12005 July 01

There was a damp layer of snow on the ground of the forest. I was in a man-made clearing to the southwest of a road or right-of-way. All the trees around me seemed to be evergreens. It felt cold out, and i thought that i was camping outside. There seemed to be a wooden cabin to the west of me. The trees to the southeast parted, creating a path which led from the lawn around the cabin to the road. I seemed to far out in the forest, and i felt a little uneasy here, as though i was not prepared for the cold conditions. I was also concerned about the power lines which ran along the right-of-way to the north. I looked up at the tall metal tower which loomed over the tops of the pine trees. It seemed massive and, in some way, threatening. I thought that they could easily be toppled, and i thought that they might fall on the cabin and electrocute or crush us. I felt uncomfortable around the tower and felt that i had to set up my sleeping bag in a certain way so that i was safe from the tower. I pulled my sleeping bag over the asphalt floor of the northern end of the cabin. I thought about the best place to be protected from the electric current should the lines come down. I put the head of my bag on the north, near the wooden wall of the cabin, but then i realized that there was a bump in the cement floor. It would be too uncomfortable sleeping on the bump. I pulled the sleeping bag to the east, still keeping it near the northern wall of the garage. It was getting dark, and i felt that we had to stay here the night because we could not get back. We had to survive the night in the cold. I was worried that it would be getting too cold here, and i was not sure that the sleeping bags were warm enough. I hoped that we did not get too cold in the shed. I pushed the sleeping bag onto a flat spot on the floor near the old green car. The car seemed to be an old Speedster. I then decided that i should use the dirty old red ornate rug, which was in the middle room as padding under my sleeping bag. It would also help keep me warm from the cement floor. I then thought that my mother would complain about this situation. She would think that it was too dangerous to sleep on the cement floor of this cold place, and she would not like me being out here in the cold. I thought that she was worrying too much, and thought of what i should say to her to stop her from complaining.

12005 July 03

I was running to the east with the others, across the wide grassy lawn of the business park. There were square plain brown buildings near us, and there seemed to be roads which curved through the area. The grass was thick and green. I slowed a little, noticing that i was now in a large dining room. The others were eating at a large table to the northwest of me. I turned around to the north, looking back across the room. I was standing in the southeast section of the room. The walls of the room were covered with polished wood, and there seemed to be a decorative red and dark-colour rug on the floor. I walked up to the eastern edge of the long rectangular table and talked to the people across the table from me. We were planning on going running with $G4, but they wanted to get a good meal in first. I turned and walked to the north, along the side of the table. I had been sitting down as well, but i was heading somewhere now. I turned back to the table where i had come from to see that there was someone else already sitting in my chair. I was annoyed that they had taken my spot so quickly. I looked at the man who was sitting in the chair and noticed that it was $A236. He was eating chicken and potatoes from a white plate. I realized that no one else in the room was eating the same food as he was, and i wondered why he was so special. I was interested in talking to him, but i wandered around the room instead, not knowing what to say. There now seemed to be a short row of wooden shelves running parallel to the northern wall. This room now seemed to be a library, and the people were gathered around the tables in the center. To the south were several rows of tall wooden shelves. The shelves ran north to south and seemed to be very thin. I knew that they were on black metal rollers which would allow them to be rolled together when not in use. I headed to the eastern side of the room, noticing that most of the people in the room seemed to be facing the west, as though watching someone talking in the western half of the room. As i rounded the eastern side of the audience, i noticed that many of them were in chairs, listening to the lecture. I started north, around the eastern side of the audience when i noticed the man hiding behind the wooden shelves to the north of me. He was standing in a small alcove in the eastern wall. I glance at him as i passed, noticing that he was hiding between the fake heads of puppets. The puppets seemed to be sitting on a shelf in the cubbyhole, but they were really suspended by sticks from below the shelf. The man was sitting under the shelf, putting his head up in the middle of the puppet heads. The others would not notice that he was real. I found the situation humourous, realizing that i was one of the few people in the room who noticed that the man was actually there. The puppet heads then spoke, as though they were ventriloquist mannequins. They made jokes about themselves, and i thought that they were trying to draw attention away from the fact that there was a real head among them. By moving, they were making the real head seem like part of the act. They then spoke another punch line and started to move back from the front of the shelf. I was now looking at the heads from a higher angle in the room, as though i was floating in mid air. The heads continued their act, and i realized that i could not make out the mechanics which were below the heads. This was a television trick. The bottoms of the mannequins were hidden by video tricks so that it looked as though the heads were floating. The heads then started spinning at the punch line of one of the jokes. Their mouths were open as if they were yelling in joy. My view then panned out form the heads so that i could see the audience watching them. A woman at the back row of the audience had turned around in her chair to watch the puppets at the back of the room. The puppets now seemed to be on the eastern side of the room, over one of the short shelves in the library. The others were now aware of the heads. They would not suspect that there was a real man in the show, because the show would make them think that all of the heads were not real.

12005 July 04

I left the others and drove across the outskirts of the small city, heading to the north. The main residential areas of the city seemed to be to the west of me. The landscape around me was very hilly, and i was driving the car up the steep hill. The hill was rounded to the east, as though i was traveling up the eastern side of a larger slope. I knew that $F10 had come this way. He had walked from where we were, and i was concerned about him having to travel the long distance to where he was going. I thought that i could pick him up and drive him home. I rounded the crest of the hill and seemed to be at the top of a suburban area. There were no trees in the area, and the lawns seemed very wide around the short houses. A road ran to the east, along the flat part of the hill. This place seemed familiar, as though i had been here before. I was surprised that $F10 had walked this far since he left he place where we were. I could not see him here. I turned to the west and headed up the steep hill again. When i reached the top, i found myself in a forested area. There were thick pine trees surrounding the hilltop, as though acting as a windbreak. There was a large light-green metal water tank to the west of me. It towered over the trees. It had a wide rounded top with flat sides and ridges down the sides of the lower support tower. It stood behind a tall metal chain-link fence. The fence had blinders in it so that i could not see through it. The road i had traveled on ended at the top of the hill at a smaller dirt road. The dirt road ran north to south, but did not seem to travel that far to the south before it ended in an enclosure of tall green metal fences. This place seemed impressive. There was some beauty in the scene. I looked to the north, down the dirt road. The tall water towers loomed over the western side of the road, and the tall dark-green pines loomed over the eastern side. The sun seemed to be coming from the east, and the view seemed beautiful. I was astonished at how wonderful it seemed. I stood and looked at it for a moment before continuing to the north. I had found $F12, whom i had been looking for. I pointed out the tall towers of all shapes and sizes to him as we walked. There was a light pink tower just a little way to the north of us. I spoke to $F12 as we walked and admired the view.

12005 July 05

I walked into the television room of my grandfathers house at $P12. I had been looking through the house for things, and i was searching here now. I faced the eastern wall and opened the closet door. There was a pile of stuff in the closet, and i bent over and started searching through it. There was a cardboard box on the floor which had several toys in it. I pulled out a small grey model car from the top of the box. It seemed interesting, and i realized that it was made of an old plastic. I thought that the car must have been a toy from the 11950s. I looked it over. I thought that it might have a hollow bottom, like the small red car i remembered my father having, but the bottom of the car was covered. I looked at the flat bottom and realized that there was writing on it. I read it and found that the car was manufactured by GE. I felt that there was something special about this car, and i started looking through the rest of the box to see what was there. There seemed to be other old toys in the box. I looked at the car again, wondering if it was a model car. I was fascinated by the rubber that it was made from, thinking that it would probably deteriorate over time.

12005 July 07

I was riding in the passenger’s seat of the car as $F15 drove to the north along the dark highway. It seemed like night out, and i thought that it was rather late in the evening. We had just come from some event and were heading to $F15’s house. He then mentioned my car, and i realized that he was thinking of taking me back to my house so that i could drive up separately. That way, i would have my car tomorrow and would be able to drive myself home. I thought that it might be better for me to drive myself home rather than have $F15 do it. I then realized that we were heading in the wrong direction to get to my house. We seemed to be heading to the northwest now, and my house seemed to be in the other direction, to the east. I told this to $F15, but then noticed the roads ahead of us. There as a road sign just in front of an intersection which said that the cross road was US Route 14. I realized that we were actually to the south of my parents’ house, so we would not really have to backtrack to get to the house. I knew that Route 14 would take us to my parents’ house by passing through some pack roads. The area around us no longer seemed as dark, and i could see that there were trees all around. I hoped that i could remember the way over the hill on the back roads. I told $F15 that i was not entirely sure of the route, but i thought that i could get us there. I said that i hoped i would recognize the roads. We turned to the right at the intersection. There was a tall wooden wall on the south side of the road which seemed to surround a yard. To the north of the intersection was an old small yellow house. The side road was dirt, but the ground seemed loose and dark brown, as though it was fresh damp sod. The road seemed crude, as tough it was from an old picture. I hoped that we did not get stuck in the dirt as we traveled to the east. I then noticed that the road ended just to the east of us. We would have to turn one way or the other. I could not remember which way to go, but i hoped that i would recognize the area when we got to the intersection. I then noticed a sign on the wall to the south which said that we should turn to the right to get to Route 14. I thought that this was really the back road. There was a better way to get to where we were going, but this was the way across the hill. I had not been on this road in a while, and i told $F15 that i hoped that i could still remember it. We turned onto a dirt road which ran between the high white plaster walls. As we moved through the walls, heading to the south, i noticed that there were short protruding walls from the main walls. The short walls seemed to define rooms. There was a sign on one of the short walls telling us to turn right again. The white sign was painted on the walls, saying simply “Route 14”, with an arrow under it pointing to the right. We turned into the large room of the building. The tall white plaster walls seemed crude and now marked out the boundaries of rooms within the open building. The roof of the building was canvas, and seemed to be loosely tied to the tops of the walls. This was an old marketplace, but there were no venders set up here now. I wondered whether the worn painted signs on the wall were remnants of an older route and no longer valid. As we drove through the rooms of the market place, i noticed a yellow painted sign on one of the bare cement walls which said “14”. We followed it to the right, but it led the building to the north. We were going in circles, and i realized that we were just heading back to the main street. The room ahead of us had several people wandering in it, but there was no exit to the north. It seemed that this was one of the central rooms of the market, and the large doorway to the west would lead back out to the main street. We were getting lost. The signs must have been telling us how to get out of the marketplace, but not how to get to where we wanted to go. I walked to the west to ask some of the people in front of a table of merchandise if they know the way. The man behind the desk told me something, but i could not keep track of it. I lifted the piece of paper and tried to write on it, but i realized that it was too wrinkled to write on. It seemed like a torn piece of a brown paper bag. I flattened the paper wrapper into a circle and tried again to write. I asked the man where Route 14 was. The woman who was standing in front of the counter said that it was a good diner. I realized that she was talking about a restaurant which must have the name “Route 14”. I clarified, telling her that i was looking for “US Route 14”. She seemed confused, but again told me that there was food there. I felt annoyed and specified that i was talking about the road. I tried to explain that were trying to get back to the city. The man behind the counter then told me that i should take I787 to get back into the city. I was surprised, thinking that it would be out of the way. He assured me that it was just to the north of us. I thought that we were really quite far to the east of where i though we were. I pictured the map in my head, seeing the red line of the highway running east to west across the center. We were on the back road to the south of the highway. I could see where we were on the map. There were thin black lines running north toward the highway. We were not where i thought that we were. We would need to head to the west down the highway several exits.

12005 July 11

The alligator to the west of me attacked the man on the ground. The man on the ground was wearing tan pants and a white short-sleeve button-up shirt. He was terrified and was asking the man to his south to spare him. The man to the south was standing, holding a leash which led to a collar around the alligator’s neck. He seemed to be the alligator’s handler. I thought that the handler was going to kill the man on the ground. This was some kind of execution. The alligator grabbed the man’s leg with its mouth as the man tried to crawl away in fear. I thought that the alligator would kill the man. The man tried to stand as the alligator chewed off his leg. The man fell backward, and i thought that the alligator would snap its jaws around his head to kill him. The man fell to the ground, dazed as the handler laughed. This was part of a movie. The alligator then grabbed the man’s leg as the man tried to crawl backward to get a way. I suddenly wondered how this was possible. I thought that the leg had already been chewed off.

The young boy cried out for help as he stood to the southeast of us on the sidewalk of the dark suburban street. I had been talking to $Z and someone else just to the west, farther up the street. The boy was standing in front of a small plain house, to the north of the house. I thought that there might be a fire in the house and moved to the east, to help the boy. The street lights were spaced out far enough that it was dark where the boy was and i had a hard time seeing the front of the house. I then looked back to the west. $F45 and $Z were standing by the house that was burning. There were more than one house on fire. Something was wrong in the neighbourhood. I turned back to the east to head toward the young boy when i noticed several children passing me on the sidewalk. They seemed to be in their early teens. I thought that the children might be setting the fires. I ran to the boy who was crying, telling $F45 to call emergency. I looked at the wide one-level house to the south of the boy, noticing that it was dark inside. I then noticed a faint orange glow in one of the windows of a small playhouse that was sitting in the front lawn of the house. The fire seemed to be in the smaller house. I pulled open the small door of the fake house and saw a boy hiding in the center of a large snow bank. He was trying to hide from the fire, which was really in the house to the south. I looked up to see the windows on the large house glowing orange. I turned around, wondering what to do. I then spotted the police car coming down the road from the west. I ran to the street and flagged them down, telling them that there were fires all over the neighbourhood. I told them that i feared that there was something more dangerous going on but that i did not know exactly what it was. I pointed to the house to the south of me and told the police that there were problems in the house. The police were standing to the west of me. I turned to the south and ran to the house with the others. We pushed open the front door and looked in. There were several people lying on the floor around the front door. They were dressed in tee shirts and shorts, as though they had been woken from bed. They were medium skinned, and they had large scabs all over their bodies. The doorway entered into the main hall of the house. The hall led to the south, to the back of the house, and there were doorways to the east and west which led into living rooms. A set of stairs ascended along the eastern wall of the hall. I looked down the corridor and into the rooms, noticing that there were bodies everywhere. I backed out of the door and told the others not to touch the bodies. I said that they had the plague. I thought that it was the avian disease. I moved through the rooms of the house, careful not to touch the dead bodies. I felt horrified at the number of bodies here. I headed down the hall of the house, heading to the back of the house. I thought that my relatives should be in the back of the house, to the south. This was $K3’s house. I know that it was not safe here, but i felt that i had to continue.

I walked to the north, out the back door of $P7. As i walked through the door, though, i realized that the door was not there anymore. I looked at the blank wall at the back of the building where the door had been. $A186 was then standing to the west of me. He asked me where i was going, and i felt that i had been wandering in this place. He told me that there was no exit here to the cafe anymore.

12005 July 16

I left the others and headed to the west, across the grass of the small yard. The house seemed to be to the south of the green lawn. I had been in a small yellow cinderblock building on the northern end of the eastern side of the lawn. I felt that $F10 was with me. I walked across the grass, toward the line of tall weeds which ran along the western side of the rectangular lawn. I was thinking about something which we had just done in the yellow building. It felt as though i had been in the middle of a good conversation and was trying to remember what it was in my mind. I looked down at the short green grass as i cross the center of the lawn. The grass just ahead of me looked darker green than the grass on the rest of the lawn. As i stepped into it, i felt water around my foot, and realized that my foot was sinking into the ground. This place must be very swampy. I thought that the weeds which were growing must be growing up through water and blending in with the rest of the surface of the lawn. I took another step with my left leg and sank up to my left knee. Feeling the water on my leg, i tried to step back to dry ground. This seemed very strange. I was interested in the bog and how the grass growing through it could look so much like the rest of the grass on the lawn. I looked to the east to see $F12 standing on the lawn. I had been talking to him. I thought of saying something to him about the wet ground as i started to step back to the west. He was then $F10 again. I wanted to continue my conversation with him, but i was sinking in the bog as i walked. I took a stop to the southwest and fell into the water. I realized that i could not touch the bottom of the water and started to tread water, keeping my head above the level of the green clover-like tops of the plants. I could see that the long stems of the plants were yellow. I could not see the water as i looked down, but i could feel it on my legs. I started to swim, realizing that i was stuck in the swamp. I wondered how i would get out and tried to pull myself up. I started to worry that i was in a dangerous situation. I hoped that $F10 would help me up.

12005 July 17

I walked into the small meeting room from the south. The room was very wide east to west. It seemed to be the balcony section of a large auditorium, with the main auditorium to the north. There was a long wooden table running along the northern end of the narrow area, and several people were already seated to the east of the center of the room. This place was my new job, and i was arriving for my first day. I walked to the middle of the table and started to sit in one of the chairs which were placed along the southern side of the table. The man just to the east of me seemed to be the boss. He was wearing a tan long-sleeve shirt with a grey vest over the top of it. He had wavy grey hair and a stern face. He was angry with me and pointed out that i was late for work. I knew that it was already the middle of the day, but i had just been sent here. I was not supposed to be here any earlier, and it amused me that the boss did not realize this. He spoke harshly to me, accusing me of being late for the job. He went on talking, but i felt humoured because i knew that he was getting all upset about something which no one could do anything about. He was wrong, and i thought that i should tell him that once he stopped complaining. I felt that my statement would prove him wrong and make him feel bad about what he had said. He wrote something on the piece of paper which was on the clipboard on the table in front of him. The paper had a list of times on it which recorded when the other workers entered and left. He was too obsessed with minor details. He wrote the time i entered as “12:43” and continued to announce to the others that tardiness will not be tolerated. I looked at the sheet and realized that there was some confusion. Still humoured, i pointed out to the man that he should write my time as “14:43” rather than “2:43”, pointing out that the latter could easily be confused with the early entries on the list in the hour of twelve. The earlier entries were in the morning, when some of the people had left from the day before. The man hurriedly changed the time on the sheet and then continued to complain about my lateness. I walked to the west, thinking that i should confront him verbally. I did not care whether i got fired here or not. This job was new to me, but it was still a joke, something that i would do until i found something that i liked. I now seemed to be on the balcony of the auditorium in $P7. I walked out the door and into the other office to get some things. I thought that i should call the man “ass hole” just to make a point. I could say these things to his boss as a way to describe the man’s incompetence. I grabbed something from a desk against the southern wall of the office, which had dull-yellow walls. I turned back to the north and walked back into the room where the boss had been. As i entered the room, still thinking of what i would say, i heard a noise from the computer which was sitting on a counter along the southern wall. The screen of the computer was blue, and the initials of the computer group were on the left side of the screen. I thought that they were trying to contact our department with a message. I had worked for the computer group in my last job, so i was familiar with their procedures. I felt interested in what they would have to say. They were leaving a message on the computer. I walked over to the screen, thinking that i never really left my job with them. If my new job did not work out, i would be able to simply go back to my other job. I looked at the bottom of the blue screen where there was a display of the caller information. I wanted to get the number of the caller, but i could not see it on the screen. I started reading the numbers that i was seeing, but they seemed to be an address. I wondered where the telephone number was.

12005 July 20

The other person had left the room, heading to the south. It seemed somewhat dark here, as though it was early in the morning, before dawn. I turned to the north and crossed the small living room. I thought about the conversation i had just been in. I felt strange, thinking that i was about to leave this place and that i still had something to do. I walked up to the chalkboard which was hanging on the northern wall and started to scribble on it with the side of the white chalk that i was holding in my right hand. I moved my hand around in a seemingly random pattern over the board, rolling the chalk under my palm. In a moment, i backed away and looked at the pattern that i had traced on the board. I was surprised to see that it looked like a drawing. The thick edge of the chalk formed heavy shading on a banner which stretched across the center of the design. There was writing above and below the banner. I could not believe that the design was so nice, and i started running the chalk over the figure again. The board on which i was writing was now on the west wall. To my surprise, the chalk only filled in parts of the original image which had been missing. I backed away, seeing that i had created a picture more realistic than something i would have been able to draw intentionally. I was surprised at the creation of such a clear picture by making random motions. I realized that this must be something special. I was now facing a board on the southern wall of the room. The room seemed to be oddly shaped. The eastern section of the southern wall was open to the dining area near the kitchen, where my mother seemed to be talking with someone. There was also a thin wall protruding from the center of the eastern wall which formed a pseudo corridor to the south of the wall between the southern wall of the room and the dividing wall. It made the living room to the north distinct from the dining and kitchen areas to the southeast. The living room seemed to have pale-blue walls. I picked up the piece of chalk and scribbled again on the eastern part of the chalkboard which was on the southern wall, just to the west of the dining area. I thought about how the chalk was rolling around in my hand and how little i was actually controlling it. After a moment, i backed away and saw that i had created a picture of a set of thick puckered lips. This was something very special that i was doing. It had a great significance. I turned again and started scribbling on the blackboard with a new piece of chalk. I was now facing north, and the image that i was producing was now in colour. The central portion was a yellowish tan, and the details were dark red. I knew that the chalk had two colours side by side. Again, i was creating a picture by randomly rolling the chalk across the black board. I decided that this was really something special and that it was not just a fluke the first two times. I knew that this was very important, and that it had something to do with awakening my special abilities. I then thought about my friend and realized that he was still alive, even though he had died. His mind was somehow reborn into another form. I had the ability to recognize this and i tried to focus on my friend. At first, i thought that it was $F12, but, when i thought about it, i realized that it was really $F10. I was happy that he was still alive, and i felt a strong tie to him. I walked to the south and said something to my mother about the rebirth. I felt special and had to help $F10.

12005 July 23

I moved quickly to the north, leaving the other. We had been talking about this place, but i had never seen it before. I rode my bicycle across the dirt road which ran east to west across the top of the hill. There was a very steep valley just to the north of me, and the land all around seemed to be very hilly. The hills were green with thick plant life, and their slopes seemed very steep. I walked to the edge of the cliff just to the north of me and looked down. This valley was not natural, though. The walls were nearly vertical with thick green groundcover growing on them. The walls seemed to have been carved intentionally because they were formed of small rectangular sections which were perfectly flat. The sections were about a metre wide and a few metres tall. At the bottom of each section, there was thin ledge. The green grass-like plant grew on both the vertical sections and the ledges, all the way to the bottom of the valley. This place seemed very scenic, and i was amazed at the way people had planted vegetation on the steep walls. I thought that the groundcover must me a special plant which can hold the soil, preventing it from eroding into the valley. I bent over to the edge of the large pit and looked at the fuzzy green plants. They looked a little like grass, with very thin short stalks that seemed more like thick hairs than a plant. At the top of each stalk was a fuzzy green orb which seemed to have yellow flecks of pollen on it. This must be a genetically created plant. It would never grow too tall and would have thick enough roots to hold the soil and prevent other plants from growing in it. I rolled my bicycle back a little, away from the edge as i admired the beauty of the deep round valley. I was then aware of someone standing to the southwest of me. I felt that they owned the valley and that they might think that i was thinking of riding my bike down the hill. I looked down the steep slope and thought that it would be dangerous to ride, but i knew that others would try it. I did not want to ride down the slope because i knew that it would ruin the beautiful plants. I backed away, hoping the person would not yell at me.

12005 July 24

I traveled down the old road, heading to the west, toward town. I felt as though i was heading back before it got too dark. It felt as though it was near sunset, thought the sky was overcast and dim. The land around me was flat, and i felt as though i was far from any large city. The land around me was covered with tall grass and periodic trees. This place seemed to have been farmland which had overgrown with age. I also thought that i was in another country. There was something special about this place. I looked around at the small farmhouses as i passed. They seemed run down, and some seemed abandoned. The road curved to the north, around a large wooden house which was covered with chipping yellow paint. The road suddenly ended at a narrow trail. This place was old, and the road was no longer used. It ended in the young woods. I continued through the woods, thinking that i could follow the old trail to the other road. This place had been abandoned a long time ago. I thought that i could make a trail through the thicket. If it were traveled on, the grass would get worn down enough that it would become a road again. I then came out of thicket at a small stream. The rocks along the opposite shore were higher than on the shore near me. I realized that it would be hard to drive across the stream. I walked my bicycle across the stream, hopping on the large rocks in the middle of the water. The main road was just on the other side of the stream, so i climbed the embankment and came out on the dirt road. The road ran east to west. I headed back to the east, thinking that i had overshot the town. I then thought that i had not really traveled far enough on the other road to go past the town. The town should have been to the south of that road. I remembered thinking that it was to the south of a large grassy filed as i was traveling to the west on that road. I thought that i was not heading to town now, but i could not remember. I felt confused, but i was interested in this place, so i also wanted to explore. This was an old place, and there was something very special about it. It had a strong feeling to it which drew me to it.

12005 July 25

I walked to the south until i came to the edge of the sidewalk. The others were standing around me. There were tall buildings across the street from us, and the sun seemed to be low in the sky behind them. I looked at the brown cigarette in my right hand. I was smoking with the others, but i knew that i would not be able to actually smoke the cigarette. I had problems with dust in my lungs, so i would not be able to actually smoke. I remembered when i was in a play. I faked smoking by closing my throat and drawing the smoke only into my mouth. I thought i should do this again, but, as i put the cigarette in my mouth, i inhaled. It seemed that i was watching myself take these actions. I thought that i would start having trouble breathing now, but the smoke did not seem to bother me. It seemed that i was used to smoking. I wondered what had changed.

12005 July 26

I moved through the room where the others were gathered. The room seemed large, with a low ceiling. The lights were dim, as though they were fluorescent but were not spread out enough around the room. The plain walls of the room where white. I had entered through a door in the center of the western wall. There seemed to be a section of the eastern wall which was inset into the room, taking up a little more than half the width of the wall. $A287 was standing in the center of the room. I walked to him and said hello. The others in the room were moving to the east of us. They appeared to be practicing martial arts. I remembered that i had seen $A287 in the winter. He had told me about his interpretation of certain martial-arts techniques. I mentioned this too him, wondering if he would show me what he was talking about. I was interested in hearing what he had to say, but i also felt uneasy because i had not contacted him sooner.

12005 July 29

I stood to the west of the others in the small room of the house. $F4 and $A42 were standing to the east of me, playing instruments. The center of the room seemed to be filled with music equipment such as keyboards, drums, patch cables, and processors. I listened to the music as i walked close to the group. $F4 was now standing just to the south of me. I liked the sound that $A42 was making on the guitar. I looked down at his left foot, noticing that he was moving it up and down on the wah-wah pedal. I thought that i had to buy a new wah-wah pedal which could be plugged in. I was tired of constantly buying batteries for mine. I looked at the wide black pedal and noticed the white lettering along the bottom of the back of the pedal. It said that the pedal was made by Thule. I moved around the south of the group and looked at the electric guitar which was now around my neck. I started to play something, not sure that i could play that well anymore. I felt that i was too out of practice. I listened to the sound as i played. It was playing a riff using the wah-wah. It was from a song by Jimi Hendrix. I thought that it sounded rather good, even though i was out of practice. I played the riff a few more times, thinking about the sound. I was surprised i could sound so good. I started pacing around the room as i thought about this. I was then riding to the north in the car with the others. We were in the middle of a small city. The streets were wide and the old buildings on both sides were well kept. As we approached the intersection to the north-northwest of us, i saw a large blue cab from a tractor-trailer tumble through the intersection. It was damaged, as though it had been tossed by a large accident. It rolled from the west into the center of the intersection. I felt suddenly tense and stared at the intersection, thinking that there had just been an accident. I wondered what could have caused the large truck to roll away. We slowed cautiously as we reached the crossroads. $Z, who was sitting in the front seat of the car, pointed to the northwest, where there was a burning car rolling into the intersection from the other street. It rolled in the same direction as the truck. I felt that something bad was happening. We had to do something. There was then an explosion from somewhere to the west, and the glass of the shop on the east side of the street shattered. Something in the remains of the truck had exploded, sending glass bottles flying. We turned to the southwest, around a corner. I got out my cell phone and called emergency to tell them of the accident. I then noticed the police coming from the east. I felt that we had to do something, but i did not know what. I could see the car on fire to the southwest of us now, as we stopped on the southern side of the road, facing east. I looked at the building to the southeast of the car, thinking that i had to get an address for the people on the telephone. The old brick building seemed to stand on its own, with a narrow empty lot to the west of it. A small side street ran to the south along the side of the lot, which now seemed to be just a sidewalk. There was large writing on the window of the diner, and i focused on it. I felt that the red letters were important, and i had to remember what they said. I looked at them, trying to find an address or name. The large red letters at the top of the window arched slightly as they spelled out the name of the diner. Just below them, in yellow block letters, the window said “NY 39”. I thought that this was the route number of the road which ran past the diner. I had to remember that; it was important. I then looked to the north as we moved down the road slightly. The intersections seemed to be on top of each other in this section of town. I focused on a set of road signs just to the north of us, marking the intersection to the north of them. The black and white road sign said that we were near US Route 28. The smaller red sign to the right of it marked Route 3. This was the location of where we were. I had to remember it. I also had to remember the name of the diner. I looked back at the building, trying to remember the name, but i could not figure it out. I thought that the name of the diner was actually the name of the town that we were in. The name began with something like “Berke” or “Bene”, but i could not really remember. I felt frustrated as i tried to focus.

I drove to the east, down the narrow driveway, into the small parking lot, which seemed to be in the back of a small plaza. There was a long low building to the south of the parking lot which seemed like a hotel. The lot opened up to the north, but i was heading to the small building on the northern edge of the eastern side of the lot. It was a small diner, and i was coming here to meet the others. Some of the others were following me in the other car. As i came to the back of the lot, however, i realized that there were very few cars here. The long parking lot with its single lane seemed entirely empty. I had expected to find the bus here, but there was no one else here. I thought that the wrestling match must be over by now, and i wondered whether the wrestling team had come to the diner already and then left. I felt disappointed that i missed them. I turned my car to the north and parked in one of the slots on the western side of the parking lot. The large light-brown American car pulled into the lot behind me and parked to the south of where i was. I then spotted a large bus pulling into the entrance drive, to the west of us. Its lights were on, and it seemed dark in the lot now. The team had come after all. We had actually arrived too early. I then looked at the spot where i had parked and realized that it was reserved. A small sign at the front of the slot said that i could not park here. I backed out, thinking that i had to find another place to park. I felt frustrated, thinking that there were few other options for parking spaces. I turned the car to the north, pulling up near the sidewalk which ran along the northern edge of the parking lot. There was a line of stores just to the north of the sidewalk. I stepped onto the raised sidewalk and started walking to the west, pushing the black baby carriage down the boardwalk. The others were to the west of me, walking toward me on the sidewalk. I pushed the carriage up a step in the cement walkway, wondering if i could just park the carriage outside one of the stores for a moment. I had to get to the bar to the east of me, where the team was meeting. I wanted to see them.