coffee table. I was surprised to see all of them together in the same place. $F38 was sitting on the couch against the northern wall with his left ankle on his right knee and his left arm on the armrest of the sofa. His long black hair hung down to his shoulders. I stopped at the edge of the couch which was facing north and said “Well... all the hippies are in here.” I then spotted $F12 sitting on the couch to the in front of me, to the east, so i waved at him. I was surprised to see all of these people here, since they were not really that familiar with each other. I then realized that several of them were sitting quietly, staring at me. They did not recognize whom i was with my sun glasses on. I then thought that my voice was also very low because i had a sore throat. I talked to them, taking off my glasses to say hello. I then realized that i had to collect my things. I had not put my bag back together properly. I set down my blue backpack on the small round wooden table in the northwestern corner of the room. I tried to place all of the items back in it, but i seemed to be having difficulty. There was a set of red weights on the table near the bag. I would have to pack them, even though i knew that they were rather heavy to bring on a plane. I felt nervous, and thought that i had to get all of my things together so that i could talk to the others. There was a young girl in a purple dress standing to the west of me. She had long black hair and wore round wide glasses. She was looking around the table for the weights. I suddenly felt bad for taking them as she searched the chair near me. She then turned to the west and headed into the other room. I thought that i could slip the weights out of my bag and put them on the floor near the chair where the girl could find them. I had only collected them because i thought that someone had left them there.

12004 July 06

I walked into the house, which seemed to be my grandmother’s house. I entered from the south, saying hello to everyone as i entered. It seemed that i had just left my car somewhere. As i entered the kitchen, i noticed my mother’s father walking toward me from the north. It seemed that i had not seen him in a very long time, and i felt glad to see him. I said hello and i reached out to shake his hand. He was smiling as he shook my hand. He was not wearing a shirt, and i noticed a white crescent-shaped mark on the front of his right shoulder. I thought that it might be a scar, but then i noticed that it was an open wound. I asked him what happened, and he told me that someone had dropped a door on him at work. I knew that he worked in maintenance. The wound looked deep, and i wondered whether he had done anything about it. I looked at the wound, which seemed to be very large now. It seemed as though he was leaning forward, and i could see down in to his chest cavity. The space was open, and i could see the lateral muscles move as he adjusted his arm. I felt suddenly upset and worried. There seemed to be so much area of raw flesh exposed to the outside air. I thought that the wound would definitely get infected. I told my mother’s father this, but he did not seem concerned. I told him that there was a very good chance that he would get a serious infection. I was then aware of $K1 on the north side of the room. She was heading to the northwest, trying to comfort my grandmother. I realized that my grandmother had heard what i had said about the infection and was very upset. I did not feel sympathetic. I thought that my grandfather should get medical help, and i felt very upset about it. I could not feel sorry for my grandmother’s concern because what i had said was the truth. My mother’s father seemed upset with me. He pulled the loose flesh back over his head like a hood and started walking to the southwest. The edges of his thick skin were white and pussy. It did not seem right that he should have so many openings in his skin. I started walking to the south, angry that i had felt so bad in the situation.

I stood to the south of the small wooden building, which seemed like a garage. My father had been on the roof of the building, but he had fallen off. I felt upset and had to see if he was okay. He had been working on something up there but had gotten electrocuted. My other relatives saved him from the electricity, but he had fallen off the western slope of the roof. I was worried that he was seriously injured and ran to the building, though i did not seem to be getting any closer to it. I had to make sure that he was all right. I then noticed the man walking from the front of the building. He was $K15, but he seemed very young, with long hair. I thought that this was what he had looked like back in the early seventies.

12004 July 12

I was riding the bus to the west, along the road which to be $P148. We seemed to be just to the east of $P41. The land was mostly flat around us, with grassy farming fields stretching to the north of us. We seemed to be at the bottom of a small valley with small hills all around. I looked out at the tan and green mix of grass in the fields as the man, who was standing in the center aisle of the bus, spoke to us. Something seemed wrong, and i felt as though we had to contact someone. The others on the bus seemed to agree with me. I looked to the north at the snow-covered field. Patches of dry tan field grass were sticking up through the thin layer of snow. I then realized that the fields were partitioned into small square sections, divided by strips of tall grass with yellow tape running through it. The square divisions of the field were like entries in the Yellow Pages. This was something important. I tried to figure out what the divisions meant, but could not figure it out yet. I watched the fields as they passed, wondering how i could use this information. The people to the west of me were talking about my request. They were business administrators. I had made a request at my job, and these people were discussing my request. I listened as they talked about things that i was not supposed to hear. I wondered whether i should walk back down the white corridor to the east, but i felt as though i had some business here. One of the women in the ground of administrators noticed me. She was wearing a white business suit. She leaned in toward the others and reminded the others in the group that i was in the room. They continued talking about my thing, as though they did not consider me important, but then they started to comment on other things. I still felt as though i was overhearing things that i was not supposed to hear. I was hearing special information. I then started to feel nervous about being caught here. This was a special area, and i should not have been in it. If they found me here, i thought that they might capture me and do something bad to me. I backed the small grey car up in the parking lot, thinking that i should leave before anyone suspects that i really should not be here. I tried to turn the car around in the small lot. The lot was surrounded by the large white building and seemed to be an interior cobblestone courtyard in Europe. The exit to the lot seemed to be to the south, and i was trying to turn the car from west to south. To the west of me was an exterior corridor, with square pillars holding up the white stone roof. The design seemed very modern. A guard stood on the walkway under the roof, watching me as i tried to turn. He did not suspect that i was trying to escape, but i was worried that he would start questioning me if i did not get out of there quickly. I felt hurried and quickly turned the car to the south. I drove out the large white archway and down the white corridor. This place was an old grocery store. I felt as though i had gone back in time. The old linoleum tiles on the floor were pale green, and the metal shelves on either side of me were covered with items which seemed to come from the 1950s. I felt confused by the area, and could not figure out where i was. I stopped in front of a metal detector, which seemed to be at the western entrance to the store. I felt as though i was back in the 1970s. I wondered whether i had traveled back in time or not. I looked down the double staircase which descended just to the west of the tan vertical plates of the metal detector. It seemed strange that this should be a store, but then i thought that this was the way stores used to be designed. There was something nostalgic and familiar with this place. The stairs were not behind the registers because no one was really concerned with security back then. I then started to wonder where the food was in this grocery store. I turned around and headed back to the east. There was a pale-green wall to the south of me, and a row of registers to the north. Just beyond the registers was another wall, which seemed to be the exit to the store. I passed the registers and turned to the north, noticing a single rack of food running parallel to the north wall. There seemed to be large bags of chips on the top shelf, and large tubs of ice cream on the bottom shelf. I noticed the labels of the ice cream and thought that they were designed to look older than they really were. It was a nostalgic design to make people think that the ice cream was old fashioned. As i looked over the limited selection of food on the shelves, i suddenly wondered where the rest of the food in the store was. They did not seem to have a lot. I knew that even an old store should have more food than i could see here. I turned back to the west, thinking that there must be another section to the store. I walked past the registers and along the north of the stairwell. There was a corridor which led off to the west, into another part of the building. I walked through the doorway and came into a large fancy room. This was really part of an old hotel rather than a store. The room was very wide and deep, but the ceiling was at the same level as the ceiling in the store part of the building. There was a curved path of linoleum tile running down the center of the room, separating oval areas of carpeting. The carpeting of the oval areas was dark red, and the areas were filled with large cushioned couches and lounging chairs. Some of the areas even had beds in them. This place looked like a fancy nightclub. There were darkly stained round wooden columns around the floor, surrounding some of the areas. The columns had light-coloured flourishes at the top which supported the white ceiling. There were strings of dark-red beads hanging around some of the oval areas. I thought that this place was an old ballroom that had been converted into a sitting area. People could still dance here, but it was not as commonly done anymore. I followed the tile path as it turned to the south, running down the center of the room. There were several large red leather cushioned chairs in the oval region to the southeast of me. I then noticed the tall arching window in the southern wall. It reached all the way to the floor and had two smaller arched windows on either side. This was an old window design. They didn’t really make windows like this anymore. I remembered that many of the old buildings had ballrooms on the top floor with the tall elegant windows. I thought that this place was rare for still having the windows, but i also know that it would be gone eventually. They would be developing the area and replacing the old building with something new. I felt sad for losing such a nice building.

12004 July 13

I stood near the western wall of the factory, looking down into the open space from the cement balcony. There were some other people with me in the room. They were standing on the cement floor below me, hiding among the large metal machinery. The factory was dark, but i could see very well across the room. There was a light which cast tall shadows of people on the walls of the room. I stepped away from the wall cautiously, because there was a man with a rifle in the room who was trying to shoot at us. I looked to the north, noticing a shadow moving on the south wall. I thought that it might be the man with the gun. This was familiar, and i thought that i had seen this movie before. I cautioned the others that the man with the rifle was waiting for us in the room. I then turned to the south to see the shadow of a man with a rifle standing near the southern end of the room. I warned the others that the man was there and then said that i would run to get help. I ran out the northern side of the factory and found myself standing in a forested area. The buildings around me seemed artificially rustic, as though they were designed to be log cabins. This place seemed like a tourist hotel which was built in the fifties. I called out for help as i started to the north. There was a row of tall trees just to the west of the dirt driveway that i was walking on. The driveway ran straight to the north. To the west of the trees seemed to be a parking lot for the old tourist hotel. I spotted a group of truckers in red and white plaid shirts standing to the northwest of me. The three of them were standing in front of a row of four of five half-sized telephone booths. The red telephone booths were also made to look old and rustic, like the rest of the resort. I had to get away from this building before the gunman came outside and found me here. I continued to the north, toward the large brown stable. I thought that it might be easier for me to find help in the hotel to the west, but i ran to the north anyway. I passed through the large stable, looking at the large brown horse which was standing on the west side of the room in a wide stable. I felt uncomfortable about the horse, but i continued to the north, out the other side of the building and across the short lawn. There was a rustic building to the north which seemed to be a general store. As i approached, i noticed that there were several police cars out front. I knew that this was the police station for the resort. I ran across the paved parking lot of the store and onto the wooden porch of the store, yelling to the people about the shootout in the factory. One of the police officers seemed concerned and started to get some things from the building. I felt more relaxed here, knowing that i would be safe near the police station.

I was floating on the smooth surface of the large lake. The land around me seemed to be relatively flat, and there were dark-green trees lining the northeastern and eastern shores. I paddled the small raft with my left hand, noting that the water was very cold to the touch. There seemed to be someone else standing to the south of me, in the middle of the lake. The water of the lake seemed very dark, and the sky was grey and overcast but bright. I paddled slowly to the south, following $Z as we talked about the lake. $Z was then a woman who was talking about the house that they were going to build on the lake. There was a man standing on the south shore of the lake. He discussed the building plans with the woman. He told her that she had better choose something for the living room because they would have lots of space for many living rooms. He was referring to the surface area of the lake. I looked to the east, down a long bay, which was surrounded by forested land. I then looked to the north, across the smooth water of the long northern bay. The lake was L shaped, and seemed very large. I hoped that they were not really going to cover over the entire lake with a house. I turned to the man, who was standing on the sandy southern shore and asked if they were really going to fill in the entire lake. He frowned at me as though my question was silly. I turned to look back up the lake, saying that the lake was very scenic and would make a great view from a house. As i spoke, i turned back to the south, noticing the large brick house on the south shore. If they filled in the lake to build a large house, the house on the south shore would not have a nice view anymore. I looked at the large brick house as i approached shore. It was a relatively cubicle house, with a flat roof with slanted sides. The white wood trim of the house seemed decorative. The woman walked in front of me, heading to the west, along the southern shore. I rode the small boat onto the sandy shore, hitting the shore harder than i had expected. There was a plain wooden railing right in front of me, and i put my arms up in front of me as i came to a stop to make sure that i did not run into it. I stood up from the small wooden raft, which had been made from pieces of wood from the shore. We had taken apart part of the boardwalk to assemble the raft. I thought that it would not have mattered much since it was the winter season, and there were no tourists on the beaches. I was then aware of how cold it really was out. I did not want to have to paddle on the lake again. I remembered how cold the water was on my hand. I walked to the west where i saw $Z pulling one of the new red bricks out of the walkway. He was going to use them to reinforce the raft. As i watched him, it seemed that he was lifting a grey cinderblock, but it was really a red brick. The bricks were loose, and, when lifted, revealed a second layer of red bricks below. I told $Z that we would have to be careful how we assembled the raft. The bricks and cinderblocks would make the raft heavy, meaning that it might float under the surface of the water. I cautioned $Z that we would not want water coming over the top of the raft because the water was very cold. We placed the objects across the top of the wooden raft and started back out onto the lake.

12004 July 18

We were in the small house with the other people. There was something happening to the west of the house, and we were discussing things about it. It felt very tense in the house. I said something, feeling angry about the situation. I did not care what the others felt about what i had said. My mother was with me. She seemed shocked at what i had said. We started to leave. I looked to the north to see the tall narrow face of the old white wood house. It was night out, so the house seemed somewhat eerie. I turned and walked to the east, but found myself in the small compartment. My mother stood just to the east of me. The conductor was standing to the north of me, wearing a blue uniform with a short cylindrical hat. We were on a train car which was moving to the west. I watched the houses to the north pass. The train moved slowly to the south of a row of cement columns which seemed to support an old overpass. There were people sitting against the far wall under the overpass. This place seemed to be in the center of a large city. There was a couple sitting together. The one to the west seemed to be wearing an orange parka, and the one to the east was wearing a blue winter jacket. A long silver train then passed between them and our train, blocking the view. I hoped that we were on the correct track. I felt a little concerned that our train might run into an oncoming train. We were just on a single train car, so i thought that we might not be scheduled to be on a certain track like the other trains. I then noticed a smaller train to the north. It was standing on the tracks. There was a small group of people standing in one of the cars, trying to figure out what had happened. I told the others that the stalled train had better be careful or another train might run into it. As we moved to the west, a sleek silver train with a brown stripe down the side sped past us. I hoped that it was not on the same track as the stalled train, but i thought that it would have been good if the trains collided, because then i could have felt justified in my concern. I felt callous about the two trains. I then looked to the west-southwest, out the front of the train car. I was sitting very close to the front of the car. Ahead of us, the tracks made a sharp turn to the southwest, around a small green bush. There were three or four sets of tracks on the ground running parallel to each other. I hoped that there was not another train ahead of us. I looked down at the yellow metal beams at the front of our car. The train car seemed to be split in half, with the northern half missing. I was sitting at the front of the car, with only a small mess of yellow debris on the floor in front of me. I worried a little about being so close to the front of the car. It would be bad if we did hit another faster-moving train. As we rounded the corner, i could see a long stretch of track to the west. It was still dark out, so all i could see was the open space around the four or five sets of tracks stretching to the west. Thick bushy trees hung over the northern most track, and smaller shrubs ran along the southern side of the rail bed. It seemed like a warm summer night out. The conductor said something, pointing out some features in front of the train. I looked up into the sky to the west and saw a single bright star just coming out from the southern end of a cloud. The conductor said that the start was Venus. I knew that the sun had just set, so it seemed right, but then a cascade of white sparks showered from the star. I said that it was not a star. I stared at the object, wondering whether it was an asteroid. It was suddenly much closer, and i realized that it was an airplane. It started to pass to the south of us, over the open grassy area to the south of the tracks which seemed to be a golf course. There was something wrong with the plane. It was hovering in the air with its nose pointed down. I immediately realized that it was about to crash. I wondered for a moment if it was a terrorist attack, but thought that it was really something else. The plane was very close to us now, hovering directly to the south. We were looking at the top of the plane. It was a silver passenger plane, with a black checkerboard design on its nose. There seemed to be a fire along the western side of the plane, but i could not tell if it was from the single engine on the wing. As the plane passed to the east of us, i wondered how the engines were able to produce the cascade of sparks which we had seen shooting down from the plane. I thought that the engines must have been running backward to keep the plane from falling too fast. Just to the southeast of us, the nose of the plane impacted the golf course. The plane broke into pieces and started to burn. I turned back to the west to see where we were headed. Our train car seemed to be off the tracks. I thought that i should say something to the conductor, but i did not have time. We passed over a road crossing, where it seemed that the train car was drifting to the north of the tracks, but, as we came to the other side of the crossing, i realized that we were simply on the northern most track. I looked back to the airplane. There was only a large grey piece of metal sitting in the field. I could not see any flames, and i felt suddenly disappointed that i could not watch the disaster happen. Something seemed wrong, though. I wondered how i was able to see the plane. It did not seem any farther away than it did when it first crashed, but it should have been because i was on a moving train. The situation seemed strange.

I was in the large entrance hall of the building. I was at $P52, in a building to the east of where i worked. Is seemed that $A14 had asked me to come over here to get something because we did not have it in the vending machines of our building. I walked to the western end of the large white room and looked at the vending machines, which were against the southern wall. Someone had wanted me to get Doritos. I looked through the class of the vending machine and saw some bags of chips, but i had to get change for the money that i had. I looked at he bills in my hand. They seemed like twenty-dollar bills. I stood near the western wall of the room now, in front of a change machine. I slid the bill into the machine and waited for the change to come out. After a moment, a few five-dollar bills came out of the machine. I felt somewhat confused, wondering what had gone wrong. I read the small print on the side of the bill tray, thinking that the machine normally accepted five-dollar bills. Once the machine had given me my change, i looked at it. There seemed to be a lot of money in my hand, but i did not yet receive the coins. I waited for a moment, but then realized that the machine was not going to give me any coins. Something had gone wrong. I felt frustrated. I said something to the man behind the counter on the north side of the room. I then turned back to the vending machines to choose the bag of chips. It seemed as though the machine where i had entered the money was in a small corridor which ran from the northwestern corner of the room. I looked in the glass of the vending machine, but i could not see the black bag of Doritos chips. I looked over the deep black trays inside the machine, noticing that many of the aisles where food should have been were now empty. I thought that someone must have purchased the last bag of chips while i was waiting for my change. I felt frustrated, and i looked over the trays again for food. I could only see the long black spirals which fed food out from the machine sitting in rows on each tray. Only a few spirals seemed to be filled with food items. I walked to the east, where the counter for the store was, telling the people behind the counter that the machines were suddenly out of Doritos. I wondered whether i could get the money back. I felt angry and frustrated. I turned back to the machines, thinking that i should have stopped it the machine at $P130, which was right next to where i worked, rather than walking all the way up here to $P41. I was angry and wanted to punish the people who owned this place. I thought that i could hit them machine and make some random choice of food fall out. When i got to the machine, however, i realized that the buttons which control the food dispensers were on the right side of the machine in one keypad. I was angry, and hit the keypad several times with my right hand. One of the spiral arms it the machine started to turn, but there was no food in that row, so nothing came out of the machine. I felt glad that i had wasted the money on nothing. I turned back to the north and took something from the man behind the counter. He said something to me about the lack of Doritos in the machine, and i cursed at him. I felt angry, and i did not care whom i hurt. I turned to the southeast and headed out of the building. I felt very angry and did not know what to do. I was about to turn to the west and head back down the path to $P130 when i noticed a gathering of people to the south. They were standing along the side of the main road watching a small parade. I felt interested in the parade once i saw a group of young men walking past the crowd in front of me. They were in fancy costumes, but were not wearing shirts. They all looked nicely built. I stepped up onto a very short stone wall which ran along the eastern side of the paved walkway. I walked along the wall, with a building to the east of me. At the end of the building, the short wall continued toward the street. The land to the east of the wall fell off in a short hill as the road curved around behind the building. There seemed to me a short brown building across the street to the south, and a larger brown brick building to the west, on the main road. I tried not to stare at the group of men who were now standing in the street, just to the southwest of where the stone wall met the main road. I looked to the west to see what else was in the parade. There was only one other group of people coming down the long street from the west, and they were stopped in front of a podium, which was set up in front of the tall brown brick building. All of the performers in the parade seemed to be wearing tan costumes. This was a small parade, and i did not seem as interested in it, but i looked back at the group of attractive men. I was interested in them.

12004 July 20

I looked up at the tall mountain peak to the north of me. It seemed very tall, and i knew that it would be very hard to climb up. I was with some other people as i walked around the western side of the mountain, which did not seem to take up that much space. For a moment, it seemed like Olympus Mons. Then it also seemed like Mount Everest. On the northern side of the mountain, i looked down at the map in my hand. I knew that the northern side was very difficult to climb because of the old volcanic features. I looked at the map, comparing the geography of the mountain with what was labeled on the map. Many of the features on the map were labeled with names that made them sound extraterrestrial. There was a ridge running up the center of the northern face which was orange on the map. It had its own name, and i knew that it was one of the features formed by volcanism. There was also a hump near the top of the northern slope which made it hard to climb the northern side. I read some of the other labels on the map, interested in the mountain. I looked around at the features of the mountain as i stood on the face of the mountain. $F12 and $Z were with me in the small town. This was a high-elevation town, with limited access to the lower elevations. I looked at $F12 and noticed that he was shaking. There was something wrong with him, and i thought that it had to do with the high elevation. I wondered if it was like something like the bends. I felt worried about him as he paced around the small square in the middle of town. The ground of the square was covered with cement tiles, and there was a short light-grey building to the north and east. Other people passed by on the square, but $F12 kept pacing around. I talked about something, but was still very concerned about $F12. I walked over to him and tried to comfort him. I was worried that he was not getting better. I thought that we had to get him somewhere. I told him that we should leave here. We started heading to the south, in the small green car. I knew that we could not go down the mountain farther. The drop in elevation would have made $F12 worse. $F12 told me not to lose any altitude as we drove. He said “Go up.” I felt very upset as we drove, worried that the road would drop too suddenly in elevation. The road ahead curved to the northwest and then made a sharp turn to the north, heading around the tall brick building of the old factory. I then realized that the road on the other side of the sharp curve was heading down rather steeply. I stopped the car and tried to turn around so that we would not have to head down, but something happened at the curve, and i could not seem to control the car. It seemed to speed up. I thought that i had made a mistake and tried to slow the car down, but then the car sped up again. Something was wrong. I could not keep control of the car, and we were heading down the steep hill. Something was very wrong, and i could not regain control of the situation.

12004 July 25

I was standing on the northern sidewalk somewhere in the middle of $P1. I was helping my father put something large on the top of a black Volkswagen Beetle. The object was shaped like a boat, but did not quite seem like a boat. I said something to my father as i walked around the back end of the car, to the east of the car. I was in the basket of a balloon which was floating to the east, down the street. I did not feel in control of the situation, and i started to worry that the wind might carry me away. I looked up as the long elliptical balloon caught on the power lines which were strung between the wooden poles, along the side of the street. The power lines were no longer active. They were very old, and had been abandoned, but they were catching the balloon. I felt glad that they were there because they stopped the balloon from drifting to the south with the wind. I felt that there was a steep cliff to the south and that the wind would blow us over the cliff and away if the lines had not stopped us. I wondered how we could get out of the balloon. The wind then gusted and pushed the balloon to the east, along the length of the line. I worried that we would be blown off of the lines and away. We had to get out of here.

12004 July 30

I moved cautiously through the white corridors of the old house. There was a dinosaur in the house with me, and i knew that it would be after me if i did not keep away from it. I turned to the north, heading up the stairs in the square stare well of the tower. The dinosaur seemed to be to the east of me, on the other side of a white wooden wall. I thought that the creature was some kind of raptor. Then saw its silhouette through the white wall to the south. It was moving along the outside of the corridor. There seemed to be tinted windows between the dinosaur and me. I crouched slowly down and tried to remain still so that the dinosaur would not hear me. It passed to the west. I felt scared and ran to the north, into the nearest room. I thought that i should hide here. I should be safe since it had already passed.

12004 July 31

I said something to the other man as i became aware of someone watching us from the east. I was watching myself stand to the west of the modern black Volkswagen Beetle as the man on the eastern side of the car said something. The man was standing in the doorway of the driver’s side of the car, his right arm resting on the top of the opened door. The view then changed, focusing on the tall grey wall to the east. There was a man in yellow clothing hanging from the wall. There was something special about this. He seemed to be watching us as he hung motionless against the dark-grey bricks of the wall. There was then a second figure moving down the wall from the top of the southern end. He was smaller, and dressed in dark-grey clothing which almost blended in with the wall. The men seemed to be comic-book characters. There was then a comic-book character standing to the south of me. He was drawn as a light-skinned brawny man with medium-length yellow hair. He wore no shirt as he faced the wall, speaking. My attention then focused back on the picture of the wall, with the three villains hanging on the wall in yellow and blue costumes. A fourth, smaller villain appeared to the south, from a small trap door which was just under the eves, at the top of the wall. I heard the word “puck”, and i realized that the small man was the superhero Puck. The others must be members of Alpha Flight. They were stealing something. The wall then seemed to be to the north of me, and i was no longer standing on the ground as i watched. Puck, who was also in a yellow and blue uniform, stumble out of the vent opening under the eves and fell down to the dull tan metal box which was mounted partway down the wall. I started to feel uncomfortable watching them on the wall, so i backed into the house. I turned around on the fire escape and found myself in the stairwell at the northern end of the house. I turned to the south and headed into the house. This place belonged to friend of mine. I looked at the white rooms. They seemed worn down, but very nice. This building was old but well designed, and i enjoyed the space. There was a twisting corridor which ran roughly from the northern stairwell at the back of the house to the southwestern room. I looked in both directions as i left the stairwell and started down the corridor. The first room to the east was a bedroom, where my friend was staying. There was a large bed against the northern wall which was covered with a dark-brown blanket. The sheets on the bed were bundled up at the foot of the mattress, and there were many articles of clothing scattered on and around the foot of the bed. There did not seem to be many furnishings in the room. I continued to the south, saying something to $Z, who was to the north of me. This seemed to be his house. I passed several other empty rooms. This house was so large, that some of the rooms were still empty. The corridor was really more a space between the rooms, and did not have any long stretches of flat wall. There were many corners on the western side of the corridor where the wall moved around the rooms to the west. As i came near the end of the corridor, where the large room to the southwest was, $Z told me to be careful because that was where Cajun Mama was. I pictured a large fat light-skinned woman, but then i thought that, if she was really cajun, then she should be dark skinned. I stepped into the large room. The area to the southwest was empty and octagonal in shape, as though it was inside a large turret on the side of the building. I turned quickly to the north to see another section of the room. A dark-skinned woman smiled joyfully at me as she raised her arms over her head. She stood in a loose dark-purple shirt and matching pants. She was slightly overweight and stood with her legs wide to provide balance. I knew that she was overly friendly. That was why i was warned about her. She would talk to you for hours and not let you go. I found her interesting, but i walked back out of the room before a conversation could get started. I thought again of the brick wall to the north and the superheroes climbing down it. I remembered that i had climbed up several floors in the bark stairwell of the house. I thought that the building must be at least four or five stories tall. I had never been on this floor of the building before. The house was so large that i had only ever seen the lower floors before. I remembered the kitchen on the northern side of the lowest floor of the building. This seemed like a very nice house. $Z said something to me as he opened a door in the eastern side of the hall and showed me into an empty white room. I said that the back bedrooms of the house were very nice. The room had a low ceiling, which seemed even lower in the southeast corner, where the room was rounded into another turret. The room was relatively square, with the western wall slanting to the southwest, at an odd angle to the other walls. The turret in the southwest corner added a rounded shape off the corner of the room. There were small square windows around the circumference of the turret. They were all low to the ground, and i thought that they looked out over the street below. The turret seemed to be one of the stone towers which ran up the front corners of the house. I knew that the western tower would be taller than the one on the east. The low ceiling above the rounded part of the room was made of several pie-shaped slabs which came to a point at a slightly higher elevation that the upper part of the short walls. I felt impressed with the house, wishing that i could live in something as interesting. We then backed out of the room, and $Z led me back into the room on the western side of the wall. I expected to see the old woman again, but the room now seemed empty. The southwestern corner of the room also seemed to be unfinished. The turret space in this room was quite a bit larger than on the eastern side of the house. The space of the circular part of the room seemed to be bigger than the square part of the room. The square part had white walls, but the turret section seemed to have no walls. The white plaster had been removed, and i could see the dark tan blocks of the outer stone wall. $Z said that this room had been used as a dance space. I walked into the turret area, noticing the curved steel beams which framed the outside wall. The wall was solid, but the window sills seemed to be old and rotting. I looked up to see the roof far above me. The ceiling had been removed, and i could see the steel rafters that formed the peak of the tower’s roof. There was some light coming in from a hole which was just to the west of the peak of the roof, and i thought that someone should fix the roof before water gets into the house and causes some damage. I looked around at the wide wooden floor in the turret. This place was being used as a small dance space for high-school kids. They played punk and electronic dance music here. There was an old wooden stage along the southern wall which made this place seem old fashioned. I thought that the stage might have been used for dance bands during the last World War. I liked this place, and told $Z that this space would make a good theatre. I wondered whether i could own a house like this and rent out this space as a community theatre. There was a doorway to the outside on the eastern wall which i peered out. I thought that the door was a fire escape. Through it, i could seed the tan stones of the exterior wall and the rusted metal stairs which led down the side of the tower to the sidewalk below. I wondered how secure this section of the house was if the door was always open. This seemed like a very nice place, and i felt interested in being here.

I was in the small house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. I felt uncomfortable here. It was $F1’s birthday, and i thought that i should have a present for him. His mother was standing to the northwest of me in the living room. She said that it was nice that i had a check for him. I said that i had gotten him some cartoon tea cups, but that i did not have them with me, so i had to give him the check. I felt bad for forgetting his birthday. I did not really have the cups, but i said that i did so that it did not seem that i showed up with nothing for him. I felt bad, and wondered what i should do.

I was running down the road which ran to the east, through the center of the college campus. The buildings were very close to either side of the road, and they seemed very modern. Most of them were tan or dull red and made of stone. The short strips of lawn on either side of the road were covered with thick green grass. I was jogging on the southern side of the road as i crossed a road at an intersection. The lawn on the corner to the southeast of me was wide, with a house set back from the road on a shallow hill. The house was part of the university and seemed to be an office. I continued down the side of the road and ran into $A371. I stopped for a moment to greet him. He was running down the road as well. I told him that i was going to the building on campus. He greeted me and said that he was heading the other way, so i could not stop to talk to him for long. It was good to see him. He headed across the street to the south, and i started to jog on to the east, but started to fly down the road. The road curved just ahead of me as it descended a shallow hill. It curved a little to the southeast around the tan stone face of a building, and then turned back to the east at the lower elevation. To the south of the corner was an old stone building with white stone trimming. The older building was long and only two stories tall with a peaked roof. It seemed to be one of the older buildings on the campus. As i reached the top of the hill by the corner, i lifted higher into the air. I could see the campus road continuing to the east toward the center of the campus. There seemed to be many trees on the campus, making the area look green. It seemed that there was a creek in a gorge just to the south of the buildings on the southern side of the street. I thought that i could sail over the street and land dramatically with an electric guitar. It would be an interesting performance. As i hovered over the street, i looked to the south of the old building to see a thin parking lot running along the south of the building. I looked around in the lot to see if i could see $A371. He should have been walking down the path on the other side of the building. I was then on the street level again, in the front of the building. The old building was a medical clinic. I thought that i could cut through the building and come out in the parking lot ahead of $A371. I could surprise him by reaching there before he did because he had taken the shorter walking route, but i had flown. I walked to the south, into the white hall of the building. I stopped at the first intersection, trying to figure out how i could walk through the building. I was uncertain whether the halls actually ran all the way through the building. There was a glass wall to the east of me, separating the hall from another section of the building. A nurse noticed me through the glass and opened a door to tell me where to go. She said that i should follow the corridors to the west. She then walked to the west of me, and i started to follow her. I had been holding the glass door open, though, and i realized that here was an old woman walking though the door. I waited until the old woman had made it through the door with her walker before i let go of the door and turned to the west to follow the nurse down the long white corridor. As i started to head down the corridor, however, the nurse was already out of site. I wandered down the corridor, feeling annoyed that the nurse did not wait for me. I did not know where to go, and i started to feel that i was not going to make it to the other side of the building before $A371. A couple of doctors came out of a doorway to the south of me, and i realized that i was now outside of the building again. I walked to my car, which was on the side of the road to the north of the building, and got some stuff from it. I pulled out the small car seat and headed back to the building. I still did not know here i should be going. I entered the building through the glass door and looked to the west. The nurse was nowhere to be seen. I had hoped that she would realize that i was not following her and return to find me, bun she was gone.