12006 July 02

I looked at the coins in my hand as i carried them to the eastern side of the room. I was going to put them in my pile of loose change, but i realized that a few of them were foreign coins. I put the pile of coins down on the dresser, which was against the eastern wall, but then picked up the pile again. I started pulling the small Australian coins from the pile. As i pulled a few out, though, i realized that one of the coins had a curly letter on the back, and i realized that it was from an Arabic country. I put it into a separate pile on the large wooden table, which seemed to be the table in the eastern window of my living room. I pulled a small copper coin from my hand and placed it into one of the three piles that i had started on the table. I was separating the coins into countries. The copper coin was an Australian penny. I looked at the coins remaining in my hand, dropping a small yellowish-tan coin. The coin was very small, and i thought that it was probably a penny from somewhere. I looked on the floor for it, but could not see the coin. I held the rest of the coins in my right hand as i looked around the legs of the table for the small coin. I then decided that i should put the rest of the coins down so that i could crawl around the floor to find the penny. I placed the coins on the table and knelt down. As i did, i spotted the small greenish-yellow coin with the round bump in the center. It was just under the cross brace for the table. I picked it up and put it on the table. An old man said something from the eastern doorway of the room, which seemed to be to the northeast of the dresser. I looked up at him. He was supposed to be my grandfather. He was a thin man with an ovular face. He had short white and black hair with a matching beard. He asked me about the coins. I looked at the coins that i had left on the dresser to the north. The coins had been arranged into the shape of two drinking tankards. I did not remember stacking the coins into those shapes, but thought that it would be very easy to do. The man walked into the room, asking me about the coins. I said that i had gotten them from my father and that i was just sorting them. The man said that he had some better coins for me. He walked to the south of me, saying that he was going to give me some coins that were from his lifetime. I realized that the coins were as old as he was. I looked at the united-states quarter that i was holding in my hand. The quarter had Egyptian hieroglyphics on the back of it. I realized that it was a state quarter, but i was suddenly confused by the hieroglyphics. I wondered what Egypt had to do with a state in the United States. I then realized that there was something in that state which was derived from Gypsian idea. These were represented by the writings of the old religion. I thought that this was an important idea to remember. I remembered seeing one of these quarters before. I remembered receiving one as change in a pub, but then i thought that it must have been in a dream, since i could not remember getting the quarter in a pub. I said something to the old man about it. He was now standing to the southwest of me, but he seemed not to be there. His face was surrounded by the white rough surface of the plaster wall. I spoke to him, watching his face fade into the plaster.

12006 July 03

I walked in to my grandmother’s house through the side door, coming up the stairs to the north, into the kitchen. My grandmother was sitting at a small table in front of the kitchen sink, which was in a counter against the north wall. She was wearing a brown long-sleeve sweater. Several of my relatives were in the kitchen as well, standing by the table in the center of the room. $K3 seemed to be to the north of the table, and $K1 was sitting at the northern side of the table. Some children seemed to be around the table. I said hello to everyone as i climbed the stairs to the kitchen. My grandmother started to say something, but stopped as she started to cough. I thought that she had swallowed some water, but suddenly realized that she was not coughing. She looked at me in surprise, and i realized that she was choking. I yelled to her as i dropped what i was carrying up the stairs and rushed to help her. As she stood up, i grabbed her from behind, thinking that i should do the heimlich maneuver on her. Before i could lock my hands around her midsection, she slumped forward. I yelled to $K1 to call emergency. I felt worried as i tried to squeeze her chest. I was afraid that she would die.

12006 July 04

I was standing to the west of the group as they discussed something. The man with the light-blond hair sat on the bench on the northern side of the long rectangular table. He had chin-length hair, and seemed to stand out from the other men that were at the table. I said something about the situation, and the blond man protested. He turned to be and emphatically stated that he had nothing to do with it. I moved, and the men were on the southern side of the room. We had been discussing this situation for a little while, and the blond man was now sitting on a cot, which was against the southeastern wall of the room. The rest of the room seemed aligned north to south, but the southern wall was slanted to the southwest slightly. A man stood in the center of the room, and he had figured out what had happened. He stated the evidence in a plain empirical voice. He said that the blond man had bank accounts that were under the name of a certain oil company. There was a gasp in the room as the incriminating evidence was revealed. The blond man stood up, shouting his objections. I watched the man in the center of the room walk to the east. He was Mr. Spock, and had deducted the evidence in a logical way. It was apparent that the young man was part of the oil company, and had done things only to gain money for the oil companies.

12006 July 07

I walked to the east, into the large ice cream shop with my mother. My mother walked to the north to sit down as i looked to the east, at the large counter with the billboard over the top of it. The interior of the store was blue, and the counter had rounded features, curving back and forth along the northern wall. It protruded to the south at the eastern end, where there seemed to be a cash register. There was a woman at the counter who seemed to be someone famous. She was ordering a mixed milkshake, with fruit and spices blended into it. She said that she wanted to try a stetson in her drink. I laughed, knowing that stetson was a type of smoking tobacco. I said “I’d like to see her try a stetson in her drink.” She had chin-length frizzy blond hair, and was very skinny. I knew that she was someone famous, and it seemed appropriate that people would be laughing at her stupid decisions. I rounded the end of the bar where the woman was getting her drink from the cash register. I thought that it might not be bad to have a stetson in a drink as i explained to $Z, who was to the south of me, that a stetson was a type of cigar. $Z made a comment that it would taste terrible, but i told him that it smelled terrible when smoked, but smelled very nice as fresh tobacco. I thought that i should order a cantaloupe milkshake with a stetson in it. I paced around to the south of the large counter for a moment, thinking of what i should get. The counter was curved on the western side, and there was an opening in the northern wall to the east of it, which opened up into a small room. The room was only one story high, which was much shorter than the room of the main part of the restaurant. The counter was all blue, and rounded in the front, forming a smooth curve from the flat top down to the floor. The top of the counter was covered with glass display cases and metallic machines, leaving only periodic spaces where people could serve food. A wide man in a white apron and blue shirt stood behind the counter near me, and he asked me what i would like. I tried to explain the fruit shake, but he did not seem to understand what i was talking about. I started to feel uncomfortable. I walked to the north, into the section of the restaurant where the ceiling was lower. There were very few people in the restaurant, and most of the tables seemed to be stacked as though in storage. There seemed to be several rolling metal shelfs lined up against the northern wall, all empty. I felt confused as the man watched me from behind the counter. I had asked for a cantaloupe and stetson shake, but the man did not understand what i meant. A second man behind the counter seemed to understand, however, and he went to the north to get something. He pulled the paper wrapper off of a small ice cream bar on a stick and offered it to me. I started to take it, feeling that i had to accept the ice cream because that was what the man though that i had ordered. The bar was orangish-cream, with a light brown top. It seemed to be shaped like a small bear with black circles for eyes. I then decided that i should decline the bar. It was not what i had ordered. I felt bad for declining and turned to the south and rounded the counter again. I started to realize that the restaurant was not serving the same food that they had always server. I looked at the tan pamphlet that i had picked up from the counter. It listed all of the ice creams that were being served at the bar. It listed many flavours of ice cream, but did not list any type of floats or milkshakes. I felt that the restaurant was not in the peak season, so they were not serving a full menu like the normally did. This disappointed me. I then remembered that the woman had ordered a shake, so they must be making them now. I wanted a cantaloupe shake. As i rounded the southern side of the counter, i though of what else i could put in the shake, deciding that cranberry would be a good mix with cantaloupe. I had also ordered a stetson in my shake, but thought that i really did not want to eat tobacco right now. I knew that it would add a good dry flavour to the mix, so i asked myself what other things would balance the sweet flavour of the fruit. I decided upon cinnamon. I then turned to the east, looking up at the menus on the wall, reminded that the restaurant was not serving all of the things that it normally would. The large yellow billboard with black letters was blank in the center, where the different flavours of drink would normally be listed. An ice cream menu was on the right side, and i felt that this was the wrong time of year to order shakes. I turned to the north and started around the counter again. This time, i followed the counter around until i was heading west, down a corridor into the back of the shop. People were just getting out of work, and i was out of place here. I had come to this place from a different time, and something was wrong. I looked at the green army jacket that i was carrying. It belonged to the large young woman who worked here. I adjusted it in my hands, looking at the inside pocket. There was a walkman there, but i knew that i had traveled quite a way back in time. I pulled out the iPod and wondered what i should play on it. Something was very out of place, and i realized that i did not belong here. I started to feel upset at what had happened, and the people around me did not notice that anything odd was happening. I felt frustrated, stopping where the corridor intersected a second hall. The walls of the original corridor were worn and white, and the other corridor had dark walls with things hanging from them. This was a utility area at the back of the shop. I told the people around me that i had swapped time with the girl, but they did not seem to be concerned. I felt upset and started to cry. I thought that i had been trapped here and would not be able to return.

12006 July 08

I was in the passenger’s seat of the SUV as it sat on the hill of the suburban area. The car was parked with its front end toward the curb on the western side of the road. The road seemed to run north to south, along the slope of the hill. It seemed to be the last road to the west before the hill became too steep. I felt that someone was after me, and that i had to get out of the SUV and escape. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and moved to the north. This city seemed like it was part of Los Angeles, in one of the middle-class suburbs in the hills. I ran to the south. It seemed that i was now moving along the bottom of the hill, to the west of where i was. I came into the area where the others were gathered. This felt like my cousin’s wedding. There was a square area on the dark floor where the ceremony was being held. I looked at the silver pattern on the floor and realized that this was a special ceremony. The people were seated to the east, facing the square, but the people in the ceremony were facing north. There were four circles on the ground, one in each corner of the area. There were two parallel lines: one connecting the eastern circles and one connecting the western. The south side also seemed to be connected, but the north was open. I knew that i would be standing in the back corner of the space, on the southwestern circle. I watched myself stand in the silver ring as i viewed from the west. I knew that the northeastern circle represented Christianity. It was the circle where my relative was standing, and it seemed to be the only circle on the floor that was filled in. The man in the tan suit stood in the circle. The circle on the northwestern side of the area represented Judaism. I then thought that it actually represented the numbers one through ten, realizing that the base-ten system could be extrapolated into Judaism through Kabala. The circle, in which I was standing, on the southwestern corner of the area, represented Paganism, and i thought it had more to do with nature and the environment. I looked at the front of the circle again, seeing a white cross hovering over the man’s head as he stood in the northeast circle. The cross looked like a small plus sign. There were other symbols that related to the other circles, but i could not see them as clearly. I knew that Christianity was stressed here because my family was Christian. I felt strange here, but was happy that they used such ceremonies. I felt welcome in this ceremony. I then realized that my husband would be standing in the circle in the southeast corner. There was something special about this.

$F45 and i hiked through the field of tall green glass. We had been walking for a while, and i thought that we were heading to someplace that was still far away. The path headed to the northeast, but curved to the north as it came to the narrow country road. We had been here before, and i thought that we were walking this trail again. I remembered the way that we had taken in the past. The trail continued through the grass on the other side of the road. I stopped on the southern side of the road to let the large blue dump truck pass to the west. It lifted a cloud of dust from the road as it passed. I headed across the road and started up the hill. The trail split, one trail heading to the northeast and the other to the north-northwest. I knew that we wanted to head to the northeast, but i remembered that the trails were deceiving. The northeast trail actually turned to the east on the other side of the hill. $F45 followed me up the steep hill as i walked to the north. I then realized that it was getting dark, and i thought that we should hurry so that we did not get stuck out here. I wondered if $F45 was nervous about the long walk. I knew that hiking did not satisfy him. I stopped after a few steps, turning back to look at $F45. Looking down the hill, i realized that we had climbed quite a way in just a short time. The hill was very steep, and i could look down onto the road below us. I asked $F45 if he was doing all right. He walked past me on the east. I started after him, but noticed the round pool of water just to the east of the trail, to the northeast of me. I stopped to look at the round puddle as he walked past me. I thought that he did not like exploring like i did. The water was surrounded by wood, and i realized that it was an old tree stump that had filled with water. There was something interesting in the dark smooth surface of the water. The tree stump was very wide and had been cut down to ground level. $F45 proceeded up the trail as i inspected the stump. I noticed that the northern rim of the trunk was smooth and raised above the ground level. This was not actually a trunk but an old barrel. The northern side of the rim was raised above the ground level and a little higher than the water level. I stirred the water in the barrel with my hand, trying to see how deep it was. The water was grey and seemed to be swampy. I decided that the water was running from the north, down the slope of the hill. It was getting stuck in the barrel before it flowed down the hill, to the south. I looked to the north of the barrel to see more grey muddy water collecting on the ground. The water to the north curved around us to the west, covering part of the dirt trail that we were following. We were not in the forest, and there was a steep hill to the north and east. The hill rose almost as a dirt cliff for a few meters before sloping into more of a hill. There were trees growing everywhere, but they seemed thin and young. The grey water was running along the lower part of the cliff, being funneled by the land toward the barrel. I looked at the southern side of the barrel, thinking that the water must be draining under the bottom of that side. I thought that i should pull up on the southern edge of the barrel to see if i could get the water to drain faster. If i could get it flowing faster, i thought that it might clear some of the water off of the trail. I pulled on the barrel a little, watching the water level to the north dip i little. As i dropped, i noticed that there was a dark line just under the water at the bottom of the dirt cliff. There was a wide tree root just to the northeast of the barrel, and the dark line continued under it. $F45 was standing to the south of me as i splashed the water, exposing the dark line. The water had cut into the bottom of the cliff and under the tree, forming a thin crack along the side of the hill, just under the level of the water. I pointed this out to $F45 as i tried to get more water to drain. It seemed strange that the water would erode the tree in the same way that it was eroding the dirt. $F45 did not seem to be interested in what i had discovered. He was frustrated that we were not moving, so he ignored me and walked past, heading up the trail to the northwest. It seemed to be getting dark now in the woods, and everything seemed murky and damp. I turned back around to the west, were the wooden crate was embedded into the small mound just to the west of the trail. This was where the water was being blocked on the side of the barrel. I wanted to lift the wooden boards and get the water draining faster. I noticed that there were shelves on the northern side of the mound, however. Several books sat in the top shelve, with some stacks of posters. I also noticed that there was a white plastic bag of promotion posters for a rock band on the ground below the shelf. I thought that the books might be getting wet from the water. If i opened up the boards, they might have water running over them. I wondered if it was a good idea to let the water drain faster. As i pulled a board from the back of the shelf, i knocked a stack of pamphlets over onto the ground. At first, i did not want to pick them up, but i decided that i should not let them get ruined in the water that was draining under the shelf. I picked up the pamphlet, thinking that the woman would come to clean this area, but i should not make her clean them up. $F45 was getting impatient with me, and he walked to the north, out the front door of the old abandoned house. I looked to the west, where the set of stairs ascended into the darkness of the second floor, along the southern wall of the room. I turned to the north to follow $F45, feeling rushed. I walked across the worn wooden floor of the entry room and headed out the door. As i reached the door, i noticed a blue jacket lying on the floor, just to the west of the doorway in the southern wall. I decided that it might be $F45’s, so i ran back to pick it up. I lifted an edge of the cloth, realizing that it was not a jacket, but an old piece of clothing. I decided to leave it where it was. I jogged out of the house and into the dimming woods. We still had to head to the northwest.

12006 July 12

I said something as i started to the southwest, across the large room of the house. There were some people to the south of me who seemed to be part of $P19. They glared at me as i passed, joking about something. I realized that they were saying something insulting about me. They were afraid of me because i was homosexual. They made more jokes, pretending not to notice me. I ignored them and headed to the southwest. I seemed to be walking down the street, between the two rows of stores. $Z was with me as i moved through the corridor of the mall. I said something to $Z as we walked. Something seemed strange here. We turned around and headed back to the northeast. As we headed back up the street, i looked into the stores to the north. There was a store with African masks and other hand-made crafts. A family was in the center of the store, the two parents standing on ether side of the two children, who were seated at a small table. The family was dressed in dark-tan and brown rags, with heavy masks on their faces. They turned to look at me as i passed. Their masks formed an ovular tube around their eyes. There was something strange about this scene, and i felt interested in the masks. I walked on.

12006 July 13

I sat on the ledge, facing west, as the young people stood in the water around me on the southern and western side. They were wading up to their waists on this hot day. My attention was drawn by a young man to the southwest of me who was standing in the water. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans but had nothing on his upper body. His chin-length wavy blond hair was very light and seemed very attractive around his smiling face. His body was thin, but nicely detailed. I tried not to stare at him as i spoke to the others near me. $F10 stood behind me, to the east. He said something to me, and i replied. I then noticed that the young man had his hands in the front of his pants. I wondered if he was trying to be suggestive. I looked away for a moment as i spoke to the others around me. As i looked back, i noticed that the man was unbuttoning his denims. I could not believe that he was actually interested in us enough to be sexually luring. The woman sitting just to the south of me on the ledge tried to get my attention as she unbuttoned her blouse. I was watching the man as she made a noise to get my attention. I glanced at her and realized that she had her shirt off. I could see her breasts, but was not interested. I looked back at the boy, noticing that he was not wearing only his white underwear. She then said that the boy’s legs looked funny, and i noticed that he did have very skinny legs. $F10 said something from behind me, and i agreed that it was time to go. I headed to the southern end of the ledge and started to the south. I climbed down the metal ladder from the platform to get my things from the wooden deck below. We had to collect our things to leave here. I asked $F10 to toss my suitcase down from the top. I took it and started to put my clothing into it.

12006 July 14

I walked to the east, into the other room of the house. This room seemed to be a living room with plain white walls. A middle-aged woman stood in the center of the room. She was wearing light-coloured slacks and a white sweater shirt. She was a relative of mine, seeming to be a cousin of my mother. She had shoulder-length blond hair that was combed straight. A man stood to the north of her, wearing a business suit. He was accompanied by a woman in a business suit. The man said that my relative should refinance her credit card to pay off her bills. I felt that this was a strange situation, knowing that my relative was not having monetary troubles. The man and woman spoke forcefully, pressuring her to get a loan to pay off part of her credit card bill. Something seemed wrong with this situation. I could not understand why my relative would need help paying off credit card bills when she always paid off the balance when she got her bill. The woman in the business suite then stepped over to me. She was oriental and had long black hair. She asked me if the proposition sounded good, trying to make it sound appealing to me. I told her that it did not sound good at all. I stated that my relative could afford to pay of all of her bills but simply chose not to. She chose to make monthly payments on her credit card bill. The woman seemed discouraged. I felt confused. I did not understand this situation. The conversations and ideas seemed out of place here.

The people asked me where the others were, acting very concerned. They were to the east of me as i started walking to the west-southwest. The area around us seemed featureless, but the people were seated around a small round table with a white cloth on it. There seemed to be a short wall running to the north, just to the northeast of me. The people at the table were somewhat frightened as they asked me where the others were. I told them that everyone was dead. They gasped in disbelief, saying that they did not believe me. I felt bad, telling them that there had been a bomb. I remembered being in the restaurant. All of the other special people were in the restaurant. I told the people that “they” blew up the restaurant. I then wondered how i got out without being hurt. I then remembered taking to the old man outside the front of the building. He had walked outside with me just before the restaurant was destroyed. The others then came to attack us. I remember the old man lying on the ground after being killed by them. I told the people from the table that all of the special people had been hunted down. I did not want to stay here, so i turned to walk to the west. The special people were in danger. The government was hunting them down and killing them.

12006 July 15

I watched myself walk to the south, across the narrow room of the weight room. I was viewing myself from the south. I said something to $Z about the white and black exercise equipment in the room. They seemed to be parabolic weight machine, and i knew that they all had strange names. I said one of the names in joking. $A132 was to the northeast of me, sitting on one of the machines. She said that there was no machine called “bobbit”. I moved to the southwest, weaving through the machines. I watched myself turn to the south, carrying the large wooden sliding window in its frame. I propped the window up against the white southern wall of the room. I was now watching from the east of myself. The room was now narrow north to south. I told $A132 that the window was the “bobbit” thinking that it could be closed on someone’s penis and chop it off. $A132 approached the window from the northeast. She was in a wheelchair, which was one of the exercise machines. I turned and walked to the north. The young boy was standing among the racks of clothing in this part of the store. I was watching after him, and i knew that his name was Kenneth. He wandered through the round racks of clothing as i walked to the east of him. $F45 was with me. I thought about the boy, telling $F45 that i wanted a child of my own. I felt reminiscent. A man then walked past us from the south. He had a child with him as well. The young blond-haired boy jogged to the west of us, playing between the racks as the father watched. The man’s name was Ken, and i noticed that the boy had a red tee shirt with a large cursive “K” on it for his own name. I could not see Kenneth now, so i called to him. I did not want him to get lost in the store while i was taking care of him. I imagined that he was lost in the racks because he could not see me over them. I moved to the west until i saw him running through the racks to the northwest of me. He was playing, and i thought that he was a lot of fun to be with. I asked him to come with me as i moved to the east. I then thought about the names. The boy was named Kenneth, the man was Ken, and the other boy was K. there was a pattern to all of this. I thought that i should get a child and call him something like these names. There was something about the patterns that had meaning. I thought that i should have a child named Keith. It fit the pattern. Then i corrected myself. I decided that i should name the boy after $K24. I walked to the west now. I thought that i should adopt two boys. I headed up the stairs to the north and turned to the east, into the small apartment. There were some other people there as i stood in the kitchen, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dimmer room. The kitchen seemed crowded, with a small round table in the center and counters on all walls. There was a black and white stove just to the south of the door with a bread warmer above it. I could smell rolls cooking, and looked down to the surface of the stove to see a tray of popovers. I thought that they looked dry and overcooked. There was something strange about this place. I was then aware of the woman standing to the west of me, outside the door of the apartment, on the upper landing of the wooden stairs. This seemed to be a second-floor apartment. I started to the south, thinking that the popovers were not as well cooked as my father’s mother used to make, but they would have to do. These people came with the child, so i would have to put up with them, even though they made me uncomfortable.

12006 July 16

I moved around the house with the others. We had just returned home, and we were looking around at things in the house. The others were to the northeast of me as i opened the door to the west of me. It led into a stairwell to the basement. I looked down the stairs and was surprised to see two people at the bottom looking back up. They were standing on either side of the bottom of the steps, peering around the corners of the stairway in surprise. It seemed that they had been hiding there in the dark. They were young and oriental, with short black hair. The woman stood on the south side of the stairs and the man stood on the north, holding a spatula in his hand. They had been watching the house while we were gone. I found their pose humourous as i told the others where they were. I descended the stairs and joked with the two of them. I felt playful and pushed the man in jest. He pushed back, joking as well. I felt like wrestling him, so i pushed him back into the center of the basement and tried to pull him down. I got my right arm over his head and bent him over, grabbing his right leg. I pushed into him, trying to roll him over into a cradle. It felt easy, and i thought that i was still able to wrestle. I thought about this as i walked to the west, into the narrower section of the cement basement. I turned to the south, up the narrow set of cement stairs that led up the side of what seemed to be a cement bleacher. I crossed the top of the bleacher, heading to the east. As i turned back to the north and headed down the eastern side of the basement, i could see the dirt hill to the north of me. There were young men gathered in gym clothes, training for some sport. The group of three or four men on the ground at the base of the large mound of dirt seemed to be rowing, pulling themselves across the ground as they faked the motion of pulling oars. They pulled themselves to the east, down the side of the large dirt mound. I then spotted another group of men rounding the northern side of the mound and thought that these men were trying to pull themselves around the mound as fast as they could. They were pulling themselves in a seated position by digging their feet into the ground in font of themselves and pulling as they faked a rowing motion with their arms. I watched the man in the front of the group coming around the mount from the north as he pulled to a stop at the base of the hill. He was wearing a yellow tee shirt and dark-blue shorts. He had heavy leg muscles, but seemed skinny in the arms. I realized that they were pulling themselves over the narrow channel that had been worn in the sandy ground. The channel must have been formed by the team racing around the mound in such a way. $A62 said something to the team as he stood to the west of the mound. The rest of the team was sitting on the steep slope of the mound, waiting their turn to row. They then seemed very young, as though they were all in high school. A group of boys then came into the room from the doorway at the top of the mound, which now seemed like a set of bleachers against the eastern wall. They were all wearing different coloured tee shirts. One of the boys was wearing an orange shirt. $A62 had said something to them about being late, and the boys seemed disappointed. The two who had entered the room first seemed disappointed. They seemed to have come a week late to practice, and i got the impression that they had been going to another area for practice. They had just figured out that practice was here. $A62 said that they would not be able to practice for a while because they had been late. He said that they should have known better. I thought that they must have been going down to the boathouse on the inlet. The young men walked back out the doorway, disappointed. One of them started to follow the others out of the room, but sat down at the top of the bleachers with the rest of the team. I wondered why they were not all staying here with the team.

12006 July 18

I moved along the eastern side of the large area. There were some other people around as i jumped over the desk near me. I seemed to be in a large open office, with desks arranged all across the room. This place also seemed like a department store. I jumped to the south, gliding through the air as i watched the low flat furnishings pass under me. I realized that i was gliding rather easily across the room. I turned to the southwest and jumped from the top of the desk. I watched the flat surfaces of tables and chairs pass under me, realizing that i was gliding a long way before i had to land again. I thought that this was something special. As i landed on a tan fake-wood desk and took another hop, i realized that there was someone across the office to the east of me. He seemed like $A412. I wondered if he would me impressed by the fact that i could jump so far. My legs must be stronger than i thought. I hopped again on another desk, moving past the windows to the south of me. I was approaching the white western wall of the wide office, so i decided that i should turn on the next desk. I felt myself gliding in the air and thought that i was able to cover quite a bit of distance without touching the ground. I moved my food under me, ready for the next desk. As i made a sharp turn to the north, i wondered if i could twist my ankle by pushing from the desk with such a turn. There seemed to be a low partitioning wall just to the north of me. I jumped over it and landed on one of the large tables of the library. There seemed to be shelves of books along the western wall. I moved to the east and then back to the south. As i stared back across the office area to the south, i realized that i had forgotten something. I thought that i had left it where i had last stopped. I turned around and hopped back to the north, over the tables of the library. There were two planters to the east of me, forming an edge to the area. The long rectangular planters were full of thick green plants. There was one to the north and one to the south, leaving a space in the center for people to walk down the stairs. The side of the planters nearest the stairs was pushed a little to the east, making the edge of the cement area seem bowed. I walked between the planters, noticing the light-coloured object on the short cement wall that ran north from the bottom of the stairs. There seemed to be only one or two steps to the stairs, which were made of a dark-grey stone. I had left the book here before, and i felt bad about leaving it. I picked it up and showed it to the man. He was interested in the book, but he did not seem happy to see it. I handed it to him and moved to the east as he stood to the southwest of me. He said that the book was not correct. I felt upset, as though he had accused me of trying to cheat him. I looked at the blue cover of the book with large white script letters on it. The words were written in French, and i could not understand them. I wondered if i had written down the wrong title before. I looked at the white book with dark-blue letters on the cover, thinking that the title was close to what i had handed the man, but slightly different. The man said that it was not what he had ordered. I did not feel concerned about the book, and turned to the north. The man then said that he would be leaving me bad feedback on the sale. I felt upset, thinking that he should not do such a thing. He should understand that it doesn’t matter what the book says. He was crouching down to the south of me, reading the cover of the dark blue book. He had the correct book, but he was still threatening to write me a bad report. I felt angry with him. He seemed to be $F45. He did not care what i felt, and was going to write me a bad report just to get even for the inconvenience. My anger became intense, and i felt that i should strike him on the side of his head. I could not hold in the anger i felt.

12006 July 19

I walked from my car, heading south down the gravel driveway toward the back door of the house. I had been at another house with some friends. I felt as thought i had come back here after a long time away. I turned to the west and walked up to the white door of the house. This seemed like my parents’ house. As i reached for the door knob, i wondered if my parents would be home this late. I turned the knob, expecting the door to be locked, but i was able to walk into the back hall of my parents’ house. I looked to the south, into the dining room, to see my parents. My father was sitting in a chair just to the west of the doorway, inside the other room. He looked back at me, and my mother stood in the middle of the room looking at me. I could smell tomato sauce cooking. I realized that i was coming here for dinner, and i felt bad for being late. I hoped that i was not drunk from being at my friend’s house, and i hoped that my parents were not mad because i had forgotten about them.

I left $F45 and walked to south. We had been in this house for a while, and i felt that we should go. This place seemed dangerous, and i felt that something was wrong outside. We were staying here to be out of the city. I knew that the city was dangerous, and i thought that there might be a nuclear attack there. Something had already happened, and i felt that it was not entirely safe outside the house. I thought about being at my parents’ house. I had gone there before, after i left this place. I remembered arriving for dinner, and i wondered if i should go back there. I moved to the south, following the other person into the large empty room. There was a large red and blue stained-glass window in the western wall, and the light outside shined through it. This had something to do with the disaster. The man was $A419. We did not want to be here anymore, and i thought that i would have to bring him home. I knew that $F45 was in the room to the northwest. He was not happy. I did not want to leave this place, but i felt that i would have to take him home. I remembered that $F45 said that $A419 had been working out, and i wondered if he still like to wrestle. I felt distracted by this situation, and did not know what to do.

12006 July 21

I was lying across the foot of the bed, facing north. The bed seemed to be in the upstairs room of my grandmother’s house. I seemed to be watching the television, which was on a tall dresser against the north wall. Others seemed to be on the bed behind me. $F45 was standing to the west of me, and he layed down on the bed behind me. I then had my feet to the east, and $F45 was lying behind me. He leaned over me to kiss me, and i felt uncomfortable on the bed, thinking that we were blocking the view of the people to the south who wanted to watch television. I started to roll over, pulling both of us on the floor. $F45 rolled off the foot of the bed and landed on the floor, but i did not fall with him. I suddenly realized that i had pushed him off of the bed and thought that he might be mad with me. I wondered why i had not gone with him as i had intended, and i realized that i was still under the covers at the foot of the bed. $F45 stood up, angry with me. I felt bad and stood up from the bed. I said something to him as we moved to the northeast, into the back room of my parents’ house. We had been in the kitchen doing something. My grandmother was cleaning something in the back room, and i realized that she had opened up the back door to do something. I felt suddenly worried that the cats had gotten out of the house. I stepped to the east, onto the driveway of the house. All of the cats had gotten out of the house. I felt tense and frustrated. I called to $X11 and told her to get back into the house. I knew that she would run back to the house when she was scolded for something. The other cat followed her. I then turned to the south to try to grab the other two calico cats in the driveway, but they turned away and jogged down the driveway. I felt upset. I walked back to the house and pulled the large folding grey wall back across the back door. I was upset with my grandmother for letting the cats out. I told her not to do anything else. I started down the driveway, watching the cats run across the road and into the woods. I was worried that i would not be able to capture them. I told the other person that they might get hit by a car. I still felt mad at my grandmother for letting them out. I thought that $X12 and $X11 had been put inside, but $X10 and the other calico cat were loose. I felt very annoyed as i watched them climb trees on the other side of the road as a car passed. I said that $X12 did not have any claws and could not defend himself out it the woods. I did not know what to do and paced in disappointment. I could see the two calico cats climbing higher in the trees. The one on the western tree had longer fur. I then noticed that there were other versions of the cats climbing other trees in the woods. I thought that we would never get them back safely and could not hold in my frustration.

12006 July 23

I walked with the others to the east, across the large open room of the college cafeteria. We had entered the room through the double doors on the western wall. I looked at the aisles where people collected their food to the southeast of us. There were tall metal counters with shelves on top of them. The people passed through these aisles and collected food from the shelves and drink dispensers. Someone with me said that the queues would change. I moved around to the north of the counters, watching the counters shift as the people moved through them. No one was moving them, and the changes seemed to be going unnoticed by the students who were buying food. The aisles were being redesigned. I looked at the large brown orange-juice dispenser in one of the centre aisles, watching it merge with one from the next aisle over. I thought that they were limiting the number of aisles where students could get food so that they would need to put out less food. They were consolidating similar things to reduce the number of machines and displays that they would need in the aisles. I talked to the others about the meeting as i turned back to the west. We moved back into the large room of the cafeteria, which had been to the west of us. This room was actually on the fifth floor of the dormitory. It was a large open room, with a rustic design. The truss beams overhead were thick and roughly milled. They seemed dark, giving the rest of the woodwork in the room a classic English feel. There seemed to be a large rectangular hole in the center of the room that led down to the floor below. Doors were spaced along the northern and southern walls of the room. The doors led into dormitory rooms. I stopped in the doorway at the eastern end of the room, uncertain about being here. The room seemed to be filled with college students, and i felt out of place. One of the people with me commented about the people that we were here to meet. I looked across the center of the room, where there were long wooden tables arranged east to west. Students sat around the tables as they ate their meals. The room seemed crowded, and i wondered how we would be able to recognize the people that we had come here to meet. I felt that the people with me were part of a group. We talked about the band as we moved into the room, looking around for the people that we were supposed to meet. I then looked down at the picture of the man that the other person held up for me to see. The picture was on a piece of paper in an open manila folder. I then looked up to see them man. He had just stood up from the western end of the table just to the west of us. He was wearing a long-sleeve yellow button-up shirt. I pointed the man out to the others and started toward him to greet him. $Z followed me as we walked between the tables. The others at the table were actually with a band. The others with us started to follow as we circled around the western side of the table. I turned to the east to face the man as he greeted me. I heard the band members talking, mentioning the name of the band that i was with. I thought that these people were more famous. I then heard one of them mention my name. I was surprised that they would know me individually. I thought that they would only know me as one of the other band members. I was flattered that they knew me, and felt good to be recognized. Then it seemed to be much later in the day. I was lying on the bed in the house, but there did not seem to be any walls around me. This room was the same room in which i had met the band. Something had changed. The room was long to the north, as though it was a wide corridor, but it did not seem to have any ceiling. The walls were on either side, but they seemed translucent and brown. I looked up to the northern sky and saw the stars above. They seemed very bright, even though there seemed to be some sky glow coming from the northeast. Something felt special about this place. I stared into the night sky, noticing that the stars were rotating. I then looked down at the diagram in my hand. It showed the stars spinning around the sky. I was at the center of the rotation. I then looked to the northeastern sky to see the spin of the stars in the sky. It was much slower, but i could see the sky moving. I then realized that the central star should be higher in the sky than it appeared. I was not as far north as i thought i should be. The center of the rotation was almost near the horizon. I turned back down the corridor and headed to the south. There were now no walls on this house, and i was aware of the dark desert landscape around me. My mother was sleeping in a room somewhere to the south. As i walked down the hall, i noticed the display case in the wall to the west. There was a piece of glass covering the case, which was flush with the wall. Inside the case were several shelves of jewelry. Most of it seemed to be made of a metallic and purple stone, which reminded me of oyster shell. I noticed one of the small rings at the bottom of the case. It seemed out of place here, so i picked it up and tried it on. It was silver but did not have the same stone work that the other pieces of jewelry had. I remembered this ring. My mother had bought it at an airport. I took off the ring and put it back down on the dark velvet floor of the case. It still had a small tag on it, which said it was bought at the SkyMall. I thought that my mother had purchased it through the in-flight catalog. I then noticed the strangely shaped ring. It seemed out of place in the case with the rest of the decorative jewelry. It was shaped like a phoenix. I had given it to my mother. There was something out of place about the ring that made it seem special. I turned to the south and headed back down the corridor. My mother was to the south of me, so i asked her a question about me. She started to answer, but was partly confused by the question. I did not bother clarifying what i had asked. I ran to the south, and then back to the north. It was the middle of the night, and i was aware of the desert all around me as i ran across the wood floor of the corridor. I felt very happy here under the night sky. I was barefoot as i ran to the north, looking at the stars in the dark-brown sky over me.

I jogged down the street, heading to the west. I seemed to be to the south of my self, watching myself jog. It was dark out and seemed to be in the early evening in the winter. There were large buildings on the northern side of the street, which seemed to be houses. I headed to the east, past the house that we were supposed to stop at. I seemed to be running with $G4. I looked to the north, noticing that $F48 was silhouetted in the open doorway of the house just to the north of me. This is where the run was supposed to end. I was hosting a party here, and i had set a running trail that led to the house. I was thinking that i would have people stay at the house and i would make breakfast for them in the morning. I then realized that i had only planned on having eggs for them. I thought that i really should have more food. I wondered what else i could cook for them. I then remembered that i had some pancake mix in the cupboard. I thought about this as i walked to the east, around the corner to the north to the next street. I headed to the east a little on the other street, thinking that i should have done more for breakfast. I stopped near a mailbox on the north side of the street and opened it to remove the butter from it. I had hidden the breakfast food in the mailboxes and told the others of $G4 to get them as they hunted trail. They never took the food, though. I looked into the other mailbox to see white forks. I had hidden everything necessary for a meal around the mailboxes, but the others did not take them with them, so i would have to collect them all. I hoped that i had enough stuff for everyone. I walked into the small apartment in the lower floor of the apartment to the north of the mailbox. The interior walls of the apartment did not seem to be covered, and i could see all of the beams. I turned to the east, heading into the next room where several people were talking. I felt interested in the people here. I then though that i would need more syrup to make pancakes for everyone. I looked to the north, noticing that there was a small room just to the north of the entrance. Because there were no walls, i could see the set of stairs that ascended to the north, just to the west of the wall to the room. I could also see a man sitting in the small room to the north. He was sitting on a toilet that was against the northern wall. I felt awkward about noticing him, but continued to the east, where the others were. The people kept talking to each other, and i started to feel anxious here. I had something to do. I wanted to hang around with the people, but i thought that i should leave to get things ready. I left the building, heading down the stairs to the north. I thought that i should get the rest of the butter out of the mailboxes. I felt suddenly worried about it, realizing that i had left the butter there overnight. I hoped that it would not have been taken with the mail already. I walked into the building to the south. It was the post office. I followed the corridor to the west and then to the south. Just after the corner, i turned to the east and asked the person at the window about the mailbox. I had checked the mailbox and found that it had been emptied. It was a weekend, so the mail should not have been collected, but i though that they must have come early. I asked the man at the counter if what i was looking for had come into the mailbox. I had to make it seem that i had left something here because i could not admit that i had put things in other people’s mail boxes. I looked at the man, but he did not seem to be there. There was just the outline of a man in the vertical stripes of the wallpaper of the eastern wall. Something seemed strange about this. I felt uncomfortable about asking the man. I could not tell him exactly what i was looking for, so i had to guess as something and ask if it was here. He checked the mailbox, but did not find anything. I asked him if he could check for a specific item, but he did no believe me, and i did not want to tell him the truth. I could not get him to see if the butter was being stored here. I felt bad and turned to the west to walk away.

I stood in the center of the large room, talking to $A417. He stood to the east of me, talking about something. I felt interested in him as he spoke. I was with a group of other people as we stood in the center of the room. This place seemed like a gymnasium. The tall walls were white, and the polished wood floor was made up of thin strips of wood. One of the white walls extended from the south, ending just to the southwest of us. The entryway of the building seemed run from the southern end of the western wall to the south, between the southern wall of the building and a tall dividing wall interior to the room. It ended at the southern end of the wall, which crossed through the center of the room. There also seemed to be walls extending from the eastern and western walls, forming a doorway just to the north of us that separated the other side of the building. To the west of me stood someone i recognized from $G3. I felt interested in him as well and continued to speak. I was aware that my mother was standing to the east of us as i talked to the others, interested in what they were saying. Someone then mentioned that the show was about to start and people started to move around the room. I felt interested in what was happening. I knew that this was some kind of performance art piece. I took a few steps backward to the north, to get out of the way. $A417 was to the east of me, getting ready to perform something. Another person started speaking, and i turned my attention to them. The person was talking about the performance. I then focused on the martial artists to the east. They filled the eastern room as they moved in synch, performing fighting moves. It was a large room with a polished wood floor. I looked to the west, into the other, smaller room where i could see $A417 hunched over as he stood on top of a short platform. He was getting ready to perform. I turned back to the martial artists to watch the show. Both rooms were supposed to be part of the show. There was some relation between the two performances that made the show interesting. The martial arts instructor called out orders to the students. I stood up suddenly as he gave one of his orders. I then remembered that i was not part of this show. I felt disappointed, but wanted to watch anyway.

Someone said something about $A413. They said that she was doing something in the driveway. I looked to the north to see the gravel driveway in front of the small white house. The person said that the tractor was out of control and that $A413 had something to do with it. I did not remember the situation, but i tried to think of what had happened. Something seemed out of place here. I then saw $A413 drive a large tractor from the east into the gravel driveway of the house. She could not seem to stop the tractor. She turned the tractor so that it was driving is small circles in the center of the driveway. She seemed panicked as she rode on top, trying to stop the tractor.

12006 July 24

I left the large conference room where they were setting up tables and chairs for the ceremony. I was to be part of the ceremony, but i felt disconnected with this place. I walked out of the building through the double glass doors, heading to the east, across the parking lot. There was a small rectangular patch of grass just to the southeast of the door where i stopped. The southeast corner of the patch was curved, and there was a raised edge of blacktop around the area. I crouched down to look at the dog, aware that $F4 was approaching from the east, across the lot. The dog seemed tall and thin, and i though that it was some sort of greyhound. I petted it along its back, noticing that its hair felt soft and feathery along the crest of its back. The dog was mostly white with streaks of grey fur throughout its coat. Its legs and head were covered with curly grey fur. It seemed like a special dog. I pet the soft fur on the top of its back as $F4 and his brothers approached. The dog flopped over onto the ground, as though playing. $F4 walked up to it, concerned. He said that he hoped that the dog had not defecated. I looked at the snow-covered grass in the middle of the small area to see if the dog had defecated. $F4 said that the dog was not supposed to defecate, implying that something would be wrong with the dog if it did so. I asked whether it was something genetically wrong with the dog for being inbred as i stood up. $F4 was wearing a pair of long tan slacks and a nice shirt. His brothers seemed similarly dressed. I looked down at the white shorts that i was wearing, noticing that i had gotten snow on the left seat. There was a dark mark on the light material, which i though came from the wet ground. I did not seem as well dressed as the others. $F4 asked me why i was wearing shorts, saying that it was rather cold for shorts. I was aware of the chill on my legs as we started back to the building, to the west. I told $F4 that it was the middle of July, so i was right to wear shorts. I then said “Fuck Mother Nature!” in jest, adding “The bitch.” for comic effect. A woman in a formal dress was at the door ahead of us as the man to the south opened it for her. She looked back at us, her mouth open in shock. I could tell that she was offended by what i had said, but i did not care. She was wearing a tight-fitting tan knee-length dress with a matching jacket. Her blond hair was either short or tied up on her head. We continued into the building after the woman. I realized that i was underdressed for this place and started to feel inappropriate for this graduation ceremony. $F4 and his brothers walked into the room where all of the chairs were set up facing the stage to the northwest. I crossed to the northern side of the room, feeling embarrassed that i was wearing shorts. I should not have come here like this.

12006 July 26

I walked to the back of the airplane and sat down. This was actually a large lounge area, where all of the seats were arranged in rows and columns, with two aisles dividing the columns. The female steward was saying something to my mother, and i felt that there was a serious problem. I did not think that i was supposed to be on this plane, and i sat down in the chair as i watched through the large domed window on the tail of the plane as the runway moved around us. I remembered being in the airplane before, sitting in the front row and watching the runway as we landed. I did not think that this plane should be taking off because of the problem, but my view tipped down as the nose of the plane lifted. I could see a metal rail underneath us, which curved into the air as a ramp. I watched the dark-grey metal ramp run from the rear of the aircraft as we soared into the air. The many houses and buildings of the small city around us started to get smaller as we lifted into the air. I felt unsure about this.

12006 July 28

I walked to the east, across the front yard of my parents’ house. I had just finished doing something and had to get back into the house, but several people showed up in the driveway that ran down the eastern side of the house. The small group of men seemed to be wearing dark business suits, and i felt that there was something wrong with their presence. I rounded the eastern side of the house as the men made their way to the back porch. I felt uncomfortable, walking into the house through the kitchen door. My parents were in the kitchen, but the men were near the back porch. This wasn’t right. I then noticed that the cats were getting out of the house through the kitchen door. $X4 had started to sneak out under my feet, but i stopped him. I pushed him back into the house, but i was worried that the men would leave the door open. I did not want the cats getting out.

12006 July 29

I moved through the public building, passing through the crowd of people. The atrium was very tall and the walls seemed to be windows on the northern, southern, and eastern sides. I moved down the northern side of the second-floor balcony to the east, walking with a small crowd. I felt associated with some of these people. $Z was behind me, and i was walking close to a group of three young men. We had been doing something where the men were involved. They were walking slowly, though, and i wanted to walk past them. I moved to the south, walking along the white metal railing of the upper level. As i passed one of the men, i started to feel interested in him. He had medium-length brown hair and seemed very attractive. I moved past him anyway because i did not really know him. $Z made a comment about the man, telling me that he felt challenged by me. This felt like a warning, but i told $Z that i did not care. I turned to the south at the eastern end of the room, following the upper level as it turned along the eastern wall. The floor of the second level now seemed to be dark grey. There was a woman standing at the top of the escalators at the southern end of the room. She seemed heavyset and was wearing a decorative jacket in dark colours. She seemed austral, with a round face. There was something about her that made me feel cautious as we passed and headed down the escalator to the lower level. $Z started talking about something. We moved to the east again, through the rest of the crowd. We now seemed to be outside the small white house, on the patio to the south of the house. The ceremony had just ended, and we were still moving through the people to head away. My mother seemed to have been in the ceremony, and it felt as though there was something significant about this place. $Z said something as we moved. We had to get back to some place. I moved to the east as i talked to $Z. We were traveling in a car. I looked out the front window from the back seat to see that we were moving down the narrow driveway toward the large red brick building. We had been here before, but we were now returning. As we approached the parking lot, i could see that there were more cars here now than there were before. I thought that the restaurant would be busy. We were traveling west, into the parking area, and the cars were parked along the northern edge. The parking lot was thin and curved to the southwest. All of the parking spots seemed to be occupied, but i hoped that we could find a spot. I looked at the space as we passed, thinking that one of the parking spaces was part of the walking path that led down to the building. I remembered going down it before, but could not see it at the moment. The person driving the car drove to the end of the lot, where there was a narrow space at the end. I realized that the space was at the point were the pavement slanted inward and i wondered if we would be able to fit there. I felt nervous about parking here as the person moved the car forward. I felt as though this was my car, but i was not driving. The person pulled into the space, and i tense as he pulled close to the curb. The front of the car dropped slightly, and i made a noise. $Z, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat asked me what was wrong, and i told him that the front tire had gone off of the pavement. $A407 backed the car out of the space. The front end of the car turned to the west, but we started moving to the east. I looked at the spaces to the north of us, thinking that there were few that looked good. We passed the car that we had parked to the west of. I thought that there was a space to the east of it, but i noticed the large red fire hydrant at the back end of the space. I then saw another open space farther to the east, but realized that the large SUV on the east side had parked in the middle of the two spaces, making the open space too narrow to park in. I then realized that $A407 had turned the car to the north and was stopped right behind a white SUV. I felt suddenly worried, realizing that the SUV was turned on and ready to leave. I made a sound of warning, but the SUV backed up and hit us before the others could react. I felt upset. I was annoyed that my car was damaged, and i wondered why $A407 was driving it. We backed out and started moving to the east again. I walked to the northwest, into one of the parking slots and started down the narrow walkway at the end. I headed to the west, down the narrow stairway that led into the large building. $A416 was walking down ahead of me, but i stopped at the landing about half way down. We were heading to the gym here. The others were lagging behind, so i waited for them, feeling that something was strange here. There was a large black grating made of thick metal that was cut into small diamond and leaf patterns. I thought that it was a head vent, and i moved my feet over it as i waited. I seemed to be wearing winter boots now, which seemed out of place for this time of year, but i thought that i could get the melted snow off of them by moving them through the warm air of the heating went. I looked down the stairs to see a woman waiter in a white shirt and black pants standing at the bottom. She greeted $A416 as he paused at the bottom of the stairs. I felt that the gym was to his north. I suddenly felt full, realizing that we had just eaten dinner, and i wondered if it was a good idea to lift weights when i was full. I then thought that the waiter was probably there for the morning brunch. It was Sunday morning, and the restaurant it the building was probably having its brunch. I wanted to go to the gym, but i wondered if we seemed out of place to the people in the restaurant. I moved to the north, feeling interested in $A416. I suddenly wondered if i should be at the gym with him. I thought that he was a very interesting person, but i knew that he was not as interested in me. I then saw him to the east of me. He had taken his shirt off and was posing in front of a mirror. I could see that he had a heavy muscular build and dark skin, but he seemed a little out of shape still. I felt that this situation was awkward.

12006 July 30

I moved to the east, through the large building. $F10 was with me. I was taking him to the office in the building. We walked down the large central corridor of the building and started up the stairs at the western end of the hall. The hall to the east of us was white and shiny, with many corners in the southern wall around office doors. I worked on the second floor of this building. I turned to the north and took the escalator heading east, up to the second floor. The escalator actually seemed to be a flat blue conveyor belt, which moved swiftly up to the next level. At the top, there was a second belt to the north that curved back to the west. I stepped on it and was moved quickly to the next floor. The conveyors were fun to ride, but, as i stepped off and started walking to the east, i realized that i had gone to the third floor. I wanted to take $F10 to the second. I turned around to tell him, picturing my office down the second floor corridor, to the south. I took a step down the corridor as two students rounded a corner and headed toward me. I was standing to the west of the stairs that ascended up to the next level. There were conveyor belts on either side of the corridor now: one blue set and one green set. I called to $F10, who was on an upper floor. He told me to take the escalators to the top. I realized that he was having fun riding them and realized that if we went all the way to the top, we could ride them quickly back down to the bottom. I started up the stairs, wondering how high the escalators actually went. They were on both sides of the corridor, but i turned to the north on the next floor and saw two escalators side by side, both running down. $Z, who was to the north of me, grabbed the black rudder handrail of the escalator and stopped their motion. He then pushed the southernmost one back up and started it moving in the ascending direction. I headed up to the next floor after him. As i got higher, i realized that the corridors were getting dimmer and less maintained. These floors were not used as much as the lower floors, and the escalators turned into metal stairs. I took a flight of stairs up on the southern side of the hall and found my self in a narrow corridor, which ran along the southern side of a large room. I stopped and looked to the east, seeing the black metal fencing around the northern side of the catwalk. There seemed to be some type of netting over the top of the narrow metal walkway, and i was aware the room below seemed like a large gymnasium, which was full of construction materials and objects. I thought that i was in a theatre. There seemed to be a large balcony to the north, across the room from me. Everything seemed under repair, though. I had gotten stuck here and thought that i would have to head back and try the stairs on the opposite side of the corridor. I then realized that $F10 was walking along the balcony to the northeast of me. I called to him, telling him where i was. I tried to figure out how to get over to him. The catwalk along the southern wall did not seem to connect to the one which ran along the eastern end of the room, where $F10 was now walking. I turned to the north and walked out into the room, looking for a way to get across to the other side. I thought that i might be able to hop over the large debris in the room. I stepped on the tops of several large chunks of rock, heading to the north. I was now on the ground in the center of the construction area. This place seemed to be outside now, with chain-link fencing where the walls used to be. $F10 seemed to be on a catwalk over the eastern side of the area. I moved in that direction, looking for a way to climb up to him. I then noticed that there was an old circular stairwell descending on the southern side of the eastern fence. I hopped across the large pieces of debris, wondering if anyone from the building would see me here and think that i might injure myself. They would not want me in this place because i could get hurt. I came to the bottom of the stairwell, looking at the twisted white metal frame that supported the thick red wedges, which were steps. Several of the bottom steps were missing, but i felt that i could easily step on the metal and make it up to the top. I then notice that there was a man in a uniform approaching from the southeast, outside the fence. I ducked behind a large piece of debris, hoping that he did not see me. I thought that he might be a security officer patrolling this place. I looked at him for a moment, unsure whether he had actually seen me. I then realized that he was wearing a dark blue cloak over his back and had a strange brown roman-like helmet over his head. There was a second person behind him, moving in my direction. I realized that they were part of a play. They were in stylized costumes of roman soldiers. I then realized that this play was now being performed. I crouched down and ran toward the guard a little, then turned to the northeast and headed to the back side of the large tan block, which was on the near end of the stage. I had to get off of the stage before the audience noticed me. I was then moving north, to the east of the stage. I was part of this production, but i had accidentally walked into the middle of a performance. I stood now to the southeast of the main theatre, in the black back corridor. There was a control booth to the west of me that looked out over the audience, toward the stage. I felt bad that i had disrupted the show, but i realized that the show that i was in was now over. The people on the stage to the north were setting up for the next show. I walked down the long black corridor to the north, across the back-stage area. I wanted to get some of the things out of the way. I pushed the rolling chair back to the north, wondering how i could help the actors get ready for the next show. There was a short set of black blocks in the back corridor of the theatre. I tried to walk on the northeast side of them, but there did not seem to be enough space between the blocks and the black wall for me to push the chair. I maneuvered the chair to the southeast, trying to get it into the wider spots of the corridor so that people could easily walk past. I pushed it into a corner to the east, where a thick black drape hung against the wall. I then walked to the south, where the others were moving things into the back corridors of the theatre.

I was with the group of people walking to the east, down the street of the suburban neighbourhood. We seemed to be moving in formation, as we turned the corner, heading down the hill of $P23 from $P1. I looked at the feet of the people to the west of me as we moved to the north. Everyone was forming into lines and columns, as though we were marching in a battalion, but no one seemed to be in step. We were still walking casually. Something felt familiar about this situation. As we headed down the street, i started to think that we were forming into a more coherent group. As we reached the end of the block, however, i thought that we should be moving in military fashion. The phalanx should be making a right turn onto the back yards of the house. As i thought this, the group turned and crossed onto the grass in the back yards of the houses of the block. I realized that i no longer knew any of the people living in the houses here. Someone said that we would reform on the pavement on the other side of the grey house to the north of us. I used to have relatives who lived in this house, but they had not lived here for such a long time. I felt worried that the people now in the house would be annoyed with us practicing our marching in their driveway. I started around the eastern side of the house, down the broken pavement of the driveway. The house seemed quiet, but i thought that someone might notice me walk past one of the windows. People started picking up things from the back yard of the house and bringing them to the front. I looked down as i approached the southern side of the house to see a pile of mostly white jigsaw-puzzle pieces on the ground. I bent over and scooped up a hand full and headed down the driveway, to the north. I then realized that there was a large parking lot across the street to the north of the house. I remembered that there was a factory there, and i thought that this parking lot must be where the others wanted to gather to practice. I walked across the street, into the parking lot. I was then aware of some of the others grabbing loafs of bread from a refrigerator at the back of the grey house. I felt suddenly annoyed, thinking that they should not be taking things from the people in the house because i no longer knew them. I walked into the parking lot and looked back. The lot was small and rectangular. I stood at the northwestern corner, looking back across the street at the grey house, which was to the south-southwest of me. A young boy came out the front door of the house and stood on the porch looking at us. He was upset that someone had stolen his wheat bread. I felt bad for him. I then noticed $F4 standing at the southeastern corner of the parking lot. I thought that he had taken the bread from the house, and i hoped that he did not get in trouble for it. I felt that he should not have done so, but i did not want to say anything. I tried to act inconspicuous as i stood against the wall of the building to the west of me. I seemed to be on a porch. $F4 tried to act casual as well, placing the loaf of bread he was carrying on the white rail fence which ran along the eastern side of the parking lot. I felt nervous about the people in the house and hoped that $F4 did not get in trouble. As the boy went back into the house, $Z stood to the south of me and held up a loaf of bread in a clear plastic bag. I could see the sesame seeds on the top of the load. $Z then gave me a questioning expression of disbelief. I agreed with him and said that the loaf was not whole wheat, as the boy had been looking for. I then noticed that many of the others had started to gather on the porch around me. There seemed to be a single incandescent light bulb hanging over us, and the wooden wall to the west seemed white. The wooden rail fence was now the railing of the porch. With this many people gathering on the porch, though, we started to attract more attention from the people in the house. A large man in a white tee shirt came out of the house. He seemed to be the father of the boy. There was a door in the wall to the west of us, and some of the people started going into it. It was a special door and glowed blue. It had something to do with traveling into other dimensions. I hoped that everyone could get through the door and vanish from this place before the family decided to come over and find out what we were doing. We did not want to draw too much attention.

12006 July 31

The car headed to the west, across the city. I was riding in the back seat of the car. I was with a group of people who seemed like friends and acquaintances of mine. The area around us seemed very flat. I though that we were in a city on the West Coast of the United States: like Los Angeles. The ground seemed white as we turned to the south, heading along the river from the elevated roadway that we were on. I looked out the window to the west, looking down at the frozen river below. I could see several chunks of ice near the shore below me. I then spotted a white SUV driving over the bumpy surface of the ice. I told the others that there was a car driving on the ice. As i looked behind us at the white car, i saw it skid and tip over on the ice. I thought that it was probably some people having fun on the ice, but then i thought that the white car might actually be a police van trying to chase after someone else on the ice. The police would not want people riding across the ice. I looked ahead to see a dark-blue police sedan sitting on the rocky ice near the shore of the river. There seemed to be several cars in the water near it. As we continued, noticed that there were many cars in rows and columns submerged in the cold water. I thought that they were abandoned in the river before the ice formed, but then i wondered why so many cars would be left to rot. I said something about it to the others. No one responded. I then looked forward, into the blue water of the river as we drove very close to its surface now. I could see small clusters of frozen fish under the surface. They looked like frosted snowflakes hovering under the surface of the water. I said something to the others as i observed the water passing under us. We were still moving to the south, with a cement wall rising on the east side of us. The river was narrow here, as though being channeled through an artificial canal. I looked at the fish passing under us. I then spotted a large brown lobster in front of the car. It hovered under the water in front of us for a few moments. I made the comment that it was a “Rock Lobster”, joking with the others about the B52s’ song. I then noticed a large round white object on the other side of the river from us, ahead of us. I realized that it was a large octopus, and i felt frightened. I remembered that octopi were really part of a sentient race, and that they were no longer friendly to us. I stopped, afraid to continue down the cement path that ran along the eastern wall of the square cement tunnel. I knew that the octopus would wait until we were in the tunnel before coming after us. I watched it for a moment, thinking that it seemed rounded and out of proportion, as though it was a cartoon. I knew that the cephalopods were actually intelligent and were now trying to kill us. One of the men from behind me did not believe me and started to the southeast, down the tunnel. I was horrified as the octopus moved for him and grabbed him with its white tentacles. I backed into a doorway as the others started screaming. Some of them moved toward the octopus and got caught by the tentacles as well. I closed the door in front of me, blocking the octopus from coming into the small stairwell. I knew that the cephalopods had evolved into intelligent creatures and could pull themselves across land, so i had to get away before the octopus came after me. The stairwell was a large square room with a set of red metal stairs ascending around its walls. I came in through a door in the western wall of the room. The stairs ascended along the northern wall. I backed up the flight of stairs until i came to the first platform on the eastern wall. The woman had come into the room with me and passed me on the stairs. She acted annoyed with me, telling me that there was no doorway at the top of the stairs. I turned around to see that the platform ended against a yellow rectangular area on the eastern wall. The door at this level had been covered up. The woman was angry and stomped back down the stairs. I told her to climb down the stairs to the lower level. I then wondered whether the lower level would be under the level of the water. I felt worried that we would be trapped here. It was only a matter of time before the octopus finished with the others outside and opened the door to come in. I was frightened and wondered what to do.